The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 04, 1855, Image 3

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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY THE ELECTION. We publish this weok such returns ol the election held on Monday es we hare been able to procure up to th** time of going to press. We shall doubtless be able to give full returns from the entire State in our next issue ELECTION RETURNS, Oglethorpe—Entire Foreign ticket elected. Jackson—Reported Foreigu majori ty, 200. Madhon—Foreign majority near 200 Walton—Foreign ticket elected. We hear the rumor everywhere, brought by passengers,that in the Chero kee counties generally Andrews’ majori ty over Johnson ranges from MOO to 300 in each county. Richmond.—Andrews, 1070; John son, 718; Overby, 66. Entire American ticket elected by a large majority. The American majority in Bibb is from 100 to 150, notwithstanding a Pla- queinine fraud of Urn against us in the Warrior precinet. Spaulding county, Andrews’ majority 33— Tripe for Congress 24. Monroe county, Andrews’ majority 2/5 to 300. Taylor county, Andrews majority in three priemets 80, Macon county, one .precinct 43 ma jority for Andrews and 54 Hawkins for Congress. Houston county, Fort Valley precinct Andrews majority 43.-Trippe’s ma- jarity 75. Pike county, large gain for the Am erican ticket. American ticket elected in Bibb by small majority. Burke county.— Waynesboro’—John son 116—Andrews 22—Overby 21, Jenkins 5—Stephens 163, Lamar 8 — None of the princincts heard from. Fulton county.—American ticket elected by about 250 majority, r ^Chatham Countv.—Andrews 921; Johnson 997 ; Overby 28. Seward 989: Varnadoe 929. Deni- .ocrqtic ticket elected to the Legisla ture. CHARLESTON MARKET. Monday, Oct. 1.—Cotton—Sales to day2,100 bales, and upwards ol 1590 bales to arrive. Market active and and prices unchanged. SEBASTOPOL TAKEN ! Sebastopol, the mighty, is fallen !— Such is the burden of the late foreign news. If true—and we presume it is, as it remains thus far ur.contradicted— ute don’t know what newspaper editors and readers will do hereafter to make the foreign news readable. We present -such particulars this week as we have .been able to gather from our exchanges What ultimate effect this movement tmay have upon the fortunes of the belli gerents, we do not profess to be able to •foresee. As to its possible results, we 'have neither time nor inclination to speculate just now. OUR CAMPAIGN SUBSCRIBERS. A» we expect to be able to give com plete returns of the recent election in our "ext issue, such of our campaign subscribers as do not notify us of their intenticn to take the paper longer will find it discontinued after that time. We trust that each and every one of them will become permanent subscri berslo the paper. The campaign jus'.' closed was but a prelude to^’.ie great land important one shortly to begin—we mean the Presidential campaign. Every voter in Georgia ought to take one or more papers from this time until the Presidential election. Those who want the Watchman, will please forward two 'dollars in advance, and we will see that they get the paper. On thu. J7(h uh., Mr.-AKri*tl Marsh, residing about nine miles liir’t, of Nota- sulgo, Miss., had thr e of his children kil'e.l by lightning. Their ages* were a* follows: Sixteen, ten and two years. I’he children were returning to the house when they were killed. The eldest hnd the youngest on his shoulders when death overtook them. A wag thus eulogizes his musical at tainments ;—•* I know two tunes—the one is Auld Lang Syne,’ and the other isn’t—I always sing the latter.” All the visittM's at Cooper’s Well, Va., have left the place on account of the yel low fever, which broke out there some days ago. Dr. Puga, who was one of the first to take the disease, is dead. The fever is still mouth and Norfolk. There are farmers, it is said, within one mile of Nebraska City, who will bet handsome sums that they have fields of corn which will yield one hundred bushels to the acre. raging at Purts- HAVANA PLA1N T LOTTERY ! r Jasper ^onnty Academy 1 ottery. [By Authority of the Stale of Georgia.'] MACON, G.V T HIS Lottery is conducted ou the plan of the, Royal Lottery of Lhivanu. of single numbers—and drawn at Concert Hall, Ma con, Ga., under the sworn Superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan, and Jas. A. Nisbet, Esq. Grand Scheme for Otober 15, 1855/ When Prizes amounting to 83* $60,000. XD CLASS F. Will he distributed as follows: l Prize of $15,000 is $15,000 1 44 5.000 is 5,000 1 44 4,000 is 4,000 I 44 3,000 is 3,000 1 <4 2,000 is 2.000 1 44 1,500 is 1,600 1 44 1,11)0 is 1.100 5 44 1,000 is t fljj 6,000 10 44 500 is l| 6,000 10 • 4 200 is W' 2,000 10 44 120 is 1,200 25 44 100 is 2,500 70 44 50 is 3,500 336 r* 25 is 8,400 28 Apr«x’n prizes 501 Phizes Amountt ft.. 800 $69,090. A correspondent of the Herald says the new government of Mexico has dis covered the existence of. negotiations between Gadsden and Santa Anna for the sale of more Mexican territory. The government repudiates Gadsden as a breach of national faith. Queen Victoria’s visit to Paris, it is said, brought 741,345 strangers into the city. If we place the expenditure of each individual during a stay of ten days at the low average of fifty dollars, we arrive at a profit for Paris of over thirty seven millions. It is stated that for the jewellers the week was more profitable than any whole year daring the reign of Louis Phillippe. Every branch of trade was immensely benefit- ted. “ Father,” said a roguish boy, “ I hope you won’t buy any more gunpow- Jer tea for mother.” “Why not?” * Because, every time she drinks it, she blows me up.” • Want to get aboard ?” asked the depot master of a man who arrived just as the cars had left—Yes, yes! How can i ?” “ Go to the lumber yard and buy.” GRAIN IN TIT -1 SOUTH. Carolina?. In East Teunesseee, ail man ner of crops are fine and abundant, promising a yetld never before equalled If there is no foreign demand for our surplus grain, we will be unable to con sume what we have and certainly unable to sell at anything like living prices. Only 10,000 Numbers. Remember, every prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due iu full, without any deduction. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to orders. Registered letters, at my risk. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. Tickets, $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 60. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Oct 4 Manager, Macon, Ga. [By Authority of the State of Georgia] Fort Gaines Academy LOTTERY. - Beautiful Scheme for October! To be drawn October 24th, 1855. in the Citj of Attauta. when Prizes amounting to O" 830,000X3) Will be distributed to fortunate Stockholders iu accordance with the following Matchless Scheme!! 1 Prize of $10,000 2 Prizes of 2,000 are 4,000 3 do 500 are 1,500 11 do 250 aro 2,750 10 do 110 are 1,100 17 do 75 are 1,275 43 do 50 nre 2.150 83 do 25 are 2,075 200 do 10 are 2,000 630 do 5 are 3,150 1,000 Prizes amounting to $30,000 One Thousand Priases! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS f Tickets *>5—Halves $2.50—Quarters §1.25. One Prize to every ten Tickets! SAM L SWAN, Agent and. Manager. Atlanta, Ga Oct. 4. DOLLARS! DOLLARS!! X WANT all the money now due me on notes or accounts. Friends please * 1. M KE.v^Y.’ notes spend. Sept. 27 The price of all kinds of grain and eatables, says the Knoxville Whig, is rapidly declining in the South.- Wheat is selling at Atlanta, Ga, at 85 cents.— Old Corn is down to 75 cents and still receding. Flour, and a good article At that is only selling for $6 per barref- How can it be otherwise ? The cropsof . EXECUTORS’ SALE, wheat, oats and corn, never were finer .A CCORDING to the last Will and and more abundant in Georgia and Jbe. tjk, testament of William Park, late of Location of the Princip d Prizes in Class E., Jasper county Academy Lottery. ' r he following are the localities where the principal Prizes were drawn : No. 9464, $8900 in Fond Du Lee Wis. and Charleston, S. C. 4439, 85000 -at Fort Gaines, Ga. 2599, $2300 in Washington, D. C. 4930, $1000 in Sr. -Louis, Mo. 9397, $1000 in M. icon, Ge<.;. Persons wishing particular Numbers Should order immediately. Beauties of Newspaper Publish ing.—Col. Fitzgerald, seuior editor of the Philadelphia City Item, in his last tissue thus relates his experience in newspaper publishing. “ During the first three years we have frequently gone home of a Satur day night without money enough in our pocket to buy bread for our little ones for the ensuing Sunday. Sixteen times we have pawued our watet to get the mSnfY necessary to pay our hands. In the course of these sad and stern proba tionary eight years, we have twice been blinu from over reading and writing, and our eyes are seriously ind perma nently injured.” Revival of an Old Thick.—An exiled Hungarian Count,” who was recently lionized fct the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, and wbc cre^jkJ a tremendous sensation among m unmarried ladie«, turns Id have been a journeyman barber of New York. THE GREAT RESTORATIVE,. Fceerund Ague Cured hy Dr. MJ,anc t Liver Pill*. fcgTMr. Jonathan Ho'pghn^, of West Union, Park County, Ul'.oo-.i^ writes to the I roprietors that he lia**, sv.Jtercd greatly from a severe and promote ’ atla ck ol Fever and Ague, aud was Uom-^ietely restored to Iiea ih by the use of ih<. Liver Pills alone. These Pills^jonably posses great tonic prop erties, ar.j can be taken with decided nuvau- for many diseases acquiring invigora- | ti'.ig remedies; but the Liver Pills stand pie eminent asa means of restoring a disorganiz ed Liver to healthy action ; hence the great celebrity they have attained. The numerous formidable diseases arising from a diseased Liver, which so long baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians of the United States me now rendered easy of cure,th-.-:ks to the study and perseverance of the distinguished physician whose name this great medicim bears—a name which will descend to poster! ty as one deserving of gratitude. This in valuable medicine should always be kept within reach ; and on the apearance of the earliest symptoms of diseased Liver, it can be safely and uecfuPy administered. ’in-chasers will please bo careful to ask for Dr. Mclmic’s Celebrated Liver Pills and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Lane’s Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be bad at all respectable DrugSrones in the United States and Canada. For sale at the Drug Stores of Smith & Billups and C. W.& Hi It. J. Long. Jacksou couuty, Cm., deceased, will he sold the court h 'use in Jefferson, Jackson co.. Ga. on the first Tuesday in December next, between tne.usuol hours of sale, the negroes belonging to the estate of said William Park, cons.stingof n ieu, boys, women and children, f'o I ,, sold fcr. the purpose of a divisiou.— I Terms cash. Sept. 27t'o, 1855. ROBERT C. PARK, JOS1AH LESTER Oct 4. ALSO, will be sold on the. plantation of said William Park, deceased, iu Jackson co. ia., on Thursday the first day of Nnveinbei next, the remainder of the perishable proper ty of tbe said William Park, consisting of hotses, cattle, hogs and shee;, three yoke of oxen, one road wagon, oneox-wngon, one one horse carriage, one set of blacksmith tools, the plantation tools and other things ;m tedious to mention, with the entire crop con siating of corn, fodder.oats aud shucks. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased Sale to continue form day ti day till all i old. Terms cash. Sept. 27tb, 1355. ROBERTC PARK, i ,, JOSIAH LESTER, j Executors. Oct. 4. “ Eternal vigi ance ia the price of Libsrty.” Twenty-five cents ia the price of a bottle of Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. For sale by Mer chants generally Sold by Smith &. Billups, C. W. & II. R. J Long, Athens; and by cue.Agent. in every town in the State. L, J Executors. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County. T HE petiiionof the Athens Building and Loan Association, sheweth that William Kelson, of said i’minty. and State, on the sev enth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in said Couuty, executed and de livered to Josiah S. Peterson, Treasurer of said Athens Building nn l Loan Association, and his successors iu said office, for the time being, in trust for said Association, his cer tain deed of mortgage under hia hand and seal, for the purpose of securing to your pe titioners the payment of his certain promisso ry note or single bond under seal bearing even date- with said deed of mortgage, where by he promised to pay to said Josiah S Pe terson. Treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan Association, and to his successors in said office, for the time being, in trust for said Association, the sura of three hundred and thirty-two dollars (it being the amount of an advance that day received by himfrom said Association with iuterest thereon from that date, the interest payable monthly, on the first'Thursday in each and every month thereafter, but the principal not to become due and payable until the closing up of said Association, unless he cease to be a member of the Atheus Building and Loan Association, from ayy cause except by death—or unless he should fail from any cause whatever to pay his monthly dues, in the shape of instal inents, interest, fines and arrearages to said As.ioc’ation, for three successive mouths, or unless ho fail to give additional satistactory security when required of him by the Board of Directors, according to the tenor arA effect of the Constitution of said Association, which he had signed obligating himself to discharge said duties; upon the happening of any or all or either of which events the principal sum of said note should be du« and p.13’able instantly, agreeing that any alteration or amendment of said Constitution, which should be made in conformity, with the article tlieie- iu providing tor alterations or amendments, should not affect the validity of said obliga tion, whereby he couveyed to your petition ers a certain tract or parcel of land, the same being a town lot iu the town of Athens, bounded on the East bv' Mrs. Thomas; South by John Martin ; West by a street separating the premises from the lot of General Taylor; the same containing one acre more or less, and then occupied by the said William Kel- sea, conditioned to be void and of no effect on the payment to tbe said Josiah S. Peterson, Treasurer as aforesaid, or to his successors in said office for the time being, or to either of them, in trust as aforesaid, the aforesaid sum of three hundred and thirty-two dollars, ac cording to the tenor and effect of the said promissory note and the conditions therein named. And your petitioner further sheweth that the saiil William'Kelsea, afterwards, to wit, on the sixteenth day of Februar3', eighteen hundred and fifty-four, in said County, exe cuted and delivered to snid Josiah S. Peter son, Treasurer of said, the Athens Building and Loan Association, and his successors in office for the time being, in trust for said Association, his certain other deed of mort gage under his hand ar d seal for the purpose of securing to your petitioners the payment of his certain promissory note or single bond, unier seal, bearing eveu date with said deed of mortgage, whereby he promised to pa}- to said Josiah S. Peterson, Treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan Association, and to his successors in said office for the time L'hig, iu trust for said Association, the kum of three hundred an3 fifteen 50 100 dollars, it bein'* the amount of an advance ;hat day received by him from said Association, with interest llierco- fro’x, that date; the interest payable mon .’/uty on tbe first Thursday in each and every month thereafter, but the principal not to become due and payable until the closiug p of said Association, uuless he ceased to be member of the Athens Building and Loan Association from any cause except by death, or unless he should fail from any cause whit er, to pay his monthly dues, in the shape of instalments, interest, fines and arrearages snid Association for three successive months, or unless he failed to give additional satisfactory security when required of him by the Board of Directors, according to the tenor and effect ol said Association, which he had gned obligating himself to discharge said duties; upon the happening of any, or nil, or either of which events, the principal sum of said note, should be due and payable instant ly ; ngreeing that any alteration or ncar«I- ment of said Constitution which -should be made iu cotifertnUy with the Article therein providing for alterations or amendments should not affect the validity of said obliga turn, whereby he conveyed to your -petition era the same lot of land in the town of Ath eps to the snid Treasurer of the said Atheus Building and L'<an Association, and being the saute lot of land previously mentioned in this petition Aud your petitioner further shew- eth, that said William Kelsea has ceased to be a member of said, The Athens Building and Loan Associa'iou, and has failed to pay his monthly dues iu the shape of instalments, iuterest, fines and arrearages to said Assoc in tiou for three successive month’s, by which 955 TF? A ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. ORHBOTICD 'ViVXLf. Bf Pir.VKft AND KNo ATHENS ;Oc*. Bagging (Gunny) yd 17 t » lb Bah- Rope, per lb 14 14 M.iuiliaRope •* ......... 20 25 aggiug Twine. 25 SO v Jicnii Sides. 16 17 ‘ ” ilams...-. 14 15 “ Shoulders 12 13 Lard 15 16 Butter 15 20 Tallow........................ 10 12 Tallow Candles ..... - 18 20 Sperm do........... 45 50 Star do ..... 30 35 Coffee Rio .... ............ 134 14 Coffee Java.... 15 16 Tea. 100 125 Rice 7 8 Sugar, Brown 8 124 “ Clarified................. 10 IO4 “ Crushed 124 12 “ Loaf... .......... .... 124 14 Molasses,perga! ............... 35 37 N 0. Syrup.?.*— 45 50 Salt, per Bushel 80 90 Salt, Liverpool Sack 215 225 Steel, Cast ...... 21 26 “ German 15 16 “ Blister 10 124 “ Spring 10 12 Iron, common size 6 6 “ 7 inch wide 7 8 Band 7 8 “ Nail rod ... 8 10 Sheet 8 9 Castings 5 6 Nails, per Keg 6 7 Powder, Rifle 600 650 Blasting — 475 500 Loud 8 10 Shot, per Bag..... 250 275 Cotton per Bale.. 8 84 Flour per bbl 6 7 Wheat per Bushel 90 100 Corn “ “ - 75 80 Meal *' “ 80 90 Oats “ “ -— 80 35 Rye “ “ 75 100 Indigo,Spanish 125 150 Madder lb 16 25 Copperas — 4 5 Blue Stone 18 20 Oil, Linseed .................. 137 150 *• Lump, Winter 150 175 I “ ” Fall iou 125 “ Train 90 100 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 275 300 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 300 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 900 1000 4 bids No.2 900 1000 “ |bblsNo. 2 400 500 Beeswax 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 20 Tobacco 25 40 Yarn perbale, 4C bunches 85 85 11 Retail 90 90 Osnaburgs, per Bale... 94 11 “ Retail... 10 11 Shirring J, per bale 8* 9 “ Retail 9 10 Rags 3 READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! Can be found the largest usaortmc ut of OUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING red in this market. AOo, FURNISHING GOODS I units, YaVVses, Carpet-Bags and UmbreWas* Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all tbe articles we have on bniid* but would cordially welcotr e oil to Qcj-come and examiae for themselves. Athens, April 13,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD'S. For Sale, T HERE having been s division of the Estate of the Hod.- Charles Dougherty, late of Clarke county, deceased, as directed by Will, and the Trust property set apart; the subscriber offers for sale, the plantation be longing to the other portion of said Estate, on the 19th day of Oct. ensuing, at the corner of Mr. Huggins’ store. The tract comprises near six hundred acres of land, of which one hundred arc heavily wooded and near one hundred are low-grounds of the first quality. In short, is is the best place of its size in the county, and needs no comments. Sale to be gin at 10 o’clock, A. M. Terms, twelve months credit and titles made after payment. N. L. BARNARD. " Athens, Sept. 27, 1855. CLARKE MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in November next, .8old at \Vntkiii9villq_jp Clarke county, within the legal hours of sale, a house and lot, in Athens and county aforesaid, with its appertenances, containing one acre, more or less, nnd bounded on the east by Mrs. P. Thomas, on the south by Cranston B. Wil liamson, on the westi by'tbe street, on the north by Mrs. P. Thomas. No. 164, iu Colib- ham. Levied on as the property of William Kelsea, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa, issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of William P. Talmage and John F. Phinizy. this Sept. 25th, 1855. J. LAMPKIN, D. Shff. Sept. 27, 1855, EXECUTOR’S SALE, ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before the court house door, in the towi. of Jefferson. Jack- son county ,Ga., agreeable to the last will and testament of Edwin Pendergrass, deceased, the lot of land whereon P. E. Pendergrass formerly lived, containing oue hundred acres more or less, lying ut the mouth of Beach creek, in Jackson count)’, adjoining lands of J. R. McCleskcy and John Pender grass. Those who wish to purchase a good small farm will do welt to attend. Sept. 27. . WM. J. PARKS, Ex. NOTICE. T HE undersigned (of the firm of F. A. Snmmey & Bro.) having determined to- leave the State, earnestly requests all per-- sous indebted to the same, to come forward! nnd settle their accounts and notes, ns.low- 1 ger indulgence cannot be given. All ac counts will be Ot nsidered due from tbe daUr of Dissolution, August 8th, 1855. Sept 1® J- S. E. SUMMEY. $3=-LOOK REYNOLDS & BROTHER, ( Over Santsom <b Pittard'*,) BO.IH AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de- pai tments. They are prepared for the execution of DUD, Circular*, Card*, Ticket*, Pamphlet*, (be, and are Printers of Cobb’s Reform . Sept. 21,1854. ly R. A B. GEORGIA, HATX COUNTY. fil/TlEREAS, Asa Whitbey applies to me •• for letteis of administration on the estate of Arthur C. Wiisou, deceased, late of said county. The kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby notified to file their objections in terms' of law, 'otherwise said letters will be granted at the next November Term of snid court. Given under my baud at Office, 28th Sept, 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary Oct. 4. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE- O N Monday the 15th of this month will be sold, at the late residence of David Witt deceased, in Jefferson, Jackson county, part of the personal property of said deceased, consisting of Cattle, Hogs and other Stock, with various other articles. This 1st day of October, 1855. Oct. 4. NANCY WITT, Admrx. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY fyjVIHEREAS, William M. Boggs \j\j applies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of Aaron Boggs, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred - and creditors of said deceased to be aud appear rt~my Office on or before the first MonduyjSBfovctnber next to show cause (if any th^$Ke) why said letters should not then be granted the ' applied"*- or to such other^rerson or persons as the court may think proper. Gt?fen under my hand at Office, this I’SUx day of Scpteni ber, 1855. • ASA. M. JACKSON, Ord^y NEW BOOKS. L IFE of James Gordon Bennett. Hidden Path. Bayard Taylors Japan. Also a fresh supply of Stationery, embracing tbe Elizabethan Laid note and letterpapers and envelopes, of various tints—<?np aud Tissue Papers—Tinted visiting cards, Ac. Just received at tbe University Bookstore, by W. N. WHITE. Oct. 4. A List of Letters, R emaining in the Po<t office at wat- kinsvillc, Ga. Oct. 1, 1855. Cobb, A- P. Hutcheson, SI. A. E. Coley, J. A'- D. Mrs. Doster, Natbauiel Jeffries, Mary, Mrs. Gordon, Elizabeth Miss Linear, Langford Hill, Joseph Mathews, Sanford —K. ,i. a Osburn, AugustusC. F. W. LUCAS, I S now receiving a large supply of all kinds of goods suited to the market, and offers them on very reasonable terms. Full advertisement next week. Setitl7 Hardware and Crockery. A NEW branch of BUSINESS FOR ATHENS. Just Opened by GRIFFITH & WILLIFORD, One door below 11. L. Bloomfield’s Clothing Store. W E will not enter into detail of the ma ny articles kept in the above branchci of business, but we invite all to come and see for themselves. W! MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. T HE best article known for cleaning and polishing all kinds of metals, windows, razors and glass ware. A supply just re ceived, direct fram the manuraeturers, and for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP & SON. April 26. NOTICE. ~ ~ T HE copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the name of P. A. SUMMEY A BRO., was dissolved on the 8th day of August, by mutual consent, Either party is authorised to use the name of the firm in the settlement of the business. They return thanks to the citizens of the town and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage they have received. J Those indebted to the firm will find their notes and accounts at the old stand, where they would confer a special favor upou the subscribers, if they would call soon and pay them di P. A. SUMMEY, J.S. E. SUMMEY. Aug. 16, 1855. 3m. r 1HE business will be continued at tLc old .. stand, under the name of SUMMEY A JONES, where they would be glad to wait "pori all their former friends and customers. hey intend keepiug, as usual, a good stock of all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, and a general assortment of staple Drygoods, Ac- all of which will be sold on the most favora ble terms, for cash or good country produce. SUMMEY A JONES. August 16, 135B. GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, J. E. Odell and J. E. Redwinc apply to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Reuben Mayfield, late of 4Hid couuty, deceased. All persons interested are hereby notified that said letters will be granted at the next November term of this court, unless legal cause hp shown to the contrary. Given under my hand 2lst Sept., 1855. M. GKAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30d. NOTICE. 1 1 WO months nfter date, application will be made to the Honorable the court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of John M. Clark, late of said countv, deceased, ISAAC M. KENNEY, Admr. August 23. T WO months after date,- application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the laud belonging to the estate of Dorothy Lester, late of said county, deceased. H. H.CAMP Adm. Sept27 With the will annexed. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, John E. Odell, applies to me for the guardianship of Mary Reed, Ille gitimate orphan of-Isabella Reed, of said county. All persons interested will take notice that said letters will be granteu at the next November term of this court,* unless legal cause be shown to tbe contrary. Given undei my hand 21st Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30d. . We have in our stock a great mauy articles which had previously been mortgaged not commonly kept in this market. Among l- j 0- .c »v-- -.u ».i 1 them are some of the following: Marbleized Iron Mautles and Grates, Gigs and Cabs for children, Cane Chairs, Wash Stands, Baskets, Brooms, Mats, Ac. Buggy Springs, Axles, Boxes, Bands, Carriage Trimmings, *c. Carpenters’, Turners’, Millwrights’, Blacksmiths’ ml Farmiug Utensils complete. All which will be Rold low for cash at GRIFFITH 4 WILLIFORD’S. Athens, Scpt27 tf means the principal sum of said two notes or single bonds under seal have become due and payable. Yet the said William Kelsea, though 30 indebted, and to pay the same, often request ed, has not paid the said sum of six hundred and forty-seven 50-100 dollars, the amount of GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. WHEREAS, Oriu P. Sellers applies to me '» for letters of administration upon the estnte of Brown F. Sellers, deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased that said letters will be granted at the next November term of this court, unless legal cause be shown to the contrary. Given under mv band 2lst Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30 ’- RAMWAY. Gs^Look out for a Scoundrel R AN A WAY from the subscriber, about the 20th August last, my boy, Clark, a Black- principal sums of tbe two promissory notes 1 smith by trade. 'Said boy was last seen and or '■ingle bonds as aforesaid, nor the interest heard of in Madison county, Ga., where he due thereon, nor auy part of said principal had been at work sometime previous to bis or interest. And your petitioners now bring disappearance. It is thought he lias been into Court to be shown the said two niort- decoyed away by-some white person. Said gage deeds, as well as thosaid two promissory boy weighs about 170, or 185 lbs.—about five uotes or single bonds under seals, and pray feet, uinc or ten inches high—copper colored that such rule and order may be passed by the |—laj-go mouth and eyes—shows his gum Court, asisin-accofdance with the Statute in such case made and provided. ASA M. JACKSON, Plff’s Atty. The foregoing petition being beard, nnd the facts therein stated appearing to the Oct.*. SALTUS & CO., 7 Beaver Street, NEW YORK, O FFER tor sale, iu large or small quanti ties, their celebrated Peru Hatumeied Charcoal Iron, quality superior to Swedes; sizes from 5 8 square to 12x5-8 thick, includ ing all sizes Rolled Iron, Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Rivet iron. Bands, Scrolls, Hoop, Nut and Oval Iron, Slit Shapes, (imitation Swe des,J Blistered and (L) Steel, Plough Iron and moulds, all of the first quality, and su perior to any iron made. Have also on hand a full assortment of English common and re fined Sheet and Swedish Iron, all at lowest market rates. June 28—3m teeth very plain when laughing—his jaw teeth comidotably decayed—was riding a bay horse alxiut eight years old, with a black quilted saddle, the horn broke off—a wart on the right shoulder, and a scar on tbe right side of his breast. Said boy is about twenty- is ordered that the said William I seven years old. 1 will pay fifty dollars Kelsea do pay into Court by the first day of reward for the appreheusion of said boy and the next Term thereof, the said sum of six the scoundrel who decoyed bim off, with evi- hundred and forty seven 60 100 dollars so- dencc sufficient to convict him ; or a liberal cured by said two mortgage deeds, with inte- reward for the apprehension and -ccnfine- rest thereon according to the tenor and effect I meat, in auy safe jail, th it I may recover of said two promissory notes or single bonds, I saiil boy. V. H. DEADWYLER. or shew cause to tlie contrary, if any he has, Elberton, Elbert co , Ga Sept. 20. and that on the failure of the said William fWThe Georgia Citizen will please copy Kelsea so to do, the Equity of redemption in j till forbid, and send account to this office, and to said mortgaged premises be hereafter forever barred aud foreclosed. And it is fur ther ordered, that this rule be published in the Southern Watchman once a month for four months, or a copy thereof served on the I said William Kelsea or his* special agent or | attorney, r.t least three-wxmths previous to the next Term of ih:* Court. August Term, ,1855. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. SWAN’S Bank Note List and Detector. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala At $2.00 per annum, in advance. T»HE ' vork u print'd on 6"® White paper and now 1 type, and in appearance will be second to none in the United States. ... _ , A South rn.Bank Note is asseotial in sVety Bank Counting-House, and public office. us unite in advancing our common interests, and not pctinu- Northem men end Northern Detectors to fhietuaw onr money matters as they may wish, while we qui etly following their dictation. The work will be carefully revised on tin day publication, and all important financial changes, they occur, noticed. Every exertion will be made make it a correct anil reliable guide to the B inker aud Merchant. .. . _ Hotel Proprietors, Brokers, Auctioneers, Commis sion Merchants, and ottiefs desirous of having their names and business widely circulated, are informed that a limited number of advertisements will be in serted. Special rates for advertising by the, or for shorter periods, maybe known by applying to any of my Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, Ga. _ Specemtn numbers will be sent on application by letter free of charge , , , . Ail communications intended for the Bank- Note List and Detector,” must b* addressed to “Swan’s Bank-Note Lis,” Atlanta, 8VVAN -. James Robebso*, General Agent. ■' Sep, 27. Bm - GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said County _ REAS, John W. Hamilton Adminis trator of Drewrv J. Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court top a discharge from said Administration, Therefore, All persons ’concerned fire hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Xd'ministrtRor should not, -at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in April next, be discharg ed from said A ’ministration. By order of said Court, at a regular 'rtrtn, held this 3d day of September, 1855. Sept. 6. ASA M. JACKSON. Ord. Notice. W E have bought a part of W. P. ‘turner's stock of Goods, and will .continue the business under the name and stile of COLT A COLBERT, ht 'the old stand of W. P, <£* J.C. TURNER. Groceries sold for cash mid three months time only. JAMES I. COLT, WILLIAM C. COLBERT. No. 9 Granite Low, Athens, Ga, Cm. August 6, 1855. Southern Mutual Insurance Co. Annual Convention T HE eighth Annual Meeting of the South ern Mutual Insurance Conpany, will be w Harriss, Elizabeth A Durr,. Rowan, Jane Hutchej n. Peter W.Yarborough, Meredith J QLGAR8 Oct 4 NOTICE , „ tin earnestly request all wbo are indebted to as, to come and moke pay ment, or close their accounts by note. We muxt close the business of the old firm. May IQ LUCAS A BILLUPS. ; i—:— ;— JWU THOMAS SIMONTON, {*.11 IS,hoi RS! Sugars 1. Sugars! of every'grade description; For sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. 1 EXECUTOR’S SALE. ILL be sold, at the residence of Edwin Pendergrass, deceased, ou Wed nesday the 7ch of November next, within the usual hours of sale,*tho following prop erty, viz: The entire crop of corn, fodder, oats and potatoes, raised on the farm the present year. Also the entire stock of horses, cows, hogs, sheep and geese-. A!bo a yoke of oxen held at their Office in Athens, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1855.— Commencing at 10 o’clock A. M. As busi ness of importance to the interests of the Company will be presented, a full attendance is desired* ALBON CHASE, Sec. Athens. Sept. 27, 1855. 2t Given under my liand at the Office of the I an ox wagon. Also ft rockaway and harness, nunucr my na.. Georgia, with all the farming tools, gear and uten- Superior Court of Clarke County, this 28th day of September, 1855. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Oct 4 Clerk. I sils—household and kitchen furniture. Terms made known oh the day of sale. ^ WM.J. PARKS. Executor. September 27. l ^ 8 - I¥ew Change. O N and afteV Ibis Jatc, the Drays of T. M. Lumpkin and Willis Thompson yviU no longer run' in connection with each other. Merchants and others will hereafter pleaso give tickets respectively to each. Athens, Sept. 27. Notice. mWO months afterdate, application will b-« NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRE DITORS. LL persons indebted to the estate of Ed- win Pendergrass, deceased, late of Jack- son connt-y, Ga., are hereby requested to make immediate payment ; and those bav - ipg demauds agaiust said eslatfe are re quired to present them, duly antbencicatcd I within the time prescribed by law. WM.J. PARKS, Executor. September27. 1 .. i. made to thfe Court of Ordinary of Jackson , - - , . . bounty, for leavfe to sell the real estatebf Da- Kft KEGSof Nails ot the very best quality vid Witt, late of said county, deceased: ’ *JU for sale, low, by T. Bishop A >-on. /itt, late of said county, Ang26. NANCY WITT, Adms. J September 27. BEALL & STOVALL, Grocery Merchants, Augusta, Ga. W ILL continue th: Grocery Bnsines tk All its branches, at their Old Stand an BROAD STREET, opposite the Planter’s Hotel.- Our Stock of Groceries will, at all times, be : arge, tlie assortment complete, and particul arly adapted to Planters’ Trade—a liberal share of which we have so long enjoyed, ahd hope still to receive. WM M. BEALL. JNO. W. L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Mcr- mz: JHC jm. vmurtc asm 3 AugC8TA Ga., W ILL continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, iu all ita branches nnd have removed to the FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE adjoining M. P. Stovall, on the corner of Jackson and Ellis Streets, near the Globe Hotel. Consignments of Cotton, Bacon, Grain, amt other Produce solicited. '1 he usual Advances made on Cotton of Produce in store, when require 1. All Cotton consigned tons will be sold at the Warehouse, where one of the firm may nb all times be found. Commission for Selling Cotton, 25 Cents pef Bald. WM. M. BE ALL JNO. W. L STOVALL. August SO ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. O n the first Tuesday in November next, NOTICE. T WO months after date, application wijl be made to the Horn the court of Ordi nary of Clarki^ounty, for leave to soil one house and lot adjoining the Tan-yard, at Ath ens, whereon Thomas San-oni. deceased, re sided at- the time of his death. Also, one tractof land lying in said county of CUrkv ^ containing 2U8 acres, adjoining White, Her-- w will be sold,before the court house door | ris and Buchanan. Also, all the rOnl estate ... Gainesville, Hall county, all the lands be-1 belonging to said Thomas Sans.»m, deceased, longing to the estate ofVinccutSearaJdeceas- lying out of said county of Clark. Also, One ed, subject to tbe widow’s dower, i let of land containing about 2 and a half acres, Oue tract (the homestead) containing 350 embracing the grave yard at Princeton jbac^ acres more or less. j torv. Al*q, one laud warrant. No. One tract known as the ‘ Saw Mill place, ! sued to said Thomas Sansom. f.>r 60 acres, containing 125 aCres, more or less, adjoining All to be sold as the propi-rlv •>« Aid F. M. Strickland. 1 ceased, for the benefit of hi* Also, a fractional lot,a‘joining J.E. Odell j Aug30 JA$. T. SANaOM, Bjt.^ and others, containing 88 acres, more ana omers,containing 00 acres, more url w T -<nn<-iY> T v A r t less. Sold under aq order of the court of GEORGIA, HALL t/UUii 1 ordiuary of said county. Termson the day. ’ -xttUEREAS, Jones W. Roark applies to MARY SEARS, Admrx- i YV me fot letters of ad mi nbltfatHH! WaH W. F SEARS, AdmT. ' the estate of John A. Roark, late ol said Sept. 27. - tds- 1 county, deceased-. , These are thereft Fa tc notify all pi rs^n* interested, to file their objections iu tny «-f- before the first Monday in Novetr fice, on or 1 PRIVATE BOARDING _ A FEW young men can be accommodated ber’next, else said letters wiit with day Board at the residence of T. AL on t | int <j a y. Lampkin. in .the tenement building cf Mr. Given under my hand, Brown, a few doors below the residence of jg-,5. Wm. M -lorfon. T M. LAMl’KIN. 1 Si-pt. 27, 1855. Sept. 27.