The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 17, 1875, Image 4

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m Pertinent Question for the Southern Farmer. Dr. Daniel Lee thus puts the question ot meat production before the people ot the South: >u , Twice the corn forego will grow on an acre io the climate of Georgia that can be rawed in England or Holland in one year. ~ ' t bands of a wise farmer, if corn lor* .in dont mean meat, what do We want our friends to ion pare the productive forces of the cotton ■one with an average fall of rain of some forty-five inches, with those of Central Europe, with an average rainfall of twen. ty-two and a half inches, and a temper ature that will do about half of the grow tog part of a crop of cotton. The organ ization power of the land, and people who iutrodueedroot culture into England some eenturios past, is small compared with ours. The force that makes a bale of cot ton on an aore can perform the exact equivalent in the growth of wool, matton, horse flesh, cheese or beef. Agricultural force is as endnringas time and as reliable as the multiplication table. Why not put more oftbis force into grass, meat and •ther provisions for foreign consumption ? Why perpetuate a wilderness in the South and call It peaoor ATHENS Labor.—It is a mistako to suppose that labor is an unpleasant condition of life It is a matter of experience that there is more contentment in attending to any kind of occupation than there is in looking for some occupation. Attend, therefore, to vour business, and regard your business as being worthy of all your attention. Working men are apt to consider that their occupations alone are laborious, but in that matter they are mistaken. Labor of mind is generally even more fatiguing than labor of the body, and it is quite erroneous to supposo that others do not work as well as we do, simply because their work is different from ours. Labor is the earthly condition of man and until the naiuro of man is changed, the want of something to do will produce all the horrors of ennui. Gambling and other reprehensible dissipations are all ow ing to the fact that human nature cannot support a state of idleness. To livo with out a purpose is to lead a very restless life. OAtbeas* ©a,0 GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORE, SMITHING St REPAIRING Having an extensive collection of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MININC & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Saw Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill Spindles, Hoisting Scretcs, Lighter Screws, Battle Staffs, Mill Cranks, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stamping Mills. Cotton Seed Crashers, etc., etc., etc. Muafiotnre, and are Agents for, the most approved Turbine Water Wheels. Brooks’ Patent Port able Eevolnng and Colt's celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Balconies, Ac., Ac. Thankful for put patronage, solicit a continuance of the aame. From the nature of our basinets, we are compelled to mako our torms STJtICTL Y CASH. Address. R NICKERSON, Agent and Sup't. Mill Findings furnished at Manufacturer** WALTON COUNTY. EORGIA, Walton county... vX Ordioary’s Office, Me rob Sth, 187S. Robert A. Johnston has applied for exemption of ersonalty, and I will pass upon the same at IX o’clock (., on the 28th day of Match. 18TS. at my office. marlO THOS. GILES, Ordinary. TXT ALTON Sheriff’s Sate,.. V V Will ba sold, before the court house door in the town of Menroe, between tbe legal boora of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, tho following pro perty, to-wit: One yoke of oxen, one hnndred bnsbela of ootton teed, more or less, twenty-fire bnshelt of corn, more or less, fire hundred pounds of fodder, more or lest, and one pen of shocks. Leried on as the property of Wileon Anglin, to eatisfy a distress warrant issued from the Jnstiee’sCourtfor the 503d district G M, in farorof James P Starr rs Wilson Anglin. mat3 $5 W. S. IVEY, D. Sh’ff. rACKSON Sheriff’s Sale. I Will ba told, on the first Tuesday in April naxt, before the court house door, in Jefferson, Jackson co., Ga., within the legal hoars of sale, the following pro- >erty, to-wit: Three hundred aeres of land, more or ess, en the waters of Oconee river, adjoining lands ol Cook, Thurmond and others. Said land is tolerably well improved, with some sixty acres of eleared land, mostly fresh. Levied on as the property of the de fendant, N. Rooks, by virtue of a ft fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, James B. Randolph, exeeutor, Ac., vs. Nathaniel Rooks. Property point ed ont by plaintiff. Notioe served on defendant, as the law directs, February 27th, 1875. M»rlO J. S. HUNTER, Sheriff. fTEORGIA, Walton county. vX Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, 1875. Whereas, Calvin G Nowell and Sarah H Sheats, executors of Benajah S Sheata, deceased, late of laid county, petition this Court for a dUcharge from (aid trust— This is therefore to cite all persona concerned to show cause, if any they have, at the June term next of this Court, why letters of diamiasion of anch executorship should not be granted said applicants. By order or the Coart, Febraary 1st, 1875. marS ?5 THOS. GILES, Ord'y. prices. TDXECUTOR’S Sale. JJj Pursuant to the last will of Richard F Breed love, late of Walton county. Ga, deceased, I will sell at public out-cry, before the court house door, in the town of Monroe, on the first Tuesday in April nexi, within the legal hoars of sale, a part of lot No. 201. in tbe 3d District of Walton conuty. mar3 JOHNSON F. VERNER, Ex’r. Garden Seed. CABBAGE, BEET, CUCUMBER, Bean, Pea, Bait, Onion, k FLOWER SEED, A fine variety. " Clover Seed, Orchard, Bine, Herds and Hungarian JACKSON COUNTY. O.EORGIA, Jackson countv. vX Thomas H Niblaak, administrator, do bonis non* of Thomas L Brown, deceased, having filed hit application showing that he has fully administered the estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed from said administration— Therefore, all persona are hereby notified and requi- ed to show canse, if any they can, on or before the 1st Monday in June next, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinaay, to be held in and for said county of Jackson, why said administrator should not be dis charged, and letters of dismission granted in terms of the law. Given under my official signature this March 1st, 1875. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. /'"X EORGIA, Jackson county. VA Whereas, J P Hudson makes application, in proper form, for the Guardianship of S G Martin, minor orphan of G W Martin— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of March, 1875. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. VX7"ALT0N Sheriff’s Sale. V V Will be sold, before tho court house door in the town of Monroe, Walton county, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, to wit: Sixty-two and a half acres of land, more or less, in the northeast corner of land lot No 144, in tho 4th district of Walton county Levied on as the property of Henry W. Shelnntt, under and by virtue of one ex ecution issued from a Justice** Court, held in and for tbe 416th district G. M. of said county, in favor ot Thomas O’Kelley vs. J. C. Cooper principal and Henry W. Shelnutt security. Levy made and returned to me by Benjamin Knight, L. C. Feb24 $5. J. M. AMMONS, Sh’ff. Wchavo a large lot of Buist’s, Ferry’s and Johnson k Robbins’ Seed, which we offer to the trade and fam ilies very low. All our Sood are fresh. LONGS k BTLLUPS, jan27 Broad street, Athens, Ga. Farmer’s Boys. During a friendly conversation with a popular agricultural lecturer, we asked how ho could leave bis largo farm and devote so much timo to attending farmers’ mootings.—His answer was, “Oh, I have ffi son, and I made a farmer of him." In answer to the question “flow did you d it - /’’ bo said, “ Oh, that was easy enough When he was sixteen years old 1 took him into partnership with me in tbo management of tho (arm. 1 put my cup- ital against his work, and tbe arrangement has proved quite satisfactory all round.’’ How many old men there are scattered over the bills of New England who in tbeir declining years, are now sighing because they havo not a boy left to help run the old furra, and who, if they bad adopted tbo course of our considerate friend in tbe management of his boy, would have had no trouble of that kind now. It seems as if farmers aro different in this respect from men engaged in other occu pations. If a merchant or manufacturer has sons growing up, it seems to bo his ambition to koep the business in thofumily and as soon as a boy is out of school if be is any way promising tbe sign over tbe door comes out with “ & Son" at tbe end of it and tbe books aro changed from Brown or Smith to Brown & Son, or Smith & Sod. Now, business men havo found that this is tbo way to make tbeir boys take an interest in their occupation. It is not unusual to find firms where the family name with“& Sons” attached bas gone down through several generations without change. If this system works well among busi ness men, why should it not on tbo iurm ? It would oertainly oblige farmers to man age tbeir business in a more business like manner. Once a year, at least, it weald be necessary to take account of stock, a practice that should be adopted on every Mkrm, just as mnch as in a factory or a store. We grumble and complain that farming does not pay very well, but we cannot tell just how well it doos pay, nor just which branches of it does pay nor wi.:oh do not. Our boys are ambitious and if they are lacking in experience, it •ay be they have more enterprise than their fathers. We, all of ns, find it easy . .to settle into rats that we ourselves have made, and it is not impossible that there are belter roads to travel iD, and that oar boys will be tbe first to discover them We believe there are thousands of farmers' boys who are now considering tbe great question 14 what to do fora living,” who, it they could be encouraged by having an interest in tbo management and income of tbeir father’s farm, would gladly remain ou tbe old homestead, a comfort to tbeir parents in tbeir declining years, and credit totho town in wbich tboy may reside. Chicken cholera is caused Dy se.cral things. Damp, unclean quarters, impure water, or a scarcity of water, indigestion produced from want of gravel, overfeeding or unwholesome food and too much con finement, will each and all produce it. Tbe removal of tbe cause is tbe first remedy the next is to give half a teaspoonful of castor oil, followed by a pill of castile soap and black poper, several times a day with, boiled sweet milk and bread for feed, and elean water in which a little copperas bas been dissolved, for drink. Prevention con sists in close attentiou to tbe welfaroofthe fowls, and the occasional use of all these remedies. ' Tbe largest yield of a single cow that is perfectly reliable, and well authenticated is tbst of an animal kept at iho jail at Le wes, England. In eight consecutive years she gave 9,720 gallooa, or an average ol more than 1,210 gallons a year. She was milked 328 days one year and gave 1,230 gallons, which made 540 pounds of butter or at the rate of one pound of butter from twenty-two pounds of milk. It must bo apparent that tbe proportion of batter will vary not only with the breed but with tbe season of tbe year. Tbo milk of the Ayrshire cow is generally rich •r io butter than that of tbe Shorthorn, bat not so rich as that of the Jersey or tbs Brittany. Tbe best returns of batter ■rs generally got late io summer or early la tbe Ml, September and October. Family Groceries. r. rTsaulter C ALLS the attention of hie friends and the 4 ‘ rest of mankind” to tho fact that he will keep on hand a fresh assortment of Family Supplies, With a fine quality of COOKINC WINE, Either in bottles or on draught. Also, the best of BRANDIES, WHISKIES, RUM, Gin, Ale, Lager Beer, CIGARS & TOBACCO. P* Country dealers supplied at low figures, at HOLBROOK’S CORNER, janS Near Northeastern Depot, Athens,Ga. Tho undersigned is now prepared to famish MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES Or anything in the Marble or IRON-RAILING line, at short notice. I have quite a number of NEW DESIGNS or Patterns, which can be seen by apply, ng to Nov30—tf J R. CRANE. /'ll EORGIA, Jackson county. VJT Whereas, Robert Morris, administrator of the estate of James Morris, deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the administra tion of said estate, alleging that be has fully ad ministered the same— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in June next, why said adminis trator should not be discharged and said letters grant ed as prayed for by tbe applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of March, 1875. marlO W. C. HOW ARD, Ord’y AHEAP OF ALL OTHERS l JO HIST MEERYMAN & CO.’S Ammoniated Dissolved BONES! The Great Colton Grower! Composed of PURE BONE, dissolved in Sulphuric Acid, and the best Ammoniacal material. T HE high standard and uniform quality of the Ammoniated is guaran teed, and, as an assurance, we append the analysis of Prof. White, of ot the Georgia Agricultural College. Tho Reports give the analyses of twenty-two different articles, the Ammoniated being the highest and having the greatest com mercial value. . . , „ We warrant every bag or barrel to contain by analysis, tbe standard of fertilizing prop erties, and to secure this rosult one of our firm superintends in person every detail of its manufacture. By comparison of analysis of the Ammoni- ated, with thoso of other fertilizers, it will be seen that 100 pounds is equal to from 150 to x.■»,„ v „ , 400 pounds of most ol the articles offered the pianterVand we"challenge manufacturers to show the results so invarably sucsessful as can be shown from its use. The Ammoniated is in fine, dry condition, and can be applied in any qnanlity per acre, however small Packed in bags of the uniform weight of 167 lbs., or barrels of about 250 lbs, each JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Baltimore. jgy-For salo by CENTER & REAVES, Athens, who now have an ample supply on hand. Also, a good supply of ACID PHOSPHATE F |,|>3 ffi ARRIVED |NE carload Now Orlccns SYRUP O N«. cr loan «ow Orleras SYRUP One car load Now Orleans SUGAR A good supply of new M ACKERUr m CENTER 4 REAVES. Analysis by Prof. White. Moisture and volatile matter, 56 21 Non-volatile matter 43.79 Sand and Clay 4 61 Phosphoric Acid.saluble in water, 9 77 Reduced Phosphoric Acid .1.69 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid 1-69 Nitrogen (=3.45 Ammonia) 2.82 WALTON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. Y V Will be sold, bofore the court house door in the town of Monroe, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following proper ty, to-wit: 1 walnut bureau, with marble top and mirror, 1 glass lamp, with marble bottom, 1 brass fire-fender, 2 pair of andirons, 2 pair of window curtains and cornices, 2 window shades, 2 pair of tongs and 1 shovel, 1 three- ply carpet, 1 woollen carpet, 2 rugs, 12 ohairs, several broken, 2 pair wiudow shades, l large hall lamp and fixtures, 1 mahogany washstand,l pair window shades, 1 small glass lamp, 2 tin lard cans, 1 pair old eounter scales and weig< ts, 4 bins, 1 lot bottles, 2 pair sheep shears, 2 weaver’s sleys, 1 lot shuttles and temple, 1 foot-pan, 2 wash bowls, 1 old half-bushel measure, 1 cooking stove and fixtures, 2 largo demijohns, 1 syrup boiler, 1 lot old barrels, 4 small kegs, 1 lot old spades, l tin vessel for making cakes, 3 boxes window glass, some broken, 1 pair old swifts, part of an old wheel barrow, 1 traveler’s extension bucket, 1 old earthen toa pot, 1 pair old waffle irons, 1 lot hoop iron, 1 small laddbr with hooks, 1 wooden churn, 1 iron wedge, 1 lot jars, 1 lot jugs, some broken, 2 tin sprinklers, 1 grind stone, 1 old broken buggy, 1 old side-saddle, l broad axe, 1 broken cross-cut saw, 1 plow stock, 3 ladders, 1 cotton gin and rubber belt, t lot hogsheads, I lot boxes, 1 log chain, 1 small brass lamp, 1 lot books, 1 o crooked mill ssw, 1 lot boxes, 1 set cutting knives, old wheat fans. 1 weaver’s loom, part of an oldcotton gin, 1 lot old irons, 1 frower, 1 pair old cart wheel hubs and tire, 1 rifle gun, shot bag and powder horn l single-barrel shot gun. All levied on as the pro perty of John B Sorrells, under aud by virtue of one execution issued from Walton Superior Court, in favor of Charles L Hayes vs John B SoTrells. feb3 $20 J. M. AMMONS, D. Sh’ff. 1STew Book. AT BURKE’S BOOKSTORE TACK HARKAWAY’S School Du J3 ’ J The Scape-grace at School. 75* ' JOc- Jack B.rkoway After School Dm, 75, v The Scape-grace at Sea. 75 c oc - Jack Harkuway at OxforJ. 75o The Scape-grace of London. 75. n. Strongbow, the Roy Chief. 50c Rupert Godwin, by Miss Rraddo'n on The Lady's Mite, bv Miss Brad 1 ' Only . Clod,by MiX'd®:,‘''Toe 5 °'- The Lady Lisle, hj Mies Braddon 50c East Lynne; or the Earl's Daughter Castle Wafer; or the Plain Gold Gervaee Castonel; or Six Urev 1* The Heir to Ashley. 75c. ° Wller> ’ 25c - Tbe Diary of a Detective Police f)ir„.„. -- With.n an Inch of His Life. 75c Tho Clique of Gold 75c. Squire Arden, by Mrs 01i|>har,t. 75 c Lorna Douno, a Romance of Exuiser J- Linley Rocheford,by .fustiu McCanhv" Losing to Win. A Novel. $| •' *'■ Nust's illustrated Almanac. 25 c Josh Billings' Almfnax. 25e. With many others, for sale at noT25 BURKE’S BOOKSTORE J ACKSON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next t before the court house door in Jefferson, Jackson co, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Consisting of Hats,Shoes, Prints, Ribbons, Jewelry, ready-made Clothing. Drugs and Medicines, Hard- ware, Crockery, Shawls, Notions, and all other arti cles of merchandize belonging to and embraced in the stock of goods contained in the store-room occupied recently by W B Stockton, in the Webb bouse, in the town of Jefferson, and all the store accounts, account books and notes of W B Stockton, acquired by him since tbe 13th day of Jnnuary, 1875. Levied on as the property of W B Stockton, described in a certain indenture of mortgage, bearing date on the 13th day of January, 1875, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from tbo Superior Court of said county—P F Lamar vs W B Stockton. Property pointed out in said fi fa. mar3 $15 J. S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. TACKSON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. tJ Will be sold, before the court house door in the town efJeffer8on, within tho legal hours of sale, the following propcitv, to-wit: One bay horse, four years old. Levied on by vir tue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of J R k L C Matthews vs Jesse Hull. Property pointed out in said fi fa. mar3 W. A. WORSHAM, D. Sh’ff. NEW FALL GOODS. CESNTTBR. *fc R.EJAVESS HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and haif Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bales OSNABURGS. Also, a good assortment of Pall Prints, BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, Hats, Boots &. Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Also, a general assortment of A MILD APPARIENT AND TaVE, recommended lor the cur of the stomach, liver atm b>>we use much sickness is prevented eats have proven them to he tbe F-N’TI.1: PUR UA . afegt, heat of all the pills ever offered to the nubile Th" purify the blond, remove all corruption, a.d'rwaj the diseased system to perfect health \§ \\ AN TIDOTE TO CHILLS AND FEY HR ihey bare,,'’ equal. FOR DYSPEPSl A Til KY ARK \ SPECIFIC FORSICK HEADACHE AND IULI.loi s COlfr they are a sure cure. FOR CONSTIPATION KIHT MATISM. PILES. PALPITATION OF TllE HEm PAIN IN THE SIDE, RACK AND LOIN’S. SER VOUSNESS, a positive remedy. FOR FEMALF IP REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. Wfcea one does not feel “very well.” a single di.-e stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and i m parts vigor to tbe system. Sold every where. 18 Muigay Street, New York. DR. TUTT’S HAIR ML eaiily applied, imparts a beautiful black or bro» D ard acts like magic. The beat in the world. Sold bv all druggists. Price $1.00 a box. p EORGIA, Walton county. V3T Whereas, Nancy A C Davenport, late of said county, deceased, departed this life intestate, leaving a considerable estate, both real and personal, and no person has applied for administration thereon ; that on account of such failure to apply, considerable loss and injury may happen to the creditors and heirs of said deceased— Therefore, all and singular, the next of kin and cre ditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admon ished to show cause, if any they have, at the March term next of this Court, why administration on the estate of said deceased should not be vested in the Clerk ol tbe Superior Court of said county, or some other fit and proper person. Given under my hand, officially, Jan 30, 1875. feb3 $6 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. EORGIA, Jackson county. VJT Whereas, W J Roberts applies to mein proper form for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Matthew M Hanes, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in March next, why said letters should not be granted, as prayed for, to the applict nt. Given under my offioial signature. Jan 15, 1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, Wm E Cheeley makes application for letters of administration on the estate of 8arah Ann Cheeley, late of said county, deceased— Therefoie, all persons concerned are hereby notified and reqoired to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in March next, why said letters should not be granted, as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature, Jan 8, 1875. jan20 $4 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. p EORGIA, Walton county. \JT Court of Ordinary, November Term, 1874. Whereas, Augustus L Sluder, administrator upon tbe estate of John Ramsey, late of said county, dec’d, petitions this Coart for a discharge from said admin istration— This is, theiefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, why said Augustus L Sluder should not be discharged from tbe administration aforesaid at the March term next (1875) of this Court. By order of the Court, November 2d, 1874. dec2 THOS. GILES. Ord’y. IHEORGIA, Jackson county. JT Whereas, Charles F Hardy, administrator of the estate of Riley Maxwell, late of said county, dec’d, represents to the Court by his petition, properly filed, that he has fully administered said estate, and desires letters dismissory— Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said administrator should not be discharged and letters of dismission, as prayed for, granted. Given under my official signature, this Jan 5, 1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. T HIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to con tain a single partiole of Mercury, or any injuri ous mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing 'hose Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liv er Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases cadsed by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour ot suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors’ bills. After over forty years’ trial it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from per sons of the highest character and responsibility. Em inent physicians commend it as the most Effectual Specific Tor Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with tbi, ANTIDOTE, ellclimxtes andebanges of water and food may bo faced without fear. A« a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COM PLAINTS,RESTLESSNESS, JA UN DICE,NAUSEA, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It U tbe Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in tbe World! Ia manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price, ti. Sold by all Druggists. jnnalO FIRST-CLASS. T HE public would do well to call at tbe shop of the undersigned, where all kinds of BABBEBING, HAER-DEtSSING, &c. Is done in the best style of tbe art. Come, and be convinced. dec® DAVIS k SAPP. MADISON 00UNTY. GeneralTicket Agency. RAILROAD TICKETS for tale, by •» »■*•«. *® * u principal P«‘»tc •» the United States. Baj your Ticket, bofora loariag Athan«, and get all Information from wu . wnL UMB, Agent Southern Kipreu Co., Atbon,, Ga. mayS> F0S COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells’ Carbolic Tablets POT OP ONLY IN BLira.BSfrw A emu WOODY’ A ,TOL ,BWly *"vatohkah omos. fp Draggit ti. G EORGIA, Madison County. Whereas, Rnfus M. Meroney and John N. Montgomery, Executors of R. W. Pruitt, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court that they have fully discharged said trust, and pray the Court to grant them letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to cite all concerned to be at my office on the first Monday in June next, to show why said letters should not be granted as prayed for. Or dinary’s Office, March 1st. 1875. MarchlO GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord*j. CLARKE COUNTY. pi EORGIA, Madison County. IjT Whereat, James P. llall. Administrator of Wm. Hall, deoeased, repreaenta to tbe Court that be hat fully administered taid estate in terma of tbe law— Tbia ia, tberafore, to cite all concerned to be at my office, on tbe first Monday in June next, to show why said James P. Hall should not bo dismissed from said administration. Ordinary’s office, March 1st, 1875. MarlO GEO. 0- DANIEL, Ord’y, nV/TADISON Sheriff’s Sale. IVI Will be sold, before the court house door, in the town of Danielsrille, on the first Tuesday in April next, within tbe legal hours of sale, tbe following property, to-wit: The interest of David Cook in and to one tract of land in laid county, on tbe watera ol little Brushy creak, adjoining lands of Seymour, Nnnn and Lester, eontalning one hundred end ten acres, more or less. Levied on b> virtue of one fi fa issnad from tbe Justice's Conrt of the 382d district, G. II., ia said county, in favor of J. W. Seymour vs. D. J. Cook. ("1 EORGIA, Clarke county. VX To the Snperior Conrt of said eonnty : Tbe petition of Hunter A Bensse, T A Burke, A A Bell, H C Briant, Z W Betts, G W Barber, Evans, Clayton A Co, Howell Cobn, H H Carlton, J W Col lins, A K Childs, J U Christy, E J Christy, J £ Coop- or, A P Dcaring, S C Dobbs, John Ebsrhart, Thomas Fleming, Mrs C M Franklin, Gann A Reaves, T W Gantt, J A Grant, Jonathan Hampton, G H Hope, J A Uunnicutt, A H Hodgson, Y L G Harris, J H Hog gins, Mrs Sarah Hamilton, J C Hardie, W L Jones W C Kemp, I M Kenney, R L Moss, 8 D Mitchell Simon Marks A 8 Mandeville, Patman Lester, John S Linton, H A Lowrance, J W Nicholson, Reuben Nickerson, J H Newton, R T Pittard, R K Reaves, A A Lipscomb, T A Sale, P A Summey, W A Talmadge, J E Talmadge, C G Talmadge, S P Thurmond, Y H Wynn, James White, Weatherly A Co, G H Yancey B S Ware, Eaves, McGinty A Co, of said county, showeth that they desire to establish a steam laundry and aoap factory, and wish to conduct a general laundry business and manufacture soap in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, and for that purpose they and their associates desire to be incorporated un der the name and style of “ Athens Steam Laundry and Soap Factory ’’ for the term of twenty years, will a capital atock of five thousand dollars, to ba divided into shares of ten dollars eaeh, three thousand dollars of which has been actually paid in, with the privilege of increasing tbe same to twenty thousand dollars, and vested with fall power to sue and be sned, plead and be Impleaded, oontraet and bo eontraeted with, and to boy, hold, or sell lands, personal property or machinery, so far as the same may be necessary to carry on and eondnet the businese of said corporation. And that tbe stockholders of said company may meet, organise aud elect a President and five Directors at any time after the granting of the final order of the Conrt on this petition, or five daya' notice of the ime and place of meeting, in one or more of tho Ath ns newspapers. And at the first, or any subsequent Convention, may fix tho timo of the annual Conven tion of stockholders, and that they may have power and authority to adopt each by-laws and regnlations for tho governmont of said Company, and tbe man agement of Us business, as may seem proper to said Convention, not contrary to the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of tbe United States And that said Beard of Directors shall have power to appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintend, ent. or any other employee necessary to conduct the business of said corporation. That eaeh stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for eaeh share held by him or her. And that all eontraets to borrow money, for tbepnrehase or salo of real estate, or machinery, shall be signed by tbe President and countersigned by the Secretary or Treasurer. And that said Company mny have authority to wash, starch, dry, mangle and iron all clothes, bed elothes or other articles, and to do and perform allsneb work as is usually done in a general laundry business, and to eharge and eolleot for the same. And to manofac tore soap, Ac, Ac. Yonr petitioners pray the Court to pass an ordar declaring the application of your petitioners granted, and that your pe’itioners and their sueeessors may be incorporated under the name of “ Athens Steam Laun dry and Soap Factory ” for and during the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of that time. And your petitioner* will ever pray, Ao. S. P. THURMOND, Att’y for petitioners GEORGIA, ' A DMINISTRATOR’S Sale. r\ Will be sold, before tho court house door, in Dantelivillo, bv virtue of an order from tho Conrt of Ordinary, on tho first Tuesday in Mny next, one tract of lend io said county, on tho waters of Broad rivar, adjoining lands of Brooks, Porterfield and others, con taining forty-seven acres, more or loss. Improve ments common. Sold ns tbo property of John Poareo, late of said county, deceased. T ® r m , , cs«h. MarlO LUCY PEARCE, Adm’x. EORGIA, Madison County. Ordinary’s Office, Deeember J3d, 1*74. Whereas, Bennett 81ms, Exaeutor of Andrew B Kberhart, doo’d, represents to tbo Court that hohta folly discharged said trust, and prays tho Court to grant him letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to eita all person* concerned, to bo at my offieo on tho firet Monday tn April next, to •how why *aid Executor’* prayer ahonld not bo grant ed. Witness my h«nd and seal. docSO GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord'y. LEGAL BLANKS, Clark* Covsir, ] Clerk’s Offieo Snperior Court. Recorded on minntes of said Conrt, folio 345 and 340, March ttb, 1875. JOHN I. HUGGINS, marlfi-lm Cl’k Snperior Conrt Clarke County. /^.EORGIA, Clarke county. VX Court of Ordinary of eaid eonnty. Whereas, Amanda Frederick, eol’d, administratrix of Felix Frederick, eol’d, Into of said eonnty, dee'd petition* th* Conrt for a discharge from laid admin istration— Therefore, all peraon* concerned are hereby reqnir- ep to (how cause, if any they have, why said adminie tratrix should iy>t, at the regular term of said Court, to ba held on the first Monday ia May next,bedls- eharged from said administration. By order of said Coart, at m regular term thereof, hold this the 4th day of January, 1875. janIS ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. /X EORGIA, Clarke county. VJT Court of Ordinary of said aounty. Whereas, Helen F Palmer, administratrix of Ed. mund Palmer, late of said county, deoeased, petition* tbo Court;for s discharge from aaid administration— Therefore, all persons eonearnod are hereby required to show cause, if any they havo, why said administra trix should not, at tbs regular term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in May next, bo discharged from said administration. By order of said Conrt, at a regular term thereof, hold this the 4th day of January, 1875. jtnlfi ABA M. JACKSON, Ord'y. We keep a general assortment of goods made by the ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, such as Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Yarns We are also Agents for the LIGHT DRAFT GULLET GIN. All of which we offer to tho public at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH OR BARTER. CALL AND SEE US. Ac...Ian. CENTER & REAVES. HUNTER & BEUSSE’S UTEORGIA, Jackson county. \X Whereas, T J Randolph, administrator of tbe estate of M A Rogers, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, properly filed, that he has fully administered said estate, and that he desires letters of dismission from said administration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore th* regular term of the Conrt of Ordinary in and for said county, on the 1st Monday in April, 1875. why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant, as prayed for in his petition. Given under my official signature, this 8th day cf December, 1874. dec!3 $8 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. BANKS COUNTY. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the lawful hours of sale, bofore the court house door, in Homer, the following property, to wit: One lot of land, No 24, lying the waters of Hudson river, adjoi ing lauds of Carter, and others, contain ing two hundred and fi fty aeres, more or less. Levied on as the property of A L Pool, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from the Justice Court of the 912th District, G M. in favor of R P Terrell, T A Terrell, C J Jordan J M Dodd, C N Smith, and others, vs A L Pool and M R Coker k Co. Levy made and returned to me by James Brooks, L C. mar3 A. J. WEST, S-’fL UTEORGIA, Banks county. V-A Whereas, P A Waters, executor of William L Waters, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully admin istered William L Waters* estate according to will— Th!s is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged and recoive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jan20 $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y EORGIA, Banks county. V_X Whereas. Dsnial T Bush, executor of Thomas Bush, represents to tbe Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fnlly administered Thomas Bash’s estate aceording to bis will— This ia therefore to oite all persons eonoerned to •how cans-, if any they eeo, why said executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. junto$5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. UX EORGIA. Banks county. \X Whereas. Joshua Owen, executor of Martha Owen, represents to the Conrt in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Martha Owen’a estate aceording to her will— This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned to show eanae, if any thay can, why eaid execntorshould not be discharged and receive letters of dismission,on the fleet Monday in May, 1875. jan20 $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. FRANKLIN COUNTY. p EORGIA, Franklin County. \X Whereas, Corena McDaniel, Administratrix of Thomas McDaniel, late of said oonnty, deceased, ap plies to me for leavo to sell the real estate of said deceased— These are, therefore, to cite all person! interested to •bow cause, if any they have, why raid leave sbonld not be granted the applicant on tbe first Monday in March naxt. Given under my hand and official aignature, Jan. 23, 1875. feb3 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. "VT0TICE. JL> After the publication of this notice for four weeks, and at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary of Franklin eonnty. to be held on the firet Mon day in Marsh next, I ehaU apply to aaid Court for leave to sell the real satate belonging to Rachel Stoner, late of said county, deceased. BARTON G. PAYNE, j an27 $4 Adm’r with will annexed. RABUN COUNTY. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Rabun County. MARTHA POINTER 1 In Superior Conrt, vs > October Term, 1874. IBAAC POINTER. ) Libel for Divorce. It appearing to the Conrt from the return of the She riff, that the defendant, Ieaae Pointer, ianot to bo found within the limits of this eonnty; and it farther ap pearing, that bo does not reside in tke State— Itia ordered, Thateervioe of the libel io said cause be mads, by publication ones n month for four months prior to tbs next term of this Conrt, in tbs 8onthsrn Watchman, a pnbiic gasette, published in tbe olty of Athens, Ga. N. B. CARY, Sol. for Libellant. Granted: G i O. D. RICE, Judge 8. C. . GEORGIA, ) I, W. M. Hannleatt, Clerk of tbe So- Raxux Codstt. j periur Court of said county, do here- by certify, that the above copy order ie n true extract from the minntes of this Court. G iven under my hand and eeal of office, this Dee 25 1874. W. M. HUNNIOUTT, dee30 $10 Clerk 6.'0. FOR PALL AND WINTER. We are receiving a Large Stock of CLOTHING, adapted to the Season, CASSIBIERX: A OTHER CLOTHS, Parasols, Umbrellas and Dry G-oods, FUR, WOOL & LADIES’ HATS, Jnst rcoeived, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, WOODEN-WARE, CROCKERY, ALL DESCRIPTIONS LEATHER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., &c. We also keep constantly on hand. Choice Flour and Country Produce, Which will be sold as « CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.” Athens. Sept. 23, 1874. *4* L. Si flEVENELL & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, oA. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, CANES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. Having BEST WORKMEN, are prepared to do REYAIUINGr IN SUPERIOR STYLE. Wo make a specialty of Silver Plating ard Gilding, Aud all work ot this kind; such as Forks, Spoons, ,Watches, etc. plated by us, wamtnted equal to. that done by any establishment in the country. THE GHASTLY RECORD OF DEATHS that rs- suit from pulmonary affections is frightful. Thereii no disease that is so insiduous in its attack a* cm- sumption. By the neglect of “ slight cold*” they soon become deep seated and defy remedies which.if applied at the outset, would have averted all datper. Dr. Tutt’s Expectorant has proven itself THE MOfcT VALUABLE LUNU BALSAM ever discovered. A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York {re nounces it tho “ greatest blessing of the nineteentn centery,” and says ** no family should ho withuut it." It is pleasant to the taste, and a single lose willoiien remove the most obstinate cough. Office, 18 Morn; Street, New York. ^ TUTT^ SARSAPARILLA. g^£A/S A DEL\GV£ y SCROFULA. ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF THE SKIN, ST. ANTHONY’S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS, BLOTCHES, TUMORS. COIL', TETTER AJU SALE RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, KING WORM. RHEUMATISM. PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BONES, FEMALE WEAKNE.'S. STERILI TY, LEUCORR1KEA OR WHITES, 'V0MB DIS EASES, DROPSY, WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPHI- LIS, KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT, MER CURIAL TAINT AND PILES, all j.roceeJ from in- pore blood. DR. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. Itenters into the circulation and erailic*te» every morbific agent ; renovates the system : pn<dn«i a beautiful complexion and cause* the body to gain flenh aud increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever beta offered thntcnn compare with this vaioahie vegetable extract. Price $1 Oft a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 81 Murray Street. X Y. r, ov4 °BS MODE®’^' A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STESESXs, KTA.IUS, Horse and. Motile Shoes, NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUBBER AND iiEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MIlJL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sal of BRINLGV’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COT’FoNGIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND POMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., Ac., &c. W 1 Any article in our line not in stock raid be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay 0* Call and examine our Stock and Prices. deoI6—tf CURES, AS IF BY MAGIC, COUGHS, COI.DS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, OBSTINATE LUNG AFFECTIONS, AsTHXL CROUP, BLEEDING OF T1IE LCSGS. PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY 01 BREATHI- LOSS OF VOICE, and will euro CONSUMPTION, As 50,000 grave-robbed witnesses testify. No opi Nothing poisonous. Delicious to take. I • ’ t Saviour to al! ufflicted with affections ot . and Lungs. Bequeaths to posterity one <> % B est blessings, SOUND LUNGS, and liomeidy. CONSUMPTION. . l ,,i«ksvebet> *ST Over one hundred thousand bott '“' j( ,f used, and not a single failure known. T» testimonials of wonderful ouros, such a. j can he seen at tho office of tho Proprietors,» _ street, Atlanta, Ga, or will be sent, on srf‘ any who doubt. For sale by all drugcMs. r>0 . DB. i. S. PEMBEKTON & CO’> fc Proprietor?, Atlanta* HEAD! REAlE! CONSUMPTION CUBED’ Office of 0. Sackbtt. Drugsi A j ’ gH New Albany. led., A P’ 1 ’ 1 c’ lV _l hi<> Dr J S Pemberton, Atlanta, Ga : ^ ^ jhedi*- received your circulars, andinconseq L yiowet tribution, I havo sold a ^ out ***^. obe FlowerSyr«P Syrup in the last two weeks. The _ , n j e< ] it in is gaining great celebrity. I “ b(d f ,, :; bad cases of consumption. One case ‘ j lC . mor rb&? e< not laid on bnt one side for two yc -• eX p C cted t® almost every day; much twiciw. ’ Flo «er3.»wP; die. He has taken six bottles of GI . which u his tronblos are all gone, except prostr « The rspidly improving. H * will cert.mlj lc „ other ease is similar, with same » “ n , theia , send you many testimonials, H yen sACK kt1, Yours, truly, etc, RKMABKABLK I'l'RK; a l8 7f. CLEVELAND. OHIO, Ap > |ejS ufS» Dr. J. S Pemberton: It S 1, ® s “V pi„»er inform you that two bottles of Gf , have cared my soi. of *n obsti • hTl isi*»' ■ several years’ standing. uft«’ »« k givon him up to die, with what .- , fu ibtsr'-* Tion. I shall ever remember «• ! > l £ recommend to all the Globe t0 our b brought more sunshine and hspp j , hs ,e i and home than one million God bless you. * ELi2'»' iTB - feb.S W. K Stable, oh Tkamae IP YOU WANT TO S gj IF-ixio affSi That will do yoo good l0Qk aA SN A place. aov4—**