The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 25, 1855, Image 3

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L INDISTINCT COPT *»»!•? Ittt.«riu iiegoiisttiatiiig the treaty r dt'-SotwiM d Lower Cal!forniti ami It is true, Congressionnrliberality, or General Gadsden is father Hotnng"j;ueism, has oolired man? Ho the tuiriiUivateri wilds of ilia West, and the evils of foroiffnism have been thus extended and diffused. Several of Hhe new States are now c >mp!eiely un der the eontrol of foreigners; a id, utt less further legislation isliad, curtailing their'elective privileges, we venture the prediction that every State hereafter admitted into the Union wit! be absolute ly under the control of the foreign voters. •1 fo have made hi* otfieiarrft'idene,'- in Vi v o Mexico » rendeZ'oasnf tl.rt rcvulu io i«# wtiil for hlDln- northern part of M xie«» It i- also alleged tliat he negoiiatt-d the treaty i>y direction of the authoiiti.-a at Wa-h- indon.* THE RESULT IN FULL. Tntt Southern Recorder publishes complete returns of the late election, and adds: Our returns are taken from the Executive Department, and are doubtless correct. The whole number of votes polled is 104,443. Gov. John- ton received of this number, 54.461, Judge Andrew 43,721, Mr. Overby 6,261. Gov. Johnson’s majority over 'Jud^c Andrews, is 10,7’*7: over And tews and Overby together. 4.479. The number of votes polled for Con gressmen, were 102,600. Mr. Steward’s majority in the 1st dis trict, is 1'635. Mr. Crawford’s, in the 2d. 593. Mr. Trippe’s, in the 3d. 896 Mr. Warner’s, in the 4th. 6-*. Mr. Lumpkin,s, in the 5th. 3,317. Mr. Cobh’s, in the Cth, 3.976. Mr. Foster’s, in the 7th, 212. Mr. A. II. Stephens’, in the •8tb, 2,739. The Senate is composed of 73 Demo crats and 33 Americans, the House stands 87 Democrats 61 Americans, and 1 independent Whig—showing a Democratic majority of over 60 on joint ballot. Upon the question of Removnl, it will be seen that Milledgevilln is far ahead of her competitors. The whole number of votes rn*! i* 83.116. No Removal. 48 707. To Atlanta, 29,347. To Mn ■con, 3,436. Milledyeville over Atlanta and Macon, 15 924; over Atlanta, 19.- 360. It is now tc b- imped that a final quietus is given to this subject. Oath-Round Organizations—\ few davs ago the Ami American party of Phibid dphia county held j conven tion in Philadelphia. Nearly (wo ||»r dred delegates were present. In the •Course of the proceedings, the following oath was introduced by Alderman Pal tiler: We do hereby solemnly and sincerely swear, or affirm, without mental reser. vation, that we are. not now. never have been, and do not intend to bee mv*. nn-tn- bers of any secret or other polbiral or ganization which proscribes our fellow citizens on account of their hirth-nlace or religion. One hundred and seventy-nine dele, gates look tb° oath and subscribed their names to if. The different candidates for sherifl nppeured before flip, convention, took the oa'h required of the delegates, and subscribed to it. Each of the can didates were also sworn to mpport t e mominee 'TJte Washington Union' copies flic •proceedings and savs “there is someth ing singiilurity manly and inpres-dve in ■them.” Now when we remember how incessant ami fierce gr«the Anti-Ameri can denunciations of what they c til the sworn obligations of the Know-N tilings, all this vs certainly most amazingly cool. I T Is coolv* than a Lapland winter. It • s cool enough to freeze merenrv. It is forty degrees below zero. The City op MrMi’iti*. according to n census just taken, ha* a population of 16.000 inhabitants, being an increase of nearly 1000 since last year. HARRIED. On the 9th instant, near D-ini.-lsville, Ma- disnn enuntr, Gn.. hv Rev. II. H Parks. Mr CRANDLE OLIVER to Miss EMILY SAN- PERS. May Crandle nnd bis better-half Live loug nnd live happy. And have In's of children to laugh. And call mamma and |>apn! ffjowwrme»-r'-.t ATHENE PftfCF.Ti’CKU'ENT. HV |MMK* l.tU «snl.»»li Ai’ilEN Oct. 24. 17 to 18 0(rB, In this place, on 'he 14th of September. nf »e an illnes* of two days, Mrs E. M. BAIN, wife of Mr. Win. A. Rain. On the 10th inti, J Aft WHITFIELD. j„. fant son of Onl. John Morten; and on o.e 2«th of .Inly Inst, EUNICE ELIZABETH, wife of the R-irnc. fiSTObitii-irie* next week. lfKcLnne’ft Worm Specific. The fallowing, from n customer, shows the I demand which this great medicine has creat- j ed wherever it been introduced:'. Blossburg Ti.»ga On. pa. March30 1«5q Gentlemen—’n rnn«i-qdenee of ’lYie -great I consumption of v< ur Worm Speeifte” in 1 this place and vicinity, we have entir< Iv ex- i hausted mir stock We sliotdd feet obliged ! be your var ting \i:i On ning. N Y. 20 , );|l|v dozen, with vour bi'l ore the reception of; ({ ' Vt . which we-wilt remit the monev i Frofij the wonderful -tfects of «ni,l “Spe- ' rifle” in this neighborhood there eoolil be sold anuu-tllv a large rpiantitv. if t{> t>e li-i.-t. ('•vln>le*a , o and retail) from *o'tip h eal aoeot. If von w >nld compensate a person f, r trou ble nod expense of ven ting. T think I ronH m ike it. t<> v nr advantage to do <n. Y »irs. resnee'ful'v. Wm M Mvtonv. Messrs t. Kidd 9r On Per W F. P gt .-r. 'W Purchasers wi 1 nVs-o l>e carefnf *o nsk for l»r M-Lan Celch-ated Vermifuge. u'i-1 take none else VI other Ve-m ;r ug.-s, in eomoarlson are wor - We**. r>-’s genuine Vermifuge also his ce’ebrnt-d T.ivor "il's, ran now be *iad at all respectflble Drug St -r- s in 'he U. St-.tea nnd Oannda. For sale-it the Deng R'oresnf Smith Billups nnj C. W.& H.R T. lone. B'lgxmg (Gnnny)yd Bhu- llnpe. jirt Id Manilla (tops aggiug f wine. ...— - 25 ■ aeon Side* - I* “ Ham* ‘1 “ Shoulder* 1- Lird............ ---- 15 Butter..'.... ...... ...... ----- 16 Tallow 10 Tailow Caudles. — — - - - 18 Sperm do............ ...... 45 Star do ............ .30 Cotter Rio laj Coffee Java............ 16 Tea 100 Bier 7 Sugar.Brown............ ...... 8 “ Clarified 10 “ Crushed ..... 124 “ Loaf... 124 Mola**e*. per gal ..... — ...... 36 X. O. Syrup...... 4o Salt, per Bushel—............ . 80 Silt, Liverpool Sack ...— .— 216 j Ste.-I. Cast .................... 21 “ German 15 “ Blister 10 “ Spring... 10 Iron, common size .... ....... C “ 7 inch wide 7 “ Baud 7 “ Nail rod --- 8 -* Sheet ......... 8 Castings * 5 Nails, per Keg 6 Powdcr.RiHe. 600 Blasting 475 | Lead ........ .... — 8 Shot, per Bag--- 2fd< { Cotton per Bale.. 74 , Flour per bl»i WJk-u) per Bushel Cum . “ • Meal V “ .Spanish -■ j Madder II. Copperas. ...— l Him Wii Gin Mu \ V Ivv.V.t’hr.K RriiKOy —V< thn.e wh<» h-ivc aiitTernd ntl th ttvsn-n-iu. can fullv -i;>t<reeiaf, and -fTtuaev of Perrc D vK’ p.g r>\ er,-.;„„ remedv f..|- this di-tre-i-ing disease in all it-i torrpj ^ *M bvSnvth d- nt’inp^ r w. y- n n Long \ 11 "nr and bv one -\gent. in ev towp in the tit-i?,. •Stone ...— . — Linseed Lamp, Winter Fall Train >. Letld. Kes 251b -s. Hox 8 by 10 :.. •k r.-L No. 3lifd 4 bid* No. 2 4 1.1.1* No. 2 Be, ,ivi» Feather* - • • Woo] ...... - * -— . Tobacco .—* ......... Yarn perb iie. 4f bundle* Retail j Osuaburg*. per Bale c eveent j Retail horror-, of | Shirr'ug J. per bale the cable ! Retail t’il'er. a l Rag* v. 90 40 60 ad 75 125 16 4 18 137 150 100 *9(t 275 275 IS 25 SO 17 15 15 tr. 20 12 20 50 35 14 16 125 8 124 10* 12 14 37 50 90 225 26 16 121 12 6 8 8 10 9 C 7 650 500 10 275 7| 8 100 50 75 35 100 150 25 5 20 150 175 125 100 3110 800 F. —* TO MILLERS. XV.. LUCAS', ha* ju-S. received a JV.I gierir.-.cilt of the best Anchor brand Bolting ch»U» Oct. n: Hardware and Crockery. A NEW branch of BUSINESS FOR ATHENS. Just Opened by GRIFFITH & WILLIFORD, Oue door below R. L. Bloomfield's Clothing Store. W E will not enter into detail of the ma ny articles kept in the above branches of business, but we invite all to come and see for themselves. Wc have in our stock a gre.At many articles not commonly kept in this market.'-Among them are some of the following: Marbleiced Iron Mantles and Grates, Gigs mid Cab-» for children. Cane Chair*, Wadi Stands, Baskets, Brooms. Mats, dc. Butsgv Springs. Axles. Boxes. Bauds, Carriage Trimmings, *c. Carpenters’, Turio n.’. Millwrights’, Blacksmiths’ ml Farming Utensils Complete. -* . ° All which will be sold low f ir ca-h at GRIFFITH 4 WILLIFORD’S. Athens, Sept27 , tf i'oo moo 90« 10(10 4UU 500 20 22 35 20 85 90 94 10 81 9 40 25 40 85 90 IV 11 9 10 S RUNAWAY. ^Look out for a Scoundrel C5T T> AN AWAY from the subscriber about, the II 20ih August last, nay boy, Clark, a Black smith by trade. Said boy was last seen and heard ot in Madison county, Ga.. where lie had been at. work sometime previous to his disappearance. It is thought he; has hggn decoyed away by s6me white- peirsou. Said boy weighs about 170. or 185 lbs.—alvuit five feet, nine or ten inches high—copper colored —large mouth and eyes—shows his gum teeth very plain when laughing—his jaw teeth considerably decayed—was riding a hay horse nleiiit eight years old, with a black quilted saddle, the born broke off—a wart on the right shoulder, and a sear on the right side of his breast. Maid hoy is about twenty seven years old. 1 will pay fifty dollars reward for the apprehension of said ixiv and the scoundrel who decoyed him off. with evi deuce sufficient to convict him ; is-a liberal toward f-r the apprehension and cftifiuc- ment in auy safe jail, tint I may recover said boy. V. H. DEADW YLER. Klfcerton, Elbert co , Ga Sept. 20. jgf The Georgia Citizen will please copy till forbid, and send account to this office.. -T. i LAW IX. othe Hoots (tn't 8/to, s. LAUGH GEORGIA. CLARKE COrNTY. W’lEREA* Thomas Simnntori npn1ie« to me for T,oiiors of Administration on ’•he f-Itilt- of tohn W ft/ ok, tjite of said P.ointr /t«*cns<„t—n-e therefore to cite and admonish aB and singular 'lie bin. drod nnd c-cdit r« of sai-t deceased to V.p aw 1 annear at mv oRice on Hr before the first Mondav In Dc-’ next. to si,,.,,- cai.cp fif ativ they linve l n-hv caid letter.-~choidd not ttien he granted the npolicnnt or to sneh o'her person or persons ns the Court may lodge -wooer. Civ.-n under mv-hand nt OfTRc'e' (Vis the 17th dav «.,f O-f.-hcr te-r, A«-1 XI .TACK^OK Ordn nrv. Oe’chei- 2 r ., JflBB. ut-plv of L-twrciueville and r iitsr i SltOI'8 ADo a variety. o> La-lie- and GentU-ii en>' Boots ai d Shoes, at Oet 13 ISAAC M. KENNEY'S OL’Ttitr.r, I'PON \ Printing A "PRtlcman r«'si<ling in th- lower por tion of th»’ State nnd now vi-iiirig tin- pity, lias informed t:« flint an outrage wit* perpetrated not long ago mion llip office of the Cape Girardenn Expo-iter, •edited and puhlished in that place hv Mr. 1*. L Foy, formerly of the S'. .Louis Democrat. Some one entered the •office Imildintr at night hv a back win dow, nnd broke up the press so hndly that the issue of the paper hn« neces sarily been suspended unlil it can he re : paired, or a new one gotten to supply its place. The author of the outrage ■was soon run down nnd appehended hv the town authorities, and proved to he an Irishman who had been engaged at •day labor for sometime iff Cape Girar- dean or its vicinity. His excuse for the «ct was, that he suspected the editor, notwithstanding his foreign birth, of cherishing principles and inclinations favorable to Know Nnthingism. At last accounts the Irishman was in limbo, and shortly to be made answerable to law for this over-zealous and impressive manifestation of bis political philosophy. Gould this determined Paddy have had the power of multiplying himself into n mob; our Cape Girnrdtnn friends per haps. would have been edified with an addition of some tremendous native and *• furrin’ riots, such as have enlivened our principal cities about election times for some time back.—St, Louis Re publican. COL. BEN J. H HILL, ( This noble defender of the American principles in the 4th Congressional District, has been defeated by a very email majority. Notwithstanding his d< • feat, he lias achieved n victory. IIis opponent was the strongest man in the district, from the fact that he had been the presiding Judge of the superior court in the several counties composing the district, and had occupied for sever dy years a seat on the Supreme B-nch. Col litu is a young man, nnd was unknown to many of his friends previous to his no initiation. He commenced the canvass vigoriouslv, and fought it through man fully, and has succeeded in whittling down the Democratic majority of 700 in 1833, to a mere frazzle. We have been proud of him during this contest, as our standard bearer—we are proud of him yet as n member of the American party 'As a political speaker, h- has but fc any superiors —jWanta Discipline. The individual who tried to clear his conscience with an egg. is now endeavor ing M raise his spirits with yeast. If he fails in tfiis it is his deliberate intentim to blow out Ida brains with :v bellows, and sink calmly into the |trms of—>i. youn lailyj AD AM'S *V rr> <n rx press of. PICK. ATHENE. G \, A rTrn <>ii. nn 'tiipppil F>v V tbe nbor<» G. nn-mv. will-Vw .lofivewsl from tlii'i offiep. until /-vurii/rpc .,tp r>4ld tiw •»i'.t r-rVi ’P/ CnTi.iijnnp. Ivttt nt'-ion “ f/it- fi/<* notifr ijfl.wwrr- nr/'frr.livnJ T. M LAMPKTN Accnt Oet’oltor RKR€H4YT’§ (.> O JLs O tJN * - •?> ' -• Hi PERFUMERY AND SOAPS, Are the Best Made. 5G7 BROADWAY. Comer of Prince •Str«-*-i, New York. Ask fur them when Shopping. Oct. 18 il AiqY j tpo.w -'-"ij i>>i p uini iu JO/U.ij o Stl ill.rflJJ llp-s OI| |j|.v *Al'tijtU--Q uni.iij,- s.ioijiv ot]j jo spioii aou -uir.u mcojy j.tjh- j HAVANA RAN LOTTERY f Jasper County Academy lottery. \_By Authority of the Stutcof Georgia.j MACON. GA r I"M!IS I .ottery is-cun'Kictril outlie plan of I tin- Royal Lottery of Havana, ot siiittl* number'—and diawu at Connert -Hall.' Mn- con.-Ga.. tin lor th« sworn Suprriiitendeure of t'ol. Geo. M Logan.and .las. A. Nisbet, 1- Grand Scheme, for Nov. 5, 1855. \Vlien Prizes ainomitiug to fcp $50,000. «Dj CLASS G. Will be distributed as follows: CAPfTALS GEtARtm—Clarke - County. To the II.imibabi.k Sli’cuiob Court OF >A«l> Ci*VNTY- 1 'UE petitb.a Athens Bui'.dimj ami . L‘-an Asyciation, sb.:weth that William Kebea. *>f said •'ojtrity and 9tatL i-:i the sv,-- entb day of March, ei/litceu bun Intel and fifty-three. iu s ui County, executed ayidti*. livi-rnd-to* Josiab 8. Peter»on, Tiv i-arer- f « AtheiS Building and Loan As-o>:ialino ami hi* successors i:i said office, for the tirac being, iu trust for said Association, bis cer tain deed of mortgage under his band and seal, for the purpose of securing to your pe titioners the payment of his certain promisso ry note or single bond under seal bearing even date with said deed of mortgage, where by be promised to pay to said Josieh S Pe terson. Treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan Association, and to bis successors in -aid office, for the time being, in trust for said Association, the sum of three hundred and thirty-two dollars (it being the amount of an advance that day received by him from said Association w’tli interest thereon from that date, the interest payable monthly, on the tir^t Thursday in each and every month thereafter, but the princi;>al not to become due an ! payable until the .closing up of said Association, unless he cease to be a memlicr of the Athens Building and Loan Association from any cause except by death—or miles be should fail from any cause whatever to pay bis monthly dues, in the shape nf instal meiits. interest, fines and nrrmfraiies to said As-oc atii-n, for three successive nmnihs. or unless bo fail to give additional satisfactory security when r< quiri-d of him by the Board of directors, according to the tenor aud effect of the Constitution of said Association, which he bad signed obligating himself to discharge said duties; iipon the happening of any or .all or either of which events the principal sum of said note should be due and payable instantly, agreeing that any a'teratiim or amendment of said Constitution, which should be made in conformity, with the article then- in providing inr alterations or amendments, should not affect the validity of said obliga tion. whereby he conveyed to your petition ers a certain t ract or parcel of land, the same being a town lot in the town of Athens, hounded on the F.n-t by Mrs. Thoma«; South by John Martin ; West by a street separating the premises front the lot of General Taylor; the same containing one acre more or le«s. ud then occupied by the said William Kel son, conditioned to he void and of no effect on the payment to the said .to-ish S. l-’etersoo, Treasurer as aforesaid, or to his successors in said office for the time being, nr to either of them, in trust as aforesaid, the aforesaid sum of three hundred and thirty-two dollars, ac cording to the tenor and effect of the said promissory note and the conditions therein named. And your petitioner further sheweth that the said William Kelsea, afterwards, to wit, on the sixteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, in said County, exe cuted and delivered to said Jo-iah S. Peter son. Treasurer of said, the Athens' Building mil Loan Association, and his successors t ffice for the time being, in trust for said READY-MADE CLOT AND CLOTHING MADE TO o Gau h,.f .nhd the lar -ni *s*< rtim «s of '■JEN'S, YOUTH’S & BOY'S CLOTHING Everoffered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trunks, Va\\ses, Carpet-Bags uuA \ImkreU&t, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we have ou htn'i bat would cordially weicoi e oil to Qcy-come and examine fartlienieivn. ' * Athens, Aprill8.1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S/ For Sale. T'HERE having been a division of the 1 Estate of the Hon. Charles Donghorty, ■ate of Clarke county, deceased, ns directed by Will, and the Trust property set apart; the *ub=eriher offers for sale, the plantation be longing to the other portion of snid Estate, on the 19th day of Oet. ensuing, at the corner of Mr. Huggins’ store. ’The tract comprises near -dx hundred acres of land, of widen one hundred are heavily wooded and near one hundred are low-grounds of the firel quality. In short, is is the best place of its size in the county, and needs no comments. giiiat 1') o’clock, A. M. Terms, twelve months credit and titles made after ffayment. N. L. BARNARD. Athens. Sept 27.1855. .<i| i Jtuiuuni r ■ 4 «" h r-i auJj ; HHAvoci iua.uoj NOTICE. 4 T.T, perso'.is indebted to me he n<> f e .u ncronn’s me respectf;d'v reej-i"ste>l t< csll nml settle «n. D.' N. JUD30N. A then-. Oct. ?•". t Piize ■ff * 12 ciiO l Prize of 85,0ti0 1 Prize of 3 .0* 111 1 Prize of 2.00U 1 Prize of 1 1 Prize of 1.200 ! Prize of 1 .mo 5 do of l,i 04! 10 do of 400 10 do of 150 12 d-. of 120 20 do of luO t><) do ot ' 50 25t> do of or, J3 Approximation of 860 Vnlimble Lnnrlfs for Sale. f|UTP snlxrviher bnvSng n lirge snttlec-irtlt ■ of land King on the N"rth F«i-k >.f 1 Diver in Ma-lison Countv Os . epnt-*dning thon «and tie res nml l,rittr, de-irons to ell n part or all of said land w!” sell no erommodating terms Said T.mi-l is nearly It woods well watered nnd timbered and several goodsh- aU and will he sold in lots to suit purchasers Anr per-on wishing to iinr- chase can call mi the subscriber five miles east of panielsville Geo. CHARLES L. SORRELLS. Oet«her 25 4t •TO Bags Bio Coflco! O F Superior qunlitv for sale low. hv Oct 26 T. BISHOP A SON. Old Gov’t Java, A ND Choice Laguirn COFFEE Just reived bv Oct. 25 T. BISHOP «fe SON. Blnestone! 4 FRESH supply just received. t\ Oct, 25 ” T. BISHOP J. SON. More Light! r A BOXES best Sperm and Adamantine / Candles, for sale low. hv Oct, 25 T BISHOP <t SON. F. W. LUCAS, i I S now ri-ceivitig a large supply of n’l kinfl- . X of goods- suiie»l to tde market: Consisting in (nrt, of [Julies’ Divt-s Goods, RicliS i *p d and Plaid Dress Silk-. Rich R?«ck Silks in P:aids and Mpise A i tique Striped. Pin-n ci.l«>rid Siik-' f- r Mantillaa. Pi-in B' i' k Silk* ati«l Series, B >iinet Silk-. Lining Suk- end B'-nm t Trimii'ing"- Iticti Sat in Strij.i-d V. Bha.etcs ; ii-.cii Fig ur'd *n-i Striped i-'rem-'! DoLaine*. from ‘.'.j to Ini) yd.: Plain Fu-urh an ! En r l;sd Men 1.0 » «f' ill colors- li.iid.somt Plaid W0uK-n; tor c.i;ldi« ns’ wear ; Solid eyivwd Ci.-tii- :,n i Fl iiit-cl'- ot 'ilssiiols f"t- L dies' Cloak>. with linilnnlis end Irni.mtugs lo match- French Guntifics and Fiench. r.ngl rli end Anieric-iu trii ghams. All kit ds »f Gioil.s. Oasimeres and \'< Mings. Blankets, Kerseys- eU i heavy WooKus; Fine rto*l Blanket*; Q lilts, Counterpains and Sheetings; A large lot ot lush Lim ns, and all kinds of Lung Cloth; Carpi tings. Mattings. Hugs and Flm.i Cloths; 13 itine s. Rihons. Laces, Eml>roideries. ic- Gloves. Hosiery, Net Shirts, Ac ; All "kinds of White and R< d Flannels; HATs. CAPS, BOOTS’and SHOES of till kinds ; Saddles, Bridles, Martingales. Ac.; All kinds ot Hardware an t Cutlery ; i aimer’s Tools ; Carpi liter’s and Smith's Tools; Bolting Cloths, warranted o the best quality : Bmsiiug Powder and Safety Fuse for wcll- digiieis and miners. Allot which he oilers at the lowest market prices, either for cash or approved credit. Oct. II. 1855. 408 I’kizks Amounting to 859,000. Only 10,000 N cm nuns. Remefriber. every prize is drawn a! e .cl drawing, and paid wl|. n dh>- in full, wiifmnt any deduction. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings seni t» orders. Registered letters, at my risk. Bills on all so;vent Banks at par. Tickets. $ t; Halves $4; Qnar.t-r* 32. Address J A Si I S F. W l NTKR, Oct IS Manager, Maci n, t}|i •^Sundries! C OCOA Basse, Gelatine, Pepper-Sauce, Ketchups, ' • • Salad fid. Mustard. Capeys, , < Fl-ivi ring Extracts. Lemon Syrups and Macaroni. *: • For sale low hv T. BISHOP & SON. October 25. 1855 NEW BOOKS. C ORA mid the Doctor—-Arnold s Oakfield; Roe’s L ng L- ok ahead : Clouds an*’ Sunshine—Rend : R*-get’s Thcsamas of English we.rds; Clive Hall—By Mis* Serrett; India China Japan. Taylor ; Grace Lre—Karanah; South Side View of Slavery, Alvin ; Chimi-trv of common life; Isorn’s Child: Bits of Blarney, Mackenzie- Li fe of Bennett; Tlu- Rag ITcker; Mary Lvndon; The Aurucarrians; Meui'-ries of Sydney Smith ; English Orphan-*; Johnson's Agricultural Cliemi-try; Cumming Hun er’slife in Africa; Cotton is King ; Ravtie# Christian T.ife; AJbbotts Napoleon ; . Vanity Fair—Tllackeray ; Basket of Chid* ; Horse sh'us R-ibins-m—Swi.l'uw Bam ; Burke's Work*. Just received a' the corner. Terms Oasis or 3 iu ith*. ■' 0-’t.*26. W. N, WHITE: ~ Notice. P URSUANT to «n order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke County, will he sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in Deccmher next, dur ing the legal li. urs of sale, the House and Lot at the High Shoals, in said County, whereon Epnrmu S. Hopping, deceased, resided at the time of hi* death. Also at the ^aiue time and placi, the Plantation of said deceased, adj -iuing the House ami Lot, con- 1 taming about 1260 acres, a lair proportion : ot is in th woods. Also at the same time and place, 'he Saw and Grist Mills at ; the *.i d High Shoals. T e hou>e and plantation constitute a | ven- desirable settlement for auy person • wishing t" settle ii> that part of the country ' an-i Hi. Mill* being ou a ucvi-r-failin, stream, mid one of the best shoals in the ‘ S-me. make them the uios: desirable pro » erty "i that di-scription. any where in Mid- , dh- (i orgi:u Persons wishing to purclmse . ihe lands or Mills; art requested to examine 1 them Ix-liire tin-day of sale. All to be sold a* the. property of said dee d for the benefit ! of his creditors. Terms on ih«-day. j FARM ELIA A. HOPPING. Oct 18 Exr’x. i_L.AKK.ti MokTUAUG SHERIFFS SALE. O N the first Tuesday in Nnvemher next, will lie sold at Watkinsvin?, in Clarke county, within the legal hours of sale, a house and lot. in Athens nnd county aforesaid,with its appcrteminces. containing one acre, more or less, and bounded on the cast by Mrs. I*. Thomas, on the south by Cranston B. B'il- lianison, ou the west by the street, on the north by }frs. P. Thomas. No. 164, in tio!di- ham. Levied on us the property of William Kelsea, t» satisfv a mortgage It fa. i-sued from tlie Superior court of said county in favor of William P. Talmnge awl John F. Phiuisv. this Sept. 25th, 1855. ' LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, D. Shff. Sept- 27, 1365. NOTICE. T HE u n .te^i,n.Cl („r Ih, firm tf p. t. Snramcjr & Bro.) huTing dtst^rouned to leave the State, earnestly requests all p«r wus indebted to the same, to c-une forward and nettle their accounts and notes, oa lon ger indulgence cannot be given. ’ All aa> counts will he c iisi.Jer. d due from the date of Dissolution, August 8th, I855. St 'P t J- S. E. SUMMED MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. T UI, best article known for cleaning and polishing all kinds of metuls, window*, rumors and glas* ware. A supply just re ceived, direct Ir.un the manufacturers, and for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terma. T. BISHOP & SON. A in l 2d. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Novembt r next, before the court bouse rfoor, in the towi. of Jefferson, _ Jack- son county .Ga., agrceahleto the last will nnd 'csiament of Edwin Pcmleigr-s?, deccascil, the lot of land Whereon P. E. Pendergrass formerly lived, containing one hundred acres more* »*r less, lyiug at the mouth ot Beach creek, in Jackson county, adjoining lands of J. R. McClcakey and John Pender- griiss. Those who wish to purchase a good small firm will do well to attend. Sept 27. WM. J. l’AUKS, Ex. EXECUTORS SA E. ATT If*!, he sold, nl the residence 1 \ Edwin Petti!ergr:i>s. -.h-ceii.-ed, on Wed ti-s lay the 7th of November next, within ho iti-uiil hours of sale, the ioli'Win^ prop rty. viz: l iie entire ere p of Corn, fodder, oats nnd '»:>tt- es, raised on the farm the "resent jvttr. .VLy the 1 »;ir« stock or horses, cows, lu gs. sbe><t> uud geese. Also a yoke .of oxen >x wagon. Als-itt ri-ckaway and harness, with all tin-fanning tools, gi ar and uten sils—household und kuchen turniture. Terms mode known on tne day of sale. WM.J. PARKS. Executor. September 27. tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Monday the lath of this month will be sold, at tne late residence-of David Witt teceused. iu Jefferson, Jack-on qpunty, part •t 'lie personal property of saill deceased, consisting of Cattle, Hogs and other Stock, with various other articles. 'I'his 1st day of October, 1855. t>ct.4. NANCY WITT, Admr'x. For Sale or Rent! A NEAT dwelling piece, occupied by the undersigned, and the lot of Mr*. Baxter. Containing six comfortable room*, a well of water, nnd all necessary, out houses and stable—embracing one acre ami a quarter of wed cultivated laud, stocked with choice fruit trees. Terms very liberal. E. M. EDV/aKDY. Oct. 11 tf As-'oeiation. hi* certain other deed of mort ;.igo nndei hi* hand m d *t-nl for the purpose •f securing l'- your petitioner* the payment if hi* cei tain promi.--.-ory note or single h-.tid. uolersetd. lie.iring even date with said deed f tndr'g lge, whereby he promised to pay to id Jie-iuli S. Peterson, treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan A.-sociution c and to hi* successors in said office for the time being, in trust for said Association, the sum of three hundred and fifteen 50 150 dollars, it being the amount of an advance that day received by him from said Association, with interest thereon from that date; the interest payable monthly on the first Thursday in each and i*rv mouth thereafter, hut the principal not t-> h emue'due nml payable until the closing Up iff said Association, unless he ceased to be a member of the Athens Building and Loan Association from any cause except by death; or unle** he should-fail from any cause what ever, to pay his monthly dues, in the shape Of instalments, interest, tines and arrearages to ' said Association for three successive months, or unless he failed to give add.tionnl inisfuctory security when required of him by the Board of DIreelors, according to the tenor and effect ot said Association, which he had signed obligating himself to discharge said duties; upon the happening of any, or all, or ei her of which events, the principal sum of said note, should be due and payable instant ly ; agreeing that any alteration or amend ment of said Constitution which should lie made iu conformity with the article therein providing for alterations or amendments should not affect the validity of said obliga tion. whereby he conveyed to vour petition ers the sunn-, lot of land iu the town of Ath ens, which had previously been mortgaged to the said Treasurer of the said Albeits Building and L*.au A*roc‘iation. and being the rainclol of land previously mentioned in this ilioii Andy our petitioner further show- tli, that.-aid William Kelsea has ceased to be a member of said. The Athen* Buiiding and Loan Association, and has failed to pay his monthly dues in the shape of instalments, interest, fines and arrearages to said .Associa tion for tliree successive months, by which means the principal sum of said two uotes or single bonds uuder seal have become due and payable. Yet the said William Kelsea, though so indebted, and fo pay the same, often request ed, has uot paid the saiff sum of six hundred and forty-seven 60-100 dollars, the amount of principal sums of the two promissory notes or single bonds as aforesaid, nor the interest- due thereon, nor any pait ol said pr.t.cipnl or interest. Aud your petitioners now bring into Court to be .shown the said two mort gage deeds, us well as thesuid two promissory notes or single bonds under seals, and pray that such rule aiul order may be passed by the Court, n* is in accordance with the Statute in such case made and provided. ASA M. JACKSON, Piff's Atty. GEORGIA. UA t,L COUNTY. W HEREAS, J.E Odell nnd J F,. R el wipe apply to me for haters, of adminiitrii tmn upon the estate It R« ubeu Mayfield, hit .f * lid county, deceased. All persons interested are hereby Ho'ified that said letters will he granted at the next November term of this court, unless legal cause he shown to the contrary. Given under my hand 21st Sept., 1 8"5. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27 30J I y\VO months after date, applicaiton will he made to the Court of Ordinary ,f Walton county, for leave to sell the laud -clunging to the estate of Dorothy Lcsfei Ihtc of said county, deceased. II. H CAMP Adm g e pt27 With the will annexed GEORGIA, HALL‘COUNTY. W HEREAS, John E. Odell applies to me for the guardianship of Mary lived, illy* gitimate orphin of Isabella llct'd, of sai county. AH*persons interested will take notice hat said letters will he granted at the next November term of this court, unless h gul cause he shown to the contrary. Given undet my hand 2lst Sept., 1855. M. GRAH AM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30d. GE ORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. YYJ HE RE AS, Everett Year by applies to me T f for letters of administration 1 with the will annexed, on theestateof Jiunyr rthod late of said County, deceased—These are therefore to cite aud udiuuuish, all and siugu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Mondav in December nexJ, to shew cause (if any they have.) why said letters should uot then lie granted the applicant, or to such other person or persons os the Court may thiuk proper. Given under my hand at Office, this the fourth day of October, 1855. A$A AL JACKSON, Oct 11 Ordinary S UGARS! Sugars! Sugars! of every grad* and des-Option. 1-oi sale, low, by T Bishop A S"’-. April 26. DICHABD HUGHES is a Cau«U i\. da e f-r re election or Tux Collector of T laike County. Election first Monday in Jaauarv. 1856. Oct. 18 I :—: —_** C HEESE CH0ESE.—Fine English Dai ry Oheese at KENHBY’S. OeT . . } ■ . . • ^ ■ *. x n« U . • T 1 tf l j 51A •'! ' : A FALL AND WINTER GOODS T HE Subscriber, thankful to his friends and the public for'past patronage, in forms them that he is in receipt of a lurge and hau-lsomc assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS; among which are Men iii.s, Di-Lainvs, Brocades, Alpaccas, Ging hams, and Prints, cheaper tli»irusual. And a variety of other goods for Ladiesand G»-n tleiuen. Piease cull and examine niy stock Oct 18 ISAAC M. KENNEY. at and- V«-r:m ’actui order by the AiUeue Steaqt Company. - Op* |8 * f T?*ON FENCING-:Pf 1 das. of iiSSiSrMtriD GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. WHEREAS, Oriit l\ Svllcrs »pi lits to m if for letters of itlministration upon th esta'i.- of Br.wn F. Sell vis, dee eased The.-c arc therefore to cite find adtopuirh the kindred aud.creditors of raid dtceasco, hat said :e11* ts will he granted at the next November term <f this court, unless le nl .’ause b* sli nvn to the contrary. Given under mv baud 21st Sept., 1865. \M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. aa, \ The foregoing ]*etition- being heard, and lie facts therein stated appeal ing to the Court, it is ordered that the said William Kelseu do pay into Court by tho first day of the next Term thereof, the said sum of six hundred aud forty seven 60 100 dollars se cured by said two mortgage deed*, with inte rest thcreou according to the tenor aud effect of said two promissory notes or single b inds, or shew cause to the contrary, if any he has. and that on the failure of the said William Kelsea so to do. the Equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premise* be hereafter forever barred and foreclosed. Aud it is fur ther ordered, that this rule be published in the Southern Watchman oiice a month for (our months, or a copy thereof served on the said William Kelsf-a or his special agent or attorney, at least.tbree mouths previous to the next Term of this Court. Acocst Teem. 1855. A true extract from the miuutes of said Court. Given under my hand at the Office of the Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia, this 28th dav of Scpteinher. 1855. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. Oct .4 Clerk. SWAN’S Bank Note List and Detector. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala. At $2.00 per annum, in advance. T H E work is priuleil o* fine l\ liite paper and new type, and in appearance will l e second t» none in the United State*. , . A South m.Bank Nr-te h asscctialin svery Hank Counting- Huu«a and public «.ffiee. ‘ et u* unite in advancing «u* common interest*, and not permit- Northern me» end Northern '..erector* tofluctuaV, our in- nicy matter* as they may wish, v.-liile we qm city following their dictation. The work will be eareintty revised on tbs day of publication, »«d all important financial rlianges r as Jw occur, noticed. Every exertion vviU he made to make it a coirect and reliable pride to the B inker and VI Ho«e "I’riiprictor*. Brokers. Auctioneers, einn Merchant*,and other* desirous nl having their names and l.-isine-s widely circulated, "c mformed that a limited ..umber of adveri.semen s will Ik. i - serted. Speri it rgjo* for advertising by tho- " r ,uy shorier(i“rk>d.*, may be known by applying lo auy <.f uw A"enl*. or at lire otBce in Al'ant.i, t.a- sperrmtn numliers will be sent on app.ication by letter free of charge t , .in.-w. All communie.iltons intended for ue Bank ^ te List and Uetecmr,” must be addressed to swan » Bank-Note LLt.” At'ar,U, GporgmSWAN Joiev Robxmos, General Agent. Sept 37. . ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. O N the first Tuesday in November nexf, will be sold,before the court house door, in Gaiuesville, IlaUeouuty. qll.tltq laml* hc- longing to the estate of Vincent Searajdcceas- cd.' subject to the widow’s dower, One tract (the hometftead)containing 350 seres,more or less. One tract known as the Saw Mill plac *, containing 125 acres, more or let-s, adjoining F. M. Strickland. Also, a fractional lot, adjoining J. E. Od«-U and others, containing «8 acres, more or less. Sold under an order of the court of ireiinnry of said county. Terms on the day. MARY SEARS, Admrx. W.F.SEARS. Adu>x. Sept. 27. tds- — 1 NOTICE. T HE copartnership heretofore existing li©. tween tho .’»ub>cnlx*rs, under tho nxnto of P, A.8CMMEY & BRO., w iw disaolv^ on t e 8th oay of August, by mutual consent. Either partv is authorised to usu the nan.w «>f the firm in the settlement of the business. They return thanks to the citisens of th* town and surrounding country for tho very theral patronage they have received Those indebted to the firm will find their no'ea and accounts at the old stand, where they would confer ^special favor upon the subscribers, if they would call soon amt par them off. P. A. St7MM KY. ' J.S. E. SUMMEY-- Ang. 16, 1853. rpHE business wifi be continued at the old X stand, under the name of SUMMEY A JONES, where they would he glad to war! upon nil their former friertd* and customers, Iffiey intend kuepiug, as usual, a good stock of iili kinds of Urocurie*, Hardware, and a general assortment of utapU Drygood*, St all of which will he sold on the most favora Me terras, for cash or good country prod use SUMMEY A JONES. August IQ, 1855. NOTICE. . T WO mouths after date, application will he made to the Honorable the court of >rdiiiary iff Clarke county, for leave to sell ill the real estate belonging to tho e*tuts of .John M. Clark, late of snid count v, deceased, Isaac m. kennkY. Adm*. August TS’. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Court of Ordinary if said County W HEREAS, John W Hamilton Adminis trator of Dr* wry J. Hamilton, late 0 f said county, deceased,petitions the Court fur a discharge from said Administration, Therefore, All rersoiu cenccrnsd are hereby required to show cause, (if any the* have) why snid Administrator should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held ou Bu-first Monday in April next, bedischarg- ed from said A ministration. By 6rder of said Court, at a regular uVw # held tliis 3d day of September, 1855. Sept. 6. ASA M. JACKSON, 6*S. Notice. W E have I anight a part of W. P. TurosF* stock of Goods, and will continue the business under the name nnd stile of COLT A COLBERT, at the old stand of W. P. <k J.C. TURNER. Groceries sold for cn»k nmL three month.* time only. JAMES I COLT. • WILLIAM C COLBERT: No. 9 Granite Low, Athens, Oa 6nl - August 6, 1855. BEAJsL.& STOVALlT Grocery Merchantij Augusta, Ga. W ILL contjmic tlu* Grocery Buniiies,is iu its branches, at their' Old Stand a» BROAD STREET, dpnoeiie the Planter’s Hotel v Our Stock of Groceries will, at nil timen, 1/4 arge, the as»irtii)eiit complete, and |-nitlcnl- arlv adapted to Planters’ Trade—a liberal share,of which we have so long enjiAed, at, A hope still to receive. WM M. BEALL, JNO. \V. L. STOVALL. BEALL k STOVALL, Augusta Ga., W/lLL continue the WAREHOUSE ANtf TV COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all it* branches and have retimwd to the FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE adjoining M. P. Stovall, on the corner nf Jackson uud E‘li* Street*, near the (IjohC Hotel. Cotfiegninents ofCotti n, Bacou. Grain, ac4 other produce solicited, '1 he usual Advanc s made »>o Cotten er Produce in store, when required All Cotton consigned ton* will he suit! ai the Warehouse, where one of the firm may ai all times be found. Commission for Selling Cultoo. 25 Cents Uale. WM. M BEALL JNO. W L STOVALL. August 30 ^3-LOOK REYNOLDS BROTHER, (Oeer Sanxotn ib Pittardt*.) BOOK AND JOB PBINTSRS, ATHENS, GA. Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de partments. V ■ They arc prepared for the execution ol Bill*, hircnbiT*. Card*, Ticket*. Pamphlet*,dc. and are Printers of Cobb’s Ri:i or* . Sept. 21, 1854. ly R- * B. U ENRY VERSON- rscejved i» 13 -Uy a Georgian. Ju- 'W. N. ViHITci. Mammoth Sale ! At Brennan's Dry Goods Store, BROAD STREET. §40,000 WORTH 01 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, To be sold without Reserve 1 T HE largest and lte-» reported Stock cf DRY ClOODBr Ever offered in this City. On and after Monday, Oct 8, the undersigned, with a view to make a change iu the firm, nnd reduce his — ■ ■ . | present h«avy stock or Goods, will sell with- PP^V ATE BOARDING I out reserve, at Wholesale or Retail, the en- 4 FEW young men can le accothmodsfed tire stock, and to save commissions he will A with dav Board at the residence of T M. th . c j, Wm » Lampkiu. in the tenement building cf Mr. : A 1 AUJU 1 1U«. - Brown a few doors below the residence of Merchants, Planter#, Dealers, ant tlie pub.ic Wm. M dorian. T. M. LAMPKIN. generally, will study their own interest by ScDt. 27, 1866. examining this Stuck before buying *lse- r ' ~ ’ , w k e ,. e . And t > save thne and trouble, he ! ~~ would say, the terms will be Cash for sains NEGRO SHOES. under One Hundred Dollars: for amounts F.made at the Watkin.sville Factory. Oct, 11. • ■" TAKE NOTICE” * CCOUNTS previou* to Oct* ler H are now due, aotl prompt ptyiotnt jthvreof ixpect- <L WM. {i. WHITE- Dc+. 1 res* from date of Sale. P. S.—The Ladies are respectfully invited to call-and see the Silk#. Merino*. Cash- mere*. Wool Plaid.-, Alpacas, Coborg Ch-th* Bombazines, tie. Ac Ac- THOS BRENNAN, j Above the Gtot-ie (.lorn- r. I Augusta, Oet. 8, 1855- ” m