The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 26, 1875, Image 4

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Sew Methods or Cotton- Cnltnre. According to the Yorkvillo, S. C. En quirer, a planter in Edgefield district, in that State, under a process similar to that proposed by Mr. Poullain, raised fifteen handred lbs.Jint cotton to onencreof land. Ho planted two stalbs to the hill, at a dis tance of eight feet each way. The bills were ptepared as if for transplanting fruit trees, being dug down to a depth of twen ty Inches and two feet in diameter. Sans dy loam and raanuro was then filled in, and the seed planted. The enormous yield is attributable to the thorough sub- soiling, the manure and the spado—the tailor being sufficient to allow tho rays ol the sun to penetrate to the lower branch es of the plant and develop those fully. As cotton is assontialiy a sun plant, never thriving unless fully supplied with sun warmth, the philosophy of this method is at once apparent. Another method has been tried in Union district, in tho same State, and with the Dickson improved seed. This is tosubsoil deeply, and plant in hills three feet each way, thinning out the plants when large enough, to two in each hill. About fif teen hundred pounds of seed cotton to the acre was obtained from a five acre field planted in the spring in this. Guano. It will bo a matter of surprise to our readers to know tbai the aggregate quan lily of guauo that passed through Sevan nah up to the first of the present month is 5,836,614 pounds less than last yoar, ano it is said by those well informed that 01 tho first of May the difference will be siil greater. Our figures from Charleston an Augusta show tho same rate of decrease. We read and beard so much about tl largo quantity of guano bougbilbis scas< that wo weto led to an investigation, ex peeling that the consumption would b largely increased. Our surpriso to find a decrease will be shared in by our reed ors.—Savannah Advertiser. CARPETS. Great Bargains in Carpets, FOR CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. We are now offering, et very low pricer, oar Brussels, Three-Plys and Scotch Ingrains, Together with a Largo Stock of WINDOW SHADES, jace Curtains and Cornices, DAMASKS, REPS & TERRYS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, Cocoa ant Canton Maiip, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS, Rugs and Door Mats. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., feblO 305 Broad street, Augusta, (ia. MADISON COUNTY. (.GEORGIA, Madison connty. V_T Whereas, Elba Collin* applies to no for let ters of guardianship on the property of Darid end Darid, minors of F M Darid, late of said county, deceased— This is, therefore, to cite all concerned to be end ap pear at my oftce, in Danielsrille, on the first Monday in July ne/t, and show cause, if any they can. why said letters should not be granted. 'Witness my hand and seal. May 3d, 187S. may 12 GKO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF MACON, GEORGIA, OFFICERS: WM B JOHNSTON -President. WM S HOLT Vice President. GEO S O’BEAR Secretary. C F McCAY Actuary. JOHN W BURKE -General Agent. MERCER QRBKN -Medical Examiner. IV J MAG1LL Superintendent of Agencic. This Company ia prepared to issue policies on the Stock Plan,” the premiums on which are from 30 to 35 per Cent. LESS THAN THE MUTUAL RATES. An opportunity is thus afforded to all who desire In surance, or who may wish, from any cause, to trans fer their policies from other Companies, to place their risks in a The Secret of Yankee Prosperity. Under this head the veteran editor tho Mobile Register, Qon. John Forsyth lias this to say : A southern man, after having made flying trip through the New England States, comos back filled with astonish ment at what be has Been, and perfectly discouraged with bis own section of the country. Tbero he saw little villages stirking in tho midst of barren and un inhabitable mountains, with no surround ings to Bupporl them, evincing a spirit ot life and prosperity unknown to our large towns—therecognized trade centresof our best agricultural ^regions. And in the country he saw little farms producing like first-class English gardens, though on soil originally too poor to have grown bear-grass, and in situations that a South ern man never would have thought capa ble of being converted into a goat pasture. Tho poople, as a general thing seemed contented and prosperous; and if ho had inquired into their circumstances be would have fouod, strange as it may appear, eve ry body in these little villages well off and making money, and tho little farms, with their stone piles hore and there, and their stones constantly working to the surface to be covered off into other piles, and tbeir annual calls for fertilizers to the extent of one hundred and fifty dollars goneral dilapidation, and upon our broad and fertile acres, and reflects that they are per acre, actually clearing their owners from one to three hundred dollars on eve ry acre enclosed. No wonder that be is discouraged when ho looks from this pic turo upon our favorably located towns, and notes their inactivity, their poverty and really, in very many instances, not paying tho expense of culture. One would naturally conclude that thero must bo someseoret connected with all this, and so there is. At the village station tbo close observer would notice piles of cotton bales, a circumstance ealen lated tocreato no particular interest in the South, but there, thousands of miles away from whore cotton should bo grown, it would take the form of mystery. Step ping out upon the platform in quest of a solution, his oars would bo greeted by a sound as of a waterfall, huving a peculiar humming accompaniment—spindles Tin case would be made plain—tho strung, little village would bo recognized as » manufacturing point, and then he would know that wo in a far off section wer digging its prosperity trom our soil—feed ing it into u vigorous lilo upon the very food for which our towns were starving and asking it nothing in return; actually shipping our cotton at ourown expense and then, in order that it might grow fa> on its business, buying its fabrics at it- own profitable figures, and paying trans porlation on them to our homes. What a kind-hearted people we Southerner, must be ! Then for tho socret of success among the farmers. Passingthrough tho country with his eyes open, the close observer would at the proper seasou soon have his attention arrested by an improved mower sweeping offer the meadow under the ex clusive management of a youth of, say sixteen, and accomplishing more in a day than could in that time be wormed ont of a {dozen freedmon with their soy then. A little later and be would seo the younger brother of the youth turning the bay; and then in dne time would come a Still small er boy with a rake, followed by a trio ol little fellows having ail sorts of fun as they, with a hay fork, stored away the crop in the hay loft. In everything done on the farm in New England this same plan is resorted to. If tbo soil mast be prepared, instead of set ting a dozon freedmon at it with tbeir mules and plows to sweat through a week as we would do, oat comes a machine managed by a boy or two, and in an in* credibly short space of timethejob is done and well done. A lotof seed is to besown that would give our hands a long, tedious task; but there a stripling with a seed sower puts it down exactly right and in very short order. And when the crop is ready to be hoed, instead of charging it with a blnok army ready to play for pay, a boy harnesses his nag to a horse hoe, takes bis seat as in a sulky, and rides about over the field hoeing several rows at u time in short, New England works by machinery, and therein lies tho secret of Yankee prosperity. She bassimply chan ged places with as—sbo owns her labor If it wore otherwise, or, indifferent words, did afro have to work on our plan, and do* penaon our kind of labor, and did we not in the goodness of our hearts give her the profits on oar produets, a few years would find her entirely depopulated, a happy hunting ground, upon which the red man might pitch. m To Preserve Eggs for One Year. One pint of quick ljme, one pint of salt to throe gallons of water. Be sure that the eggs are fresh. No caro is needed in put ting in the eggs as thoy will be right end up and will settle iufit below tho surface if proportioned right. Reliable Home Institution, At a less rate, notwithstanding increase of ago, than original cost. The COTTON STATES has an avail able RESERVE OF CAPITAL AND DEPOSITS of $500,000, which is entirely Independent of its Business, and is not used in it. It is a HOME INSTITUTION: and as its invest ments will be made in the South, it will contribute to retrieve the fortunes and Increase the prosperity of onr loved section. While its business will not neeoa- fintd to any section, it looks especially te Georgia and tho Cotton States tor its patronage. While it irnot disposed to deory the merits of any company, it olaims that its Deposit of $100,000, beyond tie eenttol of its officers, aim it greater se curity (Ana others which horenot such depeeit. Its spe cial features are: 1st. Allpolioies are non-forfeiting. 2d. No restriction as to residenoe and travel. 3d. Dividends ilcelared and paid annually after the second year. 4th. Polieies paid within sixty days after proof ot death. 3th. One-third the premium loaned when desired. T. A. BURKE, oct29 District Agent, Athens, Oa. VEGETABLE (GEORGIA, Madison connty. VA In the Superior Court. Present: the Honor* able K. H. Pottle, Judge of said Court. TAMSON C. GRANT'I f Mortgage, Ac. HENRY MYER. ) March Term, 1875. It appearing to the Court bj the petition of Tamsou C Grant, accompanied by the promissory notes, en dorsed, the mortgage deed, and transfer and assign ment thereon, that on the fourteenth day of November, ia the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, the defendant made and delivered to one Alfred Grant bis four pTomitaoTy notes, hearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby, by one of said promissory notes, he promised, one year after date, to pay the said Alfred Grant, or order, two hundred dol lars, with interest, for value received. By another of said promissory notes he promised, two years after date thereof, to pay to said Alfred Grant, or order, four hundred dollars, with interest, for value received By another of said promissory notes he promised, three years after date thereof, to pay to said Alfred Grant, or order, six hundred dollars, with interest, for value received, and l.y the other of said promissory notes he promised, four years after date thereof, to pay to the said Alfred Grant, or order, eight hundred dollars, with interest, for value received, and that af terward, on the day and year aforesaid, the defend* ant, the better to secure the payment of said four promissory n”tes, executed and delivered to said Alfred Grant his deed of mortgage, whereby the de fendant mortgaged to the said Alfred Grant, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the county of Madison, and State aforesaid, and bounded es follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in Gr«en Pond, tear said Myer's house and lot; thence running North, 251°, E., 39 chains, 79 links, to a pine oorner; thence North, 79° East, 31 chains, 50 links, to a stake in the Danielsville road ; thence by th« middle of said road op to West line of the Lester tract, then owned by Mr. James Nunn; thence by said line North, ^3° West, to a pine knot corner; thence North. 34° West, 7 chains, 75 links, to a red oak corner; tlienc** Sooth, 67° West, 39 chains, 50 links, to a stake corner; thence North, 20° West, 14 chains, blinks, to sourwood corner; thence South, 76° West, 37 chains, to pine coiner; thence North, 361° West, 12 chain 9 , to sourwood corner; tbcncc South, 57i° West, 23 chains, to hickory corner; thence South, 34° East, 26 chains. 50 links, to a sas safras corner; thence South, 45° West. 2 chains, 50 links, to maple corner on a branch ; tbence down said branch, about 18 chains, to black gum corner on said branch; thence South, 6° East, 4 chains, to hickory corner; tbence South, 46° East, 13 chains, 25 links, to a Spanish oak corner; thence 44° East, 13 chains, 68 links, to a Spanish oak on the DeEstang line ; thence with the DeEstang line to tho begiuning corner, in the Green Pond, containing five hundred and nine ty-nine (599) acres, more or less. And it further ap pearing that afterward, to-wit: on the sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, (1874) the said Alfred Grant, in writing, under his own proper hand and seal, assigned and transferred toTamson C Grant, the plaintiff, the abfolute control of said mortgage, and the promissory notes therein, and thereby intended to be seaured as aforesaid, with full authority to receive an 1 receipt for the same, and to take all legal steps in the premises that he, the said Alfred Grant, could do, had he not transferred and assigned the same, as regards foreclosure, or otherwise, and endorsed and transferred said four promissory notes to the plaintiff, on the day and year last aforesaid. And it further appearing that said four promissory notes remain un paid— It is, therefore, ordered, That the said defendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next Term thereof, the principal, interest, and cost due on said four promissory notes as aforesaid, or •how cause to the contrary, if any he can. and that on the failure of the defendant so to do, the Equity of Re demption into said mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, That this Rule be published in the Southern Watchman once a month four months previous to the next Term of this Court, or served on the defendant or his special agent, or attorney, at least three months previous to the next Term of this Court. S. P. THURMOND, Pl’fFs Att’y. MAiiisoirCountv.} CItrk ’ e 0ffice ’ Superior Coort. I hereby certify, that the above and foregoing ia a true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, March T«rm, 1875. may5 W. L. DEAN, Cl’k. I CLE0RG1A, Jackson county. Where*,, Thome, McKie and Henry F Echols, executor, of Samuel L McKie, represent to th. Court in their petition, duly filed end entered on record, that they have fatly administered Samuel L MeKie’e estate according to his will— This is, therefore, to cite all persona concerned to •bow cause,if any they can, why said exccntors should not be discharged and receive letter, of dismission on the first Monday in September, 1875. ®»jl8 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. JACKSON COUNTY. i'T. EORGIA, Jackson connty. —A Whereas, W p Carter applies, in proper form, for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Obediah Carter, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all eoneerned are hereby notified and re quired to show eanse, if nny they can, on or before the first Monday in Jane next, why snid letters should not be grunted ms prayed for by npplieant. Giren under my otBeial signature, this May 8,1878 °>ayl2 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. /'IJ.EORGIA, Jackson connty. vA Whereas, M P Alexander makes applioation to have Emma Samall, a minor orphan of Rhoda Samall, col’d, late of said county, dee’d, bound as apprentice to him, alleging that said minor orphan has no estate— Therefore, all persons interested areherebyrequir- ed to show cense, if sny they can, on or before 11 o'clock, A M, on Thnrsday, May 27th, 1875, at my of fice, in Jefferson, why said minor orphan should not be boand oat, as prayed for in applicant’s petition, as l shall then and there pass npon the same. Given under my hand and offieial signature, this April 21st, 1875. may5—4t *3 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. NEW FALL GOODS. OHSKTTKR. «&> REAVES HAVE NOWLIN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and hail Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bales OSNABURGS. Also, a good assortment of* Fall Prints. BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, Hats, Boots & Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Alio, a general assortment of aJSS JIT ARRIVED. f'VNE ear load Now Orleans SYRUP. * One ear load New Orleans SUGAR, .A good supply of new MACKEREL, Which we offer to the pnhlle CHEAP for CASE Jan* CENTER A REAVES. flJJEORGIA, Jackson connty. VX Whereaa, William M Smith makes application to me. in proper form, for permanent letter, of ad ministration on the estate or William C Harris, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all persons eoneerned arehereby notified and reqpired to show cause, if nny they ean, on or be fore the regular term of th* Coart of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in June next, why said letters should not, as prayed for, be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, April 8th, 1875. »P1»W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. lYTABEANTEP to he the beat and cheapest article VV for the speedy relief of LIVER COMPLAINT, Bilious Oolic, Dyspepsia, SICKHEADACHE, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AND I> Y ENTERY, Pains in the side and back, and all the ay mptoms con sequent on disordered LIVER, Stomach and Kidneys. Price 50 Cents Per Package. Prepared by Dr. WM. KING, Jr., mar31 Athens, Georgia. EORGIA, Jackson county. '—A Whereas, H M Appleby and R S Cheney, ad ministrators, de bonis non, with the will annexed, of Wm Appleby, dec’d, make application to me, in proper form, to sell tho lands of aaid deceased— Therefor*, all persons interested are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or before the regular tei-m of the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for aaid oounty on the 1st Monday in June next, why leave to sell said lands should not be granted the applicants. Given under my ffieial signature, this April 13th 18 75.spill W. Q. HOWARD. Ord’y. We keep a general assortment of goods made by the ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, such as Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Tarns We are also Agents for tho IGHT DRAFT GULLET GIN. All of whleh wo offer to tho pnblio at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH OR BARTER. CALL AND SEE US. Athens, Sept. 2,1874. CENTER & REAVES. A MILD APPARIENT AND GENTLE PURGA TaVE, recommended (or the cure of all derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. By their timely use much sickness is prevented. The test of many •ears bare proven them to be the safest, surest and best of all the pills ever offered to the public. They purify the blood, remove all corruptions and restore the diseased system to perfect health. AS AN AN TIDOTE TO CHILLS AND FEVER they have no equal. F0RDYSPEPS1ATHEY ARE A SPECIFIC FOR SICK HEADACHE AND BILLIOUS COLIC thev are a sure cure. FOR CONSTIPATION, RHE li- MATI8M, PILES. PALPITATION OF Til E HE ART PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK AND LOINS, NEr! VOUSNESS, a positive remedy. FOR FEMALE IR REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. When one does not fee! “very well,” a single dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and im, parts vigor to the system. Sold every where. Office- 18 Murray Street, New York. 3? iTLL. 6 *. O,EORGIA, Jackson county. '—A Whereas, Thomas B Arnold applies to me, in proper form, for letters of guardianship of the person and property of James Smith and William Smith, minor orphans of Thomas Smith, dec’d— Therefore, all persons concerned arehereby notified and required to show eanse, if any they ean, onotb.- fore the 1st Monday in Juno next, why said letters should not be granted, as prayed for, to tho applicant. Given under my offieial signature and seal of office this the 5th day of April, 1875. spll4 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. "TACKSON Sheriff’s Postponed Mortgage fj SALE.—Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday induce next, before the court house door, in Jefferson, Jack- son county, Ga, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: Two mules, one a dark brown mare mule, about 5 years old, the other a dark bay horse mule, about 8 or 9 years old. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county. John B Dunnaboo vs Thomas W Garrison. Property point ed ont in said fi fa. mar31 J. S. nUNTER, Sh’ff. TV/TADIS0N Sheriff’s Sale. _LVJL Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in June next, before tho court bouse door, in the village of Danielsville, Madison county, Ga, within the legal hours of sale, the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: One tract or parcel of land, containing onehundred and thirty-five acres, more or less, on the waters of Lamar’s creek, adjoining lands of Wm Wood, Thos D Hawk, and others, situate, lying and being in said county of Madison, whereon James Allen low live*. Levied on as the property of tbe said James Allen, to satisfy four fi fa's issued from a Justice Court of the 262d District, G M. Three of eaid fi fa's in favor of B S Ware, for the use of C M Strickland, vs James Al ien, and Charles Pyron, security, the other one of said fi fa's in favor ofC M Strickland, vs James Allen.— Said fi fa's now controlled by R M Meroncy, one of the administrators of the said 0 M Strickland, now de ceased. Said land pointed ont by the defendant, Jaa Allen. Levied on by John B McGinnes, constable, and written notico served on James Allen in terms of the law, and returned to me by tho hands of R M Meroney, this April 26th, 1875. p!28 $5 T. F. BAKER, Sh'ff. "VTOTICE. -Ll After the publication of this notice once a week for four weeks, aud at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Madison county, to be held on the first Monday in June next, application will he made to said Court for leave to «ell tbe real estate of James Brannom, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution with the beira.of aaid estate. may5 J. M. SKINNER, Adm'r. Sewing Machine Neeles. H AVING been informed that cheap, WORTHLESS needles era being placed npon two market for tbe purpose of injuring onr Machine, we hereby give no- iice to onr patron, that hereafter the genuine Singer Needle oan be purchased from us.orany of our Agents, ot the reduced price of 40 cents per doaen, 25 cent, per half dozen. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., mar3t G. H. HOPE, A ent. "TV/TADISON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. JLVJL Will be sold, on the first luesday in June next, within tbe legal hours of sale, before the court house door, in the town of Danielsville, said county, tbe following property to-wit: Ooe red muley cow and calf, one dun c°w and calf, ar.d one bedstead, bed and furniture. Levied on as thepToperty of Willis Porterfield, to satisfy a gage fi fa in favor of W A Sewell. J R Anglin, J K Sewell and R B Burgess. Property pointed out in said fi fa. mar3l T. F. BAKER, Sh’ff. Cotton Seed! CottonSeed!! B ANCROFT’S Cotton Seed, from Mr. Bancroft’s celebrated field. There iced bavobeen carefully (elected for years past, and are taken from a field whieh. whilst much eat off by tbe aeasona, yielded over a bale to th, aore with ordinary culture. We personally examined those seed daring th growing season, and do not hesitate to recommend them as being par* and wonderfully prolific. Only a small quantity for sale by ap!7—1m PITTARD, MITCHELL A CO. AffTI-PYKOTIC, -OR, G-reat TTire-Killer. NO HUMBUG! CERTAIN,SURE. RELIABLE. B Y a recent ilisoovery. we are enabled to offer tbe public a safe, oertain and sure core for Barns, Scalds, Scald-Head, Stings by Insects, Tetter, King Worn, Pile*, Bore Kyes and Old Bom of long ttandlng. This preparation has been thoroughly toatod—in barns always insures almost instant relief—has never tailed in a single inatanee. Wo havo in our possession nnmbora of eertificator showing the WONDERFUL CURFS effected by this preparation, whieh never faila. Ercry Family should haie a Bottle of it RBADY FOR USE! No one knows bow soon a member of tho family may naod It. It ia a Georgia production and perfectly free f,*om mineral poiaon. k^-forsaleln Athena at th* Drugstores of Dr. R. H. Smith A Co. and Dr. Wm. King, Jr. Ordora should b*addressed to JARRETT A MULKEY, AngS Walton’s Ford, G.a Croquet—Base Balls. d"t ROQUET Sets at various prices. Baa* Balia, bast VJ regulation make, Bata, Ae., at •pl7 BUR STORE. TO THE PUBLIC. TDO not a*U Goods on credit, bat for the CASH. ’lOlba'ySUGAR for... $ 1.00 «lb. of COFFEE for 1.00 5 lb. of CHEESE for.. 1.00 100 n>s of BACON for.... 12.00 10»lM«f FLOUR for...... 3.50 A kit of MACKEREL for— 1.50 And everything els* usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, eqaslly aa cheap. Jolt received, a large lot of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Confectioneries, Gandies, Malaga Grapes, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BOOTS, SUOtS, HATS, Clothing, Dry Goods, &c When I say CASH, I mean the MONEY, not “in a pay or two,’’ nor “ thirty daya," but my motto is, “ Here’s your Goods; give me your Money.” Irish Potatoes* 'Then new they shnold be put into boil ing water with akin# entire; when th- Hkin crank* thev a™ d° ne cnongh. I 1 hot are spoih-d by lying in tlto water alter . feari • Grain "fi the water at") I (jail and ecu me, Broad street, next door to Snead 4 I Mill .Findings furnished at Manufacturer’s 1,'oy are ...It a hot kettle to d«y. 1 Co’.-Shoe .tore. jao20 N.E.RHODES. Jprices. -tea, U- •*!■»?>* OEORGIA, Jackson countv. V-A Thomas H Niblack, administrator, de bonis non, of Thomas L Brown, deceased, having filed his application showing that he has fully administered the estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed from said administration— Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and requi- ed to show cause, if any they can, on or before tho 1st Monday in June next, at the regular term of the Coort of Ordiuaay, to bo held in aud for said county of Jackson, why said administrator should not be dis charged, and letters of dismission granted in terms of the low. Given under my official signature this March lsul 1875. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. L. StflEVENELL & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, oA. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, : GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, CANES, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. Having BEST WORKMEN, are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. We make a specialty of Silver Plating ar d Gilding, And all work ot this kind; such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, etc. plated by us, warranted equal to^. that done by any establishment in the country^ DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. is eerily applied, imparls abeautifulbiackor brown, ard acts like magic. Tho best in the world. Sold by sit druggists. Price tl.00 a box. THE GHASTLY RECORD OF DEATHS that re sult from pulmonary affections is frightful. There ia no disease that is so insiduous in its attack as cun- sumption. By the neglect of “ slight colds” they soon become deep seated and defy remedies which, if applied at the outset, would have averted all danger. Dr. Tatt's Expectorant has proven itself THE MOST VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever discovered. A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York pro nounces it tho “ greatest blessing of the niieteeeth contery,” and says “ no family should be witaout it.” It is pleasant to tbe taste, and a single dose will often remove the most obstinate cough. Office, IS Murrey Street, Now York. * D*. T UTTS n SARSAPARILLA V £ N s* DE L 9 °BS MODE'S^ A, K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN O.EORGIA, Jackson county. ! Whereas, Robert Morris, administrator of tho estate of James Morris, deceased, makes application i to me for letters of dismission from the administra tion of said estate, alleging that he has fully ad ministered the same— Therefore, all persons concerned arehereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on or be fore the first Monday in June next, why said adminis trator should not be discharged and said letters grant ed as prayed for by the applicant. Given under my official signature this 1st day of March, 1875. marlO W.C. HOWARD, Ord'y J ACKSON Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. Will be sold, before tbo court house door in the town ef Jefferson, within tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property, to-wit: One bay horse, four years old. Levied on by vir tue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of J R k L C Matthews vs Jesse Hull. Property pointed ont in said fi fa. mar3 W. A. WORSHAM, D. Sh’ff. FRANKLIN COUNTY. rN EORGIA, Madison County. VJT Whereaa, Rufus M. Meruney and John N. Montgomery, Executors of R. W Pruitt, late of said oounty, deceased, represent to tbe Court that they have fully discharged said trust, and pray the Court to grant them letter* ot dismission— This ia, therefore, to eite all eoneerned to be at my office on the first Monday in June next, to show why eaid letters should not be granted as prayed for. Or dinary’s Office, March 1st. 1875. MarchlO GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. EORGIA, Franklin county. VIA Whereaa. William Owen and Naney Pulliam apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of George W Pulliam, late of aaid county, deceased— These are. therefore, to eite and admonish ail con cerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prercribed hy law. and ahow cause, if any they have, why aaid lottera should not b* granted to the appli cants. Given under my hand, at office, this 8th day of May, •8W- mayl2 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. /^.EORGIA, Franklin county. VIA Ordinary’s Office, May 1st, 1875. Mordeeai Holley has'appli.d for exemption of * ier . aonaliy, and setting apart and valuation of th* and I will pass npon his application oa "'hnradav’ May 13th, 1875, at It o’clock M,*t my A* J - MO- ltRIS> ord’y. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and. Mnle Shoes, HORSE-SHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUB.BER AND LEATHER’BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sal of BRINLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND POMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., &c., tfcc. S’* Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay ISP Call tend eyarmne our Stock and Prices. doc ' 8—tf SCROFULA, ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF T1IE SKIN, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS. BLOTCHES, TUMORS, BOILS, TETTER A AD SALE RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, STERIU- TY, LEUCORRHtEA OR WHITES, WOMB DIS- EASES, DROPSY, WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPHI LIS, KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT, MEH- CUREAL TAINT AND PILES, all proceed from im pure blood. DR. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood Puri6er known to medical science. It enters into the circulation and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates the system; produces a beautiful complexion and canses the body to gain flesh and increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has orer been offered thatcan compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1 00 a bottle. Sold by ail Druggists. Office 81 Murray Street, N. Y. nov4 /^.EORGIA, Franklin co^ty. Qfdioary’s Offio-^ April 19th, 1875. Thomas J cca ee has *. pp ned f.r exemption ofper- sonalty and setting a* art J nd Ta | Q . t ion of -be same; is! JLV* ?r' on bis Applioation on Saturday, 1875, * t j, o’elook, M, at my office. »P‘* 8 A. J. MORRIS Ord’y. GEORGIA, Madison County. VJT Whereas, James P. Hall, Administrator of Win. nail, deceased, represents to the Court that has fully administered aaid estate in terms of the This is, therefore, to cite all concerned to b- a %t m - offiee, on tho first Monday in June next, to gbow why aaid James P. Hall should not be dismissed from said administration. Ordinary’s offlee, h^arcb 1st 1875 MarlO GEO. 0 DANIEL, Ord’y! RABUN COUNTY. /^.EORGIA, Rabun county. ** VIA Whoreaa.JoelArondale, administrator of Thos. Arondale, represents to the Coortln his petition, doly filed and entered on reoord, that he has faithfully ad ministered Thomas Arondale’a estate— This ia, therefore, to eite all persons eoneerned, kindred or creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on tbe first Monday in July, 1875. Giren under my hand and official signature, March Sth, 1875. marl? J. W. GREEN, Ord’y. A-THEISTS OAtliexLS« €5 - a*0 GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORK, SMITHING & REPAIRING Eating an extensive collection of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINING & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Sato Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill Spindles, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Rattbe Staffs, Mill Cranks, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stamping Mills. Cotton Seed Crushers, etc., etc., etc. —AMO,—— Manufacture, and are Agents for, the most approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks’ Patent Port able Revolving and Colt's celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grate Enclosures, Balconies, de., de. Thankful for past patronage, solicit a continuance of the same. From the na’nreof our business, we are compelled to mako our terms STRICTLY CASB. Address. B NICKERSON, A<j€at and Sup’t. C ^.-ORGIA, Franklin county. Whereas, Elisabeth Keese applies to me, in proper form, for letters of administration on the es tate of Q S Keese, late of said oounty, dec’d— Therefore, all personseonoemed are hereby notified and required to ahow cause, if any they ean, on or ne- foro the first Monday in Juno next, why said letters should not bo granted as prayed for by applicant Given under my official signature, this 22d day of April, 1875. ap!28 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. WALTON OOUNTY. f'i EORGIA, Walton county. VJT Whereas, John W Hinton, Jr, applies to saefor letters of administration on the estate *f John W Hinton, Sr, late of aaid county, dec’d— This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tho next of kio and ereditora of aaid deceas ed, to show cause, if any they ean, at the Jnne term next of this Court, why letter* of administration on tho estate of said deceased should not be granted said! ap plicant. Given under my hand, officially, this the 1st day of May. 1875 may8 THOS. GILES. Ord’y. /'ll EORGIA, Franklin connty. VIA Alexander W Stephenson has applied for ex emption of homestead : and I will pass npon the same on Thursday, April 29th, 1875, at 12 o’clock, M, at my office. ap!28 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. O.EORGIA, Franklin connty. VJI Whereas, Henry David makes application, in proper form, for letter* of guardianship of the person and property of Mary E E 6 O Wilson, minor of Jus A Wilson, late of Jackson oounty, dee’d— Therefore, all parsons eonosrned are hereby notified and required to show oause, if any they ean, on or be fore the first Monday In Jnn* next, why said letters should not be granted aa prayed for by applicant. Given under my official signature, this 17th day of April, 1875. apl21 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. (EORGIA, Franklin connty. VX Whereaa, Ellen Ford applies to me, in proper form, for letters of administration on tbe estate of Eleanor Miteholl, late of aaid county, das’d— Therefore, allperaona eoneerned are hereby notified and required to show eanse, if any they can, at my of fice, on or bofnre the first Monday in Jnne next. Why said letters should not be granted the applicant, ns prayed for in his petition. Given under my offioial signature, this April 17tb, 1875 apltl A. J-MORRIS Ord’y. G EORGIA, Walton connty. Whereas, Whitman H Tribie applies to mo for letter* ol administration on the estate of Polly O’Kel ley, Into of said county, deceased— This it, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, the next of kin and oroditors of aaid deesaaod, to show cause, If any they have, why administration on the estate of said deceased should not bo granted the applicant at the May term next of this Court. Given under my hand, ottotnliy, March 20th, 1875. m ar24 THOS, GILES, Ord’y. /X EORGIA, Franklin county. VX Whereas, Ba' ton G Payne applies to me for Utters of adminiatr ation on the estate of Moses Brown, Into of said conn'.y, deceased— These are, thr. rs fore, to cite and admonish nil eon eerned, to she w eanse, if any they have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said Utters sho'uiduotbe granted to the applicant. Given-under my band, at office, this 3d day of April, 1875. ap l7 A. J. MORRIS. Ord’y let them remain in the ,QT ATE OF GF0RGIA, Franklin county. V-J ISAAC CURRY l vi V Libel for Divorce. HANNAH CURRY. J In Franklin Superior Court. It appearing to tho Court, by return of the Sheriff, ’that the defendant ean not bo found In this county, and that hor residence ia unknown— It U ordered, That service ?>e perfected in this ease by publication of thu notice, i n the Southern Watoh- man newspaper, one* a month for four months pro ceeding the next term of tbi. Court. J. S. DORTCH, Sol. for Libenaut. Granted: GEO. D. RICE, Judge 8. C. GEORGIA, II, Baitoci G Payne, Clerk of tho Franklin Countt. f Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify, that the above copy order is a true extraet from tbe minntea of this C*urt. Given under my hand and seal of office, this Deo. 2d, 1874. BARTON G. PAYNE, marl? Cleyi Super jor Court. /X EORGIA, Walton county. VXT Ordinary’* Office, April 26th, 1875. Aabnry D Snow has applied for exemption of per sonalty and setting apart and valnation of homestead ; and I will peas npon tho same at 12 o’elook, M, on th* 15th day of May, 1875, at my offlee. . xnay5 THOS. GILES. Ord’y. EORGIA, Walton connty. VX" Court of Ordinary, Mareh Term, 1875. John M Peters, guardian of Eugenia E Cook, for- merly Eugeni* E Smith, petition this Court for a dia charge from such guardianship— All persona concerned are hereby notified to tho-w oause, if any they have, at tbe May term next.ot this eonrt, why said guardian should not be disebarg. id from paid trust. By order of the Coart. March la t, 1875. mar24 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. rt EORGIA, Walton connty. VX* Court of Ordinary, Mareh Term,1875. Wm R Smith and Cicero H Smith, eaecuton of A W Wright, late of said county,'deceased, petitions this Court for a discharge from saidexeeutorsbip— All persons are hereby notified to ahow eause, if any they have, why aaid executors, at the July term next ef this Court, should not be discharged ilom their said trust. By order of the Coort, March 1st, 1875. mar24 THOS. GILES, Ord’y, "VTOTICE. JLN All persona holding demand* against tbo es tate of Asa A Hammock, late of Walton oounty, de ceased, are hereby notified to present them to the un dersigned, properly attested, within the time pre scribed by law, and all those indebted to said deceased are required to mako immediate payment - ” "\MMOC mar 34 H. W. HAMMOCK Adm’r. EORGIA, Walton connty. VX" Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, 1875. Where.M, Calvin G Nowell and Sarah H 8heata, executors of Banaiah S Sheats, deceased, lata of aaid t£r~ ‘ BANKS OOUNTY. , Banks connty. Whereas, Wtlbirtha Nnnnally applies to me for iettere of administration on tbo estate of Richard Nnnnally, late of sand eoont , deceased— Th's is, therefore, to cite and admoniih all and singular, the next of kin and creditor* of said de ceased. to ehow cause, if any they have, why admin istration on th* eatat* of aaid deceased should not be granted the applicant at the Jn!y term next of this Court. Given under my hand and offieial signature. May llth.1875. mayl# A. C. MOgft, Ord’y. "DANES Sheriff’s Postponed Sale. JL) Will be aold, before tho eonrt house door, in Homer, between the legal honra of rete, on th* first Tuesday in Juno next, tho following property, to wit: Thirty and ono-third acres of land, more or loss, near the town of Bolton. Adjoining lands of M Buies. Banks, and others. Levied on as tbo property of H P Terrell, to satisfy a fi fa issned from Banka Connty Court, in favor of Larkin Williams vs H P Terrell.— Property pointed ont by J J Turnbull, plnintifi** i toreey. may5 A. J. WEST, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold, before the eonrt house door, in Homer, between the legal bonre of isle, on tho first Tuesday in June next, the following proparty, to-wlt: Eighty acres of land, more or loss, near tho town uf Bolton, nod adjoining lands of Carter, and others, on the waters ol Hudson river. Levied on aa tbe prop erty of J P Eobols, to satisfy a fi fa lasnod from a Justice Court of the 912th District, G M, in favor ot D G Candler vs J P Echols. Levy made and return «d to me by Jamoa Brooks, L C. mayo A. J. WEST, Sh’ff. CURES, AS IF BY MACIC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, OBSTINATE LUNG AFFECTIONS, ASTHMA, CROUP, BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS, PLEURISY. DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, and will cure CONSUMPTION, As 50,000 grave-robbed witnesses testify. No opium. Nothingpoisonous. Delicious to take. Tbe isrthly Saviour to all afflicted with affections of tho Throat and Lungs. Bequeaths to posterity ooe of tho great- est blessings. SOUND LUNGS, and immui ily from CONSUMPTION. Over one handred thousand bottles have been used, and not a single failure known. Thousands of testimonials of wonderful cures, such as the following, oan be seen at the office of the Proprietors, No fO Broad street, Atlanta, Ga, or will be seDt, on application, I. any who doubt. For sale by all druggists. SB. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Gu. READ! READ!! CONSUMPTION CUBED! OrvtCB or 0. Saciett, Drugs A Medicines,) New Albaist, Ind., April 10, 1874. ( Dr J S Pemberton, Atlanta, Oa .* Dear Sir—I hsjs received your circulars, and in oonsequenee of tbedi» tributlon, I have sold about six dezen Globe Flower Syrep in th* last two weeks. Th* Globe Flower Syrup is gaining great celebrity. I recommended it int»“ case* of consumption. One ease was bed fast; sad not laid on bnt one side for two years; hemorrhage: almost every day; much emaciated, and expected to die. He has taken six bottles of Globe Flower Syrep; his tronbles are all gone, exeept prostration, which rapidly improving. Ho wil| certainly get well. T” other case is similar, with same good results. I send you many testimonials, 11 you want them. Yonri, truly, eto, 0. 8ACKETT. REMARKABLE CURE. CLEVELAND. OHIO. April 12. 18l«. Dr. J. S Pessberfoa: It gives me great plessnreto inform you that two bottles of Globe Flower Sy™'' have cured my son of an obstinate long several years' standing, after our best phy^iois”* »‘ 4 given bim up to die, with what they called Consump_ tion. I shall ever remember with grateful heart, tna recommend R ail tbe Globe Flower Syrup. It “* brought more sunshine and happiness to our besru and home than one million dollars could have dona God bless yon. -Your friend, feb.3 Elisabeth Src»csa._ O.EORGIA, Banks connty. VX Whereas, Mo. M. N. Hardy, administrator of Jamea Norwood, represents to tho Conrt in hit peti tion, duly Iliad and entered on reoord, that he hsa Daily administered James Norwood’s estate— This is, therefore, to eite all peraons eoneerned, kindred and creditors to show eanse,, if any they ean why said administrator should not he discharged from hla administration,and receive letters of dis mission on tbo first Monday in August, 1875. r.pl2l A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. , Banks county. Whereas, E L Chambers makes applioation for letter* of administration, do bonia non, on the estate of Joshua Simmons, dec’d— Therefore, nil parsons concerned arehcrebynolifiod and required to ahow can,*, if any they ean, on or be fore the first Monday in June noxt, why said letter, should not bo granted, a* prayed for by applicant. Given under my offieial signature, this April 7th, 1875. ap!21 A. C. MOSS Ord’y. county, p stltion this Conrt for a discharge from said treat— This is t Rerafore to eite all peraons concerned to show oause, If * ny they have, at the Jane term next of this Court, whyr letters of dismission of such executorship should not bo granted said applicants. By order ef the Court, February 1st,1875. mar3 $5 . GILES, Ord’y. Christian Harmony. A FOLIa suppJy of the latest edition, at $1.25 each, at apI7 BURKE'S BOOK STORK. Ink-Stands’.—New Styles Paper. B OX'SS of Paper and Envelope., new and bcautifnl styles. Fancy Ink stands, Pen Holders, Ac., at aplt BURKE’S BOOK STORE. /X EORGIA, Banks county. yjl To all whom it may ooneern. Harvey W Rucker having filed bia petition, in prop er form, to mo, praying letters of administration, with the will annexed, on th> estate ef Wiley Rneker— This is to oite all creditors, legatees, next of kin, and any others interested, to be and appear at th* next June term of the Conrt ofOrdinary of said conn- ,ty and show eanse. if any they oan, why Utters of ad ministration, with tho will annexed, should not bo granted to Harvey W Rneker. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this April 11th. 1875. aplH A. 0. MOSS, Ord’y, (1 EORGIA, Banks county, \JT Whereas, Caleb Chitwood, administrator of Wilborn Fagans, represents to tho Conrt, in his peti tion duly filod and entered on reoord, that ho has fully administered Wilborn Fagans’estate— This is, therefore, to oite all persons concerned,kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can- why said administrator should notbedischarged from his aa'ministratioc, and receive letters of dismission the first Monday in July, 1875. mac24 A. C. MOSS, THE FAVORITE JIM m T'HIS unrivalled Medicine is warranted cot- A tain a single particle of Msbcdst, or any ona mineral substance, bnt ia ' PURELY VEGETABLE. eon taining those Southern Roots and Herbs, y,. all-wise Providence has placed in countries* ^ er Diseases moat prevail. It will cur* **1 eadsed by Derangement of the Liver and l» Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Meaicuto la eminently a Family Medicine; and by of ready for immediate resort will save » ori ’ bill'- suffering and many a dollar in time and do ,— t hs After over forty years’ trial it is atoU r* p #r . moat unqualified testimonials to tta v,rl “',.-,, - Bis sons of tho higheatoharseter and retponsic i inant physicians commend It as the mow ..p, Effectual Specific tor Dyspepsia or too 1 * , Armed with this ANTIDOTE, *llolim*U»»" g,s of water and food may be faced C0H- Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, PLAINTS,RESTLESSNESS,JAUNDI0BJ** IT HAS NO EQUAL- d:t |„ It is the Cheapest, Purest and Best FamiV " in the World! Is manufactured onlyby „q J. H. ZEILIN & _ m . .nd Phil* . ...If Price, $1. old b; Macon, Ga., and Phil' ail Druggists. ■emission on r LEGAL BLANKS, SS, Ord’y.- 1A FULL “ UPP ' y alW ‘ y * °“ WATCHMAN