The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 03, 1875, Image 3

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§oit%nt Sffitatcjjaran. local matters. ATHENS* GEOIMJIA: FEB. 3, 1873. FRATERNAL record. u 0 nnt Vernon Lodge So. 22, F. A. M. m '.»•< ilie :M Friday night in each month, at ir Hall. S. C. Dobbs, W. M. I. M. Kt-nuey. Secretary. Alliens t'hujiler So. 1, R. A. M. Meets "tlu* second Thursday night of each montlt. K. Nl- Smith, II. 1’. I. M. Kenney, jA.rretary. AVilliants Lodge, So. 15, I. 0. 0. F. Me,es even" Monday night, at Odd Fellows lliil!. "i o’clock. U. T. Pittard, N. G. J. l! U. S. Oliver Enrainpiueiil, So. 14,1. O. O. F. Meets theiirst ami lliird Thnrsdav nights of ;,H month, at Odd-Fellows’ Hall. II. Beus- .. i'. 1’. 1-. •!. Christy, Scribe. y.,r|!ia l odge, No. 3, II. of K., I. 0. 0. K. v,, : s mi the 2d Thursday night of each J,. ; ,t (i id - Fellows’ Hail. R. T. Pittard, ^ 'll„,ve!l t oldi Lodge, So. 15. K. or r.. Meet'everv Tuesday niglit, at Masonic Hall. X a. lt.'.rke, C. C. L. Scherenell, K. of It. mid" S. llvau- Lodge So. 7t», I. O. T: Meets every Friday night at Odd-Fellows’ jl,ll. a. S. Dorsey, W. C. T. F. A. Rags- dale! W. K. Sec'y. Clarke ('minty firange So. 101. Meets 1st Wednesday in each innntii at the Fair fironnd. Dr. li it .1. Long, Master, R. II. D-n ii. : eretary. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Ithrus Fire I ii. So. 1, Meets on the fourth Thursday inoverv month a; Firemen's Hall. E. J. Christy, 1st Fore- t.iiii). S E. iiliodes, Sec'y. I’ioneer Hook and Ladder Co, No. 1. Meet.- on the first Wednesday in every month, ;>• Firemen's Hall. H. Beusso. Pres’t. A. II. Widrrleith. Sec'y. It.Hcl Colored l ire Co, So. 2, .hi ts on the first Monday niglit in every month, at their Hall. J.ih:i,-ili, Sec'y. T. Boyd. Cap't. K. Arrival and Departure of Mails. Ihni Truiii, (Sundaysexcepted ) Arrives...' 3 30, P. M. Leaves 8.45. A .M. Sight Train, (Daily.) Ari.v.s 5.30, A. M. Leaves 10, 1>. M. Athens ta Anderson C. II., S. C. Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 12, M. Leaves " ' “ " 3. P. M. A thens to Belton. Leave Wednesdays and Thursdays at FI, A. M. Arrives Fridays and Saturdays ..9, P. M. Athens to Jefferson. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5, A. Nl. Arrives " " " . .5, P. M. A thens to Jay Tarern. Leaves Wednesdays at... -.0, A. M. Arrives " C, P. M. .‘Aliens tn Farmington. Leaves Tuesdays and Fridays at. 10, A. M. Arrives " ' " “ 7, P. M. The Hail Hoad mails closo one hour before departure of trains. It. S. Taylor, P. M. Postponed. Inasmuch as most of our subscribers in art- joining ami adjacent counties will have an op portunity of settling in person with the editor or his agents at the Spring Courts, and have a p, or opportunity of doing so by mail, we have postponed striking from tho list those in arrears until they shall ho offered this opportunity oi settling. Wo hope that all w ill be prepared to settle and hundreds of new subscribers order the paper then. IT" It is useless to attempt to cleanse a stream whilo the fountain is impure. Dys pepsia. complaints of tho liver or kidneys, eruptions n( tho skin, scrofula, headaches, and all diseases aiming from impure blood, are at olive removed by hr. Walker's California VtNKUAt: Bitters, purifier of tho blood, and renovator of tho system. It has never been blow n to fad. ' jauiS—4t. I'ulon Prayer Meeting Society. The following are tho appointments for the ensuing week : Monday night, business meeting at Univer sity Prayer Room. The public are respectful ly invited to attend. Tu-sday night, at Mr. Win. Bone’s and at John E. Save’s. Thursday night at Mr J. It. Carlton’s and a: Col. John II. Christy's. Friday night, at Mr. It. L. Moss’ and at Mr. Wiley linker's. L W. Lucas A t o., to Their Customers, Jan uary 1st, 1875. Our terms are liberal to those who pay promptly when called on. We now make that call upon all whonwe us. We expect to enlarge our business but can soil only to those who pay ptoujptly. 4t. Small Pox tn Town I We feel it to be our duty to report that the physicians who have been attending on him (Drs. Carlton and Long) report that Mr. Albert Pitnorbas varialoid. There need not be any alarm, as we are authorized by the Mayor to say that measures have been taken to prevent the disease from spreading. Wo shall faith fully report all cases. The Sweet Potato. At tho request of the editor of this paper. Dr. Young communicates the following article in reference to soed potatoes. It will bo seen that he refers to our plans of sprouting. As we havo never published it, we now give it for the benefit of our readers; as tho time is near at hand for “bedding.'' We take the common Spanish seed potato and bod like yams. Tho best plan for doiug this was fully described by a Jackson county correspondent last year. If the sprouts ap pear abovo ground before all danger from frost is over, wo cover tho Vied with boards ev ery cold night. When frost is no longer dreaded, wo tied up our potato patch, take up the seed potatoes, with the sprouts and vines attached—for there will bo vines three to six inches long—cut them in pieces, so as to so- curo a sprout or vine on each piece of potato. We then plant at the proper distances in tho soft freali broken ground, leaving tho vino or sprout alone above the surface. The advantage of this system is manifest. Although it requires some inoro trouble to plant, when that is done, the crop is ns far advanced as, under tho ordinary system, it would be when worked the second tune. The ground is perfectly clean and loose—ueeds but one working, as the vines commence run ning at once. They soon mulch the ground so as to prevent baking, and of course ituev er becomes foul with grass and weeds. \\ bile the potatoes, under the common sys tem, are lying in tho ground from the first of April until the 20th of May—the ground baking hard, in tho meantime, and producing an abundant growth of grass and woods, un der our plan they grow o.T at once, having the advantage of* the spring rains, and mature much earlier than under tho old system, in deed, they are as tar advanced by the middle of June as potatoes usually are in August. Those who have doubts as to tho suc cess of the new plan, had better try it on a small scale at first; but we feel sure that all who give it a fair trial will be pleased with it. Editor Southern Watchman:—As your paper is widely circulated among the farmers and ever ready to advance “ Tbo farming inter ests,'' I give the result of some experiments 1 have made in the cultivation of that much neglected Sweet potato. In my “ little patch,” planted in the garden for use before the mar ket is regularly supplied,—I found that some came up much sooner than othors. On seatcli- ing potato 1 found it to bo tho middle portion, where tho seed had been broken or cat in tUreo pieces. For two seasons past I tried planting two rows with tho middle portion of tho seed. Tho ground had tho same preparation, plan ted tho same day. Tho portion plauted with the ends of the seed was up and commencing to vino when the middle portion was begin ning to burst through tho ground. The middle portion was never as thrifty as tho ends— neither was the yield so good ; the roots were decidedly stringy when cooked— No largo potatoes in tho ridges liko the ridges planted with the ends of the seed. I wish othors to try and report results, and if the middle does as with mo, bettor not plant them. I shall try your plan of sprouting be fore I cut this season. Could you inlluence tile farmers to plant tnoro potatoes ? They arc easily cultivated, tho yield is good and they are splendid food to fatten hogs—where tho farmer has his own smoke house, which, un fortunately, is too often kept in the west. The best yield 1 can get is from try earliest steps 1 usually get what I plant aro out in April— commence to use the first of August. I notice my yams—the first slips come from Flowing. The most important, art connected' with agriculture or horticulture is breaking up the ground properly, and hence it is, that wher ever there has been any advancement -in ag riculture, good plowing is at the bottom of-it. It has long been thought that Bermuda gipas land could not be plowed deep and turned over without first tearing it tip witba coulter or “ scooter." This is a mistake. We have a lot which bad run in Bermuda grass twen ty or thirty years—it had hakl peaceable un disputed possession all the time—and it look ed liko nothing short of an earthquake could unsettle it. Remembering that Mr. Saftstrom had distinguished himself at a plowing match before the Agricultural Society, we consulted him on tho subject of breaking up our lot, and lie assured us ho could 'do it. He took a very largo turning-plow and a stout, heavy pair of mules and •• attackccTit in force" some time ago, and it was wonderful to see bow'be tore it op. His furrows looked like drain ditches,.and the whole place, when finished, looked like thero had been a convulsion of na ture, so different was it in appearance from any plowing we had before seen in this country One of our near neighbors, seeing the elegant manner in which it was done, at once employ ed " the gentleman from Sweden" to break up a Bermuda lot for him, and it was done in splendid style too. We mention those facts because Mr. Saftstrotn requests us to give no tice that be is ready to tako contracts to break up any sort of lots which can he plowed at all Forfei t satisfaction warranted in every in stance. Any <mo who wants good plowing done, need' uot fear to risk him. He will break land to any depth desired. tyTalmadge, Hodgson At Co. sell goods strictly on their merit, and any article not giving satisfaction, or not as represented, will be made good on application to them. tyTalmadge, Hodgson Ac Co. have on hand a large and well assorted eteok of tobacco, snuff and segars, which they will sell at close figures. tyTalmadge, Hodgson At Co. have in storo and to srrive 400 barrels assorded grades su gar, cheap as tho cheapest. Seeing is believing. tyCanned Goods, Canned Fruits, Vegeta bles, Fish of every kind, and in fact, every thing in this line in endless variety—tho larg est and best assorted stock in this line over offered in this market. Picklos in overy style. Crackers of every kind, always fresh from tho UakerieB, at Talmadgo, Hodgson Ac Co's. Retail Prices Current. For the Week ending Feb. 2. CORRECTED BY THE MERCHANTS 7 EXCHANGE. COTTON—V ry active. Receipts light. Ordinary, U& good ordinary, 12; i low middling, 13 ; middling M FACTORY GOOD? TOBACCO. Mules. Wo will havo in a few days, a fresh supply of Mules for farming purposes, just out, and to sell at lower prices than over. Come overy one in need, and you can buy at prices that you can get your '‘money back sure. Try us and bo convinced. Feb. 3. Gann & Reaves. Cotton Yarns,...$l.25al.30 OsDabngs,por yard 14alS 1 Shirtings 10a l-4 Sheeting, brown, 13a 14 DRV GOODS, Prints, pryd 10@12l Delaines 20a2o BlcachedShirtings, 10a3U Bod Ticking, 20a5G Worsteds 20al2o Blankets 150aSl)0 PROVISIONS. Flourfaney *pbbl. $10*11 Family, 9al0 superfine, Salt); Corn, white,bu 100;i yellow, none Peas, 100u Meal 1lOal15 Wheat 1.50«d.60 Buukwheat^lour, Salt* Bacon, site* 14al5 shoulders 13al4 h iras 15al6 Lard, lSa20 Irish Potatocs.oonn Common, perlb—...50a6(> Medium, 60a75 Fine l.OOal.51) Smoking, 60al( 0 Snuff, maccaboy 1.00 Cigars,Am.,peiM,|£30a5t Havana, $75al00 AMMUNITION. Powder, per lb 40a50 Shot 12al6 Lead, 10al2 Caps,perbox, 10&40 LIQUORS. Corn whiskey, good ..$310 medium, 2.00a3.00 common, 1.25*5.08 Peach brandy, good 4.00 medium 3.00 common 2.00 Apple do. good a4.00 medium 3.00a common 2.25a Frenchdo 4.00al0.0C Holland gin 5.00aS.00 American do. 3.00a6.00 Bourb’: wLi3ky,2.00a4.00 Small Fox. This loathsome disease s.'.oms to bo spread ing. Wo understand that up to Saturday last, there had been forty uiuo cases and six deaths. Two of them have boot, previously mentioned. The remaining four aro Jasper Edwards, wife of Aloort Edwards, wife of Bose Bracher, and Miss Sallio Henson. It is now within about six miles of town, ami as Court is now in session wo fear it will t spread all over the county. Our citizens should exercise great prudence in preventing the spread of this fearft.i scourge. GVCandles, Soaps, (laundry any toilet) a tine Intof Soda, in kegs and assorted packages. Starch, Axle Greaso, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Demijohus, Baskets, and, in fact, every thiug usually kept in a first clall groceryjstore, at Talmadgo, Hodgson At Co's. nr A large and fine assorted stock of French Candies, also on hand a large and well assort ed stock of Plain Candy, Almonds, Brazilnuts, Walnuts, and Pecans, at wholesale and retail, by Talmadge, Hodgson Ac Co. CP* A fine lot of Magnolia Hams, small and medium size, fine and Dried Beef and pickled Pigs Tongue, at Talmadge, Hodgson Ac Co's. ..Tho Cincinnati Commercial's New Orleans correspondent says that from the day of the | Sugar,orushod, arrivahof Sheridan and his staff in Now Or leans they wore loud in tlioir denunciation of the people of Louisiana, and especially Now Orleans, as rebels of the worst typo, wbodoserv- ed only the soverest measure of subjugation. They did not wait to seofftr themselves wheth er the people had changed auy in tho six or seven years that had elapsed sinco Sheridan was in command there, as ho was sent to stir up strife and exasperate the people to the point of violence against tho General Govern ment. Sheridan lias lost no opportunity to aggravate their sense of outrage and oppres sion by every means in his power. DAVIS’ GALLERY-SPECIAL NOTICE. Attention is called to tho fact that with the modern improvements in instruments, and new chemical combinations as worked at this try, pr bu t.OOil.SOivnnee, 3.00»10.0t Northern 2001 DRUGS. Sweet,.. 75al00|Copperas,i>cr lb Galt Eggs prdoi 20a25,Indigo, ...1.75a2.5f Chickens 20u3( 1 -Madder, 20a35 Turkeys 75al25:Ex. Logwood 25&40 Butter, pi tb 25u30;gpsom Salts, 20 GROCERIES. Alum, 21 15al6;g u lnbur, 20 A, 14al5j HARDWARE. B, 14al5;Iron,Swedes,perlb. 9alC C, 12 ala: English, 5ja Demarara I21al5:Casting« 6Ja8 Coffee,Rio,per lb....25a23:Xails, per keg 5.75a Laguyra, 2Sa33!Steel, east 25a 18a 75r 50a 25a40 50 inct 17al8 17alS 8 jail) ......13a27j pi Toa,Hyson,"(Alb 1.50 : Cotton Cards, Gunpowder, 1.50iWool “ Black 1.50;piow Points Syrup,cauo 75al00 i Smitk's Bellows, Cuba molasses G0a05j Anvils Caudles, sperm, prD>. 4Ca50j Hammers adamantine, 20a25; Horse Shoes tallow ,...15a20! “ “ Nails 20a3, Cheese.State,per tt>.20a25iWeedinpIIoos,pcr dm. English Dairy,25a50jlirado’s C. II.. 55u7> Crackers .soda, 15a20; Ames 'Shovels 1.40al .5 butter, I5»20i do Spades, 1.50al.75 sugar, 20a30jTracc Chains. l.OOal.25 cream, 20a20i BOOTS AND SHOES. Onions.perbu 1.50al50jBoots.Northern,pr. Slat Candy,fancy,pr lb. 50a00l Loulbcrn.10.at2.00 plain 40; LEATHER. Soda ...12al5jSolo, per lb 86a40 Black Pepper, alOjllppor, *0a7f Red “ 10a {Harness, 40a5r VINECAR BITTERS .. . j a » j j 1 t * Ginger, a40|Calf Skins,p dx.$40a$100 Gallery, thero is no day too cloudy or dark for Star s oh> ’ a20!Kip do. $50a75 good pictures. ! Tallow, Suloj HIDES. C, W. Davis, Photographer. Green Apples, 75alS0jDry, per lb 18 j Rico, llnl2:Green, 6 j Mackerel,No.i. kits, 300] BAGGING. No. 2, 2.50!(} U nny ,por vd 14al5 No. 1 J barrels, 10.00: TIES, I No. 3, kits, 2.00;Ties 8aI0 | Sardines,per box, 25a ROPE. SALT, per sack, a200.Cotton, 40n50 Grass, 25a30 WOODEN-WARE. Painted buckets. FINANCIAL. perdoz 2.75a3.0U.Qold,buyinp. 1.08 Cedar do 9.0Pal2.00j selling, 1.10 Whttc pino, 7.00aS OOiSilvcr—buying, 1.03 Sieves 3.o0a5.00; selling....... . 1.03 The above aro retail prices. Prices are shaded to wholesale buyers. MARRIED, On January 2fith, by Richard Boggs, Esq., Mr. Georoe Mookk and Miss Millie Freeman. All of Jackson county. DIED, Iu Clarke county, Ga., on tbo 12th of January, 1S75, Mrs. Mary Langford, wif* of Rev. Bodfurd Langford. Two years ago she was stricken slightly with paralysis, but the immediate cause of her denth is supposed to have been heart disease. She and her husband wore baptized together into the fellowship of Mars Hill Bap- .ist church in July,1835; and for fifty y«*ars they jour neyed together in tho conjugal rclatiou, having been married Dec. 15th, 1825. She was truly a mother in Israel. In all possible ways, she showed her interest in tho church; and large numbers, in the ministry and out of it. can testify to her cordial Christian hospital- ty. She fell asleep iu Jesus in tho 71st year of her age. M. Fir A long story made short is that Tal madge, Hodgsan Si Co. have tho largest and best stock of Groceries and provisions, and they always intend to have, and will sell as good goods for as little money, and to seo that every customer|they have leaves their house well enough satisfied to come and see them again. Homicide ill Oglethorpe. A bloody affray occurred at Millstone, in Oglethorpe county, last week, between John Eborbart and his two sons on one side and Dr. C. C. Scribbling, Richard Ward and Mike Mattox on the other. Ia the melee Mr. Eber- hart knocked down Dr. Stribbling and young Eberhart cut him with a knife and also stab bed Ward. Dr. Stribbling died of his wounds on Tuesday and Ward is badly wounded. Tho senior Eberhart. it is said, is bully beat en. They were all highly respectable citizens. We learn that the Ebcrbarts were committed to prison on Saturday. Homicide in Jackson. Wo learu that Mr. John Strayngo, who had Deupree Hall. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Tuesday, February 9th. ‘‘A shipwreck’*] sailor, waiting fur a sail; No sail from tluy to day.” The greatest «f America’s Young Tragedians, EDWIN ADAMS, In the Bhartning Dramatization, in five acts, of Ten nyson’s Beautiful Poem, ENOCH 1RBEN! A, acteil by Mr. A.lams at BOOTH’S THEATRE, NEW YOR i, ;in4 throughout the eutiro coun try, with UNBOUNDED SUCCESS!! ENOCH AUDEN Mr. EDWIN ADAMS. "A luckier ora holder fisherman, A carefuller in peril, did not brenthe For leagues around that breaker-beaten coast Than Enoch." Tho play will he presented with NKW SCENERY! APPROPRIATE APPOINTMENTS !! and POWERFUL CAST.!!! V&-Admission, $1 ; Gallery. 50c; Reserved Scats, $1.25. Box sheet open at T. A. Burke’s Book store, three days in advance. febll Blank Deeds bt conveyance, administrator's and executor’s dveds. tax collietur's executions, and a gener al assortment «f legal blanks, elegantly priut- ol. Mai always on hand. All kinds of blanks “mi oilier job voik executed at short notice. Talmadge, Hodgson k Co. Are offering to tho trade one of tho best as t' t'.ei , one of tho best quality aud ono of the cheapest lots of Liquors ever beforo in this hwket. Country dealers and others are in- t“ call and see for themselves. Liquors, the sprouts from the middle come on with tho second sprouts from the ends. In tlie way of manure for either kind of po tatoes, I have never found anything equal to ashes put in tho drill. If Irish, plant on the ashes;—if sweet or yams, bed on them. Ho ping that others may try and seo if I only had an acciilont or not, and report results to the public, I am Very respectfully, Acc., T. J. Young. Athens, Ga., February, 1875. Denth of Another Old Citizen. On Wednesday last, Gen James D. Frierson breathed his last at his residene in this city, after a long and painful illness, which ho bore witli wonderful fortitude. The deceased was we believe, in his sixty second year. He had long been a citizen of this place—-fQrty years or more, we believe—and was highly esteemed and widely known. He leaves a large family and hosts of friends to mourn his loss. Ho was buried with Masonic honors on Thursday last. the ends, the second “drawings" are from the j a store in the upper part of Jackson county, was killed in an affray one day last week. We havo not learned the particulars. Judge Rice. Wo regret to learn that, owing t<\serious indisposition, his honor Judge Rice is detain ed at home this week, and, that inconse quence, wo havo no Court. So far as Court is concerned, we think it best that, in view of the existence of small pox in a portion of the county, it bail better not be held at present, “ Mililaay Hop.” Owing to tho inclemency of the weather, tho “ Military Hop" of tho Athens Guards was postponed from Friday night until Mon day. Tlie weather was then clear and cold, and we have no doubt our young friends en joyed themselves finely. Our thanks aro due tlie committee for an invitation to attend ees atul Brandies (imported and domestic.) W ^ or * e r, Ales (McEwan’sand Bass,) wholesale ^<1 retail, 4t. FOR SALE. dne first-class imported breech-loading shot * u:i - 2t. w. F. Brittain. Words with the Bark On.' Fish can't swim on dry land. Birds can’t without wings. Locomotives can’t move * l '-hout steam. Ics will not melt without more can a merchant sell goods or «'er and wait till tbo end of time for mon *1- All notes and accounts now duo us will jv placed R’ti hands of au officer for collee- n'p U ? le8s tl)e - v are settled “ AT ONCE." nr eu. Weatherly Ac Co. ^Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. have in store “ u 10 arrive, 50,000 pounds of clear rib sides sll °uliler8, which they will sell as cheap or C than anybody's meat.' . talmadge, Hodgson Ac Co. have in store J t0 “'five, 100 barrels of Early Roso, Good- * ,lll( ' p i“k Eye potatoes, which they will as low, or lower than any one, lor tho cash lalmadgB, Hodgson Ac Co. buy goods t ' !"' f "r cash, from first hands, and sell for ‘ and do their own work. Theso aro the | ns why they sell goods cheap. inVl * Hodgson Ac Co. bavo in store .■J Jrn '' 8 ’ var *eus grades of flour, bought vs ,'! r , CaM '' ail, l W >H ho sold low forthemon- I L hewing the bag is proving the pudding." I J? Ta '» a «lKe. Hodgson ic Co. havo in store I 4 u r sale, 2000 bushels prime seed oats. Hodgson Ac Co. are offering j (4 * a Rleaching, Ticking, Kentucky fcrj"!' A:c " C heapcr than they have ever be- * a offered in ibis market. Call and see v >°w»elvee. Talmadge, Hodgson k Co. to Ihc front, and in tlie Lead. This enterprising young firm so prominent in public favor, and so well known for tho su poriority of their goods and tbo business-like manner of conducting their business, aro be fore the public in this issuo of the paper, and we call tho attention of our many subscribers to tho extensive stock and varied character of the goods they advertise. We ourselves, have dealt with them for years, and know whereof wo speak, and most cheerfully allude to them as one of the first and most enterprising firms of Northeast Georgia. B5”White Beans, Pearl Grits, Cream Cheese, Maccaroni, Fresh Buck Wheat, Now Orleans Syrup, Florida Syrnp, "Gilt Edgo" Goshen Butter, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Halibut and the finest lot of Mackerel ever offered to the trade—large, extra fat and fine, at Talmadge, Hodgson Ac Co's. No Court. Owing to the indisposition of Judgo Rico, the Suporior Court of this County has been adjourned until the third Monday in May next, as will bo scon by the notice of tho Clerk in another column. tyGann At Reaves are addiug to, their stock continually, as tho trade demands. If you want good plantation Mules call at their stable. They are selling at prices to suit tbo times ! You'll never have a better chance! February 3d, 1875. tyTalmadge. Hodgson Ac Co. havo in store tho finest lot of Old Government Java Coffee, choice Rio, parched and ground coffee ever of fered to the trade. tyTalmadge, Hodgson Ac Co. keep the finest and best Green and Black Teas that can be bought, also. Spices of overy kind. Citron, Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Acc. Harden Seed. CABBAGE, BEET, CUCUMBER, Sen, Pea, Salli, Onion, k FLOWER SEED, • A fine variefj. Clover Seed, Orchard. Bine. Herds and Hungarian ohasSs We have a large lot of Buist’*. Ferry’s an<l Johnson k Robbins’ Seed, which wo offer to tho tratlo anti fam ilies very low. All our Seed are fresh. LONGS k BILLUPS, jan27 Broad street, Athens. Ga. Co-Partnership Notice. Wo have, on the first day of January, asso ciated ourselves together in tho Furniture Ac Coffin business, and »sk for tho new firm a continuance of the liberal patronage so gen erously bestowed upon the old firm in the past. We have a Handsome New Hearse and are prepared to do undertaking in tho best style and"at the shortest notice. Very .respectfully, Qn T.itT.AND, Wood Ac Co. ty Wholesale dealers in Liquors are respec t- fully requested to call and examine quality aud prices of our goods No charge for packages. 10 gal. kegs, half-barrels and barrels, all free of charge, at Talmadge, Hodgson Ac Co's. Bad Roads. The long-continued rainy and cloudy weath er has placed the highways generally in a wretched condition. Of course, some places are worse than others. Ono of the very worst we have heard of is about 2} miles from town, on the Danielsville and Carnesville road. Wc bavo been requested to call the attention of tbo proper authorities to it. Some Franklin county friends who were in town Thursday in formed us that they had to double teams to haul one bale of cotton, and another gentle man assured us that his team “ stalled " going down hill! A “ corduroy ” road, three or four hundred yards long, with proper ditches, would remedy the evil complained of, and it is hoped tbo matter will receive prompt attention. There aro otbor places on other roads near town which need immediate attention. Tho condition of the reads' amounts almost to a practical non-iqtercour6e with tho up-country. Serious Accident. Wo regret to learn that Mr. Reuben Comer, a highly respectable citizen, while engaged at work in the Athens factory on Friday last, ac cidentally fell backwards into a tool chest and cut the back of b'is Deck severely and danger ously ob a chisel. The loss of blood was con siderable. but we learn he is now out of dan- ger. • - -• 'tyTalmadge. Hodgson Ac Co. make a spe cialty of Choice White Leaf Lard, the nicest thing that can be bought, and housekeepers who have used it will bear us out in the as sertion, that it is the best thing ever offered in this market. TO THE PUBLIC. I DO not sell Goods on credit, but for the CASH. I will K ive you 10 lbs of SUGAR for $ 1 00 4i lbs of COFFEE for 1.00 5 lbs of CHEESE for 1.00 100 lbs of It AGON for 12.00 100 lbs of FLOUR for 3.50 A kit of MACKEREL for 1.50 And everything else usually kept in u FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, equally as cheap. Just received, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Confectioneries, Gandies, Malaga Grapes, TOBACCO. CIGABS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Clothing, Dry Goods, &e. When I aay CASH. I mean the MONEY, not «* in a day or two,” nor “ thirty day*,” but my motto is, “ Here’s your Goods; give me your Money.” Call and tee me, Broad meet, next door to Snpad k Co** Shoe *tore. jao20 N. E. RHODE-4 $5 Reward WJ ILL ho paid for tho return, or information so T * I K c t him, of my son, Jud Morton, col’d, ajjed 17 year?, wears a woollen coat with blue linine, who ab sconded from Athcn* Tuesday. 13th ini-t. I will pro- tocute any immigration airent who has decoyed, or any person who employs him. ian27-*-4t pd ARMSTEAD MORTON. $ave Your Money! I HAVE this day received a full stock of every kind of material, to insure a superb B->ot or Shoe All kinds of work done in mv line. ^ FINE BOOTS or SHOES. COARSE BOOTS or SHOES, sowed or pegged, made or repaired. J. R. I VIE, Ajrent. jun27—2m No. 0 Broad street, Athens, Gi SHORT POSTPONEMENT--.BAY FIXED— FUTL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Montpelier Female Hrniate Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. March 29th ? 1875. LIST OF GIFTS : 1 Grand Cash Gift $100,0CU 1 Grand Cash Gift 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift 25.000 to Cash Gifts, $10,000 each 100,000 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 75,000 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 50,000 too Cash Gifts, 500 each 50,000 1.000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 100.000 1.000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 50.000 I 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each 400,000 | 22,178 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000,000 NUMBER of TICKETS, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $20.00 Halves 10.00 Quarters 5.00 Eighths, or each Coupon 2.5** 5A Tickets for 100.00 Tlie Montpelier Female Humane Association, char tered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Oraneeco, proposes, by a Grand Gift Con ceit, to establish and endow a ” Homo for tlie Old, In firm and Destitute Ladies of Virginia.” at Montpelier, the former residence of Pre-ident James Madison. Govrnson’s o F picp., Richmond, July 3, 1874. It affords me pleasure to say that lam wellaequaint- tli a large majority of the officers of tbo Montpe lier Female Humane Association, who reside in the nity of my home, and I attest their intelligence, and their worth and high reputation ns gentlemen, as well a* the public confidence, influence and substan tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874 —* * * I com end them as gents of honor and integrity, and fully entitled to tho confidence of the public. * * * R. W. HUGHES. U. S. Judge Ean’n Dist.Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Withers, Lieutenant Gov. of Va. and U. S. Senator lect; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances for tickets may Vie made by Express, prepaid. Post Office Money-Order on Washington, D ■'* , or by Registered Letter. For full particulars, testimonials. $fc., send for Cir cular. Address, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR. Pres’t M. F. II., Alexandria, Va Reliable Agents wanted everywhere. nov!8 4t The New York WEEKLY WITNESS, giving Nows, NOTICE. Dr. J. Walker’s California Vincgai Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tbo native herbs found on tbe lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “ What is tho cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, n perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgativo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vinegar Betters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de-" stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital orpins wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained tho sinking system. Bilions, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which arc so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke, Jame3,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unnsiuil heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tlie same time stimulating the secretions ot the liver, and generally restor ing tho healthy functions of the digestive orpins. Dyspepsia or Indigestion,Headache, Pain in iho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the C!i t Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in ilio Mouth, Bil ious Attack ;, Palpitation of the Heart,Inflam mation of tho Lungs, Pain in the region of tlie Kidneys, and:vhundred other painful symptoms," are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bo:!::! will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Ssrofiii;!, or King's Evil, White Swel lings, Uii". :• G Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, S. "iGulons Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., cic. 2u these, as in all other constitu tional Di e ' .ses, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters have sin..a their gi eat curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Bleed, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters Ji.:ve no equal. Such Diseases are caused i j Vitiated Blood. Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints- and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Min.-rs, as liicy advance in life, aro subject to pamL-.iia of tho Bowels. To guard again ,t this, t.d;e a dose of Walker’s Vin egar Birr, u i occasionally. for Skill ifistatiC.S, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt ll'i. : s, hi d 1 u s, Spots, Pimples, Pus tule--, Buds, Csiijuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up aud carried out of tho system in a short time by the use of theso Bitters. Tiipc, ami other Worms, lurk ing in tho s> stem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem oi medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- minitic-;, will free the system from worms liko these B.iters. For Female Complaints, in young or olu, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, theso Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In all cases of jaundice,rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use Vinegar Bit- TKUS. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the system will follow. II. II. MCDONALD & CO., DniKi-nts au.l Geoi-ml Agento, San Francisco, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sta., Now York. Sold by all llruniiu and Dcalom- Oc l ohi-rU.1874—ly POSITIVELY I lAlUFACIURER’S COST, For lO Days Only! S I will then move tbo remainder of my stock o merchandize to Atlanta, Ga. All goods sold posi tively for CASH on delivery of tbe goods. My large stock of goods will be offered nt auction during Court week, and continued irom day to day, if cost or within 10 or 15 per cent, of it can bo obtained. AU persons holding claims against me will pleaso >rcscut tho same fur immediate settlement, and those I hold claims against will please call immediately and settle the same. As I do not even now want to unne cessarily harass or annoy them for payment, I will re ceive it in installments, or accept security for payment within any reasonable time, if no answer shall havo been received from you before the 1st day ot February, 1875, I shall consider it your intention to avoid pay ment, and without further notice, your account will be publicly sold at auctiou ; ami should it not bo sold, it will be then advertised for sale aud the publication continued until sottlod or arranged. T FOREWARN all persons against trading for a cer tain promissory note, given for Six Hundred Dol lars, bearing date on or about the 12th day of Novem ber last, made payable to William Amis, or bearer, and signed by myself—tho consideration of said note hav ing proved falso in part. MARY BROOKS. The Newnan papers will please copy and forward bill to advertiser. dec30—3t MARTIN INSTITUTE. Jefferson, Ga., Markets, Stories, Pictures and Live Editorials, at 'T*HE Spring Term of this institution will open $2.10 a year Postage paid, has reached 75,000 circu-1 *- Monday, Jan. 25th, 1875, with a full corps of lation in three years Send for free sample copy. | f ©achers. dee23 J. W. GLENN, Principal jan27 L. L. BRICKH0U3E. CURES, AS IF BY MACtC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENKSS, OUST I NATH LUNG AFFECTIONS, ASTHMA, CROUP, BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS. PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, nn4 will euro CONSUMPTION, As 50,000 grave-robbed witnesses teMify. No opium. Nothing poisonous. Delicious to tako. The enrthly Saviour to all afflicted with affoetiona of tho Throat and Lungs. Bequeaths to posterity ono of the great est blessings, SOUND LUNGS, und iiuuiuuitv from CONSUMPTION. jSir- Over ono hundred thousand bottles have been used, and not a single failure kuown. Thousands of testimonials of wonderful cures, such as the following, can be seen at the office »f the Proprietors, No f*0 Broad street, Atlanta, Ga, °r will bo sent, ou application, ta any who duubt. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. HEAD! READ!! CONSUMPTION CURED! Office of O. Sackett, Druga .t Medicine,, 1 New Albany, Ind., April 10, 1874. J Hr J S Pemberton", Atlanta, Ga : Hear Sir—I have received your circulars, and in consequence cf tho dis tribution, I have sold about six dozen Glnne Flower Syrup in tho last two weeks. TheGlobu FlnwerSyrup gaining great celebrity. I recommended it in two cases of consumption. Ono caso was bedfast; bad not laid on bnt one side for two years ; hemorrhages almost every day ; much emaciated, and expected to die. He has taken six bottles of Globe Flower Syrup; troubles are all gone, oxcept prostration, which is rapidly improving. Ho will certainly get well. The other caso is simitar, with same good results. I can send you many testimonials, it you want them. Yours, truly, etc. O. SACKETT. REMARKABLE EIRE. Cleveland, Ohio, A; ril 12. 1874. Hr. J. S Pemberton: I: gives me great pleasure to nform yon that iwo bottles of Globe Flower Syrup have cured ra v son of an obstinate lung affection of several years' standing, after *»ur best physi -ians had given him up to die, with what they ea'led Consump tion. I shail ever remember with grateful heart, and recommend to nil the Globe Flower Syrup. It has brought more sunshine and happiness to our hearts d home than ono million dollars could have dono. God bless you. Your friend, feb.3 Elizabeth Spencer. ATHENS OAthen s. i* a-. O GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORK, SMITHING & REPAIRING Having an extensive collection of .Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MININC & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Saw Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill Spindles, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Hattie Staffs, Mil) Cranks, Horse powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stumping Mills, Cotton Seed Crushers, etc., etc., etc. Manufacture, and are Agents for, tho most approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks’ Patent Port able Revolving and Colt’s celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Balconies, <f c., etc. Thankful for past patronage, solicit a continuance of the !*ame. From the nature of our business, wc are compelled to make our tcrinH STRICTL Y CASH, Address, K NICKERSON, Aycnt and S’uj.'t. Mill Findings furnished ct Manufacturer's prices. New Books, AT BURKE’S BOOK STORE. 50c. J ACK HARKAWAY'S School Days. The Scape grace at School. 75c. For Christmas Presents. Millinery & Fancy Goods .A.T COST! Trine! Hals, Mine! Hats, HUMAN HAIli and NOTIONS, Must be sold, regardless of cost. Miss C. JAMES, 75c. 75c. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, For Composting with Colton Seed, THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO I S now so well known for its remarkable effects as an agency for increas ing the products of labor,' as not to require especial commendation from us. Its use, for ten years past, has established its character for Reliable Excellence. The large, fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. CASH PRICE: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, §50 00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 38.00 TIME PRICE, Without Interest, and option of paying in Middling Cotton, delivered at Athens Depot, by Nov 1st, at Fifteen Cents per pound: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, §60.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 45.00 jull—In J . C. PITNER & CO., Agents, Athens. Jask Harkaway After School Days. The Scape-grace at Sea. 75c. Jack Harkuwuy at Oxford. 75c. The Scapo-graoe of London. 75o. Jack Harkaway Among the Brigands. Pantomime Joe. 75c. The Fatal Cord aud Yellow Chief. 50c. The ltival Crupnes. 50c. 8trongb«w, the Boy Chief. 50c. Rupert Godwin, by Miss Braddon. 00c. The Lady’s Mite, by Miss Braddon. 50c. Ouly a Clod, by Miss Braddon. 50c. The Lady Lisle, by Mi*k Braddon. 50c. East Lynne; or tho Earl’s Daughter. 75e. Castle Wafer; or tho Plain Gold Ring. 75c. Gervase Castonel; or Six Grey Powders. 25c. The Heir to Afhley. 75c. The Diary of a Detective Police Officer. 75c. Within an Inch of Ilis Life. 75c. The Clique of Gold 75c. Squire Ardon, by Mrs Oliphant. 75c. Lorna Doone, a Romance of Exrnscr. 75c. Linley Rurheford, by Justin McCarthy. $1. Losing to Win. A Novel. $1. Nast’s Illustrated Almanac. 25c. Josh Billings’ Alminax. 25c. With many othors, for sale at nov25 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. DRY GOODS On Most FavoraMe Terms. M. W. LTTCA.S I S now opeuing a new and elegant stock of Goods bought low and offered low to cash and prompt pay ing customers. Large lot of Gentlemen's and Boy’s Woollens. Extra quality English, French und German Suitings. Plain and Fig’d Beavers, in all qualities. Corded, Diagonal and Basket Beavers, Fancy Cas- simeres, B ack Doeskins, Black and Col’d Broadcloths. Wool Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Half-Hose, Cra vats, in great variety. Flannols, Shawls, Blankets, Woollen Skirts. READY-MADE CLOTHIFG. Ladies* Dress Goods in all new styles, Black Silkl^ Aipaccas, Cashmeres, Express Cloths, Brilliaotines, Tamise and Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Bead and Buglo Trimmed Belts and Bead and Bugle Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Needle-Work, Rufflinga, Flutings, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. Persons from a ar.e .invited to examine the atock, and orders are solicited, Srocial attention is called to our Tailoring Depart ment and Merchant Tailor's Goods. septSO doc 16 Bishop** Corner, Athons, Ga. NEW LAW FIRM. ( HAVE associated with me, in the practice of law, L. W. THOMAS, Esq., a young gentleman of col legiate education, and a graduate of the University Law School, of Georgia, whom I regard as a gcntle- of fine ability, good moral character and great energj’. And under the firm name of JACKSON A THOMAS, (office at Athens, Ga.,) we propose to prac tice in all the courts within our reach, except the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county. I hope, by prompt attention to business, the firm will be liberally patronized. dec23 ASA M. JACKSON. ILIAYI.BXji£3. The undersigned is now prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES Or anything in tbe Marble or IRON-RAILING line, at short notice. I have quite a number of NEW DESIGNS or Patterns, which can be seen by apply ing to Nov30—tf J R.CR*ANE, Female, $30 per week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address with 6 cent return stamp, C. ROSS. Williams- burg. N. Y. • DSYCIIOMANCY, or SOUL-CHARMING.”— X How either sex may fascinate and gaiu tho love andaffectionsof any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement allcun possess, free,by mail, for 25o, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Ora cle,Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. Aqueerbook. Address T.W IL LI A M k Co. Pubs.Phila. TPR VCHRISTIAN, a large, live family paper, full A it x of stories and good reading. No sectarianism, fllTTripolities, pills, puffs nor advertisements. Only 1 JLLI!j75 cta.ayear. Send 10 o. for3 specimens befor* youforgetit! Splendid Map Premium. Agents wanted everywhere. Big commissions paid! II. L. Hastings, 538 Wash'n at, Boston, Mass, 608 Arch s', Phils,Pa. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISKASES, USE Wells’ Carbolic Tablets, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TBIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggist,.