The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, August 13, 1873, Image 4

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i s* ^. rrr ^ T _, CASAilA^cToP THE PERIOD. Hn came—tlio imago of his sire. With nil tho charms that youth can loud, And sat beside tho kitchen fire, White mama did his garments mend. She turned the pockets inside out, And forth eame miscellaneous things; And alt the region round about . Werestrewn with marbles, fish hooks, strings, A dirty handkerchief, some gnqii. Fragments of cake, a dozen nails, A photograph that bad become The worse for wear—but language fails. So thought the matron in dismay; And with intention to destroy. Thrust in the stove such cards as they Who play at euchre would employ. But quick the boy, through smoke and flame. Grabbed them, nor cared for burns a speck; And like young Casa—what's his namef Trod bravely on the burning “ deck.” Brought Back to Life. A curious story of the bringing back to life of a man who had committed suicide by hang ing at Talde-Grace,* Canton Freibnrg, is told by the Confedere. On the first diagnosis the doctors affirmed that asphyxia was complete. the body gave not the slightest sign of life, it being blue and rigid One of' the physicians present, however, would not leave the corpse without making a final experiment on it. He uncovered the breast, and attempted for some time to induce respiration by artificial means, but without result. He then applied t’io pole of an electric battery to the passage of the pnccmo-gastric nerves, and caused a strong current to pass at intervals of four sec-’ onds. Almost immediately, feeble signs of respira tion re-appeared. Five minutes afterward the radical pulso and the cardiac pulse again be came perceptible. The epiglotis was tumified, and it was neeessary to pnll the tongue but of the mouth by means of pincers, in order to render tho respiration freor. A few ounces of blood were then drawn from the mediocepbalic vein. Tho dilated pupils contracted gradually, and the signs of life became more and more manifest. The patient was then able to swal low a small quantity of alcohol. Finally, a slight muscular contraction was perceptible, without the intervention of electricity; the sensibility of the coruea re-appeared; then the feet became warm again, and soon after the regular pulsation of carotid arteries were easily perceptible. A.t 'Wholesale. rjIHE undersigned hare j ait received a large invoice Comma Note, Cap ail Mar Paper, terconr»e.with the people of Northeast Georgia, wo again come before them to whieh they invite tho attention of Merchants and Dealer*. We believe that we een tell a* low at the line qnalitiee and quantities can be purchaiod any where in thn Sonth. Sample* and prieea lent on ap plication to aplS BURKE* HODGSON. Notice. U NTIL further notice/on and after Thursday, 25th, 1872, the Night Pasienger Train on the Athene Branch will ran, making eloea eonneetion at Union Point, with Up and Down Night. Panenger Train* on Mein Line. Leaving Atbant at 8 o’clock P M Arriving at Athena at 4:50 A M. mayl S. K. JOHNSON, Snp't. to accommodate them. Oar itock consists, in psrt, at 16,000 lbs Nova Scotia Grindstones, 8 tons Swedes’ Iron, ass’d sizes, 8 tons English and American Tire Iron, 100 doz of those popular Summey & Newton Axes, 100 doz Wostenholm’s Cutlery, 100 doz American “ 300 kegs Old Dominion Nails, Buggy Materials, DB. TUTT’B PILLS Increase the power* of Digestion, and excite the ah- •orbents to notion, whereby all imparities of tho sys tem are carried off. Tho old stereotyped opinion that Calomel null be used “ to carry off the bile,” has given away baforethaligbtof science. TheVegetableKing- dom furnishes a remedy,freefromalldeleteriocseffeets They act as kindly on the tandei infant, the mod delicate female, and infirm old age, as npon the mod vigorone system, eradicating every morbific agent,in vigorating the debilitated organs, building up the flagging nervons energies, imparting vigor to body id i Price SO Cents a Box. SOLD BT ALL DRCGOISVS. DR. TDTT’S IMPROVED HAIR DYE. This elegant preparation is warranted the Best in the world. .. Its effect is instantaneous. It imparts np ridiculous tints. It will remedy the bad effects of inferior dyes. , Is perfectly,harmless. It on tain, no sugar of lead. It has no unpleasant odor. It imparts a natural glossy color. Price One Dollar a Box. SOLO BV ALL CBl’GGISTS. ^ ^B.TUTTs^ SARSAPAR!LLA V 2i^£FNS A DELlOVV^ ^ 0LAEK COUNTY. BANKS .COUNTY. A FTKR fourteen years of pleasant commercial in- 0.1 BETTER PREPARED THIN HER ■\totice. JUN Wo have this day filed with the Ordinary of Walton county, application for leave to cell the home place and the wild or vacant land (the latter at pri vate sale,) of Jesse Mitchell, deceased, late of said county— All persons interested aro hereby notified to show cause, if any they havo, why such application should not be granted, at the September term next of the Court of Ordinary of said eonnty. at greatly reduced prices, and everything nsnally kept in a FIST-CLASS HABBTifiE BOUSE. 1 on’t fall to sail and examine oar celebrated JACKSON WAGONS, Before purchasing elsewhere. SUMMEY & NEWTON, sept2S No. < Brosd street. KING’S CURE FOR L jnlySO $4 M.H. THOMAS, R. R. MITCHELL. J Adm •vtotice. -LN Ihave this day filed with the Ordinary of Wal ton county, application for leave to sell the real estate of John Kameey, deceased, late of laid eofanty— All persons interested are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, why sash application should not be granted, at the September term nextof the Coart of Ordinary of laid county. julyfiO $4 AUGUSTUSL.SLUDER,Adm’r. 4-EORGIA, Clarke county. A Office County Judge. To all 1 chom it may concern: Whereas, James Ful cher, Henry B Luke and John Jackson, Road Com- ussioners, appointed to mark ont and lay off a new public read, *• beginning at tho county line, near J H Thompson’s mill, andfrom thence by tbo said Tbomp eon’s mill, to tho road loading from Lawrenceville to Athens, at the old Buncombe court-ground,” have re. ported, nnder oath, that they find said road of public utility, and have laid ont and marked the same con formably to law— These are therefore to cite and admonish ail whom it may concern, to be and appear at my olfiee within thirty day a from this date, and thow cause, if any they have; why said road should not he established; oth erwise. said new poblie road will be finally granted. Given nnder my hand and offioial signature, this Ju ly Sltt, 1873, A. L. MITCHELL, «ug6—1m County Judgo. n EORGIA, Banks county. VJ3T To all whom it may concern. Jessie Pritchet having Died bis petition in proper form to me, praying letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Harris Pritchet— This is to cite all creditors, legatees, next of kin, and any others interested, to be and appear at the next regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, thirty days after the first publication of this notice and show cause, if. any they can, why letters of administration, with tho will annexed, should not be gran ted to said Jessie Pritebet. Given under my hand and official signature, this J4th day of July, 1873. A. 0. MOSS, julj30 Ordinary and es-officio Clerk. leriff’s Sales, .11 be, a jIu, 1)eri>r, rn«r, Ranks county, on the 0r« /GEORGIA, Banks county. VJT Notice ie hereby given to all porsons concerned, AiOTICE. J.1 I have filed with the Ordinary of Wslton eonnty, appl'eation for leave to sell the reel estate belenging to the estate of Henry C Mobley, deceased, late of said county— All persons interested are hereby notified to show cause, if any thoy have, why aneh application ebonld not be granted, at the September term of tho Court of Ordinary ot (aid county. jnly30 $4 REBECCA W. MOBLEY, Adm’x. "VTOTICE. JLN We have this day filed with the Ordinary of Walton county, application for leave to soli the real estate of Wm H Smith, deceased, late of said county— All persons interested are hereby notified to ebow cause, if any they have, why each application should not be granted, at the September term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county. JAMES W. L. SMITH,) . . , — ** *• ’ “**•— * A am rs. jnlySO $4 JOHN L. SMITH, O.EORGIA, Walton county, vZfi Whereas, Henry D Evans appliee to me for letter! of administration on tbeestato of John B Ward, deceaied.late of said county— /CLARKE Sheriff’s Sales. Will be told, before the courthouse door in the city of Athens, on the first Tnesday in Septembernext, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: * Two hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, and all the appurtenances thereto belonging, lying in Scull Shoals district G M,on the line of Greene and Clarke eonntiea, adjoining Mrs Hester's home tract, known at the Gregory place, in a fine state of cultiva tion. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Clarke Superior Court, Febnury adjourned term, 1873—An drew Campbell, guardian, Ac, vs Snsan A Hester and William H Hester, ae prineirals, Lindsey Jacks and W B Brightwell, endorsers. Property pointed ont by Snsan A Hester, defendant. $5 Also, at th.same time and place, all of Martha Dur ham’* life inteiest in six hundred and fifty acres of land and all the sppurtenences thereto belonging, of the real estate of Lindsey Durham, deceased, lying on the Scnli Shoals road, adjoining Ponllain, Morton and others, within two miles of Fontenoy Mills. Levied on by virtneof a fi fa issued from Clarke Snporior Court, Fobrnary adjourned term, 1873—Lindsey Fambrongb and Samnel Hardigree, adm’r* for tho use of Andrew Campbell, guardian, Ae, vs Lindsey Durham, adm’rof N B Durham, deeeased, and Mrs M Durham. Pro perty pointed ont by Mr* M Durham, and written no- that on , 1873, John Chambers, late of Banks eonnty .'departed this life intestete, and no person has applied for administration on tbe estato of said John Chambers, and that in terms of the low, administra tion will be vested in the Clerk of tho Snporior Court or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, nnloss some valid ob jection is made to his appointment. Given nnder mv hand and offioial signature, this 24th day of July, 3873. A. C. MOSS. • july30 r Ordinary and ex-officio Clerk. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS May be saved by the nse of this SIMPLE AND CHEAP REMEDY. One Bottle, Worth 50 cts., WILL MAKE TWO GALLONS 0? 1IMCH*. If used twice a week, it will Best Awhile. Come apart and rest awhile, men of business; believe me, there is now and then a profitable venture in doing nothing at all. In tho power to put business aside, and abiding now and then in a perfect quiet, things sometimes solve themselves, when we give them that advan tage, which refuses to come clear for all our trying. Wo all know how, by simply taking some perplexity into the deepest silence this sido of death—a good night’s sleep—wo can do better sometimes lhau if we sat up all night and wrought at a task all night. When Mat thew Murray, of Leeds, wanted to see his way through some sore perplexity in his inventions, and ail otbor efforts were of no use, he rested day and night from all noise, and all effort, except the effort an activo man has to keop himself quiet; and then the thing be wanted would steal in and look at him, and light on him, and stay as birds used to light on the old hermits, no more afraid of them than of the treos under which they sat. And, mothers, yon too may care and toil in cessantly for your little ones, never resting a moment in yonr devotion; and then, because you never do ho quiet, hut enter into your very closet wijb a little frock to mend, you shall never be able to take tho wbolo sunlight and sum of your motherhood into your heart. You will bo m. fall of care about the bread that porisheth as to miss the bread that cometh down from Heaven. No person in tho world needs so much now and then to be still, and open her soul only to the silence, as an earnest, energetic, whole-hearted mother. This eter nal activity is almost sure to run at last into shallows, and cheat the soul out of its just aud right inheritance, the presence of toe Heavenly Master, the strength and joy whieh flow from calm aud secret fellowship with God. DB. TUTT’S EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT which consists of the curative elements implanted by the GREAT PHYSICIAN in these hygean roots, fully developed and eoncentrated, ie known far and wide by the effects it has produced.— The unfortunate prey of 8erofula, whoso body was once honoy-comhed by that foal disoasa testifies to its value; tho Rheumatic patient who has cast aside bit crutches acknowledges its benefiti with gratitude; the victim of Syphilitic taint and mercurial poison re sounds its praise;- and the cicatrices of unnumbered ulcers of every type, had they eaoh a tongne, would bear witness to it* efficacy. LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION. DYSPEP SIA. HEARTBURN, FEMALE IRREGULARI TIES. WHITES, SALLOW COMPLEXION, ERUP TIONS AND BLOTCHES IN THE SKIN. WHITE SWELLINGS, SORE EYES, DISCHARGES FROM THE EARS, SCALD HEAD. CANCER IN THE WOMB, NIGHT SWEATS. NOCTURNAL EMIS. SIONS, RHEUMATISM, ail proceed from the same cause, vis: IMPURE BLOOD AND UNHEALTHY SECRETIONS. For those and kindred disease* a remedy bar dawn- upon the world, haring for its abject the relief of suffering humanity. DR. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, entirely vegetable compound, is in its operation teenliar, entering into the cirenlation, thna coming i n contact with tho germ or cause of disease, and dis placing nnhealthy seeretions by extending its influ ence to every part of the body, and causing a general reaction whereby health snoceeds debility and disease. Under the influence of this valuable Medicine the •ye grows sparkling, the complexion clearand roseate, unsightly Blotches, Pock Marks, Worms in theFlesh, Pimples sad Roughness of the Skin disappear, and tho entire organisation grows redolent with health. gives tone to the body, and causes it to gain in flesh and increase in weight. Price, $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5.00. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Prepared b.v Wu. U. TUTT, M. D., 18 A 20 Platt Strict, New York. OotSO—]y. ed i E. S. EHGUHD & CO., A RE JUST RECEIVING a large ana well JLA. selected Stock of Goods, An Adroit Reproof. A presiding eider of tho United Brethren church was preaching in Minnesota, aud was much annoyed by porsons talking and langb- ing. He paused, looked ac the disturbers and said: * I am always afraid to reprove those who misbehave in church. In the early part of my ministry I made a great mistake. As I was preaching, a young man who sat before me was constantly laughing and almost con tinually making uncouth grimaces. I paused and administered a severe rebuke. After the closo of the service, one of the official members came to me and said: * Brother, you have made a great mistake; that young man whom yon reproved is an idiot.' Since then I have al ways been afraid to reprove those who misbe have in church, lest 1 should repeat the mis take and reprove another idiot.’ During the # rest of tho service, at least, there was good order. \ Comprising— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, BAGGING and ? TES, an EVERYTHIN G- Else, And will store Cotton at 25 cts. per bale pje month Sept2 $955,000 X IJf CASH GIFTS, To be distributed by the MFBCAKTILE PRIZE ASSOCIATION ofNew York. (Daily drawings ! / / A PRIZE FOR EVERY TICKET. 1 Cask am, $100,000 I 75 Cash Gifts, ta. $1,000 IICaabGifta,#*. 50,0001 30' " " 25,000 1200 « •* •• 300 20 « « ** 5,000 1 650 « •* •« 100 <00 Gold W atehes:............ ........ $75 to 300 276 8swlngMachines- 50 to ISO T»El^.t Pianos—. each 250 to 7*0 50 ** Melodoons —•< 60 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver Ware, ate., valued at. St,500,001) A chance to diaw any of tho above prises for 25 eents. Tickets describing Prises ire sealed in En velope* and wall mixed. On receipt of 25 cents scaled drawn without choice, and tent by mail to any address. The prise named npon it will be deliscred to the ticket bolder on payment of own dol- Prizee aro immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. Yon will know what yonr prize ia bafora yon it. Any Prize axehanged for another of tba ue. No blanks. Onr patrons pay for imeval- on fair Ovikios* of th* Pniz*:—Fair dealing can ha ra iled on.—B- T.Berald, Ang.23. A genuine distribu tion.— World, Sept. 9. Not one at tba bnmbngs of the day.— Weekly Tribune, July 7. Thay giro general satisraotlon.—.Slant* Zextmg, Aug. 5. Kekkuemcks .—By kind permission we refer to the following:—Franklin 8 Lane, Louisville, drew $13,- 000. Miss HatUe Banker,Charleston. S9,0U0. Mrs. I Louisa T Blake, St. Panl, Piano, $700. Samnel V. It nr mond, Boston, $5,500. Eugene P Brackett, Pitt*, burgh, Watch, $300. Miss Annie Osgood, Now Or- leans, $5,000. Emory L Pratt, Columbns, 0.. $7,000. One Cash Girr in every package of 150 tlokets nteed. 5 tickets lor $1.00; 11 for $1.00; 25 for 50 for S5.00; 150 for $15.00. < wanted, to whom we offer liberal indnee- id guarantee satisfaction. Addrers, WALTER B. TURNER * CO., 748 Broadway, New York. Prevent Disease This Jr therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- tice by Sheriff waived. $5 gnlar, the next of kin aud creditors of said deeeased, I Also, at the same time and place, 40 salads, 1 cas te show cause, if any they have, why letters of admin- ; e r stand, 4 eake stands, 100 dozen scrap plates, 4 toy istration on tho estate ol said deceased should not be I dinner setts, 40 dosen caps and saucers, 1 obamber sett, gfon'ed the applicant, at the September term next ol 2 foot baths, 1 slop pea, 2 box lanterns and one lot of A DMINISTRATOR’S Sale. j a • A Will bt told, before the court tons© door in the town of Homer, Banks county, on tho first Tuesday in September next, within the legal honra of sale, the following property, to-wit: » One tract of land lying on Middle river, In Banks eonnty, known as a part of tho Nanoy Wofford tract, containing seventy-five acres—twenty acres of No 1 bottom land, tho balance upland Said land is in a high state of enltivation, adjoining lands of Caleb Chitwood and Turner Lane. Alto, at tho same time and place, one other tract, whereon Logan Perkina lived at the time of hi* death, containing about six hundred aeros, more or lets, ad joining Newton Dill, Nat Wofford and others,lyingon Nancy Town oreek, well improved, with about seven- ty-five acres of good bottom imnd. Sold under the en cumbrance of tbo widow’s dower, and by virtno ot an ^rderof the Court of (Ordinary of said eonnty, as the property of Logan Perkins, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and oreditors. Terms cash, julylfi $13 JOnN PERKINS, Adm’r. Two hundred and fifty acres of a place wbcrcon B F Suddctb a the place whereon B F 'SuddflVA„- D ,1 ,!# «t«. lands of Newton Suddeth, Ileoaeu» Waters i ont by J F Langston. plaUtUrr., Alia, at tho same time and piece rontv.fiv* tinrsi • ’ twenty-five acres of land, more waters of Hudson river, the nU.. 2ft WsiJ Stephen e now live., adjoining land,*™?* <£ er*. Levied on to satisfy a fi f, i,, B .7, M ««. porior Court, in favor of Absalom 8t P Stephens and John Bond, eeeurlHe. , 1 the property of John Bond. Prooewl' .‘f’W, Thompson Allan, plaintiff's aftoroer' Wt Also, at the same time and p),,, . B3 about twelve years old. Levied ' P*ld A Hill, to satisfy. 11 fa issued from,b>^ of Banks eonnty, in favor of Saanal » i!**') A Hill and WmTUsborn. 1 P nugfi •DECEIVER’S Sale. JLl) Will bo sold, beroro tba Court bos.. J I town of Homer. Banks county, on the sV.iiN September next, between tbo lawfol T ”< following property, to-wit: ‘ ‘“"'"S Lot No 49, in the town of Homer os R L on whieh is situated a very nestle r.i.l ” 1 * J modious store-house. Also, s small fr.L built for a grocery house. All of which t. N and by virtu, of a decree of the Banks eonnty, as the property of ROW., 1 for the benefit of tho oreditors of said ito.M Cc. nugfi THOMAS C. CHAN, U|*|* MADISON COUNTY^ ISTOTICE. _L X Pour weeks after the poblicstios .t I tice, application will be made tu the Cou*t 0 rn!l , l of Madison eonnty, for leave to sell the L.IilH ing to the eatato of James Carithers, late ot/.j ty. deceased. »♦ GKO. W. MABky, thiaConrL Given under my band officially, July 26,1873. jnlySO SI THOMAS GILES, Ord'v. Y— gas brackets. Sold by order of Judge of the Superior Court. February adjourned term, 1873, as the property of Robert M Adam and Jay O flailey. gam shea, augfi $5 J. A. BROWNING, Sh'ff. EORGIA, Bunks county. V_A Whereas, Lelitia J Perkin ire- Indebted to Jacob Lnneeford, do-1 O.E0RG1A, Clarke COnnty, ceased, late of Waltoo county, are required to make | VJf Whereas, J D Browne appl applies to me for letters immediatepsy’meot; andthoiehaviugdemaodsagainst of administration with the will annexed on the estate the estate of said deeeased, are notified to presentthem I of Thomas H Young, Sr, late of said county, dec’d— to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. july30 $5 GLEN O. LUNCEFORD, Adm’r. _ Perkins applies to me for lattero-Of administration on the estate of Jonas Per- kins, deceased, late of said county— This is therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- gular, the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to show canto, if any they have, why the administra tion of the estate of satd deeeased should n ot be grant ed the applicant at the Angnst term next of this Coiirt. Given under my hand and official signature, this 24 th June, 1873. julv2 ($4) A. C. MOSS. «rd’v. ; /^.EORGIA, Madison county. V_X Ordinary’s OSes, July 7th if, . Whereas, Joseph H Fitxpatrick h««i n C T| applied to me for letteis of administratis. tate of R Fitspatriek, lata of said count? L 1 Among Ponltry of all kinds. Prepared only by DB. WM. KING, ATHENS. For tale by Merchant* generally, and by BARRETT, LAND A CO., Angusta, febl2—8m Wholesale Agents. “VTOTICE. -LN I have this day filed with the Ordinary of Wal ton eonnty, application for leave to sell the reel eatato of Henry T Bose, deceased, late of said county— All persons interested are hereby notified to show ' cause, if any thoy hare, why such application should ' not be granted, at tho September term next of the Coart of Ordinary of said eonnty. july30 $4 E. M. BRAND, Adm’r. Therefore, allporsons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they bare, at the regular term of tbo Court »f Ordinary, to he held in andfor saideonn- \-*-*q unnui. ty. on the first Monday in September next, why said ("P," 8 letters should not be granted. I Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, Givon under my hand, this 2fith dav of July, 1873. jnlySO ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. O.EORGIA, Clarke county. Ordinary’s Office, July A.S. MANDEVILLE, Dealer in Imported and American Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments and Sporting Equip ments of all kinds. REPAIRING and ENGRAVING done with care, and warranted to give satisfaetion. Opposite the College, ATHENS, GA. Sole Agent for the sale of the celebrated Diamond Spectacles and for Pratt’s Astral Oil. A fair price paid for old Gold and Silver, in ex change for goods. deell—ly "VTOTICE, -L-X I hare this day filed with the Ordinary of Wal ton county, application for leave to sell the real estate of John L Kilgore, deceased, late of said eonnty July 28th, 1873. Mary Bigger* has applied for exemption of per sonalty and setting apart and valuationofhomestead; and I will pass npon the same at 11 o’clock, A. M., on the 8th day ofAognst, 1873, at my office. jniy30. ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. administrator of William Fagao. applies for leave to sell the lands be longing to tho estate of William Fagsin. deceased— All persons concerned arehoreby notified tofile their objections on or before the first Monday in September next, else leave will be granted tbeapplieant, as pray ed for. jnlySO $4 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. G eorgia, banks county. Whereas, Elian Carlan, administratrix of John v After the publication of thifi.notice once a week All personsToterea ted ire’hereby notified to’show I for four weeks, and at the regular term of the Court of cause, if any they have, why such application ehould Ordinary, to beheld in and for Clarke county, on the not bo granted, at the September term next of tho 8r,t Monday in September next, application will bo Court of Ordinary of said county. made to said Court for leave to sell all tbo Real Estate MARTIN STILT, belonging to the estate of Thomas Crawford, dec’d. jnlySO $4 Adm’r do bonis non, willannexid. I JULIA F. CRAWFORD. Ex’x. B Carlan, applies for leave <o sell all the Real Estate belonging to tbo estate of said deceased. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file tbeir objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in Angnst next, else leave will be granted tbeapplieant, as pray ed for, j°lj2 ($5) A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. “VTOTICE, T, ... . ... ..... - .. , lit After the publication of this notice once » Ihave thieday filed with the Ordinary of Wal- week for foor weo j, and at the r uIar term of th „ ton county, application for leave to sell tho realastato Coort of Ordinary, to bo held in and for Clarke conn- of James Austin, deceased, late of said county- t on th „ flm Moada , in September next, applica- All persons interested are hereby notified to show J on wi „ be road e t0 „{ d for le>Te t0 th , cause, if any they have, why such application ebonld Beal Est . t e 0 f Susan H Taylor, orphan of Richard , notbegrsnted, atthe September term next of the Oouxt p B . Taylor, deceased, lying in the county of Early of Ordinary ot eiidcoonty. L.i inn. i nri i riDc J 1 ROBERT J. THOMPSON, jaly30 $4 Adm’r da bonis non. and State of Goorgia. ju!y23. JOEL A. BILLUPS, Guardian. p EORGIA, Banks county. VJT To all whom it mhy concern. Asa L Griffin having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of John D Terrell, tato of said eonnty— This is to cite ail and singular, the creditors and next of kin of John D Terrell, to be. and appear nt my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if nny they have, why permanent letters of adminis tration should not be granted to Asa L Griffin on John D Terrell’s ostate. a Witness, my band’and offioial signature, Jnne 17th, 1873. jnne25 ($4) A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. N 0T S | pi EORGIA, Clarke counly. VX* Whereas, John R Crane ap| _. . pplies to me for let- I jiave this day filed with the Ordinary of Wal- tors of administration on the estate of Martha H ton eonnty, application for leave to sell tbo real estate Moore, late of said eonnty, deeeased— F. W. LUCAS & CO., TO THEIR CUSTOMERS. E are now preparing for onr Spring Stock, and Jacob Lnneeford, deceased, late of said county— 1 Therefore, all persons coneerned are hereby reqnlr- AU persons intererted are hereby notified to show ed to show cause, if any they have, at the regular cause, if any they have, why such application should term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to be not he granted, at the September term next of the hold on the first Monday in September next, why said Court of Ordinary of said eonaty. | letters should not be granted. ' july30 $4 GLEN O. LUN3EFORD, Adm’r. | Given under my band, this 19th day of July, 1873. tlnne to give our usual time to Qiose who pay promptly. All accounts due 1st July and 1st January, except by epeciai understanding. janlS F. W. LUCAS A CO. . ST^We hlve this day filed with the Ordinary of PJ-EORGIA, ClaXke COUntj. Walton eonntj, applieation for leave to sell the real 'X Jp ourt «f Ordinary of* Walton eonntj estate of William ’N Stone, deeeased, late of said Y tho first of December the subscriber will, have 1 on hand a number of first-class Mules and a few good Horses, whieh he will sell as low as eneh stoek ean possibly he furnished. He will keep a good stoek on hand from the lit of December until the 1st of March. His lot is in tba rear of Center A Reaves* store, where bo will be pleas ed to show the best stoek in the country. Let those want wait patiently, and they shall be supplied. oct2 JOHN KITTLE. NEW FALL GOODS. Center Ac Reaves H AVE now in store sued to arrive: 150 bags Coffee, , 150 bbls Sugar, different gradss, 1000 rolls Bagging, 1000 bundles Ties, 50 casks Bacon, 25 hbds Molasses. Also, a general assortment of Staple Goods, whieh wa offer to the public at lowest prices for cash or Pro duce. We are also agents for the celebrated Carver and Gnllett’i improved Cotton Gin. Call and see ns. ang‘J8 , CENTER A REAVES Painting’!' Painting! W. M. BONE PROPOSES to do all kinds ofPainting—Hones, Car- IT riage and - onse, Car riage and Fnrnitnre work—in the naateit, cheap est and moat dnrabla style. Also, imitation work and glazing and paperbanging dona at abort notiee. Prompt attention given to all orders left at tbeDrng Stores, or at bis Shop on Clayton street, 2d door S. S. Episcopal church, Athena, Ga. fabS—ly BLACKSMITHING. Attention, the Whole!! T'UE undersigned still eontinnes the above business 1 at hit old stand, the BRICK SHOP, on Prince A venae, where all elaaaea of work in his line will be faithfully executed. Particular attention given to horae-ahoeing. Those in want of the genuine . HEMPHILL PLOW, whieh ia new to popular^will do well to call and bay from the old man I Hia anperior will also be kapt on hand. Thankful for past patronage, he respectfully solicits a eon tin nanea of the tame. janl7—tf W. 8. HEMPHILL. -USE- W- A. CARLTON’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC T01IC BITTERS Useful in all onset of General Debility, onlarly adapted to cases of Indigestioi Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Hsadaeho and variona other complain ta arising from a Disordered Stomaeh They are also a good Partl- •» . IAver (Regulator y and n snro preventive of RIWETHER & V. I ■) ESPBCTFULLY announce to the public tbattboy ) still located at tboir old stand, near Gann 4 ’ Livcrv Stable, and aro prepared to do all ' ULAC .SMITHING. •'Ifortheprescntwillbo $1.10. e forward CHILLS AND FEVER. -Tho Prepared only by R. T. BRUMBY & CO., DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, u*2S College Avenue, Athens, Ga. --v . ijm All person* interested are hereby notified to show l»‘e°f said eonnty,deoeased, petitions tho Conrtfor a cause, if any ihey have, why such applieation should from said executorship— MULES AND HORSES. not bo granted, at the September term next of the Coart of Ordinary of said county. ’OCTAVIUS STONE, 1 . ... uly30 $4 WILLIAM R. STONE, J Adm "• “VTOTICE I have this da j filed with the Ordinary of Wal ton county, applieation for leave to sell the land be longing to tho estate of Susan Atha, deceased, late of said eonnty— All persons interested are hereby notified to show O.EORGIA, Clarke county. VUr Court of Ordinary uf said county. .. , , . - • . ,.| Wheieas, William Y Elder, executor ot Jo*hn* F cause, tf any they have, why sneh application shonld V | okeri> laU> of gaid eount , dec easod, petitions the not bo granted, atthe September term next of th. Court Conrt for a di , char( , e froln , aid exeontorship- of Ordinary or said county. _ | Therefore, ail persons concerned are heroby required to show cense, if any they have, why said executor Sheriff’s Sales. Will be sold* on tbo first Tnesday in September next, before »!<e court house door in Jefferson, Jackson next, berore *!ie court House doorin Jefferson, Jackson /~>t padm a p'lnrtrt* jwnnrtr county, tt schin tbe lawful Lours of sale, the following ( -JJWlUllA, COUWy* property, to-wit: ’ . N2L... property, Six hundred and fourteen acres of land, more or less, ! immediately, as we are needing the money, july2—St L. F. A J. P. FINCH, Market st. lying on tbo road leading from Athens to J.ff.„on,.n ebi “" n ’ i S ‘ otrU £°. rmer ' y A,larR C t M *y” e > . LL iriri. jf^rior to th. the water, or Oconee river, adjoining lands of Hodg- and America R May no, petition, the Court fora dis- Al.tofJ^^^^^ sou, Varnum, Mr. Bell and others, tolerably well im- f ™ m *V, d g«»' MtU * n P oroved, the pliico whereon defendant now lives. Le- , Tb ° r9fore ’ *U person.cone.rn.dare hereby required 1 immediately, as we are needier th. money, vied on by Virtue of a fi fa issued from the Superior * *bo* cause, if any they have, why said guardian Conrt of said oounty-William Patman vs J H Herri- * h ®" ld 'V eg ■ U I te !“ h#l $ •on and W D Harrison—and sundry otherfifasvssaid ° n Monday in September next, be discharged " H Harrison. Property pointed out by plaintiff. from said guardianship. ■ $5 J. S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. . ?/.t rd *l of ,“£ d Co “;L*t-*,togaUr term thereof, Also, at the same time and place, all the interest °f '' 22 7 JACKSON Ord’v whieh Mery A Belt is possessed, in fonrhnndred and J-2H?? ” ASA M. JACKSON, Ord y. t, BmLimlUrdxzrr iJiSScpplits.VnMmgt, „ (BridthNevtU RuLBilasler), ’U’trt Giunk, t SUU^UiriUUutiuihMrutdDan. Tdixn Watt Pine, WtlnutSjuyl ‘ CtbinctMtJerjKn* Woodt,&. ■AU WorkWimn/td, LOWEST PRICES. SendflrPriu Lief. LH.HALL&CO* Jftn vfirtarert Sc UnUrr. 2,4., 0,8,/ft Market Street. 2 ‘ forty acree of land, more or leas, the plaee whereon ~VT0TICE William Boll lived at tbo time of his death, on the wa- J\J Aft „ the pnbUcation 0 f thienotlce one. a week ** ,0,, c*j^mpt“ved. oJ^inar^.'to^behefdVn and*L)r*Vlar™ conmy^on'the Levied on by viltue of a fi fa issued from the Superior ’I _„i v. g . I uiuiiiniji w usuniu iu auu ivi wiaiaw vuuuej, vu tuo Court of eaid county—WillUm I'atmanv.MaryABell'i [ made'tosaidhCoor^forTeave^Qeell^aUth^Beal'Eet^e adm’x. Property pointed out by plaintiff. >1 mad* to said Conrt, for leave tq. ell all the Real Estate Also, at the same time i Machine. Levied on S Hill, T C, vt B F Riden, Agent of the Weed Sew ing Machine Co. Levied on for tax. aug6 $5 J. S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. | 225, i, 225, MdJtBey,' CHARLESTON, S.C. i m» eat entered according to Act of Concrete, in tie gear 1873, 5y /. H. Ball A Co., in tie office of the Librarian of Cougrest, at IPasAtngton. jnne25r-ly. BONDS QFTHE CITYQFKTHEHS Fox* Sale. O NE HUNDRED thousand dollars worth—hearing 8 per oent. interest, payable semi-annually. The ‘ ited. iHNSON, Seo’y A ’ Northeastern Rail] attention of capitalists invited. lapltalista i JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. See’y A Trots. Maj7—tf. RABUK COUNTY /^EORGIA, Rabun counly. VJT Mary A McLain, wife ot Martin V MoLain and bead of • family of minor ehildren, has applied for ex r.antkou and setting apart and valuation ot homestead, real and personal, of laid Martin V MoLain; and I will paaa npon tba aame st 1 o’clock P M, on the 24th day af July, 1873, at my offlee. jnlylfl $2.25 J. W. GREEK, Ord’y. W" . A. MATHES0N, i Applieation for Par tition of peraonal property, in Rabnn Snperior Conrt, April Term, 1873. It appearing to the Conrt, that Benjamin W. Ball, .party in internet in the eauae above stated, resides without the limits of this State, to-wit: in tho Stato of Booth Carolina— It ia orderod that service of tbo applieation of peti tioner he perfected upon the said Benjamin W.Bell, by publication once a month forfonr months in tho 8ontb ern Watchman, a pnblio gazette of this Stats publish ed in tbs city of Athens, and that the oanso therefore do stand in Us order for disposition at the next term of tho Conrt. GARNETT McMILLAN, Granted: Applieant’a Att’y. • GEORGE D. RICE, Judge. I eertify tbit the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Rabnn eonnty at This Ifitb day of Jnno. 1873. V. M. HUNK its April t jnne25 ilast. <$»> ICUTT, Clerk r^EORGIA, Rabnn county, VT James Doekinshavingapp guardian of tbo porsons I ‘ ' Willie E Doe applied to bo appointed pmerty of Hiram U GAL BLANKS, '""'’Sffi.FFB. ^ ; ; =v Dockins and Willie E Doctrine,’ minor heirs of John T Dockins, deceased, residents of said county— This is to cite all persons concerned to be and ap pear nt tho term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held next alter the expiration of thirty dnys from the first pnblication of this notice, and show cause, if they why said James Dockins should not bo entrusted with the guardianship of tho persons and property of ssid minors. Witness, my hand and official signature. j.nell t$t> J. W. GREEN. Ord’y. * pi EORGIA, Banks county. \X~ In the Superior Court, rre -i Tud - •• .} july23. ASA M. JACKSON. Ord’y. of satd oounty. Whereas,ThomssN Epps, executor of William Epps, Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why said exeeutor should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in November next, be discharged from ssid executorship. By order of said Court, at aregnlar term thereof, held this the 7th dsy of July, 1873. julylfi $5 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. - coootr I... This is therefore to cite all concerned to A,, If any they oan, why said letters of sdnj.1L. should not be granted to Joseph H PitxpatrieV* September term of the Court or Ordinan < \ oounty. julylfi $4 GEO. C. DANIEL (T* TAMES P. HALL. Adm’r 1 t) of William Hall, dec’d, ' „ “'"r. James B. Rond etal. j It appearing to the Conrt that Mary S t one of the defendants in tbe above stated tii',2 in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, and thatuT nonce of Zacbarieh T Hall, one other of said A ants, is unknown— It is therefore ordered, by the Court, Tin on said Mary E Carithers and Zacbariab I perfected by pnblienlion of this order in tbs Sts Watchman, for sixty days previous to the neztte- this Court; and it is further ordered, that titHa of the Southern Watchman containing said i tion, be mailed to said Mary E Csritberi. If Tonnessee. J. M. MATTHEWS, Pl'f,^ A true oxtraet from tbe minutes of Msdiio,S 0 Court, March term, 1873. ^ juiyfl F. M. BIRD,<5, EORGIA, Madison < VT Ordinary’* Office, i '*y 5th, 1811 To Sarah Berryman, Greeting;—Where,i, tj been represented to mo that Wm Bovtri.tbiSei upon tho bond of Sarah Berryman, adminiiinttbl Robert W Berryman, deeeased, has late!; dm 1 this life, leaving said bond withont turetj; It fore, issue this citation calling npon tbe said h_ Berryman to be at my office on the first Hostel July noxt, to give other and sufficient teesrin. , may 14 GEO. C. jnlySO LEWIS SWORDS, Ex’r. JACKSON COUNTY. should not, at a regular term of laid Conrt, to bo hold on thefirst Monday in November next, be discharged from said executorship. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, | hold this tbe 7th day of July, 1873. julylB $5 ASA M. JACKSON. Ord’y. of said oounty. Whereas, James PMayne, guardian of his minor Present the Hon. Geo. D. Rico, Judge of said Court. Thowas B. Griffin ) Mortgage, Ae., Ap.torm, 1873 R. Calhoun Waters, j It appearing to the Court,by the petition of Thomas B Griffio, accompanied by the note and mortgage deed, that on the fifteenth dny of May, in the year 1872, the defendant made and delivered to the plaintiff hia pro- missory note, bearingjdate tbe day and year aforesaid, whereby thedefendanfpromfsed, on or before the twen ty-fifth day of December next following the date of said note, to pay the plaintiff or order one hundred dollars, with interest from the date of the note, for valne received; and that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, to eeenre the payment of said note, executed and delivered to the plaintiff his deed of mortgage, whereby the defendant mortgaged to tho plaintiff lot of land number forty-nine, in tbe village of Homer, in said eonnty, with the home* end appurtenances to the eame belonging, containing one- ninth of an aero, more or less; and it farther appear ing to the Conrt, that said note remains unpaid— It it therefore ordered. That the said defendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest and coata dne on said, note, or ihfiw cause to tba contrary, if any ha oan; and that on tba failnra of the to do, tbe equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged pro mises be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed - and it is farther ordered, that this rale be pnbliehed in the “ Southern Watchman” once a month for four months previons to the next term of this Court, or serv ed on the defendant or his special agent or attorney, at least three months previons to the next term of thie Court. EMORY SPEER, Granted: PlaintifFa Att’y. GEO. D. RICE, Judge. A troe extract from the minutes of this Court may 14. JOHN W. OWEN, Clerk. rY.EORGIA, Madison county. VJT Whereas, it has been represented It atd John Meadvs, late of said eonnty, dcSHut,^ intestate, leaving at hit death a contidenbl, „ and it has beon farther represented to me thattk great danger of waste of said estate, for tb,v due administration being had npon the taut— I therefore issne this citation, cailingos til* concerned to show cause, if any, why saidadnh tion shonld not be vested in F M Bird, Clutd] Superior Court of said eonnty, or sons otlug person, at'tbe July term of the Court of Ordii said eonnty. mayl4 GEO. C. DANIEL, 0 CHILDS, NICKERSON k GENERAL HARDWARE DEALEEs, | may2l Agents, Aihcu,& Livery, Feed & Sale Stab ATHENS, GEORGIA. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETOS be fonnd at their old stand, rsar Fn House bonding, Thomas etreet. Km; i on hand good Tarn-onts and earefnl driven. Stock well eared for when entrusted to ournaj Stoek on hand for sale at all times, d« A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y.H. CHILDS. NICKERSON 8c GO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ntod out by plaintiff. $5 I belonging to the estate of William A Carr, deceased, to a ta’x" fi^,u*J b? | J"* 16 -* THOMAS W. CARB, Ex’r. /GEORGIA, Clarke county, VJT Whereas, Elisha M Thome ipson applies to me Jo ' A DMINISTRATOR’S Sale. jLM. Agreeably to an order of tl for letters of Guardianship of John S Bailey and Robert W Bailey, of said eonnty, orphans under four teen years of ago, of Weiley E Bailey, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby reqnir HARDWARE, IRON Agreeably to an order of the Conrt of Ordi- , w m nary of Jackson county, Georgia, will be (old, before I ed to show cause, if any they have, at the regular the court house door in Jeffereon, between tbe legal term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to be boars of sale, on the first Tnesday in October next, to bold on tbe firat Monday in Angnst next, why said the highest bidder, at pnblio outcry, the real aatato | letters should not be granted, belonging to the estate of Jamoa Morris, late of aaid I Given under county, deceased, it being the tract or parcel of land july2. whereon said deceased resided at the time of bit 1 death, containing threehnndred and fifty-seven acres, ore or lees, adjoining lands of widow Trout, J H Vandivers, Allen White and others, known as the Mattox plaee. Between thirty-five and forty aerea in QHAS. my hand, tbil 26th day of June, 1373. ASA M JACKSON, Ord’y. .} HEMBRICK .Libel for Divorce, In Clarke Snperior Court. AMANDA HEMBRICK. . It appearing to the Court, that tbe defendant ia not original woods, one hundred aerea in enltivation, re-1 10 be fonnd In aaid eonnty or 8tate— STEEL, 3NT AILS, Horse and. Mlnle Shoes, HORSE-SHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS maioder in old pine field, about thirty-five sores . . . -. , - , ,?° od It is ordered by the Conrt, Tbst service be perfected bottom land on the plaee. A comfortable dwelling, by publication in tba Sontbern Watchman, a newspa- with negrocabins and other improvement* on the I per published in Athena, G*,, for tbe space of 4 months including a splendid well of water. Tern* ne xt preceding the Angnst term of Clarke Superior oaab. Possession given let January, 1874, with priv- Court. 1873. E. P. LUMPKIN, ileg. of sowing grain immediately after ..1* Sold Plaintiff. Att’y. for purpose of distribution. ROB’T MORRIS, 1 - nly23 *. Adm’r of James Morris, deo’d. GEORGE D. BICE, Judge. ap9 M“ STAXLEY * ibel for Divoree, in Clarke Superior Conrt. /T EORGIA, Jackson eonnty. VJT Noth: it hereby given to all persona concern-1 WILLIAM E. 8TANLEY, wKsffSfKSr— — ’ istration will he vested in tbe Clerk of the Snporior b /p nbU e.tlon in th. Southern Watchman, .^ Court, oraome other lit and proper person, thirty days p „ pnb n, b ,d in Athens, Ga„ for tbe apace of4 months afterths publication of thiso!t.tton,nnle..aomovalid {J.xt preceding tbe Angnst term of Clarke Snperior objection is made to bis appointment. Court,1873. E. P. LUMPKIN, Giv*nnndermybandandoflieialfignatore,tbia7tb Q ran ted day of July, 1873. • W. 0 HOWARD,. GEORC julylfi $4 ’ Ord’y and ex-offioio Clerk. GEORGE D. RICE, Judge. Plaintiffs Att’y. op9 /T EORGIA, Jackson county. VJT To all whom it may eonoern. Madison Strickland having in proper form applied tome for parmanaot lattors of administration on the tatate of Hardy Stricklandi late of aaid county, do ceased— CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c-, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of BRIKLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCAL& I SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER. ELEVATORS AND PU^ CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., &c., &c. Franklin Snp. Conrt, April Term, 1873. Libel for Dtvoire*. B’" Any article in our line not in stock idU be ordered when desired, with the least post tsr Call and examine our Stock and Prices. t decl8^ a ] It appearing to tbe Court, by tho return of tho She riff, that the defendant is withont the jurisdiction oi next of kin of Hardy 8triokland, to be and appear at th;s Q onrt lo tbat seTV \ ce cannot bo perfected npon my offlee within tho time allowed by law and abow h , . D » r son— cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of ad- 1 mm in Pc"on— person- On motion, it is ordered that service be perfected of July, 1873. julylfi Si W.C. HOWARD, Ord’y. Granted: GEORGE D. RICE, Judgo. ($8) jnnell RBMOVAIj. HEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS The undersigned, having farmed a partnership, under name and style of GAILEY & BARRY, “^T T. THURMOND, ) BlUfor Canoella- tion of salo by Trustee, Parti- I tion and Belief. Jackson S Couit, I Feb Term, 1873. Ludnell Thurmond, Nan cy J Thurmond, IIP Human, Guar, of Mary I Thurmond vs J O Thurmond and John T Smith., It appearing to tho Court tbat J C Thurmond, Trus tee, one of tho defendants in tho abovestateil case,re sides out of tho limits of the county of Jacksoa, and also out of the limits of the State of Georgia, and that personal service by tho officers of the State ni perfected on him— , It is ordered that sorvicohe perfected by tion once a month for four months before term of this Court in the Southern Watchman,, news paper published in Athens, Georgia. EMORY SPEER, 1,, Granted: WILL. I. PIKE. }Bol.forCempl ta GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. A true extract from the minutes oi the Sup,riot Court of Jackson county, Ga. junell ($12) T. H. NIBLAOK, Clerk • « FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL, Cor. CortlaMt & New Clmrcli Sts. New York. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Richard P. French, . I Increased tbeir eapital and established themselves at Barry’s old stand, corner Brosd and Jack , o® 1 |;j will be pleased to see their onstomers and sell them Goods at the LOWEST PRICES ever before <=f ,! [ the city. Tbo old “ Lamp Man,” Mr J W BROWN, superintends the department of ( Crockery, Glass-ware, Lamps & Looking-Glasses. In which can be found all the latest and best styles of Goods. Also, a beautiful aceortment of f*' ftTtvw 1 TSAri rPllU flHDTCIVM h Q nrsTTTw * TTC1 7 CHINA, FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. IN THE AUCTION & COMMISSION DEPARTME^ Son of the late Col. RICHARD FRENCH, of French's lea-j Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly fitted up aud en tirely renovated the same. Centrally located in the BUSINESS PART of the City. Lanins' A Gentlemen’s Dining Rooms attached. june25. For jEg.023.ic, A HOUSE of four rooms, in the centre of the city. Inquire at july2—tf THIS OFFICE. have received thelargest consignment of HOLIDAY GOODS ever received in Athens, conrist'»8‘"J. of DOLLS, of all 3orUand siies, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a TOY to please each andevsC* Fire-Works for Christmas, And a fine lot of OIL PAINTINGS and CHROMOS. Will keep constantly on band, at wholesale l*ud r. tail, a ft,'.; 15:-..- of CANDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, LEMONS, ORANGES. CRACKERS, *e., #■ CIGAHS AND TOBACCO. 1|(I JAY O. GAILF.Y, dee4-tf JOSEPH M.