The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 22, 1855, Image 4

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it Hardware and Crockery. A NEW mum* o* BUSINESS FOR ATHENS. AgtH ft . - — .» ' Cp - Just Opened by GRIFFITH & WILLIFORD, On* tkxr belo* R. L. Bloomfield** i • Clothing Store. WE will not enter into detail of the mu ff nv article* kept in the above branches of business, bat we invite all to come and see for themselves. We have in our stock njjreft many articles not commonly kept in this market. Among them are some of the following: Marbleizcd Iron Mantles and Grater, Gigs aud Cabs for children, Cane Chairs, WaSh Stands, Baskets, Bwjoms, Mats, Ac. Biiggy Springs, Axles, Boxes, Baud* Carriage Trimmings, ac. Carpenters’, Turners’, Millwrights’, • BUcksontfas’ ud Farming Utensils complete. All which will be sold low for cash at GBIFFITH * WILLIFORD’S. Athens, Sept27 , tf T WO months after date, application will be mado te ‘the Coart of Ordinary ol Walton county, for leave to sell the laud the estate of Dorothy Lester, late or said county, deceased. H.H.CAMP Adm. g C pt27 With the will annexed. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, John E. Odell, applies to me for the guardianship of Mary RceJ, ille gitimate orphan of Isabella Reed, of said coanty. All persons interested will} take notice that said letters will he granted at the next November term of this cqurt, unless h-gal cause be shown to the contrary. Given undet my hand 21st S 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. ™d. NOTICE. T IfE undersigned (of Hie firm of P. A Summey & Bro.) having determined t< leave V>e State, earnestly requests' all per aoiis indebted to the some, to comSTorward rind Settle their occonnta and notes, n lon ger indulgence cannot be given. AU ac counts will be c nsijered dne from tho data of Diaaoluti*n, August 8th, 1855. Sept 13 J. S. E. SUMMEY. MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. T HE best article known for cleaning and polishing all kind* of metals,, window*, razors and glass ware. A supply just re ceived, direct from the manufacturers,-and for sale, low.. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP. & SOff. April 26. <• CONSUMPTION. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY IN HALATION OF MEDICATED VA-, PORS. B Y JOHNSON 8TEWART ROSB.M.D., Fellow of the Rqyal College of Physici ans, and for years Senior Physician in The London Royal Infirmary for diseases of the Lungs. ... In the treatment of Consumption by In* halation, I have obtained results which war rant me in asserting that It is now as cant* ble as di-eases of tbs Stomaoh and Liver. Brea tiling medicine directly into the Lungs if certainly the rational mode of at tacking the disease, andHke many other great and beneficent' diaooveries’ it seems strange why such-treatment was not resort ed to long ago. Where there is life, there is anrely hope for th*-most seeming hopeless eases, as throughout all th* stages of this in- aidious disease, the wonderful and beneficent sfectrot its treatment are soon apparent. I n eases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, &c., the inhaling of powders aud vapors has been eminently eoc*easfu!,.and to those suffering New Merchnt Tailoring Estate lisliraent AT IL L. BLOOM FI ED'S old Clothing j 1 house, will be found, in addition to lri* large and handsome stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, large and splendid assortment fit Clothes, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c„* : to be made np to order; nnfi-all orders left for goods or cutting and -making will re ceive prompt attention -fin* wa Wanted to give full satisfaction. NOTICE. T HE copartnership heretofore exisDhfh be tween the subscribers, under, the. name of P. A. SUMMEY A BRO., was dissolved on the 8th day of August, by mutual consent | under any of the above naund complaints. Either party is authorised to,use the name ! I can guarantee speedy end certain relief.- I of the firm in the settlement of the business. 1 have pleasure in referring to 207 names, They return thanks to the citizens of the 'residents of New York, and neighborhood, town aud surrounding country for the very j who have been restored t* vigorous "health, liberal patronage they have received. ” j About one third of the above number, uc* Thnao indebted to the firm will find their cording to the patient* own statements, were GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. WHEREAS, Orin P. Sellers applies to II for letters of administration upon •state of Brown F. Sellers, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, that said letters will be granted at th* next November term of this court, unless itgtd •sus* be shown to tlio contrary.. Given under my band 21st Sept., IS- M. GRAHAM, Ordina Sept. 27. 31 • RAIUIVAY. fliTLook out for a Scoundrel R AN AWAY from the subscriber, about the 20lh August last, my boy, Clark, a Black smith by trade. Said boy was last seen and heard of in Madison county, Ga., where h« had been at work sometime previous to hie disappearance. It is thought h* has been decoyed away by some white person. Said boy weighs about 170, or 185 lbs.—about five feet, uineor ten inches high-copper, colored —large mouth and eyes—allows his gum teeth very plain when laughing—his jaw teeth considerably decayed—was riding a' bay borse almut eight years ohl. with a black' quilted saddle, the horn broke off— a wart on the right shoulder, and a scar on the right aide of hie breast. Said boy is about twenty •even years old. 1 will'pay fifty dollars reward for the apprehension of said bnv and the scoundrel who decoyed him off, with evi dence sufficient tocoi let him; ora liberal reward far the nppr tension and ernfine- ment, in auy safe jai th it I may recover •aid boy. \ II. DEADW YLEIt. Elberton, Elbert e , Ga . Sept. 20. W“®*« Georgia Citizen will please copy till forksti, and send account to this office. notes and account* at the old stand, where considered hopeless cases, they wonld confer a special favor upon the The inhaling Method is eocthingsafc and subscriber*, if they wonld call soon and pav speedy, and consists iu the administration them off. P. A. SUMMEY, * of medicines in each a manner they are-cou- "J. S. E. SUMMER'. veyed into the Lung* in the farm of vapor, and Aug. 10,1855. Sm. produce tbeir action at tbrs e# V°f tbe disease. ■ Its practical success is destineil to revolu- T IIE business will be continued at the old i ticuixe the opinions of the medical world, stand, under the name of SUMMEY A and etlablishe the efUireurahi.'Uy of Co*- JONES, where they woHdtie glad to wait i nnnption. upon nil their former friends and cusltimer*.! Applicants will please state if they have They intend keeping, as usual, a good stock ever bled from the Lungs, if they hpve lost of all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, and a ficsb, have n cough, night sweats and fever general assortment of stnple Drygoods, Ac tai ns—what anuhow much th**y expectorate; all of which will be sold on the most favura w h»t the condition of tlicir . stomach and blc terms, for cash or good country produce ' b °wcls. The necessary Medicines, appara- * SUMMEY <fc JONES. tus » *‘11 -M. forwarded to any part, • August 1C, 1855. TERMS—Five dollars, consultation fee. Balance of fes payable only whi;n tliepati- GF.ORflT A rr A lJtr rhliiviTv i snts report themselves convalescent. ' IjihUlvUrlA, LLAKh COUNT!. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS. Court of Ordinary of said Count* We, *be "ntLsrsigned practitioners in me- W trunpa^ t. k n w ir ’•!. . , 7. dicine, cheerfully arid heartily recommend HERE A. WL b " V I K ,raU . , r on Adplsis- Br. Roses method of treating diseases of ibe eoomv iWpnl 1 ? l. ' aD1, ^ latu an3 Throat. os the bed and most efiec- 8 a,u county,deceased,iKrtUions the Court br! tuatever introduced into medical practice. Our A * ro P? sai( * conviction* arc bribed 'upon liaviug several Therefore, Ail persoiii conccrii.d .are of oar ow- patients. Confirmed consumptives, hereby required to sjiow c ause, (if any they restored to vigorous health after a few have) why said Administrator should noi, .at i months treatment by Dr, Rose, in the above the regular term or said Court, to be held on named disease* the application of “Medicat- thefirst Monday in April wit, bsdisclia rg- od Vapors,” inhaled directly into the Lungs, ed from said A mn “wtratnm. . may be justly considered a great boon to By order ol said Court, at a regular term, suffering humanity, rendering Consrampt'- held tins 3d day cj September, 1855. *-■ ■■ • 8 Scpi. 0. 'ASA Ml JACKSON, Ord GEORGIA. IIA LLCOtJNTY. 1I7HEHEAS, J. E. Odell and J. E. Redwiue ff apply to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Reuben Mayfield, late of said.coiuitj, deceased. AU persons interested are hereby nodfied tliassuid letters will be granted at the next November term of this- c*urt, unless-legal cause he shown to the contrary. Girt U under my hai d 2l«t Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30d. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. *llI7llERBAS,SvereU Ycarby ajyifies to me ff for letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of James Rhodes, lat« of said County, deceased—These are therefore to cite and'admnuisb, all nnd singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Monday in December next, t« shew cause (if any they have,) why said letters should not then tw granted the applicant, or t" such other person or persons ns the Court may tbiuk proper. Given under my hand nt^Office, this the fourth day of October, 1855. ASA M. JACKSON, Oct II- Ordinary, STARCH POLISH. J UST received by T. BISHOP A SON. Oct. 25 1855. - For Salt or Rent I A NEAT dwelling placo, occupied bv the undcrsjgncd, and ndjoining the lot of Mr*. Baxter, 'containing six comfortable room*, a weii of waiter, sad nil necessary out houses mid stable—embracing one acre and a quarter 'cfwell cultivated lund.sti ckrd- with choice fruit trees. Terms very liberal E. M. EDW 4RDY. Oct 11 * • t f FALL AND WINTER GOODS. T HE Subscriber, thankful to bis friends and the public for past patronage, in* forms them that he is in receipt «f a L-irg< and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS; among which arc Meri nos, DeLaines, Brocades, Aljiaccas, (Hug hams, and Ptifils. cheaper than usual.. Aqd a variety of sshergnsds for Ladirsatid* Gen tlsmen. Please onll and examine mv stock Get 16 ISAAC M. KENNEY. * at I RON FENCING, Ba’conies, and Vcran dr.s, «»f seleet Pilttern.o, manufsicturetl t<» onler by the Athens Steam Companv. Oet 18- ' tf GEORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY. TTTHBREAS. Tliomas SimmiNm applies to YY me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of John W. O <>k. late of said Countv. decease J—'These lire therefore to site nnd aibeonish alt and singular the kiu dred and credit -rs of unit I deceased, to b» and appear at nay office on or iH-forc tae first Monday in Deremlwr nexf. to sh.-n- Cm me. (if nnythey have.) wl*y *nid letters should not. then be granted the apjdicant nr to such other person or per.-ims as die Court may judee proper. Given limb' my hand, ai Office, this the 17th day of October. 18*5. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordiiiarv October H5, 1855. TO THE PUBLIC. WHEATS CORN\ FLOUR and MEAL. Tallasek Mills, Clarke coimty, Ga. T HE undersigned lias leased of Mr. Robert T. Fowler, lor a series of years, the above named Mills, on the Oconee Rivet, 8 tidies Nortbwest-of Athens, near the road leading to Lawrenceville, nnd having had the same jut-io complete and thorough repair by Mr. £. W. Wesson, who is a superior and practi cal ihillwriglit, and who the undersigned, takes pleasure in recommending as being on- surpassed in his professional line, now begs leave to notify the public, (bat he is ready to convert wheat into flour, or corn into meal, in as quick time, and in a manner to give as general satisfaction as any other millsoftbe same number of runners, either North, South, Hast or West. These mills have but one run, each, for wlt$nt and corn, but will, each grind .vith ease from one hundred to ohe hundred and fifty busliels per day; they-are never inter- ferred with.either by high or low water, con- equcnily persons wishing, or sending* wa gon Inads-of grain to be ground, will at fio time tie detained longer than a few hours. I have in my employmeoc, Mr. Hawkins Wright, who is a practical miller, and whose character for houesty and veraci v, is so well known to this community that f need only say, his services are engaged as principal miller. * j - All grain ’received, to! K' ground at these mills will be weighed and tided accordingly, and a certificate of both the amount receiv ed and ksturned will bcsent*back to the per son sending the grain. And in connexion herewith I wish distinctly to notify the pub lic, that I have ben at considerable expense in procuring and fitting up tjro superior No. 10, anchor-brand bolting clntlis. These cloths are in flue order, and it is both my interest and tn£ wish to keep them so. Flour ground from wheat vest, or quite damp, wilt soon not only bring te ruin cloths of thfs descrip tion,hutcan madefo please tho.«e sending the grain either in quality or quan tity—wlien mi most eas<^ thq mills or the miller, after doing ’all' thdtthey can do on bad wheat, generally receive their toll share of blnwe. Wheat, therelore, sent to these mills, either wet or quite damp, win* in no instance be ground until the same is proper ly dried, and in every instauegof this nature, the miller is to be the only judge Wishing to keep these nulls 'in constant operation, the undersigned will be glad to purchase both wheat and corn. Wheat will he purchased if thoroughly dry at' 'the' rats of 60 lbs, anil corn at - the rate of BA lbs, to the bushel, delivered at the mills, and the highest resit prices will be paid for either.' The undersigned is now residing at these mills and intends giving* his personal'and constant attention to the keeping the same hi complete order, so as at alt times to give merited ssvisfnctinn to all that may pati'bn- ise him.and he is vajn enoughto think that hehim«elf is “ scone” millwright, and - miller too. AU. therefore that is asked of the pub lic, is a fair shako lor- vmir patronage. Aug. :;».-St. JOHN I. CHEATHAM. a perfectly curable diuave. Dr. ttose.dcserves well of the _ profession for bis unwearied labors in bringing the in haling Method to such a degree of perfee lion. - * Rlirit STOWR M, D. ■ . ' JONAS A SI OTT, U.V. CVRUS KINGt-KV. M. D. WM. B, AWffTIN M. I). ORVI 1,1.E L’I*SON, H. D, GAVIN WETMORE, M. D. ■ 0 DR. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CONSUM PTION. Price one dollar Address, JOHNSON STEWART ROSE Office 931 Broadway, New Yovk B, The new postage laiv requires that sttletters prepaid. My correspondence be ing extensive, applicants to ensure replies, must enclose postage. PI* Money letters mnst lie registered by t|i«= Post Muster, when they will be at my risk, not otherwise. Rogers’ Liverwort & Tar, Forcomplete enref Coughs', Colds, Iuflueuza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all other Lmig Complaints tending to Consumption. T HIS preparation is getting into nsc all over our Country. The numerous let- tera we- reoeivs from our various agents, informing us of cures effected iu their iminc- i.late neighborhoods, warrant ns tn saying it is one of the best, if not the very best Cough Medicine now before the public: It almost invariably relieves and not unfre quenlly cures the very Worst cases. When all' other Cough preparations have failed this has relieved the patient, ns Druggists dealers in Medicines, and Physicians cun testify. Ask the Agent in your nearest town, what has been his -experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length sf tiuio he will tell you IT IS THE BUST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below we give a few extracts from letters ive have received lately regarding the vir tue* of diis medicine.' Dr.S. 8. Oslin„of Knoxville, Ga., says:— “1 have beeu using your Liverwort ami Tar veiy extensively in my practice for three years past, and, it 'is with pleasure I state my belief in its superiority over all ntbe. articles with which 1 am acquainted, for which it is recommended.” Messrs. Fitxgerald & Benners, writing from Waynesville. N. C. say “ The Liver wort and Tar is. becoming daily more popu tar in this Country, and we think justly so. All who have tried it sp?nk in com mendable terms' of it, and'say ** very beneficial in alleviating the complaints f. which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickeps District,S, C. Mr "8. R. McFslI, assures us “ that he uses ii with great benefit in his own family, and re- commends it to his neighbor!?.” He gives an instance of a Negro woman, in his vbrini ty, who had been suffering with disease of the Lungs for years, attended with' Severe cough, who was relieve! by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good reports we hear of this Medicine from nil parts of tlie South. For ■> report of the surprising cures it has per formed iu the Western and Northern nnd Eatern States, we woufd invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which accom panies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope„ have hope l TRY THE MEDICINE!! . be warned i.n**season!!! And neglect not that cough .Which is daily, weakening your constitution, irritating your tsroat and lungs, and inviting on that dread disease,- Consumption, when so soothing and Healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrnp of Liverwort and Tar# Beware of Count* > felts and Notice. W E have bongbt a part of W. P. Turner's stock of Goods, and will* conthine the business under the name and stile **f COLT COLBERT, at the old stand of W. P. <£ C. TURNER. Groceries sold tor cash and three months time only. JAMBS I COLT. • WILLIAM O. COLBERT. No. 9 Granite Low, Athens, Ga. m 8m. August- 6, 1855 MALL & STOVALL, Grocery Merchants; Augusta, Ga. r LL continue ths Grocery Busines in tu its branches, at tlieir Old Stand an BROAD STREET, opposite- the Planter's Hotel. * * Our Stock of Groceries will, at all times, be arge, the assortment complete, and paiticul- arly adapted to Planters’ Tra ls—a liberal share of which we-have-so long enjoyed, aud hope still to receive. _ . . WM M.-REALL. JNQ. W. L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Mer- ' Augusta Ga., - W ILLcontinun-the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, iu all its branches and ’■have .removed to the FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE adjoining M. I*. Stovall, on the corneir-of Jackson and E ! lis Streets, near thp Globe Hotel. Consignments of-Cot ton, Bacon, Grain, and other Produce solicited. 1 he nsnal Advances made on Cotton orj*. Produce in store, when require 1 AH Cotton cousigned tou»will he sold at the Wareliouss^wiiere.pne of the firm may at all times be found, . Commission for Selling Cotton, 25 Cents per Bale. . . WM. M.BEALL JNO.W.L STOVALL. August 30 A-Plantation for snier 1 OFFER for sale-my Plantation two and a half miles below Watkinsvillf. *>• iag the place funnel ly owned hy Rev. i. N. Glsnn J|t rnniains upwards of six liumlml acres, .-ibqui one half clean d. will improved, with necessary out buildings,gin-hous<*. \c. with a saw-mill in good order. 1‘wiU also sell with the place my sawer, a likely and faith ful (fegro f« llow. JOHN CALVIN' JOHNSON. June 28,1855. . . • - .tf .LAND F0& SALE. “ T H E subscriber, living near “ Planter's ' Stand” P. O. in Madison cAunty, offers idl.or a - part of his bind for sale. Tlicte i.- in the whole,tract about GOO acre*, well iin>-. hcred and well watereff: about 10p acres, cleared and in good repidr ;a good jy.n-boi'*’ •fit other necessary bnillings. Pri;erca Sonable and terms easy. Further inforuia ti m can be bad hy coming niidjmiking, or by dropping me - a few lines, directed to Planter's Stand P. O. Msdison county.'Ga. Jnly'25 tf . BEN J. F. O’KELLY. A New. Georgia invention. G ARLINGTON’S Vateiii TVircsYimg W HICH is believed to be nnequalled for safety and perfection of work, while the price is as 'o* ns that of any other machine which will perform the same aniouut of work, is now on exhibition at the Athens Foundry, where it may be seen at any time. Rights for any Counties not yet disposed of, can De purchased, nnd orders for single machines will be promptly filled. QCP They are wairantcd to do all that is claimed for them, and are put up in a work- man-like'maimer. : tw Manufactured nt "Snapping Slioals, NewtCn eouDlv, Georgia, bv • • June28 • irAP.TEY &GARLINGTON New 'Tailoring Establishment! H AVrNG secured the services of O'. P. Caldwell, former Cutter for Win. O Price, of Augusta and Savannah, I will have executed in the negtest and most fashions blft-style. nil orders confided to our call. July 28, 1855. R. L. BLOftMFlELD. .GEORGIA? HALL COUNTY. \\THEREAS, Asa AVhitbey applies to me * * for Ictteis of administration on the estate of Arthur C. Wils6n, deceased, late of said county. The kindred and creditors of said, deceased are hereby notified to file their objections in terms of law. otherwise said letters willbe granted at the next Novemlier Term of^said court. Given under my hand at Office, 28th Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary Oct. 4. THE GREAT DISCOVERY!! KR0LLERI0X, O' ■’OR CURLING THE HAIR.vO '^lOR many yearsit has been the object pf .. deepest study with- chemists and others to produce a fluid that, applied to the hair, would cause it towavenndcurl equal in bean ty to thenatural curl. THE KROLLERION Is the only article ever offered to the world that wilt effect this most desirable object .But three or four applications are necessary to curl it as much as may lie desired, and fur arty length nVtimV. From the many testi monial- of tjiose who have used it. the sub scriber does not hesitate to warrant the KROLLERION to give satisfaction, and prove as reccommended in alt cases The recipe for making, with full directions for use, will besent.on the receipt of one dol lar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost over 12cents. Direct to H. A.FREEMONT. Warren, Trumbull Co., O May 3, 1855. EXECUTORS’ SALE. A ccording io the last wni and testament of William Park, lale of Jackson county, Ga., deceased, will be sold at the court h >use in Jefferson, Jackson ca. Ga. on the first Tuesday in December next between the usual hours of sale. the negroes belonging to the estate of said William Park, consisting of men, boys, women and chihlsen. to bc sold for the purpose of a division.— Terras eash. Sept. 27th, 1855. ROBERT C. PARK, » Pvo - JOSIAH LESTER, } Executor *'* Oct. 4. Just TteceweJ \ T HE HIDDEN PATH. By the Author of “ Alone.” For salcf by Sept 13 W. N. WHITE. DISSOLUTION: rpHE copartnership inthe Franklin Job Office, here- X tofore existiiijj.under the firir uf Christy Sc Keisea, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. Thebueiness will becontinued by J. II Christy—by whom the debts ofthe late concern will be paid, and who a’one is au thorised to collect the demands due to it. , JOHN H. CHRISTV Athens, Jan H 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. SWAN’S - Bank Note List and Detector. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala At $2.00 pur annum, in nilvancu. TTHE work is printed on fine White paper and ecu A type, and in appearance will be second to none in the United States. A Sooth rn.Bank Note i.< asscetplln svery Bank Counting-House, and public office. Let us unite in advancing our common interests, and not permit Northern men sad Northern Detectors to fluctuate our money matters as they may wish, while we : re qui etk- following their dictation. The work willbe carefully revised on ths day of publication, and ail important financial changes, as they occur, noticed. Every exertion -will be tnndd to m«ke it a correct and reliable guide totlie B inker jin* Him liiiil Hotel Proprietors, Brokers. Auctioneers, Commis sion Merchants, and others desirous of having their names and business widely circulated, are informed that a limited number of advertisements will bo in serteO. Special rates for advertising hy the, or for shorter periods, may be known hy applying to any of my Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, Ga. • fpeccratn numbers will be sent ot| application 1>y letter free of charge . . , All - communications intended for the “Bank- Note Lest and Detector,” ranst be addressed to “Swan’s Bank-Note List,” Atlanta, Gemfia SAMUEL SWAN. Jaues Rossasox, General Agent. Sept. 27. < 3m.' ADAM'S & CO.’S EXPRESS OF ‘ FICE, ATHENS, GA. SR this date, no package slwppoj hy (Its «t«T« Conipaity, wilt be uulivered ffo n this office, ualii expenses are pniil iqton said packages. Consignees wllfptuase •* take tfye Notice; and govern themseloe* acefirJinrfl./ T. M. (fAMPKIN, Age"rt. f^tober 25 T *yaluablc LimUNr for Sale. RE subscriber bavinti a largo satUmoiM of louil lyingjtm the North Fork »f Urea! River in Madison County, Ga , containing lour thousand acre*, nnd Ijring tlesironwtOJ •ell a part or all- of mid land, will soil on accommodating tonus. Said Ljnwl is nearly’ all woods, well watered and tiiubef%l npd several good 4W1m»4 wilLbe soki hi lots to suit ]>ureha*cr» .Aj»y psrso»wishing to par * • can call «>u the subscribe)? rive utiles o! 1> inielsville. Geo. CHARLES L SORRF.T.LS. October 25 4t NOTICE W E again earnestly request all wbo are ittdebted to as, to cortie and mnkepay- raent, or clone tindr accowwta by not«. We must close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS* BILLUPS. TO HOUSE KEEPERS. I I W. LUCAS, has' just received a tssb T .supply of-Elegant Gilt Cornice. Lace aud Mu4'ra Curtains, and Handsome Window Shades frou» $2 to $8 pair. Out, 11 '. _ • , Blucstonc! . ^-FRWII Supply just received. Oet. 25 T. BISHOP .(• SON. '-"More Light! Kfi BONES Best Sperm and Adamantine tA*. Caudles, (or s*iedotr, hy Oct 25 . , T. BISHOP & Sibil. 30 Bass Rio CofTee! ter •r quality for^saleloW.'hy T, BISHOP & SQN C HEESE CHEESE Fino English Dei ry Cheese at KENNEY’S. Oct 18 te. felts tlons ! The genuine’ article is signed Akdskw Booeos, on the.engTaved.wrapper around each bottle. Priqe, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5 Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVILL £ MEAD. Ill Chartres St. bet. Conti and St. Louis; ND Sole Aq en !s for the Sout tern States, to whotp all orders and' applications for Agen cies mast be addressed. Sold also by Smith & Billups, Athens, Go: C. W. 4. H. R. J. Long. “ J. Bell, Jefferson, “ Morrow & Keuody, Monroe, “ W- Murray, Watkinsville, “ J. R. Stanford, Clarkeevjlle. ** O.W. Hood, Ilarmony Grove, “ Plait <t Bro., Lexington, “ A.-G. Wirnpey, Dohlonega. “ Morris & Co. Lawrenceville, “ June 21,1855. Mammoth Sale ! At Brennan s Dry Goods Store, BROAD STREETi ,000 'W OKTH Of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, To be sold without Reserve! T HE largest and best assorted Stock of DRY GOODS, Ever offered in ibis City. On and after Monday, Oct. 8, the undersigned, with a view to make a change iu the firm, and reduce his present heavy stock of Goods, will sell with out roservs, at Wholesale or Retail, the en tire stock, and to save commissions, be will sell lower than the Goods would bring at auction. Merchants, Planters, Dealers, ami the public generally, will indy their own interest by examining this Stock before buying else where. And to save time and trouble, be would say, the terms wiU be Cash fi»r sums under One Hundred Dsliars: for amounts, over, approved city endorsements, with late- res* front date of Sale. P. S. The Ladies are respectfully invited to sail and sec the Silks. Merinos, Cash meres. Wool Plaids, Alpacas, Coborg Cloths, Bombazines, <tc. Ac.-Ac. * THOS. BRENNAN. Above the Globe Hotel Corder. Augusta, Oct 8, 1865. [Oct 18 * NEGRO .SHOES. P W, LUCAS, will keep negro shoes .made at the Watkinsville Factory. Oct, 11. ‘ TAKE NOTICE! A CCOU1FTS previous to October 1st, are notr due, ami prompt payment thereof expected. WM. JL WHITE. Oct 1 . Blank Declarations, 0 F*both .forms, (long ancUhortJ together with the process attached—Just printea and for sole at this Office, Also, various other Blanks. Any Blanks not on hand—as, indeed almost any kind of Job printing—can be fur tiished on a few hours’ notice PRIVATE BOARDING! A FEW young met} can be accbmmoduted with day Board 'at the residonoe of T M Lamphlri. ip the tenement building cf Mr. Brown, a few dqow below the residence of Wm. M dorton. T- M. LAMl’KUf* Bej*. *T, 1855. IRON AND BRAS S Up FOUNDRY | tiff 9 up 4 Pay up! T HE undersigned most earnestly requests allpersons indebt-d to the late firms of Chriott.Kelska it Burke, and Ch»i»tv& Kiui*—as also those owing bim individually—to Pay up at one : Many of these <-laims havcbcenoutstanuing a longtimerand ux mustabsolutely be settled.without delay. He trusts that a sense of right and justice will lead everyone indebted to settle up immediately If, how- shallturii outthatlmis mistaken in ibis,he will be forced, however reluctantly, to “ try what virtue. - “ J. II. CrfRISTY’* here is in’ .janl8 MOORE & CARLTON H AVING moved {fem No, 8 to 7 Granite Row, and having purchased a Spring Stock with -great core, ask our town- and country friends to come in aud examine, and we feel assured that they will be pleased with the qualities, styles and prices of our goods, consisting of - * French and English Calicoes, French.and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, French prihtc.d Jaconets, French printed Organdies, *- - French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges oLaR colors arid qualities. Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flouuqcd Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, frqm 56 ceptaAo 7 dollars, ’ Ohemizetts and Collevetlsof new and fash ionable styles, . • . SHk and Lace MuntiHaanew patterns,' Bleached nnd brown goods. Hardware. Crockery and Groceries, All of wbiek we trill seU at Augusta re tail prices, with the exception of Bleached Hornrxpunsand Calicoes,which we do not pre tend to sell for 2 cent^ pee yard less than New York cost for the purpose of baiting green ones. April 19, 1855. PERRY DAY IS’ VEGETABLE ‘ PAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, OPINIONS OF TUE PRE3S. W E take pleasure in referring the reader to the testimonials of our prominent druggists nnd well known citizens to the vir- tne of Davis' Pain Killer. We have used the article and found it valuable. The sale of this article in the United States is beyond all precedent,-»e the books of the office will show. —Cincinnati Commercial. Davis’ Vegetable Pais Killer.—\Ve refer our readers to n advertisement with the above yaption, in the advertising colutnu* of this nmftiing’s Eagle. We fir.-t- heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New Entihiml States, and being struck with the n ovel ty of the title', we were induced to make some enquiry about it,-nnd wef-s sur prised to learn was kept constantly in the houses of most of the inhabitant* of the cities anii.vilUges where we stopped, to be used in cases of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, &c.. and we heard it spoken of in terns of high commendation by b th druggists and physicians .This much we can with propriety say as journalists, in fa vor of the article.—Philadelphia Eagle. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer. Volunturiiyt’consdiencously.and wiih much pleasure, we recommend te our readers the above named medicine. We speak from our owu observation aud experience when wo say that it removes pain as if by -magic from all parts of tfie body, and is one of the best medicincsia use‘for Checking Diarrhoea, and for removing the premonitory symptoms of cholera. It is applied both iutotually aud ■externally, with the best efft cts, nnd none who have once used the Pain Killer would Willingly be Without it constantly in their houxes. Cincinnatli Eve Nonpareil. Davis’ Paw Killer—Thie article needs no commrtit from Us, but the real wurti^of so valuable cqfnpound, compels us to give publicity ta it, in our Transcript. Mr. Perry Davis, the manufacturer ajid inventor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain the ighest re.«p«et. and anyartiule he sh uld offer to the public we should have the utmost confi lence in. The Pain Killer wo keep constantly ou hand, nnd have done so for a number of years, and have administered it for ails f nil di s- criptions, both external nnd internal, and have ever found it. to he the best remedy ex tant. We well recollect its fi rs Vint rod ac tion for public patronage, it was then sold in n few shops in ibis city: look at it now the world are its patrons. A few days ago we E ubllshed a certificate from Burmah, and we five often seen them-from the most remote habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if you h'ave not a supjly on hand,, (we tt“Jt£t you have,it is almost indispen sable) procure it at once, aud never be wuh- out itag,tin—it will save many n physician’s bill. • Providence Daily Transcript. W“ We presume no Medical preparat ion ever offered to the public has been more thor oughly tested than Perry Davis’ 1’ais Kil ler. Thousands of persons, were they called upon to do so, would cheerfully testify that they have used it for various ilia, with the most satisfactory success. It is within our own knowledge, .hat an immense amount of suffering has been relieved by it. Its pro prietors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, save uo pains or -expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being strtetiv honotablc men, they ob serve tbe utmost uniformity in the manufac ture of their celebrated l r .iin Killer- The materials, of which it is composed are careful ly selected—none but the-beat quality being used. .By.these means tbe high reputation which the Pain Killer has long since acquir ed, is at all times triumphantly sustained.— In view of these facts, wc fire by no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis A Sou’s sales are constantly nnd rapidly increasing- While w.c congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation as the Pain Killer is placed' within their reach," we mnst be permitted to rejohje at. the well-nterited gucceas of it? liberal and enterprising propri etors.—Providence Gen. Advertiser. ■ AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety ; Improved Iron Frame*, Circular Saw* MHts—warranted equal to tbe best.^ Steam- Engines. Forcing-Pumps, Oold-Mining Millsfc Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- irons and all kind* of Machinery ma4f Irou Fencing of seise* pattern*. Plough and Wagon Castings v nd Dog-Iron*. Uveix variety of Repairing and w rough Lipin wo promptly executed. Oltr general assortment of patterns fire tW accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) ft .REUBEN NICKERSON. Agent jan 18 . Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and heavy iron eastings wanted. 7y HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. T O ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexnat isease, such as Seminal Weakness. Its* poteuce, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis. W. - , The Howard; Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseased/ and the deceptions which are prnotised up* on the unfortunate victims of such diseape# hy Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to give Medical a Ivice gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, (post-paid) with a de scription of their condition, ,(*g*. °® CU P** tion, habits of life, sc.) and in eases «f ex treme poverty and suffering to furnishing medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is & benevolent Institution, established by special endow ment, for the relief of the sick and distres sed, afflicted with “ Vitulent and Epidem ic diseases,” aud its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors hnve_ voted to advertise the above notice. It ia needless to add that tho Association commands tho highest Medical skill of the age. . Address,(post paid,) Dr. Geo. R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL.JPre*. Geo. Fairchild, Sec. May 8. - NOTICE. Executors’ Sale. INK, INK. . f pUE finest jet black Ink ever offered iu 1. this mai ket,.iu>w for sale ou drought. Send in clean bottles, and It ic warranted to suit The Esmurlnlr is also sold bottled by AugrtSt 23. WM. N. WHITE. T HE Property of the Estate of James S Jarrali, deceased, will he sold; on the premises, on Tuesday, 13th November next to wit: The Land, containing 537 acres, more or less; well improved, on the Apalachee Riv er, one mile below Roberson’s mills, Clarke County, Ga. _ . . Eleven Negroe^, consisting of men, women, boy& jind girls Stock of different kinds, to witHorses, Cattle, Hogs and Goats. Also the crops of Corn, Fodder and Oats; plantation Tools-, also Household and Kitchen Furaiturq^Wag-, ons and Oxep'. - ' . The above Property Ts aoliWor the benefit of the Legatees, and by Ian agreement of said Legatees. Terms made known on tbe day of sale. * * STINSON S.JARRALL,) - . GEORGE A. J A RRALL. \ “ ,8 ’ With the will annexed. -September 13. -tds. ‘Washing-day a Luxury! I AM now prepared to fill all 'orders for Hollingsworth's justly celebrated Wash ing Machines—the greatest inven:ion of the age! This machine can he operated by a child 6 to lO’yv-arsol’age.'as well as a grown person—tfof requiring labor, buf mcrtdy healthful exercise. Will do more work than 8 t.» 10 hands—washing perfectly clean any article, from' a cambric handkerchief to a bed quilt, and dntfrely without injury. It is’perfecily simple, and can be operated by any one, and is not liable to set out of order. Clothes prepared in the usual- way, except nut boiled, that not being necessary. Orders from the country, enclosing $20, will meet with prompt attention! These Machines can he seen in operation any day at the Steam Cabinbt Shop and Blind Pactory, near the Town Spring, rear of the Franklin House. FURNITURE. SASH, BLINDS, PAKEL- DQpitS, Ac..constantly on mndand made to order. Repairing of at! 'kinds done with, neatness and despatch. Athens.Julv2* S. D. BRIDGMAN. - C.W.&H. R. J. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ~ . ATHENS, GA. TT ESP constantly on hand a large and well JLV selected stock of • Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuff8, Brushes, Window Glass, * ’ » Putty, fie. ftc. Also, dealers in French, Englishand Ameri. can Chemicals, Drags, Modi ines, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchant, and all other* can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, iipoit the most accommodating terms. Theirgoods willjte.warranted as repre sented. • January, 1854., New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. MUSICAL** INSTRUMENTS, dec. Ac. \ I ItlandeYillc & Talmadgc TTAVE just returned from Ncw.Yofk,,b IX a large and beaut iful assort men! of the above named articles, which they willed! cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style Broaches, Pins,Ear and FingrrRings, gora fo’* chains, gold Pen* and Pencils, gold and silver BtSbl e *'f°I d an <* silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AO ES, and a good-assortment ofcol’d Glasses; Warn Lied sterling silver table, dessert nnd teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles usually ept iu a Jewelry store. The s uperior advantages which the sub- scriberspossess o ver those unacquni nted with the business, in purcbasingdirectiyfrcm the' manufacturers and importers, and being praciiciil jewcler8, renders them capable ot properly judging the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. 'Inthe department of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low price*, to’merit the approbation of the public favor. ■ , An assortment of CLOCKS, oftbelatesk stpl*-, always on hand, from seventy-five eta. te oue hundred and seventy-live dollars—all Warranted perfect time-keepers. A.2 Mandeville, j W A.Tai.madge. Cogher of-Broad street and College Av. • *one iloor east ofPeterson’s bookstore. Dec 22,1364. BOOTS! BOOTS! r “ T HE undersigned has taken a Store oppo site the Newton House, on College Avs- and, where he will continue to make as fine nue good'BOOTS as usual, of any descrip tion. • . Double-soled and Water-proof Boots, Bnck Skin, ~ do Pump, do Patent Leather, do • Opera, do Repairing done in- the neatest and bet* ty(o. The best of French Leather used at»d warrented. W. S. STARK. July 19 . I Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES bTbURPEE, A T the old stand recently occupied by R. S. ScheveifeU, offers for sales lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at reda cted prices—consisting ol . ; - Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in hisline thankfully received and promptly executed. rS-Repairing done stshortnotioe and on rea«onsb|e terms. DRY GOODS, ’ AT REDUCED PRICES, QO Jto Kenney’s and get good bargains for - FAMILY GROOE&IKS. T HE undersigned respectfully inform the citisen* of Athens and public general ly, that they Have taken'the Store next door to Saa*otn &• PitUrd’s and are receding a fresh stoek qf ASSORTED GROCERIES A (?ONF KGTION A ICY, and will keep constant ly on hand the best article that can be bad m rnyV-t. the lowest pric&a-of wall-aa. sotted NEW STORE <r l i . AND ; 1. 11 MEW 0OOBS. No. 12, Franklin Ilonse Range, (L. J, Lan.pkin’s old stand.) Win. J. Norton, cSUCCESSOR TO WM. .tf. MORTOJff SOM,/ * R espectfully announce to th*pabihr that he. is now offering- for sale, at the above stand,a large and varied assortment 0# ' SSAPLE AND FANCV Sugars, '* 1 Prckles, Coffees; Sardines, Teas, * ‘ , Lobster* Candles, « " Cove Oysters, * . Tobacco, . Mackerel, Cigars, - ’ -' - • Green and Dried Liquors, *■ * Fruits, Champaigns Wine, Almonds, Filberts, ‘ Porter aud Als, y f .Firewqrks, dc. rj Candies, • And various o:her articles too tedious to mentis*. . . * * fiT Come and buy.. * M7 B.—Those indebted to the nndersigoc’d by; note account, for Clothing, will plfase call arid settle soon, or they may find them in the hands of an officer for collection; July 19 John f. pittard & ca F RESH Salmon in lb. oans, oheap, at Ken March 29 Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. * The stock is entirely new, and .will be sold «t pvices to suit the times. His friends aud the pnblicare respectfully invited to cytll and examine for themselves py The Books and Accounts of tbe lath Arm of Wiltinm M. Merton & Son will he * found at bis store, and those indebted are-, requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855i tf TO'THE TRA VELLING PUBLIO: saUltTTr & ivy- A T their old stand, near the PranklhtHoilse, ■’ Atheos, Qa; qve better prepared than 4, ever .heretofore ta m«*et the wants of the tra- vellingpublic. -• ’ ' j Those wish jug to hire Coaches, Carriageri Hacks,'Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invitt-d to give tin in a ctril—as they have finer Coach es iHHkhetWr stock than at any time hereto^ fore,While thrir Drivers avOasearcfulascail BH bo found anywheVe. _5Sf*At the same rime their terms are aat good ns the Rest. U-Saolter# E.Ivy. CGTfoK, COTTON! /*\ U R Waroh<v,ii9 It nowopen for the season. U Cotton and other prodncc/stored at rest* sonableratee. 27. T. l/ii-iK*’ A Sox,