The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 24, 1875, Image 3

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5»ontj)KU LOCAL MATTERS. (JEORGlAs MARCH si, 1875. ITIUV Blauk Deeds Of . onTi'vnnce, administrator's and executor’s , a x collector’s executions, and a gener- j a|i ,„ r ttneiit of legal blanks, elegantly print- j always on band. All kinds of blanks ,i other job work executed at notice [f iiANN & Reaves are adding to tbeir Heck continually, as tbe trade demands. If , w .,nt good plantation Mules call at their ' l,|„ They are selling at prices to suit the lt , s ; You’ll never have a better chance ! February 3d, 1875. XT The ’’ Promenade.” Males. \y e n-ill have in a fetv days, a fresh supply of Mule* for farming purposes, just out, and to sell at lower prices than ever. Come every pw in need, and you can buy at prices that ,011 cau get your "money back sure. Try us anil he convinced. Lob. ;i. Gann & Reaves. Co-Partnership Notice. W o have, on the first day of January, asso- cat oil ourselves together in tne Furniture A Coffin business, and ask for tbo new firm a continuance of tbe liberal patronage so gen erously bestowed upon the old firm in the post. We have a Handsome New Hearse and are prepared to do undertaking in tbo best style and at tho shortest notice. Very respectfully, Gii.leland, Wood & Co. ** Swlvll Rights” In Athens. We understand that four colored sen called for beer at tbe beer saloon of Messrs. Stern & Marks, ou College Avenue, one evening re ceiitiy, and being refused, applied to Justice Herrington for a warrant for tbe arrest <»! be parties for alleged violation of tbe eivn rights act. This being refused, they threat ened to employ Col. Farrow to secure tbeii so called “ rights.” Iuasmucb as beer saloon.- are neither •• inns, common earners, theatres or other places of amusement,” wo presume tbat it will be a long time before Col. Farrow •>r aiiy other man wbo kuows anything about tbe provisions of tbe act iu question will un dertake to recover damages for refusing to sell beer. Why, even Beast Butler gives up that bar-rooms aro not embraced iu tbe civil lights law. For tbe credit of tbe colored people of Atb nus—most of whom have conducted tbemseli c.- with much propriety since tho surrender—wc regret tbat ibis thing occurred, and hope tba yvo may not have to record another case like it. Colored men, like white men, should fee above thrusting themselves iuto places when? they are unwelcome. A proper self-respect requires tbis at their baDds, no matter wbai tbe statute law of tbe laud may permit them to do. There is no substantial advantage in sitting in tho same seats occupied by tbe Reid A Harris Keep always ou band, at their Barber shop. > lot of the most superior Hair Tonic, which iviimves dandruff, Jcc. and promotes tho growth of the hair. They also bavo an elegant hair ploss ami curl tonic, which imparts a rich gloss to the hair, promotes its growth and pre vents it from filling out. Last (nil!! All persons indebtcikto Luckie and Tnnco.v arc requested to como forward and settle by the first of March; after that date all unset tled accounts wRbe placed in tbe bands of an officer for collection. L. Schevenell dc Co. ■ til receive all money and receipt for the same. Lcckie A Yancey. For Sale Cheap For Cash. A fine mare, well-broken. A second band. Top. Slide seat Btiugv in annd order. Can have two or four seats at pleasure. Will he fr.'il together or separately. Aprdv at this dliee. Fell.24 1m. mi is seldom, if ever, we see more elo it.u.tly tini-hed photographs than those made at Il.tvis"'erv. There is an r.rtisttc excel lent- about them that vies with the best of Ka-tern work, and we are glad to bear that Mr Davis’ efforts to give our people modern pictures are appreciated, as his rooms are con stantly filled tvith admiring patrons. Hart Superior Court Was in session last week—bis honor Judge Pottle presiding. Tbis is the second Court of tbo Northern Circuit we have visited this Spring.- We are pleased to fiad that Judge P. presides with tnueb dignity and preserves duo decorum. Wo believe be gives full satis faction to tbe bar and people of bis circuit. We left Thursday morning, at which time the most important case of the term, involving seven or eight thousand dollars worth of real estate, had ndt been disposed of. Messrs Hester, Edwards. Shannon and Os born of Eltiert, Cots. Matthews and Lu up kin, of Oglethorpe, and tbo veteran Col. Nash, of Madison, were present, in addition to tbo aide local bar. We are greatly indebted to our kind and hospitable Hart county friends tor a liberal increase of circulation in tbat county. We stopped with Mr. Bobo, who keeps a good bouse, and rec immend oar friends t< give him a trial. whites at a theatre or drinking at the'same tor9 ’ We were to,d ,hat ‘»eir school num- bar-rooms they patronize, or stopping at tbe same hotels. When declining to claim these privileges accorded by tbe civil rights bill tbe colored people are not, therefore, sacrificing auy of their •• rights," lor no man has a “ right” to force himself Into company where he is net wanted. An Excellent Photograph. We find on our table a capital picture from tbe gallery of Mr. Davis, entitled “Editors Georgia University Magazine Debating MSS.” The likeness of the five young gentlemen are not only striking, but tbero is a charming na turalness about the picture, which proves that Mr. D. is an artist of skill and taste. Those desiring elegant pictures will do well to give hitu a trial. Hartwell Improving. Wo yvere pleased to observe many evidences f improvement in U..rtwell. Among other things. that town can boast one of the most nourishing schools iu tho up country, under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs Looney, who have acquired a high reputation as instruc- Preventlon of Cruelty to Animals. For tbe benefit of all whom it may concern we publish below tbe act passed by the Legis- atnre, and approved by the Governor, to pre vent cruelty to animals * See. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Tbat from and after the passage of tbis act, any person in tbis State who shall torture, torment, deprive of neces sary sustenance, cruelly beat or mutilate, or cause to be so tortured, tormented, deprived if necossary sustenance, cruelly beaten orran- tilated any horse or other animal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for every snch ffenso shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not to exceed fifty dollars, at tbe dis cretion of tho court. See. 2. Be it farther enacted, by the authority aforesaid, Tbat all layvs and parts of laws, mil itating against this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Thomas Hardeman, Jr.. Speaker House of Rep’s. J. L. Sweat, Clerk House of Rep’s. T. J. Simmons, President of the Sonate. J. W. Murphey, Sec’y of the Sonate. Approved, March 1st 1875. James M Smith. Governor. hers about ninety pupils Such is the demand for lumber to construct new buildings, that a steam saw mill has been established in tbe village, and tho sound of the saw, hammer and plane may be beard in various directions. A number of very baud some residences have been erected since our last visit two years ago, and other improve ments are now going forward. ry Tho “ Promenade.' Public Meeting in Clarke. Tbe citizens of Clarke county are requested to meet at the court house in Athens, on Tues day, the (ith day of April (sale day) for tbe purpose of appointing delegates to tbe C«n- cressional Convention of the Ninth District, "inch will meet at Gainesville on tbe 14tb of April. S. M. Hunter, Chairman Executive Committee. Hail Storm. Tbis city was visited by a storm of rain and bail on Saturday afternoon, which, though in ferior to those recorded in various parts of tbe Stale several days earlier, was yet a very re speetable hail storm. We did not see any large bail stones, but are assured that some ns large ns partridge eggs were observed From the direction of the cloud, we should no l>e surprised to learn that Madison and Hurt counties had another visitation. Late Blooming. This is the 22<1 day of March—the day after Palm Sunday—and only a few pencil trees are in bloom Tbe remainder, amounting to fully three fourths, show signs of blooming shortly We have never known plums and pennhes s > late before. It may betoken a good fruit, year or a l.iilure, we don't know whieh. If the Easter full moon brings the last killing frost, as some assert is always the case, we shall probably have an abundance of fruit this year, as next Sunday will lie Easter, and llw fruit is not sufficiently advanced to be entirely killed. Retail Prices Current. For the Weekending March23. corrected by the merchants’ exchange. COTTON—Very active. Receipts light. Ordinary, 12 goad ordiuarjr, IU low middling, 144 » unadmjg i;5 FACTORY GOODS TOBACCO. Colton Yaki*,...$l.25al.30 G*aabngs,per yard 14*13 i auirtiogs.... lUu 1-43 booting, orown, 13*11 DKY GOODS. Flints, pryd 10(^124 Delaines 20*25 Bleached Shirtings, ll»*3u Bed Ticking,.. ...20*ao Worsteds - 20*1 2d Blankets 150*800 PROVISIONS. Flourfancy *$bbl. ilOall Family, 8ak superfine, 7-«b Corn, white,bu 115al25 yellow, none Pens 125al3i Meal 25*130 Wheat, 1.50’tl G> Buckwhea i /lour, .... Salt Bacon, riles 13*14 shoulders 9mU bains ..15*1 Lard, $tb .. 18a20 Irisb Potatoes.eoun try, pr ba l.00*1.50 Northern 200; Common, pert b 50u6u Medium, ..CO a 7l Fine. —1.00*1.An Smoking...... 60a U0 Snuff, inaccabo) 1.00 Cigars, Am.,pei M,|»30a5o iidVRua, $75*100 AMMUNITION. Powder, per lb 40a50 Shot, 12a!5 Lead,. 10al2 Caps,perbox» 10a4t ' IQUORS. Corn a Uiakey, good ..$311 medium, 2.00x3.01* common, I.25a5 0b Peach brandy. good 4.0» medium 3.01 common 2.0i Apple do. good a4.0< medium 3.00a common 2.25a Frenchdo 4.00al0.0i Holland gin 5.00a8.0« American do. H 00a6 »t Bourb*: vtisky,2.00a4.0« Wine 10.0* DRUfrft. Sweet,.. 75Al0u\(3 O pp CXaa ^ ;b Egg* prdos l24al5;[ n digo, .1.75*2.5t Chickens 30*35; Madder, 20a3i Core Yourselves. The Sth wonder of the World has been found in Georgia. Tbe discoverer is a physician of long ex perience, extensive observation and profound juJg- inent, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout tbe coun try as “Woman’s Beat Friend.” With remarkable quickness and ccrtaiuty it cures all cases of suppress ed meostration, acute orchroni*. and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regu lator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women. Tbis the Medical Faculty knows and admits, wbilo many of our best phi sicians are using it in daily practice. The medi- . Coffee,Rio,per lb....25a33 cine is prepared with gr«*at care, by L. H. Bradfield, j Laguyra, 28*33 Druggist, Atlanta. Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per bottle | Java, ....—...33a37 by respectable Druggists everywhere. < Tea,Hyson,*$lb 1.50;Cotton Cards, Gunpowder, 1.50jWoo1 “ Great Merit In Female Diseases Black, i.&Ojpiow Points 25aic St 1TR or Gkorgia, Troup Go. Syrup,can 76,10U|Smitb’* Bellow,, 50incl This is to certify that I have examined tbe reoipe 5 U * > ?| mo ** 8se8, *** # i r*\,\ ft i Anvils of Dr. /otiuVBradJUld, and, a, a nodical mao. pro- Candles,sperm,prft.biAiO Hammers * - adamantine, 20a^*>iIIorse Shoes Turkeys 75al25 Butter, 33 lb 20*25 GROCERIES. Sugar,crushed, I5al6 A, 14al5 B, 14al5 C, 12 alo Dem&rara I2jal5 Ex. Logwo 1.. 25a4i Epsom Salt », 2< Alum 2< ulnhur, 2< HARI WARE. Iron .Swedef .peril). 9aH Engl kb, 5 An Castings Oja'- Nails, perk :g 5.75a Steel, cust 2ca plo’ 75 Death of an Aged Mother in Israel. Mrs. Mary R. Burke. Ion- known in this community, and beloved and reverenced by all who knew her, departed this life at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. James Youne. of Oglethorpe county, on Wednesday of last week. Tbo deceased was the widow of tbe late Richard E. Burko and mother of Rev. J. W and Maj. T. A. Burke. SIm was distinguish ed for hor unaffected piety and had reached an advanced ago. Madison Agent. Mr. George W. Mabry is an authorized agent for the Southern Watchman in Madisou county DEMOCRATS, TAKE NOTICE. convention of tbe Denpicratic party of Clarke county is horeby called, to meet in tbo court bou.o, in Athens, at 12 o'clock, M. t on Tuesday, April 6th. 1875. The object of the meeting is to select dele gates to represent Clarke county in the Con ftressianal Convention, which meets in Gaines ville on tho 14th of April next, to nominate a caudidato for Congress. Joseph B. Carlton, President Clarke County Democratic Club. To the Democrats of Jackson County. \ ou are hereby notified that a meeting of tho fiarty (to appoint delogatos to tbe Convention '."nominate a candidate to represent tbe 9lh District in tho Congress of tbe D. S.) will be lieui in Jefferson on tbe first Tuesday in April hen. Several important questions will bo brought before themeeting, a full turn-ont of tbo masses desired. W. I. Pike, Ch’ra. Ex. Com. Temperance Anniversary. On Tuesday evening, IGth, Evans Lodge. !■ 0. G. T., celebrated its fourth an niversary, at tho Baptist church, where ap Ptnpriate and interesting addresses were de- ll?ne ' ; Iff K«v. C. \V. Lane and Dr. T. E. Slimier. A largo number of the Good Tem p.ars attended in procession, and a good and attentive audience wore present. Appropri- *■* " lUsic w as furnished by an excellent cboir, and tbo wholo entertainment was pleasant, a hd will, we hope, prove beneficial to tbe Lodte. Hay. Those who mako tbe most clear money by farming in this county ate a few persons who make, save and sell bay. There is room for many more to make money in this way, and no danger of glutting tbe market, as much foreign hay is sold here every year at exorbi tant prices. Terrible Hail Storm. A violent storm of rain, hail and wind visit ed the Southern portion of Hart county Sun day evening, the 14’b instant. Tbe hail stones were the largest we ever h jard of. Some per sons described them as being of the size of guinea eggs, others said they were as large as hen eggs, and some three or four declared the largest were the sizo of a man’s list! We met with gentlemen tho next day who were ex posed to the " pitiless pollings ” of the storm who assured us that they were then quite s ire from the bruises received. The heavy rains of that and the following (lav had the effect of raising the streams so that they could not be forded. We presume ibat wheat sown on boitoms subject to over flow was materially injured Liue Upon L'lie. We again repeat, for tbe information of a Main class of advertising agents, that, we do a run a cross roads paper, ami must regulate ir own prices. Tile Watchman Ins a large circulation—unusually large for a so called •• untry newspaper”—larger than any one wc know of—and wc cannot advertise at 75 pet ent below our rates. There is another tiling we will have noth ing to do with We sometimes receive prop ositions to the effect that if we will advertise the piano establishment, soap factory, wash ing-machine, sewing machine. <3cc.. &c. of Mr. Blank, lie will send his due bill for tho am nunt. payable whenever we pay the cash for three times the amount of the advertising bill. We understand this operation fully. A $200.- 00 duo bill for advertising will be received in part pay for a $000 00 piano, which can be bought for $300 00 or $400.00 cash ! The par ties referred to can save much time, trouble and paper hv " counting us out of the ring" whenever they desire to mako such proposi tions to tbe “ country press.” New Music. We are indebted to tho publisher. Mr. F. W. Helrniek, 27S_ West 6th st.. Cincinnati. Ohio, for two beautiful new songs. •• Remem ber Deeds of Kindness" and ” Sadie Darling,” unco it to be a coinbiuatioD of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all diseases of females for whieh he rcooiumeuJs it. mar3—lm. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21, 1 8fi8. A Proclamation. GEORGIA. By JAMES M. SMITH, Governor of said State. t’HEREtS, A vacancy ha, been caused, by tbe death of the Itou. Darnell McMillan, the mem ber elect from the Ninth Congressional District to the f >rty fourth Congrese of the United Slates : N-.w. therefore, I have thought proper to issue this ov Proclamation, ordering that the Polls be opened i 00 nti ,-t-1i■ 11 be held on Wednesday, the 5th day t M y next, in the counties of Banks. Clarke, Daw- '•ii Kxnuin. Forsyth, Franklin, (lilmer, Qwiunett, llahershatc. Hall, Jackson, Lutnpkin. Madison, Mor- n. Oconee,Pi • kens. Kabuu,Towns, Whiteanrl LTiiion, mpn.-iiifr ihe Ninth Congressional District in -aid at.-, lor one Representative to fill said vacancy, iicn under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the first day of March. A. D IS75. and of the Independence of tbe United Stutee the Ninety Ninth JAMES M. SMITH, Governor. y the Governor: I. Bar.ett, Secretary of State. 8iiiM' tallow, ,15aIU; “ “ Nails 20u31 Cheese.State.per tt».20a25: Weeding IIoos, pot doz English Dairy,25a2i'i (trade's C. II.. 55.75 Crackers.soda, 15a2h! Ames’Shovels 1 40at .5' butter, 15n2hi do Spades, 1 59al.75 sugar, 20a3(i:Traee Chains. I.Ollnl 2 cream, 20.i3«i BOOTS AND SHOES. Onions.perbu !.5tlal5biBoots Northern.or. $4.i Candy,fancy,pr lb. 50atH*; Lnuthern.10.al2.00 plain 40: LEATHER. Soda 12al5iSoIe.perlb 36o40 Black Pepper, alOjUpper «0n7 Red “ 10a jTInrnesr 40n5t (linger a40;Oa]fRkins,p dz. $40aS10t' Starch n20:gip do $50a7. r Tallow Sal n| HIDES. Orcen Apples, 75isI^1*1 Dry. per lb 1 Rice, 11 al 2|i; ree'n Mackerel No.i, kits. JOel BAGOTNG. No. 2 2.51'idunnv .per vd I4:tl No. 1 1 barrels,10.OOj TIES. No.3, kits, 2.0»jTi«s SalO Sardines.per box, 25a ROPE. S ALT, per sack. a200;Cotton, 40x5" (Grass, 25a30 WOODEN-WARE. j Painted buckets, FINANCIAL. pordoz 2.75a3.00;Oold,huving 1.0? Cedar do 9.00x12 00; ' felling. 1.10 White pine, 7 00oS OOjSiiver—buying, t .03 Sieves 3.1)0x5.00! selling.. .. 1.0" The abovo aro retail prices. Prices are shaded t wholesale buyers. Tbe First Train on (he Northeastern. Carried a load of lumber from the steam saw mill at Gillsvillo a few days ago. We hope it will not be long until trains will bo making regular trips between this city and Lula. We should like to see them runuiug by the first of May, so that our editorial friends, when they attend the Press Convention, which will meet hero in May. may have an opportunity of taking an excursion up the country. [COMMUNICATED.] I see in the proceedings of the Oitv Cniineil. of the 6th instant, tbat I wns accused, tried and condemned, and ordered to ho reprimand ed. What does it mean t Does tho law au thorize the trial of a man, without letting him know it. until ho is convicted t If so. wo cer tainly live tinder a despotism. Does the law not allow a man to defend himselt against charges brought against him. on trial f If it. does not. I prefer living where no law exists, consider my trial an outrage on mv rights hence this card. B. F. Culp. ^ ri>e children of Emmanuel Church Sun ll *- v fcbool will have their usual Floral Cele bratii.n, a t n,,, church, next Sunday, (Easter Sunday.) at 5 o’clock. P. M. Athens Guards, annual election of this gallant company occurred on Friday evening last, and in spite severe weather, a goodly number of tbe of tbe hirmbers were in attendance, and a great interest manifested. Tho following of- deal of fleers were elected—which amounts to an al tt hst unanimous re-election: s D. Mitchell Captain Tafinadge 1st Lieut. H H Linton Brov’t2d “ ” *• Smith Orderly Sergt. S- P. Sparks 2d *• L. Wood 3d “ (; - P- Tilley 4th •* J C. Mygatt 5th “ p' H - Vonderlieth 1st Corp'l. , C - 2d •* J. R. Moore.... 3d •* J a- Hull ".‘"’.4th •• pv Piffnui Quarter M. Serg’c. , ' D. Griffeth Treasurer • “■ Christy Secretary Americans ore a Nation of Dyspeptics. W* faat > dissipate and fill early grave*. *N klodeof alcoholic spirits, and anrii'I.*' *Hhout mastication, pork, grease vino*!*!? kiDd °f Ufa destroying, ayetem-clog- 6*i “ d ‘* Mt,ble food. Drf WALKER’S VRO- jUABL* Vinegar Bitters will remove tbe . which added to experience, will ««to atmnlo In the futvtw. 4l Bridal Presents. Presentation Goods. Family Silver. » Now Jewelry. Just received at mar21 L. Schevenell & Co.'s- Fertilisers. To give some idea of tbe quantity of fertil izers sold in this market, we mention the fact that wo counted, last Thursday evening, lie tween tbe six mile post and tbe upper bridge forty two wagons, loaded in whole or in part with fertilizers. We do not know that it was good day for fertilizers either! This was on one road only, and there is no means of know ing the large number of loads going out on the numerous oilier roads. The fertilizing qnali ties of guano cannot be questioned, but as a perfume it is certainly Lot a success. Died at Sea! It is with profound regret wo record tbe death of Mr. Robert Hodgson, of this city, wbicb occurred at sea, on tbe —th Instant, while on his way home, accompanied hv bis wife and brother. As our city readers are aware, be was sent to a private hospital in Philadelphia, a few months ago, for treatment for menial derange inent growing out oi ill health, and where it was hoped be might be restored to usefulness, The hope proved illusive, however; and he breathed his last at aea, near Cape Hatteras while coming home to die! The deceased was a native of this city, and universally loved and admired by all wbo knew him. He leaves a widow and orphan child, a large circle of kindred and a host of attached friends to tnoarn his aad fate. Death of Mrs. Easton. Mrs. Easton, tbe aged mother df Pref. Easton died of paralysis at tbe residence of her son la this city, on Thursday of last week. The deceased bad resided her* bat a thort time but had won the esteem of all who knew her We learn tbat she was 78 years of age. New Auction House. We learn that Mr. M. Stafford proposes opening ao anctloo bouse in this city. Having known Mr. 8. for some twenty-five years— during most of which time bo has been em ployed in tho Watchman offlos—wo taka much pleasure In recommending him to public pat- ronage, having fall eonfideoee in his integrity, fidelity and capacity. DENTAL OFFICE REMOVED. Dr Sale baa taken rooms np-staira in tbe new building adjoining tbe Lester Block on Clayton streot, where those wishing his sor- Views son in* hiss ait all hour* MobJO—fiv For Clerk Superior C’onrl, Oconee Connly, Mr. Editor : Please announce Mr. Samuel D. Hardigreo as a candidate for Clerk of tho Superior Court of Oconee county, at tho elec tion on the 7th of April, as be is certainly tbe choice of Many Voters. Card. We hereby tendor our most sincere thanks to our numerous white and colored friends for their liberal contributions and patronage, at the Fair given for the benefit, of our Chureh on Wednesday evening last. We are proud to say wo cleared, above all expenses, $131.10. Eugene Wm Tili. Henry :ne Brydye. ) Tiller, > Com. Bap. Church. iy Horton, y rill—e Aid REMOVAL. VTTS3 J v MBS bait removed to the store on Broad *1 i*!reet recently occupied l>y S 0. Kee$e. where he will be pleased to see her friends and customers, md <«.licit* .i liberal share of their patronage during tho c >ming season. Very respectfully, C. JAMES, rlO Late with Mrs. N- B. Clarke. Augusta. Notice in Bankruptcy. N the District Court of the United States, for tbe Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of England A Orr, Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. This is to give notice, once a week for three weeks, hut I have been appoiuted Trustee of the estate of England A Orr. of Athens, Clarke county, who hare been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition, by the District Court for said District. m irlO—3t II. N. HARRIS, Trustee. SHORT POSTPONEMENT--.DAY FIXED— FUTL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. fflonipier Female Humane Asmiatii AT ALEXANDRIA. VA. March 29th, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS : 1 Grand Cash Gift SIOO.OOO l Grand C.irh Gift 5(1,00(1 1 Grand Cash Gift 25.060 10 Cash (lifts, $10,000 each 100.000 15 Cash Gifts, 5.000 each 75.000 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 50.000 100 Ca«h Gifts, 500 each 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 100.000 1 000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 50 000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each 400 0«0 22.173 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000 000 NUMBER of TICKETS, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. • Weeds * Blocks. Does the of over « men * I • with 1 man * hone. ■ i Cotton Planter a The DIAMOND COTTON CHOPPER IMPR0VEQ A WARRANTED t! “t-> SEE WAAAAWII y nlrtrfVTfffiMf '*• Cultivator Corn 7.(7. JMM INw Planter attachment. ¥ rm All warraeted. Agcnta wanted. Send Tor til ostrel* L/ruriP ed Circular with warrantee Lf1LA} and certlflcatse, to J.W. HINSDALE, Boe., Esysttsvlll., H.C., or to Local Agt. \ j-| rti.v.d FLL i» -tgcuts La-iius vJumbina C ft* !■ ion Needle Book, with Chromos Send A)rump. F. P. Gluck.Naw Bedford. Mass Hirnmeasily made by selling TEAS at IM- illUllB 1 PORTERS’ PRI US, or getting up elaba n town and eountrj, for tbe oldest tea Company in \tneriea. Greatest inducement,. Send for circular. CANTON TEA CO., H8 Chamber, ,t„ N. Y. it DSYCIIOMANCY, or SOUL-CHARMING? 7 — either sex may faocinate and gain the lore andafTectionsnfany person theychoo«oin,tantly. Thi, implemontal acquiremen t allcan pn„e„, free,by mail, or 25c, to^ittfiar with a Marri*geGuide,EpjptianOra- de,Dream,, Hint, to Ladies. Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. A queer hook. Addre,, T. WILLIAM A Co. Pubs Pbila. Davis’ Gallery. Davia’—Specialty, large portraits. Davis’—Work superbly finished. Davis’—No day ton cloudy fur pictures. Davis’—Ohl pictures copied. Davis’—Open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Davis’ Gallery. An apprentice is wanted at Davis' Gallery. A buy between 16 and 20 years of age. Tribate of Respect. Since tbe organization of tho Pioneer Honk and Ladder Company, we have seldom bneu reminded of our mortality by the loss of a Comrade. Tw-day, however, wo have borne a loved member to the cliff where the cypress and the trailing moss toil us it is hiH last earth ly habitation. ' Tbe shock of his death was none tbe less severe to us, by its being preceded by the in exorable logic of a lingering and mortal dis ease. His early and protnii ent membership with tbis Company identified him with its every interest. In fact, it wasone m bis promi nent characteristics, induced by bis untiring energy, tbat bo made the interest of the Com pany bis own. and whether be was discharg ing tbe laborious duties of a fireman, or the Qdnoiary trusts of an officer, be performed them with a zeal and efficiency deserving tbe high est encomiums and praise. In view of these facts it is meet and proper tbat we, bissurviving companions,should place apnn record an appreciation of his worth.— Therefore, bo it Besotted, Tbat in tbe deatb of James P. Dorsey. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, bas Inst one of its most valued members. Besolved, That tbe members wear a badge of moornlng for thirty days, and that tbe chair of tbe Secretary, wbicb be so long and so ably filled, be draped with mourning for tbe same space of time Resolved, That tbis preamble and resolutions be entered upon tbe record book, and tbat it be farther illustrated by his photograph Resolved. Tbat an official copy of tbe above be eent to tbe bereaved family of tbe deceased, with tbe assurance of nor sympathy in tbis, tbe hoar of tbeir afflict ion. J. A. Grant, r. 1st F'tn J. J. Thomas. 2d “ E. R. Hodgson, Com. E. I. Smith, H. B. Iamwkbt, DR. S VAN METER & CO., Proprietor* «»f the famous Charleston Ill. Infirmary, are endorsed in the las* issue of the “ Nations Jour nal of Health” by men of prominence South and North. AI i*o by fifty ministers ofvarions denomiua tions. An opportunity is now offered to obtain a thorough examination and treatment without having to visit the Infirmary Address at once DR. S. VAN METER & CO., Charleston, Ill. TO THE PUBLIC. r DO not roll Goods on credit, but for (be CASH. I will give you 10 !h, ol SUGAR for $ 1 00 41 lb, of COFFER lor 100 5 lb, of CHEESE for 100 100 lb, of B VOON for. 12.00 100 lb, of FLOUR for 3 50 A kit of M ACKEREL for 1.60 And everything t-l-e usually kept in a-FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, equally n, cheap. Just received, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Whole Tickets $20 00 Halves 10 00 Quarter* 5 00 Eiirhth*. or each Coupon 2.5'* 5J Tickets for 100 00 Tho Montpelier Female Humane Association. ch»r tered by ihe Legislnture of Virginia nnd rho ireni’ Court of Orange cn, propose*, by a Grand Gift C.. n cert, to e*rahti*h and endow » •* Home for *h.• Old. Tn firm and Destitute Ladies of Virginia,” at Montpelier, the former residence of President Jnme* Mndipnn. Governor's Omen. Richmond. Juiy 3, 1874 It afford* me pleasure to say that I am wel I iirquaint ed with alarce majority «»f the officers of the Monipe lier Female Humane Association, who reside in th* vicinity of my home, and 1 attest their inte!lip* t-cc and their worth and high reputation ns Rentl-men, n - well a?* the public confidence, influence nnd *ub*tan tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER. Gov. Virginia. Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874 —* * * I com mend them as gent* of honor and integrity, nnd fully entitled to the confidence of the public. * * * R. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge Ea*t’n Dist Vn. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va ; Hon. Robt E. Withers, Lieutenant Gov. of Va. and U S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Vu. Remittances for ticket* may be mnde by Expros* prepaid. Post Office Money-Order on Washington. I) C , or by Registered Letter. For full particulars, testimonials. <fc.. send for Cir cular. Address, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR Pres’t M. F. H , Alexandria. Va Reliable Agents wanted every where. novlS <*t .VINEGAR BITTERS No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided tbeir bones are not do* stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and*vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim VnoKUB Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent. Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of onr great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Iioanoke, James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusuql heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the sarno time stimulating the secretions of tire liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive orgaus. i)ysp?p :la or Indigestion, Headache, Pain iu the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,Inflam mation oi ihe Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, nre tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Sih’;;i‘al:i,oi’ King’s Evil,White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In those, as in all other constitu tional Di .- r,S3, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the mo t obstinate and intractable cases. For Jaiiiuniniatory and Chronic IliieumaUsiH, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are cans ,1 . >y Vitiated Blood. oiivliaincal Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumber.-., Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as tdey advance in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against inis, t.-.ho a dose of Walker’s Vin- xuau Birr in occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Ith i a, Blotcho:-, Spots, Pimples, Pus tule , IK.!;, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations oi the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Sldn of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out oi tho system iu a short time by the use of those Enters. I’m, Tap r, and other Worms, lurk ing iu die a., st em of so many thousands, are eil'cctu.dlv destroyed aud removed. No sys tem oi luoi Uc.uc, no vermifuges, no anthel- mimuc.i, will free tho system, from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wom an. mod ot the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. jaundice.—In all cases of jaundice,rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. Tuc only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use Vinegar Bit ters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you And its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it ..hen yon iind it obstructed and sluggish in ihe veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the bided pare, and the health of the system will follow. K. M. MCDONALD <fc CO., Crup ;. ’- a ... w.’iicral AguuLs. Sau Francisco, California ami At r. Washinytou and Charlton bts., Now York. Sold by ail and Dealers* REMOVAL! Th* DDtrflrotinf Offlos of th# SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Hu bun remored to tbo Now Brick Building ON CLAYTON STSEET t Adjoining tbe Los ter Block, corner of Col logo Atooo# and Clayton Street. VtnlJ [!ir SHINGLE ROOFING!! T ho anderrigned ore prepared to take oontraeto fot any of the above kind* of roofing at short notioe* Old shingle Rcofa taken off, sheathed and replaced vitb tin or sheet iron with the greatest dispatch. Any kind of roof repaired and painted. Parties wanting • ny of the above work done would do well to call on • «* for prices, etc., etc. Tin guttering a specialty, Febl7 3m D M. KENNEY A CO. >hop on Clayton street, rear Talmadge,Hodgsou A Co. C, B. Yeronee, Practical Slate &. Tin Roofer, Gutterer,$rc. ATHENS, GA. Plain and Ornamental Slate as cheap as Tin! \ LL work done at the lowest rates and in tho beat V. manner. Jobbing; of all kinds promptly attend* 'd to. Work done in Athens for Dr. Lippcomb, Y. L. G. Harris, Mr. Summey and many others four years ago, ind no complaint yet All work warranted. Orders rldrcssed as above will receive prompt attention. Athens, Feb 17 tf Notice in Bankruptcy. [ N theDiairiot Court of the United States—Northern District of Georgia—In Bankruptcy, in the matter •f J. M. Whitley, bankrupt. To whom it may concern : The undersigned hero* gives notioe of his appoiutment as- Assignee of J. M Whitley, of the county of Walton, State of Geer* .'•a, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court •f said District. Dated Oct. 12th, 1^74. Febl7 A. S FLORENCE, Assignee. CITY LOTS for SALE. L'OR sale. 79 lots, located on tho estate of Dr. E. R. i Ware, known as the Joel Hurt plot Said plot an be seen at the Bank of tho University. For terms, Ac., apply to Prof. L. II. Ch&rbunnier, (this residence, or at his office in the University, 3d story Libary building. Dcc2 THOS. G. BARRETT, Ex’r.0 NEW LAW FIRM. [ HAVE associated with me, in the practice of law, L. W. THOMAS, Esq., a young gentleman of col legiate education, And a graduate of the University Law School, of Georgia, whom I regard as a gentle- nan of nno ability, good moral ('b&racter and great nergy. And under tho firm name of JACKSON A THOMAS, (office at Athens, Ga.,) we propose to prtc- ice in all the courts within our reach, except the ’ourt of Ordinary of Clnrke county. I hope, by prompt attention to business, the firm •ill be liberally patronixed. dec23 ASA M. JACKSON. LOOK SHARP! \ LL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or l\. account, are earnestly requested to come for ward at once and settle up The accounts of all who fail to do so will bo placed in the hands of an of ficer for collection. mnr3—lm. A. S. DORSEY Adjourned Court. Jefferson, Jackson Co., Ga.. Feb. 22d. 1875. N accordance with an order of the Hon. George D. . Rice, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Western ircuit of Georgia, the regular term of Jackson Supe- ior Court, which was to be held on the fourth Monday n February, 1875, (in oonsequ nee of the illness of he Judge) stands adjourned to the second Monday In lune next. Parties, Witnesses, Juror*, and all con- erned, will take notice nnd attend said Court, on tbe econd Monday in June, 1875. Witne*s, my hand and official signature. mar3—2t T. H. NIBLACK, Clerk S. C. CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, We are now offering, at very low prices, our Brussels, Three-Plys and Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES, Luce Currains and Cornices, DAMASKS. REPS & TERRYS, Confectioneries, Candies, Malaga Grapes, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, TOBACCO. CIGABS. BOOTS, S11IIIS, HATS. Clothing, Dry Goods, &e. When I say CASH. I mean the 5P0NBY, not "in a day or two," nor •* thirty days," but my motto is, “ Here’s yonr Goods; give me your Money.” Call and see mo, Broad street, next door to Snead A Co’s Shoe store. jau20 N. E. RHODES. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? AltE YOU Weak, Neivous, or DebilitatedP Are you s.» h ingm-l tbat any exertion rtqniresmort of :m effort y*>u led capable of n»»kin«r? Then try JUU V UK H A. fi e wonderful tonic and in* vigorat*»r. which r.-t* *o beneficially «*n the secretive orgii" s a* to impart vigor to all the vital forces. Tr is o’» alcoholic appetiser, which, stimulate* fora short time, only t » let the sufferer fall to n lower depth of misery, but ir is a vegetable tonic, acting directly on tbe liver and spleen. If regnlate* the R wel*.quiets rhenerves.and gives such n h«*!rhv tono to tho whole system as to soon akc the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation ' ot violent, but is characterized by great gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden re, no marked results, but gradually bis troubles Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. R. H. AMFKXXK,, \ T his establishment on Wall street, (a few uoorfl from Bioad) is now ( fie ring a large stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, At wholesale or retail, a* cheap or cheaper than they an he bought at any other establishment in this city. Hi* assortment embracet all qualities, from ordi- ivy to tho very best. Purchasers arc invited to call and examine‘for tbomselvcs. inar4. BRADLEY’S Patent Mokate OF LIME. % PHE undersigned offeVtM* excellent and well ap- * proved Fertilixer to Planters at the following ate>: Cash, per Ton, $50. Time, per Ton* 60. And will allow 15 cents por pound for cotton deliver ed on or before the 1st of November. HUNTER & BEUSSE. Till new and untried discovery, but ha* been th wonderful remedial results, and is pro nouneen by the highest medical authorities, “ tho moat powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask vour druggist for it. For > ile hv WM. F. KfDDKR A CO.. New York. Cocoa ai5 Canton Mattinp, WALL PAPi.liS & B0HDKRS. Rugs and Door Mats. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., feblO ’05 Broad street, Augu-ta Ga. SOLUBLE PACIFIC U i\0 AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, For Composting with Colton Seed. “ Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And rileutly steal away.” DRY GOODS On let lara* Terns. F. \V. LUCAS S no ■' a new and elegant stock of Goods nd offered low to cash and prompt pay ' open L boughtl.w ng customers Large lot of Gentlemen’s and'Boy’s Woollens. Extra qualify English, French nnd German Suitings. Plain and Fig’d Beavers, in all qualities. Curded, Diagonal nnd Basket Beavers, Fancy Cat- «iniere-, Black Doeskins, Black and Col’d Broadcloths. Wool Shirt* and Drawers, Gloves, Half-Hose, Cra vat*. in great variety. Flannel*, Shawl*. Blankets, Woollen Skirts. READY-MADE CLOTHIFG. Ladie*’ Dress Goods in all new styles. Black Silks, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Express Cloths, Brilli^ntines, Tnmise ami Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Glove*,Scarfs, Bead and Bugle Trimmed Belt* nnd Bead and Bugle l>Tess Trimmings, Buttons, Needle-Work, Kufflings, Fluting*, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. Person* from a dista* ce are invited to examine the stock, nnd order* are solicited Hrorinl attention is called to our Tailoring Depart m*nt «nd Merchant Tui1«r*« flnod* aeptftO THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO I S now so well known for its remarkable effects as an agency for increas ing the products of labor, as not to require especial commendation from us. Its use, for ten years past, has established its character for Reliable Excellence. The large, fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. CASH PRICE: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $50.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 3s.00 TIME PRICE, * Without Interest, and option of paying in Middling Cotton, delivered at Athens Depot, by Nov 1st, at Fifteen Cents per pound: Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $60.00 Per Ton 2,000 Pounds, ACID PHOSPHATE, 45.00 J. G. PITNBR & CO* Agents, Athens. CHILDS, NICkKKSON & CO. GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, ®»j21 Agenti, Aih*o*. G». FOR SALE, S EVLUAL superior buiiiliug lots, being a part tbe lot kuunn aa the Baxter place Ann). I. Be, IV—M Apply to Ar.M. 8. DURHAM, or *■ »- wururate, L \ PUT, V 5. j ANALYSIS. Attention in called to the following analyaU of this popular Fertilixer, by Prof. White: UNIVERSITY OF OEOR6IA, L«BORAT}nY or Applied Chkxistiit, Athene. January 28,1875. Ana/y.7. nj a mmplc of “BRADLEY’S PATENT SUPERPHOSPHATEbelonging to A/entro, Hun ter A BEUSSE, of Athens, Qa., received from G. W. Mason, Inspector Clarke county, Jan. 25, 1S75. Moisture (det. at 212° F) 15.8ST Volatile and Organic Matter - 34.871 Containing Nitrogen 2.592 Yielding Ammonia 3.147 Phoephoric Aeid, soluble in water..,,.....5,772 Equivalent to Saperphoaphate of Liuie...9.512 Equivalent to Bone Phosphate of I-ime... 12.(51 Insoluble (and “ reduced”) Pbo.phorie Acid 4.699 Equivalent to Bono Phosphate of Lime... 10.263 Sand and Clay..... 7.544 Undetermined Matter! 19.040 100.000 Mechanical condition of sample, very good. febS—2m B. C. WHITE, Prof. Chemiitry. PROSPECTUS. Georgia University Magazine. Published by the Demostheniau nnd Phi Kappa Societies.^ T HE pretent itudenta of tbe University of Georgia having determined to resume the publication of the college paper which w*( unce to ably mantained by their predoeettort, but which for the part few year* hat been turpended, will ittue, towards tbo lat ter part of Febuary, the (ret number of tbeir period ical. under the title of tbe Geobsia University Mag azine. It willb* i»aed monthly, and will contain aboat fiifty pagetof reading matter. No painewillbo apared to bring it np to that atandard whieh tbe highpoaitiea of onr Univeraitv among the educational inatitutloaa of the South would seem to guarantee. The Societiei will be a,fitted by oecaaional article! from onr ablo Faenlty and from tbo diamond-pointed pen of Kx- Clancellor A. A. Lincoln. Maintained at tbit Magagine will be, not only for tbo parp its of training tbe etndenta in the art of eom- potition, hot also with a view of placing before tho public a periodical worthy of tbeir notice, we think it peculiarly entitled to the favorable conaideration both of th* pretent patron* of tbe University and of tbe State at large. Pabliabed beneath the protecting ear* of oar Alma Mater, wa trout tb*i her honored Alnmni will at once manifest thair approval and appreciation by anbaeribing to the Magazine. Oar article* will bo literary in rharacter—political and aeeterian matter being excluded ; and we willea- rieavor to make onr pages reflect tbe dignity, if uot tbe maturity, of age. 8nb*oription*for the remainder of th* term,ending Angnat (tb, will be $1.50, invariably iu advance. All fundr mnat be forwarded to the Business Man- agars. Trusting that tbe laudability of oar undertaking will ensure onr aneeesa and gain for us Ihe approba tion oi tho pnblio, we are Moat raapeotfully. S. G. McLENDON. Term Editor. Assistant Editors.—Dcmutthenisn Soeiety : P. A. Stovall, John C. Hart. Pbi Kappa Soeiety : Wm. H. Fleming, F. R. Clarko. Busiuus Mauagors.—H. H. Gordon, D. W. Rountree. LEGAL BLANKS, ~ A FULL supply always on hand, at tho WATCHWAW (TFTTira,