The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 03, 1875, Image 3

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^ont|ern Sstatrijimm. local matters. ATHESS, GEORGIA t MARCH «, 1876. fraternal record. Mount nMinlV .a J ■“ “H 11 *! w ;3iwi Mil uuuntV OIX Meets tiio jd t riday niftht id Often month, ftt ... . M uonic Hall. S. C. Dobba. W. M. I. M. ** c *** ary tor the prgamiation of said each Kenney, Masonic Kenuey. Secretary. Atliean Chapter No. 1, R. A. M. xlMt , me second Thursday night of Jlonth. R- M. Smith. H. P. I. M. Ke Secretary. Williams Lodge, No. 15, 1. 0. O.F. Meets every Monday night, at Odd Fellows liall. *1 o'clock. R- T. Pittard, N. O. J. Grant, R. S. Oliver Encampment, No. 14,1. O. 0. F. Meets the first and third Thursday nighu of with month, at Odd-Fellows’ Hall. H. Beus- . f C. P. E. J. Christy. Scribe. Martha Lodge, No. 5, D. of K., I. 0. 0, T. Meets on tho 2d Thursday night of each month, at Odd-Fellows’ Hall. R. T. Pittard, v G. Howell Cobb Lodge, No. 15, F. of P.. Meets every Tuesday night, at Masonie Hall. T A. Iiurke, C. C. L. Schevenoll, K. of R. and S. Evans Lodge No. 76, I. 0. 0. Ts Meets every Friday night at Odd-Fellows' Hall. A. S.' Dorsey, W. C. T. F. A. Rags dale. It. Sec'y. Clarke County Grange No. 101. Meets 1 st Wednesday in each month at the Fair Ground. Dr. H. R- J. Long, Master, R. H. Boon, Secretary. fire department. Athena Fire Co. No. 1, Meets on the fourth Thursday in every month at firemen's Hall. E. J. Christy, 1st Fore man. S. E. Rhodes, Sec’y. Pioneer llook and Ladder Co, No. 1. Meets on tho first Wednesday in every month, a- Firemen's Hall. U. Bensse. Pres’t. A. H. Vo’ldcrleith, Sec’y. Heller Colored Fire Co. No. 2, Meets on tho first Monday night in every month, nt their Hall. T. Boyd. Cap't. R. Johnson, Sec'y. Arrival and Departure of Mails. lhvj Train, ( Sundays vjccqgted.) Arrives ................390. P. M. heaves ----- 8.45, A .M. Night Tram, (Daily.) Arrives ......5.30, A. M. Leaves .....10, P. M. Athens to Anderson C. H., S. C• Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 12. M. Leaves " “ “ ......3. P. M. Athens to Belton. The We are indeMifljH fellow-citizen, John Calvin Johnson, Esq., for a copy of the Act establishing the hew county of Oconee, defining the lines of the same, Ate., which wo hasteo to lay before onr readers fojrthelr information, fifsl! Hsaci It will bo oeee thwk by the 3d imottoQ otibe Act it is provided, that an election shall be held in the new county on\ tho first Wednes day in April, “ to select all county officers qaw county.' Section 5 provides that “ ail mesne process, executions and other fipal process in the bands of the sheriff, coroner and constables, of which the new county may be formed, and which properly belong to said new county,and which may have been levied and in part executed, and anch proceedings therein shall not be folly disposed of at the time of pasting this Act, shall be delivered over to theComspond- Ing officers of said new oounty, and said offi cers are hereby authorized and reqalred to proceed-witb the same, and in' the same man ner as if snch process had been originally in their bands," nee. i Another Bnrglary. ilghly esteemed , the ktore'of Snead it Co., was broken into and robbed on Saturday night, of a quantity ofbusinefis circulars, gotten up in the simil itude of greenbacks The burglarious gentry ijdag around loose bad better learn to read. ! Or Tho “ Promenade." til last year, when, under a resolution of Con- gross, requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to aceount for the money, It was turned over to him, no interest being paid, however, for its use. Besides the interest upon the money the bonds were bought below and sold above par. . MARRIED, At th* residence of Lindsey Durham, Jr., by Rer. E. A. Anderson, on the 34th of Feb., Mr. Wi. F. Panama and Miff IsasbllA L. Douua, all of Clarke county. Oa tha 31et of February, in High Shoals, Qa., by , .. An Indignant Denial. It having been reported in Atlanta that Col. B. H. Hill had “ bought up" the Gaines- . ... vllle South**, ho has indignantly denied the| £ W ‘ A ‘ C,AFT “ d MU * charge and says that bo is not even a subscri ber to that paper! We have not seen the Southron since the report was put in circula tion, but presume that Prof. Vincent will not admit that be can bo bonght. Death of J. P. Dorsey. After a long and painfnl illness, Mr. James P. Dorsey departed this life at his residence in this oity.on Wednesday last. Having bsen reared in oar .midst, he was known to ail onr citizens and highly esteemed for his many good qualities. AM interesting young family and hosts of friends and rela tives mourn bis early loss. His remains were interred in Ooonee ceme tery on Thnrsday—the Odd Fellows and Firemen, to both of which organisations be belonged—taming oal in fall force. F The Herald says: “ Mr. Leroy Gantt, a pert young writer, runs a paper at Lexing ton, under the eaves of the railroad water tank. This circumstance has led Mr. Christy, of the Athens Watchman, gloryiDg in the magnifi cence of bis own position, to allude to the pa per as “ The Water-Tank Gazette." To which the vivacious Gantt replies : * I considered for a long time as to whether 1 would run rav paper by a water-tank or a whiskev faucet.— But having seen Mr. Christy fail after trying the latter. I determined to try the former.' Which is quite neat in young ’ Gantt. If he keeps up to this mark be may come to Atlanta I nusdav in April next, at thn several election when he dies." precincts now est It is brother Christy's turn, now, and we I urn included wit bin said new county, proceed know of no man better able to take care of pursuant to tho election taws then in force in AN ACT To lay out and Organise a new County from tire County of - Clarke ;foA ttach the dime to a Ju dieted. Congressional and Senatorial District, and for other purposes therein specified. Sec. 1. Bo it enacted by the .Senate and House ol Representatives of tho State of Geor gia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and immediately after-tbe passage of this Act, a new County shall be and the same is hereby laid out from the county of Clarke, as follows : Beginning at a point immediately opposite the mills of James H. Thompson, on the Jackson line, and leaving said mills in said now county, thence a straight line to the old saw mill site of Nathaniel L. Barnard, on Mc Nutt's creek, thence down said McNutt's creek tq its junction with Barber’s creek ; thence down said Barhor’s creek to its junction with the Oconee river, cotnonly called Middle river ; thence down said river to the junction of the two Oconee rivers; thence down the Oconee river to Barnett's or Neal’s Bridge, on said river; thence with the public road to Big creek church to the Oglethorpe county line; thence with the lines of the counties of Ogle thorpe, Greene. Morgan, Walton and Jackson, to tho starting point; and that the territory thus included shall form a uew county to bo called tha county of Oconee, and that the same shall be attached to the Judicial circuit aud Congressional and Senatorial Districts to which 9nid territory now belongs. Sec. 2d. Bo it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, That the county-site and location of the public bdiidings shall be in the town of Watkinsviue. Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid. That the qualified voters within saiii new comity shall, on the first Wed- On the 28th of January, in Walton eonnty, Oa., by T. M. Foster, Mr. William Bkardix and Miu Eliza Malcom. OBITUARY. After a long and painfnl illneia, Mr. Jambs P. Dob- itr died at hit residence in Athena, on tho 34th of February, in the 36th year of hia ago. Hia oatnral amiableness of diapoaiiion awakened a kind feeling towards aim among all who know him. A few weaki before bit death ha mad* a trip to Flo rida, In the hope of improvement in health. Upon hi* return it wai oridant that hia time waa abort, and alao that a marked change had taken place in hia apiiitnal condition daring hia abaeaee. An nnaeen hand had led him away from hia home, perhspa that in thalooe- tineia of suffer ng away from tho kind ministry of those ho moat loved, be might east liimself entirely upon tha ainnar’a only Saviour. Patienee in suffering, gentleneaa to nil around and tba expression of trostin Jeans, were constantly apparent during the remain ing days of hialife. When tha last hour earns, bo de parted in peace, without a struggle, leaning to hia mourning companion and kindred the hops that thro’ abonn ling grace he was safe home at laat. Could be now apeak to the lorad ones left behind, ha woold urge them to make haate to bo reconciled to Qod. A FRIEND. Care Yourselves. The 8th wander of the World hat been found in Georgia. Tho discoverer ia a phyaieian of long ex perience, extenaire observation and profound lodg ment, and hia discovery has proven sneh a blessing to woman, that it ia already known throughout tha conn- try aa “Womau’a Beat Friend.” With remarkable quickness and certainty it earns allcasoiof suppress ed menatration, sente orebronie, and restores health in every instance. Dr.J. Bradfield’a Female Regu lator supplies a remedy long needed in tha treatment of diseaaoi peculiar to women. This tho Medieal Faculty knows and admits, while many of onr beat physicians are oaiog it in daily praetice. The medi cine ia prepared with great ears, by L. H. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at 31.50 par bottle by respectable Druggist! everywhere. Great Merit in Female Diseases. Stats or GeoasiA, Troop Co. This is to eortify that I have examined tba recipe of Dr. Jonah Bradfield, and, as a medieal man, pro. nnuoce it to bo a oombination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all diseases of females for which ha recommends it. mart—lm. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 31,1868. Retail Prices Current. For tho Weekending Mar oh 2. CORRECTED BY THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE!. COTTON-Very active. Receipts light. Ordinary, 13 good ordinary, 13 tow middling, 14} ; middling If FACTORY GOODS TOBACCO. Catton Yarns,...$1.25al.30 Common,pertb 50a60 Osnabngs,per yard 14al8 Medium, 60a7t “ Fine .....l.OOal.i# Smoking,—........ 60a 1 HO Snuff, macoaboy,...... 1.06 Cigars, Am.,perM,|$30a50 Havana,_...$75al Of AMMUNITION. Powder, per lb.......40a50 Shot, 12a 15 Lead,- .10*13 Gapa,perbox, ........10*10 LIQUORS. Corn whiskey, good..$31 u medium, 3.00*3.00 common, 1.25n5.08 Poaeh brandy, good 4.On medium 3.00 common 2.0t> Apple do. good a4.00 medium 3.00a common 2.25a Prenehdo 4.00al0.0i Hollas d gin 5. OOaS .00 American do. 3.00*6.10 Bourb’t whisky ,2.00*4.Ot Wines, S.OOalO.Ol- DRUGS. Copperas,par lb Oslo Indigo, 1.75a2.5P Madder, .......20a35 Ex. Logwood.—..25*40 Epsom Salts, 20 Alum, 2( 1 Shirtings- 10a l-4Sheeting, brown, 13al4 DRY GOODS. Prints, pryd ..10@12i Delaines 30a25 BleachedShirtings, 10a30 Bad Ticking— —20a50 Worsteds 20al25 Blankets ..... 150a800 PROVISIONS Flonrfaney 'pbbl. $10*11 Family, 8a9 superfine, 7a8 Corn, 110all5 yellow, none. Pone — 115a Meal, —»...l 15al25 Wheat,— 1.50x1.60 Buckwheat Flour, .—.Sale Baeon, sides- -13al4 shoulders ...... talO hams— 15al6 Lard, %tlb 18a20 Irish Potatoes,eonn try.prbo t.OOsl.50 Northern 200 Sweat,- 75aIOO Eggs prdoa I5a20 Chickens - 20s30 Turkeys— —. 75al25 Butter, Tfi 1b 20a25 GROCERIES Sugar,crushed, A, B, ... „14al5 C, 12 al5 15al6 Sulnbur,.., HARDWARE. 20i 14al5 Iron,Swedes,perlb. JalC English, Demnrara 121*15 Castings .... 6)a8 Coffee,Rio,per Ib....25a33|yails, per keg 5.75a Laguyra, 28a33:Steel, east 25a Java, —_33a37j plow, 18a Tea,Hyson,91b.......1.60:Cotton Cards, 75r Gunpowder, ...... 1.50:Wool « SOa Black,—. 1.50;piow Points 25a40 Syrnp, cane, 75*100 Smith’s Bellows, 50 inch! O NE ear load New Orleans Si Ona ear load New Orleans SUGAR,’ A good supply of new OIAOKBBn; . < > Which wa offer to tho pnblio CHEAP for CASH. ■ Jan6 CENTER A REAVES. A GOOD Cuba molasses, -OOaOS Candles,sperm ,prlb. 4( a5 0 adamantine, 20a25 tallow, _15a20 Anvils Hammers amantlne, 20*25 Horse Shoes 17*18 I !7al8 8*al0 Nalls 20a35 Chesse .State, per R>.20a25 Weeding Hoes, per dos. English Dairy,25a30 Brade’s C. H_ 55a75 | himself. Look out, Leroy! said State, to elect all county officers neces- The above, if intended for the' truth, is as sarv L»r the organization of said new county. wide of the mark as any thing we remember to have seen. In the first place, we know of according to the laws of this State; and the Ordinary thereof, as soon as practicable, shall remodel the three fractional Militia Districts, made by tho dividing line, by adding them to the adjoining Military Districts, or by adding to their limits territory from the adjoining districts tis may bo deemed most expedient, and advertise for tho election of the requisite contrary gave the Oglethorpe Fcho, published | number of Justices of tho Peace ami the Gov- at Crawford, a highly compHtneii'tary notice toi ever . Thirdly, we never oal’ed any paper what er the'"Water Tanit Gazette," but on the Leave Wednesdaysand Thursdays at 6. A. M. no such man as Leroy Gantt". In the second Arrives Fridays and Saturdays ..9, P, M. j place, there is no paper published in Lexing- Athens to Jefferson. Leaves Wednesdays and Satnrdaysat 5, A. M. Arrives “ “ " ..5, P. M. Athens to Jug Tarern. Loaves Wednesdays at ....—6, A. M. Arrives " 6, P. M. Athens to Farmington. Leaves Tuesdays and Fridays at. 10. A M. Arrives " " “ 7, P. M. The Rail Koad mails cioso one hour before | departure of trains. R. S. Taylor, P. M. I'nion Prayer Meedug Society: Fourthly, we never attempted to ran a paper by or with a whiskey faucet, aad fifthly, we never failed in running any paper we were ever connected with. . - ... If the article was intended as a mere plea santry, we must confess wa do not think It at all witty, and shouidjiot have noticed it, but for I editions, and other final process in the hands ernor shall commission those elected. Sec. 4th. Bo it further enacted by tho au thority aforesaid. That all officers now in com-, missirn. vvith," the limits Of said new county GUILDS, NICKLRSON & CO.. shall hold their commissions and discharge the duties devolved upon them until the date [ when their terms of office expire by law Sec. 6th. Be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid. That all mesne process, ex- Craekers ,aoda, 15a20 bntter, 15a20 anger, 20a30 cream, 20a30 Onions, perbu 1.50al50 Candy,fancy,pr lb. 50a00 plain , 40 Soda, - 12al5 Blaok Pepper, — a40 Red <■ 10a Ginger, — a40 Starch, a20 Tallow .8at0 Green Apples, 75al5C Rice, - Ilal2 Mackerel,No. 1, kite, 300 No. 2,_ 2.50 No.l 1 barrels, 10.00 No. 3, kits, 2.00 Sardines,per box, 25a SALT, per sack, a200 WOODEN-YJJARE Painted bnckots, pardox 2.75a3.00 Cedar do 9.0Pal2.00 Whtte pine, 7.00a8.00 Stores, 3.o0a5.00i Tbe above ere retail prices, wholesale buyers. Ames’Shovela 1.40al.5l| do Spades, 1.50al,75j Trace Chains, 1.00al.25[ BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots,Northern,pr. $4a6 I Lou!hcrn,10.al2.00 | LEATHER. Sole, per lb— 36a40 j Upper, 60a75 Harness, 40a50 CalfSkins,pdx.$40a$100 I Kip do -$50*75 | HIDES. Dry, per lb Green, BAGGING. Gunny,peryd 14*15 I TIES, Ties - 8al0| ROPE. Cotton, 40a50 j Grass, 25*301 FINANCIAL. Gold,baying, 1.08 1 soiling, 1.10 I Silver—haying,— -1.031 selling,.—.... 1.03 I Prices are shaded to I GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, m *j21 Agent*, Athens, Ga, DISSOLUTION. SHORT POSTPONEMENT-.DAY FIXED— FUTL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. loitpelitr Female Humane AssocMon AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. March 29th, 1875. rhe following are tbe appointments for the I the fact that a friend took the trouble to cut "f the Sheriff, Coroner and Constables, of ensuing week Monday night, business meeting at Univer sity Prayer Koora. The public are respectful ly invited to attend. Tuesday night, R. G. Williams’ and at Miss Mary Dean’s. Thursday night, Mr. Jno. W. Nicholson’s and at Mr. James G. McCurdy's. Friday night, Mr. Ilarvey Brittain’s and at Mrs. Unwell Cobb's. Blank Deeds ■ . . . . , , , , i — Clarke county Georgia, ia this day dissolved, br it out of the Telegraph <£• Messenger, and c a n which the new county may bo formed, and m utu,l consent. Th. bnsin.s* oontlnnVd by LIST OF GIFTS: 1 Grand Cash Gift $100,000 our attention to it. Death of Prof. C. A. Atkinson. which properly belong to said now county, and which may have been levied on and in part executed, and such proceedings therein \V. B. J ones. All persons bolding elaimi against the former firm will please present them forpay moot, and all those indebted to said firm muit eome up nt once shall not bo fully disposed of at the time of “ Dl1 ,ettle > °rtbeir demands will be pot in othcers’ ' - o' ■ - l hands for collection. w n rnwr-o W. B. JONES. JOHN COHEN. Mr. C. A. Atkinson, assistant Professor of passing this Act. slialt be delivered over to tho English Literature in the University of Geor-1 corresponding officers of said new county and gia, died in ttaia city on Wednesday evening 8UcU officer* a «> hereby authorized to proceed j rroPING to receive the s , . V .... . » ,-Tri,.™ . . I With the aame, and is the same manner, as if AA heretofore enjoyed, I promise all the indnee- last, alter a very snort nincss. i ung anu I ^ueb process had been originally in their bands; ment * p°* # iblo to those who may continue t° patron- of robust copstitutioo, the ohances of long life provided, that in all cases publication of the 1 * m J our *> respectfully, seamed to bo in bis favor; but wheu tbe de-1 time and places of salo, and proceedings of tho same patronage we have W. B. JONES. Of conveyance, administrator's and executor*. be *'*'«<* made"forXrime law.'aud deeds, tax collector’s executions, and a goner- He ha<1 made ma °y friend ® in thl » community.' 1 al assontnent of legal blanks, elegantly print- w here his many virtues will be Jong remem- . td, and always on hand. All kinds of blanks b * red - HU ramain8 w#r ® carrl * d ta Macon j f9 r ™^ d ' o "; biab J na y tmd other job work executed at short notice. I ^ or interment. JLA tyCANX A Reaves are adding to their •lock continually, as the trade demands. If rou want good plantation Mules call at their tuble They are selling prices to suit the I ~ dwths in all t.mes! \ou 11 never have a better chancel t better chance 1 February 3d, 1875. SmslI Pox. Tbe report made to “ these headquarters” last Saturday shows no chango. No new eases or doatba since our last report—when I ing,in the eouoty from which said new county id«6 ■ ' “ * *"“ ce7s of said tfew County Shall, in like manner, be-dejiveredovor to.thie officers oi saidcounty mbs executed by them in the manner herein I prescribed. Sec. 6th.' Be it father 1 enacted by tbe au-1 tboritv aforesaid, That all actions now pend- IS" The To The Afflicted. No matter under what form of aickaaaa yon 'jhor. there is one great truth you should * Promenade." Lava Pens. We are indebted to Maj. T. A. Burko, who is the sole agent for this section of the State, keep in mind: All disease originates in an im- for a lot of tbe above celebrated pens. We pare condition of tbe blood. Purify that, and have tried them, and find them first-class iD the disease must depart; but you cannot pu- every respect. Call at tbe book store and get rif nho blood by the use of poisonous drags, Lome of them. ___ is taken, wherein the defendant or defendants may be included, within said new county shall be transferred with all papers relating thereto and trial had in said new county where the dofmdant or defendants reside, provided, that in every case no cause shall proceed without the certificate of the Clerk of the Court from whence said causes came that tbe papers in tbe cause are the original papers in the cause from the file of bis officel Sec. 7th. Be it further enacted by tbe au- FOR SALE, S EVERAL superior building lots, being a part o (be lot known aa the Baxter place. Apply to Dr. M. S. DURHAM, or *ugrf—tf J. 8. WILLIFORD. CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, FOR CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Wa an now offering, at very low prices, onr Brussels, Three-Plys and Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES, ifid exhaustive stimulants. The beat H^od Pun/ier ever discovered is Dr. Walker’s fa- Boa *' isegak Bitters, compounded of aim' P e herbs. Febl04t Fine Tobacco. thority aforesaid. That the Ordinary, Clerk of tho Superior Court and the members of^tbe LaCe Curt&ittS and ComiCeS, Board to be appointed by the Judge of the Supo * Moles. "illhave in a few days, afresh supply , ^ Males for farming purposes, just out, and goods of every description. ■° at ' 0w 8f prices than ever. Come every toe in De ed. and you can buy at prices that Jou can get your “money back eure. Try us lr 'd be convinced. Feb - 3 - Gann & Reaves. be appointed by the J udge of the Supe eior Court of tho Circuit in which said new Co. . _ If any of our readers *ish to get. really fine I lies select from tbe Tax Receiver’s digest I pT aNO AND TABLE COVEB.8 chewing tobacco, we recommend them to oall I a sufficient numbor of upright and intelligent * v ’ ® . ■_ nn __ I Juror?, to serve as Grand .and Petit Jurors at tbe store of Talmadge, Hodgson A Co„ on | an( j ensu i nK term of tbe Superior Coart to 1 Grand Cash Gift - 50,000 I 1 Grand Cash Gift —. 25.000 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each - 100,000 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each- 75,01)0 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each .— 50,000 100 Sash Gifts, 500 each 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 100,000 1,000 Cash Gifu, 50 each 50,000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each 400,000 22,178 Cash Gifts, amonnting to —.$1,000,000 NUMBER of TICKETS, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets...., $20.00 j Halve! 10.00 ! Quarters 5.00 Eighths, or each Coupoo 1 51 Tiekett for 100.00 I Tho Montpelier Female Humane Association, char i tered by the Legislature of Virginia and tbe Circuit i Court of Orange co, proposes, by a Grand Gift Con cert, to establish and endow a “ Home for the Old, Iu* firm and Destitute Ladies of Virginia,** at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madison. Governor's Office, Richmond, July 3, 1874. It affords tue pleasure to say that lam well acquaint* ed with a large majority of tbe officers of the Montpe Her Female Humane Association, who reside in the rieinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence, and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, a* well as the public confidence, influence and snbstan* tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Albxasdria, Va., July 8, 1874 —* • * I com mend them as gents of honor and integrity, and fnlly entitled to the confidence of the public. • • • R. W. HUGHES, U. S. JudgeEast*n Dist. Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Bx-Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. B. Withers, Lientenant Got. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by Express, DAMASKS, REPS & TERRYS, Cocoa ail Canton Mail, College Avenue, where they wil} be sure to I be held oa tho second Monday in May and on txt * t t H IDL'DQ ft DA DTAT7DQ find it, and also a large stock'of desirable the first Monday iu June next arrange tho bi- iVAiJlJ l Al utto Ob DU iil/uIVO> Rugs and Door Mats. Caught In the Act. >.- A negro was making Ireo with the vegeta bios of Mr. S. J- Mays on Saturday night, and leaping over the fence aa Mr. Cobb Davis, | enoiel panel of Jurors as now required by law in ail tbe counties of this State and tbe rogu-1 lar terms of the Superior Court for said county | | shall bo held on tbe second Monday in May 1 aud November. See 8th. Be it farther enacted by the au thority aforesaid. That whoroas there is now I feblO JAS. G. BAILIE & BBO., 305 Broad street, Anfosta, Ga. A Man of a Thousand. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED.- Whendeathwashour- ly expected_from Consumption, nil remedies hoviaj; Co-Partnership Notice. " e haTf . ou tbo first day of January, tiated ourselves together in the Furniture Comx business, and ask for tbe new firm ^continuance of the liberal patronage eo gen- trouslv I . — .1 % n n • -a_ chief of Dolice. happened to be passing, was I an outstanding dobt against the county of f a ii«i, »nd Dr. H. Jah.s was .xperimentioz, be . , . „„ hA I Clarke, that aaid new county shall pay or dentally made a preparation of INDIAN HEMP, whieb nabbed by the vigilant officer as soon as I caage ro p a j^ ( tg p rn rata „i, are of (Jebt eared hia only ohild, end now gives this reeipo fra* on — r ~ 1 1 * two stamps to pay expenses. HEMP also _ it sweats, nausea at tbe stomaoh, and will fresh cold in 24 boors. Address Craddock A Co, 1.032 Race st, Philadelphia, naming this paper. touched the ground, and locked up for safe I w ^ estimated according to tbe taxable pro- roeoipt of ti keoDioE. v» . i porty in tbo old and new counties as shown I ► 'by the Tax Reoeiver’s books of Clarke county ' for tbe year 1874 ; and tbe Ordinary of said Old Franklin for Hill. ‘ - , u u — . n wi ii be seen bY tbe proceedings or the new county is hereby authorized to levy an • v bestowed upon the old firm iu the , ._ -„i nmn t h at extra tax for the purpose of paying said pro S New — for Hill in the most emphatic terms. VINECAR BITTERS ainnvinminiy No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. _ Grateful Thousands proclaim Vdtboab Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of onr great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis, sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Boanoke, James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Sommer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinboab Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of tbe liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,Inflam mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms,” are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters have shown their groat curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Bemitteut and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tha Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, ore subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, tako a dose of Walker’s Vin egar Betters occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bhoum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho system iu a short time by the use of these Bitters. Tape, aud other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- minitics, will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the’ dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In all case3 of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote tho secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use Vinegar Bit ters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; oleonse it when you find it obstructed tsta sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. b. ii. McDonald * co., Druggists aad Geucntl Agents, Saa Francisco, California and cor. Wasliiuator. and Charlton Sts.* New York. Sold by nil Druggists and Dealer*. Oejo4>er14,l 874—ly HAVE YOU TRIED ft* Wa am doing on extensive boainesa in CLOTHING aad CUSTOM TAILORING, through Local Agent* who ar* supplied with sampler showing onr Ready- made and Custom Piece Goode Stock. The plan ir working wall for Consnmers, Agents, and ootmbart. We desire to extend oar hnsinese »n this line, and for that purpose wiU correspond with bona Ad* applicants for agencies. Bend real name an.l reference aa to character.- DEVLIN A OO:, foblO P.O.Box2256. New Yo r k City. , BRADLEY’S OF LIME. T HE undersigned offer this excellent and Well ap proved Fertiliser)M Planter* at the following «*»••* -TtUai'.r 1 • j9*6 ttnft lurtt- it bO on Cash, per Ton, $50. Time, per Ton, 60. And will allow 15 cent* per pound for ootton delirer- ed on or before the 1st of Norember. > * HUNTER & BEUSSE. ANALYSIS. AttenUon is called to the foUowing analysis of this l o »:ii i n r trt.:».. ' - -it-. - popular Fertiliser, by Prof. White: UNIVERSITY OF GEOROI Lsbobatort or Arrian Crimist Athens. January 28,1875. M TS. )_ Aualj/ti. of a «ample of “BRADLEY'S PATENT SUPERPHOSPHATEbelmginy to Jfwrt. H*a- ter A Beussb, of Athene, Ga., received front G. W. Masoe, Inepeetor Clarice county, Jan. 35, 1875.' 1 ' 1 Moisture (dot. nt 212° F)..„ 15.8*7 Volatile and Organio Matter..........——, . . - 34.671 Containing Nitrogen....... .2.582 Yielding Ammonia 3.147 ' * Phosphoric Acid, soluble in water 5.773 Equivalent to Superphosphate of Lime...0.5*3 - Equivalent to Bona Phosphate of Lime._ Insoluble (and “ reduced”) Pbosphorio Aow «.«m ' • Equivalent to Bona Phosphate of Lime._ 10X58 Sand and Clay....... "jor. 100.608 Undetermined Matters prepaid, Poat Offico Money-Order on Washington, D. I TT T I J T T I ) T7' t j A Q C„ or by Registered Letter. J LJ il LJ ll H : ll AA ( Mechanical condition of sample, very good. (eb3—3m H. C. WHITE, Prof. Chemistry. PROSPECTUS. Georgia University Magazine. Pnblxehed by the Demoethenian atari Phi Kappa Societies. T HE present students of the University 6f Georgia, having determined to resume the publlcaUoa of | the eollege paper which was on6e so. ably mantainwd by their predecessors, but wli* h • for the pest few years has been suspended, will issue, towards tbe let- I ter part of Febn&ry, tbe first number of their period* | ical, under the title of the Gbohoia University Mag- | AZINE. It will be issued monthly, and will contain about | fiifty pages of reading matter. No pains will be spared to bring it up to that standard which the high position of our University among tbe educational institutions | of the South would seem to guarantee. The Societies will be assisted by occasional articles from eur able Faculty and from the diamond-pointed pen of Ex* Chancellor A. A. Lipscomb. , h i. | Maintained as this Magagine will be, hot ohly for tbe purpose of training the students in the artof com position* but also with a view of placing before th# publio a periodical worthy of their notice, we think it peculiarly entitled to tho favorable consideration both of the present patrons of the University and^ of. the State at large. Published beneath tbe protecting earls of onr Alma Mater f we trait that her honored Alumni will at once manifest their approvnl and appreciation ! by subscribing to the Magazine. Our articles will be literary in character— political and sectarian matter being excluded ; aad wo will en deavor to make our pages reflect the dignity, if not thu maturity, of age. Subscriptions for the remainder of the torm, ending August 5th* will be $1,50, iurariably in adra*ce. All funds must be forwarded to the Business Madr gers. Trusting that the laud&hility of our undertaking I will ensure our success and gain for us the ^pprobn- I Mon of,the public, we are Most resped: ftill.f, 1 S. G. MeLENDON, Ter* Editor. ': Assistant Editor*.—Deroosthouian Society ; F. A, I Stpvall. John C. Hart. Pbt Kappa Society : Wm.H. I Fleming. F.R. Clarke. Auiinmi Managers.—H. H. Gordon, D. W. Rountree. TO THE PUBLIC. ' I DO ant sail Gpod* on credit, but for (lie.CASH. 1 will gi»* JO® * ’ ‘ V *3 Z ' ' 10 lbs of SUGAR for ’...:^.L..$ 1 0* 44 H>3 of COFFEE for ;L00 ..... 5 lbs of CHEESE for 100 100 lbs of BACON for..„ 1S.#0 ’ 100 lbs of FLOUR for ...... $.50 A kit of MACKEREL for.—• 150 And everythin* else usually kept iu a FIRST-' [ GROCERY STORE, equally as cheap. Just received, a largo lot-of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, 1 For full particulars, testimonials, de., send for Cir cular. Address, Hon. JAMBS BARBOUR. Pres’t M. F. H., Alexandria, Va. Reliable Agants wanted every where. novlS 4t ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? Are yon so Languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than yon feel capable of making? Then try JURUDEBA, the wonderful tonie and in igorator, which sets so beneficially on tha secretive 14*y or two,” nor “ thirty days,” but my motto il, Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. R. H.LAMPKIN, , A t Ms astabUahm.ot on Wall street, (a few uoors B regulateo the Bowels,quiet* the nerves, aud gives from Btoad) is new offering a large stock of | *_ u _ c , h A\°,^l *i°I*2?**“ ** ,0 M00D Pure Wines and liquors, drapes, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BOOTS, SHOE Clothing, Dry Goods, &c. When I say CASH, I mean the MONEY, not “li t organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetixer, which stimulate? for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable tonie, acting directly on the liver and spleen. make the invalid feel like a new person. It, operation is not violent, but is characterized by — , great gentleness; the patient experiences no ,addon At wholesale or retail, as cheap or ebeaper than they I ehange, no marked results, bat gradually hia troubles ean bo bought at any otherastablishment in this oity. His assortment embraces all qualities, from ordi nary to tha very hast. Purchasers ar* invited to oall and examine for themselves. mar4. "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away.” This is no new and untried discovery, bat has been long need with wonderful remedial results, and is pro-1 tiraly for CASH on df liverj of the.geods- Ud are prepared to do ur.dortaking in the sl -’j e fit'll at the shortest notice. Vcr . v respectfully, Gilleland, Wood it Co. fire good ri*h or Horsesand'wo wagon, cheap for I a P« al ™ ln ^TrenlZLur , I wrested hv Mr FHscb, west of the Newton I tne caur ne until November, annrovnd aa- lerecteu oy *»■ *• u, An Elegant Office. Wo were Invited a few days ago. by Dr. H. ^ ^ ^ I A. Lowranee to inspect bia new dental °® cn I provisions for a jail Tn said town be and the Sec 9tb. Bo ft further enacted by the au thority aforesaid. That the second section of | an act to chanqe tbe county site of Clarke county from Watkinsville to Athens, and to I make provisions for tho procurement of a suit able building for the court house and make ray. l '»‘u244t on time until November, approved J. H. Huggins, No. 7, Broad Street. hereby repealed so far as tbe sale of oaurtenuseandClerk'sofflceinWatkins- wrocun* *v — - _ 4uin _ lm i l , llt i y I vllle. is concerned; and the removal of tbe | House. It 1* certainly the ■ ■ ■ 3 j a n, but reserving all other power and author- arranged and elegantly fitted uproite of rooms i(;tbereln g i7en t© tbeTown Councilof Athens. | we have seen, and{#4 K^ira^rW^>tedto the purpose intended. Tbe Dr. is a polite and ' See. 10th. Be it further enacted by tba au thority aforesaid. That after tbe expiration of I the terms of tbe members of tbe present , Reid & Harris I™..', * taka, nleaanre in I tbo terms ot mo memoers oi me present P always on hand, at their Barber shop I affabla gentleman, and ■ .iP •I Bouse of Representatives in the General As- tinerinr .ht»t, I waiting upon those wbo may neea ms services. 8emb i y tbe coun ty of Clarke shall be entitled 1 to of the most superior Hair Tonic, which ■ eresdandruff, <kc. and proinotea tbo growth ll,. * Tlle y also have an elegant hair t (*• ? nd curl t0Dic ' whi «*> imparts a rich *•«« to the hair. sembly the county < to one tnetnberand the new eonnty of Oconee I shall be entitled Mono member i ' ” * SOLUBLE PACIFIC 01.410 AND C0SP0DND ACD) PHOSPHATE, For Composting with Cotton Seed. THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO “ Here’s your Goods; give me your Money.” Call and ass mo, Broad street, next door to Sntxd A Co*s Shoo store. jan20 N. E. RHODES. POSITIVELY IT MMUHCTM COST, For 10 Days Only! A S I will than move tbe remainder of my stbek of merchandise to Atlanta, Ga. All good. sold!>o«l- for CASH on delivery of th.good.. My largo stock of goods will be. offered at anotioa during Court weak, and continued Irom day to day. If oost or within 10 or 15 per cent, of it can b* obtained. All parsons holding claims against me will pleas* I present tha aame for immediate settlement, and thoa* 11 hold elninti against will pleaSe call immediately ama •ettl* th* asm*. As I do aot even' now want to annri- ecssarily harm** or annoy them for payment, I willr*- S0MRTHING FOR VO FT 8ond »t»nip andloeiTeitin installment*, or accept seourity for payment OUIHEl I Qlit'T rUil 1 U U i(. Address I within any reasonable time. If no answer shall hav* I F. HUR4T, 75 and 77 Nassau street, New York. I been received from yon befere ttfeletdsy of February, 11875,1 shaU eonsidor it your intention to avoid pay- I moot, and witbont farther notion,, your Av-ount.will or p««g op «i»o* I b . pn bllely told at auction; and should itnotbe said, , m town and country, for tho otdest Tea Company in I i( ^ iU u tbeB adrertisod for salo and th* pnblieatlea FOB COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USB I ___ Wells’ Carbolic Tablets, A TMEDATO tvnS>r. 37* Sold by Druggists. nouncod by tho highest medieal authorities, “the most powerful tonic and alterative known.** Ask your druggist for it. For sale by WM. F. KIDDER A CO.. New York. {SAMPLE to agents. Ladles* Combina tion Needle-Book, with Chromos. Send tamp. F. P. Gluck.Ncw Bedford, Mass. FREE $5 Reward blithe firit number I Representatives. U | which according tb Seo. Utb. Bo it furlker enacted -me naif, promotes itaorawth and nro. I v * * r jv 7* I thority aforesaid. That all laws ana parts or examined Ita contents and are pleased to bo 'Persons iudJbSl^tLto and Yancey I \ ble w ifft tested to como fnrwaM ~ttu K. I tho young ftwntlomou who have t» n table to manage- Approved February 25tb. 1875. James M. Smith, Governor. ofM^ThTa^r rtaUa'S 1 I«u«>t ofTt. and well worthy thc^patrenage SET-^SI- la the bands of the public. Tho friends oftho Universtty a, ®« r for collection. L. Schovcuen dc Co. ^oducation oug c*..»--y^-av-.batAS •EMPLOYMENT O pn « Dana 'Yewantasuitablepersonineveryneigb- _ _ _ OEUI T sUC>borhoodtot.keordsr.andd.tiTer good.! Excellence. The large, fixed capital invested by the Company in this j for °ur established c.o D.sai.s of staple and family trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. fat C. 0. D. house in America. Sales over half a mil-1 ast-w-w -WWW m-w-,w-«-w-ra Hon in 1874. Largo eash pay to tho right parson. A /A.CTXX B It ; H. ; | real ehanee for all, male or female, at ysnr homos orl Per Ton 2,000 Pounds,'SOLUBLE PACiFJC GUANO, $50.001 I SR 0(11 fit. Address at once and aeenre yonr territory, H. J. | oo.vv HALL ^ c0 # N RowtrJ , t> Baltimore, Md. years, wears a woollen eoat with bine lining, who seonded from Athena Tuesday. 13th itst. 1 will pro secute any immigration agent who has 4oeoy0d, ar any parson who employs him. , 1 jan37—4t pd ARMSTEAD MOBTOIT., Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, the State Supreme Court. He has been on tbe | TTUMTE PRICE, »aoffi.° U ! IUwillbo P lacad the bands of | l ^ a t hla Magazine I tnB p 181 ” oupremo v,ourt. no uas Deep on cue I ja.jaxvjL*is arjn,Av>xn, | t-\ T-v-rr n AAFiOl »•« - or collection. L. 8chevenell dc Co. jfnot superior to I '* 5n ° h formaay'j’earei and hia participation 4 »n | Without Interest, and option of paying in Middling Cotton, delivered at I J It ± UTwU U OI •oseoh. Iv aot | politics h*s beeircoaijned to the^iotef catting | Athens Depot, by Nov. 1st, at Fifteen Cents per pound: | n„ ig M * Un,T«w«i.i« rn nmnn i 1 - 4 no# mare, Slide, J? i»o or four ^ father S60.00 45.00 ^Itu seat Boggy i n good order. Can I *»*• at pleasure. Will be or separately. Apply at this | Feb.24.ln. education. ,mv on fire.] ilSGfi Athens. *tidom, if ever, we see more ele- med photographs than those made **eee ,'v” , ! ery ' There is an artistic excel-1 t««MU>ea that vie* with tho best of ADbtW A WM,W#,w fll^d to bear that |Wfit»leeaJ! 0rt * *° our People modern |* t AnUv siuA** , F wc,M#d . a» bla rooms are con- I f*<i with admiring patrons. ‘'Prem.u.Au ' Homicide and Shooting Affrays. The Toccoa Herald, records the killing of Startling Humor —As the end of this and the incoming of a Democratic»House Rrcwrf bYtwbbrouerenam^ Fulgum.l »Pproaches, rumors sod etoriea of official cor- Moeea Blown DJ *WW wr«n«w in,ntlnn Anri dlifanuMtv rakl.t, ™tll K. = COTTON 15 CENTS! Ibtitlr 0^-“’ 11 ew » «ea more ele-1 ~2T ■”' ant i T , Brown was ruptlon and dtehonesty, which will be made Utabtod^y Matin'Fulgum, and diedDf>hW»BVBHtlp»|*cp*a tbe.nexf,4^ |.tabbed b ^ rt D '" mbe u r g It also records thejffreas, are mulUplied with atartliog rapidity. , od ’ ® , Mr Tb omas by Mr. Moore, 0 fl A Washington dispatch aaya a atory hi clrcala- shooting of Mr- Ibomw ny^ l tjon ob „ m ^ Scorptaty KcCnUoch-took to Frankltn cQU • | H ,, nry r k, Co.,between 1865 and 1887. Sunday the2Ist ult., at Alexander’s abandoned cotton. This money was put well OD kjUOflojl I ;_A ft ITnirnil Glofna ff.Ofl linmla nnrl MSairaoJ well on stiU-hooae in Habersham county. into United StateB 5-20 bonds and retained tm- I am now ready to < ) delivering tho celebrated DORSEY S SEA-BIRD GUANO! Pat np by George Dngdalo* Co., Baltimore, and will allow FIFTEEN CENTS PER POUND FOR COT TON, PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, 1875. This is acknowledged by all planters to be ONE OF THE BEST FERTILIZERS NOW IN USE. Oi 1st Faioral Term. f. w. r,TTC.A_S 1 8 new opening n new and elegant stock ef Goods I bonght low and offered low to eash and prompt pay-1 ing enatomers. * Large lot of Gentlemen’s end Boy’s Woollens. Extra quality English, French and German Suitings. l Plain and Fig’d Bearers, in all qualities. J Corded, Diagonal and Basket Beavers, Faney Cas-1 simeras, Black Doeskins, Biaek and Ool’d Broadcloths. Wool Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Half-Uoie, Ora- ] vats, in great variety. Flannels, Shawls, Blankets, Woolian Skirts. READY-MADE CLOTHIFG. - Ladies’ Dress Goods in all new styles, Biaek 8itks, I Alpaeeas, Cashmeres, Express Cloths, Brillientinea, l Tamil* and Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarf*, I Bead and Bagte Trimmed Belts and Bead and Bugle 1 Dress Trimmings. Battens, Needie-Work, Ruffling-. Fittings, Collars, Coffa, Handkerchiefs. J Persons from a distance are invited to examine the I atoek, and orders are solicited, Srecial attention ia called to onr Tailoring Depart-! ISTew Books, AT BURKE’S BOOK STORE. LCK HARK AW AY’S School Day*. 50c. ' ! Th* 8eap*-gra*a at School. 75o. Jaek Harkaway After SehoolDays. 75c. ... Th* Seape-grao* at Sea. 76o. . . '.jt Jaek Harkaway at Oxford. 75c. ’ Th* Seape-gtao* of London. 75c. Jaek Harkaway Among t6* Bii(*ndi., J5c. Pantomime Joe. 75e. ... . ,1.,, , Th* Fatal Cord and Yellow CHIef. 50c.'' Tha Rival Crnsoes. 30c. Strangbew; the Boy Chief; 606; I " • ' 1 Ropert Godwin. by Mias Bredden- 60e. t bit Th* Lady'* Mite, by Miss Braddon. 50c. . Only a Clod,by Miaa.Braddori. 60c. Tbe Lady Lisle, by Mist Braddon.' 50c. t Lynne;* Earl’* Daughter. 75o. i Wafer; or tbe Plain Gold Bing- 7 * dors. 76o. Castle Wafer; or the Plain Gold Ring- 76e. Gervase Castonal j or Six Grey Powders. 35*. The Heir to Ashley. 75e. Tbe Diary of a Detaetir* Poliee Oficer.. Wltbtn an Inch of Hi* Life. 75o. } . ,:n;» The Cliqne of Gold. 75e. Squire Arden, by Mrs OUphint: ,4e. Lorn* Doone, a Romance of Rxmnsr. 74^ Llnley Roeheford, by Jnstln McCarthy. $1. Losing to Win. A Novel. .$1. < n »»ac< Nsst’s Illustrated 25e. Josh Billings’Alminax. 25c. Wrih many others. tor ‘^^. s book Stop For &glLg 9 r [E Houso and Lot now occupied by Uvnry t do- mas, colored, near the Rock Spring, to the c.ty of Athens. For particulars.^^ ^