The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, July 19, 1855, Image 4

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V ■j&orfnj. The Time ol F*ayer. When the morning sunbeamshincth, On the fragrance laden air, And thou art refreshed with slumber, Then should he a rime of prayer. When the sun with noon tide splendor. Fills all vision every where, And thou needed rest art taking, That may bo n lime of prayer i \Y hen tiic day's declining shadows Und they labors, toil and care, lire tkou seekest wonted slumber. Bow the knee In humble prayer! Should the midnight ever find thee Wakeful on thy couch—Ob' there. There's a time for solemn musing, That's the time for secret prayer! When in health and buoyant gladness, Life is joyous, bright and fuir, Tout should bo a time to utter Thankful gratitude in prayer 1 When alHictcd, pained and wounded— Yen, when sickness lays thee bare, J.’oubt nut, four not, but confiding, Breathe thy soul in earnest prayer! Should'st thou ever be exposed To the world’s delusive snare. Or its wily arts perplex thee, That’s the time for urgent prayer ? When the Holy Spirit woos thee, Iu tby closet, lonely there, Or, before assembled thousands, Then engage in fervent prayer! In the wnlkr of life, wherever '• hey may lead, through dark or fair— In the forest, on the highway, Ever keep a heart of prayer ! Thou will find it •. consoling, All sustaining guardian here— * Tis tho master-key of heaven! Pure, confiding, ardent prayer! THE WAY TO MAKE VOTES. An important election is about to take place in Charleston—that of High Sher* iff, one of the most honorable offices in the State. The candidates are Col. John E. Carew, late editor of the Mer cury, a native and a Protestant, and Mr. Kanapaux, a foreigner and a Roman Catholic. Great interest is felt in the contest, and we have heard it suggested that an effort would be made to import a number of foreign votes from the neighboring cities, to help out Mr. Kanapaux. Be this as it may, the fol lowing table, showing the number of foreigners naturalized in Charleston in three days, will show how voters are manufactured for tbe occasion; FOREIGNERS NATURALIZED. On Monday 21 On Tuesday 63 On Thursday. ,.40 • *“ 1 — Total in the three days 124 What has here been done in Charles ton. can be and is done elsewhere. It is a common thing for naturalization papers to be issued just on the eve of elections, and not unfrequently they are granted to persons who have just arrived in the country. Is it right ? All bonest men will answer, No. Why then should not all honest men unite with the American party, one of whose objects is the extension of the time of probation, and the stricter enforcement of our naturalization laws? These 124 foreigners may decide the flection in Charleston, in favor of their brother foreigner, and against a “ native.” The issue is distinctly made—a foreigner against a native. A fact so full of meaning calls for no comment.—iSavan nah Republican. NEW STORE AND No. 12, Frauklin House Range, (L. J. Lampkiu’s old stand.) Win. J. Morton, (SUCCESSOR TO WM.M. MOHTOJf 4- SOJVJ R espectfully announces to the public that he is now offering for sale, at the above stand,alarge aud variedaaaortmeiitof SSAPLE AND FANCY Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. The stock is entirely new, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. His friends and the public are respectfully invited to qall and examine for themselves MT Tlie Books and Accounts of the laic firm of William M. Morton & Son will lie fouud at his stove, and those indebted are requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855. tf A PROTESTANT COW An Irishman who is the proprietor of!, iolio ^ w S I s ai n hoarding shnnty on the Cincinnatti R. l letterirora Rev. J° bn Road, recently purchased a cow, which, being rather wild, he bad to halter and lend home. When he arrived at the door of the shunty, his better half open ed (lie conversation thus: “ Well, 1'ar, where did you get that brute 1" “ Sure I got her of Mr. H.” '* What!” said she,“did you buy a cow have uone so,it won t De any a little holy water upon her. 1 “ l’aith, that’s well thought of,” said PaL So without relinquishing his hold of the brute, he held out his hand to receive the holy water and rubbed it on C. W. & H. R. J. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. EEP constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Windoio Glass, -Piltty, $c. $c. Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Per- fnmery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Theirgoods will he warranted ns repre sented. January,1854. WESLEY ON ROMANISM. The following is an extract from a :ter from Rev. John Wesley, dated “City Road, 1790. : ’ It expresses the view that it is impossible to make a Ro man Catholic a citizen of a Protestant or Republican government.—He says “With persecution I have nothing to do.—I persecute no man for his religious principles. Let there be as boundless a freedom in religion as any man can conceive. But this does not touch the from a Proliant! But as you|P°' n ^ > •« religion, true or false, done won’t be any barm to put “'.‘"'f ° ul ° f U J e 1 ue5 " 0 "’ S “P^> 3e *>■? J F 1 Bible, if you please, to be a fable, and the Koran to be the word of God. I consider not whether the Romish reli gion be true or false; I build nothing on one or the other supposition. Therefore the animal’s backTmakFng •bo’theVigo I awa / wit ® a11 Z oa * common P lace deda of the cross, at tbe time of performing “ atl ° n ab ?. ut . “fiance and peraeca the operation. tI0n for rd, g‘ on! Suppose every word It so happened that the old woman of Po Pf P,ua 8 * re ** l ° b ® trae! ® n p- landed him, by mistake, a bottle of I C °Tt have been •vitriol, and Par, being unaware of the ,nfall,ble . ; yet 1 i nSl!st “P 01 ? ~ tbdt -act, felt astonished that the cow should g°vernmmt not Roman Catholic ought wince so under the operation, but on t0 tole f ate men of tbe R° mtin Catholic rubbing on the supposed holy water a P e ” uasJon .. , .. , , ■second time, the infuriated animai kicked L 1 P rove lb,s by a P la,n ar S umeat 5 ( let up her heels and broke loose from Pat, him answer it that can)-that no Roman to the astonishment of Wolly, who ex- Cathohc does, or cangivesecuntyfor his claimed • allegiance or peaceable behavior, I prove Ilowly Mither of Moses! Isn’t the u lh “* ^ a ?° man . Catholic n ? axi “> Protestant strong in her yet?” established not by private men, but by The trutl, of the story is vouched for by public, council, that ‘‘no faith is to be a boarder in the shanty.—Ohio exchange, j 16 ? 1 with This has been open- 6 ly avowed by the Council of Constance; A Yankee conveying an English gen- but h was n . ever °P enly disclaimed — tlcmnn round Boston, took him to Bun- Whether private persons avow or dis- ker Hill. They stood looking at ,h e avow >», it i* 8 fixed maxim of the Church splendid shaft, when the Yankee said : of Rome. But as long as it is so, noth- “This is tbe spot where Warren fell.” in S be “ ore Pj, ain * , lhan that th * “Ah!” replied the En»lishmhn, evi- members of that Church can give no dently not posted up in local historical | reasonable security to any government matters, “did it ’urt ’im much ?” for their allegiance and peaceable be- The native looked at him with the navior - Therefore they ought not to he expression of fourteen 4th Julys in Iris I tolrrated by tiny government, Protestant, countenance “Hurt him J” he exclaim- Moharaedan, or Pagan, ed, “he was killed, Sir !” Again : Those who acknowledge the “Ah, *e was, eh ?” said the stranger spiritual power of the Pope can give no still eyeing the monument, and coraput- securit J for their alIe g iance “> any gov- ing its height in his own mind, layer by ernm,!Dt » but a11 Roinan Catholics ac- layer. “Well I should think ’e would ave knowledge this, and therefore they can been ’uit, to fall so far.” give no security for their allegiance. Nay, not only the Pope but a priest “Is it very ,ickl, here r raid a eon of ^“ 'he power to pardon eine! Bat they the Emerald Isle the other day , 0 that acknowledge th, ? not, possibly gtre J any secunty for their allegiance to any ,. v „» i- j i- . „ J government. Oaths are no security at P J‘a 11 companion, “agreat j,,, ; for the priest ran pardon both per many have died this year who never 1 — - r v died before.” New Spring & Summer GOODS. P. W. LUCAS, Is now receiving a large and handsome as- assortment of all kinds of goods, suited to the season, consisting ot— LADllS’ DRESS GOODS, Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, Lawns, Cambrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, Collars, Collaretts. Mantillas, Laces.Edging, Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery &c. Ladies and Gentlemen, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging hams Handkerchiefs. MOURNING GOODS. Mourning Satins, Bombasine, Challeys, Crapes. Bareges, Ginghams, Muslins, Cali coes, &c., &c, All kinds mourning trimmings. Cloths, Cas8imeres and Vestings, and all kinds of Sammer Goods, tor Men’s «nd Boy’s wear. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. All kinds of Summer Hats for Boy’s; All kinds Ladies’ and Childrens Shoes and Gaiters; Table and Bed Linens, Linen Sheetings, and Pillow Case Linens, Damask Table Cloths, Damask Towels, Crash Dowlas, &.C. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Tools; Mill Irons, Smut Machines, Mill Saws. Bolting Cloths. GROCERIES. Blasting powder, Rifle powder, Safty Fuse; C&rpettings, Mattings, Rugs, Matts, Floor Cloths, &c.; all of which he offers at the lowest market prices, either for cash or ap proved credit [Athens, April 12 New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, dc. dc. illandevillc & Talmadge H AVE jnst returned from New,York.with a large aud beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper thau can bo purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style Broaches, Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, gold guard aud fob chains, gold Pens and Pencils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warronted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles usually kept iu a Jewelry store. The superior advantages which the sub scribers possessover those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable ot properly judging the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Ma.ndevii.le, I W. A.Taljiadge. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east ol'Peterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1854. Combs & Co’s Express Office. T. M. LAMPKIN, Agt, Athens, Go. P ACKAGES left in theevening at the of fice of this Southern Company, owned and operated by Sonthern men—will be for warded with the mails next morning, to Charleston, Augusta, or any other point in the Southern country. This enterprise being exclusively South ern, and great diligence used in forwarding packages with the greatest possible expedi tion, commends itself to the patronage of the Southern peopie. April 29. QCJ Office at the old stand of A. K. Childs, next door to the Franklin House. ir No Package or Freight of any de scription will be shipped, unless notified of it at the office. Habersham Hotel. Clarkesville, Ga. T HIS comfortable and commodious estab lishment, located on the Public Square, is now open for the reception of transient and permanent boarders. No effort shall be wanting to render guests comfortable. A. ERWIN, Proprietor Clarkesville, April 19, 1855. GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, Isaac M. Kenney applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of John M. Clark, late of said county deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July next, to show cause (if any they have) why said Let ters should not then be grauted to the appli cant or to such other person or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand, at office, this 9tli day of May, 1855. MaylT A- M. JACKSON, Ordinary. A11 old customer named Ami, going tliome rather tight, mistook the house, and finally began to doubt bisown iden tity, and began soliloquizing thus : ‘Am 1 Ami or am I not Ami ? If I am not Ami, who tbe deuce atn I?” jury and high treoson, Setting then religion aside, it is plain, that upon principles of reason, no gov ernment ought to tolerate Roman Ca tholics as citizens Education’s Riz !—A precious youth, in a country town in Massachusetts, had arrived at the age of nine years, when his father sent him to school, beside the teacher to repeat the letters of the alphabet. “ What's that ?” asked the master. “ Ilarrer !‘ ; vociferated the urchin *• No, that’s A.” “ A.” “ Well, what’s the next?” ** Ox-yoke.” “ No, it’s B.” Sag Niciits.—The Louisville Journ al says of the new secret order, the Sag Nichts, which has been instituted under the auspices of the administration at Washington: “The settled design is to make this He stood I new secret organization extend through out the Union and embrace the whole anti-American party. In our city of Louisville, it already consists of two thousand members, according to the public boasts of one of the regular Democratic organs at this point, and we all know that two thousand is the whole or about tbe whole of the anti-American strength of the city. The Journal has obtained full and au- TIN! TIN! CONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well ' J assorted lot of plain, fancy and Japanned Tin-ware, at April 18 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO S STOVES, STOVES! C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly_on hand, at low prices,by April 13 P. A.SUMMEY &BRO. SHOES! SHOES! 4 LARGE and well selected lot of Gents and XI. Ladies’ Shoes^ for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. SAULTM & IYY A T their old stand, near the FranklinHousc, Athens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra velling public. Those wishing to hire Coaches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited to give them a call—as they have finer Coach es and better stock than at any time hereto fore, while their Drivers are as careful as can found anywhere. the some time their terms are as good as the best. R.Saulter, Z.Ivy. POWDER. TjlXTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a large Li lot. English and American gnu caps^toi ale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KXIiLBR, . STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable living witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before tbe public since the first introduction < f Perry Davis’Vegeta ble Pain Killer, and large amounts expended iu their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of the world as the best Family Medi cine ever introduced. As an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits, as the proprie tors have not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it now holds among the great number of preparations of the present time. The effect of the Pam Killer upon the pa tient, when taken internally in cases of Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, Dysscntery and other affections of the sys tem, has been truly wonderful, and has now for it a name among medicinal preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success iu removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the nine teenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer when taken or used according to directions, are certain. You have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article and adhere'to the directions in its use, and you will admit its wonderful medicinal ties. proper- The genuine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer is now put up in panel bottles, with the words Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the glass; and with two steel eDgraved labels on each bottle—one an excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the Original inventor of the medicine, the other a steel engraved note of hand—none others can be relied upon as ge nuine. Price of bottles 121-2 cents, 25 cents, 60 cents and $1, respectively. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, No. *14 High st., Providence, RI. The Pain Killer is s >ld by C. W.<fc H. R. J. Loses, and Smith & Hill, Athens. Ia£~ Beware of counterfeits put up in the old style. May 3 TAKE NOTICE Ap 5 WM. N. WHITE. That Commission House TINLEY & HERRON'S, CHARLESTON. S.C. rilH B only house doing business in that city Jl that actually had any experience in Re ceiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds ofgoods wares, merchandise, machinery, prouuco, do. If you want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and euormous expense bills paid the last season, aud at the same time have yonr business done in snch a man ner that somebody will be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to Tinley & Herron, who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them during all the past season without any extra charge over those established rates os giten below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for tho past seven years and is •perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both by railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure iamages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all such cases without loss or delay to the owners. Another important advantage is that his thorough knowledge ofall freights and rules ofshipment enables him to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in .the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce, such as Wheat, Flour, Corn,, Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard,Butter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats,Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feath ers, Beeswax, Potato> s, Onions, &c', consign ed to us will be promptly sold and tho pro ceeds returned without keeping the money a few months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we want is our commission, as follows: For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of urniture and machinery, charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with as for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY s^heron. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1856. Wo beg leave to refer to the following gentleman: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. R. R, Thos. Warning, Auditor “ “ “ “ John King, Agent “ “ “ Hyatt, McBurney & Co., and J. S & L, Bowie & Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A. R. Crozier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French & Van Epps, andj. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and meich- ante generally, Loudon, Tennesse. N. m m n & Son., T. J. & 0. Powell, Craighead and Deaderick, Knoxville, Tonne- see. W. & T Harris,Inman &. Hamilton. Brun ner & Mitchell, Fains & King, Dandridge, Tenn. Farmer’s Cradles. S CYTHE Blades, Grass Scythes,Reaphooks aud Scythe Snathes, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. D RIED Beef, Smoked Halibut, and pick- led Beef Tongues, new and fine. For sale low, by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. JUST RECEIVED. R AISINS, Almonds, Currants, Citron, Spices of all kinds, flavoring Extracts, G elatiiie, Cocoa Paste, dc. &c. For sale by T. B ishop d Son. April 26. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA—Green County. B Y virtue of ■ n order from the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, passed at its regular term, in April, 1855, will be sold at the court house door, in Watkinsville, Clarke couuty ,andState aforesaid, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, a house and lot, in the town of Athens, now occupied by Rev. M. Leine- baugh, also, two other adjoining houses and lots—one of which is now occupied by R..S. Sohevenel—the other a small lot in the rear. Sold as the property of Edward Lampkin, deceased, for a distribution among the lega tees. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, Adm’r. June21,l855. with the will annexed. 3 list HeceiveA, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Sugars, Coffee, THE GREAT DISCOVERY!! KROLLERION, O/ for curling the HAIB-O F OR many yearsit has been the object of deepest Study with chemists and others to produce a fluid that, applied to the hair, would cause it to wave and curl equal in beau ty to the natural curl. THE KROLLERION Is the only article ever offered to the world that will effect this most desirable object. But three or four applications are necessary to curl it as much as may be desired, aud for any length of time. From the many testi monials of those who have used it, the sub scriber does not hesitate to warrant the KROLLERION to give satisfaction, and prove as reccummended in all cases The recipe for making, with full directions for use. will be sent on the receipt of one dol lar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost over 12 cents. Direct to H. A. FREEMONT. Warren, Trumbull Co., O. May 3, 1855. Taint B, neither! it’s an ox-voke. I . i ".' i ww-'w Why crotch »n he,clock > gosh a mighty! 'i?'!',’ 0 In , f » rm ' l !»“ '<*“">*»« ? he jf** think 1 doc’, know !’’ Nichts and promises soon to make them public. It says they have adopted a ,, x . . . system of discipline more rigid andstrin- oss. An old farmer, whose nl anc j minute than any ever before son had died was visited by a heard of in the annals ot t conflict bor, who had began to condole with him 1 — - - - * - on his loss. —its his 0*11 loss—lie was or awe r | utmost solemnity. They have their . .... . J pass-words, their signs and signals, every sir, for information,’ said a thing, in fine, for which they have so very gras e member of a legislative body, 1 ferociously denounced the Know Noth who was not remurkble for his astuteness Syrup, Pine Apple Cheese, English DaTy do. Fresh Salmond, Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Oysters, Fresh Mackerel, Sardines, Dried Beef, and Bologna Sausage, For sale by .id began to conoole with him They admit no man to their assemblage, *’ y} ® 5S * 2s° such thing Ljjj he has assumed obligations of the \.I1 OsS lie V\0S of age. I ntmnet cnlpmnitv Tliott Imva fbpir for his astuteness or political acenmen. “ I am very glad to hear ,it ” said his coleague. •• for no man stands more in need of it,” * You want a flogging, that’s what you want,’ said a parent to hi* son. ‘J know il did, but I’ll try and get along without it,’ was the self-sacrificing reply 4af the brat. When ycu sec a big wiggle tail, mak ing nierryll your glass of water at the tavern table, be thankful. There is good evidence you haven’t swallowed iiiiu. ings. It is said that Mr. Youatt, of Eng land, in cases of persons bitten by mad dogs, has healed more than four hund red cases with muriate of silver, and not one had any symptoms of hydro phobia. A fleece weighing twenty-eight and a half pounds has been sheared from a merino sheep at Newburgh, Cuyahogo Counly, Ohio. Another of the same flock yielded a fleece weighing eighteen pounds. Corner Jane 21. Preserved Ginger, Pickles, Catsupe, and Sauces, Choice Braudies, Old Port Wine, Madeira do. Old Sherry Wine, Muscat do. Claret do. Porter and Ale, Fine Segars, and Tobacco, dc. D. N JUDSON, 3road and Jackson at., Athens. Notice. T WO months after date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Elisha Casey, do ceased. April 12. H. H. CAMP Adm‘r. IRON AND BRA S S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons aud all kinds of Machinery made to order. , , Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings P nd Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings- wanted. i y FOR SALE. A Cottage Residence. C ONTAINING eight good rooms, with* closets, pantry, and dairy, &c. A good kitchen, smoke-house, servants rooms,stable, carriage-house and other out buildings. The lot contains two acres, is well im proved, has on it a never-failing well, of flq- good cool water as can be had in Clarke coun- f, and a number of ehoiee fruit trees. Situated in Cebham, town of Athens. Apply to C.S. OLIVER. Athens aens April 5,1855, 8m F RESH Candies and Maple Sugar, receri ed this day and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. _ . SPRING I S upon us in all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, and worst of all, Ring-Worm. The best remedy for such, and certainly the most agreeable, is “Mar shall’s Ring-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will •cert linly cure, and quickly—it does not stain the skin, and is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. d J. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, JunelS Broad street, Augusta, Ga. DISSOLUTION: rpHE copartnership lathe Franklin Job Office, here- 1 tofore existing, under the firtr of Christy &. Kelseti, is this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will be continued by J. H. Christy—by whom the debts of the late concern will be paid, and who alone is au thorized to collect the demands due to it. JOHN H. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan 11 1S5R. WILLI AT,I NEW GOODS. AVE just received a large stock of c unily . of Cr< . '^le ena 01 each quai D. N. JUDSON. meat of Crockory, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. Jan. 18, 1855. W OLF’S Aramatic Schiedam Schnapps a superlative tonic diaretic anti dyspep tic and invigorating cordial, just received and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. N EW CROP N. C. Surups, very choice, just received by Apl. 19. T. BISHOP A SOX. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dec? I. M. KENNEY’S. "W Yapping F ROM the “ Pioneer Mills,” near Athens, for sale, at factory prices, at the store of May24 D. N. -JUDSON. MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. T HE best article known for cleaning and polishing all kinds of metals, Windows, razors and glass ware. A supply just re ceived, direct from tho manufacturers, and for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP & SON. April 26. Blank Declarations) O F both forms, (long and short) together with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Also, various other Blanks. Of”Any Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, almost any kind of job printing—can he fur nished on a few hoars’ notice HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcements T O ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexnal cisease, such as Seminal Weakness, Iu- poteuce, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis. &c. The Howard Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practised tip- on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Qnacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, ns a charitable act worthy of their name, to give Medical advice gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female,)' who apply by letter, (post-paid) with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupa tion, habits of life, ao.) and in cases of ex treme poverty and suffering to furnishing medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endow ment, for the relief of the sick and distres sed,afflicted with *• Virulent and Epidem ic diseases,” and its funds can be used for- no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is Heedless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address,(post-paid,)Dr. Geo. R. Calhoun, Cousulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pres. Geo. Fairchild, Sea May 3. BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak, and a variety of painted buckets and pails, for sale low, by P.A. SUMMEY & BRO. TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter’sTools. in great variety, for sale by ' ~ ■ vtj Mi ~ April 13 P. A.SUMMEY & BRO Flour! Flour! A LARGE lot of suporfine and extra family Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO lip! Pay up! T HE undersigned most earnestly requests all persons indebted to the late firms of Cmurrr,Kelsey Sl Burke, and Christyt Kelsey.—as also those owing him individually—to Pay up at once: Many of these claims have been outstanding a longtime, and all mustabsolutely be settled without delay. He trusts that a sense of right and justice will lead everyone indebted to settle up immediately. If, how ever. it shall turn out that he is mistaken in this, he will be forced, however reluctantly, to“ try what virtue here is in* law janl8 J. H. CHRISTY. J UST Received an extra article cf pure Port Wine expressly for medical purpo ses. Also a large lot ol Flavouring Ex tracts for catenary uses and flavouring.— Ico cream Ac., for sale cheap by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY. T HE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light Dagnerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather, uuJ in the most beautiful style of the art. The public are invited to call and examine specimens. J. F. O’KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 tf NOTICE W E again earnestly request all who are indebted tons, to come and make pay- must close the business of the old firm May 10 LUCAS <fc BILLUPS. We SACKS SALT, large size and in first order, jast received and for sale low by Apl 19, T. BISHOP A SON. NEW BOOKS. H EART’S Ease; Bell Smith Abroad; My Brother’s Keeper, by Miss Warner, Overman’s Mineralogy; Pardee’s Gardener’s Companion; Kerns’ Landscape Gardening; Household Words, vol. x. Johnson’s Agricultural Chemistry; Long Look Ahead, by author of James Montjoy; Abbott’s Stories, vol. vi. May24 At "WHITE’S Bookstore. Preserves, and all sorts of 3?iCKLESfbr sale by P. A SUhiMEY & BRO. JUST RECEIVE!)! ICE! ICE! ICE! T HE citizens of Athens can be supplied with Ice, at the Athens House, at the following rates: From 1 to 60 lbs, 4 cts per lb, “ 50 “ 100 “ 8i “ “ “ 100 and over, 8 “ “ “ May 81, W. H. DORSEY, Agent T W O months after date, I shall apply to the Court ot Ordinary, of Hall oonuty, for leave to sell all tho roal estate of Law? rence Logan, deceased; and also the real es tate of Patrick Logan, decease I. SARAH A. LOGAN, Adm’r. June 7—2m. Bacon ! Bacon ! ! Of! p.f\A LBS. The finest lot ever of- Oy \JvJw fered in this market, for sale bw by P. A. SUMMEY d BRO. Apl 19. E XTRA Fine French Cglf Skins, just re ceived aad for sale, low, by T. Bishop <fc Son. March 22. TAKE NOTICE. A CCOUNT8 for the last quarter are now 1wL doe, and payment thereof required. Aprils D. N. JUDSON. A PPLE VINEGAR—Best article at June, 31. I. M. KENNEY, Wild Western Scenes. Peep of Day, Frank Farleigh,M„ : ,nnie Grey, Alone—and a variety of othei; new works, entirely too numerous to mention. Also, Blank Books, <&o. Sold low for oash. or at 9 months. Call and examine. JuneU WM. N. WHITE, Corner Broad st. a College Avenue. W OODRUFF’S Dysenterry Cordial, Bran- dreth’s Pills, and Moffat’s Life Pills and P. esnix Bitters, are still kept for sale at the old stand of J. S. Peterson," corner of Broad street and College Avenue, by Mayl7 WM. N. WHITE. tkes, nges, OO TO KENNEY’S A NR buy, at cost,a good article of Sc; Xi_ Augers, Horae Rasps, H & D H w . Chisels, MiU Fib*- Blind Bridles, Horse Collars, Huitnes, Wagon Boxes, Wire Sifters, aud Spike Gimblcts. As lie wishes to discontinue keeping those articles, ho offers his present stock of them at 01st for oash. June 21, E chea WANTED VERY dollar now due me on notes and T WO months after date, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Hall county, for leave to soli all the real estate and ne groes belonging to tho estate of Robert Ar mour, deceased, late of said county. JuneU WILLIAM ARMOUR, Adm. spond ? May 8. 1. M. K please r« ENNEY. SANSOM & PITTAED, A RE offering at a reduced price a well il selected stock of Staple Dry Goods Cutlery, Hardware and Crockeryware.— With a choico selection of Family Grooeries. While returning thanks to thei • friends for past patronage, they earnestly request those who are indebted to them on notes and accounts for the years 1S58 add 1854 to call and pay at least a part. June 14,1855. SANSOM <* PITTAED. JUST RECEIVED Ill J OHNSTON'S Agricultural Chemistry, "Burnhams Hen Fever, Lamplighter, Harpers Story Book, 6 vol’s. Life of Lady Blessington, Curtis Hist, of Constitution, Abbotts King’s and Queen’s or life in tbe Palace, £ ; Strickland’s Queens of Scotland,new vol The North and South, Mayhew’s Peasant Boy Bhilosopher. Apll9. W. N. WHITE. W. G. DELON Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W l L L give his special attention to collect ing, and to the claims of all persons en titled to La.nd Wsrrasts, under the late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. tdT Office on Broad Street over the star© of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tf. L AMP and TRAIN OIL.—Bleached Winter and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oil, by the barrel or gallon. J14une W.H.«tJ. TURPIN, Druggists, Augusta/*- RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on band at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said county, HB7 HEREAS, James L. Wozencraft, Exe- f f cutor of the personal Estate of Thos. Wozencraft, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all persons con cerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executor should not, at the regular term of said Court, held, on the first Monday in Nevembcr next* be discharged from said Executorship. By order of said Court, at & regular term thereof held this the 2d day of April, 1855 April 6, ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. POWER! POWER!! T HE 12 Horse Power Steam Engine now running the works of the Ath^ua Steam C1., will be sold cheap, as a larger ia quired for their work. [May IT. JUST RECEIVED I A CASES choice Champagne Cider, and IU for sale cheap by Apll9. D. N, JUDSON. LBS.Extra Tennessee Ba- 5000 con, for sale low by Apl 19 T. niSHOP. & 8(1N. GEORGIA—Clarke County. said county. cher, guardianof e, minor of Haris House, deceased, is desirous of obtaining Let ters Dismissory from said guardianship. It is therefore, upon the applicotion of said guardian, ordered by the Court, that the persons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court* to be held on the first Monday in July next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardianship. A true copy from the minutes ofsaid Court, at a regular term, held this’Tth day of May, 1855. ASA M JACKSON, Ordinary. May 17—6m. C10GARS! Sugars! Sugars! of cvcTy grade O and description. Fopsjlle, low, by T. Bishop d Son. April 26. NEW GOODS AGAIN. rjIHE Subscriber js opening a full assort- L ment of Staple and Fancy Spring and Summer Goods—among which, are an unus ually handsome assortment of Muslins, Borages, Prints, and other dress Goods; Bonnets, Ribbons, Summer Hats, Shoes and Boots—all of the latest styles—good ami fine, to which he invite^the attention of his friendsaod customers, to whom he will sell at his usual low prices, with short profits foreash or cash terms. Call soon and choose the best. Mar. 29. ISAAC M. KENNEY. T) EFINED GELATINE and Irish Mass for It. ‘ * ~ 1 sale, by T. Bishop d Son. March 22. T WO months after date, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Hall county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Joseph Caiu, deceased, late of said county. S. H. CAIN, Adm’jc. June 7—2m. $15,000!! A LARGE Stock of Dry Go«m1s, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Iron, Crockery, Gro» ceries, &c. for sale low Bn- cash by April 26 Guadv <fc Nicholson. lbs. BACON, for sale by Grahy d Nicholson, 100.000