The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 28, 1856, Image 1

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VOLUME II. ' - rUBLISREU WEEKLY,' JJY JOHN H, CHRISTY, Terms ofSebirrlptlon. 83B& W @ , £ :tfSr^r Ok* ■»■**•**•«/«■» tkfritr." ttUiefi^erUtiaf. , : ■firs.lVit «fl»*rtKeinent» wlllbelrtsemd st One ^ 3^ mWMefof the ftf.t.snd* iflj l>«tSPMS«Wars r eMtaeaheeqnest Inemicn. . Legal sad yearly al CsudilMeswUIhe charged $5 I«•# annoancenjente, t ad iibitairy noriceeexeee.iiiig->x li«e» in length will echarged is advert iatnueni*- _ , . . ■JS&XC&iFS&S&ttSS c h»r(*d seesrainglj. *,j ^wiwsfl an& ^rnftssinBgj Cnt^l C. B. LOMBARD, A I55JNTIST,. ! r.<ay t«em*e»»t theStotenf WiUwiXfY^l.^^*^ J«ii3 ■^PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale t Retail Deatersln Croce riei,Drf€foodi, ILtRDtVARF., SUOE&AJfDBOOTS, Aprils Athens, Ga. CLARK & CARTER. v : ^ealeis i^ ’ : ”* At D. N. Judson’a old atawl, Broad street, Athene, Git. . . •.,* —. " 1 _ ' -r—v .. ' ' , 'OUt* ■"■ -,... . , . . ■ 4,\ <• . a . , '. ' . an, . .. - ‘ ! -U.'C . .‘o J 1'*ll . dS'V’T* ’ ‘ 11 1 ! ;l EVJ3RM0RB.;, n olet murmured soft and lftwly * ■’mid the Shadowing trees,, Apt] a* it* gentle tone orOM. '/ tTpHftedby the slightest breeze, i sat opon a moss grown stone, ■ ■ That served the streamlet for Ashore,. 'And tept my ear to catch the tone, ’ As low it whispered ‘‘Evermore* ’ ■ < Amt ’mid the flowers, and through the girt, . Wjib.ceaseless haste it passed aHmjj, Nor luring bank,-nor rocky *®*$p*\iVr Could I'tnt the cadence of its song. : A rainbow sat upon the spray,’ The messenger of harm no more, The wfcter bounded bn its Wny, And still repeated “Evermore.” •.'* The streamlet grew, a mighty tide, Pad by a thousand mountain rills. And iuirrored in its ineving waves, The forest of a thousand bills. But as the boatman chants bis song. Timed t« the plashing of ner onr, His tnneful a sirs the waves prolong, And echo sweetly ‘'Everjpore.” So soft and lowly in early day*. So roughly tossed id youthful strife, , ] So broad and deep in later year, L * i Flows on. the hast sning stream of life-; Our barks »flo«t, the current stroug. >V« drift not rfpwW towards tJbe shore, l , Ami <ach ftesh gale that wafts along, , Repeats more clear tWiitnrtHug ton'g.' - Li?}! list ! what m*nn» it i “Evermore.” MOORE & CARLOW’ 5 SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS; HARD WARS AKD CROCKERY. April No. 3, Granite Row, At^epp, Ga. LUCAS' & BILLUPS; y - mmrJtsjtLB axd retail dealers **r DRY GOODS, ,, t tra GROCERIES, HARDWARE, d£c. Ac. r No. 2, llroad Street, Athens. ta’^n u. CHRISTY, ‘ Book and Jo» J “Franklin Job Office,’’ Athens, tr». •• All work entrusted lo his care Inithtully correctly and punctually executed, *t prrcesrorrespiino- JaaU ' tag wifi* tbsharJncss of iltc limes. . ===== y. rat; WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE ASP UKTAIL *. • It BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, jAd.Viej/aprr «*d DEALER IX MUSIC and MUSICAL IXSTRUUEliTS LAHr».«iJiBCOTLBar,.r^cy uooi»,*c. k«. f, C«»llef6 Avemi, Kt^n Athens, <5m •Ige of “ VytMia’a Ueiverahy HoAdtcee.” ., Ordera promptly filled at Augustauratcs. English View ot* ook GtivEteNHenT; Sajrs ’Doubleday, and 1 English writer, ‘•The Amerieiln Republic is 'a*close copy of the Bnri#b Government'si? ft existed undeYEdward TH.-^iid wu3“ebndiicted l»y him—a President 'only being sub; siiiuitd for a Rifig; ^ Scbatc fdij ihe House of Peers, life Vesulu of Ikjth have been neart^sitairiiri.diff'u's^d wealth —nqniOl^txf hnjtpy yopOTaii’on—equaUr ry of rights and ljtMhB-^itrifr the peaceiht enjoyment df property tUr lull ranks. 1 **. - • .. ■- •• > r - v ;•>j Feninles areib scarcer inf California, that a young plry>ieian there, ft ii said .^ninde a fcr*uiiebylexhtbi\ingu feniqle drecy* io the :; jP* n fTS W ,4 %5h«d Prtfiit soats** comip •,j ‘We learn from fbe { ^ah praudsiod Ciiromcle that the homicide 'cMlemfer^K ilfc first'eleven months of the past year shows a list of 13-i homicides committed in California—7 executions by sheriff', in accordance wjth statute, and Tort JAMES M, ROYAL, HARIfES»BlAKBRt shop to Mitcholl^ old _ east of Grady & Nich- •Imu’*—where be keep* always on hand a general assortment of articles iu bisline, and iilvAvireidy to fillortlerslotUc best style «Ml«" ■ i com/.- H Odi IKK H AS removed hi* Tarern, oue door < COLT & COLBERTj DEAJ.EUS IS i( i , ( SliflE DRY G00DS.G110CERIUS ■ AND HARDWARE ; . 4t< No. 9 Granite Row...... Athena, Ga JAMBS COLT. J WM. C. CPLBERT^ August 6,1355. T. BISIIOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Goccrs, April ft No. 1, Broad street, Athens. W. W. LUMPKIN, rarikfRNET AT IiAW, .Athens; Ga.' ; r - '■ r YXyltilt Practice in all the counties of the ;T Western Circuit. Particular attention IhentocuOectlng. -t i J! Office on Broad street, over While k Megs’ Jan 81 istdzi >-tf‘ Why, we.will eat talk: thfe-mailer over/ 7 ‘ Supper havey&u got any V; ‘ Yes—plenty of it' BY 0 SYfv?NU3 W c6M^j« ' • ‘ ^ Jon told me you lnd none.’ '‘It’itio'use Mntia ‘ !l ’ ‘Neither ’had we this morning, wherb.’’'7 .•c-rpir, . , 4 , tr.T;trft*t^-^ ^ been 'after work to-day and it ‘But you are not going togive k4p. , Up ?* Ilovv can.l- help it ? With* ' i* iirTotir days I have been to every book ‘•^bindery in the city, and not a bit of^work cad I get.’ - ^ t - ‘But have you tried anything else ? ! ‘What else can I try ?’ tWliy, any thing that you ca,n do.’ •Yes, I’ve tried other things. I ll been lo 'moretlianadozen of my frieilds, and offered to help- them if they. would hire me.* . .. 1 ‘And what did’you mean to' 3o /or them ■ a i-.u k « ‘ *,*.•& vl *1'offered either- to posttlimr accouhts,. make out bill*, oje aqeod to the.counter.’ earned WSfai-iMBWi. aaij aoj .-*> ot, smile? Ue aeked. |9?% I Bol 33^ abwl it, reel ? but . ,-todnd- some’ ‘ Yon?: You been after work?’• ut tered the hfisband in .surprise. . ;r. *■», it ^Yea.’ 7 f :}■■■ * But how—where—what? : f:\Vhj;, frrst I went to Mrs.Snow’s. .work of a butcher’s boy fora I kriew svas. .sjck, and J hoped; whole week.’:*.: ...» u . she might have work to be done. 11 incredulous, but hiscom- went to her .ami told, her my - istory; and i panion cootitaced'bint, ami they sepera- liiive aie . s . et Iuew °rk at once doing her ted, one going home happy and conten- washing. She gave me food to bring ted,,aud the other going away from hopie for piy children, and paid mb 1 * - * three »luiljng8 when-i got through.’ * What—you been out washing for thus spoke. What •To iliink j&i should have' Imagined UCr * that you wouldfitid work insucha ^ucc. me not' YhaU^o lo -IA! uvi'i J.IU f.ih ^X:<4mcifa Ai’iiirn i»I; m bivuia^ ftbon. , ‘^ , ' k5 ‘ n3 ,:s •>(£ ‘But bre have pork?- h Jftw n->ji (tur ‘You ate the lant ibis noon.* ‘Tlkwi’ iv« toustVsiievc n Groaned the jdbymt'nt about a month.-- He ■‘trui one uf ihose who gcneraHy cidculate to kec^, aboufafluufti,^ vAitillt* consider themselves particularly fortu* im’tfejTthey k^lp oil of ilebt." Ufe whs now tWrty yeaks HV hhd'lifr had ivhree cbilaveks lo.. pruvide Jbcj besides bHuself.'auAi «,c - r ^ikhhoupe rent, was a heavy.draught upon his purse nine executions by the people, in accord anee with Lynch law. ..; ■ 1 - .j I■ V. i = ■•>■! r Curb for-Gritba in JJorsrs'— handful I of elder berries or'/ , r . them ink) a cfuart of Yruter,' tiid boilT tlown to a pint—when Cool, drtnWl your horse and he well be weSI in'h«( «n hour.«»'* i • luR ••»»•<:’»<» A Melavciioly Fact.—The New, Turk Commercial Advertiser 'xfifai <W unintentional joke in that veiT grtfVe document, the United States] Tre4sfiry‘ Report-vi* i *ii: ,’i • Tna'biif v»« | We find in-the enumeration among the articles which we do impbrt; but manufacture for ou reel res/- vienof. off dneriptUma' --'d , hiif f even when work was tliere was nothing. ' ‘Mitrifl;’ said'hei Mopping and - gazing ! his wife in the face*,'we musl/starve. 1' M&* *Wh But do not dispair, Peter.. Tiy again to-morrow' tor • vrork. ‘ Vcii' tn'ay find something to do.. Asyffifi^dWli honest is honorable. Should you make L hut u shilling' *d.-.dayvYwd' should not uijiw i JmI. L-vvvkw ki it '• . *But our house rent ?’ . ».* ^ ‘TruSt’lb ditorlhaL ’Tfe 1 tan£drd shall not turn tis'ouf. -^If y'oir Will 'feK- gage to.find somtbibg t*>“do. I wilt see that.*»?« bouse. . ff , ^ Peter, despairingly. •But you tnth5t : §d preparedto dtf ! tifiy- itiiiagjgo'v.) V* TSdoiat* »le 1 irirf A n )^bingfen%qnalde„ Maria.*. „ il *\Vliy—anything'decent.’ ^ The wftC'JYlr 1 inclined 13 thp mutter-was 1 too sarious for thatinndji ,cloud paisyd^ver. hef,%p» her husband’s dispositiop.and she felt sJurt fi^e’Vvtti’nf fiiftlibiVifSrk. She^heWhe Would look fdr toihfe kind of work which W. L. MARLER, ,, n ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jefferson, Jackson Coanty, Ga.. . J McLcsier « Hunter V a ’ 8 ’ ThoB, P*<>n. Exqs.,'Joflersim; D. L& J- PwpVs. E»q*. Law 2l J u e; ^’. U Newton, C. Peeples, Bm, 9 hn8U * Athens; Uwi Chrfke , "-Graham, Esq*. Gainesville.. •nii—ly ->■>.. ■. ... ^ ~'’i 0 ft— W.G;DEL0NYw 'JJpRIVBY AHA*, / Tr-^^rn^nrvti nihil tidw7’ T * nJ 10 th® claims ot all persons en- ht«ML WD Wannahtb. under tho’ latr I "y Una Bill of the'liuniCfongnCtt:: *** 0 ^ r - U ** 8torf j ^mth r ti-.Ji T f: n Irr’j.f| : SLOAN & OaTmAN, 1 . DKiumsw '' r ItalU ~ ‘ ‘ ledgte.fbr ihc hwt«5 years.-^-Tampa ■PentRttdar, . *u . >n;l -, -l i; • ■*• , " • ■' 1 * . • .ii-i!.*:.-Jui Have you said your prayers. Jobh T! ’ No marm. It a i„‘ t my work . Bill »y» the prayers and I says the' amefts We agreed to do it, because ! it comes whOFter. ' - '*4X909* • i* /. JLu t <i.U Question AnsaveUri).^—Mr. ioombs wasecked, it the clbieof his lecture the other night^t Boston— 1 '* II i/iiarJes Sumner would be permitted lo deliver an anti-slavery lecture in Geot- gw ?2 ; Yes,”! repiitd the Sen ator, "oidd confine himself within the Gvoctitution, and did not attempt td wk, 9ite insurrection umdutyf *ha bkeb.® I ti ' *’ ‘" '• ' ♦*' 'U* ■ l, '> • <!»' - <V How to Restore Frozen Pota pasr tmxrssve tffitBzfr it iS 1 ****' GA. ■ jnne]/ . Fl.h-Fishl. ~ J*B Jj 1. l!!'-Hnp i- so.\.- Wi . ! Frozen toes.—We are n?sured by one who has tried the experiment, that potatoes, •boughfrozen ever so hard, if. put-intd boiling water, without washing in cold, ,are>as sweet and as palatableias though #he frost had not touched them. Inas- nmch as frozen potatoes are over plenty jn?t now, this 'ua fact worth knowing.— Chicago, Daily.Tm#*• - ’ -’ij ti‘‘w daii-T.i'simif »i , ~l Mf , •*' a ^ , f. ,M GODX‘Cows.—Someone... the neighborhood of Cleveland tells-the Jerald an almost Increditable story tin relation to the cold-weather of the 9th iristant,, - He says ft it ,w?s so; coid that the cows bad to Ue driven into the house to .lUaw their bags before milkiugi «: * TT-'y^eiel ua I'Olir.r.-. ’Ar>r,J Three Tniftos a Woman Cannot Do.—There are three things a woman cannot, do—pa> s a bonnet shop without lookiti" in—see a l>oly without kissing UTT-and f;d|njre 4 piece of. lace lyithnur iu^uiring hinv much it cost peryntj^ f | supper first and-T r Wfty-fte offered’to-Uet me do Vts SLEEPING WITH THE LAND- 4 *^1 -g 1 TaMOIw"'if. A friend in Stockbvidge Mass.,'-sends u«i;tlie following anecdote ; iff the Rev. Znb Twitched,- a. - nn-thodist clergyman in full apd regular ataudiug anil a mem bandcarting? He has just turned off his nigger for drunkenness, and offered me the place! The old curmudgeon Y. y had d great-mind to-pitch Atm into the hand-cart and tun him to the— IT ‘Well,’, said-Peter, if I, had been ini ymir place I should have taken- uji with the offer/' • i'. •- iu?i« . Mark mentioned the name or the same individual again* • ,v. -w ‘Why,’, resumed Peter;’ I have been ate. | told bim.1, did, the business because you. were ’ away hunting up work." -T- 17 ) t :i ■t r •* < So he’ff got your gold-AvafchP ^ * N6— : hfe wouldn’t take ii.< He said #H« has nothing in Iiis house'to' earl*’ tAshmldvjCTupi oypr his wife’Afmine 'job itjJvmfc* ,J,: ,f ‘Bemuse YHJeM‘Jre 'ih : aU iiiive mftdn ©nr' breakfost to-morrow * morning, : we 6& ‘W& rned^ter' Sumwo^d' hnff %4conle- ;respous»bte for the .iijkk&ii. ^ -4*» # 4 Then wt?F*e^^of a rooffo^ovw and r food for to-morrow. But wbat hfixt? What * 1 curSe these hard times afeT *» i: 1 * Don’t despair, Peter; for We 'shall not starVe; ' Pve got work enough en-. : fi^fe«df^o r kc®p tjb-filive/' n s* 5 ’ 1 ° v 2 f 4WftffiSi8 i thgy frfo-v *« ‘• “’Why, Mir/Snow has engaged me to carry Sneml) packages; baskets, bundles, &c., totes- rich - customers: fie has ftad lo giriiop one'of his horses/ - * What do you mean. Maria.?’ When Mr. Show; crime hohij-ltai dinner, I was there ‘'and iisked him if he ever had light articles! which hb wished to send around to hi-; customers. Never mind all that wa^ sahk i<, ’fR. did happen-tb want just such'; work done, though he had meant to call; upon (be idlers that lounge about the market. -He promised fo give me all * the work he could, and I’m to be there ! ._|m'aC-H r *aS«u ! m the morning: *»iT xhjs KV i»retiy ga * ’My wi turned bdteheris boy- You' vrill- titftdo} anv 1 such' thin?.’ 7 f t*.r 1 fis-wi -r; t n odtT' J * * Becausd^U^Sdsis^* ” lf "A ‘ Well, s6WiH.' T . ’ ‘Then ft «tA3re^ honorable- r; t6 lay stHIrapd sturvef^nd see one’s childrei Mie*t bybomSLMurii,^ teUyou Pete* ifybu hwi e to find some sort of excitement in which ta.drowrr his misery^ ; One slay ffeur bad a basket of provi- our butchersyvife? ^said Peter, looking siofts ta carry te .-Mr. W »>'k It was his former empioyer> He (oak tbe loud open his - arm. and started- off. and just as be was entering the y ardof the cus tomer, he met Mr. W—coming-out. .Ah. SUnwood. is this you ? ? askiid his old employer,i.kindlyi- --a ■di-.n-m.- a* .‘X«,trt.l<-i li v/t -JuMi’.'i >.:? it-w! ‘What are you up. to nowS’ siV--w^ a; ;l’m a butcher's boy, sir.* fiAriFfbat-P-»•*■}—sindt i ? YoU: see Ike : brought .provisions for you/xir.- -I’m. a regular - butcher’s boy,’ : ‘And how loug have;, you bu‘en work thu»?’r ^uUi-itoe -r. • k: . r-*.,. 1 -■‘This is the tenth day/i;.-v to :..»*• ‘But don’t it come baud?* .-r » : .‘Nothing comes, hard so long as it is honest/; arfdLwiil furnish my family 'ffitbinrridP <-.p -ji.-:. ' : ‘And how, much can you make a day. at this?’ m v. j!v. .t i.i-it-.-b : ‘Sometimes over a ddlar, and some times pnt over fifty cents.’ ,« ■: wt >| oi^tWell, look here, Slanwood, there has been no less than a dozen of my old hands hanging, around my counting mom for o fortnight, whining for work) They are stout. ahie-men, 'and yet they lie Istill; because I have oc>: work; for thejra.1 Last . Saturday I: took pity tin Leeds,-and Dfllbred him- i he job of doing my b!(nd-carting,. id- 1 , told him r’lbat'-I would give him a dollar and :-a quarter a day' but he turned np his uose, aud asked me-nottn insult him f And yet -rnir ^ fa ■ >j trtr -rtvf! 'J 4 : |"‘£r<-! .jj, . “jt:I ' “■f 1 r*~^ NUMBElt 39 JOB SASS’ ADVICE TO YOUNG *** '* LADIES: ' r7t . i u Job Sass, of the Boston HeraldiJ&ti recently been, addressing himteif to young ladies; Wo-have thought a "fow extracts from his opinions and refive- tidnS might be relished by the readur, andxre accordingly present them. Job fn the State Legislature! Zi.}), s^Tys w » philosophur of ihc old school and has - 1 : an original style 0/ wriiing: yoiin/f iooman rnliho i Hav sum limes llorntf ! I YHSUff the "makin up o’TIm •viirld.T 'wudii’t Hav taken out old'aid- am’s Rib to make witnen With, but {per Kvtilry) wud bav ruther Let the ;• old feller to : sleep alone at Nites &. mak up Ilia own bed, and et Cetery —stil wut is it, & we Mustj roaik tiiu'' Beat 01ft. 'nkonlinly i will throw aside awl Pro udidcs agin the sex, & Pmceed td tell Wiifhiy idee ia konaarniu Wilt a *’ ydung-'wohnrn' shud Bet?. 1 *•'* M *-'• fust & Fofcmukt tliVn, ’young Womun, nV'oWf ’nwf attempts at vaih siiow. i hav Qpnfercnce sat, with dtfors.closed, for the purpose pif transacting priyaty- busihvW, and,e»pcoi^4jl« tMieiulyfi-Q^ ffxamipm; tion-of.cach member’s prirate ebaradvi qc rather coudu«t during the past ; *ye*r’ For this, purpose,; thq .-.rierlt -called the CtfiL.AA vVtm itfte,; custprn, ip,due cpursg.2eh!?JWfl»9 .was'ceM-n** any one know : gught agnin^ the Conduct of brother Twitehell during. the., past yea^r asked]|he?J|i»shQp-win#. \ya*jpre- sidmg pfocer.:; After-al ttvwnent’s i«i/ lence,Zeb* tmve|ening cornppnlonarose from his seat,, and w«h a j heart and grave countennnce, said hu felt he owed to God* to The,; cbtir^hi .end to fe'3'r%sjy, though tfith trembling. He thta rdattd . whqtiZellrhad to}*!; while passing th^ tavern the ' ’ he: owned that Ids family ,were suffering, But come to ir-jf .' placer taoMt-i;fiid 1 * Say nl - rdatioteto -*S row morning, and you shall have srafife- chiirgc/ Zeb . ardse and- saidi “ I did ihing to dt*, if it is only, to hnld yo'ur bench. I honor you for! your manly in l dependence.- Peter.-grasped the old man’s hand with;a joyous, grateful grip, and blessed him fervently.-- ;( t pf*hit night he gave Mr, Sikj w nj^ice that he must quit, apd.on the hdlyyipg morning; lie the bindery,; For mfci* W# -beary,jpb, came ijt, anOKl ^r.p.W lwo ^ . hi » d ; -work. . He fftf ^H^ir^e^Imppj.Miiui evey, f-.r, he^ had learned two things; first, wbajbs npblp hjtjti ■nri“^^TrW'» r ,t^np|r tjesource for gqod, to, heH within - The Shai-.ks Frozen.—It is saM,Ky the oldest settlers, rlj.nt so severely ’Cold! weather has never been experienced in Florida until this winter. (Japt. BonteS De Oca informs us that sharks have been late spell, in Charlotte Harbor.'t Sfadr ^Pf* wu ” to ® 11 wnw w wotk-www^ e , MU|er gi) aa^dojAlkgafftfw:* a vmmiij event has nqt transpired, to IA» ffnu»4v4 ,uto»k»#^Jtwbrihi»»fttoi^«rini*tom*. ^ IfyhMjriiiigOjV^aidAhwiWifiri dvitlW' as be had once or twice expressed^jj. - . , However, ^heknew ft would be of no a Oh the ,; follbwing morfiingi' thb^last bitmffood in the ftquse was put upon -the For years’ lie4i:id been ghi*. tlioQgliiiWs, and fortiiiinte, making the- ftwiSf mf >dte prefimt, forgetvngthje.pasu.pnd leaving .he futuro to take c;ire rf,,toe|(. the 'truth wtis naked-ami clear; ana when he left the house, he said; ‘ibftm- tliing must be dona* ‘ - 3 : Ki? iooi^r'liad'AVe hft^ftnd ‘gone, ih’trfi Mrs.<6tartW6od put dn hdr bonnet ahU )Wrh b Her eldest cbiW- x’}ts«4’ g«f seven yearf old, and. her-youngesb 'foyr She asked " her. next . door, neighbor if Alic would takd eare of hjer r.MIdren.Undl nbcm, > • r TI»Jo- Were -Knftivn*- ro he-good ■ - and qwietiimdthey.H^Je ,ak « nicl,eertui, J Titen Mrs. S'.anwoqd locked, up : tor house and went^wav.’ ^heTeturu; caiuipf ; find iwrtrk,.i.niust,We sto^W; have been, without-; bread; to-night; bid I not found work to-day, Ym»b know ^ that all kiadsof-hght agreeable business ^c«, w ^ are seized uptmjfHtHtoea vvlio hsv# p#t-' Jl/rvuVi pf tl^ J%$?b ^ ^ P*Jf rtcfilfif fci#Pdsetto* leogsged -,iu tto«n.; ft^Ifur tbe } fttti»rc; f^r, 11,0 tuajp, is A% such»st.time*.a$ th«, i^ is nut for. to to I <HiW bu ,V ^ .W W ;9*ll come vvhen consider what Work, vt»4kd vrt) Ih»gva« iahooesu . OhsighMoi-:.,.rti? a *U -• the liberty:oCliwng upon my own de- ~—*-t — ;>K , ifefUteiwdi^mimdoptpdtofio tdito gov*. HISTOR jCA.L FACTS.' • eroedoy.ouui'.Couvictions of right,’.; •;; J The RotnUn Catholic Bishop, of Louis- .;V>Butmy wife only think-rryew carry r jng our .butclier’slstuffi >’ Why Ii fling importance,'F triTI state'it; When i slept with the landlord's wife, as I tdld lHe brqiheir,Tk‘ept ; ‘the tavern n.y-. ^S’he lonjf and troubled counrenanecs relaxed; a lifter followed, and the next 1 rfainecra'thc -roll-VTaS edited; atasu 1 , tlSERJi INFORJU-ripBjt., ?#CT r The Missouri papers ire nominating ■^CiE Doniphan for the Presidency. noon, bringing dinner for her chil dren, and then went away again. She •dime iir the evening:before her husband, carrying a Ji«»yy basket oi> hjffMMAi •Well, Peter,’ she asked, after her husTjand had entered* and ihp down, ‘wnat flick.?’ ’’? r ‘ •I^foihing’! nothing he groaned. ‘‘I made out to get dinner from an old chum, but I could not find work,’ i ‘And where have you looked to-day ?’ •O—everywhere* lye .been ;tp hundred places, but it# tbo same story iri every place. It’s nothing'but one eternal do—no—no ! I'm-sick snd ^red of it.*', '] sdt rilTra xsw . ‘ What have you offered to do?’ ‘. Why, even weut &q far as to offer to fend « liquor store (loiru town, ‘‘The wife srailfed. _ , f * Now what shall dif? filtered 1 Peter, spasmodically,* * are W fid- in gs P’S Tn - tllfi British ConstitutionVsuch for smile, *1 will sfay at home'and take care St ante as Magna Charlu ; bui he boast ofthechildctaJj/te se fed that Magna Charts was extorted from ie ipore he thoughl upon, the malter, j;d^f Roman GfftbClic jMilfiftC Fhe ie more he saw the justice andvigutoi same boast was riecetitly made 1ft the the path into. tfhidL. bis. wife tod’flitolHouse of Representatives at Washing- led hun,f, Before he went to. bed. hp fon; and si membei- added that Step^-^ I:iliY io lo the Tith]gdon, : wTo presented ; Magna Cl “npirT fe to Kiiigj!lohn; 7 was“'a Ciithblic.' * tBsTsuA '</:>' ‘hi^ Smith, of Alabama, made a reply And Peter Slanwood went upon,-"* 3 SS-SfeihcAi,24MtolLm Sa ^hJaU, Mr. r — fcjjWtiil created - much sen-aimh'and caffed forth lailse. :1 saitkK” at rememheY-tto dnlme bf the cVtstinguished pfirson ’whb lead the revo lution which' resulted -id' the establish- other fo> Mrs* workr.d tW yitfi ? fricierlie!**; ’’ Tfeeifprfosing with an awful seriou-ness, he proceeded with’slow hod solemn deliberation” “There was one little circumstance her of the .Vermont Conference. _Ai one time he represented Stock bridge in the State Legislature. s/iys bur informant is a man of fair talents, both aa a preacher and musician. . In the pulpit, be is grave, solemn, dignified ; a thorough'systematic sermonizer ; but out of the pulpit, there b Jiving who is’ more full of fun aiid drollery. On one occasion he was wending his way toward.the s^at .of tlie Annual Oonfer- enoe pf ministers, • in company with another cfergman. Passing a country inn,,hp .remarked to his comp an inn : ~*The last time l ptopped at thut tavern, I slept with tlie landlord’s, wife!” in utter amazement thq clerical friend WW l 1 just ys-havl •stoVV - -Ahs'ftys'cbSar^ cd That the gall wat. -?ltd qu aywji thp jltvfkVH^ff^Mli in *' **litde Aside her Dollar?, topfcpg sidetice, !until, l^ ^fiiiftod tto a ;>^ ( for ^IcriHa shawls A Kolli^s,’* »#(->/.to-j id lo | ;(1 Hwte.jTfkn^mu'mory, bui. i Think UV In the early parto^ tto^^e^OUtXk^ yrtaiVatts Pr byion—but tImt aiut Nothcr-he|?}.ncr-.Thar,df ihe.didn’t Mifr-. . ; r.T M'WtkcriloPiA^.hurfs she, be! savtiu .tij thro\v;herself A,v'4iy : on sum block head ofa Kuntty scool.masrer, or Parish MfaJ ^—.TrvUi. in . «-* '1 M « tidy,' Han^Ho toimit :<& a Neat kalikq dres?, (without No flouufcsvhow- sume)er > ;.i 4to»’b.0lij«icto tu^liir i A<- ye Vaiji’i:wuo»: % -iho»c who want wimmep fo go Round it.hout rfii. sorter. R'ggbl Up wjhatsunever-'--. »>•>-»< 5. »i. .suppose, £pr jn-tonce, ye’Shud doo 119 mistress eve Did, 4?. .promenade back wards wards. \vfth-i)ojhiiU>ja your pnrson-but Forrest levc§ U ask yc, Kud M tod:e^uty.;to4mrforiu;.one that,:,he etvytfung More revoltin—ant- mt'on In t<« tLo n!iiii<nVi nn#t 1,. .1 • n 1 it 1 . • . v\ • • i thing BeUer kalkulutcd to,.Duba«eiLff«> tom^ ’.Heiiim'stJtotofor^afisctored ;MM«inlj.vHolr^4fr,yet i know ji fea'rle^ily, though Avith trembling. He piiilantqopists-(i wont name No name#, Jiuto parson tomps« tompson m. my *1!’ c 5°L. !si he ^? ,e P l vv '*h ^yffijsyifVtiWifd.katry domesfiek Ekono- landlord:# W et The;,tf|fitmQthin Short o’That w ud • Kulo n r ^ A 'gtiye tody ^ rnin'isters was " struck as Ansur.JJ , ;Riu -with A- tlifttidC^o 11 ^> alttoit^h'*• it fmv /.JpH'.Not mio kiyhr.iYbur charms:up, By. all 'rn.esto, ;buti,Doa; it iu a Natml,, . ■- u . ® ,, easy wwy—avoid foolish D«play, tuukin I knedr bettfer than the btHers, the ctorae-- fol.. a foink tliaf awl yeer Got wortj%t^ t -ter of the accused.^.The Bishop called bavin, is Spread akross your Shoulders -! (iiibrbther Tj- artd A-ked Him- fc.' Awn. v«.,^ «„«!, i* yourlfook,.. : '*uetofolly is not b«Iy Disgustiu. in. the eye* of Sensible men, but Repulsive (a3 i Muk bold Ip assort). ,iu the site ofa Still'higher pov»^ * er-i ;; Jt UNatral, i ndniit, as You begin tu Budd ,ir.tu womanhood, dt braid Up your hair, go in|u kurls, dt Put inear- So. on, that ye Shud bee kart- mg Round for sum teller Tu put hi# eyo- Ah» ye.& wake Komments on your Par- sntl^I \aiipearuuce.'^.bot-toe Kiiuitoust mark Mg vwrdsi—serpents Sumtimes krawt round, In silks' St Satin, do yo- Uuddfslmid me;? if not-, i’U-Bee rt leetlo- More explicit;. & Add.:—more Young wiraen tov’Biji ruint by.The wiles anti thrUfivenjOfithe 1 Lords of kreushun, (so. Tu speck,) Than kud Stan on boston {Common,-without krowdin Wun anultor QUID’.The gales! .n l. i w.en i-sitB A yutig gall Make up facei At her:mmtor—-tlirow -The dLh clouir, ordust pan, or the poker, Ut Ual father* toud-rr.-folad, make.Tilepoor ohl woman How to know the Age o£\ft Hor.$t trr- Vhe. colt is .tofu- with .twri^grtodefilj ,When ; fourteeth have^inade thqir appeqruuto* the^Qlk h fiweAc :tl|tys .ol4 ,n^,,vhc»rte, n«l;f«» : «>nt? Iwft. il Hare,.*),. ta,n<lek / «™.Ve SO asI,oppi n ) Mwv.SjWHlV- 8 - n . dotl,el f to pixall's. And .the n?\v carrier alVday, ant! wllen tt* came. uiglli he had ® e » l 0/ Magna' Charta.' lie may have earned ninetv-seven cents It had bten been a Ca,hohc Priest; but sir, he only rl a day of trials, but no one sm-cred at intervened betsveen the Pope and the ' • hun/and all his acquaintances whom to Kmg: and the gentleman ought totove net graded blip,the,same as usual. Hi yas far happ.ier.nfi'v than, ho was when he. wenyiiome the^Tght before, for now he was independent . g ■’ Ou the nex{ day'^e earned over a dol lar; and thus he continued to work for a \veek, at the end ofj'wbich lie had five dollars and % seventy-five ceiim in his pocket, besides having paid for all the food for his family, save s<*ine few pieces of meat Sjiow had given them. Satur day evening he meet Murk Leeds, ano ther, binder, who had been discharged t'rum work with him-elf. Leeds looked care porn and rusty, fu, ^ii -//•* ;.i‘ * How g**es it.? 1 Jisked Peter. ‘i Don’t usk me,'-groaiied Mark. ‘My TareHy are half starved. ‘ Rut capk you find any tiling to do?’ Nothi *11-ire you tried ? * l»aM->sJ ‘Everywhere; but it Js no use. 1 have pawned all my clothes uavo those I have on. I’ve been to the bindery today, and Wteit do you supp^we he off *red me ?*;<• 1 njd jey.? • was it V Kdog", pH e ( reniembere3 that the 4kpe excommu, nic^tod e\ety.,maTt who, mded. in DM es tabtohmeut of Magna Uharla,!-^!j ;».•«. ,:?*i say, Mr-Ofork, that Steplien Lang ’ [.don may have been Catholic;Priest, aud no.tjoubt waSjv bufc; ha only inter- vened totween the: King and the Pope; and the gentleman?; ought, fo. have re-, raeratoried .that for.ltis agency.iju work- iug out the great chart of liberty, he. ar , e , - with every other. mail who acted with .advances in age the gums fo-.n, including the King himifelf, was excommunicated by thc Pope ;-mi inter dict was laid; upon the charter nself- and Us great and glorious doctrines were denounced as. heresies! Again, sir, I a#k the genileimtot when, in any assembly on the- face of.ifte earth, was the Roman Catholic clergy eve'r found on the side of liberty ? When, in any contest between tfio people and the ty rant, did the Roman Catholic clerg\ foil !o take sides with the existing pow er, whether Ivng, Pope or Emperor. teeth appear, the colt is eight months, and, when the fotter hdve attaiuctl to the height of the /rr*»^-teet{i, it ; fo,ppe' ; t \ citf • Tlio.two .year.,-old cplt, has,the i < tomeMri*e4adl:.i*9totaiK'C ill the tnid- dle of the,tooth:? crown) ground out,of art.the.front teeth. d.a. tto foir4 yeai the mid.I/e f(fint:\V&hvp jlriDg nnff. when three years-old theseare tpib- stitutcd.hy f the horse teftli. The nflU four teeth are shifted in.the fiiurdi yearj and t ibR corner-teeth in the fffi^.v At six years, the kernel is worn off the lower middleJront-icexh, and the bridle* teeth have noav attained to their. full growth.. At f’eveti yeari, a hook^has toe'll formed on the CQrner-teeiK df' jKj upper-jaw; tttoJterhf/ojT the teeth next to tlm' middle fronts is \y«>rri qiit, and the bridle-teeth begin to wear off. At eight years pf age, thp kernel .\s fvinxn out^of all Wnz lower front ‘ and be* gins Jto dacrease \n i\}Q middle upper, fronts. In tlie ninth year, the kerne! has wholly tirsappcavedfroirf the |mm \juddle frotit*\e&\\\A\ichookoi\ the corner• tee|h ,has increased iti size, and the bridle-teeth lose their points In the tepth yearyhe kernel' is wnrp out pf^hfi teeth next to the middle fronts of the upper jaw; iitidlh the eleventh year, the ’.kernel has entirely. vanished, from the corner-teeth of tlie. sain a jaw,', twelve jrears old. the crown of all thq fronMeeth in the lower, jaw, lm be come triangular, and the bridle teeth are much worn down. As the horse -hrink away from the teeth, which, consequently, receive a long, narrow appearance, and their kernels have become metamor phosed into a darkish point, gray hairs increase in the forehead, over the eye#, and the chiu assumes the form of tm angle.—Practical Farmer The New York Veterans of W1RL wilicelehrate Washington’s -birth-day, by a'convention at Albany.. -,Peter Kizen, aged : 102 years .and days, the last of the Revolutionary hand residing in Perry county, Ohio, died at hi* residence,.in Hopewell towusltip Perry county, on the lltli ult v He had been married four times, was the hither of twenty-five chi Idjren, jo.ijf Jotvi s a widow, sixty.nine grand ch t»d •*teM»y^-?'/itJi, that things llaveren-fotl A krit-isy Ueyoud. vrldch liUmau Emito ranee krf;»,’t well Coot) further.-. ... Thttpbst'itiuqy Of.woman is#o fi-auly ruled in Her system, ft wud Li-e tiie fonv p^foU/ r ’fu. attempt ‘-.nulikale Ifo momtfaiii# 11 Ay t»U» moved, i Know, by pimple foitli,- r bn't.,tor«^ » Tusk, .cpnt-- paretl with* Wjoh iuovin 'inountuins I*, b'ut boy’s.Play, ', . \ftwmtrtaPi I »Vr V v• f «« TECHNICAL OUSERVATIONS. A few day6 ago u couple of . men gut into a fight, and a Constqni tjce, it being uatui-*liy:liie vase/ii ring: of excited itK dividmil# :got around'tlie parties, and each; according: to his own particular- feeling* in the miiltir, gave his advi* c. -Peg into him 1 • said Gte shocmaker ; hammer hi* itppt-r leather for him-thatit the kind.wax him, my ls**i-—bear his.-oul out fot* him.”* 1:. :. m «> • T* Cur into his fat, old fid,” said the butcher I’-knnek him ou hi* ln*u l. ihiy’f .why' (longer punch his ribs ? • You’re a regular paltVyou toe! riKuttcklu him v -noa yer got liitjt, and make mince meat oi hira.”. : if f ; : .'•Dfcjss-Jiitn well," said the. tailor, mm how he p ints! fell hitn ! give biueiLstitcU. in his ri*A l-r-toltun up bis ftp, ant! knockIrimbang up,” *.- . ir .“Tm his hldc^’-saiilthc currier, ‘q» «1 the bark of his'liorsc, and damage hi* •bin” V- -r-v-f/v.; ‘‘Thfe suits me exactly,”.*aid the law, er; d’get' hia ln ad inielinucery, and bleed him till lie plead#, then he’* a g>M.-d ease.” Then advancing (o the otbnr one Ini #aid,-‘•lie’s doing you an ’mj.iry ; li-te perfectly feroeiuu>; t ike the law m» htav aitd- i'li look out for the r«*tu tinder.” ‘•I saw,him strikeyo.i fi.ttj? said thi* carpenter vohi 1 him i Kuot k his djfo right* from tni-Jer him ; h'ttn ttii-r- til he lies dormant, l’ti b-t n l-a*ki t Miavings on j o«, old chip.” • M Plti^ him in the eye." said ihetohac- twenty-threc gtfea't graitd children. 4,j*itn at his leisuft.” coni't. •‘Gel up rt ddtible twist <> •i him and then chaw r liim up 1)i;ii i h : 111 Ill ■lump yc in: hitq ou >u his niy^er he-id,’’ r \ **& ■ t 1 rV.j> ‘•Rata *r hi* *11; t rl j: • iter —- “.Sctuable hi* matter for hftn ahcl knock him into It.—11 , vvhi-re tlie devil can . a.-^f