The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 03, 1875, Image 4

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Winter the Colts Well. It is a fact well known that farmers, colts are poorly wintered ns a general rule. There are exceptions of coarse. Wo would have better horses if the colts wore belter wintered. The form and character of the colt is formed in the first three or four years of its life Its character may bo good or bad; it depends almost wholly upon tbc handling to which it has been subject. Its form or build, depends, in a great manner, on the way it has been fed. There are more colts injured by poor feeding in the winter than in tho summer, for the reason that there is moro pasture in tho summer than foddorin tho winter. A colt’s build may be spoiled thefirst, sec ond or third winter by poor feeding, and no amount of feeding afterward will re store it to its original build. When it has arrived at a working age, it is not on ly ugly and ill-shaped, but its valuo is al so below par Wo import stallions at many thousands of dollars apioco, for tho improvement of our 6tock, which is monoy almost spent in vain, and will continuo to bo spent, until wo, as a class, winter our colts bet tor. Colts should bo housed through tho cold, rainy days of the fall, and when it is pleasant they should run out. In winter they should have a liberal allowance of hay. They should also havo a fow oats Oats aro better than corn, for they mahe bono. Caring Hay. ThoParis correspondent of tho American Parmer says an analysis made in Belgium of two samples of hay, derived from the samo field, mown at the same timo, but saved differently, one left thirteen days exposed to wind and weather and the other housed in throe days, showed nine per cent, difforonco in the soluble elements of what was originally tho same g ass Five-sixths of the nutrition valuo of long exposed hay was lost. Tbo wood in tho stems of grass straw remains, but not the substancos that form the blood, flesh and bones of farm stock. scribers, but the honest, industrious farmer is certain of a fair rolnrn for his labor. True, ‘ Paul may plant, and Apollos water, but God must give the increase." But where is the faithful cultivator of the soil, God’s heritage to man, who ever yet suffered for bread?" Fruit Culture. A spirited farmer at a late meeting of iho ‘‘Farmers’ Council of Virginia and North Carolina,” in a discussion as to tho advantage of diversifying tho products of (arms, said ho went into the fruit-raising business in preference to any other. He showed by facts that Virginia and North Carolina woro hotter adapted to frnit rai sing than either New Jersey or Delewaro. lie found it moro profitable than raising co non or tobacco. Ho stated that he bought in 1863 a worn-out farm at a small price and set out fruit trees. To day he would not exchange that plantation for any property. Ho stated that the peach os grown in Virginia and North Carolina would bo ready for tho New York market two or throe weeks before those of New Jorsey and Deleware, and that the demand for them was now greater than tho supply lie demonstrated tho great profits made by ffuis-growor8, and his remarks elided frequent applauso. This is destined to bo como an immense business, tho South Car olina and georgia havo the advanfngo ground in this matter; and with tho facil ilios of transportation to the North, East and West, and more particularly to Eu ropo, who can estimate the extent to which fruit growing is destined to reach from tho Southern Slatos ? Family Groceries. r. rTsaulter C ALLS the attention of hia friends and the “ rest of mankind'* to the fact that he will keep on hand a fresh assortment of Family Supplies, With a fine quality of d COOKING WINE, Either in bottles or on draught. Also, the best of BRANDIES, WHISKIES, RUM, Gin, Ale, Lager Beer, CIGARS & TOBACCO. J2Sf* Country dealers supplied at low figures, at HOLBROOK’S CORNER, jan8 Near Northeastern Depot, Athens,Ga. CITY LOTS for SALE. F OR rale, 79 lots, located on the estate of Dr. E. R. Ware, known as the Joel Hurt plot. Said can be seen at the Bank of the Univereity. For terras, Ac., apply to Prof. L. II. Charbonnier, at his residence, or at his office in the University, Sd tory Library building. dec2 THOS. G. BARRETT, Ex’r. JACKSON COUNTY. ACKSON Sheriff’s Postponed Sale. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Mareh uext, belore the court house door in Jefferson, Jack- son county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: The undivided two-thirds life interest, and the un divided eleven-twentieths remainder interest of Nancy and Hannah Nash in the tract of land upon which said Nancy Nash and Hannah Nash and Mary Nash now live, adjoining lands of Harris, Thurmond, Hud son, Hood and others. Levied on by virtue of seventy- one Justice’s Court fi fas issued from the 255th district G M, in favor of Charles T Nash, adm’r of Reuben L NTash, deceased, vs N&ucy Nash and Hannah Nash.— Said tract of land contains four hundred aeres, more or less, lying on the road leading from Harmony Grove, Jackson eounty, to Athens, Ga, four miles from the former place., Said levies to satisfy foregoing fi fas. Property pointed out b> plaintiff. Levies made and returned to me by J G H Pittman, L C. j»n2? 510 J. S. HUNTER. Sh'ff. A MINISTRATOR’S Sale. -AJL. Will be sold, before the court house door, in I efferson, Jackson county, Ga, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, at public out-cry, to the highest bidder, the land belonging to the estate of J H Vandivcre, deceased, lying in said county, it being all the land of said deceased, except the widow’s dower. Adjoining lands of White, Brock and others, containing 140 acres, more or less, twen ty-five acres cleared land, 30 acres good wood land, balance in old field. Terms, cash. Sold by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, as the property of said deceased, to pay debts and for distrioution. G. C. VANDIVERE, Adm’r j»n27 of J H Vandivere. BANKS COUNTY. /X EORGIA, Banks county. VX Whereas, P A Waters, executor of William L Waters, represents to the Court in bis petition, duly filed and entered on record, that be has fully admin istered William L Waters’ estate according to will— This is therefore to eite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said exeevtorshonld not he discharged and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jan20 *5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. CLARKE COUNTY. /XEORGIA, Banks county. VX Whereas, Daniel T Bush, executor of Thomas Bush, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on reeord, that he has fully administered Thomas Bash’s estate according to biswill— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show eaus~, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jan?0 $5 A. C MOSS, Ord’y. (XEORGIA, Banks county. VX" Whereas, Joshua Owen, executor of Martha Owen, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Martha Owen’s estate according to her will— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any thoy can, why said executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission,on the fisst Monday in May, 1875. jan20 $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. /X EORGIA. Clarke county. VT Court of Ordinary of «aid county. Whereas, Amanda Frederick, ool’d, adminietratrix of Felix Frederick, col’d, late of said county, dec’d, petitions the Coart for a discharge from said admin istration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby requir- ep to show cause, if any they have, why said adminis tratrix should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in May next, be dis charged fromsaid administration. By order of said'Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 4th day of January, 1875. jant3 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. Use the Great The Kind of Fa ruling That Pays. A writer in tho Duchess Farmer takes tho truo and sensible view of farming as a business as follows : “Tho profit in agriculture, like tho prof it in other business, depends on what thoy cali in Wall street a ‘margin,’ and a very small one it is in farming, as in all sale and well established industries.—When we sold wool to ills Bunneis, many years ago, one of the firm told us that thoy had beeu making cloth without profit, anJ when they found a wasto of about u eono a pound on their wool, and managed U avoid that waste, their business again bo came successful A quarter of ono per cent, received by a broker in a largo finan cial transaction, lias made him a largo fortune. And though in the limited trails action of the manufacturer and farmer so 6mall a percentage would not avail much, it is certain that the fortunoofthe farmer, no less than of tho merchant and manu facturer, is made up of tho small net profits of his business, accnraulated by many year of labor and carefulness. This not profit is so small that it is liable to be impaired by any trifling error in management or lack of force. Any serious defect in man agemont, or any great degree of slackness, will spoil tbo profit altogether. There aro so many things to bo woll dono in or der to succeed, that it is not strange that so many fail. When every part of farm ing is well dono, there is no mistakcabout tho profit.’’ —Rural Carolinian. Orchard Grass. I am still receiving requests every few days for more information about orchard grass. 1 believe I havo said nearly- every thing that I can say in my various articles, but as they were not all published in your paper, I will again answer a few of the questions asked. Two bushols of seed to the acre (of 14 pounds to tho bushel) is not too much, but twenty pounds of nice clean seed will insure a good set. To sow less than twenty pounds “is penny wiso and pound foolish,’ for less than twenty pounds will not pro duce a porfect sod, and all tho ground not sodded over of eouroe, losl. I bcliovo Au gust to bo tho best timo for sowing orch ard grass. I sowed this year a small lot in Angusttoryeand orchard grass. About the 25th of next April I shall mow the rye, which will make a tine lot of feed and by mowing so early, it will not intefore with the grans, and will protect it during tho winter. I believe this to bo oven bet ter than sowing tho grnss alone. Most farmers wish to sow tho grass seed with wheat or oats. If orchard grass is sown in March. I soil all my stock, and con sider orchard grass tho host of all grasses for soiling, for the following reasons : Its enrlincss, luloncos, rapidity of growth and the preference stock havo for it. All these qualities combined make it the best of alI grasses for soiling. It does not make so much feed as corn-fodder, but it does not require tho work that corn does, and you are obliged to mannro your corn fod der land to keep it up, while orchard grass improves land ovory year. Stock never tire of the grass as they do of fodder. If sown about tho first of is not necessary to harrow tho soed in, although a light harrowing will do no harm. Grafts from Bearing Trees. Colman’s liural World has the following “From long experience, wo have not been able to see a difference whether the scions be cut from bearing trees or young ones in the nursery. The w^ole thing depends upon the stock upon which the grafts are worked. Will take the top of a seedling but one year old, graft it upon a bearing tree, and have fruit the third year, nine limes out of ten; while the same seedling, if left to grow to bearing, would, in allpro' bability, takeeight or ton years. We have often gathered apples from nursery trees when they were but threoyears old, simply because in digging out other trees near it, its roots got cut semowhat. Tbereason that in old times grafts bore, was owing to' tho fact that tbo stocks they grafted were somew bat stnntcd. Vigorous growth is always adverse to productiveness. Wo nover go to any trouble to get grafts from bearing trees, if we are sure of tho variety; but when any uncertainty exists, by all moans resort to the bearing ones." Form Lifers. Public Life. Tho Hon A. G. Brown, of Mississipp gives tho following excellent advice to young men: “Be a farmer ! a There is a fascination in office which beguiles men, but bo as sured, ray young friends, it is the fascina tion of a serpent; or to change the figure, it is the ignis fatuus which coaxes you on to inevitable rain. I speak of that which I do know and if my young friends will bo govorned by my advice, I have this say, after all my success as a public man now when my bead iB blossoming for the grave. I feel that it would have been better for me if I had followed the occu pation of my father and been a farmer. Of all pursuits in lifo, that of a farmer is the most respectable. It may have its trials and its disappointments: so do all others. The mechanic may losetbowages of his labor, the professional man allhisfees, the editor may weep over delin^uont eab- For all Discuses of the Bowels, such as CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, Diarrhosa, Colic, PAIRS IN BACK, SIDE & JOINTS, Toothache and Neuralgia. The Proprietors,in putting this GREAT REMEDY before the public, do so with tho firm belief that it will cure all the above diseases it is recommended to cure. All we ask is a fair trial. if this MEDICINE docs not perform what we claim for it after a fair trial, according to the directions then Return it aui pi your Money. Prepared and put up by J. E. ROSS, DR. W. R. D. THOMPSON’S, 235 East Fair street, ATLANTA, GA. jar AND FOll SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.-TS^ PRICE, 50 CENTS. July 8ih, 1874. The Best Investment! YOUNG- 3IEN, Who wish to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education And prepare themselves for the duties of ACTUAL BUSINESS LIFE, Under the instruction and advice of EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANTS, should attend COFFIMS And Burial Caskets Furnished at as LOW OR LOWER PRICES, At our establishment, on Broad street, over Franklin House, than they can be purchased at Any other Place in the City. When Burial Cases are furnished by us, we will also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE, Our handsome HEARSE, with horses and driver, for Funerals within the city limits. Athens. Jure 17, 1874. J. F. WILSON A CO. A Standard Institution and leading BUSINESS SCHOOL in the SOUTH Conducted on Actual Business Principles Supplied with Banking and other offices, combining ovory known facility for imparting a thorough, prac tical and systematic knowledge of the Science of Ac counts, in tho shortest possible time and at the least expenso. JE&*No vacation. Students admitted at any time. Circular containing terms, Ac., mailed on applica tion. Address B. E. MOORE, A. M.. Pres’t. References : Messrs. J, S. England, J. C. Pitncr, J. II. Huggins, Athens, Ga. jnn21 /X EORGIA, Jackson county. VX^ Whereas, W J Roberts applies to me in proper form for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Matthew M Hanes, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in March next, why said letters should not be granted, as prayed for, to the upplici-nt. Given under my official signature. Jan 15,1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. B ANKS Sheriff's Sale. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door, in t’omer, Banks county, between the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Thirty and one-third acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of M Buice, Banks and ethers, near the town of Belton, on the Air-Line Railroad. Levied on ns the property of H P Terrell, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Banks County Court, in favor of Larkin Williams. Property pointed out by J J Tu»nbull,pl’fT» att’y. jan6 $5 A. J. WEST. Sh’ff. EORGIA, Jackson county. \JT Whereas, Wra E Choeley makes application for letters of administration on the estate of Sarah Ann Cheeley, late of said county, deceased— Therefoie, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore thefirst Monday in March next, why said letters should not he granted, as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature. Jan 8, 1875. jan20 $i WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. A MILD APPAKIENT AND GENTLE PURGA TnVE, roc-m mended l<.r the cure of all derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels, Uy their timely use much sickness is prevented. Tho test of many years havo proven them to he the safest, surest and est of all tho pills ever offered to the public. They urify the blood, remove all corruptions and restore the diseased system to perfect health. AS AN AN TIDOTE TO CHILLS AND FEVER they havo no anal. FOR DYSPEPSIA THEY ARE A SPECIFIC. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DILLIOUS COLIC they are a sure core. FOR CONSTIPATION, RHEU MATISM. PILES. PALPITATION OF TIIF. HEART, PAIN IN THE SIDE, RACK AND Lf*INS, NER VOUSNESS, a positive remedy. FOR FEMALE IR REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. When dues not feel “very well,” a single dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and im, parts vigor to the system. Sold every where. Office- 18 Murray Street, Nevr York. /X EORGIA, Jackson county. VX” William M Morgan applies to me for exemp tion of personalty, (not being theowner of any realty;) and I will pass upon the samo at 12 o’clock M, on Sat urduy, the 30th day of January, ] 875, at my office. jauSO $2.25 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. p EORGIA, Jackson county. VX” Whereas, Charles F Hardy, administrator of the estate of Riley Maxwell, late of said county, deo’d represents to the Court by his petition, properly filed that he has fully administered said estate, aud desires letters dismissory— Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said administrator should not be discharged and letters of dismission, prayed for, granted. Given uuder my official signature, this Jan 5,1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. B anks sheriff’s sale. Will be sold, before the court house door in Homer, Banks county, on the first Tuesday in Febru ary next, between the lawful hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Seven hundredand ninety-seven acres of land, more or less, lying partly in Banks ann partly in Hallcoun- ties, the place whereon John N Garrison now lives, nown as the Gillsville place, adjoining lauds of D P Casey, Jesse Blackwoll and others. Levied on as the property of John N Garrison,by virtueof a fl faissued rom Hall Superior Court, iu favor of J H Banks vs R W Brown, maker, and John N Garrison and A M Coch ran, securities, which has been paid off by said Coch ran, one of the securities, and now controlled and en forced by him against said Garrison, his co-security, for contribution. Levied on as the property of John N Garrison, one of tho securities of this fi fa, at the instance of A M Cochran, his co-security, who has paid off and controls the same against said Garrison, for contribution. Property pointed out by J F Langston, pl’ff*a att’y. dec30 $10 A. J. WEST, Sh’ff. DR. Tim HAIR DIE. is easily applied, imparts a beautiful black or brown, ard acts like magic. The best in the world. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.00 a box. ( •^reTOvi^ ) THE GHASTLY RECORD OF DEATHS that re suit from pulmonary affections is frightful. There is no disease that is so iusiduous in its attack as con sumption. By the neglect of “ slight colds” they soon become deep seated and defy remedies which, if applied at the outset, would have averted all danger. I>r. Tutt’s Expectorant has proven itself THE MOST VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever discovered. A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York pro nounces it the u greatest blessing of the nineteenth centcry,” and says ** no family should bo without it.” It is pleasant to the taste, and a single dose will often remove the most obstinate cough. Office, 18 Murray Street, New York. /X EORGIA, Jackson county. VX” Whereas, David Hosh applies to me for letters of guardiauship of the minor orphans of Uuldah Dan iel. late of said county, deceased— Therefore, allconcerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before th% first Monday in March next, why said letters should not be granted, ns prayed for. Given under my official signature, this Jan 4, 1875 jan20 $4 WILEY C. HOWARD. Ord’y. TACKSON Sheriff’s Sales. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February, 1375, before the court house door in Jefferson, Jackson county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Eighty acres of land, more or less, the place whore on defendant now lives, on the waters of North Oco nee river, adjoining lands of Wilson, Wood and others, tolerably well improved- the Northeastern Railroad running through said land, near by the dwelling.— Levied on by virtue of two fi fas issued from Jackson County Court—one in favor of A T Bennett, adm’r, Ac, vs E D Yarborough ; the other in favor of I A J W Seymour vs said Yarborough—both controlled by J B Dunahoo. Property pointed out by J B Dun ahoo. $5 Also, at the same time and plaee, fifty acres of land more or less, on the waters of North Oconee river, ad joining lands of Davis and others. Said land has comfortable dwelling-house, out-buildings and a good wool factory thereon. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Jackson Superior Court—Davenport Co vs R C Wilhito. Property pointed out by pl’fFs att’y. jan6 $5 J. S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. T HIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to con tain a single particle of Mercurv, or any injuri ous mineral substance, hut is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing hose Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liv er Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases cadscd by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save tunny an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors’bills. After ovct forty years’ trial it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from per sons of the highest character and responsibility. Em inent physicians to nmend it as tho most Effectual Specific for Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, allelimates andchanges of water and food may be faced without fear. Asa Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COM PLAINTS,RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE,NAUSEA, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medioine in the World ! Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, G»„ and Philadelphia. Price, Ci. Sold by all Druggist,. junelO FIRST-GLASS. T HE public would do woll to call at the shop of the undersigned, where all kinds of BARBERING, HAIR-DRESSING, dco. Is done in the best style of tho art. C»me, and be convinced. dec9 DAVIS A SAPP. Agents Singer ManTg Co. Athbxs, Ga., July 13th, 1874. T HE following named gentlemen are duly anthoriied Agent, for the sale of the Singer Sewing Machine, in the counties opposite their respective names, and they, and they only, are authorized by us to make axle, and collections for our account. Any and all other! are impoitori, and payments made to them will notbe recognized by ni,even though they may, without onr knowledge or conaent, be in posaeseion of note, drawn in onr favor: Banka eounty—S L. Oliver. Clarke « —G. E v Abbott. Elhert “ — Franklin “ — Hart *' Habersham 1 Hall Jackson “ Lumpkin * Madison “ —S. F. Jnckion and B. E. Jackson. S. F. Jackson and B. E. Jackson. —W. M. D. Lambert ft Son. —William William,. —Jas. A. Griffeth per J W Griffotb. Oglethorpe* Rabun Town, Union Walton White —W.J. Fuller. —W. J. Fuller. —John H. JaokHon, —W. M. D. Lambert A Son. Coll’g Agents at Large—J. T. Osborn, T. B. Brown. THE SINGER MANUFG CO., jolyl5 By G. H. HOPS, Manager Offioe. SCROFULA, ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF THE SKIN, ST. ANTHONY’S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS, BLOTCHES, TUMORS. ROILd, TETTER AND SALE RlIEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM. RHEUMATISM. PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS. STERILI TY, LEUCORRIKEA OR WHITES, WOMB DIS EASES, DROPSY. WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPHI LIS. KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT, MER CURIAL TAINT AND PILES, all proceed from im- pure blood. DB. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA le most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the circulation and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates the system ; produces a beautiful complexion and causes the body to gain flesh and increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $100 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists Office 81 Murray Street, N.Y. nov4 Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, R. EL LAMPKI3M, 4 T his establishment on Wall street, (a few uoors A from Btoad) is now effering a large stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, At wholesale or retail, as cheap or cheaper than they can be bought at any other establishment in this city. His assortment embraces all qualities, from ordi nary to the very best. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. mar4. FRANKLIN COUNTY. ATOTICE. JL v After the publication of this notice for four weeks, and at tho regular term of tho Court of Ordi nary of Franklin county, to be held on the first Mon day in March Dext, I shall apply to said Court for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Rachel Stoner, late of said county, deceased. BARTON G. PAYNE. jau27 $4 A-im’r with will annexed. F ranklin sheriff's sales. Will be sold, before the court bouaedoorin Carnesvilie, Franklin county, on the first Tuesday in Mareh next, within the legal hour, of axle, the follow ing property, to-wit: One hundred end twenty-five bushel, of corn, one thousand bundles of fodder and two pens of shacks. Levied on ns the property of Willinm Cnwtbon, to satisfy a lien 11 fn issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of sold county—A J York vs William Cnwtbon Property pointed ont by plaintiff. $5 Also, at the same time and plaoe, one house nnd lot in the town of Cnrnesvilie.contnining seven-tenths of nn sere, more or less, adjoining lots of DO Osborn and J M Freeman, being the place whereon Dr J R Tucker now liven. Levied on as the property of T T Dorougb, to sntisfy two fi fas in fnvor of Samuel Knox vs T T Dorougb, issued by the Justice’s Court of the 264th district G M of said county- Property pointed out by plaintiff’, attorney. jnnlS $5 J. C. McCARTER, D. Sh’ff. A MINISTRATOR’S Sale. -Ljl. Will be sold, before the court house door in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the le gal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in February next, to the highest bidder, the following property to-wit: Seventy acres of land, more or less, in said county on tho road leading from Jefferson to Athens, about miles from each place, knowu as the plac< adjoiuing lands of Mrs Venable, James Morris’old place and others. On said tract is a log cabin, Ac and some cleared land. Sold as the property of Wil liam Mays, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and ere ditors. Terms cash. janfi $5.50 E. M. THOMPSON, Adm G EORGIA, Jackson County. Whereas, Thomas J Randolph applies to for letters of Guardianship of E A Rogers and J W Rogers, minor orphans of M A Rogers, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in February, 1S75, why said letters should not be granted tho applicant as pray ed for. Given under my hand officially, this December24th 1874. dec30 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. a EORGIA, Jackson County. Whereas, S N llighfill and P R Martin, Exec utors of tho will of Jonathan Martin, deceased, apply to me for leave to sell a lot of wild land in Randolph county, at private sale, belonging to the estate of said deceased— Thei’efore,all persons concerned, are hereby notified to file their objections with me on or before the first Monday in February, 1875, if any they have, else leave will be granted as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature, Dc*. 24th, 1874, decSO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Clarke county. Court of Ordinary of sai l county. Whereas, Helen F Palmer, administratrix of Ed mund Palmer, late of said county, deceased, petitions tho Court for a discharge from said administration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why said administra trix should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in May next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 4th day of January, 1875. janl3 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. ri EORGIA, Clarke county. VX” Ordinary’s Office, 1st Ordinary’s Office, let Jan., 1874. Zachary T Smith has applied for exemption of personalty; and I will pass upon thesame at 12 o’clock M, on the 14th day of January. 1875, at my office. jan6 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. /XLARKE Sheriff ’s Sale. V_y Will be sold, before the WALTON COUNTY. w' V V Will be sold, before tho , the town of Monroe, within the l e JS h^ 0 " 1 * door in the first Tuesday i„ M.rcU nez^L Tu ° f *»>•. -S perty, to-wit: ’ lbo ‘“Bowing Ono hundredand sixty acre, of i oi lot No 103; one huudVed and Jg htv ; i “ ore « Im., or less, of lot No 102 ; two hundred a„",J acr «>.'"»» more or less, of lot No 107; two huudmdT? ? cr «. seven acres, more or less, of l ot No lot „ thit 'V- lands lying in the 3d district of Wali„Y. a 1 of **id a body, about two miles east of Monro. “““"J 3 ’ aD ' 1 '» of Jack’s and Grubby oreeks adioini - on tbo waters mau, E A Smith, A J uSZ#* 1 ft*' aad !f Bar" the estato of Jonas Ilaldf-Jamo. H wtl, h * lon * in «‘“ of A J Burroughs, confiningright h«7"? 1 *" tls moro or less, formerly kuown as the rt F < ac «*, and whereon Albert G Hester now re.\t “ pUc '- od as the property of said Albert G Hest.. , Lovi5,i by virtue of an execution issued fromW.’n atld rior Court, in favor of E H A A" 1 Su P«- G Hester. Property pointed out and sal.'oL* A1,> ' rl W L Thrasher, transferroe. $[o “rderedby Also, at tho same time nnd place Mr. i Carter’s life interest in and to sixty acre, I 7 Ann or less, it being that portion of ! 10r dower , ,m °'* of the property of George W Carter, dec’d ” U1 eluded in the homestead set apart to the said V ln ' Ann Carter by tho Ordinary of Walton 'T 3 ' vied on under and by virtue of two e.eei.i • ,e ' from a Justice’s Court, held in and for .al n- ', ssilei1 trictG M of Walton eounty. i„ favVr if S^wsH by vs Lucy Ann Carter, James A Carter 7-l L Carter. Levy made and returned by R T c LC. jnn27 $5 J. M. AMMON’S D SVff ’’ a EORGIA, Banks County. Whereas, William Boling applies to mo inpro- the court house door, in Athens, on the 1st Tuesday in February nex% within the legal hours of sale, the followingproperty,to-wit; The undivided one-half interest in the property known as the Athens Bobbin Mills, in Clark<5 county, Georgia, the whole being ten acres, more or less, and the undivided one-hall interest in the machinery, tools, Ac., that was in said Bobbin Mills at time it was deeded by John 11 Newton to Wra J Russell, consist ing of one line of shafting and ten pullics thereon five bobbin lathes, one grindstone and fixtures, two circle saws, sundry tools originally belonging to and connected with said Bobbin Mills, one lot of oil cans, two glue pots, one old st^vo and pipe, ono work bench and screw, one driving wheel and governor, one lot each of irons, screws, bolts, and one lot of unfinished bobbins, and other articles of value. The undivided one-half interest in the above property levied upon as the individual property of Wm J Russell, one of the defendants in fi fa. Also, will be sold, at tho samo time and placo, the other undivided one-half interest in the above do scribed property as the property of Wescora Hudgin and Wm J Russell, all levied on and to be sold by vir tue of a fi fa from Clarko Superior Court in favor of John II Newton vs said Wescom Hudgin and Wm J Russell, defendants. Levy made October 26th, 1874, ami sale postponed. Also, will be sold, at the same time and placo, the following property, connected with the sa»d Athens Bohbiu Mills, to-wit: Fifteen iron bobbin lathes, with belting attached; one line of shafting, feet 1 *ng, with 10 pullies; one line of shafting, 25 feet long, with counter shafting about 6 feet, with pullies and belting attached ; three lathe benches; 2 saw frames, with saws attached ; three self-centreing clutches; 1 lot of wire; 1 saw frame, not in use ; 6 empty barrels; 1 lot of Bobbin Mill tools; 1 lot of irons, belting and worn out tools ; 1 lot of latho benches ; 1 large lot of finished bobbins, and other articles of small vain EORGIA. Walton count)’. VX OrJicnry’s Offico, Jnn. 20th IS75 John C B lack wet I h n3 applied for ex«ipi iun of aonahy and setting apart and valuation of ana I will pass upon tho ..araa at 12 o’clock \f r’ 8th day of February, 1S75, at my office ‘ ’ lto jau27 $2.25 THOS. GILES, Crd’y UAROIAN’S Sale. G' per form for letters of guardianship of W C Boling, minor orphan of Margaret A Boling— Therefore, all persons are notified and required to show cau3«\ if any they have, on or bofore the regular term of tho Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said eounty, on the first Monday in February next, why said letters should not be granted, as prayed for i All levied on and to be sold by virtue of a fi fa from by applicant. Clarko Superior Court in favor of John H Newton v Given under my official signature, Dec 17th, 1S74. ‘ Wescom Hudgin and Wm J Russell, under firm name dcc23 $4 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. j of Wescom Hudgin A Co., to satisfy said fi fa and another fi fa against defendants. Levy made October 26th, 1874, and sale postponed. * "* J. A. BROWNING, Sh’ff. Pursuant to an order from tho Court of Orr nary of Walton county, I will sell, «t public out-oU’ bofore the court house door in the town of Mor within Jhe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday?.’ March next, an undivided h»if of a house and hit the town of Monroo, situated on the wet side of M,i” street, at the intersection of Church street, belongin') to Alice S Bullock, a minor. The lot contains on" half acre; having on it a two-story frame dwelling x rooms, besides cellar, and necessary out buildings, and is enclosed with .ubstantial palingsiC plank fence, in good condition. The west end ot the t is very near tho Baptist church, and the location as desirable as any in the town. The other moiety of the property belongs to James H Camp, who WI || sell it at the same time, uniting in the sale. He wiil bo present, in person or by agent, and the pureha-er will get perfect titles to the entire place. Terms cash J. I. ROBINSON, ' jan13 $13 Guardian of Alien S Bullock. I r '1 EORGIA, Walton County. VX Whereas, Charles L Hayes applies tome forsd. ministration on the estato of Louisa Hayes, deceased late of said county— This is therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- gular, tho next of kin and creditors of said deeessed, to show cause, if any thoy havo, at the February term lS75,next of this Court, why administration on the estate of said deceased, should not be granted the ap plicant. r Given under my hand, officially, this 2oth Doc 1S74 dec30 $4 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. ’ A DMINISTRATOR’S Sale. Wi ill be re-sold, before the courthouse door in the town of Ilomer, Bank9 county, on tho first Tuesday in February next, on account of the non-compliance of F M Ragsdale, former purchaser, the following pro perty, to-wit: Three hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, with about thirty acres of bottomland, balanceupland, with about one hundred and fifty acres of original for- dec30 O.EORGIA, Clarke county. VJ Whereas, Simeon Grow applies to me for let ters of guardianship of Mary L Howell, George W Newell, Henry H Howell ahtl Colia Hewell, ot said county, minor children of Nathaniel H Hewell— These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern est, well timbered, nnd the balance old field land, with ^ to :h « w “ au “°R if lhe >' bavc , at m >' office : on ?L very good improvements, it being a part of the real bo ( f “ rB tbe fi "‘ >“ February next, why said estate of Jacob Means, deceased lying on the waters lct ( crs sh ould not be granted of Nail’s creek, adjoininglands of John S Means, Reu- «' ven “ n 7 ‘J cr “^ aod ’ * i la £ °P 8 bon J Langston and others. Sold for the benefit of comber, 1874. dec2J ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. heir, and creditor^, Terms^ash^ j A DMINISTRATOR’S Sale, janfi $0.50 JOHN M. PATTERSON, I A ‘ m r8 ~ -£-L Pursuant to an order of th the Court of Ordinary of Clarko county, will bo sold, before the court house G EORGIA, Banks county. ; door of said county, on the first Tuesday in February Whereas, Nancy Fagans, widow of James Fa- during the legal hours of sale, one tract of land, gans, late of said county, deceased, applies to me in partly in said county and partly in Oglethorpe proper form for leave to sell the real estate set apart : couuty, containing eleven hundred and fifty-five acres, to her for meaus of support, of said estate— moro or less, adjoining Wm Nabers, Mastin Tuck v Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and re- t.eorgia Railroad Company and others; about 15 or quired to show cause, if any they have, on or before “^ cres branch bottom, in cultivation ; about tho first Monday in January next, why leave to sell 200 acres upland, in cultivation; about 106 acres in said real estate should not be granted said widow, as • n «R lV0 1 wood9, and balance in old-field pines. On the prayed for in her petition. Given under iny official signature, Nov 2,1874. novll $4 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Banks county. And now, in open Court, comes John F Evans, the appointed executor of tho last will of Harriet A Herndon, which was probated in common lorm, in va cation, on the 7th October, 1874, by John F Evans, the named executor in said will; and at this regular terra of the Court, and before said will is ordered to record, renounces and refuses the executorship of the will of Harriet A Herndon, and will not qualify— Therefore, all persons aro notified and required to show cause, if any thoy havo, on or before the first Monday in January next, why administration with the will annexed should not be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, Ac. Given under tny official signature, Nov 2d, 1874. nov4 $6 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. plaee is a good dwelling-house and all necessary out houses—gin house, blacksmith shop, Ac—also, another settlement, at which there is a common dwelling and out houses, being the place on which Mrs Sarah Sim mons resided at her death. To be sold as the proper ty of Mary E Matthews, deceased, for the benefit of her heirs. Terms cash. decl6 $13 JAMES D. MATTHEWS, Adm. 'VrOTICE. r All persons having demands against John White, late of Clarke county, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same for payment to either of tho undersigned, within the timo prescribed by law; and those indebted to said deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. JESSE W. STRICKLAND, Ex’r,Banks co. dec!6 STEVEN A. HARRIS, Ex’r, Jackson co. having G eorgia, banks county. Notice is hereby given to all persons demands against John JI Moss, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within tho time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased, are required to make immediate pay ment to me. WILLIAM C. MOSS, oct2S Ex’r of John If. Moss. A DMINISTRATOR’S Notice. All claims against the estate of Richard D Moore, deceased, if presented before January 7, 1875, duly certified, will be paid on or after that day. No claims presented after that date will be admitted, declfi A. L. HULL, Adm’r. & EORGIA, Jackson County. Whereas, J G McElroy applies to me in proper form for letters of administration on the estate of 11 L Freeman, late of said county, doceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, before me, at a regu lar terir of the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the 1 st Monday in February, 1875, why said letters should notbe granted, as prayed for by ap plicant. Given under my official signature, Dec 24,1874. decSO $4 WILEY C. HOWARD. Ord’y. EORGIA, Banks county. VJl Whereas, Samuel Johnston, ada inistrator of Esther Johnston, doceased, applies to me in proper form for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in January next, why leave to sell said rea estate should not be granted said administrator, as prayed for in his petition. Given under my official signature, Nov 2, 1874. nov4 / $4 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. p EORGIA, Banks county. \JT Whereas, A J Wost, guardian of E D Snelson, represents to the Court that he has fully complied with all his obligations as such guardian— This is to cite all persons concerned te show cause, if any they can, why said guardian should not be dis charged from his guardianship and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in January, 1875. Given under ray official signature, Nov 2, 1874. novll $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. p EORGIA, Clarke county, VjT Whereas, Louis G Crawford applies to me for letters of administration with the wtll annexed on the state of Sus>*n Crawford, late of said county, dec’d— These ara therefore to cite and admonish all con cerncd to show cause, if any thoy have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 19th November, 1874. dec2 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. 0 )1 EORGIA, Clarke county. A Whereas, Obadiah T Ecbols, administrator of the estate of Hannah Echols, late of said county, de ceased, petition, for a discharge from said administra tion— Therefore, all persons concerned arehereby required to show eauso why said administrator should not, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said co, to be held on tho flrstMonday in January next, be dis charged from said administration. Given under my hand, this 7th day September, 1874 septlfi ASA M. JACKSON ,Ord’y. P'1 EORGIA, Jackson county. VUT Whereas, Early M Chandler, executor of the will of Solomon Chandler, late of said county, de ceased, by his petition, duly filed, msker application for letters of dismission from the further administra tion of said deceased’s estate, representing that the same has been fully administered and all hia duties under said will have been performed— Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in February next, why said exeoutor should not be discharged, as prayed for, and letters dismis- sory granted in terms of law. Given under my official signature, Oct 10th, 1874. uct2l $8 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. a EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, T J Randolph, administrator of the estate of M A Rogers, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, properly filed, that he has fully administered said estate, and that he desires letters of dismission from said administration— Therefore, all persona concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore th* regular term of the Court of Ordinary in and for said county, on the 1st Monday in April, 1875, why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant, as prayed for in his petition. Given under my official sigtature, this 8th day cf December, 1874. decl3 $8 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. /X EORGIA, Franklin county. Court of Ordinary of said county. Whereas, D P B Handley, adm’r of BLD Crider, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said administration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why said D P B Hand- ley should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in February next, be dis charged from said administration. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held thia the 2d day of November, 1874. novll$5 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. /X EORGIA, Jackson county. VX Whereas, HJ Randolph,jr, applies to mein proper form for lotters of administration on the estate of G W Duncan, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all person, eoneerned arehereby notified and required to ahow cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in February, 1875, why letters should not bo granted, as prayed for. Given under my hand officially, Nov , 1874. dec23 <4 WILEY O. HOWARD, Ord’y, & EORGIA, Franklin County. Court of Ordinary of said eounty. Whereas, Young Davis, administ’r of Win N Swift, late of said eounty, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said administration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to ahow cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be heldonthefiratMonday in January next, be discharg ed from said administration. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 5th day of October, 1874. oet21 <5 A. 3. MORRIS, Ord’y. General Ticket Agency. RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all routes, to all principal pointa in the United States. Buy yonr Tickets before leaving Athens, and get all information from Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga, maylO (XARPENTEE’S MANUAL, 50 cents. W Painter’s Manual, 50. Book ot Alphabets, 50. Scrolls and Ornaments, $1. Watchmaker and Jewel er’s Manual, 50. Taxidermist's Manual, 50. Soap- makar’s Manual, 25. Lightning Calculator, 25. Guide to Authorship, 50. Dog Training, 25. Hunter and Trapper’a Gnide, 30. Employment Seeker’s Guide, 25. Of booksellers or by mall. JESSE HANEY ft 00., 119 Nanaa it., N. Y. FOR SALE CHEAP, Or for Afcent Low! A BOUT seven acres of land, two small residences, good wells of water, gardens, cow-house, good lot of fruit trees, £0., Ac., in the southern suburbs of thscity, (inside W corporation) is offered for sale low, and on accommodating terms to an approved purchaser Or the whole or a part of the premises will be rented cheap, and possession given first of January, 1875, by applying te M. STAFFORD, <j eo 9—3t N. E. Georgian Office. G eorgia, Clarke county. Whereas, Alfred N Maxey, administrator of tho estate of Booz Maxey, late of said county, deo’e petitions for a discharge from said administration Therefore, all persons concerned aro hereby required to show cause why said administrator should not, ats regulai term of the Court ef Ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in January ncxt.bodis charged from said administration. Given under my hand, this 7th day of September, 1874. sopt!6 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. For Sale, T HE House and Lot now occupied by Henry Tho mas, colored, near the Rock Spring, in the city of Athens. For particulars, apply to PATMAN LESTER, or janfi—tf T. W. RUCKER. HOBS g V W. S. HOLMAN Will keep on hand during the Winter a full •upply of fir$t-cla*§ Harness & Saddle Horses, Mules, &c, Thmr: in leant of Stock mil call on Aim at Cooper' Stable, on Thomae street. novll . K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, HVAIXeS, Horse and. Mule Shoes, HORSE-SHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., & c . Manufacturer’s Agents for the sal of BRINLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., See., Sec. GF Any article in our line not tn stock mill be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay E7* Call and examine our Stock and Prices. . dec!8—tf G eorgia, Walton county. Whereas, Benjamin Leach applies to me for letters ofadministratiun on the ostateof MarthaCamj., deceased, late of said county— This is therefore to cite and admonish all and §ingu- ar, tho next of kin andcredilors, to show cause, if any they have, at tho February term, 1375, next of this Court, why administration on the estate of said dec’ll, should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand, officially, Dec 26,1874. dec30 $4 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. E XECUTOR’S Sale. Pursuantto the last will and testament of Rich ard F Breedlove, deceased, and by virtue of the power conferred upon his executor in the premises, I will sell at public out cry, before the court house door in the town of Monree, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, a tract of wild land known as lot No 176, in the 8th district of origi nally Irwin, now Colquitt county aud Jtate of Geor gia, containing four hundred and ninety acres. Also, a parcel or fraction of the home place of said testator, in Walton eounty and said State, of 3S acres, being part of lot No 186, in 3d districtof said county of Wal ton, adjoining lands of John Adams and John MB Moore. Also, a parcel or fraction of said home place, sontaining about 14 acres, a part of lot No 214, in 3d district aforesaid, adjoining lands of Russell Sheppard and J M B Moore. The parcel of 38 acres has about 10 acres in good bottom cleared; also, 8 or 9 acres of upland under fence; balance in the woods; tolerable log house and out-buildings. Theother fraction has been all cleared—part of it now in pines. Terms one- third cash; balance due November 1st, 1S75, with interest at 10 per cent and bond for titles. This land belongs to the estate of said Richard F Breedlove, and is sold to pay pecuniary legacies under said will. dec23 $16 JOHNSON F. VARNER, Ex’r. ~vr OTICE. All persons holding demands against thcestate of Frederick Barrett, deceased, late of Walton county, are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to said deceased, arc required to make immediate payment. dec23 $5 JOHN NUNNALLY, Ex’r. /X EORGIA, Walton county. VX Court of Ordinary, November Term, 1S74. Whereas, Augustus L Sluder, administrator upon the estate of John Ramsey, late of said county, dec’d, petitions this Court for a discharge from said admin istration— This is, theiefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, why said Augustus L Sluder should not be discharged from the administration aforesaid at the March term next (1875) of this Court. By order of the Court, November 2d, 1874. dec2 THOS. GILES. Ord’y. MADISON COUNTY. ISJOTICE. Four weeks aftor the publication of this no tice, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Madison county, for leave to sell the Lands belong ing to the estate of John A McCurdy, late of said county, deceased. jan20 $4 POLLY McCURDY. Adm’r. /X EORGIA, Madison county. VX" Ordinary 8 Office, Jan. 4tb, 1875. Four weeks after the publication o' this notice, ap plication will be made to the Courtof Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land Delonging to the es tato of John Pearce, late of said county,deceased. jan!3 $4 LUCY PEARCE, Adtn’x. /'X EORGIA, Madison County. VX" Ordinary’s Office, December 23d, 1874. Whereas, Bennett Sims, Executor of Andrew b Eberhart, dec’d, represents to the Court th»t he bis fully discharged said trust, and prays the Court to grant him letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to bo at my offico on the first Monday in April next, to show why said Executor’s prayer should not be grant ed. Witness my hand and seal. A „ dec30 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ordy- /X EORGIA, Madison county. VXT Ordinary’s Office, Nov 1st, 1874.^ Whereas, John F Kirk, guardian of Mary A Scoggin, represents to tho Court that he has fully settled wi the said Mary A Scoggin, in terms of the l aw "“ . This is therefore to cite all concerned to show w y said guardian should not be dismissed, at the r e r ary term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, novll $5 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ordy. RABUN COUNTY. /X EORGIA, Rabun county. VX Ordinary’s Office, January 4, lsiJ- „ Whereas, application was made to th:s office :7 MHannicutt and others, in terms of the law, t appointment of commissioners to lay off anu de lines of a now Militia District, to be msde on 509th nnd 597th Militia Districts of said county, » said commissioners having made their retur office, in terms of tho law, definiag the line now District, as follows: . T.lln- Commencing at the mouth of Tiger cre * a ’ lah river, and running up said creek to the (# thenco the dividing ridge between the two the Wild-cat Gap, on or near the original Ii tM the 509th and 597th districts; thence running Shook’s school house; thence aloog the le * t j, er « to the lower end of Nancy Thomas .„„,h to the crossing Tallulah river; thence running M top of Oaky Mountain to the Habersham I • LoI ,g running said Habersham line to the t r j te r; branch; thence down said branch to ‘ a 0 ,; t etb« thence up the south bank of said river, pv j, mouth of Tiger creek, crossing tho river of the samo. 10 And said proceedings having ' ) ® en tr f .he same the Executive Department, by a “ , „ h _ 0 /. 113 ni ,. r i C t 0 is established, and known as Wo 12 7? tn . ._. tn re,*’* Given under my hand and official * ? office- true extract of the proceedings of ... ord’y- jan!3—Im $12 J. W.GRLh^j S TATE OF GEORGIA, Rabun CoOT^ MARTHA POINTER | 1« 3 *’ ISAAC POINTER. ) ‘’'h^.^’^fVbTshs; It appearing to theConrt from the z tohefo“ 0 “ riff, that the defendant, Isaac Pointer, is ooi , p within tho limits of this county.; ana u pearing, that he does not reside in th y c ,oie Iti. ordered, That service of the' 'bel“*« O< , otb s be made, by publication once a_ m0 ” . the Souths^ prior to the next term of this Court, (be c ity of Mentor P “ bU nTcaBV’ Sol for LiheH*-’ Granted: G1 O. D. RICE, Judge S 'C' f, b .Sa- GEORGIA, 1 I, W. M. Hunuicutt, " do bere- Rabox Coubtt. ) periorCourtofsai extr ,ct by certify, that the above copy order is from the minutes of this Court. this Dee- 9 Given under my hand and,eel “[p^ICUTT, "’ Clerk »• v ’ 1874. decSO