The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, December 27, 1855, Image 1

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Terms of Srabserlptlon. TWO DOLLARS perannjdn, if paid ■‘trictlyin ad anee: otherwise .THREE DOLLARS willhe charged a-r-Ir, order thmt the price of the papei may not be in the wav of a large circulation, Clubs will be supplied |1 the following low rates. «®»5&< C0, T f" ::: J5Sr®«r At Outflow ralu,tke C*tk mutt accompany the ortlcr. Rates of Advertising. Transient advertisements will be inserted at One tMlar persquareforthe first, and FiftyCentspersquare for each subsequent insertion. Legal and yearly advertisement* at the usual rates Candidates will be chtrged $5 for announcements and obituary noticesexeceningslx lines in length will lie charged as advertisements. When the number of insertions isnotmarkedon and advertisement, it will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. ■M v KSusiacsa Hull 2prnff55iBnal Curbs, c? B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHEJfS, GEORGIA iRoomsovor tlieStoreof Wilson h Veal. ! an3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale A Retail Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES AJVZ> BOOTS, April 6 Athens, Ga. jrs now receiving flffrge supply of all kinds MOORE & CARLTON, DEALERS IN SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. .April No. 3, Granite Row, Athens, Ga. LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL DEALERS /JV DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Alliens. of goods suited to the market: Constating iu part, of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Rich Striped and Plaid Dress Silks, Rich Bluck Silks in Plaids and Hoise An tique Striped, Plain colored Silks for Mantillas. Plain Black Silks and Serges, Bonnet Silks, Lining Silks and Boniiet Trimmings, Rich Satin Striped Cashmeres ; Rich Fig ured and Striped French DeLnines, from 25 to 100 yd.; Plain French and English Meri- tioe* of nil colorst Handsome Plaid Woolen, for children* Wear; Solid colored Cloths and Flannels of all kinds for Ladies 7 Cloaks, with Galloons and Trimmings lo match: French Cambrics and Calicoes; French, English and American GiughatnB, Allkittls of Cloths, Casimeres and Vestings. > Blankets, Kerseys and heavy Woolens; Fine Bed Blankets; Quilts, Counterpains and Sheetings; A large lot of Irish Linens, and all kinds of Long Cloth ; Carpetings, Mattings, Rugs and Floor Cloths; Bonnets. Rihons, Laces, Embroideries,Ac.: Gloves. Hosiery. Net Shirts, Ac.; All kinds of White and Red Flannels; HATS, CAPS, BOOTS’ and SHOES of all kinds ; ’ Saddles, Bridles, Martingales. Ac.; All kinds of Hardware anil Cutlery ; Tanner’s Tools ; Carpenter's aud Smith’s Tools; Bolting Cloths, warranted o! the best juality ; Blasting Powder aud Safety Fnse for well- ffrers and miners. All of which he offer* the lowest market prices, either for cash or approved credit. Oct. 11,*1855. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over ’be store ol VVm M. Merton Ac- Son Will attend promptly to all businessentrust *ed to his care. Athens, April 6 Sundries! HOCOA Basse, Gelatine, Pepper-Sauce, Ketchups, Salad Oil, Mustard, Capers, Flavoring Extracts, Lemon Syrups nnd Macaroni. For sale low by T. BISHOP & SON. October 25, 1855. WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, And JVe wspaprr aud Magazi u t A gen t. DEALER IN jMUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, KINK CtrrLERV, FANCY GOODS, «C. No. 2, College Avenue, Newton Hon-e. Athens, Oa sign of White’* University Hook Store.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Gocers, April 6 No. 1, Broad street, Athens. SUMMEY & JONES, DEALERS IN GROCERIES. HARDWARE. STAPLE- TDItYGOODS, STOVES, IRON. CAST INGS. CROCKERY-WARE, &c. Corner of Broad and Wall streets, Athens, Ga. August lfi, 1855. H. JONES. P. A. SCMMF.Y JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESS MAKER) H AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old Tavern, one door east of Grady «fc Nich olson’*—where he keeps always on hand a general assortment of articles in bisline. and isalwaysready to fillordersinthe best style Jan 26 tf COLT & COLBERT, DEALERS IN 'STAPLE DRY GOODS,GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. No. 9 Granite Row Athens, Ga JAMES x. COLT. | WM. C. COLBERT. August 6,1855. NOTICE. JTtHE subscribers arc prepared to fill orders JL for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons Also, at the same establishment we manufac ture all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in our cotton factories. All •done as good and cheap as can he had from the North. Address, P. A.SUMMEV &BRO. Athens,Ga •who will attend to all orders, nnd the ship ping of the same. March, 1854. SLOAN & OATMAN, DEALERS IS Italian, Egyptian <fc American . -AND EAST TENNESSEE MARBLE. Menumcnts,Tombs. Urns e«d Vases; Marble Mantels and Furnishing Marble • £9*All orders promptly filled. ^ ATLANTA, GA. fgrRefer to Mr. Ross Crane. june!4 DUST. A QUAINT COMPOSITION. Dust we were, and duel to be, Dust upon us, dual about us, Dust on everything we see, Dust within us, dust withont us: Saith the preacher, “ Dust to dust!” Let them tuiugle, for they must. Du t we raise upon the road, Dust we breath in dancing hall; Dust infests our home abode, Dust, a pall, is over all; * Tis the housewife’s daily bread, Dust, the emblem of the dead! When the sky above is fair, And the sun upon us streams. Floats the dust throughout the air, Gleaming in its fallen beams; Every mote is like a mau; 1 Dancing gaily while he can. For Sale. M’ Y little Plantation containing 100 acres, more or less, about 5 miles from Athens on the road leading to “ Nowhere,” and on the waters of Little Sandy Creek. Well itunted, with well and spring, nnd other wise well improved. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call soon, or they might miss a bargain. Also, can be bought of the subscriber, a three sea ed, sec..ud hand Rockaway, suit jd for travelling or general purposes of a family. WALTER CAESON. Nov. 1855,4 ti. AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! Ere the tempest gather strong. Blows at times the warning gust, O’er the plain iC sweeps along, Tempest's thrall, a cloud of dust. Every mote is like a man. Flying from Oppression's van Now the swollen clouds grow dark, Comes the long expected flood, Falling delnge-like and stark ; Dust is beaten down to mud. So at times when men must grovel, in the palace as the hovel. Thus we are but motes of dust, On the ground and in the air, Blown by pleasure, fear and lust. Beaten down to low despair, Born of dust, to come to dust, Let us mingle, for we must. ftlisrpllami. A. ‘YALLfcR’ CAT WITH TONS. BRASS BUT- P ERSONS accustomed to procure subjeri bers for books, Magazines &c, or get up clul>* for newspapers, are requested to seud us their names and address, and we will for ward them, free of charge, a specimen number of a publication for which they will find ready ale; and we will allow them a commission of 50 per cent, for their serv>ces- J. BRADFORD <fc BROTHER. No. S Courtlaml st-., New York. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS. T HE Subscriber is receiving daily supplies of fresh Oysters in the shell, aud Black, and other descriptions of Fish. Families supplied at moderate prices. In the rear of the Express office, he has opened a neat and tvelt-furnishcd Saloon at which Fresh Oysters can be had at all hours, from day-light until 2o’clockat night. Those who wish to enjoy the luxury ofa plate of fresh Oys'crs, served up in gortd style, nnd at a quiet, orderlv place, will d- well toonll Nov22 * T. M. LAMPKIN. PERFUMERY. B ARRRY’STrieophcrus, Lyon’s Kuibairon, Hauell's Eau Lostrqle, Lubin’s Extracts, Brown Windsor, Nymph and'other Soaps, Farina’s Colognes, Lilly White, Pearl ant^ Flesh Powders, Chalk Balls nnd Alabaster, Fresh Pomades, Rose and other Hair Oils, A full supply of Perfumes aud Cosmetics, generally, just received by Nov22 WM. N. WHiTE, at the Coiner NOW IS YOUR CHANCE ! 1 One Tousand Prizes an hand! By Authority of the State of Georgia Fort Gaines Academy LOTTERY. Unparalled Scheme for December To be drawn Dec. 24th , 1855, in the City of Atlanta, when Prizes amounting to {CT $30,000^ W. G. DELONY. /LTTORXEY AT I*AW, -YTT1LL give hisspecial attention to collect- YY ing, and to the claims of all persous en titled to Land Warrants, under the late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. ’ iy Office on Broad Street over the store of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tf. FINE WINES. T)ERS0N3 desirous of procuring fine wines T of every desermtion, can do so by calling At Combs A Co’s. Express Office. Also can pe found the best article of Porter and Ten pent* Double Strong 'Ale. Also on baud Jsongmrth’* celebrated Catawba V.^ne. August 1. Will be distributed according to the follow ing inimitable Scheme. If you draw the lowest Prize you get the co6t of your ticket without deduction, and remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing. Look at it! One Prize to every Ten Tickets! 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000 !! Let therefore, every man having a due regard to the replenishing of bis purse attend to it, and forward his order immediately for tickets. Let those now buy, who never bough before. And those who always bought now buy the more. But to the Scheme. Look at it—scan it well—count your chances, and ask your self if you cau withstand the inducement now offered. Read 1 Read 1 \ Prize of 2 Prizes of 2,000»re 3 do 500 are 11 do 250 are do 110 are 17 do 76 are 43 do 50 are 83 do 25 are 200 do 10 are 630 do 6 are $10,000 4,000 1,500 2,760 1,100 12,75 2.150 2,075 2.000 8.150 $30,000 1,000 Prizes, amounting to ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! Tickets, $5, Halves, $2.50, Quarter, $125 SAMUEL SW AN, Agent and Manager, Atlanta Nov. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Hall have resided in Albany for some months.' Then- home was formerly in Michigan Mr. Hall is a gentleman of full hab its, and a strong passion for duck shooting—this accounts for his hav ing bagged Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Hall is a bright eyed, middle-aged wofrtan who does not tike to be “left alone.” She is subjected to fits of nervous ness, and runs away with the idea that the more solitude you have in a house, the sooner it becomes haunt ed. Mrs. Hall is a very agreeable woman, has a magnificent eye, and talks “fluidly,”.as Mrs. Harris would say. * So much foF the general ap pearance of Mr. and Mrs. Hull. On Monday last, Mr. Hall imprinted a kiss on Mrs. Hall’s cheek, and told her he was going a shooting ou Long Island, and would be absent from home for a week. Mrs. Hall burst into tears, and said such an absence would be the death of her. Mr. Hall said, “Pshaw!” and con cluded the speech by promising to bring her a hundred dollar dress, from Stewart’s. Mrs. Hall was mol lified. In consequence of this. Mr. Hall repaired to the office, to “ write up the cash book,” and give the clerks such advice as would keep their morals sweet for “ the coming week.” During Mr. HaWs absence “at the office,” Mrs. Hall buside herself in filling his satchel with a few ne cessaries for the tramp. In the col lection were two shirts, four dickeys, six handkerchiefs, two pair of socks, a bottle of cough medicine, a pair of razors, one lather brush, and a brok en cup. Mr. Hall returned to the house, fixed himself up, and about 1-2 o’clock started for the steam boat. Mr. Hall intended, when he left home, to stay a \fleek. “But .how bedroom*?” “Camejin offithe back shetj, I saw him there just before tea. He will go away in amoment.” 1 _ “Go away? not by a’long shot. Get me my revolver and I’ll blow his brains out.” “Not for the world, my love. Don’t bloody upthe carpet. Raise the win dow and call Carlo away and he’ll go out himself.” “I don’t believe in any such ar rangement. Mrs, Hall. I’ve been after that cat about a month, and 1 am no w|de ter mined to blow his brains out, blood or no blood. 1 -! ’ Mrs. Hall tried to. dissuade him, but it was without effect. Mr. Hall had resolved to kill that eat, and he would do it. As Mrs. Hall would not “touch a pistol for the world,” Mr. Hall went to the bureau, and got it for himself. Having.examiu- ed the load, and adjusted the caps, he advanced towards the bed-room, preceded by Carlo, who poked his nose under the bedstead, and gave a yelp that waked the baby that the nurse had in the next room. Mr. Hall dropped on his knees. Mr. Hall then leaned over on his hand, and by this means enabled himself to see as far under the bed as Carlo did. Mr. Hall gave one look, and then asked Mrs. Hall “if that yaller cat wore a blue coat with brass but tons?” Mrs. Hall gave a screech, and “lost her reason.’’ Mr. Hall told “the yaller cat’’ to come out. The yaller cat obeyed the order, aud when ha did so, he was discovered to be “an old mouser,” who keeps a lumber yard in the vicinity of the Little Basin. The yaller cat fell up on his kuees )V and promised to ex plain matters in the morning. Mr. Hall said matters explained themselves. In proof of which he ordered the yaller cat to “take Mrs, Hall by the arm, and leave the house.’’ The yaller cat did as he was ordered. This finished up the business of Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning Mr. Hall ap peared at the police to enter a com plaint against the valler cat v for “crim. con.” Justice Parsphs inform- edhim that crim. con. was not a crime in this State, and that if he wanted satisfaction he must sue. for the same in some other Court. Mr. Hall handed the case over to L. D Holstein. What will become of it will be knownlat the next Court. We should not wonder if “the yaller cat, with brass buttons.” had to come out about ten thousand dollars Wicked world this. QUITE A A writer for an the following as true, anu state* affair occurred at Cincinnati: c stor\ . per relates ;entle slopes formed of a of which but a stn , The produc- on ;o, rice,wheat, coffee, cotton _ corn, sugar, Ac., About twenty years ago—ns the story 1 besides oranges, lemons and fruits of goes—a man and wife, of prominence, various kinds. The great bane of the by fashionable position, who had been (country has been in civil wars, and it wedded long enough to be blessed (?) by was one of these which enabled Col. a female babe, discovered that they did Walker to achieve his almost bloodless not love one another as they should, and conquest, therefore separated forever. The wife took the child and sought a home in an pare une, I, eastern city, where her resumiug her maiden n to.her child, the same. After a divorce had been agreed upon and obtained by ing j ’Brief steins. w _ Snoring.—Old Hicks was an awful due course of law, the lady married, and 6 norer. He could be heard farther than the little girl was sent to a relative in the a black smith’s forge ; but hia wife be- interior of York State, where her edu- b^rae so accustomed toil that it «**tbed she cation was attended to, and wher lived until a few months siiice. The man has continued to reside in the west, and being young when separ ated from his wife, of a hale constitution, and paiticularly careful to jemove from his countenance all traces of time’s foot prints, has kept up a very youthful ap pearance, considering his age. Being in affluent circumstances, of good ad dress, and decidedly agreeable in ail the niceties that combine to stamp the gen tleman of fashionable life, he was always regarded tts a desirable prize by design ing mammas. Nevertheless, he had es caped all their snares, to the great an noyance of pretty girls and charming widows, who really thought it was the duty of Mr. to get married. It her repose. They were a very domestic couple-never slept apart for many years. At length the old man was required to attend.court some distance. The first night after his departure his wife never slept a wink ; she missed the snoring. The next night passed away in the same manner, ' without sleep. She was get ting in a very bad way, and probably would have died* had it not been for the ingenuity of a servant girl. Site took the coffee mill into her mistress's chamber, and ground her to sleep at once, lay night last, at about I o’clock, as the down train e Geo. R. Road was appre Crawfordytile, sqme malicious person attempted to shoot the Engineer, by firing off a gun at him, and discharged another load into the window of tha Mail Agent’s room. Fortunately nona of the shot took effect. We are informed that Capt. A- Nel son. of this place, left yesterday morning for Kansas Territory, armed and equip ped as the troublous times in that Terri tory would se m to require. W« wish him success,and hope ever to hear of him on the side of '• Law aud Ordef.”—Af- lanta Dis. & Rep. Senator Douglas’ diease is said to be hemorrhage of the throat, produced by a bronchial affection of sqme years ctaqdv * n o; ... \ '' A Church Levied on by the Susn- nu.—The Statesman, at Calhoun, Ga., says that the Methodist Church, in that place, is tp be sold by the S teriff, for debt. might have been a settled aversion to the sex, or it might be attributed to his early lessons—yfft it was a fact, he did not marry. But, notAo be too prolix, we’ll cut off some of the little unimportant items, and proceed to the story;. During last Juue, a Miss J——— ar- CoNSEQUBNCES OF NOT TAKING Stiie Papers.—Some years ago lady noticing a neighbor of hers was not in her seat at church on the Sabbath, called on her return home to enquii. what should detain so punctual au attendant.—On enter ing the house she found the family busy at work. She was surprised ( when er friend addressed her : ‘ Why la! where have you to-day, dressed up in your Sa day clothes ? ‘ To meeting!’ * Why, what day is i ‘Sabbath day!’ ‘ Sal, stop washing i instead ® abbMh . da ? ! F. e11 ’ Id . rived here from the east, on a visit to. a relative, who had been a resident of the Queen City but a few-months. The se cond week of her western sojourn threw her in company with the grass widower of twenty years standing who showed by his attention that he was more than usually impressed by the charms of the fair stranger. Every evening found him at her side, and she was thought not to be entirely insensible to his charms of person and mind. A month glided away —a month of courtship, which was care fully noted and meaningly winked at by her relative. At length her hand was asked in marriage, and the matter refer* red'to her connection. He seemed to favor the projectand appointed an interview for the trio the same evening. They met in tiie parlor, when a more formal solicitation for her hand was made, and while the ardent suitor was waiting with breathless anxie' ty for the answer that was to seal his fate the young lady was led forward and pre sented to her own father !—the lover. It is needless, to adJ that both were astounded! However, it resulted in good. .The father has settled a liberal fortune upon the daughter, and ere this both are in Paris, preparatory to making the tour of Europe. This romance of every day life is but another instance of truth often times being stranger than fic tion. Another Filibustering Expedi tion.—The President has informed the District Attorney of New York, that another filibustering expedition is on foot for the purpose of invading Nicar agua. Ho urges prompt measures for its suppression. The Raw Material.—An eminent connoisseur was offered, during desert, some grapes. * Thank you.’ he said, * it is never my custom to take my wine in pills.’ “Though lost to sight, to memory dear,’ as the maiden said to her lover when his face was buried in beard aad whiskers. Five honored thousand.—It is sta ted that Mrs. John Tyler, lady of the Ex- President, whose maiden name was Gar- diner, is heir to a just discovered for tune in England, by which she will re alize §500,000. Mrs. Julia Dean Ilayne 1ms just ap peared in New York, in “The Bank; rupl,” a piece written for her. Wife Wanted.—The following ad; vertisement under the head of a Wife Wanted, is in a Batesville, Arkansas, paper: ‘ Any gal what’s got a bed* a pot, and a skillet, knows how to cut oq£ britches, cun make a hunting shirt, and knows how to take care of children, can have my services until death parts kotlt of us.’ ’ A wag in Detroit has been taking liberties with the reputation of the Pontiac railroad. He was asked wheth er he knew of an accident on that road, and replied : “Never but once, a mid dle aged gentleman left Pontiac for De troit, and died of old age at Birming ham—half way!” Chemical Oddity.—While aq igno rant lecturer was describing the nature of gas. a blue-stocking lady inquired of gentleman near her, what was the dif; ference between oxygen anti hydrogen. Very iittle madam said he j * by oxygin we mean pure gin ^ and tiydiq\ gin, gin ac.d water.’ A New D. D.”—A darkey on Staten Island, who pretends to. have discovered a cure for hydrophobia sports D. D. to his name. Upon being asked why he added these letters, he said— Kase dat's right—dat’s my name in full—Sam Poplar, D. D. Dog Doctor. A young fop about starting down tq Xcvy Orleans, proposed to purchase q life preserver. “ Oh, you’ll not want it^ suggested the clerk,“ bags of wind wopt, si.ik.” A learned writer says of books :— “ They are masters who instruct us without rods or ferules, without words or anger, without bread or money. If you approach them they are not asleep; if you seek them they do not hide ; if you blunder they do not scold; if you are ignorant they do not laugh at you.” Col. Nathan Boon, the oldest and only surviving son of the gljrinus old pioneer of Kentucky, is still in Greene co., Mo. He is 75 years olJ. NICARAGUA. The following description of Nicaragua will at the present time, be interesting On the west it is: washed by the Pa- , V, for my husband has got of .tat, he only staid one day. On ■ . * he ta | e arriving tn New York, he was over- limv 8, and W(J know „ ot , taken by a sore throat, of such seven-! who ’ preachcd ,, ty, that his physician said he must t ^ instantly return home, as a weeks’ duck shooting on Long Island would lead to an early funeral at Al- partly on the east by Carribbean Sea, the ary forming a large Honduras le north, and Costa Rica area is about forty- square miles, and the at two hundred t thousand. The females ally exceed the males in ban twenty thous- whites, the rest and mixed races, an live in towns, miles daily A Printer.—Bishop Hubbard II. Kavannugl), of Kentucky, presiding over the Memphis Methodist Conference, lately in session at Memphis, was form erly a printer. It hns been 30 years since he entered the ministry, and when he started on his first circuit, one ofa hundred miles, ho had only seven shil lings in his pocket. Marriage on Sunday.—The Provi dence Transcript argues that it is not legal to be wedded on Sunday, inasmuch as it is a civil contract. _ 1 What did he preach about ?’ f On the death of our Saviour.’ . .. • . • - A ■■ * Why, is he il .mi :—well bany. Hall took the, aod on allcreat ^ bod „ l L ;ll|1 , v -„ Tuesday, returned ta town on «?e : know n i th i ng about it! It won’t IXiwlcAn WmlrnoH CfllUC >1D in . 7 1 ° -: • • Hudson Railroad. 5 P. M. . "V™', i?L jdoiibdeedtvetnoisttavethenews- «£ S F-^- 0 ,m ' a “ d *? h T Vpersagai", for everything gees about 10 1-2 He was j £?£g Without the paper. BUI has stoop by the house deg, who wagged; a|mfl 5 los( hu ^ his 'tSi, and when the door was C^^^ag^b^uusclc opened by the servant girl, acconj- no prettv slori cs road. obscure travellers, to the error is almost uninli; of the people ai ched with classes cons adobes, anc shade trees, pit Is Smoking Immoral ?—So the Com mon Council of Cincinnati lately decid ed on a vote that “members should not smoke and do other immoral practices while in session.” • — The North < —The North < now cr run from of BOLiNA Rail Road djnay be cars; mites tte to panied him “up staijs found Mrs.’Hall still up and dressed. iYir. nan I w ,, • u- Vri , Well, if we have to send a cart l ■ j rr„ip i of potatoes'and ing< : 1 Mrs. Hall was surprised at Mr. “<dl s li^reSolVed t0 * „ , ws , a ,■ Of all descriptions, for sale by spm de joy - JF sudden return, aud hoped “nothing had happened.” Mr. Hall said, “No, nothing serious, only a sore throat, that a little care and horehound would soon overcome.” Mrs. Hall said she was rejoiced to hear it, and gave Mr. Hall a kiss that “reminded him of old times.” Just here, the dog, Carlo, went into the bedroomj and commenced barking. ** What’s that dog barking at, my dear?” % '..CJgt “Can’t say, unless it J s that dis tressed cat that has annoyed us all ‘ summer.” “Not that yaller cat that I tr kill last week ? “The same, J suppose.^ The following was picket^ |fp in tho street a few days since, nccompanying a little bunch of glossy brown hair, which looked as if it had been pulletj out with a fine tooth comb : Och, Biddy, mo darlim. Here’s a lock of me hair, An’ if there's a snarl in it, Divil a bit <JaI care. Any hoty l Pin goin’ off, Bidfjy^ To work on the track, Ye can take it and kupe it Until I get back. If ye like; But if you don’t ye can take it to the devil w:d ye ; be dad I’m, not particul*. »F, A smile, an expression, will t«*U a l>js- tory x there are years of association ip it, long years of memory and their sha: dows. Irish Know NoTnixo3.—A Knpw Nothings meeting w$- held in Frankfort, Ivy., on the 19th inst.. at which C. D ; O’ Sullivan^ Esq .native of Ireland, but a friend to the Americun cause, made a short and eloquuent speech, in which he insisted upon the principles of life justice of the American party. In Ireland, he said he had struggled for the jrigLi pf Irishmen to govern their own country. It was for this that O’Brien and Mitchell and all the other Irise patriots had con: tended; and he should feel himself aq ingrate and a hypocrite if he should dc? ny in America what he had stiuggled for in Ireland— the right of the native sons of every country to yule tjicir own fond. *• Ireland for the Irish” itad been t!ie moto of all the Irish patriots af home- -‘•American for the Americans • t to De their inptto here. MU. < IUTTEXDI A New York le Courier, The! iucky, is in ingti J* .113 potltt Nothing incli ed gentleman ... menu, he would ner, and be the erenades. Bu t until he conferred friends at Washington, lie candidate in the Nothing Convention to next Presidency, the lvno distinguish accept thw compli offered a public din cipieni of several he prefers to remain with his town as tbe plains _ _ ptim.g i.i its u.1,.1 the In Numerous volcanoes exit, cihe coast. There are a t vers, but none of tf fuan are navigat Veins of co; richm Members of Congress Hard up.—- The protracted disorganization of tlnj talivesin Wa ing the As up money United States Tr. bers of the Hoi 1 a Speaker een elected, tin • ordc , A. J rgeant at arm-, of til 0 -xceecling iarts, hut will bt- a National nominate they rema — though it mountaino snore dry i it is hot and a; proacchir The greater portion of the S lants _ it ... Mr. ms the commo latton d out to them S2S “ “ • • -j iri* ?■ esources. A Mammoth Porker^.—M. L.Su o of Grand Rapids, Mich., has a hog whoso live weight is 1200 pounds r ' sures nine feet from the end to the root Of hi t .il, an 1 his three feet deep. his competitc who live ' ajority, but oted Mr. Fiu-More.'-Humphrey Marshall, in a speech at Louisville the other day to the American party announced him- r s it'for Mr. Fillmore for the Presid- ' deney.