The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 06, 1875, Image 3

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|™h« .ufication A.thwM, OctoTsex O, iaV5. Fraternal Record. XU Yeruon Lodge it, F. A. X.—Meets on the third Friday night In every month, si 7X o'clock. S. C. Dobba W. M. I. 0.0. F.—Mecu every Moods; night W. A. Tslmad&e N. G. L. wTsteph- William* Lodge U, st Oild PoUowa’HaU. ens K. 8. Ollier Encampment, Xo 14,1. 0. •>. F.—Meets on the 1st and ad Thursday nlghta in eraymotd t, at Odd Fellows’Hall It. T. PitUud, C<|Ck.J. Chriity, Scrltte. Martha Lodge, Xo> &, D, of B.—Meets on tbo 1st Wodnea- jay uluht in ra-htnoedh, St Odd rcllown’ HsIL KT.Pittard, night, at O Garribold, T. , ~ J * eet *.. eT ? | y i j,'roraiy tall. J. H. Done;, W. C. T. ht. ■ Tal- Atheus Garda.—Meet every lilt in each month—then they meet oo madge,Captain, J. H. Hull, O. S, fluke Canity Grange, Xo Ml.—Meets on the 4th Wednes day IncTety month at the Fair Qroond.—II. R. j. Long, Master. Star of the Snath Fountain, No 10, U. O. T. H.—Meets Urns. Held, W. IFIRE DEPARTMENT. ATHENS FIRE CO, NO 1.—Meets on the 4th Thursday night In erarmonthjat Firemen’s Uatt. Lamar Cobb, Cant, lilt. Christy .Beefy. 1'IONKEILRIOOK A EADDER CO., NO. 1.—Meets on the UtWedneedgnlxht In «ray Ommtt. st FlrsaSenlfHan. H. ^uSSef “oSuMtED* FlHECOTViO. ljjdectuon thelat Wednesday nlghtlnerrery month, load. Boyd, Capt., Hands! Brown, Secfy, CHURCH DIRECTORY. 1ST METHODIST.—Corner Hancock arame and Lumpkin street. Her. W. 11. Potter, Pastor. Regular Sunday services, 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 p.m. Sunday School • a. m. 9D METHODIST.- ~ Oconee Street. Her. A. W. Williams, Pastor. Regular Sunday service* 11 a. m., and 8p.m. San- day SchooLd o’clock, p. m. j PltESBYTEItlAN.—Hancock Wrrane. Her. C. W. Lane, Pastor. HegnUr Sunday asrrlosa, 11 o’clock, a. m.andSp.m. Sunday School, «, «. n. Young men and business men’s Prayer meeting, Tuesday nigptatS odock. . Prayer meeting, ThOTdw arVrwas 1 at —^ BAPTIST.—Comer T. E. skinner, Pastor. Regular Sunday services, 11 a. m., and « o'clock p. in. Sunday School, tk. m. EM MAN UKL(KP1SC0 PAL).—Owner Lumpkin and Clayton street*. — — Hector. Regular Sunday services, 11 _ m., and 8 p.m. Sunday School, ta..... ST. MARY’S—EPISCOPAL.—River streeL Rev. II. E. Lucas. Rector. Sundayservices, 11 a.m,and8p.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST.—Rev. D. Patman, Pastor. Regu lar services, Id Sunday in each month, at 11 o’clock a. in. CATHOLIC.—Prince avenue. Rev. Father O’Brien, Pas tor. Regular services, 4th Sunday In each month, 11 a. m., and 5 ^JEWISH SYNAGOGUE.—Clayton street. D. Michael, Hesder. Regular aervlcca every Friday night, I# o’clock. AFR1CANMETHOD1ST.— Fonndiy street Rev. T. N. Stewart, l’astor. Regular Sunday services, 11 aim and 6 pm. COLORED BAPTIST.—Comer Broad and Hill streets.— Bev. Floyd Hill, Paator. Hegnlar Sunday services, 11 a. in., anil H p. in. RAILROAD TRAINS. The trains on the Georgia Railroad arrive and depart aa follows: _ Day up train arrlvsa at 2.20 P. M. •• down train departs at 9 A. M. Night down train departs at 10 P. M. •• up-traln arrives at 6.30 A. M. These trains connect at Union Point with Atlanta and Au gusta trains. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. DAY TRAIN (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). ...3.90 P.M. Mi*” avef KlQnT TRAIN (DAILY). . . ..8.45 AlM! ....5.30 A.M. AVI* ...10 P.M. P.M. A.M. ATHENS TO ANDEltsON C. 11., 8. C. .rrivtrs Tuesdays and Fridays at 19 xwres 44 ** 44 at 3 ATHENS TO BELTON. Leaves Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6 Arrives Fridays And Saturdays at 9 ATHENS TO JEFFERSON. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 Arrive* 4i 44 44 at 5 r. ai. ATHENS TO JUO TAVEUN. Leaves Wednesdays at 0 AM. Arrives 44 at 0 P.M. ATI1EX8 TO FAlOflXtlTON. Leaves Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 A. M. Arrives “ 44 at .7 P.M. Tho Railroad mails close one hour before departure of trains. Mew Cotton Press. The Carolina Star Cotton anil Ilay Press is without doubt the cheapest and best press now on the market—will pack twice as fast as any other press before the jieople. It h pronounced by every one who has used it to bo a perfect success. It you wsjuf press, be sure and call on us before 'f- chasiug elsewhere. ^ Gilleland, Wo<^* Agent* for ***4 * ificationftom Mr. , adison county, that of November, pub lish .jeorgian, and he adds, by way of poStuortpt,“I do not make the We refer to this matter simply to state that there is much misapprehension exist ing among county officers in regard to it The law prescribes their duties—these du ties are obligatory upon theitt—they have no volition iu the matter—and there is, consequently, no room for motives of any sort It is a plain question of duty. It is their busiuessto do just precisely what the law directs, without fear favqr ae affection. The Legislature having considered this matter of sufficient importance to direct that Sheriff's sales shall be advertised in the paper having the largest circulation, he has uo choice iu the matter. A Sheriff had as well claim the right to hang one criminal uuder sentence of death and let others escape. Iho law is founded in good sense—the policy of the law is good, and it ought to be strictly enforced. Plaintiffs, defendants, and the public generally are in terested iu giving these matters the great est publicity possible; and hence, the law is mandatory—it leaves nothing to the dis cretion of the Sheriff. It is clearly his duty to ascertain what paper has the largest cir culation aud publish his sales i% it, what ever may be his private predilections or personal preferences. These remarks ore general; idefft6*«tW eSpedffiny V> who, we believe, will faithfully discharge his duties as a public officer, so far as he understands them; but, we think be is, laboring uuder a misapprehension in this respect. We remember a young gentie- mau sent to New York some years ago to get the Georgia “coat of arms” engraved, and in his letter of instruction he directed the engraver to change the attitude of some of the figures in tho picture. After get ting an impression of it he submitted it to our inspection, and we told him it was a very pretty picture, but was uot the Geor gia coat of arms. “ Why uotr he asked. We pointed out the discrepancies. “Oh, said he,” I know it is not like the old one —that is too antiquated—it is not in good taste.” “ Do you think the coat of arms is a mere matter of taster He assured us he did, and appeared amazed when we showed him that the Legislature had thought it of sufficient importance to pre scribe, by special act, just precisely what it should be. Just so in regard to county advertising. Some county officers who have not taken the trouble to iuforrn themselves properly, think that advertising is a mere matter of taste, and that they cau advertise wherever they please; wheu everyone who is prop erly posted kuows that the intention of the law is, and the policy of the Legislature has ' 4 such publications to be ring the largest cir- AttmoMi -^-rt BBtaTaMikTxmmxt. TBS MOST COMPLETE IB TBS STATE 1 hat as the matter he Code, there is nguage employed, law is very plain, years we Davis’Photo Art Place—in apartments and facilities—Athens has never had a Gallery that the cultivated” taste and re finement of its citizens demand, and per haps never would have had, had it not been for the advent among us of Mr. C. W Davis. Hr. Davis has just completed re- finishing and arranging his rooms, and has introduced all the conveniences for pat rons and appliances for the prosecution ol his busines. An experience of many years and a liberal outlay of money can provide, and the public will bear testimony. Wean sore that in all the arrangements and ap pointments that go to make up a complete Art Gallorly his establish has no superi or in the State. THE RECEPTION BOOH is spacious, well ventilated and bondsome- ly furnished, and its wall embelished with specimens of his Art that will scarcely fail to command the admiration of those who love artistic work. THE LADIE’S TOILETTE BOOM is supplied with every convenience, in cluding the numerous little articles indis pensable in the arrangement of completed toilets. THE OPERATING BOOM is in every respect complete, and has eve- iy thing for tho successful production ot flue work. As au artist, Mr. Davis has few equals iu the Union—is a live business man—knows the value of printer’s ink, mid where to put it to.-do tbejfio>i*goo<l We need only add that Mr. Davis’ rooms are free to visitors, and whether your visit, be one of business or inspection, you will be happily entertained, and satisfactorily ac commodated. No one should go West withdWJRt get ting in communication with theT General Emigrant Agent, and become informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. AU information cheerfully given. W. L. Danley, G. P. & T. A. The Business Oni In view of the very great hilling off in the crops this year—we mean fallipg short of the promise of unusually hd&9^ crops, which, at one period during the season, was certainly very flattering—many per sons seem to be discouraged and take a gloomy view of the future. ) While it is true that crops of both corn and cotton will fall short of the estimates made sometime ago, and that the’ price of cotton is low, we still think that the per spective condition of the country is better now than it was this time last yean. There are several reasons for this. Our people have not mortgaged their cropffrols year, they have not gone heavily in debt for fer tilizers—they are making a better supply of provisions than usual—making their farms self-sustaining. Whatever money their cotton brings will, therefor%~be their own, and with it they can pay their debts and purchase such articles as their forms do not produce. If any of them should be compelled to buy corn, it will probably be cheap, as there is a larger crop this year than ever grown before. When far ad n*. Small Pics, Now is the time to secure a bargain. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BOOK AND JOB iFX&xasrxrara-. With hugely increased facilities, In the shape of superior fast presses, beautiful new type and good workmen, the SOUTHERN WATCHMAN JOE OFFICE la now better than ever prepared to execute erery description ot Book and Job Printing, st moderate prices. Why will Yon Pino Away f [so. 3.] Without a paralel.—'The demand for Dr. J. Bradfidd’s Female Regulator is beyond precedent in tlie annals of popu lar remedies.—Orders come in so thick and fast that the Pro prietor has heretofore been unable to fill them all. He is ha] ny to state that arrangeixv'uts* are now complete by which isr ’ * ■ ” - — • - , _ -SuppIi „ „ . this great remedy in daily practice, all over Georgia. Here after no woman need sulfcr from suppressed, suspended or irregular menstruation. This valuable medicine 1* prepared by L. II. Bratifield, Druggist, Atlanta, Gn., aud sold at $1.60 per bottle by respectable druggist* throughout America. Hearly Woo thing Widow. Marietta, Ga., March#, 18T0. Me&tir*. Drculfie!d <D Co.—You will please ship us another rpply of your valuable Female Regulator, and forward maiL We are happy to state that this remedy elves *■ ~ * beei better satisfaction than nuv article we sell. We have selling it since 1S6S, and witnessed many remarkable cures by it. Among others, there was a lady friend of ours who was sallow and sickly until she was twenty-six years old, when she was married. Her husband lived two years and died.— She continued in bad health; in fact, she has never been what a woman ought to be. A few mouths after the death of her husband, she saw your advertisement, and came to our store and bought a bottle of your Regulator from us, and took it your Regulator, costing her only three dollars, when she had tried several physicians and spent a great deal of money witb- sncces* with your valoa- ix A SONS. mere have to buy high-priwdlT>**i<iiQns DTOW Xs YOUT Time, With lOWjpriOedCQttsmrailJa nfir^ ** Not ° Pap<:T New«ml 4MBES6JF" ^ C ' Xg pursuitsSi iu langihv.. 'ASiX* CsU Carpet WtreknK. Persons visiting Augusta should by all means visit the carpet warehouse of James G. Bailie & Bro., 205 Broad street, where they will always meet with polite atten tion, and can find an almost endless varie ty of carpets, oil cloths, rugs, window shades, lace curtains, picture-frame mould ings and everything pertaining to their line of business. They will also meet with the most courteous attention from the pro prietors and their salesmen. It is a real pleasure to see the courtly and polite se nior waiting upon the ladies—this appears to be his forte. The establishment was crowded when we were in, and he rarelj failed to please the varied tastes of his fail customers. If you do not wish to call it. person, just order what you want, and, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred we will warrant you will be pleased with Mr. B’s selections. See adnertisoment in another column. The Fair X The Fail* X Visitors to the Fair this week should be ware of Cheap Picture Concerns, and go to Davis’ Gallery for line-work pictures it will be a pleasure to have. W. & C. Scott & Son, Parker, Dexter and other line shot guns, just received at ■’XV.JJELL A Co’s. Mr, the in miftcl votf spemiiEgra few days ‘ residence of Maj. S. C. Bet-Siv., visit to his relatives in this sectlNk ac^o 2 Gross Bluing. 2^ 5 “ L. & B’s. Worm Candy. 5 “ “ Horseaud CattlePowdera. 2 “ Sewing Machine Oil. Just received by Septl5—tf. Longs & Billups. Personal. The editor having been absent the latter part of last week and now gone to Banks Court, will account for any shortcomings iu the present issue. 200 lbs Sylvan Green, all shades Just received by Longs & Billups. Angus!* Advertisements. We expect to have a large nnmber of gusta advertisements shortly. Itisman- tiy to the interest of Augusta merchants ttract the trade of Northeast Georgia liberal advertising—in doing which, they ,ould place their money “where it will uo the most good.” Our paper circulates largely in all the counties of Northeast Georgia, where it is “ known and read of all men.” Send on your advertisements, and you shall have a fair showing. Of Augusta, who is probably as well known as any citizen of the place, and highly es teemed by all his acquaintances, advertises lager beer as a specialty. We do not knontf why he does not mention the fact that he also deals tn tobacco and cighrs—(those he gave us were capital good ones)—wines, liquors, Ac., at wholesale. Mr. S. is an honest Gentleman, and bA3 a large whole sale establishment, besides a fine restau- La wKrtpfcc. *"■ B. U. May As C«.% Curitp WaithtiM Is another large Augusta establishment of longstanding and widely known. We were much surprised at its vast extent and the cheapness Of vehicles, harness, Ac. Their advertisement will be found in another col- umn. ■ . , v il , It h^s been our good fortune to be ac- ' quainted with tho senior of this' firm for sev eral years past He served as Mayor , of the city several years, aud is justly very popular among all classes. The other mem hers of the firm are worthy gentleman, and strangers in dealing with this highly re spectable and long established house may " "onfidently rely on getting just what they <?ain for. guraeni that they is the law di- them ascer- st bona-fide # y tested. We | ae years ago, wfieifmmn... .ill the citizens of a certain coiL ^ .0 of whom were dead and others had removed to Texas> were exhibited to a county officer to se cure the advertising! and another instance in which a newspaper man and his friends took subscribers for one month and pledged himself to donate the amount to a new church, for the purpose of securing the county advertising. We have never asked for, expected or desired it in any county where we are not clearly entitled to it ac cording to law. The Legislature ought to make the requirements of the law'6'0 plain that there cannot be any room for doubt on the subject, and the people ought to re quire a rigid adherence to the law on the part of county officers. toati t give Afiw * fining andW be pleased to. .•its to .out of so re- , we would -.-Che time when We cannot see any cause fof\. .. tenden cy in this section of the State, but believe our people will get along better the coming year than they have done since the war, especially if they will sow abundance of small grain. It will be Leap-Year, and an old friend from North Carolina assured us the other day that he had never known small-grain crops to fail Leap-Year. He says they are invariably good. Try it! scp29 ^T0S.t , line for y BURKE’S BOOK STORE. FOR SALE! . ,.“ No ballots, no babies,” was the mot to on a transparency at a late women’s rights meeting out West. ..The returns from New Mexidb, which are now nearly complete, indicates. B. Elkins’ (democrat) election as delegate by 1,500 majority. ..Henry Wilson would be one of the saviors of the party in Massachusetts, the Springfield Republican thinks, if he had uot 1 prior engagement. . .It costs Canada $2 a piece per annum ;o board her Indians. It costs the United States over $20. OOK OUT, or you will lose a great bargain, as I now offer I for sale the BEST BUSINESS STAND in the couutry, on the Clarkesville rood, 9 miles from Athens, on the Northeast ern Railroad—a splendid country store-house; a good dwell ing-house, with 7 rooms and four fire-place*; a srood well of water and good garden, all in good order; a splendid barn, with 10 horae-etaus; blacksmith and wood shops; a splendid gin-house, with 4 rooms and new pres*; 22# acres land—10 acres in a good state of cultivation—balance in woods; good neighborhood; 2 churches in 1# miles, good school conve nient and a post office at the place. Anv person wanting a country stand for selling goods and running public shop* and gin, should call and see me before 1 ing elsewhere. I will also sell stock and fixtures on hand iw cost. For farther particulars, call and see me at my store, Cooper P. O., Jackson county, Ga. C. H. SMITH. All persons indebted to me will please come forward and settle, by or before the 1st of November, os my books will be closed on that day. c. H. SMITH, sept22—lm Echo copy.Cooper P. O., Ga. „ Great Work, £Tig2a.t Scenes in t3a.e IBi'tole- And a magnificent NEW BOOK inst from Prose. Address, J. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. THE COLT COTTON SCREW PRESS, Manufactured only by the Athens Foundry and Machine Works. Near Carnesville, on the 23d nit., by the Rev. Thomas Crymes, Jr. Bruce, of Toccoa, to Miss Lucy Morris, ot Frank- in county. By T. E. Foster, at the residence of Dr. RobinMB t In Mon- -oc, Ga., Mr. R. J. Paxox and Miss Axuie Robinson, both Walton county. IHESE Presses are made to pack upwards or downwards, by hand or power, to meet the wauts of all having baling to do, ere no experiment, we liave abundant testimonials of their merit. Bill for timbers, with illustration for framing, given to every purchaser of a set of irons. Cheaper than Ever! I ^HE undersigned would t . tins public generally, thatl . and .. has just returned from his omnal trip to New York and Boston with a large and varied -tock of very superior goods, selected with great care, and consisting partly of the following: MENS AND BOYS’ My-Me doing, PRICES CURRENT, 'weelc ending Oct. 9- LY BYMEBCHANT8’EXCHANGE. ALSUS Oetubtngt), per yard....If % Shlrtlugs-VT...... v Sheeting. DBX GOODS. Prints, per yard II Bleached Shirtings.. . .'"log Bed TtcWng..7?r. *0T Worstods 90@; , _ L 50@S. 00; Lead TOBACCO. „ PROVISIONS. j Caps, 9 box Floor,JUncy, d bbl...0.00^1^_ LIQCOB8. 0.00@$.00 Com ’ Superfine 0.00018.00, Com, wrote,« bu.. ,LS5@0J)0 yellow 0.0000.00' Peas .1.9501.80 Meal 1.8501.80 Wheat 1.2501.50 Buckwheat Floor 8010 Bacon, aides. 140H’< shoulders OOotl‘J>j bams. 18011 8.10 .9.0008.00 common.....1.2501.80 Poach brandy, good. 4.00 medium 3.00 common 8.00 Apple do. good.... medium, common ■French do 4.00010.00 Holland gin B.f Lard, Iff- 1S@20 American do Irish Potatoes, country, V bushel 1.00OL25 Northern .0.0002.00 Sweet 75 OL00 ( Eggs, y dozen 90025 Chickens 15025 Turkeys 7501.25 Butter, W15 80035 GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed 15078 A... 14015. B 14015 C 19015 Demarara 12X015 Codee, Rio, yih.... Bourbon whiskey.. .8.0004.00 Wines .8.00010.00 DRUGS. yit> <oio 1.7509.1 .90015 Ext. logwood..!.”!.”..85040 .'".‘.'.'.‘.'..'90 » WARE. Iron, Swedes, $ lb English. Castings. 0X08 Nails, V keg 4.60 Laguyra. *8033 Steel, cast 2*025 Java 37<i4u Tea, Hyson, y 15 1.50 Gunpowder 1.60 Black. 1.25 Syrap, cane 7501.00 Cuba Molasses 40065 Candles, sperm, per tb..40050 ...90095! 15030 Cheese, State, pc. ih....20025 English L airy.. .21030 Crackers, soda 15020 butter -15020 sugar 20B30 Onions, per bn..T.L Candy, tancy, per lb... J plain 8oda .12015 Black Pepper .40 Red io ginger......* ,...40 Calf Starch,.'. Tallow .8010 Green Apples .40050 Rice 11012 Mackerel, No. 1, kite 2.25 No. 2. 2 1.76 No. 1, X barrels.... 8.50 No. 3, fits 1.75 Sardines, per box 25 SALT, per sack 200 WOODEN-WARE. Painted buckets, per doz 2.7503.00 Cedar do 9.00@12.00 White pine 7.0008.00 Sieves 2.00(35.00 The above are retail prices. Prices are buyers. LOO .11X013; plou- Cotton Cards. Wool •• 5oooo Plow Points 25040 Smith’s Bellows 60 Inch Anvils. 17018 Hammers 17018 Hone Shoes .8X070 - Nalls. a — W ceding Hoes, ft dox. Bradws C.H 56075 Ames’ Shovels. 1.8001.40 1.8001 - 1.5001.76 Trace Chains 85OI.00 BOOTS. Northern, y pair... .4.0006.00 Southern 10.00012.00 LEATHER. Sole, y tb 19040 ,40075 18 Dry, 731b.. Green s BAGGING. Gunny,® yd.^.. 16X0 Ties. .' 700 ROPE. Cotton. 40050 ■Grass t 25030 FINANCIAL. Gold—buying 1.08 . : Silver—buying 1.03 1.03 to wholesale MISS 0. JAMES "^"ILL open on APRIL 15tb, a choice and large assortment JMillinery and . Fancy Goods, STAMPING AND MACHINE WORK neatly executed. C. JAMES, apU4 late with Mrs. N. B. Clarke, Augusta, Ga. Of the Latest Fall Stylef Gents’ Furnishing Goods, ress Goods, Shoes, Boots and Hats, it would be convenient for you to give an exhibition of the new views. Wu. King, Jfc. E. Nickerson. T. A. Bubke. Hon. Wm. King, Jr. and others: Gen tlemen—Permit me to express my thanks for the above compliment, and to say that I will give an exhibition an at Deupree Hall, Tuesday evening, October 12, 1875. Very respectfully, Athens, Sep. 29th, 1875 C. W. Davis. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astroa- As will be seen by announcement in an other column, the Board of Trustees of the Univercity of Georgia will elect a Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy on the 12th inst. Col. J. II. naggias. Besides being a clever “tar-heel” gentle man, is one of our most enterprising mer chants, who always keeps abreast of the times. See his advertisement this week. He has a large stock, selected with good taste and great care, and holds himself in readiness to sell great bargains for cask or country produce. * Trade Reviving. We have been pleased to observe, during the past fortnight, daily increasing eviden ces of a revival of trade. Wagons from a distance begin to crowd our streets, and people from the surrounding country are daily visiting our city. Our merchants, in the meantime, are receiving their Fall stocks of goods—some of whom have al ready made due announcements of the fact through our columns, and all of whom, we trust, will do so as soon as they get their goods opened. The sound of the hammer, saw and trow el is heard on every side, and all the man ufacturing industries of the city appear to be prospering. Athens is, as usual, going steadily ahead —continuously, regularly, all the while im proving. EtoiMfln To the Barber Shop of Beid, Harris A Son, if you want the cleanest Shave, the best Shampoo, or the neatest Hair Trimming that can be done in the city. BCfictiy pure Drugs and Chemicals, Longs & Billups. ge line New Jewelry, at p20—3t L. Schevenell & Co’s. Beat Nwn.Kxplwive Jfl torosena Oil, at twenty-five cents a gal lon at J. M. Barry’s, . jj Sep22—3t. “LittleStore on the Comer.” ’ .1 T Tkt N«*r Daily Made its appearance on Thursday morn ing and is a veiy well gotten up sheet, u. highly creditable to all concerned. Jum A. ©ray * €•., Aagaxta. To an up-countryman the magnificent dry goods palace of James A. Gray A Co., of Augusta, is a perfect show, in its vast extent—occupying Nos. 194 and 196 Broad street, and filling the vast building from cellar to garret, with an immense stock of the choicest dry goods, which we are as sured are sold at astonishingly low prices. The senior partner is a warm-hearted Irish man, and every body about the establish ment—proprietors, clerks, porters and er rand boys—are polite in their attentions to strangers and customers. Be sure to go to Gray’s when you visit Augusta. It will be seen that they invite the people of Athens and surrounding country to give them a call. We feel sure that all who do so will be pleased with their visit. « or, turning to the Vatican, go see Lao- coon’s tortue dignifying pain—a father’s love and mortal’s agony, with an immor tal’s patience blending. Da vis’ Grand Exhihi^ -^iesday, Oct 12. Enlarged. The Oglethorpe Echo, which is a model coontry weekly, came to us considerably enlarged last week, with the announcement that Capt Pope Barrow would have charge of the political department Mr. Gantt, the editor and proprietor, is a “trained jour nalist”—having worked his way np from the ranks—and, of course, makes a good paper. For map circulars, condensed time ta bles and general information in regard to transportation facilities to ail points in Ten nessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Utah and California, apply to or'address Albert B. Wrenn, General Emigrant Agent, Office No. 2 H. I. Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Ini’s and rays* In almost endless variety. IBIURELLA 1 Fine Kentucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassimers, Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands Bleach ing, Tickings, Blankets, &c., &c. Saddles Bridles & Harness, DHTJGS, Crockery and Glasswa$&, Hollow-ware, Hardware, The celebrated Murfreesboro’ Bed Cedar Ware, ALSO, FULL LINK OF Choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard Hams, Cheese, Kerosine Oil, And many other choice goods too numerous to mention, and which must be seen to be aDDreciated. -*•- The above goods owing to the recent decline, he will be cn- »bkd to tell at prices which will Astonish the Natives! Boors, Sashes, BLlNDS, FLOORING, &c. Dealer in Builders’ Hardware, FAINTS, OILS, See. Solo Agent tor The National Miiei Paint Co. The “ SEND FOR PRICES. OFFICE AND WAREKOOMS, Nos. 20 & 22 Hayue & 33 & 35 Pinckney Sts. FACTORY AND YARDS, Ashley River, (Text End Broad Street, «eptS»-ly CHARLESTON, g. C. Pleasant and Profitable Employment. Beautiful!’’ “Charming!" “Oh, how lovely!” “What ara they worth T” Ste. Such are the cxclanutlona ot those it new Chromos produced by tho Eu- can Chromo Publishing Co. Every one will who see the ropean and ^ want them. It requires no talking to scUthe pictures7^their CMnysssera, agent* and ladles and gets uonen out of employment, will find this the best opening era ottered to make money For full pefUcular* seudstemp for confldenU^dieuIar. Address F. GLEASON * CO., 738 Wash ington Street, Boston, Mass. Agents. Address J. W. STOKES, The Sore Doctor, OF SOCIAL CIRCLE GA. ,ot longstand- _ , . Sore and Weak 1 ^ _ sml all kinds of Sores, with my Medicine/in Ute last twelve months? If you doobt it, I will give you the names tsd poad i>®c«07 a few of my canes, who arc tho mo«t honest andra- liable cittern* we have, and you can talk pcraonalhr or write to them, and see bow they talk. I 7 * t my Ingredients in the month of May, and ring my Medicine at my residence, wtn ~ a* to’^liedi,^ addressed toDr. R. & THOMPSON General Agent. . All persons using my Medicine for old sores of longstand ing, will please write mo for special directions. WV/STC — jtrnelG J. W. STOKES, Social Circle, Ga. _ REFERENCES. R. H. Saulter, John Eberhart, J. F. Jackson, Mrs. L. Jack- "* *8. Wtiuwt, «ivuu ouenuru u. v. WRCUHXL .VrB. L, JACK- Mrs. P* witlte, Athens; A. E. Owens, Yemassee, 8.C.; John Betoime, Chakotte, N, C.; Mrs. Fannie Tmntne, Savan nah 1 Mrs. Cynthia Bryant. J. Lnpo, Augusta; C. B. Sorrells, John Vandiver, Doctor Elder, Clark Qloeeon, T. J. Hashes! Monroe; J. Mutton, Ladas Stallings, F. Crosby, Rnticdzs: Brown ’ *** °- Agents Wanted. .our new book, Livingstone's Life and I*it Journals, outsells any other. The only plete outfit for it and another fine book i VALLEY PUBLISHING CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. 1874. Statistics of Sales. 1874 THE SINGER, By True Merit, Again Wins Suc cess !! The Singer Mnn’f. Co. sold. 241,479 Machines Wheeler AWilaon Alan’f. Co., 92,829 “ Weed S. M. Co., ...90,495 Remington Empire S. M. Co., 17,808 “ WilsonS. M. Co., .17,528 “ The Singer beats its most formidable competitor 148,842. Childs, Nickerson Sc Co. ' GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, ■Sk. Agents, Athens, Ga. Do sot purchase* machine until you try the Singer. Wanted at Once. Fifteen agents to eeU the Singer, the beet, the moat popular, and, consequently, easiest sold of any Machine In tue market. To the right kind of men we will pay cither Salary or Com missions, or both. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. G. H. nOFE, GenT Agt of N. E. Ga., at Athcnis, Ga. maylO—tf C. B. YERONEE PRACTICAL SLATE AND TIN ROOFER, GUTTDREB, ft. —ATHENS, GA.— Plain and Ornamental Slate as cheap as Tin! A LL workdo.*» 'lqjvert rates and in tho heat manner, ix Jobbing- fomptly attended to. ■AS m Dr. Lipscomb, Y. L. G. Harris, t»ur years axo, and no com* “ Orders fi dressed as above i in Foreign GOODS, to their great success during the jiast season, infilling orders ,ron all parts of the United States, give greater attention to out-of-town business. With an en larged department and increased facili ties, they will fill all orders by mail with their usual promptness, and, they trust, with complete satisfaction. BLACK and COLORED SILKS, FALL and WINTER DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, LINENS, PRINTS, Ac. Also, HAM BURGS, INSERTIONS, EDGINGS, TRIM MINGS, Ac. PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, Ac,, &c. Each department being complete and replete with all the novelties to be found in the European markets. RT"Onr Ladies’ Shoe Department contains a stock of Win ter Shoes unsurpassed for elegance, durability and lowness of priee. Directions for self-measurement sent on application. Incomplete assortment of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hose, Gloves, Ac. Goods sent to anj part of the country. Shirt measurements sent on appli- tnFor the accommodation of Ladles and Familcs who are unable to visit the city, full lines of samples of aQ grades of Dry Goods will be sent, and orders by mail filled with the greatest possible care. Broadway and Twentieth Streets, NEW YOBK. •op 15—3m BROOks REVOLVING SCREW PRESS. Addrere" Lever I*resK. manufacture and have now on hand the celebrated R. NICKERSON, Ag% Athens, Ga. If you want anything in the above mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on S. C. DOBBS, Lower pert of Broxd St, oppoelte Doraey A Co. NOTICES. GENERAL meeting ot the Creditor* of Jeoe J. Robin- son will be held InMxdiBOn, Ga., before Register A. G. Foster, oo the 7th day of October, 1875. Sept. 22, 1875. B. 8. WALKER, Assignee. IVotice in Bankruptcy. F I the District Court of the United States, for the Northern D - - - - - - ■ District ot Georgia. In the nutter of John Friker*8on, Bankrupts. LThe underei^T-cd hereby gives WVt ■ccks. of his appointment as Assignee of H John Felkcr A Son, nml of the estates of John John P. Fclkcr, theDwSctCoumlfSMBBBi jsep«2»-lt G. A. NPNNALLY, Axrignec, > Wagon Yard, in A.tliens. rpHE subscriber has fitted up and opened * safe, comforta- X his snd commodious Wagon Yud, on River strert, fa the neighborhood of the Upper Bridge, where CORN, FODDER, srsfafi other nrrrvtrysupgpllea can be purchased on reuon- tblo terms. Chsrges moderate. The highest market price paid for Country Produce, and Bank hills received in exchange for Good*, julyl—tf WILEY F. HOOD $1,808 PROFIT OR $100 Invented in 8tock Privileges in Win street Books »nd Cir culars telling “How "tls done,” sent free. Address BxxTxn A Co., Bankers, IT Wall SL, New York. I J: rex may fsarlnsts and gain the tovesad. sEectlpat of | Toy person they choose instantly. Tht* LIAM A CO., Patas n riiIls.^^^^^H^^^jjMniii|H «P CENTER & REAVES HAVE NOW IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE: 1000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 1600 rolls and half rolls Bagging. 2000 bundles Ties. barrala-Befined Siigars. bags Coffee. 20 hogsheads reboiled Molasses. 9 “ Muscovado “ 40,000 lbs clear rib Bulk Sides. 100 bales 5 Shirting. 25 bales Osnaburg. ALSO. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FALL PHI1TTS, Bleached & Brown Domestic, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, Saddles and Bridles, Also, a general assortment of STAPLE GOODS. We also keeps FULL LINE of GOODS mode by the FLOUR —AND— OUR SPECIALTIES. sepM ATHENS, Ga. Athens Manufact’ng Oo. of which we make a SPECIALTY. AH of the above Goods we offer to the pnbUc at LOWFE1CBS, For CASn or BARTER. gWCnll and see ns. septl—4m CENTER A REAVES. For Bent! A VERY desirable RESIDENCE, on Jackson street. Price A low snd terms essy. Appty^to B. P. BISHOP, No. 1, Broad st, np-stolre. IQR aU kinds of Sewing Machines, at wholendgand retail, JIOR (Sept. 99) 8. C. DOBBS, Agent BUIS WE are now better furnish the different kinds of V id the office with an entire NEW OI Send In your orders. THE ONLY STOVE MADE With Sliding Oven Doors. Patented Feb. 2,1869, aud Sept. 2,1869. WHE undersigned is now prepared to offer tho public ' X finest assortment of in North East Georgia, at the lowest figures. Hoofing, Guttering and Tin-Work of all kinds, done promptly and cheap, tilloct J.T.COL Between Center A Reaves and Orr A Co., np tead, Pause, and Reflect. ^ HAVE just received aline lot of NEW GOODS, consisting Boots, Shoes, Hats, Calicoes, MUSLINS, LAWNS, Cottonades, Checks, &e ALSO Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Hour, Bacon, Lard, And everything usually kept hi 8 FIRST CLASS STORE. Just think of it r of GAITERS for 81 50 A Hue pair of BOOTS for 5 00 CHECKS... MX CALICOES 10 MUSLINS 90 All these things, and a great many more, CHEAP for the CASH. You know ttall mean by f ’ a THE IVIGHrEYx” ■N.B. SPRING & SUMMER STOCK OF Millinery ANT> FANCY GOODS. MRS. T. A. ADAMS A NNOUNCES to the public that she is now receiving XX large and varied stock of Ladle.’ Bonnets, Hate, Laces, Ribbons, Trimmings, Ac, which she Is offering at low prices. Coll, examine and he convinced. Next door to Bonk of the University, Athena. apll3 dies ore being placed upon injuring our Machine, we hereby glre notice to our patrons that bowfter th« genuine Singer Needle can bo purchased from us, or any of our Agents, at the reduced price of 40 cents per do- zen. 25 cent* per hale dozen. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING OO. mart! G. H. HOPE, Agent GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 2 QN snd sftcr the 1st of October, we shall offer to our cus- 1 tomers, goods In our line IT MUCH LOWER FIGURES THAN HERETOFORE. To enable us to do so, wo will adopt THE GASH SYSTEM. We are now receiving a largo and full assortment of goods bought at low prices, wnicli we Invite all to call and examine. CHILD*. N1CKKR80N & CO. A then*, Ga., Srpt. 15,1875. STOVES, Plain, Japanned and stamped Tin-"W^ ares, J. H. Echols. J. W. Ecaotr. ECHOLS & CO., OOTTOlf FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 158 and 160 Reynolds Street, ang25—lm Angnota, Ga. A PERFECT LQVEJOY’8 METALU8 ltlOUS little ornament, which {a also a perfect barometer, war. ranted to Indicate, correctly, the chongea of the weather, and in a pleasing, simple sr. They ore subston- mada of metal, and omdy decorated in different colors, with two arches and a little man or woman In either, arranged In such a manner that the man will come out just be fore a storm, while the lady steps out to enjoy,fair wea ther. ThCT are more orna mental end ranch more sim ple than the ordinary ba rometer. Price, tlM. For BURKE'S BOOK STORE. W£ATHER HQU8E! SPOOL SILK! G ET the BEST and CHEAPEST I Get that mcnnfactured by the Singer Manufactaring Company, which 18 spe cially adapted for me on all kind, of For sale, wholesale and retail, by the FACTORING COMPANY. Machine*. GER MANU- julyl—ly G. n. HOPE, Agent, Athens, Ga. State, County and School TAXES, 1875. for mHE Tax Digest for 1875 has been i , , __ 1 collection. I have peremptory ordcre to collect unathi- atilt. I wm not indulge jn the futnre an I have in the past. The Fail is the best tints to pay taxes, snd it will be to the Interest of tax-payer* to settle their taxes without delay, and save cost. JNO. W. JOHNSON, • fceptlS Tax Collector Clarke county. Fair aM Till riVHANKINO my friends far their kind patronage In the A past,.and asking for a continuance of the game, l beg to and alter the 1st of October, my terms wiU t Cash on' I>elivex*y 9 Except to th(»e parties who have always paid PROMPTLY, on nresentatlon of their hills. Where goods are chanted. It he with tho distinct understanding that the hills are do* if Iwercable,butlmaiib8, ,1,1-^.- .. . . m ed at this course, as my neceaaiiica drive me to it. 1 hope, by prompt attention to business ar,d low prices to merit a con tinuance of tho patronage of thn public. ' sept22 T. A. BUltKE, Bookseller A Stationer. LEGAL Bt t m A FULL sappiy always ou liand, at the A WATCH