The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 29, 1855, Image 1

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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 29, 1855 TEX Til GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION THE PLATFORM AND PR1NCI- PLES OF TIIE NEW AMERI CAN PARTY. FKTNCrri.ES AN COW ECTS OF TUK AMERICAN FAUTV. VOLUME I. I'UBLISIIED WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, xditor a?iit mom etor. Terms e f Subscription. TWO DOLLARS per annum, if paid -tried) in a<l Knee; ntherwUe. THREE DOLLARS will be charged . Kr In order that the price of the impel may not be i„ Wle way ;>fa large circulation, Uuba' will be supplied e following low rates. «t the ^^s^COEIESfor - - ; Ifce&H •At these low rates ^ the Omsk must accompany the urder. Rates or Advertising. Transient advertisetneiit* will he inserted at On© a)«!iar persquarefor the fir*t. and Fifty Centsper Mjiiare tor each subsequent insertion. Reps I and yearly advertisement* p.t the usual rates «-anUidates wii. be charged $5 for announcements, and obituary notiresexe'cuitigsix lines in length will w charged as advertise i ents. When the numher of insertions is not inarkedon and sdvertisement, it will bo published till forbid, and charged accordingly. 'Sasinrss ad ^rnftssianal tTitriJs. JOHN II. CHRISTY, Pt.1l.V A.YD F.i.YCY Book an«l Job Printer, “ Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Oa. •*« Ml work entrusted to his care faithlully, correctly and punctually executed, at prices correspond- jatild ing w itli the hard ness of the times. tf LOMHARD, DENTIST, at/ie.ys, Georgia. Boontovcr (lie Store of'Wil>~— t Veal. Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesaled Retail healer.-in Groceries, Dry Goods, ItARCIVARE, SHOES A.YD ROOTS, April 0 Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, DEALERS IN SILK, FANCY AND STAPLK ROODS, 11A lilt H’.i RE AND CROCKERY. April No. 3, Granite How, Athens, Ga. LUCAS & BILLUPS, irrtOf.ES.1LE MYD RETAIL DEALER i /.V DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Alhcus. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORIVET AT LAW, Oilire oyer the store ol Win M. Morion A Son Will attend promptly to all Imsinessentrust- Athens, April 6 ♦d to his care. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, . CAR.YESEJLLE, DA. f Rckckk.xcks—c. Peeples. Esq. i , W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ Athcn? Col. B.K.lIardcman, Lexington, SamiK 1 Freeman, Esq. Xetvnnu, (iabriel Nash. Esq. Danielsville Col. H. Hulsey, Americus. ART UNION SOCIETY 500,000 Gifts ' VALUED AT $300,000!!! Certificates for this Year, ONE DOLLAR. T HE members cl the Art Union Society, on the oc- ejudon of this the tenth distribution of tho WORKS OF ART Accumulated by the Society during the past year,'would The American party of the United States having now completed its organi- Areuimilalrd by the Society during the past year,Would „_„i i,„ respectfully c*ii the attention of ns patrons to tbe f«ct zation, and, by the large concurrence tint, being about to remove to the buildings in course ot of opinion ill the Country, liavitlxrde- erretinn for Ihe Society in the city ol Washington, they * , , . ,, • ■ , . will add the teal estate and other landed property be- monstrated that tile principles Which longing ro the Socieiy, to the bind its members together are in unison YEAR. w ith the genera! sentiment of Ameri- At ihe lact meeiing of the Society,St was determined . °. . , . , , to HKorcc the certificate of share tor this Grand Enter- Call patriotism ; anil having flUu Qbun- p:i»e to one dollar each, thinking thereby that it will, A-,,,, nrftn f that its'rmrtwwn li-ivo mot be the means of a more g ncral diffusion of the worts Oailt prOOI tnai US purposes liave met ol artists throughout the country, and will enable the the approbation of a great popular Society to extend thetr labors for the advancement of the . *... - r ,r ,v“ • , ‘ 1 • . .... judgment in ia\or ot the mtervenuon ARTS AM) SCIENCES lr i:-.- In tills country. The certificates of shares will be issued at One Dollar, accompanying which each purchaser will receive free of charge, by return mail, a beautiful Line and Stipple Engraving, entitled Washington on Dorchester Heights. of the people, in the present condition of public affairs, to direct the govern ment into a course of administration mure consonant with the native senti ment of the country, from which it has been diverted by recent party influences, it is now deemed proper that the asso ciations should assume ail advanced elry, magnificent s awls, and oilier beautiful gifts,such ... • c , as clocks, watches, illuminated works,&c.. to ilic innn- position HI tllC presence Ol the people, Representing an eventful period in the history ot our country. ftCT It " ill be seen, by referring to the list,that there are many valuable piece* of property,many costly paint ings, superb statuary, beautiful engravings, costly jew elry, magnificent s awls, and oilier beautiful gifts,such *•*"“*?■*—'“'“ r, . h ^? uo iJ <w - „ „ i and place themselves more distinctly As the society expects to remove to the Mew Hall nr . * . . _ .. . . . • Washington by the middle of une, the distribution ! in the iTCld Ol political action by ail will take place on the I authentic declaration of the end con- FIRST OF JULY, 1855. |iereU)fore ]tempiated, and of the motives which The same rules and regulations that have guided the Society’s distributions wiH*be adhered to in this, and on no account will there be any iiostpouement from the day named. All letters and communications, (post paid] for cert'firates,or on business,are to be ad dressed to the Soutlieiu Office in 'Washington. Directed to the Secretary, who will answer by return mail, single subscribers, remitting fen dollar*, will re reive one year’s subsrription to any of the Magazines they may name in their letter, to be forwarded free of charge for the time of subscription, one year. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, A.YD ALL h'LYDS OF GROCERIES, Comer of .Wall unil Broad streets, Athens. WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Ant AV «T.<JMper and Mtgszitu Agent. DEA1.KK IN HCS 1C ami MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMl'S, FIMCCVTIEKT, FANCY GOODS, AC. No. a, t'ollrie Avenue, Newton Ilmise. Alliens, Ca signor " White’s I niversily ’took Siore.” Orders pronely tilled at Augusta rates. T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Oroeers, April 6 No. I, Broad street, Athens. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Hknry D. Weed, Pres.—Jnq. H Wilder, Sec. fplIG above rompar> t« n ow prepared to take Fire 1 this place, am)tl)e *<Jjoininf counties, on amrable terms. Apply lu i. M AYS, Agent. The following list constitute* a part of tho GIFTS FOR 185o: The splendid House and Lot of the Art Union So ciety, situated in Broadway, $*0,000 A superb dwelling, the residence ol the late An son rfuitzer. Esq. 15,000 The beautiful summer residence, Hotair cottage, and grounds, at Hawk’s Nest, on the Hudson, 20,000 5 small dwellings, situated on the lot bclongingto the .Society, in 92d street, 10,000 10 magnificent camel’s hair shawls. They are the most beautiful wujrk of an ever beheld, 10,000 4 sets of diamond jewelry—consisting of 7 pieces each—all antique patterns, in a beautiful pearl jewel box, 10,000 10 sets ol pearl jewelry, consisting of T piece* each, all different styles, .and of Persian man’f 5,000 12 gold watches for ladies, very beautiful and cu rious works of art; one tlic s /.e of a half dime, 700 10 watches for gentlemen, all very heavy of dif ferent styles and patterns, 1.300 50 Boudere, Toilet and Dressii g Cases for ladies, some finished in pearl patterns—l*otii« XIV. 2,500 1 large clock, avert' beautiful work of art, made by Lipnrdi at Cologne, finished in a style of beauty and art unsurpassed, 1,000 1,000 gold thimbles, all different patterns, very heavy, 2,000 AO.OO.l illuminated albums, different Myles and patterns, ’ 50,009 00 copies of ihe lives of great painters, superbly hound, with ati engraving of each artist, - 2,000 200 copies oft iris wold's Republican t’ourt, splen didly bot nd, with tinted engravings. 4,000 100 copies of Hoy dell’s illustrationnot £hak*peare. To the admirers of the great poet, thiswoik w ill be an acquisition. 10,000 PAINTINGS. Venus sending forth Cupid and Hvraeh—'Titian, Mi * Beggar Boy—Murillo, Tobit and the Angel—Salvator Rosa, Night View—Claudio, Mad onna— Corregio, A Head—Titian, A lleud—wVandyke. Land-caiK*— I'ouissin, A Pieco—(iuiotto, Battle Tier*—Wouvennan Landscape—by Cfaude, There eve others by the same artists, all original, he- ides some splendid pictures by Allston, Stilly. Roy- 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 noids, Neagle. Doughty,Cole, Chapuiau, David,Vernct, Stuart, Herbert, Tack, Bennington. Read, Hartlett, Schloss, lliiiitiugton Johanoh, Schmidt, Rembrandt, ^chaub, Perkins, Lewis, Ellis, Hamilton, and others fully described in the catalogue, which will he forward ed on application by letter. {Mist paid, to the Secretary*, who w*i!4 answer by return mail. JAMES M- ROYAL, 11 AllXESS MAKER, ruiuoved bis shop to Mitchell's old Tsveru, one door east of Grady A Nich- olaou's—where lie keeps always on hand a general assortment of articles in hisline, and is at wavs readv to fill ordersin tbe best style. ,J*u 26 ‘ tf LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned have on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, TERMS FOR CL UBS. Clubs of 10, 1 eura certificate, Clubs of 30, ;i ‘ Clubs of 50, 8 •« The Money in all cases to accompany tbe application lor certificates. LADIES FORMING CLUBS Will heentitlisl to the same ten;. , a above, with tlio extra inducement of lit. present of a magnificent set of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored India hangings, fine India Lace Curtains and every tiling of the most splendid description, to the Ladies’ club who will send the largest remittance for certificates. KT* ‘nstinasters are authorixed lr act as agents, and Ihe postmaster remitting the largest amount mr share, will receive a handsome Gold VVatrhand < h»iu,valued at two hundred dollars. The money must accontpan) the application | lty letter, post paid] in all rases, aud the certific ite, with the engraving, will bo forwarded free of charge by return mail. Correspondents are requested to write their address, with the County, Town Post Office and 8tale, plainly, in order to avoid mistakes. Ail letters answ cred by re. turn mnil. Catalogues of all the (lifts, with value and explana- ion, can he obtained on application to the 8e. retary,to whom all letters lor certificates, fcr. must be addressed. ALFRED iOVRb MX, Secretary, Vnshingtnn, D. C. Lewis, \ Fa.act. Dot, ! Directors. Fesnando Livingston, ) Jan 23 T. VV. BAUER, Treasurer. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. -which they will sell low for cash or barter (Gall anti examine. April 13 1\ A. SUM MET & BRO. .$150 to $200 per Month!! I WILL send instructions by which any person can make front $lo0 to $200 per gnontli, without traveling or petidling, and grill) the smallest amount of capital. This is fto receipt of any kind whatever. I will for ;Ward the above instructions and all the arts •ftnd receipts of value, as advertised in tlic .different papers of tho United States, free of ^postage, to nay person sending me the small ^uin of one dnilar, post paid. I _ £. S. SIIIPLKY, Kingston, !•«>'ltoss Count/-, Ohio. CASH AND SHORT CREDITS. Ml. Is. IIAIaIaOWEIsIs St CO. SILK WAREHOUSE PHILADELPHIA. TER M S QASH buyers will rereive a di^connt of ^IX percent. Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and short) together with the process attached-—just printed And for sale at this Office. Also, various jothrr Blanks. GFAny Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, nlmost any kind of job printing—can be fur bished on-a few hours’ notice. tlte tnnney he |iaid in per funds, within ten day; from date nf hill. Un itrrent money only taken at its p*r value on the day it ia received. To tnerclNMit* of undnulited Handing, a credit of SIX months will ha given, it desired. Where money is remitt id in advance of maturity discount at the rate of TWELVE per cent per annum will lie allowed. ^ . PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. In again callingthe attention of tho trading commu nity to the above terms, we announce that notwithstan ding tlic general depression in commercial affairs thro’, out the country, the system of business adopted by us more than a year since, and to which wo shall- rigidly adhere, enables us to offer for the coming Spring season our usual assortment of New Silk and Fancy Goods, Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES B. BURPEE, T the old atund recently occupied by R. S. JL Skbeveuell, offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced pricca—consisting ot have led loits embodiment The American party, in abstaining hitherto from’this public avowal, has been induced by considerations of the greatest weight in the successful pur- uit of its object, and which are ap proved by its deliberate judgement as altogether proper and just. Conscious of the rectitude of its purpose, and of its importance to the welfare of the country, it did not scruple to incur the hazard of that censure which it had reason to expect from enemies, to whom its secrcsy might afford an argument of defamation—nor that reproof wliich it anticipated from many whom it knew to be friendly to its objects, but who could not concur m the endeavor to promote them by a secret organization. To those who properly estimate the overwhelming power of the old party combinations, in crushing the early growth of an element adverse to their existence—who understand the influ ence of inveterate party discipline in persuading the weak, in overawing the timid, and in flattering and controlling even the most resolute—-it is not neces sary to say, that the American party, if it had exposed its first efforts at union to the assaults of such a force, would soon have become an impossibility.— The long-nursed enmities of political leaders on all sides would have been suspended, in a temporary alliance to defeat the new disputant of their claims to supremacy over the public will. It is not improbable such alliance may yet be formed. We ask those who have not duly weighed these considerations jto re reflect that all party organization, what ever may be its ostensible form, i* more or less secret in action, and almost al together secret in the source from which it derives its counsel and design; that no political organism which is destined to make a profound impression upon the regard nf the country, by counter acting and disappointing the aims of powerful and selfish political antago nists, can expect to pass through its process of formation without encoun tering enmities that may be found insu perable, or hazards amounting almost to certainties of extinction. A new public opiniou must attain its full ca pacity for resistance belo e it can face the opposition of the old systems and interests which it is designed to assail and conquer. The history'of success ful popular organizations, in all coun tries, demonstrates this fact. Their fate has, in great degree, generally de ponded upon the prudent reserve with which, in their incipient movements, they have screened themselves from assault. The general consent of the large masser of the American people to the purposes and action of the American party—the alacrity with which its ranks have been fi'led—the success which has attended its first efforts in the path of its prescribed duty—the harmony and efficiency with which its measures have been conducted by its members as well as the co-operation it h is found in multitudes of reputable citizens, who, not enrolled in its members: ip, have nevertheless contributed a zealous aid towards the promotion of its ends; all these facts, with scarcely a parallel in the history of popular combination, are at once evidences of the conviction of tho country on the necessity for change in the conduct of parties, and guarantees for the integrity of the Comprising one of the largest and most splendid stocks . w % - -, . to bo found in America; to which w© will receive con- American party the work it h*i3 at SSita 1 ™r SlM,U ' "" a " d ie " . U,c .h™ th, a hrnnr HOUSE IS PARIS. Jan 23 2m tempted. Nothing less than this broad recognition of a great necessity, forced upon the attention of the coun'ry by accumulated and long continued abuses, solution of its singular DISSOLUTION: rpuEeapartnnriibip in the Franklin Jnl> Office, here- will furnish a solut 1 tofure ending, under the firtr of Cbriaty Ic Kelsea, iathia day diawlved by mutual conaent. The business growth and progress. wiiiberuotinue<n>y j.jj.chriaty—by whom the debta The lnrtrc and commanding masses of the late concern will lie paid, and who atone ia «U- P debts ■ „ „„ .- JWS Mi llion zed to collect the demands due to it. JOHN IL CHRISTY Athena. Jan 11 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. of American citizens—the surest support and defence of our republic Carriages, Buggies, &c. whose love of country is untainted by Orders for any thing in his Une thankfully deceived and promptly executed. .f. Repairing none at short notice and on treasonable tern,. ; CHEESE! CHEESE I j&r 1 *-** up! Pay up ! selfish aims, and who, unambitious of r'pilE under.ifnetl moateirnMtly reqnoata all person, political preferment, have HO Other in- BLa^^^^rK^r^u^^i^ terest in public measuresthau that which him individually—to Pay up at onert Many of re f erB to the public Welfare—have seen, mahavaboenoutatanatirfalosgtttue,and»u- . . “ _t,i„ 1)« settled without delay. with anxious concern, the intractable oTriajiffand justice will lead JJSffiSg&Ste «temper with whieh partiW-Inve.^f late out that bfc is mistaken iu tM*,i»« will sought motives for contest in the most err^cuntij, danieroussectional question; the wick- ed zeal with which these parties have driven the country to the verge of civil commotion; the art with which they have exasperated the passions of excita ble communities, by appeals of the press and the forum to opinions and prejudi ces peculiarly susceptible of mischievous exaggeration ; and, above all, the reck less ardor with which they have sought to array the North against the South, and the South against the North in hostile division, inflaming the >ensitive pride of each by angry declamation and sharp defiance, until they have brought even our sacred Union itself into jeo pardy. These agitations our gravest and best citizens have witnessed with equal alarm and indignation, and they have found theinseles impelled to invoke the patriotism of the nation to meditate upon the remedy which shall restore peace to the distracted minds of the dis putants, and supply better purposes to employ the energy that has been de voted to this unhappy discord. To ac complish this, the American association or party has suddenly arisen in every section of the country. It comes to in augurate a new era, in which the origin al purpose of our Union shall be re asserted, and the hopes which animated its authors shall be infused anew into the heart of the living generation, by a fresh invocation of that national spirit, which lives not more in the glorious memories of the past, than it does in the native instincts of every American bosom at tlic present day. The lime is propitious (o this great reform. All men acknowledge that the old and familiar parties are scarcely any longer cognizable by the original tests of distinctive opinion. In the fading away of these it is equally apparent that they have lapsed into a condition which lias lost them much of the confidence of the people. They lie open to the re- proticl) of substituting for honest dilfer- ences of judgment upon questions of pub lic concern, others of trivial import or even of mischievous extravagance.-— Many exciting subjects which, in the earlier stages of our progress, legitimate ly divided public opinion, have mani festly lost their significance in the esti mate of the present day; and the conn try has seen with regret, that as ih«-se have sunk out of view, new an t worthy topics of dissensions have beet' thrust into their place—topics to be not- •*d, chiefly, by the low pus-tons to which they appeal, and by the base motives they propose to a continued strife.— They scorn to have grown out of no bet ter motive than a desire to keep up di vision for the profit of those who may thrive by it, in a career which looks tc no object of honorable ambition, and scarcely affects to refer to the public good Party action, has thus, in great degree, lost all dignity above that of a mere struggle for (lie power of dispens ing patronage, and has done .what it could to inculcate in the mind of the peo ple an-opinion that government is but a complicated system of rewards for office seekers, in whom the faculty for faithful service is the last and the least of the qualifications they are expected to pre sent. - - To this latter strife the accidents ami the necessities of the day have brought new and dangerous auxiliaries. The poverty or misrule which has overborne large numbers of the subjects of Euro pean monarchies, and the attractions which have been offered by the United States to many who desire to better ilieir fortunes, hare, for some years pa t, turned an immense current of emigra tion towards our shore.s Not much less than half a million strangers are com puted to make the yearly sum of this in crease to our populaiion. Whilst the greater portion of these may be describ ed as respectable and industrious indi viduals, seeking domestication amongst our people; and whilst nearly all—wiih some conspicuous exceptions—may be turnad to useful account in tbe labor re quired upon our public improvements, and in the setttlement of our broad and uncultiva*ed territories, it is equally true that this accession to our population has not be<-n unattended by evils of 'aerioui import. The emigrant, ignorant of our institutions and laws, often ignorant o! our langoage, necessarily in all cases unimbued with the traditional and native sentiment which gives life and perma nence to our institutions—a sentiment without which no American citizenship can be releid upon as the support of a true American policy—has been permit ted after the probation of a few years, to lie brought into the circle ot national fellowship, armed with ail the powers for good or evil which belong to the na tives of the soil. With what facility this high privilege is obtained, with what fraud its acquisition is often attended, with what incapacity Kud want of appre ciation of its purposes it is used, it is useless to recount. Our experience is bul too familiar with these inquirie*, and points to the facts they disclose as the common reproach and opprobrium ol our elections. Whilst emigration was but an inconsiderable event, and was lost from our view in its disproportion to our na tive population and to the large com pass of our unoccupied field ol industry, there was nothing in the contemplation of it to challenge the attention of the itational legislature. It has now grown into a vast and commanding power.— It furnishes what may, without much exaggeration of phrase, be called the distinct estate in our republic. It® ever* Welling title is visible in every commu NUMBER 52 nity. It is banded into combinations more or less apart from, our loug known and familiar masses of native citizens, b» ties of foreign kindred, by unforgotten vind ever-eherished nationalities, and by sympathies alien to the spirit which alone sustains our pecular, temperate, and complicated system of freedom.— Worse than ihis, it has caught the notice and stimulated the craft cf selfish politi cal aspirants aud demagogues, who have too easily found it a pliant resource for party use, and who have' cajoled, flatter ed and seduced it into the ranks of partisan strife, and thus imparted to it a consequence and an influence most powerful to aid a perverse ambition, but utterly powerless to accomplish any honest end for which the highest pre rogatives of citizenship were originally designed.- Already has the country been startled by an extreme development <f this in fluence. In violation of the spirit of our constitution, if not of its letter, for we cannot but suppose the literal prohi bition was omitted only because the case was not deemed possible—we find that iti some of our States tbe alien, stranger equally to our tongue, our laws, and even our homes, has been clothed with the power of deciding, as far as his vote may decide, the election of our na tional representatives,and of the national executive. Following the train of this policy, we have seen Congress deliberately clothe the alien of the Territories with the right of suffrage there, with certain an ticipation that this example will be fol lowed when tbe Territories shall pass into the higher condition of States. In the same spirit of fatal flattery of the emigrant, Congress has proclaimed the public lands to be the heritage of the foreigner of whatever clime, and has provoked the appetite of emigration to endeavor by the lure of bribes of that magnificent domain, which it has refus ed to bestow upon the native population of the States for purposes of education and public improvement. This is the chosen policy of our government at a time when nearly half a million of per- so s in each year are pouring the flood of ignorance, vice and crime, and in its best ingredients of distinct and uugeni- al uutioniities, into the heart of our coun- f y Is it to be wondered at that the sense of the country should revolt against such a policy ? that the deep, home br*d and earnest love of our historical freedom, of our glorious advance, of our fireside no tions of the ends and aims and hopes of Anglo-Saxon liberty, so peculiar, so ra tional, so distinctive of race—that our pride, so fondly cherished by tbe asso c ation of our colonial struggles and the career which they inaugurated, and which we are left to consummate,should be offended and disappointed by this lieedle s encouragement of an evil that brings its daily evidence of disorder to our doors? Nor is tliisall thateuters into the topic of our complaint. A very considerable portion of this yearly emigration, per haps the majority of it, is evidently, and, without meaning any disparagement, we might say bigoiedly attached toa church which is regarded with jealousy and suspicion by the greater number of our people. Whatever may be the merits or demerits of the peculiar constitution and policy of that church, in the popular estimation of those who do not profess its faith ; —whatever may be the true interpretation of the allegiance of its ch ldrcn—upon which point doubtless much msiconception exists, and much injustice may be done—we have no doubt of the fact that it exhibits, in its brother hood, a more submissive obedience to its guides, a greater dependence upon authority for its direction and conduct, and a closer inter-relation of personal sympathy and identity of end and object than any other fraternity in our land. Trained as it has been in a strong and severe antagonism to all other creeds than its own —long and variously con versant in persecutions of which it has been equally the agent and the victim, and conscious that it is looked upon with distrust in all communities which reject its tenets, it is but in the order of human action that its votaries should partake somewhat of the character of a separate embodiment in the great mass of the nation, and should possess, in grea ter or less degree, the disposition and the faculties of a secret association— not secret in its ordinary pursuits, but secret in such purposes as it may find extraordinary motive to promote, where the design may be most effectually com passed by concealed concert of counsel aud action. To the emigrant popula tion which find shelter under its wing, the remark is more especially applica ble. Not the most intelligent as a class and, at the same time, deeply imbued with the opinions of foreign countries where the dominion of the church au thority is more absolute, this concourse of foreigners U the less capable and the less willing to resist the influence of clique and profession when these are exerted upon some plausible motive to extend the power oi the church, or to promote its policy, or to secure for its friends some desirable political advan tage, or municipal control. Whilst the more liberal-minded and intelligent Catholics of the country may refuse td be brought into such comhina- k tions as may repel thena in the most earnest conviction of their incompatibi lity with the paramount duties and ob ligations they owe the State, we have too many evidences before us, and too decided an experience of the fact, not to know that this has groivn to be a great evil in the country, and one which claims the most earnest efforts for its correction. We know that the Catho lics of the United States have been breught into a strong array fer political action on more than one notable occa sion. We know that they hare been moved in these enterprises by the force of private and concealed ambition. We are not without the strongest ground- for belief that they are mainly impelled to these attempts by a desire to aggran dize their own community and give it control, as far as they are able to achieve it, in tlic administration of the evil affairs of the couutry. We percievc them to be actuated bv a sentiment of hostility to the predominant Protestant spirit which our origin and laws have infused into the -tructure of our govern ment, and we cannot but see that their ultimate aim and hope is to acquire, through the influence of the foreign element in our population, a power over our institutions which shall, at least, be able to mould them into accordance with their own interests, if not wholly to sub vert such as stand in tbe way of their designs. The Catholic influence in the United States is the product of a recent growth, and may be measured by the tide of Cath olic emigration. They hnve advanced side by side ; and the increase of both is a striking manifestation of the establish ment of a distinct and formidable foreign element which, in later years, has as sumed a position of great significance in the body politic. Its organization is foreign ; its agents, guides, and direc tors, are in great part foreign ; its para mount attachments are foreign; its moral, if not its political allegiance, is foreign ; and its ambition is to effect such a change iu the social constitution of the country as shall assimilate the public policy and the private habits and opinions of the nation to the teachings of a Church which is itself, as regards nine-tenths of our people, essentially a foreign power. The native American population o!'the United States cannot look upon this influence, fed and strengthened as it is from alien sources, and see it so assiduously concentrating its energies within its own circle, and creating an organization designed to give it unity of purpose and great command of means—they cannot look upon this without some;hmg more than distrust, and without feeling ihat it re quires, at least, to be admonished against the indiscretion of extending its political aims too far! We think ourselves justified in an nouncing our determination to resist and counteract this influence by all lawful means within our power: and we pro claim that we should oppose with the same determination any other religious denomination we might detect in a simi lar endeavor to bring its members into political combination for similar ends. Our object is practically to assert and maintain in all cases, the separation be tween civil government and ecclesiastical authority by whatever name or creed the latter may be known, holding their union, however slight, to be as danger ous to the one as it is corrupting to the other. If, therefore, we make war to day upon Catholic organizations because we find them in the political field, we should, in the same spirit and with the ame zeal, make war to-morrow upon any other religious community we might find in the same category! In avowing this purpo e, we cannot but believe we announce a principle to which the American mind will every where express a ready assent, and that it would be doing injustice to the patrio tism and intelligence of tbe native Catho lic citizens of the United States, as well as to many of foreign birth long domes ticated amongst us, to suppose that they do not acknowledge as strongly as we do, the intrinsic merit of this princi - pl Acting in obedience to a sense of duty suggested by the considerations we have now presented, the American party has found it necessary to take its stand against the political action ot the Catholic church in the United States. We resist it in a lawful mode when we d.scuss the meriis of its pretensions, and express our opin ion aga nst it. We resist it lawfully American party be called to ans’wer this charge ! It is sufficient for it now to say, that the "Course it has pursued is that which it believes to be the most effectual as a defence against an abuse of no small magnitude in its beginning, and full of portentous mischief in ite continuance. If they who are aggrieved by this course desire nothing more than equal rights aud equal claim to public con fidence with all other members of the State, this object is of easy attainment. * They have only to descend to the com mon platform of. civic duty. It is but necessary that they fall back into the ranks of their fellow-citizens of every other religious denomination: abandon all claim to privilege or exemption which is not common to all; renounce all at tempts to embody themselves as Catho lics, to influence public policy ; proclaim undivided allegiance to the civil power, and exemplify it by practice, in confor mity with the theory of our govern ment and its laws. But if, on the other hand, they prefer to maintain a contest for what they con ceive to be the rights due Jo the peculiar ■structure' and polity of their church, and, impelled by this consideration, shall find in it motive to demand from the State tho recognition of their separate identity- in the mass of citizens, and to insist upon exceptional privileges in the domestic. administration ; if they shall feel them selves justified in concentrating their power to secure an election or to obtain an aeknowlegment of their distinctive existence and influence in the communi ty, by the elevation of indivi luals to official trust as Catholics, and because they are Catholics or deemed to be espe cially favorable to Catholics if these objects are thought worthy of their en terprise, let them not be surprised at the array which this must bring into the field to oppose them, nor let them complain of proscription if they should find their endeavors prostrated, 'iuo judicious and liberal-minded Catholic citizen will scarcely allowliiraself to be embroiled in uch a contest, but rather, we should hope, would promptly interpose to teach that large body of foreigners who con stitute the preponderating mass of his church, that the* objects sought to be attained are neither in accord with tho institutions of the country nor the genius of the people ; that the pursuit must not only be fruitless, but will be repelled by the quickest and most sensitive instinct that distinguished the national character. We disavow any inference, therefore, hich may be drawn from the free ex pression of our opinion, that the Ameri- can, party is intolerant towards the Catholic religion. With the principles and doctrine of that faith we have no concern. We value toe highly the pri vileges of freemen to hold any man to account lor his religious belief. The Roman Catholic has tur respect in as full measure as any other established creed. In the legitimate sphere of its influence we will defend and protect it to the utmost of our ability, against all sault. As wc cherish the foundations oi our political liberty, not less do wc hei ish the right of every man to worship God according to liis own convictions of duty. We assert this as a peculiarly American principle,and pledge ourselves to its full and faithful observance, in all cases whatever. We have now|presenle«l a brief review of the chief questions which have led to the embodiment «>f the American party. They are suggestive of the whole scope of its aims. Whilst in the waning stage of the old political parties the country has been distracted by the teeming growth of new organizations, created to mature many startling extravagances of popular opinion, some of them threaten ing the Union, others the peaceful rela tions of our government with the rest of the world, and all of them tending to t(ie fomenting of sectional divisions, the instinctive sense of the nation, brought into active resolve by this emergency, has proclaimed the necessity for a great American party. In obedience to that call the party has already come forth, and has entered upon the theatre of its duty It comes to silence the cl imor of faction, to check the career of perni cious innovations, to rebuke the busy intrigues of selfish politicians. Its great purpo.-c is to recall the government to its time honored and approved princi ples o administration, and to express the authentic voice of the American We mean tha henceforth, m choose those who shall administer the public affairs. Our resistance is not less lawful when, in the selection of indivi duals for official station, we give a pre fereneeto those whose recognition of civic duty is m >st in accordance with the convictions of the country at large. In the exercise of these powers of resistance we have been charged with a proscrip tive spirit, and our action has nounced as a violation of the rights of citizensship. When it can be show that the free citizen of our States is under any obfigat on to explain the motive which induce him to cast a vote or to select a public functionary ; when it can be maintained that he has no right to express an op nion upon what he con ceives to be an impediment in tbe way of the public welfare; when it can be required of him to be silent or passive in the presence of any public danger when we resort to the ballot-box to [ , |‘p‘ ( ^ ce a f nll oppi;sition, and all combi nations. Americans shall govern the.r own country, and that every genuine Amer.can interest shall take its para mount place in the counsels and thoughts of those to whom the management of the public affairs shall be intrusted. We desire to see our internal resources improved, our labor rewarded, ouf itenius fostered, our agricukuic, manu factures, and commerce, guarded and sustained by an intelligent American statesmanship. We desire to sec the children of our republic educated in American senti ment and principle, and fortihed by the wisdom of-that sacred Book from which our ancestor* drew the inspiration of tho moral and religious freedom which they infused into our civil institutions. We desire to see the right of suffrage consecrated in the veneration of the which he has the power to avert, either people as the bulwark of k. . >, * bv individual action or by combination 1 protected by laws which snail - - with his fellow-citizens—then may the 1 preserve it as the peculiar medura -sigj ; r v-: