The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, September 20, 1855, Image 3

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—- — fclainfed; the bill passed the Howe of I Wm . s Thompson, G. R- Duka, Ju kepresentativea. How did Go'-. Cobb Vote ? All I desire it, that every voter Will ask himself the same question. He voted that Congress had the right to exclude slavery from all the territo ries of this anion. Aad jet saeh is the strength of Howel Cobb in the Sixth Congressional district, he can bring so body of that work. He will learn also the relation of my ancestors to him who was “ first in war, first in peace, and jirst in the hearts of his countrymen.” In this same work, the ancestors of “ One of the Utlternfied'’ cut but a poor figure, and the most that l "can make of it is, if they were not against Washington and Marion, they occupied neutral ground, were mere idle, uninterested spectators oT the great events then trans- Themeeting then adjourned, sine die.]*'™* If the ? figured as generals, CHARLES WITT, Pr>;s I captains, &c., in the time of Lindsey, M. C. Tborntou, M. Brdoks and John Scisson were put in nomina tion} Wm. S. Thompson recei viog a majority of the votes at the first ballot, and Gen. R. Duke at the second, -vere declared by acclamation the candidates for the House of Representatives. It was moved by J. G. Shockley, that NEW BOOKS. rpHE Escaped Nun; Otic ; or the Old West Room; Howitt'fc Land Labor and Gold; Memoirs ati<l Essays of Sidney Smith ;J. p, Mary Lyndon. Just received at the Dn- j 13' verritv Bookstore,by Sept. 20. WM. N. WHITE. hiany votes to any party he affiliates with 1 the proceeding of this meeting be pob- ho Democratic candidate in any part of | lised in the Southern Watchman, the State has as yet dared to arraign him for this attempted robbery of the South, that he might be Speaker of | WM. L. Marler, Sec. the House of Representatives. I again Fot wste^In. Stan put the question to Col. Franklin, as Mr> Editob; ^ dirty disb the condition of my support, whether aod resovoir offiUh and b i ac kgu*rdi sm , he would have voted for the W.lmot the Banner> of the 23td AugusLcon-. , . , , Proviso at .the time, and nnder the oir- taIns the second edUion of the ; n f ;imous | the,r ^ ^ cu instances, Gov. Cobb did? fib* of * one of the *nterrified” en- Mr. Sledge jnsUfied Gov. Cobb's vote |arged and reviged by tbe real auUlor . for the exclusion of slavery from Ore- Xhe8e productions are wriK ea by gon, upon the ground that slave labor «ould never be made profitable there. That-decision I think Mr. Sledge might have left to time, and tbe .judgment of slave-holders. But granting his posi tion for the sake of argument; they still bad the right, before Gov. Cobb helped WTOtek.w.T.togotlKte if the, the contest in 1776, is it not strange that Washington and Marion knew nothing of their existence or where abouts? Is it not strange that the writers of our anuab never mention The wrl lers of English history have -not been so forgetful! The memory of the an cestors of “ One of the Unterrified,” and their deeds of daring and blood, among whig women, aud little children, in thertimes that tested patriotism is em balmed and treasured '(other side of the Atlantic/ Verbiun sat ! When a child, I read a little book entitled “ Cruelty to Animals.’* I de duced from its pages many good lessons RAMWAT. (SrLook but for a Scoundrel jggj I R AN AWAY from the subscriber, about the | 20th August last, my boy, Clark, a Black smith by trade. Said boy was last seen and heard of in Madison county, .Ga„ where he Sperm had been at work sometime previous to Iris Star disappearance. -It is thought he has beeu Coffee Kio decoyed away by some white person. Said Coffee Java boy weighs about 170, or 185 lbs.—about five Tea........... feet, nine or ten inches high—copper colored Rice........... —large mouth and eyes—shows his gam Sugar,Brown.. teeth very plain, when laughing—his jaw “ Clarified .'. 10 ' teeth considerably decayed—was riding a **• Crushed 124 bay horse about eight years old—a wart on I “ Loaf........... .* 124 the right shoulder, and a scar on the right [ Molasses,pergaJ. side of his breast I will pay fifty dollars IN. 0. Syrup reward for the apprehension of said boy and Salt, per Bushel......'..... .. v , the scoundrel who decoyed him off, with evi- [ Salt, Liverpool Sack dence sufficient to cgnnct him; or a liberal Steel, Cast ..... ................ 1 ** v .• a I <1* n A young mui, in College, at Athens, a relative of Mr. Cobb, and who boards I understand, at his house ! Tht pub lic will know, therefore, who it is that prompts these libels* and for what pur pose, they are prepared and sent to the press for publication. Lhftve handled, proper. Bat they have no longer dial I c °P*i«u e to bundle, tht. peat j ^ profiting by them, shall spare the right. And if he or I, or any slave- ® US rna 5°* ue3 > ^ {? Tes poor, miserable amanuensis, who writes holder were to carry oar slaves to Ore-1 * .tT**- ctalmBr ] for the Banner, the terrible infliction goa to-day they would be as free as if J to 8 “ ow h ‘ m ’ an “ hls understri PP ers > j j ara prepared to give him and his tnas- we were tocarry them to Abolition Mas- no so:t of < l uarler * Toparry iny blows tep Let me say to the crowd, walk sachusetts. What! Not the right to] * nd wea1ten the foroe of **J argument, light, gentlemen or you will here it all carry our property to Oregon, one ofi and facts » ( whi< * none of the ragged J j have the disposition and the nerve to the territories of this Union ! No right. I crew caB aawr " gaiasay^ resort is 1show you all up, and that I will doit Who deprived us of «that right 1 Co*- had 10 the P erfo * at ^*wp®- you can only know by waiting! gress. By what authority? If Wil-1 ratio ° and detraction. Henoe, 4fce as- Begging the pardon of the Editor of «m Delony, in whose bold, frank pollti-| saaIt8 of lhe Mred tool of the poor, the Watchman and bis readers for this cal integrity I have implicit confidence, J pitiful excuse of a man, who presides imposition on their tune and patience wiHaay it was done by constitution-!! °ver/4« thoughts of others, in the co!-| I reinnio, &e. SAMUEL authority, I will vote for Gov. Cobh. IJ umns of the Banner, will venture to the extremest length; if J I wm never Post Master in ray life,! Gov. Cobb himself, in the next issue of] and never the applicant for that or any reward for tbe apprehension and ccnfine-! ment, in auy safe jail, th it I may recover I said boy. V. H. DEADWYLER. Elberton, Elbert co., Ga Sept. 20. MARRIED. I* Aia place, 00 6th Sept, by Rev. _ the Banner, will repudiate the protest ] other office under the Federal Govern-] S^cLaii-^aUoi^Mhen^™ ***** ^ ®bitnarg. Departed this life, near Asheville, N. C. oa the 81st of August, Mrs. Am* Patton, the relict of the late GoL John Patton of President Polk against the Wilmot I ment, aad never expect to be. If I were Proviso in the Oregon bill, and will say anxious for an office under the Pierce that the mere majority vote—1 will go] administration, I could not get it, be- still farther, iffour-ftht of the votes of] cause I could not ehow to “ the powers Congress, to exclade the slsve-holder ** be” either thst I «m s *»*•««■: I.a™ from Oregon was right or constitutional,! a Roman Catholic, or a foreigner! tifyiog the heart of the sireer/i believer uu- I will pledge myself by nsme in .he I fe.rd of -y money being X“Sl next issuse of the Watchman to vote j taken from the Post office here bpt this lady. United in early youth, aad short- be redeemed, and l WlH personally call I oftce^older un*der Mr. Polk's admio- and drnring a uaioa of^M yoars, exhibited the the attention of the Editors of the -B««* I istvatioo, and who is now one of the | m^^^she'J^wded he'r^b^d'Sth^hl nerto it. And matke the prediction, I leaderaofthe Cobb Johnson and C<>w-| deepest veneration and the fondest affection, Mr. Delony wilf not, Gor. Cobh dor, rM - ^oey! He ^-id. '+S$ not ssy that the slsre-holder is roast itu- Secretaries were sued for it. (some *SQ) Sjl 1 !L„T tumalfy excluded from Oregon. Lnd -the latter compelled to foot tlfe And arrow of death h.YlJd Jcsnce Asp Toe Cqnst.tct.on, office-holder proring »] ^ for the SuuUxam Wa«ehia*a. I solvent! I refer “ One of the Untern-1 her children, she could bear the stroke be- 1‘UBLlC MEETING ATV JEFFERSON.)fied’* to the proceedings in the CMe,|S^5^gSSdflS" ?,f And d^^'a W pH Jstferson, Sept. 8, 1855. I on file ia the Clerk’e office of the Dis* °f ** ^ hich According to previous notice, a num- 11^ court of the United States, for tbe j Srkef, she ** waited 1 patiently for the Lord!” the her of citizeM of Jackson county, as- Norther* District of Georgia, at Mari-| H#r Bible alway. her atadr, became sembied in the court house. By motion L^t Utde offences like this do not A^de^^e to^^e^e^tiwTith ofCol. w,.| iniure a man’s character, in the lion of the leaders of the “ dry roC par- are “ pleasures forever more.” The* odd So' otwl slwsn onslifxL l0 P"“'t' ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. oaaxcTEo w <eci.r, uv et ATHENS o Rope, pi Manilla Hope •; “ . ugging Twine. I ucuu Sides. ... ............ “ Hams ..i.i “ Shoulders... .... Lard Butter....^....* Tallow. A. ...^.r.,.. do..— do........... GEORGIA, Hall County. W HEREAS, J. T. Black applies to me for letters of guardianship, for Mary< J. Bratnlet, an illegitimate child of Milly M. Bracelet. These are to cite and admonish all per sons to show cause at the November term of this court, why said letters of guardianship I Shot, per Bag...... should not be granted. I Oottou per Bale M ARTRT GRAHAM, Ord. f Floor per bU September 20. SOd. Wheat per Bushel .. ■ ■ ..... - — I Corn “ “ ..*1. ADMINISTRATRIX’S. SALE. | Meal Oats GerAaa ... Blister Spring Iron, common size .... 7 inch wide Band Nail rod Sheet Oustings Nails, per Keg Powder, Rifle .-... Blasting Lead ........................ I N pursuance of an order, of the court of z* 8 Ordinary of HaR county, will be sold be- ] fore tbe court house door, at Dahlonega, on the first Tuesday in November next, the un divided half 6f lot No. 17, north half of the 13th district, and 1st section, in Lpmpkin 1 n;i county. Sold as tbe property of Lawrence | ’L amn w Logan, deooased. Also at tbe same time and place, the un divided halfqfthe above described lot. Sold Indigo, Sjianish Madder lb.’. . Copperas. Blue Stoue ENT. K*oi \tfn epl v> 17 to 18 14 15 20 25 25 30 16 16 11 15 12 13 15 16 12 15 10 12 18 20 45 50 30 35 124 14 15 16 100 125 7 8 8 124 10 IO4 124 12 124 14 35 37 46 60 -80- 90 216 255 21 25 15 16 10 121 10 12 6v 6 7 8 7 8 8 10 8 9 5 6 6 7 GOO 650 475 500 8 10 25(i 275 7 10 6 7 90 100 75 80 80 •0 W 35 75 100 CIRCUS, Menagerie & llippodroBio CO MB IKED* yp l TO THE PUBLIC. WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR and MEAL. » Tauaske Miles, ClArke coortv, flu. rilHF. uudersigued has leu.- ed of Mr.‘-Robert 1 T. Fowler, .or a series ol years, the above named Mills, on the Oconee Riv«r, 8 miles Northwest of Athens, near the road leading I to Lawrenceville. and having hud thv sar.o- put in complete and thorough repair by Mr. E. W. ttesson, who is a superior and practi cal millwright, and who the undersigned takes pleasure in recommending as being un surpassed in his professional line, now be^s leave to notify the public, that he ia ready to Convert wheat into flour, or corn into meat. In as quick time, and in a manner to give as general satisfaction as any other millsof the same number of runners, either North, South, East or West. These mills have but one run. each, for wheat and com, but* will each grind .vith ease from one hundred to one hundred and fifty bushels per day; they are never ibter- Terred with, either by high or low water, con sequently persons wishing, ot sending wa gon loads of grain to be ground, will at no time be detained longer than a few hours. I have in my employment^ Mr. Hawkins Wright, who is a practical tnillei\and whoso charaoter for honesty and veracl 1 y, is so well known to this community that I need only 3 r, his services are engaged as principal ller. All grain received, to be ground at these mills will be weighed and toled accordingly, and a certificate of both the amount receiv ed and returned will bcsent back to the per son sending the grain. And in connexion herewith I wish distinctly to notify the pub lic, that I have been atconsiderable expense in procuring and fitting up two.wpcrier'No. 10, anchor-brand boltiog cloths. These cloths Feet uppermost. 4* AXS Head dtiicn, are in fine order, and it is both my interest Lamp, Winter 44 Fall Train , - - . , , 1 White Lead, Keg 251b 275 as the property nf Patrick Logan, defeased. Glas8>Box 8 b y !§ 275 Terms on tbe-day of sale. SARAH A. LOGAN, Adinx. September 20. 40d. NOTICE. T HE undersigned (of the flm of P. A. Summey & Bro.) having determined to leave theGtats, earnestly requests all per sons indebted to tbe same, to eome forward and settle their accounts and notea, as lon ger indulgence cannot bo given. All ac counts will be considered due from tbs date of Dissolution, August 8tb, 1856. Sept 13 J. S. E. SUMMEY. 125 150 16 25 4 S 18 20 137 150 150 175 .100 125 90 100 300 . I 800 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl $00 f000 4'bbls No. 2 900 100ft 4 bbl* No. 2 400 500 Beeswax 20 22 Feathers 35 ^40 Wool 20 23 Tobacco 25 40 Yarn perbale, 4C buucbes 86 85 detail 90 90 Osnaburgs, per Bale 9j pj Retail. In jj Shirt ng |, per bale 8J 9 Retail 9 jy Bag* 3 ROBIN SON & ELDRED W ILL exhibit their combined Circus Menagerie and Hippodeompi in ATH ENS, on Saturday. September 22d. with oil the greet Hippodramatic Feats of the K*m York 1 ‘ mui Puns Hippodrome, among Which will be the wonderful scientific achievement of a man Walking upon a prrfeetly -mooth Ceiling, with liis the and my wish to keep them so. * Flour ground from wheat wet, or quite damp, wilt soon not only bring to ruin Cloths of this descrip tion .but can never be made to piste* those sending the grain either .in quality or titv«-vrhen in most cases the mills < jontler, after doing all that they cm do on’ "bad wheat, generally receive-tbeir tell share of blame. Wheat, therefore, sent to there mills, either wet ue-quite damp, will in ne instance be ground until the same is proper ly dried, and in every mSAnee of this nature, tbe miHer is to be (be only judge _ •> Wishing to keep there mills hi' constant operation, the Hadenigoed will be glad to lurchase both wheat aad corn. Wheat will >e purchased if thoroughly dry at the rate of 60 lbs, and corn at the rate of 56 lbs f to thehushel, delivered at the mills, and tbe higbest-cash-prior*.will he paid .for either. The undersigned is now redding at these mills and intends giving his personal and constant attention <0 the keeping the same in complete order, so as at all times to give merited satisfaction to all thst may patron ise him, and he is vain enough to think that he himself is “ some” millwright, and miller too. All, therefore that is asked of the pub lic, is a fair shako fqr your patronage. Aug. 30.—St. JOHN 1. CHEATIIAM. H ENRY VERNON—By a Georgian. Just received by W. N. WHITE. received by Sept J8 NOTICE. T HERE will be an appointment of a Depu ty Marshal made by the Board of War den* of the Town of Athens to fill the vacan cy occasioned by the' resignation of Mr. Moore, on Saturday the 23rd inst. Appli cants will hand in their names to the Secre- tary 1 and be prepared with tbeir securities on die* day of appointment. By order of tbe Board. Sept 13, 1855. \V. G. DELONY, Sec. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY 1 Jasper County Academy Lottery. also Household and Kitchen Furniture ; Wag-1 [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] one and Oxen. 1 MACON GA The above Property is sold for the benefit * NOTICE. iBxecutors 1 Safe. T HE Property ot the Estate of Jarnus S. Jarrall, deceased, will he sold’ on the premise*, on Tuesday, Mth November next, to wit: Tiie Land, containing 637 acres, more or Ifss; well improved, on the Apalachee Riv er, one utile below Roberson’s mills, Clarke County, Ga. Eleven Negroes, consulting of men, women, boys and girls Stock of different kinds, to wit: Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Goats. Also the crops of Corn, Fodder and Oats; plantation Tools; pi ‘ 3331 T » •» D -*» s*w<» 2*1. *8«- Legatees. Terms made knows on the day | g-ju $31,000. «DJ Legatees of sale. STINSON S. JARRALL,) _ . GEORGE A. JARRALL, f “ r? * With the will annexed. September IS. tds. CLASS E. called to the chair, and W. L. Marler, was requested to act as Secretary. The follewing resolatioas were offered by John J. McCulloch, and unanimously adopted : Whereas, the platform and princi ples adopted at a regular meeting of tg ! They add to and always qualify r were L«r siekneM -and her death.* Though the person guilty of them for the hold- proeteated under circumstances the most r painful and trying; deprived of the tender mg of office! 1 sympathy and asstduitv of an affectionate v - „ . I and beloved husband, no repinings were in I sometimes torture cat gut — be r heart, no murmur on her lips. Reposing never in a grocery. I have had ti»e| * n firm f&it . h °, n her *° d Redeemer, to . ..... J whom she had early consecrated herself, and honor of performing in the presence ofji„ whose service she had consistently lived. the national council of the American . . and held ^B^ll Cbb. « on the 5th day of Jane, 1855, and ,n o estabnshment, but in a private by that religion to which her unostentatious WiMreu, ihe plBtfwm and prioeipke rf room. He xeeme.« delighted, xml ~«W scarcely resUatn himself from “ taking I resigned herselfto his stroke with a smile, the floor’* on the occasion. And I have «P“ h wer , e . » foretaste of that bliss | no doubt if " One of tbe (interrifled forever. By thi. Active Province, wise- my “ concord of sweet I ^7 aod merafalty ordered, no doubt *n ach I sounds,” when I am in the humor for' it, the very hair on his gourd would stand on end, and the briny fluid trickle j down his lantern jaws. - I do not profess to hare been exempt from foibles at any period of iny life— tbe American party of the Stats of j Georgia, passed at a meeting, beU in Macon, on the 27th day of inne.1854, are together as a whole party, patriotic and intensely American in spirit and in substance, and fully acceptable teal large portion of native Americans in iieorgia. Be it, therefore, Resolved, That we a portion of the citizens of Jackson county in primary GEORGIA—Madison County. the Grand Jury, being «worn. chosen and selected for the September Term, 1356, of tbe Superior Court of the Geuatf of Madison, after having discharged our various duties, respectfully submit the following general Presentments: We hare examined^ through' an efficient XXTILL be distributed according te the following Grand and unprecedented | Scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Ma % Manager annouuccs Lis detemina lion to make this the most popular Lottery iu the world, and challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember every Prize is drawn at eoCh Performed by Mr. G. N ELURED, LA FEIICIIE, by Mmttv-ROClL FORD RENTZ. This extraordinary . performance baa created universal Wotate* and admiration, showing beautiful fonts of Balancing aq»l elegant Acrobatic PosturiAg by Monsieur ReuU. on A .pole Thirty Jitt high, held by Mr. W. Rochford. w Wr. W. MWHFORD. 3M. ttOBdUOf, Mast. J AS. ROBINSON. Mn*tot JOHN/Mnd an additienal Iwtof Popular Acton*, are ^ith the Ceropany.JBid will appear ini too tariune exereisea. . * THE RAID ia directed- by the tele> brated OVA TKLT8, which ie euffichnt guarantee fi>r ite merit. . ». A splendid coHeetfoh of Wild Attfo ials,in adiiitioil tn tin above attraction* offers a rich bill of 4wt«rtai«iwaak •* Admission to the whole Exhibition, 50 ti* Children and servants, half price. Doors open at 12$ rfoteek. . A MM Wtrf- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. O N the firot Tuesday in October next, ertTl be sold before the court bouse door, in the town of Gainesville, the following .property, belonging to.tbe estate of Robert Armour, late of Hall county, deceased. Jots of Land, in Hall county—vi*: Lot No. 76, 9th Dis., containing 56! Acres 56 4 * 219 77 44 " “ 8 i 61 “ “ •• 954 60 “ “ “ .* 6 5-JO 157' “ 44 FractionaL LoV No. of acres not known. Part of L<it No. 59, commencing at tbe mouth vf tier Branch opposite Armour’s fish trap and Tuning thence op the river, 2 rods vide, to-, where, the upper line of Lot No, 69 comes the river, Lot No. 144,12th Bis, containing £&0 Acre* 158 * “ 71 - 143 “ “ 44 243 2-1©“ 142.“ “ - 90 8-1# * 166 - “ « 16 4-|0“ Lot No. unknown, 12t, dia, «nataining‘8i a being an island. Also 3 acres mere or less, being .put of, and in tbe eeat corner of lot Ha 140, in the 12th district* rises to commence At IL sltowingu full 1 foe the eXamhmtkM ot the Animals, to those' nng. Step*. 18 ( apttfU I B X HUNT, A-etft. ft Notice. W E have Uiugkt a pdri of W. I*. tdMmr’j stock of Goods, and sVftl tiaAtititis the business under the naftoexfid stile of. CfJLT A COLBERT, at the rid stand ef if. P. dr J.C. TURNER. Groceries sold fri teAtaod three months time otdy. JAMBS tiGOV&L WILLI AMD. COTiBEfcT’, No. 4 OreUite Lori, Atftcrfs, Ga. . 6m. Aughst 1856. Beall &stoVALL, Grocery UKrcfcanfs) r . AfcGESTA, Ghi W ILLoontinue the Grocery BiiniWo M ted; its muNcuBs, at their Old' BritXd am BROAD STREET; opposite the PfasateT'e Hotel. , , Our Stock of Groceries will, at all iUtee, he •elite, the amiMtermthteplertiiitel frffreV, sriy idaptSTio Ffoteere' Morel Vharh of which we liafc to IbngSn joyed, and hope still to receive. , • r WM.R BRA lift •" JNO. W. L. STOTAll. Also tbeJullowiog negroes—vi*: Edney, Hardy. Henry Clay. J-rek and;Green. __ All sold under an order of the court of Or- coq, G*-, under the sworn Superintendence dinary of Hall comity. Terms on the day of Col. Geo. M. Logan, aud -las. A. Nisbet* WILLIAM Aug. 38 --4de meeting assembled, do hereby organize Tbe sin of interloping into the difficul- onrsdves »lo » political party to be ties of other people, and of writing celled and known ae tbo “ American I filthy libels, ou the character ( of honest party,” adopting ae our political tenets men, for a suit of Hdieell Cobb's old tho principles laid down in the platforms clothes, or to pay - my hoard hill is not, mentioned in the the foregoing preotn-1 however, a sin that can be laid to my ble, and. without regard to any obliga- charge I At one period of life, Uke tions or secrecy with our principles Lflfe, great men of Athens, and else- ihrown broad-cast to the world, criljwbere, 1 was addicted to the M>A<j tipon all who agree with us on the pfiu- imbibing too much of the “ overjoyful, «iplcs avowed in said platforms, to I on sp e Qi a l occasions, similar to the “ So- affiUi«te with ns, become and make a 0 i*l Gathering,” in Tammany Hall, part and parcel of our organization. New York, below which Mr. Cobb Resolved, also, 'That henceforth, tbe lmade that political speech in October, only obligation thst shall be expected 1852. The practice I have abandoned, or required of one desirous-of connect- and hope'never again to recur to it.*— iog himself with this party, will be his My bud conduct I am ever willing to indorsement of the principles of the admit, and promise to avoid in the future; party as set forth in thoir platforms. I my good deeds, if I have done atiy, I And be it further Resolved, That the desire to kept to myself. American, to now understood by us. My character, where I am known, A«R henceforth be regarded as it b—- needs no prop to sustain it. If those a party and not a secret order. who do not know me, wish to be inform- On motion of CoL MitebeU, the meet- cd of my standing at home, they are jng proceeded to nominate a Senator respectfully referred to the proceedings ,A>y ballot; when Gen. Burns, i. B. Jack- of the American Party, of Forsyth *on and W. S. Thompson, were Ballot- county, August22rd, 1855, as publish ed for. John B. Jackson receiving a ed in the columns of this paper, majority of the votes polled, was then What pait my ancesters took In the declared unanimously nomiinted as the j war of the Revolution, “ One of the candidate of the Atut-ri&n Party fori Unterrified‘ , 'can leain by turning to the Semite. The meeting then proceeded I index of vol. 12, Sparks’ “Life and •to ballot for endidates for the represeu- wrings of Washington,” and reading iBtive b^anch of the Legislature; when 1thj correspondence referred to in the ing void which earth can uever fill, has been made in tbe family circle; the church to which she belonged, is deprived of one of its brightest ornaments, and most useful mem bers ; and numerous friends left to mourn their irreparable loss. Enemies, it is not known that she had any : for of her it can be truly arid, which can be truly arid of few, None knew her but to love her, None uamed her but to praise. Farewell beloved, now blessed. one, sweet and cherished shall tbv memory be; as thou u P° n examination ot me nst 01 troor wert in life, so will we think of thee in. death. Children, as returned by the Receiver of gentle and loving. But purified from all earth ly corruption, and rejoicing forever in bliss ineffable—peace to thine ashes. May that Almighty Power which sustained the* thine nour of trial,aud gave' thee victory ov er death and the grave, sustain and comfort thy mourning children and friends. May the conviction that what is their loss is tby Vain —-Convert their tears now of sorrow, into those of joy, at least'of calmness and resigna tion. May they live as thon hut Kved; may they disss thou bast died, andwhen this war fare is acoompUsbetl, meet and rejoice with thee in those happy regions whither thou art gone, and where sorrow aud tears, aud ago nising parting are unknown forever. And when tbe closing scene drew nigh,what a steadfast hope was expressed amid those dy ing agonies, what a blissful prospect open to the -eye of faith. Dying cbrisl "■Death is swallowed ub of victory”—“ victo ry through ihe blood or Clirist.” Fare thee well. Pied on tbe 5th inst. at. the residence of her grand-father, Capt. Wm. B. Taylor, in Marietta. Mrs. Clara Jane, consort of Ma jor C. A Darby—aged 20 years, 11 months and 6 day*. The deceased was the favorite of the vast circle of her relatives and friepds. She submitted to her paiufu. il.ness without murmur. Hcrvoico was that of affectionate suavity as long as hey utterance was dis tinct; and her characteristic generosity was manifest to the last moment, of her earthly existence. Her death succeeded that of her infant, by the brief intei-val of only one week. She was a communicant of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church. Thus within a year after her marriage one of the most beautiful, intelligent and ac complished h s been cousigned to the tomb : “la the midst of lifb we are in death.” Tax Returns, wo find that there are 817 children in the,County. who are entitled to the benefits of the Educational Fund.. We recommend to our Representatives in the ensuing General Assembly, to use their exertions to have passed an A,ct providing for a sale ot one half ot two thirils of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, believing from the history of its management up to the present time, that the State not only baa failed to receive any profits, bdt Las been compelled to pay out ot the Treasury large appropriations to keep if"in. proper-condi tion and discharge its Kabilitie ... We tender to His Honor, Judge Thomas, our thanks for his kindnesr and courtesy to our body; and also to the Solicitor General for his attention to us. Wc request that these Presentments be pnblislicu in the Athens Banner and Watch, man. On motion of Solicitor General Weems, it is ordered that the above Presentments be published as requested. BRET AN S. WARE, Foreman. Thomas if. Wilhite, James L. Dudley, Frances Tower, As» Deadwyler, Benjamin F. Guest, Thomas H. Teasly, James McCurdy, Hezekiali Winn, Richardson Hancock,Robert Woods, BennetSims, William Hall, John R. Bond, James Daniel. Jr. John Collins, sen. James S. Dudley, Samuel Eber tart, Stephen White, Joseph McEver, ' Adam Eberhdrt. I do hereby certify that the foregoing and above, is a true extract from the Minutes of Court. This Sept. 8th, 1855. AMOS CARITHERS, Clerk. HeceWeA \ T HE HIDDEN PATH. By the Author of •* Alone. ” For sale by Sept 13 W. N. WHITE. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to Robert Armer, late of Hall comity, deceased, tire quested to make punctual settlement oftheit indebtedness; and those having claims up on his estate must present them for payment in terms of the law. WILLIAM ARMER, Admr, Sept. 20. 1m. 1 prise at $5600 2 do of 4000 2000 10 do of 200-2000 78 do of 50 5903 Committee of oor body, the Records of tbe Urging, andpri^, when due, in foil, with- Superior and Inferior Courts, and ore pleas-1 ou t * n y deduction * ed to represent them correctly and regularly - brought up and kept in a manner highly creditable to the respective Clerks. We regret the necessity of reporting tbe following roads in bad condition, and wo^ respectfully call the attention oatof proper “.Uiuoruies' to^tbem, to wit: The road from Stephen White’s to Night’s old stot*. at County line; the road from New Hope to Nash’s Ferry; the road from Buahey Ofeet towards Athens, and the road front tbe wid ow Scarborough’s by the law ground, to tbe County line. Upon examination of the Jail, we find it in a safe condition* but would recommend that for the future, more attention be paid to its cleanliness, We recommend the Inferior Coart to have placed in the Court Room, comfortable icnchcs for the convenience aud accommo dation of citizens aud spectators. Upon examination of tbe list of Poor Capital $8,000* 1 prize of $f&u0 1 d9 ot 2000 » do of 500 2500 do of 100 2000 120 do nf 25 2000 18 Approximation Prizes of 256 Prizes Amounting to S31,000. Only 10,000 Nqmbkks. Remember, every prize is drawn at oaah drawing, and paid when due iu full, without any deduction. Orders strictly confidential: Drawings sedt to orders. Registered letters, at my risk. Bills on all solvent Batiks as par. Whole tickets, $5; Halves $2 50; Quarters $1 26. Address JAMES F. WINTER, SspL 13 Manager, Macon, Ga. ARMOUR Arim’t. Printer’s foe, £10. SUMMEY A JONES, DEALERS IX ’GROCERIES. HARDWARE, STAPLE- DlfYGOODS, STOVES, IRON, CAST INGS. CROCKERY-WARE, Ite. fSf^Carnrr of Broad and Wall utrerte, Athcnz, Ga. August 16,1&>6. q. JONES F. a. srwvrv. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and €qihb4s«o» ¥«r- S T ew Merchant Tailoring JEstah lishment. A T R. L. BLOOMFIED’S old Clothing bouse, will be found, in addition to bis large and handsome stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, y. large and splendid assortment of Clotliea> Cassimeres, Vestings, to be made up to order; and all orders left for goods or cutting and making will re xeive prompt attention*and warranted to give full satisfaction. NOTICE nrtHE copartnership heretofore- exiting bc- JL tween the- Milvcriberf, under the name of P. A. SUMMEY A BBtO, was .dissolved on the 8th dayufjCugUst, bjMMtnnl consent. Either party is authorised te use the name of the fists in the aetilemcnt of the business. They return thanks to the citizens of the town and surroundmg-reautry for the very liberal patronage they Turii received. Those indebted to the firm wilL fitei tfet-k notes and accotttrts te the old rieml, where they would coefo* a special favor Wfuut the- subscribers, if they would *rih soon onu pay them off. P. A SUM WE Y, 3 J.-H. E. SUMMJdY Aug. 16, 1855. . CSrm. ., T HE business will be continued et the old stamj, under the name of SUMMEY £ CLARKE MORTGAGE SHER IFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before tlie court Ko'ose door, in Watkinsville, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in November next, with in the legal hours of sale; the following prod- erty, to wil; Lucinda, a Womau about twenty-eight years of age, and Rosa, a boy about seven years of age. Levied upon as the property of Thomas F. Gibbs, to satisfy a inortga; fifa. issued from the Inferior Court of DeKa county in favor of Young L. G Harris..» 1 J. LAilPKIN, D. S. 1>EWIS September 6. tds. JUST RECEIVED. /HUMMING’S Works, coiiiplete ; \J Addisons Works complete; Burke’s Works complete; Harpe’-’s Gazetteer of the World; Mills’ Logic;' Miss Beecher’s Letters to the people: Bungener Council of Treut; Bancroft’s Miscellanies; Hagues Honle Life; J. F. Smith’s Novels, complete; Illustrated Manners Book, &c. For sale hv tbs corner. i Sept, 6. W. N. WHITE. AiiocittelU^ fTTlLL Continue the W AREHOP8R AND YY COMMISSION BUSINESS, iff all *» branches add hut! retidttfS to ifoPfitB PROOF WAREHOUSE adfoOing it T/ StovalV on the cottier ’ef' Jackson ted EHia Streets, near the Globe Hotel. Consignments ofCVttOtt, Bacon,’ Grain, and other Produce Solicited. The ns util Adrdnpits dude te re produce In iWre, k heutriputb 1. * ’ ATI OWtoff eonsighril fc»us wflV be nrid at the Warchoute, ffherhon^ tffitto’tote may at * 11 thnes'bFdknffffi- * *r*- 3 » CiihtMAby* tr»:lrf.BEJtLtr JjU W. t &TOY ALL. ** ftk iLeu r * wIA *■ -» of Groceries, general assortment of staple Drygoods, Ac.; all of which will be sold on the most favora ble terms, for cash or good country produce. SUMMEY 4 JONF.S. August 16,‘1855. JrcrricE. T WO moutlis after date,.application will be made to the Honorable the court of Ordinary of Clarke county,, for leave to sell all the real estate-belonging to the estate of John M. Clark, late t>f said countv, deceased. IS A AC M. K ENN EY, Admr. August 23. FINE WINES. J . P ERSONS desirous^ of procuring fine wines of every description, efiii do so by csllicg at Combs A Co’s. Express Office. Also can be found tbb best artiele of Porter and “fetor nenfe Double Strong Ale. Also on bafrd I/>ngu6rih's celebrated Catawba Wine. August 1. ^ A- .‘V i INK, INK. ^pHE finest, jet Black Ink ever offered iii 1 this market, now for sale on draught. Send in clean bottles, and it ie warranted to suit The same Ink is also sold bottled by Atlgust 2S. WM. N. Y/HITB. Brie?. Adgfist "sq : .New Books. vVvr; Tf > II Mbptt’e ^.. Edgwortb's Ettriy 1 k-votK kfoagtearV Coiiiwil **f TjrepA , - . - -j,- Mire-BcceW* J-*tto lire PeupW, - Mis* MfWskVHrir.e** of liuugfiU*n <v , llancn ft s JlWvlliiiifos. , ■ bV«U %Le»r*»5ff t«. Trik.. Waikgffr-te - <te\ Muaqiutj» Stefrii.., PjpW«Aqte«>. - Christie J«dMi3t«ee, . llowitt’s Children’* Year, English Orffbati*,. .. . Flower of ti«k Family—-Moredau, ■ Bayard Tayfof's Travels. Mary Lymlon, Gunn’s Domestic Medicine, Herbert, the Pride of I he Mess. JohHst«*»’* Chemi.-try of CMutmm LifW Just hreeited sit the Comer. . Aug. 23. W, ,Y WWTjJ. NsOl’lCE, rpWOttfoutiis effor date. »pplic?tit*i will JL b« nmdF to the H«m. the omit of Onti riary of Clxrkecimitty, teMoavo to aril mtd bouse andlot mljohitHg the 97fti-y*nl,-at Atfo errs, w hereon Tbi.nws stote, ileceasot, re sided at-Wife time of his denth. Also, otiy' ttaAof laud lying m sai.I county of ClarU, orfrtwtning acres, adjciiniu-r White, Huf^ rts aftd Buchanan. Also, ail the reri e-tatfe beiobghtg to said Tfmnmrf Sansorn, deeieni lying out of said county s>f Ot*rk. Also, and lot of laud containing about 2 *n*l:»Iro'f acresi eroffracihg tHegmve yard at Princeton Fac tory. Also, one hntd warmnt, N». 18233, iff sued to said Thomas Satfsom, f>~ SUt acre*; AU ti» bit 'sold jw thi pmpeHV -A tol de ceased, M the' benefit‘of liiv l^gatnes. JAS. T. RANDOM, Ex. COLT & COLBEKTi,v , - PEALKEs IM • ■» J » J. STABLE 1)RY GOODS,GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. No. 9 Granite Row... .i .Athens, Ga. J.AMES I- COLT. I TTJt. C. l?OLDEjtT- August 6,1855. GEORGIA.CLARK COUNTY, Court of Ordinary of Said Count if W HEREAS, John W. Hamilton Admiui#- trator of Drvwry Jt .Hamilton, l «tc *-f said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Adminibtra :icn. Therefore, All persons eopolyo.d art, hereby required so ,how cause,(jf »ay they hnve)*why said Adtaifijsttutor tlmr.ldj«>t, at the regular term of s>iid Court, held on the first Monday in April otx». bediacharg *d from 6aid Adtnini.-irjrion held tbir 3rd day of September, Sept. 6. ASA M. JXCftBOjr, Or