The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, April 28, 1875, Image 3

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■M I in? there bat the railway station, a church, one store, and, we believe, two dwellings. Now it is laid off in streets, andnew buildings have ATHENS, GEORUIA: APRIL 88, 1S75. Hon. W. P* Price’s Appointments. Hon. W. P. Price will address the cltisens of the Ninth Congressional District at the times and places below mentioned, vis: Clayton, Monday, April 26th. Cl arises ville, Tuesday, “ 27th. Toccoo, Wednesday, *• 28th. Thursday, “ 29th. Friday, •• 30th. Saturday, May 1st. Homer, Danielsville, Jefferson, Athens, Watklnsville, Monday, (at night) May 3d. Tuesday, “ 4th. CVProraenade Photos at Davis'. Agent at Belton. Mr. J. M. Myers has consented to act as agent for the Southern Watchman at Belton, and will receive and receipt for subscriptions. Co-Partnership Notice. Wo have, on the first day of January, asso ciated ourselves together in the Furniture ii Coffin business, and ask for the new firm a continuance of the liberal patronage so gen ttrously bestowed upon the old firm in the past. We have a Handsome New Hearse and are prepared to do undertaking in the best style and at the shortest notice. Very respectfully, Gii.leland, Wood Sc Co. Reid & Harris Keep always on hand, at their Barber shop, a lot of the most superior Hair Tonic, which removesdandruff, dec. and promotes the growth of the hair. They also have an elegant hair gloss and curl tonic, which imparts a rich gloss to the hair, promotes its growth and pre vents it from falling out. Residence for Sale! One of the prettiest lots in Cobbham, con venient to badness, with nice, six-root" '’well- ingand plenty of oat-booses, will be sold cheap, for cash. Apply to Mar31—eow4t. Dr. J. W. Murrell. Davis’ Gallery. Davis’—Specialty, large portraits. Pavjs*—Work superbly finished. Davis'—No day too clondy for pictures. Davis'—Old pictures copied. Davis'—Open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Bridal Presents. Presentation Goods. Family Silver. Now Jewelry. Just received at jl)at 24 L. Schevenell Sc Co.’s* MEMORIAL DAY. Madison Agent. Mr. George W. Mabry is an authorized agent for tho Southern Watchman in Madison county HT The “ Promenade” Photograph is an entirely new sice and style of card picture, just out. They are quite novel and very at tractive and ar'istic. Examples may be seen at Davis' gallery. SVCharlee Lamb, Essayist, denounced all spirituous liquors aa •' Wet Damnation.” Poor fellow; be knew whereof be spake, by sad ex perience, and If living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Excitants, advertised as Carealls. But there is one Tonie and Alterative in ex istence—the best the world bas ever known— which contains no alcohol. It Is Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters. (7 It is seldom, if ever, we see more ele gantly finished photographs than those made at Davis' Gallery. There is an artistic excel lence about them that vies with the best of Eastern work, and we are glad to hear that Mr. Davis’ efforts to give onr people modem pictures are appreciated, as bis rooms are con stantly filled with admiring patrons. Qp-j»,4&enado Photos at Davis'. Agsii! at Homer. Our very large circuit 011 *■ Banks county makes an agency at HomW 0 ponvenience to the citizens. Persons desirlCg W subscribe or wishing to make payments to tbfl Southern Watchman will please call on Col. A. J. West, the popular Sheriff of the connty, who is au thorized to receive subscriptions and reoeipt for the same. our on. at : da .,‘ oreSTl honor the mem- 8ee m re be prosperous, ory of those who fell in the “lost cause.” - ' • Our time and space will not permit as full an account of tho proceedings as we should like to give, and we are compelled, to be content with a brief notice. At 9 o'clock iu the morning the ladies com menced preparations for decorating the sol diers' graves at the cemetery. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the grand pro cession was formed at the Monument, at the crossing of College Avenue and Market street and. Id accordance with tbe programme pre viously agreed upon, marched to tbe College ebapel, in tbe following ORDER OF PROCESSION. Band. Athens Guards. University Battalion. Pioneer Hook Sc Ladder Company. Hope Fire Company, No. 1. Masons. Ind. O. 0. Fellows. Knights of Pythias. Good Templars. Mayor and Council. Citizens on Foot. Chancellor, Faculty and Students. Clergy and Press. Lucy Cobb Institute. Methodist Sunday School. Presbyterian Snnnay School. Baptist Sunday School. Emmanuel Cb. Sunday School. Oconee St. Sunday Sobool. Ladies' Memorial Association. Vehicles. AT THE CHAPEL, Tho exercises were opened with prayer, by Rev. C. W. Lane—Music, by Ladies’ Memori al Association—followed by a chaste, eloquent and grand address by ox-Chancellor Lipscomb —one of his beat efforts—which ought to be published for tho benefit of those who were de nied tbe privilege of hearing it. Tbe address was followed by Decoration Hytnn by Ladies’ Memorial Association. After the benediction, a largo majority of tbe vast crowd repaired to tbe cemetery, where the decoration of tho graves was completed. Everything passed off decently and in order, and made a solemn impression on the survi ving kindred and friends of those who now re pose on ” Fame's eternal camping ground.” Baptist Church. At a largo conference meeting held by tbe Baptist congregation last Wednesday, it was unanimously determined to build a new bouse of w or ehip- Twenty-five thousand dollars bavp beep subscribed already, and more can be obtained, Unwjed, It is intended to commence tbe work at once, and get it completed as soon as possible. We understand that Dr. Skinner will leave on Thursday next, to attend the Baptist Con vention in Charleston, from whence he will proceed to New York to select suitablo plans for the building. We congratulate our Baptist friends and citizens generally ia vjejy of tbe contemplated improvement, which will add so much to tho appearance and respectability of tho city. To Make a Place Prosperous. There can hardly be a greater sign of pros perity in a community than a disposition to help one another—lift a little when a neigh bor’s wheel gets stuck in the mud. We know of a place where a man's barn, with all his winter's stores of grain and hay, were consumed by fire in tho night. Imme diately all the men of tho country mastered and hauled up timber for a now barn, and then a big raising came off. After that the sound of twenty or more hammers were board until tho whole was shingled and sided. But their deed of kindness was Dot done yet; one after another offered to tako a head of stock and winter them for him, thus greatly redu ciog his loss aud assuring his heart of tbe more durable riches of brotherly love aud neighborly good will. No one can compute in money tbe valuo of one such example of noble liberality in a community, especially in its influence upon the youug. Where this spirit prevails there is sure to lie progress iu a place even if all tho improve ments are iu thoir iofaucy. People will come and settle in.a place which bears such a good namo. Now, if you desire to see your place growing popular, do what you can to show yourself a good neighbor, especially to those who need a little extra help. If a man starts a tin shop or a blacksmith's shop in his place don't harness up and drive fivo miles to buy your pans and got your horses shod, just because you have been iu tbe habit of doing it. Patronize the new comer when you want anything done in his line. Speak encouragingly of him to your neigh bors. Little words of approval or censure go a long way, aud when once you have spoken them you cannot call them back. Help the sick, especially if they are poor, for poverty and illness are indeod a heavy burden. Perform all acts of loving charity which fall day by day in your path, remem bering who it is who bas said, *‘ Ye shall in no wise lose your reward.” The Concert GiveD at tho hotel in Clarkesville, on Tccsday night last, by tbe young ladies of the village, was a decided success, and rejected great credit on all concerned. We regret our in ability, on account of lack of space, to give an extended notice of this very pleasant even ing's entertainment. The room was filled with an appreciative audience, and tbe proceeds of the concert were divided between the Presby terian and Methodist churches of CiarkoaviJIo. SPECIAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Assessors ■of Real Estate, have completed the assess menu for tbe year 1875, and placed their books in my offloe for examination by all par ties interested. Ail objections to tbe valne assessed on property must be made in writing, under oath, within ten days from tbe date of this notice, at which time tbe books will be flpally closed. W. A. Gillkland, Clerk of Council, City of Athens. Athene, April 20IA, 1875. Agent at CarnesviUe. Our largely Increased aad increasing circu lation in Franklin county creates the necessi ty of an agency at CarnesviUe. Hon. A. J. Morris, the urbane and efficient Ordinary of tbs county, baa consented to act as agent for the (Tafckswa, and will receiv* and reoeipt for subscriptions. Let those who have not jet ordered tbe paper, call on him. School Examination and Barbecue. We are requested to give notice that there ■’Will ,be a public examination of tbe pupils of the hturlsbiug school at Hartwell on the last dtj of May and first day of June, to which tbe public are iovited. Iu addltfw to tho Intellectual repast to bo tben served np. it is proposed to have a splen •did barbecue. Tbe lambs, bide and shoats of Hart, when properly barbecued, are bard to best. Lexington. We paid a short visit to this ancient village last week, while Superior Court was in session. Judgo Pottle was presiding with his customa ry dignity and ability. Soveral distinguished lawyers from a distaupe ware in attendance— among whom were Gen. Toombs and Eon. B. H. Hill, who are both employed in the Eb- erhart case. The State was not ready for trial. Lexington, so far as active business pur suits are concerned, seems to be on tbe de cline. Wo regfet to see this; for we bavo never seen a village any where wfth soph an excellent population. It bas never been curs ed, po far. as we can learn, with either vaga bonds or loafers; bat is bow, as formerly; distinguished for morality, intelligence, refine ment aud hospitality of jt* citizens. Lexing ton ia tbe birth-place and has been the resi dence c/aome-pf the moat distinguished men of Georgia, an£ right 8orl 7 are we to sea the old town on the decline. 4 v We stopped with Mr. John W. Bacoil, where we were entertained In elegant style. There are few places on (be Northern or Western Circuits where sucb excellent fare can be found. A Fre^h Leak in Louisiana: SYMPTOMS OP ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Newt Orleans, April 20 —There is great excitement over the determination of the Con servatives to seat certain members, which will give them a majority on joint ballot. Pack ard is quoted : “ If this course is pursued the Senate wil! adjourn for three days, and if per sisted in it will adjourn sine die. Tbe Repub licans did not, and would not, consent to be ing deprived of a majority on joint ballot.” New Orleans, April 20.—The majority re port of tho House Committee on elections and qualifications, declaring Geo. B. Buckhardt, of Orleans, 0. L. Collins, of St. Helena, Chas. Dclhomme, and Felix Yoorheeys, of St. Mar tin. were entitled to seats now occupied by Richards, Rocheon, Floyd and Martinette, was adopted by 61 yeas to 32 nays. Before tbe above action in tbe House, the Senate had adjourned until to-morrow. Before adjourn ing, however, a resolution was introduced un seating Goode and reseating Crozier. Mr. Lowell, Republican Chairman of the Commit tee of tbe House to examine tho books o( tbe Auditor submitted a report which closed as follows: "Your Committee further report, that upoo evidence collected by them, and in virtue of the powers aud duties imposed upon them by the laws of the State, under which they wore appointed, they are of opinion that Chas. Clinton, Auditor of Public Accouuts of tho State of Louisiana, should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. They, therefore, recommend to tbe House tho adop tion of tho accompanying resolution : Besohed. That Chas. Clinton, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Louisiana, bo impeached for high crimes and misdemea uors iu office.” has a work bench and tools in the barn-cham ber, and some hoar, whea he Deeds relaxa tion and exercise, tbe work is done. His house needs shingling, ora new room is need ed ; and, if be can spare a little time from his study, he can tarn his skill to acconnt in aid ing tbe carpenter: and thus hundreds and hundreds of dollars have been saved ts him by having learned to be his own meebanio. t Now, boys, is it not worth yonr while to be learning to do things f All may not have an equal tact, or natural genius, for taming tbeb hand to almost everything. But every one onght to know enongh—no matter what bis employment in life is to be—not to harness a horse—if called to harnoss one in an emer gency—with bis head towards the carriage, or to put on a saddlo wrong end foremost, or to think he has done a smart thing by making a round button for a door, or patting inn screw at each end of one that is properly made, as some men with an honorary title at one or both ends of their names hare done. Wo commend this subject of learning to do things to the attention of all boys; and we presume the girls, too, may find it greatly to their advantage to be learning to do things in their sphere in life.—Congrcgationalist. Speeches at the Town Hall. Going to press Tuesday morning, in order to suit the up-country mails, we have not time to give an account of the speeches at the Town Hall on Monday night. They were all in favor of Hill, and tbe meeting was quite enthusias tic. For Congress. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Hon. W. P.'Price a Democratic candidate for Congress in the Ninth District, subject to n ratification by the people at the ballot box. DO YOU WANT HEALTH? War Will Ys Dim?—Death, or what ia worn, it the inevitable reanlt of eontinned smpenaion of the menstrual flow. It if a condition which should not be trfled with, Immediate relief it the only safeguard against constitutional min. In all eases of suppres sion, suspension or other irregularity of the "courses,” Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator ia the only anre remedy. It acte by giving tone to the nervous cen tres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of menstruation. It it a legitimate pre scription, and the most intelligent Doctors nte it— Prepared by J. H. Bradfield, druggist, Atlanta. Ga., $1.60 per bottle, and sold by respeetable druggists evsrywhare. Boon to Suffering Females. LaOnawas, Ga., March 20, 1870. BnannaiD A Co., Atlanta, Ga.—Dear 8Ire:—I take pleasure in stating that I have used for the last twenty years tha medieine you are potting np, known as Da. BaannaLD’a Finals Regclatob, and eon- aider it the best combination ever gotten together for tho disease* for whieh it ia recommanded. I hove boon familiar with tha preparation both as a practi tioner of medicine and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to antforing fe males, and can but hope that every lady in onr land, who may be suffering in any way peenliar to their (*x, may be able to procure a bottle, and thsir sufferings may not only be relieved, but they may bo restored to health and strength. With my kindest regards, I am, respectfully, tp!7—lm W. B. FERRELL, M. D Retail Prices Current. For the Weekending April 27. C0RUECT1D BY THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, i COTTON—Very active. Receipts light. Ordinary, 121 goal ordinary, 13 low middling, 14} ; middling 151 FACTORY GOODS , TOBACCO. Cotton Yarns,— $1.25* Oommon.perlb......60*651 usnabngt,p*r yard Mats Medium,...............75aS0 i Shirtings .l.OOal.St l-43heeting,brown,l3al4dmoking,........ StfaiOO DRY GOODS. SSnnff,maeeaboy,—1.00 Prints, pryd.—10@l24iCigar«,Am.,perM,|$S0ai0 Delaines ........ 3i»a25i Havana,_...$75alfl0 dlaaehedShirtings, 10*30: AMMUNITION. Bad Ticking, 20a6U;Powder, per lb 40*501 >V oreteds ...... 20*1 JiiShot, — ...12al6 UUnketa 150a800iLead, 10*12 PROVISIONS. !Cap«,perbox,.........10*461 Flourfancy ^bbl. atllj LIQUORS. Family....... M’ Cornahlskey,good..$310 I superfine,........ a3i medium, I.OOaS.00 I Corn, white,hu I'.0al25j common, 1.26*5.08 I yellow, none.ipeaebbrandy,good 4.*ol 125aIStij medium . 3.00 I Meal,,—. —I25al30j common 2.00 1 Wheat — „t.50r1.6f{ Apple do. good a4.00 | duokwheatPlour, —..Salt! medium 3.00a Bacon, sides.........I33al4? common 2.25a shoulders laI21|Fronchdo 4-OOalO.OC 1 hams »I6al6 [Hollandgin 5.00aS.061 Lard, lb...............18*20;American do. S.OOaO.OO I Irish Potatoes,conn IBoutV: whisky,2.00*4.00 try, pr bn l.00al.60;\y inel 3.00*10.00 Northern 200 DRUGS. REMOVAL! The Diatribnting Office of tho SINGER S1WM MACHINE CO. Has been removed to the New Brick Building ON CLAYTON STREET\ I Adjoining the Lester Block, oorner of College Avenue and Clayton Street. Febl7 CrQquet-tQase l^alls. ROQUET Rets at various prices. Base Bills,best regulation make, Bats', Ac., at Sweet— *100 Eggs prdos —. a 20 Chiekons— 30*35 Turkeys —..... 76al25 Batter, ^ lb 30*36 GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed, 15*16 Suluhur, Copperas,per lb— Salt Indigo, 1.76*2.50 Madder,... -..—..20*35 Ex. Logwo- d—....25*40 Epsom Salt j,—. 20 | Alum,.... —., . If A, I4al5 B, 14*15 C 12 *15 Oomarara 121*15 Coffee,Rio,per lb....23*25 Laguyrm, * lava, 33*37 Tea,Hyson,^Ib. —.1.60 Gunpowder, —.1.50 Black, 1.25 Syrnp.oane,.. 76al00 Cuba molasses, —65*76 Candles, tpana,pr!b.4(s60 adamantine, 20*25 tallow, —. -15*20 Choate,Stats, per lb.20*26 Engiiah Dairy,26*30 Crackers,soda, 15*20 batter, 16a20 sugar, - 20*30 eraam, 20*30 Onions,perhn 1.50*150 Candy, fancy, pr lb. 50*60 plain — 40 Soda 12*15 Black Pepper,......... *40 Red " 10* Ginger, *40 St*reb, — *20 Tallow,—.-.—. 8*10 Green Apples, 75nl50 Rle* —.11*12 Mackerel,No.l, kits, 125 No. 2, 200 No.1} barrels, 8.50 No. 3, kits, .1.76 Sardines,per box, 25a SALT, per sack, *200 WOODEN-WARE. Painted backets, psrdox 2.75*3.00 Cedar do 0.00*12.00 White pine, 7.00a8.00 Sieves,............ 3.o0a5.00. 20 HARDWARE. Iron,8wtder,perlb. OalO English, 5}a Castings ..61*8 Nails, perksg 5.75a 28*33 steel, east 25a plow, 18a Cotton Cards, 7Sr Wool “ 50a Plow Points 25*40 Smith’s Bellows, 50 ineb Anvils 17*18 Hammart 17*18 Horse Shoes 8|al0 Nails 20*36 Weeding Hoea, per dot. Brado’a 0. H_ 65*75 Amee’Shovala 1.40*1.50 do Spades, 1.59*1,75 Tract Cbaini, 1.00*1.25 BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots,Northern,pr. $4*6 Loalhern.10.al3.00 LEATHER. Sole, per lb— 36*40 Upper, — 60*75 Harness,—.... 40*50 Calf Skins,p ds.$40a$100 Kip do -$50*75 HIDES. Dry, par lb 13 Green,— - 6 BAGGING. Gunny,per yd 14*15 TIES, Tics— 8*10 ROPE. Cotton, 40*50 Grass, 25*30 No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de- d by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Brmms the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit* tent Fevers, whioh are so prevalent in the valleys of onr great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mia* pi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, erjand, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra* zos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Bosnoke, James,and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and An* tnmn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and general' ihg the healthy functions of the SHINGLE ROOFING!! T he undersigned arc prepared to take contracts for any of the abovo kinds of roofingat short notice* Old shingle Roofs taken off, sheathed and replaced I wttt tin or sheet iron v'th the greatest dispatch. Any I kind of roof repaired and painted. Parties wanting I any of the abovo work don* weald do well to ea 11 on I ns for priees, ete., etc. Tin gntterlng * specialty. F*bl7 3m D M. KENNEY A CO. I Shop on Clayton street, rearTalmadge,Hodgson A Co. C. B. Yeronee, | Practical Slate & Tin Roofer, Gntterer.frc. ATHENS, GA. Plain and Ornamental Slate as cheap as Tin! I A LL work done at the lowest rates and in the best I tilt m “ n * r ‘ ,#kbin * of kindspromptly attend- I Work done in Athens for Dr. Lipscomb, Y. L. G. I Harris, Mr. Snnuaey and many other* four years ago, I and ne complaint yet. All work warranted. Order* I addressed as above will reeelve prompt attention. 1 Athene, Feb 17 tf NEW LAW FIRM. 1 ? A ,VE associated with me, in the praoliee of law, P W. THOMASy Esq., t young gentleman of eol* THOMAS, (oflo* at Athena, G*.,j we propose to prae- I tie* in Ml tha courts within oar reach, except the | Court of Ordinary of dark* county, *«»»tioo to bnslaast, the Arm | will b* liberally patroniaad. ASA M.JACKSON. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. R. H. IsAIHPKHV, A t hie establishment on Wall *tr**t, (a few ueort from Broad) ii now offering »large ateok of One* bottle will prove a better guarantee of I Dtiwa XKTZwu nn ,l T! its merits than a lengthy advertisement. I i UTu vf 1H6S mill JjlQUOrS, CahaP.iI.s nit 1*^ 1**1 W Lf i. Cl 3 lit mkolaeal. 11 .. .L.-- — t . i sia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightnew qI the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of Hie Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bil ious Attacks,Palpitation of the Heart .Inflam mation of the Lnngs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful , are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. FINANCIAL. Gold,baying, 1.081 selling, 1.10 Silver—baying,—. -1.03 ■elilng,.— 1.031 The above are retail priees. Priees are (haded to | wholesale buyer*. ap!7 BURKE’S BOOK 8T0RE. Snr the Southern Watchman. Bait County, April 18th, 1875, Sir. KVL-frr ; You $«iu to J onr P“P® r of th# Htb. that tbe Uteat killing frttf 1 *•“» ™* member was on tbe Sunday nlgu* Franklin Court io 1869—was it not la Yoore, very truly. J. A.. 15. Of coarse it was in 1849. It was w» error of the types. Business Chart. Messrs. Browne Sc Leroy propose getting np a chart of the moet prominent business houses of this city—a number of which they propose to frame handsomely and hang np in con spicuous places. The remainder will be dis tributed among the advertisers. Tho work '*ill be finished and delivered before any col- •lection is made. Mr. Browno was formerly tjooasetsd With tho Hancock Sentinel. Christian Harmony* A FULL supply of the latest edition, at$1.25 each, at apl7 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. ATHENS MARBLE & 6R&1ITE IQRKS. A. R. Robertson M ANUFACTURER and Dealer in Monument*, Head Stones, Cradle Tomhf, Box Tombs. Also, Vaies and Marble Tops for Furniture. All work wmr ranted, and carefully boxed for tranfiportatloo. Pricer moderate. Work fihop adjoining old cemetery. july22—ly Cotton Seed! CottonSeed!! B ANCROFT’S Cotton Seed, from Mr. Bancroft’s celebrated field. These teed have been carefull; selected for years past, and are taken from a field which, whilst much cut off by tho seasons, yielded over a bale to the acre with ordinary culture. Wo pertunally examined these seed during the growing season, and do not hesitate to recommend them as being purs and wonderfully prolific. Only a small quantity for salo by ap!7—1 m PITTARD, 51ITCHELL * CO. Boys Learn To Do Tiling*, BY REV. ASA BULLARD. Henry Boll was brought up on a farm. His father was a physician, but he had a largo farm on which he worked more or less, when professional duties would allow, and bo taught all of hjs soven boys to work; and not one of them, oven those in professional life, has ever regretted this «arly training. Henry from bis boyhood, had a great desire to do everything be saw any one else do. He liked to spend bis play-hoars with tho tools in hi; father’s shop, making bqws qnd arrows, DAILY to Ageats. 85 new articles and the O*best Family Paper in America, with two $5 Chroptos, free, AM. St’F’G Co., 200 Broadway, N. Y. CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, FOR CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. W* are now offering, qt very low prices, onr Brussels, Three-Plys and| Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES, Lace Curtains and Cornices, DAMASKS, REPS & TERRYS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, Cocoa and Canton Mattisp, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS. Rugs and Door Mats. JA3. O. BAILIE & BRO., feblO J05i Broad street, Augusta, Ga. FREE: SAMPLE to agents. Ladies’ Combina tion Needle-Book, with Chromos. Send stamp. F. P. Gluck,New.Bedford, Mass. Vs-regret to learn that tbe shop of Mr. J. V. Carath, of Jaokson county, was destroyed b 7 fire on Thursday night last. It origiuat- »«learn, in his blacksmith shop, and de- •ri'ojsd not only the building, bat both black- oniih and wugon-makor’s tools. Supposed so bavo been accidental. Crawford. This new town, formerly known os Lexing ton depot, is rapidly growing, and seems to be doing a prosperous business. It Is loeated on land formerly belonging to tbe estate of Hon. W. H. Crawford. We made a brief call at tbe office of the Echo,” and found friend Gantt busily en gaged in preparing to Issue bis paper, which Is one of tbe best little country papers In the State. We are pleased to learn that be is prospering. Tbe Prize Drill Of tbe “ Athens Guards' ’came off at Lester's Hall, on Friday night, and was witnessed by a goodly number of tbe friends of tb$ gallant company. The contest was lively, and many were tbe eonjodtares as to wbo would be tbe foartnnate youth hereafter to wear the white plume in sucb a as tbe ” Athens Guards.” After going through a most excellent dis play of tbe skill and training of the men, the oonteat narrowed dewn to five or six men, wbo held their positions well, eaob executing the orders with such accuracy that itwaa bard to oven gneos who would prove victori ous. After a long exercise, however, a II foil except Corpl. Vonderlelth and private H. B Lumpkin, who stood tho test of tbe most rap id commands with perfect success, until final ly Mr. Lumpkin made afatal error, and Corpl Vonderlelth was declared victorious. Tho plume waa then presented by Mr. L. VF Thomas, in a very Interesting and appro- priau* address, which was received with great anDlanse by the pompany* Ueuts. Briant and Linton.****** and Capt. Fleming, of tho University Battal ion, were the Judges. Tho company was under command of that gallant and popular officer, Lieut. C. G- Tal- madge, during tho oveniDg. The plume was n present from Lieut T. All honor to tho gallant Guards 1” VYiutervllIe. Formerly known as the Six-Milo Station, is another village which is rapidly growing and proofing. A ft)w yaara ago, thorn was Duty- HEAD EVERY WORD. TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY* in (he next three months to keep jron a year, any un employed porson between the ages of 16 and 00 shonld take an agency forTax LLUSTaxTSD WKXKLT,a large, sparkling, literary and family paper, (2.60 * year,) pure, instructive, and amusing; half or its pages fall of beautiful pictures, the other half containing tho choicest reading matter. Jarirs Pastox, contributing editor.' hik* that groat English paper, tha Lmulon 11- tmfrated Sent, it is kigltj moral, but entirely nneee- tarian and oon-politieal. Daring a year It famishes over 1,100 pictures, and the equal of 0 large octavo volumes of readjng matter. IT GIVES AWAY, ex tra, each week, a large engraving, (^2 in a year,) sise, 17x 24 inches. These are exquisite/pc tiniiee of tha finest stool engrayingi, on heavy tinted paper, with margina suitable for framing, and are truly afitt art gallery every year. Baaidea, each sabteriber is pre sented with the ebromo," Gold Fish, Fruits and Flow er!,■ site 2x2} feet, in 27 oU colors, paintsd by Ram- tey. Sot only tke laryeet andjftetl premium euergien, tut tie moet wonderfully lenutifyl cirouloncr produced. It la just the paper for mliek everybody k at keen aait- iug—larger and finer then any othar, it half the usual eost. lit tueeeet (nearly 1P00 subscribers a day bting received) prove* this. So eomplete, so progressive, to full of useful as well as entertaining mattar is this paper, (hat ws venture to Miert that to *T*ry thlnk- sleds, boxes, etc., wiriph t(e learned to make tS ” oUer ^ e “ vpry neatjy. Ic those days sash family had tbelr boots and shoes made at home. A shoemaker, or cobbler, as be was then called, came with bis beDcb and tools on his shoulder, and spent days, and even weeks, making all tbo boots and shoes of tbe whole family for a year. Those occasions verp full of interest to Henry. He begged the privileges of going Into tbe chamber with tfio shoo-rpaker, aqd leair ing bis trade. He very soon learned to peg and sew and make himself quite useful in tbe work. To be sure, there were times in after years, daring his college vacations, when his knowledge and skill in mending old boots and shoes were of more use to the family than of recreation tn bim. Still be bas never re gretted that be came so near being a shoe maker. Henry bad a great taste for tfio garden Raising all kindo of vegetables, flowers, shrubbery, etc., was bis delight. While bis brothers and the hired man wate resting at noon-time in tbe summer, he would seek his rest among bis thriving beds of beets and carrots, watching tbe growth of bio melons and cucumbers, and enjoying the varied beau ties and sweet fragrance of bis roses and pinks, etc. And this interest in horticulture bas grown ever since, as every one can we wbo visits bis vine-clad borne, In the midst of eboiee shrubbery and ever-blooming flowers. This knowing bow to do things, which Hen ry so early learned, has been an unfailing source of pleasure, as well as a practical beqe- fit, to bfm all bis Ilfs. For tbo forty years be bas had a borne of his own, there bas been scarcely a week, or even a day,. when bis knowledge how to do things has not been of VEGETABLE LMH POWDERS !| W ARRANTED to be tbe best and cheapest article I for tbe speedy relief of ,IVER COMPLAINT, Bilious Colie, Dyspepsia, SIQKHE4DACHE, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY, Paine in the side and back, and nil thesymptomscon- sequent on disordered LIVER, Stomach and Kidneys. Price 50 Cents Per Package. Prepared by Dr. WM, KING, Jr., mar31 . Athens, Georgia. FOR S EVBRAL superior building lota,being* part at Tamise and Moarnlng Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Searfa, the lot known as the Baxter plseo. Apply to Rood and Bogle Trimmed Belts aad Band and Bagla a nmib/u — I T)r... Trimmines. Rfittons. Needla-Wovlr. Rnfflli.t iuetautaueoue aad pronounced tueeeet. Every good Amariean takes at least one paper, of eonree. Ha takes this paper because (1) it is tbe nicest, newest and beat (2) it it the cheapest—giving a great bargain—anil thus snits tbe hard times. It eelle itself. Be quick, if you want an agency. This time of the year any agent enn make from $1Q to $20 per day. Band three stamps foi specimens and libsrat tarot, with report! from agents, subscribers,snd press notices; or, bet ter yet, to tare time, send $2 50 atones for a eomplete outfit, and make$lC0 while yon would otherwise be waiting. Yon are ear* to taka bold anyhow. Mtmey refunded if not perfectly eatiefttd, or if the territory yon want is already occupied. Address all orders for specimens, subscriptions, or outfits, to T. E. MOORE, Publisher " The Illaatret*d Weekly,” P.O.Box6460 No. 11 Day *t, N.Y. service to bim. Tbero is hardly any little re pair or improvement needed about tbe house bat he can make it. And while it is usually a pleasant recreation to lay aside bis studies for a abort time, It is also an important matter of economy. He is told that a pane of glass, or tbe cord of a window, bas been broken *, there la a hole iq tbe bottoni of a tin dish, or the handle bas unsodderod; tbe pomp, the clock, or tbe lock on a door or trank, is ont of order; or a few things need painting : ail these things he oan usually repair and pat in order, and do it In loss time than it wonld take to get the glazier, tinker, pnmp-makeror painter to’oOmeanddo it; and at the same time he eaves his dollars, or his fifty cents, forevory little job. A now sholf, or bookcase, is wanted, or a trellis for A Proclamation. -GEORGIA. 1)7 JAKES K. SMITH, Governor of snld Stale. I17HBRBA8, A vacancy bas been oaused, by tbe * * death of the Hon. Garnett MoMlIlan, the mem ber eleet from tbe Ninth Congressional District to the forty-fourth Congress of the United States Now, therefore, I bare thought proper to istne this my Proclamation, ordering that tbe Polls be opened and an sleetlon be held on Wednesday, tho 5th da; of May next, in the counties of Banks, Clarks, Daw son, Fannin, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmtr, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Jaekson, Lumpkin, 3Iadlsen, Mor gan, Oooaoe, Pickens, Rabun,Towns, White and Union, composing tbe Ninth' Congressional District in said Stats, for on* Rapreaeotatira to fill said vacanoy. Giron under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at tho Capitol in Atlanta, tbe first day of Murcb, A D. 1875, snd of the Independence of tha United States tbo Ninety-Nintb. JAMES M. SMITH, Governor. By tha Governor: N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State. mariO—aowtd LEGAL BLANKS, shoir, or DOOKcaso, is wanien, or a irons tor , FULL supply always on hand, at tbo bis clematis, boneysucklp, or ^rape-vines; he A. WATCHMAN OFFICE Scrofula, or King s Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Iqdqlent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions o! the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc,, etc. In these, as in nil other constitu tional Diseases, Walkkb’s VuraaAB Bittebb have shown their great curative powers in the mo3t obstinate and intractable cases. Foi* Inflammatory and Chronie Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases ais caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases,—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Blumbera, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, ns they advance in life, ore subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against U113, take a dose of Walkeb’s Vof- Ea.ut Brcroas occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus- tulej, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Bkin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name os nature, are literally dug np and carried ont of the system in a short timo by the nse of these Bi’tters. Pin,- Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- minitics, will free tho system from worms, like these Bitters. Fur Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wom anhood or tho turn of life, these Tonio Bit ters display so decided an influonoe that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In all cases of jaundioe, refit assured that your liver is not doing its work* The only sensible treatment is to promote tbe secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose nse Vqikub Bn* IBS. Cleanse the Yitiated Blood rer you find its impuritiesbmstingtt _ the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Boreal cleanse it when you find it abstracted and sluggish in tbe veins: cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pnre, and the health of the system will follow. r. 11. McDonald a co„ Druggists aud Gcuesal Agents, San Francisco, California snd cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., New lost, Sold by *11 Dragliils and Dealers- Oe;oberl4,l 874—I y At wholasal* or retail, as cheap or ebtaper than they ea* b* bought at any otberntUblishment in ibis city. His assortment embraces all qualities, from ordi nary to the very beat. renhann are invited to call and examine for ntcr4. PROSPECTUS. Georgia University Magazine. | Pukliekedky tke Demottkeuiau audPki Kappa Societiee T HE present students of the University of Georgia having determined to resaae tbe publication c I the college paper whieh was once to ably msntained by thtlr predecessors, bnt which for tbs put few years has been suspended, will iene, towards the 1st. I ter part of F*bo*ry, tho first number of their period. I ical, tinder tit* title of th* Gwomia UarvwnaiTT Mas- | Alias. It win be issued monthly, and will contain about fiifty page* of reading matter. No paiaewlllbe spared I to bring it op totbat standard which the higbpoeitiow of onr Cnlvenitv among the educational inatitntions I of th* Smith wonld seem to guarantee. Tbe Societies I will be assisted by occasional artidu from onr shl* Faculty aad from th* diamond-pointed pen of Ex. | Chancellor A. A. Liracoan. Maintained at this Macagine will be, not only for up tee of training tbe students In the art of com. I position, bnt alio with a view of placing before tb* public a periodical worthy of tbeir notfee, we thick it peculiarly antitied to the favorable consideration both I of tbe present patrons of the Univertity and of tbo I State at larg*. Published beneath tb* protecting ear* I of onr Alma Malar, w* trust that ber honored Alumni 1 will at 000* manifest tbeir approval and appreciation I by anbaeriblng to tbo Magaatn*. I Onr article* will b* literary in character— political I and aeetarian mattar being excluded; end we will *n- I deavor to make onr page* reflect th* digmity, if not tb* | maturity, of age. I Subscriptions for tke remainder *f tke term, ending I August 5th, will bo $1.50, invariably in advance. All fnnds mast be forwarded to tho Basinets Man- Trusting that th* landability of onr undertaking will eaanre onr sneeess and gain for ns tb* approba- | tion of th* public, we are Most respectfully, 8. G. -McLENDON, TennEditor. Assistant Editors.—Demostbenian Society: P. A. I Stovall, John C. Hart. "Phi Kappa Society : Tm.H. | Fleming, F.R. Clark*. liutineet Jfeeeyers.—H. H. Gordon, D.W. Bonn tree. TO THE PUBLIC. I DO not sell.Goods on credit, bnt for tbe CASH. 1 will give yon 10 lbs of SUGAR for.... $ 1.00 1.06 «... 1.6S ..... 3.50 ..... 1.50 And everything else usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS | GROCERY STORE, equally as cheap. Jnst received, a large lot of 4} lbs of COFFER for..... 6 lbs of CHEESE for 100 lbs of BACON for.... 100 lbs of FLOUR for...... A kit of MACKEREL for... DRY GOODS Od lit Fawalle Term. F. AY, LIT O-A.S | “ Here’s your Goods} give me your Money.’ CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Confectioneries, Gandies, Malaga Grapes, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BOWS, SHOES, DATS, - Clothing, Dry Goods, &e. When I say CA8H, I mean the MONEY,' not ’’in a pay or two,” nor " thirty days,” bnt my motto it, I S now opening a new and - bought low and offered low t f elegant stock of Goods I Calland sea me, Broad street, next door to Snead A tocashand prompt pay-1 P®’ s Shon store. jan20 X. E. P.U0DB.3. ing easterners. Large lot of Gentlemen’s and Boy’s WooUeni. Extra quality English, French and German Sailings. I Plain and Fig’d Heavers, in all qnalitiS*. Corded, Diagonal and Basket Beavers, Fanoy Cat- simifet, Black Doeskins, Blark and Col’d Broadcloths. Wool Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Half-Hote, Cra-1 vats, io great variety. Flannels, Shawls, Blankets, Woollen Skirts. RRADY^MADE CLOTHIFG. Ladies’ Dress Goods in all new styles, Black Silks, Alpaeeas, Cashmeres, Express Clothe, Brillientinee, I T is no more impossible “ to make a tilt pare* out of a soio’s ear” than to construct a Good. Durable SEWIXG MACHINE OUT OF "POOR FIG IRON.” Tb* fll* ia a good tost of tbe hardness or durability , and we ad- ’ered to yon Sewing Made Needles. Drew Trimmings, Buttons, Needle-Work* Rufflioga, I of tbe weiring parts of a Sewing Machine, Flutings, Collar?, Cyfft?, Handkerchiefs. vise you to try It upon all Machines off« Persons from a are invited to examine tbe I for sale* especially aveb as are sold stock, and orders are solicited, I lent end Mereh«n»*T»i1«r*» Good*. wpIST* I Under the Priee of a first-class article and represented to be as good aa THE SINGER. ties to onr patrons that hereafter tb* genuine Singer I Needle ean be purchased from ns, or any of onr Agent*, at th* reduced prie* of M Mats per doxen, 26 cents per half dozen. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. mnrSI Q. H. HOPE, A^enL •mmiuiwwta rirraseaea, rs. CHRISTIAN HARMONY, | Br Wu. WALKED, A* S, 11. 2 'on will not Snd any Agent who wUl toy that hie aehino la letter than the Singer.) IA FIRST-CLASS LINGER Can be pnrebased for *67.60 Cash, I And will last for thirty to forty years—eost p*r year, aboot $2. A poor "pig iron Machine” eaa be pnr- I chased for $10 to $60, and will last from one to six years—cost per year, about $10. These are A splendid Mni)e $ook upon a HEW, NATURAL and I 3^0 XJs r I CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO.. Facis Bemoiistrated m Euerience. GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, may21 Agents, Athens,Ga. quires »y tn* 01a metnoda. isesignea tor cuuikh, SINGING SCHOOLS and MUSICAL SOCIETIES. Liberal inducements to Mnein Teachers. Specimen pages mailed free. MILLER’S BIBLE AND PUB LISHING HOUSE, 1102 and 1104 Santom at., Phila delphia, Pa HCEIVER’S NOTICE! In regard to <• guarantee! for five yea re," look well to what kind of teeurity tbe Agent or Company oan give, and If neither are good, tben your f guaranty” | ia worthless. People of Northeast Georgia, you bav* had ions xperienee in ’heao so-called tkenp Jfackinee t Do | you need more? G. H. HOPE, iar!7 Agent Singer ManTg Co., Athens, fla. We are authorised to make a contiderabl* DICKSONUOMPOUNB, 20th, tod 21st* I ' Buck Branch District, at Wm Buchanan's, AprU Payable in GOOD COTTON, at 15 rent., if delirered 22d and 23d, and at Winterrille, at Ptttard A Winter’s I by 1st of November. ..... A„.n vast,. I j,,, now ,ifobeap as any trsl-elass GUANO, and ose wbo bav* tried it, know that better. Georgia Faetary District, at Georgia Factory, April I those who bavetrled it, 26tb, 27th and 28th. . ; ..5 Athena, 316th District, at office of W A Gilloiand,. Clerk of City Council, from th* 3d to the 31st of May I WE ARE there is nothing ALSO AGENTS FOR inclusive excepting Sunday* and Conrt week, during whieh time I trill be somewhere near the court bouse. Barber’eCreok District,.’raotional part,at Jennings’ store, June 7th. Buncombe District, fractional part, at McCleskoy’s store, June Sib. ^ Purycp.r’aEittrict, fractional part, at RobertTuck’s, At which time I close. It is essential that all per- I sons owning any property whatever, should appear, mak* their returns, and get tho benefit of the exemp tions. Respectfully, DAVID E. SIMS, april 14—tlbjune Tax Receiver. G” fflONIATED BONE, A stan Jar J GUANO of great merit, and very CHEAP! mar24 lm ORE & CO., Ag’ts. Ink-Stands—New Styles Paper. "DOSES of Paper and Envelopes, now and beautiful JJ styles. Fancy Ink-Btands, Pen Holders, Ac., at ap!7 BURKE'8 BOOK STORE. BASE-BALL GUIDE FOR 1875. |Perforated pvK'VlTT’S Baso Ball Guide fur 1875. Authorised JJ edition. Price 10 cents. For salo at ,pU4 KURGE’S BOOK STORE. | aplT BURKE’S BOOK STORE Mottoes. trd Board, with train before the oourthouse door, in the city of Athens, the following property, which lias been levied upon to satisfy city tax executions: 1. House and lot, (one aero, more »r less,) occupied by P K Moore. Tax due for 1872, ’73, '74. 2. House and lot, ooe half acre, owned and occupi ed by Mr* N Welch. Tax duo for 1873. 3. House and lot, owned and occupied by John Kirkpatriek. Tax due for 1873 and 1874. 4. W. Hudgins, trusiqe,(4acres,) between Hancock Avenue and Broad streciSke same being a portion of 83d College sorvey. Tax due for 1873 and 1874 5. One house and lot, formerly owned and occupied by Oalvin Beavers, (6} acres.) Tax due for 11-73. 6. Mary A Niebois* interest in house ami lot (5 acres.) Tax due for 1872, ’73, '74. T. John Yarborough’s interest in the same lot.—. Tax due for 1872 and ’73. 8. House and lot belonging to Ben Crawford, c and now occupied by him—1 aore. Tax due Io H. COBB DA\ mar31 Chief of Polioe. Pocket Telegraph Instruments. B Y the aid oi one of these little one oan learn telegraphing wi Full direolions aeoompany each 26 cents. For sale at split BURKE’S mm