The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, June 07, 1855, Image 3

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; V • ■■'.*** his objections to the order, on account the. State, from Madison to Eaton ton of its secret features, and a few others, and thereby form a complete Railroad of minor importance, 1 regard it a very connection, than to incur the expense able vindication of “ Sam’s” true “ prin- of removal. Now if it is in conse* ciples, aims, and objects.” quence of the inconvenience of Nprth If the abuses and evils spoken of, Eastern Georgia, that the Capitol is to For the s 0 uth»m Watchman I noise and parade. He made a speech Mr. Editor.—It is a settled princi- on the occasion, slandering the people ble in tho law, tegulatiq- the admissibi- wbotn I 1 * 2 has lelft in the West and falsi- litv of testimony, in our courts ofjnstie l h e _ history of the events which J , _. . resulted in his] ignominious expulsion that when a party offers a witness, in, f rom the country.’’ f of Ins cause, ho thereby, in geuer- The next witness on the docket is «], represents the witness as worthy of the New York Heralf), a Democratic j and 80 strongly depiced by Mr. Stephens, I be removed, I reply that we are willing belief; and another rule, equally well newspaper, and at" first the fast friend m his letter, really exist, and exist they to submit to all apparent inconveniences established, is, that a party, seeking to and supporter of General Pierce and liis do, then, there is a great necessity for a for a few years, rather than pay the give in evidence the sayings of a per. administration. After quoting from reformation in some way. These evils enormous tax that will inevitably be son must give them all in. A part can- various Administration organs, *at the and abuses can never be remedied and incurred in consequence of the removal not be proved,and a part rejected. AH North, which sustained Reeder, the corrected by the old Democratic or °f the seat of Government We are must be given in, or none. “ Fifty four Herald proceeds, and I beg earnest Whig parties. Indeed these eld and I that ’ he >nk of Railroad from forty or fight" is the doctrine ! I attention to the paragraphs put it italics: I now happily effete political organiza-l a * son on W1 e s 7 The Hon. Alexander H. Stephens is « Here, then, we see that the most tions are broken up and scattered eve nt this time a splendid witness for the conservative of the administration journ- ry where, and can effect nothing for. . K <wiStnrs r„\ »n7rof the North have joined the cause eood anv Ion „ er Thev are too the from Athens to Rabun Gap will be con- editors, real and imaginary, and leaders of Reeder and h ’ IS free soil land specu- g °° d a "y^ n 8 er * lhe y are, too, and then m wil , auflrpp nn of the anti-Know-Nothing, foreign party l| a(ors The South need no longer look I cause °‘ those evils and abuses, and of Georgia, He is a very fast witness, to the Northern Democracy for support. I could not if they were in life, and would and testifies mo t fluently and eloquent- have gone over and joined' the Lot, undertake the cleansing of the ly, alfwM admit.for one who tty, thal, of ' ,he filth ,he L"““f"' in regard to ** the principles, aims, and tory of Kansasfrom the Southern squat- deposited. They could not stand the objects" of the American party, he I hrrs, and make it an abolitionrendezvous I smell! The Know Nothings are a » KnowNothin, r If ■"*. statements in relation to facts and things Ly Missouri and Arkansas, and the I and rue » they mlend to do the work, I t h at Milledgeville is a village, old and about which he has no knowledge at all, genera? tnteresto of the South. ; / I and to do it effectually. They regard these I dilapidated—that the capitol must be be true and reliable; certainly what he We perceive, also, in these manifes- evils and buses in the same light Mr. I re-built if it remains at the present loca- with a knowledge of the existence —g £ "gS SSTSSjCt * i,# * ** &C ' JACKSON, and troth of it, ought to be equally so. ti on f r ee soil faction of the North to a I g , Let us then, turn to the celebrated fusion with the Seward Holy Alliance. buted to tliem b y bim > tbe y are resolved witness, and learn what he has to say It*. <*«. very evident,from these strong] upon their removal and thorough eradi- _ * . i; *>• „_ indications, that the only party of the\ cation from the body politic. But, of and concerning one Franklin Pierce,] Nortkwhich can be safely supported by] notls verrons afte r aspen! the present incumbent of the National L/ ie South in 1856 mill be the great na-1 * ^ g a Executive Chair, at Washington. \tional Know Nothing organization, Mr. Stephens thus testifies: “ Kansas, in two elections, under this e j UKtf| anti-slavery propaganda, and law" (to wit, the act organizing a terri- j all such seditious sectional affiliations. Thus far, the practical administra Madison to Eaton ton will built—and that the day is not far dis- | tant when the North-eastern Raidroad from Athens t structed, and then we will suffer no inconvenience in that respect. Mr. Editor, I think I have shown that Milledgeville is now, or shortly will be, perfectly accessible to every portion of the State, and that by Rail road communication. In my next com munication, I will notice the arguments By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! GRAND SCHEME FOR MA Y. CLASS 2. To be drawn May 24th, 1855, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., when prizea amounting to 13T $^30 9 000^3 Will be distributed according to the follow ing magnificent Scheme! And remember paid*'when due without deduction ! 1 Prize of 1 do. 2 do. 6 do. 10 do. $1,000 are .500 are ...... • • • • • • 200 fire •« »»»■ 100 are •••••• 78 do. 120 do. 50are * ••sas* 25 ftre •••••• WS MM III 'WB ' .lldtllil 'ta® 1 ^ Jg -u Cau be found the largest assortn* ut of MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, F URNISHING GOODS: SL*? TiudJls, Y aWses, Cax\jet-Bags «r<\. "UmVwtiUaa, $7,5001 Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we hove oi> hand, 6,0001 but would cordially welcon e all to Qcj-come and examine for themselves, Athens, April 13,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. 2,000 2,000 3,000 251 Prizes in all amounting to $30,0001 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUM BERS. Tickets $5—Halves $2.50—Quarters $1.251 SAMUEL SWAN, Agt. <fc Manager. May24 ' • Atlanta, Ga. | HAVANA PUN LOTTERyT Jasper County Academy Lottery. For the Southern Watchman. Mr. Editor . In a number of your paper of September last, appeared my We give place to the above—as we do to many other things—not be cause we entirely concur with the writer in sentiment, but because we have long since determined that any press under our control should be absolutely free, that all members and all classes of the community may be heard through its eolunms. For this reason, we Admit a great many things which do not by New Spring & Summer JGOODS. F. W. LUCAS, I S now receiving a large and handsome as sortment of all kinds of goods, suited to the season, consisting of— LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, | Lawns, Cambrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, ! Collars, Collaret ts, Mautillns, Lnces.Edging, -r .. r , « n i Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, \By Authority of the Stale of Georgia.} & c . I Ladies and Gentlemen, Linen Cambric T HE subscriber having been appointed I Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging- Manager of the Jasper County Acade-1 hams Handkerchiefs. my Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan of single numbers, and has located his office in the city of Macon, Geo. He now offers the following— GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23, 1855 when prizes will be distributed as follows, amounting to 83" $50,000. J3) tonal government,) “ has shown that . thus far, the Poetical administra- fit ; j h b . ffa - ^ 7 7 3 u™-.. ’ tion of the government of Kansas Ulus- , " ine SUD J eci 01 ine any means reflect our views. For these an overwhelming majority of her people ^ fr | e soU Van Buren princi-1 removal of the seat of government from sentiments our correspondents are soleW are in iavor of slavery, notwithstanding p] es 0 y pj erCf ver y clearly. Van Milledgeville. The then prevailing ex- j responsible We never publish any all .he Exeeutive inSeence. of the Boren, for *time»aj4«..rion. hollow citemenl on , he !ubject of tlle yelIow fe . wUhoul know! , he author ^ Freesoil Governor, (Reeder,) zrAom | P™e® ,on .* ^J^ty.toSouthera nghts,| Ter in the Southerncities,which swallow-L m »„ The editor of this CLASS B. CAFITAt>S—1 Prize of.... 1 “ 1 « 1 “ 10 “ I “ ..... I “ 1 “ _. a per SStoat *!**■ ™ wh “ d ”| MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. AU orders, rely on it, strictly confi-1 rnHE best article known for cleaning and ntiaL Bills on all solvent banks taken at J A polishing all kinds of metals, windows. ;>ar, I razors and glass ware. A supply jost re Whole Tickets $8: Halves $4; Quarters $2.1 ceived, direct from the manufacturers, and Mr. Pierce sent outthereto prevent itr\ Mh[9true principIes “ere broughi ed up every thing else, prevented any paper is , in every sense of the word, citfifthTu™** * tOWD “ d , What! Mr. Pierce “sent” Reeder, I ou t by the Buffalo platform. Mr. Pierce further communication from me on that j f u ]]y responsible for every line he may ‘ ‘ ' — an Abolitionist, to Kansas, as Governor is a free soil Bourbon of the Van Buren aa bject. I now resume the discussion. wr ite, and is, himself, the exponent of of the territory, “ to prevent” Kansas 'f, following in th^^oob * tben attempted to show that the Hotel his own views, not believing it necessary from coming in to the Union as a slave 8tepg Q f j,i s illustrious predecessor.” If accommodation in Milledgeville were, to call in the aid of others to give ex State! Is this so ? Can it be possible 11 the people of Virginia have any further or would be at the session of the Legisla-1 pression to them. Besides this, lie is Yes, gentlemen, friends of Pierce, you j doubt upon the subject, let them de- t ur e, amply sufficient for all persons I of course legally responsible for what who affiliate with the Brigadier and his as ° of Reederat once^'^her^l T ' 8,tin g the Capital. his correspondents may say, provided Freesoil, Abolition, Democratic, anti- wise t h e matter will be held in abey- The next argument of the advocates they *»ro not, themselves, responsible Know-Nothing allies, in the free States, ance till after the Virginia election, Q f removal is, that Milledgeville is in- men i 88 above remarked,.contri- it is so, for Mr. Stephens, your own a " d the [* Reeder will be returned, with That argument was good buiious from such sources never appear xx V .. j ...« xs I a detachment of troops to back him in .... , . 6 witness, so deposeth and saith! He hig !jmd speculat ; ons> and to secure the and m 'g ht have been used previous to 1,1 columns. is a good witness against the American monopoly D f Kansas Territory -to the the construction of the Milledgeville We have bee party; he must be a good one against I squatters of our free soil emigration I and Gordon Railroad. But let us see Pierce. And if Pierce did appoint socienes, at the point of the bayonet. how the thing now stands. The mem- Reeder Governor of Kansas for the] The Know Nothings “ affiliate withL ^ Leg . |s , ature from the coan . purpose the witness attributed to him, lhe Abolitionists, and must be put down, ^ Qf Camdenj Wayne, Glynn, Mcln- is not Pierce an Abolitionist? I submit l sa y tbe ner an °* r er orei ° n J tosh, Liberty, Bryan, Appling and other without 1 editors, in Georgia. Their witness' 5 __ , 408 prizes, amounting to ..$50,0001 Smut Machines, Mill Saws. Bolting Cloths. ^“Acx.m. in every town and GROCERIES. terms will be forwarded *”***' 0n ’ ‘ ® Wasting powder Rifle powder, Safty Fuse; Remember every Prize drawn at each I ^ r P cttin S a - Ma , t , tln f ’, , FI ° or drawing, under the superintendence of Col. p loth8 * &c., all ot which ho offers at the Geo. M Logan and Jas. A. Nisbet, Rsq gen- lowest “arket prices, either for cash or ap- ♦1—.— JC?™ 1 proved credit. [Athens. April 13. We have been thus particular in de fining our position, because we find that many gross errors hare gained a footing in the public mind A reply to any article which appears in our columns, whether editorial or a contritution, will always be cheerfully the question to all candid men without i -e-- *‘ ,v “ J*"™! eastern counties, all go to Savannah bvl/. Vjl x- n nrWd in . I against the Know Nothings, Mr. Sxe- . a I admitted—provided it is couched in an arguni n . nhens. and the Herald and Examiner \ eamers and come up the Centra ^l Rml- decorous language and accompanied by ’ , ^. I editors both Democrats all declare I ^ {the author’s name. We believe that thix p.r. of Mr. Stephen,' R ^ der is AMi ^, hexing W'™be from the eeet ofGo- Mr . Jefferson was right when he said . , nnn !„u h« Ron Piliw!* tnl ernmen ’ Mlf m ° Ve U t0 AtIanta - and that “Error may be tolerated when the the witness » to demonstrate” that ^ . * they will still have to travel, at least, 1201 Troth is j eft free to combat it!» Pierce appointed Reeder for any such |P re '® P^°P miles more. Then take the members purpose! After introducing and plating * coostitutioo m farorof s!ave. |n)m WaMn| Gkw wit: rAXTf'FBT Mr. Stephens on the suod to testify 'I. »" d Ge "- Pieree ' ReeJer '“ nd ^ the Lowndes. Thomas, Baker, Decator, V/ V71x Vy LjlX L . •gainst the Know Nothings, I hardly Democratic, Abolition eohorn of the Doolyi Dongherty> ^ Worth, thought the Banner would be guilty of administration, in the non-slave-holdmg Q a |{, oun and others, and tbey are all U rom some of the other Congregations and by . . . t . . . . . I States must be defined sustained— . .. , . - , _ Prof. Myer, will give a concert at the Town the great impropriety of trying to shut ataies > musi De uenn - conveyed to Macon by the South West- Hall,to-morrow nijjhtat 8 o’dock.for the pur- the witness’s mouth when be turns b 7 the advice of those same Southern, ctq Rai ] road< one of t j, ft best roads in | pose of aiding the funds of the chnrch ; found and commences** cussin" against Georgia editors, as the g°(^.friends and tbe state. Then take the members Pierce! Come, Mr. Banner, let usf' 11 ^ allies” of the Sonlhl C a " from Muscogee,Harris,Talbot, Macon, hare fair play! Let us have all of the de ® e P t * on » tr ‘ c CT y> P° ,l1 Marion, Stewart and Kinchafoonee, and statements or none; and, recollect, that ^ emagogueisin go any urt ei ian I tbe y are a |[ conve y e d to Macon by the as the witness is yours, you are bound by the Herald charges on the I Muscogee and South Western Railroad, what he says! Can’t dispute ’ tis su bject of Pierce’s Van Buren Ab^li-I When at Macon, they are within 36 not worth while to attempt it! ” ‘ shall be held down to the rule! | and every syllable of it, Tickets 60 cents, to be had at Mr. White’s Bookstore and at the door. Jane 7th. $12,000 ..... 3,000 MOURNING GOODS. Mourning Satins, Bombasine, Chnlleys, Crepes. Buregcs, Ginghams, Muslins, Cali coes, &c., &c, All kinds mourning trimmings. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, and all kinds of Summer Goods, tor Men’s vnd Boy’s wear. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AU kinds of Summer Hats for Boy’s; AU kinds Ladies’ and Childrens Shoes and . Gaiters; L500 Table and Bed Linens, Linen Sheetings, and 1,1001 Pni ow Case Linens, Damask Table Cloths, 4001 Damask Towels, Crash Dowlas, &c. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY OF Ilsoo ALL KINDS. 1,000 Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Tools; Mill Irons, Address May 81. JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon ‘Ga. FENCING. I RON FENCING, ot select p&terns, for grave-yards, Ac. Also, Verandahs, Bal- conys, Ac., manufactured to order, by the THEN8 “ for sale, low. terms. April 26. Dealers supplied on liberal T. BISHOP & SON. 1 STEAM CO. [May 17. MOORE & CARLTON H AVING moved from No. 8 to 7 Granite Row, and having purchased a Spring Stock with great care, ask our town arc friends to come in and examine, at countr ry r Combs & Co’s Express Office, hve feel assured that they will be pleastd r 1 with the qualities, styles and prices of our goods, consisting of T. M. LAMPKIN, Agt, Athens, Ga. T)ACEAGESleft in the evening at the of- JL flee of Hiis Southern Company, owned and operated by Southern men—will be for warded witO the mails next morning, to Charleston. Augusta, or any other point in the Southern country. This enterprise being exclusively South ern, and great diligence used in forwarding packages with the greatest possible expedi tion, commends itself to the patronage of the Southern people. April 29. Qty Office at the old stand of A. K. Childs, next door to tho Franklin House. MS* No Package or Freight of any de scription will be snipped, unless notified of it at the office* DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of W. P. & J. C. TURNER is this day dissolved, by mutnal consent— J. C. Turner withdraws from the same.— French and English Calicoes, ’• French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, French printed Jaconets, . French printed Organdies, ' vV ' ’ French printed Bareges, tf? Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors and qualities, Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flounced Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 50 cents to 7 dollars, Chemizetts and Collevetta of new and fash ionable styles, Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware, Crockery and Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augusta re- Administr&tor’s, Sale. i taU P" ce9 - wi . tb ‘ he P tt na rr. , ,, Homexpuns tind Calicoes,which we do not pre- UKSUANT to an order of the honoraWe tend to sell for 2 cenU per yard less than the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county New York cost for the purpose of baiting Will be sold betore the court house door of I _ ee|l OB68 ■ r ° said county, on the first Tuesday in July b April 19.’ 1855. next, duung the legal hours of sale, negro I 1 [ • • TO HOUSE keepers. Wiley, about five, Alonzo, about four, and -j-, w. LUCAS is now receiving a large Fanny, about one and a half year old. To be J . of * sold as lhe pr«>perty of Isabella McRee, late Race and Muslin Curtains: STARTLING, BUT TUUE! What every Woman should KNOW. R EADER, arc you a husband or a father! a wile ora mother! Have you the sin cere welfare of thoscyou love at heart! Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness not less than yonr own. It will avoid to you andyourr.asithas to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the iniud for its ordinary avocation aud exhausting those means for medical attendance,medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide for declining years,the infirmi* ties of age and the proper education of vour children. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition, as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influence incident to the enjoyment of heath, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected wjth the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, and mise ry- And must this continue! Must this be ! Is there no remedy! No relief! No hope I” The remedy is by knowing the causes aud avoiding them, andkuowiog the remedies nml benefitting by them. These are pointed out in THE HARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAUniCEAU, PBOVESSOa OF DISEASES OF WOMKX. One Hundredth Edition (500.000J IStno., pp.253. [0!» n.11 rjNI, EXT*A BI.1DING, | 100.] A standard work of established reputation found classed in the catalogue? of the great trade sales in New-York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal book sellers in the United States. It - was first published iu 1847, since which time Five Hundred Tlionsand Copies have beea sold, of which there were upwards of one hundred thousand sent by mail, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pecu liar^ females,in respeetto which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed. the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming' a mother has often need of instuction and advice of the utmost importance to ber future health, ic respect to which her sensitiveness forbids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such instructionand advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, as all the pequliari- aes< Either of the partners is authorised to set- Vrt.. | * . . 1 , ... j .u » l d -i I tie the business, and will use the name of 1 ou | tiomsm is true to the letter, every word miles of Milledgeville, and that by Kau- t j, e ou i y ; n settling and arranging of HeisanAbo- road oommunioation over the Centra 1 I want to know tohat object the Briga- litionist at heart, and will exhibit the and Gordon Railroads, when if Atlanta past favors, hopes to share a portion of their dier had in view in appointing Reeder, I c i oven foot yet more plainly to those was the capital they would have to ca ^ t j, ens June TURNER, an abolitiMist, Governor of Kansas, the who are sustaining, upholding, and de- travel 101 miles, making a difference —_ Southern territory; and appointing Burl, fending his corrupt and rotten adminis- in favor of Milledgeville of 65 miles.— hi/thank?to^Wendsffo?^the iSoral p"t- a South Carolina disunionist, Governor tration. The greatest “ sell” that ever The members from Troup, Heard, ronnge bestowed on us, and hopes they wiH of Nebraska, the Northern territory ? has been perpetrated on the rights of | Carroll, Merriwether, Coweta, Fayette | “jSSS.* 1 " 8am6 ’ j!^ TURNER. Right here hangs a secret compared to I the American people was in the eleva Cain, deceased, late of said county. 1 S. H. CAINi Adm’x. June 7—2m. „— . . . j and Campbell, can all reach Milledge-, which the “ secrets” of the Know Noth- of the fainting Brigadier to the office of vd j e by a very pleasant ride on the La- l ^he Court of Ordinary of Hal^countv? ings bright, effulgent beams, from the President of these States; and I now grange, Macon & Western, Central and ^f.hsaye to sell all tho real estate °f Joseph glorious orb of day 1 Not so much of a I say 9 and want all mankind to make I Gordon Railroads. No one, I presume, secret now, however, Mr. Stephens be- notc °^> an ^ recollect it, it will not be wd j dou j, t f or a moment that the mem- ing considered worthy of credit 1 Does five years till U»e people of the South, in- berg from most of the Cherokee coun . Mr. S’s testimony against General Pierce j® ■ * e torso t e papers, in I t j es can arr j Te a t the seat of Govern- eundin need of corroboration? The If e ° r g ia ’ whoa [ e now -"gnig l.ozannas I mem fay mcang of ^ ZZtlZZ.tZ ^ HlLTE AboHUonfsm! *£“% ]•**- *• counties of Richmond. .« tod.rtnmg mymm. n leMt , 0 horn Von^^Bu- Colombia, Warren, Wilkes and some f It rr. ren off of the Buffalo Platform, so that «•»».«« of <he Georgia Rail- /-(irrnhnr.t. ° wo witnessest° 0CCU p y t be top seat himself! roat ** will, for a few years, have to . 8 rengthen what Mr. Hi8 proclivities and tendencies are all travel over the Waynesboro’ and Central 1 JIT & Tiff Step s ye abont Pierce and Reeder; w and every act of his ad-1 Railroads, °r th e Georgia, and Macon j XtllAJl wWa nX T WO months after date, I shall.apply to the Court of Ordinary, of Hall county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Law rence Logan, deoeased; and also the real cs tate of Patrick Logan, deceased. . SARAH A. LOGAN,:Adm’r Jnne7—2m. NEW STORE AND Lace and Muslin Curtains; Handsome Shades for Parlors; Gilt Cornice; *' Bands; Handsome Rugs and English velvet Car- its. All of which he offers on very reason a- e terms. April 19, 1855. property of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ROWAN McBEE, Adm. May 17,1855. td GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, Isaac M. Kenney applies to I me for Letters of Administration on the estate of John M. Clark, late of said county, j deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish I all and singular the kindred and creditors of I TOHNSTON’S Agricultural Chemistry said deceased to be and appear at my office | J Burnhams Hen Fever, on or before the first Monday in July next, to show cause (if any they have) why said Let ters should not then be granted to tho appli cant or to such other person or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand, at office, this 9th JUST RECEIVED!!! flay of 1 May! of May, 1865 A. M. JACKSON, Ordinary- Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Walton county, will be sohl, before the court house door in the town of Monroe, on the first Tuesday in July next, all that tract or parcel of land, lying in Cnt-Off District, Walton county containing one hundred acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Elisha Ca3ey, dec’d for a distribution among tho legatees, subject to the widow’s dower. Terms on the day of sale. H. H. CAMP, Admr. May -17,1855. tds both of them are Democrats, suppor ters, too, of the Brigadier’s administra tion, having done the work of giants in elevating him to the Presidential Chair. The first is from the Richmond (Va.) Examiner, of May 4th. I give caption and all, that the people of Georgia may seewhatu leading Democratic editor jjf Richmond, Virginia, thinks of Mr P ierce s Governor of Kansas. Here it is: *' B-eeder—Ex-Governor of Kansas —The Expelled Abolitionist, Returned Home* 1 his notorious fanatic and imbecile to/h of tho Abolition emigrant aid socie ties, whom the President, in an evil hour and under treacherous advice, appointed Governor of the new and pro mising territory of Kansas, having been expelled from that fair land by its true and brave people, has returned to Easton, Pennsylvania, where Abolitionism is jnost den.^ and intense in that Slate, pud has been received with appropriate No. 12, Franklin House Range, (L. J. Lampkin's old stand.) Win. J* Morton, (SUCCESSOR TO WM. M. MORTOJC Sr SOJCJ R ESPECTFULLY announces to the public that be is now offering for sale, at the [ above stand,a largo and varied assortment of SSAPLE AND FANCY way, and every ministration has so far been but an illus-1 & Western, or which they might very tration of his principles in relation to easily do, stage it from Warrenton to the subject of slavery and the rights of Milledgeville, or from Madison to Ea- the Southern people. I made a similar tonton, which is only 23 miles. This prediction, in 1845, in relation to Van would be no very great hardship on Buren, and sure enough, in 1848, he them. Then the only portion of the became the candidate of the Northern I people of Georgia who are put to any Abolition party for President, and was j inconvenience in arriving at the Capi- the prime cause of the defeat of General I tol is North-eastern Georgia, to wit: Cass. I was denoucedthen as a “ Whig R a bun, Union, Lumpkin, Hall, Haber- I The Btock - g entirely naWf an d will be sold liar and falsifier;’’ but time, and only s ham, Franklin, Elbert and Jackson, at prices to suit the times.. threo short years, verified what I had ] and they can go to Athens or Atlanta cS^and^^fnoS^mwlI^ and thence by Railroad to Milledgeville. B3F*The Books and Accounts of the late . ., , _ xi firm of William M. Morton & Son will be But shall we remove the seat of Go-j f ound at hig storei an( i those indebted are vernment, and incur an expense of one and a half million of dollars, to erect new buildings, in order to prevent Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to the will of Dorothy Les ter, late of Walton county, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in.July next, before the court house^ the town of Monroe, within the legal hours of sale,one hundred and fifty acres of land, in the third district of Walton, (No. not known) the place where Dorothy Lester lived at the time of her death. Sold as the property of Doro thy Lester, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day ofsale May 17, 1855. H. H. CAMP, Admr tds With the Will annexed. said ; the same arbiter will show that my prediction as to Pierce’s political destination and goal, is equally correct. I intended a short exhortation when I began this article : but have run. it requested to caU and settle. Athens', May 10, 1855. tf ICE! ICE! ICE! T HE citizens of Athens can be supplied with Ice, at the Athens House, at the following rates: From 1 to 60 lbs, 4 cts per lb, “ 50“ 100 “ - SJ “ “ of Knqw Nothing doctrine V for, bating 1 23 miles of Raidroad, at the charge of I May 31. “ W°H. DOJtSEY, Agent. into the dimensions of a sermon.— I the members from six or eight counties, There are other points in Mr. Stephen’s f rom staging it, not exceeding 23 miles which I shall notice in a future from Madison to Eatonton ? It would number. It teems with the best sort! be f ar better and cost less to build the W OODRUFF’S Dysenterry Cordial, Bran dreth’s Pills, and Moffat’s Life Pills and P. oenix Bitters, aresjtill kept for sale at llie old stand of J. S. Peterson, corner oi Broad street and College Avenue, by May 17 WM. N. WHITE. NEW BOOKS. H EART'S Ease; Bell Smith Abroad My Brother’s Keeper, by Mise Warner; Overman’s Mineralogy; Pardee’s Gardener’s Companion; Kerns’ Landscape Gardening; Household Words, vol. x. Johnson’s Agricultural Chemistry; Long Look Ahead, by author of James Montjoy ; Abbott’e Stories, vol. vi. Mav2i At WHITE’S Bookstore. Lamplighter t Harper’s Story Book, 6 vol’s. Life of Lady Blessington, Curtis Hist, of Constitution, Abbotts King’s and Queen’s or life in the Palace, Strickland's Queens of Scotland .new vol., The North and South, Mayhew’s Peasant Boy Bhilosopher. Apll9. W. N. WHITE. ties incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructions or irregularities peculiarto the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice!— Many suffer from prolapsus uteri ( falling of the womb), or from fluor atbus (weakness, debility, &c ) Many are in constant ngouy for many months preceding confinement.— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find fit its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried o.* those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as evidenced by it* extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on the public, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices ana decep tions. it has been found necessary, therefore. CAU'HON THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words “ l)r. A. M. Mauriceau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is on (and the entry in the Clerk’s Office on the back of) the tit lb page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, nr send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. Hffjy* Upon receipt of One Dollar.“THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDr- CAL COMPANION” is sent {mailedfree) to anv part oi the United St*tea, the Canada* id British Provinces. All letters roust be ] >ost-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAU- ilCEAU. box 1224, New York City. Pub lishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New York. March 15,1855. TAKE NOTICE. A CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now due, and payment thereof required. April 5 D. N. JUDSON. D. N. JUDSON.; ’ Commission Merchant, DEALER IN CVkoVee Yam\Y>j Groceries AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. Broad Street, Athens, Ga April 19, 1865. Habersham Hotel. Clarkesville , Ga. T HIS comfortable and commodious estab lishment, located on the Public Square, is now open for the reception of transient and permanent boarders. No effort shall be wanting to render guests comfortable. A. ERWIN, Proprietor Clarkesville, April 19, 1855. Fidd LBS. Extra Tennessee Ba OU U/U/U/ con, for sale low by Apll9 T. BISHOP. & SON. gllGARS l Sugars ! Sugars! of every grade and description. Bishop & Son. For sale, iow, by April 2(J. 100,000 lbs. BACON, for sale by Grady & Nicholson NEW GOODS AGAIN. THE subscriber is opening a full assurt- X uient of Staple aud Fancy Spring and Summer Goods—among which, are nn unus ■ ually handsome assortment of Muslins, Berages, Prints, and other dress Goods; Bonnets, Ribbons, Summer lints, Shoes 1 and Boot*—all of the latest sty leg—good and fine, to which he invites the attention of his friends and customers, to whom he wili sell at hisusual low prices, with xhort profits for cash or cash terms. Call soon aud choose the best. Mar. 29. ISAAC U. KENNEY. R EFINED GELATINE and Irish Mass for sale, by T. Bishop A Son. March 22. JUST RECEIVED ■I /\ CASES choice Champagne Cider, anil 11/ for sale cheap by Apll9. D. N. JUDSON. Yf vamping Yapev, F ROM the “ Pioneer Mills,” near Athene for sale, at factory prices, at the store yf May 21 D. N. JUDSON. 1 $15)000!! A LARGE Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots,, Shoes, Hardware, Iron, Crockery. Gro ceries, do. for sale low for cash by _ April 26 Gram «fc Nicholson. WANTED E VERY dollar wow due me on notes and accounts—and still more dollars for cheap goods—will my friends please re apond! May 3. 1. M. KENNEY. ICE, ICE! F amilies can be supplied at Combs’ Ex press Office, daily—after the arrival of the cars—at 4 cts por pound. May3 T. M. LAMPKIN. -| Sacks superfine and extra Flour; IUU For sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. POWER! POWER!! T HE 12 Horse Power Steam Engine now running the works of the Athens Steam, Co., wil! be sold cheap, as a larger-, i» re*, quired for their work, [May 11,,