The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 31, 1875, Image 4

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ATHENS t Clean Fatmiag.. Wo licttrlily endorse the following by a correspondent orColeman’s Rural World: Nothing should bo grown or suffered to grow on a-farm that cannot be con verted into money. Woods and briars, therefore, should not be permitted to grow, for thero is no money value in them, thoro loro they area nuisance. A crop of weeds, permitted to go to seed, will exhaust the soil as much as a crop of grass or grain, which bavoa money value, it is aotnsing to hoar men—farmers—say that they lot •their fields grow to weeds in order to ro-*t their land, and to be plowed under tin- next season for manure. There can be no objection to the plowing under of green crops as manure, but the refuso of detune weeds will add but little to the fertility ol the soil. Why not grow grass instead ■ weeds? With very little trouble laud c;u bo seeded down to grass, and used for pas ture or bay; this can bo converttd into milk, beef, wool, mutton or pork, out ol which monoy can be made Tho drop pings of tho stock and thosod full of roots, may bo plowed undor for another crop ir rotation. Any system of farming that will admit any part (say ono field ) of the farm to romain unproductive for ono year cannot bo considorod goc-d farming. Eve ry acre of tillable land on a farm, if prop erly managed, will produce somethir-g tbat can bo converted into money. Ilerc is where the great secret of good farming lies. Talk about giving land rest.' Give f. plenty of food and change of occupation, and it reqniros no rest. With a system based on theso principles, it will grow stronger and better every year. Patrons of Husbandry. It is interesting to notico with what intenso interest tho development, of tl Farmers’ Movement, as iL is sometimes called, is watched by tho leading men < f tho country. Tho opinion is very gener ally exprossod that it possesses an inher- bntpowor and vitality which promise large, most importantand satisfactory results, to our whole country North, South, East and West. Millions of eyes are turned to the Order from abroad anxiously inquiring of tho purposes, plans and methods of action adopted by tho Patrons of Husbandry. Moro than ono half tho adults in the United Stales are engaged either directly or indirectly in agriculture, and tho larger portion of this vast army is organized so as to co-operate in any desired retorm We hold in our organization tho “ balance of power,” and can present a front so formidable as to compel either party to keop bad and corrupt men from forcing themselves upon tho people through par tisan nominations. No party under such a condition of things would dare to present for the suf frages of tho people any but those whose records wero unimpeachable. Is it not nobler and better to stand thus as the controller and olovator of all parties than to bo recognized as tho leaner of but one? An organization which admits demagogues and partisan politics into its councils, will take within itself tho surest seeds of disso lution and disorganization. Wo should steer clear of all political tricksters who have ‘-i».ios to grind,” and in mutual confidence, as brothers, wo should go on in our good work until wc bavo by tho lover of moral force nlbne brought about social and political reform Farmer's Vindicator. OAHie&M* Cf»*0 GENERAL'FOUHDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN ^YORK, 8MITDLXG A REPAIRING Honing anexlensire collection of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINING.* MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Sate Mills, Shafting, Tullegs, Mill Spindles, Hoisting Scrctvs, Lighter Screws, Jlattlc Staffs, Mill Cranks, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stamping Mills. Cotton .Seed Crushers, etc., etc., etc. Manufacture, nod nre Agents for, the tucst approveo Turbine TVoter Wheels, Brooks' Patent Port able Revolving and Colt's celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grace ' Enclosures, Balconies, dc., <tc. Thankful for past patronage, solicit a contiuuaticc if tho ratne. From the nature of our business, wear nmpelle.1 to make our terms STRICTLY CASH. Address. it NICKERSON, and Snji't, 5®- Mill Findings furnished at Manufacturer' i EORGIA, Walton county. VT Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1875. John M Peters, guardian of Eugtnia B Cook, Tor-, merit Kugenia ESmith, petition this Court for a dis charge from such guardianship— All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if eny they hare, at the May term next ol this court, why seid guardian should not bo' discharged from said trait. By order of the Coart, Mtreh 1st, 1875. mar?4 TH.08. GIBES, Ord’y. I ^EORGIA, Walton county. Cl Where**, Whitman H Trible applies to mo for letter* o» administration on the estate of Polly O’Kel ley, late of said county, deceased— This is, therefore, to cite and admonish mil and insular, tho next of kin and creditors of said deceased, show cause, if any they hare, why administration the estate of said deceased should not be granted i applicant fit tho May term next of this Court. Given under my hand, officially, March 20th, 1875. mnr24 TIIOS. GILES, Ord’y. i r “'1 EORGIA, Walton county. •JT Court of Ordinary, Merch Term, 1875. Wm R Smith and Cicero H Smith, executors of A Wright, late of saidcounty,deceased,petitionsthis Court for a discharge from said executorship— All persons are hereby notified to show cause, if any hey have, why said executors, at the July term next f this Court, should not be discharged from their said trust. By order of the Court, March 1st. 1875. mar24 TIIOS. GILES, Ord’y I GEORGIA, Walton county, vA Ordinary** Office, March 17th, 1875 John PFclkerhas applied for exemption of per- •nalty ; and I will pass npon the same at 12 o’clock, M, on the 5th day of April, 1875, at my office. tcnr24 TIIOS. GILES, Ord’y, THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. TMIIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to JL tain a single particle of Mercury, or any ir.jur ous mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Boots and Herbs, whi<*h all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Li «r Diseases moat prevail. It will cure all Iriseaso cadsed by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. Simmons' Liver Regulator, or Medicine, I? eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kep ready for immediate resort will save many an houT * suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors* bill After over forty years’ tri?»l it is still receiving th most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from per sous of the highest character and responsibility. Kin inept physicians ccmuicml it us the iu<>st Effectual Specific for Dyspepsia or Indigestion Armed with thi ANTIDOTE, allclimates andchange of water and for d may ho farod without fear. As Remedy in MALAU10US FEVEllS, BOWEL COM PLAINTS,RESTLESSNESS,JAITNDICE,NAUSEA IT HAS NO EQUAL. It !? tho Cheapest, Purest And Best Family Mcdicin i*n tho World ! Is manufactured only bv J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia Price, SI. Rold by all Druggists. . junelO MADISON 00UNTY. WALTON COUNTY. JACKSON COUNTY. A DMINISTBATOB’SSale. -O- Agreeably to th. will of William Park, and to n decision of tho Supremo Court of Georgia, and to an order of the Court or Ordinary of Jackson eonnty, Ge, will ho sold, before the court bonce door, in the town of Jctyrson, in Slid eonnty, within the legal honre of eale. on the first Tuesday in April next, to tho higheet bidder, in parcels to suit purchasers, (not exceeding Jtr eibaree.) eighty share* of stock in tho Georgia Rail- road and Banking Company. Sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. WM. J. WHITEHEAD, Adm*r, debonis non, with tho will annexed, of Wm Perk, dec'd. "VrOTICEi JLN All persons holding demands against the es tate of Asa A Hammock, late of Walton county, de ceased, nre hereby notified to present them to the un attteats OF ALL OTHERS! JOHN MEBRYMAN & CO.’S Ammoniated Dissolved BONES! The Great Colton Grower/ Composed of PURE BONE, dissolved in Sulphuric Acid, and the best Ammoniacal material. T HE high standard and uniform quality of the Ammoniated is guaran teed, and, as an assurance, we append the analysis of Prof. White, of «na reqmrea to show cause, ir any they my of-1 0 t the Gcor-ia Agricultural Collego. Tho Reports give the analyses of twenty-two articles, the Ammoniated being the highest and having the greatest com- ! mercial value. V ... ...... Wo warrant every bag or barrel to contain by analysis, the standard of fertilizing prop erties, and to secure this result one of our firm superintends in person ovory detail of its manufacture. By comparison of analysis of the Ammoni atod, with thoso of other fertilizers, it will bo seen that 100 pounds is equal to from 150 to 400 pounds of most ot the articles offered the 1ST ARRIVED I "\NB car loud Now Orleans SYRUP 1 yj One ear londN.w Orleus SUgXr wnA"**?”'*?*"* M ACKSREI C fi *' °®* r *° onhlio mirin - ’ O.EORGIA, Jackson county. VA Whereas, David G Yeargan applies to me, in proper form, for letters of administration, with the will annexed of B J Yeargan, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified I prayed for in his petition. Given uuder my official signature, this March 8th, 1875. marl7 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y V Analysis by Prof. White. TACKS0N Sheriff’s Sale. I Moisture and volatile matter, 56 21 ej Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next, I -Non-volatile matter. ...•••••.••... 4o.7J before the coutt house door, itt Jefferson, Jackson co., Sand and Claj* 4 61 n.rie Wl to b wit , ? # ^iA 0 "*,^** 1 *’ th ‘/?' ,o r inB pro - Phosphoric Acid,fallible in water, 9 77 perty, lo-wit. Three hundred acres of land, more or n . r , r,, , _ . A • » i rq less, on tho waters of Oconee river, adjoining land* ol I BodilCCd 1 hosphorio Atlu * Cook, Thurmond and others. Said land is tolerably I Insoluble Phosphoric Acid 1.69 well improved with some sixty acres .released i.ed. Nitrogen (=3.45 Ammonia) .2.82 >*" d challenge manufacturer* to ahow the rc.ulie so invarably eucsessful Superior Court of said county, James E. Randolph, AS can be shown from its use. Tho Ammoniated is in fioe, dry condition, and can bo applied in any qnantity per acre, however small Packed in bags of tho uniform weight of 167 lbs., or barrels of about 250 lbs. each JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Baltimore. $©-For salo by CENTER & REAVES, Athens, who now have un ample Also, a good supply of ACID PHOSPHATE • Fcb3 executor, Ac , vs. Nathaniel Rooks. Property point ed ont by plaintiff. Notice served on defendant, as the law directs, February 27th, 1875. MarlO J. 8. HUNTER, Sheriff. /^.EORGIA, Jackson countv. application showing that ho has fully administered the 1 arc required to make immediate payment. 11. W. HAMMOCK, Adm’r. W ALTON Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold, before the court house door in the town of Monroe, between the lejral hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April rext, the following pro perty, to-wit: One yoke of oxen, ono hundred bushels of cotton seed, more or less, twenty-five bushels of corn, more or loss, five hundred pounds of fodder, more or less, and one pen of ?buck?. Levied on as the property of Wilson Anglin, to satisfy a distress warrant issued from the Justice’s Court for the 503d district O M, in favor of James P Starr vs Wilson Anglin. mai3 $5 W. S. IVEY. D. Sh’ff. estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed] from said administration— I Therefore, all persona are hereby notified and requi- cd to show cause, if any they can, on or before the 1st Monday in June next, at the regular term of the Court j of Ordinaay, to be held iu and for said county of I Jackson, why said administrator should not bo dis-1 charged, and letters of dismission granted in terms of I the law. j Given under my official signature this March 1st, 1875. mar 10 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. /H EORGIA, Walton count)’. VJT Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, 1875. Wherea?, Calvin G Nowell and Sarah H Sheets, executors of Benajah S Sheets, deceased, lato of said county, petition this Court for a discharge from said trust— This is therefore to cite all person? concerned to show cause, if any they have, at tho June torw noxt of this Court, why letters of dismission of such executorship should not be granted said applicants. By orderof the Court, February 1st, 1875. marfi $5 TIIOS. GILES, Ord’y. TpXECUTOU’S Sale. _Uj Pursuant to the last will ollKiobard F Breed love, late of Walton county, (la, deceased, T will sell at public out-cry, beforo tho court house door, in the town of Monroe, on tho first Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of sale, a part of lot No. 201 in the 3d District of Walton county. inar3 JOHNSON F. VERNER, Ex’r. NEW FALL GOODS. CBKrTEH eSa G EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, J P Hudson makes application, in I proper form, for tho Guardianship of S G Martin, minor orphan of G W Martin— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not bo granted as prayed for by applicant. 1 Given undor my official signature this 1st day of I March, 1875. marlO W.C. HOWARD, Ord’y. AT EORGIA, Jackson eonnty. VJT Whereas, Robert Morris, administrator of the estate of James Morris, deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the administra tion of said estate, alleging that be has fall; ad ministered the same— Therefore, all persons concerned era hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on orbe- fnre the first Monday in Juno next, why said adminis trator should not be discharged and said letters grant ed as preyed for by the applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of I March, 1875. marlO W.O. HOWARD, Ord’y. HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and Iiaif Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bales OSNABURGS. Also, a good assortment of ITall JPrints BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS. Hats, Boots & Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Also, a general assortment of to ,h. public c,, BAP ; CAg „ WENTE R k REAV ve New I3ook« ~~ AT BURKE'S BOOK STORt- T A t CK lURKAWAY’S School Days la, ’ J The Scape.graco at School. 75^ Mc ’ AfUr School Dm, 7s . ThoScapc-gracoctSoa. 75c. 7S *- The Fatal Cord and Yellow Pki.c The Rival Crusoe,. S0 , Chi,f ’ 10 '- Strongbow, the Boy Chief. 50c Oniy a Clod, by Mise Breddon. ” 0 'e S °'‘ The Lndy Lisle, by Misi It,..! t„„ \ East Lynne; or’th. Barb D^V n Castle Wnfor; or the Plain Gold Rfa. t Gervaee Ca»tonel; or Sir. G r „ »c. The Heir to Ashley. 75c. 3 Powd «». !5c. The Diary of a Detective Police Within an *nch of Hi, Life »5c . TJih Clique of Gold 75c. Squire Arden, by Mr, Oliphant. -5 C Lome Doonc, a Romance of Ex,n».r -s Lioley Bncheford, by Juniu McCarthr’ 5 *! Losing to Win. A Novel. $1 41. Nast’e Illustrated Almanac. 15. Josh Billings’Alminex. 25c With many others, for sale at novJS BURKE’S BOOK STORE. A MILD APPARIKNT AND GENTLE Pir»«. TaVE, recommended lor the cure of allderanjom.ot, tbeir timely of the stomach, liver and bnwols. use much sickness is prevented. The test of ears havo proven them to be the • . 1B,a J best of all the pill, ovor offered to the'public’"^’ 1 purify tho blood, remove all corruption. and'r«,...V. the diseased system to perfect hoaltb. AS iv TIDOTE TO CHILLS AND FEVER they w; equal. FOR DYSPEPSIA THEY ARE A SPRmiln FOR SICK HEADACHE AND BILLIOL’S C0 L t. ; tbeyercasurccure. FORCOXSTIPATIOX rhvi- MATISM, PILES. PALPITATION OF THE ilFART PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK AND LOINS NEr VOUSNESS, a positive remedy. FOR FEJIALF ip REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. one doe, not feel “very well,” a single dose stimelitM the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and i. parts vigor to the system. Sold every where.’ o»t,' 18 Murray Street. New York. DR. TINTS HAIR DIE. is easily applied, impart, nbeautilulbUckor bra.- ard act, like magic. The best in the world. Sold U all druggists. Price $1.00 a box. ’ a EORGIA, Madison County. Whereas, Kulus M. Meroney and John N. Montgomery, Executors of II. W. Pruitt, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court that thej. havo fully discliarpetl said^rust, and pray the Court to grant them letter? ot dismission— This ifi, therefore, to cite all concerned to be at my office <m the fir*t Mouduy in June next, to show why raid letters ahouid not be granted a? prayed for. Or- Oinarv’? Office, Mar.*h 1st. 1875. March!0 GEO. C. DANIF.L. Ord’y. ARISON Sheriff’s sale. Will l»o sold, before the court hou^e door, iu ir. ^ ,, ? ^ .. the town of Danielevrllc, on tho fir?t Tuesday in April \Y o cannot over estimate within the legal b..ur» ot sale, the following property, to-wit: The interest of David Cook in and to out) tract of land in said county, ou the water? ot little Brushy creek, adjoining lands of Soymour, Nunn and Luster, containing one hundred and ten acre?, more Or 1c?j. Levied on b> virtue of ono fi fa issued from the Justice’s Court ol the 3S2d district. G. M., in sai«i ooantA*. in faver of J. W.Seymour vs. D. J. Co<»k. Lovy madeand returned to mo by A. J. Thompson, L.C. MarlO J- W. KIRK, D. Sheriff. Thouchtti fur Fitlroiifi. TiiBt, excellent co worker, tho Farmers' (Miss) Vindicator, has in its last Issue U>« folL’Wing appropriate language: Patrons should know eaco other better. trust each other more, arid help each other to make life’s burden lighter. Wo want moro and better reading, more information ou subjects that contribute diroetiy to our present welfare tho fund ol valuable information that may Lie gained and dispensed by tho opportuni tics the order offers. To mnko the Grange profitable or avail able, it must bo regularly attended by its members. To necuro this attendance it must be nuida interesting enougli to make members come oat bccauso tboy like to ootno. Patrons cannot, afford to bo so busy in producing something lor somebody else to set a price upon, as to give no thought to tbo situation. {The Grango teaches industry, economy, tho freest oxortion of mind and bod)-, with temperance, just and manly independence —all thoso aro taught in ovory well-con ducted Grnngo. Herein consists its value and oxccllonce. It develops and keeps in steady action all tho moral influences which proceed from tbo lawful exercise of tho above principles. Economy, indus try, and temperance in alt things, must lead to health, happiness and virtuo. Theso are some of tho things the Grango toachos. This association wc fear is destined ere long to experience a decline And this is likely to happen, notwithstanding tho un precedcntcd spread of the order, and the evidenco of its utility ovory whore when properly conducted. What is truo in Mississippi is also truo m Georgin. The samo advice as above rociled is needed here. It is hoped that it will be licodod If tbp object of the Grango was good at first, and calculated to promote tho wel fare oi a large and important class of our fellow-citizons, it is cqnnily so now. It is true, the mind docs not pursue tho same object always with the same inten sity of desire for tho promotion of that ob ject. The up grade bas to bo passed an well as the down, and many obstacles aro in tbo way. Tbo novolty of the enter prise wears off and indifference, or perhaps worse feelings spring up and prevent ?»c-< cess Agriculture always has boon, and always will be themost useful calling. It is the foundation and capstono of all pros perity. Whatever promotes it, therefore, deserves the serious consideration of all. If then you wish to advanco tbo science of agriculture, and thereby promote lim prosperity of your country, conquer your indifference, and forsake not tho assem blage of yourselves together. You can then work in harmony, and, while cultivat ing the social feelings,give and receive use ful knowledge on the great subject of farming. G EORGIA, Madison County. Whereas, Jituie? P. Hull, A Administrator ot ui- Hall, deceased. re|»ro*ciita to thu^Cuuri tLut Li tas tally a imini?!«rod sai l estate iu term? ol the law— This ia. therefore, t<» cite nil concerned t<> be at my office, on tL,* fir<t Monday in June roxt, to show why i.iid Janie? P. Hall i-hould not ho dismissed from said adtniuibirution. Urdinary’n office, March 1h. 1875. MurlO GKO. 0 DA*N’IKL, Ord’y. M’ A MIMSTKATOR’S Sale. JLJL. Will be sold, before the court house door, in DanieUville, bv virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in May noxt, ot»c tract of laud iu said county, on tho water* of Broad river, adjoining lands of Broods, Porterfield and other?, eon taining forty-seven acres, wore or loss. Improve ments common. Sold as the property of John Pearce late of said county, doccasod. Term?, cash. Marl0 LUCY PEARCK, Adm’x. G eorgia, Madison county. Ordinary’s Office, December 23d, 1871. Wherea?, Bennett .Sim?, Executor of Andrew S Eherhart, dee'd, represents to tho Court that he fully discharged said trust, and prays the Court to gr «nt him letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be at my office on tho first Monday in April next, to show why said Executor’s prayer should not be grant ed. Witness tay Land and seal, dec30 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y TIT ALTON Sheriff’s Sale. Y V Will be sold, before the court house door in tbe town of Monroe, Walton county, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, to wit: Sixty-two and a half acres of land, more or less, in the northeast corner of land lot No 144, in the 4th district of Walton county Levied on as the property of Henry W. Shclnutt, under and by virtuo ofone ex ecution issued from a Justice’s Court, held in and for the 416th district G. M. of said couuty, in favor of Thomas O’KclIey vs. J. C. Cooper principal and Ilenry W. Shelnutt security. Levy made and returned to me ' y Benjamin Knight, L. C. Feb24 $5. J. M. AMMONS, Sh’ff. W ALTON Sheriff's Mortgage Sale. Will bo sold, before the court house door in the town of Monroe, during the legal hours of sale, on he first Tuesday in April next, the fullowing proper ty, to-wit: 1 walnut bureau, with marble top aud mirror, 1 glass mp, with marble bottom, 1 brass fire feuder, 2 pair f andirons. 2 pair of window curtains aud cornices, 2 iudow shades, 2 pair of tongs and l shovel, 1 tbree- ly carpet. 1 woollen carpet. 2 rug?, 12 chairs, several roken, 2 pair window shades, 1 large hall lamp and xtures. ] mahogany washstaad. 1 pair window shades, small gla?« lamp, 2 tin lard cans, I pair old counter ale? and weig ts, 4 bln?, 1 lot bottles, 2 pair sheep hears, 2 weaver’s sleys, 1 lot shuttle? and temple, 1 •ot pan, 2 wash bowls, 1 old half-bushol measure, 1 joking stove and fixtures, 2 largo demijohns, 1 syrup •iler, 1 lot old barrels, 4 small kegs, 1 lot old spades, tin vof.*el for making cake?, 3 boxes window glass, »me broken, 1 pair old swifts, part of an old wheel barrow, 1 traveler’s extension bucket, 1 old earthen tea pot, 1 pair old waflle irons, I lot hoop iron, 1 small addhr with hooks, 1 wooden churn, 1 iron wedge, 1 lot arts 1 lot jug?, some broken, 2 tin sprinklers. 1 grind stone, 1 old broken buirgy, 1 old side-saddle, 1 broad ixe, 1 broken cross-cut mw, 1 plow stock, 3 ladders, 1 ot ton gin aud rubber belt, l lot hogsheads, 1 lot boxes, log chain, 1 small brass lamp, 1 lot hooka, 1 rooked mill saw, 1 lot boxes, 1 set cutting knives, 2 Id wheat fens. 1 weaver*? loom, part of an oldcotton gin, I lot old irons, 1 frower, 1 pair old cart wheel ubs and tire, 1 r:flo gun, shot bag and powder horn, singlo barrel shot gun. All levied on as the pro- erty of John B .Sorrells, under and by virtue of one xe**uti .n Issued from Walton Superior Court,in favor f Chnrles L Hayes vs John B Sorrells. feb3 $20 J. M. AMMONS. D. Sh’ff. BANKS COUNTY. G EORGIA, Bunks county. Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, administrator of Wilborn Fag.»ns, represents to the Court, in his peti tion duly filed and entered on record, that bo has fully administered Wilborn Fagans* estate— This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if auy they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from hi? administration, aod rocoivo letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 2875. mar24 A. C. M638, Ord’y. TO THE PUBLIC. I DO not loll Gooffs on credit, bat for tho CASH, will (tiro von 10 lbs of SUGAR for $ I 09 4i lb, of COFFEE Tor 1.00 5 lb, of CHEESE for 1 00 100 lb, of BACON for.. 12 00 100 lbs of FLOUR for 3.50 A kit of MACKEREL for 1.50 And everythin* «1,« osunlly kept in a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORK, eqnally as eheap. Just reeeivad, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Confectioneries, Gandies, Malaga Grapes, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BOOTS, 8R0U, HATS, Clothing, Dry Goods, &e. When T say CAST!, I mean the MONEY, not “in a day or two,” nor “ thirty day*," but my motto is, “ Here’s your Goods} give me your Money, Call bad See mo, Broad ,treot, Snead A Co’s Shoe etore. Jan20 N.E: RHODES. and a! simplon for 25c, elo.Dra Alaserbook. OMANC-V, or SOUL-CHARMING.”— ' v fascinate soul gain tho love • * tly. Thi, ,by mail, aaOra-, ’Min. a EORGIA, Hanks county. Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, guardian of James C Mir-e, represent* to the Court that he bas fully com plied with all hi? obligations as such guardian— This is to cite nil porsous concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said guardian should not be dis charged from his sruardiauship, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May, 1875. Given under my official signature, March 17, 1875. mar2f A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. B ANKS Sheriff’s Sale. Will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in April next, between tbo lawful hour? of sale, before the court house door, in lloucr, the following property, to-wit: Otic lot of land. No 24, lying the waters of Hudson river, ndjoi- ing lands of Carter, and others, contain ing two hundred and fifty acre?, marc or less. Levied on as tbo propert) of A L Pool, to satisfy sundry fi I as i?iticd from the Justice Court of tho 012th District, O M. in favor of It P Terrell, T A Terrell, CJ Jordan, J M Dodd, C N Smith, and other?, vs A L Pool and .M K Coker A Co. Levy made aiul returned to mo by James Brooks, L C. inar3 A. J. WEST, EORGIA, Banks county. \OT Whereas, P A Waters, executor of William L Water?, represents to the Court in hfs petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he bas fully admin- Dtcrod William L Water?’estate according to will— Thai? therefore to cite all persons concerned to thow cause, if any they can, why said oxocutor should not bs discharged aud receive letter? of dicimssion, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jan20 $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Banks county. Whoron*. D.niel T Bush, exeentorof Thorn., Bush, represent, t» the Uourt in hi, petition, dul, filed end entered on reeurd, thnt be bna full, administered Thomas Bush’s artate according to hit will— This is therefore to cite all persona concerned to show ram , if an, the, can, wb, said executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jan?0 S5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y pi EORGIA, Clarke county. \JT Court of Ordinary of sat 1 couuty. Whereas, Helen F Palmer, administratrix of Ed mund Palmer, lato of aqid eonnty, deceased, petition the Court for a discharge from said administration— Therefore, all portons concerned ara hereby required to show eauso, if any they have, why said administra trix should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on tho first Monday in May naxt, be discharged from said administration; By order of said Court, at a regular term thereof, held this the -tth day of January, 1875. janIS A8A Ml JACKSON, Ord’y. FOR SALE, gRVERAL superior building lota, being • part of auglf-tf Dr. M. 8. DURHAM, or J. 6. WILLIFORD. TACKS0N Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. (J Will be fold, on the first Tuesday in May next, I beforo the court house door in Jefferson, Jackson co, within the legal hoars of sale, tho following property, lo-wit: Consisting of Hats,Shoes, Prints, Ribbons, Jewelry, ready-made Clothing, Drugs and Medicines, Hard ware, Crockery, Shawls, Notions, and all other arti cles of merchandise belonging to and embraced in the stock of goods contained in tho store-room occupied recently by W B Stockton, in the Webb house, iu the town of Jefferson, end nil the store accounts, aecouut books and not*, of W B Stockton, acanired by him sinco the 13th day of January, 1875. Levied onus the property of W B Stockton, described iu a certain indenture of mortgage, bearing date on the 13th day nf January, tS75, by virtueof a mortgage fi fa issued from tbo Superior Court of said county—P F Lemur T, W B Stockton. Property pointed ont in said fi fa. mar3 815 J. S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. We keep a general assortment of goods made by the ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, sneh as Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Tarns We are also Agents for the LIGHT DRAFT GULLET GIN. All of which wo offer to tho public at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH OR BARTER* CALL AND 8EE US. Athens, Sept. 2, 1874. CENTER & REAVES. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. Will bo sold, beforo the ci un house door in tho t,iwu of Jefferson, within thelo^al hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in Juue next, tho following property, to-wit: One bay horse, four years old. Levied on by tue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Jackson Superior Coutft in favor of J R A L C Matthews vs Jesse Hull. Property pointed out in said fi fa. mar3 W. A. WORSHAM. D. Sh’ff. /^EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, W J Roberts applies to me in proper form r or permanent letters of administration on the estate of Matthew M Hanes, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, on or beforo the first Monday in March noxt, why said letters should not ho granted, as prayed for, to the applicant. Given under my official signature. Jan 15, 1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. O.EORGIA, Jackson county. V. J Wherea*, Win E Cheeley *mskos application for letter, of administration on the estato of Sarah Aud Cheeley, late of said county, deceased— Therefote, all persons concerned are hereby notified and roqnired to show cause, if any they can, on or bo- forethe first Monday in March next, why said letters should not be granted, os prayed for by applicant. Given under my ofiloial signature, Jan 8, 1875. jan2l> 8« WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. HUNTER & BETJSSE’S NEW" OOG EOR PALL AJSTO WINTER. We are receiving a Large Stock of CLOTHING, adapted to the Season, CASSIMERE & OTHER. CLOTHS, Parasols, TJm'brellas and Dry Goods, FUR, WOOL & LADIES’ HATS, Just received, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, WOODEN-WARE, CROCKERY, ALL DESCRIPTIONS LEATHER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., &c. We also keep constantly on hand, Choice Flour and Country Produce, Which will bo sold as “CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST." Atbana. Sapt. 23,1874. THE GHASTLY RECORD OF DEATHS th.t re sult from pulmonary affections is frightful. There ii no disease that is so insiduous in its attack u eon- sumption. By the neglect of “ slight colds” the, soon beeome deep seated and defy remedies which, if applied at the outset, would have averted ill dtiger. Dr. Tutt’a Expectorant ha, proven itself THE MUcT VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever discovers.'. A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York pro. nounces it the “ greatest blessing of the ninetMDih contcry,” and says “ no family should be without it.” It is pleasant to the taste, and a single dose will oftei remove the most obstinate eough. Office, IS Mum, Street, New York. CLARKE COUNTY. O EORGIA, Clarke county. VJa To the Superior Court of said county : The petition of Hunter A Bfnste, T A Burke, A A Bell, Ii C Briaut, Z \V Betts, G W Barber, Evans, Clayton A Co, Howell Cobo, II H Carlton, J W Col lins, A K Childs, J II Christy, E J Christy, J Z Coop er, A P Bearing, 8 C Dobbs, John Kberbart, Thomas Fleming, Mrs C M Frankliu, Gann A Reaves, T W Gantt, J A Grant, Jonathan Hampton, G II Hope, J A llunnicutt, A II Hodgson, Y L G Harris, J H llug- gins, Mrs Sarah Hamilton, J C Hardie, W L Jones, W C Kemp, I M Kenney, 11 L Most, S D Mitchell, Simon Marks A S Mundcvillo, Patman Lester, John S Linton, Jl A Lowrance, J W Nicholson, Reuben Nickerson, J II Ncwiod, R T Pittard, R K Reaves, A A Lipscomb, T A Sale, P A Summey, W A Talmadge, J E Talmadgc, C G Taliuadge, S P Thurmond, Y 11 Wyun, James White, Weatherly A Co, G H Yancey, B S Ware, Eaves, McGinty A Co, of said county, showeth that they desire to establish a steam laundry and soap factory, and wish to conduet a general lauudry business snd manufacture soap in the city of Athens, Clarko county, Georgia, and for that purpose they and their associates desire to he incorporated un der the name and style of ** Athens Steam Laundry n«J Soap Factory 19 for the term of twenty years, with i capital rtock of fire thousand dollars, to bo divided into shares of ten dollars each, three thousand dollars of which ha? been actually paid in, with the privilege of increasing tho same to twenty thousand dollars, and vested with full power to sue and bo sued, plead and he impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and to luy, hold, or sell lands, personal property or machinery, so far as the same may be necessary to carry on and conduct the business of said corporation. And that the stockholders of said company may meet, organize and elect a President and five Direetors at any time after the granting of the final order of the Court ou this petition, or five days’ notico of the ;cao and place of meeting, in ono or moroof tho Ath- ns newspapers. And at the Grst, or any subsequent Convention, may Gx the time of the annual Conven tion of stockholders, and that they may bavo power and authority to adopt such by-laws and regulations for tho government of said Company, and the man- agemeut of its business, as may seem proper to said Convention, not contrary to tbo Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of th* Unitod States. And that said Board of Directors shall have power to appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintend ent, or any other employee ncce»?ary to conduct the business of said corporation. That eaeb stockholder .shall bo entitled to one vote for each share bold by nim or her. And that ali contracts to borrow money, lor the purchase or salo of real estate, or machinery, -hell be signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary or Treasurer. And that said Company may have authority to wash, starch, dry, mangle aud iron all clothes, bed clothes or other articles, and t^ do and perform all such work a? is usually done in % general laundry business, and to charge and collect for the shme. And to manufac ture soap, Ac, Ac. Your potitionere pray the Court to pasf an order declaring the applicatien of your petitioners granted, and tbat your pe*itlonert and tbuir successors may be incorporated under tho name of •• Athena Steam Laun dry and Soap Factory " for apd during the tom of twenty years, with tbonrivilogo of renewal at the ex pirution of that time. And your petitioners will ever pray, Ac. 8. P. THURMJOND, Att’y for petitioners. Cs.atxw Cocarr, | c l ,rk ’s Offica Superior CoJrt. Recorded on mi out., of Mid Goarf? folio 345 and 34#, March 0th, 1876. JOHN I. HUGGINS,' Ti — * " ma r 10-1 in Ct’k Superior Court Clark. Coontj. EORGIA, Clarke county, VT Court of Ordiaar, ,f salil count,. Whores,, Amanda Fraderick, sol’d, administratrix of Felix Frederick, eol’d, late of said-county, dee’d, petitions the Court for • discharge from said ndtnin- iitra^ioo— i! !" Therefore, all persons concerned era hereby reqair- ep to sbaw.caose, if any they barn, why said adminis tratrix should ont, .at the regujqr tcni of uid-Ceurt. to be held on the first Monday in May next, he dis charged from said administration. By order of said Coort, at a regular term thereof, held this the 4th day of January, M7k'.' jan!3 , . ASA M- JACRSOK, Orj’r. LEGAL BLANKS, A FULL supply always on hand, at the - j A WATCHMAN OFFICE. /TJ.EORGIA, Jackson eonnty. VIA Whereas, Charles P Hardy, administrator of I theestateof Riley Maxwell, late of said county, dec’d, represents to the Court by his petition, properly filed, tbat he bas fully administered said estate, and desires I letters distaissory— j Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re- I quired to show cause, if any they can, on orbefore the I first Monday in May next, why said administrator I should not be discharged and letters of dismission, as | prayed for, granted. Given under my official signature, this Jan 5, 1875. jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. O. r <v e L. (GEORGIA, Jackson eonnty. \-X Whereas, T J Randolph, administrator of the estate of Mi Rogers, deceased, represents to the Court in bis petition, properly filed, that he bos fully administered said estate, and tbat he desires letter, of dismission from said administration— Therefore, all persons coucerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be- fore th. regular term of the Court of Ordinary in and far said county, on the 1st Monday in April, 1875, why lettera of dismission should not be granted the applicant, as prayed forin his petition. Given under my official aignatare, thi, 8th day cf December, 1874. doc!3 $8 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. RABUN COUNTY. fll EORGIA, Rabnn county. VJ Ordinary’s Office, March 10th, 1875. Frances W Lowry, wife of George V Lowry, has ap plied to me for exemption and setting apart a home stead io real and personal estate,- end I will pass upon the same at one o’clock, P M, on the 29th of Merch, 1875. marlT J. W. QUEEN, Ord’y. EORGIA, Rabnn county, vJT Whereas, Joel Arondele, administrator of Thos. Arondale, represents to the Court in hi, petition, duly filed nod onto roil on record, tbat bo baa faithfully ad ministered Thomas Arondale’s estate— This it, therefore, to oito ail persona concerned, kindred or creditor., to thow cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from hi, administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 1875. . Given under my hand and official signature, Mareb fith, 1875. marir J. W. GREEN, Ord’j. S TATE OP GEORGIA, Babun County. MARTHA POINTER ) In Superior Court, va > October Term, 1874. ISAAC POINTER. ) Libel far Divoree. 11 appearing to th. Court from th. return of th. She riff, that the defendant, Isaac Pointer, ia not to be found withia the limits of thia county; end it farther ap peering, that be does not reaide in the State— Itia ordered. That service of the libel in said cause bo made, by publication onee a month for foar month, rior to tbo next term of tbie Court, io the Southern fatehman, a public gasette, published in theeityof A tbens, Qa. N. B. CARY, Sol. for Libellant. Granted: G10. D. RICH, Judge 8. C. GEORGIA, 11, W. M. Hunnieutt, Clerk of the Su- Riscx Coumtt. j periur Court of said county, do here by certify, that the above copy order ie a true extraot from the miouteh of this Court. Given under my hand and leal .of office, thie Dee 96 1874. W. M. HUNNICUTT, oeSfi $10 ClerkB. 0. FRANKLIN COUNTY. TATE OF GF0RGIA, Franklin county. kJ ISAAC CUBBY U va > Libel for Divoree. HANNAH CURRY, j In Franklin Superior Coort. It appearing to tha Court, by return of the Sheriff, that tbo defendant ean not be-found in this eonnty, and (hat her reaidenoo ie unknown— It ia ordered, That service be perfected In thie ease by publication of this aetlee, in the Southern Wateh- mxD newspaper, enee a month for four months pro ceeding the next term of this Court. J. 8. DORTCH, Sol. for libellant. Granted: GEO. D. RICX, Judge fl. C. Given nnder my bend and seal of offiee, thie Dae. fd, 1874. • BARTON G. PAYNE, merit' Clerk Superior Court. SC IlEYENELL & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, oA. DEALERS IN • "* Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, CANES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. Having BEST WORKMEN, are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. We make a specialty of Silver Plating and Gilding, And all work ot this kind; such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, etc. plated by us, warranted equal to. that done ty any establishment in the country. °®S MODEB-^* A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and. Mule Shoes, HORSE-SHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sol of BRINLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, U; ^ A ‘ 1 FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND PUMPS. CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., &c., &c. 14” Any article in our line not in stock tcill be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay W Call and examine our Stock and Prices. dec 18— tf / OB* TUT Ts > SARSAPARILLA v Sens'dELicHi y SCROFULA, ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF THE SKIN, ST. ANTHONY’S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, BOILS. TETTER A.iD SALE RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM. PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OP THE BONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS. STERILI TY, LEUCORRHCEA OR WHITES. WOMB DIS. EASES, DROPSY, WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPBI. LIS, KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT, MER CURIAL TAINT AND PILES, ell proceed from in- pure blood. DB. TUTT'S SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to nedicil seience. Itentereiato the circulation and every morbific agent; renovates the system; produce! a beautiful oomplexion and causee the body to gain flesh and inereaee in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do eo, nothing hat eror been offered thatean compare with thi, valuable vegetable extract. Priee $1.00 a bottle. Sold byr all Druggist,. Office 81 Murray Street. N. Y. oort CURES, AS IF BY MAGIC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, OBSTINATE LUNG AFFECTIONS, ASTHMA, CROUP. BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS, PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHIN8, LOSS OF VOICE, and will cure CONSUMPTION, Aa 50,099 grave-robbed witnesses testify. No op'*“- Nothing poisonous. Delicioa, to take. Tbe e.rtolj Saviour to all afflicted with affections of the Tbro, and Lungs. Bequeath, to posterity one of the fj* ast blessings, SOUND LUNGS, and immunity CONSUMPTION. v IF Over one hundred thousand bottlaa bar* jam need, and not a single failure known. Tbooia^di testimonial, of wonderful eures, such o, the follow* r ean be lean at the offloe of the Proprietors, No #0 nr street, Atlanta, Ge, or will be sent, on eppSe*' 100 ' eny who doubt. For Bale bv all druggists. __ DB. J. 8. PEMBERTON & CO., Proprietor,, Atl»»l». «»• READ! READ!! CONSUMPTION CUBED ! OrricE or O. Sacbett, Drug, * j New Albert, Ind.. April 1*.»«’. » Dr JS Pemberton, Atlanta, Ga: Dear Sir-* “f,. received your circulars, and inconsequence or tribntion, I have .old about six d.sen G obe Flo** a in tha last two weeks. TbeGlobe Flower SyW ,ing greet celebrity. I reeommeodsd ■ t ■ ^ eiaae of consumption. One eaae was bi “ bifi i not laid on bnt one side for two yean; “ e tt /ta almost ever j day; much *ma*iated*»od die. He has taken six bottles of Globe flsw* bis troubles are ali gone, except projection,” Jk# rapidly improving. He will certainly gel 1 ' j ell other ease is similar, with tarns good reset • sand yon many taatimoniala, if you "‘•“I'.pvgiT. Yenrs, truly, ste, 0. REMARKABLE C®?*;..., , 8J4 . VLBV1LARD. 0«tO, April 1 -. „ Dr. J. S Pemberton-. It gives me great pie«- inform you that two bottles of Globe FI ,f have cured my son of an obstinate lung . . bid several years' standing, after ear best »by 10> p. given him np to die, with what they Sheart,*** lion. I shell ever remember with g™** f " "*j,’ bt, recommend to nil the Globe Flower ISyrup- b(trU brought more ennahine and happiness t» jo,e. and hema than one million dollar* eouU bar* Gobbles, you. ^ HOB® aM itt ■W. S-. HOLMAJ* Witt keep on ioad daring tbe WttUer */ ainm^SStSSffrJgS&i Thee e in want of Stock mill call e» *< , oT M_ Stable, oa Tkemae inert. IF YOU WANT TO SEE Fine ill do you good to iQ0 ’a BAVS* That plac*. nov4—3t