The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 10, 1855, Image 3

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That we may not be misunder stood, we again publish (Tor the benefit of new subscribers) the following, which originally appeared some weeks since in the editorial columns of the Watchman. OUR POSITION. In defending the principles of the American Party—which we believe it to be our duty to do—we wish it dis tinctly understood, that we wage no warfare against Democracy or Whig- gery—Southern Rights or Unionism— indeed, against no party of present or past times, except the abolitionists. So far as the other parties named are con cerned, we regard them all as essential ly •* dead cocks in the pit.” It is true that certain designing demagogues and party hacks—aided by a few honest but misguided men, whom they have induc ed to remain with them around these dead carcases, are vainly endeavoring to galvanize them into a brief and spasmo dic resuscitation. But all their efforts will be worse than fruitless. As national organizations they are essential'^ dead, dead, dead ! This being the case, we are willing to inscribe on their tomb stones a suitable memorial of thi good they have done—whilst the evil they have brought about we are willing to bu ry with their dead bodies in the tomb of forgetfulness. We cannot think of waging war against dead carcases—nor is there any necessity for it. It is enough for us to defend the American party. We shall attack none of these defunct organiza tions, but so far as they are concerned act entirely on the defensive. In making this declaration, we do not pretend to say that we will not battle »ith the other great new party now form ing—the anti-American, or Foreign Catholic party— we know not what name it mav assume A Stirring Week.—Our city has been crowded with strangers from all parts of the State, during the present week, and great has been the speculation SYNOPSIS OF JUNE SALES. T WALTON COUNTY. To be sold by Sheriffs—One tract among the outsiders as to the meaning I of land containing 265 acres, (No. not of the gathering together of so many known) in the 3d district of Walton persons at this particular juncture. Some county, the place whereon Lewis Mat- thought it was a convention of Fillibus- thews now resides, adjoining lands of ters who were preparing to make a coup Hamilton and Shepard, as the property de tat demonstration on the “ gem of the of Lewis Matthews. Antilles,” and this idea gained credit All of Jesse M. Willingham’s interest from the fact that Maj. Jack H—, a dis- in two negro women—Julia, a woman tinguished Fillibustero of a neighboring I about 35 years old, Philis, a woman city, was known to be in town, and from about 16 years old. the rumor that Gen. John A. Quitman Also, all of Wm. B. Willingham’s was hourly expected, to take command interest in twonegroes—Julia, a woman of the expedition! Others said that the about 35 years old, Philis, a woman Grand Encampment of the Knights of about 16 years old. Jericho or Jerusalem (we don’t know Thirty-three buggy bodies, 6 rocka- which) was holding its annual Satihe- way bodies, lot of tin cans and paints, drim and were concocting measures for 5 carriages partly finished, 1 set of the advancement of the cause of benevo- buggy wheels, 1 lot of buggy spokes, Itnce and charity. Other some were of 1 lot of poplar plank, 1 lot ash plank, 1 the opinion that this was only the ad- lot buggy fellows, 1 set unfinished vance guard.of •* Sam’s” great American wheels, 1 set Black Smith tools 2 bed urmy, who were about to take tbe field steads and furniture, 1 piano, 1 bureau, in Georgia, in defence of the time-honor- 1 side board, l clock, 1 safe, 2 tables, 1 ed and time-hallowed principles of the lot cups and saucers, lot spoons, lot sires of ‘76, and under the “ stars and I knives and forks; as the property of stripes” which have so long floated over Hardy Treadwell. this land of liberty! Also one house and lot in the town Whatever may have been the occasion of Monroe, tbe place whereon defend- ofthe gathering, or the character of it, one ant now lives, containing one acre, more thing is very palpable, that it was the or less; also one other house and lot most imposing body of men that ever in said town adjoining the Baptist church convened in Georgia. We learn that lot, known as the Trail lot; also one they numberd about 600, and that nearly other house and lot in said town, known every county in the State was represent- as the Stroud lot, including the black ed. It was also a remarkably orderly smith shop ; also a negro man named crowd—as goodly a company of intel-1 Jeff, about 55 years oldj Jordan, about ligent looking men as we ever saw con- ‘ vened under like circumstances. We saw nothing to indicate a spirit of Fil- libusterism or unlawful combination against the rights and liberties of the people, but much that savored ol pa triotic conservatism and constitutional ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY PITXER AND ENRLAXP law-abiding purpose. If such indications Hardy Treadwell. 30 ; Toby, about 15; Fanny, a woman about 19,* Mary, about 4; Malinda, about 30; and Sawney, about 60 years old; as the property of Hardy Tread well. Also, lots Nos. 1, 2, and 26, in the town of Monroe; as the property of are not deceitful, we feel to bid such men “ God speed” in any cause in which | they may engage.—Macon Citizen. RABUN COUNTY. One lot of land, No. 57, in the first dist. of Rabun county; as the property of Isaac Shelton, jr. JACKSON COUNTY. One tract of land, known as the Espy ATHENS, May 9. Bagging (Guuuy) yd 18 to 20 Bale Rope, per to...... .... .... 14 15 Manilla Hope “ 26 agging Twine 25 Kacon Sides 114 “ Hams 12 “ Shoulders.. 10 Lard 12 Butter 20 Tallow 10 Tallow Candles 18 Sperm do 45 Star do 30 Coffee Rio ...... 14 Coffee Java 15 Tea loo Bice ..... 8 Sugar, Brown g “ Clarified..... “ Crushed “ Loaf-..-. Molasses, per gal-- N. O. Syrup 45 Salt, per Bushel 80 Salt, Liverpool Sack 200 Steel, Cast 21 “ German 15 “ Blister “ Spring Iron, common size ..... “ 7 inch wide “ Baud “ Nail rod. Sheet Castings Nails, per Keg Powder,Rifle,...... ........ .. Blasting Lead ...— .......... — .... Shot, per Bag Cotton per Bale 7 Flour per bbl .. .. —. 105012 0U Wheat per Bushel ...1 ‘ 125 150 Corn “ “ 120 140 Meal ‘* “ 120 140 Oats “ “ 50 60 Rye “ “ 75 Indigo,Spanish 125 Madder lb - 16 Copperas. .— - 4 Blue Stone — 18 Oil, Linseed 137 *• Lamp, Winter 150 “ “ Fall 100 “ Train 90 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 225 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 120O 1050 4 bbls No. 2 noo 1000 10 124 36 10 10 6 7 7 8 8 5 6 65 550 10 ,25ft 25 SO 124 124 11 14 20 12 20 50 35 16 16 125 8 124 104 124 14 37 60 90 225 26 16 12 12 6 8 8 10 9 6 7 70 60 124 275 9 100 150 25 5 20 150 175 125 100 250 SOO By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY I HE subscriber having accepted from the I Commissioners tbe Agency and Manage ment of the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, has established the principal Office at Atlan ta. Georgia, and intends con ucting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the | Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Al abama. GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. CLASS 1. To be drawn May 24th, 1855, in the city of | Atlanta, Ga., when prizes amonnting to 1^ ^S60 9 €K>0 Will be distributed according to the follow ing magnificent Scheme! And remember I every Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when dne without deduction ! 1 Prize of $15,000 1 do. 1,500 1 " 5,000 1 do 1 “ 4 000 1 “ 3,000 Montgomery, Ala., May I.—Last night the mills attached to Winters 1 Iron Works, in this city, were destroyed I mill place, containing 9 acres, more or by fire. The Iron Works, however, less, on the waters of Crooked Creek, . . ., , ., I were fortunately saved, although they adjoining lands of Whitehead and others; 118 .'g.y P ro ’ suffered some injury. The loss is esti- as the property of Joseph Boyce, however, that like all piratical concerns, ma t e d at 8100,000, on which only S60,- hall county, ji will appropriate to its unhallowed 000 were insured. A large quantity -of L« t of land No. 49, in the 9th dis- purpose the banner and even the once wheat and other breadstuff's was eon- trict of said county, containing 200 popular name of one of the deceased which » a'great loss, as,our navi- acres, morj or less; as the property of . . gation is suspended. The fire is sup- James I*. Echols, parties, I his m.serablc attempt to mis- p 0Se( ] to have originated from the fric- 100 acres of land, on the waters of lead the people will, however, be ex- tion of a smut machine. the Occnee River, adjoining Alexander posed in due time, and all parties ac cessory to the attempted fraud will be | held up to the contempt of their insult ed countrymen. “ 4 bbls No. 2 400 450 Beeswax 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 25 80 Tobacco 25 40 Yarn perbale, 4C bunches 85 85 Retail 90 90 Osnaburgs, per Bale.. 9 10 “ Retail to 11 Shi rt' ng J, per bale 84 9 “ Retail 9 jo READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER!: f lx C:ui be found the largest assortnn at of AiEFS, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS; Trunks, Y a\\ses, Carpet-Bags anti \ImYtreUas, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we have on hand, bnt would cordially weicon e all to (0-comc and examine for themselves, Athens, April 18,1854. ** R. L. BLOOMFIELD'S. 1 “ 2,000 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Bank State or Georgia. ) Savannah.12th April,1855. 5 1 inn I CST - An Election will be held at the is of Vnnn Hanking House in this city on Nomlay, 7th in ,i'„ eS k nnn of Ma y next > for ei 8 ,lt Directors on the part ’ ‘ of individual Stockholders, to serve for. one year from that date ap26 lbs. BACON, for sale by Guady A Nicholson. 501 Fmesinall amounting to §60,000 -j r\p\ ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUM- lUU.UUU BERS. — BT Hills on all solvent Banks at par. | New Spring & Summer AH communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agt. A Manager. Atlanta, Ga. | April 26. $15,000!! A LARGE Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Iron, Crockery. Gro ceries, Ac. for sale low for cash by April 26 Gbady A Nicholson. TO THE PUBLIC. A N advertisement from me asked for mo ney to enable me to issue publications, GOODS P. W. LUCAS, I S now receiving a large and handsome as sortment of all kinds of goods, suited 10 1 the season, consisting of—. „ ; LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, Lawns, Cambrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, STARTLING,. BUT TRUE! Wliat every Woman should Kryi KNOW. J^EADER, are you a husband or and it was couched in terms of re verence j Collars, Collaretts. Mantillas, Laces.Edging, to, and admiration of, God. The only reply | Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, via P. O., was a deceitful looking (bank-note &o. like) card about some hair dye! Who is I Ladies and Gentlemen, Linen Cambric capable of this mockery!! Some young I Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging- rnscal: while the more aged heeded uothiug I hams Handkerchiefs. mourning goods. Infidelity is the ruling spirit of hearts that Mourning Satins, Bombazine, Challcys, are pertinacious to be, or not, at Church, I Crapes. Bareges, Ginghams, Muslins, Cali- prompt to pray, and flatter themselves they coes, Sc., &c, are safe for Eternity; but which, still, while All kinds mourning trimmings'. they disdain he, scorn Religion, of what- Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestings, and all ever sect, to square with their conveniences, kinds of Summer Goods, lor Men's nnd For the Southern Watchman. Under the caption of ‘ Party Leaders,’1 p ast w j ater is an outrageous article in the Banner of last week. Speaking of the Whig party, says the editor : (who was he? certainly not the ostensible ones:) ‘ They have no settled and fixed principles, but are falling into the deadly embraces of Know-Nothingism, Temperance, Aboli tionism and Freesoilism ! ! !” Hear how this arch demagogue talks!! He links Temperance with fell Aboli tion ! ! Tempei ancc men, of all parties, who know your heavenly principles and Thompson, £and Y. L. Floyd; as the In Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky, it the property of Benjamin Dunnegau t-stated, cattle, sheep and hogs have 10U acres of land on the Hudson river been dying during the past four weeks hi said county, adjoining John D. Ter- by hundreds, from sheer starvation, and! rell and Judith Dodd; as the property diseases produced by scanty food, and 1 of Lemuel Dodd. the severe and protracted cold of the ’ A fire occurred in Boston last week which destroyed property of the value of half a million of dollars. LATER FROM EUROPE. Also, 111 acres, as the property of Thomas W. Eberhart, and 111 acres as the property of David H. McCleskey. Two hundred acres of land, as the pro perty of James J. McCleskey. Also, a small tract of land on the Oconee river —fifty acres more or less, as the pro perty James J. McCleskey, including a grot and saw mill, and a wool factory.— ATLANTIC. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER A Iso 20U acres, being a part of lot No 1 162 in the 9th district of said county Also one undivided tract, devised by The steamer Atlantic Iias arrived at I John Barrett, deceased to Elisha C. Bar- N. York with Liverpool dates to the rett and Wm. M. Barrett, being part of 24th April. the tract whereon the said John Barrett, commercial intelligence. deceased, resided ; as the pr< pirty of Liverpool, April 24.— Cotton.— Elisha C Barrett. your saving virtues, remember this at I The market is steady and unchanged, iiabersham county, the polls !! X. X X. but buyers demand reduction. Sales One hundred acres, of lot of land for the nine days 70,000 bales, of which No. 144 in the 3d district of said coun- For me; Southern Watchman. i 10,000 were to speculators and 9,000 ty, Kirkendoll mill place ; as the pre- Mr. Editor: Allow a succinct balc8 to ex P orters ‘* Quotations are un- perty ol John W. Martin. j changed. Fair Orleans 52d., Middling Also, lots Nos. 1 and 2, containing The seu o Democracy says j Fair Uplands 5§d., Middling 5 together, five hundred acres, more or l-16d. The market closed on Monday less in the 13 district of said county ; as steady the property of Alexander Inglis. Canal Flour 39s. to 31s; Ohto 42 | Also, lot No. 189, in the 12th dis to 43s. While Wheat 11s. 6d. to 12s 6«1. White Corn 42a. to 42s. 2d. Yellow 43s. to 43s. 9d. Iron steady and un changed. scrawl that it is it-. Party that don’t want the Go vernment to be ‘* imposed on” by Spain! as to Cuba ; whilst the Whigs are for suffering every thing! War—war is the joy of that ignorant mass that com pose the “ Dimmocracy.” This party, dead or alive, would risk our very liber trict of said county, containing 250 acres ; as the property of John Bulland Also, lot of land No. 13, in the 1st District of said county. Levied on as Brown &, Shipley quote Cotton in I the property of Rosalie Gonvain. fair demand and more steadiness for Also, all the right, title, interest and ty in the melee of battles, and draw all the last two days. The sales on Friday claim which Francis A. V. Ausley has the Nations of the world against us!— and Saluiday were 20,000 bales, includ- in and to lot No. 38, in the 2d district en rntional and ‘ n 8 13,000 bales to the tiade. of said county ; as the property of said . . p ™ a J F,our had dec,ined on « shilling, Francis A. V. Ausley. pacific as to lean to Peace. We do not Wheat three pence. Corn was in mote suffer in position: but we don’t be so | demand, and lmd advanced six pence. Provisions more active and firmer Bacon advanced one shilling and six pence. Consols 89J. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. The Conference at Vienna is broken off after the 13th session. Russia re ready to jump out of the hot ashes into the fire: To save a penny risk a guinea. I am glad to see “ R.” and *‘ S.” dis cussing Colonization. 1 love discus sions. They emit light. Both * R. The drunkard consumes as much grain | in the form of alcohol in one day, would supply him with bread for there. NEW STORE AND No. 12, Franklin House Range, (L. J. Lampkio’s old stand.^ Wm. J. Morion, (SUCCESSOR TO WM. M. MORTOJVf SOM,) R espectfully announces to the public that he is now offering for sale, at the above stand,a large aud varied assortment of SSAPLE AND FANCY Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. The stock is entirely new, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. llis friends and the public are respectfully invited to call and etamine for themselves IW The Books nnd Accounts of the late firm of William M. Morton & Son will be fouud at his store, and those indebted are requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855. tf to agree with set fashions and conform to certain principles of Etiquette, in which godliness and charity are forgotten, or at any rate qualified, or neglected » Such peo ple, of all orders and classes, act and live as if Divine Providence, a day of reckoning. Boy’s wear. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. All kinds of Summer Hats for Boy’s; All kinds Ladies’ and Childrens Shoes and Gaiters; and a Holy Heaven above, were things of Table and Bed Linens, Linen Sheetings, nnd theory ! Well, they will soon enough see Pillow Case Linens, Damask Table Cloths, what they will see. Damask Towels, Crash Dowlas, &c. - r . J -J-FLOURNOY. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY OF xvGi&r Athens, Gn., April 10, 18j5. I ATT iz ttsttyg The days of persecution of Christ’s sterl- \ 0 . ., _ , „ , „, _ _.,, _ ing followers have not passed away; people Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Tools; Mill Irons, have only qualified themselves in this age Smat Machines, Mill Saws. Bolting Cloths of public wars and murders, to a mock Chris- GROC FRIES, tianity! They will begin to persecute me so Blasting powder, Rifle powder, Safty Fuse; soon a8 they can. I fearlessly defy their I Carpettings. Mattings, Rugs, Matts, Floor impious jag®* and glory rather iu the perse-1 Cloths, &c.; all of which he offers at the cution of the ungodly than m any 0 g r ®®'I lowest market prices, either for cash or ap- ment with them m error and folly! So provc <i credit- [Athens. April .3. help me Lord. J. J. F. 11 1 MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. and ceived, direct from the manufacturers, nnd for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP & SON. April 26. Combs & Co’s Express Office. „ , _ r ,* , , „ fPHE best article known for cleaning T M. LAMPKIN, Agt, Athens, Ga. J.polishing all kinds of metals, windows P ACKAGES left in the evening at the of-1 razors and glass ware. A supply just fice of this Southern Company, owned and operated by Southern men—will be for warded with the mails next morning, to Charleston. Augusta, or any other point in the Southern country. This enterprise being exclusively South ern, and great diligence used in forwardiug packages with the greatest possible expedi tion, commends itself to the patronage of the Sontbern people. April 29. OtJ Office at the old stand of A. K. Childs, next door to the Franklin House. No Package or Freight of any de- NOTICE W E again earnestly request all who are indebted to us, to come and make pay ment, or close their accounts by note. We must close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS «k BILLUPS. $25 REWARD! ^yiLL be paid for the apprehension of one pai JESSE M. GARNER, who escaped from the jail of Clarke county on the night of the 4th instant. He weighs abont 125 or I301bs, dark skin, sandy hair, and fierce looking.— His left thumb cut off just above the first joint. The above reward will be paid for his delivery at the jail of Clarke county, or con finement in any safe jail. Athens, MaylO SAULTER & IVY No Package or freight of any dc- " uu tue quauues, script ion will be shipped, unless notified of I goods, consisting of MOORE & CARLTON H AVING moved from No. 3 to 7 Granite Row, nnd having purchased a Spring; Stock with great care, ask our town anc! country frieuds to come in and examine, nnd we feel assured that they will be pleased with the qualities, styles and prices of our it at the office. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. T O ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual isease, such as Seminal Weakness, Iu potence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis. &o. The Howard Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of hiunnn life and health, caused by Sexual disoasos, and the deceptions which arc practised up on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Qnacks, hnve directed thoir consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their French and English Calicoes, French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, French printed Jaconets, French printed Organdies, French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors aud qualities, Rich. Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flouuced Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 50 cents to 7 dollars, Cheinizetts and Collevettsof new and fash ionable styles. Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware, Crockery aud Groreries, All of which we will sell at Augusta rc- CAUTION. I DO hereby forewarn all persons from let ting any person have any thing whatever on my account. MaylO ROBERT JENNINGS. name, to give Medical a ivice gratis, to all... ... . , ,,, , , persons tb*us afflicted, (Male or Female,) I tal1 P^ces, with the exception of Bleached who arply by letter, (post-paid) with a de- Homespuns and Calicoes,which we do not pre scription of their condition, (age, occupa- I tend to sell for 2 cents per yard less than tion, habits of life, ac.) nnd in cases of ex-1 New York cost for the purpose of baiting treme poverty and suffering to furnishing I g reen ones, medicines free of charge. | April 19, 18o5. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endow-1 TO HOUSE KEEPERS. ment, for the relief of the sick and distres- _ _ T a . . . , ’ — . in W. LUCAS is now receiving a largo Appearances are Everything.—This provei h includes a general truth—appearance recom mends itself especially as it is seen in the proper adornment of the person, Tbe hair and complexion under good ‘.reatmeut con- and ' S.’ are right and wrong—for Colo- N ec ~ d ,be demand. — 0 — . . . . ,, ... I 1 he bombardment of Sebastopol was tribute much to to enhance the estimation nization is not altogether right, n o r I continued from the 9th to the 15th April I in which on individual is held ; and the totally wrong, in its spirit and move- with 500 guns without any result. An | a ? t5 ° T le8 , host calculated for usefulness aci) ments. Gov. Dutton’s speech was an assault is believed not to be practicable, amalgamation, negro-admiring effort—| to storm wiH P^ably Napoleon nnd Eugenia spent a week in England. ^ It is reported, but doubtful, that . , „ . ., , , . i England has consented that Napoleon and the mellow ripe, black! Pshaw, L ho ® w , ate the command of the allied Old Dutton I—white is the soundest | army in the Crimea. There are strong indications that and he quoted a Latin Poet to prove I that black is better than white 1 or as I good—for the green fruit is whitish! inuentor William Brgle at 277 Washington Street Boston. Sold in Athens by C. W. & H. R. J. Long $3=-L()0K !•=£$ and healthiest part of vegetables, and black the rotten! You see compnri sons won't do here. Dutton is from Connecticut, the region of amalgama tion, and having perhaps negro brothers in-law—he may be indulged in pouring for'h the feelings of bis heart! But in the same paper of March— REYNOLDS & BROTHER, (Over Sansom <fc Pit lard's,) BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de Austria will refuse to act against Russia, partments. Lord Russel and M. DeHuys have I They are prepared for the execution of left Vienna. I Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets, dte, The British loan of sixteen millions pounds sterling, was taktn by the Roths childs. in one hundred pound Consols, at fourteen and sixpence, i*» the shape of an annuity, terminable in thirty years. The taxes are increased on incomes, and (Repository) is, also, the reply to Dut-1 a stam P dut y is to be im P° 3edon 8 P irits > 1 tea, coffee nnd sugar. All hope of Austria operating against I J 1 and are Printers of Cobb’s Repor» . Sept. 21,1854. ly R. A B. PLAIN AND FANCY BOOR AND JOB PRINTING. 200 Dollars Reward! E SCAPED from the jail at this place, on tho night of the 4th instant, two men charged with the crime of MURDER. JOHN EPPS, WU has been imprisoned hero, sinoe Sep tember last, for the murder of his father in July previous, is full six feet high: straight and moderately slender built; dark straight hair—turns it to one side; slow spoken; not much inclined to conversation; has but one full ear, having been born in that situa tion ; wears his hair long and turns it over to the side to cover this defect: about thirty years of age. THOS. D. GUNNELS, Who most brutally murdered his wife in March last, (and very nearly one of his daughters at the same time.) is about 40 years old, five feet nine or ten inches high : rather stoop shouldered: talks? freely and somewha: loud: has n downcast look : dark nair, and will weigh abont one hundred and forty or fifty pounds: very fond of liquor: one finger off. I will give the above re ward for the delivery of both the above named men to me at this place, or one hun dred dollars lor either of them; or the same for both or either in any Jail so I get them, ets the expense s in bringing here. JESSE M. GARNER, Who is charged with larceny after trust re posed, looks to be about 21 of 22 years old : rather a small man : quite forward and pert, and from his general deportment, whereso ever he may be, it would seem he wishes to let the poeple know he is There. Hair rath- sed, afflicted with “ Yimlent and Epidem- ' L UCAS i: io diseases,” aud its funds can be used for • assortmeitof no other purpose. It has now a surplus of J? 106 , a,u ^f, us H u mean#, which the Directors have voted to I Handsome Shades for Parlors-, advertise the above notice. It is needles* to add that tho Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address,(post-paid,) Dr. Geo. R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. ton, of Commander Foote—which gave that old Yankee a set down ! Still, let me ask “ R.” whether or not, it is not more judicious to have in i 1 ®™ El. (SKHBQSWj, (“Solitary anti alone,”) 8 now prepared to execute any and til kinds of Let PRUT ter l , , j - - ,..w„ PRINTING, either plain or in colors, a Russia 18 at an end for tne present. his large sad extensive Book and Job Printing Estab Can robe rt says otl the first two days I '''NoesUbiLhmennn'uie Stste possesses superior fs- bombardment, the allied fire was supe-1 «*fcuung Priming of the kinds usually in rior, and the Russian works were damag- AmpSSuK* ‘ culars. Cards, Tickets, vogue some Society affording an outlet e d. The French got possession of a to the useless free blacks—rather than position of great importance. Gorts- none at all ? And since humanity and c i ,,al J off . sa y s ma « ere are favorable for , • .. ... the besieged, human institutions are imperfect, should Washington, May 4 We Southerners, not, as enlightened Judge Lumpkin has peremptorily de- , _ « T , J | loiors, ns wm enuesn'r wj ojlocuio ui wore entrusted men and women, foster a plan that has cl, ned tbe appointment ot Judge of tbe I to him in asuperior style -punctually—correctly—ex- Court of Clniwin I peditiously, and at mods*atz rales’. 1 v^oun Ol Claims. Grateful to his friends and the public for past favors, Arthur D. Neville has been appoint- I Uo again solicits their orders, and trusts that hs may bo | ed Post Master at New Orleans. 1 f n?h d e^snu^ ra ™° fpuhIic pilron * ge ' , r Cheeksjfotes, Posters, Bill-Heads, Catalogues, Hand- Bill*, Way, Stage and Horse Bills, Blanks of every description. And indeed almost every thing likely to be called for. JKr He will indulge in no extravagant promises, bat content himself with the remark, that hereafter as here tofore, he will endeavor to execute all work entrusted rather a beneficial than gcous tendency ? disadvanta- F. placo, or if lodged in any Jail in the State so I get him. I. S. VINCENT. Sheriff and Jailor, Clarke co., Ga. Watkinsville, May 10, 1854. COBBHAM PROPERTY SALE. FOR [Y Lot jn Athens is beautifully located it a co M has oil it a comfortable House, contain ing six rooms, with each a fire place; kitch en. negro house, smoke house, stable, carri age house, &c. if c., all newly fitted up, to gether with an excellent garden, and a fine selection of young fruit trees. It may b< bought on good terms by application to Capt, Dorsoy, or myself. MILES M. NORTON. May 3, l855-4t. uelph By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pres. Geo. Fairchild, Sec. May 3. Gilt Cornice; Bands; Handsome Rugs and English velvet Car pets. All of which lie offers ou very reasona ble terms. April 19, 1855. father) a wi c or a mother! Have you tl.e sin cere welfare of thoseyou love at heart 1 Prove your sincerity, aud lose no time in learning what causes interfere with tlieir health and happiness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and your;, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordi-iary avocation nnd exhausting those menus for medical attendance,medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide for declining year*,the infirmi ties of age and the proper education of your children. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition, as not even for one day to feci the happy and exhilarating influence incidcut to tne enjoyment of lieath, nrising from ignore nee of tbe simplest and pla nest rules of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, and mi.-e- Aud must this continue? Must this b ’ Is there no remedy ? No relief! No hope!” The remedy is by knowiug tbe causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies nnd benefitting by them. These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOIHA^S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY Dll. A. M. MAURICEAU, i*rofessor of diseases of women-. Or.e Hundredth Edition (500.000J lSmo., pp. 33a. [ox FIXE FAFFS, EXTRA BIXD1XC, $.100.] A standard work of estahlisked'repulMion found classed iu the catalogue? of the great trade sales in New-York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the priucipal book sellers in the Uuited States. It was first published in 1847, since which time Five Hundred Thousand Copies have been sold, of which there were upwards of ouclrandred thousand sent by mail, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatuieut of complaints pecu- liaijto females,iu respeetto which he is yearly consulted by thousands, bulb in person ami by letter. Here every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed, the nature, character, causes of, aud the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother lms ofteu need of instuctiou and advice of the utmost importance to ber future health, in respect to which tier sensitiveness forbid*- consulting a medical gentleman, will find such instruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, ns all the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructinm- or irregularities peculiarto the female system, which undermine the health, the ctlecXs of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice t— Many suffer from prolapsus uteni ( falling of the womb), or from fiuor alius (weakness, debility, &c.) Many nee in constant agony for many mouths preceding confinement.— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of oourse impracticable to cCnvcy fully tho vai ions subjects Treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for tlie mar ried o.- those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have -been attempted, a* well on booksellers as ou the public, by-imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and decep tions. it has been found necessary, therefore, CAUTION THE. public to buy no book unless the-words “ Dr. A. M. Maumckau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is ou (and the entry- in the Clerk’s Office on the back of) the title page; and buy only-of respectable aud honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. jgg” Upon receipt of One Dollar, “ TITK MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDI CAL COMPANION” is sent (mailed free) to any part ot the United States. I be Canadas apd British Provinces. Ail letters uni-t be post-paid,and addressed to Dr; A. M. MAU RICEAU, box 1224. New York City. Pub- 1 idling Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New York. March 15, 185*>! THE GREAT DISCOVERY!! KR0LLERI0N, O/FOR. CURLING THE HAIH.'O ' 7!OR many years it has been the object of I .. deepest study with chemists and others to produce a fluid that, applied to the hair, [ would cause it to wave and curl equal iu beau ty to the natural curl. THE KROLLERION Is the only article ever offered to the worid I that will effect this most desirable object But three or four applications arc necessary to carl it as much as may be dssired, and for any length of time. From the many testi monials of. those who have used it, the sub scriber does not hesitate to warrant the KROLLERION to give satisfaction, and prove as recccmmended in all cases The recipe for making, with full directions for use, will be sent, on the receipt of one dol lar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost | over 12 cents. Direct to H. A. FREEMONT. Warren, Trumbull Co n O. May 3, 1855. JUST RECEIVED!!! J OHNSTON’S Agricultural Chemistry, Burnhams Hen Fever, Lamplighter, Harper's Story Book, 5 voPs. Life of Lady Blessiugton, Curtis Hist, of Constitution, Abbotts King’s and Queen’s or life iu the Palace, Strickland’s Queens of Scotland,ue’.v vol The North and South, Mayhew’s Pcasaut Boy Bhilosopher. Apll9. W. N. WHITE. TAKE NOTICEr A CCOUNTS for the last quarter ore now due, and payment thereof required. Aprils D. N. JUDSON. D. N. JUDSON. Commission merchant, DEALER IN CVioice Groceries AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. Broad Street, Athens,-Ga. April 19, 1855. JUST RECEIVED, M AURY’S Physical Geography of the Sea, Johnson’s Works, Boswell's Life of JoliHkon; Harper’s Story Books. No. 4. Life and Beauties of Fanuy Fern, Duels and Duelling, Roe’s A Long Look Ahead, Poems arid Ballads ot Oerold Moisey, D’Abiontes Memoirs of Napoleon. Apl5 WM. N. WHITE. NEW GOODS AGAIN- T HE subscriber is opouinga full ass. rt- inent of Staple ami Fancy Spring oml Summer Goods—among which, are an unus ually handsome assortment'of Muslins,Borages, Prints^ and m.bcr die.<3 Goods; Bonnets, Ribboriif..Summer Hats. Shoes an<l Boots—all of Hie latest styles—gooihan-l fine, to which lie invites the attention of his friends and oust tniers, to whom he will sell at his usual low prices, with -hurt ptwiits for cash or cash terms. Call soon un 1 choose the best. Mar. 29. ISA AC W. K EX X EY. -|[AA Sacks superfine aud extra Flour, Jl vJvJ For sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. Habersham Hotel. Clarkesville, Ga. T HIS comfortable and commodious estab lishment, located ou the Public Square, is now open for the reception j>f transient ICE, ICE! the cars—at 4 cts per pound. May3 T. M. LAMPKIN. shall be A. ERWIN, Proprietor Clarkesville, April 19, 1855. WANTED E VERY dollar wow due me on notes and accounts—and still more dollars for cheap goods—will my friends please re spoudf May 3. 1. M. KENNEY. 50 000 LBS. Extra Tennessee Ba- Apl 19 con, for sale low by t. bishop. & son. gbGARS ! Sugars ! Sugars! of every grade and description. Bishop A Son. For sale, low, by April! T. F RESH Salmon in lb.cans, cheap, at Ken- * 1 noy’s. March 29. ^QSacks Folnr for sale by April20th Grady A Nicholson. R EFINED GELATINE and Irish Ma*, re sale, by T. Bishop A Sou. March 22. JUST RECEIVED I A CASES choice Champagne Cider, and IU for sale cheap by Apll9. D. N. JUDSON. pURE St Thomas’ Bay 4 Water, just re ceived and for sale by Apll9. D. N. JUDSON. Bacon ! Bacon !! QA /A/'A/’V LBS. The tiuest lot ever of- OU UUU fered in this market, for sale low bv P. A. SUMMEY A BUO. A pi. 19. E XTRA Pine French Oalf Skins, just re ceived aud for sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. ' March 22;