The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 06, 1875, Image 4

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( l 3#enttimd gqiii Only Gm4 Vtmlii la Profitable. . /‘Maria,” observed Mr. Ho¥*y c { J was putting od his clothes, “ thft ^-^jo patch on them breeches yet.” “ I «S*t fix it now noway; I’m too busy.” “Well, The best way is to look the foots square- ] give me the patch, then, an’ I’ll carry it ly in the face. This is one of them. Poor around with me. I don't want people to farming does not “ pay.” We cannot iso- think I can’t afford the cloth.” late ourselves if we would. We work ini ...During a demefog a Mississippi steam- coni petition With the world. Rude anti- l»oat took a landing. A traveler, anxious quoted methods, mere plodding, unskilled I to go ahead, came to the unperturbed man- labor, worn out, unfertilised soils will not ager of the wheel and asked why the boat serve us against science, skill, labor-sav-1 stopped. “Too much fog; can’t see the ing implements, and heavy manuring. On river.” “ But you can see the stars over- the fertile virgin soils, the old, rude, waste- head.” “ Yes,” replied the urbane pilot; ful system may for a while, give the far- “ but until the biler busts we ain’t goin’ mer a living by robbing posterity; but in that way.” The passenger went to bed sat- all the older parts of the country we have isfied.. got beyond that. If we cannot manure ..“How obliging the boys in town are, 1 our lands, adopt tho best and most econ- remarked a rustic to his wife the other day, omic methods of working them, train and I as they were paying a rare visit to the city, skillfully direct our laboi’, and use wherever I “We haven’t been here half an hour yet, practicable, improved labor-saving imple- and lots of ’em have offered to carry our ments, we shall go under in the “ struggle bags for us and even to black my boots and for life.” give us papers. ’Pears like they must bo Five bushels of com to the acre, or one- mighty well brought up.” fourth or one-third of a bale of cotton is I ..A village pedagogue, in despair with a not a remunerative crop at any price, for stupid boy, pointed to the letter A and crops we are likely to get. If we cannot I asked him if he knew it.“ Yes, sir.” “ Well, do better, we may as well “ lay down the I what is it T” “I know him very well by shovel and the lioe’’ at once. It is truo I sight, sir—but rat me if I can remember elsewhere. In New England, New York, | his name.” Pennsylvania, and even in the great fertile -- • " " . — West, there is the same complaint—“ farm- Geoi'gia Railroad. ing don’t pay.” and Ht(T Snmlay, Jntw 28th, 1874, thePassenger Train* - - - I VJ on the Georgia Rallroac. will ran aa follow*: Walton County. WALTON Sheriffs Sales. TT wm be Kid, heftn-s the coart home door inthetown of Monroe, during the legal horn of isle,'on tbeflrat Tuesday In N orember Belt, tbefStowing I Two hundred and sixty-five acre* of l*Dd,mornorlro*,be- port* of kad loti Sob. 1M cod MTjfaitbe M OrtriAiiad lot No. Ml. to tbefd district of said county of Watam. adjoin ing bnda of W.F. Show, J.ILMeaM£^J.W.a»Owm»d M. C. Laboon. Levied oa la the property pfA*bury D. 8now, taro. Colley, Administrator of W. B. Richardson, deceased, vs As- bqryD. Snow. (Sixty acres, net opart is homestead (or raid AsbniyD. Snow, baa been omitted.) Levy made theMot wtth'vntttennotice at tintime. Propertypointed.out end Bale ordered by Bemud C. Dunlap, transferee, fldof Mao) at die eame time end place, aeree of land, more less, lying In tbe Id dlntnSof aan county, oa the water* of Jack's creek, adjoining land* of the bonteirtead of Mra. Jo seph Boyce on the south, J.S. Belter oa the eedendC. G. NowciL Also, twenty^. acres, more or kee, of land, Irtu: In aald Sd district, on Jack's creek, adjoining lands of A. J. McQaughey <m tbs west and the homweaedof Mrs. Joseph istanaDee creek, cootalhuig one handled end six aeree, more __ lne,adjofataclendaof Mrs. Martha Brace, R.D. Tow and others, known as the “home place”of George W. Pulliam, aim, at the same tbaa and place, one-half interest In the milla of Yow ft Pulliam, inclmUnr grist and eaw-mllle. Also, oue-half interest hi threaher, cortoo-ginsnd press, with ap- — ■ near the mida. In one hundred and ninety-two acrea , above mills, Jfcc. are located, lying In said comity, on Gam-Log creek. All eold as the property of Georfe W. Pulliam, i»te of eaid county, deceased, for the benefit of the hrfrt at il"** Terms of sale, equal Inetalhnente of one and two years, with in date at 10 per cent per annum, with note and to receive bond for titles, till purchase NANCY C. PULLIAM, Adm’x. security, andjpurciiascr t money isj ncia id ana tor inc 4Min aisinci u.ui nuu whuij. **» favor otT.J. Amy 4fc Co. ra Joseph Boyce. Property point ed on* by plaintiff. sept» S3 W.J, MOORE, P. ShfL GEORGIA, Walton county. Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1675. Whereas, Octavius Stone and Wjlllara It Stone, Adniinls- tratora upon the estate of William N. Stone, late of eaid county, deceased, petition the court for a discharge from said administration. . Therefore, all persons concerned are licreqy cited and re quired to ahem cause, if any they have, at the January term turns) next of this court, why sail! administrators should not <18.IS) next of this court, why said administrators snouiu not be iliMbssged from their administration aforesaid. By order t the court, September, 0, ISIS. «cp» TUPS, GILES, Only YT0T1CE. I hare filed with the Ordinary of Walton county ropli- cation for leave to tell the Land belonging to the estate of John Hinton, deceased, late of said county— dat rAanxsn train. But good farming does “ pay” there, and it pays still better here. Make a bale oi l trove ai cotton to the acre—a great deal better I Artivo u Returning. than that cau be done—and from twenty-1 I - e »™ AUanto !• five to forty bushels of corn—which is set ting the figures very low again—and other I crops in proportion, and farming will no Returning. 1nM , „ longer be unremunerativo. iiuSrertSSiMuiiE.'IIEEiEEE'.’.EE'.'.E:::; fus*’.*. 1 Passengers from Athena, Washington, Atlanta, or any point the Georgia Railroad and Branches, by taking the DayPas- the November term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county. septa# JOUN W. HINTON, AdmY. ... ,4a - ftatyr Mmnll Craia. I congerTrain,willrpsjjseloMwmncction'atCamakwithtralna VVftT ]Ufli.. n„ n,u,ln7ra on,, Mltn.AliAn IfOTSfa. ’make no apology for any reiteration sum-tKo cans on an which tho reader may observe in thesein- linger Trains ootheOeor^u ^ x junctions and all the brief remarks which 1 NOTICE. .A I hare filed with the Ordinary of Walton county, Oa., application for leave to sell the real property, lying in said county of Walton, belonging to the estate of William Cline, late of Colombia county, State of Florida, deceased, as well ms the nnocenpled or wild lands ot said estate, with authority in said order to sell maid wild landa at private sale— All persons concerned ire therefore hereby notified to show cause, if any they havty why each application should not he granted, at the November term next of the Court ot <’ of said county of Walton. JOHN septa# ■ , ^i. \T0TICE. WESTERN & &TUNIIC R. R. AND ITS CONNECTIONS. follow. We repeat; Sow oats, sow barley, sow rye, and where you have good wheat land, sow wheat. Increase the area in small gnun3. It will pay. Sow your fall oats early. The exact time must depend. on tbe weather and soil, and the exegencies | ** Ixeiinesaw rloute of the other plantation work, as well as upon the degree of latitude, but our own experience has shown us that oats sowed iu September have generally been decided ly better than later sowings liam Cline, deceased, late erf Colombia county. State of Florida, •re hereby notified to present them to tbe nudendgned, pro perly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to eaid deceased, are required to make immediate payment* JOHN P. EDWARDS, acpt$9 AdmY, Ac., Monroe, Oa. The following Schedule takes effect May SSd, 18T5: I Arrive CartersvIUe.. tbo general practice, however, being to plow them in, running the plow very light-1 Leave Chattanooga... ly. This does tolerably well but ah *-*“"*'” northward. No. 11. No. 1. No. 3. ....4.10 PM 7.00 AM 3.30 PM 9.22 44 7.19 44 ..6.42 “ 9.56 44 S.21 44 ....8.24 “ 11.54 44 11.10 “ ...10.23 “ t.50 P M. SOUTHWARD. No. 1*. No. 2. No. 4. ....4.00 PM 6.00 AM 1.00 AM ...5.41 “ 7.01 44 ...7.S8 44 9.07 44 4.19 44 ...8.12 44 9.42 41 6.18 “ Airive Atlanta.........10.15 “ 1*.0« ••Noon.».» ]*uilman Palace Cars run on Nos. 1 and 9, between New Or- and pass the roller over the field. The red oats is the best kind to SOW, as not liable I ran on Nos. 1 and 4, between AtlanU to rust. It is known by its brownish red and Naahviiit . . 0 husk, and has a tbinner, but more flexible ytu^SSatiiuma? Care ™“ on - °®- and stronger stem. The black Poland oat is a very heavy! New DTNo changes of cars between New Orleans, Mobile, Mont{*pnvery, Atlanta and Baltimore, and only one change to and very valuable kind, but not so ln Nc * from rust as the red. The Sand Hill oat, Excursion Tickets to the Virginia Springs and various Sum- ^. . , , , , ,, , % 1 mer Resorts will be on sale in New Orleans, Mobile, Mont- HOt y6t UlUCh known hero, should hnvc »11 gomeiy, Columbus, Macon, Savannah, Augusta and Atlanta, fair trial, and may prove a great acquisi- itly reduced rate* let of Jane. .. .. «... - desiring a whole car throng tion. By the middle of this month, 01- at I or to Baltimore, ehonld addreta the nndcralgncd. latest, by tho end of the month, rye for winter grazing should be sown; also, bar-1 UrArlc for Ticket* vU •‘Kenneaaw^tonte^ REw ^ 1 * lftv fnr tho nnnmcfi Pnth shmilil I ^ , n \ Atlanta*! ley for the same purpose. Both should l>e heavily seeded—rye two bushels to the acre, and barley from three to four. General Patecnger and Ticket Agent, Atlanta, Oa. Tke Possibilities of an Acre of 1-aad. No man knows what these arc. We know that two hundred bushels of corn was once grown on one acre, and that five bales of cotton have been made on the some area of soil, but we do u> f tbe limits of production we/ either case. f We should try to fir* how much of en au acre be grown, ses, be much tbe sma labor is whi As we said press the truth larmei-s are often pooh cause their crops are smaff are compared with whattnkw because it costs too much t<P_ ... We must learn to make larger cFops with H less labor. To do this we must go over less ground, and make science and practi cal skill supplement muscle and machinery. ATHENS M&RBU & GRANITE WORKS A. R. Robertson 1 persona concerned are beret); req-lred to show cause, j the; have, why raeb application should not t« granted. aepg» WM. OWEN, AdmY. VALUABLE LANDS at Executor’s Sale. T PorvoAntto the will And teatament of Johnson Wil liams, late of Franklin county, deceased, will bo eold, before tho court hoorc door to CarneavtUe, within tlie legal hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following _ ro*hundrcd and nine acres of land, more or less, lying 1“ Franklin county, fv northwest from Carnesvflle, on Middle river, anning lands of George Keeler. Thomas J. Langston and others, bring the place whereon Johnson W u- tinma r'ridfd at tJ&T5me of his death. Said tract of land is well improved, and contains about 76 acre* of first-class bot tom. in a high cultivation. Fifty acre*, more or leea county, on NaiTs creek, sq,. - — , A. H. Ayers. Sold as tbe property of Johnson Williams, de ceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs-at- law. Terms caslT JAMES M. CRUMP, eept29 * AdmY with will annexed. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER ABTB PLATED WARE, Guns, 1*islots, jlmmunilion, AT ADMINISTKATOlt’S , _ ANT lo an order of the Conrt of _ X comity, will Iw fold, before the court houso cocnly, in Alhro*, on the firat Tncadxyli; " daring the legal hours of sale, 1124 acres of vj two and a half to lonr mDea from Athena. Said land will sold in tract* varvInTfrom S3 to 145 aoref, on ocveral of whl tract! are ralnahle water-power*. Moat of eahl land* are val uable farming land*, a fair proportion of *amo heavily tim bered and w31 watered. . Peraona wtahlng to purehaaoIaDdl In the vicinity of Athena, ore urged to examine raid land* previou* to day U hcllevctl they cannot be better *ult«t In thi* *e« gia. On one ot rai l tract*, containing al>ont 64 ated tho celebrated “ Helicon Spring." Plata of amt an analvsl* of aald aprine, can be *een at the Onlln office of aald county, and will be exhibited on the day of The bmying-gronnd, of about one " tract, wfil be reserved. All to be sold as the property of Eve rett Yerby, deeeeaed, for tbe benefit of Ida befra and creditor*. Terms cash. »ug85 THOMAS V. HUDSON, AdmY. SPECTACLES, - eye-glasses, Musical Instruments, Canes, Fancy Articles, &c- less, c r un!mpro\*ed land, lying In wiid j c« sojoiniD g lands of John bnneau and | HAVING GOOD WORKMEN, are prepared to do Repairing* in superior style. We make a specialty of SILVER, PLATING AND GILDING. ADMINISTRATOR’S Sale. A. Will be Mid, before the court house door In CarnesviBe, FYanklln county. Within the legal hoar* of sale, on thefirst And all work of thiskind, such as FORKS, LPOONS, WATCHES, etc., plated by u*. warranted canal to that done by Tuesday in November next, one hundred and twenty acre* of any establishment in the country. ~ir™»i7«q*TOi*w land, more or less, lying in sahl county, three miles sontb of Athens, septl6—tf Csroesvillc, on Middle river, adjoining hinds of Win. C. Me- 1 •, John B. Adcrhold and other*, heing the widowY dow- . . - - -- - ■ „ n deccaacd. TERMS MODERATE. er in tSe lands of D. H. Cochran, deccascdl Sold for distri- I A. K. CHILDS, hotion among the heirs. Term* cash. septSP S. V. DAVENPORT, AdmY. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN. ADMINISTRATOR’S Sale. Xl Agreeably to an order from th Franklin county, i Carneaville, said c* the Con . , , will be aold, before U»e €omt boose door in CaraaaviDe, aald county, within the legfifhomo of sale, on the I first Tuesday iftfiM£n¥>er next, iixty-Sve acres of land, more I or leHwJri**-* * "vreounty, one-fourth of a mile from I CHILDS, NICKEESON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CURES, AS IF BY MAGIC, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, O BOTINS LUNOAKKKC fATB _ AFFECTIONS. AflTHlIA. CROUP, BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS, PLEURISY. DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, and will ear* \T0TICE. . i All persons bolding demands against the estate of Nancy A. C. Davenport, deceased, late of Walton county, are hereby notified to present them to tbe nndershpod, properly attested, within tbe time prescribed bylaw; ana those indebted tosaid deceased, are required to make immediate payment. aeptt9 JOHN P. EDW payment. WARDS, AdmY. NOTICE. . .1 I have filed with the Ordinary of Walton county appli cation for leave to sell the Real Estate of Micajah Whitley, de ceased, late of said county— AU persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, why such application should not be granted, at the November term next of tbe Court of Ordinary of sakl county. JOHN P. EDWARDS, sept29 AdmY de bonis non, &c., Monroe, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR’S gale. A Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Frank lin county, will be aoW t before the court house door in Carnes- villi*, said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, four liuudred and forty acres of * * ’ ’ ’* EastauafU more or less, lying in said county, on Eastauaflce creek, adjoining hinds of Mrs. Heps-ey Farmer, B. J. Cleveland anil others. Sold as the property of Daniel Camp, late of said county, deceased. Terms of sale cash. sept» GILES A. CAM 1\ AdmY. rjEORGIA, Franklin county. v - a OidWiarv’s Office. Sent. 2* Emeline Reese, itlfe of Thus. J. Iieese, (he refusing) has led for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of the sauie; and I will puss upon her application on Satnnlsy, October 9th, 1S75, at 12 o’clock M.. at my office. sept2» A. J. MORRIS, Onl y. IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and. IVEnle Shoes, HORSESHOE NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, LllILY BLASINGAUE, Col’d > ubci (or Divorce, £j vs. > In Walton Sup. CY AUGUSTUS BLASINGAME, Col’d > Ang.tCTiil.lST5. IT appearing to tbe court from the return of the Sheriff id case, that Angnstna Blaaiugame, col'iL Un to be found in the county of Walton, it i* art, that the service of libel in said cane be perfected'on said defendant by publication in the Alliens Watchman, a weekly newspaper published in Athens, Ga., once a month for (oar months, next preceding the nex t Feb ruary term of this conrt, requiring inc said Augustus lilaslu- game to be and appear, either personally or by attorney, at the said February term, and plead, demur, or otherwise make defense to said suit, or the court will proceed as Uie law di rects. August SI, 1875. WM. J. KAY, Atfy for Libel'nt. Granted: GEO. D. KICK, Judge 8. C. SS,. } Clerk’s Office, Superior Court. I hereby certify that the above order is a true extract of tbe minutes of ask! court. JOHN F. EDWARDS sep29—pr’s fee, $8. Clerk Walton S. C. GEORGIA, Franklin County. Francis M. Aderholtl and John 11. Adcrhold having ap- I plied in proper ft nfljor letter* of iMlmini>*tnition on the estate I of Ijewia AdcrhoM^toCcaMd, late of Franklin county— Tliia is to cite all persons concerned to lx? and ap|>c:ir at my office within the time prescrilnvl by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said "tetters should not be granted to tlie said I applicants. Given under my hand, at office, tills 2d Sept. 1S75. septic—SOdy A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. \T0TICE. it Four weeks after the publication of this notice, npplica-1 tion will be nude to the Court of Onliuary of Frauklin county I for leave to sell the real *»tate of GUolstou S. Keese, deceaseil, | late of Franklin county. ELIZABETH KEESE, Adm’x. septlS—It L. B. WHITWORTH, AdmY. CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, SC RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, IIOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. Mnnuructurer’s Agenls for the «n!o of ntUNLEY’S STEEL FLOWS, PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, f SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, Banks County. VALUABLE Real Estate 1 AT FXECI’TOI FAIRBANKYJ STANDARD SCALES, WATER ELEVATORS AND PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &C., Ac. lt*Any article in our line not in stock will he ordered when desired, with the least possible delay, i CSr~Cul] and examine our stock and prices. WALTON Superior Court, ! \ August Term, 1S76 Present, Ilis H<m. GEO. D. RICE, Judge. TOR’S SAI.E. Pursuant to an order of tlie Ordinary, will lx? sold, lxrfore tho court house Mr in Ilomcr. Banks county, on the first Tuesday in December next, twelve hundred and seventy-two acres of land, belonging to the eatiite of T. F. Anderson, de ceased, all lying on tbe Grove river and its tributaries, lotted as follows vs. Bill for direction and to Marshal Assets. , , MANUFACTURER of, and Dealer in. Monuments, H«vd w that I Stone*, Cradle Tombs, Box Tombs. Also Vases and Marble 1^ I ^fu work-warranted, and carefully boxed for transportation. I Prices moderate. I Workshop adjoining old cemetery. Julj-112-ly j Gror olAi WiLTO * couwrv.-Clerk’s Office Snpr. Court.- '-b v fortify that the above order ia a true extract from the ^the August term, 1873, of Walton Superior Court. James Makom, Trustee, &c., James Makom, William Makom, eL*I. It appearing to tbe court that Marshall W. Greene and his wife, Joanna Greene, parties defendant in the above stated bill, reside without the limits of the state of Georgia, it is or dered that serveebe made by publication once a month for four months before the next term of this Court in the Soutln ern Watchman, a newspaper published in the city of Athens. T. II. F. BRGBSTON, Sol. pro Complainant. Granted. G. D. Kick, Judge 8. C. iff in original forest. No. 6 contain? 9S acres, more or Usss, in original forest. No. 4 contains 110« acres, mom or less, 20 acres good bot tom, in high stale of cultivation, the remainder nearly all iu original forest. No. 6 contains 120 acres, more or less, 20 acres good bottom, in high state of cultivation, 23 acres in old-field, original forest. University of Geoy r ‘ MEVENTY-FIFTH YE/' JOHN P. EDWARDS, Clerk. r ->jmrr. pr, / roL of LattiiK uoriMS, JC M_ Prof, of GrevTV . WILCOX, A M., Prof, of Modern IA R.D. D., " Walton county. ‘ ■iwiy’* omos. Sept. *», wts. V to \ for exemption of neraonalty and homestead: an4lfflAn?Mfivi jxyut, on tbs labjUy aCO<?obe^S757 THOKTOLffi, Ord’y. FT' tVJ- -as them The Cotton Crop of IN74.J3 I New Orleans, Sop. 17.* Tho comuiitteo of tho National Cotton Ext lmiiKe issued their report to-day, mak ing the total cixtp for the year ending Sep. 1, 1875, 3,827,845 bales, of which 2,674,- 448 were exported to foreign i>orts, and 1,200,474 were taken by home spinners, including 126,550 net for Southern con sumption. The sea island crop was 16, 687 bales, including 8,139 in Florida, 1,- 0?4 in Georgia, 7,308 in South Carolina, and 160 in Texas. The average weight of the crop was 468 pounds per bale, and of the sea igland cotton 392 pounds per bale. The overland movements of cotton by Nor thern routes were 456,952 bales. -aTA, Walton coi Oa. StateVollsge Agriculture A Mech. Arts. ' [S. RUTHERFORD, A. M., Prof, of Mathematic*' WMB , , L. II. CHAKBONNIER, A. M., Prof, of Engineering. H. C. WHITE. C. A M. E_ Prof. Chemistry A Geology. ,. M., Prof. W. M. BROWSE. A. M., Prof, of History. K. M. PENDIKTON, M. D.. Prof, of Agriculture. W. W. LUMPKIN, A. M., Prof, of English Literature. W. L. MITCHELL, A. M., Prof, of Law. Tho next Term opens on October 6th» 1875. Tuition in Aca demic Department, $73, payablo in advance, viz: on Oct. vers^^and opens Oct. Uth. Law School optma Oct. 16th, 1875; “* * -t opens rc-b. 21st, 1876. Fee* $00per term. Every 2d term opens - —- brand) of a liberal and professional education afforded. For catalogues, Jkc., address W. II. WADDELL, nugis See. Faculty, Athens, Ga. \T0TICE. . * ALL persons holding demands against the estate of Wil- llarn E. Stark, deceased, Ute of Waltou county, are lwreby no tified to present them to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law: and those i»er*ou* indebt ed are herem * ’ * * * ” ‘ ed to said deceased a Real Estate for Sale. JOFFER for sale over seven acree of land, all under fence. within the corporate limits of Athens, lying on the street Milled go Avenue to the Bobbin Mill, and adjoln- 1 calling from . tog lands of Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Bloomfield and other*, near Mr. B. J. Parr’s. On tho premises are two dwellings—separate from each oth er—gardens for both; two wells of *— fruit trees, (rape vines, snd one of V0TICE. . A ALL persona holding demands against the estate ot John Wr Hinton, Sr., late ot Walton county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, properly attested within the time prescribed by law; and those persons indebted to eaid deceased are hereby required to make immediate pay aep» JOHN II. HINTON, AdmY. fruit trees, crape vines, and one or tne nicew omicung sues extant. Prise, CASH. Or, lo an approved purchaser, reasonable terms will be made. Examine the premises, and rfdres* me at Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga. Knot sold in a month, the place wlu be rented at a Toy reasonable price, to a responsible tenant. For particulars, addreas as above, or apply to Mr. E. J. CHRISTY, at the Southern Watchman office. Wayside Gratliei-ingrs. When you Wien is an egg not oval ? turn it round. . .Chickanery—palming off an old hen as a young chicken. —Why is the sun like a good loaf t Be cause it’8 light when it rises; .. Babies are described as coupons at tached to the bonds of matrimony. ..The alligator that swallowed a corset is dead. It stayed on his stomach. ..The pic-nic season and spiders and bugs will, soon join the invisible host . .Hitman won’t act on the square, the best thing is to deal roundly with him. . .Eugene—“Come,siedown on theshelly shore, and hear the mighty ocean roar.” can't ait dogg, you silly goose because fid burst my pin-back loose.” . .A circus tiger is roaming around Bra zil, Ind., and men who never stayed at home an evening since they can remember are now to be foond in the bosom of their fam ilies everynight .Id reply to a young writer who wished *4 nhtoh mmmnnn will trive me the The un&rslgncd Is now prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES Or anything in the Marble or IRON-RAILING Line, at abort notice. I have quite a number of NEW DE SIGNS or Patterns, which con he seen by applying to NorSO—tf J. K. CRANE. R. H. LAMFEIN, A T his rotriWnnentao Wall rtrert (a few doors from Brood) lo now offtoing a large stock of Pure tVlnes and liquors, At wholesale or retail, as cheap or cheaper than they can be ^ufaassoSmentTsbraees all qnslities, fromordlnary to tbe advisoa “apowder magazine, if youcon- tributi5h fiery artiole.” . .“Spelling isn’t my profession: one man can’t do everything. What’s a printer for 1 If a printer can’t spell, he’d better quit his business,” is the line of argument adopted by Joaquin Miller when a cold, unfeeling critic ridicules his orthography. . - A lady, who had on her upper lip some thing approaching a moustache, lately call ed ou an officer and his wife, whose merry little boy happened to be present at the time. In tho course of conversation the little follow inquired what he must do to get hair on his Up. “ Why, rub it against papa’s,” was the reply. “ Oh, mamma,” he said, “ is that the way Miss has got herst” . .Shestepped into the car, radiant u^th youth', and looking cool and bright in her flower-trimmed bat and speckless suit of linen. Four young men immediately offer ed her their seats. She accepted one with an entrancing smile, and instantly gave it to a poor, wan, Uttie old woman, who had been landing for ten blocks, whereupon the young men did not know whether to get up again or not, and tried their best not to look foolish. sun and roughened by labor, are more hon orable than white ones that never reached jrn _ t _____ out to help a follow-cro-" "*Vor added a Igfl0troUlUl0bcrt stylo of ti*»rt. dollar to the world’s y . Bec» scptS MALCOM STAFFORD. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. ”1^5£*era are invited to call and examine for themselves. to kno%“ Which magazine will give me the llllfll fITipfiVfl ‘DPIUTPHV highest*position quickest f” a cotemporary |_ JQJj 1 |V»I» ■«!! ][ -FOR of hseds ui Gataneoss Inflanunalions Gutnllj, DISCOVERED BY HR8. L E. BUSH JUO TA VERS, WALTOS CO, altv No fttnBy should no wunont u i I If after OiaVa family la wimng to live without this prepa- raUdhto Ten Dollars, agents are anthottred to raftmSlte Fox Sale, In Athens-At Dr. Wm. Kingk Drug Star* and at the Store In Monroe-At Dr. OaUowayY Prog Btore. At Prinootoo—By Mr. BnasdL Addreas aDarters to Hurt* WILEY H. BUSH. Jng Tavern, Wahoo co, G*. ^■foVCourt of Ordinary, ^SSy.R^RogCTg ta Robert, late of court for adlachaige from aald Therefore aDperaoo*concerned are hereby notifiedand re quired to abow cause, If any they can, at tbe January term, 1876, next of this conrt why said administrator should not be discharged from hia administration aforesaid. By order of the court, September ft, 1875. sep 22 THOS. GILES, Ord’y in original fo ton-gin, Ac. No. 7 contains260lcres, more or leas, good dwelling, kitchen ami out-buildings, All of good water, good niUl shoal, good stone dam, two sctlrf runners in tolerable condition, with a I fine run of custom ;m ith good management will net 500 bush- I els of toll-corn; theyiwer sufficient to mu any machinery: known as T. F. Andfrsou’a mills; has Ixtii in operation since 1S12, with no otiier iiill in five miles; 100 acres of said lot under fence, 10 aerwt bottom, 20 acres in original forest; all of said upland well atapted to growing cotton. No. 8 contains 71 acn*s, more or 1 * ‘ 1 “ J “* Anderson and otbdft SO acraa old-field pine. , All the alxive land lies well for cotton or otlicr crops. Seven of these lots within *wo miles of the Northeastern Railroad, northeast of the Bri*k btore, In five miles of norner, tlie coun ty-site, iu a good setiemeut, convenient to nmrketi churches and schools. TeniM cash. Executor's deed at purcliaser’s fersous desiroua>f purchasing lands or shoals, will do well I to call on James Jves, T. F. Anderson or the executor, who will show the lots wtii pleasure. sept29 ■ E. ANDERSON, Ex r. . STARK, ) p_«_. AUGUSTUS R. STARK. / •Ilea- \[0TICE. ll I have Bird with the Ordinary of Walton count tion for leave to sell tbe Land belonging to Nancy E , Nod Makom and Ikamts Makom, minors, the latter now deceased— All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, If any they have, why soeh application rtould not he graded, at tho November term next o< the Court of Ordinary of said county. sept2» THOS. M. ABERCROMBIE, Guard. 7*MmL Walton county. Corart of Ordinary, iw U.UUU.J, Sept. Term, 18TB. Whereas, John C. Blackwril, unaniian of Andrew P. Black- welLmlDor^ psHHooi this Court fora discharge from said This is therefore to cite aB persons interested to show cause, if any they have, at the November term next of this Court, why Said John C. Blackwell should not be discharged fro said Guardianship. . ------- 1875. Tnos. GILES, Only. \T0TICE. il I hare filed with tbe Ordinary of Walton county applica tion for leave to tell the Reid Estate of Nancy A. C. Daven port, late of eaid county, ’ * AIlj?creooecoooemed; why such notified to show rinse. _ any they have, why such application should not be grunted, at tbs November term next of the Court of Ordinary of said JOHN P. EDWARDS, AdmY. GEORGIA, Walton county. 1 Court of Ordinary, 8cpt. Term, 1875. Whereas, James Cook, Guardian ot Newton W. Lackey, minor, petitions this Conrt for a discharge from aald Gnar- Thls Utherefore to dte an perrons concerned to show cause, if any they have, at the November term next of this Court, why said Janies Cook should not be discharged from said Guardianship. By order of the Court, Sept«, 1875. sept* _ TH0B.QILK8.0rty. WALTON Court ofSrdinary,'^"' ft . At Chambers, September**, 1875. Whereas, U is represented to me that Frederick Balnea, of FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. No. 1 contains acres, more or less, all in original forest. | f piIBsnbscril)ere have removed to No. 12, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad Street, where they keep constantly on No. 2 contains 290 acreo, more or less, with common dwell-1 A hand a large and well selected stock of FURNITURE of every description, balance in No. 6 contains 123 hcros, more or less. 10 acres 1>ottom, 25 ‘ forest, w#h slioal and water sufficient to run a cot- To which they inrite the attention of the public, and which will he sold Astonishingly Low! r CON»HNP5i01ff, sang*. Bequeaths . SOUND LUNGS, immunity from CONSUMPTION. * nrover one hundred thoufoind bottles hare heen nmLand not a tingle failure known. Thousands fit testimonials of wonderful cures, such as tbe following, cun he seen at tho office of the Proprietors, No. fiO Brood street, Atlanta, Oa., or will he sent on application, to any who doubt. For sale ny all druggists. 3 Dr. JT. 8. PEHBEBTOX&COh Proprietor., Atlanta, Ga. READ! READ!! CONSUMPTION CURED! Omci or O. Ssckstt, Dross * Medicines,) New Amur, Ind., April lib 1875. ( Dr.J. S. rrmberton, Atlanta, Oa: Door Sir—I hive re ceived your circular*, in consequence of the distribution. I *old about six dozen Globe Flower 8yrap in the Mat two weeks. The Globe Flower Syrup Is gaining great celebrity.. I recom mended U In two esses of consumption. One case wm bed fast; had not laid on but one side for two yean hemorrhage, almost every day: much emaciated, and expected to diet . He lias taken six bottles of Globs Flower Bymo; hjstrorthlM are all gone, except prostration, which la rapidly Imploring. He will certainly get well. The other care la eimita r, with asm. good resnlts. I can send yon many testimonials, if you want Yours, truly, etc., 0.8ACKETT. REMARKABLE CURB. Cleveland, O., April 12,1874. l>r. J. S. Prmbcrtun: It rives me great pleasure to inform yon that two bottiea of Globe Flower Syrup hare cured my son of an obstinate lung affection of several yea/s* standing, after our best physicians had siren him up to die,with what they called Consumption. I shall ever remember with grate ful heart, nod recommend to all the Globe Flower Syrup. It has brought more sunshine and happiness to our hearts and home than one million dollars could hare done. God blcas 1,3 Y °" r friCn KUZABErH f / \ I SPENCER. YEGETABIE LIVER POWDERS, W ARRANTED to be the best and cheapest article for tho i • - - jrowiug couch. ! or less, adjfifatnfjands of E. | original hi I Vri AS LOW OR m\VER j* ^hen furnished ^1^ w» ^’HAKG^ speedy relief of LIVER COMPLAINT, Bilious Colio, DYSPEPSIA, 8ICK HEADACHE, jOHRONIG DIARRHOEA — AND— f>VENTERY, -'“ie and K *‘ - k-* ’f -•■de and hack, and ail the symptoms consequent —n. ’ £&nd Kidneys. “ Package. mi sift .jilTwr, THE i (GEORGIA, Banks county. ^ Whereas, T. A. Mays and John Mize, executors of How ell Maugum, deceased, apply to me for leave to sell the Real 1 Estate lielonging to the estate of said deceased— || Therefore, all perKius concerned are liereby notified to file I their obicctious, if any they have, at my office, on or before | tbe first Monday in November next, else said leave will be | granted. K-pt29 A. C. MOSS, OnlV* r ^Groceries. rTsaulter attention of hia friends and tho *f nit qtf man - io the fact that he will keep on hand * fresh aaaort Of making a provision for your family, is to take a 1 Family with n fine quality of Supplies, ADMINISTRATOR’S Sale. il Pursuaut to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Banks I county, will be sold, before the court house door in Homer, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu Decem ber next, one tract of land, lying and being iu said county, ou I the waters of Mountain creek, with al>out seven or eight acres cleared, principally cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and balance in original forest—all good laud—adjoining lauds 1twooa,Jair * “ Popular, Progressive and Reliable Southern Company, of Caleb Chit! , James Maxwell, Joseph Woodall and oth- 1 THE MOBILE COOKING WINE, Either in qofiles or on draught. Alao^ tha beet of BRANDIES, WHISKIES, RU3Ki Gin, Ale, Lager Beer, CIGARS & TOBACCO, t^CoDDtry dealers supplied at low figures, at HOLBROOK’S CORNER, jah3 Near Northeastern Depot, Athens, Gfc f’EORGIA, Banks County, VjT Wereas, William C. Mom, executor of John II. Moss, represents to the Cout in Ids petition, duly filed and en tered on record, rlrnt he haa fully administered said John C. Moss’ estate— This is, therefore, to cite nil persona concerned, kindred and i creditors, to show cause why eaid executor should not be dis charged from his executors'. Up and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November, 1875. July 21 A. C. MOSS, OnYmaiy. LIFE nffURAHCE COMPANY. {3E0KGLA, Banks County, 'J To all tr/tom it nun Mim 1 To all ir/.om it may concern : tent 1 ___ with the addition of a pew verandah, mridug|tp«i«.ofi \ most complete Hotels in the country, and la now reedy for the accommodation of the t feblO said county, deceased, all and singular the creditors and next of kin I to be and appear at my office, within the | if a “ Thieiato of Daniel - , . time prescribed by law, and show cause, If any they can. why permanent administration should not be granted to Mira R. Sanders, oa Daniel Sanders’eats to. Witness my hand and official signature. antfO A. C. MOSS, Onl’y. Of 3Xol>ilo, jX-ln. ADMINISTRATOR’S Sale. A By virtue of an oreler from th the Court of Ordinary of I . on the flrstTueaclay In No vernier next, at the ciort bouse door in aaid county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land In laid county whereon Jacob I Means resided at the time of hia death, containing four bun- I dred and forty acres, more or leas, adjoining lands of R. J. I Longeron, E. M. Pool, L. Crow, John 8. Means and Wm. J. | MAURICE McCarthy, Pres’t. H. M. FRIEND, Sec’y. SHEPPARD HOMANS, Actuary. iawehud, a. Art. rwi, as. vivn. tfuuu c. mouw nuu »» ua. o. i Wiley—the same being ono-third still in original forest, some fifty or sixty acres in old field, sixty acres of good bottom I land and balance good upland, all in a high state of cultiva-1 tion and tolerably well improved. Terras cash. JOHN M. PATTERSON,) septU JOHN S. MEANS, * Assets, 11 AdmYs. I ••Jd county, deiartedthiallfs intestate, leaving an estats, read ‘ ‘ *’ — aforasUL and HM no one r, for administration oa the waste and injmy unless re- pnwrMrtatloo w had thereon ~ Therefore, ttda Is to cite sad require the next at kin and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they have, and personal, within that has amiUed. or la llkehr to aamefudueestate is Uni .. 13th, 1875. ’illlam A Martin, (he ref us-1 “ and valuation I EVERY DEATH LOSS SUSTAINED HAS BEEN PROMPTLY PAID. at tbe November term next of thi* Court, why administration an th* rotate of raid Frederick Kainen should not be vested In tbe Clerk 0< the Superior Court of said cotmty, or some other Stand proper person. Given under my hand ofiicislly. THOS. GULES. Ord’y. GEORGIA, Walton county. Court of Ordinair, September Term, 1875. Wbetro% John W. Arnold Administrator upon the ertnte of Jroee II Arnold deceased, late at raid *y petitions this cornt for a discharge from said administration, Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and re quired to show cause. If any they have, at the January term riEORGlA, Rabun county. To ail wl «n it may concern. MaiyE. Gibson having in proper MhaajipUcd to me for for permanent letters of administration on tne estate of John C. Gibson, late of said county— This Is to ells all snd singular, the creditors and next of kin of John C. Gibson, to be and appear at my office, on the drat Monday In November next, and show cause, if any they i an. why psrorani ntndnlnkdinoan t 1 —*1 nnt Tin granted to Gibson aoJohn C. Gibwo’s rotate. _ ^ a87t)nextof this conrt why stmrtmluhtcatorshonMnotbe dlraatort taomrall admlnlstintion. By order of the conrt. THOS. GILES, Ord’y Madison County. MADISON Sheriffs Sale. ThB Best Sgod Cotloii, the SINGER Jriyl-U dozen Spools, »t the office of ING CO/ Clayton sh, adjoining Lester’s' FIRST-CX.ASS. milK public will do vdl to call at the shop of the nndetslgn- JL cd, where ah kinds of barbering, hair-dressing, &C. Comer snd be amyrnrod. J cocnty, bn the rondlradlng front tasMnflh to atatanmimtam Norm and Matthews, ■■I known as tbe e of a mortgaged BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS A™ Se wSd!*C^iSta ofttSeH Company, cocntr College Avenue and Qeyton street, * 'or yourself. Can, or write for catalogue. A large to Agents. main G. H. HOPE, Agent TOY MONEY. IS dollars worth of Toy money—the very thing for tbs boys—for 15 cents, at BURKE'S BOOK STORE. Rabun County. MSfSffil? Witness, i ANTI-PYR0TIC, -OK,- Q-f®at Fire-Killer. NO HUMBUG! CERTAIN,SURE, RELIABLE. X> Y a recent dtacovery, w. are enabled to offer to the public _D a safe, certain and sort core for Bam, 8ealds,8cald*Hfad, Stings by Insects, Tetter, Ringworm, Piles, Sore Ryes and Old Sores ot long standing. Thit praparatioa has been thoroughly tested—in burns al one* the tals^^tlrallsirato Coart of arid comdy^Ibraioia ways>5J^almostinstant rebef-^«i never tailed lnaalngie —“ J. W. KIRK, D. ShYL We have taompossemloo numbers of certificates Aowing ttejroSlIjMlai CUBES affected by this preparation, Eyery Family should hare a Bottle of it ENDOWMENT V OEICY In thk sterling Company. Said an old merchant of New Qork, who failed in^18(0: “Hsdltaken aa endowment policy SO years ago, I could have paid the premiums easily from year to year, and not have felt them, and now, in my old age, I should have had something to support me.” Take Tiie hy the Forelock, aid he Insure! Many a farm or fine rotate Pas been sacrificed or entirely lora to the family, for the want of rrady money, after the death of tbe head of the family, to settle outstanding claims. Proyide agmlnct this con" *-■ ■— Don’t forget to examine the merits and of this Company. Patronise home Dr. WM. KING, Jr., Medical Examiner. JAY 0. GAILEY, Local Agent, Athens, Georgia. ^Active, beslnem men wanted throughout Georgia toact aa Agents. Address July T, 1875. B. O. RANDALL, Gen. Ag’t & Manager, Home, Ga. HORSES & MOLES. T HK undersigned hare ertahiiafaed, In addition to their Llv- «y, a regular SALE STABLE, No one It ta READY FOR USE I bow soon a member of the family may need tt. wrForsdein Athens it tbe Smith, A Oo. snd Dr Wm. King, Jr. Order, should be addressed to SAHKETT & MTJLKEY, WaltonY Ford, Ga. LEGAL BLANKS, ^FULLroppIy^ay.onhand.rttlm^^ And wID, front this date, .keep an hand, at an times, afoll sup- Pbof , . HORSES & MULES. Those in want of Stock can be (applied at Figures, jg WGivo ns a call. ’fiOcenta Athens, Nor4—tf GANN A REAVES. REMOVAL! Tbs Distributing Office of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. » Hes been removed to the New Brick Bunding ON CLAYTON STREET, Adjoining the Lester Block, corner of College Avenue and Claytcn Street. FeblT. —P The Pocket Soap-Bubble Toy. U8Tthe thing the chDdrso have l«n wishing for. It can be carried in thi pockctd”-’ - ' 'way* ready for use. Price .orota. Forralcat / VrROOK STORE. GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA* Comer of Broad and Jackson streets. ■BE Globe Hotel has , t been re-furnished For all Diseases of tha Bowels, stub aa CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, Diarrhoea, Colic. PAINS IN BACK, SIDS & JOINTS, Toothache and Neuralgia. fair trial. If this MEDICINE does not perform what we claim for it after a fair trial, according to the dlrectioM, then 1 ■*- Prepared and pat up by 3. E. BOS, S85 East Fair street, ATLANTA, GA. CAND FOB SALE BY ALL DBUGOISJR^a or AND FOB SALK ] PRICE, 50 CENTS. July 9—tf ATHENS OA§Ii@XLS* lisuO PATTERN WORE,SMITHING <fe REPAIRING Eating an extensive coTUction of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINING ft MILL MAGHINKNY STEAM ENGINES. SAW-MILLS, SHAFTING, PI MILL SPINDLES. HOISTING 8CHF.V.S, LIO SCREWS, RATTLE 81’AFFS, MILL CRAF sE-r — " NKS, Cotton Need Crushers, etc., etc., etc. Manufacture, and arc agents (or, the most approved Turbine Wafer Wheels; Brooks'. Patent Port able Revolving and Colt’s celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Btdmties,m., etc. Thankful tor past patronage, snKdl a coutinuanea of From the uaturauf ourbuataeas, a o nr terms STJttoKy CASH. Address * Mill Findings furnished NICKERSON, AftmtdSugt,