The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, July 05, 1855, Image 1

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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY J VOLUME II. ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 5, 1855. NUMBER 14 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, XDIT9B Alto raorBIXTOB. Term* of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS per Annum, if paid ntrictly in ad ance: otherwise,TI1RBE DOLLARS will lie charged order that the price ofthe papei may nntbefn the way of a large circulation, Club* wiltbe supplied at the following low rates. WSi TEN •• for - - - |l5 dl tktsclo w rates, the Cask mast accompany the order. Rotes of Advertising. Transient advertisements will be inserted at One Dollar per squamfortbollrst. and Fifty Cents per aquarr for each subsequent insertion. Legal and yearly advertisement* at the usual rates Candidates will be charged R5 for announcements, and obituary notieesexeeeoingsiz lines in length wil' be charged as advertisements. When the number of insertions is not markedon and advertisement, it will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. 3Sn5iflE53 anil 'JJrnfessinniil iTarlis. j o H^nrdiRTs??: ri-ii.v and fancy Book and Job Printer, “ Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Ga. ♦% Ail work entrusted to his care faithfully, corret fly and punctually executed, at prices cerrespond- j*n!8 ing with the hardnessof the times. C. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. R^nmsnver the Store of Wilson tc Veal. Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale A Retail Dealersin Groceries, Dry Goods, HARD H ARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, April 6 Athens, Ga. Political. and religious rights and privileges ; the maintenance of the right of every man to the full, unrestrained and peaceful j enjoyment of his own religious opinions . and worship, and a jealous resistance of | all attempts by any sect, denomination ' or church to obtain an ascendancy over PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, NATIONAL PLATFORM AMERICAN PARTY, As adopted by the late Philadelphia Ci.n-' any other in the State, by means of any .-.-m i g p er ; a i privileges or exemption, by any polit'cal combination of its members, or At a regular meeting of the National by a division of their civil allegiance with Council of the American party, begun ' any foreign power, potentate, or ecclesi- and held at Philadelphia, on the otii 1 a stic. June. A. D. 1855 the following was I IX.—The reformation of the cliarac- adopted as the Platform and Principles , er of our National Legislature, by ele- orthe Organtzatton : . vating to that dignified and responsible I. 1 be acknowledgment of that Almi-' position nlen of i )igher qualifications, ghty Being who rules over the Universe | EUrer morals,and more unselfish patribt- ! wlio presides over the Councils ol • j sm _ Nations—who conducts the affairs of X.—The restriction of executive pat- men, and who, in every step by which ronage—especially in the matter of ap- we have advanced to the character of pointments to office—so far as it may be an independent nation, has distinguished permitted by the Constitution, and con us by some-token of Providential agency. s i stent w j t j, t h e pu bli c g00c j II. —Tlie cultivation and development | XI —The education of the youth of From the N. \. Christian Adv. and Journa 1 .1 government can restrain* He ought to KNOW-NOTHING1SM. Some kind correspondent has sent us the Romish hierarchy dictate the laws, a package of slips, cut from the secular for their confession, to a priest, even of, papers, pointing out the great evil done, the most secret thoughts, is enjoined, or to be done, by the new party organi- and a neglect to comply with the re lation, designated “ Know-Nothingsq riremer.t subjects the delinquent to and especially deprecat'ng the encour- sus{ i*icn of heresy, and authorise ar- agement given to it by the Methodists, rest and investigation. i-C Presbyterians, and Congregationalists, We ask, then, whether tfte Know who are represented as generally giving Nothings ever intimated an intention to “ aid and comfort to the enemy;” and interfere with individual private opinion thereby committing the overtact of on the subject of religion ?—Ifnot, they treason against democracy, and Whig- have never interfered with the rights of gary, the two great party creeds which c mscience. even according to the shdw- have so long divided the popular vote of ing of cross John himself, who authori- these United States;—and whatis wors>-1 titively controls, in concurrence with still, divided the offices of honor and the Bishops of the other diocesses ufthc emolument between them, as they al- country, the faith of the Roman Catho- ternately came into power. lie population ofthe United States. Now, for ourself, having no desire, or But we do not subscribe to the arch encouragement to enter into the contest bishop’s doctrine on the rights of con fer office, we are really very hard heart- science. We think it is an infringc- ed in respect to the mortifications our ment upon these rights to restrain a Democratic and Whig political leaders person from the public profession of his have excepted the governments where only to apostatize from their religion* sist the will of the priests would be not M0011E & CARLTON, DEALERS IX SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HA RD WARE AND CROCKER Y. April No. 8, Granite Row. Athens, Ga. LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street, Athens. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over the itore of Win M. Morton A Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. Athens, April 6 P. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, CARNESVILLE, GA. References.—C. Peeples, Esq. ) . W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ Athcm Cut. B.P.Hardeman, Lexington. Samuel Freeman, Esq. Newnan. Gabriel Nash, Esq.Danielsville Col. H. Holsey, Americas. A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable I *l fa s . en,, “ eI J^ °J P rof, ° undl y inten s e I our country in schools provided" by the I feel, at the disruption of their party ar-1 religious creed, even if it be deism itself living witnesses, has proved itself to be msriean reeling; o passtona e a acn- State; which schools shall be common ray and compacts. We do not weep to and the right to propagate his faith, or. THE MEDICINE OP THE AGE ment to our country, its ustory and its t o all,.without distinction of creed or see the good people of the country re- his unbelief, by publicly teaching it, and nrfoiiaS, ironiVLw T l '!T nS; xT f ad T a T ° r r rer P 81 ^’ and free from an J influence or pudiating the maxim, that “ to the vie- the exercise of those forms of worship the^first introduction < f Perrv Dadds’ d# ^ ° ur National existence , o \en- direction of a denominational or partisan tors belong the spoils.” On the contra- which he thinks are dictated by his re- ble f0 , r ‘I 16 hero r; hat r. eC,p Tf d ry we are|lad to see they begin to be ligious belief. It is true that there are in their introduction, the Tain Killer has °! li ' devolution ; and ot emulation o the And, inasmuch as Christianity by the indignant that the offices of the general decencies and proprieties of conduct ?;°“ t,nU f e .i t0 ste “j ll Y V) th M ° I r irtUe j w,sd< ^ Q a . patriotism tjat I Constiutions of nearly all the States: by I and State governments, should be con- which are enjoined by common sense. cine ever inTrodJc". As an hTrnafatd wlfWly SpltadlM provJsfons * U °’ 7° d ( e . cisi °. ns of most eminent judici- ferred as the reward of electioneering and the observance of which are essen- extefnal remedy it is truly a source of ce.s ut y appnea ^ p sio . al authorities ; and by the consent of the services, without regard to the qualtfi- tial to the well-being of society, and JOY TO THE WORT n Vr . ® a J ntenance 0 1 e Un,on people of America, is considered an ele- cations of appointee, for the proper dis- which thi laws ought to enforce. But One positive proof of its efficacy is, that ?8e . ^ ni l® d ta J es a * 1 . e P ara,nount ment of our political system ; and as the charge of the duties the office imposes; these are such as all religions enjoin, thesales have constantly increased’, and P?JJi ca . .«* otK *» ® r, . t0 Use . ie a *\o ua ge I Holy Bible is at once the source of Chris-1 indeed, without any regard to moral re-1 and the observance of which cannot in- holly upon its own merits, as the proprie- ot Washington, ^ t le primary, o ject ot tj an ity, and the depository and fountain putation or standing in the community, terfere with any sane man’s conscience. to gain I patriotic desire. An nence: | Q f a jj c ivil and religious freedom, we op- These evils have long existed, and have But have the Know Nothings interfered pose every attempt to exclude it from had a most extensive influence in de- with the right of Romanists openly to the schools thus established in the States, moralizing the community, threatening profess the dogmas of their Church, to XII.—The American parly having the total extinction of public virtue and J propagate their faith by public teaching, arisen upon the ruins and in spite of the patriotism. We do not therefore sym-1 and to worslrip God according to the P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in 8taple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens. tors have not resorted to advertising to gain I patriotic for it the rank it now holds among the great 1st. Opposition to all attempts to wea- Pr*P a ™ ti . on *.?. f 1 the P re8e "t time - ken or subvert it the effect of the Pam Killer upon the pa- ot tt •-• , . _ , tient, when taken internally^ in cases of 2J * Uncompromising antagonism to Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, every principle of policy that endangers Sm“h«K t*lywoSderio?* and La's won j 3J The advocacy of an equitable I °PP° sition of ,h . e , " . hi « a ! vl Ejeraocrati c Iwith those who dread the Know-1 forms prescribed by their Church ? How, for it a name among medicinal preparations a* » » aav P° a J 1 n ^? uliauie parties, cannot be held in any manner Nothings, as likely to break up the then, do they persecute, or propose to that can never be forgotten. Its success in *hJJ ,8 “"® 11,1 a |* P? 1 ‘ lca . tnerences responsible fertile obnoxious acts or party organizations which have so long persecute, the Romanists? We have removing pain, as an external remedy, in which threaten its integrity or perpe- v j 0 j a ted pledges of either. And the sys- ruled our country, absolutely, and most not heard if alledged that the order have sUn'ff Of insets and T' 8 ’ 1ti • r n. j ‘ • I t.mntic agitation of the Slavery ques-1 tyrannically. intimated the slightest design to restrain has secured for it such a host of testimony’ . .^ e s . u PP ress, °" °^ a ** teild ® nc,es lion by those parties having elevated The objections urged against the them in regard to the public profession as an almost infallible remedy, that it wili I to P°*v ,cal y.T iai . on ; toundeu on g e °- sectional hostility into a positive element Know-Ncthtngs in the excerpla sent to I or teaching, or exercise of their reli- be handed down to posterity as one ofthe 8 ra P*l , ® a * discrimination, or on of political power, and lirought our insti- us, as well qs in other publications we gion; and hence the cry of persecution LrfnfL«n^, e ,t ,Cal Ti disCOV * n i 8 * ,f 4 the , ni “ c ‘ f ,el,ef that taer . e ,s a [ ea l difference of tutions into peril, it has therefore become have seen, are, first the oaths by which is not only unjust, but absurd. Pain Killer /hen tak” oTufedSrdfng to ous So^of thT Union 66 ” ^ U,e , im P e . rative dut / of . the American the members of the association are said We are not a member ..f the Know directions, arc certain. You have only tobe 6 un !°. - , . , I party to interpose, tor the purpose of to bind themselves to carry out the Nothing Order, and as their proceedings sure that you buy the genuine article and r °i“* A he , I' reco g n,t ton ot tne righto giving peace to the country and perpe- measures adopted by the body. Of these are said to be secret, and their members adhere to the directions in its use, and you °* tae several States, as expressed and I tuity to the Union. And as experience oaths we can say nothing because we individually enjoined to secrecy, we can will admit us wonderful medicinal proper-1 reserved in the Constitution; and a ha3 shown U imp0 ssible to reconcile opin- know nothing. Some persons have pre- know nothing of their doings but what careful avoidance, by the General | | on8 so extreme as those which separate | tended to publish them, but at the same I have been publicly announced by those Government lies. The genuine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, And Newspaper and Magazine Agent. DEALER IN MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, FINE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, AO. No. 3, College Avenne, Newton Houae, Athena, Ga aignof *• White’,University Bookstore.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates. T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 6 No. 1, Broad street, Athens. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARltHgB-WAKHR) H AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old Tavern, one door east of Grady J: Nich olson's—where be keeps always on hand a general assortment of articles inhisline, and is always ready to fillorderain the best style. Jan 26 tf LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned have on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. which they will sell low for cash or barter Oill and examine. April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. $150 to $200 per Month!! J W1LI. send instructions by which any person can make from $150 to $200 per month, without traveling or peddling, and with the smallest amount of capital. This is no receipt of any kind whatever. I will for ward the above instructions and all the arts and receipts of value, as advertised in the different papers of the United States, free of ipostngo, to uny person sending me the small sum of one dollar, post paid. E. S. SHIPLEY, Kingston, Ross County, Ohio. now put up in panel bottles, with the words I T . ” 7 7 i . , v 1 lue uwpuiaius, auu as> mere can ue no time admit they are gutlty ot perjury, they authorize to publish them, or oy Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the the . ,r r ‘g hts b y legislative or executive dishonor in submitting to the laws, the and therefore, unworthy of belief. Yet these who, in violation oftheir compacts, ,ab els action. . National Council has deemed it the best I we do suppose that the members, com- have professed to do sio, and in all that Perrv Davis the Original in^ntnr'nf* tb lV*~Obedience to the constitution guarantee of common justice and oflnnsincra secret organization, are held I has so trained oublicitv. we have seen medicine^tf>eothe?«TtMlengraved noVofl UnHed States, as the supreme future peace, taabide by and maintain posing a secret organization, are held has so gained publicity, we have seen graved note of I T’ "" e ''.“'"T — ivuiure peace, lunu.uc uy uitu i»hiihhiii i j 0 the society by promises which are nothing which interferes with the rights hand—none others can be relied upon as ge- aw °,,. e aad ’ sacred ‘y obligatory hhp existing Irwb upon the subject o( I considered to be sacred and inviolable. I of conscience in respect to any denomi- t, . -■* upon nil its parts and members j and Slavery, as a final and conclusive set- But the Tammany Societies of the nationorsect,orwl.ichindicatesadis- steadfast resistance to the spirit of inno-1 t jement of that subject in spirit and in country were always thus bound,without position to persecute any one for his ration uDon its nrincmles. however sDe-1 0 „i,c>o nn <, incurring any denunciation on that religiousbelief, howei*cr publicly e.'.pres- nuine. Price of bottles 121-2 cents, 25 cents, 60 cents and $1, respectively. PE7»RY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is s >ld by C. YV.&H. R. J. Longs, and Smith A Hill, Athens. ▼ation upon its principles, however spe-1 substance. cious the pretexts. Avowing that in all Asd-regarding it tlie highest duly to j particular account, and have exerted I sedr . doubtfu or disputed points it may only * a vow their opinions upon asubject so im- more political influence in »he United If w e understand the punose and de- old%? Ware ® fcrnntcrf f-P ut *1^2 M ti y* a i p0rtan !’ - in u di l tinC i SktAu the Know Nothings have si g n 0 f the organ izatio/eff the Know I ^“j?"? 1te /T S,1 lr S herS , b ^ deC !? r S f S e 8ense yet been able to effect- Nothings, as publicly announced, it is ^ f J ° f th ‘ S Nat,onal Councd ’ ‘ hat Co n g r . ess For ourself, we “ swear not at all.” to resist the encro ichments of a foreign L wiilw ne ! er PL l L ke inftueace, which h» been fearfully aug- TAKE NOTICE S’TI , ’ h ^ rNa,i<>na !; S,a, “-TI 10 lc( ^ lata “P°" lhe 8Ub - cct •MeoiKfiiriE&<n»»«5ii£aBriwi»w;I ed or declared unconstitut.onal by the may exist, or to exclude any State from e( j conviction that it is morally wrong t0 t i ie permanency of our republican proper authority. admission into the Union, because i-s to do so> but becatlse W e are not sure institut * ons . The immense immigra- Ap5 WM. N. WHITE. SPRING I S upon ns in all its is fast advancing. the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W.H. A J. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, Junelfi Broad street, Augnsta, Ga. Coach-Making and Repairing. mwn , I A tender and aa ^^ u ,c '£ ai " ,u ‘ 1 constitution aoes or aoes not recognize i it * IS right; an d acting on the apostolic 1 tion ot * foreigners to our shores, chiefly T^nwde^th^honoiable^our'of°Ordinnrv “*! °[i i . ta ! es,n . anah . , P’ wh:ch f are J the institution of slavery as a part of its function, “ Let evlry man be fully illiterate, and bringing with them opin- ^^ - !!^^i e ^:S/I!!!!^lp- 8u a d ed in his own mind” and not| ions and feelings derived from assoc ia- ceasea. April ... n . Aam r# , agreements; anu so, to oe cous.uereu a i slavery in any lerniory, it is tue sense i pro fane swearing, we have been able to I unacqua i n ted with the 'very theory of of lhe National Council »hat Congress Pledge conscientious scruples, and have our goverment, thev are admitted after , Bl . ,, , ..... ought not to legislate upon the subject been al | owd by judges, and justices of 6 - w frh these seasons also I * 10n laws regulating immigration, I of slaver}* within the Territories of the peace to 41 affirm” instead of taking an I an j enter fiercely into all the elections St?Z a X 1 P X^ ia HW^! ID,ia formoT s\^ nd lh * 8e ^? Ment - f , ® m,gran ! 8 ‘ r 0f - United States and that any interference oath It wiU lhe a be seen that if ad- f „ r i e g islators and governors-and even SiffiSSS?TfcfSSftjlS for"nch fe r,n g < . t °‘ he t honeatimmi g rant who, from by Congress with slavery as U exists in j raission into the Know Nothing associa- for th S at „f pre-ident of the rcpublic- and certainly the moat agreeable,^ia ” Mar-1 ° T f ‘berty or hatred of ^oppressing, I the District of Columbia, would a I ti on requires the applicant to take an I without any just conceptions < f liberty shall’s Ring-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will seeks^an asylum ib the United State a violation of the spirit and intention of the oatb we ar e excluded. regulated by la w,” but with notions of certiinly cure,and quickly-i. doe. not.tain | fnendly reception and protection. But compact by which the State of Mary W cannot admit that there is civil freedom which are impatient of all unqualifiedly condemning j the transm.s- ceded the District to the United St* ^mme binding on the consci- law, and which have defeated every perl ' ' P a “- and^ brea^i of ence’inlaktnganoarh ^than in making a effort to establUh a„d perpetunte re' The repeal by the Legislatures of the fromlhfs'lMgest, r. b . e .' been'ined fo^more'than respective States, of all State laws al-1 to the weakest; restraining, by all the | ®l! J l “!I? ‘on C ealed L our fel-1 thirty years. Surely this foreign de- tfe concludel ment would be as dangerous here as jt prompt payment at Urn a.d rf-gh^-w I«f mdmi with whom wo are at I thepow^‘^Sg1.°»^et»7o7^ admit, and are glad these remarks do not ap- by which the leaders of party have I a t liberty to mdke known the existence I Another objection vehemently urged I ply to all immigrants who seek to better hitherto forced upon us our rulers and of the Order, and the feet that he him- against the Know Nothings is, that the J their condition by finding a home in l ns our political creeds. self is a member; and it recommends order constitutes a combination of per- country. Many of them arci intelligent Implacable enmity against the pre- that there be no concealment of the place sons united for the express purpose of and moral and capable or estimating the stem of rewards of meeting of subordinate councils, persecuting the Roman Catholics on value of our institutions, lheyaieot- NEW GOODS. , ... celd SP forcisners " 0 ‘ ■“ or prompt payment at the end of each qoar- The repeal, without retroactive opera-1 corns of nations with whom we are at i ’ . V ‘. ter * D. N. JUDSON. tion, of all acts of Congress making Lence Nothings would not be ren Jan18 ’ 1868 * grants of land to unturalized foreig°-1 P XIV.-T! lis National Council declares I were oialy bound to fuM winch leaves a peo WOLF’S Aramatlc Schiedam Schnapps a ” ers ’. an . d alIowin « them '° VOte in the that aU the principles of the Order shall su ^ e b ° ^Sing L affirmation,"instead U Now we readl l v VV superlative tonic diaretic anti dy.pep- Territories. he henceforward everywhere openly . * X I w . ., . .. ? tic and invigorating cordial, just received VII.—Hostility to the corrupt means avowed ; and that each member shall be ol ,akm 8 a ’ • to admit, that these ntWl TAl* coin h«r la « • a • • a « a I ’ __ a a I 1 . _ at - L! • — A? ..aLmmamII.. i. w /*nn I nl.r All immwrl*anl ——JAMES B. BURPEE, A T the old atand recently occupied by R. S. Schc vonell, offers for .ale a hit of snperi- ■or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting ol Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in kisline thankfully received and promptly executed. ,^-Repairing done at shortnotree and on reasonable terms. NOTICE. T HE subscribers are prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment we manufac ture all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly ->.ed in our cotton factories. All ■dono as good un-l cheap as can be had from the North. Address, P. A.SUMMET & BRO. Athene,Ga. -who will attend to all orders, and tho ship ping of tjjje same. March; 1864. Sucks Flour for talo by April 2dth Gr vdy AXicholscn and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. N EW CROP N. C. Surups, verv choice,! jv ’ a 1 just received by Apl. 19. T. Bisnop A SON. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dec7 I.M. KENNEY’S. Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and short) together with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Also, various other Blanks. ESTAny Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, almost any kind of job printing—can be fur nished on a few hoars’ notice IjRESJfclKYES—Ginger and Chow-chow JT Preserves, and all sorts of PICKLESJor sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. valent demoralizing system of rewards I of meeting of subordinate for political subserviency,and of punish- E. B. Bartlett, of Kentucky, ment for political independence. President of National Council Disgust for the wild hunt alter office C. D. Deshler, of New Jersey, which characterizes the age. Corresponding Secretary. These on the one hand. On the James M. Stephens, of Maryland, other: | Recording Secretary. Imitation of the practico of the purer Bacon ! Bacon !! 0Q QQQ LBS * The finr8t l°t ever of- low by Apl. 19. fered in this market, for sale P. A. SUMMEY A BRO. E XTRA.Fine French Calf Skins, just rs ccived and for sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son., ; March 22. W OODRUFF’S Dysentcrry Cordial,Bran- dreth’s Pills, and Moffat’s Life Pills and P ranix Bitters, atostill kept for sale at the old stand of J, S. Peterson, corner of Broad street and College Avenue, by MaylV WM. N. WHITE account of their religious creed, and j ten found in our schools and colleges, thus, unconstitutionally attempting to directing the pursuits of scientific knowl- [ control the rights of conscience. Every- edge, at the head of successful manufac* i where the changes are rung upon this I turing establishments and mercantile fallacious accusation, without reason or pursuits; but valuable and numerous justice. Indeed, according to the defi- as these are, they constitute but an in- l nition of the rights of conscience with finitesimal proportion of the ignorant, daj, of .ho Republic; and odmirutioo I T„u Ambu.can Contention-Pak- which ArchbUhop Hughes has favored ses ,h ch hmtaq ofthe maxim that “ office should seek sidential.—The Baltimore American, us, the thing is impossible to Protestant. °^ ird ®° ed h °T re at In To ovemhelm the man, and not man the office,” and of a paper of very high character, says: Conscience he says, has noth ng to do shores, and ^ the rule that, the just mode of ascertain- Mr. Bartlett, of Kentucky who has wuh over acts, or moral conducL For ing fitness for office is lhe capability, the I been elected President of the Conven- these the citizens or su jec p | npnnnrfmn ftr »Ka immiorants fafthfuincc,and the h«i«.y of .hiin- ,Ion and of .he order .hroaghco. ,h. bielo .he lew.. c_ad ,f the iawc make| A large proporuon of .hemang,.^ cumbent or candidate. United States, is an old Jackson Demo- the reading of the Bible, the preaching are ignorant besotted papists, ch eny VIII.—Resistance to the aggressive crat and a thorough going Union man. of the gospel by Protestant seep, eny J rom an , ^ . r ® , e . ot ”“ jndu . policy and corrupting tendencies of the J His election over Barker, of New York. | other act contrary^ to^theReligion ol the J ho ^ ^ nfTVirf1p J Kv fhp snnerst i. Roman Catholic Church in our country, by the advancement to all political sta- d?p”l™aUc^f'tho»f on'ly^o 1 do n” I with ™h«''presidency of 'he Repoh"ic. I iienco .'he imprSonraent of the Madioi. I on FffiWij** 1 *”**,*!* hold civil nilcginoce, dircclly or.indirect- Among ,ho>c ^to he »l»dtlw«r wq^idcntiU wUhPro.tlantirm. To of a an obligation off their religion, but adic- or ecclesiastical, and who are Americans | of *hc party for the Presidency are Mil-1 being by birth, education and training:—thus lard Fillmore, of New York, Garrett i session, was only tlie exercise ot n i -■- - t5 pnmp here fulfilling the maxim, “ Americans only Davis,of Kentucky, John J. Crittenden right which all governments possess, ate P'■ *’ .. » p . tan SHALL GOVERN America.’’ of Kentacky. M. P- Gentry, of Tennes- and no subject of just complaint. Con* I with an utter detestation of Protestan of Kentucky, M. P. legal and proper exercise of their civil 1 Edward but to abandon the love of their coun ity!' This it is that occounts for the fact 'which allmu^t see, that while Germans and other Catholics often become Pro testants in this country, and even while they rem iin in tlie Roman Catholic Church, are often rebellious and hard to manage by*theif priests,the Irish Caiho- hs remain the absolute vassals of lhe Romish hierarchy. Under such circumstances it is easy to see what influence the priests can ex ert in our political elections whenever anything is to be gained for their Church by exercising it. • When Bishop Hughes began to crusade against tlie public schools of this city, the Governor and Secretary of lhe State with a majority ofthe Legislature were Whigs, and al though the Iri h Catholic population were from sentiment Democrats, and when left to themselves always voled with that party, the Bishop found uo difficulty in transferring their votes to the dominant party, upon the condition of favor to his project of banishing the Bible from the public schools. He firs applied to the common council ofthe ci ty for one-fifth of the money arising from the school tax, to be appropriaied under his directionato the education of Catholic children, separate and apart from those of all other denominations ; * alledging that such was the proportion of the Catholic population to the other inhabitants of ihe city. He did not say a' word about the proportion of the school tax they paid. In another city of the Slate it was shown, on a subsequent occasion, that the whole amount of taxes of all kinds collected from the Ca tholics did not meet the expenses of supporting the paupers in the alms house. The council rejected the bishop’s application—only one member, it was said, voting in favor of it-and the bishop forthwith presented his petition to the legislature. To grant the money, was more than the legislature thought it safe lo do ; but they gratified the bishop, by destroying our public school system ; and with it the best system of common- school education iri the world. The common schools of the city had for some years been under the management of rf society who were al all the trouble of managing them without any pecuniary compensation ; and most faithfully and successfully did they discharge the du ties they had voluntarily entered upon from motives of pure benevolence and philanthropy . The bishop procured a law by which the schools were placed under the care of trustees, to be chosen by popular election in the several wards; The consequence was, that men werd elected as trustees in' some of the wards who, it was asserted at the time, could neither read or write, and who kept grog-shops at that. The Bibid is pracs ticnlly excluded from our common schools, supported almost entirely by Protestapts. The reading a portion of the Bible at the opening of tlie school is left to the option of the teachers ; and we fear many ol these have the fenr of Archbishop Hughes before their eyes : for, from the able and lucid “ Report” of the committee of the Board of Edu cation, we learn that in many of the schools the r ading of Scripture is en tirely omitted ; nor are there any Bibles in the common schonls, or a single copy of the Scriptures in the catalogue ofthd library. Now it is vain to speculate on the: improbability of a class of voters, consti tuting only onc-fitth of a population, controlling our general elections ; for it has been done, and that which has been is that which can be again. The bishop, by his intrigues with the politi cal parties of New-York, has succeeded in excluding the Bible from our public schools, while a vast majority of our people be’ieve that the religion end mo rals ofthe Bible are the only safe foun dation of popular governments and re publican institutions. The fact is, that the Romanists, acting under ecclesias tical dictation, and their weight into the scale of either of the great political parlies which divide the country, can make either end of the balance kick the beam- Such is the thing that has Oeen. The people of this great city have seen with astonishment a Protestant Gover nor courting Romanists votes for his party, by delivering a fu’somcjy laud atory eulogy on the notoi ious Daniel O’Connell, the most unmitigated papist, and heartless demagogue in Europe,— a man who, not satisfied with taxing the half-starved masses of the Romanist po pulation of Ireland, for the cause of re form, which he knew to be impractica ble, and by the agitation of which noth ing could be gained but distinction and political influence for himself atid tonii- ][y, did, with a cruelty without a parallel in history,squeeze from this same miser ably impoverished people'an “O Connell rtnf” of fifteen thousand pounds sterl ing a year,—a man who everywhere proclaimed himself theTvish patriot’par excellence; whose whole heart was Irish, and yet bequeathed his heart to th*» nope —actually directed his heart 'o be f F to his holiness; a heart »b<e- all along pretended to have ar. - Ireland! The systematic attack of the - lo- hierarchy on ” the use of the Bible*' in - public schools, awakened to their dan- _