The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, June 09, 1875, Image 4

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Sheep on a Farm. Sheep are undervalued by the mass of land* holders as a moans of keeping up the fertility of the soil and putting money in to the pockets of farmers. The moment ono begins to talk of sheep husbandry tho listener or reader begins to look for wool quotations alone when there is talk about the profit of farming. Sheep on a farm yield both wool and mutton. They multiply with great rapidi ty. They are the best of farm scavengers, “cleaning a field” as no other animal will Tboy give back to the farm more in pro' portion to what they take from it than any other animal, and distribute it better with a view to the future fertility of the soil. Prove this? There is no need ol proof to thoso who have kept sheop and know their habits and their yield. To prove it to those who have not had tlu> experience, they should try the expert monl or accept tho testimony of an expe rienced shepherd. But the live stock on a farm should not necessarily be sheep oxduBively. Cattle horses aed swine have their respective places in the farm economy. How many of each to keep is a question locality, char acter of markets,adaptation of soilpredis-, position, and taste and skill of tho hus bandman must decide. But ono thing ought not to bo forgotten, that the more stock a man has on his farm themore grass, and it ought, and if properly managed, it will grow. The rales of increase will cor respond with the business taCt, technical and practical knowledge and skill of the husbandman.—JV. Y. World. cold, is objectionable, tho former tending to soften and molt tho butter globules, and the other to harden them. To Preserve Butter. Take two quarts best common salt, ono ounce of sugar and one ounce of saltpetre. Take one ounce of the mixturo for one pound of butter. Work it well into the mass and close it up. Baiter cured with this mixturo appears of a rich, marrowy consistency, and never acquires a brittle hardness nor tastes salty. But it must be remembered that butter thus cured should stand three or four weeks before it is opened. Salts are not sufficiently blend ed with it, and thecoolnessof nitre will bo porceived, which totally .disappears aftor- wards. This recipe keeps butter for three years. Ashes. For root orops; leashed ashes are excel lent—indood there is no crop grown and no land cultivated that is not benefited in a greater or loss degree by the applica tion of leached or unleached ashes, the lat ter being the more valuable. They re place the potash, lime and phosphoric acid that have been carried off in tho crops and animals sold. Ashes show immediate ef feet from their application, and at the same time last long to the soil. Field Beans.—Tho boan crop is worthy of a place in a rotation, not only for its profit, but for its influence upon the soil It takes little from tho soil! is a cleaning crop; requires little outlay for seed, occu pies the ground but a short time, and may follow a crop of clover the same season, if an early ripening variety is chosen. The “Medium” ripens early, is hardy, but sells at a lower price than the“Marrow.” The “Marrow" is very productive on a good soil, and is a popular market variety. If properly harvested, the haulm is much rel ished by sheep and is nutritious. Tho bean when ground with corn or oats, is readily eaten, and when cooked, pigs will accept it with avidity. No food is hotter /GEORGIA, Madison county. VJT Ordinary’* Office, Huy J Whereas, Wm H Strickland npplie emption of personalty.; and I will pass upon the same at ray office, in Danielsrllle, on Friday, Juno lltb, at 10 o'oloek, A X. jnnet G. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. i for lot- ■ David t David, late ef laid GEORGIA, Madison county. J Whereas, Elba CoUina applies to me tors of guardianship on the property of and David, minora of V X Da county, deceased— This it, therefore, to eito all concerned to be and ap- rear at my office, in Danielerille, on thaflratKonday n July next, and ehow eaase, if any they eon. why said letters should not be granted. Witness my hand and seal, May 3d, 1873. may 17 GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. MADISON COUNTY. Office, May 27th, 1875. dies te me for ex- GEORGIA, Jackson county, —1 Whereas, ThomasMcKte andHenry FEchols, executors of Samnel L McKie, represent to the Court in their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they hare fully administered Samuel L MeKie’s estate according to his will— This is, therefore, to oite all persona concerned to show cause,if any they esn, why said executors tbouid not be discharged and reeeire letter! of dismission on the first Monday in September, 1875. A. C. X08S, Ord’y. Lima Beans. A correspondent of the Country Gentle* man writes: For the past ten years we have raised them in groat abnndanoe fact, have cooked none other for drying The first year or so, we foond difficulty in ripening them, as we picked for the table as last as they were ready. There are . . . two points which, if observed, will insure i' or . a . growing animal, nor contains more euccoss. Tho'first is to pinch off tbe top. ot each vine when they bave reached tbe top of the Btake, say six feet and tbe sec ond is carefully to save the earliest pods for seed. Many writers say they mast be planted eye down, etc. We never practiced it; we put the ground in nice order, when it is warn enough, and plant as any other bean, four to a bill, and they generally all come- By saving tbo earliest for seed wo bave thorn nice for tbo table three weoks earlier than at first- Make a Few Dollars on Cucnmbers. A correspondent of the Maine Farmer eays: Many farmers in this State do not know that they can realize more money from raising cucumbers than from any other crop. There is always a good demand for them if they are picked small and cured. They should be salted by making n strong pickle—not dry-salted, as that will shrink them up and caose a loss to tbe grower, as to the parlies that put'tbem up for market. We are now compelled to go to Chicago for pickles, on account of tho scarcity ol them hero. Even In Boston aud Xew York tbe supply does not meet tbo de mnnd, and millions of dollars go out ofthis Slate for tho very articles that wo should ship to other large cities. If first r&lo pickles were placed in all American markets as cheap as they can bo afforded by the aid of system in tbe production, tbo consumption would be something onormous With our bacon and bread, our system needs something eour—a mild vegetable acid is the best. The juice of tho grape and that of tho ap- plo raako vinegar, aud cacambers make excellent pickles, if well handled. Many fruits may bo pickled, naming peaches and grapes as samples. More Clover. Very few men aro aware of tho amount of Boil washed away every year inthissec- tion of country. If wo keep on with this kind of farming m»ny farmers will now do as they do in eastern States and pot guano, ashes, plaster, super-phosphates or limo in every hill of corn. Farmers! you should stop some of this waste ; don’t think of leaving nothing bat the yellow clay for future generations. But there is a remedy for all this waste; sow more clover. Keep the ground filled with roots or vegetable matter, then it can’t get away easy. Flow np & clover sod for corn or wheat and be sure to have the clover in the rotation of the crops. Sow in February or in March and bear in mind next summer yon can mow a big crop of bay from that piece of ground and remember that it is getting rieber. Make calculations to seed another part of the farm next year, and in a short time yoa can have a two-year old clover sod to plant corn on; then look oat for fino corn, big ears and big yield, grown with half the labor that you now grow corn on those worn out fields that have been in constant use for corn and wheat for twen ty-five or thirty years. This is the beet country for clover I ever saw. The farm ers East of this State don’t pretend to get along without sowing clover, and to make the clovor grow they use plaster and lime. Hero there is no use ofthis at present; and in addition to tbe rich yield of fine clover or bay, tbe clover seed is profitable to take care of. We hope to see Western farmers giving this subject more attention.— Wes Urn Agriculturist. Fistula.—Tbe first thing after taking extra good care of tbe animal, is to wash the sore perfectly clean with good oastile soap, afterwbiobtake aemall glass syringe each as can be bought at almost any drug store and syringing tbe sore well with pyroligudous acid, which is one of tbe most valuable remedial agents fortbo cure of sores, that can be used. It can be pur chased at any drug store, or at most of them, and is also excellent to use as a hu man remedy, where bad blood has caused viruleiit sores. In snob oases it should be diluted with one-balf or tbree-fourlbs its bulk of rain water. flesh-forming elements than this bean. The idoa, however, that beans may be grown with profit upon a soil too poor for any other crop, is erroneous.—American Agriculturist. The best Disinfectant for Horse Sta bles.—First, proper ventilation. With jout good ventilation it is almost impossi ble to deodorize a stable. Second, dry mack used in stalls will sweeten them bet ter than any disinfectant, used in small quantities. Third, carbolic acid diluted with 100 parts warm water, in winter,and sprinkled over tho floor of tbo stall or about tbe mangers will deodorize or disin fect them better than anything yet tried. Fourth, use gypsnm of laud plaster after cleaning, on tbo floor of the stall and also on manure. This will sweeten the stable very much and make tho manuro more valuable. rx EORGIA, Madison county, VJI In tha Superior Court. Present: tbs Honor able E. H. Pottle, Judge of said Court. TAMSONC. GRANT) v«. V Mortgage, Ac. HENRY MYER. j March Totm, 1875. It appearing to tbo Court by tbo petition of Tameon C Grant, aoeompanied by tbe promissory notes, en dorsed, tho mortgage deed, and tranafer and assign- men t thereon, that oa tho fourteenth day ofNovosubor, in tho year of onr Lord, ono thousand eight hundred and seronty, the defendant made and delirored to one Alfred Grunt his tour promissory notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby, by ono or said promissory Sotos, he promised, ono year after date, to pay tha said Alfred Grant, or order, two hundred del lots, with Interest, for rains received. By another ol said promissory notes be promised, two years after data thereof, to pay to said Alfred Grant, or order, four hundred dollars, with interest, for ralno received By another of said promiuory notes ho promised, thro* years after date thereof, to pay to uid Alfred Grant, or order, tlx hundred dollars, with intsruc, for value reeeivtd, and by the other of said promissory notes he promised, fonr yours after date thereof, to pay to the «»id Alfred Grant, or order, eight hundred dollars, with interest, for ralno received, and that af terward, on the dey end year aforesaid, tbe defend ant, the better to seenre the payment of sold fonr promiuory notes, executed and delivered to said Alfred Grant his deed of mortgage, whereby tho de fendant mortgaged to tho said Alfred Grant, his heirs and assigns, all that traot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho county of Madison, and State aforuaid, and bounded aa follows, to-wit: Beginnin| at a stake in Green Pond, aoar uid Myer’s house one lot; thoneo running North, 751°, E., 39 chains, 79 links, to a pine eornor; thoneo North, 79° East, 31 chains, 50 links, to n stake in the DaniolsriUo road; thoneo by tho middle of said road np to Wut line of the Lester tract, then owned by Mr. Jams* Nunn thoneo by said lino North, 43° Wut, to s pine knot corner; thence North, 3(° Wut, 7 chains, 7Minks, to a rod oak corner; thence South, 67° West, 39 chains, 40 links, to a stake eornor; thoneo North, 70° Wut, I4ohnini,601inkt,to eonrwoodoorner; thoneo Sooth, 76° Wut, 37 ehaiut, to pine eotnor; thence North, 384°Wait, 17 chain*, to eonrwood corner; thence South, 574° West, 73 oheins, to biokory eornor; thoneo Sonth, 34° But, 25 chains, 50 links, to n sas safras eornor; thoneo South; 45® West, 7 chains, 50 links, to maple corner on n branch; thoneo down uid branch, about 18 chains, to black-gum eornor on said branch; tbeneo Sonth, S° East, 4 chains, to hickory JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA, Jackson county. -—d Whereas, W p Carter applies, in proper form, for permanent letters of administration on t oo ostate of Obediah Carter, late ot said county, deceased— Therefore, all eonoerned are hereby notifi H and re- < aired to show eaase, if any they een, on or .Mfora the first Monday in June next, why raid lotto. ) should not be granted as preyed for by appliear.t. Giron under my oBolal signature, this Mu r 8,1876. wyts W. C. HOWARD. Ord’y. (TX EORGIA, Jackson county. VX Whereas, X P Alexander makes application to have Emma SamaU, a minor orphan of Rhode Samal), col’d, late of said county ^ deo’d, bound ns apprentice to him, alleging that said minor orphan has no estate— Therefore, ell persons interestsd are hereby requir- ed to ehow cause, if any they een, on or before 11 o’oloek, A X, on Thursday, Xay 77tb,1875, at my of- fi®*, in Jefferson, why raid minor -orphan should not r* t°, a , n 4 oa *» “ P r »y*l for in applicant’s petition, es l shall then and there pass upon tbe same. Giron under my band and offieial signature, this April 71st, 1875. ■•J6—4t $7 W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. NEW FALL GOODS. OESTUTEH. <fe REAVES HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 1,000 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Rolls and hail Rolls BAGGING, 1,000 Bundles TIES, 100 Barrels Refined SUGARS, 50 Bags RIO COFFEE. 10 Hogsheads Re-boiled MOLASSES, 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed BACON, 100 Bales seven-eighths SHIRTING, 50 Bales OSJNABURGS. Also, a good assortment of Fall Prints, BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, Hats, Boots & Shoes, Leather, Bridles & Saddles. Also, a general assortment of E0RGIA, Jackson connty. '-A Whereas, William X Smith makes application to me, in proper form, for permaflent letters of ad ministration on the estste or William C Harris, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notiSed and required to show cause, if any they can, on or bo- fora the regains term of tho Coart of Ordinary, to bo held in and for raid eoanty on the first Monday in Juno next, why said letters should not, as prayed for. be granted the applicant. Given under my offieial algnatnre, April 8th, 1875, »P»!W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. y, Whereas, H M Appleby and R S Cheney, ad ministrators, de bonis non, with tho will annexed, of Wm Appleby, deo’d, make application to mo, in proper form, to soil tke lands of said deceased— Therefore, all person* interested are hereby notified and required to show canto, if any they can, on or before the regular term of tha Court of Ordinary, to bo held in ana for sold oonnty on tho 1st Monday in Jane next, wky leave to sell said lands shonld not be granted tha applicants. Given under my “fficlal si 1875, ap!31 corner; thence South, 46° East, 13 chains, 75 links, to a Spanish oak corner; thsnoe 44* East, 13 drains, 68 links, to n Spanish oak on tho DeEstang lino; thenoo with tho DoEsUng lino to tho beginning corner, in the Green Pond, eonteining five hundred end nine- ty-nino (699) acres, more or leu. And it further ap pearing that afterword, to-wlt: on thesixteeath day of November, in the year of onr Lord, ono thonund eight hundred and seven ty-foar, (1874) the said Alfred Grant, in writing, under his own proper hand and teal, assigned and transferred toTamson C Grant, the plaintiff, tho abiolute control of said mortgage, aud the promissory notes therein, and thereby intended to bo secured ae aforesaid, with fnll authority to receive and receipt for the same, and to take all legal steps in the premise! that ho, tho said Alfred Grant, could do, had ho not transferred and assigned the earns, ae regarde foreclosure, or otherwise, and endorsed and transferred said fonr promissory notes to tho plaintiff, on the day and year last aforesaid. And it farther appearing that raid four promissory notes remain un paid— It is, therefore, ordered, That the eaid defendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of tbs next Term thereof, the principal, interest, and cost das on said fonr promissory notes ns aforesaid, or .how cause to tho contrary, if any heean.andthaton the failnre of the defendant *o to do, the Equity of Re demption into raid mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred nod foreclosed. And it is further ordered. That this Rule be published in the Southern Watchman ones a month fonr months previous to the next Term of this Court, or sorvod on tho defendant or bit special agent, or attorney, at least three month* previous to tho next Term of (his Court. 8. P. THURMOND, PlTTe Att’y. 'MaS£m cSwtr.} CUrk ’* Superior Court. I hereby certify, that tbe above and foregoing is a tree extract from the minute, of tho Superior Court, March T-rm. 1875. may5 W. L. DEAN, Cl’k. fX EORGIA, Jackson county, V-I Whereas, Thomas B Arnold applies to mo, _ proper form, for letters of guardianship of tho person and property of James Smith and William Smith, minor orphan* of Thomas Smith, deo’d— Therefore, oil persons oonearatd an bortby notified and required to show eons*, if any tboy can,on orb.- fora tho let Monday in Jane next, why raid letters should not bo granted, ns prayed for, to tho applicant. Giron nadtr my oBelti signature and seal of office this tho 6th day of April, 1875. nP»H W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. Hard to Beat.—Thomas L. Ogden has now on his farm an Alderney cow, which made 808 pounds and 6 ounces of batter in one yoar. A strict account baa been kept from the 25th of April, 1874, to the 25th of April, 1875, and this largo yield was tbo result. She also daring this time snpplied two families with’milk and cream, including two qaarls of now milk, whiem were taken oat of every morning’s milk* ing. Her feed through tbe summer sea son consisted of fonr quarts of dry wheat] bran per day, and in the winter two quarts of Indian meal and 4 quarts of bran, on steamed hay.— Woodbury OonAftfufion.H A Butter Maker’s Experience.—J. P Ellsworth, of Borro, who knows good bat ter and makes it, thus writes to a brother buttorer: I have tried scalding milk at di fie rent temperatures for butter,and have settled on )-'!0 J as the best mercurial point. Ecsa than 1:50° will not destroy the perms of tlio putrefaction. Have been told that 1 ’,0° makes the mi!k ; cream, and butter ta-ue scalded. I scald as soon as the milk drawn. Alter scalding, tho milk is red to stand in largo pans without as the temperature of tbe 5U id bo about 60 s , acts up- tho milk promptly aa- ig BiUfc by pour- :ooling it with VINECAR BITTERS mimaammiiauca No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwelL provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateftil Thousands proclaim Vinroab Bitters tha most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Billons, ’Remittent, and Intermit- tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleya of cor great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savan nab,Koanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual beat and dryness, are invariably . accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Db. J. Walker’s Vinboab Bitters, aa they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels axe loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bod Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,Inflam mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, aa in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For luflanimatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Goat, Bilious, Bemittent aud Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tha Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitten have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, os they advance in life, are subject to paralysis ot tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walxxb’b Vxn- eo.vb Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bhenm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors ana Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ont of the system in a short fame by the use of Bitters. Pin, 4 Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel- minitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Tonio Bit ten display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—In all cases of jaundice, test assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use Vinegar Bn- D£ cieanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the aWn in Fimples, Eruptions, or Sons; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is fotu; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will follow. n. n. McDonald a co„ and cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. Sold by all OruKists and Dealers- Ocioberl4,18H—ly “VT0TICE. JL> After thff publication of tbis notice once week for four weeks, and at the regular term of the Contt of Ordinary of Madison county, to be held on the trst Monday in Jnns next, appiieation will be made to said Conrl for ioaro to .oil tho real estate of Jamoe Brannom, late of said county, deceased,for tbo purpose of distribution with the beire of raid estate. may6 J. M. SKINNER, Adm’r. signature, this April 18th W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. ACKS0N Sheriff’s SALE.—Will be sold, on tbo first Tuesday inJ un e next, boforo tbo court bouse door, in Jefferson, Jack son county. Go, within tho legal bonrs of sale, tbe fol lowing property, to-wit: Two males, on* a dark brown mar* male, about year* old, tbo other a dark bay hors* mnle,abont 8 9 years old. Loviod on by virta* ef a mortgage fl issued from tbo Superior Coart of said eoanty. John B Dannaboo vs Thomas W Garrison. Property point ed ont in said fi fa. marSl J. S. HUNTER, Sb’ff. i?l EORGIA, Jackson county. VA Thomas H Niblaek, administrator, de bonis non, of Thomas L Brown, doe eased, haring Slad bit application showing that be bos folly administered tho estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissod from said administration— Therefore, all pertoni or* hereby notified and requi ed to show cans*, if any they can, on or before the let Monday in Juno next, at tbo rognlartorm oftboConrt of Ordinaay, to be bold in and for said county of Joekeon, why said administrator sbonld not b* dis charged, and letters of dismission granted in terms the law. Given under my offieial signature this Mrreh let, 1876. marlO W. C. HOWARD, Ord’y. /HEORGIA, Jackson county. VT Whereas, Robert Morris, administrator of tbe estate of James Morris, deceased, makes application to me for lottors of dismission from tbe administra tion of said estate, alleging that bo hat folly ad ministered the sama— Therefor*, ail persons concerned are hereby notiSed and required to show cause, if any they ean, on orb*- for* the first Monday in Judo next, why raid adminis trator sbonld net be disebarged and eaid letters grant ed a* prayed for by the applicant. Given under my official signatnre this let day March, 1875. marlO W.C. HOWARD, Ord’y O NE ear load Now Orleans SYRUP. One carload New Orleans SUOAR, A good iiupply of new MACKEREL, Which we otter to the public CHEAP for CASH J»n« CENTER 4 REAVES. We keep a general aeiorbnent of goods made by the ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, such at Jeans, Plains, Checks, Stripes and Tarns We are also Agents for the IGHT DRAFT OTLLET GIN. All of which w# offer to the publio at LOW PRICES; FOR CASH OR BARTER. CALL AND SEE US. Athens, Sept. 2,1874. CENTER & REAVES. A MILD APPARIENT AND GENTLE PURn* TaVE, reccmmendcd ior tho euro of all derangement, of tbe stomach, liver .and bowels. By their timel. use much sickness is prevented. Tho test of man* •ears have proven them to be the safest, surest and best of all the pill* ever offered to the public. The* purify the blood, remove all corruptions and'reitore the diseased system to perfect health. AS AN *v TIDOTE TO CHILLS AND FEVER they haven, equal. FOR DYSPEPS1A TIIEY AREA SPECIFIC FOR SICK HEADACHE AND BILLI0U8 COLIC they are a sure cure. FORCONSTIPATION rrkit MATISM. PILES. PALPITATIONOFTIIE HEART PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK AND LOINS, NER VOUSNESS. a positive remedy. FOR FEMALE II)' REGULARITIES, WITHOUT A RIVAL. When one does not feel “very well,”, a single dose stimulate* the stomach, and bowels, restores the appetite, and iut parts vigor to the system. Sold every where. OIW 18 Murray Street, Now York. DR. Tim HAIR DIE. is easily applied, imparts a beautiful black or brown ard acts like magic. Tho beat in the world. Soldi,* all druggists. Price $1.00 a box. ’ ( ) L. SCHEVEIiELL & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, oA. DEALERS IN "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, ’GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION Spectacles, Kje-Slasses, Musical Instruments, CANES, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. Having BEST WORKMEN, are prepared to do REVAIRlNGr IN SUPERIOR STYLE. We make a specialty of Silver Plating ard Gilding, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, etc. plated by us, waminted equal that- done by any establishment in the country^ THE GHASTLY’ RECORD OF DEATHS that re sult from pulmonary affections is frightful. There is no disease that is so insiduous in its attuuk as con sumption. By the neglect of “ alight colds" they soon become deep seated and defy remedies which if applied at the outset, would have averted ail danger. Dr. Tutt’a Expectorant has proven itself THE MOST VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever discovered A DISTINGUISHED CLERGYMAN of New York pro nounces it tho “ greatest blessing of tho nineteenth centery,’’ and says “ no family should he without it.” It is pleasant to the taste, and a single dose will often remove the most obstinato cough. Office, is .Murray Street, New York. A. K. CHILDS. B. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN > AR S APA R!L L A N R DE L\C y p EORGIA, Madison County, VJ Whereai, Rufus M. Merooey and John N. Montgomery, Execntors of R. W. Pruitt, late of eaid eonnty, deceased, represent to the Coart that they bave fully discharged eaid trust, and pray the Court to grant them letters of dismission— This is, therefore, to eito all concerned to be at my offle* on tho first Monday in June next, to show wby said letters sbonld not bo granted a, prayed for. Or- dinary’s Offlee, March 1st. 1875. MarehlO GEO. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. /TX EORGIA, Franklin eonnty. VT Whereas, W B Neal and Joel D Gunnels apply to me for letters of adminietration npon tbe estate of William Noal, late of said eonnty, deoeosed— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notiSed to show cans*, if any they ean, at mv office oa or bo- fore tbo Brat Monday in July next, why said letters shoold not be granted tbe applicants. Given nnder my hand and official signature, May 14th, 1875, jnnet A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. O.EORGIA, Madison Connty. VjT Whereas, Jams* P. Hall, Administrator of 7m. Hall, deceased, represents to tbe Conrt that b* as folly administered said ostate in terms of tho law— Tbis Is, therefor*, to eito all eoneorned to be at my offieo, on the first Monday in Jon* next, to show wby said James P. Hall sbonld not b* dismissed from said administration. Ordinary’* office, March let, 1876. MarlS GEO. 0. DANIEL, Ord’y. RABUN COUNTY. TDABUN Sheriff’s Sale. JLlJ Will be sold,before the eonrthonsedoor,in tbe town of Clayton, between tho legal boors of salt, on tbo first Tuesday in July next, the following property, to-wit: On* lot of land, No 48, in tho 5th DistriotofRabnn oonnty, as thoproperty of E P Jones, one of the de fendants. Also, on* lot of land, No 58, in tbo 5th District of Rabun eonnty, as tha property of Willis Bramblett, on* of tb* defendants, to satisfy a fi fa is sued from Rabnn Soperior Court, October Term, 1870, G M Netherland vs Willis Bramblett and E P Jones. Propsrty sold to satisfy said fi fa. $5 Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land, No 41, in tbe 2d Distriotof Rabnn connty, and lots Nos 3 and 8 in tbe 4tb District, all lying in Rabnn connty. Loviod on as tb* property of Edward Coffee, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Rabnn Suptrior Court, April Term, 1859. Nelson A Johnson vs A B Alex ander, prineipal, and A Mauldeu, H W Cannon, Ed ward Coffe* and G A Greenwood, soenritioa. Prop erty sold to satisfy said fl fa. Propertv pointed ont by G A Greenwood, controller of said fi fa. may26 $5 D. T. DUNCAN, Sb’ff. p EORGIA* Rabun county. VJT Whoroas, Joel Aroodale, administrator of Thos. Arondalo, represents to tho Conrt in his petition, duly filed and entered on rooord, that he ba* faithfully ad ministered Thomas Arondalo’* estate— Tbis is, therefore, to eito all parsons' eonoerned, kindred or eradltors, to show eaase, if any they eon, wby said administrator shonld not b* discharged from his administration, and receive latter* of dismission on tbe first Monday in Jaly, 1876. Given under my hand and offieial signature, Xareh 6tb, 1875. marl7 J. W. GREEN, Ord’y A-THEISTS Foiflry&MacieMs, OAtbtns, CtefflO GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORK, SMITHING it REPAIRING Having an extensive collection of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINING & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, Saw Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, MiU Spindles, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Rattle Staffs, MiU Cranks, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stamping Mills, • Cotton Seed Crushers, etc., etc., etc. ALIO, Manufacture, and are Agents for, the moat approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent Port able Revolving and ColCt celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Balconies, de., de. ■ Thankful for post patronage, solieit a continuance of tbe same. From the nature of onr business, we ere compelled to make onr term* STRICTLY CASII. Address, B NICKERSON, Af*mt mod Sup’l. Mill .Findings furnished at Manufacturer's price*. Christian Harmony. A FULL supply of tbe latest edition, at$1.25 each, at ap!7 BURKE’S BOOK STORE, FRANKLIN COUNTY, /^.EORGIA, Franklin county. VX Whereas, William Owen and Nancy Pulliam apply to me for letter* of administration on the estate of George W Pnlllam, late of said oonnty, deceased— These are, thoroforo, to cite and admonish all eon- corned, to b* and appear at my office, within tb* tim* proaeribod by law, and show canto, if any they have, wby said lottors shonld not b* granted to the appli cants. r Given under my bond, at offioo, this 8 th day of May, 1875. mayl2 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. PI EORGIA, Franklin connty. VX , Ordinary’* Office, May 1st, 1875. Mordeoal Holley hat'applied for exemption of per sonally, and setting apart and valuation of the earn*; and I will pass npon bis appiieation on Thursday, May 18th, 1876, at 13 o’oloek, M, at my offioo. may6 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, MAILS, Horse and. ]VXnle Shoes, HORSE-SHOE WAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c., RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Manufacturer’s Agents for the sal of BRINLEY’S STEEL PLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &c., &c., &c. Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay Call and examine our Stock and Prices. dec18—tf SCROFULA, ERUPTIVE DISEASES OF THE SKIN, ST. ANTEJNY’S FIRE, ERYSIPELAS BLOTCHES, TUMORS. BOILS, TETTER AND SALE RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RU'OWOR'-i RHEUMATISM, PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE HONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, STERILE TY, LEUCORRHtEA OR WHITES, WOMB DIS EASES, DROPSY. WHITE SWELLINGS, SYPHI LIS, KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINT MER CURIAL TAINT AND PILES, all proceed from im pure blood. DB. TUTT’S SABSAPABILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the circulation and eradkstei every morbific agent; renovates the system; produces a beautiful complexion and causes the body to gain fleab and increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable legetable extract. Price $1 00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 81 Murray Street. N.Y. nov-t O.EORGIA, Franklin connty. VX Ordinary’s Office, April 19th, 1875. Thomas J Scales bos applied for exemption of per sonalty and sotting apart and valuation of tbo same ; and I will pass upon his appiieation on Saturday, May lit, 1876, nt 13 o’oloek, M, at my ofho*. ap!38 A. J. MORRIS Ord’y. rx EORGIA, Franklin county, VX Whereas, Blisaboth Keeto applies to mo, in propor form, for letters of administration on the es tate of G S Keaso, iat* of said connty, dec’d— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and rsqnirad to show cause, if any they ean, on or be fore tho fifst Monday in Juno next, why eaid letters shonld not be granted as prayed for by applioant. Given under my offieial signature, this 22d day of April, 1876. qp!38 A. J MORRIS, Ord’y, rx EORGIA, Franklin connty. VX Alexander W Stephenson bos applied for ex emption of homestead; and I will pass npon tb* ssm* on Thursday, April 39th, 1876, at 13 o’elocb, M, at my offioo. np!38 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. O.EORGIA, Franklin county. VX Whoroas, Honry David mokes appiieation, in proper form, for letters ot atutdinnshlp of tbn person and property of Mary B B 0 O Wilson, minor of Jas A Wilson, 1st* of Jaekson county, deo’d— Therefore, all persons eoneorned are hereby notiSed and required to (how eons*, if any they enn, on orbo- foro the first Monday in Jane next, why said loiters shonld not ba granted as prayed for by applicant. Giron nndormy offieial signatoro, this 17th day of April, 1876. spl31 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. i me, in propor ( X EORGIA, Franklin connty. VX Whoroas, Blltn Ford applies to fom, for letters of administration on tb* estat* of Eleanor Mitchell, Into of said county, deo’d— Therefore, all penona concerned are hereby notified and required to show cense, if any they ean, at my of- fiee, on or before tb* first Monday in Jnn* next, wby said lottors shonld not bo granted tho applieant, at prayed for in bis petition. Giron nnder my offieial eignatnre, tbis April 17tb, 1876 ap!31 A. J. MORRIS Ord’y. rx EORGIA, Franklin county. VX Where**, Barton G Payne applies to me for letters of administration on the estat* of HososBrown, lit* of said oonnty, dooeastil— Those ora, therefore, to oito and admonish nil con cerned, to show ean**, if any they have, at my offlee, on or before tho first Monday in Muy next, wby said lottors should uot bo granted to the applicant. Given nndar my hand, at office, this 3d day ot April, 1876. *p!7 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. QTATE OF GF0RGIA, Franklin connty. k? ISAAC CURRY ) JZ f Libel for Divorce. HANNAH CURRY. J In Franklin Superior Court. It appearing to the Conrt, by return of tho Sheriff, that tbe defendant can not bo fonnd in this county, and that her residence is unknown— It is ordered, That service be perfected in tbis ease by publication ofthis notice, in the Southern Watch man newspaper, ones a month for fonr months pro ceeding the next term of tbis Conrt. J. S. DORTCH, Sol. for Libellant. Granted: GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. GEORGIA, i I, Barton U Payne, Clerk of the Fraxklix County. J Superior Court of said county, ds hereby certify, that the above copy order is a true extraet from tbe minutes ofthis Cenrt. Given nnder my hand and icsal of office, this Dee, 3d, 1874. BARTON G. PAYNE, marl 7 Clerk Saperior Court. WALTON BOUNTY. TTrALTON Sheriff’s Sale. V V Will bo eold, before tho eonrt boose door, in the town of Monro*, Walton eoanty, daring the legal hours of sal*, on tb* first Tuesday in July noxt, the following property, to-wit: Sixty-two and a half teres of lend, mor* or loss, in tho northeast eornor of lend lot No 144, in the 4th Distriet of Walton eoanty. Lo* ied on as tho property of Honry W Sboinatt, under and by virtue of on* ex ecution issued from • Justice's Conrt, bold in and for tho 416th Distriet, G M, of said connty, in favor of Thomas O'Kelley vs J C Cooper, principal, and Henry W Shelnntt, security. Levy made and returned to mo by Boniamin Knight, L C. juneJ $5 J.M. AMMONS, Sb’ff. BANKS COUNTY. TXT"ALTON Sheriff’s Sale. YV Will be eold, before tho oonrt honse door, in tb* town ot Monroe, Walton oonnty, Ga, between tbo legal honra of sale, on tho first Tuesday in July next, the following property, to-wit: Fifty tores of land, more or lest, adjoining lands of Knox, Sponoor, and others, and lying natr the tow- of Sosial Circle, in eaid oonnty. it being the earn* traot of land parobasodby Joseph Boye* front Thomas Snow. Loviod on ns tho propsrty of Josoph Boyce, to satisfy a fi fa issued from tbo Justice Court of tbo 454th Distriet, G M, of said eonnty, in favor of A L Binder vs Josspb Bcyee. Levy mad* and returned to me by A G Lane, L C. may36 WILKINS S. IVEY, Depn.ty Sb’ff. C1 EORGIA, Banks connty. VX Ordinary’* Office, May 19th, 1876. J. Perry Echols has applied to mo for exemption and setting apart of homestead and valuation of the tana* j and I will post upon tbo same ot 11 o’oiook, A M, on Thursday, tbe 3d day of Jane, 1875, at my of. fieo. may36 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y* /"X EORGIA, Banks connty. VX~ Whereas, Wilbirtha Nannally applies to me for lottore of administration on tho estate of Richard Nannally, late of said aonnt,, deooasod— Th’.s it, tbereforo, to cite and admonish oil and singular, tbe next of kin and creditors of said de ceased, to show eaase, if any tboy have, wby admin istration on tbe estate of said deceased should not be granted the applicant at the Jaly term next of this Coart. Given nudor my bond and offieial signature, May lltb, 1875. m*y!9 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. rx EORGIA, Walton connty. VX Whereat, John W Hinton, Jr, applies to me for lettore of administration on tha estate of John W Hinton, Sr, late of said eonnty, deo’d— Tbit is, therefore, to eito md admonish all and singular, the next of kin and. creditors of said deceas ed, to show cans*, if any they ean, at the Jane term next of thie Coart, why lo'itere of administration on tbe estate of raid deceased should not be granted said ap plicant. Given nnder my Land, officially, this tbe 1st day or May, 1876. rasj5 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. /'ll EORGIA, Walton county. VX Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1875. John M Peters, guardian ol Eugenia E Cook, for merly Eugenia E Smith,petition tbis Court for n dis charge from snob guardianship— Ail persona eoneorned are hereby notified to show eaase, If any they bave, at tho May term next ol this eonrt. why said guardian sbonld not b* discharged from laid treat. By order of tho Coart, Mareh let, 1876. mar34 THOS. GILES Ord’y. rx EORGIA, Walton county. VX Conrt of Ordinary, March Term, 1876. Wm R Smith and Clocro H Smith, exooatora of A W Wright, late of said county, docoased, petitions this Conrt tor u discharge from said exeoatorship— All parsons are hereby notified to show eaase, if any they have, wby raid executors, at tb* July turn next of this Court, sbonld not bo discharged from their said trust. By ordsr of tb* Coart, March 1 »t, 1875. marJ4 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold, before tbo conrt honse door, in Homer, between tb* legal honri of sale, on tbo first Tuesday in June next, tbo following property, to-wit: Eighty teres of land, more or less, near tbe town ot Belton, and adjoining lands ot Carter, and others, on tho waters ol Hudson river. Levied on as tbe prop erty of J P Eebois, to satisfy a fl fa issned from a Jus tic* Court of the 913tb District, G M, in favor ot D G Candler vt J P Eebois. Levy made and return ed to m* by James Brooks, L C. may5 A. J. WEST, 8b’ff. CUKES, AS IF BY MAGIC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, OBSTINATE LUNG AFFECTIONS, ASTHMA, CROUP. BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS. PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, and will euro CONSUMPTION, Aa 50,000 grave-robbed witnessen testify. Xo opium. Nothing poisonous. Delicious to take. The earthly Saviour to all afflicted with atToctiona of the Throat and Lungs. Bequeaths to posterity one of the great est blessings, SOUND LUNGS, and immunity from CONSUMPTION. TffST' Ov«r ono hundred thousand battles have been used, and not a tingle failure known. Thousands of testimonials of wonderful cures, such as the following, can bo seen at the offlee of tho Proprietors, No *0 Broad street, Atlauta, Ga, or will be sent, on application, te any who doubt. For sale bv all druggist*. DR. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. READ! READ!! CONSUMPTION CURED! Omen or O. Sack«tv, Drugs A Medicine,,) New Alsaxt, Ind., April 10,18T4. / Dr JS Pemberton, Atlanta, Oa: Dear Sir—l have roceivod your circular,, and in thedlo- tribution, I have sold about »ix deien Glob* Flowe' Syrupin thel*»ttwo week*. The Globe FlowetSjnip is gaining great oelebrity. I recommended it in two cases of consumption. Ono case wts b*d-f*,t;h*e not laid on bnt ono side for two years; bcmorrhsgsi almost every day; much emaciated, and especteeto di*. Ho bos taken six bottles of Globe Flower Syropi bis troubles are all gone, except prostration, wbick is rapidly improving. He will certainly get well, i»• other case is similar, with same good result*. I e»» send yoa many testimonials, il yon wsnt ihim. Yours, truly, ete, O. SAC k 111 • REMARKABLE CUBE. CLEVELAND, OHIO, April 12, Dr. J. S Pemberton: It gives me great piesrure to inform yon that two bottles of Globe Pl®«« Syrup bave cared my son of an obstinate lung sff . several years’ standing, after our bestpbysieitnt M4 given him up to die, with what they called ConnuiP tion. I shall ever remember with grateful heart. *» recommend to all tbe Globe Flower 8yr«P I* bss bronght more sunshine *n-l happiness to ou and home than one million dollars could bsv God bless you. Tour friend, feb.3 Elhab»th Srtseta. rx EORGIA, Banks comity. VX Whereas, Me. M. N. Hardy, administrator of Jam*! Norwood, represents to tb* Coart in his peti tion, duly filed and entered on record, that ho bos fully administered Jamoa Norwood's estate— This is, thoroforo, to cite oil persons eonoerned, kindred and ereditora to show cans*,, if any they ean, why eaid administrator shonld not be discharged from bis administration, and receive letters of dis mission on tb* first Monday in August, 1875. apttl A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. fX EORGIA, Banks comity. VJT Whereas, B L Chambers makes application for letters of administration, do bonia non, on tb* octet* of Joshua Simmons, deo’d— Thoroforo, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to show cans*, if any tboy can, on or be fore the first Monday in Jan* neat, why said letters shonld not be granted, as prayed for by applieant. Given under my offieial signature, tbit April 7tb, 1875. apI31 A. C. MOSS Ord’y. Y^X EORGIA, Walton connty. VX Court of Ordinary, Fob. Term, 1875. WhereM, Calvin fV Nowoll and Sarah H Sheats, execntors of Ben a] ah S Sheets, deceased, late of sold oonnty, petition thin Conrt for a discharge from said trust— This is therefore to oite ill persons eonosrnod to show eaase, if any they bave, at the Jane term next of tbit Goait, wby letters of dismission of sneh executorship should not bo «:r*s.tod said applicants. By order of tbo Oonrt, February lit, 1875. marS*5 THOS. GILES, Ord’y. Ink-Stands—New Styles Paper. B OXES of Paper and Envelopes, new and beautiful styles. Fancy Ink-stands, Pen Holders, Ac., at np* BURKE’S BOOK STORE. /^X EORGIA, Banks connty. To all whom it may concern. Harvoy W Rucker having filed hie petition, in prop er form, to mo, praying lottors of administration, with tbo will annexed, on tbs estat* of Wiley Rucker— Tbis it to cite all creditors, legatees, next of kin, and any others iute.csted, to bo and appear at the noxt Juno term of tbo Court of Ordinary of said eonn ty and obow oanso.if any they can, why letters of ad ministration, with the will annexed, sbonld not be granted to Harvey W Rneker. Given under my band and offieial signature, tbit April lltb, 1875. apttl A. 0. MOSS, Ord’y. rx EORGIA, Banks county. VX Whereat, Calab Chitwood, administrator of Wilborn Fagans, represents to tboOoart, in hi* peti tion duly filed and entered on record, thul ho bos fully administered Wilborn Fagans’estate— This is, therefore, to eito all persons eoneorned, kin drod and creditors, to show cans*, if any tboy *>n, wby said administrator sbonld notb*dltchar*ed from bis administration, and receive lotton of dismission on tbe first Monday in July, 1875. mar24 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. ILAIN am _ Job Printing, At t&e Southern Watchman ( THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY T HIS unrivalled Medicine is warraotedovt to c tain a single particle of Matcuav, or any ou» mineral substance, but it PURELY VEGETABLE, containing thos* Southern Roots and Hot_ j,j f . all-wit* Providence has placed Discos** er Diseases moat prevail. It "j** r '’’.Bowel., oadsed by Derangement of the Liver on Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Is tminently a Family an ho*r»f ready for immediate resort "0* •***“. .^ cl0 „'kllD. suffering and many a dollar in time »j> - T ( D gtk* After ovor fort, year*’ trial ft "„»V most unqualified testimonials to -.-.ihBHj. tons of tho highest obareewr aad raepon* 11 * 1 J incut physicians commend it as »• ...... Effectual Specific IT HAS HO EQUAL* )UiM "rsusa8S&2&. Hr Maoon, Ga.. tad niMgJSl Pries. >1. Bold by all Prnggi«ta_