The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 15, 1877, Image 1

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BY JOHN H. CHRISTY. DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, EDUCATION AND GENERAL PROGRESS. VOLUME XXIV. THE SOUTHERN WATCHMAN PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY. TKBMS. T WO SSLbASS i INVAJtlABLT IX ADVANCE. ATHENS, GEORGIA,—TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1877. .OO per Annum, in advance. NUMBER 7. At> VBKTIHING. wn br bMMdnt ONE DOLLAR peri . for th« flM iaacvtVjo, and FIFTY CENTS per mmm lor etch caRttawnct, for say timr ndir om Month. Fortancvpo- rlxk, * liberal Martian r“ ‘ LBOAI. ^proftsstonEl Jifo StosmfcCsrk (.AVAR COBB. L &H.COBB, ’ Attaraty* it Law, WroBee to Peopreo BRfldMg. ATHENS, QA. fehtl—ly A I.EX. S. ERWIN. Atternsy it Law, Athol, Os. Ofllce Broad aurtH. between Center A Rmvm nd Onr A C<«., np-eUlrs. febtfl—ly Pore Barrow. Datid C. Barrow. Jr. B arrow Bros. ATTOKOTS AT LAW, ATBMJS, QA. groac. arc T.'.ife., Hodpoa ft Co- mmn. J O.OWKN, M. D. • SwgMB. Aocoaclur sad Phyrician, MMk OMrM, AmbttMfe. Offer, hla pnifeaaiooal Nrrice. to to* cMmm art to. w B r. WOFFORD, • Attorney it Lew, Homer, Oft. Will nnbi prom pi It all boalnto. entreated IsMa Collecting clAiBM a specialty. E mory speer, Attorsey-at-Lsw, Athene, Oft. ew-OOn, IC«L 4 aad t, Coart Hosm E dward u. harden, (Lata Jodtf. D. A. court. N.bruin and Utah, aid sow Jmlfot Brook. Count, Court,) Attorney it Law, Quitman, Brooke Co., Oa. r OYD He 8ILMAN, Attorneys it LftWg Wffl practice la the coutlee of Walton and Jeckaoo. John j. mm " —" Covington, Oa. nuud J P. O’KKLLEY’S • Photograph QaHoiy, Over Snead A Co. 1 * Shoe etore, B * J H. HUGGINS, • Whole-ale And Retail Deeler te Cry Goode, ffrooeriee. Hardware, Jtei (•MO Bum! Ilreet, AUiena, Ga. J AUBH B- LYLK, Attorney at Law, <yre- ; — WATKissviLLE, tu. L J OHN M. MATTHEWS, Attorney at Law, DanialrriHe, 5a. Prompt Ktluodon wlU b* *t«n to aajr bnriaraa J A iyrn|« i„ lono, ISA. re- - Surgeon, Acwurheur and Phyeioian, v 0*» at err. jw™a. Stoats Start, Oaa1 Hoyt DittryA, WmU u»?RTrlmTToUio dtlaanaof tbamr- K, ELIAS, Attorn., at Law, Frukita, S. C. Ml too Coart. at Woakm North Caro I Courts. Claims colbcud Inal pnrtai ,^L | IVKBY, Feed Sc &*le Stable, 9 J fim A REATKS, Piop’e, Athene, G*. udeAiernldrim ttir 1 Stock on hand (Or Jala at alltl S AMUEL P. THURMOND, Attano, at Law, Atoms, On. a on Broad stroat, otur to. atom at J. IL Banj-wtli nSrSe£Sfi!5ft»^^ !,W ’ ****** I C. DOBBS, Q Q. THOMPSON, a Attorniy it Law, H. CHRISTY, • Hook and Joh Printer, BE cr AND BOOB. There U no piece for idle m In eneb A world ee this Is, For who a single tebotUdea _ t worthy we’d ecfelem, We nset be op end doing. Wo welt la vein for tonnA pane To Ifl Onr bp with treasure, tnd loeeoor interest on the notes In Mbsry end poverty Onr folly woT bemdng, . So while the golden, momenta lae^ We'd beet be op AR^dotyw A holiday once lab white' lWeiiWgIiel>|HiMH, B«t who woald prise a Jabller That baled oa forever T So If we hare sny work to do— We never Umleae we set sboat ft. There Is no room tor Idbseei la thb greet Idve of labor, Where each s doty A dnty owes hb neighbor To-day be op end doing! Adage Is coming on space, How swift the boors are flying! At rest yon wO ho lying j Live while yoa live; each aobb aim For If job would to h Ton most bo op and doing 1 UP VAH WINKLE OUTDONE. Comer Bread and Wall streets, < ^ A. 1LER* WATCBUAKK* AXD JXWXZJUt, At the »• New Pnig Storey» Broad afreet, Arnoa, Qa. INSURANCE. INSURE your Property in Safest k Best Co. I LIVERPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE 1X8. CO. Aug.«.!««. already paid by the Co.. j.hiVBAkRir, 1 10.81a C. B. VERONEE, PRACTICAL SLATE AN* TIN ROOFIB, ftUTTMU, ft*. —ATHENS, GA.— Plain and Ornamental Slate ae cheap as Tin! Woto do2r hi Atlwm. KrOr/Lpronk, T.L. G. Barrl br. rim mime r and many others tear yean ajn, and ao coi plaint yet. A! work warranted. Orders addroaeed as above M will receltojwuuutf * Athena ?\ebll THE PLACE TO GET NICE, FAT Beef, Mutton, Ac. Pork, cou*utiiiy on hand, at toe Market Moeae, the very beat Meats ot all kiude to be had in the city. Ail beaakabi as be fee e confident he can please alL Come and see. V53 $50 REWARD I esida,car- O night, the <*Ut of January. •ix j eaio old. two white gaaeo a^oa nnm •lightly nicked and ci'.rrie* he tail a litt-e te rk» ui* earn nearly roaight up—the right on horn head, onU u.o\»e eprightly- under tnc ad Fttty doliaiv reward tor horse and thief—twenty-five for either. Address Br. A. W. BKAWf.EK, ARTHUR EVA1VS, Practical Watchmaker, • tt‘movod to hie old stand at the Jibe Brew Start etuanwe old,end new, * Ciodny and Jewahy, ARTHUR BVABB. IFua to* Pfalladclphl* Tine*. Capt John Burton, master of one of the steamers of the Occidental line, playing between this city and Havanna, arrived yesterday from a round trip often days duration. The captain is an ardent Re publican. When he left home his mind was oppressed with gloom. The Electoral Commission had concluded its labors, but it seemed the settled purpose of the De mocrats iu the House to 'obstruct the pro gress ol the count to such an extent that t would be impossible to have; a peaceful inauguration, while many were inclined to think there would be a new election. Capt. Burton was, therefore, relieved, oh land ing, to learn that the inauguration bad taken place. He went to his.favorite re- sort, the Union League Club, to learn the particulars. There he met his old friend, CoL Snowdrift, who always knows the news. £ “Glad to see you, John,”.said toe Cpio- nel, “and I know y'ou are rejoiced to hear that the country is!safe. I was just read ing a good thing in the Bulletin, giving Blaine a sharp rap. By the way, what an ass be has made of himself.? “The Bulletin ! Asst Blaine t” replied Burton, “ Surely the Bulletin has not gone over to the Democrats!” “ Ob, no; but Blaine’s course, you know, has been too outrageouslorauything. The idea of his antagonizing the Administra tion at the very start-” “Blaine antagonizing the Administra tion P “ Yes, as the Bulletin says fl When the public business of this nation is intrusted to men of proved fitness, who shall remain in place to do the work to which they are trained, it Is pdssible that the elect! re offices will be filled generally by men who have some other claim to ' than their capacity for making to the mob of plcae-hunf “hall fell M muffin vffio .has'*5nongin® ihjrst'to taste of the stream that flows .ftoin the public treasury. " I wonder how th« Camerons will take that sort of talk!” Capt. Burton stared at his- friend in amazement Was it possible that Snow- drift had turned reformer^ No, it could not be ; this was a guy. He snatched the paper in his friend’s hand. Yas, it was the Bulletin, and the words read were cor rectly.quoted. But why this fling at the Camerons 1” “ I am glad to see,” continued Snow drift, “that old Simon has been beaten at least. Bat the cheekiest thing he has ever done is this attempt to put Don in the Senate.” “Don in the Senate! Then Wallace is dead 1 You don’t mean it “ Nothing of the kind; but of course the old man wasn’t going to stay in the Sen ate after Schurz and Key had been cram- med down his throat.” “ I beg you to explain.” “Why, don’t you know that Schurz andKey wire appointed to Cabinet places I” “ Schurz and Key! Who is Key I” “Why, the ex-rebel General, you know; thieue who was the ~ ' from Tennessee. He Uuui, and, of course, it him a show.” Capt. Burton was possible that I have been misinformed t Did Tilden get in after all!” “ Why, no, you stupid fellow. But con ciliation is the watchword under the new regime. As the National Republican re marks, “ the adventure must withdraw and leave the origiual inhabitants of the South to control their owu affairs in their own wayand as the same able paper says in another plaee; ■ the gory garment must he buried.” “You puzzle me beyond measure, Colo nel. I never expected to hear this sort of talk from you.” “ 1 don’t see anythiug astonishing about it. The President is iu earnest, and, 'with Sherinan'aud Schurz iu th^ Cabinet, Mat thews aud Lamar in the Senate, aria Gar field aud Gibson in the House, tbe bloody shirt will never flap in the morning breeze again.” ‘ Who is Matthews and who is Gibson V 'Gibson is oue of the best or our ex clothes, and again. What do Millions of dis in the : appii Attorney-General will attend to the carpet baggers, never fear-” “Now, Colonel, you are carrying this quiz too far. I was half inclined to be- lieveyou, but when you say that Cameron and :T!aft have gone back on Packard and Cbatnberiahi,- yon must take me for iny.” Taft and Cameron, the—. Why, they are hot in'the new Administration.' What use ban Hayes for such Bourbons?” “What! You don’t mean to say that af ter electing Hayes these good Bepubiicans have been set adrift P “I don’t meap any thing else. Such,... ..... :at , obstructions are no Bepubiicans. They ] Norristown must go to the rear, sir ; they must go to the rear. Bat you are behind the age ; it will take too much time to get you straight. Bead the Times, old boy, and' see what has been guirig*dlf‘“tor the past ten days,- and then come up to the club-house to night and foil into line. Armitt Brown aud Wayne McVeigh are going to speak, and they’ll make It livelv for the carpet baggers. Ha! ha!” This capped the climax That Snow drift should advise any body to read the Times ! Barton’s worst suspicions were confirmed. His friend had gone over to tbe Democracy. Nevertheless, half doubt ing whether he was awake, he picked up the Press and found, in running over half a dozen issues, that tbe half had not been told. “ Its Bip Van Winkle outdone !” he muttered, as he sadlv left the reading room, and with determined tread went down to Seventh and Chestnut to hear the truth from lips which are never faithless to party. A Fable Prom the Argonaut. From the New York World. A young cock and hen were speaking of the size of eggs. The cock said: “ I once laid an egg”— “Oh, did youP interrupted the hen with a derisive cackle. “ Pray how did you manage it P The cock felt injured in his self-esteem, and turning bis back upon the hen, ad dressed himself to a brood of young chick ens : “ I once laid an egg”— Tbe chickens chirped incredulously and passed on. The insulted bird reddened in the wattles with indignation, and strutting up to the patriarch of the entire barnyard, repeated his assertion. The patriarch nodded gravely, as it the feat was an every day affair, and the other continued : “ I once laid an egg alongside a water melon and compared tbe two. The vege table was considerably the larger.” “ This fable is intended to show the absurdity of hearing all a man has to »y-” Jackmi and Hi. Bluer. Stonewall Jackson ant) his sister were orphan children, ahd were brought up to- gether until be went to West Point. Like most orphan children they were'unusually attached to each other. The married and settled in Beverly, West Virginia, where her husband carried on-a : large farm or plantation. Her brother, the General, fre quently visited her, and during these vis its he would invariably go to the quarters of the slaves fpr tbe purpose of exhorting them on the subject of religion. Frequent ly the soldier would be seen on bis knees in tbe midst of the children of Africa, of fering earnest prayers for their salvation. When the war broke out tbe brother es poused the cause of the South and became the greatest of all Confederate Generals,* with a worid-wide reputation for consum mate military ability, and laid dowu his life on the bloody field of Chancellorsville. ) sister, iu spite of the opposition of her hand and her relatives, sided with the cause of the Union and remained true to that cause to the end of the war. So great was the feeling engendered against her that she eventually separated from her hus- band and moved to Spriogfieid, Ohio, and resided with a daughter whd had married a Union officer. The Temperance revival in Detroit has set many men to thinking seriously. One of the serious was discovered coming out of a Larned street saloon, yesterday, and an acquaintance collared him and said “ You have been drinking.” • “ Not a drop,” was the reply. But I saw you wiping off your mouth.” “ Yes, I wiped off my mouth, but I had not been drinking.” “That’s honest, is it?” “That’s honest. If you don’t believe it smell my breath.” He turned his face, the other got his nose dowu to inhale and as he staggered back lie called out: “ If a little whiskey will kill that smell, you go and get it right away, and Fll stand between you and the pledge, aud pay for the drink to boot!”—Detroit Free Press. Bine Glua Fragmems. In Buffalo blue glass is good for measles, aud in Cincinnati it restores hair tp bald beads. ■>* / ' A St Louis man put bis twins under blue One of them throve immensely,- and 'the other one died. Blue glass should always be tried with triplet* A young lady at Lako. City, Miuu., writes: “I have blur glass in my room— trying to see it it tjgjgit regenerate my old as’ good as new kef it?” are being made bine, glass. Tbe ascertained that fine aud admibis- ' a dog—of sheep “ bine class, tered infernally, killing.” Blue glass cures all diseases; it will take ordinary panes out. of twiudow sash, and remove any sortn(rMk>. firam the human body.- For instance; a young man, resi ding in the eastern part of the city, who had a fearful impediment of speech, with an intermission of five minutes between every two words uttered, was cured in eight minutes. When it was first pro posed to him he stud r^B-b-b-lue g-g-g-gl- gl-gl-ass b-b-b be b-bl-bl-bl-owed 1” But in less than ten minutes he artiooiated whole sentences without a stammer. A left-handed girl from the Eighth ward, after using the blue glass sixteen minutes, found that she could use one hand as well as the other—and better too. A crosseyed boy was bronght in contact with the blue glass yesterday for ten min utes, at the expiration of which the twist was entirely removed from both eyes. Another boy with a -Wart-c® the end ol bis nose was subjected to the bine glass bath, and at the end of twenty minutes the wart had entirely disappeared. P.8. So had the boy. A painter fell from the- fourth story of a building to tbe pavement below, during an alarm of fire, and a steam fire engine which was passing ran over him. He was removed to a room in the vicinity and placed before the blue glass, which ap peared to quiet him, and though he sub sequently died, it is not believCd to have been owing to any defect in the glass, but from an attack ef malignant dyspepsia, superinduced by the violent exercise he bad taken. The only instance of a failure of the blue glass cure, which has cornff^under my ob serration, occurred yesterday! A man who said he had been lame for some time, and walkpd with a cane, was placed in a blue giassi sunbath, and left to himself in the room for an hour, at the .expiration of which he was found by an attendant ’ fast , and with one leg of tia pantaloons up—the leg was a wmalen one, and tient stumped off i * rin " fhaf lrf it wai u blaste*?*!. “ The Dark Beilina Danube.” j Bats have fewer friends and more ene The river Danube has figured largely in rays than anything of the four-logged pur- history for two thousand years, and it, swashun on the face of, aud yet again becomes the object to which the eyes ’ rats are az plenty now az iu the paimyist ol the world are turned. It furnished a' days ov the Bomau Empire. highway for the Tarim in sixteen and sev enteenth centuries to penetrate Europe as far as Vienna, and in the days of the Cru saders it became an outlet for the religious enthusiasm of Europe to flow to the Holy- Laud. The Danube, from its sources iu Baden to the Black Sea, is 1,820 miles long and drains, with its tributarie, an area of S ver 300,000 square miles. It passes trough Bavaria, Austria, Hungary, forms the boundary between Hungary aud Se-via to the Carpathian mountains, whore it sep arates Boumania and Bulgaria aud passes into the Black sea by its several mouths, tbe principal one being thatef Sulina. The Ov all things lazy the sloth wears the belt, and yet his lazyness is all thare Iz in teresting about him.' . The trog dodgeth when it lightens, aqti tho tud gaps when the thunder bellows. ’ The k,ro bilds apr nest ov stix, tho swal- lo ov mud, the squirrels ov leaves, the wren ov feathers and wool, aud the wood pecker digs a hole for his eggs in the rot- teu trees. Thesarpentnnd the krab change their clothing each year, and the rackoon lives all winter long on the memory ov what he et in the summer. Tbe horse allwuss gits up from the Danube is navigable for steamers as fur aa ground on his fore legs first, the cow on Ulm, in Bavaria. At Nicopoiis, in the fourteenth century, 100,000 Christians were driven by the Turks into the Danube, and iu fifteenth century 40,000 Turks were slain on its shores at the siege of Belgrade. Maybe.” “Yes, sir,it makes me awful mad,’ man was saying on a Michigan avenue car yesterday. “I ordered that meat at 8 o’ clock this morning, aud it never came up at all. My dinner was spoiled, my wife vexed, and Hi give that butcher a blessing.” “ It is a great annoyance,” remarked his friend. “ Yes, it is, and Pm mad enough to fight gave the butcher the order myself, so that he hasno excuse. Oh, HI go for him!” “Maybe you forgot to put down the cash,” said a man with very long legs who sat opposite. “ I used to beat them that way during the war, but I can’t do it now.” “ Maybe you are an impudent scoundrel!” roared the first, growing very red in th« face. “ Y6s—maybe,” sighed long-legs, and he sank back and add he merely threw out his remark as a suggestion.—Detrot Free Press. St-lrctins Flour. In selecting flour first look to the color. If it is white, with a yellowish straw col ored tint, buy it. If it is white with a specks in it, refuse it Second, examine its adhesiveness—wet and and knead a lit tle of ft between yonr fingers; if it works soft and sticky, it is poor. Third, throw a little lump of dried flour against a smooth surface; if ft falls like powder, ft is bad. Fourth, squeeze some of the flour tightly in your hand; if it retains the shape given by the pressure, that, too is a good sign. It is safe to buy flour that will stand ail these tests. These modes are given by all flour dealers, and they pertain to a mat ter that concerns everybody—the .staff of L‘ V ••■thera Jearaaliiua. The Alabama State Journal joins tbe grand ? caravan of laily journals which have passed from life unto death within the past few months at the South. The Journal was a Republican paper, but plen ty of Democratic Journals have, in the general depression of present business and distrust of the future, had to share the same fate. Where it is not suspension it is consolidation. In Augusta there is but one daily paper; in Savannah there is but one, in Macon but one, in Atiauta but one, in Nashville but ene, in Mobile but one, in Montgomery bat one, in Charleston but one that pays expenses, and tbe same Pftul physiciau pres one part; faitli, ter, lyarni sni- weH -u-iu. se evaporates, as tt>_ i quantity will spoil UTe mixture; if the propagation be not strong'enough, add more faith. “Pray ou My Platq'uw,* A little bright-eyed three-years-old was seated in his high chair at ti e dinner ta ble. Mamma had arranged ' he little un easy,’while for the moment Vis sprightli ness and fun had mails hiw-Oe -observed of the family. Sho had placid him snugly np to the table, pinned on ^his bib, and succeeded in getting the littli mischievous hands quiet and making him -• hush,” when father proceeded to ask ihe blessing. While this was in progress, our little chubby made a discovury. was that all the plates on the tabk','-r\^f his own little plate, were in oue (&”• at “ papa’s place,” and, as it seemed to iiita, were put there to get the benefit of the solemn cer emony. So, scarcely waiting for the “ Amefi,” he held out his ow» plate in both bands, saying, “Please, papa, pray on my plate, too.” -gy The Newspaper as a (Irlkxer. Philip Gilbert Hamilton, fi his admira ble papers ou * Intellgctal! Life,” thus talks of “tho paper “ - “ Newspapers are to the civilized world what the daily house talk is' to the mem bers ol a family—they keep our daily in terest in each other, they save us from the evils of isolation. To Jivo as a member of the great white race that L-sV Ailed Europe and America and colonized or conquered whatever territory it lias Hv-u pleased to occupy, to share from *liiy to day its thoughts, its cares its insp«<*tiou, it is ne cessary that every man siumld read his paper. Why are the Fret* peasants so bewildered and at .sea? Iijis because they nover read a newspaper, inhabitants of the United scattered over a territory the area of Fraoc<uaika' of coucuct of aetkAeW'u ested in new discoveries of 'all kinds and capable of selecting and htitzing the best of them ? It is bdvmfcg*yp- uos^papers penetrate everywhere; audeventhe lonely dweller on the prairie or tNs forest is not intellectually isolated fro"Vthe gtpat cur rents of public life which few through the telegraph and press. ' "4 jjudwhyare the though iurtepn times aotp capable more inter- k Logic*! Ponge. A law student, just ready to graduate, agreed to give his instructor the proceeds of his first successful case, V . R — — , r , — The young lawyer evaded the promise is true ef other cities. E veu in Louisville; by refusing to plead a case, but one journal is in receipt of Associated j The old lawyer sued the young lawyer Press news, and it is the greater expense j or a breach of contract, and each ene man- ® malting up newspapers which has con-. own case in courts before the war, with not so many readers aUow “}? cIaim to . be * in proportion to population, had more mouey becomes mraeby y^r d^mion lf newspapers than the North,’and journal- y° arefus ?. m y ism there in the olden time was intenselv i ^ las W9 “J^ S succesafu. c<«e, and the rsonal. Gales and Seaton, Kitchie and money Becomes ^^ ,>y previous agree- miels, Bhett and Kendall and Holbrook {"”*•- 1 am, therefore, sure of the money . , .war* alike either leaders of the press m eithereveet Z , Confederates. He is from UnusiAna; no “| or w f pities. This has been much less The young man said to tue lawyer: ble fellow ! Matthews ? ltouft you remem- true sjuee the war closed than before, and you sustain my defense, tt«n yeu decide bar Stanley Matthews ? He la -Sie effect of reducing the Dumber hasbeen that I Deed pay nothrng. If, on the other Fish! Fish! Fish!! MUiitly i uftfi.viou luaifert Utal wc paraDM Uw poMc to MU Rm iu> copxp ua xo/ other ttaucr* la Umi city, nparrial paui iu order* trow pn««te UauiW* tad private botldkc butt**. Gate ua you orient* *• Old raUaMa." 8|.od ou the vacant iteoptM lot or Broad atteaL danrol *rt£VK »UUi*» A BON. r batter prepared 55> avar Senate in place of Sherman. GutteM ^ to make journalism less personal, more band, your ruling ia agaiust me, then needed io the House, as the President liberal and far belter as ne^spapeA ”br have not won my first successful case, and says, to aid in the telegraph is used with more freedom, and therefore have nodebt to payl amthere- A Jew weeks more and Packard, Chamber- q* expeuses of publication and editing fore secure against paymei.t, however this lain and all the °**|*®' ^TNd-bsggers muc jj larger than eve r before, and hence sait derided.” wiUtepa^ngthoffinper’ fte jaihug ofl in number and the Where now ts the flaw in these argu- o« isn’t proposed tc threw them jDcrea6e (/expenses—.V. y. Express. “ Of course, old boy, of course; a gov- * ..The bashful man who asked his girl if . .The tombstone of a eoraner who tang- eminent Jhat cannot sustain itself has no her favorite beverage wasn’t “pot,” BfcWir awl tttooml w bw poppet. was ed himself bas this inserijtion upor. it “ He li«d end dirt ay avWte*’- THE PASSION FLOWER. Cart not, dear maid, the flower away, That shtonks from eret^ng’s chilling dew; Soon, trort toe, shall the aomlng ray, IU leaves unfold, Ita bloom renew. Sftydottthon neV* in fife behold An burl that, like this timid flower, Droops when the withering world Is cold, And clouds Invade and tempests lower? That heart is mine—from crowds I fly. To shun their tumults, vain and load; And all believe that apathy Enthralls mein iu fetters proud. But Innocence and truth like thine, With magic spell can burst the chain. Shed o’er my path their rays divine, And wake my heart to warmth again! Aatmlle Statist!!. Kats are affectionate, they love young chickens, sweet kream, and the best place in front of the fireplace. Dogs are faithful, they will stick to a bone after everyboddy haz deserted it. Parrotts are eazily educated, but they will learn to swear well in haff the time they will learn anything else. The birds eat bugs and worms for plain vittles, but their dessert kousists of the best cherries and gooseberries in the gar den. The owl iz only apictnr uv wisdum by dayiite, when he kan’t see ennything. When it comes nite biz wisdum wholly konsists in ketching a field mouse, if be kan. The donkey is an emblem of pachunce, but if you studdy them klosser yu will find that lazyness is what’s the matter ov them. The eagle is the monark of the skies, but tae little king-bird will chase him to his biding place. The ox knoweth his master’s krib, and tbat'iz allbeduz kno or care about his master. ' Slunkeys are imitatiff, hot if they kan’t imitate some deviltry they ain’t happy. The goose is like all other pbools—all wuss seems anxious to prove it. If mules are ever meek it iz simply be came they are ashamed ov themselfs, but mutes are hibrid, ain’t ackountable for anvthing. The bees are a busy people; rather than be idle they will rob each other of their hunny. Tbe kockroach is a loafer, and don’t seem to live so mutch on what they eat as what Uwy kan get into. Ducks are only knuumg about one thing they lay their eggs in siteh sly places that sum times they kan’t find them again them selfs. The mushrat kan foresee a hard winter and provide for it, but he kan’t keep from i getting ketched in the syiiest kind ov irap. Hens kno when it’s a-going to rain, and shelter themselfs, but they will try to hatch out a glass egg just az honest az they will one ov their own. Mudturkles are the slowest ov enny four legged kritters, and yet they are allwuss on the move, trieing to git somewhere else. Hornets have more fight in them than enneything ov their size, bat there iz no method in their madness; they will pitch into a meeting house when they are furi- ous, just az anxious az they will into sleeping baby in its kradle. ~ iz the most nalral ov all thiefs they wfll Steal, and hide what iz ov no use to them, nor loss to enny body else. Ants are the bizzyest ov all the little, or big bugs, but a largo share ov their time iz spent io repairing their houses, which are built whare folks kan’t help but step on them. Flies toil not, neither do tbay spin, yet they have the first taste ov all the best gravys in the land. The cuckoo iz the greatest ekonemist THE ETERNAL HOME. Alo»! to Uad np« tk»t then! With ncoM aictit that we h»™ m tvfm— THnf* of * different W, And lOUftlll Maui. *,d n; " No lorms of cwth tor (ucIm to airanm But to be£io tkme that might? diAn^r! Alooo to laid tftoo that ibont Koowlnf ao .oil we e*o roturo no raoro: No voice or Zteo of fitted— None with u to Attend Oar dlwnberiringoo tbet avail •tnuad. Hot to aniro olooo in nch t Uod! Alone? No! Oodhath bewtlMro loot bofont EttnuU? h*th mltcd oa thtt thoro Vor no who wm« to coote To oar eternal borne! Oh, UHvnottfc* lUe-long Friend vre know Non priTBtcly than toy friend he low? Alone? The God we troet le on thAt ehore, The Felthfol One. whom we havo.tfoeted men In triole end in woee, lier hind ones, and the dog turns around three times before he lies down. The kangaroo be jumps when ho walks, the coon paces when he trots, and the lob ster travels backwards az last az he kan forwards. The elephant haz the least, and the most eye for their size, and a rat’s tail iz just the length ov hi3 body. The spider iz the only kritter that ketch es its food in a trap, and a sheep will liv without water longer than enny domestick animal. The fox iz the hardest to ketch in a trap, and a muskrat the eazyest, and the meddo lark iz the shyest ov ail the birds ov the air. Thekro flies 6 miles, and the wild pid- geon CO an hour, but the humming bird >eats all things on tbe wing. The horse will eat 10 hours out of every 12; the ox lays down and chews biz kud haff the time; and the hog never knows what it iz not to be hungry. The wild turkey kan run taster than he kan fly, and enny man who is a good wal ker kan tire a deer out in 24 hours. I kaut think, in konklnsion, of ennything just) now,.in art, science, or morality, that mankind excel in, but what kan be found, more or less developed, in the bugs, beasts, birds and fishes—Josh Billings. BraTe Dmmmer-Bojs. In one of the battles of tbe Peninsular war, a drummer whose name and corps have both been unfortunately lost to his tory, having wandered from his regiment, was taken prisoner by tho French, and brought before Napoleon as a spy. Bona parte frowned heavily upon his prisoner as he demanded of him his rank in the British army. On being told that it was thaV of a drummer, the Emperor, to test the of.the reply, caused a dram to be bi djsquostcd bialirisnripi; tA The drummer’s eyes sparkled wii thusiasm as he gave the terrific rol rataplan demanded,- ... , ■ * “ Now beat a retreat,” ’said Napoleon. > “ lean not,” replied the drummer, proud ly; “no such thing is kaewnin tho -Eng lish army. We never retreat.” “ Good!” exclaimed the Emperor. “ You are a brave lad, and may rejoin your own army.” Then turning to those near bin, Napo leon gave directions that the drummer should be conducted back in safety to the English lines. Fortune is, however, a fickle jade, for at the battle of Waterloo this humijle hero met with a sad death. He bad been out with a body ot skirmishers, who were suddenly attacked by cavalry and driven back on their supports. The latter formed square, aud the earth shook beneath the feet of the advancingcuirassiers as they rode right up to the points of the bayonets. Beneath that rampart of steel lay the drummer, who had been too late to seek the shelter of the square. He was sale, however, and when the horsemen were driven back, he jumped merrily upon his legs, and shouted: “Halloo, com rades ! here I am, safe -nough 1” These were the last words he ever uttered; for at that moment a round-shot carried his head off bis shoulders, and bespattered his comrades with his braiDs. Such is the for tune of war. Id the Crimea, on the evening of the day on which an unsuccessful attack had been made upon the Sedan, a drummer was ob served to leavo the shelter of the trenches with his can of tea in bis hand, and in tbe midst of a tearful shower of shot and shell from the Bussian batteries, he threaded his way among the wounded, giving a drink here and a drink there until his can was emptied. Then flinging the empty can to wards the enemy with a gesture of defi ance, be walked coolly back to bis post. ■ the means of this timely assistance some the wounded were able to bear their sufferings until darkuess enabled them to be rescued from death. The drummer boy who did this brave deed received the Vic-, toria Cross from Her Majesty’s own band. —Chambers’ Journal. On whom 8»fc**tlMM4aMt I* *arMx*kljr strife; Oh, we shall trust Him nioro hi Uut new Ufo I So not alone we Isnd upon that shore; Twin h. ss though we tud been thsro before ; We shell meet more wo know Thin ws can meet below, And find oar root like some tetnrolaf dove— Oar hottest once with tho. Stoned Loro! Fishes have a power of changing their bulk by the distentioD of an air-vessel with which they are provided; tfiey can thus at will displace a greater or less quantity ef water. Thus, when they enlarge their bulk so as to displace more water than their own weight, they rise to the surface, and when they contract their dimensions they sink. . .The poise is nothing more nor - less than the beating trtan army. Every time the heart contracts, a portion of bleed is forced into the arteries, which dilate to let it pass and then contract again. This swelling and contracting of tho arteries constitutes the pulse, and may be found in all parts of the body, bnt most convenient ly at lie wrist Phjslolozj of Mu. Anatomy is the knowledge of the me chanical structure of the parts of the body- PhyBiology treats of the powers by which they produce their results in the livini; body. Pathelogy treats of diseases ant their symptoms, the classification of which is called Nosology. Therapeutics treat of core, and medicines to be applied, and in cludes Materia Medica, that is, the medical materials used in the cure ot diseases. Pharmacy is the art ot compounding med icines and Posology determines the doses. Thenuman body consists of 240 bones; 9 k nds ef articulations or joinings; 100 cartilages and ligaments; 400 muscles and tendons and 100 nerves; besides tbe blood arteries, veins, glands, stomach, intestines, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, Ac. It bas Wayside Gratlierixisr®* A dry subject—A mummy. ..Check-mate—A liberal husband. . .Spanish women are good ffonoraa. : .. Materialized spirits—Frozen whiskey. .. Weight for the wagon—a load of wood. ..“ Belies” call a great many people to church. V'i -• Something that always soots—a chim ney sweep. . .To do business a mad must have dol lars and sense. . .Tbe milky way—from the cow-shed to the pump. . A man too strictly economical becomes an econo miser. * 'Z,., ..Circular saws—Proverbs that go the round of sobiety. What’s in a name? D. Seaver drives a St. Louis milk wagon. Why is marriage like tbe letter Pt—Be cause it’s the end of courtship. .'.When is a person like- a postman ?— When bis delivery pleases yon. .. It is difficult to tell how much a fish will weigh by looking at the scales. . .When may we presume that a man is very hungry? When he will devour books. ..“ Sam, why am fie hogs fie most intel ligent folks ia world 1” “ Because dey nose eberything.” . .Worldly wisdom—People who are fill ed with emotion generally find room for their dinner. . . ..Facts to remember—sqirie muu are good-bcjatiSt) goodness pays best; some are good for nothing. ' ..Said in innocence—Thejowelry trade has been dull, but dealers say there is a ^ “ movement’Un watches. . .Fools anAtheirmoney soon part.. “IPs , worth while*being a fool to have the moa- art v.-ith,” comments Brown. . lire oykters healthy ?”• asked' an old lady of her 'physician. “ I never heard any ot them complain of being unwell," was the reply. ..Put him to tbe law—A smart school boy says ft takes thirteen letter to spell “cow,” and proves it thus:- “SeeOdouble you.” . .The Norristown Herald bas ascertain ed that “ blue glass, mashed up fine and administered internally, will cure a dog of sheep tolling.” ..The Oregon Legislature has passed a law which compels every person buying liquor for consumption by. himself or an other person to take out a yearly license at an expence of 95- Saloon keepers are prohibited from selling liquor to any per son except to such as can exhibit a license. . .Even if a boy is always whistliug “I want to bean angel,” it is just as well to keep tbe preserved pears on the top shelf ot the pantry. .-.“Johnny have you learned anything during the week !” asked a teacher of a five years old pupil. “ Yeth’m.” “ Well, what is it r “ Never to lead a small tramp when you hold both bowers.” ..In the line of persons waiting their turns to pay their taxes, at the Collector’s office, in 8an Francisco, the other day was a woman, wearing piuned to her dress a placard which read : “ Taxation without representation is Tyranny.” Her novel, but undemonstrative mode of asserting woman srights attracted a good deal of attention. .. Here is what Dundreary said about it: “ Ya-as, she was a nice girl. I w-was g- going to marry her m-myself, but Id-dldnft get up that m-morniug, or something of th-tbat sort; I d-dou’t w-wecolect now jn-juth what it wath.” ..In the Orient they won’t let a fellow see his girl until the clergyman has tied the knot, and in that way a poor mother has a chance to work off her cross eyed daughters. . .He will not visit her any more. The cat was asleep in a chair in the parlor, bnt bo did not notice ft until he sat down. The cat saw the mistake at the same time be did. The threads in the cat’s claw indicate that his pantaloons were all wool cloth, which most have cost about two dollars and fifty cents per yard.—Boise three sains, the epidermis, or outer Bkin, amung'birds^ she IaWher eggs in other the next which has no English name but bird’s nests, and lets them hatch them out is tenfled by anatomists the rete mucasum at tiieir leisure. iandaejt totbatisttottuesfcia. As manure is essential to good farming, every expedient should be resorted to in order to augment its bulk and. quality. If a good manure shed can be furnished and the droppings from tbe(stable and yard ha wheeled into it, a great gain will be real ized. Exposure to the storms of winter . lessens tbe quantity very materially and deterioate the quality. If there are any deposits of swamp muck ou the farm it should be thrown ont upon upland before winter and carried to the yard to mix with the manures or the stables or manure shed. Every available article of vegeta ble refuse will aid in increasing the ma nure. Coir*. Pure water, slightly warmed, with a quart of bran stirred into it, is an excellent drink tor cows that have recently calvt d. Garget may be prevented by milking be fore calving, a cow that has a very lull beg. If tbe udder is hot, give two drams ot saltpetre daily; and directly after calv ing a drink of bran gruel, with eight ounces of Epsom salts, and sweeten it with mo lasses. If the cow will not drink this, give it through the dreucblnghorn. Prompt remedies are required for parturient troubles at this time, but prevention la Btm and easier Oja? any rouged?. m.