The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, July 25, 1855, Image 3

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Slates are entitled to Bounty Land; and those unfortunates, so afflicted, will cause their declarations and proofs to W immediately made out' and forward ed-, and *» the cider” will assuredly “come!” The noble-hearted and be nevolent Miss Dix, at whose urgent apd long continued solicitations, Congress passed the Bill for the relief of the “ In digent Insane,” which the Hero of Graytown vetoed, will be rejoiced to hear of the decision made by the aforesaid Land Commissioner. The ‘ Insane’ are now entitled to Government land, espe cially if their insanity has been super induced by fainting, fits, or spasms 1— The establishment of this precedent will cover a multitude of the Brigadier's sins, among them his aforesaid veto ! “ It is an ill wind that blows good to no body !” S. For the Southern Watchman Clarke counts', July 12, 1855. Mr. Christy: In these bustling times of politics, I hope it will not be asking too much of you, to give me a small space in your paper. I wish to speak of an examination and exhibition, I at tended a few dttys ago, at a school house, situated about seven miles from Athens, Mr. G. J. N. Wilson, being principal of the school. I wish you too, could have been there—for I know it would have given you great pleasure to hare wit nessed the highly creditable manner the whole examination and exhibition passed. Tbc entire morning was spent in examining the school, and I must say, I never saw scholars better prepared in my life. Indeed, sir, it would have done your heart good, could you have seen little boys speaking, with great prompt ness, and correctness, words of almost as many syllables as they were years old And when Geography and Arithmetic were taken up, the same preparation was shown there. I do not know who ought to have felt proudest, the parents, or their most worthy teacher, who by these, showed so clearly his entire capability for the high calling he has undertaken. At one o’clock the examination closed and the summons to dinner was given There were two tables prepared, one for the ladies, the other for the gentle men. I will not attempt a description of the more substantial table, for you know too well, the general profusion and savory dishes of a well gotten-up barbe cue. The other being somewhat mm sual for dinners of this kind, I would like to say a word about. It was liter ally filled with dainties of all kinds—of richly trimmed cakes, fruit, jellies, can dies, &c. Never was a dinner done more justice by—and yet there was plenty for all. At two o’clock the com pany returned to the school room ; where Mr. Wilson, in a few well-timed re marks, staled the order of the exercises for the evening—which were composed of dialogues and speeches—there were a good many of oach—some by little 'boys, some by young men; and, last though fur from least, some by young ladies and little girls. There were no failures. All did themselves great credit, showing the good framing of their teacher. And well might each parent’s heart have beat with honest pride, as they beheld the appropriate bearing of their children. Suitable prizes were awarded to the best de- c!aimers. 1 should like to mention them by name, as I should also, many others, who so well sustained their parts, but 1 fear, Mr- Christy, that I have already the people of Griffin.. We see a storm brewing here, and wish to put every one on his guard so that it may be averted iffyfjrtjfrggnry wrr yjfttn This Know Nothings, according to their plan . of operations, set out with the design of pursuing their purposes, silently, quietly, and in good order, and avoiding all irritation of feeling, by re fusing atl excited debates; and this course of conduct on their part, seems to have given a general license to the opposition, to heap upon them all man ner of unbecoming epithets and abusive language. They have been openly denounced as “ midnight conspirators,’ as “ cowards who are afraid to avow their sentiments in public,” as “ the oath-buund party,” as “ liars and cor rupters of the public morals,’’ and per sons holding high positions in society have said publicly that they would not believe one of them on his oath. These and other such epithets and charges have somewhat exasperated the feelings of those who have attached themselves to the American organization. They believe that as American citizens, they have the right to pursue whatever course in politics they choose. Teeir object and aim is to give no cause of offence to any one, and they hold that these who oppose them have no moral or po litical right to take advantage of their quiet way of procedure, and use it as a license to villify and abuse them. And many of them have resolved that for-the future they will hold every one person ally accoutable who sees fit to continue this licentious mode of party warfare. They intend to show some respect for the opinions of others, and will not suf fer their own opinions and purposes slandered, abused and purposely mis represented, without resenting it in becoming manner.—Griffin Union. ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. OERRCTED WEEKLY, BY rtTXMl AND ENGU. »P ATHENS, July 25, 5“Sgi»g (Gunnv) yd 17 to 18 Bale Rope, per lb - 14 Manilla Rope ■* •• 20 agging Twine. aeon Sides. ... ............ “ Hams..... _ ‘ ‘ Shoulders bard Butter ............... ...... Tallow Tallow Candles Sperm do.... Star do Coffee Rio ............. Coffee Java r 124 12* 11 12 10 10 18 45 30 18* 16 100 7 8 10 at 35 46 Tea Rice Sugar,Brown...... Clarified.. ........ Crushed Loaf Molasses, per gal N. O. Syrup..... Salt, per Bushel... 80 Salt, Liverpool Sack 200 Steel, Oast *1 German 15 Blister.................. 10 Spring 10 Iron, common size .... ....... 7inch wide Band Nail rod Sheet ... ......... Castings Nails, per Keg Powder, Rifle,...... — Blasting ...... 6 7 7 8 8 5 6 600 475 15 26 30 14 13 124 14- 124 12 20 50 35 14 16 125 8 124 10* 12 14 37 60 90 226 26 16 12* 12 6 8 8 10 9 6 7 660 600 CONCERT. P ROF. TAYLOR will give two of his popu lar Concerts at the Town Hall in Athens on Monday and Tuesday evenings, 30th and 31st inst. QCJ-For particulars, see bills. NEW BOORS. F EMALE Life among the Mormons, Doesticks—what he says, Life of Chief Justices of the U.8. Cummings’ Finger of God, Dow Jr’s Sermons, Kenneth, Blanche Dear wood. Two Guardians, My Confession. Parsons on Contracts, Heavenly Recognition, Cotton is King, Adams’ Sonthside View of Slavery, Black Diamonds, New York Naked, Cone-cut Corners, Howitt’s ScnoolofLife, Also, many other new works, Law, Medical, Theological, &c. Just received at July25 THE CORNER. trespassed too long on your kindne s, so 1 must forbear. One word more, and I am done. The people of our county, ought to congratulate themselves, in having secured the services, as teacher, of one so capable, and so persevering as Mr. G. J. N. Wilson, and if their children do not grow up with a solid foundation of education well laid, it will be their fault, and not that of their teacher, to whom, I wish a hearty Godspeed. Respectfully, yours, &c., SPECTATOR. . Unity Lodge, No 36, cf Free and Accepted Masons. Jefferson Po. July 9th. 1855. At a called meeting, held this mom ing, the following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted: Painfully and frequently are we re minded of the uncertainty of life, and of the universal dominion of death.— Silently and steadily death deals his fa tal Wows, and brother after brother fol lows to the grave. To-day we are vigor ously engaged in the busy scenes of life —to-morrow borne by mourning friends to the still long silence of the tomb.— In brother Witt were centered the three great tenets of our order, Faith, Hope, and Charity—Faith in God, Hope in immortality and Charity to all mankind. But alas ! Our brother, is gone l He sleeps beneath the cold clods of the val ley whcre]the wrecks of the world are felt and known no more. The generous heart, the friend of the poor, the widow and the fartherless, is no longer. That manly form, that noble spirit which once gave joy to the helpless and the distressed, is gone! Death has chilled the heart and made a vacuum in t!.e Lodge, the family, and the circles of sot iety, Reflections like these are suggested by the death of our worthy broil er, Middleton Witt, who departed this life otvMopday morjling, at half past six o’clock, the 9th inst. We fed that in the decease of brother Witt, the cause of Masonry has lost one of its warmest friends and brightest orna ments. Under a deep sense of the loss sustained by this Lodge and the cause of Masonry, Beit Resolved, That in (he decease of brother Witt, Unity Lodge feels that she has lost a most valuable and useful member. Resolved, That the memory of our deceased brother is dear to us as his brethren and friends, and will be cher ished by us so long as we are able to appreciate brotherly love or worth lit a citizen. Resolved, That the assurance of our I eart-felt sympathy be tendered to the bereaved widow and aged mother of our deceased brother, and that a copy of the resolutions be tendered to them and published in the Southern Watch man and the Southern Batner. Resolved, That this Hall be shroud ed in, and the usual badge of mourn ing be worn by the members of this Lodge for thirty days. W. L. MARLER, J. G. McLESTER, V Com. N. H. PENDERGRASS Lead - - -— Shot, per Bag 8 250 10 275 Cotton per Bale...... 7 10 Floor per bbl 6 7 Wheat per Bushel 100 125 Corn “ “ 100 100 Meal *• “ 100 125 •Oats “ “ ... 50 60 Rye “ ** 75 100 Indigo,Spanish 125 150 Madder lb.... re 25 Copperas. ....... ..... 4 5 Blue Stoue 18 20 Oil, Linseed 137 150 '• Lamp, Winter 150 175 “ « Fall 100 125 “ Train 90 100 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 275 300 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 300 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 900 1000 4 bbls No. 2 900 1000 ” ibbUXo. 2 400 500 Beeswax. 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 20 25 Which, ihe Right or (he Left? Or, the Church of Christ and the Church of Society. mHE general tone of the work is pure and 1 elevated, and its well-drawn contrasts are impressive and telling,—Phil. Prcsbyte- n n. .... Its portraits axe life-like, its sketch ings graphic, its pictures powerful, and aim noble.—“Kirwan," Rev. Nicholas Murry* D.D, Elizabethtown, N. J. Just received and for sale by july25 WM.N. WHITE NOTICE. fFtWO.months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Jackson county, for leave to sell the 1 real estate of David Witt, late of said county, de ceased. Aug25 NANCY WITT, Admx Tobacco Yaru per bale, 4C bunches Retail Osnaburgs, per Bale ... “ Retail.... ... Shirl'ii" J, per bale Retail... Rag* 25 85 90 94 10 8* 9 MADISON SPRINGS. rnHE FANCY BALL of the season will ± take place between the 8th and 16th of August. July39 K. TYNEBL LAND FOR SALE. T HE subscriber, living near “ Planter's Stand” P. O. in Madison county, offers all, or a part of his land for sale. There is in the whole tract about GOO acres, well tim bered and well watered: about 100 acres cleared and in good repair; a good gin-house anl other necessary buildings. Price rea sonable and terms easy. Farther informa tion can be had by coming and looking, or by dropping me a few lines, directed to Planter’s Stand P. 0. Madison county, Ga. July25 tf BENJ. F. O’KELLY. ( Washing-day’ a Luxury! ~ AM now prepared to fill all orders for Holli.ngsworth’s justly celebrated Wash ing Machines—the greatest inven ion of the agel This machine can be operated by child 6 to 10 years Ot age. as well as a grown person—not requiring labor, but u'°xcly lenlthful exercise. Will do more work than 8 to 10 hnnds—washing perfectly clean any article, from a cambric handkerchief to a bed quilt, and entirely without injury. It is perfectly simple, and can be operated by a ny one, and is not liable to get out of order. Clothes prepared in the usual way, except not boiled, that not being necessary. Orders from the country, enclosing $20, will meet with prompt attention. • These Machine* can be seen in operation any day at the Steam Cabinet Shop and Blind Factory, near the Town Spring, rear of the Franklin House. FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS. PANEL- DOORS, Ac., constantl / on hand and made to order. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Athens, July25 S. D. BRIDGMAN. A SAD AFFAIR. W<c l«»rn that on Monday evening last the -quiet and good order of the town Jackson, Butts county, was seriously disturbed, and considerable perstmal violence ensued. From the reports received we suppose the circum stances to be about as follows: A couple of gentlemen from this place had ap appointment on that day to address the people of Butts on poli tics, and in their speeches they indulged in a good many harsh epithets and bold denunciations against the Know Noth * ings. After the speaking was oyer, the opponents of the American order having their passions excited by the elo quence of the speakers, commenced the same kind of party warfare in thestreets. The Know Nothings took their abuse aqd denudations, until human nature could slang il no longer, and told them they had to stop :* «i they would hold them personally accountable for what they said. It took but few words to firing them to blows, and several person al conflicts in which considerable blood was spilt, was the con.-equetico. In connexion with this sad affair, we foel it to he pur duty as a ■' seminal on J Diseases of the Liter.—When the celebrated Dr. Rush declared that drunkenness was a disease, he enunciated n truth which the ex perience and observation of medical men is every day confirming. The many apparent ly insaneexcesses of those who indulge in the use of spirituous liquors, may bo thus ac counted for.' The true cause of conduct wltich is taken for infatuatiou, is very fre quently a diseased slate*of the Liver. No rgan in the human system, when deranged, produces a more frightful cntaloguemf dis eases. And if, instead of applying remedies to the manifestations of disease, as is too often tho case, physicians would prescribo with a view to the original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases induced by a deranged state of tho Liver. Three-fourths of the diseases enumerated the bead of Con sumption, have their seat in a diseased Liter (See Dr. Gunn’s great works.) ty Purchasers will be careful to * ask for Dr. M'Lane’s Celebrated a Liver Pills, and take none else. Thereare other Pills, pur porting to bo Liver Pills, now before tho public. Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, also bis Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores iu the Uuited States and Canada. Sold by Smith A Billups, C. W. & H: R. J Long, Athens, and by one Agent in every town in the State. July 19 Conclusive Evidence,—Hyperion Fluid.-— Among the various nostrums which are daily given to the public for diseases of the hair, we have ever been averse to giving eredence to them. But from ihe numerous respectable testimonials of Rite virtues of the Hyperion Fluid, with which wo have been favored a perusal, we wore inclined to make n trial of the same, being confidently assured that if it did good it would do no harm, nndthe result was I hat it certainly gave to the li&ir a more healthy and luxuriaut growth, and comple tely cleansed the skin from all scurf and dandruff. We arc assured that it is almost an infallible dare for baldness, and a certain prevention to the hair turning ;;ra>/. It is purely cotnponndi-d of vegetable extracts, and safe in iis application. .. ... .. . . et- i For sale at the Drug Stores of. Smith the watclltower to <ficp a Tpv hiiyibg J Billups aud C. W. A H R. J. L«ng. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. By Authority of the State of Georgia.] MACON, GA. 03” $31,000. J3) CLASS C. Will be distributed according to the fol lowing grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at Concert Ilal], Macon, Ga. under 4,he sworn superintendence of Col George M. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Esq. The Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular Lottery iu the world, and challenges comparison as to tbfe chuncesjo draw prizes with any other Lot- tery- . ’ . Remember, 'every prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due in full,-without any deduction. AUGUST 13, 1855. Capital, $8000. CONSUMPTION. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY IN- HALATION OF MEDICATED VA PORS. B Y JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, M. D Fellow of the Royal College of Physici ans, and for years Senior Physician - in the London Royal Infirmary ter diseases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption by In halation, I have obtained results which war rant me in asserting that it is now as cura ble ns di-eascs of the Stomach and Liver. Breathing medicine directly into the Lungs is certainly the rational mode of at tacking tho disease, and like many other great aud beneficent discoveries' It seems strange why such treatment was uot resCTt ed to long ago. Where there is life, there is j surely hope for the most seeming hopeless throughout all the stages of this in sidious disease, the wonderful and beneficent effects of its treatment are soon apparent. In oases also of Bronchitis, Asthma. &c., the inhaling of powders aud vapors has been eminently successful, aud to those suffering under any of the above uamtd complaints, I can guarantee speedy aid certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York, and neighborhood, who have been restored to vigorous health About one third of the above number, as- cording te tire patients own statements, were considered hopeless cases- The inhaling Method is soothing safe ami peedy, and consists iu the admiuistration of medicines in such a manner they arc con veyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, and produce tbeiraction at thescat of the diseaKC. Its practical success is destined to revolu tionize thu opinions of the medical world, and establishe the entir curability cf Con sumption. Applicants will please state if they hare ever bled from the Lungs, if they have lost flesh, have a cough, night sweats and fever turns—what and how much they expectorate, what the condition of tlu-ir stomach und bowels. The necessary Medicines, nppara tus, Ac., will bo forwarded to any part. TERMS—Five dollars, Consultation fee Balance of fee payable only when the pati ents report themselves convalescent. - RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS. Wc, the undersigned practitioners in me- aiuize, clicCT^tiJIjr and heartily recommend Dr. Ros63 meibod of irking diseases of the Lungs and Throat, as the best and e f ce lual ever introduced into medical practice. Our convictions are based upon having several of ourow** patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vigorous health after n few months treatment by Dr, Rose, in tho above named diseases tbc application of “Medicat ed Vapors,” inhaled directly into the Lungs, may be justly considered a great boon to suffering humanity, rendering Consumption a perfectly curable disease. Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession for hie unwearied labors in bringing the In haling Method to Such a degree of perfec tion. sTGrffc. »f, fl. JONAS A- M OTT, M. I>. CYRUS RIMUL.KY. it. 1). WM. B, AUSTIN. M. D. OR VILI.K UPSON, M. 1>, GATIN WETMOBE, SI. I). Public Notice. New Grand Duchy of Baden Lottery Loan. Capital 14,000,000 Fiorina. T HIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Guv- ernment, aud will be drawn in diff, rent prises, os follows:— * 14 of 60,000 FIs. 64 of 40,000 Fin. 12 of 86,000 FIs. 2 of 12,t)00 FIs 66 of 10.000 FIs. 2 of 4,000 FIs, 58 of 4,000 FIs. ,366 of 2,000 FU. 28 of 16,000 FIs, *944 of 1,000 FIs. 40 of 5,000 FIs. Ac. Ac. The lowest prise being 42 FIs. 12 Florins are equal to 5 Dollars. The next Drawing takes place at Carls- rube, under the Direction of the Baden Gov ernment, on The 3lsf August, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain one of the above mentioned Prizes, which will be paid in Cash at the offices of the undersign ed. Those fortunate Shareholders not resid ing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes gained paid to them through an estab lished Bank. The lists of the result will be sent to each Shareholder, and the successful numbers published in the Newspapers. The price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages arc given by taking a number of Tickets, viz:— 11 'Pickets cost only $20. 23 Tickets cost only $40. 50 Tickets cost only $80. 100 Tickets cost on It $160. The Price for Tickets can be sent in Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the com mercial towns of Germany, Holland, France, England, Scotland, or Ireland. For Tickets and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking house, which is appoint ed for the sale of Tickets:— MOR1Z STIEBEL SONS, Bankers, Frankfort-'jn-the-Maine, Germany. N._ B.—-Letters to be directed “ per steam er, via Liverpool,” to Moriz Stizbel. Sons, Bankers, in Frankfort-on-the Maine. Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next Drawing, at the option of the sender. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be inspected at the Office of this Paper, where also Tickets may be obtained. tw Tickets can be purchased at Combs & Co.’s Express Office. July 19 READY-MADE AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! xl \w* W M&nsi C»u bo found the largest assortment of - -kvJBpt JE . MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Alto, FURNISHING GOODS; Tr\mfea,N aWses, Carget-Bags U mbrfe\laa v Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the article we have on hand', but would cordially welcon e all to fthcome and examine for themselves, Athens, April 18,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. FAMILY GROCERIES. j STARTLING, BUT TRUE! T HE undersigned respectfully inform the 1 citizens of Athens and public general- j vir hat eTervWOlXHtlk ShOUlil; ly, that they have taken the Store next door j KNOW, to Sansom & Pittard’s. and are receiving a_ „. , . , , fresh stock of ASSORTED GROCERIES A T) t.ADE R , aro you ahusband or a father CONFECTIONARY, and will keep constant- •** or^ mothw! Have you the sur ly on hand the best article that can be had **“£•**'Wtt Prove. “ «th.w e ..pri W * «U --.SKtS^SihffSS.£,\S*S | happiness not less than your own. It will j avoid to you and yourr, as ithaa to thousands, many a day of paia and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind market, sorted Sugars, Pickles, Coffees, Sardines, Teas, Lobaters. Candles, - Cove Oysters, Tobacco, Mackerel, Cigars, Green and Dried- Liquors, Fruits, Champaigns Wine, Almonds, Filberts, Porter and Ale, Fireworks, Ac, Candies, And various other articles too- tedious to mention. a: Come and buy. N. B.—Those indebtedto the undersigned by note or open accouut, for Clothing, will please call aud settle soon, or they may find’ them in the hands of an officer for collection. July 19 JOHN F. PITTARD A CO. for its ordi>ary avocation and exhausting thosemeane for medical attendance,medicines and- advertised nostrums, which otherwise^ would provide for declining years,the infirmi ties of age and the proper education of vour children. How often K happen*, that the wife lingers, from year to year in that pitiable condition, as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influence incident to thw enjoyment of heath, arising from ignorance of the simplest'ajtd plainest rules of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, and mise- DU. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CON SUM PT10N. price one dollar Address, JOHNSON STEWART ROSE. Office 931 Broadway, NewYoik, N. It, The new postage la tv requires that all letters prepaid. My correspondence be ing extensive, applicants to ensure replies, ronst enclosu postage. |3F* Money letters must be registered by the Post Master, when they will beat my risk, not otherwise. 1 prizeof 1 do 5 do 500, 20 do 100, 120. do 25, 8000 2000 2500 2000 8000 1 prize of 2 of $1000, 10 of 200. 78 of 50, 5000 2900 2000 3900 18 Approx, prizes,GOO 250 prizes, amounting to $31,000 Drawings sent to all ordering tickets.*- Orders strictly confidential. , Ten thousand numbers. The chances’ to gain the capital pyizein the old combination plan is 1 in 76,076, in this 1 in 10.000. Bills on all solvent Banks nt par. Registered mo ney letters at my risk. Tickets, $5—Halves $2.50—Quarters $1.25 Address JAMES F. WINTER, Aug25 Manager, MacoD, Ga. $3=-LOOK L&# REYNOLDS & BROTHER, (Over Sansom A Piltard's,) BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. Invite the attention of tho public to ihoir preparations for PRINTING, in all Us de partments. They aro prepared for the execution of Bills, Circulars, Cards,Tickcts, Pamphlets,etc, and are Printers of Cobb’s Rei>ors . Sept. 21,1854. ly R. A B. 2 GOOD Bale b(y July lv IRON AXLE WAGONS, for P. A. SUMMEY A BRO. 3ui WANTED, LBS. GOOD L1JS. GOOD COUNTRY JLUjUUU BACON, for which the high est price will be paid, cash or barter, at July 5 • I. M. KENNEY’S.*; Rogers’ Liverwort & Tar, For the complete cure of Coughs, Colds Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and nil other Lung Complaints tending to Consumption. T HIS preparation is getting into use all over our Country. The numerous let ters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures effected iu their imme diate neighborhoods, warrant ns In saying •t is ono of the best, if not the very best (tough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably 7?tieves and not unfre- quently cures the very worst c22?s. When all other Cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physieians can testify. Ask the Agent in your uearest town, what has been his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length of time ho will tell you IT IS THE BEST MEIUCIRK EXTANT. Below we give a few extracts from letters we have received lately regarding the vir tues of this medieine. Dr. S. S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga., says:— “ 1 have been using your ^Liverwort and Tar vety extensively in my practice for three years past, and, it is with pleasure I state iny belief jn its superiority overall other articles with which 1 am acquainted 1 , for which it is recommended.” Messrs. Fitzgerald & Bunn err, writing from Way nesviHe, N. C. say :—“ The Liver wort ana Tar is becoming daily more pGpu larin ibis Country, and we think justly so. All who have tried it speak in com mendable terms of it, and say it is very beneficial iu alleviating the complaints for which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C. Mr. S. R. McFall, assures us* “ that he uses it with great benefit in his own family, and re commends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Negro woman, in his vicini ty, who had been suffering with disease of the Lungs for years, attended with severe cough, who was relieve 1 by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good reports wo hear of this Medicine from all parts of the South. For report of the surprising cures it has per formed iu the Western and Northern and Eatern States, wc wO’Jtd invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet wh'eh accom panies each bottle. To all, wc say, have hope, liacc hope ! , TRY THE MEDICINE!! BE WARNED IN SEASON 1 .!! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritatingyour throat ana lungs, and inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing nnd Healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrup ot Liverwort and Tar. Bexvare of Conuteilelts oad Base Imita tions ! The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5 Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVILL A MEAD, 111 Chartres St. bet. Conti and St. Louis, N.O. Sole Agents for tbc Sout'icrn3tatcs, to whom ail orders and applications for Agcn cics must be addressed. Sold also by Smith A Billups, Athens, Ga. O. \Y. * H.H. J. Long. “ J. Bell, Jefferson, “ Morrow & Kenedy, Mouroc, “ W. Murray, Watkinsvjlle, “ J. R. Stanford, Clarkesville. “ C. W. Hood, Harmony Grove, “ Platt A Bro., Lexington, “ A..G. Wimpey, Dohlouega. “ Morris & Co. Lawrcnceville, “ June 21,1855. BOOTS! BOOTS! T HE undersigned has taken a Store oppo site the Newton House, on College Ave nue, where he will continue to make as fine and good BOOTS as usual, of any descrip tion. Double-soled and Water-proof Boots, Buck Skin, do Pump, do. PateDt Leather, do Opera, do Repairing done iu the neatest and best style. The best of French Leather used and warreuted. W. S. STARK July 19 G! DRY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, O to Kenney's and get good Bargain.* for ' Cash, before they are all gone. [July 5. MOORE & CARLTON XJAVING moved from No. 3 to 7 Granite J.A RoW, nod having purchased a Spring Stock with great care, ask our town and country frienas to come iu and examine, and we feel assured that they will be pleased with the qualities, styles and prices of our goods, consisting of French and English Calicoes, French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, Frsncb. printed Jaconets, French printed Organdies, French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors and qualities, Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flounced Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 56 cents to 7 dollars, Cheinizetts and Collevetts of new and fash ionable Btyles, Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware, Crockery and Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augusta re tail prices, with the exception of Bleached Homespuns and Calicoes,which we do trot pre tend to sell for 2 cents per yard less than New York cost for the purpose of baiting green ones. April 19,1855. To •Stone-Cutters and Masons S EALED proposals will be received by the undersigned Committee until the 15th of July next, lor buildiug four piers, for the purpose of erecting a lattice bridge upon, across the Oconee river, between the Town of Athens and the Rail Road Depot. The piers to be built of good solid stone, with beds, joints and face-cut joints, well broke, aud the whole work to be dotie in a .gom' workmanlike manuer, of that class and kin< of work. Persons making proposals will please give by the perch, ns the exact nuin- berof perches cannot be ascertained until the work is done» _ • Any iufornfhtion wanted, respecting the work, ean be had from any of the Committee. J. B. CARLTON, ) P. A. SUMMEY, >Com. W.L. MITCHELL. ) June 21, 1855. WANTED, i T the Atbcus Foundry, 300 Cords Pine A Wood. R. NICKERSON, Athens, June 14 Agent TO RENT. T HE House nnd Lot formerly owned ami occupied by Mr. A. N. Piper will be rented low to a good occupant. Applv to R. NICKERSON, Agent A. S. C. Just RccevNcA, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Preserved Ginger. Tickles, Catsups, and Sauces, Choice Brandies, Old Port Wine, Madeira do. Sugars, Coffee, Syrup, Pino Apple Cheese, English Dnry do. Fresh Salmond, Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Oysters, Fresh Mackerel, Sardines, Dried Beef, and Bologna Sausage, For sale by University of Georgia, ATHENS, JUNE 30th, 1855. ^ rilHB Annual Examination of the three* 1 lower Classes iu this Institution, will commence on Monday, 23d of July. The Commencement Sermon will be deliv ered in the College Chapel, on Sunday 29th, by the Rev. W. G. Conner, of LaGrange. The Trustees will meet on Monday, 80th. The Sophomore Prize Declamation will take place in the afternoon of the same day. On Tuesday, will be the Junior Exhibition, fol lowed by the award of the Sophomore Med. ills, and an Address by the Hon. J. M. Beo. riew. The Society of the Alumni meet in the afternoon of the same day. On Wednesday, will be the Annual Com mencement. In consequence of a change of Vacations, the next College Term will open on the first day of October, at which time those wishing to apply for any Class, will do well to be present. As, however, many may not be aware of the change, the Faculty will exam ine any who present themselves on Saturday, 28th July. A. HULL, July 5. Sec’ry. Chronicle & Seutinel copy three times. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P URSUANT to an Older 5? the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will he sold, before the court house door of said i ounty, on the first Tuesday in August next, during the legal hours of sale: 1 fifa vs Win. Hel ton, amouut, prin. $11.57; 1 vs do., $8.50 prin-11 vsdo.. $5.00 prin.: 1 vs Martha Ken edy, $11-72* prin.; 1 vs Wm. M. Sikes, $7.75 priu.; 1 vs C. A. Robinson. $2.50 prin.; 1 do $12,124 prin.;l vs Henry Sauders, $15.00 p.; 1 vs do., $21.00 prin.; nnd 1 vs Win. A. Maughon, $1250 prin.; and the following notes: 1 on Janies Hayes for $2.50 prin ; l on Henry Sanders, $3.25 prin.; 1 ou James Glosson, $2.03 prin ; 1 on Wm. it. Wood, $l5.00 prin : 1 on A. l> E. Griffetli, $1.90 priu., 1 on Win. M. Cauley, $10.00 prin.—cr. $5.00 ; 1 on do., $20Off prin.; 2 on James S. Wilder, each $21.47 prin.; 1 on .1. P. Cole, $3.75 prin.; 1 on Leroy Johnsou, $8.73 prin.; 1 on Peter Helton, $4.12* prin.: 1 on Jesse Cole, $1.25 pzin.; l on Atlas Daniel), $2.38 prin.; 1 00 Bradford Brooks, $4.00 prin.; I on Ozburn Cole, $2.72* prin.: and 1 account on W. M. Carutliers for $5.00; and 1 do. on Wm. Kilgore for $1.25. All of said fifas issued in favor of Drcwry J Hamilton, now dec’d, and all said notes and accounts belonging to his estate, and to he sold lor the benefit of his distributee* Terms on the day of sale. J. W. HAMILTON, Adra'r. June 12; 1855. “And must this continue! Must this be ! Is there no remedy! No relief! No hope!” The remedy is by knowing the cause* and avoiding them, and kno wing the remedies aud; benefitting by them; These are pointed out i» THE MARRIED WOMAN’S: PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION; BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. One Hundredth Edition (S00,000j Hknn., pp. 250. t os rat iur% s*t*a smonro, $ 100.] A standard work of established reputation found classed in the catalogue: ofthe great, trade sales in New-York, Philadelphia, and, other cities, and sold by the principal boot- sellers in the United States. It was first; published in 1847, since which time Five Hundred Thousand Copies have been sold, of which these were upwards of onebtutdred thousand sent by m ®il» attesting the high estimation in, which it is held as a reliable popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE - the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pocu- liarjto females,in respeetto which he is yearly Consulted by thousands, both in person and by letter. Here every woman can discover,by conn- paring her own symptoms with those de scribed, the nature, character, causes of, aud: the proper remedies for. her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has. often need of instuction and advics-of.thc utmost importance to her. future health, it: respect to which her sensitiveness forbids consulting a medical gentleman, will fiud* such instruction aud advice, and also explain, many symptoms wbioh otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How manjr are suffering from obstructions or irregularities pecul iar to th e female ay stem, which undermine the health, tho effects of v which they are ignorant, and for which thein- delicacy forbids seeking medical advice tr— Many suffer from- prolapsus uteri ( falling'oh*, the womb), or from fiuor alius (weakness, debility, &s.) Many are in constant agony for many mouths preceding confiueraeut.— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find iu its pages the menus of, prevention, amelicration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully the varions subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strict|y intended for the mar ried o.' those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as cideueed by its extraor* dinary sale, various impositions have been, attempted, a* well on bookseller.* as on the- public, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, ami surreptitious iul'riugemcnta of copyright, ami other devices and decep tions. it has beeu found necessary, therefore;. to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless tbc words "Pr A. Sf.. MAoBioEAt’, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is oft- (and tLa entry in the Clerk's Office tor the back of) the title page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, i r send' by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauricemi- Upon receipt of One Dollar. "THE' married womans private mkdi CAL COMPANION” is sent (mailed free) to. any part ot the United Slat.-s, the Ganadan and British Provinces. All letters iiim-t be post-paid,and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAU RICE AU. box 1224. New York City. Pub li diing Office, No. 123 Libert v Street, New York. Murcli 15, 1855. Old Sherry Wine, Muscat do. H Claret do. Porter and Ale, Fine Segars, and Tobacco, Ac. D. N JUDSON,,. Corner Broad aud Jacksou st, Athens. June 21, Clarke Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold, before the court house door iu Watkinsville, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the le* gal hours of sale, Lot of Land with its appur tenances, lying in said county, joining lands of Henry L. Edwards and ThomasP. Brooks. Levied on ag the property of Newton Hinson, to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from the Su> periot Court of said countv, in favor of Tho mas AmiV. LEWIS J. L.VMPKIN, jun: 28,1855, D.Shff. Administrator’s Sale. P URSUANT to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in Sept’r next, during the legal boars of sale, negro woman, Penina, about twenty-nine years old and her four children—Lucy, about seven Wiley, about five, Alonzo, about four, and Fanny, about one and a half year old. To be sold as the property of Isabella MoRce, late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale, ROWAN MuREE, AJm. May 17, 1855. td CITIZENS O’f ATHENS. C AN be furnished with lee at their donees at o> cts. per lb .if a club of twenty- five will each take five pounds or more every day (Sundays exceptea.)‘ FVrsons desirous o|T accepting the above proposition will pleare* leave their uames at Combs and LV*. Express, office. Athens, July 12,1855. 30,0(Mil>s. liacoiK S ansom a pittabd*. .**• in r <•«.* ,.r THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS te v superior cured Tennessee C.VL’ON, win, in they will sell at the lowest mar kef price f..e Cash. Julv 5—‘xt P URE St Thomas’ Bay Water, just re ceived and For sale by Apl 19.D.N. JUDSON. Administrator’s Sale! A Plantation for sale* I 0FFER for sale my Plantation t»vo and a half miles below \VatkinsviIle,1». ing tl.*« place formerly owned by Iter. i.N. Gb ■t contains upwards of six hundred acre-, abuut one hall cleared, w< If iu,) roved, v itV necessary out-buildings,gin hous<-. ,tr. with, a saw-miIV in good under.. I will also *• tf with the place my sitwcr, a likely aud f.iitb- ful negro fellow. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. June 2S> 1855, if; New Tailoring Establishment I H AVING secured the service* of O. I*- Caldwell, former Cutter for Wi (► « mw w. w, am ^ ■ w —, _ Price, of Augusta aud Savannah, 1 will have fiaWAiAP OTMlwUi JP . executed-in the neatest and most fashioua- nTATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County.— | ble style, all orders eotifoled to our call. O By virtue of an order from tho Honora bio, the Court of Ordinary of said County, passed at its regular term iu April,. 1855, will be sold at the Court House door in July 28, 1855. II. L. BLOOMFIELD TO HOUSE KEEPER*. Wiu 00 emu.»•}»» uoor m -p W. LUCAS is now recetviug a large Gainesville, Hall County, between the law- p % assortme it of ful hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep tembernext, a lot of Land, No. 238, in the 12th District of Hall, containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less. Ihe lot has had considerable gold found upon it, and would be found profitable no doubt to work it.— „„ Sold as the property of Edward Laropkin, bitterns, deceased, for a distribution amoDg tbc lega-. April 19 tecs. Terms on the day. ., - — LEWIS J. LAMPK1N, Adm’r. -nRESH Salmon in lb. July 19 With th: Will annexed. | .L 1 ney’s, - . ' •' • .. ■ -r ■ • *f . Lace and Muslin Curtains; Handsome Shades for Parlors; Gilt Cornice; •* Bonds; Handsome Tings and Englbh velvet Car pets. All of which he offers ou very reasona- 1855. |