The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 15, 1855, Image 3

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r- twean two angry djsputniHs, as to the probability of the suecss or failure of the projected invasion of England by the iSfder Nupotoon. Col, B. niainlarn- ed that it would, and Mr. .A. as stoutly denied that it could be successful Tl*“ former asserting Uiat Khglpnd hjd been tencc conquered by France referred to the invasion and conquest of William the Norman. The latter' denied that ^William was a Feenchmjin. Chi. B. thought to dose the controversy tri umphantly by the following sylogism : natives of France, are Frenchmen ; "William the Normau vas^ hjtive of France ; Ergo* William the-Norman' was a'-Frcpcb. liian ; but was instantly met by another, which closed the verbal runs thus— * - . A "goose is an animal; - Col. It. is an animal * Ergo, Col. It is a goose. The perfect ’.parallelism of these two. proccssesqf reasoning, cannot but be telt. Yet i hope the reference will rumple no leathers. t < ■ The Washington editor claims for. the abolitionist as an iniiohluaJ, -the 1 do 1 do 1 . do l- do I 1* d« 1. do 1 do hour—to banish from (h^jiolitii-s-of Stole the distracting question of slavery, wlmdLhsu strengthened 'furmlicism arid atienftTed ««- Qrpm each dtlief—to leave, it, »v*Di alj. ita responsibilities where it •extlueively belongs.' tisf-thc. in whiyh it exists—to ugh£wiihL uein one ,} .‘I? grand national nfiort^Jbfrte Its front'the j dominion of spoilsmen - anj. famine* and the corrupt .foreign ifipgence which s ustains'.artd 'supports >t—rCnd pnoa. acre loj-eoyw.'-oii the .altar of theCqftsid^tien; our uqitcd vows oTfideUtyJiB A*e Eton. ‘ ~ * Respectfully yo'drsf' , * .V^c^dlRrX.. ' I<ATER ERQM EUROPE. XssjVAL OF- TU% STAAStittn r- kSli.' : ' l!Ar.rrAX,NoT. 7. The Asia has "arrived with Liverpool dates to the 27th-* • * _ • -» , . .* coMinweiAXo ir J. U. arvLJ. B. Royal, for.20.00 J- 4 * do for 18 36 “ William L Pan’, for 25 00*'‘ ’ “* Owen Blackman, for 5.7if • * James Barnett.Tor 5 IS* ? James Bbne, for 6.1»*. . “ Job •Bird; for 30 00 . • . do .for 80.00 . v -j ~ ’ do for 30 00* WiLott 11. Barrett, Tpr 2.00 “ Perrin Benson, fur 2.40 - * “ 4o iWrne* Ciilaban, for 2.10 *• do * *h> for 2.4Q ** Dapiul M. Glower, fo(.25jD0 " . ATHENS’**. **81, Bagging (Gquny) }Ml te }S Bals “ — k 1 do' -Mm It. Cosby, for 34:23 i do N. 14 GnUins. for 2oAo ‘ .. “ 1 do / do *: for ^p.00 . • 1 do William It. C<Jer,’ 4A0 “ ' 1 do PrSneu.M. Carson, for 4.83 * l .da .T,B. Capper, for * •* I. do 5^ <Ib for 63.10 » l-,- 4 <W,i , do . for*3J).00 “ 1* do, p"n‘<jo. and James Garrison,25.60 “ 1 do % m Atlas A. .Dopiel, for 2^.i# M . do MarliuJB. Howell. John Evans and DaviJTboipne, for 18.00 *• Manilla Hope-- —— toggiug Twciuc. ..—i*.,--1 - lacub itidrs.' .'a. .A.,, >1 :yn* '- . ...— Shoulders •—s v -' ard- v ... y v utter* j-* Tallow. - Tallow GorurtCs J-... —— Sperm .^ r .«..vk ?l«r * .**a« ~y v . JOL 35 CotlofTSiu ..*.. j... — tdj 14 15 -10 Tea jfcjri...„r......108 -125r Tr; - The Liverpool Cotton tnSrJ^ttoaa dwll, at a decline of 1-8 a 1-4. Sales’of th'e "Wcel: SD.t^Cfbulcs. F;tic Orleans was . , , . . . , r ,v ■’ seilingat C 3 8t 5.3^3;' Fais ume r.glU which is asserted f: the in- j Up]amls 5 3.4 Middling 8.1^8. f^tock bf divtuuals of the American party, "“d 11 1 Amefictw Cotton kill" hand, 5 250,000 is conceded to him. I’ ut he is not con- . • \ ' . - " . ’ tent with this. He gives hi 3 me,.aml i vvhcatdulCat a declineof'3d. ; ‘ Flour then resists the law which has be&. pa*- j ^ algQ d( , cliJ u corral 4*. a ed .n despite of it In-4«ng. this be oh5o 4Gs . a 44 , does not rest upon the pica pteprtfKb ^ . 1Vl)vlsion v uhcbfn^dT: “" h,m by his Washington fnenj-dfat ^ 1;wTion ^ EnS ias whatever would bo wrong .* the govern;: d ^ ^oiSepg.’Tho money flarUrt numt would be right lor him. " lie jus- ^ unJiange 5 : .<$ OIl3ol * 5 g^.. ’ ' " tifics his res,stance by lyr.appeal to a law j. . r||d>r ^ CnniEl higher than that constitution whifh be . qq.e ^ort tljpt. the had 1.. ms, ,, r, # h f..* 4 , a. 1 ■ a ■ m f V 1 _ has sworn to support and Whi V h the bjo th eir fol iifoftiipna & Gezafcoffj people of the .UnitedStates have.dechr-' f #<0 nfrrmtd. , - T-^ . ed sliallbc" ihc suprrmc luw. Tbta, Advices from SdVaSfopeff'tUow* ; that !>cn r/1 1«11 f it ic o ImWnr . . J 1 1 A * is sufficiently absurd, v but it i$ a bower flie Allie8 forces, Kv 2 : triopthet, • an!Uh;ll * a ^ lTr , arerctirwigin good . course, and n-»t so puerile as ^ , an ,i'ti, ; q tiic-Uuasnirts ar^Tetiring for what provision of the consm.nianot 0E1 i ( . r omU ir.fortiW posShbrts. ^he of any statute, forbids au American diti- Aitms wcTe closing ifoh tfiSuftMt was /.eu, in tho-exercise of his elect.v^e fran- 1) ; 15dT<rf> howevJ'tfiat 5ffe '*R4sii-is cluse, from preferring a native Prutest- U . au ,j- lil : ll . ea ant—and from so preferring him because w . 13 inermble • «-• he j- both native and Proiest r^ ? - IIo*%. ’FvomrticNortVlTde-.of SohaWl dates no ta\v, utlicr consUtutiqpar-o/ -ft, n i,", fi , c> ‘ U n^p iktidraw« viol statulorj. is absdule should he appeal to-aqy'? and where then is the analogy;? A RPs?hih d 't'patdi sny«' tire Allies' _ , .. ,,, ,... irtarclicd:30,009 nr.Cn.'fi'onj-Ehpatoriato Did the editor hope by sophistry like ' ward^oubit- bui JJfo r wttAs fell' bach is, and by misrepre.-Tntitrg, and dt- :^j,, Qri tlieir obs.'rvatorf^wjfIrthti Russian e npidyers, the; reqqnt Wriiinylp of tli'e ^ 2111,000*. co^in the^uata- Demoeratie party . andPifs.eitratTdinar/. Tim Uussiag ’loss at' IvsrS i»Vo»ly',L »;-ARi8EiiSi‘toi^ enadiutnrs? 1 he none is as uCaiu. as 1 mi »n. wl.» 1 V*rrf »o -_A.r i. ! coadjutors? 1 he hope is as-^10, as 4,003.- The -slegS ha A beeff htVaddon^r their triumphs will be fleeting. The though, the llussiai,3 were- forUfying tfU principle «i the A-meri-. die pa/scs OreaQs'vb Tiliri,.' *"' * . ' J . t;an party must and will prevail. It is Tlie Lbndtyl.Tflfies »=!«ys l’*e govern^ cherished by the majority of the 'Ameri- m w*u is reinTd^eurg the "East India iquaj can peoph'j by.mnltitudes who-arc up ron * enrolled in the order T-oe collateral Rice • -*r - W.BFWll. ^ i‘\ ClSrifiud.... Crualred ‘5ti do" on dittos., for 1600 Jo .on dittos, for ICiOQ .. d<^ t oa dittos, for 10.00- . . ' do • tfiliiam Fern,Tor 2.25 ■ <lo". J. D. Frierson, for 8.12i} jdo Jame**»fris.*fo?C.OU do- , Snsmifl .Gana, for 5.28>< f -■'Hawnw' ard^Bbnipliiwt, for If,T 1 . I*mf - - ^-i - - -- — -MulaAcs, per gal. -. .*a t— 1 N. O, syvup...^.?^.' 'Salt, p/r. Busbul. — A—. Salt, Liverpool .Sack ../. Steel,Cast t ‘...1.......... Gemiyii' .... ’ Blister.. v Joseph'A:'H"iuu. for 4/25. -Basil Human,for. T WilHam S. Hemphill Jbr^gAfi ‘ Jnmes-Ik Harrison, for. 5-15 . Williamliay* for 3.15 i- • David A. Hamilton, for 4.16 ' 1 Lawrence House, >for 3.87 ' 1 J da do do t do de da.* '* Thomas Haye\- foi.4.00 . . do 4 ' 'E<!ward Harifen r .lV; 52.<Ki J. iW.? - Alexander Johnson, for TAO- 1. .d«i Jaiyes D. Johnson.‘for %fio dp" A. W.*Jsler,Tor 2d.80 , «lo * ’ 'do . for 3oXl6 A, f do # John Kiikpairick, ,C»r 100.00 •*:: 1 dftt*\.dohtrlvii-kpatrfck,'for 5.00 J do. . JanijspjOevlip’,'for,tl€" * A 4 d® - - 'A J" 4* * ."for 3.3» , ? .i„ -• aw"? ftfrM’Oo-' '•* . • » ft"VCfli;Lrr;Tni —r^x Iron, common’size,'.... . 1. .... a To, io> 6 7 inch widtoti ...... .... 7 Baud ——- j .... .7 Nail roar. --.v*.... ' ( 8 Shpet ...... ' Castings'..!.. .'A , .5. Nails, per Keg, -1- «• 1 - - r ~ . * iliuqtt-.,.!. Lead ...... .......... ...... ■ Shot, pet' Bag... - - fOottonjier ljale................ .Wheat per Bu?licl .ri'.., -Cacg -f * “ - - - -A x. do '".mf.fdr-^.OQ‘ t '*do» -ge W-; Law Ha, .'for 5.00 - . *»J. Lafidon, for 12.00i* - * * .dp * Jiuuea ^jeeJor, for Yt.OQ ' U.. . do. ' : '-for J7.00 ~4o, , do - -17.00' ' da « do do * da <b> do* 1. do. * * dog "doi *" <lo - ?570Q ' *V: Mcrfo'rtoh, for % 00 *Alosr£.Alar;* for 9.If - Win jfc.F>an«\a Kar tin Tor'ai 00 . .* 41,35. ;« » Maxwell for 5.1.7. Rihharil Moor for 5.00 * -I '-Hn* ** iaf,A White* Lead,'Keg 35 ?& .^"v.»."^75 ‘Glass, B*jc 8 by 10:.'..^275 3( MiWLfasi No.SJdbl !..#.-.-..'.f.. fc «oO I0( •* i’bbUNo.i^.-.: ;; 900 T0( r w. ---* -» >da 13.^. #.*) *" ?do . 5.75 * ft J.MaymtTl for So.00 * r* d» 1 do. I ’ do. l «fo .-k» J 4»' 1- - da Vxl* 1 1 do ;• 3$ofi do . ; -4.00.. S, J'Sunn foi r 5.51 A fdersoii s for" 4JXf Jdhfl IC'Shhopflymsf 6jB2 Ateiairlcit^o' fof 4.45 *4>airitd SeDoqald .fin - 2^0 do P S Mo itc for. 4.00 do .- Mosue ‘VioV*'’f ,1 V'^2,00 . l The attitiide of Sweden is causing.!.; circumstances which flecideq the elec- | sorao uneasiness to Ilu&ia. * •- - tion in out Slate, will have no influence in the great- national- struggle winch j awaits us. They will be mm-ged in the j HiBRIEir, On 'Wcdnesdnyi 24tfi -O'otJ primary and vital issue wiuyii will liven Ca-'tfodge, «k»!ss it'. Tuny be presented, that of nXtivewt pOrRiqn ; C/AftivKi-X all qfyraitklin ocnjtly. j n i.r.. I A. _* . ' * . AT 1 . .. 2 ' j<{? ^ . Itussef Reneau eadb far -25.60 7 ” 'ft S ehlMveaallJor 10518 .** "..'*. tUf ;>"- *| do. * K RrifSi>ji;f$.r-5.30 I' d,° * B»Ri.deiv for 4-55 ~* *.* ■ *Ll da If Siiitlev forSOO.tfO-. ‘ "♦ '■ * It. - dt>" - L R A ll S Bnt^r foC^2 50 .■*«*. l.DuckBHlvm Job Hid fo» 8.Wr >** \. Itik" fei" rVA t ■■ 5b. do- .a, John Keguoyrjrlp ■ > rV'- 7; -■.* i* * dor. Tjtrary' 1 - v \Io- 4 Jainas^ 1 .<fo *RliH l Note cjj FMaafoliattosJ r , V Receipt. 0? JdhWKt^vifolrk, domination in this great Republic, Th'« ; JVc a-ao aut$uized .fo* nnadittfcc *Jo^ "' % 'oirAnde^BS^Bbi^br American party having divested itself of, W. Hamiltottasn eandidaTe fo* kocii ver <>f yGi!* ac"cv«<k mJjtJ R*m' those objectionable features, which were }“T»x Return* for C.ulko T.>uuty,;fct the op- One , do- - .on Harper Cuini deemed essential in its •inftiiey, ^ ^ , . - stands in thestrength of its map hood'— 1 Wo a>- e auihoifVpS^b anno)i%°\' Dake One .'’do '.Gdorgb H artl e n'Tfijr 35 cts* seeking no concealment—-"openly avow- Ilaniili.-u ns^ n, tairdi^yur, for R«to-wce of • — *- - - - ing its principles—marshalling .j^s hosts J 1;,s Returns ot Clurkir cy6«t^, it *Oke .. in the face of jts opponents, apd lis'rihg I 4ry ^ e _ ec '' 011 " r IT- tVooklrld^fo for- 2.87*. aloft a standard-ondef- wjiiJlh"every .- . ''Notice- r {Okie' Atncrioaii mmally. ^ JS ^ „V„, 'm glowing words, AmeRICAAs vjyl^.LL tlie»Coilcge jAi|d«. cichcr; to'buutwg aff .One- - OOVEKM America. - . *• < *• ’ ■.yood or.-top-eavth, will hie p.oaaiutvd'ioktbe. do i\ hitjni'« fof4*i77 J-have syen with reiret; the .editorieffjof •; V"/r*'t' 2^® ', fofA75 of the Constitutionalist 1'^§5; W.L.3fiT(^^fen> XrrediA Janet.#* . which comrrtenua JU>4»ublie atfenUdtrtbfc • ■ ^ • ; -, *0fco_.^du James Holmos for 1 ^-A-^ ^ • S l4phe»»:r l h W u"for^<r - t!« " fields Rufnsey fmr K27 * do . Gleiy Segrgrtesdyr 100 flimsy and. diain^enious pfo^flcil^pi-pm . K3» yyilTOH.'^ ^ ' '!! Oi»<r; which I have behir .Cprament^ngt W-htep* yV Or-the" Cop'rt <*; the editor describt sTf rts ‘**;h .stotbutg, JL’ CU'ioiliry yl, C’.n'-ke eopbty,'j-ill be sold production,” u i.resentuig Judge BerrTen before.'thtfCc&uy>"^iQ>vVo doj»r of mfliT-countyr W iu au attitude finythtngybui q^iftble ”. 0 « WW# Januarr dWt. duriag 0ue , ; - i. s -. i.v r e. tHoTajal lumrs cfif'sabjoon* 'Boose.- and. Bat he stetton.nanfihvp.-and patriotism ifoivard rf Au.eMi'w'bcronn. 2* to that gentleman,!’ he indirect?/ attributes ; Vho.nas - aadsom decease J, rcaalec^at Ike . ' - ^ na^wdtalbf 1 '-'- ^ i Jr '* v - x "’ to me a want statesmanship of pjtriotfsnvts^noir a . Now, .Vlr. DaijCJer has "kimeothifi ikjojb'J oivy f-urtju.f'ianil cpukaiOHig 295 aci-cs, laore or le»ji "Mliarnin'T White. Harris uiif ^-Ahe-lot , One ■ .acs, more or ie*r • ndjqrning^White, Harris mi J *5tbers iot rK‘ jJfJand-m saiil couiit^', confauvjng, kbouCt^o. -0ae add ♦uc-liaU«trt;s, etui)racijgf t\fl5 Hraveward St H’riucetqp . Ffict.rj'; 6iie fo'.bd Wmi ant, •at .rnccciqp . x *«o:jr; out a*.uu >.vunnnv,i 0* o .- No.. 18183, isauoid to "taut jfeetwsed-for'SCI aeres. nect me, a SoutlTefn man, with aboUtioft- ism—u» place, the optniojis whichJHuve announced* side by'siS^ w'uji Wim-1£ SetyardV.—especiafljfirwhen tp me a want ofpatrh*tism-^«r d5v6*cuf •J - , . - -i6ae Alsbjotthftpam^ .ime aiuLjilace^vilLIie sold," * Ji fas; «oLc» nud accounts, dantly eliaracleriscd 'by-. bt*vailo -and abuse. Yct iu every'ffgpboi of ; bur rfela- tidn.%^ a^eyen.'R^tfirsj^cftJjentf 1 supposed tnat 1 had svflitMCnf’claims tp* longing to the Bstato-of liipBris.Sanaotn, iic his respect*, to.h«'e-JKotcctqd liiQ-^oitt ceasedV **• ■ - such an imputation. Our relate ^ ^ v*'T tions considered, it r may petniqvfo. be , ^ vi-W in Summ<*rs^fux thought Uiat he undectpko^ ha Siucli as q j 0 va • . _ d« ? “ he is entitled tfj, when he assiiirtajto §it *.-1 do Va -. do . # fof % ildtya *. •* ship. • The correctncss.^oCthis- pretap; . , <Jq or & h « sion,.however, conoernshitd^ rathertnxn 2 j j Q vs-JdlpilRSyauld^^i' 2iW0f■ myself, Bur.\yheo"tio.toUetuf>ts fncon- do vs ‘-da*.; 1 >.-'21^2* Ty-- J ' “ U'-ido ▼». - d6 - .* . fi lfoOO . I.. would not-, beeowa xn^.; Hr.. di * J«rfjLT4rbertlb**ai !Pne ., *d(f -. MJ JKtjsClbwig.'for 2^5 - Ou * do - • fj.eflssftt Wjniaips-for ft75 08e da ~ J 1> Frierson'for 7.00 ; . . ^ Ona 'd* * RaVy Wfkon for 2.00 - -4- t>ao -'do- _Harris JhimatHbr ' • • , - .if-' "’Tjrvifc- f ^.*3 ’05* - (W.* Hdbbard'H&mkon f^r 5.69 'TS^SSJl-(foe ^ * A*' - J* Nesliit for76 «ts A«5te-tofoe* ^ . >Oay W9* >4 tBThanfpsbfl for 7h’cfo \ ' " 1 * . 2Zmm C 'do . J»*«* Can tor 4.90 ’ V One* do • Hdwy SjfhpfienS forvlj!$> a jX>ne.*- ? jao 'Jiupes B* LArd for 5-4*i. + One - d» JaufosTfixon tof '2.87 •Evans, OrJfWkZr’i A % Slariia William ^cua)?W,-f*Jr 3t93i d o ••ChoyuksJ^urter for g.28 do One One Duo Gaa,- On? One One . One' Owe One. ' Ode. •©he- . One ’Oner' Ow •^ely Cltossd? for 2.26 4e - - > Mr'Lui»y for 1.75 - ■do . ,- 7VillrfimA > Rice foi fofiC jijde- . - John ATfootb.for 14.4% **' -JessaA Patefor70ct\ . James M.Booth fpr 2.90 •' Calvin Kirk'ey-fof 50 ots.. . Jc4n L. Laeter for 93J- • -*\ G W Racks for f.7l .* Jam«s Hoop* ugh for 7.22” * WilHam Gurlln for 1.50 RUm.Farmer ftnj 6.26. * •* - Joseph Boyee ford.OQ v WBliauf S Sniioh'Jvr 2.7$ James Bebsoi for 2.76 - F J Frernian for-442'’ Raw son fiir 400 Deeid H^Wiftn .for.8-©5 r % James' D JobtAon for 1 80 Jo&n^ Ratrdfs jr. for 2.48-—, “ WiRiAtt » Sortih fo * 2 7)0 JV H qfealV iijo. fcn 9.14• .Vohn lAeeoddV^jtt'2.30 ; -»«bi 1 'dy-' do do .. • do Jo da • do. - da •dh ko’ do* do do do de : de' do -. db * -ATHENS P&iCES OgRRpT, lUtccKD'urseKur,' be rmnia- — Rnpu^per lb.., v . .— llljn iTmio — 44 * - ill- 4;, 2il 25 16 14 12 15 }K 1« 1.1 45 30 .*17 15 13 16 26 ^2 J8 - 20 J „45, 5d GEORGIA—Clarke Comity. . To the Honorable Superior Count . OF SAHxCOO.iTT. " * O^HE* petition of the Adieus Building .inJ A Loan Association, sbeiretn that WilJlam Kcl-ea, of safd County and Btatc, 0(1 the scl ent li, day of Marjli, eighteen ltnndred and •fifty thfc<?,'in snyrOitJu^jq cxci,u ed and dc : live red-to Josiaffw. Fetersim, ’Trea-Jurn of ‘ said Atliers BuilJing and Lo u Association, and his successors in said oftxe, for the time being, in f~ustTor sa ! i^ Assodatiori, his cer tain dj.-eu of ufort^age undef hts hand and ‘ seal, fotjllie' purpose 0 f securing to yflur pe- * titkmefe the pavmfiut of his certain proihis»6- * 7 8 10 15i 42.* - 36 40 ' SO 215 12»- «. 134 i°* 12 14 37 50- 90 226. 2f - ' T6- 12 6 * ± « 8 5 ' « - 600 475 8 550 10. 9 6 7 650 500 10 67 llE ADYvMADE CI.OTOTW AND.ClOTBiNG MADE TO OBSESl' titioner3 me paym«u.t■ 01 uiscertainpromisso- * • . 7 . '. —» ryPuole or single bond under se;d bearing of »U styles andqualitic#. It to nacloea eveadate with said deed of mortgage, where by he promised to ^pay to said Josiiiji tf. l’e- but tooulu cordially weloon e all to Qcr« Athens* April 13,1854. said Asspciatioq, the sum of three hundred, and thirty-t»'o.dollars, (it belpg the. amount of an advatiqeithat day received by'himfroln satO Association with interest fUrfrcon from, tljat dAte, the jutfrest payable ifcoujhl^i <3n the first' Thurs^py iu each .and,ei cry .‘r^puth tbereafoer, but Uka'l^incipal pot to Become. 7i 7J 8 100 50 75 . 36. MaSiLfo lk.Ul.vr v ;* •_; • Copporna. 'i- .— BhuiStonoJ.i’J,. 300 30a 1000 1000 i ll^fs NtK r. .. foo 500 ^ee8wax1,. v . i. - 20 / 22 ^athars .— Wool Totiacca .i. ...... ...... ’ Yarii pvrI>alc,4C'hunches. “ ReUil..., . Osu-JjargVF^ r Bjl*o.- ...1.. . . «oto!l...vA. Shift : ng J, per hale 1 .. > . Botfcil.jw. Rags 1 -♦I- 4 * 4 * N&yytfl YpUft CHAACe^l dpe and payable until the closing up of said Association^unless he cease to be a -tneofoer ,q( th» Athens Building and Loan Association* •fronf any-cmise; except .by deadly-or unless he should fail Jrom any cause whatever to pay his monthly dues, in the shApe .ofjustftl- ineuL-^ dutVjfcst, fines and arrearages to said Association, ftir three sufce*£\;«. ipoath*, or iibless lu> fail to give, additiUh al 'saj.iidactory security adieu required P* hmi by the Board rof Directors, actor ding 4 k> (Usrtcnor an,d*clToet' of the CoustjUikkrti ufeaid A*oi»ittion, mhi^tr helad sugi.eJ obligating himself to discharge ssaul duties;- upou the happening of. any or " attar either of which events tli^ prbitipal sum of said sboidd be dufe and payabl instiuitly^ agreeing -that any oHoratiou or amendment of'said Goustitutioarwhich shauhl be made iiuconforaiity-, with tlic.ry tiylE Ufiwre- iu providing ior alteratkms dr amendments, should not affeUt the validity, pf laid obliga tion, whereby he. cottveyed*to your petition-^ ers a certain tract of p^reol of land, the same •being, a town Ibt*in the x^jr# * df- -Athens, bounded on tf»e East by Atrs.-TRoinas^ ^fouth by John Martin; West by a strc£>toixira7£ag the. premises fronUthe Jot of fitoerid .Tgylev;' anV aa^jmii«5'wloss^ *tlfo said WiHiain Kel" voi’d and of no" effect oil thapayment tQ the SaiR-Josiah S.‘ Peterson* Treasurer «a aforesaid, or tftTiir success«r?*tir said ttflifce'lfor th*b thud befog* or to eiiliA- <N them, ig trust aforissaij^the afortsaidrsunS of three-hundred gnd Hitr^-t(ta dollars, ac- cordfug to thejenor nridt 2fleet of'-the said prpmtssfiry noto And the conditions, therein named.- - '•'.** */••-*»■' • And your petitioner'further sbeweth tkut gg 14he said'William Kclsea, jfftcrvrtirds;'*to Writ, I on the sixteenth' day of 'February, •etghteup' j, I htonMfed and fifty-four, - in- said 'County,' Exe cuted arfd delivifrcd to said Josiuh- S. Poffcr- son. Treasurer of, said,' tfie 'Alloctta BuUdip^ and Loan AssOciatliih, and his office fvtit the t tim'e tieibg, in trust for Slid Association; his- -Certain other deed of tp^rt- gage upderhislifind ar-d f cal for the purpose of sectoring to J^bor petititoers the^ payment of his certain promissory note or siogl^ bond, ual erseal, Rearing eveqjdate witk mid deed of mortgage, whereby Tie proijtrisfid to pjgjU Can hv fonud tins largest nssortuxut of * "'* * .-* ' 0 MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CEOTQUff^ Eybroffcted in this marSet. y Al»o'. F0ftN'48RlNG OQODJ:. ^ r\u\k», Y «V<8es, C to ennmbante an thearttoW »e and cm F. W. LUCAS, 1 8 now rcceiviifg a large supply of all kimfe’ . of - f goods suited to the nuerket: * ■Consisting in part, of 4 * Lftflies’ . DreSs. Goods, ■dlichStripeil apd Ulaid Drees Silks, R(eh Black Silks in Plaids gad MoiecA*» '.tlque Striped, iTdviu colored Silks for Mantillas, Chin §|uck Silt} ai|d SorrCi, . ' 4 • BJiniet, Silks, -Japing. Silk* oad B-uioqt T^itamuma, • Rich Siltin' Stri- "ured and Striped to 100 y* fi fbr childr Rieh.Fig — r ^„- Je ffain 21 d.; t’biia FifoittRand English Meri * " ” *“ lsome.lTuid' Woolen olid colored tllolhs atfd Flannels qfjvn‘Lti^s,fqy-jU|ijitoa' with '-GTaltoStto nrtd Triinjn'ugl *to mate! French UHliforiba ^ anfl Onlicors;, ■ French, English niTd AuicricaixLttngbams. AUkii ds of Cloflig, Chsltfiereg and ustings. of tciid county 4MiKce<t sod. These are therefore to rite anil admogrisi yd) and singular the kindred and Creditors of said dcccascddttbe And appear fit my OAet on or bfcftife the ffost Monday hi Novea»b«r nexrtb ehow r use 4 fif any they hare) wiry said letters should not theii 'W grantM <i4M applicant, or to tocti othee pano* qr p«Moad as the court may thiNlr fVeftfl 4 4 < ^fo«B(fofoM my hand at Othco, this 23ih day of SepUih- ■oct-4.' ' % • Tri * I ■ ' • ■'-# iof Cloths, ChsVtftfres a^d Vt-stiags Blankct< tferscys apfl heavy. Woolen*}- Fiiib lica Blankets ;" ¥ ‘ ’ ..A QuiUs, Counterpatus mnYsTicCtiogs-i^ A IVge lot of ItlsV Lfiyvn^ affd^ of Long Cloftr}’. ,*' ‘ j .' Cilfpetings,:.:7Intrt!5siL.Ruga and Flobr Clbllitf; * * ^ ; - Botmeis, Rihons, Lace". fetnl reidcrics.Ac.; uotme:s, unions, Lacra, tonormat Glov^a.-flosfory, Ket Shirts,-Ac ; AU kimljof Whius and-Rod Fianachu AT jdATS. CAPS, BOOTS’and SkOffS (SfaRYimlr; v?J r ? T • "‘Sacldl (GBOPJBIA, .CLARKK nppHca to rrm for l«ttcr*i>f istration-on the estate of 'Aaroo Bocgfi, foto W HEREAS, William M. SoM 'applies to mo for Iclterwof adiaia* rf;<' r ,.v5 . q»o * «i r utjaWn SI fiOJl ‘dtiO’lO p-jos 0I| plM^XotataOQi uitioiH «u^ipv oi|» jo s^jom eqj Samaas T non onjSily nioeig jia.oj-asjojj gi -■ ■ ' ■ >d ■ i- 1 m *» ai MaiiaiMtoa^MfoaMMafott# Xoftw. ' TjOBSUA^T to an order of the Omvtat X OwHnary ofCforkeCounty, will I* m)4 before the Court tlftusc door ofXiid Coanly. Ilu-fore the Coaifi House door of Avid Coantjr» I Tin the tfrst Taeafoy in.December next, dwto |ngtUe^l;c^'e B ^ « le, the Dons, am) Lot. at lb* H'b j»hereon Ephcsim S. in said Co residT* Hi6 tlmcoTMs d ■'fi’i^ls. ‘JiSlttog C|(ht!f. warrnbYd' tpialftyl ' d . « B'Aetittg Powder and Safety Pu^TorartJ- digaerfi and jnhieis. All “of which U^oRm s ttt the lowest maVket prices, either for cash or.hppiMved'cneJR. ' ' Q«t. 11. (865. =? j pay t<j ' °C*V e ' 1, audio said Josiuh ' S. Peterson, 'ireasvrer AthettS Buiitling'nnd Lpaij Association his successors in said office fur.thetime being, in-trust for atliit Association; (hesum of three hundred and fifteen 50TOO dollira v it being Oifd Tensandf rizes oir hand! — - •- - - j - r « JPjf Jtutkority- of thp: State of Georgia ' ’* — 4I 't ‘si 1 “ a - 1 ~. * • 4 .* {'ortiialttes Academy »,r|--Q Prp 13 ifty :m iL‘— . y' ' ■ Ltlie amount of au’advance tliatMay rtfcejfed* L ;lTaparhl}pd Sjehcme for November H by him from said Associatron,- witb'^rest . i .', ‘ ‘ * .1 thercon from that date; the intere'st payable i»nh-~?*'-i iVirii? rgiontTity- oi»- the'flrsf Thursday in- euf n bjid ,T<Tbg-rk«7r» W*n 23d, 180*, in-the City | everyiueiith Uicreaftet 1 , but the princfpalnbt rJht>aata,-U 4 li(Ut amounting to *1 tv be come.due and navabfo. until the closing j . • .ft* according td'(hefoljo*wt j , . . . .. ltjilnilabU. Scheme." If you draw tliej® 1 ^ uulesshp alioidtl foil from any wljat- inhiPritis-^Sa^etr (he ehai of yuur ticki*V,j jy^r,“KJp?iy Ms ttioathl^dubsi, iu the hbut* (fotracliou,' ahtT Foihenher'-everi ' npCQA Ra^se, Qelatiuf,. ‘ > \j’ Pepper-Sauce,Tietchupiv ' j- Salad oil, Mustard, Cupar*, • . Ffffvpring Extracts, . ** - . ~ Lemon S^r-ups and Mu oar oat, . Forfiulc lofi?Jiv T. BISHOP 801. .Octotibr 25, Jp55.' - -. . . jbut * theduation', ’ au'iP Femeirher every L>flu rize. is'draVu al each drawing. Lcok at T to sunp.Asfoefatfott for., tl.r'ee.- success!v< it! ,«>ne Prize to pveiy TenT'ifkotsl! hminUia»,o> .unless be Tailed .togivo add.tlmioj ; mm-! > raSiKSSJSS .» Lot tlier’clpr^ eJr cry man having % due I anddTe'ci ol .said Association, Wbich hedlUd ^ 4'dgard tdvthe replehifiliwg'of Ms'purse attend•Lglgned .obligaCng* huus^lf to dbchargy- smd 1 yd it, and-forward hts order Immediately* for" Whiles p upon the happening of atiyyTirirU, qV 'lipkets, ' levber of prinCipfil sain.of Let those nowjmy, who never -bough* before, paid uate,j>boukl be <lu« and-payable-uistuut,- AniJ those who-'aUv ays IxTnglit'nov? buy Ui<H ly ; agreeing that any nUcration or atnwid- * . mOre. ' . . • .. 4 :' v . •_ rttxfut. of .saitL^Coust-itution-which should be But to tkfe Schejiie. Look at it—'sipan jt j- in «dc iu conformity with thd article t3ierfih wsll-^-cmiijt' yopw chafices,_ and-'ask ypor-J providing for alter4t;dhs or•" nmendiudfitw salf if you can withstand the inducemeiR pliQlIld'-not alfoct the; validity of sakt'oWUga ’ Read 1. Reid! - ’ **' * ’ -* ** I Conaty, ng. deceased. same time and place»0i6 -1 lining' t^e Mouse and Lot, con-. tlfc »a;d,wTgh Sh«ml*. ' . - - ^ "T C house and piiuitath incewi'rUta* very desirable settlement for May person wishing to settle in that part rf<h» country; gad the Milt* .being «A %: MMlM9 stream, and one nf »\a beet '•hoel*-1* the State, intake them the most dcsiralilo | erty oftbat description, any where in file fieorgbi. I’ersous wishing lopur tfie Inads or BfUte, art-requested to ext thorn'icfore the day of tsw. All to be as thd prepeTtyoftold dec'd for lb« U. Of Ms creditor*^ Term* on th«4)^. PARMELIA A. H0PHN6, , FW&Sle. YT-V-little riaBtatioiU«ontatii'ingL T _ ;i)A. jnoVc or less,ubout*5 miles from J Wfbe r««A iTSS^jHaKfaS^SSStv. situated, with "jSqlj and sprig, jifol othec. wise well impr&riiL^.^ersoBS .wishing tcr‘ purchase would di‘) ihcQ ,to*fia?l *oo«u at they uiigLt missji-tiargain.-* ' ' . rj .- • Als6, cjlh'be'TJought ^ -of the subscriber,.a throefj3ea:ed*i<jc p<i baud Rockaway, suited "for" trayelflbg* ,or general ^urposeq,' - ofa •famiiyiA . : * -• a - WALTERCABSOir.' i ^v:i8S5,4fi;./, x: j : ViEOltfJlA -Gl.vuu CouNTV^r-Whe'r • *• Yjr. WaIkrtTa*son apjdies io me for leUevfiof Giiariji4u-blp'for Latn i Jane, Cfetuvld Leora, Talutji* Cjtbarinc, aud. Robert JBarJia,, o pKarrs of Jpliu A. Martin, deceased : _ Are.therefore to cite.and admyuish till j>er; squs concerned to he ^w»J,hppeai'. at. my. office on of before the YTT-et Monday in Deeethb'cr next to show, cause (if .any they .have) why sail) Letters shaidd npt. then Le grAgted haw iffcEecT. Ret •S Prieel-ot fc . , ..2,tlHl) ore • '8 «|b*" 600 are *n~ do l> «h> rr aIo- *43 do 83 jla 200 do- 630 do 850'arq IlOnro.. 75 are. " 50 a ro .25 are . -40 are Dec,!.. : ' Itiou. kohereby he cbtiveywd to ynur*ji«ttttod- .*7-7 -r ♦lO.OOOKera^geajneiokof lanpLin the. tovAiof- Aj(h- ’ * ’ * " 410ftoi.&»^wdiicii had previously/beett'mortgngcil Cenbr 2:750 l^SpeaU Treasurer- of-ffie' saHT-A^be- r,ffRfeC -1,500 Building and ‘hoan Association, ntrd hciftgVm i.loOi «auiedot ai laud previously meutionc'd in this 1 ,£75 ( petition. And your petitioner 4 further shew- 4.15©] eth, that said AVilfiam Kelsea haf ceased tu ^,076 be a member of said, The Athgns- Building 2,000j and Lahn Association, and-has fatted to pay «aM 'Trtastircr. of -<he"sai^- £*&»* ci^e^Sty^’Sffo on Friday, (ho*-Ttb of December -resldon^h of-,Julia JIcRee, luiw.oA o aro 1,000 prizes, amounting to - OKLT-TRITTHODSAND Numbeus n . ». . , t Tickets, §5, Halves,' i!2.5d, Quarter, £120.J ■yeans the principal,sum of said two -noies SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and jSianager, Atlanta Ga. . Nov. 8, 7855. •shigle bond# under seal hare become dhe and -. T - r J r . v ^p^ibr* 4 .. ■ ' • - " vt , T-A» 1h ? «*» th «« Yet jirn said Wlllitfm Eelsofi, -ihfolfrk- so H .rt - do. Jobj» LeacBniap*for ftft6 -do ito Edtnond Siyeklaiil for 1:12.. uo John AJta"ks/roi?.gp_ -.1 4!o . Joseph {lodges for 6.00’ db • Dr Iftiy for 2.85^* , • ^One; do - B "Starks jr. foH! 00". »• Dne* iftT • “Henry §ho'»#for ' . -* fOne" .Bo . "• Ma*tin:Venerable for 3.-60 Qrve- * da. r " Jam«s.1k*g« fnraio 1 - . - Ohe- do* Ttqbneca ConnkTsor 0.3Q * f{Qmf m 'da' - AtM HtorTfor 2-50. ' *"*' “ * Joseph Jtabptifs far 939 4 J a HnyAfor^r.75 * ’ William W’atson for J.f5, •lcJ4fas«Mr"h>r^.26 *rJohn A': NugtiaUy /or'2.50 Jto* * btJi|p do -John-Langston'for 206 *• ■ f R *" ^“8 /do ; tl S Bnllerfor 2f00,*r ’’? ) ^v 0 ^^^i^rOan 4 v d* ' RStegftcn&h for 50 ets. *? -- fir Tes|ufct,,lie hns prefetTecTa cjv i« eoiriinoii v, irtiMlie-peof^^r lie kiuws to be fnl-6; ao<‘ 1 .1 Lwe.fte'4 l bat,. i- , people of Georg'iS, 1 mhcU.yrtr-'hi'penl f» ourN | m g r " iL ^ * *■« *-* t . Since unfeigned England 4 iiJfcl'rejoice|o : rtfeeKe 1 ^ ^ as evidence\lhfit *&nservatJV^ titen-iri.Tj M. Vfijpiuiu, f3r.4^B 4 **‘ Massachusetts are disposed-to fdregedl^ i..riu. Alexander Veal forl.^ «•*- “T 1‘uVt-her agitalioaofiSto iins’dry' qifcstibp'-J, do. Tuibeft, > * . * M . > " —to consider 4 as falso 4 and ^^kui^'nml'john Towns^foe 8CW« -. thfinccusalions which have been jqTjo Jl/^'owns, for 2 60/. *• . MgfUJKt llto.ptoj'je ofih« *dd* Jtin»efi Sansem,for 6fio- - H. ' 'deni with u^iq tho fraternal spirit Which j 1 jjt J..0. Stephens; ft .has heretofore united»us; v.To_this awak-: f *i° ’riimma . " cned'fpirjt, wlfil-hijtJjesjiiri 4 j d " .WiPiam , ... , * .. r—of ‘American Free men ^lc^qt ecL^g th'e t jj l/oali Sffickiand, for fc6*/' ’j , presev'v«vii<i|i of*«iir-glbrioVrs XvfW»i^r-to -1. da. J » ? -<k> *■. .dor " il'«'®n«rto»rt**i\.Pth*t*ii.ilanr?St| £ ; \lo Josepli«Ei Rutnley*. J. *.«< Brnj.W. B< npe ■' * do 1 •sojon?- yiss 1* Evans-for *4ets«. • * f **d 6fte pwo-home Wagon. -pTbperty of Tinomas -San4om" k cdecpo'Jdj loirtne benefit of hi* le^a- - t8cs/' 'Efirms-ea^hc day. » . * y sr** *■*’ , *«v*5 ^.umted, and to pay the iamc, often revest'-- ® # * U ' 4 4 M eifflnrs hrtt p^id fhe Mid sum of sit' lijbuftetf 4 ’ ' * Ncm££ Oetiifw T71CHABD HUG it date for re-eteetkm for Tax la'a Clarke County: .EtecAun first Monday 1 I •>*• it# an tO Kdk * fi .fo * *' OctAt January, 1856.. * - m\v kooksl , /X riORA aud tha Doctor-Anwld"* Oal^d; V if Rue’s L<.mg,Look .ahwtd ; Cloud# nru‘ Suu#hinn—ICsod ; - Roget’a Thetamaa jot English ward*) Cuv* Halt—<By Miw fonett •, India Chin v Japan, Taylor j >lfoistoy **«■«*»Ufoi> r*ai(AXr ,r c of Bennett*; Tbe Rag Picker ; . Mary Lyudon^ The Aiuru’carriah*; ;j~ " - Jm, j'^MoftioriosLof Bydne^StnRk f HdgHsli 0.tpli*'n« V " • \ , v . •' Johnson’s Agricultural Clienilntry ; Cnnmring Hunter’* lif^i, hi, Hptton is'Ringj '; f" 7 -• v . v-ftaj-nci Clirlstiun lifer ' -T; > ^ * JLbootts Napoleon ■/ ^" v " Vanity 'Faivr—Thnckeswr j T. Basket of Chide: , - Hofje "Shoe Uohlusr^-r-Bwallow Bart* ^ JjCJtrpcttv^l at the earner. .. . * Termstlash or .2 moths. . . * - Oct.-88. ' ■wjRirEi'nK " . w ell fhe.pevisbaUWTpropertj^of Cehsed, -find at»o.**lf*the 'parinaWn property Of- tswbella-'Mettee, dec., coastoliiig of Cnwi hrvI’Oatdw, Sheep, fark’ and «loek ilogs1 • yoke <3ken1 Mar*; Osw ald' "Fodderi Hrawfeeld W. Ritettol. fdmittre ; Pfonttoon Titfihs and vanena" otber Shhigs -flArnecrssjiry to mention. V 44 X • . NOTICE. A LL persons* indebted to mb by rfccoont.*, are je#pcctfnUr requested, to •alt ami settle Up. ^ D. N. JUD30N* Athens, Oct. 25. -fj* l *s ‘Notice^ vr,*** 1 Irisov. 1,7855/ cay. row^AH MoREE.'Adm’n ADMiNKfftAlOIfS SAIjE, - *. / n'nd foity-seven tO-.HtO dollars', the amoffiitTiif W ILL "Tic sold Before the court ‘hpnseTprfecrp'h.l funis ' ■’ 5 *— door, of Clarke county, on the first JJ* single bonds '"Tuesday iu January next, duripgjffie - ltg$I [ due thereof vi , . . . , hours of sale: Qae tract of dirnd in said couif- KurdnteF^. - And your pelitioherf ubv, 4 Jbnng - •- ■ » • - ■ - 4 ' v_--u_'a -it., . J*,*.? Ccnht to be shjgxt'n Vic sahl % twd"mort- „ j deeds, asw-ell 5s the said.ttto prbmissory . ties8V'single bonds under 'Seals, pndjifay Xbrtabl?duelling and ojjier uecsss<}?y otft-Uhat'hhqlrrule and order may lie passed-by tbe houses, Bijiig the pigie whereon-John JIcRce fCour(. as is in accordance with the" SCafute in resided at the-- ti#icuf lirs death. , *"• 4 such case made aqd provided. • , . ALSO,. Rue* 1 ' nJgro. man, aamo .Kicorge.j/' ASA- St. JACKSON, Plft'i Atty. , ' ab^ut 45 Cears old. * „ - %. L , * —* * . . • AL^O," A t -the aama time hnd pfoie^ wiftr * TheTforegbing petition iug heard/ dn,d tie sejd ofie negro woman Phillis, abJub 6Gf Ftbe faftts,, tnetein stated appearing. WJhe a'nan Ef«oryyaboutCT, womaa Rhodn, ^>«mt nCtnurf, ft 13 oXlerfed that-tne .said William' S& nuiumu Jesse about obi. SaMtoKcJ^ca'do pay Into Cdurt" by*the first day<S»C . tractof land, negro mac George, to be s'oldl the next Jaim thcieo4 the.said siim"of six 4 qatlic property of said. Jbbh ilcReA dead^-j hundred tmil-farty--keVen 5®-100 dollfirs se- ' Wd tbe otmer of said negroes as the’ property, cured by said! two mortgage ueeds, wfith iifte- or(ki&£l!V*HcRee, - lirtiTof said county, do-J reetJLereoo the tenor and effect, ceased. By virtue ofooiders frbm of Orjliflary of said emjnty, for the: thVdistributoes of said dec’d, Terms oii the'day. 1 ftaWAN McRtfE, JQHN'and 1SAB'ELLA.McR" C|w|/!55. (^Lov.8) * ' » • w- TWotic«** ... fyirifiL bVsq}d , 'at > p«iWie>uifc^ 1 1 17 ■cbqrt'h'ousc dcxJT nRgla^ecofi: fifftTiiesU^y in De legal.hohrs of-sale, J hf Ure -High/Bho^ls: iq,t>e sold ‘ ^ -Hwpmg» fifoC^ftsaid - cduol Witt ofoiaicldoFd, fort legatees rf^eththreT-Ti PARHELIA* A-HOJ Nbv. 3,-1^53/ . AhC! . fifJcastlKree'-rnorrthS previ rermxif Inis Court. * H 1 to .: **&**»&$$£ ^URJtr A’Nino ^ Whig, to nfnku an r.^ieat—rto call flporn j J" M. llrfyr 1 ■jl^ctu to SCtrid. forward '*i ’ Jo ' *- do . » *’' ^tJENTijl* AGENTS 1 AGENTS! .T^fiR§o5a accustomed.ta.prooof s hnbsen •1 tiers for books, Magaaioes &c, 6r gHh U P ^quested,to send , wnd we will for- _ sp*c*ntea niuqber vloShthey 6riU ^d ready wBt allow thoegA-fommiasion «f ' cor ccut. for they- •tBrv'icee- ' - -^-~\©fordabr > Courtland st., Nfor Lotteryi'.-- &y\Autk6iUly of (he -SlWofi Georgia.] '.rbTAiCON, GA. X r SmAJJ^Si-’-SOraaE. * $124)00 18651 will be-etdd William Matthew# oq Wednesday all tt»e-per#r-na| jin gpnaie»li|g ofttaweas, deAw%afitma._^to wirtat and- < cavTtfrfosCfoildtod rsiaotf otl># r arlfeUe A? foxeK-TfeaWt-wf _ of seifi'dMoased. Sato to day.untiTnr ' • MlttON M. Dec, I, 4«1>1 be fate I jfeopftnytj to witx - ■ Fo.ur-negroes to mted U*" 1 - .of said two promissory .notes or singlA bonds, fir shew c&use to tl»c contrary v_if any Tiedifie, apd that on-tho failure*oft'ttfe said WHiiarft T ’ela'ea so* tedo, the Equity .of redemption Jq. id to said iD6rtgag&f^Y«* 1 ^ s "bf "J*«resfter fore ver barred* aiid Jjjrecldsed. - And it iartm:- Uier ordered;-that ffik**’tule be published in ‘ .Southera WTtt<fipu»» once p munt&'-for' . . i.--* "... , / montjrs, or tf copy tMeeof serfedfon Vh«r TOoed’ras^oT- • w 4 ' r - •* '-.-^ , * *4*’//? WiTltfim Kcl^j-a or hjs Special rgeqt^ er : , “ ^ ^ J.JUU ■# rq_be distmatoii %ur; Ga.MfocemScr-JSr ac towing magnificent, -an Scheme, under tUe«w<5(i _ 5- A |5whe|^E*q CEASE $-*■ ■#. ^aml i. : j^iVo bo ,* Jt. . . 5 5 • - — * , ^U(A£T Tfc*m48Wv.p^ rt i ’ A true csjtracfifrom the miuuter^f iaiu *75 - .Cikfe* V-. v ■ K * - If . . --rt® .'* snder my liaud at the Office <5t : tp& * *8 Superior Cjiiyt fif Clarke County,". Georgia, 1 - j£ tMs 25th day irffSfcptember, 1855. • - . "JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, ; . 6ct4. . -' * * CTerk. ..J: Hi" r/ 44444 *..*'.-". ..*500 uiW,. tTJSJ - W0 are*.l,!w .. 50 are. IT,W0 "261. Prifoa .amginRfog /fi»;0O0 4- • Ruly 10.000 Numbers. Tkk*U$5^ Halves $2,f*0'; Quartet's- 8W25/ Io U Sebemo if Vou draw anything even H\e lowest 4*ri$^ it wfU be five tiifies thh cob(-of the 'Rekelr.-^ Primes payAblMitvftAI "lfAftt- dfduetion— hod every jw&ojs rdrawn at each drawing mid jorne person must get them. Pr^cfn SPtiaL. Drivings toll to qr- ired letters at toy risk. Bills CORNtEnflUAlCs m ■ ■. -• ’ • *—•-—