The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 17, 1875, Image 3

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' HaS s-ontljera 3Matc|man. LOCAL MATTERS. ATHENS, GEORG!*: MARCH 1J, 1875. fraternal record. Mount Vernon Lodge No. 22, F. A. M. (ho 3.1 Friday night in each month, al ,ic Hall. S. C. Dobbs, W. M. I. M. Kiiuuy. Secretary. Athens Chapter No. 1, It. A. M. Meets* the second Tln rsday night of each in,.nil). 11- it- Smith, II. P. I. M. Kouuey, Secretary. Williams Lodge, No. 15, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets everv Monday night, at Odd Fellows Hall. 71 o'clock. It. T. Pittard. N. G. J. (Halit, I!- S. Oliver Encampment, No. 14,1. 0. 0. F. Meets the first and third Thursday nights of i.. u -!i month, at Odd-Fellows’ Hall. H. Beus- „e 1 P. E. J. Christy, Scribe. Mari tin lodge, No. 5, II. of R., 1. 0. 0. F. M,ets on the 2d Thursday night of each ivi,ntli. at Odd-Fellows’ Hall. It. T. Pittard, ’ unwell Cobb Lodge, No. 15, K. of P.. Meets every Tuesday night, at Masonic Hall, •j \ l’.arko, C. C. L. Schevenell, K. of It. and S. 1.. .in- Lodge No. 7((, I. 0. «. T: Meets every Friday night at Odd-Fellows jl.,11. A.S. Dorsey, W. C. T. F. A. Bags dale. W. 11. Sec’v. Clarke County Grange No. 101. Meets 4th Thursday in each month at the Fair (Hound. l)r. 11. It J- Long, Master, It. U. Bonn. Secretary. FIRE DEPARTMENT. tthens Fire Co. No. 1, Meets on the fourth Thursday in every month at Firemen’s Hall. E. J. Christy. 1st Fore man. X. E. Rhodes, See’y. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co, No, 1. Meets on the first Wednesday in every month. i>- Firemen's Hall. H. liensso. Pres't. A. H. Vu'iderleith, See’y. Relief Colored I Ire Co. No. 2, Meets on the first Monday night iu every month, at their Hall. T. Boyd. Cap't. R. Johnson, See’y. Arrival and Departure of Mails. 'I Train, ( Sundays excepted ) Arrive,...' 3 30,* P. M. Leaves . 8.45, A ,M. Right Train, (l)uilg.) Arrives 5.30, A. M. Leaves 10, P. M. A tlniis to Anderson C. II., S. C. l'nesdays and Fridays at 12. M 3. P. M. Athens to Helton. Leave Wednesdaysand Thursdays at (!, A. M. Ariives Fridays and Saturdays ..9, P. M. Athens to Jefferson. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdaysat 5, A. M. Ai rives ’’ ’’ •’ . .5, P. M. Athens to Jug Tarern. Leaves Wednesdays at 6. A. M. Ariives ’’ ' G, P. M. Athens to Farmington. Leaves Tucsdavsand Fridays at....10, A. M. Arrives “ “ “ 7, P. M. The Rail Road mails close one hour before depaiture oftraius. H. S. Taylor, P. M. Arriv Lea' R Mirror of Ireland.” On to-morrow. (Tbnraday) night, Bordwell’s Mirror of Ireland, which waa exhibited here some time ago, will appear for the second time in our city. We learn that the entertaiomont has been changed somewhat since it was hsre and a number of new and, pleasing featniea added. Upttfl2 o'clock tm-Thursday, reserve seat tickets can be secured at Burke's bookstore for 50 cts; at night they will be 75c. CV • v t^“Dr. Addison C. Fox. formerly of the firm of Popo & Fox, of this city, has removed to Ath ens, Ga., where ho will practice his profession, in addition to engaging in the drug business, having purchased and fitted up a large drug store. We tako great pleasure in commend ing Dr. Fox to the citizens of Athens as asplsm- did physician and a most accomplished gen tleman.—Atlanta Netcs. Athens will always warmly welcome all good citizens, liko Dr. Fox. There is plenty of room here for ton or twenty thousand mote industrious, useful, enterprising citizens. Let them come on—a warm welcome awaits them. CF- Tito FOREST CITY STOVE, at Jones’. NOTICE. The Sheriff of Clarke county having chang ed his advertising from the Southern Watch man to the North East Georgian, 1 consider it my duty, under the law, to do the same. My official notices will, therefore, hereafter appear in the latter paper. In making this change I avail myself of the opportunity of tendering to the editor of the Southern Watch man my thanks for his uniform kindness to me, and for the prompt and correct manner in which he published my official notices dur ing the time I advertised ir. His paper. Asa M. Jackson, Ordinary DENTAL OFFICE REMOVED. Dr Sale has taken rooms in the now build ing adjoining the Lester Block on Clayton street, where those wishing his services can find him at all hours, Mcbl5—It tlT If you want the best Photograph's and Ferreotypes and at the lowest prices, go to J. F. O'Kellcy’s Gallery Rooms over Snead's Shoo store. Broad street, Athens, Ga. IT If yon want a Stove, be sure to call on JONES before you buy, Japanese Corn. See Mr. Bancroft’s advertisement of this wonderful corn. If it will produce as much as stated, our farmers can hereafter have an abunaauce of this valuable cereal. 13” A FINE Stock of STOVES, at Jones’. Vnion Prayer Meeting Society. Tin- following aro tlio appointments for tbe ensuing week : Monday night, business meeting at Univer sity Prayer Room. The public are respectful ly invited to attend. Tuesday night. Mrs. R. B. Whito's and at Mrs. Porterfield's. Thursday night, Mrs. McWhorter's and at Mis. l.i'Seuer's. Friday r.iglit, Mr. Wui. Creighton's and at Mr. \\ iley Baker's. Bluuk Deeds Of conveyance, administrator's and executor’s deeds, tax collector's executions, and a gener al assortment of legal blanks, elegantly print ed, and always on band. All kinds of blanks and other job work executed at shell notice. Backward Spring. It is now the middle of March, and we have not yet seen a peach tree in bloom. Some years back they were iu full bloom by or bo- fnro the middle of February. Blooming so late this time, it is to be hoped that we shall have an abundant fruit crop this year. iy Fine stock of Toilet Setts at Jones’. John DeWilde, and S. A. Conflict k Co. We published last week a letter from Mr. John DeWilde, representing tbe boose of S. Aj Condict & Co., of New York, denying all par ticipation In the affair on tbe night train from this place, the details of which we pnblisbed some two or three weeke ago. While Mr. De- Wllde admitted the occurrence, substantially, he denied all participation in iti A3iBQC_4he publication of tbe letter referred to, we have received letters from him and others on the same subject, and we have been assured by some of pur most respectable merchants that Mr. DeWilde is a true man—while no one ever called in question the soundness of the old, well-known and highly respectable firm (S. A. Condict & Co.) he represents. The letter we published last week was "id- dressed to Mr. A. S. Dorsey. Tbe following was addressed to tbe editor of this paper, and is cheerfully inserted: •* My attention has been called to an article in your paper, connecting my name with an other’s in connection with tbe affair at your R. R. depot, on the night of tbe 18th uit. I beg to say I am entirely innocent of tbe charge, my name being taken for another's. I am confident you would not wilfully do me such an injustice, and therefore desire you to publish this, and “ pass it around,” to relieve an innocent party from an accusation which is so completely discordant with his own views. Yours, very truly, John DeWilde. P. S.—1 beg to refer you. for a reference as to my character, to tbe following gentlemen, well- known citizens of your town : A. S Dor sey, J. W. Collins. J. R Crane. J D Pittard Hampton Ac Hearing, J. R At L. C. Matthews ” The following is from Mr. J. W. Worrill, well known to our merchants, and throughout the State: *• My acquaintance with Mr. John DeWilde commenced iu 185G, when be was as a boy ein ployed in the house of Betts. Nichols Ac Co., with which I was then connected. In 1061. I returned South, and on my return to New York, in I8G5, he was still with same firm, holding the position of salesman. 1 have been intimately acquainted with him ever since, and never beard him, by word or action, express any sentiments but that would meet tbe entire approval of his Southern friends. I have the fullest confidence in his statement that ho is entirely innocent of the charge as reported in your paper. Yours, very truly. J. W. Wokrill." From all which it appears that a mistake has been made as to personal identity. There were three “ commercial travelers” in that car. and tbe one whose name was omitted must have been one of tbo guilty parties, in stead of Mr. DeWilde. Our informant, who holds the highest official position in this city, we feel sure, is just as far from a desire wrong any man as we are. We do not know Mr. DeWilde or any of the parties implicated, and could not possibly have any private spleen to gratify. Wo tako great pleasure in relieving Mr. De Wilde from the charge, and hope that such ol our exchanges as alluded to the matter will make the necessary correction by stating that it was others, and not Mr. DeWilde, who cre ated the trouble. when he moat have suffered inteniely, he always had a pleasant word and a smile for those who visited him. Unassaminj, unobtrusive, hie quiet life flowed on tike a getle tlv.r.’tUHt emptied itself into the ocoan of eternity. Hie mourning friends will always eherilh for him an sffeetionate remembrance. Athens, Ga., March IS, 1876. A FRIEND. Core Yourselves. The 8th wonder of tha World hee boon found in Georgia. Tho discoverer is a phyaieian of long ex perience, extensive observation and profound judg ment, and hie diaeovary has proven each a biessing to woman, that it iealready known throughout thecoun- try at “Woman’s Best Friend.” With remarkable quickness and certainty it cares ellceses of suppress ed menstration, acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regu lator supplies a remedy long needed in tbe treatment of diseases peculiar to women. Tbis tho Modieal Faculty knows aud admits, while many of oar best physicians are using it in daily praetice. Tho medi cine is prepared with great care, by L. H. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1.60 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere. Great Merit in Female Diseases. St its or Gkorqia, Troup Co._ This is to certify that I hare examined tha recipe of Dr. Jotiak Bradfield, and, ns a medical man, pro nounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all diseases of females for which he recommends it. mar3—Im. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21, 1868. Americans ore a Nation of Dyspeptics. We live fast, dissipate and fill early graves. Wo drink all kinds of alcoholic spirits, aud swallow, without mastication, pork, grease, and every kind of life destroying, system-clog ging. indigestible food. Dr. Walker's Veg etable Vinegar Bitters will remove tbe evil effects, and tho recovered patient, with « . p. . pure, vitalized electrical blood flowing through judge nice. his veins, will have a clearer bead and a cooler W e are pleased to learn from the Games-1 judgment, which added to experience, will villc Eagle that tbe health of Judge Rice has cause him to abstain in the future. 4t Gardening. Our citizens were busy gardening daring a portion of the past week—tho first and only suitable weather wo have had this year. Veg etables will certainly bo unusually late, unless they como forward more rapidly than usual. so far improved that ito will bo able to hold ] Hall court this week. We presume the other courts will follow in regular order. Have your TIN work done by Jones. T? Gann A Reaves aro adding to their stock continually, as tbe trade demauds. If yrni want good plantation Mules call at their et.iLle. They are sUi'ing at prices to suit the times ! You’ll never have a better chance ! February 3d, 1875. IT Tbe ” Promenade.” Mules. We will have in a few days, afresh supply ot Mules fot farming purposes, just out, and to (ell at lower prices than ever. Come every one in need, aud you can buy at prices that you can get your “money back sure. Try us an! be convinced. Eeb. 3. Gann At Rf.aves. Public Meeting iu Clarke. Tho citizens of Clarke county aro requested meet nt tbo court house ill Athens, on Tues I with Uu 1 v occasional cessation, |>aiu was bis constant ay, the Gth day of April (sale day) purpose of appointing delegates to the Con gressional Convention of the Ninth District hit-li will meet at Gaiuesville on the 14th of April. Northeastern Railroad. We learn that grading on tho Clarkesville livision of tho Northeastern Railroad, has been proceeding satisfactorily, notwitbstand- ng tho very unpropitious weather. Co-Partnership Notice. We have, on tho first day of January, asso c.aud ourselves together in the Furniture A Coffin business, and ask for the new firm a continuance of tho liberal patronage so gen- eiously bestowed upon the old firm in the past. Wo have a Handsome New Hearse and are prepared to do undertaking in the best style and at tho shortest notice. Very respectfully,, Wood Ac Co. gaged in tho survey of a railroad from Char leston. Ten. (on the Tennessee river, at tbe mouth of tho Hiwassoe.) to tbe Southern sea board, aro now on tho line of thoNortheasteri Capt. Turner's survey, hortly reach this city. For Sale. Five good llor-cs and two wagons cheap for ca? li or on time until November, approved se cur y.v. J. u. Huggins, Fcb244t No. 7, Broad Street. Reid k Harris Keep always on hand, at their Barber shop, a lot of the most superior Hair Tonic, which roimivcsdandrufT, Acc. and promotes tho growth of the hair. They also have an olegant hai gloss and curl tonic, _ which imparts a rich Riots to tho hair, promotes its growth and pro tvnts it from falling out. Last Cull!! AH persons indebted to Luckie and Yancey arc requested to coiuo forward and settle by file first of March; after that date all unset 1 ed accounts will he placed in tho bands of an officer for collection. L. Schevenell Ac Co, "ill receive all money and receipt for tho Luckie Ac Yancey. For Sale Cheap For Cash. A line mare, well-broken. A second-hand Top. Slide-seat Buggy in good order. Can have two or four seats at pleasure. Will be wid together or separately. Apply at this office - Feb.24.Im. It is seldom, if ever, wo seo more ele Cantly finished photographs than those made al Davis' Gallery. There is an artistic excel Ivnco about them that vies with the best eastern work, and wo are glad to hear that ^ r - Davis’ efforts to give our people modern Pietures aro appreciated, as his rooms are con stautly filled with admiring patrous. 1 The “ Promenade.” A CARD. To my friends and others who so liberally contributed to my relief in my recent afflictions, R ouid tender the expression of my gratitude , at w °fdsare inadequate to express my feel May the choicest blessings of Heaven rest “pen each generous donor, and a kind Provi tnce shield yon from suffering such as I en flQreU - Albert H. Edwards. DIED, In Athens, on 5th in*taut, at noon, Mr. Alfred Grant, aged 87 years. For more than a quarter of a century he waa tbe well known laboriug and faithful Agent of tbe Georgia Railroad,at Athens. With healil battered from long continued distressing disease and nceseant toil, he retired some year or two since from businEr*. bearing with him into his retirement the Agents Singer Man’f g Co. atheha, Ga., July 13th, 1874. P H E following named gentlemen are duly anthorixed Agents for tho jale of the Singer Sewing Machine, m the counties opposite their respective names, and 'bey, and they only, are authorized by us to make sales md collections for onr account. Any and all others $re impostors, and payments made to them will not be ecognized by us, oven though they may, without our <D'>wledge or cousent, be in possession of notes drawn »n our favor: Banks county—W. I. Ginn. —G. E. Abbott, J W. Gilleland. —J. J. Whitehead. —W. I. Ginn. —W. H. Jackson. —T. B. Brown. —W. M. D. Lambert A Son. —William Williams. —R. M. F. Griffeth. —W. W. Locklin. —S. F. Jackson and B. E. Jackson. Clarke Elbert 44 Franklin 44 Greono 44 Hart 44 Habersham 4 Hall 44 Jackson 44 Lumpkin 44 Madison 44 Oglethorpe 1 Rabun 44 Taliaferro 44 Towns 44 Union 44 Walton 44 White 44 Retail Prices Current. For the Week ending March 16. CORRECTED BY THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. I COTTON-Varyaetive.RM.ipta light. Ordinary, 121 good ordinary, IX low .middling, 141 j middling 161 FACTORY G00D8 TOBACCO. Cotton Yarns,...$lA6al.30 Oanabng.,por yard 14»18 1 Shirtings10a l-4Shoeting,brown,13al4 DRY GOODS. Printe, pryd 10@12i Delainei 20a26 Bleached Shirting!, Ita30 Bed Ticking,- ....20a60 Worsted! 20.126 Blanket! 160a80tl PROVISIONS. Flourfancy jsbbl. $10.11 Family, SaV superline, - 7.8 Corn, white, bu 116.126 yellow, non Pea 125.131' Meal, I25al3t Wheat, duckwheatplour, .—Salt Bacon, side! 13.14 ihoutders 9alt> hams 15al6 Lard, 4Mb. —,.18al0 Irish Potatoes,c oun try, pr'bu l.00al.6C Northern 20U Sweet,_ 75al0ti Eggs prdoi I5a20 Chickens 30a35 Turkeys 75al25 Butter, tb 20*25 GROCERIES. Sugar,crushed, 15at6 A, 14a15 B, 14al6 C 12 al6 Demarara 12Jal5 Coffee,Rio,per lb. Laguyra, 28a33 lava, 33a3i Tea,Hyson,tfllb 1.50:cotton* Cards, Gunpowder, 1.50 Wcol “ Black 1.50;piow Points Syrup,enno 75alOU Smith’s Bellows, Cubm molasses, „60aU5: Anvils Candles,sperm,pr&>.4(a50j Hammers adamantine, 20.251 Horse Shoes Common,perlb—.50a6l j Medium,...............60*76 J Fine ..1.00*1.50 I Smoking,............60.100 I Snuff,maceaboy,. 1.00 I Cigars,Am.,parM ,|$30a80 I Havana,—..$75al00 J AMMUNITION. Powder, per lb.......40*501 Shot,..—.— 12.15-1 Lead, _ 10al2 Caps,perbox 10a4(> | LIQUORS. Cornnhiskey,good..$310 I medium, 2.00a3.00 I common, 1.26a5.0S I Poach brandy, good 4.0( medium 3.001 rommon 2.0u J Apple do. good *4.0('] medium 3.00a common 2.25a Frenehdo 4.00al0.0t' I Holland gin 5.00aS.0< ' American do. X.OOaO.OO | Bourb’: whisky,2.00&4.0) Winns, 3.00al0.0( DRUGS. Copperas,per lb—.. Salt | Indigo 1.75a2.5l Madder, — 20a35 I Ex. Logwood 26a4C | Epsom Salts, Alum, 21 Sulphur, 20 | HARDWARE. Iron,Swedes,perlb. 9.10 I English, 51* •BEMQVrte* i Castings.. ..25*33 Nails, per keg "° -"t Steel, east -- plow I. H. Chapman. —W. M. D. Lambert A Son. Collecting Agent at Large—J. T. Osborn. THE SINGER MANUFG CO., Iulyl5 By G. H. HOPE, Manager Athens Office.^ REMOVAL, \TIS3 JAMES has removed to the atom on Broad i»J- street recently occupied by S. C. Reese, where she will be pleased to see her friends and customers, and solicits a liberal share of their patronage during the coming season. Very respectfully, C. JAMES, marlO Late with Mrs. N. B. Clarke, Augusta. Notice in Bankruptcy. I N the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In tbt> matter of England A Orr, Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. This is to give notice, onco a week for three weeks, that T have been appointed Trustee of the estate of England A Orr, of Athens, Clarke oounty, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition, by tbe District Court for said District. marlO—3t H. N. HARRIS, Trustee. .6}a8 5.75a ....25a 18a 75r 50a 25*40 | 50 inch 17al8[ 17*18 8?a10 tallow, M 15*20j “ << Nails 20a35 ] Cheese,State,per tt>.20»25jWeeding Hoes,per doz. English Dairy,25a30;Brade*8 C. H.. 55a75 I Crackers,soda, 15*20jAmes*Shovels 1.40*1.50 butter, 15*20 do Spades, 1.59*1,75 | sugar, 20*30 cream, 20a30 Onions.perbu 1.50al50 Candy,fancy,pr lb. 50*60 plain 40 Soda, .. 12al5 Trace Chains, 1.00*1.25 | BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots,Northern,pr. f 4*6 I Loulhcrn,10.a12.00 | LEATHER. Sole, per lb.- 36*40 I VINEGAR BITTERS No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim VnmuB Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilions, Remittent, and Intermit* tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the ▼alleys of onr great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis* sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Jam os, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of tbe stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Du. J. Walkek’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tho samo time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the 'yspensia or Indigestion, Headache, in tho " " * Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness rEruc BlaokPepp.r, .40 Red “ 10. Ginger, .40 Starch, .20 Tallow 8.10 Green Apples, 75.150iDry, per lb Rice, 11.12;Green, Upper, 60a75 I Harness, 40.50 I C.lfSkins,pds.$40a$100 I Kip do -$50,75 1 HIDES. 13 I 6 Mackerel,No.I, kits, 300, BAGGING. No. 2,_ 2.50 Gunny,per yd 14.151 No. 1 J barrels,10.00: TIES. No.3, kits. 2.00;Tios SaI0| Sardines,per box, 25a ROPE. SALT, per sack, *200.Cotton, 40*50 1 -Grass, 25.30 1 WOODEN-WARE. I Painted buckets, j FINANCIAL. perdot|Gold,buying, 1.0S I Cedar do selling, 1.10 I Whtte pine, Silver—buying,-— -1.03 Sieves 3.o0a5.00i selling,.—.. 1.031 The.bove are retail prices. Prices are shaded to | wholesalo buyers. ATHENS LAUNDRY. \ MEETING of tho Stockholders of the Athens 4 Laundry will bo held in the Laundry building, at ■I o’clock, P. M. f tbe 15tb instant. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be tians- acted. JAS. H. HUGGINS, Pres’t. N. B.—Tho Laundry is now ready to receive wash ing. All orders left at Laundry, or at the store of J. H. Huggins, will receive prompt attention The Laundry wagon will call at the residences of the pa trons, aud collect and deliver the clothing at such times as they may direct. marlO. The DIAMOND COTTON CHOPPER 0^kY--S E yfm*N lir “ work ° r or,r «»•»*« V NjrV 3 mv Te*^MiL rl honwa wrlth 1 »*n k hor$«. Cotton Planter k *n iim. Cultivator. Com V/SfAi/iTWIW Planter attachment. fM Al1 warranted. Agents waatsd. Send for Ulutm* nniARrr^A' * ‘V/rur AP Circular with wamntss _ L unejtr **4 certificate*, to • J. W. HINSDALE, Sec., PayettevllU, K.C., or to LootHli* THIHIVAMPLE to agents. Ladies' Combina- I- K l* !* *iun Needle-Book, with Chromos. Send JL AwAJJLJttamp. F. P. Gluck,New Bedford, Mass. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Inane Associate AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. March 29th, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS: 1 Grand Cash Gift $100,000 I 1 Grand Cash Gift 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift 25.000 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each 100,000 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 75,000 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 50.000 100 Cash Gifts, • 500 each - 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 100,000 1.000 Cash Gifts, 60 each 50,000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each - 400,000 MflltfFVeasily made by selling TEAS at IM- lliUltiJl POUTERS’ PRICES, or getting up clubs in town and country, for the oldest Tea Company in America. Greatest inducements. Send for circular. CANTON TEA CO., 148 Chambers nt., N. Y. S. M. Hunter, Chairman Executive Committee. Madison Agent. Mr. George W. Mabry is an authorized agent I jong’is^hi*s— r tho Southern Watchman in Madison county for tbe I companion. Yet, although be was naturally reserved and indisposed to communicate freely with >therrias|to his religious feelings, it was ea?y to see that suffering was drawing him nearer to tbe ail-sufficient Saviour, many years before be had publicly professed to follow. Thus affliction was silently achieving its sweetest and most blessed ministry. The time at last came when He who do«9S not willingly afflict gave a and peacefu release. Whilst bereaved ones mourn his loss, a sustaining hope is theirs tha; he has passed, through much tribulation, to tbe home where here is no more sickness or pain. The triumphal P SYC1IOMANCY, or SOUL-CHARMING/’— How either sex may fascinate and gain tho love anduffectiousofany person they chooseinstantly. This simplemental acquirementallcan possess, free,by mail, 25c, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Ora- ,Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. Aqueerbook. AddressT.WILLIAM A Co. Pubs. Phil*. I shine ir. tho light of God, His likeness stamps my brow, Thro’ the shadow of death my feet have trod, And I reign in glory now. I have learned the song they sing, Whom Jesus has made free; And the glorious balls of heaven still ring With my new born melody.” May the sorrowing ones left behind find rest and peace and joy in hi« Suviour, and preparation for a Wo loam that tho corps Of U. S. engineer* I *nght and endless re-union with him who has gone 1 oetore, in tho beautiful laud beyond tbe stars. L DR. S. VAN METER & CO., Proprietors of the famous Charleston III. Infirmary, are endorsed in the last issue of the 44 Nations Jour- 1 of Health” by men of prominence South and ortb. Also by fifty ministers of various denomina tions. An opportunity is now offered to obtain a thorough examination and treatment without having visit the Infirmary Address at once DR. S. VAN METER & CO., Charleston, Ill. No More Among Us. The subject of tbis notice, Dr. L. C. Rhodes, (son f James and Sarah Rhodes,) was born in Madison and have not deviated in tbe slightest from I county, near Paoli, December 17tb, 1823. Removed Wo presume they will BTCall and seo tbe FINE Stock of TIN WARE at Jones’. to Clarke county about the time he reached the years of manhood—spent several years of this period of his life in temching sehool at different places in Georgia. Ife then embarked in the study of medicine at Ring- gold, in tbis State—attended lectures, and graduated in tha city of Augqsta, Ga., about the year 1864—com mcnccd the practice of medicine in Hart county it IS55. In 1856 be establi.bed himself in the practice I of his profession, at tho residence of R. S. Williford, UCOnee douu J. I ip said county of Hart. ,And from that time until the Tbe election of county officers In the novr | ,i ay ofhi3 aeath, (Dccemhor 2d, 1874,) continued a highly esteemed and welcome guest in the family cir- _ , - , ... , ele of the said R. S. Williford. 7th of April. Olir friends there bavo lively I J| 6 m .g, a public profession of the Christian re times now. We understand that W. T. Lowe. I ligion, and became a member of the Baptist church in _ - , — I the year 1865. He lived an exemplary life as a Chris- Lsq., and James R. Lylo, Esq., are candidate. 1 1 | |0> WM no t e( j f 0 , his devotion to Bible reeding, fur Ordinary ; Rev. Emory F. Anderson and I his attendance at the prayer-meetings, and his regular . _ . _ - r,, . J I observance of ell the dntiei incumbent on the Chris Paul Durham for Clerk Superior Court, and I tUn ,. ffc The result was> U nusu.l oneness of tem Aaron Crow and Seaborn Davenport for Sheriff. | per.ment of mind and spirit at all times. He seemed DISSOLUTION. T'HE firm of JONES A COHEN, High Shoals, Clarke county Georgia, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. Tbe business will be continued by W. B. Jones. All persons holding claims against tho former firm will please present them for payment, and all those indebted to said firm munt come up at once and settle, or their demands will be put in officers’ hands for collection. W. B. JONES, JOHN COHEN. heretofore enjoyed, I promise all the induce* rnents possible to those who may continue to patron ize me. I am yours, respectfully, feblO W. B. JONES. We have not learned who are candidates for | tbe remaining county offices. (as much us was possible in man) to conform to th distinguishing requisition oi tbe Gospel, 44 as ye have received Christ Jesus tbe Lord, so tea Ik ye in him.” He follows a father and mother, from this world of „ T ,, . ^ ctvwi? | iH* *** troubles, to a land of rest, while he leaves be BT Go tO JOUCS if JOll want a GOOD o lUVrj. | hind him four brothers and two sisters and many rel atives and friends to follow him. He died ofconsump llOlU B. II* Hill. I tlon » * ft#r Angering and suffering lor severe) years. . . . r ... n . - I. • I While able to attend to the duties of his medical pro of the BIX counties of lhi8 District woich I f eig j ont was noted for his kindness as a nurse, and have expressed any preference, flfO—Clarke, I the soothing manner of his treatment when attending Jackson, Gwinnett, Franklin and Gilmer-1 ^•^i:^ ff ;t r ^.ppro^h\^hT r ?om hV/ have declared In tavorof Hill; and Foreyth | side of the sick. has declared in favor Ol Hon. H. P. Bell. I During the last stages of his illness, he, knowing udMiaidin i ir , I that he soon must pass away, was much concerned, and This leaves Madison, Hall, Banks, Hauer-1 V9T y desirous in reference to dying grace. His minis* sham Rabun, Towns. Union, Fannin, White, I ter tola him h. would need no dyiug until * * . , j %» _ . I oame to_takp him away, and then the Lord would Dawson, Lumpkin, Pickens and Morgan to I ^hundandy supply him. This seemed to afford him hoar from I comfort In contemplating death. Forsometimeprevi 1 mm r 7 f r 1 Me deatb,ho seemed dcsirous(as did the Apostle) _ v s art apd be at rest, though at all times be appear- tbo citizens of Haborsham, at Clarkesville, to- I ad to'be entirely submDsive to the will of God, and , D.K.,™ Prij,. I when death sore enough, God’s xrece was snf- day, and tbo people of Rabun onr nday. | g c j aat f #r jj, leaned his dying bead, as it were, on tbo broaat of Jesus, nod breathed his life cot calmly there, leering a bright evidence that the immortal tenant, the happy southed winged its way to the Para dise of God. “ Bobold a pilgrim as bo dies. With glory in bis view ! To hoaron ha lifts his longing eyes, And bids the world adieu. While friends sre weeping at bis death, And loth to let him ge, He shoots with his exhausted breath, And leaves thsm all below." A.V. W Bowersville, Hart co., Ga.,Feb. 1,1875. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, Williaus Lodge, No. 15,1. O. O. F., Athens, Ga., March 8,1875. Whereas, in the inscrutable workings of a Divine Providence, one link has been broken in tho chain of our mystical brotherhood, and we are called upon to mouro the lose of our worthy brother, P. V. G. Jae P. Dorsey ; and whereas, we feel called upon to render some tribute to the memory of our worthy brother., Therefore. , . ^ „ Resolved. That In the death ot brother Dor sey Williams Lodge has lost one of ita most useful and energetic members, his family a fond loving husband and father, and tbe com In Kemoriam. Died, on Mareh Stb, in Athens, Gn., Mr. ALrun Gn.xr, aged 67 yeera. , " t --- . I It is unnecessary to say more, for in this muuity a generous-hearted and publio-eptrited I Botie , w , eannot hop , t0 C0DT ., , j a „ idea of his Citizen, I many exeellsasies of ohsraetsr to iboso who did not Resolved, That we tender to tbe bereaved I Know him, and those who knew him well need no family aud relatives of onr deceased brother I .elegy t« increase tMlr esteem and admiration, heartfeltsvmpatby of every member of our I Ooraoqaaintanee with tho subject of this memo uttuiti I H I »k a nqn .| hiitm nl I sxtended only through n few ebort years. Tet, it Lodge and that we wear tbe usaainadge 01 1 lhat bmf t ime, onr »sooiations were such ns to im mourning for tbe space of tnirty Oay$. I »us one* same phasae of his eharttetor. which, per llcsolvcd. That a copy or tuese resolutions I i lt p gf would have escaped the notice of tho** lest in be forwarded to tbe family of oor deceased | dmatelj associated with him brother, under seal of the Lodge, and that a copy of the same be furnished each of tbe c!t> nap*re, with a request that they publish thr Same. R- T. Pittard, ' H. Beusse, E. J. Christy, Com. We have never known a men of kinder eympathiee ,r purer motives, and his patienea under the severest .Diction was most remarkable. With a soul fall otgeneroaeimpulies.hlilifewieai wa would naturally expect—a oo«t coed axpreseion •f good-w'll and eoneidnrata regard for every one.— And area daring the fbw moo tbs preceding his death, 22,173 Cash Gifts, amounting to -.$1,000,000 NUMBER of TICKETS, lOO.OOO. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $20.00 Halves 10.00 Quarters 5.00 Eighths, or each Coupon 2.5 n 5J Tickets for - 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane Association, char tered by the Legislature of Virginia and tbe irenit Court of Orange co, proposes, by a Grand Gift Con ceit, to ostablish and endow a “ Home for the Old, In firm and Destitute Ladie9 of Virginia,” at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madison. Goverkor’s Ornce, Ricrhond, Juiy 3,1S74. It affords ue pleasure to say that lam well acquaint ed with a large majority of the officers of the Montpe Iter Female numane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence, and their worth and high reputation u gentlemen, as well as tho public confidence, influence and substan tial means liberally represented amoDg them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Alrxaxdri*, Va., July 8, 1874-—* • • I com mend them as gents of honor and integrity, and fully entitled to tho confidence of the pnblie. • • • . R. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge East’n Diet. Va. Farther references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Withers, Lieutenant Gov. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by Express, prepaid, Post Office Money-Order on Washington, D. C„ or by Registered Letter. For full partienlers, testimonials, <£-c., send for Cir cular. Address, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR, Pres’t M. F. H., Alexandria, Va. Reliable Agents wanted every where. novI8 4t Pain of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Month, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,Inflam mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painfnl symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walkers Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate aud intractable oases. For Iullaiumatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—-Persona en gaged in Paints nnd Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance iu life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker’s Vin egar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rlieum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system iu a short time by the use of these Bitters. Fin,- Tape, aud other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No Bys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- lninities, will freo the system from worms liko these Bitters. For Female Complaiuts, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wom anhood or tho turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval For this purpose use Vinegar Bit ters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its imparities bursting through the «kin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; oleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is t Jmi- - ■*'i Th* Distributing Office of tho MMWMMNECr Has boon removad to thhHsw Brick Htrflfibg’in ON CLAYTON STREET,- I Adjoining th© Lester Block, corner of Colh and Clayton Street. • * * . x - ■ v - |Tifl Roofing! IM BOdli SHINGLE ROOFING H i T h* nndsrsign*d ore prepored to take s*atract* fo'r any of th* above kind* of roofing *t short node*- I Old shingl* Roofs taken off, shoathad and raplacad with tin oraheat Iron with th* greatest dlipa'tdtk. Any kind of roaf rapnirad and painted. Parties I WMMMff any of the above work dona would do well-to *pU qp a* for prices, ate., etc. Tin cuttcrin Febl7 3m D M. T 1 I Shop on Clayton street, rear Talma :—r—r r—r ' m*t C. B. Veronee, 1 . '« <Tj- • s ffr. .:o uol Practical Slate Sc Tin Roofer, Gutierer,drc 1 ATHENS, GA. ■ . A. .,f. ,sZd Plain and Ornamental Slate as cheap as Tin!.)'. <1 <• A LL work done at the lowest ratos and in tbe belt manner. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attend- I od to. 1 Work done in Athens for Dr. Lipscomb, Y.L. G. Harris, Mr. Snmmej and man; other* four year*ago, I and no complaint yet. -AIL work warranted. Order* I addressed as above will reoeive prompt attention. | Athena,Feb 17 tf T » ~ f Notice in Bankruptcy, n I N thepifltriet Coart of tho United States^Nortbem District of Georgia—In Bankruptoy, in the matter I of J. M. Whitley, bankrupt. I To whom it may eoncero : The nnderatgued hara- I by gives notice of hie appointment as Assign** of J. I M. Whitley, of tbe eonaty of W.lten, $fRte of Gttf- I gia, within esid District, who has been. adjudged n | Bankrupt, upon his own petition,by (h* District Court | of said District. Dated Oet. lltb, 1874. fob’.7 A. 8, FLORENCE, Assignee. CITYLOTS for SALE. F OR sal*, 79 lots, located on the estate of Dr. B.'ft. Ware, known ae the Joel Hurt plot. Said plot can be seen at the Bank of the University. -r i ■, if For terms, Ao., apply to Prof. L. H. Charbonnler, at bis residence, or at bis office in the University, 3d story Libary building. ■ - l DoeS THOS. G. BARRETT, Exfi*| MEW LAW FIRM. I HAVE associated with me, in the praetice of law, L. W. THOMAS, Esq., a young gentleman of of}- logiate education, and a graduate of the University Law School, of Georgia, whom I regard as a’gentle man of fine ability, good moral character and -great energy. And under the firm name of JACKSON k THOMAS, (office at Athens. Ga.,) wo propose to prae tice in all the courts within our reach, except the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county. I hope, by prompt attention to business, the firm will he liberally patronised. <lec23 ASA M. JACKSON. ■Is LOOK SHARP! iL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or account, are earnestly requested to como for ward at once and settle up Tho accounts of all who fail to do so will be placed in the hands of an of- i ficer for collection. i- r ; r n;.*1 uar3—lm. ,A.S. DORSEY. Adjourned Court. Jeppersom, Juckson Co., G& , Feb. 22d. 1875. I N accordance with an order of the Hon George JD. L Rice, Judge of tbe Superior Courts o»' the Western 'ircuit of Georgia, the regular term *»f Jsnhvon Snpe- I rior Court, which was to bo hold on the fourth Monday »n February, 1875, (in consequ.iteo of tho illness«»f the Judge) stands adjourned t«» the second Monday in June next. Parties. Witnesses, Jurors, nnd all con- | earned, will take notice and attend said Court, ontte xocond Monday in June, 1875. j , , Witness, my band and official signature. mar3—2t T. H. NIBT.ACRv Clerk S. O. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK 1N.THE CITSt. R. H. LAMPEIN, J A T his establishment on Wall street, (a few uoors from Broad) is now offering a large stock of I Pure Wines and Liquors, j At wholesale or retail, as cheap or cheaper xkali they san he bought at any ether establishment in this ^y. His assortment embraces all qualities, from ordi- I nary to the ▼ery best. Purchasers are invited to ’call and examine For | themselves. r /. •••flj.vv WM* BRADLEY’S l«!IJ il TO THE PUBLIC. DO not sell Goods on credit, but for the CASH, will give you 10 lb. of SUGAR for $ 1.00 4J lbs of COFFER for 1.00 5 lbs of CHEESE for 1.00 100 lbs of BACON for. 12.00 100 lbs of FLOUR for 3.50 A kit of MACKEREL for 1.50 And every thing else usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, equally as cheap. Just received, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Confectioneries, Candies, Malaga Crapes, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BOOTS, SHOW, HATS, Clothing, Dry Goods, &e. When I say CASH, I mean the MONEY, not 44 in a day or two,” nor 44 thirty days,” hut my motto is, “ Here’s your Goods; give me your Money.” Call and see me, Broad street, next door to Snead A Co's Shoe store. jan20 N. E. RHODES. foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, aud tho health of the system wiU follow. It. II. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists 61111I General Agents, Sou Francisco, California ami cor. Waahiu£tou and Charlton Sts., New York. Sold by nil Druggists aud Dealers- OcjobcrM.l 874—1 y HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or DebilitatedP Are you so Languid that any oxortion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Patent SierMate «loi; ^.i.iuisl 1 T HE undersigned offer this excellent and well proved Fertiliser to Planters at the folio: | rstes: HfP- wlng 1)1141 Cash, per Ton, $50. Time, per Ton* GO. 1 • -of » »»u.. .- . Atn CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, FOB CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Wo aro now offering, at very low prices, our Brussels, Three-Plys and Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES, Lace Currains and Cornices, DAMASKS, REPS & TERRYS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, Cocoa and Canton Mattings, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS, Rugs and Door Mats. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., feblO 905 Broad street, AnguHta. Ga Then try JURUBEBA, the wonderful tonio and in-1 And will allow 15 cents per pound for ootten deliyer- I vigorator, which acts so beneficially on the secretive I od on or before the 1st of November, organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholio appetizer, which stimulate* for a short time, only to let tbe sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, hut it is a vegetable tonic, acting directly | on the liverand spleen. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives I such a healthy tono to tho whole system as to soon make tho invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but ie characterised t>y great gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden I chango, no marked results, hut gradually his troubles | 44 Fold their tents, liko tbo Arabs, And silently steal away.” This is no new and untried discovery, hut has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pro nounced by the highest medical authorities, 44 the most powerful tonic and alterative known ' Ask your druggist for it. For sale bv WM. F. KIDDER k CO.. New York. HUNTER & BEUSSE. SOLUBLE PACIFIC Cil t\0 AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, For Composting with Colton Seed. DRY GOODS On Most favorable Terms. F. W. LUCAS I S now opening a new and elegant stock of Goods | bought low and offered low to cash and prompt pay ing customers. Large lot of Gentlemen** and Boy’s Woollens. Extra quality English, French and German Suitings. Plain and Fig’d Beavers, in all qualities. Corded, Diagonal and Basket Beavcrr, Faney Cas- simeres, Black Doeskins, Black and Col’d Broadcloths, ANALYSIS. ■ u Attention is celled to the following analyst* of this popular Fertiliser, by Prof. White: . . .u UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAN 1 LaBonxTynv of Applied Cnufiinrr, > Athens, January 28,187$, j Analysis oj a sample of “ BJlADLf!Y’S PATENT SUPERPHOSPHATE,” brlon<j\u<j to Mettrw.Mis ter A Beusse, of Athene, On., received from G. W. Mason, Inspector Clarke county, Jan, 25, 18757 Moisture (del. at 212° F) 15.837 Volatile and Organio Matter 34.671 Containing Nitrogen 2.592 ’ Yielding Ammonia .3.147 Phosphoric Acid, soluble in water 6.772 Equivalent to Superphoephate of Lime...9.5!2 Equivalent to Bone Phosphate of Lime... 12.65fl Insoluble (and ” reduced”) Phosphoric Acid 4.699 j Equivalent to Bone Phoephate of Lime... 10.268 "■■■■■ ..544 79.440 [ Sand and Clay Undetermined Matters................. A....... Mechanical condition of sample, very good. feb3—2m ‘ 109.094 dition of sample, very good. H. C. WHITE, Prof. Chemistry. PROSPECTUS. •' * 'A Georgia University Magazine. meres, Black Doeskins, Black and Col d Broadcloth*. 1 Pablieked be the Demoetkenian and Pki Kappa Societies. Wool Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, H.lf-Hose, Cra- | j,h K pr „. eat itu d eo u of th. Uulr.r.itfof Georgia. vats, iu great variety Flannels, Shawls, Blankets, Woollen Skirts READY-MADE CLOTHIFG. Ladies’ Dress Goods in all new styles, Black Silks, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Express Cloths, BrillWntines, Tamise and Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Bead and Bugle Trimmed Belts and Bead and Bugle Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Needle-Work, Ruffling*, Fluting*, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. having determined to resume the publication of the college paper which was once so ably mantsined by their predecessors, but which for the past few years has been suspended, will issue, towards ttys lat ter part of Febuary, the first number of their period ical, under the title of the Georgia Dsiversitt Mag Asm. It will be iszued monthly, and will contain, abont FeMone'from'a diatate*Vre*invU»d"to or.min. tb. | N ° stock, and orders are solicited, Srecial attention is called to our Tailoring Depart | ment and Merchant Tailor’s Goods. aeptSO pains willbe spared to bring it up to that standard whieh the high position of oar Universitv among the educational institutions THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO I S now so well known for its remarkable effects as an agency for increas ing the products of labor, as not to require especial commendation from us. Its use, for ten years past, has established its character for Reliable Excellence. The large, fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. CASH PRICE: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $50.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, * 38.00 TIME PRICE, Without Interest, and option of paying in Middling Cotton, delivered at Athens Depot, by Nov. 1st, at Fifteen Cents per pound: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $60.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 45 janiT—2s» J. C. PITNER & CO., Agents, Athens of the South would seem to gnarantee, Tfia Sociatiae i will be assisted by oeeasional articles fr'6m oqr abl* Faculty and from th* dlamond-polnfad -pan *f Kx- | Chancellor A. A. Linconn. ; i.\ .1 Maintained as this Magagina wilt bo,. not only for [ tho purpose of training the students in the art broom- position, bat also with h view of plating fc.fota th* pnblio a periodical worthy of tbair notice, wa think it peculiarly entitled to tho favorable coasldaration both of the present patron* of th* Unlveralty and of tha State at largo. Published beneath the protecting car* of onr Alma Mater, w* trust that her haaorod Aasm.l will at onco manifest their approval and appreciation by subscribing to the Maraifne. Onr articles will be titefaty iiT character— pMtlcal and sectarian mstter being eicludcflfc'^WnWilleo- deavAr to make Onr pages reflect the wigVTfyVl tint tha maturity, of ago. Sabaariptioaa tar tbe remain dag of tkflMfli, ending August 5th, will he $1.50, incdriahli tnkidkee. All funds most ha forwarded t* the Bnsineu $!»*- lagan. . M Trusting that tb* laudability o« onr undertaking ICHILDS, NICKERSON & C0.,|Si“5r,”bi”.'i71A‘ i ““7 GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, maySl Agents, Albans, Ga. FOR SALE, on I GEVERAL superior bnilding lots, being a part of • uu O tha lot known as the Baxter place. Applv to Dr. M. 8. DURHAM, or . ) angtv—tf J-8. WILLIFORD. 1 Moat respectfully, • S.Q. McLENDON, Term Editor. Ateielant Editor*.—Dem.ethenian Society: P. A. Stovall, John C. Hart. Phi Kappa Society: Wm.H. Fleming, F. R. Clarke. Ratio***Managers.—H. H. Gordon, D. W. Rountree. LEGAL BLANKS, - A FULL..ppl, ‘^.6n bandit tho N Yaaafikc ians utca Causes a ~ ».t))^$tnQ fi hi.) •