The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 09, 1877, Image 1

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II VOLUME XXIV. I'HE SOUTHERN WATCHMAN out visiting, and threatef'jfTto shut her up if fthA tfliarvKuTT Acs 4.,. Still it’s something. Bat this is all thero ifitoitr-Mr. Jones has got to. abusin’ his wife most dreadfully; and he declares that If she thinks of going out a visiting, he’ll surely shut her up, where she can’t get OUt SOOD.”» “ Of all things in the world!” “Yes, and more’n that; he’s even gone, and forbid her guiu’ to evening meetings. “What do you think o’ such fe man as thatf* “ I think he is a monster!” ' “ And so do. I. But that is not alL He jaws her all the time, abuses her, threatens if she dared disobey him. As for going to these evening meetings he declared he Ineanttoputa stop to it; he had had enough of it. It did not do her any sort of good, and made a great deal of trouble and expense for him. IL’"should put an end to it at any and all h znrdtj !” Hr Jones bunt out loragSg. “ Is that PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. or Her of Broad and H7«H Strootc, (up-ttaln.) L J, ■ i m la terms, ‘-.-l. Wmm —. , — HOCK BI’. AWES. ceived "at xroo&v, iCMMjJxJ&S .A. ■% X11,1 AiiLV IN AD VANcIfhu-Nlay tFlt Ar*tj.»Czpt. every I'a iTk h* 1 ’- tf. fertViiH will'lie niaj .' ,! V«tzouthelut ncuon wui oo made. YiiinL. wmdii sun. ' “That and the knot-hcjrV said Mr. Ca pers, smiling goodhaturothy. Mr. Jones offered him-Vs hand. From that moment they Were jfcnds again. He went back to church the l est Sabbath as he should have done! "Jpv jMus. Jenkins has hever heaid.theJ jUui I lk i!L /were ansurpiOv her, aud keeps her in mortal fear of her life! Only think of it!” - * • *> How did you hear about it Y I wonder if folks generally know itt How did you hear about it, I’d like to know.” .•“WalL^kis lief tell not, Mrs. a>autog,*it then you mush promise mot to Society 1 “ Dear one!’? excli young friend of ouis $o to tell the most shoe! gel fancy ,m.ia.uidSp.: it looked uu- “Oh, to Ire sure not. i Where Ike light* And ibadovn meet, There (he lady’s voice m baud. As the breath of night was stirred With her tones so street and dear. Wafting op to God that prayer: “ Rock of Ages, elctt for too, let me hide myself in Thee I" eys at Law, ATHEX8, OA, tebM—ly nromcdhnWree Bonding. DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE; ^EDUCATION AND GENERAL PROGRESS. $3*00 pet* Annum, in advance. OCTOBER 9, 1877. NUMBER 28. AlaIX* K MKW1M. t»KNVIN & COBB. Attorneys at Law, Athens, Ga. Offlc, comer Broad and Thomas streets; over the store cf Childs, Nickerson A Co. ang»l—ly __ Bassov. AI1KOW David C. Barsov. Jr. BROS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATKEXS, GA. SWOfflee over Ttlmadge, Hodgson & Co. marto. J O. OWEN, M. D. . Surgsan, Atcoucher and Physician, Eushviltr District. Banks county. Offers his professional services to the citiaens ofthc sur rounding couotry. mart.—ly. K B*. WOKP9RD, Attorney at Law, Homer, Ga. Will execute promptly all*bnsfctbsa entrnsted to his esre. CoUcctlug claim* a ipcclalty. ap21—tf E mory sjpeek, ■ Attorney-at-Law, Athens, Ga. fjrofflcc, Nos. 4 and 6, Court House. declt E UWAltD R. HABDEN, (Late Judge U. 3. Courts Nebraska and Utah, and now Judge of Brooks County Court,) Attorney at Law, Quitman, Brooks Co., Ga. Wandering, bomeleM, thro’ the night. Praying for the morning light, Pale and haggard, wan and weak, With auuken rye and hollow cheek, Went a woman, one whose life Iittd been wrecked in Bin and strife, One—a lost and only child— One by siu aud shame defiled; And her heart wilh sorrow wrong. Heard the lady wkcu she snug •• ltock of Ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee V* it a iLdvO * OILMAN, Attorneys at Law, Will practice In the counties of Walton and Jackson, ions i. rutin, h »• SILSIAN, Covington, Ga. mar4 Jefferson, Ga. J B». O’KELLKY’8 s Photograph Gallery, Over Snead A Co.’s Shoe store. Broad street, Athens, Geor gia. «P«3 J U. HUGGINS, • Wholesale and Retail Dealer In * Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, let. feblS Broad Street, Athens, Ga. J AMBS R. LYLE, Attorney at Law, dec** WATKIXSVILLB.GA. J llHN M. MATTHEWS. Attorney at Law, Banialsville, Ga. Prompt attention will he given to any business entrusted to tds care. NEWS PROM A KNOT-HOLE. J AMUM L. LONG, M. U., Surgeon, Accoucheur and Physician, HI Office at Mr. human Sheets' Store, Good Mope District, Hol- ton county, Georgia.) Offers his professional services to the citizens of the snr- tfl^gggg, L . , .. ‘“C*? K BLIAS, • Attorney ut Low, FrsaVHu, K. Mrs. Jenkins lived in the other part of Rev. Mr. Capeis, bouse, and thought her self fortunate iu the enjoyment of so great a privilege.. Most good people .like to be ■asnWtber mifflste* Mrar did. Practices In all the Courts of Western North Carolina, and iu the Federal Courts. Claims collected in all parts of the a *‘*~ aplfr—ly State. f IVKBY, Feed At Sale Stable, \J ~ GANN A HEAVES, Prop’s, Athens, Ga. ATJUkj found at their old stand, rear Franklin House build* Thomas struct. Keep always ou uand good turn-outs tad caretu) driven. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on baud for sale at all times. dec25—tt S AMUEL P. THURMOND, Attorney st Law, Athsss, Ga. Office ou Broad street, over the store of J. M. Barry—will give sroclal attention to cases iu Bankruptcy. Also, to the collect ion of all claims entrusted to his care. S C. DOBBS, • Wholesale and Retail Dealer in KUpl. and Faary Dry Gooda, Groeerlea, Ae. M* Lower end of Broad Street, Athena, Ga. P G. THOMPSON, • Attorney at Law, ATHBXS, GA jhuidcil niwriu *n**t»** — ■ * For __ •aud Hod. David r Jf. ray; Offlceover thePoat Office. Special attention glrm, lo crimi- WattaSd^- 1 ^-W y *° Et - Qot - Thomaa H, W J ontgomeiy, Alabama, febt Attorney and Counsellor at Law, . MONROE, GEORGIA. **” pr0I,I>t 4,tOTUon “> AH bnalncea entrusted to A. 1LKR, WATCHMAKER AXD JEWELER, Next door to AM work v Reavea A Nicbolaon, Thomaa at., Athens, Ga. D*' Ss .VBNPORT HOUSE, By Mrs. C. S. SIMPSON, , , , 70CGDA CITY, GA nple acoommodatloua for the public, and especially Sum- G"*! rooms, excellent faro and reasonable Tno miles from Toccoa Falla—nearest house to the may! «m ALE1S. ERWIN JAKES B. LYLE. WsUclnsTiUe. -A.tt0raa.e3rs at Xjaw, TJKT11X practice in partnership In the 8nperior Court of ^Tf ^ Oconee county, end att<n>d pfomptw tn ell business en* 1TA8TIN W. RIUKN, Ittorncy-at-Lawand Solicitor orcialms, _ GAIXESV1LLE, GA. Northeast Georgia and of claims against Specialty. De fa, also, a Commercial ‘Va.*” >« anthorixed by the Revised . Or Oollactloos la Northeast the UnltvlSutaa iMm Notary far Hall road sztiept r »5tSi s Pausing, low her head she bent, And the music as it went. Pierced her blackened soul, and brought Back to her (as lost in thought Tremblingly, she stood) the Paat, And ilie burning tears fell fast, As she called to mind the days When she walked in virtue's ways; When she rang that very song With no sense of sin or wrong: •* Rock of Ages, cleft for ine, Let me hide myself iu Thee!” On the marble steps she knelt, And her soul that Instant felt More than she could speak, as there, Quivering, moved her lips in prayer, Aud t le God she had forgot Smiled upon her loucly lot; Heard her as she murmured oft, With an accent sweet and soft: 44 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Tliee !** dy. Little knew the lady fair, As she sang in silence th*rc, That her voice had pierced a soul That had lived 'ncuth sin’s control 1 Little knew—when she wa* dono— That a lost and erring one Heard her—as she breath’d that strain— And retnro«:d to God again! istY, UK WESTERN G1E than Superior evidence and nable terms. otic© y of my former from this date: SB. to the diseases of CHRONIC DI WM. KINO INSURANCE. INSURE vour Pro L LIVERPOOL A1 s. 7 in Safest i Best Co. »!» A GLOBE IKS. CO. O. B. VERONEE, PRACTICAL SLATE AND TIN ROOFER, GOTTDRRR, Ac. l —ATHENS, GA.— Mr lain and Ornamental Slate as cheap as Tin l ° rder ***^—aaabora Wa Bon Yard in Athens. abscriber has fitted up and opened " “ *” Yam,onR F. ROOD TO RENT, uunana—utyo—. waU ottba bnrtnaaa part at the city. . Apply at ooce to W.J. MORTON A BLANKS, A «>w*v*rmh«nd/M th«> ^WATOHVJJI o. . Iio *w> uUkA With iltme, 10c. Poutpald, tluxted A Co. Nuaio, R Y. Jenkins did. Her part was merely an L. built on the main structure. Her little attic, therefore, was ueighbor to the min ister’s study. Just in the corner of the minister’s study floor was a knot-hole; a trifling sort of thing in itself, but wheu ouce found to open into Mrs. Jenkins attic, ot the widest impona: ce iu its consequences. When Mrs. Jenkins dually became aware of so close a connection with the minister’s family, she sat dowu to fold her hands and congratulate herself. Next, she formed resolutiou let any good opportunity slip unimproved to inform herselt of mat- ters that would otherwiso remain dark to her. Day after day, therefore, her ear and that knot-hole renewed their acquaintance with one another. Sometimes she picked up quite a little bunch of news; and some times sho went off down stairs os hungry as ever. There was as much variation Iron) day to day as there is in the price of stocks of exchange. Going up to her little attic one afternoon to hear if anything special was doing in the actioining apartment, she was delight ed beyond expressing to catch the sound of a voice. It was Mr. Capers in conver sation with his wife. Up she climbed, walked tip-toe across the garret floor, got down on her kuees, and put her ear as close to the knot-hole as she could get it. She even shutAer eyes, lest some of the good things should escape by that way. For awhile she did not understand any thing clearly. Now she heard Mrs. Capers laugh; -then Mr. Capers stopped a miuute and laughed, too. This served to excite her the more, aud she pressed her bead so close against the rough partition that when she came to go away she carried off splint ers in plenty in her hair. Finally she heard something with dis tinctness. Mr. Capers was tolling his wife who appeared to do in great glee, of a man who bad been sayiug hard things to his wife. Said he, in the course of his re marks: “ Mr. Jones got to abusiug his family at last. He declared his wife should not go siting, and thi-eamnfji^ phut her up 8h$ uareu disobey hit^T Y pr going to ivening meetiugf^qt -oeclared be eanttoputa stop to it; se had enough of it. . It did uot do her any sort of good, und made a gread deal! of trouble and ex pense to him. He should put an end to it at any and every hazard!” ' Mrs. Jeukins started up in blank sur prise. “Now I want to know,” said she to herself “if our minister says that of Mr. Jouest” Without waiting to hear any more, Mrs. Jenkins folded her aims tightly and defi antly about her, and started down the stairs. The next thing she did was to throw on her “ things,” aud start off at high speed for her friend’s Mrs. Tautog. “ Now I want to know!” said the latter as Mrs. Jenkins came through the back en trance, “ Do tell if that’s you! Sit down, do. What’s the word this afternoon Y Heart L anything very new lately r “Oh, well, no—I do’no, either; p’raps it may be new to you though ” “Why, what Is it Y” said she. “I dare say ’tis. I’m not in the way of bearin’ any thing till everybody else hus picked it up all clean. What is it now Y” “ Ob, well, nothin’ really worth mention ing. But then, you may as well kno’w as me. It’s nothin’, though, that I care to have go from me, you know I don’t wish robe mixed up in this scrape.” “No, your name shan’t be mentioned. But what is itY Mrs. JenkinB, what is itY Do pray tell me suddin’, Jor I’m a dyin’ know.” • * • “It’sno great affair after all,.thouglb at should I be lgadding around the neighborhood for, tell ing hard ctories about respectable folks. Who did tell you, though f’ “ Nobody told me exactly; but I happen know it come in the first place from the minister.” “ You don’t say so Y” Mrs. Jenkins nodded in silence. “ Well, I do declare now! Who’d ever thought of such a thing of Mr. Jones! But I’ve seemed to take uotice baek along, that his wife was a good deal down-hearted and sort o’ melaucholy like. And that must be the reason, I know—that explains all.” “ Yes,” said Mrs. Jenkins, “ that’s it.” The latter did not stay very long after unbosoming herself of her heavy secret, when off posted Mrs. Tautog, armed and equipped for the bravo busiuess she had in hand, The first house she dropped into was Mrs. Mallory’s. “ Mrs. Mallory,” said she, almost as soon she was Beated, “ have you heard the uews f” “ Why, no,” answered the astonished la. “ What is it pray Y” And forthwith Mrs. Tautog related all that Mrs. Jenkins had been kind enough tell her, and a good deal more—saying nothing about the embellishments she laid on in the course of her story. Mrs. Mallory was astonished, of course. And as soon as her visitor had withdrawn she dons her bonnet and shawl aud whips across to Mrs. Dinks. There the story was repeated with variations, and considerable additions. ADd thea Mrs. Murray got in terested iu it, and theu Mrs. Filpot and so on, till everybody bad got hold of it, and had talked it up, and had passed judgment upon the man who was guilty of such mal- praotieo toward his family. If it hadstopped right there, perhaps it would have answer, oil; but it didn’t. It spread like a circle the water, till, iu the end, Mrs. Jones herself heard it; and beanl of course, that the author of the story was the minister’s own self. The next thing to be done , was for Mr. Jvnes-aud histUudiy tw Icavxa-.Mr*, Csi church and go somewhere else.' The cler gyman was a good deal troubled about jt and his wife went over to see if she could discover the cause. Mrs. Jones received her with a good deal of coldness aud seem ed hardly civil. Unable to endure it auy longer, Mrs. Capers asked tlie aggrieved lady frankly what the trouble was. Mrs. Joues as frankly told her; that was well, for uow the latter knew exactly what the matter was, and what it was necessary to do. Going home aud imparting the intelli geuce to her husbauil, he manifested quite as much astonishment as she. He sat and thought it over a little while, in order the better to collect himself before taking a single step, aud then started on direct for Mr. Jones himself. He told Mr. Jones what he had heard, and declared the whole of it an untruth from begiunirg to end. Mr. Joues went ou with all the minutest par ticulars connected with the affair, aud mak ing the most of the case in his power against the minister. Still the latter posi tively denied his guilt, and declared his determination to ferret out the author of so base a slander, if it was within human possibility. And hurried hack home and set abont it. For some weeks it was a mystery still; he could get no clue to anything. It per plexed him beyond conception. Finally, his wife came running dowu stairs oue day, her face flushed and excited, and said to him in her unsteady breath: “ Mr. Capers have you noticed that knot hole in your study floor Y” “ Why, no,” said he. “ Where is it aud what ot it. “Just come up stairs and see.” Aud up they went together. Sho point ed to the tell-tale spot, and remarked iu a whisper: “1 just caught Mrs. Jenkius with her ear to that very hole.” That was the first step toward the un- ravelment of the mystery. In a few days more the whole of it began to cjme out. He had sent bis wife round to make a few innocent inquiries, aud she had brought back just such intelligence a|he expected and rcquir&l. And putting-rois thing and that together, and recalling certain ideas that up to that time had passed out of his mind altogether, he thought the matter was explained at lost. So he went over to Mr Jones once more. “ Come,” said he, “ if you will consent to go home with me for a short time, I think I can explain some things that have hith erto stood in the way ot our friendship.” Mr. Jones did not happen to love malice well enough to refuse, and accordingly took a walk with the minister over to bis residence. Tho latter at once took him up into his study and shut the door. “ In the first place,” said he, “ I suppose you know that Mrs. Jenkins lives in the L.” “Yes.” “ Well, and you observe that knot-hole Y” “ 0, certainly.” “ And this is my study.” “Yes.” “ And where my wife often takes the liberty to come and sit with me.” Mr. Jones said he understood that. “Now then,” continued the clergyman, “ I am in the habit of frequently reading aloud to her. And once upon a time happened to be reading from this very book, (picking up a volume of fiction from the table,) and here is something out ot that same book that I am going to read to yon.” And be went on to read to Mr. Jones several paragraphs, in which occurred the following: “Mr. Jones got to abusing his family at asb He declared his wife should not go dispute as tim^^hperiori discipline of their respective Soldiers. I can prove to you on tho spot,” said the Eussian, “ how perfectly our men are trained.” And he called his orderly. “ Ivan!” -r “ Sir.” “ Go to Mehemet’s, buy mb a pound of tobacco, and come back at once.” The soldier saluted, turned on his heel and went out. “ Now,” said the Eussian officer; taking out his watch, “my orderly is walking straight to the next corner, where he must turu—now he is turning—now he is oppo site the white mosque—now he is cross ing the maydeu—now he is at Mehemet’s —uow he is buying the tobacco—now be is on the block oelow us—uow he is at the door—now”—and the Eussian called out: “ Ivan!” -- “ Sir.” T “Where’s the tobacco!” “ Here, sir.” The Turkish officer, showing no sign of sui prise at the precision of this Busso-tu- baeco movement, promptly broke out: “ Ho! ho! my soldier can do that every day iu the week,” aud he called: “ Muhctar!” The Mistake that Mr. Horter Made at the Sea side. A man named Horter lived out in Colo- he had had ra ^° a few years ago, but as his health was bad he was ordered to spend a year or two at the seashore. He was "bom in the far west and had never seen an oyster in its shell. He bought a cottage down at At lantic City, anu went there to live early last spring. A few days after his arrival he saw a man going by with a cart load of oysters, which Horter mistook for stones. Stones are mighty scarce at At lanta, and as Horter wanted some to make borders for bis dower beds, he asked the man what he would take for the load. It struck Horter that the price was high, but he bought the lot and had them dump ed down by Margate. The next day he Spick eight fiufidred of them in the sand ^ "“'*en i around the ’ -Mio aw-waCs- duauYie tho “ Sir.’ “Go to Ali Effem me a pound ot to “ Instantly. Followiug officer, tlie 'fur went ou: “ Now Mull is passing the noon ami lie i is drinking All Ellcmli h.i health; now. la ecu: ip way; noj at the Mi SiJ Wj “ I bnn ran commonly handsome. A week afterward there were four warm days, aud Horter remarked that the sea nreeze smelled very strougly; and he told Mrs. Horter that he thought there must be a dead whale lying somewhere down on the beach. The next day the smell became more offensive, aud Mrs. Horter said that it was au outrage that thd au thorities did not clear up the streets and remove the garbage that poisoned the air. On the following day the weather was ex tremely hot, and the stench became per fectly terriffic. Mr. Horter said there must be a dead rat somewhere in the weather-boarding, and be got the carpen ter to come and remove some of it. But he found nothing, aud upou going away he remarked to Horter that the seuer-krout they were cooking was the deadliest seuer- krout for smell he had ever encountered. The stench grew stronger afi the night, a committee of neighbors waited upou Mr. Horter the next morning, to say that if he would kill that polecat he would con- ier a personal favor upon them and tho people of the county generally. Then Horter told them how perplexed he was about the matter, aud said he would only be too glad to have the cause of the trou ble detected. So the committo made a tour of iuspectiou, holding their noses. When they got iuto the gaidou they per ceived the oysters all gapiug wide open, aud evolving au awful smell, absolutely iu luuies. Oue of the committeemen grasp ing the lact the Horter planted the oysters imagiued that he was crazy, suddenly climbed over the feuce aud weut home. The others remained and asked Horter hat on earth ho meant by laying those jysteis around iu the suu iu that manner. “ Oysters!” said Horter. “ Oysters ! You t rneau to say those are oysters ! well; that heats all! 1 was wouder- rhat made all those stones split wu iu the middle. I couldn’t ac- L >r it. Aud so those are oysters! [ought oysters always came In and he’s not liable to poll tax because he can’t even vote. Now how would it strike if I levied ou him as au emigrant Y He was made somewhere else than here, and he can here from there, consequently he’s an emigraut. That’s my view. What do you think of it Y” I advised him to trp it upon that plan, and the uext morning Slingsby aud Mr. Hough had a light upon the pavomebt in front ot tho Indian, because Mr. Slingsby tried to seize tlie immigrant for unpaid taxes. Slingsby was taken home and put to bed, aud the business of collecting was temporarily suspended. But Sliugsby will be around again soon with somo new and ingenious ideas that he has thought of dur ing his illness. tuoou he buried the shell-fish his 2. to a cn! days, e 3. St. a high pin ualiy kill e 3. St. Jam; older of Herix 5. St. Philli against a pillai 6. St. Barth by command oi 7. St. Matthe’ 8. St. Thomas,’ with a shower o run through the 9. St. Thomas wf„ 10. Mathias—the'm^^^^^^Kath is somewhat doubtful; then beheaded, another says SH^rucified. 12. Judas Iscariot fell add his bowels gushed out. 13. John died a natural death. 14. St. Paul was beheaded by order of Nero. >ut his hotthge and'moved eh. He told Brown, his next dor, that he kuew they were Sdl the time, and he did it tor a Ait ho moved because tho people to see too awful much luu in it. QUEItT. UT FRED. X. DELXXO. Bright hrowu eyes bath Edith may, l( Edith win.' Steal any fellow’* heart away— One glauce la warranted to kOL Wondrous eyes that pierce one through And lease their Impresa ou the way— A rc their gtascee (alae or true T Tell me, tell me I Edith Hay. Eyes whoee captivating glance Sets my dizzy brain a whirl— Are you false and must I denes Attendance on some other girt T Who can tell bnt Edith Hay; Edith may, hnt Edith wont; I'd implore yon, dear, to nr. If I loved yon, bnt—I don't.' Tenocity of Ltf$. During the war it was a matter of sur prise how easy it was for some men to die from the merest flosh wound, while oth ers would live in spite vt shattered bones and itfffHwriiHtoah. OAomrof tin* bi fieldsf^iarginia a sohlffifoas shot tin the head, the ball entejnftc just abort ear and comiug out abtyve tho other. kinsman retreating, and seeing him as he suffered in the agony of death, in order to hasten bis death and relieve bis suflering, plunged his bayonet iuto hjs skull. The wounded man fell into the hands of the victorious Federal army, jind with proper attention survived. He .is now a living witness of the will and tenacity with which some men cling to life. Be Neat. Young ladies, if they only knew how disgusting to men slovenness is, and bow attractive are displays of neatness and taste, would array themselves in the sim plicity and cleanliness of the lilies of the field; or, if able to indulge in costly at tire, they would study-'the harmonious blending ot colors which-nature exhibits in all our works. A girl of good taste, and habits of neatness can make a more fascinating toilet with a shilling calico dress, afew ribbons and; laces, and such ornaments as she can gather from the garden, than a vulgar, /tawdry creature who is worth thousands, - And has the jew elry and wardrobe of a princess. ■ ..“Can you return Jane Y” “ Certainly, I’m sure.” ..“ Ho, all ye d; erit medicine ‘ dyspeptics ber would love, dearest I don’t want it, says a pat- all the num- TJic Tcrrsm or Taxation. Sliugsby, our assessor and tax col ector, bolus ou, too. He is another mod- 1 member of our civil force. Tho princi pal characteristic of Mr. Sliugsby is enthu siasm. He has au idea now that wheuev- er a man gets anything new he ought to be taxed, and be is always ou hand to per form the service. I had about filtoeu feet added to one of my chimneys last spring, and wheu it was dune Slingsby called and assessed it under the head “improved real estate,” and collected two per cent, on it. Afew days later while I was stand ing by the fence, Slingsby came up and said: “ Beautiful dog you have there.” “ Yes, it’s a setter.” “ Indeed ! A setter t The tax on setters is two dollars. PU collect it now, while I have it ou my mind.” I settled the obligation, and the next day Sliugsby came around agaiu. He opeued tlie conversation with the remark: “ Billy Jones told me at tho grocery store that your terrier had pups.” “ Yes.” “ A large litter t” “ Four.” “ Indeed i Less see; fcix is two dollars; four times two is eight—yes, eight dollars tax, please. And hurry up, too, if you cau, for they have a new batch of kittens over ut Baldwiu’s, and I want to ketch obi Baldwin betore lie goes out. By ttio way, when did you put that weather cock ou your stable T” “ Yesterday.” “ You don’t say ! Well, hold ou, then. Four times two is eight, and tour—ou the weathercock, you ltuow, is twelve. Twelve dollars is the exact arnouut.” “ What do you meau by four dollars tax on a weathercock Y I never heard of such a thing.” * Y “ Didn’t, heyY. Why,, me comes in uu- der the head of scientific apparatus. She’s put up there to tell which way the wiud blows, ain’t she Y Well, that’s scientific in telligence, aud the apparatus is liable to a tax.” “ Mr. Sliugsby, this is the most absurd thing I ever heard ot. You might as well talk of taxing Butterwick’s twins.” “ Butter—. You don’t mean to say that Butterwiek has twins Y Why, certainly, they are taxable. They come in under the head of “ poll tax.” 1’il go right down there. Glad you mentioned it.” Then I paid him, and he left with Butterwick’s twins on his memorandum book. A day or two afterwards Slingsby called to see me, and he said: “ I’ve got a case that bothers me like thunder. You know Hough, the tobacco nist Y Well, be just bought a wooden In dian to stand in front of his door. Now, I have a strong feeling that I ought to tax that figure, but-I don’t know where to place it. Would it come in as a statuary Y Somehow that don’t seem exactly the thing. 1 was going to assess it under the head ot idols, but the idiots who got up this law haven’t got a word in reference to idols. Think of that, will you Y Why, we might have paganism raging all over the country and we couldn’t get a cent out of them. I’d put up the Iudian under graven images, only it ain’t mentioned either I suppose I could tax the bundle of wooden cigars in his hand as tobacco, but that leaves out the rest of the figure, ockifig fibs! My'con- science troubles me yet.” “Why,-and about whom did you tell your fibs!” we asked, aud the answer was: “ Oh, I went to see my friend Mrs. Brown, who had just gone to house-keep ing, and nothing would do bat I must go over the whole house and admire it, of course. Helen kept askiug all the time : “ Now, isn’t this carpet lovely 1” aud “ Did you ever see a more lovely oneY” or “ Isn’t that tho easiest arm-chair you ever sat in Y” until I was both tired of agreeiug with her, and ashamed of myself for doing it; for to tell the truth, I didn’t like her taste at all. It is so hard to be enthusi astic to order.” “ Theu why attempt it at all!” we grave ly inquired. “ What would you have one to do ; be candid and disagreeable f Vex your friends by speakiug your mind, and expect them to take your comfortable sayings amiably! You must remember that we do uot live in the palace of Truth nowadays.” “ Then it would be better if we did, since oue must be untruthful to be liked.” “ Not untruthful Y that is such a harsh, ugly word,” objected our compauiou. I said fibs you know.” “ Well “ fibs” are untruths, it seems to us, and when you agree with yeur friends because you fear to offend or annoy them by disagreement, you do violence to your sense of truth, and impair the sensibility of your cunscience. Tho same fibs will bo easier next time, and the passive uutruth will merge iuto the active falsehood.” “Theu wouidjyou have me always say what I think 1 Can the whole truth be spok en at all times 1” “ It is possible to be kind and polite, even iu our truth telling. Offensive cau- dor is not a Christian grace, though we have kuowu mauy people who were frauk eveu to rudeness under this misapprehen sion. But couscieutious souls, with ordi nary tact, will preserve, their owu integri ty without wouudiug otl “ But what would yi see a baby as I did li itwfclap-gtfecrBSaE tivbly ugly Y Wouidn’i principles Y” “ No, because we such thing. A baby is gift to its mother, aud oue might speak of its sweetness and loveableness gracefully enough without mentioning beauty. Best assured that all the fibs which you think friendship aud society demand ot you cau be avoided by a little thoughtfulness on your part; aud you will not only save your conscience many a pang, but your friends will grow insensibly to recognize your ex actuess of speech, aud to prize your words the more.” Fall Planting. We wish we could impress on th,e minds of our readers the importance of fitflfivtiii* spring for setting all kinds of cane arid tip-rooted plants, such as red and black raspberries, blackberries, currants, goose berries and grapes; aud, setting in the fall, we advise early setting—even by or before the leaf drops—say any time after the middle or 20th of this month to the last of October. Tho reasons why we advise ear setting is, that most, if not all, kinds of plants, after being transplanted, getting the benefit of fall rains, get well settled in their place to begin to throw out fine root lets even this fall; then, as the ground freezes, by drawing right over the earth, or throwing a shovel of litter of any kind manure, tan bark, sawdust, inverted soda, hay or straw—over each hill, they will come out all right in the spring and begin to grow as soon as frost is out, scarcely a Maut failing. The start these plants get the fall in rootiDg, with the benefit of nuus, etc., early in the spring (which gen erally prevents early spring setting) gives them such a start that they make double the growth ot those set in tho spring, aud consequently yielding the following vear double fruit. 0.19 do Ashes in Composts, It is not good policy to mix ashes with auy manure containing ammonia, or that, in rotting, gives off ammonia, as the ashes promotes the escape of the ammonia into the air. Ammonia escapes in tho form cf gas which the potash drives off. Hen manure may be seriously injured by having ashes composted with it, and the same may be said of cotton seed meal, and, in fact, a large number of mauurial substan ces. The best way of applying ashes is to give it to the land alone—not mixed with any other substauco. j%Way»ide^«thqrtn8r<s, not say auy Yways a precious A Tramp’s Maxims. Iu the hip pocket of an old vagrant, pulled in by the police the other night, was a memorandum book full ot bis own writing with pencil, aud some of his phi losophy is good enough to be preserved, His first paragraph reads: “Drinking bud whiskey because it is ottered free is like getting in the way of bullets purchased by au euemy.” A secoud reads: “ Houesty is the best of policy, but some folks are satisfied with secoud best. It is very bard to be honest ou au empty slum ach.” A third runs: “A dry plank under a rain proof shod is better than a feather-bed in jail, and one isu’t annoyed by the jailer bringing in a square breakfast.” A fourth says: “ Fay as you go. If you havn’l? anything to pay with don’t go. It you are forced to go, record every indebtedness, aud let your heirs settle tho bills.” The filth explains : ■ “ We should have charity foc-qll. Wheu. India who are having red hot .weather, A sixth is recorded: “ Politeness costs nothing, but it is not expected that you will wake a man up at midnight to ask permission to go through his hen house, it is juqsq. courteous to let him epjoy his ueeded repose.” The seventh aud last was noted down ns follows: " * ;JT “ When you pick up an apple core do uot fiud.tault because it is not the apple itself, but be satisfied with too grade of descent. Do uot be ashamed of your oc cupation. We can not all be Lords, nor can we all be vagrants. As I cannot be a Lord, I should uot lament, at being a va grant. Be truthtul and outspoken. That js, tell’em you are a Chicago fire sufferer. Keep seasonable hours, or some other wag will get your plunk first. Be hopeful, cheer ful and good natured. Growling won’t cure a sore heel.” . ,A circuit rider one day met a man praying in the road. This exhibition of piety was not only gratifying, but aroused curiosity and begot inquiry. “ What are you doing!” asked the preach er. . “ Praying for my enemy,” said the man, “ Praying tor your enemy!” the astonish ed divine replied; “what are yon doing that for Y” “ Don’t the Bible say if you pray for your enemy you can heap coals of fire on his head!” “Yes.” “ Then,” said the map.. “ I want to burn this d—n rascal up.” .Pat, what makes you start after that rabbit when your gun has no lock on it.” “ Hush, my darlint, the rabbit don’t know that” TENDERNESS. Not unto every hurt U Oodi good gift Of ziiuplc teudenieu allowed; we meet With love in many fashions when wu llft Flrat to our lips iife’a waters bitter-sweet. Love cornea upon us with resistless power Of curbless passion, and with headstrong win; It plays around lUte April's breeze and shower, Or calmly flows, a rapid stream, aud still. It cornea with blessedness onto the heer. That welcomes It aright, < f bitter fate! It wrings the bosom with so fierce a smart, That lore, watery, la cru. le: tlmi hale. Ar44H b , eh, me^wbeu love bus ceased to bless. Our broken hearts cry out fu. tend ernes* I We long for tendemce* like that which hung About ns, lying on oor mother’s breast; A selfless feeling, that no plot nor tongue Can praise aright, aineo sllWe sings It Jbest; 1 A tore, as far removed f As from the cbS*"— A love to lean on v i to totter s JuydgpPahrtoftnAtoWaa *God jJraot that later t Slay spring for us beneetb life's Autumn sides! God grant some loving oue be near to bless Onr weary wuy with simple tenderness? [Alia* YmrBrand. .. A hotfel is advertised as “ kept by tha widow of Mr. Brown, who died last sum mer on a new and improved plan.” . .A Texas town was recently visited by olergyman, lor the first time in its his tory, aud the hospitable inhabitants pro posed getting up a horse race for his en tertainment. A Frenchman, boastiug of tho invent ive genius of Ins country, said: “ We in vented the ruffles.” “ Ay,” said John Bull, “ and we added shirts to them.” A German lately married says, “ It vas yus so easy as a needle cood valk out mit a camel’s eye as to get der bebindb wordt mit a voomans.” ..An old bachelor said he once fell in love with a young lady, but abandoned all idea of marrying her when he found that she and all her family were opposed to it (obody likes to be nobody, but every- Y. is pleased to think himself some body^ but when anybody thinks himself to be somebody, he generally thinks eve rybody to bo nobody. . .An Irishman after marrying six wives, on being askod how he could be so hard a villain as to delude so many, replied with groat nonchalance ; “ Why, plaze your worship, I was trying to get a good one-” .Exploring waist places,” said John, as he put his arm around the pretty cham ber maid. “ Navigation of the ’air,” said Mrs. Henry, overhearing him and sailing into his black curls . .A bright little three year old iu Hart ford, got a little mixed between her reli gious and nursery rhymes, and gravely recited : “ The Lord is my shepherd, and he’s lost his sheep, and don’t know where to find them.” the winter winds blow cold and drear we «« Missus Snowdron” said a irentia. wags should pity the pojr fellows in. t “ 8 ,, bn ™ flr °P> said a^gonuo- Inffia who are havirnr retK. «? lor * h ? oth ™. afternoon daring a shower,.to a lady of his acquaintance, “ as de wedder is is somewhat amphitious, will yon do me dq honor to step - under, my umbreller and forma quorum !” “ Th - you, Mr. Dillups, I wil umbrella is rathers < coarn tor hea onounef-d ..A schoolo scholars read, 1 the word “honor i.ij_ iijim... > master told him it should bo pronounced' - without the h, as thus, onor. “ Veapill, sir,” replied tho lad, “ I will remember in the future.” v “Ay,” said the master "•always drop the h.” The next morning the master’s tea with a hot muffin had been brought to the uesk; but th« rintina nf his vnoittinn mortn \Linl but the duties of his vocation made 'hjm wait till it was cold; when addressing roe same boy. he told him to take it to the fire and feat it. NiO “Yes, sir "replied the scholar and to- 'wj king it to the fire, ate it Presently the ^ master called for his muffin. “ I ate it as you bade me,” said the boy. “Eat it, you scoundrelY I bade you take it to the fire and heat it!” “ But sir, replied the lad, “ yesterday you told me always to drop the H.” ..Soon after tie Copernican system of f astronomy began to be generally under stood, an old farmer went to his parson with the following inquiry: “ Dr. T., do you believe in the new story they tell about the earth moving around the suu f “ Yes, certainly.?-- “ Do you think It- is. according to the scriptures* ( is true, how could Joshua command the Sun to staud still!” “ Umph!” quoth the parson: “ Joshua commanded the suu to stand still, did be T” “ Yes.” “Very well. Did you eVer hear that he set it agoing again i”