The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 17, 1859, Image 3

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- — -New Yorfc-KlccUons. , 'New York,'Nov. 8:..,It is beKovod "tlTER FROM EUROPE; 1 1 th f* fl| ® ” UrfV Ameriwnf, ,£|ofSrjere I " .. «* Tine m vriunv s< ? ,ectcd horn the Democratic and Re- ASKlTAl OF *“*ai‘NfiABIAIf. ‘publican tickets, are generally elec- Cai e Rice, ^ ov - - , , 0 l*® 8 *™' j'The 7**’<«ne,ltowever says that IIum'uh inn was boardi tl off 0<4»e . fire State offices on the American Iteto-day, h, tlie steam Yacht,Hand Republican l&kete are elected ! lie AwcciatfS. Press, by lurgfe majorities, and the other «.:cau»-'htp bnng> Liverpool |f our are.doubtful, but the Republi- \\ cthitxlay, Nov.. 2nd. cans are probably elected. The new ik< Ut's >uamcr <d Sasu.-^tvjj kjeaatfc'lrill undoubtedly he Republi- b:i-i not yet arrived, j can/probablv by an’ increased tna- ..d \t>s. ..^jjerity. Thc^Assembly will also be pa 0 wh. strongly Republican. COU NOIL PROCEEDINGS. ' ’ilUXCII. • 1 Y ii er 5. S/iJ f t. rf lit* ctM*' I :»t* nut 1 .* •; i' rt* At* tii 11 .Li' iiul L.oldtTfc WfU Holmes, bound lijbile has tv reck - ,, were lost. . , Napoleon had writ* lomiiiuiel urging him. to t.itmidsr.l , ► Chili !*a*t4 .1 tl><* i. •<•, hmI war.ieat Nn-imRun. i ,i meeting, were rend i» l *3«lii , »teii. a monthly report wa-, road I'.i. rrdomi <e^ jte«pc*.id*«a i-.Y|C HfthiKssv. Treasurer in account withthc Toum bf Jjtii nsfor the month of Oct Ifjfitl. hand Oct I' * ItfDO'TJ I- Villa Franca j (r " ,1c had bc< n Oil ,l»Oo ; .M«fKl,Sl«.l. Auioricn ^is.^icv, ye<w<M» C*eh received tr.’.ui Edwards bonk* aold ul aficlir.u * " y 65 R#*«iv"d from B It M**m Mandnd cash out til & M Merton bound to Port- ported. The Hungarian , J General Sews. Louis Napoleon lias addressed, a kter to \ icior Kmanuelj in which , demands that the Grand Dukes lerecalled ; that Modena and Parma , united to Piedmont; that Tuscany r augmented in territory and rc- L,ed to the Grand Duke; and that \ e projected confederation ofmodcr* L reforms be carried out. France disclaims the idea of aiding. Spain gainst Morocco. r The Zurich Conterence had been bsuined. ami all the treaties wore to .finned in a few days. Garibaldi was visiting Victor Eman- fur Wy vmUtmn 7th •JV • . . •.'*• , IrOO :ved from'ltiehnrd Taylor- 1 bo -tin du John T Grant 1 00 <U* <iu L 1> Ferguson 1 00 o do dn Henry Britton use “ Guard House *-■'.* 50 Cash received from Jus Dunahoo for, ‘u e Gun d House ' 60 Cash received fr ui H WitlinghcwnJor 1 B e Guard !l house . C 80 Amom.i ij.scs collected in Oct 216 26 $1230 11 Paid Wm E Dicks<m atreol work 17 70 *<lo 1) A McDouftld 3rd'qr salary 87 50 do Mr* Aon Vn imrougli street-work 2 00 do Wm A Goff work on market house 50 ? 7~ „ . I SEWING MACHINES Wc nre nbt housed to muou nee Cant , . ,• _ . RlCllARtl* HUGHES n., a candidate Sir re -.A 1 ']'* bmted State-. Fair, lietd lately m election to the office of Tax Collector of! Chn-ac'., thh Wheeler und Vt ilsOn s Sewing Clurfce county. Machines were awitded thc hrst premium Cg~W. are authorized to nnnmme* WM “ver more than thirty compel!tom,Wide* a Y. KLDEIJ. E-q., as n candidate lor the of.: silr«r pitcher worth .me hundred dollars.— fice of Sheriff ,.f Clarke county. Jusiah A. a,hI nt tUeStnte Fa,r8 “ f I!l,!, ° 18 - 11 received Baww.NisG as Deputy. the first premium.— 'ta^Mr Eotroa—I’lease announce SAN-V. :: 1 FORD WHITEHEAD, Erq as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clarke cauutf.and he will he *uj» t »irte*4g MAN Y V»f BUS. -W ATKT-SStl^R'T'rpt 1 Till. 1869. Mi. f'hti'iy: 'YWB'are n.iiliutize.1 to mi- notinec MA.Ti’ifBW (J. DI0KKN, as a can didate fhr Slieriff of Clark.- Cmuity. at the election ii, January next, bv : e_ * MANYA’OTERS Wcatc authorised h.* Mr. Sam i B Vier as a candidate for Tax Culler tor o‘ laekaon county, at the election in .Irttiuar. next. Mr Cihhstv , Plwa-wi r.nnoiinee 't|v iiwtie as • ii 1 -late far r.- Weciion t-- 'h.- office „«.f d- .'ei. • r -f Tax retr.rur for Clarke Valinitv at the next January election, it ItmO. - , July 7, 1389 ' DUKE IIAMIETCKJ Mb < 'iiiiijtTr. Please rmnou-'.c, the name of Jt'HK B. ,TAClv''0.V. as a cm ihhre for Tax Collector of Glarke coun'.y alifie il'-c- tion in Januavv next, und ob'.ise MAXV VGTERS. WUHi). FIHJY & tilM Single Number LoHeries! Capital Prias S100,000! Nearly one Prize to every nine Tickets Pehry Datis—Sin^^Hie liencliU I hare eceived from the n«e of your inialttable (e«ly. th* Pain Killer, induces me to pen _ <«1 nfnruisefet It. Experience has con vinced rile' that for Headache. Indigestion, 1‘iin in the Stomach, or auy oiher part of ;he system, isercre Chills. Weariness, Com mon i'olds Ho :rs»«ess, CHOI.ERA, CHOL- KKA M'JR BUS, Diarriiart Tooth.cher 4-, i.itrei* nothing b.ttcrth ’n the Pain Killer. 1 Inve this hour reeovere i from * severe at- lae’t j.f the S:cb H-ad ich -, hy useing two le.i-h-i- it uls taken at thirty minutes in- i* i val. iua wincijhiss fol of hat water. I am ' inti tout that through the blessing of t.w.', U-sa.e-l me,front tho cholera, duriiig ih-* tutumer iiflSJlj. Travelling amid heat du-t. toil.change ..f diet and constant ex posure to un infected atmosphere, my syeteia was.daily dysentory-attacks, nemhupiiuied' with pain, for which the Pain Kilter was a * lerreignremedy, one teuspooti- ful curing the worst case iu ®n hour, or at the most, half rfuyl I liavc heard of many case< of D/-o i- t -ry being cured hy its use. Ibblu the i. t-tdt it would stop ths toothsche. firatitude, : ui a dezire for iu general uss, IT is dt awn Irom me this unsolicited testi in hs f,ror.‘ * D.T. TAYLOU, Jr., Miuis'.er of the Gospel. do Boy for work dune uu maiket do T Bisliop 4 Suit acet. do Presley Stemes do Stephen Shields do John Allen do Mrs Ann Yarborough do Job Bird- do J .11 Porter do JNB Lecssnre fodder Patnian & Sims corn _ _ B B Moon Marshal 3rd qr salary 100 Wm 11 Dorse) Tr 3rd qr salary 100 80 87-28 1 20 90 lao 960 1100 1 00 3 00 4 00 D A McDonald street-work A M Wyng do A M Wyngaect Benjamin Wood street-work do <1» do do do tlo Late from Mexico. Now Orleans, Nov. 11.—The steam- hip Tcnticsse# has arrived from Vera tniz. \\bi< li port site left on the 8th Vi. She brings $38,000 in specie; The bsrk itapid, front New York, a,l arrived at Vcrn Cruz. A severe Norther of ten days t<»o uration, htul detained the vessels iu | Ca3,, on ,Mn d Oct fl "ft. .. . j f 126911 •expedition of the Liberals! Tim Marshal and Deputy Marshal’s month |vT-iinst 'lVhuacan, Orizuba and Cor- iy rupou whs tcm| and received. m , moved a disastrous failure.” ms 3W. Oa$ Lamp*. ’t . , • ..... To Till. 1 STUN HAST AND WaBUENS OK ATHBNS: Mijioi!, without bring a gun. Stephen Shields Jas S England Stephen Shields Benjamin Wood D A McDonald Charles Kcsltr Hitviliiu.l Chichester A Co Joseph Einenck Win Shurley Night-watch 6 60 3 90 8 30 2 70 76 9 16 1 60 3 60 3 SO 29.1 80 4 16 200 31 00 683 98 • Even those who are in the enjoyment of jeMi*t I\<rdili fsequcutly have need to h”ve IBS. EXTRAORDINARY, DRAWINGS l! •fWit«l,Efdy A Co.’s Sinyto Jfuiiilier U.luri.-i witt j take place in puliiic. under the Sworn Commissioners, at .Augusta. Geor-ia, ns foltojsa: Clans 1Vo. 47 D’-mes SalurJog, jYvr 19, 1359. 'Class A'o. 51 Draw* Saturday, Jjrc. j 7. 1333. 18!1U. 1869. C!,i4t, .Ajp. 5t> JJffjw* JSiturdai/, J<tu. *2{, i Clans No. CO braic* Saturday, Feb. J8, 1 Extraordinnry Drawing, : To take place as above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of 5100,000! 1 Prize of $50.non, J Prize of 05.03(1 1 “ 3.1,0001 50 •- 5,000 ■ 1 “ i 15,000)10U “ - 2,003 . 1 “ ' -lO.OOO'JOO •< 1,1-00 J •• 5,000|l0t> “ rno ' “ 5 000 too “ 400 I 1 « 5.oao| 153 •• 300 APPROXUIATION PRIZES. 4 prize, of$630 appwii’s tu 3 KW.OOO prize are02,43O i 500 4 “ 400 “ 4 “ 3>3 •* 4 «• 200 “ 20 •» 100 “ 5,830 Prizes of £23 are 5,320 Prizra a’c-'cating to 50,000 30,000 15,000 10,010 5,000 2,400 M0 L 1,200 eao 2.000 130,000 1 U,<; i-.ic n- vtr too well nrm-ired against the ifMsnfts of •■the ills that flesh is heir to.’* S.ielt nn inyigoyatw they may find in HOS- TKTTEB’S BITTERS—a medicine ti nt c»n- rirt ho taxon regularly witit mt givingvilali- tj—niid e a-ticity to the system. At this’iifj ;>e f : ralarly, tlie strongest man la not proof na ,ii nt themnrlar'a in Certain sections of the com •ryaJjfn.kM case* cf fever and ague, the II ttebsis more potent thau any amount oj Q t nine, while the most danger ous casts or lidliousft-ver yield toils wonder ful properties- Those who have tried tlie inr lieitie wiil nev.-r nse another, for auy of thu nihiierts which.the lloaTKTTERS Bitters prutVaies to su'j-luo. To those who have not the expunment, we are cordially to- •mi'.no.d ui early appiication to the Bitters, • trn-ver they nre. stricken by diseases of n‘d’jcesiive organs. So'd-byHlruygists and dealers generally, or-,who e LS“Si-e a Ivestisement in another colnmn. lagging Twine allow Candles sacTzr at riTna, ucu» k nirin „ ATHENE, XOA*. 16. BaggingCeunnyJytl 16 to 1 Bale Rope, per H, 10 I Manilla Hop.- III * - ti Sperm do..... 8tar • do...”............. Coffee Rio CoffecJava... Tea. ”1 *. Rice ... Sugar,Brown........J. " Clarified....”””1..... “ 3 Crushed “ J^mf........... a9w5'_-:zt3-2' Salt, per ftusln-1...... Salt, Liverpool Sack ... Steel,Cast ............. .... “ German ............ ‘ Blister........ ... “ 8prvng. Iron,common size ....... “ 7inch wide ... 1.. •■ Baud .................... •* Nail rod. .... ...... - Sheet Casting# Na* Powder,ttifie,.... ............ 700 750 Blasting 5tilt COO Lend ........................ 9 10 Shot, per Bag *?25 275 Indigo,-AjiBtiisu ...— .... 125 156 Madder lb..—’ 20 26 Coppero*. 4 5 Blue Stoue 18 20 Oil, Linseed no 125 *• Lamp, Winter « *■ Fall.... ..v 150 175 lilt) to-. “ Twin..;.-. 90 10!) White Lead, Ketf 25 lb 275 3C0 GlasayBox 8hy 10. ?*so 825 MacktSirel. No.Sbhl . 14 15 In view of tlu fart dial i-v.ry lu.-mUr of tlie hjim-iu family is mote or 1-ss suWj cted to some of this a’oove cixuplainU, besides iti- OHtirvwUU- other ebndiumm in life, which,. by the ns»:stamsti of a little knowledge -or- j-« leisa iff common sens,-. th»y may be able so to r -gillnte their habit* of diet, mid with Hie n-«i*tanc.- i f a good tonic, secure per- 'iiianvni ln-alth. liior.lerti»ao<nen|*JUli this di-str-d .ihj.-cv. Ihe tnn- course to pursue is. c rtiuniy, that Which will produce a natural . SUL- of thiii"* at the least hazard of vital, strength and lif •: f«r thi*end Qr. U«stetter. has i«tr,>-litced to this country a prepara- ) tittn -r.lhd HOST UTTER’S STOMACH HiTTUllS. wloch at lid ; day is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for j-'Ars; giving *3 i-faction to all who have Used it. Tin llttlers operate powerfolty njiott the slo nach, b»«vla and liver, restoring 1 Ih -in to a ! u aithy n-ui vigorous notion, and th is hy'tlie simple jmce>s of strengthening ntllUV^yn-t’-'le la.* cy-b in to triumph over - din i-e. Diirrlitei. .lvseutery or flux, so g>-m-ri jW» coat rooted by tt-w settlers, and cau*cJ pn’r.iTprdly by the" change of water j • and diet, will be ^p»-dily regulated by a bri- f u'»* tif this pr,-p iration. Dyspepsia, |. a di*e:wi-.v,hieh is. probably more prevalent when f.iken iu.rdl its various forms, titan any ntlu-r; the eaust* of which may always be at!: ihufed 1o ileraf.e- nenls of tile diges tive organ*; ran lie cure I witfioot fail hy !• using llOSTtil’TKR'S STOMACH BIT* I: TKilS as par (l:r. cliens on the bolide. For j thi; ilis asa every physician will recom mend Hitter? of some kind, then why not !’ use ah nrt-.jle known -to lie infaUibled! ! l'vXi)'Cuu;i'ry have their Bitter* as a pri- l ventrva of disease, and strengthening ,of lhe*vVf an in'geiieral. and aiming thenv all j there i, s not to be found a more lienll}i Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, " Perfumery; &c., &o. rpHE subscriber keeps on hand, and is con X stantly reco tiug fresh supplies of Drugs, - *" i Medicines, ChemieUh, ■ Perfumery, $C. v Which tie offers for sale at hie old and well known stand. No. 10, Broad Street. . His Itu.g txp*rienee iu tie- business is a sufficient ciiuraoly of tl;e genuineness of tlu- artieles offered-for s«le by linn. Oct 13. B. M. SMITH. New Booka. B n.VNDE'S Encyclopedia, * l’iutaach Lives, Irving’s Sketch Boob, Allyn’s Ritual of Jbisniry, Diwo's 1‘ateul Seitmiin>. llarp of a Thousand Strings, Sylvius' World, Bayard Taylor's Travels-iu Greece, Mrs. Holmes’ W or ks, ^ Mrs. Ilentz’Novels, L Amour, Liebig’sAtndern Agriculture, Souvenir of Travel, ^l.’nity of Mankind. 'Ant-ierat of the lire tkfast Table, Modern British Essayists, Big-Beau's AdvenULMs, , OlgivaVieroii G<W.' - Breakfast, Dinner- and Te.fl — Jlenlab by Miss'K>s|)s.v««^pP,... A1 w-nitrenew outafe. Just vi-c.#,-I bv | fl 1TJ’.' General Agents for-Georgia. TIIO.P.STOFALLifeCo, <3-j32>TK la AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Airjfispa, Georgia. k FERTILIZER Ostff •* .jbb'sJfo.2 ... 7 a " i bbls-fio. 2.. 45lf Toba^gq ----- 25 Yarn purbale. 4P bunches 90 “ y^ehtiT. Osnnburgs.per Buie...' 11 “ Retail T2j Shir^ltg 1,pef bale ...... .... .. 81 “ BftluiLvl It) 8 ' 09(1 ! 40 i ton no lenlljiy no lilts it-nlific $01.3 000 | fivMttd. losing 600 men as prisoners I war, i.yOO muskets anJ 12 can- kin. i. Mavquezns had pronounced aiitu Anna, after seizing a eta with $2,800,000 in specie H,ieh he undertook to escort to Tcpic; j nropir.tcd ijOOO.OOO-tohiirtself, ltd detained the rest nt (Tuanajuafo. Iruidi am! French Ministers ener- ]]v against tliw act. vigainrt the’ wishes of -his t. ami viiii only four aids, |ad left the Capitol, Com. M ehretl a at the f» tor. and hr purl "‘-ve of collecting troops to minizas, w!io 1ms been traitor •„ but it was feared - • v was leagaetl with the rite' Liberals' were great- «. d iltcreby- Ih ii. I' tudohad defeated A'faro, :piiji i! his r.ylilh ry, and gntijf^d n*at.jn:»t> with -1, ! 'IM) nion. -1 .igroji. Dohlaflo u t .it suit ij hit a. - - ’. Y. Gia-r. k.Wt N:—TlieDo nmiUee appointed on Gas Lamps have the honor to report as fol lows: That Mr. Grady offers tp etect iron posts and lamps—t-neb as used in citie*—all enniplste liir twenty-five dollars each. Again, he agrees to furnish the gas—to bum during die entire night—of nil Ilia dark and cloudy niuhts of the yoar, for twenlv- five dollars for each lamp; which W« tldidt just and reasonable ami recommend to the at- tei.iiou of tlie Council. Very Respectfully, A A. F. HILL, A. K. CHILDS, The above was adi pted. Warden Hill then offered the following, which was unapiniously adopted: Rrso'vod, 1'hst the above Committee ostensibly for ! gos lamps be authorized to contract with Mr. o.T hnsnt to Grady tor the er-ction of eight posts and lamps,: and to locate the same ; also to con tract for furnishing tliem with gas. Warden Hill m-v.-d. That f 6 be appropria ted for a n*-at head-work to the culvert op posite In* Pos' Office. Carried. .That we enlrrintoan election for Engineer- iii-i idel, un i two Assistitnt Engineers, for Gt.; ensuing-twelve ntotiilis;-and that the same -.tlK't-r- be re elected, viz; A. K- Childs, En- giti.’-r-in-ihiif. * It. M- Smith, 1 1st Assistant, I; 1, Moss; *dud Asaivtan',. Unanimously carried. Wntden Linton moved, That a Committee of three lie appointed, viz - -Wardens Chase, Nicli .Ison, and Childs, with authoiity to Con tract, for a stone bridge and other improve ments ov< r the Tun ysrti branch. Carried. Oil motion -warden Nicl;ol-Vm was antdior- iged to settle with Wm. F. Tnluiadge Ear Id* hi icksmUh-ftcct. Tlie Engineers of «f Athens then made th ei i •« nntml report, wUich was received and ordered to lie.)od>lisiicd. . The f.d’.. -vio" foils were ordered to be paid: Dr. U B. VVaru - $103 00 RL-Mo-w U 3» Win P-Tuboadge - 6 0 G AV> il-mbon 2i 00 , . - 10 SO Wm E Dickson Ik 70 John C IV -*- 26 85 HitQfr, EnjirliinH ^ Froeinim .10 W On motion the matter of building n culvert near Wm. A CsrV’s, and also of baildmga f<mt-way over the bridge embankment on tbe road leading to tU> D-pot, be referred to the Wardens of the 1st Ward. The meeting then adjourned WM. H. DORSEY, Clerk Whole Tickets$20, tlavlcs £10, (Trs $5, 8ths $2.53 I ORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood, Ed ly &. Co.’s I cilleries will take place at 1 Augusta, Qoorgia; as lolloivs— Clast 45 Draws cn Saturday, Nov- 5, 1859 Class 46 Draws on Silurday, Nov. 12, 1869 Class 48 Draws on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1559 (,,'lft«s 49 Draws on Saturday, Dee 3, 1859 Class 60 Draws on Saturday, Drc. 10, 1859 Class 52 Draws an Saturday, Dec- 34. 1859 Class 53 Draws on Saturday, Dee. 3L 1859 | Claes 64 Draws on Saturday, Jan. 7, I860 1 Clast 55 Draws an Saturday. Jan. 14. I860, Class 57 Draw* on Sat,whig, Jan. 28, 1869 | Ordinary. Drawing, To fake place as above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prizs of 850,000 ! 1 Prize of . $411,ton 1 1 Piizo of $1513 1 “ « Jtt,0fl0 59 Prizes of 509 1 « •« 5,09(1 130 “ »• 49.1 l •?. “ 4,noo ten “ “ $io 1 ** <• 3,9»9 100 Uollowaj’s Ointment and Pills.—A •st err-iiicutia idea prevail* in this country relation to lioiuorrhcids, orpibs. They e Miffen-d to drain the system <if its life- '.od. because, fursnqtli. It is deemed dan i ‘us to ritodilie with them. Now we under- kc to say that every form of the disease o tie expeditiously cured (not suppressed) the simultaneous use of IloH -way’s Pills ••l Ointment. The former expel the acrid rituting nmter which produces the hem rlmge. while the Olutment, acting us a Bniuic siyptic, doses the mouths of tho ixed bl--o l vessels near the terminus of •- i otos. iua I canal, and thus a safe, complete, d permanent cure is achieved. ... 124 20 .... IU 16 .... V1\V> ... 1015 lo'ICO . r. ico rer* 2<»o lioo «* “ APPROXIMATION PRIZES 4 Vr -I.cs o* $!.io Apprax’p fn.$To Hno 5,ooo 41 “ 2o are 5,485 PriEes amountinp to :io Prize oo “ “ ],3oo too “ “ f ,th*6 •no 4t “ 9joO YlO “ •* 8ooo . Gooo jt 4^00 j »->n fiFifi r l,5nO Whole Ticket s*li> llnl' $320,or/f» , Q»:u ter <?*2.50 If ROM EUROPE, iff! dl iUc ASIA. -v 3vu\C 15-7..Tlie steam- ■ :;! !fag arrived.' She left ! •the 29tli of October. ; Iu v ootntnercial intelitgencc, rly nil of her general news |J10 hct-ll ;;lltici|):ltCtl. S> FoniRierclal: ^ , Liverpool, Ocr, 29.—Tfte tmlba of.j Mr* Ann Y*rt.. rough union for tbe past business week, puling on tbe 27th Oct.) reached ',000 bales, of which 10,500 were filen by speeulators »nd 9,500 fy exporters. Fair ami Middling luilitk-s had ‘advanced 1-8 to 1-4 ir clear cottons, which are getting ttirce and all qualities had slightly Nprovetl. The sales on Friday were I",000 bales, of which speculators |ti(i exporters took 2,000 balea, .fbc tiarkct closing at extreme rates. State of '1'rade...Manchester ad- rices were favorable, nn improved pemaud for yarns caused an l-8d. M v ance. SECOND DISPATCH. There were only 89 lives* saved from the wreck, of the Royal Charter, V n, l 455 ate known to have been 051. Th ere lias been great damage liutte all round ilte coast of England the recent storm. (Numerous peters have been wrecked, and “any lives lost. WOOD, F.DDY & GO/S GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, On the Three Number Plan, CAPITAL rttlZE §100,000! wEi Tmka place oh f*a*t Snfdrdag in eaeM Month. Whole Ticket* $•}(), !!aivo« $10. U'rs $5, 8:h* Order*uy Tickets or Certificate* Enclose ilie ainoiU ot ro»mey to onr address ,f*»r what you wiaJi to' purcha.-e 3 nnme the I.tatter}’ in which voft wi*h it inveitet, nn>l Avh#tlier v»hi wish Whole, llnlvfs, Uti.irters or Kiulits, on fer«i|*t »»t which we hcimI what iff, by first mail, to gether with the scheme. liHfmerflately artbr the drawings! Printed Orawirr, Certifie4| tobv the <’ominis**o*»erff, wiU be sen;, with an Explanation.' ZT nrciiasers will, plea«c write tlieir «i<rnat«irct plain, and five thoir P"ost<.)lfire, Connty and .State. ■$3r Remember that every jirir.e is drawn and paya bleu* full Without deductinn. AH priaeA-or$l L 00daad under,: paid immediately at Ter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of forty days. ' ^ All communications sTricf!a confidential. Address orders fur Tickets or Certificates to \V0Ul>, 4’ODY OO, Augusta,Geo. or, WOOD, EDDY <fc CO., Atlanta, Ga. or, WOOD, ED DA’ CO., WiJmi "ton, Delaware. tor A list ot tbe numbers that arc drawn from the wh»rt, with the amount of ihe j*rire that each ono is entitled to, will h-* p*il>(i«iiMl after every drawinsr, in rhebdlowin'! pajAers:—iufwdn (Gee) ConeHUtion alint, Mobile R'.ywtrr, JfmkciUe Ga:$tU, and Faulting (Miss.) Clarion. Nov. 17 , Horses and Mules for sale. r [R subscriber litis a flno p»ir of carriage horses, one buggy lmrse. and two pair* of mules for sale. Call and exae in» them Novl7 D H ALEXANDER. BELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS! K most certain and speedy remedy eeer dis covered far all Diseases of the Chest and Lunas, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, C..n- sumption Bronchitis, Influenza, I/oarseness. Difficult Breath ing. Sore ] hr oat, l *fc. HESE WaFEBS give the most insian- l taiieous ami peifect relief an J when |ht- vere.l wiill according to direction*, never .1 to effect a rapid andJa*liugcute. Tlmn- nds have been restored to perfect health ho have tried other means in vain.' To all a*ses and ali can^titultoii* they are equally blessing and a cure—none need despair, no - -tier how long the disease may have exist 1. or however severe it may be, provided le organic structure of the vital organs is •t hopelessly decayed. Every oue afflicted a-mhl give the titan impartial trial. To Vugausrs ao Plblic Sri.AKtus, these A'ttfers ore peculiarly valuable; they will in xk day remove the mutt severe occasional oarseness; and their regular use for.a few ays will, at all times, increase the |io\ver id ticxihilitv of the voice, greatly itnprov- •g in its tone, compass and clearness, for ihicli ptixpo e they are regularly used by 1 any professional vocalist*. JOB MUSKS, Sole Proprietor, Ro- bester. N. Y. ‘rice 25 cent* per lmx. For sale hy 0. W. & l K.J LONG. Athens Git. IIAVILLAND. U1CIIESTEU& Co., Augusta.nmlall Drug- i-1*. COTT3XTTI?.'2- I»3ROT3TTCE. | Butter, (very scarce) Eggs, do. Cliickeff*. .■do........ Green Apples, Dried" “ ‘ Peeled Peaches UnpeMed.. Caljhoge, Potatoes, Irish Sweet, Onion* Bacon Sides. “ Hams “ ShouldobTs.. Lard Tallow.... Cotton per Bale....... FJontjjerhhl Wheat pet.B u «bel Cm fl «* “ Meal AC; *•' “ {It, 0St9 \yf" "* .............. 50 - Jt , “ v 80 Bees#Wl.;.’. 20 F t eaihnri'-.. 46 Wool 35 R^x- 125 5 to 10 60 10,1 30 ■ 40 75 ltd) 13 14 J2 14 10 1 1 13 16 124 15 94 Iff 75u ton 1124 115 9(» 100 100 60 HO 25 60 40 2.1 LIC3TJOY13. CnUItF.CTFn DY 8AXSOM 4 rlTTAED. n utskv—Corn. Rectified,...:.. • • - - 7 5 10 40 no tm Rye (.0 Manailgifteht too 150 Scotch ... 350 400 Brandy—Pom it •..175 2t-0 Anierirnlt 60 76 Frenclt 400 iOf Apple, - rro 125 Witw—Malaga...., 7o* ■ CO Madeira, • ....100 200 Port, 23 0 300 Sherry, 350 4 00 Gin’—Domestic 75- 100 Holland 15C 200 05 Rum—New England 65 Jnraaicac 250 sot) p ople than the G-.rmaus, from whom* prjjihratt.ia eiiianare,!, based upon scier “x;ierl:neupr v. lijch has attended to advance the destiny id this gA‘.at preparation Hit the medical scale cf science. FEYEB AND AGUE. This trjins and provoitug disease, whicti hxes its relentless grasp ati tlie body of man, reducing him to s mere skailoa in a short space of time, and rendertni; him tihysically and mentally useless, can be defeated and driven from tlie tody l>y the use of ]IO&TETTEK*3 RENOWNltD BITTERtt. Furtlier, any of theabove stated dtseties can not tie contnictcd wtien exposed to any ordinary conditions producinj: them, if the Bitten arc used per directions. And as it neither creates nausea nordflenfls tlie palate, and renderins unneces sary ui:y change of diet or Uitermption to usual pw- euits.bnt priimotes sound sleep and healthy digestion; the eutnplaiiit is thus removcl as spe-nlily aa is cun- tisletit with the prodccticn of a thorougii and renns* vent cure, -w For Teisons in advanced years Who are autteriitg fr.un :ut enfeeMed constitution and liitirm holly; these liitters arc invaluable as a restbra tive of strength and \Uor, and needs only to le tried to lie appreciated. And to a mother while ndrsius, Uiese Bitters are indispensaVie, espcciaiiy where the motlier's nourisianent is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her streauth must yield, ami here it js xvhere s ymod tonic, such as Dostetter’s Stomach Bitters is needed to impai: temporary strength and vip r to. the system. Ladies tliould bj all means try tins remedyf -r all cases of de'.Hity, and before so doing, esh your physician, who, if tie is acquainted with the virtue* of the Bitters, will recommend tlieir use in all cases of. weakness. (’ll TlM’.-fw a caution tlie public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ask for Hosrrm:tt% Ctu:BKATi;D Stomach Biiti.ks, ami see that end: bottle lias the tvorJs r " Dr J. Hosfetter’s Stonmch liiii rs" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped eu the metallic cap covering Ihe cork, ami id ’s- rve that our autograph signa ture is on the label. J T Ptcit .frd At: 1 ml 1 by HOSTETTER St a'UTii. fiSishuigii, IV., and said by all Druggtsls. and dealers generally (hruaghte". thr I'Lilcti hu:e>, Canada, South Icifilea a af flrnnzr.y. SCOVih A MEAD, .. r HI5.VV tli’.LL.m, 1,4., r Wholesale Agents. Aug; 18 ibutmci’ig all the immediate effect nf the ■i’«.l , iSl'Yi.i\ b'UAi'l), without tlie dan- uer i-( lie-uoyitiga crop by its coming in con tact with ti.e si.-l. iKing lasting in tLp sail. y»at* aber th - Guano is exhaused. If is pulverized Jon fine iiowder, ready for use. No lees of Ulna an I labor jn luruakiug Lump*, screcniug.4-.-. PHOSPHATE "OF LIME IS THE •pily element in Qiiauo or any olher ! FEUTU-iZTR, fioin wldrh permanont effect lean be ex pi-eta, I, lignco tjinl -Fertilizer which Which cet.t-iit,* the ' Pn08FHATE,wjth a,a syUUvjmc. • ( AylMONlA to proiHico all thee ffect ibii: .•, i be hal from AMMONIA. ;s llife bcM, i :.t much a* tu irc than that is » jrahcV st th ■ relative value of this yio- in quantity and all other Pfr^VJaH, Guano. pyrtn’llcM to refer to tho fol; vrhn line Used HOYTS tlttrit g tlie puat' iJLOTIIING Manufactured ou commission. F ARTIES purchasing tlieir goods iu the piece,, can have them made up in eny siyle. and of any assort in nt of sizes, ute charge of ten per cent on tho nett cost. The subscriber having many year* experi enre in the business withnnu.usl facilities: for the manufacture of extra fine end medi uni clotlring, can offer great inducements to those who prefer ordering their goods to baying them Teady made. J. K SHOTWELL. Rahway, N. J. Refeekxcf.s—Messrs J II Daniel ft Co. C' lumbus.Ga—W G ft A R Andrews, Mont gomery, Ain—A C Vail. Milledgeville, Ge, Insanity of (ierritt Smith. 'cm York, Nov. 9.— Gcrritt' Smitli 1;,s l*con sent -to the insane Asylum, f 11 1 tica. lie is seriously deranged. Snvard and Forbes. Ilir New York Jouvunl of Com- Bc rce has learned from Forbes’ own f'P* dmt he did unfold 10Senator Scw- prd last year allubont- Brown’s iiHenil- Nin>unectior, «t Harper’sFerry.,r- ll11 ' is the key to the ‘’iiToprcsriilile u nflict ’ spcwli of Seward; aud to the r°nvcnient absence of that person f r °‘U th;s cniunry. Tribute or Respect. Rixtaw* WxituiN Lodge, Nn. 24,) . -Jliintoe, Ga. ■ J • Whereas,‘it Kas seemed gdo4 to the All- wise B.*i tg—onf Great Gr*.od Master, to mi po*« on ns the painful dnty of chronicling the death of onr highly esteem«1 sad be Vovod brother, lous G. Fostkw. w* woulJ, as a testimony of our high regards, offer the fol lowing resolvlions; , ... , Reudeed, That we humbly and submissively bow to tbe dispensations of Him who has called our brotlisr homo—that Wa extend our most cordial and heart felt cmdolsmsot to Ins borehvtrl and heart wounded widow— invoke lb* beneficent suttles of Hsaven upon her to sustain her in her irreparable loss, and invite her to hope that nltl-.oughbis body lies moulderiug in the dost, yet hi* *P lr 'f en J "J* .ho tm»..«red» of Angels » Hsaven* eternal tnan.i..n*. where, tbmngli Witless age's, ptmr fbnrtlt haldi of-glfirie# andlmmed and joys nnmixed. _ R, solved, That in trtken of onr Mgrat, w* wear the usual badge of mourning tat thirty Uy Re.otced, That \\OT above preamble and resolutions be publi hed in thh « Watchman, and a copy of the same be sent to the widow of our deceased lifother. „ . ' ANDREW J. BtJRlUJSS, 1 JOHN'S. DICKINSON, V <>»»• JOHN W. HARRIS, ) . yii c.Go.qwoi«7 -:r. ,yh> t o Ranaway rtROM the subscriber, on Monday, tho.Tth F iiistnnt, hi* negro boy EDMOND. H>- will pay Ten Dollars for his delivery to hint, or lodgement in any safe plnee so that lie may get him. He is a mulattolioy. twenty years old—will weigh 140 pouuds— 5 feet high,and tolerably long hair, " JOHN L ELDER, Sr. Nov!7 R New Salt. ECEIYING this day, now Salt—large, full sacks, in prime order. Novi7 T. Bl'HOT* <fc SON. B EST country-made 8HURS, for sale by Novl7 T. BISHOP A !SQN. - Cheese—Choose. TlNGLISH D.iiry and Northi-rn, for sale l>y Jit Noyl7 T BlfeUOP Ji U-EOUGIA—Clarke county. Court of Ordinary of said county VirTHERKA^.Elizeur I,. Newton,Guardian VY of Virginia A J innings, minor ol Jaine* Jfnnings, dtct-ase.l, is desirous cf obtaining Letters Dismusnrv from said guardianship It ietheretore. upon the application of said Guardian, o tiered by the Court, that all per- kons Concernstl. appear at the regular term ■if this Court, to be held m tho second M-n- day n January u< xt- to irhnw cause why said 'Guardian should not be dismissed from said Guardianship. . A. true cijpy from the Minutes of said ’Court, at a regular.term thereof, tlti* the 7th day of Noveinlwr, i S50. Jfev. 17. AS\ M. JACKSON. OrTy LAND FOR SALE! -| ft A A ACRES of well improved Land X will be eold'at Sheriff’s Sale, in Oastville.Giu, on Lbe 1st Tuesday in Decern lair next, unless previously- disposed of The ab»ve Tract of Land is a valuable set-: tlement, and can be negotiated for, in whole nr in part, to suit purchasers, previous to the day of sale, on more reasonable terms and at lower prices than any such land in that part' of Die country. This body of land contain* Urn former settlements‘which are improved and in a high slate of cultivation, and lying immediately on tlie Western Sr Atlantic Rail road nt the Cats Depot, two mile* from Cass villc, in one of the best settlements for good si ciety in the country. Persons wishing to purchase or look at this laud, can’ address th«' undersigned at Rome, Gif, who tvill meet at Caswitle Depot, any such person, by rec iving titmly notice.-^ Time payment* can be madefiir a portion of tbe purchase. • M- W. JOHNSON, N«v 17.—fit .Rotue.Ga. TINE ABT GALLERY. NEW ARRIVAL. Mr. D. PALMER, Jr., Of St- Louis, JIo. WM7 0ULD respectfully anuounce In the Liulies a fid Gciitlemcu of Athens and vicinity, that In: has littoil opn suit of rooms located directly over the Post Office, come of College Avenue and Clayton street, tor the convenience of those wishing FIRST-CLASS PICTURES of themselves or friends, of the la:eat im provements nnd greateit dtirahility. His pic turesareof the very latest s yles. Iron, the smallest possible miniature to’ tbe mammoth photograph. Mr. P. would remark, that having practi ced with the most skilled and efficient work men tn this country, and having ful! experi ence in the business, hopes to he ab’e to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to all who may favor him w ith their patron- age., Miniature Pictures inserted in Locke:*. Pinsi Uing.-t. or any thit:g de-trvd, with ncai- ne»« ami despatch , .Pictures taken invnrial ly without regard to Weather, with l!:e exception of very small ehildri-h. Terms vety low, including best of efyeks, of various styles. Secure your pictures-cre the substance fade. Let Nature copy from wlmt Nmure made: Think not these Pictures by the sun-light : 4»8<le, Shades though they arc; will, like a shadow, fade; Nu hw-hen Death's gray film spreads o’er Ihe rlmamiiig eye, PALMER'S Life-like Pictures, mocking at decay',’’ Will still lie Ireslt and vivid as of to-day. tycuii and examine and judge for ycur- selves. i Instruction's jr!ven on rctajniUi terms to any who wish to engage in flie business. N. B. Rooms first ll ior ofi the 1* Office 'SlgnRedyiag. tf A : *^us, N->V3 - AMERIC^ •l«i?:e Dontclas Alarmingly III. ''•isliin^ion, Ndv. li.-Tlii:, Hon. I s now alarmingly ill. r ‘•'•iiucil lif p;.\ Jujahs worepll night -tpiiilaiidfc ’t>rt ’Bis cast 1 .' Some . •"wuict* of opinion exists among 1 L' '"-.-innl attcndanU as to Ac " d : ;;'p z .,f ),;« rT'Covcry, but all “•*• Tu t lift li aiamtiutfSy.ill. > WALTON * Female College Lottery^ OF GEORGIA. Chartered by Ike State is 1866- w. C. DAWSOS ft C0-, Managers, Al A CON. OE S AVaN'iSAH , GA. NOVEL SCHEME!: ’ Policy Plan Lottery ! oPEBIfliOS’S SERMONS,-tixtb set its, new O volume; Weslev’s Sermons; Beulah; - Ilarry-Lee: HyiVs’Expoait-irv Th.wfght< «m the Gospels; Ogden’s Se eoCo <»f Btufealiau; ■ Titcomb'sQuM F-tl; Normal MellmdHfJMrft mg, Dwight* Hf»lte- Ohrisdnn Bdiifelion.; id’sLt>ve‘Mc Liit’e lew Me Laugf •’ • » /[ G» si Pighc Almcstfo’w- Ueroirie: NUvtt’(w World (Mitt* King's new -work) Dang's MorU Sffitjce ; Ldnb; Lsdy Lpi .o. datet rt-cefvtiiL J? • : JlovJ7 - . , ' WM N VKHITR. : ■vry— • ROSS CRANE, Agent for John Baird's MARBLE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn., I S prepared to fill orders for overy variety of Mim-mental Work, Tombslottes-Tab- lets, orn nnenlal effigies. <tc. Marble hearth- ■slones, tonui-el pieces, slabs for cenlrertablcs and uiarbb- work id' all descriptions can he procured through his agency, at reasonable prices- Sept. 16, tt. Fall Trade, 1859. I A I now receiving my usual assortment of goods, sniLed to the fall trade, among \vh:ch tfiny be fonnd the la*est style* of LA runs DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOO TS and S/JONS, IIATS AMD CAPS, All of which are offered very cheap for cash, or usual time, to prompt paying, customers. Call in nr l. M. KENNEY’S. Sept 15 New Store and New Goods! J. W.. RIS WES &. CO. 4 RE daily, receiving f$nm~ New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and well selected stock of Goods, consisting as : follows: STAPLE AND FANCY.:., GROCERIES, TOBACCO, AC. ftai A--w are, CROCKERY, Boots and Stores, III ON, SAL T AND NAIL S, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, Castings, WOOD WARE, Carpenter’s Tools, «*f 'hi <ieeei)»iion*, and many o' her articles, too uumerous to mentfMT, which we offer to our friends, cus- toinekk, and the public in general, ttvfjnsll advnuve «a east. Purchasers will dti.well to (tisss-'-u* tr -aasl before purchasing-else where’. • Wc will be found at the eld-stand of Grady ii Nicholson.* Alliens, Gu„ March 10, 1859. BEAU, PAUSE AND REFLECT. <3F two nr.ait evil-, nlway ,,-,for«-"s u-trial ornamputs—thr teeth—have, by slow decay, lost their utility, get them replaced l>v others of equal service and lif- like appearance, at LOffBANCE & LANCASTER'S OFFICE, Cozr.KOK Avexur, Atiicxs, Ga They beg Lave to ann -unce in the citi zens of "Athens, -that thoy. Imvu. imwir-l a copartnership, in .hr praciiru of and they would respectfully solicit :v libera! share of tlieir patronage. Dr. Lancaster, formerly reside J in'Phibulel pliia, where he prep tied liim-<df m exerute all operations iu the I>ENI'B v Al< AYET with neatness and durability. zw Artificial teeth inser-cd rriun one tn a full upper untl lower sett. - II. A. LOWRANCE. C R. HVCASTEtt. u.2?” We a: ’••'"'t'-r fientj sura it p host Hate; ?<*:tson: HO\. T. T. IUV7N. IViltes co. On. 1! J 01»IUIY. bl-q ■ MoTjtau co '•: HU Ei XI. '•riNDLKI’ON, Hancock co. WILSON Blltf). Esit.; •• '•* o. 1*. FITZSIMMON.'. Esq .Durk “ 11A ITU DICKSON. Esq . Newton “ K. F.OONN Al.T.Y. F.sq , Iluikc .1 A BELL- K-q., Ogh thorpe •• T11 • )S. W. V/IIATLHY, K-q„ l{ ciu h Is- land; mid tunny others. . . ,, , • C3T Parapfilct* ciintainiiig Analyses"',4c., furnished on application. •' i; , S-3P P ico iu An’;il-t t pel- Ton Cot) 0l». u.’sS' DLcpnnt maths to ptrrchn-'tr* of Five Tons ot morel Aim, always on hand, LA N O J’irAtVl' E U, 1 B one Dusf, . ' VRRUVAAN.- U\IAW, American Guano, &C- &0. T. V. STOVATjL & CO. 285 Brood Street, 0cl2 7 AUGUSTA, G A Georgia State Lottery, rott Tin; «h\hpit or the ILbii lie e l! o Union .Academy, Authorized ly Special Act of th/t Legislature. 25,828 PRISES. More than one Driy io every Two Tickets! WRITE &RITOH, Clothcrs & Merchant Tailors- XeN\ ¥s\W Ik NV\w\cy S\oc\lI Just received and are now open, 1 AA DOZ. Golden Hill Shirts, fur s«le J UU by WHITE & HITCH. New Barber Shop. T HE imdcr-ignel opened on yerfer- day bis-new Burlier bliop, over tho Rook Store.corner Broad Strei-tnnd College Avenue —entrance next door t» Messrs .Vaudeville's Store—where be hope* to receive a liberal sharo of the ptjbltc patronage. Oct 27. B J ABZE^ GIVE ME A TRIAL- t yonr intcr- traile wilirme. Oct 21 .7 M KENNEY I will do my best to make est to trade uitlrme. McKIPTNEY & Co., MANAGERS. CAPITAL PRIZE Whole Tickets $10; Halves, 86; Q’r*. $2.60. UltigniCcent Scheme! . to as o.-i.nvx , Each Saturday inr-Nov. 1859. Class 44, to be drawn N-vl 6, ff-59 "Urass 4.^, to be drawn. JB.,1859.' Class 46 Jo lie.drawn “ 20, 1851). Class 47, Jo be drawn *' 27, 1859. For Sale! 1 r\f\ KEGS best •• Parker’ Mills” Nails, 1 vVj-all •stzas. Wc will sell these to huj^laraat Augusta )ni:rs.' freight-added. Also, the best lot of bucks. Hinges, Screws. Donr 'and Window Ftrsd-nings < v. r offered in this place. At will lie sold at ihe lowest figures fur C A Mi ior'» ppr.)vej! t-reffi Cell at'iiie ll-irdwa-e r-tere of Oct’JO—fim A M WYNG * 00. sizes, Oet 20 Flower Pots, glazed and ung! izc.l. fur saleliy T Bi’SHAP ttSOV. Heavy Guony Bagging, * ND b“st .Machine made Bale Hope, fur XI. rale low, by T. BlSflOd’ 4- SON. sale low, by Oct. 13 1 Pvize if ffifi.OOO i* *60.000 t zO.Oitli h 1 20.000 1 10,000 i* 10.000 1 5 is 5.00o 1 4,000 it - 4.0(10 1 soon 1* 6.000 1 *2 1 co i* 2.000 1 l in 1.500 ! “ 1 100 i« 1.100 1 Prize « of* 1 dtO r rt* 5,000 to 50f! «i 6,000 - 4'4)’?rre -COO 2 Sflrt are 600 2 20;i aro *^ v 400 ’.0 1ft0 ar^* 7,600 100 l«‘«» a»v 10.000 100 nrft 9,600 100 •• 85 arc 8,500 Ari’&OXIMAllOK I’f.JZKH 4 •■ •duo. , ,<.0.0«o > r 800 4 “ 1 ,Tu 20,000 “ 6(10 4 “ 125 K'.oOo “' Wo 4 “ 111O 5 000 •* v 4«0 3 “ 80 4,tl00 ” ciO 8 “ 60 3.000 •* • 460 S “ 8 *• ‘ 50 2 0W *• 40 l f.oo •• - ^ 400 •- 20 100 “ 3,(W 25.000 3 ' 200STO 25.828 ’tize*. arnouiitinarto $366,040 Ccrri :c lies of Packages will he sold af We f-tlbvwinp rates, whirl: is the risk: " ** t Ccrt’te of Package ..f 10 Whole Tickets, tf.O “ If Half 80 TMPORTED from Baker’s and Jarvis’ Xj Islands, :o III! respec s to the beat l’eruviau Guanu, and sold nt about t One-third less Price ! GEORGIA—Clarke county. ‘ Court of Ordinary of said county. T\f JIKlvEASk Alexander k\ Pope, Guardian >7 orwin iam K'Pope, pim»r of Biirwejl Pope, deceased, is desirous of obtaining Let- I Tl(is article can be confidently -recoin tn»-n ter- Dismiesory fnwu said-goardiniutltip, : • ded'to planters' and tv heat-growers as one lti- there live, upon the application ofsaid .of the best terfilisera known. ij ..'n..n.„., For sa.0 (and descriptive pamphlets fbr- nisKbd on applicotien) bv H.-F. URQUIIART, Nuv3 - . - • Augusta, Ga Guardt<n. < rd-n d by the Court, tlmt nll per. son* concerned, uppenr at Urn tegular term .of this Court, .to be held on the second Mon day in January next, lo show cause why *4id Gnanliaii should not lie dismissed from said guu (liaii.ltip. _. . A true copy from the Minntes bf said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 7 ;h dav uf November. 1859. ■ , . Nov. nr ASA ii. JACKSONj Oqd’y. r.v this Sslwnw. FctziJutwr* can select their uwp Nnnbeis. Snffpife »«f at*«mnt tor * Ticket they may fVT^brk'oi-e'i. ,!r*wc-Oc&.'if&** And on cVe.y ’Stic*ec ling .l«y(Sttudays «• footed l-ut,-5 u'rtmffi P. M. ' -* .s,-h«r,f, efu-r- ere75 Number* placet) fit the -t —a •—! —of these Jiunt IVIl-e!- 1 V, . Sit ,f[. tbirtv for oris: tt thtce seterieq ■Icati.-, .,9V. -S. ,.T ,v ; AbM'1’1- | Sritva. besets foroney „ it,- ; . rf - a H . •• *./ „ Kniat«s(h«.> <«swn, » Mfe* ft'MWf-y LV ,8.2.>00 ill.turn eMy; ^^efrra’ff.ohheWW x Sr.fe«ai*i - M:v fiULUVS KLEfTfON. Orica imJS t r ll ‘ 'it .jo:i e!v tkm rv»uh«*d" m ’tlk* ' l " r*sact(iun rat, of. tffeiify-, t V'enLaivcfc, to the State -'"’f, three Senators, nnd a ' ngress. iln, Boull^ncv. ue up ip 75-—wtiff tweL eof these Nuni from the ffOteel." If s per». B sefret* ,’, ‘ r.i-cr fnr.O *ta»7»; Tfutrvhat Nttnlhsf Is sm.tnz I., N,U. ■- t dmteit, hr (Me five time* the «!*o(l»t ileti If l .elected Nunthflt are drawn, he if three selected Number* are ’* four selected •ecti jdtrel. di'u T of ( ’*"» Miles -T;tvh)i’d- mn ^ Joulicnc Lmnpi-ahj eletU;3 'tliw'r * ofa ffvV (fionisoddet i: It'nhfkeiecteii dumtmvste «*«WW fifteen ws l^nA tnotte Ueiuesnlietf if two. "t nuee. eefczietl l*het>t*ni»U«f tbnm Jia»he»*yve feeted scc^fut drswn smdfdftSe'Ptvri** Drawn Nttat bevs,4hr;ltek«t is * Blank. * I!av;m:i plan liOltcries Draw four (4) l i«'« a Mmsdr l4' K ***“» tr gg-yJESSLSjgiJ 1 ^ ou#co (XJtll fffl iOYeeris Almanac jast received. m KlfCHANTS efitiplied nt Aiigti-Hi rates. Novl7 was. WHITE. i«.-.a-c—*—!'———• -f-*-*?*-,t 'tisAJ .- CkjjDbham Academy, T HE exercises of fftj* iii'GtuUpn — : ’2d Januiify, i860, flhjs prepn t’utegt. Ntimber of pripH* bin tied *o ffiur. Tuition tit) per quarter. For full vartieidnre, mldreM ’ ’ J'. G. WHITE,’Principal. Nov lT" ini ’ ff tlt. n«, Off. Oysters and Fish! 1 S.tlilf THOM AS, hIiVin£long sorv6d the JL cainmnnity t-f Atheus as Tt "mif rieF, (and lie hope* with fidelity) is still dtaposed to exteod hwai-ttt(Jces*, by sSpplyGg citizenh . withOyatersntui Ftnit tlie present seasnu — -He ha*- elLetsd an arrangetnent with'the • Adams Express Oontpany, by which be is . etn.bteelwu ftunUh the'best Norfolk Oysters at Ao^uUapiices ranA.he wishes itdistinctly : notlrrshsod thatUiey are nut b-Kight'second- •hvwd'-tn Asfn4-i. but direct throogh from N or fffrik. packed in ice. BJm4CK FISH also, frl-sh'Frhtu ths C’t irlestnn market, Willis’ r carried" to she doors of purchnsere. Not lieing valuable plantation BWilLbe siffi, thforc : ub.C‘m7t house ffibr in Jitckson county, on tbe fust Tuesday Dccamboi ncxr, ,.w ; tfmL.jU# legal Jiours of 'aislo, tne following proper.yj to wit: . A tract of. land, ; cmtainiifg two hund-ed and sixty-one acres, lying one mile and a balt-hbovo Harmony. Grove! on tlie'rnad leading from AtbStiS-to’Clarkesville. It is weil iinproved. witli.q gimhonse. threslrer and screw. -- C .UiKRAU BUTLER. Nov-^lseO . ,i* ..., - - - id* P V Shoos! Shoes!! Shoes!!! .OUNTUY MADE and Nor hern. Kef SStttck. ju*t opeoe'iT bv Oft. 13 '1*. BISHO !* Sr SCM. ‘ T7T DISSOLUTION. yill rjifit ' w» r 'Icalhs bMUpHRUte |tatr-n 4 Co, u this dav d 1 *».".!vhd by •pared fur ’ age of lire citizens of Athens. NovIO the dibt* of Ufa first o twenty- i aowwi. TtflirTWTvn.ttm, roHrfei, | tied by Mr D. C. Langston, by t COPPER LIGHTNING-ROD CO: AlffitfiTA. ti£ A RE now prep-trtd to ft.mish th’n celebra ted Cupper Rmf'io alTwho may$e in wahtof.thc. tirirdeT at short notice. fTh K _Red has’tijth'f timCa tlte cqrtdurtluf power* •.."new ™- ' *”’* ~ * m ''f 1 * 1 has'eiyh't times tlie cqttilurtluf pother of - Irim. MV, W. A. Fatuiau is our iiutho- r.izcd agoti'C dt ’Alhei s for soliciting 'orders. ■ New Boarding House. T HE- tmtb-twfgned lias lately taken 1 sion of that large and well-kwcwh ,, , . „ . .. and (jbnreb streets-(fnt* Ac. JTmodel . f the Uotl may he seen at his mer I v -HtiiiMkh Mote IT where he isprepof - store. For fifrtlter. information see circnlars. ■ed toneeominod^te n large nttinber-of board- iftfiis-po^fsstrat. -’ '-R7B.CLARK, SFE. era. His 4S>w^.-bftp*»l«»ee’ St the busines*, - NtwlB Lo-. - : Augusta, Ga Aogether. -with ir de-ire t<vi«leaKf, leads Jlim or. 1 ., "rr, ff-t ; ■ : . ■■ *• — to hotmhha* be wiD 4se able t»»-give rmire J-f .- .r -tteavy Iaaseya- s.tti,'!’cttt:oh— D.,ll, AWiXAKIlER. JllINCEfON’ Ftsc lory At Factory price. Athens,;Nuv;17 tf * ' I . . „„ L M. KENNEY. trtM} Ojf eg.' -i »>b • m-fi Paints, Oils and Glasswai'e. T MK largest n:ul bust -elected stock ever brought t* this market, of beat). Zinc, Oita, Paint Brushes, and Colors of all kin !c. Al-o. Uindnw (Hassfifnll sizes ami qua ! ilie>s with, a verv fiue arti cle ot French l’laletihisa lor pictures. Bottle* and'Jars of nil kinds, for sale very' low, by , 0. W; A 1L Ii J. LONG. Jt-.'y 14 £ignNegro anti Mortar. newbooksT^ C ARPKNTEb'BUtre snrl'lteyond, or The New Miui.ihc.VrnaMav; . " Dunallcn; D-'Wtiing's Fruits and-FruitTrees, llecttny tffMtWtdand, Out ••f t!le'fiep\lis, * ' ’ Huglt YHHer’a J*>tf uhfngraplyri'.i •■ .Life-, ... "Testi trroiTy-ofahe Rocks, * TtipulaV Geofogy Widd,Held’s Cookery. - Holmes’’ Parties and their Principles; A dam ffjjfte, Cortlova’t Ma|r of Tdxas. De Quincy’Sq'Lbglc 'of PuKticul Law-, yer'tt Co(i»U¥iu>place Btstk,. New Catuiiuu Sa cra, Klipport on the Wheat Plant, Flint 011' Grasse*.’* Djirfingtoijls Anverican pfeeds and’ Useful Lxaigs. ; Also, New Music. Just received. - WM. K: WHITE. ,l ■«-.—a ; - -s ■ :. : WHEAT AND CORN WANTED! TNOR wb’clt the highest cash"prier-sprill ba r paid bv . E II’HODGSON i BRu'd. Oct 13—6t NEGRO COzlT-i. ICA-SlTilRIOit Negro Coals, f-.r sale 1 OU cheap by Out 13 gjR l, BLOOMFIELD.* A Georgia look! fUST received. - • I LAMAR’S GRAMMAR, Sept. 3. W JI. N. W1IITE, Iteretof-rre-i-xisHnS tin er the name and -tyle of D. B. Iatngst»u mutual cop- firm will be *it- r _ winim tho bu •sintSs iviH-be coutinued. '-If. • l>. B. LANGSTON. - .O S. WILLIFOItl), • The undersigned, is withdrawing, would return hi* thanks to the travelling publi?, fur their Ij^cfal patronage .-toward* tbe above GEORGIA-—-Clarke 'ooimty. W HEKEAfe, I'-ertm-lin.Eidsan ap)dies to me fn* Letter^ of Athititlistr tiion on the Estate <t.fjuhu Eidson, lattf-of aaid coun ty, deceased: — ' — i * These arc; tlferefbro, tn eijo and admonish all and sir.guUi-, t}tp kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to he aud app.-nr at my office on or before the first Monday t " ceSiber ncxJL to shojy, caitse lif tyre’**--■* ts ny saW Xi Iters should got then J. W. HALL AM; O RGANIST of Euiuutiri Omielt. Athens. will give fn-truc'itu’i In' Organ, Piano and Vttni Music.’ Tlitirttngh m*fcncuoa given in the culiivniioit el the vetce, in Opera, Oratorio efBil ad Sinking. tar All order* may be tell at thermic of Mb A. K Ghihls. Ot t. 27., **' “ 10 Quarter “ 15 . “ “ lO Uighni' ’ 7,5C In ordering Tickets or Certificates Enclose the tnvntcy trv^ur addit-H* for- tito Tick eta owlerid. <n rt eclpt ,.f wUielt they will hi fin warded l.y-lsrM ninth I'tttchasers can have 'ifeket* ci.d'ng in any tigure tlitw mav U*-*i@!in , c. - 'fits ii-: of Drawn Numbers nnd Prison will h<> sent-to put-eld-«rs immeiiiatelv alter ths drtrtvit g. • ' . * '•» *' AH commnnit-ationsatriotly confidentiaL - ■ Order*, for Tie bet*-or (-’ortifieute*, by Mail or Kxprcfi,to bj iltrsiflaid in'.' MeKINNEY ft OO., j-lv 28 • Savannah, Ga. TI* S. Mail Line, NEW BOOKS! M Y Third Bopk ;, Henry St John Gentleman,; -TMmotit of-Mffcljtlt't;: *> French Rcvolutir.u, Ab'-.ctl ; IIldd. il Path ; Alone ; w. Rniith’s History of Greece; . Student’s,Mum.-; i! rUlSddtei’i R«n*; j - _ Nyv* Piqtpmary * j : j cient, atwl !fl-1 avela i From Atfucn-v via Dtvnie,3vi 11 e, Madi- Bon Sprin|p- Frnnldin Seringa;- ; Rotvc'rsvilfe'arnYtlarttvcl!, to Ant!arson C.^ JI*, S. <3.. . . 73H2 Proprietor* dT'ihe above line would re- t specT'iTly atim> ’Tc ifitrt i i- talions from Ait *rn l.-tuguages; ^ - llutub'ildt; kLwUnd I .ibei tr ft A met M.tckay ; , Vujc<*il>e Night. Cummiiig; ■ 'peiwfjlL.Ur-.. 1 . - Ln:yert’* t fi<iuveni^s,()f Travel • ' li*ad ( !y*sHvn*l-in^M«:iTiiid4ii*. Genera! St; * N tpoleoH and iu* MitsiuiU; • *<- ' War of lfit2; • : TJR of ; H«veT.-ch ; •» Et,cyc!o|»-din'of' Wit and Uiimur ; , ; [jfiyatb^tshtrsef. ■EHmr.-ifr^p a f fe*f 1 4 ArnTicin Nights V'sii.^rtrtTnrnent";* *" Oat; *j;.i8WL tWrM. S. WtHTR. ston. - « - Nov. 10—3t Tobacco and Eegara, < .Cheese! Cheese!! “ YtlLES A Son’s State-aud other brand-.. 4Jii 0ctei . - 1 M KENNEY. feifci . woeWfiaNsr i TA ED Rl.itikits—Ncgrri.'Li5-ev a—Chit tfjauiL Comfort*; Cluldr-n s xluotU, iinil Bwtit*. atpl viuiuus other articles, .'to W had ciiu.p.Ht ■ ^ Oct 27 Vince ,to tho travelTiiig T| kedwffi ersun* going they bitVrf thijoioe ttocLed (vith _tl I'N-t.Ti"r*e< and Tr>.y cfoSchc*. Person* gttii Oo'tb- Mn d*"t| FprityV.'tr Item tlie West’... 1 tf Ml’p.’r Diswfets. uf flKniTt 'Ouroltna. or tV-.iiri’(Vrolftnt weArilVff',Vilfjpt! this route .■‘Jti"tr»u»! anil List .vbn.. 1 JiZ rftj sb trte»r. chcapeat and best —ciinnerting »I'li the tram* <11 the Cenrgia Rntlroad at a'ft.-r,tho arrival H °f thicnB^'i ii* limit.''•U'’irnittgi“n ttmf < ^, T . ^LlAc.OlTiee, . ' .Peiuu.u Houic.. Ah'lerron. 11 D. B. LANGSTON. Proprietor'. EstPa T$nrfeisSe4T__ TbST rPct by " T BISHC PNints and Oils, ': .'Ihhii /TOFFEE, Salt, Iron, attd other heavy G ceries. Oct 27 «.ra ^ KENNEY l M RENNET; ieao, •wS a*! t* '