The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 13, 1856, Image 1

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rtlBLlSHEU WEEK IVY JOHN H. CHRISTY, ■pits* liii • Term* of Sn»texlptlon. ’ “^rsKsatraas-ssa : f'fMfltt r«ui,t»« Cc*» mrut •uompauf Ue trJer. ' Hates of AdrertHlns, from the Home JuarouL A NEW 80NG. W, iubftqnent 1 nun ion. »nJ yearly *4 rvrtliwnenO at the uwalrate* Jjirt will be charged $3 f..r announcement*, LtuMI noticeeetee^diagifc Hr.fs in length will ^lindTerllww^rtf*. .h* numb©* of i meriion* i# ool markednn an* it will bo publifbfd tin forbid, and ifcordinsly* tail professional <T-nrlis. c. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATJIEJYS, GEORGIA. I „trlheStored Wilson fc Veal. Jan "plTNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale 4t Retail Dealer* i n Lccrics, I>ry Goods, .;*riF.JRE, SHOES AND BOOTS, . ... Athens, Ga. . |i?» i6 - DORSEY & CARTER, dealers in family Grocorio3 and rroirisjons. BT GROBUX P. MOHH18. ThanhG<Mfolplenannt wenti.-?! Chant it, merry fills 1 - And chip yourhnnds together, Ye exulting hill* 1 Thank Hun. teeming valley l Thank lllm;fruilful plain I For the golden sunshine, And the silver rain. - Thank God of Good the Giver! Shout it, sportivejbrecsa! Respond, ob tuneful fiv€f* To the nodding trees. Thank Him,- l>ird and birdllngl As ve grow and sing! Mingle in thanksgiving Every Jiving thing f Thank God, with cheerful spirit, In a glow of love. For wlmt. we hero inherit, And our hopes above!— Universal Nature’ * Revels in Jier birth, VnieirG<’<t in pleasant weather, Smiles upon the' earth ! . Retorted for the Journal of Commerce. DR. KANE ON ARCTIC EXPLO RATIONS. - The Geographical and Statistical So ciety met at the University, at the usual hour. l^st evening—Rev. Dr 3d of August they.reaclied the northerly LIST OF AC TS coast of Greenland, and arrived at up ] Pasted by the General Assembly and per Naviefc S3 days after leaving the ad- Approved by the Governor. varice, They were hospitably welcom 1 An act to authorize llie Justices of ed by the Danish settlement. At iip- ffie Inferior Court of Washington county per Navic they took.passage in the brig to revise.their Jury Box, and for other Mary Ann (or the. Shetland Isles, and at purposes. Discothey met the Arctic, under Lieut. 2 An.act to AntliQrize the county of Hartslein, which the Government had (Dougherty to aid in constructing the sent to their rescue,SR . Georgia and. Florida R. Rond, between Dr. Kane attributes the safely of the Albany arid Aniericus, or any other Rail evening—Rev. Dr Hawks nell, Esq:, and Hon. George Bancroft I party in many perils to the direct inter-1 Road running to said county, by subscrip- sat upon the platform. Dr. Kane (con- positions of Providence. tion for stock, and the -issue of bonds trary to expectation) was not' present. The Report was received with ap-1 therefor upon a vote of the citizens. " 1 i_ :• i bea muci - iu&dKI * 3-An act toebange the times,of hold- I?e is now in Philadelphia, attending tojplause. the publication of his book. Mr. II. E. Pierreponf moved that the Dr; Hawks stated- that the paper thanks of the Society (through theSe which he had been requested to read by I cretary) be returned to Dr. Kane. Dr. Kane, was a Report to the Secre- Motion adopted, tary of the Navy, who had given his { — — consfeni^iwusri opqn this'decasiOn: 4 . .® r ! TI»mpaoi» r wnetor It is' a technical account of the Dr’s last ,,? n,a . oufi ?’ (Atlanta,, Geo.^) is Ware lodho county of Charlton, expedition to the Afttic Region. Many IS, known ns a votary of eccentricity. 6 An act to amend an act to incorpo- of the facts staled are already familiar " v c . werc . u . s ‘|, y t anms f 1 J 1 ie ot ,cr ( ' tt 7 rate the Brunsu ick Improvement Cora to the public. Several fresh of civilities between the. Doctor and -» w i.-Jx... of the ing tlio Inferior Court in the county of DeKalb, and for other purposes therein mentioned. ' 4 An act to authorize tho State Treas urer to rnnke certai^ulvances. . 5 -An act to^ add a part of the county ih “rather Mrs. Hollyhock thinks it rrwvJiqueei ” that the falling of a little quick fcnS.JmW. old stand, Broad street,^.^ a , ass should make th. Athens Ga. 1 weather so awful cold. ^ > to MOORE & CARLTON, PSAIF.BS IN FANCY and staple goods, HARD WAKE AND CROChERi, '1 x„. 8, Granite Row. A then*, Ga. UTNo man can avoid his own com pany, so he had better make it as good ns possible. teresting made." named Held of Greenland was traced ( 125 miles, to, . , the North and East; During one wiriier ra ,'™> e n» v i .i r» . ' t " - ■ the sitn was 120 days below the horizon, , 'X e,! » Oie Doctor,:humorous^ Q An act. declaratory of,the, intentions and there was little light even at noon- Lv A recharge your bill, it Will be a of, an net entitled. net for, the relief day. The process of freezing in certain 1 ‘-TO ; but do " n » on * y % of honest- debtors, approved on the 19 th, places was uninterrupted during the first - ■;y' oa it, then!, smd Urn day of Decern,hen ; 1823. aqd, toolVper- witiler ’ Chloroform, essence ol sassa- fe l0 - V C °° 1 V tUr i"\" S 9 -“ ’■ ,iee1 ’ mid . squs arrested, upder ra^ae -propess the Iras, winier-green and caloric ether (the ^ Hatter in “drife instance) were congealed. f • ,«» %»9M° ir^F ve .9? Tl,« followed* and coauouting, the stranger, the properly and effects of corporations to The observatory was stationed iC78„3T. S • T P”»P?»y «na ettects ot corporations nt- and 70,40*deg.. The principal malady ^ Mr*® t0 m md during thfe season was a.<pa§modicdis- 1,11 L ' T# n , <pr of .debts, due, C»x lUv* I *_r.v . —... I “Certainly not—I told you to, charge | same. - ‘ same. LUCAS & BILLUPS, I UOUiUU AXD RETAIL DEALERS l.Y DRY GOODS, [OBOCERIES, HARDWARE. «tc. Ac. No. 2, ttroftJ Street, Athens. ease, Which affected most of the party/1 • lmd mulT^° U ” T' i i a r rr r t? •*- and extended in ti e dnes manv of - W M 1 e b - ei ’ ly ' 11 An act for the relief jof Francis Sweetly PftETTY.-Matriroonyshould Lyhich died,froth it. The party was too] I tofirm rind ,iiidigi‘nt —'----—- in which Uv,o hearts, • be a stethoscope, in which l*v.o hearts, I s mall for field operation on a large scale, I ' n ° ^'. l T^ n o er 1 bou 0 litfully for a^ mo man. ^ I though they may slightly differ, appear to an(1 lhe oil ,y hope left was an efcursionl.^ ^ I - 12 An - nci l ? ‘“corpomto the Canton [the observer as one. ' - T lover the ice to the north. 1 JOHN a. OHHISTY, tmly .ixn FAXcr IbooR ai«\ Printer, ••Franklin Job OiBvo,” Athens. Ga. [ tit work entrustfil to !•»» eswtstltitntly. cnmrtlv ant pmiclu.illv executed, atiiricescurre^iionU- ItBli Is? withlh#!iarJnc«ufltwl'mo*. „ | -<v, you come this ..... i ;• r ‘ • .1* . bring your box and stay a weeh. • . - ■ - parly uut one were Troz-n in the extre- 1 — ■ 1 •— a If a father in Turky refuses lijddaugli-1 inVties^Mhd Were compelled to 'return ter to a lover, and the lover - kills him- lo the brig. The tendency to sleep self in consequence, the father is liable to* 1 way again . Mining Company .of Georgia,- ; . 13 An act to authorize Lewis Zeiglei THE UNGRATEFUL SON. of the State of Louisiana, and Henry Zeiglerof the Siate of Alabama, to quaU- " K ~ ri - *- -* will the charge of murder! ,0 >.j* 5 1 ®*, 10 tn en< j y o seep TIuj following incident was related fy an jj a'ct .as Executors of' the last wi cnwfonj be bf lnu jj-hr by Rev. E. WStartV t i* Iclaraenief William, Zei-ler, 'let. viols,ice, end when (hey wire hreuglil The eye diet mockclh u W. fetlier, L r Cra „je r<l je uh , y, de j„, s .j- Pedantry crams our cdlumbiT, and takes out roomforit. . .. ... , . T qountjr. deceased pi the valley thall pluck it l 14. An act to cltan^e 4h'e ijmeAf licdd- xxx. 17. : I iii"tliei. Inferior.Court 'of the county "of WILLIAM N. WHITE, wholksale asp rctail I BOOKS ELL E U AND STATION ER JiulXetupaftrand Maga-.incAgcnl. IN When does.a man look .like a cannon i ball ? When lie looks round. Wor? ETHAN THE Tootii AC HE.—Pul two person- in the same bed-room, one of whom lias the toothache, and the US1C and MUSICAL 1XSTRUMESTS\ ol j lcr ; s j n love, and you will find that G. ‘be person who has the toothache will go I went, of” IVTtilo’s Unt versiiy Cook Store.” 1 to sleep first. Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates ~~ " I ‘‘You had better ask for JAMES M. ROYAL, Itlian money,” said a but without any remarkable results. At I ast, by the co-operation of the Esqui maux and their dogs, be was more sue cesSful. The Dr. traveled l,7D0 miles with this assistance, and made a careful survey of the Western coast of Green terrible denunciation against ingratitude to parents, and even to ibe i An a^lRblwnge the Vtme'for-hold present day is sometimes virtually ful- the Superfcr arid Inferior Corirts ir it.viiNESS-MAKERi j gentietnan to a beggar who asked for I AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old 1 a j ras . . Tavern, one door eaat of Grady «k | »«j ^ked for what I thought J’OU ... 0 theoup . _ dDed. the county of Fjoyd. Same years ago an Irish gentleman 16 Ari acf tp authorize and^ direct his who was an extensive contractor on the E xce llendy llie Governor of Georgia to , , public works, was reduced to poverty by d raw )j{ a 'warrant on any funds in the land; He Wtll make a separate report ! the profligacyand dishomrrofariafi^rate-j gf^ 'prtaSury. for tho payment of the of the discoveries made to the Depart- j f u j son . The old man lost his wife, and principal, interest and cost of a Judg- to add to his calamity, his health failed, raent in Baldwin Superior Court, in The open sea (to which the Dr. re- anJ 1° bts cup of sorrow, he lost, hta f av0 rof A. p. Rood, a«lminislrator of ferred on a previous occasion) was again sight. Thus poor, friendless bund and l ftr rs . Blanche Gibson vs. the Centra) ailuded to. At a height of240 feet above forsaken- .he found an asylum in the Bank of Georgia, and for other purposes County Aimsliouse, Pennsyl- t i, ere * m juimpd- * manners finely-drested J ,j,i s sea j t still .presented an unbroken I Franklin .-where he kcej».«lway*^on_haud«^a mo$t Qf „ was t i, e cuU i ng reply. -ntial assortment of iirticlesin iilways ready to fillordersin the best style I Jan 26 tf expanse of water. This sea was ap-j vanm. .,17 An act to alter and amend an act proached hy a channel free from ice. While ,an mmate.of tins refuge for the I lOth of December, IS45, appoint- Tlte coast ice had been destroyed by the I alB»cted, his wicked and ungraieful son ; ng l i ie pi ace3 for holding the Supreme nriinn of the w-iter A oale from the travelled that way; he was informed of uorthepst of over 50 hours duration,} his father’s situation, arid that his parent j 18 An net to authorize the Justices of COLT & C OLBERT, DEALERS I'D Staple dry goods.groceries AND HARDWARE. [No. 9 Granite Row ...••• Athens, Ga. JAMF.S j. COLT. | TYM. C. COLBEHT, Aagnit«, 1355. What'VsLaw?—Laiv is ke a fire and those who meddle with it may chance to “burn their fingers.” [ northwest the coast became mountain-1 [ «ng Law w likeqp eel-trap—very easy:to j 0 us, rising in truncated cones. 1 *, . ; t ^Iouse f tolous, rising in truncated cones. The)*“ nu ** 1 ^ IMS “* u -‘“‘'’'V- """ ;. 1 . . - r get in. hut \wf difficult to get out of.- I Dr. suggests no theory to explain these j rt, t P f* S, ” t ‘ .L* .,i- nt1iri i -Wlimmaf ^ ^ i* 91 . t°- H lc0r R 0 ^ 1 *® °*- Ltw is like a lancet—dangerous in facts. By the charts prepared by Dr. j The very ay p «. , Ousseta, in the county of-Chattahoochee, the hands oftlie ignorant -.douhtfuleven Kane, the survey of the Strait and Bay, on *• Gettysburg in an o\*u an j lo reader permanent the county site, throuob h • lint vrm will I... nrdtilv 1 ..f P..., Tnivl,)Aali( nridpil. DiirilKT till IiKaiructiun ul 11,0 a, ’J .IBkttN •» , uni vv.n uc (.ukmuuuui; I Ol V»J*». a .1 p„i,vsblirf? reduced liefore you can get through it | second winter the physical cuergies ot] T. BISHOP & SON, ktlesalc ami Retail Goccrs, I April ft No. 1, Broad street. Alliens. W. W. LUMPKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Ga. TILL Practice in all the counties of the Western Circuit. Particular attention |f»en to collecting. Office on Ilroad etreot, over White A Moss’ I‘tort. Jan 81 Law is like an ignis fatous, or; Jack-Uhe party had declined. They had only o'Lonteru—those who follow the de-1 a small qunatitj of provisions. Thr lusive guide too often find thefnselves dried fruit seemed to have lost its nutri- inextricably involved in a bog or quag-} tious quality. They relied for theifdaily mire. • - ‘ supplies on the success of organized Law is like Prussic arid—a dangerous hunting parties. They and _ the Esqai- reinedj and the smallest dose is general- maux were of mutual service to each ly sufficient. ,i ; l i / |other. Bear meat, seal, walrus and were interchanged. The 20 An act atnenejatory of the several W. L. MARLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga. lUrwExcEs.—Mesrra. Mt Leg ter a Hunter |«JW. 8, Thcmpson. Erqs., Jefferson ; D. [ Spence r nd W. 3. Tccplee, Esqs. Law- i riMgiiUe; J. H. Newton, C. Peeples, Esq Christv, Atlicns; Law A Clarke I “J U Urnhiia, Esq*. Gainesville. 1 J» IT—ly ' ptarmigan ,| A cla-sic Southern editor says, if tlte I ( dd during, the season was sometimes Naiads were constantly bathing, he pro-1(—) 52. The whole party were at suntes from their name, the . Dryad* I length disabled. Only two members of were the ones who brought their towels, the company (Dr. Kane and Mr. Bonsai) were free from scurvy. Routine—pain- his funds were exhausted, and those who act!j incorporating the city of Rome, had him in charge took him to the Frank- > 21 An act to establish, ‘mid' incorpq.- lin County Almshouse. / | rittc a'Mvdicril College in the city of The very day he was brought in, bts j ffivatra&h to be called the Oglethorpe father, having dmd the day before, was j College. carried out. He was pul in the same 22 An act to authorize* tho selection, room, occupied tlte same bed, and * n n ! and perntiuu'nt locatioa bFa county site short time followed- his neglected and h n the couhty of Wstyne, and to authorize broken-hearted father to the judgment ,j ie building of a new Court House, and seat of Christ. It is a fearful thing to t jje levying an extra tax, and for other fall into the hands of an "angry God. | purposes therein specified. 23 An act to change the time of hold W. G. DELONY. %RWEY AT LAW, give hisspeoial atton tiun to cullect- !»C, 'tml to tlte claims of all persons en- J'wioLa.nd Warrants, under the lati Land Bill of the last Congress, on Brood Btrcet ovsr tho store . V. Kenney. Matsh 15—1855—tf. When is a Marriage Consumateo? fully enforced—was the only means of A novel case came up before Judge Ba- their ultimate safety. The san catne colt, ot Syracuse, last week, the circum- hack on the 21st of Februarv. t l.i!> stances of which are as follows: time it was found necessary to abandon A constable had levied upon the prop-1 the brig. The greater part, of the wood- ertyofaman and sold it. The owner work had already been.used fo - fuel- claimed that he was a married man, and The party started on their r the property was exempt hy law, and three whale boats moun e n^ * - sued the constable tor damages. On with sledges,drawn by dogs,for 1 ' the trial it wps shown that the marriage port of the sick. 1 he coo mg ceremony was performed about two were made iromi the old hours before the levy was made, and the provisions consisted of met e a , Court decided that the marriage had not powdered biscuit, wi'h tne«W been consummated; and the complain- j tea and a few delicacies. The bedding W. & H. R. J. LONG, ^®lcsnic and Retail Druggists, Aa, ° ATHENS, Ga. SLOAN & OATMAN, DEALERS IN, Italian, Egyptian A American ant was not married within the meaning I was very comfortable and thut. the i r of thestatute. The levy was therefore regarded as one ot the tnos -f • held to be good. . requirements for safety. Neatly all the L. A instruments, excepting ^ ie chronome- Carried off by THE Indians.— ters, were left behind. During the r.-t The Chicago Citizen states that a Mr. portion of die journey,dropsical swellings Oatman and his wife, and four or five of] began io manifest ti.emselve» among ie his children, were found murdered'on men. In the first 8 days th-.y n ’ ,u e the Gila river in 1851, supposed to have only 15 miles—and the average a o.r- been killed by the Yuma Indians. The wards was only 8 V miles a day. * - B - tinuing their southern progress, they first reached Littleton's Island. I he Dr. crives.a graphic account of t.;e sut A SD K A8TTENFjmEK MARBLE. ' nU NwL , i To “^ U, ' ,,8 auJ Vases; Murbl® tsu-Ai? 1 * 5 ttnd Vurtiiahiug Marble* W^Att order* promptly filled. ra»»p . Atlanta,'ga. RTJUfcrt* Mr. Ross Crane. juncld THX Visit! Fish J1 ^^ ^listed ^»-l Mackerel; lnri;c No. 3 do-; ^^risdUerr". Halibut rm! If '- rr ‘», |t»t receive.1 and ruk- low JilaU T. BISHOP iio.N. two ejdest girls of the family are suppos-1 tinuing ed to have been carried into captivity,. and to he still living, not with the Yu- Dr. mas, as at first believed, but with the ft-rings of Mohaves One of Captain Washburn’s surviving party, just in from'the Plains, says the . girls alluded to were jiving among the Mohave Indians as recently as last summer, and that both of them are married to chiefs of that tribe. Tlte commanding officer of Fort \um.tlnv* d nu ; c n j £0 Jtxu an iu uiaui't iuc umc ui uuu nn brtween in 3 ,U ° Superior, and Inferior Courts iu little controversy springing up betivxen * named> New York and Pennsylvania m re a ion ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of Md . to the Chemung mer. T ta rn ; n g t i, e Superior Courts in the county of Northern Pennsylvania, o v J Newton, and to allow two weeks for the State of New lork, and! » in ward-into -..... . , then turning southward, flows back ward into our State, and empties into the North Branch of the Susquehanna riv er.—Near Corning, N. Y-, the New Yorkers have built a dam across to make J, R. R. Haddock competent to contract and bu contracted with. S6 Art act to change, define and limit Uie lioldingjof the Superior Courts in .tho counties of Crawford, /l’wiggs, Macon and Dooly. * v : • - 37 An act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Burke county to issue bonds to build a new Court House, and other public buildings in said coun ty. 38 Aji net to change and enlarge the time of holding Superior Courts in Mer- riwether and Butts counties. 39 An act to amend an act to incor porate a Bank in the city of Savannah to be called the Mechanics and Traders Bunk, approved February, J7tb, 1854, and to nppiy- the provLions of said act to the Bank of Commerce. 40 An act to coxripensate Petit Jurors of-Dougherty, Lee, Worth, Calhoun and Polk counties. 41 An act to repeal, an act entitled an act to compel persons living in thnfcoun- ty of Wayne to give-in arid pay their taxes in said county for all property in tlte State, so far as relates to ..(iiymr& -Camden counties. 42 An set to regulate foes of Pilytofor the port of SaVannab. •43 An act- to amend the several act in relation to the town of Athens. 44 Ano.ct.t6 alter and change the mode of appointing Trustees for Glynn cotinty Academy, and fof .other pur poses. • - : — V : 45 An act to incorporate the Hydrant WateT Company of Colunibns; 46 An act. to incorporate -Union Coal and Iron Company- of Georgia* and Georgia 1 Coal Mining Company, and Pocahontas. Mining Company. 47. An act to change thq lines between several counties therein named, arid for other purposes, . iR !:: 48 An act to make legal the elec ion of Jas, Bush, as Ordinary of Early county, and Mr. Griffin Ordinary of Warren, county, and for other purposes. 49 An act to authorize the Court of Common Pleas for the city.of Augusta, to change, the name thereof, and for Other purposes. 50 An act to lay, out and organize new .county frohi the counties of Leo and Randolph. ■ , 51 An act to repeal an act passed 10th Feb. 1854, to provide for the education of the Poor, sb far as the counties of Habersham, Carroll are concerned, and for.other purposes.’,; . 52 An act to repeal an net to niter amend and explain sec. 4th, of an act for the prevention of frauds and perjuries, approved February 20th, 1854. 53 An act to incorporate the Athens Guards, and confer certain powers and, privileges on the same. 54 An act to repeal an act to prevent the kiljing of deer at certain periods of the year in Burke and Worth counties, so far as relates to Worth; 55 An act to authorize the levying an extra tax in Carroll county, to build a Court Hou.-e in said county. . 56 An act to reduce the Sheriffs bond of Tatnall county. ; 57 An act to make .S&tah C. Sim nions, and John J. Simmons of Dooly county, adopted heirs of Hardy and Nancy Pitts. 58 An act to repeat so much of an act to lay out and organize a new county (Fannin) from Gilmer and Union, or so much ofsai l net as includes a portion of Murray, assented to January 2lst, 1854. 59 An act to make Walter R: Youl- lers heir of Walter Yottlers of Wayne county. ‘ a - i 60 An act to amend an'act assented to Dec. 20tb, 1847, entitled an act tri incorporate the Muscogee Asylum for the Poor, and for other purposes. 61 An act to repeal an act entitled an act to repeal the Patrol laws of this State, so for as respects the county of Glynn. : 62 An act to incorporate Ilolmesyille Lodge No. 185 of Free and Accepted and privileges onC. K. Jarfat, his heici and assigns for-twenty five years. 7-5 An act ^incorporate AtlantaGa-t LVghtCpinpaiiy.. 7G Ah act to make and constitute AraistatinL Horn of Bibb county and others sole traders. . * / ^ 77 An act to appropriate money to remove obstructions from Big Satilla river, and render the saniq navigable for timber, lumber, \yood and produce thar^- oo. 78 An act to-authorize Charles Cowart and II. N. Sapp to peddle in Clinch and Lowndes counties without license. 79 An act to authbrizc the Justices of the Inferior Court bf Spalding county to levy'nn additional Tax on the State Tax,?io:, exceeding two hundred per centum 80 An act to autlioriza the Justices fhc Inferior Court of Chatham comity horrovv money arid levy niu extniojral* riar/ tax to'build a hew Jail in said coun- of . ... .. . Masons. I0 „v'° CS . a ^ , ow ( . ountv 63 An act to make a final disposition* r<ew 1 and to organize the same. * , c An act 10 c . xem P! a!l . cv f ,r Ch0. 26 An no. fc.,1,0 oo.iofV Jn, SVrigb,. i mung river, in order to turn its waters J r . Jefferson Wright, and others, securi- j pa{rol c anies froal 2 to 3 mrinhts. m r»..r.«i r rtint canal ex-i t4tf>nlu*n AVriolit. formerlv lax- .._ . * . , .v.. j- u: into Chemung Canal. That canal ex- ii e30 f Stephen Wright, formerly Tax tends to the Seneca Lake,and discharges Collector of Putnam county, its waters there.—The outlet of the 27 Ah act to authorize, and empower Seneca Lake is into Lake Ontario. So g Arnold,6f the county bf Chatham that the water taken oat of the Ch&=- t ^ T fr^j*^ a iifr r 4a l id for otMcri prrffroeeE. mung river is never restored to it, so gg ac t to amend tho act incorpo- ihaf when it r^turns into this ° l ^ te lt& I ra tins the Georgia Military Institute, and volum e is greatly J reduced as a .eeder I „ppropriato money fur the same; of the Susquehanna river, an^glr pab- 29 An act for the relief of Jod. White, lie itnprovemetits are injured. Our ], Ue 0 j- t ; lC coun jy of Stewart, deceased. State Government has taken t!:e mat- gQ An act to amend mi act entitled an ter in hand, and quite a difficulty uiny I ct {0 anlL . n ^ an a et to incorporate the arise out of it.—Menloille ('<'■) j Brunswick tuid Florida Rail Rond^C^B^ t'ncl. thojomney. He expresses the continued kind- his gratitude' for ness and assistance of the Esquimaux In 31 days fhe party had walkeq o O miles, and transported their boats over 81 mi'esofice. Here they met alternate strips of ice and water. At that time the daylight was perpetual—but the imqrefused to negotiate for their rcleas--, ] usual hours of sleep wero rigidly,ob Mr. Oatman, tlieir brother, is desirous, f j served. 'I'heir food at this perirnt was raising a party io go out and effect the J eggs from the eider duc.c mid wild towl, freedom of his sisters from Indian bon- The daily allowance of birds atone dago, and several persons have already time, was 12 to a man. to wluc.i «:i.- ,i ( - volunteered touccompany him. I ded a libera! amount ofbrcr.(>. G. tne Extrac rdinary 'Coloued Man.* Samuel Williams, a colored man, sold his farm near Clearspring,- Md., last week, containing near 090, acres, for seven thousand dollars, to John Pearl. The Hagbrstown Mail says: ” iliiams was a slave n forty years of age, bought himself, h-is raisep '25 children, tour of whom he bought and manumitted. He is now in his 71st year, and is a stout, tall, and intelligent looking old man- He is now io independent circurristan- ces. Most of Iris children arc in the West, and the rest of them all desire to to to the same country, so the has consented to '* pull u;> stakes and follow them. piny,passed December 22nd, 1835, and also to amend an act amendatory of the same, assented io December 27th, 1S3S 31 An act to create a new Judicial Circuit of Clinch,, Ware, &c., and to provide fur its. proper organization. 32 An aci to create a new judicial District to be called Patanla Circuit, v 33 An act to appropriate money for the support ,qf Government for thq p.oliti-- eal years. 585G and 1857 . 34 An aci to legalise th revision of tlu* Jury boxes, and the drawing of th.- Grand arid Petit Jurors of the county of Floyd, for the next term of the Superior Court therein. 35 ^n.'act to authorize Abner Bortutm of HouMba to settle with bis ward, and 65 An act to change the line dividing Coweta and Merriwether couriiics. 66 An act to authorise the Inferior Court to appoint competent Surveyors for Liberty and Mclrirosh counties. 67 An act tb repeal an act entitled an act to reduce the fees of the Tax Collec tors hereafter to he elected in the.county of Liberty, assented to Dec. 2ls\ 1853. 63 An act P*, incorporate Indian Spring Male and Female Academies, aud to appoint Trustees ft»r the same. 69 An act for the relief of Joseph L Robinson of Appling county. An act to change the residence of Jolift W. Darricott from Warren tb Taliaferro county. 71 An act to authorize person? who own or may hespafler own lands on any water courses in this State to ditch and embank the same, and to protect them against frcslieis and overflows, 72 An act for the relief of Margaret Marchman of Greene county, and to change her name to Margaret Watson, and for the relief of William Meed of Haralson county. 73 An act to incorporate Randolph College. 74 An act to confer certain rights, 81 An act Jo alter aqd ftraend 4.6 4$, into, etfecK'ffiw 1 airibrideTdp^j of' - this * State in reference to! Ordinaries, and for other ' pufposea,'as- sented. to Jaf»,' 2ist, 1SS:2, so fat Wre^ lates to Tatrian ebuhtjr. ‘ ' .,^-0* ,82- A n act to authorize Justices' of tjie' rnfertqr Court of Polkand Catoosa ^<tun- ; ties tolevy aii upoiKa feboiriv mendation oif the Grand Jurjr of said counties. 83 An act lo reduce the number of Jurors required for Coroner's Inriuelsts; ^ 84 An act to change the name of (ho| AuguSta and Waynesboro* 3 Rail Iioad to’ the Augusta and Savstnnah Rail Road, -to amend tho Charter, and for oilier purpbses.' , .j , 85 An act to make A. G, Li Choek' the adopted heir of Martin and Martha Crider.' , V ’ r 86 An act to exempt certain property^ of flie city of Savannah from taxation.* 87 Ao act to add the couiity of Car-' roll to the 4th Congressional Distribt: , 88 An act to legalize the place of holding Justices* Courts in the 537th District, ‘G. M. f Upson county. 89 An act to* protect the planters 0! Oyster beds, and for other purposes. 9D Ari riet to incorporate the Sixes Mining.C-mpanjfof Georgia. ' 91 Ao act to alter and amend dn’&^t ncot pbrating the Trustees of the Sailth-' ern Botanic -Medical College. * 1 ' ^ 92 An act tb authorize the City Conn-.' cil of Savannah and Augusta to elector appoint tiji auctioneers, or vendue mas- tcre. 93 An ac^ to authorize and require the Treasurer of Glyan county Academy . to pay ove r cert iin moneys "now in nis bauds ; 94 An net to authorize the Consta bles in and for the counties : of Telfair, Irwin jmd Coffee who have taken, oatff atid girSn bond in terms of the law, to^ serve any process whatever on the Sher iffs of their 1 espeeiive counties, and ic- trirn the sarite to the Couf t whence such process issued. ' '1 -Lx'’ 95 An act for the relief of GHcs^ Widener of Gordon county. . *‘ 96 An act to incorporate certain per-- sons under the name any stylo ot the* Columbus Iron Works Company. 97 An act to incorporate the Georgia White Path Gold nnd Copper Mining Compauy of North Western Georgia; 98 An aet tb incorporate Sandy Run' Academy in Houston county, and Cool Spring Academy in Wilkinson county, arid appoint Trustees for lhe same. 99 Aii act to regulate the .collection of Jury fees in the SujM*rior and Interior Coartsvftlw: counties oif Coweta, Floyd and -Gass. ’ • 100 Aii rict to incorporate a Bank the city of Macon, lobe called the B.»hk of Middle Georgia. " 101 An act to point out life mode of ascertaining the’ relief and support to which widows and orphans are entitled 10 out of the estates of their deceased husbands and parents, in case*? . where letters testamentary or of admintstra* lion shall be hereafter granted, and for other purposes, v q 102 An act to compensate G ran J and Petit Jurors of the counties of Catoosa and l’olk. v 103 An act to incorporalu the ‘•Bank of Athens.” - 1Q4 An act to incorporate the Mid.' die Ground Rail Road, provide for it* orgHiiizaiion, &.c. 10-5 An act to incorporate Coluiuljus Fire Company, No. 4. 10G Au act to ineorpisratc Bibb coun ty Orphan Asyhui). 107 An riot for t|,e vclief of J.uues if. Mitchell of Mu-;eogee county. IDS An act to appropriate one bun tired dollars to be refunded to SauiucJ Walker of Fulton connly, amount oX over tax paid by him in 1854, and oth~ er persons tin-rein named. 1G9 An act tfl amend an act . porating the town of Ringgold. M ■ 110 An net lo’incorpornle the llt£ tower Mining Company of Georgia. 111 An act for the relief of Mary W, Grcslmui; formerly Mary-W. Triplett. Jim 112 An act to change the line be- tween ti.e counties of Rapilolpli and Calhoun, and-for other purpose--.. „ 113 An act to alter arid eh mge the name of the county of KitK-h.ifoonee,-- 11J An act to change the time holding the sessions of the Supcri^ Courts in certain counties. 115 A11 act to iucorpormc the town of Brunswick, in the coun'v of Glynn,