The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, July 19, 1855, Image 3

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// 4/ '€ wm but Democrats m the county.) old wo men, and even liule negroes w'cre at it. But they are all right, now. In conclusion, let ine say that the people are getting tired of change to suit every occasion—or rather they are getting disgusted with tricks. 1 there fore, say, Governor, be on your guard ; put no reliance in appearances; for, as in other parts, they are digging your grave here too. There are between 650 and 800 hearty boys at work at it —and it will be finished by the 1st Mon day in Oct.—Exit. SECRETAIRE. Por Uie Southern Watchman Friend Christy : Merely by way of a reminder, that your old correspond ent “ still lives”—he begs to hand you the iuclosed excerpt from a Religious publication; believing that the Poetry conveys wholesome truth; and which he begs leave to commend to the prayer ful consideration of Don Elleck de la tolivero, and his squire, Hcw- tjelo, with all and sundry of the JFur- riners who follow them, be they Ameri can born or not 1 Especially to every panderer to (he ebullitions of those De magogues in Georgia who made, or sub scribe to, the “Dead-Fall” recently stuck together in Milledgevill by the use ofthe “ cohesive power of the pub lic plunder”—so botched up by the master carpenters of that wonderful occasion! But enough for the present 1850, he was received with open arms by both Democrats and Wltiga, except the Southern Rights party, whom he de nounced as traitors to their country, and said if they were under the Common Law ofEnglaud,they would be all hung! We all heard that speech and remember it. They say they have not changed. The Union Democrats have not chang ed—and the Whigs (who then voted for him) certainly have not changed— and where is he ? We still cling to the Union and keep the banner of 1850 unfured—and to afford ample room for all law-abiding, honest, Constitutional- loving men of the North, East and West, to fight for us, we have adopted the great National Platform of the American Parly, which supersedes the Columbus move.ment, and unites all parties, sects and irenominations, exept office holding Deirfagogues, unnatural ized foreigners and Catholics. They are all opposed to the order because it July 10,1855. K. op K. for the legislature—and the distribution of Temperance information was passed The Convention resolved on holding a Mass Meeting, in Atlanta, on Wednes day, the 22d of August next. A Co- nmsttee, consisting of Prof. J. R. Thomas. Dr. Hook, E. A. Steed, A. E. Marshall and Judge Gresham, were appointed to prepare an address to the voters of the State on the subject of Prohibition. The next Annual Meeting to be held in Griffiin, on the 4th Wednesday in in July, 1856. Yours truly, I. M. KENNEY. UN JEU D’ESPRIT. The foliowingyeu <Vesprit was print ed in a very neat form, and placed on the table of every member of the Legis lature of New-York, (whilst the dis cussion of Mr. Taber’s Bill was going on,) to the great astonishment of the Conscript Fathers. We have no doubt that it will be read with interest. The truth may sometimes be conveyed in the humorous burlesque and the amus ing jest. Quid octal decipere in loco To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of Neu> York. The humble petition of t John Arch bishop of New York, regularly appoint cd and inducted by his Holiness the Pope, respectfully showeth. That he has experienced, and doth now experience, very great difficulty and embarrassment in enforcing the Canon Law, in and upon congregations of Ro man Catholics in this State, in couse- quenceof the prevalence of a damnable spirit of independence, and of private thinking among them, which spirit is almost wholly unknown in Italy and Spain, where the benefits and blessings of the Cauon Law are most fully ex perienced. My paternal soul is deeply pained at this state of things, and I am led to crave the assistance of your honorable body My friends have prepared a liule bill it has only one section, blit it is believed that, by the assistance of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints, the passage of it will give to me and my successors, mauy legal powers and advantages which we do not now possess, and enable us to keep our flocks in due subjection, and to crush the aforesaid damnable spirit of independence and inquiry now exist ing among tljem : And your petitioner will ever pray. rOETICAL ADDRESS. All—yicar of Bray. Sweet Protestants, attend me, Dear goose, and gull, and pigeon, We want to have equality In matters of religion; Chorus.—Yes, when we once have gained our end ; and that is Domination, We’ll tolerate you with a lol—de roldcrolderation. Between ns, whilst the people are In <qaal parts devided, The Law’s Protection we will share In respect one-sided; Object to relic or to saint Our wonders treat os fable, We’ll put you under no restraint One hour before we’re able. But when—the blessed day, we hope, Is not extremely distant— [Pops, The States at the large shall owu the We must be more consistent. And thus we’ve made it plain and clear As daylight Hr. Speaker, That you from us have nought to fear, As long as we’re the weaker; So when we rise to ask full swing And scope for our persuasion. The Madiai of course you’ll bring Not np on that occasion: But what that means let me expound, And don’t suppose we hate you; I’ll tell you how—should we get ground— We mean to tolerate you; But free to teach, and preach, and pray, As pleases year volition, And unmolested go vour way Serenely to perdition; Your longues against our tenets wag, And we will grin and bear it, Nor ever put on yon the gag Till we can make you wear it, To wretch that from our faith Becedes Due justice shall be meted; For heretics are baneful weeds, Aud should as such be treated: Our liberal professions you Will not look as a shame on, But rest assured that they are true; And no delusive gammon; Nor, now our sentiments are known, ./)nd you see what we are after, Receive our eloquence with groan, And hiss, and Scornful laughter; C'/reiu.-Assuped that when we’ve gained our eud; the which is Domination, We’ll tolerate you with a tol—tol de- rolderalderation! LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL Om THE STEAMER PACIFIC. The Steamer Pacific arrived at New York Wednesday morning,bringing one week’s later news from Europe. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, J une 30.—Cotton— Dennistonn reports the market for the first three days of the week dull and . . considerably lower, but on Thursday strikes at the foundation of their power without any apparent cause, it became and living. bouyant and closed with an active de- All that the American Party ask is mand, at 1 16d. advance. The sales of that the People may know the truth- lhfe w , eek sum up>481,000 bales, of which . r . ,, speculators took 17,000 and exporters that every man, woman and child (over 2 * 000 baleg . The saleg on Frida> 10 years of age) may read or hear their amounted to 28,000 bales. Fair Orleans principles, and reason and examine 7£d; Middling 6 9 16d. Fair Upland fully. Then you might as well try to 6 S J -. Irregulars 6fd, (This is a new stop the progress of the Alpitt oral- “ad' slightly teheed- anche, which gathers strength as it authorities vary, Maxwell reports Flour rushes on till opposition is overcome, a trifle lower. Corn 3s Gd. lower—all The ungenerous and dishonorable at- steady. Provisions had advanced slight- tempts of it, oppose,, to create a pre- '^Veather favorable. Money judice, by making false statements and c onso ] s 9^ and misrepresentations will recoil on I Baring & Bros., report the London crush them. The Party hold that markets generally steady and unchang- “ no one lias a right to an opinion on a e< * _ subject of they know f has increased 108,000 pounds, and we broadly disclaim any attempt SECOND DISPATCH at religious persecution—Proscription The news is principally the details of of honest industrious foreigners or affilia the recent repulse of the allied forces. tion with Abolitionist,." The charge L. If Boglan has heee dmtgerously ill . ... , , 6 but is recovering, is as ridiculous and silly as the one T he total loss ef the Allies on the made against Gen. Jackson, by his 18tb, was orer 5000. Austria continues political enemies, of being a coward ! disbanding her army. And calling the pure, Southern-im- The English and French blame each . , ti other for the repulse. Pellusier says mortal Henry Clay, an Abolitionist! Sevastopol will soon be invested by the The American Party, which is so Allies. They retain the possession of much traduced in Georgia by Messrs, the Round and Mamelon Towers. Stephens, Toombs, Cobb and Johnson, , The Cholera w ra g in 2 among the are patriots—hn\o (most all of them) *^sdXffsays lha, the Are ofthe fought through three wars as patriots, Allies has very much weakened, and are now, and always will be patriots The allied fleets in the Baltic have until tlio last plank of their Platform is bombarded Sweaborg, destroying all the swallowed up in the growing Gulf of s ‘ ores * The J have also bombarded „ . r I Hango. / l^ uertce * . . The Russians admit that Cossack’ Mr. Cobb s preference for antagonistic j boat showed a flag of truce, but said they principles gave him une hundred hearers feared treachery, in Duhlonega last week, when on the Great movements are taking place in Platform of 1850, (as the Peopla .hen FAMILY GROCERIES. f B^HE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Athens and public general ly, that they have taken the Store next door to Sun.-om & Pittard’s. and ore receiving a fresh stock of ASSORTED GROCERIES <fc CONFECTIONARY, and will keep constaut- on hand the best article that can be had market, at the lowest prices, of well as sorted Sugars, Pfbkles, Coffees, Sardines, Yeas, Lobsters, Candles, Cove Oysters, Tobacco, Mackerel, Cigars, Green and Dried Liquors, Fruits, Chompaigne Wine, AlmomlB, Filberts, Porter and Ale, Fireworks, dec. Candies, And various other articles too tedious to mention. Come and buy. N. B.—Those indebted to the undersigned by note or open account, for Clothiog, will please call and settle soon, or they may find them in the hands of an officer for collection. July 19 JOHN F. PITTARD & CO. BOOTS! BOOTS! f 1HE undersigned has taken a Store oppo- X site the Newton House, on College Ave nue, where he will coutinue to make as fine and good BOOTS as usual, of any descrip tion. Double-soled and Water-proof Boots, Buck Skin, do Pump, do Patent Leather, do Opera, do Repairing done in the neatest and best style. The best of French Leather used and warren ted. W. S. STARK. July 19 . , The Times of Saturday, states that thought) he had an audience of nearer the Czar is seriously ill. one thousand! I have it from gdod au- The King of Prussia has been ill for thority thafhe will not get 200 votes in some time, and his reign will probably this and 150 in Union county ! And if I soon c * ose : a man of fair talents be run against him,] MANUFACTURER S BANK OF he can beat him 2000 votes. Respectfully yours, M. F. S. For Ike Southern Watchman. STATE TEMPERANCE VENTION. CON- MACON. We extract the following from the Macon Messenger as an act of justice to the Bauk, and for the information of our readers, who may be too readily imposed upon by the cry of “ Wild Cat/’ “ By reference to our advertising colu mns it will be seen that this Bank has just declared a dividend of five percent Mr. Christy : Dear Sir : I hand you f rora its profits for the last six months, for publication, the action of the State We take this occasion to remark, that Temperance Convention, held in Mari- A® character of this Bank does not ap- etta, 11th and 12th mst. Pf ar to b® properly understood by some „ , | of our exchanges, at a distance, as we Committee to prepare business, | gee occasionaly classed by them with the 2 GOOD IRON AXLE WAGONS, for sale by P. A. SUMMEY <fc BRO. July 19 3m B' consisting of one from each Congres-1 “ Wild Cat Banks, which organized un sional District, was appointed by the der a granted by the State of Georgia delegates.* That Committee, consist-1 are owned out by parties of the State ing of seven, (the second District not ? nd ^ av ® the !5 ge < ?w ,rcu J at ! on m , ^ es : , . ... , , tern States. The “ Manufactures’ Bank mg represen e ,) reported the follow- 0 f Macon has no connection whatever ing as the Platform of the Convention, with the West. Its circulation is con- which after some discussion the resolu- fined to our own State—its stock with the lions were adopted by a large majority “eeution of five thousand dollars, is 1. Resolved, That we ratify and ?.“ d c< T >1 1 le '?. *?. Gcor S ia f d adoptthe 1st and Sd resolutions of the *“ M ” e ? "“" bep Atlanta Prohibition Convention o "e |of ° UrbOSt buS,ne5S U 13 CONSUMPTION. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY IN HALATION OF MEDICATED VA PORS. Y JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, M. D., Fellow of the Rojal College of Physici ans, and for years Senior Physician in the London Royal Infirmary for diseases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption by In halation, I have obtained results which war rant me in asserting that it is now as cura ble as diseases of the Stomach and Liver. Breathing medicine directly into the Lungs is certainly the rational mode of at tacking the disease, and like many other great aud beneficent discoveries’ it seems strange why such treatment was not resort ed to long ago. Where there is life, there is surely hope for the most seeming hopeless cases, as throughout all the stages of this in sidious disease, the tcondelfld and beneficent effects of its treatment are soon-apparent. In cases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, &c., tbc inhaling of powders and vapors has been eminently successful, aud to those suffering under any of the above named complaints I can guarantee speedy and certain relief. have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York, aud neighborhood, who have been restored to vigorous health About one third of the above number, ac cording to the patients own statements, were considered hopeless cases. The inhaling Method is soothing, safe and speedy, and consists in the administration of medicines in such a manner they are cou- veyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, and produce their action at the seat of the disease. Its practical success is destined to revolu tionize the opinions of the medical world and establish the entir curability of Con sumption. Applicants will please stnle if they have ever bled from the Lungs, if they have lost flesh, have a cough, night sweats and fever tmyis—what anil how much they expectorate, what the condition of their stomach and bowel 8. The necessary Medicines, nppnra tus, «fec., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS—Five dollars, consultation fee, Balance of fee payable only when the pati ents report themselves convalescent. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS, We, the undersigned practitioners in me dicine, cheerfully and heartily recommend Dr. Roses method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, os the best and most efiee tucU ever introduced into medical practice. Our convictions are based upon having several of ourow 1 ' patients, confirmed consumptives restored to vigorous health after a few months treatment by Dr, Rose, in the above named diseases the application of “ Me Beat ed Vapors,” inhaled directly into the Lun_ may bo justly considered a great boon to suffering humanity, rendering Consumption a perfectly curable disease. Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession for his unwearied labors in bringing the In haling Method to each a degree of perfee tion. stone, m, d. JONAS A. WoTT, M. D. CYRUS KIMGLEY. M. D. WM. B, AUSTIN. M. D. oaviLi.K ursos, m. d, GAVIN WETMORE, II. p. Public Notice. New Grand Duchy of Ba den Lottery Loan. Capital 14,000,000 Florins. rpHIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Gov- JL eminent, and will lie drawn in d.tfereni prizes, as follows:— 14 of 50.000 FIs. 54 of 40,000 FIs. 12 of 35,000 FIs. 2 of 12,000 FIs 55 of 10,000 FIs. 2 of 4,000 FIs. 58 of 4,000 FIs. 366 of 2,000 FIs. 23 of 15,000 FIs. 1944 of 1,000 FIs. 40 of 5,000 FIs. Ac. Ac. The lowest prize being 42 FIs. 12 Florins are equal to 5 Dollars. The next Drawing takes place at Carls- ruhe, under the Direction of the Baden Gov ernment, on The 3lst August, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain one of the above mentioned Prizes, which will be paid in Cash at the offices of the undersign ed. Those fortunate Shareholders not resid ing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes gained paid to them through an estab lished Bank. The lists of the result will be sent to each Shareholder, and the successful numbers published in the Newspapers. The price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by taking a number of Tickets, viz:— 11 Tickets cost only $20. 23 Tickets cost only $40. 50 Tickets cost only $80. 100 Tickets cost only $160. The Price for Tickets can be sent in Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the com mercial towns of Germany, Holland, France, England, Scotland, or Ireland. For Tickets and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking bouse, which is appoint ed lor the sale of Tickets:— .» MORIZ STIEBEL SONS, Bankers, Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Gefmany. N. B.—Letters to be directed “ per steam er, via Liverpool,” to Moriz Stiebel Sons, Bankers, in Frankfort on-the Maine- Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next Drawing, at the option of the sender. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be inspected at the Office of this Paper, where also Tickets may be obtained. 15^* Tickets can be purchased at Combs & Co.’s Express Office. July 19 a ’JP. W >ol Can be found the largest assnrtnn ut of MEN’S, YOUTH'S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trunks, YaYises, Carpet-Tags and TmbreUas, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the ai tides we Imre on linnd, ] but would cordially welcon c all to Qg-COine aud examine for (licmselvcs, Athens, ApriUS, 1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. WANTED, in AAA LBS - G00D COUNTRY UjUUU BACON, for which the high est price will be paid, cash or barter, at July 5 I. M. KENNEY’S. DRY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, HO to Kenney’s and get gold bargains for J Cash, before they are all gone. [July 6. 22d February last, to wit: ed by our own citizens, and we venture for tlse Southern Watchman. Dahlonega, July 7, 1855. Dear Sir: On my return from mid dle Georgia, I was gratified to 1-arn that the Hon. Howell Cobb had received the cold shoulder in Lumpkin and Uuinn counties. This is qs it should be. In p ; T . J, to add. with as much safety to the public Resolved, That the prohibition of the and ^ mach liberaIity t0 the common!, traffic m arden spirits as a beverage, ty in whieh it is located> as a Rank in presents the only hope of relief from the I tj, e g tat6i 3 blighting and destructive influence of j .. . ■■■m..- spirituous liquors. j Perry David Pain Killer is au excellent Resolved, That we consider the sue- regulator of the stomach and bowels, and cess of our paramount to all political ^? uld alwa y 8 t ^ ke P l °“ h 1 a J nt ^ ^peciaHy at . ‘ . I this season ofthe year. Sold at only 25 cents questions now under discussion in this I a bottle by merchants generally. State, and pledge ourselves to the pro- motion thereof. Worms l Worms.—A great many learned 2. Resolved, That in the opinion of treatises have been written, explaining the (hi, Committee the suppress! of the grogshops and tippling houses in the 0 f Medical science has elicited more acute State of Georgia as a means of political I observation and Profound research ; and yet economy will be a saving to the State of physicians are very much divided in opinion n on the subject It must be admitted, how- a sufficient sum to consummate the ar- ever, that, MteraU, a mode of expelling these Wishes of ^ our whole people in the es- worms, and purifying the body from their dent tablishment of a system of free prcience, is of more value than the wisest schools throughout the State. disquisitions as to the origin. Theejpel- 8 Reacted. That in the „ pin i on J this Convention we need never expect ter specific, and has already superceded all to succeed in the accomplishment of our ather worm medicines, its efficaoy being uni great object—the emancipation of our versally ackeowledgo by medical practi- people from the rule of the liquor dynas- "“'Mb, Smith 4 Billups C. (V. & H. B. J. ty till we refuse to support all persons Long, Athens, and by one Agent in every for the Legislature of the State who | town in the State. July 19 cannot be relied on to carry our princi- pies in good faith by prompt legislation. Administrators Sale ! 4. Resolved, That we recognise the ICJOUD JIIilfE FOR SAIBE ! Prolnbitton Convention, which asseni-l q, TaTEOF GEORGIA, Greene County.— bled at Atlanta on the —<1 of February I jj v virtue of an order from the Honora- last, as a worthy ally and COrWorker, and ble, the Court of Ordinary of said County, bid them God speed. passed at its regular term in April, 1855, 5. Resolved, That we consider the" 11 . 1 ba . 1 8 . olda n o C Court House door in . - .. • f,. J Gainesville, Hall County, betweeu the law senti nents of the Georgia Platform of f Q \ hours of sale on the first Tuesday iu Sep 1850, on the slavery question, as the tembar next, a lot of Land, No. 238, in the settled policy of the State. j 12th District of Hall, Containingtwo hundred , .. /j. • . . and fitly acres more or less. 1 lie lot has had • ■(.solution, re-ailirming the nomi-j CO nsiderablo gold found upon it, and would nation of Mr. Overby, for Governor, be found profitable no doubt to work it— j .j. .a . Sold as the property of Edward Lampkiu was adopted by the same vote. deceased, for a distribution among the lega A resolution recommending countv i u ‘ es - Terms on the day. r a-, ItHWIS J. LAMPKIN, Adm’r. meeting!—nominations of candidates! j u | v is With tin Will nunexed. DR. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CONSUM PTION, price one dollar. Address, JOHNSON STEWART ROSE. Office 931 Broadway, New York, N. B, The new postage law roquires that all letters prepaid. My correspondence be ing extensive, applicants to ensure replies, must enclose postage. PT Money letters must be registered by the Post Master, when they will bo ap my risk, not otherwise. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. 'By Authority of the State of Georgia.^ T HE subscriber having been appointed Manager of the Jasper County Acade my Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan of single numbers, and has located his office in the city of Macon, Gc«. He now offers the following— . GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23, 1S55 when prizes will he distributed as follows> amounting to KP $50,000. «eo Rogers’ Liverwort & Tar, For the complete cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all other Lnng Complaints tending to Consumption. T HIS preparation is getting into nse all over our Country. The numerous let ters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures effected in their imme diate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it is one of the beBt, ' if not the very best Cough Medicine now before the public. - It almost invariably relieves and not unfre- quently cu. es the very worst cases. When all other Cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient-, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physieians can testify. Ask the Agent in your nearest town, what has been his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length of timo he will tell you IT IS THE BEST MEIUC1NE EXTANT. Below we give a few extracts from letters we have received lately regarding the vir tues of this medicine. Dr. S. S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga., says:— ” I have been usiug your ^Liverwort aud Tar vet y extensively in my practice for three year? post, and, it is with pleasure I state my belief in its superiority over all other articles with which 1 am acquainted, for which it is recommended.” Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing fromWaynesville. N. C. say :—“ The Liver wort and Tar is becoming daily more popu larin this Country, and we think justly so. All who have tried it speak iu eom- mciulable terms of it, and say it is very beneficial in alleviating the complaints f»: which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C. Mir, S. R. McFall, assures us “that be uses it with great benefit in his own family, and rc commends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Negro woman, in his vicini ty, who had been suffering with disease of the Lungs for years, attended with severe cough, who was' relieve! by the Liverwor and Tar. Such are the good reports we hear of this Medicine from all parts of the South. For a report of the surprising cures it has per forijed in the Western ami Northern and Eatcrn States, we would invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which accom panies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope have hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE!! BE WARNED IN SEASON!!! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritatiugyour throat and Inngs, and inviting on that dread disease, Consumption/when so soothing and Scaling a remedy can be obtained 08 Dr. Rogers' Syrnp of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits aud Base Imita tions 1 The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.- r> Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVILL & MEAD, 111 Chartres St. bet.Conti and St.Louis, N.O. Sole Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agen cics must be addressed. Sold also by Smith & Billups, Athens, Ga. C. W. 4. H. 11. J. Long. “ J. Bell, Jefferson, “ Morrow & Kenedy, Monroe, “ W. Murray, Watkinsville, “ J. R. Stanford, Clarkesville. “ O. W. Hood, Uarmony Grove, “ Platt <fc Bro., Lexington, “ A. G. Wimpcy, Dohlonega. “ Morris & Co. Lawrenccville, “ June 21, 1855. READY-MADE CLOJ AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! MOORE & CARLTON ' TAVING moved from No. 8 to 1 Granite XL Row, and having purchased a Spring Stock with great care, ask our town and country friends to come in and examine, and we feel assured that they will be pleased with the qualities, styles and prices of our goods, consisting of French and English Calicoes,. / French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, Freuch printed Jaconets, French printed Organdies, French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors aud qualities. Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flounced Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 50 cents to 7 dollars, Cbcmizetts and Collcvcltsof new aud fash ionable styles, Silk aud Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware, Crockery aud Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augusta re tail prices, with the cxceptiou of Bleached Homespuns and Calicoes,which we do not pre tend tosell for 2 cents per yard less than New York cost for the purpose of baiting green ones. April 19,1855. WANTED, A T the Athens Foundry, 800 Cords Piue Wood. R. NICKERSON. Athens, June 14 Agent SALTUS & CO., 7 Beaver Street, NEW YORK, O FFER for sale, iu large or small quanti ties, their celebrated Peru Hammered Charcoal Iron, quality superior to Swedes! sizes from 5-8 square to 12x5-8 thick, includ ing all sizes Rolled Iron, Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Rivet Iron, Bands, Scrolls, Hoop, Nut nnd Oval Irou, Slit Shapes, (imitatiou Swe des.) Blistered and (L) Steel, Plough Iron and moulds, all of the first quality, and su perior to any iron mnde. Have also on hand a full assortment of English common and re fined Sheet and Swedish Iron, all at lowest market rates. Juno28—3m Notice^ T HOSE indebted to uie on accounts for this year, wilt please call and settle up to July 1st. As my accounts are due at the end of each quarter, I shall expect prompt payment. P. S.—Those indebted on old accounts who have been called on often, had Better pay soon aud save cost. D. N. JUDSON. July 5, 1865. < * D. N. JUDSON. Commission merchant, DEALER IN Ckoice Grtocei’les AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTR YPRODUCE Broad Street, Athens, Ga. April 19, 1855. A New Georgia Invention. G ARLINGT ON’S Patent TkreskVvvg Mackmc W HICn is believed to be unequalled for safety and perfection of work, while the price is as low as that of any other machine which will perform the same amount of work is now on exhibition at the Athens FounJr,, where it may be seen at any time. Rights fur 8U>' counties not yet disposed of, can be purchased, nnd orders for single machines will be promptly filled. $<5- They are warranted to do- all that is claimed for them, and are put jip in a work man-like manner. , JgT Manufactured at Snapping Shoals. Newton county, Georgia,Hiy • • June28 'HARVEFiA^ARLlNGTON. TO . T HE House and Lot for^nbrl’y owned and occupied by Mr. A. N, Piper will be rcuted low 1 to a good occupant. Apply to R. NICKERSON, Agent. A. S. C. STARTLING, BUT TRUE! What every Woman should liHOW. R EADER, are you a hi’.sbmn] or a fatlu-r ? a wi'"e or a mother 1 Hare you the sin cere welfare of tlioseyou love at heart l Prove- your sincerity, and lose no time in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours, ns it has to thousands; many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordi iarv avocation and exhausting those means for medical attendance,medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwi.-e would provide for declining years,the infirmi ties of age aud the proper education of. your children. happeus, that the wife lingers from year to ytar iu that pitiable condition, as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influence incident t» the enjoyment of heath, nriring from ignorune* ofthe simplest and pla-nest rides of health as connected witli the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, aud niise- ry. “And must this continue? Must this ho ! Is there no remedy ? No relief! No hope!’’ The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, aud.knowing the remedies: n 1 benefitting by them: These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAUftlCEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. One Hundredth Edilion (500.000J lBino., pp. "Vr. [ ON F1XC PAFEH, EXTRA OINOINO, $.109. J A standard work of established reputation found classed in the catalogue; of the great trade sales iu New-York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the priucipal book sellers in the United States. It was first published in 1847, since which time Five Hundred TUonrnnd Copies have been sold, of which there were upwards of 011c hundred thousand sent by mail, attesting the high estiiuntiou iu which it is held ns a reliable popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclurive at tention to the treatment of complaints pccu- liarjto females,iu respeetto which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both iu person and by letter. Here every womau can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed, the nature, character, causes of, aud the proper remedies for. her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instuction and advice of the |utmost importance to her future health, iu respect to which her sensitiveness forbids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such instruction aud advice, aud also explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructions or irregularities pcculiarto the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which t heir delicacy forbids seeking medical advice ?— Many suffer from prolapsus uteri ( falling of the womb), or from fluor albus (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are in com taut ag ny for many mouths preceding coufmement.— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, aud slow and uncertain recovci ics.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find u> its pages the means of- prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully tbc rat ions subjects treated of, ns they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried o.- those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as evidenced . by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been .attempted, as well on booksellers ns on the public, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, nnd surreptitious infringements ‘of copyright, nnd other devices aud decep tions. it has been found necessary, therefore, ,! ° CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words “Dr. A. M. Maubickau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is on (aud the entry iu the Clerk’s Office on the back of) the title page; and buy only of respectable ami honorable dealers, or send by mail, aud address to Dr. A. M. Maurice::u. Upon receipt of One Dollar. “TUB MARRIED WOMAN’S VRIVATE MEDI CAL COMPANION” is sent (mailedfree) t» any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters cii.iM.Ihi post-paid,anil addressed to Dr. A. M. MAU- RICEAU. box 1224. New York City. Pule lidiing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New York. March 15, 1855. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold, before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in August next, during the legal hours of sale: 1 fifavsWm. Hel ton, amount, prin. $11.57; 1 Vs do., $850 CLASS B. CAPITALS—I Prize of $12,000 1 » 51,000 1 “ 1,500 1 “ i,ioo 10 " 400 1 “ 5,000 i m 2,000 1 '« 1,200 5 “ 1,000 403 prizes, amounting to-_ $50,000 Agcuts wanted in every town and city in the Union. Ou application, the terms will be forwarded. Remember every Prize drawn at each drawing, under the superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan aud Jas. A. Nisbet, Esq., gen tlemen -.vho are sworn to a faithful perform ance of their duty. Prizes paid when due without discount. rg-All orders, rely ou it, strictly confi dential. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. Whole Tickets $8: Halves <|4 ; Quarters $2. Address .JAMES V. WINTER. May 31. Manager, Macon ‘Gr, University of Georgia, ATHENS, JUNE 39th, 1855, T HE Annual Examination of the three lower Classes in this Institution, will commence on Monday, 23d 6f July.- The Commencement Setmou will be deliv ered in the College Chapel, on Sunday 29tb, by the Rev. W. G. Conner, of LaGrange. The Trustees will meet on Monday, 80tli. The Sophomore Prize Declamation will take place in the' afternoon of the same day. On Tuesday, will be the Junior Exhibition, fol lowed by the award of the Sophomore Med als, and an Address by the Hon. J. M. Ber rien. The Society of the Alnnini meet in the afternoon of the same day. On Wednesday, will be the Annual Com mencement. In consequence of a change of Vacations, the next College Term will open on the first day of October, at which time those wishing to apply for any Class, will do well to lie present. As, however, many may not be aware of the change, the Faculty will exam ine any who present themselves on Saturday, 2Stb July. A. HULL, July 5, , Scc’ry. Chronicle & Sentinel copy three times. §12.12j prin.; 1 vs Henry Sanders, $15.00 p.; 1 vs do., $21.00 prin.; and I vs Wm. A. Mauglum, $12'50 prin.; and the following notes:! on James Hayes for $2.60 prin; on Henry Sanders, $3.25 priu.; Ion James Glosson, $2.63 prin ; 1 on Win. C. Wood, $15.00 prin : Ion A. D E. Griffeih, $1.90 priu., 1 on Wm. XL Caulcy, $10.00 prin.—or. $5.00 ; I on do., $2000 prin.; 2 on James S. Wilder, each $21.VI prin.; I or J. P. Cole, $3.75 prin.; 1 ou Leroy Johnson $8.73 prin.; 1 on Peter Helton, $4.12J prin, l.on Jesse Cole, $1.25 prin.; 1 on ClavSiC Slicrill' s Sale. ■*ttILL be sold, before the court bouse door YY in Walkinsville, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the le gal hours of sale, Lot of Land with its appur tenances,lyiug in said county, joining lands of Hours L. Edw ardx and Thomas P. Brooka. Levied on as the property of New tou Hinson to satisfy a mortgage fif» issued from the Sit Deriot Court of said county, in favor of Tho mas Amis. LEWIS J. L AMPKIN, inas Amis, jun 28,185 D.Shff, CITIZENS OF ATHENS. C AN be furnished with Ire at. their r si- dences at 5 cts. per lb if a dub of twenty- five will each take five pounds or more every day (Sundays excepted.) Persons desirous of accepting the above proposition will pirn e leave their names at Combs nnd Co’s. Kx;uv.-.s office. Athens, July 12.H65. 30,000 lbs. Bacon. S ANSOM & PITTARD arc in r cv'.pt of IHIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS very superior cured Tennessee BACON, wbivh they will sell nt the lowest market price fi-r Cash. July 5—St A Plantation for sale. I OFFER for sale inj Plantation two .m l a half miles below \V«tkiusvilb-,'i mi j the *, place fprmrvly owned by ltev. I. N. Gb nr. .; *t contains upwards of six Immlred acres* Atins about oue-half cleared, w« II improved, with and 1 do. on Wm. Kilgore for $1 25. All of said fifas issued in favor of Drewry J. Hamilton, now dec’d, and all said notes and accounts belonging to his estate, aud to be sold lor the benefit of his distributees. Terms on the day of sale. J. W. HAMILTON, Adm’r. June 12,1855. Administrator’s Sale. P URSUANT to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before tbe court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in Sept’r next, during the legal hours of sale, negro woman, Penina. about twenty-nine years old, and her four children—Lucy, about seven. Wiley, about five, Alonzo, about four, and Fanuv. about one and a half year old. To be sold as the property of Isabella MeRce, late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ' ROWAN McREE, Adm. May 17, 1855. td ful negro folios JOHN CAl.ViN JOHNSON. June 28,1855. tf Neiv Tailoring Establishment! H AVING secured the service. «f O P Caldwell, former Cutter for W ir. O Price, Of August* nn*l Savannah, I will h ive ! executed in the neatest and most f.ishioaa- ' ble8tylo. all orders confided t« mu* call. July 28,1855. U, L. BLOOMFIELD F. TO HOUSE KEEPER* W. LUCAS is now receiving a assortme »t of Lace and Muslin Curiam - Handsome Shades for Par! Gilt Comice; “pURB St Thomas’ ■ Bay Water, ju?t rc- L ceited and for sale by Apl 19. I> N. JUDSON Handsome Rugs and E pets. All of which he offer ble terms. April 19.