The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, September 16, 1874, Image 2

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Athens, Oa. WEDNESDAY M0BH1S6, SEPT, ltt, 18«4 Largest Circulation! READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE Eighth District. The Radical convention of th6 8tli District mot at Augusta on the 9th, and resolvod that it was inexpedient to nominato a candidate in opposition to Mr. Stophens. Grand Radical Pow-Wow. A convention of delegates from all the South ern States has been called to moot in Atlanta or Chattanooga in October next, for thoosten siblo purpose of ascertaining wbat farther moasuros aro necessary to comploto Southern re-construction, but for tho real object of man ufacturing cock and bull stories in rogard to so-called “outrages.” They will no doubt make a sweet mess of it, and have it all ready, cut and dried, for tho Presidential canvass Fourth District. Hon. nenry R. Harris was unanimously nom inated for reflection to Congress on tho 10th ballot, at Nownan, on the 9th inst. Third District. Gen. Phil. Cook was unanimously noruina ted for ro-olection in tho Third District Thursday last. This completes tho list. Tho Democratic ticket is now full. Lot us see to it that all aro elected. Tho Seventh District - Seems to bo in a muddle. Tho people in some of tho aoanties are greatly dissatisfied with tho lato nomination. Dr. Felton, tho in dependent candidate, who is perfectly sound on ajl tho issues of tho day. seems to be mak- ' lng strong headway. He has taken the stump and boldly denounces the abuses of the con vention system. Thousands flock to hear him, applaud bis speechos and openly endorse him; We fear that this split will lead to the election of a Radical in that District. The troth is, the convention plan has been so grossly abused that wo do not wonder that all sODsiblo and honest men are demanding a reform. But the plan adopted, it strikes ns, not a good one. It may break up the fraud ulent practices which havo disgusted the peo ple; but, in doing this, it may also break down tho party. The plan lately suggested in these columns, and which is not original with us, but comes from ono of tho foromost mon in this or any other State, is tho proper one, it strikes us, to euro this evil. Briefly stated, it is this: At tho October olcction for mombors of tho Logis lature, lot a soparate box he prepared, in which electors may deposit their ballots for thoir clioico for candidates at tho election for mem bers of Congress tho ensuing month. Let tho votes of the soveral counties be consolidated and the man getting the largest numbor be do dared the candidate. This obviates tbo necessity of holding a con lottcri of administration on tbo estatoof Jane D Young, r /^1 EOKGIA, Jackson county. '»| Vj Whereas, Alfred Smith and N W Pittman, ad vention, prevents all “intriguo, bargain and ntay. God has created tho two racos differ- snlo ” and gets what is needed in such cases, ent, with different tastes, capacity and in ti direct, square, unequivocal expression of etincts for social enjoyment and no human 1,1 u 5 „,, th * „ hn „ld legislation can over compel thorn to unite as late of said county, deceased- I ministrators of the estate of Charles Smith, late of said public sentiment, from WhlCll tbero should 1)6 80cial equals. Theae are therefore to cito and admonish ail con-1 connty . decoascd, make application for leave to sell uo appeal. Thoso who urge thi3 mcasuro in Congress, * *- - 1 ' ir .i >■ -* This, or some other plan must bo adopted, with a view of bringing up the colored voters seated in 1807; and it becomes us to meet tit fairly and squarely, and to do alMn our power to avert the enactment of a measure which will throughout the entire South. . .. It was a hard enough fate upon us for oUr conquerors to abolish'-slavery, and wrest from us, without a dollar of compensation, the bil lions of dollars invested in that property, which bad descended from generation to generation, as the patrimony of several ages; and then to compel us to stand upon terms of legal equality without former slaves, and meet them as equals at the ballot box. This, however, the conqueror dictated, and compelled submission to bis dictation; and those who were most fiery and denunciatory in their warfare against it, accomplished nothing of good for our peo ple. All parties havo now united in acquiescence in these measures; and all the States have been re-admitted into the Union, as tbo North ern States must admit, upon terms of legal equality. Here then tbo reconstruction meas ures should ceaso, and all parties should agreo that the war is at an end; that we have saf- iered its disastrous consequences; and that no farther wrongs should be inflicted upon us. At this stage, however, with a viow no donbt to tho next Presidential campaign, and for tho purpose of making tho colored voters more enthusiastic in their support of the Republican party, certain leaders of that powerful organi sation bring forward what iscallcd the “Civil Rights Dill,” which is now pending on the calondar of Congress, and which, in fact, is iotonded, not as a civil rights bill, but a social rights measure; for the purpose of compelling social equalitg between tho white and colored people of tho Soutb. This can never be dono and if attempted should not, and will not be submitted to, bo tbo consequcncos what they Ninth District. It Is rumored in the upper counties, we un derstand, that the Hon. Joshna Hill, late U. S. Senator, will shortly declare himself an in dependent candidate for Congress in this Dis trict. We do not know whether the rumor is entitled to credence. We have understood all along that Mr. Hill had positively declined running. O.EORGIA, Clarke comity. VT Whereas, George H McKee applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of James L Gregory, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to eite and admonish all eon- corned to show cause, if any they have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, nt office, this 8th day of Sept., 1874. septic ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y , GEORGIA, Clarke county. CT Whereas, James Camak applies to mo for let ters of guardianship of Annie T Camak, of said coun ty, orphan of Thomas Camak, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all eon earned to show cause, if any they have, at my offlee, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 8th September, 1S74. scptlfi ASA M. JACKSON,Ord’y Whereas, Obadiah T Echols, administrator of tbo estate of Hannah Echols, late of said county, de ceased, petitions for a discharge from said administra tion nis nor. upon tbo estate of John F Johnson, late of said county, deceased, applies to mo for leave to sell Therefore, all persons concerned aro hereby required 1 “>« remainder in the wiuow’s dower, belonging to tbo shew causo why *aiil administrator should not, at I , f 8aid deceased the regular term of tho Court of Ordinary of said co. Therefore, all persons are notified to show cause, if to be hold on the first Monday in January next, bo dis- *>are, on or before the next regular term of charged from said administration. tho c °« r , 1 ° f Ordinary, to bo hold in and for said coun- Givon under my hand, this 7th day September. 1874. * J 1 ’, wh }’ 8hould not b ® S ranted tbe tt PP 1,c » nt t0 septlfi ASA M. JACKSON. Ord’y. "»“« my tM , 8#pt> W4 p EORGIA, Clarke county. I " ptl6 $4 w. o. howabd, Ord*,. Whereat*, Thomas G Macon applies to me for or worso will follow. EX-GOV. BROWN’S LET L'ER. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 2, 1871. to a more enthusiastic support nf their party, are putting themselves in a position to do tbe greatest possible injury to the colored race Suppose this bill should pass at tbo next Con gress, wbat will bo tho result! Tho legisla ture of each Southern Stato, as soon as it is called togotbor, will at onco repeal all laws by which public schools aro maintained at tho The Press of Georgia. Gen. Toombs is reported to bavo said in bis Bpcccb at Madison that no relianco can bo placed on tbo press of Georgia, as “any of them could bo bought for a few hundred dol lars.” Now, Gon. Toombs did not believe ono word or that, li is by such reckless as sortions that tbe pooplo bavo boon driven to lose confidence in him. Gen. Toombs knows ns well as tho public does, that tbo press of Georgia has proven itself in tho past much more incorruptible than our political leaders —many of whom havo boon bought aud ro sold so often that it is difficult to ascertain who they belong to, unloss it is the devil! Ho ccrtuiuly has tho best title to thorn, a3 they servo him more faithfully than they do God or their country. _____ LltUe Chariio Ross, The child abducted from its parents in Phila dolpbia sorno twa # montbs ago, has not yet been found. Various children which it was thought answered the description, havo been found in difforont parte of tho country, but nouo of them have turned out to bo tho long lost Cbarlio. Tho latest report on this subject is from tbo paper at Toccoa, tho Herald, which reports that two men with a littlo boy suiting tbo de scription of Cbarlio and his abductors, wore scon crossing tbo Currahee mountain two or throe wcoks ago, and proceeded in tho direc tion of tho Blue Ridge. The child was crying for its motbor. Tho descriptive circulars, of fering a reward for tho child bad not at that timo mado thoir oppearanco in Habersham. Gov. Brown’s Letter. As many of our readors aro no doubt anx ious to seo tho views of Gov. Brown in print, we copy his lato letter to tbo McWhorters o, Greene. llis views in regard to tho social equality measure of Radicalism aro eminently corrcctf and whatever may bavo been bis errors in the past, ho is now right on that question. Cer tainly respectable wbito mon will bo obliged to denounce and leavo tho ranks of a party which is attempting to forco this odious meas ure through Congress. Hon. B. 11. Hill Mndo a6tirring speech at Madison, Morgan county, on tbe 9th instant- Tbo corsespond- ent of the Atlanta News says it was an olo quent speech, and ho was enthusiastically ap plauded. Ho makes no other sort. The Beecher Affair. Moulton, tho “ mutual friend” of Beecher, Tilton, and every body else, has mado hisloDg premised revelation, which is very damaging to Beecher, provided tho public givo crcdonco to bis statemonts. Tho public mind, as far as wo know, has sottlcd down in tbo belief that they aro ail bard cases. Hon. Garnett McMillan’s Appointments. I propose to address tbo people of the Ninth Congressional District, at the following times and places: Clayton Monday, 21st of Septcmbor. Uiwasseo, Wednesday, 23d. Blairsville, Friday, 25th. .Morganton, Saturday, 36 th. Ellijay, Tuesday, 29th. Jasper, Thursday, 1st October. Camming, Saturday, 3d. Dawsonvilio. Monday, 5tb. Dablonega, Wednesday, 7th. •. / Cleveland, Friday, 9th. Carne8ville, Monday, 12th. Danielsvillo, Tuesday, 13tb. Gainesville, Thursday, 15tb. Jefferson, Saturday, 17th. Lawroncovillo, Monday, 19tb. . Madison, Wednesday, 2tst. Watkinsville, Thursday 22d. Athens, Thursday, 22d, at night. • Homer, Saturday, 24th. Toccoa City, Thursday, 29th. Clarkcsville, Saturdy, 31st. Tho public, of both parties, aro respectfully invited to bo present. Garnett McMillan. Fortho Southern Watchman. To tho Citizens of Jackson Connty. Having received tho nomination as a candi date to represent you in the next Genoral As sembly, by tho meeting or convention held in Jefferson, on tho 11th inst., I desire to defino my position on a question which is not In issue in this canvass, but which is being drgod by my opponents, and which may mislead tbe un wary. It is with regard to the stock law. I havo heretofore bcon an advocate of said law, or something embracing tbe main features of It, but knowing the sentiment of the people on tbe subject, were it in my power to forco it npon them contrary to thoir will, I would not do &o. Tbe office has been tendered mo without my Bolirltetinn, and I promise yon that, if elected, I .will represent tbo whole people faithfully and to tho boat of my ability. Respectfully, A. C. Thompson. Messrs. 11. L. Me Whorier and James II. Mc Whorter, PcnficU, Ga.: Gentlemen In reply to your letter in , rcforcnco to tho political situation, in which I pubhc expenso, and leave each man to educate understand you to ask my opinion of tho Civil bis own children as best bo can. This will Rights Bill, pending before Congress, 1 bavo I leavo tbo colored peoplo, who aro without to state that I am not engaged in political property, to grope their way m ignorance, strife, nor do 1 intend to be in tbo future. 1 with no moans of educating them offspring shall, howovor, maintain tho position of an in- And it will necessarily loavo a groat many deneudent citizen, and I shall not hositate to white pooplo in the same unfortunate situation express any political opinions which I may on- But bo this as it may, wo will not submit tc tertaiu, aud to act and vote in such manuer as mixed schools, where our children will bo coin in my judgment will best promote tho interest polled to unite with those of tho colored raco of tbo State of Georgia, and of tbo whole peo-1 terms of social equality. plo of tbo Union. I havo boon president of tho Board of Edu F As you aro aware, 1 was ono of tho first pub-1 cation in Atlanta, sinco the organization of lie men in Georgia to tako a position in favor our system, winch is uow working most ad- of acquiescence in tho reconstruction measures mirably, under which wo have separate schools, adopted by Congress. I did this becauso I open to wbito and colored children, and every clearly foresaw that tho South, as tho conquer- child bolonging to either raco can find its way ed section, would bo compelled to submit to into » g"°d school if tho parent thinks proper these measures, and that if acquiescence was I t0 su nd it - 1 heso schools are maintained by refused, more rigorous measures would be eu- taxation of tbo wholo pooplo. and their bur- forced. But I thought by acquiescing at onco, den falls mainly upon those who have most and raising no issues with tho colored peoplo wealth aud who havo nc children to educate, of tho State, wo would retain thoir confidence, { am proud of tho system, aud of tho great and keep thorn out of tbo hands of tbo carpet- ^nefits which are resulting from it and I baggers and designing men. who would come feel as our white people generally do. and among them for the purpose of misleading since the colored peoplo aro made citizens, if thom and axeitintr their Droiudicos acainst the tll0 7 act ' n t ' le ' r P ro P® r social spliore, it is our WUICU I lea it my uuty iu iuku uuuu tucau :—«* " , —■. . . . ~ issues, and wo passed’ through a period of per- diate repeal of all laws on this subject ai secution and ostracism seldom endured by (^Ismsmii as the thoso who havo in view nothing but tho best Civil Rights Bill shall become a law. inrorosts of the State in the course thev Dur- It cannot be said that we violate any pro- sue. and w ho labor day and night to save those ™ion of the Constitution of tbo United States who revile them, from a fate such as tho white when wo repeal our school laws, as that con people of South Carolina and Louisiana, who I stitution requires no State to maintain anj followed the advice of unwiso leaders, and made public school; and wo no discnmi- effort to control the deliberations of their nation on account of race, color or previous conventions, aro now compelled to endure. condition of servitude, when wo refuse to The result ol our labors aud those who co- maintain any public school at tho public ex operated with us. in and out of the Convention, for the children of either race. .-avo to Georgia a Constitution under which But this is not all. Tho attempt to forco she is now living and prospering, and to her equality between the racesonrailroads steam native original citizens' the control and manage- «»«•. a “ d especially in hotelts anil cburcbcs * b © will produce constant strife, and very frequent “‘in the other SoSlicrn States, where the bloodshed, that will probably soon lead to , , f ,i,o ~i,i,„ rmintvinfr thn I war of races, aud produce a horrible state .adrico of their excited lexers, gave up their throughout the entire South, tormina- eonstitutional conventions to negroes and car-1 lln E in general auarchy, which will ond m the t-baggers, and made no effort to control extermination of tho negro race. Muca as I u - - 1 deprecate and oppose all mob law, I cannot , Clarke county. iholi TO KENT. 11.1, be rented, to th* highest bidder, before the .. eourt house door in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in October next, the plantation known as the Joseph H Davie plaoe, 31 mile* west of Jefferson, lying on the waters of the Oconee river. There is enough of cultivatahlo land for fonr or five bandt, comfortable dwelling and Decenary out-build ings, some 40 or 80 acres of bottom tand, and enough •ane to winter several head ofeattle. There were some 18 or S t bags of cotton made on the plaoe last year, and as good a orop growing this. Person! wishing to root will do wall to go and axamlne this place. The place will he rented, with thenotei falling dna the 1st of November, 187S. The growing crop for 1875 wilt atto be bound for tbe rent. H. C. APPLEBY, septlfi Ex’r of J. H. Davis, deceased. EORGIA, Jackson county. iJT Pinckney P.Pirkle, 1 Application to prove Executor of the will of John | will in solemn form, IPirkle, deceased, j in Jackson Court of vs I Ordinary. To tho Hoirs-nt-law of said deceased, j November term, 1874 It appearing to the Conrt that Martha Miller, one of the heirs-at-law of testator, resides without this State, to-wit: in the State of Ordered by the Court, That she be notified of this application by publication of this order in tho South ern Watchman, af Athens, Georgia, once a week for six weeks prior to the November term, 1874, of said Court. Given under my hand, officially, this Sept. 7th, 1874. septlfi 310 WILEY C. HOWABD, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, John S Hunter, administrator de bo NEW FALL GOODS! ENTER cfc REA.VE8 HAYS NOW IN STOBBAND TO ABHIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and haif Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, ' 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bides OSNABURGS. ■AJso, a good assortment of iPrint** BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, Hats, Boots & Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Also, a general assortment of STAPLE GrOOr>@. Wo koop a general assortment of goods made by tho ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Me j Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Yarns. We aTO also Agents for tbo LIGHT DRAFT CLUCT GIN. AH of which wo offer to tho public at LOW PRICES, FOB C ASH OH B ARTER. CALL AND SEE Cg Athens, Sept. 2,1874. CENTER & REAVES. corned to show cause, if any they have, at my office, t Uo lauds belonging to said deceased- on or before the first Monday in November next, why Therefore, all persons aro hereby notified and re said lettejg should not be granted. I quired to show cause, if any they have, on or before Given under my hand, at office, tin the 10th day of th „ n „, regu ]ar term of the Court of Ordinary, to be September, 1874. . ,, I held in and for said county, why leavo to sell said * e P“® “• JACKSON, Ord y. J l» n d should not bo granted, as prayed for by applicants. , I Giver, under my official signature, this 7 th Sept, 1874, DMINIST11AT0R S Sale, aeptu $4 w. c. Howard, o?d’y VursuanttounorderofthoCourtofOrdinaryof ■“ ~ 1 ' *— Clarke county, will bo sold, boforo tho conrt bouse I / 1 LOGGIA, JACKSON COUNTY, door ef said county, on the first Tuesday in November I \JT Whereas, Thornes H Niolack, Clerk, and ad next, dnring the legal hours of sale, ono tract of laud ministrator of the estate of Hugh McElhannon, late of lying in said oounty, on Bear creek, containing ono 1 said county, deceased, makes application for leave to hundred nnd cighty-ono acres, adjoining Thompson, sell ali tho land (except the widow’s dower) belonging Fulcher, Cofer, McLeroy and others, being tho placu I to said deceased— on which John Evans, late of said county, deceased, Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and ro- resided at the timo of bis death, a plat of which will I quired to show cause, if any thoy have, why said leave bo exhibited on tho day of salo. To ho sold as tho | should notbo granted, at the regular term of the Court property of said deceased, for tho benefit of his heirs I of Ordinary, to ho hold in and for said county, on the and creditors. Terms cash. I first Monday in October aoxt. septic JAMES E. WALL, Adm’r. | Given under ray official signature, this 7thSept, 1874. A DM J_A_ Pi DMINISTRATOR’S Sale. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold, before the court house door of said county, on tbe first Tuesday in November next, during the legal hours of tale, one tract of land lyiug about three miles from Athens, near tho Georgia Railroad, containing fifty acros, more or less, adjoin* ing Mrs King, l)r J ones and others; about 15 acres io cultivation; balance in woods. To bo sold as the pro- sept! 6 $4 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. Valuable Real Estate, IN JACKSON COUNTY, FOR SALE. I WILL sell, at private sale, cheaply, on good terms, tho plantation of John A Daniel, on the waters of pert, oi stepnon w netting uece.sea, lot me oenem i Mulbel ! rv rjv in Jackson COUBty within ten mil „ of his heirs and creditor*. Terms cash. 1 -- - ... septlfi ANNE It. HERRING, Adm’x. More Shoes! Better Shoes! NO SPLITS! NO WELTS! W ITH thanks to my numerous friends for thoir order?, which hnvo been in excels of lij ability t 0 ply, I have a stock of leather fifty per cent, larger than that of tho past season, am now working a Urn, force and hope to furnish the BEST SHOE BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. I warrant every pair, as they aro all mado under my own supervision, nnd of stock of my own tannin, I willchee-'ully duplicate any bill of oak-tanned shoes, no mailer nbcre bought. Every pair i, stimnii with my name, in full. Don’t buy any but the “ BRUMBY SHOE.” Ask your nearest merchant f or th, and see that they are stamped upon the bottoms “ JNO. W. BRUMBY, ATHENS, GA.” For sale by the trade at ONE PRICE. Nono sold nt tho works. ^serBHINOME YOUR HIDES. Athens, Aug. 2fith—tf. ONO. W. BRUMBY. W. Gilleland eft5 Oo., KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND of Jefforion, twclvo miles from Flowery Branch, on tho Air-Lino Railroad, and only sixteen miles from A n\rniTTOTR4TAP^ c , Gainesville. The place contains four hundred and six DMLNloi.iiAJLOK o oALE. Ityacre*—two hundred in original forest, twenty-five Pursuant to un order of tho Court of Ordinary I or thirty of this bottom land, uncleared, and all splen- of Clarke county, will bo sold, before the court house I did woodland, finely timbered—fifty acres of number door of said county, on tho fiist Tuesday in November I one bottom land cleared, well drained and in excellent next, during the legal hours of sale, one tract of land state of cultivation—forty or fifty acres of old pine- lying in said county, containing sixty-five acres,more I field land, well adapted to cotton. Two good residences or less, on which is a tolerably good dwelling-house I on tho place—one a six room frame building, finished and necessary out-buildings ; 15 or 20 acres of tillable I off in style and painted—the other a very comfortable land ; balance in woods and old-field pine; adjoining 1 log house. - Two splendid wells of water, two nice or- Nathan Cook, John Mnlcom and others. To be sold chards with almost every varioty of fruits, trees young aa the pToporty of Hartwell Cook, late of said county, I and healthy. Magnificent climate, good society and deceased, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms cash. capital surroundings. Come and see it,and bay a bar- scptl6 ASA J. BOOTH, Adm’r. (gain. Other information furnished, on application. ‘ 1 Mr. Daniel or tho undersigned will show the premises to any one desiring to purchase. W. C. HOWARD, Real Estate Agent, oct22 Jefferson Georgia. METALI0 BURIAL CASES & WOOD COFFINS, At reasonable prices. Wo havo on hand a large ond well assorted stock or FURNITURE, From the cheapost Poplar Bedstead to the finest marble-top Walnut Set?. Give us a call. We will nil VERY LOW. augio w. A. GILLELAND & CO. A DMINISTRATOR'S Sale. Pur.«uant to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold, beforo tho court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in November noxt, during the legal hours of salo, one tract of land lying in said county, on the south side of Bcaverdam road, containing one hundred acres, more or less, ad joining A Dorsey and others; about twenty-five acres in cultivation; tbe balance in old-field pine aud native forest—a plat of which land will be exhibited on the day of sale. To be sold as the property of Sarah Sim mons, deceased, for the benefit of her creditors. Terms cash. septlfi JAS. D. MATTHEWS, Adm’r. EORGIA, Clarke county. ATHENS MAiLHNDjpiTE YARD. A. R. Robertson G D EALER in Monuments,Head Stones, CradleTombs, Marbloand Granite Box Tombs. Also, Vases acd ULAKK.E COUNTY. ^ . I Marble Tops for Furniture. Persons desiring work of Whereas, Alfred N Maxcy, administrator of | ^*, 8 ki n ,i w \q well to examine my designs befofe the estate of Booz Maxcy,* late of said county, dcc’d, j purchasing elsewhere. Prices moderate. nsttitinns flif n <li#l‘hHri'C frOIll Raid administration— I Wn.l- shun •ilinintnit nlil snmntPrv tnlv*! 3,000 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR FALL TRADE. Wo ate now receiving, direct from the Manufacturers, a LARGE AND WELL. SELECTED STOCK 07 BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, Which will be sold as low as in any other market. All goods with our Brand Warranted. Orders solicited. Mercliaits Mini Heston are Med to Call aoi Examine our M D. F. FLEMIffiti & GO., No. 2 Hayne Street, Corner of Church. Street. »•« •»»» from thctrwhito neighbors ami frm^ds, aud ^ flnd t , !Ut thc whit0 troop s, who might noting I ff’pdnt°of '£.“acSE£ pur ’ ntSllrwin MTtltlox ShroDsbire and I fuI * 4-H prosperity would bo destroyed, and 11>nn, Foster, »• ' honored citizens general confijsiop, bankruptcy and ruin would a number of others, all. . - prevail until the struggle betweou tho races of Georgia, who, w ith t , f ,,.. terminated, which would, as I have already ecces outsido, controlled “ the extinction of tho weaker convention, and secured our presont constitu tion, who sr^odGeorgja from tho sad fate of j 5ut j q 0 not car0 l0 pursue this theme, sonic of her^Southorn sisters. . . . The consequoucos of this measure would bo Supposo 110 A 10 ’®.of tho borriblo for contemplation, and wocanon- Carolma, immediately after the passago oftho that th(J ov „ „! jU bo avertod by tbe Sherman bill, had , , good, practical, common sense of tho An that thoy iicqiuesced in tho ineas r , can people, and that tho political organization bad gone to work " n( ! which attempts to forco this state of things many colored men asipw«Woupon tbo country, or any soction of it will suo with them, but lnlorming thcm t mcet w j tb overwhelming defeat in every issue, right to voto was I bavo no hesitation, therefore, in agreeing wbito voter in tbo Stato had gone to tho p I VO u, that tho passage by Congress of tho and voted for delegates to tbo ™ ? Civil Rights Bill would inaugurate a feeling of believes that thoy could not hawjwnwd cob f between tho white and black races ored votes enough, with thoir own, to navo ( u petitions for a discharge from said administration- Thcreforc, all persons concerned aro hereby required to show cause why said administrator should not, at a rogular term of tbo Court cf Ordinary of said connty, to be held on tho first Monday in January noxt,bedis- charged from said administration. Given under my hand, this 7th day of September, 1874. septlfi ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. G eorgia, clarkk county. Court of Ordinary of said county. Whereas, Alfred N Maxcy, administrator with tb< will annexed of Albert J Maxey, late of said county, Work shop adjoining old cemetery. july22—ty Rare Chance to make Money. t i^r r P , Fi , n T he singer manufacturing company want a few to her, industrious yentlemcn, of Jine ad- I i/fM* and yood moral character, to sell the World's /«- I rorite, the CELEBRATED SINGER SEWING MA- 1 CHINES. To such as possess tho above Teqnisitos I and can furnish horso and harness and good bond, we I will furnish good wagons, territory, consign Machines deceased, petitions for a discharge from said admin-I aud give thorn good salary and commission. Apply istration—- I to G, H. HOPE, Agent, Therefore, all persons concerned arc hereby required | *ept2—3t Athens, Ga. to show cause why said administrator should not, at I to bo held on thc first Monday in January next, bo dis- Valuable Lands for Sale, charged from said administration. I a f-ry qr- -|~T—p a Given under my hand, thisthcith day of September, j JL JU U iJxA* 1874. scptlfi ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. J. junction of tbe Northeastern and Air-Line Rail- — . . roads, thirty-oight miles from Athens and sixty-six . persons having demands against William I m i( oa ea! t of Atlanta. It has been laid off in bnilding A Marablc, deceased, are hereby notified to present 1 j 0 j g> 8u rvoyod and mapped. There aro between 85 am the same to me for payment, within the timo pressnbed I yQ j ota> There are 375 acres in the tract, about 20 by law ; and those indebted to said deceased, are re- | bottom land—all well timbered. Titles perfectly "VTOTIOE. _L 1 All pel quested to make immediate payment, septic WILLIAM MARABLE, Adm’r. E XECUTRIX’ Sale. Will bo sold, beforo the courthouse door in tbe townofCarnosville, Franklin county, on tho first Tues day in November next, within the legal bents of sale, tbo following property, to-wit: Two hundred and fifty-seven aetes of land, more or less, on Black’s creek in said county, adjoining lands of Greone Sowell, William McEntire and others. Said land is well improved, somo hundred und twonty or thirty acres woodland, about thirty acres excellent good. 7'he depot is now going up and a town will grow up at once. W. P. WUELCHEL, sopt2 8 miles north of Gainosvillo. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? Are you so Languid that any exertion requires more of un effort than you feel capable of making? Then try JURUBEBA, the wonderful tonic and in- vigorator, which acts so beneficially on tbo secret ve organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetiser, which stimulates for n short time, only to let tho sufferer fall to a lower dopth of misery, hut it is a vegetable tonic, acting directly on the liver and spleen. It rcgulatea the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to tho wholo system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation ia not violent, but is characterised by great gentleness; tbe patient experiences no sudden ohange, no marked results, but gradually his troubles ■'Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And sileutly steal away.” This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pro nounced by the highest medical authorities, “ the most powerful tonic and alterativo known.” Ask yonr druggist for it. For sale by WM. F. KIDDER A CO.. Now York. ION! AND, IN FACT, ALL CASH BUYERS HE subscriber offers great bargains to all CASH eae.a.j _ *w i jl CUSTOMERS. Tho following named goods at bottom Und. To be sold as the property of Robert III CQJ | ag y havo determined to close my business in thii McEntife, lato of said county, deceased, for tho bene- cU ’ b tho fir3t 0 f January, 1875: fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Torms I M „ n , ir0 , tock of UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, CAR cash. scptlfi $6.50 MARY F. McENTIRE, Executrix. To Contributors. acted promptly, in defiance that carpet-baggers C0 "J^ I party that woks to impose this measure on our If no issue bad been mado with tho colored peoplo, ptobably each white voter in the State m y judgment, there are but two contin- could have influenced and controUed one ool- je /^bich can avert the evil: Ono is tho ored vote. Some could have wntrolled a much OTOrwholmias aefea t of the ltopublican party arger number. BUt £. on Jy in the election tbU lall, upoq this issuo. They bad controlled a colored vote it vtoaia are determined to mako the issue, as already given the white people the control of the con- i nnounced b m() of tbe , r lea(lor8 on t b 0 vention, and as a consoquonco woum h o 8tulD p j an( j m y sincoro hope Is that every given them a good P .£1 Stote, county, city, town, village and hamlet, erty, intellect and intelligence any State can throughout tho entire Union, where an elec- govern it, when it unites m a determined er- held> wi n give tho Democratic fort to do so. And If thoy had mado no I party an overwbslminff majority. To this end with the government, or the colored people, f flb J u c b ee rfnlly contribute my humble mite, on their right to vote, there wore l. 8t £i” This would check the passage of this most in- reasons why their formor owners could have i uitous measure , and relieve the country of exercised more irtfluonco and control «vor the b orr ors consequent upon Us passage, colored people than tho employer can usually I re this should fail, and I trust it may not. oxorciso ovor tho employod, owing to tho tiua ^ . remaining hope is io the exorcise of relations which bad formerly existed between vet £ wor by the President of tho Uni- thera, and tho dependence upon the white peo- ^ gtat j kn0T nothing of the intention plo which tho colored pooplo had habitually tbo p reB i^ en t 0 n this question, but I trust a felt during their past lives. sonse of patriotic duty may compel him, if the But so soon as the whole mass of the white {o oa g ur e should over come before him for ac- pcoplo proclaimed their eternal hostility to the ti 00i t0 tbo country from anarchy and reconstruction acts, and doclared that they ruin, by the use of this great conservative would never submit to negro snflrage, they I powcr which i3 wisely placed in his hands by the drovo the negroes from them, and as any otb- Constittnion, If it should come to that pointand er raco who did not feel compotont to control I Qeneral Grant should veto tbe measure, and their own affairs would have done under like throw the vast weight of his exeentivo power circumstances, they naturally looked aronnd personal influence in tbo scale of peace and for somebody to learn them ; and at this crit- harmony, he would be entitled to, and I be? ical moment tbe carpet-baggers came among lfeve he would receive the thanks and applause them, announcing that their mission was to 0 f t he entire white population of tbe South, see that the acts of Congress were carried into an( j 0 f a vaat majority of the people of the effect, and the rights of suffrage secured to the p n j on . colored raco. Having no one else to lean up- j have no wish to thrust my opinions before on, their former owners and neighbors having, t v he po blic on any political issue; but on ac- as they considered it* turned against them, tbe 1 coun ^ 0 f ^ magnitude of this question, and colored peoplo became willing subjects of those t h 0 f ear f Q i results which may follow, I think who came to them with flattering promises; 1 ^ my duty to spoak out and express my po- and wore soon bound to them by ties too strong j on ; n terms too unequivocal to be misan- to be easily brokon. derstood. I therefore authorize yon to make But tbe reconstruction contest is in tbe past, BQC h us0 0 f this letter as you may think proper, and to-day we see the white pooplo of Geor- j atu , vory respectfully, yourob’t serv. gia coming up to tbe position of acquiescence Joseph E. Brown, that wo took in 1867; and, indeed, going far —— beyond it. We then acquiesced in tho XIVth I Hall Connty. Amendment and the Sherman Bill. They col. A. D. Candler, we are pleased to learn, have since acquiesced in thoso mearare8, with Lgheon nominated for re-election in Hall ■SSs!’S3 d.*—»»!—«» promptly acquiesced in the XIVth Amend- was a very active ond ioflnential one. He ment, and the Keoonstrnction Act, known as w m be re-elected no doubt, and probably the Sherman Bill. much vriti 10Ut opposition. Such nominations are My oolire PET-BAGS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GLOVES, Ac I now have in store a considerable stock of Boots, „ , Shoes for Oontlomcn, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Chil DMINTSTRATOR S SALE. I dron, thst were left over from last season’s sales. All Will be sold, before the court home door in I of these ghods are for sale just atmahnfaetnrer’s cost, Carnesville, Franklin county, within the legal hours I for CAS11. I also haroquite a little stock of Panama, of aale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the I Leghorn and Straw Hats, which are for sale at actual following property, to-wit: 5C0ST FOR CASH. I havo Ladies’ Sorgo or Cloth Twenty-seven acres of land, lying in said connty, I Gaiters, Button, Congress and Lace, Ladies’ Slippera on tho waters of Middle rivor, adjoining lands of J W I Bask ins, Gentlemen’s, Boys’ and Youth’s low-cut Williams,- Lewis Adcrbold and others, known as part I Calf, Oxford, Strap, Calf Shoes and Gent’s Prinee Ai- of the John M Payne tract of land. Iberts, for sale at MANUFACTURER’S COST, with Also, at the tame time and place, one hundred and I freight added, nineteen acres of land, more or less, lying in said co, I I have on hand quite a stock of Goods that are fresh on Middle river, adjoining lands of J W Williams.! and seasonable for the coming season, which I have lands belonging to the estate of Johnson Williams and I | u( t gotten from the manufacturers of Philadelphia, others, being the piece whereon Martin Williams re-1 New York and Cincinnati, in the last 30 days, which sided kt the time of his death. The above tracts ofjl am selling at FIVE PER CENT. OV'ER COST, land comprising the dower of Mary Williams, widow I Why I am offering such inducements is, that I have of Martin Williams, deceased. Terms, two hundred | determined to CLOSE BUSINESS, dollars each ; balance «n 12 months credit; secured I Come, Grangers, farmers, citisens of Athens, and by mortgage on the premises. septlfi $13 JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Adm’r, p EORGIA, Madison county. VI^T Ordinary’s Office, Sept. 10th, 1874. . Whereas, Lorenio D Queen has applied to me for I exemption of personalty and valuation ef homestead; and I will pass npon the samo.on Wednesday, the 23d inst., at 12 o’clock M., at my'office at Danielsvillo. septlfi $2.25 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. all, white and colored, and I will sell you goods at MANUFACTURER’S COST. L. L. BRICKHOUSE, •ept2 At the Grangore’ Boot, Shoe A Hat Store, & EORGIA, Madison county. v Ordinary's Office, Sept. 10th, 1874. ^ _ r . Whereas, Thomas W Mabry has applied to me for j tition,~byThe United^States" Dj'striet “court for said exemption of personalty and valuation of homestead; I Distrust. B. S. WALKER, and I will pass npon the same on Wednesday, the 23d inst., at 12 o’eloek M., at my offiere in Danielsvillo. septlfi $2.25 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. A number of articlesprcparcdfor this week’s But at this PoHod wo ^ met with a mu^ j .. flt ^ ^ ma de. paper, necesBarily lie o?er untilonr next Issued *®°re dangerous issue than any that was pro- > eui r r* * Notice in Bankruptcy. I N tho District Coqrt of the United States, for the North era District of Georgia—In the mattorof Wiley H Stanton, a Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. This is to give notioe, once a week for three sneees, sive weeks, that I bavo been appointed Assignee o the estkto of Wiley II Stanton, of Social Circle, Ga, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hia own pe sopt2—3t Assignee! FOR SALE. After the pnbliestion of this notice once a I I NOW offer my undivided half interest in my plan tation, two and a half to three miles from Athens. Court of Ordinary of Rabun connty, to beheld on the I This plaee contains about five hundred aud eleven first Monday in November next, application will be | acres good bottom and upland, well improved. Terms, made to said Court for leave to tell the Real Estate of I one-half or three-fourths oath; balance on 12 months’ 0 T Diekerson, late of said connty, deceased. I time, at 10 per cent, interest, I will take pleasure ' septlfi $4 JAMES M. RITCHIE, Adm’r. | showing said land to any oue wishing to buy. I I also offer for sale my bouse and lot. The lot eon SALE. I tains ono and a half sores, aod a two-story bonao, with - . Pursuant to an order of the Conrt of Ordinary 111 roomn, barn, stable, smoke-house, carriage and of Walton eonnty, I will sell, at poblio outery, to the I wagon house, all new and substantial. There is also highest bidder, before tho court house door in the town I a fine spring and cistern on said lot Terms, one-hair of*Monroe, within th* legal hours of sale, on tbe first I or three-fourths eash; balance on 12 months time, Tuesday in November next, the traot of land on whieh I with interest at 10 per cent A bargain will be given Jesse Mltoheli, late of said eonnty, deceased, lived at I on tho above property. _ the timo of his death, known as lot No 60 and part o{| augl# J. »• ENGLAND. lot No 48, in the Sd district of said county, containing J — ~ about three hundred and thirty-eight acres This IF’OJEl/ SAI JE. place lies three miles north of Monroe, on a good roadr* 9 rich and well timbered. The neighborhood is exeel- lent, and the waisf unsurpassed. Terms of sale, one-1 half cash; remainder at }2 months, with 10 per cent I internet and bond for titles. 1 septlfi $13 M. H. THOMAS, Adm’r. We Sore Doctor W ILL ho at Athens, op tbe 20tb, ?1 st, 22d and 23d days of each month, for tho porpose of mooting 'YT0T1CE. | one and all who are using hip medicine for Sores, Peine 111 Application will bo mado to tho Conrt of Or-1 and Chronie Cases. He ean be found at ornear B, Bank* ' ‘ - ■“ * ' “ dinary of the pnbliea-1 Sanlter’s. Parties will make inquiries of Diek Saultor tioa of this notice, and at a regular term theroof, fori about Btoikes and his wonderful discovery and sure “ ~ • • * to the minor I enre. Como ud with voor eomnlaints, and I will try eonnty, four weeks after t leave to sell all the Real Estate belonging to the minor I eoro. Como np with yonr complaints, an children of Mary F_MmrUn, Y dwoattd^ f to euro you. septlfi $4 GABRIEL t 1TIN, Guard, inre yo ug2fi J. W. STOKES, Social Circle, Ga. D. F. FLEMING, SAMUEL A. NELSON, aug!2—1 in JAMES M. WILSON, ' JAMES GILFILLIS. The Brown Cotton Gin. WlLte but A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND OF THE $18 WILls BUT A TGAGE PRE1 or THB INDUSTRIAL HHIBITIQH CO., NEW YORK. Authorised by tho Legislature of the State of N. ^ First Premium Drawing* Sept. 7, 1874. CAPITAL PBEHIDH - - - $100,11). Address for Bauds and full information, MORGEN THAU, BRUNO & CO., Financial Agents, 23 PARK ROW, N. Y- P.0.Drawer29. Applications for Agencies received 1 For Sale or Rent. A STORE-HOUSE at Winterville, Oglethorpe eo, Oi. The boose is so arranged that it may be used as a dwelling by a small family, as well as a place of business. Possession given the first October nexe.— Terms reasonable. Applyto ang!2 tf JOHN WINTER, Wintorville.Oa, 300 Pounds of FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, WHITE GLOBE, SEVEN-TOP, LARGE NORFOLK, SWEET HANOVER, YELLOW RUTA BAGA, YELLOW GLOBE, Besides “TURNER’S TURNIP.” Last year A. O. Turner A Son sowed 2} acres in Tnrnips, from which they sold $440 worth, ted their •took dnring tbe Winter, and in the Spring had ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF TURNIPS LEFT!— These seed I hare for sale, at 50 cents per ponnd. They stand the Winter perfectly. WM. KING, Jr., july29—2t At the “New Drug Store, T HE attention of planters and other* is again called to thc above old and reliable make of Cotton Gini* They are furbished this year greatly improved, *b4 nothing which an experience of thirty year* in their manufacture could suggest has been left undone te mako them tho most reliable ond perfect Cotton Oi* in market. As tho result of our efforts, we need only refer to their established reputation and wide-ipresd |>opularity. For Perfection of Workmanship,Strength, durability, Light Running, aud Quantity and Quality of Lint produced, wo challenge competition. ” • prepared to warrant, to any Toaaonableextent, p*n*tt satisfaction to every planter or operator. Tbe uiif are sold atthe lowest possibloprtces for good macnio#f» and on reasonable terms. We invite examination ej the samples in the hands of our local agents, who wtu give all desired information and furnish applw**Y with circulars and copies of commendatory from parties using the Gin, in all sections of the co • ton planting country. Circulars, Price Lists** other information, may be obtained of our •f*"’** by addressing tho BROWN COTTON GIN CO., J 15 New London, Cod*. SUMMEY A NEWTON, Agents, Athem, Ga. mnj20—6m T. A. SALE, Dentist, , H AVING permanently located in this place, ** hia professional services to the citisens of Ate endvicinity. . . ... Office in tbe Gen. T. R. R. Cobb hoase, left «>»*• Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. maril-n» tHRTUS IF SUCCESS Is the true criterion of MERIT, then the SINGER SEWING MACHINE in the counties opposite their respective nsm , ,^ they, and they only, aro authorised by u ’ t0 “., ... . . . and collections for our account. Any ana Standi unrivaled. Its sales last year reached the are impostor*, and naymeuts mado to tlein ^^ enormous number of recognised by us, even though * Being an increaso of 12,080 over the previous year, (1872) and , ^ _ . ‘ 113*354: In excess of Its LAROB8T COMPETITOR! Do not bny a Sewing Machine until yon hare seen and tested th* NEW FAMILY SINGER, the WORLD’S FAVORITE. Distributing office for Northeast Georgia, at corner Broad and Jaekson streets, Athens, Ga. julyl FLOYD & SILMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will praotioe in the eonnties of Walton and Jaokson, JOHN J. VLOTD, 1. »• SII.ltAH. Covington, Ga. inarfi Jefferson, Ga. OOF’F liras ^Vnd Burial Caskets FurnLhed at as LOW OR LOWER PRICES, At our establishment, on Bro.d street, orer Frsnkl House, than they con be purchased M Any other Place in the City* When Burial Cases ore furnished by us, we will el» furnish, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHABGii Our handsome HEARSE, with horses and drirer, f« Funerals within the city limits. , . c0 Athens. June 17, 1874. J. F. WILSO4 A CO. Agents Singer Man’fg Co. Arnnxs, Oa., July 13th’ 1S7*. T HE following namedgontlemeo are duly su Agents far the aale of the Singer Sewing Ma^J reeognised by us,even tnougu mey , n «s knowledge or consent, be in possession of no in onr favor: Banks oounty—S. L. Oliver. v.rbr; Clarke “ -O. E. Abbott and Wm. H. Ysm, Elbert “ —T.B. Brown and J.D.Alm**^ Franklin “ —T. B. Brown and J no. D. M Hart « -T. B. Brown. Habersham* —W. M. D. Lambert A Son. Hall Jaekson * Lumpkin * Madison 1 Oglethorpe 1 Rabun * Towns * Union *' Walton * White —Hngbey, Alexander A Co. -John M. Ridgeway. —Hughey, Alexander A Co. 8. F. Jackson. —8. F. Jaekson. _I,»ae c. Thrasher. —W. M. D. Lambert A Son. Collecting Agent at Large-J.T.O.bora. , THB SINGER MASUFG 00., july!5 ^ G, B. HOPE, Manager Ath.a*