The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 08, 1860, Image 3

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Braaf irai Plate Work, y; t were diown bj Messrs. Low- rjnce & Lancaster, one day last week, complete set of tipper and lower ^ w hich reflected much'credit jhem. There is no town or ci- ' inl (,e Jan«l where better plate*work be done than in Athens. jg-Thc attention of country mer- fl Miis is directed t" the card of Mr. \S R. Morton, of Charleston dealer Hardware, in this paper. jg-Thc prospect of the growing wheat ciop in this region is daily brightening. Fields which were thought to be killed out, are becom j„g green, and if the balance of the rowing season shall be favorably, we will have at least a fair average crop. ^ Palmer Out and Gonel By a letter from a friend in Mon roe, we learn that the notorious “D. Palmer, Jr., of St. Louis,’’ broke jail that place, about 2 o’clock on the -corning of the 2d inst., and is out »nd gone • This scoundrel, it will be recollected, robbed and set fire to tbe post office in this place some time since, and in addition, was probably one of old Brown’s Harper’s Ferry msn . What a pity it is that “the bora” did not hang him here, as they threatened to do! Our informant states that after breaking the inner door of the prison with a piece of iron, which was evi dently handed him from the outside, be offered to liberate the other pri- W ners, but they declined to follow him. f Look out for him! he will be into some villainy in less than a week* Jackson Superior Court. The Superior Court for Jackson county was held at Jefferson last week—his Honor N. L. Hutchins, presiding. A good deal of business i was disposed of—though no cases of great importance were tried. One poor fellow (name not recollected) was sent to Milledgeville for stealing money. Owing to the thin attend ance nf lawyers, or some other cause, Court adjou-ned Friday afternoon. Before leaving, a legal friend fur nished us the following list of lawyers in attendance: Athcns.-W. L. Mitchell, W. H. Hull, W. G. Delony, S. P. Thurmond, E. P. Lumpkin, J. R. Lyle, T. W. Walker, T. M. Daniel, J. C. Lump kin. Jefferson.— It. J. Millican, W. L. Mirier, J. B. Silinan, J. R. North, M.M. Pittman, J. B. S. Davis, A J. Hardy, P. F. Hinton. Jackson County.—J. K. Cowan, J. A. Lt-sscur. Lexington.—B. F. Hardeman, E. C. Shackelford. Monroe.—D. H. Walker, George S. Uilyer. Situs Department. Pennsylvania Democratic Convention. Reading, Penn., March 1.—The Democratic State Convention of Penn sylvania adjourned to-day after ap pointing delegates to Charleston, and the adoption of resolutions endorsing the Cincinnati Platform—declaring that the right to hold slaves in the Territories is purely a Judicial ques tion—denouncing the “irrepressible conflict” doctrine—Applauding Mr. Buchanan’s administration—favor ing the granting of protection to the iron and coal interests of the country —endorsing Mr. Buchanan’s views regarding specific duties—and agree ing to support for the next Presi dency tho nominee pf the Charleston Convention. Carnesville.—W. T. Millican. hanks County,—D. G. Candler. Homer.—T. T. Pittman. Lwrtnceville.—J. N. Glenn, N. I L. Hutchins, Jr., T. M. Peeples, S. I J. Winn. Gainesville.—E. M. Johnson, C. R. Simmons. Madison County.—G. Nash. hanielsville.—J. M. Matthews. Thirty-four in all! It is proper to remark, that several lawyers who tonally attend this Court were ab- •tnt last week! The Hungarian. Halifax, March 2.—An official let ter from Mr. Townsend, government agent at the wreck of the ill-fated steamer Hungarian, says it is now ascertained beyond a doubt that there are no survivors. Only three bodies have thus far been found—one wo man, one man, (snpposed to be a fire man,) and one child. A considerable quantity of goods arc drifting ashore at Shelborne Ilar- bor. The ship’s articles have been fonnd, showing that tbe crew numbered 75. No passenger list has been found. The rumored finding of the clear ance papers turns out to be untrue. The only passengers known to have been on board were William Bolton- house, Sackville, and Dr. Babbitt, of New York, whose box has been fourd, containing letters from his wife and daughter. Particular care will be taken of the bodies found. They will be bn ried in separate graves, so that their relatives and friends may recover them. The mails are soaked to a pulp.— They willbe sent to Halifax. From Havana. New Orleans, March 5.—The steamship Havana has arrived with dates from Havana to March 1st. The steamship Baltimore, from Baltimore, arrived at Havana on the 29th ult. Sugar at Havana closed at steady prices. The weather was still un favorable for the new crop. The stock was 90,000 against 140,000 boxes last year. 'J he exports of the week were 10,000 boxes. - The steamers General Miramon and Marquis of Havana, sailed from Havana for Yera Cruz on the 27th February, under the Mexican flag It is reported that both of those steamers were purchased by Gen. Santa Anna to aid Gen. Miramon in bis siege on Vera Cruz. National Union Party. Washington, March 5.—The Na tional Executive Committee of the Union party have decided on the 9th of May as the time of holding the Natienal Convention at Baltimore. The Bark Wanderer. Boston, March 5.—The bark Wan derer sailed to-day for Havana. The Hungarian's Passengers. New York, March 5.—The Cap tain of the steamship. Africa thinks that there were one hundred and fif ty passengers on board of the steam ship Huugarian. Louisiana Democratic Convention. Baton Rouge, Ln., March 5.—The Democratic Cpnvention met to-day, and organized. Resolutions were of fered instructing their delegates at Charleston to support the nominee of that Convention provided he is a good Democrat. Illness of Attorney General Black. Washington, March 3.—The Uni ted States Attorney General, the Hon. J. S. Black, is now lying da* gernusly ill. Be-Kleetlon of Hon. J. A. Pearce. Baltimore, M«l., March 3.—The Maryland Legislature has re-elected the Hon. James A. Pearce, United States Senator. opening the.African slave trade. Washington, March 5,—In the Senate to-day, Mr Latham (Califor nia Senator) was qualified and took his seat,. The Florida claim bill was made the special order ef the day, for Mon day the 19th inst. The.bill amending the act estab fishing the court of claims was taken up. Messrs. Iverson, Benjamin, and others discussed the merits of the bill. Iu the House a resolution was adopted to inquire if the President or any officer of government had sought to interfere with the execu tion of any law—if money had been used for electioneering in any of the States, &c. Ac. Mr. Reagan introduced a resolu tion to place five millions of dollars at the disposal of the President to suppress hostilitieson the Rio Grande. It was reported to the Military Com mittee. The heart u true! the Southern heart! For Union awl for Liberty, As magnet to the pole and chart; A heart that beats, but to be free t It animates my eoal With more than shining gold, Tii to me free,— Freedom for me I The North, if* shakes ita gory locks” Wet with the blood at Harper’s shed, Our fnemeu, now, amid our rucks. Our brother*, but now as dead ! They gnash sgainst our peace A blast just like a sneeze I Stand from <mr trade. Then darksome shade I But, still for Union throb our hearts. As tbrobb'd the heart of Washington, v. Founded 1838. Chartered 1834. LOCATED COR. OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES ST:? , BALTIMORE, MD. T HE Largest, Most Elegantly furnished, and Popular Commercial Cot ege in the Uni ted Stairs—Designed expressly fur Young Men desiring to obtain a'Thorough Practical Business Education. in the ehortest possible time stitl at the leest expense. A Large aucl Ornamented ir cotar. continuing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET Spetimens ut Penmanship, and a Large Engraving .(the finest of tlt« kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior View of the College with Ca alogue stating term*, Ac., will he sent to every Young Man jo application. Fret of Charge. Write immediately and you will re ceive the package by return mail. Addre s, E. A. LOSIER. March I. Baltimore, Md. For Lake, and stresms, and hill* and mart. BUggiSS, ROCkaWaVS, and ^CARRIAGES, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, Match 3,. 1360, A called meeting of the Board was held title evening. Present— Intendant Lyle and Wardens Ohilde, Pilner, Crane, MeCleskey and Camak. The.minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Treasurer's monthly report was read and adopted. The Marshal’s and Dep Marshal’s monthly reports were read and received. The street committees then made their re ports, Ac. Complaint was made of a street intrusion in front of George P, Fellow's wood shop. It was ordered that Mr. Fellows be in structed to remove said obstruction at anon as practicable. Wardens Taylor and Camak were appoint ed a committee to confer with Messrs. Wil lingham and Lumpkin on the subject of streightning and widening the street, near the forks of the road, on . rince avenue. Ordf red, that an overaeer be appointed to look af'er the street hands—be under the supervision of the street connnittee. Tite petition of the Rev. Mr. Jennings was then presented, asking that a culvert be built from the corner of T. W. Warker's Wit to the corner of Mr. Jenning's lot, across market street, which was layed over for the present. On motion, 2d License was granted to Messrs Reese A Hampton. * Warden Camak moved that the Board now elect an attorney for the town, fur the year I860. Carried. Whereupon Warden Camak nominated the names of E. P. Lumpkin, Esq. T. M. Daniel, Esq, and T. W. Walker, Esq., at suitable persons to fill that office. Moved, by Warden MeCleskey, that the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated as the salary for the attorney to the Board for the present year. On motier, Wm. L. Mitchell, Esq., was elected attorney to the Board for the preseut year. 1860. On motion, the Clerk of Council wae au thorised to pay all interest due on any bonds against the town of Athens. On motion, the Bnard then adjourned. WM. H. DORSEY. Clerk. Ws. H. Dorset, Treasurer, is account with the Town of Athens, for the month of Febru- ry, 1860. By cash on hand. Tiylor A Lampkiu for qt. License, John Kittle, Dray do Jaa. I. Colt, do For violation of the 5th section. B B Moon, for fines collected, Ac, B F Venable, fines, &e, J E Roes, for Dray License, We share this Government, Will share it in our Tents I Swords far the North, If nothing worth. Vee, the long line of gleaming swords, And deadly rifles, for the North, And its amalgamated hords. If nothing, but to plague tie. worth 1 Ch, spirit of the South, Washington, for our youth,— Bless thou, our Laud, Ged ct.oeeu mpn 1 Synopsis of Sheriffs Sales. FIRST TUESDAY ir APRIL. r • —O WSLTOX COUNTY, On« grey horse, ten years old, one buggy and harness. Levied on as the property of Stephen T. Hearn. jseason county A negro giil by the name of Lydia, about fifty-five years of age. Levied on bn the pro perty of Green D. Thompson. Also, eighty seven acres of land, more or leas, lying, portion in Jackson and Hall coun ty, on the waters of the Walnut fork of the Oconee River, adjoining lands of Veal. Cnfer and others, Levied nu as the property of Martin Rouse, Also, forty acres on the waters of Bush creek, adjoining A Moon, Timan, P. Harrison and others. Levied ae the pr< perty of Hosea L. Dotster. franklin coo.vrr. One negro girl, by the name of Jane, about six years old. Levied upon as the-property Joseph R. Osmint. RABUN COUNTY. Lot of land .No. 47. in the 2d dis., it being the place whereon John W. W hituiire now lives. Levied on as the property of said John W. Whitmire. Also, four acres of tbe north half of lot of land no. 20. in the 2d dis., it being that por lion on which the blacksmith shop now stands. Levied on as the property of Alfred Price Also, all of the north half of lot of. land no. 20. in tbe 2d dis. except 4 acres on which a blacksmith shop now stands. Levied on as the property of Wm. J. Gaines, deceased. Also, lot of land, known as the plaoe whereon Tbomat Williams now lives; as the property of Allred Pierce. HABERSHAM COUNTY. Three hundred acres of land, more or lees. No. 68, in the sixth dis. Levied on the pro perly of James C. Moore. Capital Prize $100,0001 , .THE BXTBAOBDIVART DBAWIXGS ■ Of Wood, ISddy Sl Co.VrMitfto Nomhatr butler*** trill > ukt place in public, under the Superintendence ot 1 Sworn Commissi,mers, at Ausuits,. GcorgU, as foltnwi:, I Class No. 60 ftraws Saturday!Feb. 18, 18511. Class No. 96 Draws Sitacdty. Feb. 25. I860. Class Xo. 156 Draws Saturday, Slur. SI. I860 Class ire. 204 Draws Saturday. Apr. 21, I860 Nearly one Prize to every two Tickets. GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, To take piece as above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $100,000! •i.<w •5J.OOO IUO Prise of S 1.000 170 - 111,11001 65 •• 6.00ol 65 •• 5.000’ 65 •• 4 OOO) 65 •• 3.00011,810 •« 8,00O|S7,MO " 20 49,595 Prizes anon nti e| ts $1,186,785 MONROE, GA. e I 'HE subscriber is now carrying on the JL Carriage-ranking business extensively, in Mnnroc, Walton county. Hie work is bui’.t of the very best mate-i alsto be had anywhere, and hi* workmi-n are faithful and capable. No better vehicle* can he found any Wliere, as hundreds can attest, who have bought and used them. rr lie has also on hand, and will con stantly keep, an asm.-tment of Northern Carriages, which will be sold cheap. To his friends in Walton, Jaekscn. Clarke, sad adjoining counties, he would say. Come to Monroe sad bur cheap trad good vehicles. Itwijl coat them nothing to«aU and examine his stork. If desired, vehicles can be sent to pur chaser* at any point they may direct. Repairing of all kinds promptly attend Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarter $250 Certificates of Packages will sold at tbe fol low ing rate-. which is the risk; Certificate of Package of96 Whole Tickets, $299 00 •• •• »l Half “ 149 00 •* « 26 Quarter “ 74 00 “ •• 96 Eighths •« 37 47 to. Monroe, Feb. 23,18‘>0. . HUGHES. Lumpkin Law School, ATHENS, GA. Paorxssoas—Hon. JOS. n. LUMPKIN, WM. H. HULL, Esq , TIIOS. R. R. COBB, Esq. T HE next Term of this School will com menre on Monday, 2d of April. 1860. Circulars, giving full inf«rmntio.i.ean be. had on application to either of the Profea ors Feb 16, I860—4t EF" Every newspaper in Georgia will give the above four weekly insertions, and send tho bill to Wm. H. Hull, Esq.. Athena. ROSS CRANE, Agent for John Baird's MARBLE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn., I S prepared to fill orders for every variety of Monumental Work, Tombstones,Tab Jets, ornamental effigies. <to. . Marble hearth atones, tnaibiel-pieco*, slabs for centre-tables and marble work of all descriptions can lw procured through hi* agency, at reasonable prices* .Sept. 15, it, $1090 88 Paid Jess* Gaon, for street work, Wm Starnes, do Stephen Shield, do Henry Childers, do. Stephens Shields, do Obedi&b Vincent, do Edward Q lesson, .do Jesse Gann, do . "Wm Starnes. do Edward Gleason, do Wm Wood, for Mr*. Lewis’ fr f R M Pitman, for lumber, Charles Feeler, fur maronry, . Josheph Kenney, for sills, Stephen Shields, at. work. Cash ou hand. $1060 88 Sterieb, At the residence of the bride’s father, in Murrey county, Ga , on the 23d ult., by the Bev. Mr. Gambrel). Mr. J. T Whitman, of the Forth Georgia Time*, and Mis* Cobnklia C. Bbowx, dnnght«r of Dr. (1 R. Brown, CONGRESSIONAL. Etna Insurance Company. ^ e copy from a Nashville paper the following notice of this long es tablished, sound and reliable Insur ance Company, for which our fellow- citizen, Mr. S. J. Maya, is local Agent in this place. *ttna Insurance Company.—The ‘ttentioo o»' our readers is invited to She advertisement of this Company, to be found in another column of this paper. Showing a soundness and ability unequalled by any other sim ilar Institution, this company has by ! ts prompt and liberal payment of toses. ami able management, secur- *a the confidence and patronage of . entire American people. Since * organization in 1819 it has *m- oreased its capital from one hundred 'msand dollars to fifteen hundred , and dollars, and a surplus ex tending f* vc hundred thousand di>|- •” rs T meantime it has paid in losses '*r thirteen million of dollars.— “ch & success is unparalleled in the “story of any Insurance ^Company the world. This unequalled :suc- a " a9 been attained by careful “bagement, fair dealing and ado- H *te rates of premium for tbe risks ^ 'mod. No Insurance Company obt* a *' e I )crmanent success without in ,n mn 2 “dequato paying rates, and ~ Cases dealing with fairness, P^O'ptneas and liberality. Those off>r \ ns ? re l * ,e5r property at rates lb * by Companies of doubtful ts “ R d managed by inexperi- t ?*d officer,, will discover too late the i Chea P purchases are not always best economy. to tl> ar * . rmer fnends would find CJ ,nler wt to insure their dwch tC*, ^^ buildings and contents in |' lc -®tna for a term of Is ***»—U* os e years or S -SwfcifcTS? *»• fo®d? t8 f ° r thi ® Company will be lotunro L. e , r r v v-‘ ty ' aiKl town of im ' e n Uwtod States, where Washington, March 1.—Mr. Wil son, of Massachusetts, in the Senate yesterday presented a memorial from merchants, underwriters and others of Boston, praying for the establish ment of a semi-monthly line of mail steamers from Charleston to Havana, via Key West. ’Dougins in Louisiana. Washington, March 2.—The States nnblishes a letter from J. E. Boulig* ty to prominent Louisianans,replying of them in reference to the nominee of the Charleston Convention. Bou- ligny advocates the selection of Sen ator Douglas as the most reliable driend of the South in the North. Washington, March 2.—In the Senate to-day twenty two private bills passed. - ■ ****— ■ - r In the House, Ford, was elected Printer by two majority. Several private bills were reported on. A bill was passed allowing pub lishers of newspapers to print or stick printed slips, announcing to their subscribers the time of tbe expira tion of subscriptions. Both Houses have adjourned until Monday. Washington, March 1.—In the Senate to-day, Mr. Davis, of Missis sippi, presented the resolutions of the Democratic caucus, as a substi tute to bis own. Mr. Brown’s bill for the protec tion of property in the territories, waswostponed until" Monday. Mr. Wigfall, of Texas, moved to amend the Military Academy bill, so as to appropriate §1,100,000 for the purpose ofmaintaining a regiment uf mounted riflemen in TeiQ| Mr W. said there was an immediate ne cessity for such a regiment. The bill for tho distribution arms to the several States, was dis cussed. In the House, a bill for the pro tection of the lives of paasengers steamers, was introduced^ Mr. Ashmore, o r Snuth Carolina of the SPECIAL NOTICES. Holloway’s Pills—Swimming of the head, nausea, distaste lor food, and a feeing of lassitude and exhaustion, are infallibls indi cations cf a torpid stomach and a general slitggLhneM of the secretive organ* and tb<; circulation. But it i* not therefore rj let send fur a doctor. A course ot Holt way's great cathartic, alternative, and tonic remedy will remove every unplea.nnt aymp tom. and imbue-both the body and the miml unwonted energy. Every animal fluid will l>* purified, every ol»M ruction in the evacu ary channels swept away, every organ re g.netaied. Three may seem to be strong statement*, but the sick of all nations their *ouce and basis. of HARDWARE. WM. 11. MORTON, NO. 133 MEETING-STREET, CIIARESTON, S. C. O FFERS for sale, sttub lowest poestaut prices, for uAstt or raourr r»r. a very eomplslr and superior assortment of HARDWARE’ CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AND Plantation Tools, IMPOBTKD KX1*&*PAI.Y FOR THK SOUTHERN TRADE. Merchant* visiting the City are respect fully iuvited to examine the Block and pries*. QP* All order* for goods will receive prompt and earefal attention. March 8. Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, &c., &c. T HE snbMcriber keeps ou hand, and it eon Btantly rece ring fresh supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, & c - Which be offers for sale nt bis old and well known stand. No. 10, Broad Street Tli* long experience in tbe busines* is a sufficient guaranty of the genuineness of Uf articles offered for sale by liitn. Oct 13. R. M. SMITH. GEORGIA—Jackson county. TY^HEREAS. Sarah D. Brown applies to V> me for the Guardianship ol Hugh A. Brown. Fannie E. Brown, Lemttsl T. Brown. 8amnel C. Brown and Mary E. Brown, minor orphans of Thoms* L. Brown, deceased. The*e are. therefore, to cite and admonish all end singular, the kindred and friends of said orphan*, to show Cause (tf any they have) Letter* of Guardianship should nnt he granted the applicant, at the uext April of the Court of Ordinary for said county term. Given under my hand, at office, this 24tfi February. 1660. A. C. THOMPSON, March 3 Ordinary. Chills and PeTer! Chills and Feyer!! —One of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid before tbe public, fur Fever and Ague, and which have received the highest encomiums from the press and the people, i* DR. J. UOSTETT..US CELEBRATED BITTERS. Who would endore the torture* a rising-from this terrible di-case, when itcari be to easily cured! Wlut would endure sleepless nights, burning fevers nnd icy chill* alternately, when a remedy can be obtained for a mere trifle.’ And yet how many fami lisa linger out a painful existence undrr this deadly blight, and do nothing but gulp down tiinine, until it "becomes a* common as their aily meals, and yet they are not relieved.— None but tbe foolialt and weak would br*i tate to procure these valnalde Bitters, and save, thenwelve* intense agony. Sold by druggists and dealers generally every whe-e fjgTSee advertisement in another column. The Mustang Liniment cures Rheumatism; The Mustang Liniment cure* Stiff Joint*; The Must an? Liniment cures Burns and Wounds; The Mastangr Liniment cure* Sores, Ulcers, Breasts and sore Nipple*. Neuralgia, Corns anil WartfC-nd i* wurth $1,000,000 PEE, ANN J M To the Utiteri State*, as the preserver and restorer of valuable Horses and Cattle. It cures all Sprain*, Galds. Wouuda, Stiff Joints, Ac. Drd y«u ever bear ef any ordinary Sore. Swelling, Sprain nr Stiftne**, either on man or bta-t, which the Mustang Liniment would not cure I Did ynp aver vi*it any respecta ble Druggist in any part of the world—io Europe, America—who del not aay “ it was the greatest discovery of the age P * SnW everv where. Every family should have it; thr e sixes. The gnu nine i* said by respectable dealer* in all parts of the world. # . BARNES * PARK, Proprietors, New York. /AC iw TO PRINTERS. Complete Outfit for Sale { E have now on hand, and will sell low for cash,acompletsomfit for a country new*paper office, consisting of a Washington Press, large enough to print a sheet ~i by 3fi, chase*, leads, rules, dashes, and a sufficiency of Long Primer and Btevier to print a paper of that size. We will also *eli a dozen or two fonls of‘‘head letter” and joli type, and if derired one of the heat little job presaez in the State—fl tt-caj * * Fur further editor06 the March 8, d if de*ired one of the heat little n the State—fl it-cap »ix*., J ier particulars, inquire of the I e “ Watchman,” Athens, Ga.J 3, 1860—vf / made a speech in defence ^ South. lie refuted the charge that | R. Matthews, Athene. G$, J. F. O’KELLEY, P HOTOGRAPH and Ambrolype Artist. Broad and Spring Street*, over the* > tore of John THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKES ' CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. This invaluable medicine is unfailing io the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may he relied on. To Married Ladies It is peculiarly >ui>ed. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with reg ularity. CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by female* during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnane}’, a* they are sure to bring on Mitear- ringe, but at ang other time theg are safe. ln all case* of Nervous and Spinal Affec tions, Pain in the Rack and Limbs, Heavi ness, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lnwuee of spririts. Hysterics, Whites, and all the paiutnl disease* occa sioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed. - ' . Full directions aeeoinpany each package, which should be earututlv preserved. - A boulfi containing 30 pills, and encircled wth the Government of Stamp Great Britain, can be sent post for $1.00 and 6 postage stamps. General terns ter the United States and Canada? JOB MOSES, Rochester «• X HAVTLAND. CHICHETER * CO. . Augusta, Ga.. Wholesale Agants for Geo. ' For sale by C. W.4rH, R. J. Long, Agenf Athen*. April 21 E. R HODGSON & BROS, •* Mannfaetu vra and Dealers in C A-RRIAiG-ES SAfiNESS, &c. kc. - A.XKCE3STS, OA. H AVE nuw on band $10,000 worth finished Vehicles, being the lagrst aa- snTtment ever offered in this market, con sisting of Coaches, Bretts, Phaetons, Roekaways, Top and no-top Buggies, One and Two Horse Wagons, <tc. ALSO, A variety of Coach, Buggy and Sta Harness, Umbrellas, Whips, &c. To all of which we respectfully invito the attention of the public We atfe now prepared to offer greater in ducementa to pttichaserti than heretofore and will take pleasure in showing them our Stock, all of which will be sold low. Call and examine before purchasing else where. Ri pairing of all kinds promptly executed as usual.' Frb 25,1860— tf 5 Dollars a Cord for Tan Bark "ItffcCLSKEt it DOYLE arr paying $5 cash “ per cord f..r goo I tan bark delivered their Tan-yard in Athens. ORDINARY DRAWINGS nf Wood, til ly fc. 1*4ieri«* will take place at AtiguMa, Genrfn; antnllows— Cta** 68 Draw* oh Saturilay, Feb. 4, 1860 Clas* 69 Draws on Saturday, Feb. U. 1860 Class 60 Draws on Saturday. Feb. 25, 1860 Class 61 Draws on Suttanlay, March 3. 1860 Class 62 Draw* on Satucbty, MarehtO, 186(1 Class 63 Draws ou Saturday, MarthVJ, 1860 Class 64 Draws an Saturday, March'24, 1860 Class 65 Draws on Saturday, MarehSl, 1860 Class 66 Draws ou Saturday, April 7, 1860 Class 67 Draws on Saturday. April 14, 1860 Class 68 Draws on Saturday, April 21, I860 Cta** 70 Draw* on Saturtlay, April 28, 1860 Ordinary Drawing, To take place a* mbova specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $50>000! 1 Prim of 970,000 I 1 Prise of 9t .50n •* 10,000 50 Prizes of 500 « 5,000 100 « “ 400 1 •* u 4,000 100 « “ 300 •• *« 3,000 10O « •« 150 1100 “ “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prseso* $4oo Approxto $5o,oooPnze are$l y 6oo 4 4 ‘ “ 3oo ** 3n,ooo *• “ l,9no 4 “ “ 25o “ “ l«»,ooo “ “ l,ooo 4 '* ‘ 225 “ “ 5,ooo *• “ 9ooo 4 “ *« 2no “ “ 4,ooo *« •« 8000 4 ca 4» 15o •* “ 3,ooo “ •* 6000 4 « •* loo “ •• l,5oo “ “ 4ooo 5,000 “ “ Soars / 100,000 5,485 Prizes amouatio| to $330,000 New Bookj! W IFE’S Trial* and Triumphr ; Queen of Heart*; M»ry Stanton ; Art Recreations; IVoachera and Breaching, by Dr. Mur ray; (Kir won'); Harry at A*hcmft; Abbott’* Peter the Great; The Land and the Rook ; Adam llnlt; "Tite Boy Tar. by Mayne Reid; Moth -r Gun** for Old Folk* ; Hndenn'* Bov, Crueoe-’ike Coral Island, 1 Stories Young Fur Traders, f f.,r Round the World, J Boys, Stanley’* Life of Dr. Arnold; Ju.«t received and for »ali- ny Jan. 12. 1860. WM. N. WHITE. Whole Ticket* 970, Ilavle* 910, tt'is 95. 8th* 99.50 Certificates of Package* iti the Ordinary Drawings will lie sold at the following rate*, which is the risk : Certificate* of Package of 10 D'hote Ticket*, $80 « ■« 10 Half •• “ <* *• 10 Quarter “ ** •• 10 Eighth GRADY, NICHOLSON & CO. AT THEIR NEW STORE, Corner of Broad and Bridge Street*, ATHENS, GA.. "\FFER for sale the following, among a J thousandandonPother article* too numer ous lo mention : An excellent article of Flour on hand, Bacon and Lard, Ame’e Shovels and Spades, B acksmith’s Tools, Hardware and Cutlery, a good stock, Taints, Oils and Dye Stuff a. Buggy and Wagon nubs, Buggy Felloes, Buggy Shaffp, Buggy and Wagon Iron Axels, Carriage Bolts, Tire Bolts, ’ Carriage Trimming of every descrip tion. Hub Baud*, (S ind and Carriage Bands.) Spring*, “Cast-Steel Tempered,” Buggy and Wagon Spokes, Patent Dush Leather, Enamelled Leather, “ Cloth, Trimmings. Buttons and Tacks, Lace Trimming* for Carriages, Trimming Hummers, Iron Dash Frames, Band and oval Iron, all sizes, BaPandsqr. Iron. do do Shovel Iron and Plough Moulds, Sheet Iron, a good assortment, Cafit Sfeel, German’and Blister. SMt^TInd lltoier Leather, L French anu Philadelphia Calf Skins, a fine *tock. Boot*. Shoes, Hats and Clothing, Dry Goods, a fre*h stock and good assortment. Crockery and Glass Ware,' ABO Crushed nnd Powdered Sugars, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Rio and Java Coffee, , Shoe-Makers Toolaof every description Lust* nnd Shoe pegs. Molasses and Syrups, English Dairy Cheese, received every week, A Large Stock Tobacco at Manufactu rers Prices by the Box. Cigars, all qualities, Horse; mule and Buggy Collars, Saddlery,« good stock. Wagon and Plough Hames. Trnoo Chain*, \\ agon Chains Coil Chains, all sixes, Log Chain*. Water Buckets. Well Buckets, Tubs, ' Cedar Buckets, &c Nov 28. ftsr-ln Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose tk* a moot ot money to our adlmee lor what you wlrh to parehaso ; name the Lottery la which you wish it inverted, and whether you wish Ifhole, Halves, Quarters or Right*, on receipt ot which wc send what is ordered, by first mail, to gether with the scheaw. Immediately after the drawing, a Printed Drawing, Certified toby the Commirsionera, will be sent, with *n Explanation. DJ- urcharer* will pleare writ* their tignaturw plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. 93r Remember that every prize ix drawn and paya Die in full without deduction. All prizesof 9l,000*nd under, paid immediately af ter the drawing—other prize* at the usual time of forty days. All communication* -*lrirtlvconfidential. Addie** orders for Ticket* or Certificates to WOOD. EDDY & CO, Augusta,Geo. or, WOOD. EDDY & CO., Atlanta, Ga. or, WOOD, EDDY $ CO.. Wilmi gton, Delaware. kjr A list nt the number* that ary drawn float the wh-el, with the amount of the prize that each ran is entitled to, will b> published after every drawing, in the following paper,jtmtnsta (Geo ) Constxtutiou- . Mobile Register, Mask tilts Gaistts, and RemUmr (Miss.) Claries'. Jan. 96 PERFUMERY! I nAVEjukt opened a caa of frrgh Per fumery, containing Lullin’* Soaps; Lu- biu’e Extract* ; Mrs. Allen’s tfoir Ueaipr* live nnd Xylnhuh-amum ; Wood's Ilnir Re storative; Burry’s Trirophernu*: Haurl’* Eau Lu-trale; Lyon’s Katliarion; Ircsh Poin- a-lc.*: Bear’s Grease, and Hair Oil ; tancy Soans. some of which are extra nice. My stock of extract*. &c , e.; braces all that are commonly callctl for. Dec 8. WM N WHITE. tliuler this caption, T see that Messrs G. B. La.nar ami W. W. Cheever, endfea^pr to cii-st suspi cion upon all AMKB ,JCAN GU- A NO, not sold By their Agents. Although I hnve not the hon or of being Mosers. Lamar and CUeever’s Agent, I am, neverthe less, the sole owner of a large cargo of American Guano, im ported from Jarvifi’ Island, which I have guaranteed to the public to bcpure and genuine; nnd I am prepared to proveto any and nil that it is, by Analyses op Skillful and Reliable Chem ists—THE BEST CARGO EVER IM- i’outeTd for the Islands of the American Guano Company.— And for this I pledge my repu tation as a merchant and as a / . ... ■- man. DANIEL H. WILCOX. r*; ert p •Ulshiug the card of Me*sr*. Chee ver i, will please copy this anil for ward lulls. Keht Just Received, C OBB’S Statutes and Form* §6 cash, by mail $6.50; Hines' Form*; Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities; Misrepresentation*, of Drury ; Twelve Year* of a Sohlier's Life in In dia ; Compensation, or alwayc a Future; Clemen’*. The Rival*. How ro ild he help it, by A. C. Roe; and lot* of other*, too tedious to name. Juxt received by Feb2 WM N WHITE. PAPER HANGINGS! S PRING styles, just received. Also," a lot of elegant Rorrior*, Decoration paper*, for laying off a room iu panels. Sc. Call and examine. WM N WHITE. Feb 43 JOHN T. SMITH, , ... WIT* <”6150. W. k JEIIIAL BEAR, J^JANOR ACT (JEERS and wheieod* Dealet* in HatS^i' * Caps, and > Straw Goods, .Paris Style Sonnets, Flowers, Umbrellas, .. Parasols, &o. 120 Chambers and 60 II arm Sts. Naw Yams. $9* 4th and 5th Streets above the Astra Boom. Jan 2—6m Cheese, Cheese, A NOTHER bit, just received. Feb 23 IN KENNEY. “ Note is the Summer of our discontent made glorious Winter by the Goods of York." W* beg to inform tbe public that J. SPRING & SIMMONS ^RB now receiving their new FALL and WINTER GOODS, Of the mo*t fashionable Styles that can be bought in New York and Philadelphia, and will be offered at such prices a* will insure their immediate sale, and route of the fiuest and cheapest ever offered in Athens. Their Stock consists of ali discretions of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS. FANCY and BLACK SILKS, Embroideries, WHITE GOODS, dsC., <feC. The latest styles of Cloaks, SHAYfLS, Hosierv, Lace Goods aud Gloves, Ladies’ Hats, &c. &c., All qualities and sixes of 8teel-Spring Hoop Skirts. The finest stock of Ladies’, Misses and ' Childrens’ calf, kid aud goat s'rin (with and ' without heel) Lace Boots; and Foxt, Tipt,! Plain and Congress (with aud without heel) Gaiter*. Ready-made, Men’s, Boy’* and Children's CLOTHING, made up expressly for this marks*. And a large lot of Yoke Shirts, and new •tylea of Collar*. Men’# Boy’s Eats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. A well assorted stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Also. Plantation Goode, of Cotton ami Woolen. Blankets, and other - Goods usually found in first class city Stores. To which, the attention of the Ladies and Gvntlemeu of Athene and surrounding coun try are respectfully invited. They would solicit a share nf pationage, asking you to give them a fair trial, and it will turn out to your interest. J. STRING & SIMMONS, College Aoeuee, aftw dour* from the Newton House, marlg opposite P. O.Athen*. Sept. S. » /•#\ » I f I \w*' yPw 2os* BO$i> Na igp 8£®. rti d ‘ A CARD. W E see that a paper, at Atlanta, Ga. styled the Southern Confederacy, has published us in a ligt of Black, or Abutilion Houses, in Now York—baling the charge .pn an attnuvmous letter, signed “Shakspcare,’’ and containing a ha-o slander on .>ur Mr. J.G.-Davw. For the information of those who do uol know us, tve pronounce it a de liberate, willful.and meltcxofs lie—instigated entirely by m-lice, and without any founda tion whatever. JOHN DAVIS. ^ WM. Q.NOBLE. FUEL*. MOLLOY. JOS. B. GRAY. E.G. CHF.ATUAa. of DAVIS, NOBLE* GO ST Chambers street, New York. Feb. 16. I860—lm 1 Rice, Riee, J UST from market. . Feb 23. I M KENNEY. J. W.HALLAM, O RGANIST of Emanuel Church, Athens, will gire instruction in Organ. Piano and Vrcnl Music, Thorough instruction even in the cultivation of the votes, in Opera, Oratorio, or Ballad Singing. PS" All orders may be left at the store of Mr. A. K. Childs. Oct. 27. T HE franklin Observer, published in Franktiu,N. Co having an extensive and increasing.circulation in Cherokee, Macon, jTckaon and Haywood, and a good list of subscribers in the otherconnties ot Western N. 0.. offers superior inducements lo the Merchants and easiness men of Athens, a* a medium of mlver iatug. Advertisements displayed to suit the taste of those adver tising. Terms very low. Address M. STAFFORD. Feb 16—lm Franklin. N. C. "HERRING’S PATENT Champion Fire and Burglar-Proof SJLDDES, W ITH Hull’s Patent-Proof LOCKS, same that were awarded separate Medals at the World' only American Safes that Mud'll* nt. the London World’s Fair. These titles form the most perfect securi ty against hire aud Burglars of any Safes ever offered to the public. - J We will deliver these Safes at the Depot, *in Athens nt Manufacturer's •’rices, w th u»_ , i , —— Fre'ght added, anl warrant them to give — ii:a_7. t .“ rke , t P r,c . ew i 111,6 P a ' 1 .'Cash com >lcte snti,f.,tbn in every rosp-et For further i I’ormution. inquire of for Hides delivered nt the Tan j’ard of McCLESKEY & DOYLE. Athens, Jan, 19, I860—tf * - F.b2;—3 a A. U. IVYNG <b CD-, Ag< nts. TO THE Merchants and Advertisers of ATHENS! “ He that in the world woesld rise. Must read the news aiut Adeertis* Fresh Candies, N UT3, Raisins, Choice Fruit and Fine Groceries, all good and cheap, at Dec 22. T. BISHOP &S0N. CA-TJTIOlSr PLANTERS. OFFICE AMERICAN GUAI'O CO. 1 66 William Street, corner of Cedar, > New Tour. January 23, lt66. ) The American Guano Compa ny have no authorized agencies in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Flori da, Alabama and Tennessee, save those of G. B. Lamar and W. W. Cheever, with whom they have made a contract to supply those States,with Guano from Jarvis and Baker’s Islands. Messrs. Lamar and,Cheever have the appointment of such Agencies in their own hands. C. S. MARSHALL, I’res.deot Amuiicnu Guano !o. The above notice is giveaa that the American Guano Company may not be held responsible, nor the reputation of Jarvis and Ba ker’s Island Guano be injured by the sales made by other par ties not appointed by us of Gu ano represented to lie from those Islands, whether it be spurious or otherwise. Our only ayithorized Aggnt in Augusta, Ga., is Mr. J. C. Daw son, No. 2, Warren Block. i G.B. LAMA’k, W. W. CHEEVER. AUGUSTA, Feb. 18th 1860. Mr. J. C. Dawson—Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry, I state that the eight tons of American Guano, used bjune last year in TO THE PUBLIC. n-VHR » nrerav “Aromatic Schiotnin Schnapps'’— ^ ‘ ike |mre»t and belt (Jin lor medical purposes— became Killy appreciated tliroupltnui III* counirir, I h*ve been constantly solicitnl l.y drujji.te, apoilno eerie*, *nd large numbers ol tbe ntosl eminent phy- tlciano, n .-III parts ot the Union, to add to my Gin iui|HirtationsolpiireEr.mdic,and Wines.and tob them the seme as t am and have been doing will Schonppt; with my real and ttiveinyjjmffi cate euaraniying their niuioubled purity. 1 .tumid long ago liavn atidezvoted to comply with le nattering retptesta but I it :mpo**ib1e tel* I, especially in regard to tbe imporiNBt article* ol Uratidy. Port and Madeira Wise*, owing to me kith pric**'lu Enrol*.’cia.iuned by ehrat grapeoopelwr rente yearr. Happily for the surce,s ot my nenrew- Iterpri.e. the grape eropa for the ln»t and the previous year* were abundant. Another poinl in toy favor iMIii*; the duty nowea t'reneh Brandy is7b pel cent, leu than when my medical friends began lo solicit me to furnish pup* Brandy and Wine* The** rav.ving circumstance* have enabled me to commence it now enterprise. ( have concluded to import Cognac Brandy and Wine*, Iu bottle them for medical a* welt ** fur private u*e. 1 ant well aware, trout tho bitter experience, the vile attack*, tbe minreprerentaliou or motive* and enmity of dealer* and mixer* uf bed nitjcle* which ( met with and conquered in the caw of my Scbepp*, before it obtained it* present pround preeminence over all other Gine, that the new euterptwe will be attended with equal opposition, more trouble, and fa volt e an imnienae outlay uf capital. Theae diffirw! lie* aiMfexpenm* will be much greater, beta nee I .hall Have to encounter the malignity and enmity of counties* thou,nnd* wlio ate engagedie the liquor trade, and making fortune* by the m»nu(actiire cf imfatnott* imitation* of ''Brandy’' made from poinn on*compiled! their too being alike dmtruerivo to healthy human life, and of course speedy death to th* feeble invalid, or those in whose tefaalf eminent physicians have urged upon me (he importation of a pure, invigorating a-ticte of Brandy. I shall do so, ia suite of all opposition, even that of tbe dezler* and coder* of the rtnlTtn h"ttle* called ‘'Brandy,” of wMco nttllion* nf bottle* are annunlly sold, sad which is no bettrt than the worst of poison*. t am perfectly w illing sod well satisfied to embark I in this new mien nie, and have no lean, no donbts about Hie most ultimate success for myself and the druggist* and apothecaries in the thmy-tbr** States, if tliry will heartily co operate with me in my efforts to drive out of use the vilest of etnupoan le, called “Brandy,” sod reptarc it with the pure, unadulte rated article, winch l will faithfully and truly supply The medical virtue* ol puts French Brandy need not to lie told. The Bnmdy imported by me f will bottle, seal with tuy seal; my label, and add my emit. fieate that it ixol tbe fir*! quality, and pure end una Uniter,tied a* when itfirst left tbe distillery in France. I will *take tuy reputation as a man my atandmg as a merchant, and my tried commercial integrity, that what l pledge and certily to with my a*al,iap label, and my certificate it correct, and be relied upon by purchaser* in suy settion of tbe Union to which my Brandy may be rant, I have made arrangements with the be*t Brandy mitnufaeinrere in France, with those who have a wi.rld-wide renown ai th* first Brandy exporter*, t have selected four eminent firms who will rliipuie their Brandies, t shall not designate the article by any other name than Wolfe’* Genuine t'ogita- Brandy, if I were to do ntherwia* it would be nsale**, fur then unprincipled persons, who are incessantly engaged in the nefarious traffic of itaflg ling all valuable article*, would toon imitate and adopt my mark as a cloak tinder which to sell their compound of poiauna to cover the vile imposition I am now prepared to receive and execute orders for Wolf* Genuine Cognac Brandy addressed to me. No.22 BeaverMreet. Fries will be given to personal application, or in reply to letter*. In this circular I lute* thus far written mainly about pure Cognac Brandy ; I have now to call your atten tio.i to other liquor* and win*,. ! am prepared to supply orders for‘Jamaica Rum,’* sported nnd botuled by ina ; alto “Iri*h and Sootcll ■hiskey.” The purity and genuineness of the last named articles, imported for •• medical me,” I wil aim guaranty with my seal, my lebel, and my cattifi [mite. I shall aim import the purest and best “Madeira,” Port,” and “riberry” ‘line* f„r Medical pnrpran These I also guaranty with my seal, my label, and my | certificate. Hit conclusion permit ine to add that I shall be happy to hear front those that this circular reaches, antTwhose pe'aonal or iiecunisry interest it may effect. In the combination of art icles that I engage to supply Shout any such person vi*it New York—especially a Drag- li-t, Apothecary or Physician—-I shall be most happy [to receive a personal call. ‘I here i« no importer who poa.sess more actual ex IK-rience and knowledge of the importing liquor and wine trade titan I do, 1 nave been engaged in it over thirty year*. t hove narrated some tacts connected with my new enterprise, for the particular information of — connected with the practice or tho sale ol i If Isni avored with the visits of any an fflHH Irieods to whom ‘hev give letters of inrrodnetien In me, they can see with their own eyes, and lest my truthfulness hy tneir own observation. I respectfully crave, for itii* circular and iu cot. rents, a carchil and attentive psmsal. I am, repeet fully, yoar obedient servant, i . rip. UDOLPHO WOLFE, 18. 20 & 22 Bearer Street. New York. Wiiole*aIe Agents § J. D. Gaiavr de Co., New Orleans, La. 8. J. <fe J. J. Jomks, Mobile. Ala. Hunnicutt tk Tavlor, Atlanta, Ga., Chiohcbtxr & Co., Augusta, Ga Ragland A Bitten, Columbus, Oi Bowdrr & Andkuson, Macon. Ga. Holcomb &. Co., Svvannnb; Ga. " '' G. Foli.iv, Charleston, 8. C. Jan. 12. 1859.—3m. • : r r*r r*'' share of their ,.atrona K o. l*ee COUnty, were purcllRSed by Dr. Lancaster.formerly QARDEN SEEDS. T WO or three varieties which were ex balloted hy (he sale* of last week, can now be supplied from another l«g just re- St,,»9@vaY®iL come to hand by the time this paper i* issued. All these are warranted to be fresh nnd true, nnd of last season's growth. I shall offer no others, and untie I cannot safely commend. FLOWER SEEDS. M R. BLISS has sent me between one nnt ' two h indeed varieties, selected as tin very choic from a catalogue of several hundred sorts. Tl ese are boo’ ed for t’te com ing week. Th ise wislting Gin- ioles, a id other summer flow trisg bulbs, I (I onld be pleased to order, deli.-ering them nt. t autlog te ratej. Feb 2 WM.N WHITE. New Store and New Goods! J. W. REAVES & CO. A RE daily receiving from New York. Philadelphia nnd BnUimontga lam an I well selected stock of Goods, consisting ae foilOW.1 v 5 STAPLE and fancy. GROCERIES, TOBACCO, &C. \\ ai d-w ay e, CROCKERY, . Boots and Shoes, IRON, SALT AND NAILS, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, Castings,:.- i WOOD WARE, Carpenter’s Tools, »f all .desciption*, anil many other articles, too numerous to mention, which we offer to our friends, cus tomers, und the public in general, nt n small advance on cost, ,Parchn*er8 will do well to give u* a sail bei re purchnxing else- wku-e. Wc will he futihd at the old stand ol Wetly & Nicholson. v J-t J Athena, Gn„ March 10,1859. READ, PAUSE AND REFLECT. OF two great evils, always choose the lesser otic, and where nature's useiul oniament*—the teeth—have, by slow decay, lost their utility, get them rep)need by others of equal service and lifv-likc appearance, at LOWRASCB & LAXCASTEK’S OFFICE, Collsck Avxnuk, Amtcis, Ga. They lieg l*ave to nimounce totheciti- ns of Athens, that they have formed a copartnership, in die practice of "■ - :*'■ t; - • - . ~ and they would respectfully solicit a liberal mm. . y resided in Philadd me direct from the American wher,! be pie pared him.*|f to execute - -a-llieilLtin :ll i operations in thv DENTAL ART lattK-s* and durability. of which yo'u are:. ! the Agent in this city. Yours; respectfully; James Gardner. March 1 t WANTED, lOOOnSuJSSfS ter, I ggs.ant Cldcken , a price*. Athens, F. b 2 5. 2- 000 lbs I ngs. , Ci rn, Plon.r, But- : t' c iu st n t rket I &1 KRN N i y. 12?” Artificial teeth inserted from one to a full upper and lo It. A. LOWRAKCB. O E. LANCASTER, "V- Resident Dentist, Att cm?, Ga. on Broad Srrcet- “the Insurance Office. BLANKS! BLANKS! /CONSTANTLY on liandni ih$ Watchn*ar V^.irer9 for w ait n v*.11 be promptU- #v.rin