The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 17, 1875, Image 3

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o ontbmt (SEatcjjntim. No Small-Pox Here. Mayor King authorizes as to say there is bo I small-pox in the eity. Indeed, there has been I local matters. ATIIKN s. (JEOKUIA: FEB, 17, 1878. fraternal record. t Vernon Lodge Xo. 22, F. A. 1 M,' is the 3 1 Friday night in each month, at Mee'.s' Hall. S. C. Dobbs, W. M. I. M. Secretary Uhens (’liiqtler Xo. 1, B. A. M. ,I U . f.-comi Tin Today night of each j>. M. Smith, II. P. I. M. Kenney, secretary- Militant* Lodge, Xo. 15, 1. 0. 0. F. ,i .jpverv Monday night, at Odd Fellows „v..vk. K. T. Pittard, N. G. J. Grain. it. S- ,.|- Kneanipmenl, Xo. 14,1. 0. 0. F. v '. the first and third Thursday nights of • li ni r.'.h. at Odd-Fellows’ITall. H. Bens- ' • t' 1’- K- Phristy, Scribe. Mm tint Lodse, X”- •». B. of H., I. 0. 0, F. ,, s ,,;i the 2d Thursday night of each ivenili. at Odd-Fellows’ llall. II. T. Pittard, * putt rll t’nhb Lodge, Xo. 15, K. of P.. el , ,, , i v Tuesday night, at Masonic Hall i \ Burke, C. C. L. Schevcneil, K. of R, Gilmer County For Mr. Hill. Elluay, Ga, February 5th, 1875. At a previous call of the Chairman of the nothing of the kind here except one single case Executive Congressional Committso of Gilmer of varioloid, which has entirely recovered. eounty, the citizens assembled to-day at the Court House and organized by appointing Hon. N. L. Osborn, President, and W. B. Small Pox. No new cases outside of families in which, . „ . . „ Itflmbrokooat. n«.hMM»tatto J ' C log will recover. This visitation has proved a fearful scourge to the neighborhood involved—the mortality having been very annsnal. There were, we believe, abont fifty cases. Twenty-two deaths out of that number is oertainiy very re markable. We have heard a story as to its origin which, if true, should admonish all to be very care ful abont handling clothing belonging to aoy one affected witb the disease. It is said that On motion it was resolved. That the Prssi deot appoint a oommittee to draw up a aeries of resolutions suitable to the occasion, and present to the meeting for adoption and publication. Whereupon the President appointed Messrs. J. C- Alien, J. J. Withrow and L. D. Milton a committee for the purpose. A speech was delivered by Mr. J. C. Allen on the situation of onr political affairs, in which the Executive and military usurpations in Louisiana were strongly condemned, while at the same time a pacific policy on the part of tyGANN 4e Reaves are adding to their took continually, as the trade demands. If yon want good plantation Males call at their stable. They are selling at prices to snit the times ! Ton'll never have a better chance I February 3d, 1875. tyTalmadge, Hodgson 4e Co. have in store the finest lot of Old Government Java Coffee, choice Rib, parched and groand coffee ever of fered to the trade. fyTalmadge, Hodgson Sc Co. keep the finest and best Green and Black Teas that can be bought, also, Spices of every kind. Citron, Currants, Raisins, Prunes, 4cc. a lady gave to a negro woman an old dress which had belonged to a relative .filleted with | £ wa8 earoe8tly urged, small pox many years ago, and which had 1 been carefully washed several times. Tbs negro woman carried it to a white lady to get it altered to the present style, and handling tbia old dress communicated the disease! The committee appointed to draw up a series of resolutions made the following report, which was adopted and ordered to be printed : Whereas, since our las; meeting onr.Repro- „ . . . . . ^ ■ , sentative elect from the Ninth Congressional Not having been exposed to small P«x. no Di8trjct th0 Hon Garneu McMillan ha9 fallen ty Wholesale dealers in Liquors are respect fully requested to call and examine quality and prices of our goods. No charge for packages. 10 gal. kegs, half-barrels and barrels, all free of charge, at Talmadge, Hodgson Sc Co'a. Retail Prices Current. For the Week ending Feb. 16. CORRECTED BY THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. COTTON-Very active. Receipts light. Ordinary, Hi good ordinary, 12;} low middling, 14; middling 14} FACTORY GOODS TOBACCO one dreamed that she had it, and consequeDt- , , , .. — , „ - a prey to death and is no more among men, ly. her neighbors visited her daring her illness anJ bas )=ft a }mminA w ife and cbndren t0 and attended her fnuera in large numbers I rn big loM> and a people who feel that a after her death ; and this accounts for the Chr|BtiM „ - ho „ wt man , and one j'vaitK Lodge Xo. Tt>, I. O. G. T: / ,. u . rv Friday night at Odd-Fellows’ A. S. Dorsey, W. C. T. F. A. Rags- \V. li. Sec’v." i i.-.riic county (iraiise Xo. 101. . I - Wednesday in each month at the Fair Dr. 11. It. J. Long, Master, R. H. tary. FIRE DEPARTMENT. l turns fire Co. Xo. 1, W , s on lie fourth Thursday in every month 3t Kirrmeii’s llall. E. J. Christy, 1st Fore- j,X K. Rliotles. Sec’y. ■q.iuter Hook and Ladder Co, Xo, 1 Mori s' Kir Yield' Job: first Wednesday in every month, run's llall. H. lteiisso. Pres’t. A. H. rleitli. Sec’y. Keller Colored Fire Co. Xo. 2, on the irst Monday night in every at their Hall. T. Boyd. Cap’t. It. rapid spread of the disease. I of the strongest pillars of Democratic strength I in this District, has passed from our midst. Be it resolved. That we tender to his rela- EyTalmadge, Hodgson Sc Co. sell goods strictly on their merit, and any article not giving satislaction, or not as represented, will be made good on application to them. EyTairaadge, Hodgson Sc Co. have on band a large anil well assorted sleek of tobacco, snuff and segars. which they will sell at close figures' ty Talmadge, Hodgson Sc Co. have in store aDd to arrive 400 barrels assorded grades sn- gar, cheap as the cheapest. Seeing is believing. Cotton Varus,...Sl.25al.30 Osnabags.per yard 14»t8 i Shirting*.... 10a l-4dh*oting,brown,l$al4 DRY GOODS. Prints, pryd......,10@l2) Dalainaa 20*25 BleachadShirtings, 10*30 Bad Ticking,. 20*50 Worsteds........... 20*125 Blankets _......... 150*800 PROVISIONS. Flonrfaney’&bbl. $10*11 Family,.,.... 0*10 superfine, .8*10 Corn, white,bn..... 110*115 yellow, none Pen 115* Meal, 115*125 Wheat 1.50*1.60 Buckwheat Flour, ....3*10 Bacon, si lot.........13*14 •boulders ...... 9*10 . ham*............15*16 Lard, 18*20 Irish Potatoaa,cona try, pr bu 1.00*1.50 Northern 200 Take Notice. On and after the 1st day of March, 1875, the legal advertising connected with the office of I lives and friends our sincere regret at bis loss Sheriff of Clarke county, heretofore pablished and our high appreciation ef hie merits, both ® han ? 6d I as a statesman aud a citizen. Be it father resolved, 1 bat as a vacancy exists in our Congressional District, aftercare ful reflection, looking 'o our relations witb the United States Government, we would cheerful- the above ; and. as it is a matter in which I ly recommend, in conformity to tbo voice of the citizens of this county are interested, ap-1 the people of this section, the Hon. B. H. Hill, pend a few explanatory remarks : Some weeks [of Athens, Ga., as a suitable caudidate for that aud published in the North-East Georgian, a weekly newspaper published at Athena, Clarke county. Ga. J. A. Browning, Sh'ff, Clarke county. At the request of Mr. Browning, we insert ago we learned that Mr. B. had determined to transfer bis advertisements to the other position. Be it father resolved. That in the person of Arrival and Departure of Mails. p,n/ Train, (Sundays excepted ) Arrives. - - '- 3 30, P. M. Ia'iiu’s 8.45, A .M. Sight Train, (Daily.) Vi’ve* 5.30, A. M. Lr.ivi 1 .- 10, P. M. AOi- rs to A nderson C, II., S. C. \rr;iv.- I'iu-mLivs and Fridavsat .12. M. Leaves " ' ’’ ’’ ' 3. P. M. Allots to Helton. j.,-: vr WVi!nesdiiysand Thursdays at 6. A. M. Atiive* Fridays mid Saturdays ..9, P. M. .1 Hois to Jefferson. ! . , > Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5, A. M. At lives '• ’’ “ ' --5.P. M. A thens to Jag Tavern. l.e.ive- Wednesdays at 0, A. M. Arrives •• ' 6, P. M. .1 thens to Farmington. I.mvi - Tuesdays anil Fridays at .10. A. M. Arrives •• ' >• •• 7. P. M. T... U.,ii Hoad mails close one hour before (ie;..iii'ire of trains. R. S. Taylou, P. M. tywhi'p Beans. I’earl Grits, Cream Cbeeso, M.i .it-'t.i. r'lesli Buck Wheat, Now Orleans Siri >. Fieri la Syrup, *• Gilt Edge” Goshen : . Sai.died .Salmon, Smoked Halibut and a li nes; lor of Mackerel ever offered to the l ie -Urge, extra fat and fine, at Talmadge, itlfasnll iX Co’s. : T.iimdgo, Hodgson 4t Co. have in store *) bin re!-, various grades of flour, bought nv for e.i.-h, and will bo sold low for the mon- r. "Cl mg the bag ic proviug tbo pudding.” paper. We then asked him if the Watchman I Mr. Hill we can safely confide our interests bad ever failed to insert them correctly and | and of a surety know that our District, through at tbo time desired—if any one connected | him, may have a Representative in Congress with it bad ever personally offended him, or | who can grapple with aoy in debate upon the if it was contended that its circulation was! most complicated questions and the gravest inferior to that of the other paper. He assur ed us that there was but one thing moving I him to make the change, and that was, it Be further resolved. That we condemn the Louisiana usurpations, and the orders of the would promote his interest. We reminded I President of the United States, and the wicked him that the public interest ought to be con-1 demands of General Shoridan suited; and tbat the sales ongbt to be pub I Beit further resolved, That this meeting lished in the paper having the largest cironla- appoint delegates to a convention of this Dis- tion, regardless of his individual interest. We trict * should such convention be held, who will understood him to promise that he would not| favor the nomination of Mr. Hill, make tbo change unless be feand the other paper had the largest circulation. Judge, then, of our surprise wben, on Saturday last, ho requested us to insert the above notice, I tea proceedings of this meeting, admitting be bad made no inquiry as to circa-1 T^e President appointed J. C. Allen, G. H. iation, bat reiterating the assurance tbat he I Randell and W. R. Welch a committee to at- Resolvod, further, Tbat the Atlanta “ Con- j stitution" aud the Atlanta Herald, witb the Gainesville “ Eagle,” be requested to publish 'I’T: ml i r ■i!go. Iloiigson Sc Co. have in store . 2000 bushels m ime seed oats. lbu en*uin Mull Mlv Pi Fr.ion l’rnycr Meeting Society. mg aro tbo appointments for the .v ipgiit, business meeting at Univer- yer Room. Tho public aro respectful- il to attend. lay night, nt Mr. Tbos Geans and Mr. was doing it simply to promote his own interest. The old-time idea tbat offices were created for the benefit of the people and not to pro mote the intorest of incumbents, seems to be ignored by Mr. Browning, in common with many other office-holders of the present day. Tbo people, however, think differently. The Legislature seems to have thought different ly, also, wben it required such advertisements. Tbe re(tular monlbly meetiDg of Counci , to be published in tbe paper having tbe larg-1 was held tbisevening. Present bis Honor Wm. tend the conventiou, when ‘called, as delo gates. On motion tbe meeting adjourned. N. L. Osborn, President, W. R. WELcn. Secretary. Council Proceedings. COUNCIL CHAMBER, I Atbcss, Ga., Feb. Sth, 1875, 4 o’clock, P. M. j Common,perl b......50*<c Medium,...............60*7 5 Fine 1.00*1.50 Smoking, 60*100 Snuff, maeoaboy .......1.00 Cigars,Am.,pe.U,1)30*50 Herons,-...$75*100 AMMUNITION. Powder, per lb.......40*50 Shot, 12*15 Lead,.. 10*12 Caps,perbox, 1Q»4U LIQUORS. Corn » biakoj, good ..$310 medinm, 2.00*3.00 common, 1.25*5.08 Peach brandy,good 4.01) medium 3.00 common 2.00 Apple do. good *4.00 medium 3.00* common 2.25* Frencbdo....... 4.00*10.00 Holland gin 5.00*8.00 American do. 3.00*6.00 Bonrb’: whisky,2.00*4.00 iWines, ....3.00*10.00 DRUGS. BRADLEY’S OF LIME. T HE undersigned offei this excellent and well ap- prored Fertiliser to Planters nt the following proved I rates: VINECAR BITTERS HTCanned Goods, Canned'Fruits, Vegeta bles, Fish of every kind, and in fact, every thing in this liue in endless variety—the larg est and best assorted stock in'this line ever Syrup, e*ne,..._....T5*100:8mi»Vs Bellows, 50 inch offered in this market. Pickles in every style. Cob*molasses 60*05 Sweet,. 75elOO;Copperss,per lb.... Sato Egg* prdos 15*20 Indigo, .....1.75*2.50 Chickens 20a30;Madd«r, 20*35 Turkeys 75*125;Ex. Logwood 25*40 Batter, $ B> 20*25; Bpsom Salt* — 20 GROCERIES. lAlnm, 20 Sngnr,crashed, 15*16 Sulobar... 20 A 14*151 HARDWARE. B, 14*15:Jron,Swedes,perlb. 0*10 C 12 *15j English, 5}* Demsrsrs 12}»15;C*stings _6}s8 Coffee,Rio,per lb...25*33;H*ils, per keg 5.75* Legayre, 28s33:Ste«l, cast .....25s Jars ...33*37{ plow, 18s Ts*,Hyson,%ilb 1.50;Cotton Cards, 75r Gunpowder, 1.50 Wool “ 50a Black 1.50;plow Points 25*40 Crackers of every kiud, always fresh from tbe Bakeries, at Talmadge, Hodgson JcCo’s. Anvils 17*18 Candles,sperm, *50: Hammers 17el8 adamantine, 20s25;Hors« Shoes 8|sl0 tallow -15*20; “ *« Nails 20s35 Chssae,Stats,per tb.20*25 Weeding Hoes,per dos. DAVIS’ GALLERY-SPECIAL NOTICE. Attention is called to tbe fact tbat witb tbe n.odern improvements in instruments, and new chemical combinations as worked at this Gallery, there is no dag too cloudy or dark for good pictures. C. W. Davis, Photographer. 1ST ARRIVED, O NE car load Now Orleans SYRUP. Ooe car load New Orleans SUQAR, A good supply of new MACKEREL, Which wo offer to the public CHEAP for CASH, janft CENTER A REAVES. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Wc are doing an extensive business in CLOTHING and CUST03I TAILORING, through Local Agents, who are supplied witb samples showing our Ready made and Custom Piece Goods Stock. Tbe plan is working well for Consumers, Agents, and ourselves. Wo desire to extend onr business <n this line, and for that purpose will correspond with bon* 6de applicants for agencies. Send real name and reference as to character. DEVLIN A CO., feblO P. 0. Box 2256. New York City, English Dairy,25*30 Crackers .sods 15s20 butter, 15.20 sugar, 20*30 cream, 20*30 Onions,perbu 1.50*150 Candy,fancy,pr lb. 50*60 plain 40 Sod*, ...12*15 Bleek Pepper,........ *40 Red “ 10* Ginger, *40 Starch, *20 Tallow,. 8*10 Green Apples, 75*150 Rice 11*12 Mackerel,No. 1, kits, 300 No. 2 2.50 No.l } barrels, 10.00 No. 3, kits. 2.00 Sardines,per box, 25* SALT, per ssok, *200 est (or general) circulation. It is awkwardly worded, but tho evident intention of tbe law is to require such publications to be made in tbe paper having the largest circulation, King, Jr., Mayor, and a full board of Alder men except Alderman Moss. Tbe minutes of tbe four previous meetings were read and confirmed. Tbe monthly reports of the Treasurer, Chief DISSOLUTION. Clarke county Georgia, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will bo continued by W. B. Jones. All persons holding claims against the former firm will please present them for payment, and all those indebted to said firm must come up at once and settle, or their demands will be put in o(heers r hands for collection. W. B. JONES, JOHN COHEN. heretofore enjoyed, I promise all the induce ments possible to those who may continue to patron ise me. I am yours, respectfully, feblO W.B. JONES. and this is all we have ever claimed. It I of Police, Lamplighter and Clerk of Market, is true that this law, like many others, has I were read and received. , , , . , I The Mayor stated tbat he had prepared been often disregarded and sotat defiance by | v acc j D e matter, and had contracted witb Dr. county officials in this section of tbe State— but we did not expect to see Clarke county fall into the practioe—no officer of tbe oonnty I l8 * Ward * to v occinate all persons 1 who bad not been vaccinated, at 20 cents each T. J. Young in the 3d ward. Dr. J. E. Pope in the 4th Ward and Dr. Wm. Carlton in tbe ever having done so heretofore. Furniture Warehouse. See advertisement of Messrs J. F Wilson On motion of Alderman Lueas tbo action ol | tbe Mayor was approved by Council, Tbe following bills were ordered to be paid : Till Ml 8'Jfiui 1’ Thursday at Mr. F. W. Lucas, and •Mr J. (’. liar,he’s. Frid.iv mMi:. at Lucy Cobb Institute and Mrs. Jui-a'a Newtons. Blank Deeds (if ii nveyanee, administrator’s and executor's deed-, tax collector's executions, and a gener- *'• a-Mirti; i-iit of legal blanks, elegantly print- oi. ai d always on hand. All kinds of blanks ar "i ' tin i jol> work executed at short notice. Are: ;Te s-rted. cheat« ialmadge, Hodgson & Co. "4 to tbe trade one of tbe best as one ol tbo best quality and oue of the is: inis of Liquors ever before in this t. Country dealers and others are in- o«.11 and see for themselves. Liquors, sod Brandies (imported and domestic.) , Ales (McEwan'sand Bass,) wholesale tail. 4t. & Co. to be found in this issue. At this ea-1 Hopy Pinkney. $39 32; Longs and Billups, tablisbment may be found a large assortment Accouut of Gann & Reaves ordered , , . . ,, _ .paid on tboir patting tbe feed of mules at of fashionable Furniture, of every description, £, 5 ^ ^ . Ac ” ount of B p Culp re . which, we are assured, is offered at very rea-1 ferred to Police Committee with power to act; sonabio prices. Account of James D. Frierson referred to v I Committee on Market with power to act. Remarkable Longevity. The resignation of R. Nickerson as Chief Among tbe twenty-two fatal cases of small Engineer of the Fire Department was present- pox on the line of Clarke and Oglethorpe | o^motionef counties, a gentleman informs ns that three of tbe victims were upwards of-a hundred I the Fire Department, by acclamation, years old! tbe oldest one being a lady one ~ ‘ “ J hundred and eight years old ! FOR SALE, S EVERAL iuperlor building lots, being a part the lot known as tbe Baxter place Apply to angry—tf Or. Jt. S. DURHAM, or J. S. WILLIFORD. CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, FOR CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. WOODEN-WARE Painted buckets, perdos. 2.75*3.00 Cedar do 9.00*12.00 Whtte pine, 7.00a8.00 Sieves, -.»...••»• 3.t,0s5.00 Tbe above are retail prices, wholesale buyers. Brade’s C. II.. 55*75 Ames’Shovsls 1.40*1.50 do Spades, 1 59*1.75 Trace Chains, 1.00*1.25 BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots.Northerner. $4*6 Lonlhern.10.al2.00 LEATHER. Sole, per lb._..._.... 36*40 Upper, 60n75 n*rnes«, 40*50 Calf Skins,p ds.$40a$100 Kip do. ...w$50*75 HIDES. Dry, per lb 13 Green —. BAGGING Gnnny ,per yd 14*15 TIES, **10 ROPE. Cotton, 40*50 Gross, 25*30 FINANCIAL. Gold,buying, 1.08 selling. 1.10 Silver—buying, -1-OS selling 103 Prices *re shaded to SHORT POSTPONEMENT--.1)AY FIXED- FUTL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Humane Associate)] AT ALEXANDRIA, YA. March 29th, 187S> LIST OF GIFTS : 1 Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash Gift - 1 Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts. $10,000 each 15 Cash Gifts, 5.000 each..., .$100,000 .. 50,000 25 000 .. 100.000 .. 75.000 1,000 each - 50.000 500 each........— 50,000 100 each 100.000 50 each H .................. 60.000 20 each 400,000 We are now offering, it very low prices, our -v- - ms -wax -| vicinity oi my unme, auu i attest tnetr inteti Brussels. 1 iiree-xlvs mid * ndth * irwor,h * ndhi * hr «p“ , » t >° n »• g«nti» A<lUU well as the public confidence, influence and s Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES, Alderman Hood* H. Beusse T.oaa PnDrm'no on/1 P/vi'ninnci Farther references bj permission: His Excellency was unanimously elected Chief Eugiueer of L/lirrulBS U'DQ. U01Q1C6S) Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. ■ “ ‘ DAMASKS. REPS & TERRYS, ” 50 Cash Gifts, 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 Cash Gifts, 1.000 Cash Gifts, 20,000 Cash Gifts, 22,178 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000,000 NUMBER of TICKETS, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Ticket* $20 00 Halves 10.00 Quarters 5.00 Eighths, or each Coupon..— — 2.5° *>i Ticket* for 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane Association, char tered by the Legislature of Virginia and tbo 'ircuit Court of Orange co, proposes, by a Grand Gift Con ceit, to establish and endow a “ Home for the Old, In firm and Destitute Ladies of Virginia,” at Mootpelier, the former residence of Pre*ident James Madison. Governor's Office, Richmond. Juiy 3, 1874. It affords tue pleasure to say tbat lam well acquaint ed with a large majority of the officers of the Montpe Her Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence, men, as substan tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Alrxandria, Va., July 8, 1874*—* * • I com mend them as gents of honor nnd integrity, and fully entitled to the confidence of the public. • • • R. W. HUGHES, U. S. JudgeEast’n Diet. Va. Farther references by permission : His Excellency No Person can take tliese Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which arc so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis- sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke, James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of nnusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, aud other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walksb’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily removo the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in- the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks,Palpitation of tho Heart,Inflam mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers ia tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory mid Chronic Rheumatism, Gou:, Bilious, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, a3 they advance in life, are subject to paralyse of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dom oi V r alker's Ve- egxis Birri.ns occasionally. For Slliii Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rhcnm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tlic Skin, Humors and Diseases oi tho Skin ei whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up aud carried out of the system in a short time by tho use of these Bitters. Fin, Tape, aud oilier Worms, lurk- g in the system oi so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- minitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In ali cases of jaundice,rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this jiurposo use Vinegar Bet ters. Cleanse tlio Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. It. II. TVcDONAI.D St, CO., Drccgi-m and General Agents, Snu Francisco, California awl cor. WwiEingtou amt Charlton St*., New York. Sold by nil ItruagiKle and Dealem- Oeiobert4.187 , l—ly Gash, per Ton, $50* [Time, per Ton* GO- And will allow 15 cents per pound for eotton delhrwr* | ed on or before the 1st of November. HUNTER & BEUSSE. T j wrr ANALYSIS. Attention ia eslled to the following analysis of this | popular Fertiliser, by Prof. White: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, LABORAT5RT Or APPLIED Cwi-ItTBT, Athens. Jannery 28,1875. nalsdt of a .ample of “ BRADLEY'S PATES SUPERPHOSPHATE,” belonging to Mettrt. HOX TER A Beussb, of Athent, Oa., received from G. ff, M A sox, Intpeetor Clarke eounty, Jan. 25,1875. Moisture (dot. nt 212° F) 15.837 | Volatile and Organic Matter 34.(71 I Containing Nitrogen 2.592 Yielding Ammonia 3.147 j Phosphoric Aoid, solnblo in water.........5.772 Equivalent to SqpefphosphRte of Lime...9.tl2 Equivalent to Hone Phosphate of Lime— 11.1$$ Insoluble (and “ reduced”) Phosphoric Aoid 4.899 Equivalent to Bono Phosphato of Lime... 10.25$ | Sand and Clay ......... 7.544 Undetermined Matters.......... 19.841 Mechanical condition of temple, very good. febS—2m H. C. WHITE, Prof Chemistry. PROSPECTUS. Georgia University Magazine. Published by the Demotthtnian and Phi Kappa SoeUti—, T HE present students of tbe University of Georgia# having determined to resume tbe publication of the college paper which whs once so ablj monttlnod by tboir predecessor*, but which for the post few jeers has been suspended, will issue, towards tho lot* ter port of Febuery, the first number of tboir period ical, under the title of the Georgia Uhivxrsitt Mag azine. It will be issued monthly, and will eontoin about fiifty peges of reading matter. No pains will be spared to bring it up to that standard which the high position of onr University among the educational institution# of the South would seem to guarantee. Tho Societies will be assisted by occasional articles from onr oblo Faculty and from tho diamond-pointed pen oflx- Chuncellor A. A. Lipscomb. Maintained as this Magagine will be, not only for tbe pnrp »se of training tbo students in tbo attof com position, but also with a view of placing before tho public a periodical worthy of tbeir notice, we think It peculiarly entitled to the favorable consideration both •f the present patrons of the University and. of tho Stato at large. Published beneath the protecting eoro r Alma Mater, we trn§t that hor honored Alnmal will at once manifest their approval and appreciation by subscribing to tbe Magazine. Our articles will be litorary in character—political and sectarian matter being cxcludod ; and we will en deavor to make our pages reflect the dignity, If not the maturity, of ago. Subscriptions for the remainder of tbe term, ending August 5th, will be $1.50, invariably in advance. All funds must bo forwunled to the Business Man agers. Trusting that the laudahility of our undertaking will ensure our success and gnin for us the approba tion of the public, we are Most respectfully. S. G. McLENDON. Term Editor. Anniatant Editors.—Demosthcnian Society : P. A* 3t«ivn!l, John C. Hart. Phi Kappa Society s Wm. H. Finning. F.R. Clarke. fltwinen* .Vnunjern.—-H. II. Gordon, D. W. Rountree. TO THE PUBLIC. I DO not sell Goods on credit, bnt for tbe CA8H. I will give you 10 lbs of SUGAR for 41 lbs of COFFEE 'or.. . 5 lbs of CHEESE for 100 lbs of BACON for 100 lbs of FLOUR for ..$ 1 00 .. 1.00 .. 1.00 .. 12.09 .. 3.50 A kit of MACKEREL for 1.50 I And everything else usually kept in a FIRST-CLA88 j GROCERY STORE, equally ns cheap. Just received, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, I Confectioneries, Gandies, Malaga Grapes, mm (MRS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Clothing, Dry Goods, &c. When I say CASn, I mean tho MONEY, not “In a I day or two,” nor “ thirty days,” but my motto is, “ Here’s your Goods; give me your Money.” I Call and see me, Broad street, next door to Snead M 1 Co*s Shoe store. jan20 N. E. RHODB3. The Singe* Sewing Machine Office Has been removed to tbe new brick building adjoining Lester's Block, cs Clayton street, I Food, repealing tbe Ordinance where Capt. Hope and his assistants are al-1 running at large of Hoji ways ready to give polite attention to visiting | P Th “m“vKS? “to “it friends and customers. The ‘‘Singer" isdo ing a big business, and. every body is pleased | nary witb the machine. On motion of Alderman Lucas, J. W. Bnra- by was elected Clerk of Market, by acclama tion. W. Sbirley was elected as tbe fourth regu lar Policeman, by acclamation. Tbe Ordinance introduced by Alderman prohibiting tbe running at large of Huge, was called np Yeas 2, Naya 5. Tbe Mayor was authorized to put up such Kerosene Lamp Posts as be may deem neces- E. Withers, Lieutenant Gov. of V». And U. 8. Senator eleet; Senators and Members of Congress from Va, PTANfl Altfn HP A PT J? fVYinPUQ Remittances for tickets may be made by Expr XAiLIXU A il. oLiHj OUViLKb, prepaid, Post Office Money-Order on Washington Coeoa ail Canton Mains, WAIL PAPERS & BORDERS, Rugs and Door Mats. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., feblO 705 Broad street, Angosta. Ga. ! * Talmadpe, Hodgson & Co. have ia store - !" nrrivr, 50,000 pounds of clear rib sides *7' : •-i'cukl.T*. which they will soil as cheap or CLeapi r than ;uu body's meat. ‘■^Talmadge,- Hodgson Sc Co. have in store to airivi*. loo barrels of Early Rose, Good- anri l’ink Eje potatoes, which they will . <>r lower than any oue, for the cash. ©Ta »>ncti v fn *“!> ••"id .1,. wi r , luadgo, llodgson Sc Co. bny goods ash, from first hands, and sell for iheir own work. These aro the they sell goods cheap. Presbyterian Sapper. Tbe ladies of tbe Presbyterian Church will give a Sapper on next Friday night, the 19th I street, was referred to Committee on Fire Do The case of the Athens Street Railway Co., wm continued until a called meeting of Coun cil to be held at an early day. Petition of Mr. Benson, to be allowed to pnt an addition to bis dwelling on Clayton inst. at tbe Newton House, in order to raise partment with power to act. Council adjourn- funds to complete the painting of tbe interior 3 d - W. A. Gilleland, of the Church. The publio are cordially in-1 vited to attend, and aid from other denomina tions is solicited. Clerk of Council. NOTICE. HAVE bought out the interests of both J. 0. Gailey and R. H. Webb, in the firm of Gailey, Bsrry A Webb, and shall continue tbe busiuess at tbe old stand, known as “ Barry's Corner.” All acoonnts against tbe firm of Gailey, Bsrry A Webb must be presented to the undersigned for settlement. All per sons indebted to said firm are requested to call upon me immediately and make settlement, on failing to do , the acoonnts will be placed in tbe hands of an At torney. feblO 2t J. M BARRY. No More One-Horse Shows. Like tho ancient Athenians, onr people are fond of a “ new thing,” except one-horse shows, and we have bad so many of them I to be used at store dow occupied by him on COUNCIL CHAMBER Athens, Ga., Jan. 10th, 1875, 3} o’clock, P. M. Council met. Present, bis Honor, Wm. King, Jr., Mayor, aDd Aldermen Moss, Staf ford, Talmadge, Hood and Pittard. PETITIONS. Of N, £. Rhodes for Quart Liquor License tbat tbo novelty has entirely worn off. some of tbe traveling troupes of real merit visit our city t To The Afflicted. 1 a;: ‘ r niid'T «hat form of sickness you "no great truth yon should 1 mini: A!! disease originates in an im '. i :i ,:i, f tho blood. Purify that, and " must depart; bat you cannot pu- ’ '•>! >•*] by n 10 nsa 0 f poisonous drugs, exhaustive stimulants. The best Blood “i.rirr ever discovered is Dr. Walker’s fa- ~ 5 \ ixi r.AK Bitters, compounded of sim- C an >t Broad street. Oi W. N. Kiigoe for Quart Liquor License to be used at bis store bouse, on corner of Prince avenue and Cbnrch street. The clerk of Council was authorized to issue tbe two Licenses applied for on the parties Rt. Rev. Bishop Gross Will visit Athens, on tbe 7tb of March next, | complying with the jaw in regard jthereto. (1st Sunday) and|dedicate the Catbolie cbnrch, at 104 o’clock, A. M. He will also begin a mission which will contlone several days. Tbe Bishop will be assisted by a missionary Father. Both will preach daring the minion. All are invited to attend. Account of A. S. Dorsey for $23.25 ordered pa id. Council adjourned. W. A. Gilleland, Clerk of Council. ? 6 herbs. Febl04t I vv , Moirs. Lj/“ illiutv o in a few days, afresh supply L “’ cs f" r farming purposos, just out, and J i'nvpr prices than ever. Come every I ln need, and you can buy at prices tbat l^canget - - - * convinced. ■ our -‘money back sure. Try ns Gann Sc Reaves. It ii; •^Talmadge, Hodgson 4: Co. make a spe- ^fadee White Leaf Lard, the nieeet fil ha tlwt can '>e bought, and housekeepers l r " used it will bear ns out in the 'fait it is the best thing ever offered In •* market •''“-Partnership Notice. Iu ' p , ° D the first day of January, |iCorv Urselvc . 8tORCth * r in lh ® Furniture t,, Mi 1N kuiii'.ess, and ask for the new firm of l >ie liberal patronage eo gen a. ■ flowed opon the old firm in tho i j, ” fat y e a Handsome Nkw Hearse t . lt , I)rppir *d to do undertaking in the ' v ° ,lnd at the shortest notice.' respectfully, Gilleland, Wood & Co. EFTalmadge, Hodgson 4c Co. are offering Brown Goods, Bleaching, Tioking, Kentucky Jeans, 4cc., cheaper than they have ever be fore been offered in this market. Call aad see Carpeti, Oil Clolhs, &c. Tbe attention of those in need of carpets, I f or yourselves, oil cloths, window shades, curtains, mattings, rugs. 4co., is directed to the advertisement of I ET’A large and fine assorted stock of French Messrs. Jos. G. Bailie 4c Bro., of Angosta, who I Candies, also on hand a large and well assort- keep on band a large and varied stock of I ed stock of Plain Candy, Almonds, Brazilnnts. goods in tbeir line, which they sell at prices I Walonts, and Pecans, at wholesale and retail, tbat cannot fail to give satisfaction. They I by Talmadge, Hodgson 4c Co. are not only successful business men of bight — standing, bnt polite and affable gentlemen. H^A fine lot of Magnolia Hame, small and who give their personal attention to business medium size, floo and Dried Beef and pickled and take pleasure in snpplyiog the wants of | Pig* Tongne, at Talmadge, Hodgsoo 4e Co'a. their customers. If noteon vcnlentto Mllln ^ made 8bort te ^ Tal . person, this is an establishment from which & ^ baTe tbo large#t and yon may safely order, as they will oIwajaBcai | M|Mko , Groceries and provisions, and tbe article wanted at the lowMt market price. theyalwajBintend ^ bare ^ w m M n Give them a trial. I goodg for as little money, and to see that Walton Adjourned Court. every cnatomertthey have leaves their bonee It will be aeon bythe offioial announcement well enough satisfied to oome and see them in another column tbat his Honor Judge Rice again. has adjourned Walton Court to tho first Mon- Deplorabfa Accident, day in June. g Wo regret to learn that Mr. A. F. Sims. Candles, Soaps, (laundry and toilet) a (who la deaf) bad the misfortune to get a leg fine lotof Soda, in kegs and assorted packages, broken and otherwise badly hurt while walk- Starch Axle Grease. Buckets, Tabs. Brooms, ing on the railroad track about three miles Demijohns, Baskets, and, in fact, every thing below town, on Saturday morning, by the C„ or by Registered Letter. For full particulars, testimonials. <fc., send for Cir- oular. Address, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR. Pres’t M. F. H-, Alexandria, Ya. Reliable Agents wanted erery where. novlS 4t HAVE YOU TRIED igton, D. IJURUBEBA? A Man of a Thousand. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED.- Whendeeth was hour- ly expeotod from Congpmption, all remedies baring ARE YOU Weak, Korvous, or Debilitated? Aro you s<> Languid that any exertion required more of an effort than you feel capable of makint;? I Thou try JURUBEB A. tho wonderful tonic and iu-*. .- . . . - .. - .igorator, which acts »o ben.fieiall; on the accretive received from yon before be 1 stdey of February. „ * „ , ’. - m „ I 1375, 1 shall consider it your intention to avoid pay- - organa as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. » _ . ’I POSITIVELY IT MANUFACTURER’S COST, For 10 Days Only! A S I will then move tbe remainder of my stoek o merchandize to Atlanta, Ga. All goods sold posi tively for CASH on deliver; of the goods. My large stock of goods will be offered at auction daring Court week, and continued Jrom day to day, tf cast er within 10 or 15 per cent, of it cen be obtained* AH persons holding claims against me will pleat* present the same for immediate settlement, and those I hold claims against will please call immediately end settle the same. As I do not even now want to anae- cesearily harass or annoy them for payment, I will re ceive it in installments, or accept security for paymeat within any reasonable time. If no answer shall hove > impart vigor 1 alcoholic appetizer, rhioh stimulate* for ft failed. «nd Dr. H. Janes was experimenting, be ecci” I short time, only to let the jnfferer fall to a lower depth dentally made ^preparation of INDIAN HEMP, which | of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic, acting directly oared his only ohild, end now give* this recipe free receipt of two .tamps to pay expenses. HEMP also on the livorand spleen. It regulates the Bowels,quiets the nerves, and gives cures night sweats, nansea at tbe stomaeh. and will I such a healthtone to tho whole system aa to soon break a fresh cold in 24 hoars. Address Craddock A Co, 1,032 Race st, Philadelphia, naming this paper. IF YOU WANT TO SEE Fine Mules t upon, go to the oi GANN A REAVES. piece. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, For Composting icitti Colton Seed, make the invalid feci like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is characterized t>y great gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked rcsnlts, but gradually his troubles 14 Fold their tents, liko the Arabs, And silently steal away.” This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, nnd is pro nounced by the highest medical authorities, ** the most powerful tonic and alterative known.” Ask your druggist for it. ‘ ‘ifwMe Pop sale by FREE , F. KIDDER A CO.. New York. SAMPLE to agents. Ladies’ Combina tion Needle Book, with Chrnmog. Send (stamp. F. P. Gluck,N w Bedford. Mass SOMETHING FOR YOO^r^. I P- HUR-T. 75 and 77 Nassau street, New York. made by selling TEAS at IM- ment, anil without further notice, your aeoonnt will be publicly told at auction : and .hould it not be «ol4, it will be then advertised for .ale and the publication continued until settled or arranged. jan27 L. L. BUICKHOUSE. $5 Reward W ILL ha paid for the return, or information SO I get him, of my ion, Jnd Morton, eol’d, aged IT year*, wears a woollen eoat with blue lining, who ab sconded from Athena Tuesday. 13th inst. I will pro secute any immigration agent who has decoyed, at any person who employs him. 1sn27—4t pd ARMSTEAD MORTON. THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO I S now so well known for its remarkable effects as an agency for increas-1 Samples ’niyTTJT AVTUTPHTT ing the products of labor, as not to require especial commendation from Ad outfit * 'XijILITIjU 1 JILElil A PORTERS’ PRI ES, nr getting up clubs I in town and country, for tho oldest Toa Company in America. Greatest inducements. Send for circular. | CANTON TEA CO., H8 Chambers st., N. Y. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells’ Carbolic Tablets, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUR BOXES A TBIED AND SUBE REMEDY. Sold bv Druesint*. Garden Seed. CABBAGE, BEIT, CUCUMBER, Bean, Pea, Baiisb, Onion, k FLOWER SEED, A fine variety. Clover Seed, Orchard, Bine, Herds and Hungarian Wo have a large lot of Bui.t’s, Ferry’s and Johnson A Robbins’ Seed, which we offer to tho trade and fsm Hie* very low. All our Seod aro frerli. LONGS A BILLUPS, jao27 Broad street, Athens. G*. $50.00 Its use, for ten years past, has established its character for Reliable Sent Free.J£"J Excellence. The large, fixed capital invested by the Company in this for our established c. o d. Sailor staple »nd family . l /r J At- a , 4 c At- a* it C *a I goods of all kinds in con»t;»nt use and wear. Tho old- trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. | . (t c. o CASH PRICE : Per Ton 2,0Rfl Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, TIME PRICE, , ^ ^ ^ ^ Without Interest, and option of paying in Middling Cotton, delivered at | J j VJT O O D O Athens Depot, by Nov- 1st, at Fifteen Cents per pound: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $60.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 45.00 J. C. PITNER & CO.. Agents, Athens. D. house ia America. Sai«*s over half a rail- I lion in 1874. Largo cash pay to tho right person. 1 real chance for all, male or female, nt your homes or I traveling. No risk. If you go to work wo willucnd you I free and post-paid a line of sain pies and a c rnplete out- 38 *00 I At* Address at once and securo your temtoTy, II. J. I HALL & CO., 6. N. Howarl at., Baltimore, Md. j,u!7—2m usually kept in a first olall grocery store, Talmadge, Hodgson Sc Co’s, at down-going train. 1 particulars. We have not learned tbe Oi Host Favorable Ten. F. W. LUCAS I S now opening a new and elegant stock of Good, bought low and offered low to cash and prompt p»y. if eaitomars. Large lot of Gentlemen*, and Boy’s Woollens. Bxtr* quality English, French uml German Suitings. Plain and Fig’d Beavers, in sll qualities, i Corded, Diagonal and Basket Beaver*, Fancy Cas- simeres, Black Doeskin., Bleek end Col’d Broadcloth*. Wool Shirt, nnd Drawers, Gloves, Half-Hose, Cra vats, in great variety. Flannels, Shawls, Blankets, Woollen Skirts. READY-MADE CLOTHIFG. Ladies’ Dress Goods in all now styles, Black Silks, Alpsecus, Cashmeres, Express Cloths, Brilli.ntinos, Tatniso and Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Band and Bngls Trimmed Belts and Bead and Bogle Dross Trimmings, Buttons, Needle-Work, Ruffling*, Pnt op by Georgs Dugdalo A Co., Baltimore, and will allow FIFTEEN CENTS PER POUND FOR COT-1 *«»«»$». Handkerchiefs. TON. PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE THE FIR8T OF NOVEMBER, 1875. * This U acknowledged by all planters to be ONE OF THE BEST FERTILIZERS NOW IN USB. nov25—3m An St DORSEY. COTTON 15 CENTS! I am now ready to commence delivering tbe celebrated DORSEYS SEA-BIRR MAI! Persons from a are invited to examine tbo stoek, and order, are eolicited, 8racial attention is called to onr Tailoring Dcnort- ment and Merchant Teifor’s Goods. sajitSO New Books, AT BURKE’S BOOK STORE. J ACK HARKAWAY’S School Days. 50c. Tho Scspe-graco at School. 75c. Jack Harkaway After School Days. 75c. Tho Seapo-grsco at Sea. 75c. Jack Harkaway at Oxford. 75c. Tho Scape-grace of London. 75o. Jack Harkaway Among the Brigands. 75e. Pantomime Joe. 75c. Tbo Fatal Cord and Yellow Chief. 60e. Tho Rival Crusoos. 50c. Strongbow, tbe Boy Chief. SOo. Rupert Godwin, by Mias Braddon. 60e. The Lady’s Mite, by Miss Braddon. 50e. Only a Clod, by Miss Braddon. 50c. Th« Lady Lisle, by Mitt Braddon. 50e. East Lynne; or the Earl’* Daughter. 75e. Castle Wafer; or the Plain Gold Ring. 7*o. Genre.* Csstonel; or Six Grey Powders. 25*. Ths Heir to Ashley. 75c. The Diary of a Detective Polio* Offleer. 75c. Within an Inch of His Life. 75c. The Clique of Gold. 75o. Squire Arden, by Mrs Oliphan t. 75o. Lena Doone, a Romanes of Exmssr. 75c. Linley Beeheford, by Justin McCarthy. $1. Losing to Win. A Novel. $1. Nsst’s Illustrated Almanao. 25e. Josh Billings’ Alminax. 25o. With many others* for sale st nov25 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. For Sale, T HE Honso and Lot now ooeepiod by Henry Tho mas, colored, near tbe Rock Spring, in the oily of Athens'. For particulars, apply to PATMAN LESTER u or j&nfl—tf T.W. RUCKER.