The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, April 14, 1875, Image 4

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ATHENS Sheep on i Farm. Sheep are undervalued by the mass of land-holders as a means of keeping up the fertility of the soil and putting money into the pockets of farmers- Thetnomont ono begins to talk of sheep husbandry the listener or reader begins to look for wool quotations, as if wool was all that yields profit from sheep. One might as well look for wheat quotations alone when there is talk about the profit of farming. Sheep on a (arm yield both wool and mutton. They multiply with great rapid ity. They aro the best of farm scaven gore, “cleaning a field” as no other cla?s of animals will. They give back to the farm more in proportion to what they take from it than any other animal, and distri bute it better with a view to' the future fertility of the soil. Provo this? There is no need of proof to those wbo have kept sheep and know their habits and thoir yiold. To prove it to those who have not tho experience, it is necessary they should try tho experiment or accept tho tcstimo-. ny of an experienced shepherd. But the live stock of a farm should not, necessarily, bo sheep, exclusive. Cattle, horses, swine, have their respective places in tho farm economy. How many of each to keep is a question that locality, character of markets, adaptation of soil, predisposition, taste and skill of tho hus bandman must decide. But one thing ought not to bo forgotten, that the more stock a man has on his farm tho more grass, and it ought to, and if properly mar,, aged, it will grow. The rales of increase will correspond with tho business tact, technical and practical knowledge, and skill ot tho husbandman.—N. York World Wheat Crop Prospects. A gentleman wbo has traveled much through Tennessee, Kentucky, West Vi gmia, Maryland, Indiana, Ohio and South ern Illinois, informs the St. Louis Demo crat that the winter wheat crop now in tho ground in all that region is in excel lent condition. Some farmors supposo the broadcast sowing would prove a failure in such States as Tennessee, Kentucky, Vir ginia and Maryland, where the snow did not lay long on tho ground ; but examina tion of tho plant proves tho reverse. Not only is tbo growing wheat in excellent condition in those States, but the aroa pul in is largo. In tho more northerly portion of tho winter wheat belt tho earth has been very steadily covered with snow,and thero can be no doubt that when a thaw comes it will bo sudden. Spring will ho skipped, and summer will begin. The weather will bo hot and forcing, and tho growth of tho wheat plant will bo rapid. Another thing seems to be pretty certain and that is that there will bo a big corn crop in 1S75. Corn is now bringing t> price that will iDBuro a large profit to the farmer, and hogs are high also. Thus thoro are two incentives to produce corn largely. If the crop should be so large as to force prices down, it can bo fed to hogs and made to pay a good profit that way. OAiiions, CSxuO GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORK, SMITHING & REPAIRING Saving an extensive collection of Patterns manufacture WALTON COUNTY. JACKSON COUNTY. Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MININC & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Sato Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill Spindles, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Rattle Staffs, Mill Cranks, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Statnping Mills. Cotton Seed Crashers, etc., etc., etc. Manufacture, and are Agents for, the tnoit approves Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent Port able Revolting and Colt's celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Balconies, etc., tic. Thankful for past patronage, solicit a continuance of the same. From the nature of our business, we are compelled to make onr terms STRICT!. Y CASH. Address. It NICKERSON, Agent and Snp’t. JEST- Mill Findings furnished at Mannfaetnrer’, prices. \\/ ALTON Sheriff’s Sale. YV Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May, before the court faonse door, in the town of Monroe, Walton county, during the legal hours ofiale, the fal lowing property, to-wit: One blacksmith shop and lot, in the town of Mon. roe, and situate, lying and being iu the nerthe-ut corner of the G T Sims lot, being 33 feet on Spring street and 35 feet on firat west alley. Also, two acres of land, lying near the town of Monroe, bounded on one eide by the public road leading from Monroe in a northwest direction, measuring ninety-eight yards on said road, and measuring the same distance on the other three sides, it being a square lot, bounded by said road on the northeast, and by the line of a lot of land on tbo northwest belonging to Jasper N Smith, on the eoatheast by a line running twenty feet from lands belonging to C G Nowell, and on the back part by aline running parallel with saiJ poblie road ninety- eigb t yards, making a square lot of two acres. Levied upon as the property of Green Howard, col’d, nndel and by virtue of three executions issued from e Notarj Public’s Court, held in and for tho 419th District, G M, of (aid county, in favor of Nowell A Malsby v$ Green Howard, col’d. Property pointed ont by plain tiffs. Levy made by B C Arnold, L C. marSl $10 J.Jtf. AMMONS, Sh’ff. (GEORGIA, Jackson county. Mrs J D Lamar, wire of PF Lamar, (ho re futing) has applied for exemption of personalty; and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock, A M, on tho 15th day of April, 1875, at my office. »P 17 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. TACKSON Sheriff’s Postponed Mortgage ej SALE.—Will besold.on the first Tuesday in June next, before the court house door, in Jefferson, Jack- son oonnty, Go, within the legal hoars of sale, tho fol lowing property, to-wit: Two males, one a dark brown maro male, about 5 years old, the other a dark bay horse male, aboat 8 or 9 years old. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county. John B Dunnahoo vs Thomas W Garrison. Property point ed out in said 8 fa. mar31 AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS! JOUTsT MEBEYMAN Sd CO.’S Ammoniated Dissolved BONGS! The Great Colton Grower/ Composed of PURE BONE, dissolved in Sulphuric Acid, and the best Ammoniacal material. J.S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. p EORGIA, Walton county. VJT Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1875. John M Peters, guardian of Eugenia E Cook, for* tnerl\ Eugenia E Smith,petition this Court for a did* charge from such guardianship— All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they h»ve, at the May term next ot this court, why said guardian should not be discharged from said trust. By order of the Court, March 1st, 1875. uar24 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. 121 EORGIA, Jackson county. -A Whereas, David G Yearguu applies to me, in proper form, for letters of administration, with the will annexed of B J Yoargan, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, at my of fice, on or before the firat Monday in May next, why said letters should not bo granted the applicant as prayed for in his petition. Given under my official signature, this March Sth, 1875. marl7 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. G eorgia, Walton county. Whereas, Whitman H Trible applies to me for letters ot administration on the estate of Polly O’Kel ley, late of said county, deceased— This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the next of kin and creditors ofsaid deceased, to show cause, if any they have, why administration on the estate of said deceased should not be granted the applicant at the May term next of tbi? Court. Given under my hand, officially, March 20th, 1875. mar24 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. >y l - Moisture and volatile matter, 56 21 Non-volatile matter 48.79 Sand and Clay 4 61 Phosphoric Acid, soluble in water, 9 77 (GEORGIA, Jackson countv. T Red “ ce k f P p h . osph ° ri . c A . ci . d , H? VX Thomas H Niblack, administrator, de bonis Insoluble Phosphoric Acid 1.69 different articles, tho Ammoniated being the bighost and having the greatest mercial value. MT ARRIVED O NE oar load Naw Orleans SYRUP ° 9 r *oans SUGAR ! w . .^^"Vpiy of new mackerel MaIji*V: * pub % c «^o,^BB. s W© warrant every bag or barrel to contain by analysis, the standard of fertilizing prop erties, and to secure this result one of our firm superintends in person every detail of its manufactore. By comparison of analysis of tho Ammoni ated, with thoso of other fertilizers, it will bo seen that 100 pounds is equal to from 150 to 400 pounds of most ot the articles offered the rm7 ouuuuifii.nuur, uc oouis I _ • - . ... n ot) non, of Thomas L Brown, deceased, baring filed hisINltrogon (==3.45 Ammonia) A-o-* r --- -- . . . application showing that he has fully administered the planter, and we challenge manufacturers to show the results so invarably sucsossini estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed I t xv, non from said administration— as can be shown from Its U80. ...... Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and requi- The Ammoniated is in fine, dry condition, and can bo applied in any qnantity per ed to show cause, if any they can, on or before the let acre, however small. Monday in Jane next, .t the regular term Of th. Court I p acbe< j in bags of the uniform weight of 167 lbs., or barrels of about 250 lbs, each. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Baltimore. ffS-For sale by CENTER & REAVES, Athens, who now have an ample supply on hand. Also, a good supply of ACID PHOSPHATE. Feb3 of Ordinaay, to be held in and for said county of Jackson, why said administrator should not be dis charged, and letters of dismission granted in terms of the law. Given under my official signature this March 1st, ,q 75. marlO W.C. HOWARD, Ord’y. InTgw IBooks AT BURKE’S BOOKSTORE TACK HARKAWAY’S School Da,. „ ' J The Scape.grace at School. 75^ 50c " 'jZ&ZSZTiZ'XL*’-- - . fSSKx'sp***’**. The Fatal Cord and Yellow Chi.r Tho Rival Cru.oe., 50c ' 50c ’ Strongbow, the Boy Chief. 50 c Rupert Godwin, by Min Brail,1,,-. Tho Lady’a Mite, by Mils Braddnn Only a Clod, by Miss Braddon Me 5 °' - Tho Lady Lisle, by Misi Braddon ;o 0 East Lynne; or the Earl’s Daughter « Castle Wafer; or the Plain Gold Rtag T *?L Ucrvase Caatoncl; or Six o,„ n,‘r ‘• >: - Tho neir to Ashley. 75c * " Jer ‘- S5 <- The Diary of a. Detective Police Office, 7-, Within an Inch of His Life. 7ie r ’ 7 '• The Clique of Gold. 75 c . Squire Arden, by Mrs Oliphaut. 75 0 Lorna. Doone, a Romance of Exma-r ' — Linley Ruehoford, by Justin MeCert’hv *t Losing to Win. A Novel. $1. **• Nast'a Illustrated Almanac. 25 c . Josh Billinga’ Alminax. 25c. With many others, for sale at nov25 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. T HIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to con tain a single particle of Mrrcurt, or any injuri ous mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Hoots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liv er Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases cailscd by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors’bills. After over forty years* trial it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from per sons of the highest character and responsibility. Em inent physicians commend it as the most Effectual Specific Tor Dyspepsia or Indigestion Armed with this ANTIDOTE,allclimatcs andchange of water and food inay be faced without fear. Asa Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COM PLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE,NAUSEA, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is tho Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in tue World! Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN ft CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price, $1. Sold by all Druggists. junelO L0 KG I A, Walton county. Y" Court of Ordinary. March Term, 1875. Wm R Smith and Cicero U Smith, executors of A W Wright, late of said county,deceased, petitions this Court for a discharge from said oxocutorship— All persons aro hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, why said executors, at the July term next f this Court, should not be discharged from their said trust. By order of the Court, March 1st, 1875. mar24 THOS. GILES. Ord’y. I "GEORGIA, Jackson county. V-A Whereas, J P Hudson makes application, ini proper form, for the Guardianship of S G Martin, I minor orphan of G W Martin— Therefore, all persons concerned aro hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of I March, 1S75. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. EORGIA, Walton county. VU" Ordinary’s Office, March 17th, 1875. John P Felker has applied for exemption of per sonalty ; and I will pass npon tho same at 12 o’clock, M, on the 5th day of April, 1875, at my office. mar24 THOS. GILES,Ord’y 2VX0TICE. All persons holding demands against the es tate of Asa A Hammock, late of Walton county, de ceased, are hereby notified to present them to the un dersigned, properly attested, within the time pre scribed by law, and all those indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment. mar24 H. W. HAMMOCK, Adrn’ i 'X EORGIA, Jackson county. sJT Whereas, Robert Morris, administrator of the estato of James Morris, deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the administra tion of said estate, alleging that he has fully ad ministered the same— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in Juno next, why said adminis trator should not be discharged and said letters grant ed as prayed for by the applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of March, 1875. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y f'1 EORGIA, Walton county. Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, 1875. Whereas, Calvin G Nowell and Sarah II Sheats, executors of Bcnajah S Sheats, deceased, late of said county, petition this Court for a discharge from said trust— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, at the June term next of this Court, why letters of dismission of such executorship should not be granted said applicants. By order of the Court, February 1st, 1875. mar3 $5 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. MADISON COUNTY. A Word to Farmers. Farmers of Georgia, what of :ho night? Will you desert your gardens, orchards, vinoyards nod farms because you are in debt. I hear many of you protend failure and bankruptcy; sonic think tboy are shrouded with liens and that ruin stares thorn in the God tnrned Adam out of tho garden under far moro gloomy cir cumstances. You never enjoyed such a habitation as be did. Tbo samo sun shines upon you that warmed Adam's field and heart. You have tho same dews and gentle rains to enrich the farrows of your field, you enjoy tbo melody of the forost songsters, you bavo the sumo fruits and Bowen, yon have the same seed time and harvest, you havo as loving wives, 'laughters and sons, and the same poster ity to labor for. I here would say to you retrench, reform, economize. Make all you cal;beioro you buy anything stud}’ for days to see if you cannot do without it Patched clothes are more honorable than those unpaid for. Stand to your plow like Stonewall Jackson did to his guns al Bull Run, umid gloom, dismay anti death. And like him, you will put to flight ull your adversaries, and God will recognize you as noble descendants ot Adam, and own you ns his people. Some Reasons for Diversified Farming. 1. Because under the present system the market is over-stocked wit It some pro ducts, and the price is correspondingly low, while right hero at our doors, ot iter farm products bring as much us in New York city, a great center of consumption and export. Diversity of cropping tends to equalize prices. 2. Becauso diversity of cropping means rotation, and under a system of rotation, larger crops can bo produced each year, and the fertility of tho soil will last much longer than when the same crop is sown year after year. 3. Becauso it is safer. Ho who stakes all upon a single crop, merely buys a tick et in a good lottery. Ifeverylbing proves favorable, bo gets a good thing and a largo sum of money all at onco. Bat if tbo crop proves a poor one, ho is in a cor respondingly bad condition. 4. It distributes the labor, and tho cash receipts also, more equally through tho year. Thus little bills can be paid as they bocomo due, and the long credit system discontinued. 5. Another advantage will arise from fewer purchases at tbo grocery, and greator variety in the homo fare.— Western Farmer. £STA correspondent of the Ohio Farmer calls attention to the effects of transplant ing on certain kinds of vegetables and other plants, and thinks tho pbylosophy of tho lh:r:g should bo looked into. Let tuce, cabbage, and celery, are, bo says, especially benefited by one or two remo vals when young. It is, ho declares, hard ly possible to have tho largest and fines hoads of lettuce, if the plants are allowed to grow without transplanting, oven though otherwise woll cultivated. Flor ists also find it of benefit to the form and flowering of many plants. tey-To revive wilted cuttings, Hearth and Home says: Mix three or foar drops of spirits of Camphor with an onnceof water, and keep their stems in this fluid for half a day or more, io a dark place, till they have entirely recovered. Cam phor water will also cause seeds soaked in it to (germinate more quickly, and in some oases restore vitality to those which have lost it by long keeping. M ADISON Sheriff’s Sales. Will bo sold, beforo tho court house door, iu tbo town of Damelsville, on the first Tuesday in May next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One tract or parcel of laud, containing four hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less, lying on the wa ters of South river, adjoiuing lands of Satn’l G Strick land, A Scgravea, and others, with a good corn and wheat mill, in running order, on the premises whereon defendant now lives. Levied on as the property of W L Boss, by virtno of a fi fa issued from tbo Superior Court of Madison county in favor of Jane Gbolston and others, vsWm L Poss. Levy made by JIV Porter field, former Deputy Sheriff, and claim interposed by R B Gbolston, and claim dismissed by the judgment of the Court. $5 Also, at tho same time and place, one tractor parcel of land, containing four hundred and eight acres more or less, adjoining lands of P D Bruce James II McCuen, ard others, on tbo waters of North Broad river. Also, the running gear of one thrashing ma chine, thrasher and wheat fan. Levied on as the property of John M Bruce, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Madison Superior Court in favor of J B Craw ford, Executor of E S Crawford, deceased, vs John M Bruce. Levy made by J W Porterfield, former Deputy Sheriff, and claim interposed by J B Crawford, and claim dismissed at March Term, 1875, Superior Court. marSl $5 T. F. BAKER, Sh’ff. B ANKS Sheriff’s Sales. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May, be tween the lawful hours ot sale, before the ccurt house door, in Homer, the following property, to-wit: The following lots, lying and being in the town of Ilomer, known as lots Nos. 77, 9S, 101, 102, 103, 112 115 and 44. Levied on as the property of John Stephens, to satisfy afi fa issued from Banks Superior Court in favor of A C Moss, Ordinary, for tho use of the county, vs J C Stephens. $5 Also, at the same time and place, fifty acres of land more or less, the place whereon defendant cow lives, adjoining lands of A Hardy, deceased, Moses Sanders Mrs. Kuoker, and others. Levied on as the property of C N Elliot, to satisfy a fi ta issued from a Justice Court of tho 265th District, G M, in favor of Lee Grif fin. Levy made and returned to me by W C Hooper, LC. inar3t $5 A. J. WEST, Sh’ff. jH EORGIA, Ranks county. Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, administrator Wilborn Fagans, represents to the Court, In his peti tion duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Wilborn Fagans’estate— This is, therefore, to cito all persons concerned,kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not bo discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission the first Monday in July, 1S75. mar24 A. C. M&SS, Ord’y. "V/T ADI SON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. JLtLL Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, before tbo court bouse door, iu the town of Dauielsville, said county, the following property, to-wit: rt ne red muley cow and calf, one dun cow and calf, and one bedstead, bed and furniture. Levied on a.« the property of Willis Porterfield, to satisfy a n gage fi fa in favor of W A Sewell, J R Anglin, J K Sewell and K B Burgess.* Property pointed out ii said fi fa. mar«U T. F. BAKER, Sh’ff. p EORGIA, Madison County. VT Whereas, Rufus M. Meroney and John N Montgomery. Executors of R. W. Pruitt, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court that they have fully discharged said trust, and pray tho Court to grant them letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to cite all concerned to be at my office on the first Monday in June next, to show why said letters should not be granted as prayed for. Or dinary’s Office, March 1st. 1875. March!0 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. (~1 EORGIA, Madison County. Whereas, James P. Hall, Administrator of Wm. Hall, deceased, represents to the Court that he has fully administered said estate in terms of the law— This is, therefore, to cite all concerned to be at my office, on the first Monday in June next, to show why said James P. Hall should not be dismissed from said administration. Ordinary’s »ffice, March 1st, 1875. MarlO GEO. C DANIEL, Ord’y. A DMINISTRATOlvS Sale. JljL. Will be sold, before the court house door, in Danielsville, bv virtue of an order from tbo Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in May next, one tract of land in said county, on the waters of Broad river, adjoining lands of Brooks, Porterfield and others, con taining forty-seven acres, more or less. Improve ments common. Sold as the property of John Pearce, late of taid county, deceased. Terms, cash. MarlO LUCY PEARCE, Adm’x General Ticket Agency. RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by sll route,, to all principal point, in tba United States. Bay your Tickets beforo leaving A them, and gat all information from Oapt- WM. WILLIAMS, Ag,nt Southern Exproaa Co., Athena, Ga. najll BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS A RB the bunt, nonteat fitting, and ehoapoot paper pattern, in tho world. Call at tho **** Sloger»lu,...factoring Company, oornar Col ege AT- cnqeantl Clayton met, and aeo for youraelf. Call, or write for cjtalogna. marl) • i A large discount to Agenta. G. H. UOPB, Agent. p EORGIA, Banks county. \JT Whereas, P A Waters, executor of William L Waters, represents to the Court in bis petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully admin istered William L Waters’ estate according to will— Th T s is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1875. jao20 $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. P EORGIA, Banks county. \JT Wbereoa, Daniel T Bash, exeoutor of Thome* Duth, represent, to tbo Coart in hi, petition, dal, filed and entered on record, ibatbo ha* folly administered Tbomai Buah’a estate according to hi, will— Tbia is therefore to cite nil persona concerned to show eaue-, if any they can, why sola executor should not be discharged and receive letters of dismliaion, on tho first Monday in May, 1875. j*n2# $5 A. C. MOSS, Ord y pi EORGIA, Clarke county. VJT Court of Ordinary of said coanty Wbereoa, Holen F Palmer, administratrix of Ed mond Palmer, late of said coanty, deceased, petition, tbo Court for a discharge from said administration— Therefore, all parsons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why taid administra trix should not, at the regular torn of said Court, to be held on tho first Monday in May next, be discharged from said administration- By order of laid Court, at a regular term thereof, held this tho 4 th day of January, 1875^ jan!3 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. Notice in Bankruptcy. I N tbeDistriet Court of tho United States— Northern District of Georgia—In Bankruptcy, in tho matter of J. M. Whitley, bankrupt. To whom it may eonoarn : Tho undersigned here by gives notice of hit appointment at Assignee of J. M. Whitley, of tho oonnty of Walton, State of Geor gia, within said District, who has bsen adjudged a Bankrupt, upon his own tho District Court of said District. Dated Oct. 12th, 1874. Pebl7 A. B. FLORENCE, Assignee. WANTED! S IX responsible gentlemen, to soil the beet sewing meohine In the world—THE SINGER. Bxtre terms to good men. Apply at oaeo, bv letter or ip person, to THE SINGkR MANUFACTURING CO., marSl—3t G. H. HOPE, Ag’t, Clayton at, FIRST-CLASS T HE pnhlic would do well to oall at the thop of the undereigned, where ell kind! of BA&BERING, HAIR-DRESSING, &o. ii dona in the belt style of the art. convinced. Come, end be DAVIS A SAPP. RANKS COUNTY. i pi EORGIA, Banks county. OT Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, guardian of James C Mite, represents to the Court that he has fully com plied with all his obligations as such guardian- This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said guardian should not he dis. charged from his suardianship, and receive letters dismission on the firat Monday in May, 1875. G : ven under my official signature, March 17, 1875 mar24 A. C. MOSS. Ord’y. CLARKE COUNTY. NEW FALL GOODS. CENTER eSs REAVES HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and hail Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bales OSNABURGS. Also, :i good assortment of* I^all Prints, BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, Hats, Boots & Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Also, a general assortment of A MILD APPARTF.NT AND GENTLE pr Rn . TaVE, recommended (or the cure of nil a.,.-— UA of the stomach, liver and bowel.. By use much richness is prevented. The test ofm * ears have proven them to be the safest, .uro.r!SJ best of all the pills ever offered to the public Th purify the Mood, remove all corruptions and r«,t 7 tho di.easod system to perfect boalth. AS AN , v TIDOTK TO CHILLS AND FEVER thev ha,.; equal. FOP- DYSPEPSIA Tl] BY ARE A SPECIPIr FOP-SICK HEADACHE AND BILLIOCS OOLIo' thev are a sure cure. FOR CONSTIPATION linn- MATISM, PILES. PALPITATION OPTBEHKAJtT PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK AND Loin" VER VOUSNESS. aperitive remedy. FOR FEMATR in REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. Wh™ ous doe. not feel “very well,” a riugle do.e .timal.t,, the Stomach and bowels, restore, the appetite and in parts vigor to tha.yatem. Sold every where. Offi,.’ 18 Murray Street,New Y’ork. TACKS0N Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. fj Will be sold, on the first Tueeday in May next, before the court house door in Jeffor.on, Jackson co, within the legal hours of .ale, the following property, to-wit: Consisting of Huts, Shoes, Prints, Ribbons, Jewelry, ready-made Clothing, Drugs and Medicines, Hard ware, Crockery, Shawls, Notions, and all other arti- les of merchandize belonging to and embraced in the stock of goods contained in tho store-room occupied recently by W B Stockton, in the Webb house, iu the town of Jefferson, end all the store accounts, account books and notes of W B Stockton, acquired by him since the 13th day of Jnnuary, 1S75. Levied on as the property of W B Stockton, described in a certain indenture of mortgage, hearing date on the 13th day of January, 1S75, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued ■ _ _ _ _ TT - from the Superior Court of said county—P F Lamar I All of which we offer to the puhlie at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH OR BARTER. CALL AND SEE US. DR. TUTTS HAIR DYE. is easily applied, Imparts a beautiful black nr brown ard acts like magic. The be«t in the world. Sold L» all druggists. Price $1.00 a box. ’ V7u keep a general assortment of goodB made by the ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, such as Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Yarns Wo are also Agents for the LIGHT DRAFT GULLET GIN. W B Stockton. mar3 $15 Property pointed out in said fi fa. I J.S. HUNTER, Sh’ff. Athens, Sept. 2, 1874. CENTER & REAVES. TACKS0X Sheriff ’s Mortgage Sale. f J Will’be sold, beforo the court house door in the I wn af Jefferson, within the legal hours of sale, ou tho I first Tuesday in June next, tho following property, I to-wit: 1 One bay horse, four years old. Levied on by vir tue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Jackson Superior I Court, in favor of J R A L C Matthews vs Jesse Hull. | Property pointed out in said fi fa. m»r3 W. A. WORSHAM, D. Sh’ff. T Air c U'l EORGIA, Jackson county. V-J Whereas, W J Roberts applies t^ me in proper I form for permanent letters of administration on the | estate of Matthew M Hanes, late of said county, de ceased— Therefore, ull concerned are hereby notified and re- I quired to show cause, if any they can, on or before the I first Monday in Maroh next, why said letters should | not be granted, as prayed for, to the applicant. Given under my official signature, Jan 15, 1875- jan20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. EORGIA, Jackson county. Whereas, Wm E Checley makes application I for letters of administration on t'je estate of Sarah Ann Cheeley, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified I and required to show cause, if any they can, on or bo-1 fore the first Monday in March next, why said letter* [ should not he granted, as prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature, Jan 8, 1875. jan20 $4 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. U'l EORGIA, Clarke county. YU" To the Superior Court of said county : The petition of Hunter A Bcusse, T A Burke, A Bell, H C Briant, Z W Betts, G W Barber, Evans Clayton A Co, Uuweil Cuba, H II Carlton, J W Col ins, A K Childs, J H Christy, E J Christy, J Z Coop ir, A F Dearing, S C Dobbs, John Ebcrhart, Thoms.- Fleming, Mrs C 31 Franklin, U*dd A Reaves, T ~~ Gantt, J A Grant, Juuathan Hampton, G 11 Hope, A Hunuicutt, A 21 Hodgson, Y L G Harris, J H Hug gins, Mrs Sarah Hamilton, J C H&rdie, W L Jones, W C Kemp, I 31 Kenney, R L Moss, S D Mitchell, Simon .Marks A 3 Mandeville, Patman Lester, John S Linton, H A Lowrtnee, J W Nicholson, Reuben Nickerson, J II Newton, R T Pittard, R K Reaves, A A Lipscomb, T A Sale, P A Summey. W A Talmadge, J E Talmadge, C G Talmadge, S P Thurmond, Y 11 Wynn, James White, Weatherly A Co, G II Yancey, B S Ware, Eaves, McGinty A Co, of said county, showeth that they desire to establish a steam laundry and soap factory, and wish to conduct a general laundry business and manufacture soap in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, and for that purpose they and their asioeiatea desire to be incorporated un der the name and style of “Athens Steam Laundry and Soap Factory ” for the term of twenty years, with a capital atoek of five thousand dollars, to bn divided into shares of tan dollar, each, three thousand dollars of which has been actually paid in, with tbs privilege ofineressing the same to twenty thousand dollars, and vetted with full power to sno and be toed, plead and be impleaded, eontraet and be contracted with, and to buy, hold, or toil lands, pergonal properly or machinery, so far as the same may be neceaaary to carry on and oondnet the bnsinesa of said corporation. And that the stockholder, of said company may meet, organise and elect n President and fire Directors at any time after the granting of the final order of the Conrt on this petition, or five days’ noties of the imo and place of meeting, in one or more of the Ath- ns newspapers. And at the first, or any aabseqnent Convention, may fix th* time of the annual Conven tion of stockholders, end that they may hnv* power end authority to adopt such by-lawa and regulations for the government of said Company, and the man agement of its business, as may seem proper to said Convention, not contrary to the Constitntion and laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States, And that said Beard of Director, shall have power to appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintend ent. or any other employee necessary to eondnet the bntineas of laid corporation. That each stockholder shell be entitled to one vote for eaeh share held by him or her. And that all contracts to borrow money, for the purchase or sale of real estate, or maohinery, •bail be signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary or Treasurer. And that said Company may have authority to wash, starch, dry, mangle and iron all elothes, bed clothes or other articles, and to do and perform nil such work as is usually done in a general laundry business, and to charge and collect for the some. And to manufac ture aoap, Ac, Ac. Your petitioners prey the Conrt to pais an order declaring the application of your petitioners granted, and that your petitioners end thoir •nocoiiors may be incorporated under the name of '* Athena Stsnm Laun dry and Soap Factory ’* for end daring tbs term of twenty yours, with the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of that time. And your petitioners will ever prey, Ac. 8. P. THURMOND, Att’y for petitioner). CzktKa Conimr, } CUtk ’ , 0 ® o, 8 »P* ri ” Cour *- Recorded on minutes of said Conrt, folio 345 and 34«, March «th, 1875. JOHN I. HUGGINS, marl 0-1 m Cl’k Superior Conrt Clarke County. EORGIA, Jackson county. yji Whereas, Charles F Hardy, administrator of I the estate of Riley Maxwell, late of said county, dec’d. I represents to tho Court by his petition, properly filed. I that he has fully administered said estate, and desire? J letters dismissory— | Therefore, all concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause, if any they can, t>n orbefore the first Monday in May next, why said administrator should not be discharged and letters of dismission, a> prayed for, granted Given under my official signature, this Jan 5, 1875. j*n20 $5 WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. L. SCIlEVENELTi & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, oA. DEALERS IN "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-filasses, Musical Instruments, CANES, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. Having BEST WORKMEN, are prepared to do UY/PA1U1NL IN SUPERIOR STYLR. We make a specialty of Silver Plating ard Gilding* And all work ot this kind, suck as Forks, Spoons Watches, etc. Plated by us, waiTanted equal to, ' that done by any establishment in tho country. THE GHASTLY RECORD OF DEATI1S that :»• suit from pulmonary affection! is frightful. There ii no disease that is so insiduoas in its attack ai con sumption. By the neglect of “ slight colds” the; soon become deep seated and defy remedies which, if applied at the outset, would have averted all dinger. Dr. Tatt’u Expectorant has proven itself THE MOST VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever discovered. A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York pro- nouncea it the “ greatest blessiug of the nineteenth contery,” and says “ no family should be without it.” It is pleasant to the taste, and a single dose will often remove the most obstinate cough. Office, 18 Muruy Street, New York. d TUTtIT N SARSAPARILLA SCROFULA, ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF TUE SKIN, ST. ANTHONY’S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS, BLOTCHES, TUMORS. BOILS, TETTER A3I) SALK RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM. RHEUMATISM, PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, STERILI TY, LEUCORRIHEA OR WHITES, WOMB DIS EASES, DROPSY, WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPHI- LIS, KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT, MER CURIAL TAINT AND PILES, oil procsed from im pure blood. DB. TUTT’S SABSAPABILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known tomsdicsl science. Itentersinto the circulation and ersdiestei every morbific agent; renovates the system; produce: a beautiful complexion sod causes the body to gtiu flesh and increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will b^vell. To do so, nothing has ever been offered that^Toooipare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by allDruggiitf. Office 81 Murray Street, N.Y. ect4 EORGIA, Jackson county. V-A Whereas, T J Randolph, administrator of tbc estate of 31 A Rogers, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, properly filed, that he has fully administered said estate, anil that ho dcsiros letters of dismission from said administration— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby uoiified id required to show cause, if any tboy can. on or be fore th. regular term of the Court of Ordinary in nml for said county, on tbo 1st Monday in April, 1S75. why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant, is prayed for in his petition. Given under my official signature, this Sth day cl I December, 1874. dec!3 $S WILEY C. HOWARD, Ord’y. A. K. CFIILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN FRANKLIN COUNTY. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STBE3L, IXTAIXaS, Horse and JVCnle Shoes, HORSE-SHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, •FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sal of EORGIA, Franklin county. VJ" Whereas, Barton G Payne applies to me for lettersof administration on the estatoof MosesBrown, tat* of said oonnty, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all con cerned, to show cause, if any they have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said letter, should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand, at office, this Sd day of April, 1875. *pl7 A. J. MORRIS. Ord’y. TDXECUTOR’S Sale. -112 Pursuant to the last will and testament of Sima Speara, late of Franklin eonnty, deceased, will be sold, before the court house door, in Carnesville, within the legal hoar, of sale, on tbo first Tuesday in May next, on* hundred and forty.five acres of land, unim proved, lying in laid oounty, near Franklin Springs, adjoining lands of J Bond, Pink Dove, widow Berry man and Frank Capa. Sold a* the property of said Sims Spears, dee’d, for the benefit of the hoirs and ereditors. Terms, eredit till 25tb day ot October next, and bond for titles given till purchase money is paid. apl7 JOHN H. SPEARS, Ex’r. A MINISTRATOR’S Sale. _ZTA_ Pnrsuan t to an order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Franklin county, Ga, will be sold, before the eonrt house door, in Carnesville said eonnty, within the] BRINLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, legal hours of sale, on the first, Tuesday in May next. I * the following properly,to-wit One hundred and fif- FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES ty acres of land, more or less, lying in said county, I near.Fra.nk.ii.n Sprtag*. on Broad river andBig Rice SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, ereek, adjoining lands of Cape, Osborn, Bond, and I ... , others, being the plaoe whereon Rachel Stoner resided I * w All*, at the time of her death, and known as the “ Guthrie CIRCULAR SAWS, &.C., &C., &C. Ford place.’ Sold aa the property of eald Raehel I ’ ’ 1 Stoner, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and ered- IdT Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay .tors. Terms, ona-flfth cash, th. balance payable in gy CaU and ^ amine Stock and Prices. dec18-tf installments of one and two years, with i-terest from 1 date. BARTON G. PAYNE, ap!7 Administrator, with will annexed. WATER ELEVATORS AND PUMPS A DMINISTRATRIX’S Sale. ft Will be sold, to the highest ’ RABUN COUNTY. EORGIA. Clarke county. VJT Court of Ordinary of said eonnty. Whereas, Amaada Frederick, col’d, administratrix of Falix Frederick, col’d, late of said eonnty, dee’d, petitions th* Coart fbr a discharge from said admin istration— Therefore, ail persons concerned are hereby reqnir- ep to show eanse, if any they have, why said adminis tratrix should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be bold on the first Monday in May next, be dis charged from laid administration. By order of eaid Conrt, at a regular term thereof, held tbia the 4th day of January, 1875. jan13 ASA M. JACKSON, Ord’y. bidder, before the /^.EORGIA, Rabun county. court house door, in Carnesville, Franklin coanty,on I VJT Whereas,Joel Arondale.administratorofThos. the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hoars I Arondale, represents to the Conrt in hie petition, dnl; of anie, the following property, to-wit: Six hnndred I filed and entered on record, that he has faithfully ad- acres of land, lying in laid eonnty on North Broad | miniatered Thomas Arondale’a estate— river, adjoining lands of Thomae H Knox, Jonathan I This is, therefore, to oite all persons ooncerned, Morgan, R L Moss, and others. Also, one-half Inter- kindred or ereditors, to show eanse, if any they can, eat in a three acre lot in the town of Carnesville, ad-1 why said administrator should not bo discharged from joining land* of Jalini Earle, James Randall, and I his administration, and receive lettere of dismission others. Bold as tha property of Thomas McDaniel, I on the first Monday in July, 1875. deceased, to pay the debts of said deoeased and the Given under my hand and official signature, March | 6th, 1875. merl7 J. W. GREEN, Ord’y. expeneee of administration. Terms cash. marSl OORBNA MoDANIEL, Adm’x. Cl TATE OF GF0RGIA, Franklin county, IO ISAAC CURRY ] Jin HANNAH CURRY. Libel for Divorce. Franklin Superior Coart. I LOOK SHABP! ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or LX. aeeonnt, ere earnestly requested to eome for ward at once and cattle up. The accounts of ail who fail to do so will be placed in the hand* of an of ficer for oollection. mar3-lm. A. 8. DORSEY S TATE OF GEORGIA, Babun COUNTY. MARTHA POINTER j In Superior Court, ve > October Term, 1874. ISAAC POINTER. j Libel fer Divorce. It appearing to the Court from the return of the She ll appearing to tha Court, by return of the Sheriff, I riff, that thedofendant,Iiaae Pointer, ienot to be found that the defendant oan not ba fonnd in this county, I within the limits of this eonnty; and it farther ap and that her residence is unknown— I pearing, that he does not reside in the State— It Is ordered, That service be perfected in this ease It is ordered, That service of the libel in said sauce by publication of this notice, in the Southern Wateh- be mad#, by publication once a month for four months man newspaper, ones n month for fonr months pro- prior to the next term of this Coart, in the Southern ceeding tha next term of tbi. Conrt. Watchman, a poblie gaxette, published in the city of J. 8. DORTCH, Sol. for Libellant. Athens, Ga. N. B. CARY. Sol. for Libellant. Granted: GKO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. Granted: GEO. D. RICK, Jndge S. C. GEORGIA, I I, Barton U Payne, Clerk of the GEORGIA, ( I, W. M. Hunnlcott, Clerk of the Sn- FnaxaLia Cooxtt. f Superior Coart of said county, Rsbuh Counvr. j periur Court of .aid eonnty, dohere- de hereby certify, that tha above copy order is a true by certify, that the above copy order is a true extract extraet from the minutes of this Conrt. from the minates of this Court. Given nnder my hand and teal of office, this Dec. 1 Given under my hand and eeat of office, this Dee 26 2d, 1874. BARTON G. PAYNE, 1874. W. M. HUNNICUTT, mar!7 Clerk Superior Court. 1 deo30 $10 Clerk S. 0. Garden Seed. C&BB&GE, BEET, CUCUMBER, Bean, Pea. Mi, Onion, &c. I’LOWBIt SEED, A fine variety. Clover Seed, Orchard, Bine, Herds and Hnngarian > large 1< A Robbins’ Seed, which we offer to the trade and fam iliei very low. Ail onr Seed are fresh. LONGS A BILLUPS, jan27 Broad street, Athens. G*. CITY LOTS for SALE. F OR sale, 79 lots, located on the estate of Dr. E. R. Ware, known ae the Joel Hart plot. Said plot can baoeen nt tho Bank of the University. Fer terms, Ao., apply to Prof. L. H. Charbonnicr, at his residence, or at his office in the University, 3d story Libary building. Dec2 THOS. G. BARRETT, Ex’r. CURES, AS IF BY MACIC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, OBSTINATE LUNG AFFECTIONS, ASTHMA, CROUP, BLEEDING OF THE f.UNGS, PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, and will ears CONSUMPTION, As 60,000 grave-robbed witnesses testify. No «pi»» Nothing poisonous. Delioiou* to take. Tj>* •*[*] Saviour to all afflicted with affeotions of the TM»» and Lnngt. Beqaeaths to posterity one of *■• I est blessings, SOUND LUNGS, and immunity fN« CONSUMPTION. , , , jgr Over one hundred thousand bottles b» T * , nsed,and note single failure known. Iboo*. testimonials of wondorful cures, such a* ‘ b * can be seen attheoffleeof the Proprietors, Now street, Atlanta, Ga, or will be sent, on appl»»‘ w, > any who doubt. ft CO., Proprietori, Atl»nU» READ! READ!! CONSUMPTION CUBED! Ornc* or O. Sackett, Drugs A New Albaht, Ind., April Dr J S Pemberton, Attanto, Go: Dear 4b . reooived your circulars, and in consequent tribntion, I have sold about si* ^! rop Syrup in the last two week*. The 0»®b* * 1 ® w * r f/,,! is gaining great e.Ubritv. I recommend**« ^ casesof consumption. Ono case was bad j!, not laid on bnt on* side for two years; “ „ te j to almost every day; much em*c lll *d>* [ L li . 1 ’ g , rB p; die. He hJ taken six bottle, of Glob, f his troubles are all gone, except u< The rapidly improving. He will certeinly f* j 01 n other oase ii similar, with same good sewiM- sand you many testimonials, H yon w « n K .ckBTT. Yours, truly, ete, 0A REMARKABLE CPU- j9T4 ULlvaLASD. Onto, Apri 11 *’:) t* Dr. J. S Pemberton: It 8*»“ * re 5,„; ir ijttt Inform you that two bottles of Globe _ j tc tio« °* have cured my son of an obstinate *“**..iriaes b» J several year,*.landing.after «ur b «*‘P?£c‘ n ..aP; given him up to die, with what they e Med tion. I shall ever remember with *«*• j, k*i nil the Globe Floverbjrup ^ brought more'sunshine aodh*ppi«e*s . , j„a and borne than one million deHart eeald B Godblms „u. erases e.^ wm mi MB, "W. HOLMAJ 1 WM keep on band dnrtnf_ O* W“ Harness & Saddle Horses, Mu|^ Thoee in want af Stock mill ««» « *** „fll SUibhn on Thomas IF YOU WANT TO SEE bbaT* / That will do you good to look o|>oe. *° B g A vES. place. bot4—3t u ' L •