The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, December 13, 1855, Image 4

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GEQRG14—Ctfu-h: County To -fUE HotfoRABJ.K SUPERIOR COURT OFRAl# CoUjUTT. | rjME petition of the Athens Building and l Luan ibcveth that William Kelfca. nfyaU County n»<l State, on the set- erUh day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in raid County, executed and de livered to Jn'iali S. Peterson, Treasurer of mil 1 Arhon* Building and Inn Association, an I Ids stceessors in said office, for the time b»:n/ in trust for said Association, iii» ccr- lain deed of mortgage under hi* hand and «i«a|. for fho piirposo of securing to yonr pe- titinners t he payment, of his certain promisso ry not e or single bon I under seal bearing even Jnto with said dee I of mortgage, where by be promised to pay to said Josiah S. Pe terson Treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan Association, and to his successors in said office, for the time being, in trust for said Association, the sura of three hundred and thirty-two dollars, (it being the amount of an advance that day received hy him from said Association with interest thereon from that date, the interest payable monthly, on the first Thursday in each and every month thereafter, but the principal not to lie come due and payable until the posing up of said Association, unless he cease to be a member of the Athens Building and Loan Association, from any cause except by death—or unless lie should fail from any cause whatever to pay his monthly dues, in the shape of instal ments, interest, fines and arrearages to said Association, for three successive months, or unless iio f.iil to give additional satisfactory security when r.quired of him by the Board <>f Directors, ncoording to the tenor ond effect of the Ounstkut ion of said Association, which he had signed obligating himself to discharge said duties; npou tho happening of nny or all or either of which events the principal sum of said note should lie due and payable instantly, agreeing that any alteration or amendment of snid Constitution, which should lie made in conformity, with the article there in providing-for alterations or amendments, should not affect the validity of said obliga tion, whereby he conveyed to yoiir petition- vr« a certain tractor parcel of land, the same being n to^vn lot in the town of Athens, bounded on the Fast by Mrs. Thomas; South by John Martin ; West by n street separating the premises from the lot of General Taylor; the same containing one acre more or less, and then occupied by the said William Kel, sea, conditioned to be void and of no effect on the payment to the said Josinli S. Peterson Treasurer as aforesaid, or to his successors in said office for the time being, or to either of I (hem, in trust as aforesaid, the aforesaid sum of three 'hundred and thirty-two dollars, ac cording to tho tenor and effect of the said promissory note and the conditions therein sained. And your petitioner further shewelh that the said. William Kelsea, afterward*, lo wit, on the sixteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, in said County, exe cuted and delivered to said Josiah 8. Peter son. Treasurer of said, the Athens Building and lwau Association, and his successors in office for tbe timo being, in trust for said Association, his certain «thcr deed of mort gage under his hand and seat for the purpose of securing to your petitioners the paymqpt of his certain promissory note or single bond, unlersenl, bearing even date with said deed of mortgage, whereby he promised to pay to said Josiah S. Peterson, Treasurer of the Athens Building and Loan Association, and to his successors ia said office for the time being, in trust for snid Association, (Jie sum of three hundred and fifteen 60 100 dollars, it being the amount of an advance that day received liy him from said Association, with interest thereon from that date; the interest payable monthly on the first Thursday in each and every mouth thereafter, but the principal not to become due and payable until the closing np of said Association, unless he ceased to be n member of the Athens Building and Loan Association from iuiy cause except by death, or u-i.essho should fail from any cause what ever. to pay his monthly dues, in the shape of instalments, interest, fines and arrearages to said Association for three successive months, or unless he failed to give additional satisfactory security when required of him by the Board of Directors, according to the tenor ■and effect of said Association, which he had signed obligating himself to discharge said •lot ics; upon the happening of any, or all, or oi her of which events, the principal sum of • aid uote, should be due and payable instant ly ; agreeing that nny alteration or amend ment of said Constitution which should be rando m conformity with the article therein providing for alterations or amendments should not affect the validity of said oblign tion whereby he conveyed to vour petition ers Ui« same lot of land in the town of Ath ene, which had previously been mortgaged iLuv 8IUd . T renM,rcr of the 8afd Athens Building and L-an Association, and being the same lot of land previously mentioned in this And ymirpetitioner further shew- tl. that said William Kelsea has ceased to bon member of raid, The Athens Building nnd Loan Assocmnon, and has failed to pay SI*‘ luc9 »‘t'x 1 *l»ap««f instalments, Bml orr< ‘ nrn ees to said Associa tion Tor three successive months, hy which rinill IS l he 5 r “ C j PaI sim ' ofs,lid two notes or «Si^ nd9 U “ d<!r seal Lave Joe and payable. • * h « «« WiHram Kelsea. though so indebted, and to pay the same, often reqncat- _ ft® not P n,d the said sum of six hundred nnd fortv-sevi " S0 100 dollars, the amount of principal sums of the two promissory notes or smglc bonds as aforesaid, uor the interest due themm, nor any pait or said principal ^ * An , d your petitioners now bring into Court to be shown the said two mort- gage deeds, as well as the said two promissory notes or single bonds under seals, and pray that such rule and order may be passed by the Court, ns is in accordance with the Statute in such case made and provided. ASA M. JACKSON, PlffYAtty. The forcg .iog petition Wing heard, and the facts therein stated appearing to the Court, it is ordered that the said William IveWa do pay into Court by tho first day of he next 1 oim thereof, the said snm of six raidrcd aud f yty -even CO tjhO dollars se- •Tsred by said two mortgage deeds, with inte nt thereon accordingly tho tenor nnd effect -Tsnnl two promissory notes or single bonds, “hew cause to the contrary, if nny he has 'l!‘d that on the failure of the said William . .elsen do, the Equiiy of redemption in '3d to sntd mortgaged pi emise* Iks hereafter .rever barred and foreclosed. And it is fur- ..•er ordered, that tlii* rule bo published in • f w Southern V\ utchman «»n<re a month for 'V hronths, or a copy thereof served on the '•'•hi W illiam Kelsea or his special agent or '.'tunny, at least three months previous to the nesvTerm of this Court. Apopst Tmm 1855. „ A true extract from the minutes of snij Court, narl ■ P w Given under my hand nt the Office of the Superior Oonrt of Clarke County, Georgia, this 28th dav of September. 1858.* ' JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. _Oct 4 - ■ :Hi Clerk GEORGIA— HA LL COUNTY. W HEREAS, James Tuggle and Margaret Tuggle apply to me for letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Jolin Tuggle, Into of said county, deceased— The kindred and creditors of said deceased (hereby notified that said Letters will be the next January Term of this cause be ahown in terms ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. A tlREEA8LY lo an order of the honorable . the Court of Ordinary for the county of luckson, on the first Tuesday in January next, withiu the legal hours of sale, will be .old at the court house door in the town ot fefferson in said county, nil the real estate .»t David Witt, deceased, which lies fn the county of Jackson, consisting of the house anil lot in Jefferson, where the deceased re dded at the time of hi* .death ; the valuable plantation adjoining the town of Jefferson, containing one thousand four hundred seres more or less, nnd in a good state of culliva- ion. On the premises is an excellent mer chant mill, with three sets of runners; good new gin-house nnd ^in by water power ; ex cellent new packing screw and a good saw mill. It is proposed tn sell tho plantation In two parcels, the better to accommodate pnr chasers. One small house and lot in Jeffer son, on the main street, adjoining Samuel Watson nnd Jackson BelL Also, one hundred acres of land, more or less, adjoining Henry Brock and others, the place whereon John J. Little now resides. All to be sold for the porpose of distribution. Terms on the day of sale. NANCY WITT, Adtn’x. November 15,1855. NOTICE. T HE undersigned (of the firm of P. A. Sntnmey & Bro.) having determined to leave the State, earnestly reqnests all per sons indebted to the same, to come forward and settle their accounts nnd notes, as lon ger indulgence cannot be given. All ac counts will be considered flue from the date of Dissolution, August §th, 1855. Sept 13 J. S. E. SDMMEY. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. T HE Subscriber, thankful to liis friends and the public for past patronage, in forms them that he is in receipt of a large and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS; among which are Meri nos, DeLnincs, Brocades, Alpaccas, Ging hams, and Prints, cheaper than nsnal. And a variety of other goods for Ladies and Gen tlemen. Please call and examine my stock. Oct 18 ISAAC M. KENNEY. t&Ss^Look at l\us l a= a^T I RON FENCING, Balconies, nnd Veran das, of select Patterns, manufactured to order by the Athens Steam Company. Oct 18 tf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TX7 ILL be sold before the conrt house V v door, of Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in January %ext. during the legal hours of sale: One tract of land in skid conn ty. containing about four hundred acres, more or less, adjoining Mrs. Tindal, Benja min McRae and others, on which is a com fortable dwelling and other necessary out houses, being the place whereon John McRee resided at the time of his death. ALSO, One negro man, name George, abont 45 years old. ALSO, At the same time nnd place, will be sold nue negro woman Phillis, abont 60, a'inan Henry, about 87, woman Rhoda. abont 35 and man Jesse about 23 years old. Said tract of land, negro man George, to be sold as the property of said John McRee, dec’d., and the other of said negroes as the property of IsabellaMcRee, late of said county, de ceased. By vir.ue of orders from the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of the distributees of said dec’d, respectively. Terms on the day. ROWAN McREE, Adm’r. of JOHN and ISABELLA McREE, Dec’d. Nov. 1, 1855. (Nov.8) CONSUMPTION. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY IN HALATION OF MEDICATED VA PORS, B Y JOHNSON STEW &RT BOSE. M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physici- uis, and for years Senior Physician in the London Royal Infirmary for diseases of- the Lungs. In tlie treatment of Consumption by In halation, I have obtained results which war rant me in asserting that it is now as cura ble as di-eases of the Stomach and Liver. Breathing medicine directly into the Lungs is certainly the rational mode of at tacking the disease, and like many other great and beneficent discoveries’ it seems strange why such treatment was not resort ed to long ago. Where there is life, there is sorely hope for the most seeming hopeless esses,as throughout all the stages of this in sidious disease, the wonderful amt beneficent effect* of its treatment are soon apparent. In eases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, &c., the inhaling of powders and vapors has been eminently successful, and to those suffering under any of the above named complaints, I can guarantee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York, and neighborhood, who have been restored to vigorous health About oqe third of the above number, ac cording to the patients own statements, were considered hopeless cases. The inhaling Method is soothtng.tafe and speedy, and consists in the administration of medicines in snch a manner they are con veyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, and produce their action at the seat of the disease. Its practical success is destined to revolu tionize the opinions of the medical world, and ettablithe the entir curability of Con sumption. Applicants will please state if they have ever bled from the Lungs, If they have lost flesh, have a cough, night sweats and fever tui ns—what and how much they expectorate, what the condition of their stomach and bowels. The necessaiy Medicines, appara tus, Ac., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS—Five dollars, consultation fee. Balance of fee payable only when the pati ents report themselves convalescent. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS. We, the undersigned practitioners in me dicine, cheerfully and heartily recommend Dr. Roses method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, at the best and most efiee- tual ever introduced into medical practice. Our convictions are based upon having several of ourow” patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vigorous health after a few months treatment by Dr, Rose, in the above named diseases the application of “Medicat ed Vapors,” inhaled directly into the Lungs, may be justly considered a great boon to suffering humanity, rendering Consumption n perfectly curable disease. Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession for his unwearied labors in bringing the In haling Method to snch a degree of perfec tion. RALPH STONE. M, D. JONAS A. X OTT, M. D. CYRUS KINGLET. M. D. «X. B, AUSTIN M. n. ORVILLE UPSON, M. D, GAVIN WET MO RE, it. D. DR. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CONSUM PTION. Price one dollar Address, JOHNSON STEWART ROSE. Office 931 Broadway, New York B, The new postage law requires that all letters prepaid. My correspondence be ing extensive, applicants to ensure replies', must enclose postage. pT Money letters mnst be registered by the Post Master, when they will be at my risk, not otherwise. New Merclinnt Tailoring Estab lishment T R. L. BLOOM FIED’S old Clothing • house, will be found, in addition to his large and handsome stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, large and splendid assortment of Clothes, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c,» tone made ug to order; and all orders left for goods or eotting and making will re ceive prompt attention and warranted give full satisfaction. WSJ Notice. have bought a gart of W. P. Turner’s stock of Goods, and will continue the" business under the name and stile of COLT * COLBERT, at the old stand of W. P. Jb J.C. TURNER Groceries sold for cash and three months time only. JAMES I. COLT, „ WILLIAM C. COLBERT, no. 9 Granite Low, Athens, Ga. ® m - August 6, 1855. 0 SO Bags Rio Coffee! F Superior quality for sale low, by Oct 25 T. BISHOP A SON, More Light! C^T\ BOXES best Sperm and Adamantine Candles, for sale low, by Oct. 25 T. BISHOP A SON. Hardware and Crockery. A NEW branch of BUSINESS FOR ATHENS. Just Opened by GRIFFITH & WILLIFORD, One door below R. L. Bloomfield’s Clotliing Store. W E will not enter into detail|of the ma ny articles kept in the above branches of business, but we invite all to come and see for themselves. We have in onr stock a great many articles not commonly kept in this market. Among them are some of the following: Marbleized Iron Mantles and Grates, Gigs and Cabs for children, Cane Cbairs, Wash Stands, Baskets, Brooms, Mats, Ac. Buggy Springs, Axles, Boxes, Bands, Carriage Trimmings, *c. Carpenters’, Turners’, Millwrights’, Blacksmiths’ nd Farming Utensils complete. All which w ill be sold low for cash at GRIFFITH It WILLIFORD’S. Athens, Sept27 tf BEALL & STOVALL, Grocery merchants, Augusta, Ga. W ILL continue the Grocery Bnsines in all its boaxcses. at their Old Stand an BROAD STREET, opposite the Planter’s Hotel. Onr Stock of Groceries will, at all times, be arge, (he assortment complete, and paiticul- arly adapted to Planters’ Trade—a liberal share of which we have so long enjoyed, and hope still to receive. WM M. BEALL, JNO.W.L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission lifer- Augusta Ga., W ILL continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches and have removed to the FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE adjoining M. P. Stovall, on thfe corner of Jackson and Ellis St reets, near the Globe Hotel. Consignments of Cotton, Bacon, Grain, and other Produce solicited. 1 he usual Advances made on Cotton or Produce in store, wheu required. All Cotton consigned tons will be sold at the Warehouse, where one of the firm may at all times be found. ^ Com mission for Selling Cotton, 25 Cents per WM. M. BE ALL JNO. W. L STOVALL. August 30 G ry Cheese at KENNEY’S. Oct 18 HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery, \By Authority of the Stale, of Georgia.'] MACON, GA. BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. $12,000 for $5. Rogers’ Liverwort & Tar, Forcomplete curef Coughs. Colds, Influsuza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all other Lung Complaints tending to Consumption. I ^HIS preparation is getting into nse all over our Country. The numerous let ters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures effected iu their inline- iJate neighborhoods, warrant us In saying it is one of the best, if not the very best Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves and not unfre quently cures the very worst cases. When all other Cough preparations have failed this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physieians can testify. Ask the Agent in your nearest towu, what has been' his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length of time he will tell you IT IS THE BEST MEIUC1NK EXTANT. Below we give a few extracts from letters ive have received lately regarding the vir tues of this medicine. Dr. S. S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga., says:- “I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively in my practice for three years past, and, it is with pleasure I state my belief in its superiority over all othe articles with which I am acquainted, for which it is recommended.” Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing from Waynesville, N. C. say :—“ The Liver wort ana Tsr is becoming daily more popu lar in this Country, and we think justlt so. All who have tried it speak in com mendable terms of it, and say it is very beneficial in alleviating the complaints f«>r which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C. Mr. S. R. McFall, assures ns “that he uses it with great benefit in his own family, and re commends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Negro woman, in his vicini S , who had been suffering with disease of e Lungs for years, attended with severe cough, who was relieved by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good reports wc hear of this Medicine from all parts of the South. For ■ report of the surprising cures it has per formed in the Western and Northern and Eatern States, we would invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which accom- S anies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope, ave hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE!! season!!! Will be distributed at Concert Hall, Macon Ga. December 16, 1P55, according to the fol lowing magnificent and unprecedented Scheme, under the awom superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan, and Jas. A. Nisbet, Esq. CLASS II. CAPITAL. $1 2,000. One Prize of.... 15 “ $500 are 1» “ ..... 100 are. 75 “ 50 are 30 “ 05 118 Approximation Prizes .$12,000 .. 3,000 . 2,000 .. 1,000 . 2,500 . 1,900 . 3,750 3,250 600 .$30,000 251 Prizes amounting to Only IB.OOONumbers. Tickets $5; Halves $2,50; Quarters $125. In this Scheme if you draw auything even the lowest Prize it will be five times the cost of the Ticket.— Prizes payable in full without deduction— ami every prize is drawu at each drawing, nnd some person must get them. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to or ders. Registered letters at my risk. Bills on nil solvent Banks at par. Address JArf. F. WINTER, • . Macon, Ga. Dec, 1. BLUE STONE. i LARGE supply, for sale at 15cts per. lb A by C. W. & IL R. J. LONG. Nov. 15. BE i N A Plantation for sale. OFFER for sale my Plantation two and a JL- half miles below Watkinsville, being the place formerly owned by Rev. I.N. Glenn “t contains upwards of six hundred acres, about one half cleared, w« II improved, with necessary out buildings,gin-house. Ac with a saw-mill in good order. I will also sell with the place my sawer, a likely and faith ful negro fellow. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. June 28,1855. tf DISSOLUTION: to rpiiE copartnership ia the Franklin Job OSes JL loibrvexmtinz. under thefirtr of Christy A. K is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bo __ _ Kelsea, is this day dissolved bjr mutual consent. The business will be continued b, J. H Christy—by erbom tbe debts of the late concern will he paid, and who alone is au thorised to collect tbe demands due to it. JOHN H. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan 11 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. Pay up! Pay up! HE undersigned most earnestly requests allpersons indebted to the late firms of Cbu«tt.Kiuu A Busks, and Chki.ttA. Kauts—as also those owing him individually—to Pay up at once: Many of theseelaims have been outstanding a longtime, and su ■rastabsnlately he eotlled without delay. He trusts that a sense of right and justice will lead every one indebted to settle np immediately If, how ever, it shall turn out that he is mistaken in this, he will here! MOORE & CARLTON ' J AVING moved from No. 3 to 7 Granite Row, and having purchased a Spring Slock with great care, ask our towu and country friends to come in and examine, and we feel assured that they will be pleased with the qualities, styles and prices of our goods, consisting of French and English Calicoes, French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, French printed Jaconets, French printed Organdies, French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors and qualities, Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flounced Robes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 50 cents to 7 dollars, Cheraizetts and Collevetts of new and fash ionable styles, Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware. Crockery and Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augusta re tail prices, with the exception of Bleached Homespun*and Calicoes.which we do not pre tend to sell for 2 cents per yard less than New York cost for the purpose of baiting green ones. April 19, 1855. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said County W HEREAS, John W. Hamilton Adminis trator of Drewry J. Hamilton, late of snid county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administration, Therefore, All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Administrator should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in April next, bedischarg- ed from said A 'ministration. By order of said Court, at a regular term, held this 3d day of September, 1855. Sept. 6. ASA M. JACKSON. Ord WARNED And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating yonr throat ana langs, and inviting on that dread disease. Consumption, wheu so soothing and Healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrup ot Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imita tions 1 The genuiue article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, §1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5 Seld wholesale and retail by SCOVJLL &. MEAD, 111 Chartres andSt.Louis, N.O. Sole Agents for tbe Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agen cies must be addressed. Sold also by Smith <& Billups, Athens, 0. W. 4> H. R. J. Long. “ J. Bell, Jefferson, Morrow & Kenedy, Monroe, W. Murray, Watkinsville, J. R. Stanford, Clarkesville. 0. W. Hood, Harmony Grove Platt A Bro., Lexington, A.G. Wimpey, Dohtoneg: Morris & Co. Lawrenceville nue 21, 1855. TO THE PUBLIC. WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR and MEAL. Tailasee Mills, Clarke county, Ga. T HE undersigned lias leased of Mr. Robert T. Fowler, for a series of years, the above named Mills, on the Oconee River, 8 mile.* Northwest of Athens, near the road leading to Lawrenceville, and having bad the same put in complete and thorough repair by Mr E. W. Wesson, who is a superior and practi cal millwright, and who the undersigued takes pleasure in recommending as being un surpassed in his professional line, now begs leave to notify the public, that he is ready to convert wheat into flour, or corn into meal in as quick time, and in a manner to give at general satisfaction as any other millsof the same number of runners, either North, South East or West. These mills have but one run. each, for wheat and corn, but will each grind vith ease from one hundred to one hundred and fifty bushels per day; they are never inter fered with, either by high or low water, con- quently persons wishing, or sending wa gon loads of grain lo be ground, will at no time be detained longer than a few hours. I have in my employ men c, Mr. Hawkins \Yright, who is a practical miller, and whose character for honesty and veraci v, is so well known to this community that I need only say, bis services are engaged as principal miller. All grain received, to be ground nt these mills will be weighed and toled accordingly, and a certificate of both the amount receiv ed and returned will be sent back to the per son sending the grain. And in connexion herewith I wish distinctly to notify the pub lie, that I have been at considerable expense in procuring and fitting up two superior No. 20, anchor-brand bolting cloths. These cloths are in fine order, and it is both my interest and my wish to keep them so- Flour ground from wheat wet, or quite damp, will soon not only bring to ruin cloths of this descrip- tion, but can never be made to please those sending the grain either in quality or quan tity—when in most cases the mills or the miller, after doing all that they can do on had wheat, generally receive their full share of blame. Wheat, therefore, sent to these mills, either wet or quite damp, will in no instance be ground until the same is proper ly dried, and in every instance of this nature, the miller is to be the only judge Wishing to keep these mills in constant operation, the undersigned will be glad to purchase both wheat and corn. Wheat will be purchased if thoroughly dry at the rate of 60 lbs, and corn at the rate of 56 lbs, to the bushel, delivered at the mills; and the highest cash prices will be paid for either. The undersigned is now residing at these mills and intends giving his personal and constant attention to the keeping the same in complete order, so ns at all times to give merited satisfaction to all that may patron ise him, and ho is vain enough to think that he himself is “ some” millwright, and miller too. All, therefore, that is asked of the pub lic, is a fair shake for yonr patronage. Aug. 80.—3t. JOHN I. CHEATHAM. Ga. NEGRO SHOES. LUCAS, will keep negro shoes X! .made at the Watkinsville Factory Oct, U. • TAKE-NOTICE! A CCOUNTS previous to October 1st, are now due, and prompt payment thereof expected. WM- N, WHITE. Gst. k T. : ' WILLI >i uar: EXECUTOR’S SALE. be sold, on the first Tuesday in J an nary next, before the court house door in Jefferson, Jackson county, agreeably to the last will and testament of Mary Stewart deceased. SEVEN LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of—Emily, a woman thirty-one years of age, Joseph, a boy fifteen, Albert, boy thirteen,Thomas, a boy ten, Lewis,a boy eight, Samuel, a Hoy six, and Middleton, a boy two years of age. Sold for the purpose of a division. Terms on tho day of sale. Nov 15, 1855. JOHN A. HEAD. Ex’r. forced, however reluctantly, to“ try what virtue, re is in’ uv. jaalS J. H. CHRISTY CoaclbMaking and Repairing. JAMES B. BURPEE, A T theold stand recently occupied by R.S. Schevenell, offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting ol Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in histine thankfully received and promptly executed. ^3?“Rcpairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. NOTICE W E again earnestly request all who are indebted to as, to come and make pay ment, nr close their accounts by note. We must close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS A BILLUPS SWAN’S Bank Note List and Detector. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala. At $2.00 per annum, in advance. T R E work is printed on fine Wbito paper and new type, and in sppeannee will be second to none in tbe United States. A doutb rn.Bank Note is asaeetial in every Bank Counting-House, and public office. Let us unite in advancing our common interests, and not permit- N’ortliern men end Northern Detectors to fluctuate our money matters as they may wish, while we ore qui etly following tbenr dictation. The work will be carefully revised on the day of publication, and ail important financial changes, as they occur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to make it a correct and reliable guide to the Banker and Merchant. Hotel Proprietors, Brokers, Auctioneers, Commis sion Merchants, and others desirous of having their names and business widely circulated, are informed that a limited number of advertisements will be in serted. Special rates for advertising by the, or for shorter periods, inay bo known by applying to any of my Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, Ga. Speceratn numbers will be sent on application by letter free of charge All communications intended for the "Bank- Note Lest and Detector,” must be addressed to “Swan’s Bank-Note List,” Atlanta, Georgia SAMUEL SWAN. James Rohersox, General Agent Sept. 37. 3m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an Order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the court house door of Walton county, on the first Tuesday in January next, be tween the usual hours of sale, one House and Lot in the Town of Monroe, now in the occu pancy of Mr. Wayne, adjoining Rufus Hughes To be sold as the property of Thomas San- som, late of safd county of Clarke, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the Legatees. Terme on the day. JAMES T. SANSOM, Ex’r. PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, OPINIONS OF THE PRE3S. W E take pleasure in referring the reader to the testimonials of our prominent druggists and well known citirens to the ‘vir tue of Davis* Pain Killer. We have used the artiolc and found it valuable- The sale of this article in tbe United States is beyond all precedent, as the books of the office will show. —Cincinnati Commercial, Davis’ Veoetabl^ Pain Killer—We refer onr readers to ’ n advertisement with the above caption, in the advertising columns of this morning’s Eagle. We firxt heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New England States, and being struck with the novelty of the title, we were induced to make some enquiry about it, and were sur prised to learn that it was kept constantly in the houses of most of the inhabitants of the cities and villages where we stopped, to be used in cases of sudden attacks or pain, burns, scalds, &c.. and we heard it spoken of in terms of high commendation by b ith druggists and physicians This much we can with propriety say as journalists, iu fa vor of the article.—Philadelphia Eagle. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer. Voluntarily, consciencously.and with much pleasure, we recommeud to our readers the above named medicine. We speak from our own observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as if by magic from all parts of the body, and is one of tbe best medicines iu use for checking Diarrhoea, and for removing the premonitory symptoms of eholera. It is applied both internally and externally, with the best effects, and none r who have ouen used the Pain Killer would willingly be without it constantly in their houses. Cincinnalti Eve Nonpareil. Davis’ Pain Killer.—This article needs no comment from us, but tbe real worth of so valuable compound, compels us to give publicity to it, in our Transcript. Mr. Perry Davis, the manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain the ighest respect, nnd any article he sh uld offer to the public we should have the utmost confidence in. The Pffiin Killer we keep constantly on hand, and have tlone so for a number of years, aud have administered it for nils 'fall des criptions, both external nnd internal, and have ever found it to be the best remedy ex tant. We well recollect its first introduc tion for public patronage, it was then sold in a few shops in this city: look at it now the world are its patrons. A few days ago wc ublished a certificate from Burmnh, nnd wo ave often seen them from the most remole habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if you have not a supply on hand, (we trust you have, as it is almost indispen sable) procure it nt once, nnd never be with out it again—it will save many a physician's bill. Providence Daily Transcript. We presume no Medical preparation ever offered to the public has been more thor oughly tested than Perry Davis’ Pain Kil ler. Thousands of persons, were they called upon to do so, would cheerfully testify that they have used it for various ills, with the most satisfactory success. Itiswithih our own knowledge, that an immense amount of suffering has been relieved by it. Its pro prietors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, save no pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being strictlv honniable men, they ob serve the utmost uniformity in the manufac ture of their celebrated Pain Killer. The materials, of which it is composed are careful ly selected—none but the beBt quality being used. By these means the high reputation which the Pain Killer has longsince acquir ed, is at all times triumphantly sustained.— In view of these facts, wc are by no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis & Son’s sales are constantly nnd rapidly increasing. While we congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation as the Pain Killer is placed within their reach, we must be permitted to rejoice at the well-merited success of its liberal and enterprising propri etors.—Providence Gen. Advertiser. IRON AND BRA S S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass-Castings of every variety J Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds Of gearing. Mill' Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings ^nd Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of rears. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid.) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass ami heavy iron castings wanted. ly milestone! A FRESH supply just received. Oct. 25 T. BISHOP 4- SON. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS .John C. Johnson applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Orlando F. Richardson, late of said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said-dec., to be and appear at my office on or before the Second Monday in January next, to show cause (if any they havee) why said letters should not then be granted to the applicant ot to such other person or persons as the court may adjudge proper. Given und;r my hand, at office, this 19tb day of November, 1865. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. P URSUANT loan order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke connty, will be sold before the Coqrt-house door of said County on the first Tuesday in January next, during the legal hours of sale. One Tract ,»f Land ly: ng in said County. Containing Fifty Seven and one half acres, adjoining S. J. Mayes. To be sold as tho Property of John M. Clark,late of said County dec„ for the benefit ot his Creditors. Terme3 on the day. _ ISAAC M. KENNEY, Adm’r, NOV. 22, 1855, Notice I S hereby given, that all trespassers upon the College lands, either in hauling off wood or top-earth, will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. By order of tbe Prndential Committee. Nov 15 W. L. MITCHELL, Ch’n STARCH POLISH. JUST received by Oct. 25 1855. T. BISHOP & SON. C.W.&H. R. J. LONG. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA, TT EEP constantly on hand a large and Well JLY selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuff9, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, #c. ftc. Also, dealers in French, English,-tmlAmeri* can Chemicals, Drugs, Modi. im?s, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Theirgoods will be warranted as repre* seated. January,1854. . New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, dte. Ac. lUandeviJle Sc Talmadge TTAVE just returned from New,York,with II a large and beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. A great variety of rich Jewelry of thelatest style Broaches, Pins, Ear ond FingcrRings, gold guard and fob chains, gold Pens and Pencils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col’d Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles usually ept iu a Jewelry store. The superior advantages which the sab- scrihersposscssover those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from tho manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable ol properly judgiug the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. lathe aepartment of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five ots. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Mandeville, | W A.Talkadge. Corner of Broad street and College At. one door east ofPcterson’s bookstore. Dec 22,1854. i : 3£t*sj""“ BOOTS! BOOTS! T HE undersigned has taken a Store oppo site the Newton House, on College Ave- and, where he will continue to make as fine nue good BOOTS as usual, of any descrip tion. Double-soled and Water-proof Boots, Buck Skin, do Pump, do Patent Leather, . do Opera, do Repairing done in the neatest and best style. The best of French Leather used and warranted. W. S. 8TARK. July 19 NEW STORE AND l INK, INK. fUHE finest jet black Ink ever offered in JL this market, now for sale on draught. Send in clean bottles, and it ie warranted to suit. The same Ink is also sold bottled by August 28. WM. N. WHITE. ‘‘Washing-day’ a Luxury! I AM now prepared to fill all orders for Hollingsworth’s justly celebrated Wash ing Machines—(he greatest inveniion of tbe agel This machine can be operated by a child 6 to 10 years of age, as well as a grown person—not requiring labor, but merely healthful exercise. Will do more work than 8 to 10 hands—washing perfectly clean any article, from a cambric handkerchief to a bed quilt, and entirely without injury. It is perfectly simple, and can be operated' by any one, and is not liable to get ont of order. Clothes prepared in tbe usual way, except, not boiled, that not being necessary. Orders from the country, enclosing $20, will meet with prompt attention. These Machines can be seen in operation any day at the Steam Cabinet Shop and Blind Factory, uear the Town Spring, rear of the Franklin House. FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS, PANEL- DOORS, Ac., cons tan tl/ on mndand made to order. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Athens. Julv25 8. D. BRIDG MAN. FAMILY GROCERIES. rjiHE undersigned resj ipectfullv inform the and public general- citizens of Athens ly, that they have taken the Store next door to Sansom & Pitt&rd’s. and are receiving a fresh stock of ASSORTED GROCERIES A CONFECTION ARY, and will keep constant ly on hand the best artiolo that can be had in market, at the lowest prices, of well as sorted rn-D i For Sale or Rent! NOllOL. _ , I A NEAT dwelling place, occupied by the \ LL persons in lebted to Mary Stewart, j _£jl undersigned, and adjoining the lot of late of Jackson county, deceased, are Mrs. Baxter, containing six comfortable requested to make immediate payment, and rooms, a well of water, and all necessary those having demands against said deceased out houses and stable—embracing one acre are hereby notified to present them, duly au- and a quarter ofwell cultivated land, stocked thenticated, within tbe time prescribed by with cheigg fruit trees. Terms very libcraL law. JOHN A, HE-VKD, Ex’r, E- M_ EDW^ItDY. November 15, 1855 ■ .^■V. Oct fi| tf Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Candles, Tobacco, Cigars, Liquors, Champaigns Wine, Porter and Ale, Candies, And various other articles too tedious mention. Come and buy. N R—-Those indebted to the undersigned by note or open account, for Clothing, will please call and settle soon, or they may find them in the hands of an officer for collection. July 19 JOHN F. P1TTARD <t CO. KESH Salmon iu lb. qans, cheap, at KcP March 59 Pickles, Sardines, Lobsters.. Cove Oysters, Mackerel, Green and Dried Fruits, Almonds, Filberts, Firework^ Ac. to No. 12, Franklin House Rnnge,(L. J. Lampkin’s old stand.) Win. J. Morton, f SUCCESSOR TO WM.M. MORTOJf * SOJVJ ESPECTFULLY announces to the public that he is now offering for sale, at the above stand,a large and varied assortment of SSAPLE AND FANCY 1 R Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. The stock is eutirely new, and will be sold nt prices to suit the times. His friends aud the public are respectfully invited to call nnd examine for themselves rg"Thc Books nnd Accounts of tho late firm of William M. Morton & Son will be found at bis store, and those indebted are requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855. tf TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. SAULTER & IVY A T their old stand, near the FranklinHouse, —. Athens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra velling public. Those wishing to‘hire Coaches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggiett, or Saddle Horses,arc invited to give tht-in a call—as they have finer Coaeh« es and better stock than at any time hereto fore, while their Drivers arc as carefulasca* be found anywhere. ^®“At the same time their terns are at good as tbe best. R-Saulthb, Z.Ivy. COTTON, COTTON i 0 U R Wn rehouse is now open for tbe season^ Cotton and other produce, stored at re% senable rates. Sept 27. T. Bishop A 8o»\ EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in January n&fb, wil„ be sold before tbe Court House door ir» tbe town of Gainesville, Hall County, 249» acres oflandes,more or less, belonging to tho State of George ThomtOD, late of said County*, deceased, lying on the waters of Cbattahocheo river; adjoining A. R. Nuckolls, J. M. Black, John Hansard and R. N. Thorn too. 8old under the. will, and for the benefit of the- heirs of said deceased. Terras on the day. A. R. NUCKOLLS, Ext’r Nov. 29,1855 T WO months afterdate application will be made to the Ordinary of Hall County for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Sabrey Agerton, late of said county, deceased. ^ R F. PORTER, Adm’r. Nov29,1855 2m GEORGIA—HALL COUNTY. v UUH EREAS John II. Wilson administrator j * of Thomas S. Wilson dec., applies for dismission from the further admini-tra)ion of said estate. All persons interested are hereby notifiedi that said dismission will be granted on tho- first Monday in June next,.unless legal causa- be shown to the contrary.. Given under mv handJ 24th Nov. IS56. J*. GRAHAM, Ordinary, Nov. 29. 500 SACKS SALT, in prime order, f. ? sale very low by v. 15 T.'BISHOP a SON.