The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 22, 1860, Image 4

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’Long the path of life «o < Where the nuMened heart a»4 weary. Shades the sunlight, shining near me, On my way. SheThaa eyes as bine as heaven; (Only%ged abont eleven; I Bat ante her God has given Such a heart, That forever she is singing :e ever nn And her sweet voice ever ringing, Beaaty o’er the rapt heart bringing, Sweet as art. With her sonny hair, so eorly; With her teeth, so white and peasly, I have met her, late and early. By the way. And I take her hand, and press it In my own, just to caress it— “ Pretty little hand—God bless it!" I do say. May the world smile kindly on her, Benedictions fall npon her, Angels he her guard of honor, As she goes ITIIESS l Leave Augusta 0.30 turn. ) “ Atlanta 8.40 p.m. J t ( “ at Augusta 0.20 p.m. Leave Athens 11.00 a.m. | „ at Atlanta 11.45 p.m. No trains on Athens Branch on Sunday, to connect with traius leaving Augusta at 12.30 Saturday night, and Atlanta at 8.40 Saturday evening. WASHINGTON BRA SCR. Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. Arrive Wash’ton T.25 p. m. GEORGIA—Clarke county. TyHEREAS, Nathaniel c. Daniel applies to me for M Letters of Administration on tho estato of Thomas Collier, late of said county, deceased. therefore, to cite and admonish all and kindred and creditors of said deceased, to my office on or before the first Monday It, to show cause (if any they have) shonld not then be granted to said such other person or persons as tho Extensive Sales of Lands, Negroes, Mules, Stock, Produce, &c.» iri the counties of Clarke, Morgan and Early, upon a credit oi cue year. \\ TILL be sold under a decree of tho Superior Court VV 0 f Clarke county, by the Executor of Robt. Tay- of October, 1880. Novi. id at Office this the 21th day ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Clarke Sheriff’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold before the court bouse door, in the town ofWat- . - - Arrive at Augusta 6.20'p.m. kinsville, within the legal hoars of sale, tho following u. Atlanta 1145 pm. property, to wit: One hundred and ten acres of laud, « Atlanta at 9.05 a. m. “ Wash’ton 7.25 p.'ra. more or less, lying on the Hog Mountain TO Through this world of oars singing, Peace to troubled spirits bringing. No grief her pare heart wringing With its woes. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS AUGUSTA ATLANTA. Leave Charleston at 6 p.m. Arrive Augusta at 6 a.m. 12h « Augusta at 3.50 a.m. “ AUaataat3.lTa.rn. lBh « « at 1.45 p.m. “ “ at 5.49 a. m.l Ah THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS ATLANTA TO AUGUSTA. Leave Atlanta at 8 a.m. Arrive Augusta at 11.18 p.m. 18h “ “ at 5.15 p.m. “ “ at 5.13 p.m. 24h FREIGHT TRAINS BRANCHES. Leave Angnsta 8.50 a.m. Arrive Athens. 8.10 a.m. 24 h Arrive at Washington, 7.25 p m. 11 hours. Leave Atlanta at 6 a. m. Arrive Athens 8.10 a. m. 26 h Arrive at Washington 7.25 p. m. 38 hoars. Leave Atlanta at 5.15 p. m. Arrive Athens 8.10 a. m. 39 h Arrive at Washington at 7.25 p. m. 26 hours. GEO. YONGE, Gen. Sup’t Georgia Ran. Road, Augusta, June 14,1860. May the sweetest harp in heaven— Brightest crown that e’er was given, Where the waves of life are drives Past the throne— NOISELESS SMING UiCHlHl, Echo to her dainty finger, ’Pon her pore brow ever linger, While each angel be a singer, Calling home! SUNSET. It was just the edge of the evening, And the son was going down, When a stranger on the stage-coach Rode into the quaint old town. There was a fisherman’s cottage That stood on the distant kill, Hunihio and brown and rudely built, But dear to the fisherman still. And. as the sun was sinking, His last long, level beam Lit up the cottage windows With a strange and lustrous gleam. And the neighbors’ wondering ohildren Cried out in great delight. The bat like a palace was glowing, Lit up on a festal night. And the stranger, also goring, Sighed, and we beard him say— It is always so when the sun goes down. And the shadows are gathering gray: Then in the old man’s memory His childhood’s home is fair, And the rudest hut where bis lost youth dwelt Gleams with a glory rare. Wagsifle Gatherings. ...Dobbs thinks that instead of giving credit to whom credit is dne, the cash had bettor be paid. Dobbs should not be im pertinent. ...“I think you must allow,” said a pom pous gentleman, “that my jests are very fair.” “Sir, your jests are like yourself,” was tho quick retort. “The age makes them respectable.” ...People are seldom tired of the world until the world is heartily tired of them. ...Man is partly a creature and partly a croator of circumstances. ...Ambition often plays the wrestler’s trick of raising a man up merely to throw him down. ...To be deprived of the person wc love is happiness in comparison to living with one we hate. ...Tho purest joy we can experience in one we love, is to see that person a source of happiness to others. ...Women can easily preserve theiryouth for she who captivates the heart and under standing never grows old. ...There are three kinds of friends— friends who love you, friends who do not trouble themselves about you, and friends who hate you. ...There is an efficacy in calmness of which we are unaware. The element of Bercnity is one which we peculiarly need ...A tannery firm in New Orleans have gone into the business of tanning alligator hides with great success. The skin of the ...The expenses of governing France amount to l,000,000f. per day, including iniAMAai An *k.. «v..kl!n jj^jkA ffll * • _ _ 1_ _ J interest on the public debt. This is about $9 a year to each inhabitant. ...Never meet trouble half-way, but let him have the whole walk for bis pains.— Very likely he may give up his visit in sight of the house. ...As the diamond is found in the dark ness of the mine, as the lightning shoots with most vivid flashes from the gloomiest cloud, so docs mirthfulncss frequently pro ceed from a heart susceptible of the deep est melancholy. ...In literature, as in morals, there are a certain taste and grace, which confer dig nity on moderate acquirements; and there arc a negligence and grossness that dis gust, oven when accompanied with incon testable superiority. An Infidel’s Reproof.—Some time ago, I had a conversation with a professed mem ber of the Sunday Institute. He said, after talking some time: “Do not talk to me; I would not change your views if I had the power, because I believe your religion makes yon a happy man ; and I wish that I could say I was a happy man.” I told error. “ However,” said he, “ if I believed as you do, I would preach everywhere, even on the crowded thoroughfares, a re ligion that made me so happy.” I felt re proved.—Exchange. Something New! BULBS IN GREAT VARIETY! TTY ACINTH8, Tulips, Crocuses, Lilies, Ixias, Spar- ^ which in the house will begin to bloom “ ’ll* by Christmas, or in tho open ground in Feb- Tbo collection that bloomod with me last spring The present invoice, imported beautiful ruary, was thought a fine ono. hj tho wn parties (J. M. Thorburn A Co. N. Y.) em brace* tho finest of those varieties, with many others of equal loveliness. Bulba can be planted at any time be tween this and Christmas, bnt those planted early bloom »°d it is bettor to select kinds and colors from a full stock. They are now offered at tbs usual retail rates of Bnist, Thorburn and others, and in prise and u™ snro to give satisfaction. Orders taken for Soeds of every description. The above jnat received and for salo by WM. N. WniTE. GROVER & BAKER’S FOR PLANTERS’ USE. joining Nancy V the def< og Mountain road, and ad- W. House and others, being tho place ’endant, Yonng Vickers, now live*. Also, in, Nelly, about 55 years old, as the pro perty of defendant, to satisfy several fl. fas. issued bom the 239th Dist. G. M. in favor of William Murray vs. the said Vickers. Levy made and returned to me by S. Whitehead, a constable. Nov X, 1860 W. Y. ELDER, Sheriff. Postponed Coroner’s Sale. O N tile first Tuesday in December next, will be sold, before the court bouse door in White county, the following property, to wit: 290 acres of land—a part of lot No. 60 and part of lot No. 37, all in the second district of White connty. Lev ied on as the property of Levi Jackson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from White Superior Court, Pitner A England vs. Levi Jackson. Also, a dark bay horse, levied on as the property of said Levi Jackson, to satisfy the above fi. fa. Property pointed otft by plaintiffs. Nov 1, I860.U. STEPHENS, Coroner. White Coroner’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold before the court bouse door, in White county, with- G1HE very great success of the Grover A Baker Sew- . . ing Machine throughout the Southern States has been peculiarly gratifying to the manufacturers, who are led to believe that their endeavors to make a rklia- bi.k machine have been appreciated. The policy of tbe Company will be unchanged, and, as heretofore, each machine will be warranted in every respect to be represented. That we manufacture and sell the machine best adapted to all the wants of the people of the South, can be attested by thousands of Families and Planters who have them in daily use: and, feeling the importance of meeting every want of tho southern peo ple, we have just introduced AX BNTIilELT XEW MACHINE, HADE EXPRESSLY FOB PLANTERS’ USE ; machine that will sew tbe finest fabrics for the inmates tho household, and the coarsest goods for the negroes __ the field. It is so simple iu construction, that a servant of ordinary capacity can readily learn to work it, and keep it in order. In ordinary wear, the machine can not get out of repair, and should last many years— being constructed with espocinl care as to durability.— We feel every confidence of its giving the most com plete satisfaction. That our machines will do better sewing than can bo done by hand, is evidenced by nu merous testimonials, and from many we select and in vite attention to a few, as showing WHAT SOUTHERN PEOPLE SAY « '‘Mrs. Jefferson Davis, present* her compliments Grover A Baker, and takes pleasure in saying that she has used ono of their machines for two years, and finds it still in good order, makes a beautiful stitch, and docs easily work of any kind.— Waihington. D. C. “ I have used one of Grover A Baker’s Family Sew ing Machines for more than three years, and do not hesitate to say that it has given entire satisfaction. I cheerfully recommend them to all who wish to have their sewing well and quickly done.—Jfrt. Robert Widdicombe, Waihington, D. C. “ I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover A Baker Sewing Machines have more than sustained my expec tation. After trying and returning others, I have three of them in operation in my different places, and, after four years’ trial, have no fault to find.”—J. H. Ham- mrrtirl, Snmfor/mi» (?e*r*»l*nn. ‘•My wife has had ono of Grover A Baker's Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving machines that has been invented. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public.”—/. G. Harr it, Goternor of Tennettee. I take pleasure in saying that the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine has fully sustained my expectations, and, after a trial of more than a year, I am so well pleas ed with it that I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends.”—Mn. II’. If. Rittenlionte, Georgetown, D. C. I am very much pleased with ray aewing machine; if I could not get another, I would not take ten times what it cost me. It more than realises my most san guine expectations.” -C. R. Nath, Camden C. II., N. C. “ The Grover A Baker Machine has folly equaled my expectations. A very important characteristic of the machine is, it is so very simple that any negro of com mon understanding can manage it. Mine has been used exclusively by a negro servant abont six months, and has never been out of order.”—Ret. J. L. Jtlonltrie, Union,Springe, Ala. “ I ke pleasure in recommending Grover A Baker’s Family Sewing Machine. We have used one more than six months, and it is all thbt it is represented to be.— It is not only a convenience, bat we regard it an indis- peneab lo necessity.”—J. F. Dowdell, La Fayette, Ala. “ I confess myself delighted with your sewing ma chine, which has been in my family for many months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjust ment, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing by simply changing the spools of thread.”— Mn. Lutitia Thompton, Loniteille, A'y. “ I think your machine by far the best in use. It can be adapted from the finest fabrics to the heaviest cassimere, and sews stronger, faster, and more beauti fully than one can imagine. If mine could not be re placed, money conld not buy it.”—Mn. E. Hardin, Louitville, Eg. “ Inclination and other circumstances having brought under my examination several prominent sewing ma chines, and led to an acquaintance with their merits, should my opinion be deemed of any value, I would not hesitate to record the preference to Grover A Baker’s.”—Ret. J. B. Clemton, Clagmont, Del. Having nsed one of Grover A Baker’s Sewing Ma chines for twelve months, I do not hesitate to express my entire satisfaction with it. It has never been ont of order, and its place conld not be supplied. I recom mend it as combining more advantages than any other.” —Mn. Chetleg, wife of Rev. Dr. Chetleg, Prince George Connty, Md «I take pleasure in recommending Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machine to the public. It has riven every satisfaction in my family, and I consider it ono of the in the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: 25 acres of laud, more or leas, number 60, in the 3d district of White county, the north corner of the lot joining lands with West, Jackson, and others. Also, one hay mare, about 6 yean old, levied upon as the [iroperty of Wm. L. Jackson. Property pointed out jy said Jackson, one of the defendants. Also, 125 acres of land, one-half of lot number 83, in the second district of White county, joining lands with Mrs. Allen, Camrou and others, levied on as tbe pro perty of Wm. B. Shelton. Property pointed ont by said Shelton, another defendant. All the above named property levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from White Info rior Court, Roberts, Coskery A Co. vs. William L. Jackson, Willinm B. Shelton and Levi Jackson. This tbe 3d day of October, 1860. E. L. STEPHENS, Oct 18 Coroner, W. C. Executor’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in December next, will bo sold at the court house door iu Dahlonega, within the legal hoars of sale, the following property, to wit: One forty-acre lot of land, lying in Lumpkin county, No. 926, 12th district, 1st section. Also, one-tl.ird in terest in fraction 1204, in the 12th district and 1st sec tion of Lumpkin county. Sold as the property of James Kenney, late of Clarke oountv, deceased, for the bono- fit of the heirs. JOSEPH A. KENNEY, JOHN S. JACKSON, Oct 18 Esr’s. most nJitbU machines in use—got only for it* siren Util bnt simplicity, and not being liabl ing liable to get ont of order, would advise any person to purchase ono of them in preference to all others I have seen.”—Simon Slant, Norfork, Fa. *• I think it by far the best patent in use. This ma chine can be adapted from from the finest cambric to the heaviest cassimere. It sews stronger, faster, and more beautiful than one can imagiue. If mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it.”—Mn. J. G. Brown, Nathrille, Tenn. ‘‘ I take pleasure in recommending tbe Grover A Baker Sewing Machine over all others in use. Mine is the only Grover A Baker in this vicinity; but I hope ere long to see one in every family.’’—J. L. Walker, Mer- rit’t Bridge, 8. C. I am happy to give my testimony in favor of Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machine, and of the perfect satis faction it gives in every respect It sews ncsMy, and is by no means complicated, and! prefer it to ati others I have seen.”—Jfrt. Bryan, wife of Ret. A. M. Bryan, Memphit, Tenn. e have used one of Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machines in onr shop for three years past and find it perfectly practicable, easily kept in order, and adapted to various kinds of work in a tailor’s shop. We take pleasure in recommending it to the public.”—I. A. Brokaw & Co., Columbut, Ga. , Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machine has been in use in my family for several months, and has given entire satisfaction. It does not get ont of order, rarely breaks needles or thread, or gives trouble or delay in its man agement. Its simplicity of construction, and the case and facility with which it can be nsed, constitute a part of its numerous chief excellencies.”—Col. Mines Holt. Columbut, Ga. Tbe Grover A Baker Sewing Machine, has performed fully equal to representation. My negro cloths were ado with it last fall, and again this spring; and the clothes for winter are now being mado with it. The coarsest kerseys, lowella, denims, etc., were nsed for the clothes. It has been nsed on many lino articles, such as calicoes, etc., for family wear. I am perfectly satis fied with it, and would not be deprived of its use, for three Notice. T WO months after date, application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary, of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the negroes and real estate belonging to Maj. William L. Mitchell, late of said county, deceased Oct. 4. 1S60. C. A. MITCHELL, Ex’r. } lor, at public out-ery, at Athens, at the door of tho Bank of the State, in the county of Clarke, on Tuesday, the 26th day of November next, all tbe lands belonging to the estate of said Taylor, purchased since the 26th day of May, 1858, sold for the benefit of the heirs at law, and aHo, all tho lands and real estate devised to the two sons of Robt G. T. Taylor, deceased, Includ ing the lots sold by the University of Georgia, and known in the survey as Nos. 85, 86,88, S9, 91,94, 95, 96 and 97, and the fractional lots on Prince Avenue, and the lands purchased of Hillyer, Browning, Pledger, Hall. Aly Gann and Dearing—all those lands lying on the Athens side of the Middle River, will be sold in small sections by numb , rs u.: i map.lor them exhibited i the day of sale, and r any ! r inspection before— e land west of Middle River will be sold either in a body or to suit purchasers. Also, at the same time and place, eighteen likely ne groes, consisting of men, women and children, the same saving been set apart for sale by approisors appointed by tho Court for that purpose. And on the premises, after the sale of lands and negroes, will be sold tho moles, horses, wagons, cows, hogs, corn, fodder, shucks, hay and all other property belonging to the premises. The sale to continue from day to day, till the whole is sold, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 4 in tho afternoon. Terms more particularly specified on the day of sale. And on Tuesday, the 27th day of November next, i the premises, in the county of Morgan, seven miles from Madison, the Innisfail plantation, containing fif teen hundred acres of land, more or less, and twenty- six likely negroes, consisting of men, women and chil dren, tho negroes having been sot apart for sale by appraisers appointed by the court for that purpose.— Also, the mules, horses, cows, hogs, com, fodder, hay, wagons, plantation utensils and all other property per taining to the premises. This sale to continue from day day, between the hours of 10 in tho forenoon aud 4 tho afternoon, till all is sold. Credit one year. The terms more specifically made known ou the day of sale. This sale is for the benefit of legatees. Also, on Tuosday, tho 11th day of December next, on tho premises, in tho county of. Early, the Erin plan tation, containing twenty-five hundred acres cfland,more less, and consisting of the following lots, Nos. 74, i; 76, 77, :S, 83, 84, 86, 117 and 118, aU in the Cth district of Early. Also, at tbe same time and place, a part of the Boiling- brook plantation, to wit: Lots Nos. 8 and 11 in tho 6th distriot of Early eounty, and lots Nos. 9, 10 31 and 113, in the 28 th distriot of Early county; and tho fol lowing lots, constituting a part or the residuum of said estate, to wit: Nos, 6, 7 9, 34, 47, 85, 113 and 126, in the 6th district of Eaalv county; and Nos. 32, part or 49. part of 50, part of 111 aud all of 129 in tbe 28th district of Early coun ty. Also, at tbe same time aud place, No. 338 in the 2nd district of Early coanty. No. 20 in the 16th district of Irwin county; also, at the same time and place, about forty likely negroes oil the Erin plantation, consisting of men, women and children, together, with the mules, horses, hogs, cows, wagons, plantation utensils, corn, fodder and all other property on the Erin plantation. Sold for the benefit of legatees—credit ono year.— Terms of salo more particularly set forth on the day of the sale, the sale to continue from day to day, between the hours of 10 in the morning to 4 iu the afternoon, till all is sold. Tho overseers in Clarke and Morgan oonntics, Mr. Godfree and Uarriss, and Mr. Jno. Boatright, the Stew ard of the Early county plantation, will givo any infor mation to persons wishing to sec the lauds and negroes or other property. WM. L. MITCHELL, Sept. 18, 1860. Exr. of Robt, Taylor. GEORGIA, Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of taitl County. W HEREAS, Stephen Jackson, Guardian of William liopkius, minor of Eusebius A. Hopkins, is desi rous of obtaining Letters Dismissory from said guar dianship. It is therefore, upon the’application of said Guar dian, ordered by the Court, that all persons concerned, appear at the regular tenn of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in December next, to sbow cause why said Guardian shonld not be dismissed from said guar dianship. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 1st dav of Octo her, 1860. ASA M. JACKSON, lct *l Ordinary. persons who are afflicted with Hernia (or Rapture) in any form. This Truss has been subjected to the inspec tion of several physicians who have bestowed upon it nnqualified commendation. As a radical cure Truss, it will compare favorably with any now before the pub lic. The advantages' that this Tmss possesses over all others is its lightness, durability, perfect adaptation to tbe parts affected, the ease and comfort to the patient, and the facility of its application. Tho Trass can be soen at the Drug Store of Dr. R, M. Smith, who is appointed agent for the same. Administrator’s Sale. virtue of an of tho Court of Ordinary of Jackson county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, between the lawful hours oi sale, at the court house door of said couuty, the follow ing property, to wit: Ono tract of laud, containing one hundred and fifty acres, lying in said county, on the waters of Barber's creek, adjoining lands of Brooks- field Burson, J. M. Arthcr, Marvel Millsaps and Mrs. Mary Spence. On said tract, there is 40 or 50 acres of good bottom land, part of which is under a fence, and in a good state of cultivation. It is supposed, ono hall or more of said tract is wood-land and well tembered. Sold as the property of Benjamin E. Roberson, deceased, late of said eounty, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. CHARLES FERGUSON, WILLIAM FERGUSON, Oct. 11, I860. Adm’i GEORGIA—Clarke Coanty. Court of Ordinary of laid county. VSrnEREAS, William J. McLeroy and Needham VV F. McLeroy, Exeentors of Needham McLeroy, lat* of said eounty, deceased, petition tho Court for discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby required to show cause, [if any they have) why said Executors should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in May next, be dischared from said Executorship. By order of said Coart, at a regular term thereof, held this the 1st day of October, 1860. Oct 11 ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Jackson county. W HEREAS, L. F. Finch applies to me for the Guardianship ofThos.S. Finch, Henry C. Finch, Wm. F. Finch and Georgia Ann Finch, minor heirs of Mary Pinson,' deceased. _ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and friends of said minors, to file their objections (ir any they have) to show cause why Letters of Guardianship shonld not be granted the applicant, at tbe next November term of the Court * Ordinary ^ J ity. O iron under ny hand l 1st October, 1860. Oct 11. to sell all the real estate of Richard Tarpley, deceased, the same being one undivided half of a tract of land lying in Oglethorpe eounty, containing 175 acres, more or less, on which Ml ” ’ " - Sept 27. 1860. find with it and would not bo deprived of its use, for three times the cost of it”—Hon. Jndge McGuire, Jfssrot, him this was the strongest evidence of his 1 L ° I have nsed Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machine fonr years. It has sewed plantation work perfectly.— have influenced four friends to buy them; all are perfectly satisfied and would not give them up at any price, if they were unable to obtain others.”—Mn. Caldwell, New Orleant. After only ten minutes’ instruction, I found it so very simple that I ordered one sent to the streamer, and from that day, I hare had more real happiness and leisure than yon can imagine. My negro girl, Kate, who is only thirteen years old, works the machine per fectly, and has made np clothing enough on it to clothe fifty negroes.”—C. F. Dacidton, Bolivar Co., Mitt. “Abont three years ago, I purchased ono of Grover A Baker's Sewing Machines, with which I am entirely satisfied, and it has never been ont of order, or given me any trouble since.”—Mn. E. IFeei, Port Gibton, Mitt. “ I bought one of Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machines two years since. It has done the entire sewing for my plantation, for white and black, in a superior style, daring that time, and never required any repair, and continues to sew as well as when first purchased.”— R. A. Baker, Chicot Co., Ark. I take great pleasure in saying, that-I bare had one of Grover A Baker’s Sewing Machines in constant use in Ay family fur abont two yean, and it haa-given en tire satisfaction, and in my opinion is the best machine I have ever seen.”—E. F. Beauchamp, West Liberty, Texat. “ It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to that of many others, in favor of Grover A Baker's Sawing Machines. One of their machines has been in constant use In my family for nearly three year*, giving entire satisfaction, never having required the slightest repair iu that time.”—A. C. Blount, Pentneula, Fla. OFFICES OF EXHIBITION AND SALE: Broadway, New York; 181 Baltimore Street, ; Mechanics’ Institute, Richmond : 249 King Charleston; 41 St. Francis Street, Mobile; 11 Street, New Orleans; 94 Fourth Street, Louis ville ; 4 Higgins’ Block, Lexington : 124 North Fourth *»■ St Louis; Thomas P. Stovalt, AqgOaU, gent for Georgia: Mrs. C. Branare. Galveston, Agent for Texas. Agencies will be found in most of !i,.- i ii;.-- n,.l towns ..f tin- H'.alh. .1,.;,, i|. and official signature, this A. C. THOMPSON, Ord’y. Executor’s Sat U t.nM, oa tne first Tuesday in January next, t , * * at the court house in Watkinsville, Clarke county, between the legal hours of sale, tho NEGROES belong, ing to tbo estate of James Kenney, deceased, to wit: Lucy, a woman, Rody, a woman, Maria, a girl about 18 or 19 years of age, and her boy child. Sold for the ben eflt of tho heirs of said deceased. JOSEPH A. KENNEY, Oct25 JOHN S. JACKSON, Ex’rs. Notice. T " 0 months after date, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary, of Clarke county, for leave Irs. Rachel Tarpley now lives. NANCY J. TARPLEY, Adm’x. GEORGIA—Jackson connty. Court of Ordinary of laid county. YTTHEREAS, Robert Moon, Execntor of the last will v v and testament of Josiah L. Blalock, late of said couuty, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have,) why said Execn tor should not, at the regular tenn of said Court, to be hold on the 1st Monday in February next, be discharg ed from said Exoeutorship. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 2d day of July, 1860. July 26. 1860. A. C. THOMPSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of laid county. XITHEREAS, Thomas Simonton, Administrator of " the estate of John W. Cook, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administration. Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Administra tor should not, at the regular terra of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in February next, be dis charged from said Administration. . °[ J er of amid Court, at a regular term thereof; held this the 2d day of July, I860. !#• ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—Clarke county. tiriimn . °I Ordinary of laid county. WjfsS^ -“** A ~ -Ad'ninistrator of the Greene B. Jaeks, late of said county, deceased, petition tbe Court for a discharge from said Administration. Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby required to show cause, (y any they have) why said Administra tor should nofat the regular term of said Court, to be held on the second Monday in January next, be dis charged from said Administration. By order of said Court, at a Regular Term thereof, held this the 4th of June, 1860. June 28. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Jackson county. Uatrt «/ Ordinary, June term, 1860. YYTHEREA5. Nancy Witt, Administrhtrix on the V \ estate of Darid Witt, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to Mte and admonish all eon corned, to show cause f ~ Dismission should not next January term of said Conr _ By order of the Court, June 18, 1860. June 21.A. C. THOMPSON, Ordinary. s (if any they have) why Letters rt be granted the applicant, at the Notice. r date I will apply to tho Court for leav riHOici vassed. to sell the < of Jeremiah M. Sessions SALLY E. SESSIONS, Adm’rx. >AC0N HAMS, not can ■>by T. BISHOP AS Just Received, ORN and Dried lieef, New Mackerel. Goshen Butter, jc. Irish Potatoes. (Novi) J. I. COLT. 0. Crushed ami Powdered Sugar. J. I. COLT. ... . ... >•,*??iJPhjfej ?• -i’Ti L*, T ST received Aug. 16. "T Mrs. Wi .!■> . w. a n S. LONG’S. N ew sto June ! Clothing at Cost! k ami *£ood u^ortment. s. NICHOLSON, REAVES A WYNN. To the Afflicted. T HE subscriber has recently secured letters patent for a Truss, whieh ho now confidently offers to all Athens, April 15, 1860. R. S. SCUEVENELL. REStO®^ 1 iSMtjkafce Mils. An aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz.: DEBILITY. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. KTETEHT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS MIS- HEKSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLOROSIS, ate., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, etc. The IRON being absorbed by tho blood, and thns circulating through the whole system, no part of tho body can escape their truly wonder ful in ‘ The experience of thousands daily proves that no prepavat*®* • t iron can far a moment he compared with it Impurities of the biooa, de li on of vital energy, pale and otherwise pression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate ita necessity in al most every conceivable case. In all cases ef female debility (floor albns, chlorosis, etc.), ita eflbets are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history or medicine, which exerts each prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com plete digeetion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and eheerful exercise, immediately follow ita use. As a grand stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. . Pat ap In neat flat metal boxes containing 50 plUa, price 50 cents per box $ six boxes, fiO SO; one dozen boxes. *4 OO. For side by Drugatstl generally. Will be sent free to any aadrcsM on receiptor the price. AU let® tars, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 339 UKOAUWAV, W Y. fne-slmllc of the N.B.—The above label on each box. 0 T UR STOCK Is now _ ties of Gentlemen'., —__ Hill Shirts, Collars. Cravats, Ties, Half-nose, Gloves, Suapendere, Ac. a, mMU nn. to suit Our stock of PIECE GOODS is new and elegant, and will bo sold by the yard, or mado up to meaa , Onr arrangements for manufacturing are now more complete than ever before; and we are fully prepared to fill orders with despatch, and in the best manner, both as regards style and workmanship. We generally, . , . , _ receive a liberal share of the public patronage. The Stock is DARGE, ELEGANT and RICH. Athens, Oct. 18. AND BUILDER’S MATERIAL. consisting, in part, of-—*- Locks of Ail kinds, Butts, Hinges, Screws. Nails, Door, Blind and Sash Fastenings,&c A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WIRE CLOTH. Are the beat ever offered in this market—Bemoh, Mouldipg, Bead, Rabbit, Match and Flo8riug Planes, Chisels, and Gouges, Saws, Augers, Hammers, Axes, Ac. CROCKERY, The best kind—all of which is sold cheap as the cheapest. Of all kinds—CUT and PRESSED—of tie finest patterns. Cliina., Choice selections of DINING aud TEA SETTS, banded and plain* CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Of all kinds—Leather, Cloth. Lace, Tanks, Lining. Nails, Bolts, Axles, Ac. Founded 1833. Chartered 1831 Located CORNER OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STS. Baltimore, Maryland. T HE Largest, most elegantly famished, and Popular Commercial College iu the United States—designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a thorough practical Business Education, in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A large and Beautifully ornamented circular, contain ing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET Specimens of Penmanship, and a Largo Engraving (the finest of the kind ever made in this country) representing the Into- rior A iew of the College, with a Catalogue stating terms Ac., will be sent to every Yoang Man on application, Free of Charge. ^“Urite immediately and you will reoeive the package by return mail. Address, „ , E. A. I.OSIER, March 1, Baltimore Md. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Lctitio Baty, deceased, late of Waiton county, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, are requested to present them, authenticated, as the law directs. JOSEPH R. CAMP. , Oct 11,1860 80L0MQN MANNING, ) ”* laid eounty. GEORGIA— Clarke county. Court of Ordinary of tt YIJHEREAS, Andrew J. McGaughey, Administrator » » of the estate of James W. Cook, lute of said coun ty, dec * ‘ ' - Ations tbo Court for a discharge from Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby rcqnired to show cause (if any they have) why said Adminis trator should not, at a regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in May next, be discharged traiinn ' from said Administration, r B.V order of said Court, at a regular torm thereof, held this tho 1st day of October. I860. Och 11. ASA M. JACKSON, Oldinary, MARBLE WORKS. IQ DA T'A/f A AT . Jq. MON Head Etonc UMENTS.TOMBS, , Uras, Vases, Figures, Tablets, Centre r Table and Bureau Tops, Enameled Slate Iron Railings for Cemeteries Piece Goods for Gentlemen s wear - open ft.r the inspection of the public. It consist, of the best arid most ^iomaUo vnnc- n’s/Youth’s and Boy’s READY-MADE CLOTHING, 100 dozen of the celebrated Golden OUR MOTTO IS TO EXCEL. feel truly thankful for tho liberal patronage heretofore extended to ns by our friends and the community tily. and hope, by diligent attention to business and continued efforts to please, that we shall continue to ^B-Call and examine. W. H. n, WHITE. j. e. Bitch. The attention of the public is called to our large and well assorted stock of Hardware, Crockery, Glass and China, AMERICAN Wj ,m.\;.‘E by merican Watch" AT WALTHAM, s* invited tt mpauying l c , in tavor ef tl«£ ' was awarded the v . at New York, In W^Jkjs Company also received the at!; * —from the Franklin ^ 1958. lB ‘UhUe, These Watches have now bee. i ten years, during which time tbe A’**'’"'5, J to accuracy, durability and rcliatm-. 9* W.I able manner, and have m ost f atU^ o to,,th nc . ri ‘^ ed This result nas been brought aToun*^ *»tt tion of mechanical science to it°, tlri «de Watch from its very inception r t . h n V°. II,ln ''i ed, mathematically (mri'eot necessarily as perfect a time keen..' make. c” The Company have tested their tv , , ' ances by actual dailv notin- test has been that they have ezM^' " retail regularity to the best marine chronn 0,1 •Wc have just ir. trodm-e,?'I, 10c 1 ’’ : - elaborately finished, and tbinne!^ hitherto produced, with severe!** ? »< to insure the greatest accuracy 0 f*’ ■.«* prevent the usu.,1 accidents and foreign watches are liable. a ,1 ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. No. 6, Bank Row, Athens. July 15, 1858. A.M.WYNGr&CO. BOOUIID JOB PRINTING, Expeditiously executed at tbe IftanMin gob (Office, LETTER FROM PAUL MORPitv IED CHESSP^B Mr. R. E. Roams. (%» Sir:—.he American Watch, So W 3 "’" (W the New York Chess Club, has nror,, prC5e »t.i» bio and accurate time-beeper— for ordinary purposes. It'is"no^L*?**’*'* since it came into my possession —??' , J £r c , its variation from standard t'm’e t more than a quarter of a miaute vi* ^« record of its performance. It June 15 fast 2 sees. ’ M "* July 1 “ 3 “ July 15 “ 5 “ Aug 1 “8 I givo you permission to make Th, f , - *** Jatt’T ti -) u Snst U Sept. | h«t S«pt- 15 “ l: Oct j * ( ment as you may think proper, "ism “** t «i’ Yours truly, "l’AUk feil FROM GEN. MORRIS OF THE ii 0ME R. E. Robbins, Esq.— J "; watch mado by your Company, wink V~T lu * stant uso for about a year, has Sunt mu' 1 sustains your guaranty. It ^ t* by horseback mid railroad-car jolting,£“f ** ity of foreign watches. RespeS? *»f georgeTeL ATHENS, GkA.. Our greatly increased facilities now enable us to execute all kinds of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, In s. style superior to anything heretofore attempted in this town. TRY' US. NICHOLSON, REAVES & WYNN, AGENTS OP TIIK Hazard Powder Company. ^LAROE Stock of all tho different grades, kept con stantly ou hand, and sold at Manufacturer’s prices. Athens, Juno 18, 1S59—tf Drugs, Medicine, Faints, Oils, Per fumery, &c., &c. T HE subscriber keeps on hand, and constantly re ceiving fresh supplies of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, AC. AC. Which he offers for sale at his old and well known stand, No. 10, Broad Street. His long experience in the business is a sufficient guar anty of the genuineness of the articles offered for sale by PRICES REDUCED! ROSS CRANE, AGENT FOR Wood & Perot. Ornamental ami Iron Works, PHILADELPHIA, PA. T IIE subscribers are now preparol to furnish all or ders for Iron Railings for Cemeteries; Public Squares, Buildings,-Ac., Iron Verandahs, Iron Stairs, Book Rook, No. 200, Mulbenv-v v - ruary 6, 1866.—R. E. Robbins, * Trl.™ u Watch Company. teusia j Dear Sir .—I take great pleasure v.: , tify that for tbe last teu months I hare from the manufactory of a 10 Americana'S and that it has given perfect er. Judging from the ono I have 1 ! predict that the day is not far dfcUm , 0 made in tho United States will sanerevilu JAMES HcitJ LETTER FROM TIIE Itrv.'nt nn,r , N. YORK OBSERVER* 1 Ns him. Oct 13, 1859. R. M. SMITH. Blacksmithing. fJpHE subscriber has commenced the above business at Fountains, Settees, Chairs, Tables, Tree boxes. Ani mals, Stationary, Garden Vases and decorative Iron Work generally. Being in tho centre of tho Iron and Coal District, whero the necessary materials can be had at tho lowest prices, and being tho oldest and most experienced as well ns the hirgest house in the United States in this particular branch, and having an unusually large num ber of designs, we are able to furnish all work at short notice, and at lower rates than can he done by any com petitors. We have appointed ROSS CRANE our Agent in Athens, Ga., arid refer all needing work to him for in formation and designs, and who is authorized by us to sell all work delivered on board of vessels at Philadel phia prices. A new book of designs, with reduced pri ces can bo seen by calling on the Agent. May 19-ly. WOOD & PEROT. New Spring Goods—1859. J A. CARLTON, is now opening a splendid Stock not txceeticd six ^conds. • of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, which arc beauti ful, comprising many varieties, and Good Bargains can be obtained by calling at No. 7, Granite Row. April 21. CHEROKEE REMEDY. AN UNFAILING CURE FOR Gonorrhoea and all Diseases of the Urinan Organs. T HIS Remedy cures when all other preparations fail. It is cutirely unlike every other eomnound • eon. the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Monteith, on Foundry street; where ho will be pleased to receive a share of pnblic patronage. His work will he done in good style, At moderate prices. J. C. ORR. Athens. Feb. 3, 1859. ROSS CRANE, Agent for John Baird’s MARBLE WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. I S prepared to fill orders for every variety of Monu mental Work, Tombstones, Tablets, ornamental Effi gies, Ac. Marble hearth hcartb-stoncs, mantle-pieces, slabs for centre-tables and marble work of all descrip tions can be procured through his agency, at rea sonable prices. Sept. 15.—tf Buggies! Buggies! fEW BUGGIES, 1 rt NEW A v/ 1 Second-hand Buggy, 1 Four Horso Wagon, 1 Two Horse Wagon, 1 One Horse Wagon, 1 Ox Cart, now and complete, 1 Pair Carry-Log Wheels, 1 Carry-Log, complete, second hand, 10,009 Buggy and Wagon Spokes, Buggy Shafts, Hubs and Felloes, Enamelled Cloth, Pat ent Leather, Baggy and Wagon Harness, all kinds of Buggy Trimmings, Band, Harness. Sole and Upper Leather. For sale low by JOHN It. NEWTON. September 16. New Goods! New Goods!! J UST received, by B. W. Rumney, two doors North of the Newton House, College Avenue. A large stock and variety of clothing, consisting of Gentlemen and Boys Overcoats and Sacks, Dress and business Coats, Sacks, Vests aud Pantaloons, line, me dium aud common. Also, a variety of styles of furnishing goods for Gon- tlerncn, consisting of Scarfs, Cravats, Neckties, Hand kerchiefs, Muffs. Suspenders, Collars, Shirts, Drawers, Half Hose, and certainly a variety of Ulovcs, Gauntlets, Ae. The La- A fine assortment of Shawls and Blankets. dies are respect tally invited to call and examine my stock of Children and Youth’s clothing and Caps, of whieh 1 have a fme variety, and somo very handsome. A fine lot of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, among which, I have the real sole leather Trunk apd Valise. If you want a fine Hat or Cap, givo mo a call, as I have a fine stock, and quite a variety, consisting of Silk, Soft Beaver, Frit and Wool Hats, Silk, Velvet and va- rious kinds of Cap*. And a fine stouk of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, for dress or business suits, which I will cut and make to order, or by tho yard or piece. To • my Cassi- mores for suite, and VclveU for Vests, I particularly in vite attention, as I am confident they exceed competi tion in this market; also, a flue lot of Fancy Cassimeres for Pantaloons, ’au excellent article of Satinett and oth er piece goods, which I will sell cheap. I also take this opportunity or returning ray sincere thanks, to thuse who have so liberally patronized me heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance v>f the same, together with those who do likewise, by a eonlin please and satisfy. Those would do well to call and chasing elsewhoro. d it to their interest to conseienscious desire to articles in my line, ay stock, before pur- B. W. RUMNEY, A -fi- ol NOTICE. indebted to Jeremiah M. and Marble 31a and Enclosures FURNISHING MARBLE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS All work done of the beat Italian and Am,ri„a \T- Arrays on hand, a variet; and carved, of sizes and p f *’' Warerooms and V Depot, A ward and make paymout; and all mamls ajainst said estate, will present them in tcraisof SALLY E. SESSIONS, A dm !! : Lj: f He PLANTER’S HOTEL, Atlanta, Ga. (OPPOSITE THE 1’AcSKNGER DEPOT.) T HOROUGHLY renovated and th< cutirely unlike every other compound ; con taining no Mineral Poison or Nauseous Drag; as it is prepared solely from Roots, Barks and Leaves, and has been banded down, from one generation to another, by the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to tho public on its own intriusic merits. It performs its duty quickly and thoroughly. The Unfortunate of either sex will be re paid by using this Remedy, instead of placing them selves at the mercy of some Quack or Professor. This Remedy strikes at tho very root of tho disease ; ita ten dency, is not simply to suspend the poison, bnt to re move the cause on wbicli it depends. Full directions in pamphlet form, accompany each bottle. The spoedy and permanent relief afforded by this remedy, in all ca ses of Gonorrhoea (Clapp,) G'leot, Gravel'. Stricture, Fluor Albus (Whites in Females,) and all diseases of the Urinary Organs has astonished the most scientific men of the age. ^ This Remedy not only eradicates all Poison from the System, but invigorates the most deli cate constitution. -fAi-It does not affect the breath or interfere with any class of business, or require any deviation from the usual diet . It requires no assistance from other medicine. And what enhances its value, is the eutire ab sence of all Nauseous Taste, being a pleasant and deli cious Syrup. Price 2 Dollar! per Bottle or three bottle!for 5 dollart. POTTER A MERWIN. . Sole Proprietors, St. Lons, Mo. JESP-Sold m Athens by C. W. A H. R. J. Long, and all responsible dealers, in medicine, throughout the Southern States. " Van SctiAACK A Grierson, Charleston, wholesale Agents for tbe South. March 29, 1860-ly. BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. ORR & LANCSTON A BE daily receiving accessions to their already Large -fj- stock of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shoes, onsisting of Gent’s Calf Congress Gaiters; “ Cloth “ Lasting “ “ “ “ Hrognns; “ Glove Kid Creolo tics: “ Calf GIovo, Kid top. Creole tics; Pat. Leather low quartered shoes; “ Calf <• « <. “ Slippers; ALSO, a large stock of Ladies fine black neol Gaiters; “ “ and colored Kid Slippers: . ' “ “ Kid Slippers, Heels; “ “ Velvet “ Misses, Boys and Childrens shoos of every varictv Also, stock of heavy shoes of all kinds. May 3.—tf METALIC BURIAL CASES, TV TAHOGANY, Rosswood, and all other kinds in i HI in market. in mairkeb ( III, Rosewood & Mahogany Mouldings, LOOKING-GLASS, Cabinet Makers’ Materials, Upholstery, &c. And a general assortment of As low as can be hand and for :an be bought in the market, always on sale at the PoTAtture ware-room of Athens, Nor. 25. WM. WOOD, Near the Episeopal Church. pilE SnWriWV^iL't umtant ol C H 0crifl CHEESB^uat received. I. M. KENNEY. _ i kw Yorr y.;. , Trk American Watch Coxpzxr.—r- have worn one of y olir American' waldu^H six months, and I am greatly pleased with time to my entire satisfaction. *■ • Yours truly, g i.t'FF, 8. 0.. 0rmi»l -Dear Sir ;—Tt.iv!.?! Wilton Bn- R. E. ROBBINS. Esq.—Den,Sir -n,c’ L es of your manufacture which I purrLueU .'I on my plantation, have proved to I* ih 0 time-keepers I have ever known. I carcciT vant, my head carpenter, and my head ouo of them; and since thev have been in ft: tivo possession, everything on tbe plwtitiBkJ like clock work, in consequence of theextrr*. cy and regularity with which these wueht: ££1 Truly yours, LEWIS *!*; .' „ • . Chicaco, El, JlirA u American Watch Company, WalthamJli»j tested with extreme oare the runnice of fit, boughtofyon, now nearly ayear since,ondno and eqnablo. has been its performance ihit 11 thought it would interest you, and all othsnli with horology to see a record of its variation, finally sot to true time, after it had bcea t my possession for three months. June 5 lost 4 sec. I October 1 ]*pJ August 15 lost 6 sec. j December 15 h.t] Since which time its average monthly Tirutial ... ■jMMMNORKOSiriJM CAUTION.—As onr watch is now eitemiidia terfeited by foreign manufacturers, we have hi ia tho public that no watch is of our prodeitici i! unaccompanied by a certificate of gcnnhuwa,h, the number of the watch, and signet !>y mrTrti. R.J2. Robbins, or by our predecessors, Appleton, As these watches are for sale by jciqhti r throughout the Union, the American WithC do net solicit orders lor single watches. ROBBINS A APPLE701, Wholesale Agents, No. 182 Breadvw.X.! New Boot & Shoe Establ I C HARLES HUGHES, (late of the firm cf Hughes,) has opened a BOOT and SHOE LISHMENT on Jackson Street, opposite Bacc^ii he is prepared to do all kinds of work in hi* final most superior style. His materials ar« nil work will bo well executed. He respectfully share of the public patronage—assuring &ii 4ui work and price shall give satisfaction. Ad Fairbanb Notice to Consumers of Kerosend T HE public are hereby cautioned again*: vvi plosive compounds, now being sold iu this vicinity, by unprincipled dealers, ns Kereermld THE KEROSENE OIL C0MFA5T hereby give notice that they will proscentt |3|* selling spurious imitations under toe uunecf’b sene,” for the illegal use of tho recogniwl u»*’ of the Company. The mimes of the nsthorin*" agents of the Company can be obtained at ti«~ KEROSENE OIL COMPAQ 50 Beaver Street >■ par-A. K. CHILDS is our agent for A&* 1 where will !»o found a full supply of pure Oil. May 20. GREAT BARGAINS! C ONSTANTLY on hand, LIKELY YOUK 1 GROKS, for sale at very low price*. APPv*■ March29—tf E. A. SMITH A CO-M"* FEELER’S PLOW! S TEP in tho Store of Alessre. Reew A “JJ Athens. Ga., and examine the beat P* oWtT . ', eoted. F. 7>. Davies, Watkinsville, sale of individual and county rights. May 31.—tf FAIRBANKS SCALES. tUESE Scales are =°* ^ T scaur- - am edasthe sundird Weight, and are in «« '• every Railroad Cm chant, mid m ;inu ‘, r,rl lishment in the country. The reputation » ., Scales have acquired has been ef steady the commencement to the present time, at™ on tho priuciplc adopted by ns, and never of allowing none hut perfect weighing n)a> forth from onr establishment. ••jf. T -n»o c ^ Wc have more than one hundred ^ tions of tii ?e Scale*, adapted to the w partment o bu*ine*a where *v correct *n u " ic-required. J 3££9 a *G»li and examine or send f‘>r 1 • . pft. i enlar. FAIRBANKS 189. Broadway- f* GRAD ', NICHOLSON, A CO., Agwbi. June 16-tf PATENT PARABOLA- A LARGE lot of tbeso Superior O'f/''’ 1 guV and for sale by MANDbOW* only authorized agents for Athens, liar- i Ahg. 30, I860. ' — Dentist, J) D- DRAIU) DU A BAlti> : - JX R A BM BAl'L ipAfiMO L li lomba; b p i \ .,:>i olbcbl?* Up DR A BMOLOMBAJ D R A BM0MBA* y . ft BAKU BABB e very centre of the haziness portion of the cii July 12 WM. (THALLORAN, Proprietor.