The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, July 04, 1876, Image 4

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£ r,r “ ,l 1 l!' I !".I"‘r“n plants and Kwry •ulwwuw f( , , () . , h0 Chinese •Ton»«<«Hnto manure. Oil c.tko*. horn • nd conVfr '" itiuidy valued, and so is soot. ,nd indies. ar To givo smm , notion aud more especi.tIi> a- . i,r „r .i,«valuo set upon amuwl t «>" ue oftbe vaiuc . barbers most lUo some a bat * J 0 l'tbe hundred ot mil- *% S?. C iiese Know the action of «P*uui and and it often happens that they renew tbe*plasteriug of the kitchens for tiio purpose ot making use of the old matter for manure. No Chinese farmer ever sows a seed of corn wore it has been soaked in liquid manure, dt- iutr.1 with water, ar.d has begun to gormina-e: and experience has taught him (so he asserts) Srt this operation not only tends to promote Uio growth and development of the plant, hut also to protect the seed Irorn the msccts bid den in the ground. During the summer mouths, ail kiuds ot Tcgoiable refuse are mixed with turf, straw, grass, peat, weeds and earth, collected into heaps, and when quite dry set on lire; after several days of slow combustion, the entire mass is convened into a kind of black earth. The compost is ouly employed for the manur ing of seeds. When secd-lirao arrives, one makes holes in the ground ; another follow s with tbo seed, which ho places in the holes; and a third adds this black earth. The young, seed p(aultdm this maimer grows with such extraordinary vigor, that it is theroby enabled to push its rootlets through the hard,solid eoil and to cie’cct its mineral constituents. The Chinese farmer sons his wheat, after the graius bavo been soaked in liquid manure, quito close iu seed-beds, and afterwards trans plants it. Occasionally, also, the soaked graius are immediately sown in the Held properly prepared for their reception, at au interval of lour inches from each other. 1 ho time ot transplanting is towards tbo month of Decern her. In March the teed sends up from Seven to nine stalks with ears, but the straw issbort- tr tbau with us. I have beeu told that wheat yields lUO fold more—which amply repays the care aud labor bestowed upon it. lu Chusan, and tbo entire rico districts of Cheltiaug aud Kcangaoo. two plants aro oxc’.n eively cultivated for tho purpose of serviug ai grteu tuanuio for the rico Helds; the ono is a speciesol t’orouilla, clover is tho other. Jtroad furrows, similar pi those intended for celery are made, and the seeds are planted ou the ridges in patchas, at a distance of live inches from each other. In the courso of a few days germination begins, and long beforo the win ter is gone, the entire Hold is covered with ; iuxuriaul vegetation. In Aptil tho plants are plowed in, and decomposition soon begins, at- tended with a most disagreeable odor. This method is adopted iu all phtcos wbero rico is grown. Corn Beer. Boil a pint of good sound corn until it be comes soft without bursting; add to it a quart of good molasses and one gallon of water.— Put the com, molasses and water in a .jug shake ir well, and in ril hours tho beer will bo excellent. When ail the beer is used, just add more niolas. cs and water. Tim samo corn w il answer for several months, and after the lira time the beer will be lit lor use in It! hours, in warm weather. A gallon will not cost over 10 cents, and a glass lint a fraction over a half cent. When well made, it is better and more wholesome tbau eider. Blackberry’ Jam. The fruit should bo ripe, and gathered in dry weather. I so half a pound of good brown sugar to each pound of tho berries. Boil gent ly for one hour, stirring and mashing thorn well. This jam is useful in families, particu larly of children. It is batter to spread on bread nr puddings than butter, and is cheaper, where the berries bare to bo bought. In (be country, where they cost nothing, every family should preserve a large quantity lor fall and winter use. Build up :t Homestead. The. feeling that you are settled and fixed •till induce you to work to ituprovo your farms, o plant orchards, to set out shado trees, to inclose pastures, to build comfortable out houses, and each successive improvement is a !»»ml to bind you still closer to your homes, l ids will briug contentment iu tho family.— four wives and daughters will fall in love with tbo country, your sons will lovo home belter than grqg-shops, and prefer farming to mea uring tapo or professional loallng, and you " ill bo bnppy in seeing the contentetf and cheerful faces of your families. Make your homes beautiful, convenient and pleasant, and your children will lovo It above all other places, they will leave it with regret, think of it with fondness, come back to it joyfully, seek their chief happiness around their borne fireside. Women and children need more than meat, bread and raiment; more than acres of corn and cotton 3prcad out all around them. Their love for tho beautiful must be satisfied.— I’hcir tastes must bo cultivated ; their eensi- oiiilieshumored, not shocked. To accomplish this good end, home must be made lovely, con venience multiplied, comforts provided, and heeifulness fostered. There must bo both sunshine and shade, luscious fruit and fragrant iowers, as well as corn aud cotton. The miud ind heart as well as the fields must be culti- itod ; and then intelligence and contentment will be tho rule instead of the exception.— Stick to, improvo aud beautify your borne steads, for with this good work cornea con tentment. "Walton County. WA LTOXSkerflfs Sale. IY Will be nold, before the court boose door In tho town of Monroe, Walton county, daring tbo legal hoot* of sale, on ibe fir* Tuesday in July next, the following property, to-wit: Thirty acres of land, more or leas a part of land lot No. 155, lying In the 4th district of said county, adjoiuiug J. IIUI Smith. I sham Smith and other*. Levied on a* the property of Thomas J. Mitchell, under and by virtue of an execution ianed from a Justice's Court, held in and for the 4<Xth dis trict 0. M. of Gwinnett county, in favor of James P. Simmons v* Thomas.!. Mitchell. Property pointed out by pUintitT* attorney. Levy made and written notice nerved on fhomas Brand, who wan iu possession on the 29th of November, lbTS, '' J ) u^jr" M - ,lra p n rfE, ( t J. M. AMMONS, Sh*ff. EVESElX. ft I G. & CQ Q. H. YANCEY. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, CA. M Y Stock Of ^ „ . - f\S and after tho 1st of October, we shall offer to our cue- BOOKS & STATIONERY j u lomcn ’ goo<1 * Iu our liue IT NUICII LOVER FIGURES DEALERS IK GEORGIA, Walton county. VJ Court of Ordinary, April term. 1S76. Wherca*, Caller Hill, administrator of Joseph Bowman, , deceased, late of said conuty, petitions this Court for a dis- | rpe from said administration— .’his is therefore to cite and admonish all persons cone< ed. to *how cause, if any they tiave, at tlie August term next ot this Court, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, as aforesaid. By order of the Court, this 3d day of April, 1874. may? THOS. PILES, Ord’y. Wai GEORGIA. Walton county. VT Court of Ordinary, April term, 1876. Whereas, James W. L. Smith aud Juo. L. Smith, adminis trators on tlie estate of William II. Smith, deceased, late of said county, jietltion this Court for a discharge from said administration— This is therefore to cite and require all persons concerned to show cause, if any they liave, at the August terra next of this Court, why said administrators should not be discharged from their administration, as aforesaid. By order of tlie Court, this 3d day of April, 1876. may? TIlOs. GILES, Ortl*y. DAVID B. RAY, lJ Legatee, Ac In Walton Court of Ordinary, February Term, 1876. Petition for Partition. Jno. C. Kay & Nelson Kay. It appearing to tlie Court, from the return of the Sheriff^ in the above stated case, that one of the defendants, via: Nel son Kay, does not live in this county; and it further ing to the Court, that the said Nelson Ray lives limits of tliis State— It is ordered by the Court, That service lie perfected on the said Nelson Kay in this case, by publication of this order once a month, for four months next preceding th» August term next of this Court, in tlie Southern Watchman, a weekly newspaper, published in the city of Athens, in said State. Granted; W. J. RAY, PctVa Att’ THUS. GILES, Ordinary. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, February term, 1S76. apll THOS. GILES, Ex-officio Clerk. GEORGIA, Walloncounty. VT IUbt lliiuurfi) rhes. Clocks, Jewelry, Eft AJJB PLATED WADE, Guns, ‘Pistols, Jimmtinilion, SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, Musical Instruments, Canes, Fancy Articles, &c- . HAVING GOOD WORKMEN, arc prepared to do Repairing, in superior style. We make a specialty of SILVER PLATING .VXD GILDING. t^ySSX I * 9 F ° RKS ' SPOOXS> WATCHES, etc., plated by a*, warranted equal to that done by Athena, MpUS-tf TEBJIS MODERATE. . B GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICES I I* now very full, :ind I guarantee prices to tie n» low to eitah buyers, n* the same Goods can be bought elsewhere in the United States. I mean what I *ay. 1 sell Co.’s Mabie, Todd A. K. CHILDS. U. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNNE. John F. Hallmark. I libel for Divorce. In Walton Superior Court. February Term. 1876. F. II:tflmark7the defendant in said case, by return of the Sheriff, does not reside in this county, but resides out of the limits of said county, and it furth *— **"* ” feiidant resides out of this State— It ii* ordered by tlie Court, That sendee of the libel In said case t»c made by publication, once a month for four months, prior to tlie next term of this Court, in the Southern Watch man, a public gazette, published in the city of Athens, said State. WM. J. KAY, Att’y pro Libellant. Granted: GEO. D. KICK, Judge Sup. Court. OrncK or Clki;k Sup. Court. I hereby certify, that the above order is a true extract from the murates of tlie February term. 1876. of Walton Superior Court. JOHN PRIOR EDWARDS, martis—tm PriuteV’s fee, $S Clerk. Rabun County CTATE OF GEORGIA, Rabun County. O Whereas, William Ilolden represents to the Court, i petition, duly filed and entered < , in his ^ record, that he has fnlly administered Kvan Nicholson’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration, oil tlie first Monday in August, 1876. This April the 11th, 1876. .re1C .i w r nplS J. W. GREEN, Ordinary. Madison County. It does not Pay! It docs not pay to havo fifty* working raci poor and raggod, in order to havo ono saloon keeper dressed in broadcloth and flush of money. It does not pay to nave tuOSO fifty I limits of said county, and it further appearing that said de- .vorking-meu live on bono soup and half-ra- f tions, in order that ono saloon-keeper may flourish on roast turkey and chacipague. It does not pay to bavo tlie mothers and children of twenty families dressed in rags, starved into semblance of emaciated scarecrows, and living in hovels, in order that the saloon-keepor’e wife may dress in satin, and her children grow fat and hearty and live in a bay-window par lor. It does not pay to havo ono citizen in tho county jail because another citizen sells him liquor. It docs not pay to hang one cit izen because another citizen sold him liquor. It does not pay to havo ten smart, active, and intelligent boys transformed into ‘ hoodlums’ and thieves to cnablo one man to lead an easy life by selling them liquor. It does not pay to give ono inan, for $16 a quarter, a license to sell liquor, and then spuud $20,000 on tho trial of Tip McGlauglilin for buying that li quor and theu committing murder under its influence. It docs not pay to have ono thou sand homes blasted, ruined, defiled and turn od into hells of discord and misery, in order that one wholesale liquor dealer may amass largo fortune. It does not pay to keep 5,000 men in tho penitentiaries, and prisons, and hospitals, and 1,000 in tho lunatic asylum, at tho expense of tho honest, iudustiious tax payers, in order that a few capitalists may grow richer by tho manufacture of whiskey, aud by swindling the government out of three fourths of the revenue tax on the liquor that they make. It does not pay to permit the ex istence of a trallic which ouly results in crime, poverty, misery and death, and which never did, never does, never can, and never will d< any good. It never pays to do wrong; your sin "ill find you out ; whether others find it out or not, the siu knows where you aro and will always keop you posted of that fact. It docs not pay !—California Rescue: STRAY Koticc. i R. i i. Bird, of ibe ?62il district G. M. of Madison county, tolls lx*fore us two mare mulcn—one a twy, about 4 yean* okl. about 5 feet 2 iucheS lilgb, iu good condition, and worth, in our opinion, one hundred dollars—the other one a black mare* mule, aliout tlie same age aud height, iu rather bad condition, ‘‘“'^‘^rinL^cSrTh&iS I “““Y* STEEL PEACOCK STEEL PLOWS, arc some mark w. i*. Alexander! f. h.i It. 1*. GRIFFKT1I, F. H. ( Appraiwre. A true extract from the Estray Book of said countv, Juue I 3th, 1S76. )une?0 G. C. DANIEL, OnTy. GEORGIA, Madison county. JT Whereas, J. Bell EJierhart applies to me for letters of administration with the will annexed upou the estate of Ber- | ry M. David, of said county, deceased— This is therefore to cite all tiersous concerned to lie at my ofth-e, ou the first Monday iu August next, to show why said I letters should uot be grauted tlie Applicant. Witness, my hand aud sea), Juue 5th, 1876. juueia G. C. DANIEL. Ord’y- i GEORGIA, Madison county. J Whereas, B. F. O’Kelly, guardian of tlie minors of I Charles O’Kelly, deceased, applies to me for letters of diumis-1 siou from said guardianship—- This is therefore to cite all concerned, to be at my office, I on the first Monday iu August next, to show why the appli cant should not in? dismissed: Given under my liand, officially, this April 3d. 1876. aprilll G. C. DANIEL, Only. ..There is a grosiog feeling among the Amor'can people that a man who can hoar a fellow-mortal complain of a cold in the head and ab-Uain from tolling him what to do for it is the man who should be the next President. .. A hotel ghost comes uuder the oflicial bead ofina spectres. The Mysteries of Bees. In every well-balanced colony of bees is a queen, or what is more properly called a mo ther bee, tho duty of which is simply tho lay- ing or eggs. To her has been attributed roy alty, Re. yet she exercises no authority what ever ever mu inmates ot tue Uivo. tier simple duty is the laying o! eggs, and tho mother is governed by 0:10 infallible rttlo-abundance of honey and the requisite warmth to mature tho brood. When they possess those requisites the swarm may lie considered a well balanced ouo. But the mother is neither more nor loss than a slave horn her birth to her death. As soon as slio begins to fail in furnishiug the requisite amouut of eggs f or the colony the workers will commence cells in which they place eggs to 1 car another mother 10 take the place of their own, which they intond to su persede. They are aware that they will coaso to exist unless they do this, and as soon as •very thing is satisfactorily arranged they fall stnr 1 Jealrov hcr - This they know is . » f ° r their safety. Let the U Iu o b t,t y, ", S V - r ’ V rapMI - Vl aDa 8 h»uld n ’ am,. t k 1 ' !aC ° in th0 hn:, ”.* P sho ceases to H?,.7 , ," |, " rl "! rl ’ aU! "' u « l ‘ limy bare aba nd- «ue of honey in tho Mve—Exthange. How to Ia*ave the Wheat Field. Thtfle is a difl'erer.ce of opinion among good farmers as to whether the wheat- field should h« rolled before or after drilling in the seed I here i* „„ doubt that rolling, if tho ground w> dry enough, either beforo or aftur sowing, ja as important and beneficial aa operation as narrowing. It crushes ihe lumps, compacts the sod and smooths the surface. Those who »'or rolling after sowing contend by thus smoothing the surface the water, of course,* off flat land more rapidly in the winter aodspih.g.and that ice will I10 t form over tm wheat,,; smother it. This is undoubted I Uu «m flat land, but where it i. roliingth SSr rCJS16reatl,r " 1#C,,,a t ( ' •‘"' 1 lUo pa*caoft readily enough . o as to ,|,o „oio of rolling tbo wheat fi Ihe groser must be governed by chc CVS. Water Standing stii; u a great cncmv to the wticat crop. If th.,Wl hohU it, drain cevtm" rT‘ i l,tl ;’ rC tU ° CnVp ca " »» made 7 l nder drmnage is best, but in nUence ot ih 18| „ d,. al c;ln be ^ plished by judicious suifaco draina- c blue which no good farnmr likes to have in “" 0I “"i' "«*' l» «n- *“ zr, r - ,b ,' dr ’” »» w y easy slope by plowing out two or three Arrows each side, and smoothing the bottom ^tthereaperwiHhavebutfit^uore .prilS P * ” tafcr * tta eeain to, iD8taDcea th6 roller may bo substl- Ma'tauZ in surrac ° dra,D, ° R the hollows and runs, so as°to for^'a'gmomh Dial J Wa,6r ' and iC wl » ‘ako XmI HoZ.* ?ery JOHN W. NICHOLSON, DEALKKJX Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps TRUNKS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS KTC>, ETC., ETC. At R. L. MOSS’old *taml. No. 4 Groidte Row, Atheus, Gt, may 16—tf 111, U!))8t:in- PBOSPECTTJS OF Tlie Spirit of the Age 1 REELING tl»o -rreat necessity for an Organ thron^h which 1 the members and friends of tlie Temperance Keforni can commnnirate with each other, aud at tlie same time nuke known tlicuchievemenUfof onrnnny of Noble Keformers, the nmlersi^ned projioscs to commence tlie publication, in the city of Athens, Ga., so soon as n snflliient nundier of subscribers Temperance. Tlie “ Aoe ” will uot be tlie organ of • society, but will l*c tlie advocate of all Temperance work, under whatever name preiuuited, feelint; Mthfied that all of hi 1 means employed in this Heaven blessed cause have the anie object in virnv, and are aiming for the same glorious re- mlt—the entire suppression of the luauutncturey sale aud nae of ail kinds of intoxicating liquors in our otiierwlse highly favored count ry—which the best efforts of “Thk Spirit or tiik Aok ” will at all times tie devoted. Some of the ticst Temperance writers indifferent |>ortions >f tlie I'nited States wilfcoutribute to itscolcmniLfurnishing Tem|K.*riuice news and literature, thus keeping us informed as gress of our work in varions partsjof our country. At time, arrangements will be made to have regular uients in every s*m tiun of our own State, to furnish us with everything that may transpire iu tlie Temperance Re form iu their own locality. By this tueaus we hope to keep aders regularly posted as to everything of interest cou- 1 w ith out cause. will also, each week, devote a portion of the “Age to the to milv circle, publishing choice Stories, Poetry, and other miscellaneous matter, both original and selected, as well as a brief synopsis of the current news and events of the day. In fact, neither pains nor cxiiens** wiH tie spared to make Tub Sfirit or the Aok ly circle. a welcome visitor to every faud- Tiik Hpirit cf Tin Age” will l»o an eight page f printed on first class paper, with good, clear type, and in a style that it may he IkiuihI at tlie eud of the year, thus making a Imudsome volume of about 400 pages of choice literature. TERMS OF SUBSCR1TIOX—(Invariably in Advance.) One copy, one year $?. Five copies, one year, (and one to getter up of club). .. 10. To tlie person or society sending us tlie largest number suh«cril)ers. not less than fifty, during tlie year, wc will send handsome Bible. To the one sending ne tlie largest number, not less than one hundred, during the year, we will send a first class Sewing .Machine. Vo tlie one sending the largest number, not less than two 8m.*lred, during the year, we will send a first class Melodcon JAMES T. roWELI, Athens, Ga. : JT P«i|M*rs throughout the State will confer a favor by giv ing the uImjvc Prosjsjctus a few iiisertkiis. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., v > - 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in H XD -W ER, B, IRON, STEEL, KAILS, Horse and. Mule Shoes, HORNE-SHOi: NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, FELLOES, HUBS, SPOKES, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c.. RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, BUGGY WHEELS, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILg^JSELLOWS, VISES, HOLLOW-WARE, &c., &c. ‘-MniiulUctm'or’n Agent! for the snle of FAIRBANK S STANDARD SCALES, SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, WATER ELEVATORS AND BUMPS, CIRCULAR SAWS, &c. GOLD PlgXS nt New York prices. This firm make the BEST PENS now in use. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 am so'e agent in Northeast Georgia for Stcimvays Celebrated Pianos, and Mason & Hamlin’s Cabinet Organs, which are* without a rival in the kn sWU world. I am also ageutfor Co.’s, AND TIIK SOUTHERN GEM PIANOS, which are all good instruments, Pianos at the pri«*e to be found and Organs aa low, and ou as „ .... , Ifought in New York, Savannah, August*!, Atlanta, where, aud save my customers freight. Try me. C R O < ^ U E r JU , in great variety of styles and prices. VISITIXd CARDS. All the newest nnd most fashionable Tints. Rustic Window Shades, retail at wholesale prices. Brackets, Book. Shelves, <$'C. at cost for cash. I only ask of my friends at home A FAIR TRIAL If I can do ns well for yon as you can do elsewhere, l think am entitled to the preference, may 16 T. A. BURKE. THAN HERETOFORE. To enable us to do so, wc will adopt THE CASH SYSTEM. * f We now receivit/g a !:tr,'c nnd tall assortment at cAoria bonght .(low price-, which wc invite all to call and exantiue UIII.DK, NIBKERSOK Ac CO. Athens, Ga., Sept. 15,1S75. BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. 'I’DE nmlerelirtKil has n lot of fine drees R,otr, which he X utters fur sale .it $10 per p er, for cash. They tire Aid French call skin. Fur $10 n of these hoots will he scut hy mml or express. All work warranted I*. WEIL. Haines Brothers. Hallett, Davis TIIK ssanaaws General TicketAgency. s long time, as th. y can Ik: :o: 6# Buy your Tick* uiatiou from innyUi! Tax Receiver’s Notice OF CLARKE COUNTY. ritAX-PAYERS: I will attend the different Militia District! 1 ns seeu on ray posted notices, Providence pennitting, f» iiose of receiving your State and county tax returns; Jerk of C ity Council, fn elusive, excepting Sunday apt—tlojutie 1st of May to Huh of June iu- *. Verv respectfullv. DAVIl) E. SIMS, Tiix Roceiv* FAMIIaY BIBLES. I CAN Hell better bargains in FAMILY BIBLKS, than any traveling Bible agent. Try me ami l»e convinced. A suiierior Quarto Bible, ten ctigravinga, fine Family Rec ord, large, new type, $3.00. A Bible, same ns the above, with Apocrypha and Concord ance, $3.50. Quarto Bible, with full, comprehensive HUtory of the Bible 24 large iiluatratious, gilt back ami sides, $1.50. Quarto Bible, same as the above, with Ai*ocryphi», Con cordance and Psalms, $5.00. l’ictorial Quarto Bible, 500 illustrations, complete Bible Dictionary, History of tlie Bible, Concordance, Psalms, $6.60. Pictorial Quarto Bible, same as above, with heavy gilt clasp, $7.50. Pictorial Quario Bible, same ns the al*ove, with clasp and arranged tor sixteen family photographs, $8.00. marl4 T. A. l’.UUKK, Athens, Ga. £BTAny article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. 6*^"Call and examiue our stock and prices. i^EORGIA, Madison countv. Ordinary’s Office, April 3d, 1S76. Whereas, James M. Benton applies to me for exemption of personalty; ami 1 will pass ujton the same nt 12 o’clock M., i Saturday, April 29th, 1876, at my office iu Daniclsville. aprilit G, C, DANIEL, Ord’y, I GEORGIA, Mjidison connt.v. JT Whereas, F. W. M. Do wily, uilminlstrator of the estate I of Richard Dow*ly, dec«uised, late of said conuty, represents to tiie Court iu his petition, duly filial and entered ou record, that he has fully discharged his duty as said administrator, ami prays for letters of dismission— These are therefore to cite and admonish all jKTsons cou- cemeil to show cause, if any tfiey have, on or brlorc the first Monday iu July uext, why said admlniatrutor should not be | dis* h:irg***l from bis administration. Given under my iiaud, officially, March 6th, 1876. marl A G. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. THE SAFE WHY, THE SURE WAY, THE IMMEDIATE WAY Of making a provision for your family, is to taki; a policy in that Popular, Progressive and Reliable Southern Company, THE NATIONAL HOTEL, Atlanta, Ga. 2.50 2.50 The rates of popular Hotel tluretl to S2.50 this mice weof- dations and fare liv any Sfl.oo or the South. Come atul get an Old Virginia weleoinc. marts—It I.JiK & UK WITT, I*roi»' boartl at tlii have been re per day. For ier aceommo unsurpassed St.00 house in RAILROAD TICKETS r sale, by all routes, to all principal pointa in the United Suites. before Sapt. WM. Wlf Agent Southern Kxpn*>j* C* ATLANTIC B. Pi. AND ITS CONNECTIONS. Kennesaw Route.” No. 3. 7.00 A M 9.22 <4 No. 11. 3.30 1» M. 7.19 44 8.21 44 11.10 44 The follow ing Schedule Dike NORTI Leave Atlanta 4.10 : Arrive Cartersvi’de 6.14 Arrive Kingston 6.42 Arrive Dalton 8.*»4 44 11.54 44 Arrive «. iiattanoogn lu.*5 “ 1.56 i’ M. SOUTHWARD. No. 2. No. 4. Chattanooga 4.00 PM 6.f»0 A M Arrive Dalton..., 5.41 44 7.01 4 * Arrive Kingston 7.38 44 9.07 44 Arrive Cartersvilh? 8.12 44 9.42 44 reive Atlanta 10.15 14 12.06 i'ulltn tn Palace Cars run on Nos. 1 nnd 2, lxdweeu New Gr atis and Baltimore. Pullman Palace Cars run on Nos. 1 and 4, between Atlanta No. 19. 1.00 A M 4.19 44 5.1S 44 on .9.30 and Nashville. Pullman Palace Cars run He and Atlanta. BV~Sa changes of cars Indwee Montgomery, Atlanta and Baltimor Y ’assongi York the s ursii k. Nos. 3 and 2, between Lonls- i New Orleans, Mobile, , and only one change to eaving Atlatra nt 4.10 P. M., arrive in New nd nltemooti thereafter at 4.00 P. M. ickets to tlie Virginia Springe and various Sntn- er .aciHins will be ou sale in New Orleans. Mobile, Mont- imery. Columbus, Mneon. Savannah, Augueiuaml Atianta, greatly nHtuced rates 1st of June. Parties desiring a whole car tlmmgli to the Virginia Springs or to Baltimore, should address the undersigned. Parties contemplating travel should send for n copy of the kttk, containing schedules, etc. m •* KemiesAW Ponte.” 1». W. WRENN, tger nnd Ticket Agent. Atiauta, Ga, Kk.v for Tickets' General Passe WANTED, 10,000 lien, Women anti lliiltlren, With sullicient cash to buv all the IfFimaMlfM MATTimtVS & JACKSON, X-To. 3. Bxsact Street, (Store forim'.;y <ivcui>ml by T. BlSIItd* i SOX.) W lv have ittrt received an new ftfKk of DRY GOODS aud GROCERIES CHEAP FOl? CLASH. CTT’We respectfully invite our friend*to give ns a call BEFORE SELLING COTTON, s wc expect to buy Cotton, nnd will pay the highest market price for it. oct!9 —t THE MOBILE ltnnks County. ADMINISTRATOR’S Sale. xL By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Banks 1 county, will Ik* sold ou the first Tuesday lu August next, lie- I tween the lawful hours of sale, at the Court House door iu | Homer, said county , the following property, to-wit: One half interest iu a tract of laud lying in said county, ou | Hudson rive*’, adjoining lands of Carson, Burns and others, | containing two hum:.ed aud nlnetv-five acres, more or less, Sold as the property of Thoma McUic, deceased. Said land sold for tlie purpose of distribution among the lieirs of said LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, -AXD- Family Groceries, Now on hand and to arrive at the store ot apriM C. J. O’FARRELL, One door East of S. V. Dobbs. OT 3Iol>iIe, Ala. sold for tlie purpose of distribution among the heirs of said I inne!!? WM ’ c:?>UVKU ’ Al1 ?— | MAURICE McCarthy, Pres’t. II. M. FRIEND Secy. SHEPPARD IIOMANS, Actuary. /'EORGIA, Ranks county, \T Whereas, John Mize and T.*A. Maya, executors of tlie will of Howell Mungum. deceased, represent to the Court in iheir petition, duly flleii, that they have fully administered Howell Mangnin's estate— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if auy they can, why said executors should not be discharged from said administration and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in October, ... * ^ JACM— ~ “ GREAT B1RGMNSIIPIAICS. ND, I offer TWO FIRST-CLASS PIA- •st prices ever known iu this section. A 7 1-3 Octave Rosewood Piano, A 7 Octave Rosewood Piano, Carved legs, elegantly finished. Maker’s price, $400. Wil be sold for $250. These Pianos are both new* nnd from first-class makers, and will l>e guaranteed. Very low rates for one-half cash and balance in twelve months. Send for price list and illustrated catalogue, to marl4 T. A. BURKE, Athens, Ga. 1876. )UUc20 A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. Assets, $500,0001! —s-f"- EVERY DEATH LOSS SUSTAINED HAS BEEN PROMPTLY PAID. HEORGIA, Banks county. U Whereas, Mary W. Allan applies to me for letters of ad- I ministration ou the estate of Thompson Allan, deceased, late I of said comity— I This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tlie I uext o( kin and creditors of said deceased to show cause, if I any they can, at the July term of this Court, why letters of I administration on the estate of Thompson Allan, deceased, I should uot lie granted to Mary W. Allan, tlie applicant. I (*iven under my hand aud official signature, this 29th day I of May, 1876. juueC A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. RANKS Sheriff's Sale, O WU! be sold, before the court house door in Homer, Banks county, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the lawful hours of sale, by J. L. Waters, Sheriff of Hall county, I T _ ... (the Sheriff of Banks county lieing disqualified and there be- I sterling Company, ing no Coroner in said county,) the following property, to-wit: I Oue dark Iwy horse mule, about 7 or 8 years old. Levied “ old inercliant of New Qork, who fallal in 1SC0: 44 Had I Liken an endowment nnliev 20 mrs 1 h «vn «oi- I CA ^ m, " u ’ ^ ,rom ,o i ' 1 -- S' and Thomas A. Neal, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for said comity of Banks, vs I. W. Alexander, principal, Na thaniel Wofford, C. N. Wofford aud A. J. West, securities, may? d. L. WATERS, Sh*ff Hall county. Provide for your own iudciiendtncc and mpport in iuur old ago, by taking an endowment policy \T0TICE. Il All persons indebted to tlie estate of M. A. Borders, of Banks comity, deceased, are required to come forward aud make payment; and all persons liaviug demands against said estate, are requested to present them iu terms of the law. aprilll JOHN W. PRUITT, AdrnY. GEORGIA. Banks county. VJ Mary Jordan and Willoughby Boling apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Reuben Jordan, de ceased, late of said county— This is therefore to rite and admonish all and singular, the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they can. at the May terra uext of this Court, why letters of administration on the estate of Reuben Jordan, deceased, should not be granted to Mary Jordon and Willoughby Boling, the applicants. Given under my hand and official signature, this 15th March, 1876. mar? I - A. C„ MOSS, Onl*y. Take Time liy tie Forelock, ai lie Insured. ‘2 rfl ?, e t * Ule .!V ia '‘ ecn or mtiray lost to the family, for the w:uit of ready money, after the death of , * a, y ’, to outstanding vlaims. Proylde ugalnct this couttngency, by iusuriug ill tlie MOUILE LIFE, lktut forget to examiue the merits aud of this Company. Patronize home institutions. * Dr. WM. , Medical Examiner. 1* Active, basitiess men wanted titroughout Georgia to act os Agents. Address JAY 0. GAILEY, Local Agent, Athens, Georgia. July 7, ISIS. R. O. RANDALL, Gen. Ag’t & Mauager, Gadsden, Ala. HEORGIA, Banks county. . VJ Whereas, John W. Pruitt, aominlstrator of Michael A. | Borders, applies to me for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to the estste of said Micliacl A. Border*, iu said county- 1’bcrefore, all persons are hereby notified and required ti show cause, if any they can, ou the first Monday iu May next, I why leave to sell said real estate should not be grauted to John W. Pruitt, the administrator of Michael A. Borders, de ceased. | Given under my hand and official signature, this 15th March, 1876. martl A. C. MOSS, Ord’y. 1 THE WINSHIP GIN. 1851. Drug Store. 1876, LOl'&S & BILLUPS Wholesale nnd lietnil Druggists & Chemists A large lot of ^Buisl’s, Johnson &, Robbins* aud Ferry’s GARDEN SEElD . And Onion Sets, JUST DECEIVED. CONSTANT AHUIVALS OF Fresh Drugs & Medicines. POW'EKS * WEIGUTMAN-S CHEMICALS, On hand stall time*. Ladle will find a complete atockof PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLE8, {•ioivpH and Brushes. Country merchants and phyaklana Invited to can and ex amine ocr goods and price*, before lending to Atlanta and AngObta. Athena, Feb. 15. 11. HOE&Co.’s PATENT GROUND CAST STEEL SAWS,! WITH PATENT ADJUSTABLE TEETH. For sale by Child*, Nickerson & Co. j GENERAL HARDWARE DEALERS, tnayll tpala, Athena, Ga. Delivered in AT Manufacturer’s PRICES. Every Gin Warrantel jDS, NICKERSON & CO., Agents, Athens, Ga. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. | R. H. LAMPKIH, A T hla catallahment on Wall atreet (a few dooca from Broad) I Is now offering a large rtock of Pure Wines and Liquors, At wholeaale or retail, aa cheep or cheaper than they can be bonehtat any other establishment In thla city. Hu aaaortmenteEbncea all qaalltiea, from ordinary to the i^irchaaert ere invited to call and examine for tbemaelvee. Athens, Oct. 8*. —BUY— n’s Patent Shirts, Fun for the Boys and Girls. rpUG 111G 11-FLYER KITE, ± THE DIAMOND KITE, SKIPPING HOPES, new style, GRACE HOOPS, TOPS, MARBLES, CROQUET’ SETS, BASE RALLS, &c. For *ale cheap, at may*3 BURKE’S BOOK STOHE.Rfi DISSOLUTIOIM. rifilG co-partnership heretofor X signed, under the firm name xistiug between the umler- w id btyleof Pittanl, Mitchell A Co.,~i* thi* day di**olve»l by mutual consent. All person* indebted to tlie late firm will make payment to S. D. Mitchell, who continue* the bii*int*«s and a**uuics all it* liabilities. J. 1». PITT AH D, S. D. MITCHELL, Athens, .Tan. 10, 1S7C. It. T. PITTAKD. The undersigned thank* hi* former customer* for their pa tronage, aud begs a continuance of it at the okl stand. No. 6 Broad street. S, I). MITCHELL. We cordially recommend our late partner to our old patron* and friend*. He will tie fouud prompt uiul nhligimr. J. D. PITTARD, )anlS R, T, PITTAKD, SPRING & SUMMER STOCK OF Millinery AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. T. A. ADAMS A NNOUNCES to the public that she \» now receiving h large and varied stock of Ladies’ Bonnets, Hat*, I .aces, Ribbons, Trimmings, Ac., which she is offering at low price*. Call, examine and be convinced. Next door to Bank of the University, Athens. aplly I* the most bcniulfnl work of the kind iu the world. It con tain* nearly 150 pages, humlreils of fine illustrations, and/our Cfirm no nates of Floicer*. beautifnlh* drawn and coloreil from nature. IVke 35 cent* in paper river*; 65 ccnta txjund in elegant ctoth. * HORSES & MULES. I1E undersigned have established, in addition to their Uv- A cry, a regular STABLE, And will, lroni thi* dale, keep on hand, at all time*, a fullaun- ply of HORSES & MULES. Those in want of Stock can Ik* supplied at ^Reasonable Figures. HANK & REAVES. Dissolution. t. The books are in the hand* of 11 settle up the business. All Indebt ed are requested to close their accounts at once, by cash or note. Those failing to comply will be handed over to the officers of the law. W. H. DEMO HE, WILEY F. IIOOD. HOOD & HEAD Will carry on business on the comer of Foundry and Oconee street*, where they will be pleased to wait -on their friends WII»Y F. HOOD, J. J. HEAD. I id the public. Medical Notice. T the solicitation of many of my former patrons, I resume the practice of Medicine from this date. I desire to nay cMiptM'ial attention to the disease* of INFANTS nnd CHIL DREN, and the CHRONIC DISEASES OF FEMALES. Juue 22,1S75—jun!6 WM. KING, M. D. HEISTS Made bom WAMSUTTA mills BLEACHED and finest 2200 IRISH LINEN. They are unequalled for fit aud durability BUY NO OTHERS! ' OAtliens, Gao GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PATTERN WORK,SMITHING & REPAIRING, Having an extensive collection of Patterns manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINING & MILL MACHINERY. STEAM ENGINES, SAW-MILLS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, MILL SPINDLES, HOISTING SCREWS.* LIGHTER SCREWS. RATTLE STAFFS. MILL CRANKS, HOUSE-POWERS, TI1HES1IEHS, FAN MILI.S, SUtiAR MILIeS, BARK MILLS, STAMPING MILLS, Cotton SSeed Crushers, ety., etc., etc. Manufacture, and arc agents for, tile most approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent Port able Revolving and Colt's celebrated Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Grave Enclosures, Balconies, drc., <£c. Thankful for past patronage, solicit a continuance of the same. From the nature of our Imsiness, we are compiled to make our term* STRICTLY CASH. Address R. NICKERSON, Ag't and Svp't. tar Mill Findings furnished at Manufacturer’* price*. _ 'Wajaron Yard in Athens. 1 *HE subscriber ha* fitted up and ble and commodious Wagon Yi W. R. DEMORE JVill continue buaincus at the old atand, comer of Market and l.utnpkitt .trecta, where he bojrca to receive a MIktuI attare ot public patronage, Athena, Feb. 8 MARBX^. The undersigned la now prepared (o fumiah MOJfXTMUNTS, H3SA.X) STONES Or nnytlung in the Marble or IRON-RAILING Line. « abort notice. I bare quite a number of NSW DE- SKINS or I'ntterur, which can ne seen t>v npTilvtnu to Nov30-tf /■ IL CRANK. obtained in the Uni- tod Stab**, Canada and Eu- rope; tei m* is low as those other reliable house. 1 ><'lidcncelnvited lu the > with Inventors, Attorneys at and other Solicitor*. i *j>oeial!y with those who have had their cases rejected in tlie. hand* of other attorneys. In reject- '* * able, and no charge is made un it you want a Patent, send as a model or sketch and a foil de scription of your inventkm.— j We will make an examination ut tho Patent O/Btxvalid ft we think it j-"*— 11 ’l u ’r r ~~ii^rnrf you i»a|K*r* and advice, and prosecute your case. Oral or written, iu all matter*TTTA IT TT relating fa Patents, Patent lj 1 IJ fl f |J B Law and Invention*. f» Il I* P ■ H<ference*i—Hon.M.D. Leo- 1 a. • llle, aj.: nuu* Claims, Wash ington, 1>. C. 55^*Scnd stamp for o*r 44 Qcadk row outainiko Patents,** ilerymcyGooils MI88 C. .TAMES ’yyOULI) respectfully c;dl attention to her (hoico stock o Pattern Hats and Eonnots, Al*o, a full line of Velvets, Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers, Bird’s Wings, Beit*. l:ucliiHL>, Tuck Comb*, Neck Ties, Real and Imitation llair Goods. Zephyr Shetland Wool for Shawls, lelghhorbootf of the Upper Bridge, where CORN, FODDER, mil all other uucenuiry auppllea can bo puichaaed on reason able t«rma. Charge* moderate. Thu highest market price paid for Country Produce, and Bank bills received in exchange for Goods. julyT-U WILEY F. HOOD And oil vr tint execu llillnpa’ aud Smith’* Drug Store*. vir I in*. Long* <3 Athens, oal9 Mules! Mules! Q AHEAD WELI^BROKE YOUNG MULES, Tornfe by OU jant8—tf CENTER & REAVES. articles too numerous to mention—all of which she i« lowest living price*. irorn a distance carefully filled. Stumpiug nctily utcu T nt tier store on Broad street, between- Dr*. Long* & FIRST-CLASS. f|MIE public will do well to call at the shop of the andersign- X ed, where allkinda of BAEBERING, HAIR-DRESSING, &c. si done in tlie l>cst style of the art. Come, and be convinced. D AVIS .ft SAPP. LEGAL BLANKS, ‘ A FULL supply always on hand, at the WATOIWAN OFFTCK ivorritDiE:. ^ /~tLARRB County Boudholdera will pleaae present their V oonpona at the National Bank, July 1. 18i«, for thehi- tcreat, payable in coin, due at Urn above date. ’t*. C. RKK8K, Oo. Treas. Clarke «>,