The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 26, 1878, Image 3

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9?:* ®hc fautliciu Watchman. XUOC:-£lXj asgATTERS. 7vthkns. ga mak. ao. Fraternal Record. llowfll Cobb 1.0.1** So. 15 K. of P.-Mcct* every ToeotU/ ni*bi o* • \ o’clock. Wm.M. Browne C.C. L.ScbevenellK. ol «V \"*rmin lodirefiS.F. A. M.—Meet* ou the second and fourth Friday ««bta In every month, at 7* o’clock. Robert * 'wni.'tiopc Council, K So. U J?.’ B. f’s. X.—Banianmeeting 1.1 Thor.-b.y night In each month. It. M. Smith, T. I. M. *''iniiLi.'Endie'ls. L '*■ O. F.—Meets every Monday night at low? Hal), C. W. Davie, N. O. M. J. Mor- rl | Vncaniomnit. So It, I. O. O. F.—Metis on the 1st /'. . I P i*„rsil i\ .lights in every mouth, at 0.1.1 Fellows’ llall. C 1’.. K. .1. Chrintj, Scribe. 1 • |.«mV, No 70,1- O. T.-M«sto r cycrjr Friday ¥' 3-« DAVIS’ premium: gallery. decidedly rich i The last issue of the Northeast Geor—wa mean the Athens Geor—beg pardon, we intended to say the Southern Banner—vie believe that is the present name of it, as we haven’t heard of a change in its name since last week—contains an article under the heading of “ The Southern Banner,” which is the richest thing in the shape of supreme ridiculosity we have seen in many a day. PIANO TONING. All persons who wish to have their Pia nos tuned by me, will please leave their orders at the book store of Messrs. Burke & Fleming. I shall remain in Athens but a few days longer. W. Cheatham.3 ni 'hi, al Odd Follows* Hall. Kbud«s\V.K. day l>r. Win Kiug, W. C. J. I>. s’hlllTS OF HONOR. Ooujkn It nut LouoiNo. *11.- >1, i. m .bid Fellow* Hull secondThnredny and fnnnhyVed- iawlay night i», Ib’l »ntb—U. Bcusae, Dictator, C. W. ^k| .f ,,r the South Fountain. No 10, V• O. T. R.—Meets cvcJ? “ l 8' ht - Lcstert Hull. Thos. Held, W M. S. U. S. Harris, SectT- FI «£i:»K »».% KT.TI ENT utiifNW FIRE CO., NO 1.—Meets on the 411. Thursday ni/b. in ./vry month, at Firemen’s Hull. K. J. C’hrsty.iCapt. "i-IO.NKKItf’inn'^A LADDIUt CO.,'NO. l.-Mects on the 1*1 WiwlncMlaY nlirht in every month, nt Firemen “ ,,n| t * T J ‘■^Fr/iihent, A. II. Vonderlieth, SeeFy. * j*l ii’t’ ('ol.OUKD ’ FI RE CO., -NO. 1.—Mee WeihiVidny id Jht In every month. Thud. Boyd, CapU, Randal Uro\Mi, Sect’y. _ 4'IICHI'II DIKKtTOKV. 1ST METHODIST.—Comer Hancock avenue nnd Lumpkin jvet. It U o’clock. mapi street. Kev. \V. H. Roller, Ra.Mor. Regular Sunday aervic , and „J METHODIST.-—Oc I’astor. Regular Sunday dayes’.hm.l, Sunday School U . . re Street. Rev. A. C.Thomn*, nice*, 11 a. m. f and »p. m. Snn- ^KKSbVtEUI \N.-—Hancock avenue. Rev. C. W. Lane, riErItSSarSmlduy -..rule.*, 11 o’clock, a.m.and5p.m iK sSSnSS? pffiSoStos, lar and best conduci T, ii , ^8T~ , :^<^^«t. Rev. ^'rastor. Regular Sunday *en*o«, 11 a. m., HKiid* o’clock p.Mr. Sunday School, 9 ». m. FUMANUKL (EPISCOPALl.—Cor. Lumpkin and Clayton •treewl iiev. Mr. Boone. Hector. vices, 11 a. nb. anil 4 p. in. Sunday Sc Regular Sunday ser- choul, l»a. in. afreet. Rev. If. E. Luca*, Rector. Suuduy services, 11 «.m.and8p.m. Sunday ^‘iiooos’' "mkTHOIHST) CliniCH—Rev. P. A. Heard oraches on the let Sunday in • act. month; llcv. E. 1). Mono, Sunday; Lev. \\\ W. Oslln and Itnv. Mr. Oandlcr, the 3d. and Ifev.’ !>r. K. W. Speer, tb<’4'h Sunday. PHIMITlVi: HAPT1ST.—itev. I). I'atmau, Pastor. Rejm- Hre.-rvieeu, .hi Siin.b.y in each month, at 11 o’clock a. in., nnd S.uiurd iv before. ROMAN CATIIOLU* (ST. JOSEPHS.)—Services on the 4th Sund.iv in every month, nt Hi* o’clock, a. in., and 7 t, ai snnd.iv !*ch<ntl mill the Hwiy every Snnday in the L,r«i mi.. oVl.H-k. m. Rev. J. M. O’Brieu, pastor. iTE.—rinvion Mreei. D. Michael, ... ... - ve* every Friday night, 7* o’clock. AFlticAN METHODIST.— ’Foundry airect. Rev. T. N. Stewart, Paid >r. Itetfular Sunday services, 11 am, and 8 pm. roUIRKD BArriST.—C’orner Broad nnd Hill street*.— R. v Floyd Hill, Pastor. Regular Sunday service*, 11a. m., nnd s p. in. JEWISH SYNAfJ That Terrible Scourge, Fever and a^ne, and its conp*uer, hilioQfl remittent, )>e«ide> aflectioiih of the stomach, liver and bowele, proiluced by inl- afinaiic air and water, are l oth eradicated nnd prevented by Hi,. Ul i ( . „f Uu.*:eUer’s Stomach Bitters, a purely vegeta ble elixir, indorsed by physicians, ami more extensively med as a reimily for all the nbo\e class of disorders, as well as for many others, than any medicine of the age. A languid circulation, a torpid state of the liver, n want of vital stain ini, are condition* peculiarly favorab’e to malarial dis eases. They are, however, surely remedied by the great lTivenlve, which, by invigorating the system nnd endow ing it with regularity as well as vigor, provides it with a resistant power which enables it to withstand disorders not only of a malarial type, hut a host of others to which feeble nod ill regulated systems are subject. The Billers are a safe as well a* searching enidieani, and have widely superseded that dangerou* drug, quinine, which palliates hut does not eradicate malaria. A "cut at Jefferson. Mr. A. II. Brock is tho authorized agent for thi' Southern Watchman at Jefferson, Jackson county. A amt at LawrenccvUle. We have secured tho services of Mr. W. II. Harvey, post master at Lawrenceville, as agent for the Southern Watchman in that town. J (rental Lexington. Capt. J. G. Ilartsfield is tho authorized agent of tho Southern Watchman at Lek- ington, Oglothorjio county, Ga. An Incontrovertible Fact. There is no assertion which can be made that is as strong and convincing as actual experiment. This is true of Barbershops, as well as everything else. Now, ltoid & Harris claim to have the best Barbering and llair-Dressing establishment in the city, and in order to place the matter be vend controversy, they ask tho public to call at their shop and test the matter by actual experiment. Remarkable Family. While in Gainesville last week, we heard of a most remarkable family living in Hall county—father, mother and ftoefoechildren, neither of whom have ever used whiskey , .i - .I, 4 or tobacco. The aged parents and all the n is ar ic a 1 g children are still living, except two of the bOrt, Mho roll io late oar. lished in Clarke nnd Oconee counties, it secured the legal advertising of those coun ties; that being the most popular, best conducted and only newspaper published in Atbeus, it was made the official organ We do not suppose that there is hardly a similar family in our Southern country. Fires in the Wood.. On Sunday last, in several different di- of the city; and then states that it occu-1 rections just outside of tne city, it was pied the Held of journalism in this city noticed that there were fires burning in without competition, until Mr. O’Farrell the woodlands. In one or two instances, started the Chronicle. I we hear that fences and small houses Now, every sentence of this article is so were burned, the wind having been so supremely ridiculous that we would not strong that the flames could not be con- notice it at all, but for the fact that people trolled. The origin of the fires, so far as at a distance might be misled by it if we we have been able to ascertain, was ac- fail to do so. I cidental We can give a very different reason for its having the legal advertising of Clarke I Mr. C. Bode has now opened a bakery county than that ot its being the leading UQ( j can( jy factory in the old post office, paper, but we forbear at present. I which has recently been fitted up. in As to its being nmdcjhe official organ most elegant manaer by Mr , g. L of the city because ibMBho most Popu-J fldl l in the place, J . secured the I Mnrried. ed to do it fori 0n Wednesday last Mr. J. J. Head, ot the nominal sum, I ® rm Hood & Head, was married to Miss thatis8imply nonsei city printing because it nothing, or at least a met ■arch. The penetratiug winds incident to this season of the year are a severe ordeal tor the lungs. The neglect Of a hard cough generally leads to a weakness of the lungs, which, not infrequently, results in Con sumption. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup will at once relieve and loosen a tight cough and is such an agreeable remedy that children will take it without'being coaxed. A cold on the lungs, if consumption is not already developed, may be easily mastered by the use of the Pnlmonic Syrup, together with Schenck’s Mandrake Pills to clear the sys tem of the accumulated mucus. In more serious cases, where the dis ease has become deeply seated, and the patient suffers from loss of appetite, weak ness and emaciation^ScHENCK’s Sea Weed Tonic should be used in.connection wiih the above mentioned remedies, to stimu late the appetite and bring the digestive powers into healthy action, thereby sus taining the streugth of the patient and en abling him to resist- -&e progress of the disease until the Pulmonic Syrup may perform its healing and cleansing work. The use of these standard remedies ac cording to the direffion8 which accom pany them, canuot fa§ to produce most satisfactory results. A letter addressed to Dr. Sehenck cor. Sixth and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, asking advice, will promptly receive the Doctor's personal attention, free ot charge. Schenck’s Medit lues are for sale by all Druggists. iMachiac. eling agent o; g machine, two during last while we were not willing to do the work Anuie Black - The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. C. D. Campbell, at the Baptist Wo do not arrogate to ourselves the 1 claUrclJ right to judge oi tho merits of the Watch-1 Death «r nn oui citizen. man as compared with any other news-| Mr. J. Atkisson, an old and highly re paper; but we think the people are the spected citizen of Athens, died at his resi- best judges and will patronize the best pa- j dence in this city, ou Monday night of last per. Judged by this standard, how stands week. We do not kuow what Mr. Atkis- the case betweeu the Watchman and Ban-1 son’s age was, but suppose he was near ncr1 Tho Banner prints 59 or 60 quires 70. He had long been a member of the ot paper, while the Watchman prints 90 J | Presbyterian church. Peace io his ashes! Agaiu, if the Banner is such a popular. chan«e or schedm*. journal, why has it been compelled to There has been a slight change iu the change its name and change editors two schedule of the Northeastern Railroad, or three times iu a single year 1 which went into effect on Mouday morning Again, if it is the only newspaper pub- —the principal difference from tho last lished here, why did its present editor, | one being that tho morning down train ar- two or three years since, in order to build | rives here about au hour earlier than lor up his subscription list, issue asecretcircu-1 merly. This is a considerable benefit to lar to certain parties, proposing to send | our citizens so far as regards mails, them his paper at Si per year 1 was in our city a day week. We called to see the machine in opera tion, and were very much pleased with it every particular. We noticed especial ly the easo with which it can be changed from fine to heavy goods—no change at all, in fact, being necessary. It is a very light running and almost noiseless machine, very simple in construction, and with an rangement by which almost any one can take up lost motion—thus avoiding the necessity of paying out money for repairs. We regard it as a very superior machine. We understand that Mr. James Bancroft has been appointed agent iu this city, who can furnish machines and all necessaty in formation in regard to them. Now, if the editor ot the Banner wishes BP Wo learn that our iriend, Maj. Isham H. Pittard, of Winterville, lost a fiuc to test tho matter ot subscription lists, we I. : , . , , , , . . * , ’ I horse one day last week, liom an attack are ready to submit our mail books to any | ,. . , , , . . . . , ..... , ot colic. The animal had, by mistake, number ol disinterested parties to exam. , , ,, , , , , . ... . ... . 1 1 been doubly led a day betore. me, if he will do likewise, or we will call 1 ' upon tho post masters to give certificates 1 as to the difference iu tho number ot sub-1 Merck’* Pntrnt Tran. We called at the establishment of our scribers between the two papers at their Jy° uu S friend Merck, in Gainesville, last offices, or we will take the certificate of| week > au ^ were shown his new patent the paper-maker, who furnishes us both truss, which for simplicity of construction, with paper, as to the quantity furnished I durability aud ease to the wearer, is said each office. | to bo unsurpassed. Ti e work is all done AVo regret the necesiity which forces us j ^r. Merck, and tho plating, finishing, to bring this matter before the public; I Ac - ‘ s vor y creditable indeed but, having been attacked in such a malig I We w ’ sk our - oun 2 frieud the success nant aud unprovoked manner, we feel it | b ’ s va * uat) *° invention deserves. t« he duo to the public and ourselves that we should make this statement of facts. Rcr. .lohn TV. Burke, Of Macon, who is well-known iu this com munity, where he lived for a number of years, preached at the First Methodist morning EPDr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is particular ly recommeuded for children. It cures ... Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat aud Whooping charch m th ' s f y ’ °“ “ y Cough. Is pleasant to the taste and acts | ^ f^tad by a huge nnm- like a charm. Price, 25 cents. her ot warm friends. SOMETHING NEW. Athena Purchasing Agency. Mrs. V. H. Powell, feeling that it will be very great accommodation to ladies liv ing at a distance from Athens, has opened Purchasing Agency in this city. She will purchase Dresses, Trimming, Hats, and, in fact, anything in the line of ladies’ and children’s wear. From her long experience the Dress making business, she feels satisfied that she can give satisfaction. Her facilities for purchasing are such, that most articles, she can save her commis sion. All orders promptly attended to when accompanied by the cash. Her charges will bo 5 per cent, on all orders filled. Tho very best of city references given. , Mrs. Powell is still carrying on the Dress making business, at her residence, where she will be glad to receive her friends, and all others who desire worlqjn her line. All work guaranteed to gllflMU^iiou.; Gf&tz ting aud fittiug a specialty^ Patterns of any style, eta from Fashion Books or Plates, at short notice, thus sav mg the expense and delay <jt sending North for Patterns. Call on or ajftdress Mrs. V. H. Powell. ANOTHER CONCERT. BenrUt of Prof A. J. Win. The Weather, For two or three weeks past, has been I the most remarkable we remember ever Waiver Notes. We have two or three different forms of notes waiving homestead exemption, relief and all other laws to prevent the collection of di'iits. printed in elegant style, on good paper, which can be had in any quantity to suit purchasers. We also keep deeds, bonds, mortgages, aud all other blanks in general use. BAD WEATHER NOTICE. There is no day too cloudy or dark, but what you can get the best pictures made, at Dec 25 Davis' Premium Gallebv. SMITH’S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., Dec. 8,1877. A few nights since, I gave my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed io large worms. At the same time 1 gave one dose to my little girl, four years, and she passed 86 norms, from 4 to 15 inches long. w. F. Phillips Tho Worm Oil can be had at the New Drug Store, Decll— 4t. GPThe celebrated Hodgson Vehicles are sold cltcaper than tho same^uality of work can be had anywhere. f Consumption Cured, An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, bronchi tis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat aud luug affections, also a positive and radi eal cure for nervous debility and all ner vous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers iu thousands ot eases, has ielt it his duty to make it knowu to his sulleriug fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve .hnuian suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing aud using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pa per. W. W.’ Sherar, 126 Power’s Block Rochester, N. Y. Feb5—4t. Burns’ Silver Cornet Band propose to to have seen at this seasou—having been give another of their excellent concerts, | clear, mild and radiant. As a consequence, ou the 23d ol April—this time for the ben-1 vegetation is comiug out very rapidly. We efit of Proi. A. J. Wurm, who has taken sincerely trust we will not have an April so much pains to properly instruct them, frost, as that would do immense harm to and has succeeded in bringiDg them to | fruit and vegetables generally, such a degree of proficiency. . McBRIDE & CO., Prof. Wurm deserves the thanks not on- Iinp0 rters aud jobbers of Crockery, ly of the Baud, but of all our citizens, for I china, Silver-plated Ware, Glass ware, the fidelity with which ho has discharged I Wocidenware, Lamps, Chandeliers, &c., his duties as a teacher, and we trust that | an( j Manufacturers of Show-Cases, Pryor he will meet with a rousing reception on s t re et, Atlanta, Ga., will duplicate any bill this occasion. bought iu any market in the U. S. They The price of aumissiou will be 50 and I bave no t eas an( j p] a tes below cost, as 25 cents. | ba j ta to induce merchants to buy hard Personal. I stock f rom them. marl9—ly A few dai s since, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. John N. Eberhart, lormerly MERCHANTS, .... , , t J llyou want Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, of this place but now commission ™r- Looki G1 ^ cbimneyS) stamped chant, aud dealer in grain, flour, bacon, Tinwarej China andSUver-ptated ware, aud groceries and produce, No. 73 Peachtree | want t0 pay cash aud get as good prices as you can iu the U. S., send your orders street, Atlauta. We trust he will receive a liberal patrouage. j to McBride & Co., Atlanta, Ga., and you Messrs. G. W. Grant, of Habersham, and I w ju never regret having done so. marl9— W. H. Faulkner, of Hall, wore in the cityl i y . one day last week. They report that tho people of tho upper counties are strongly in favor of Speer aud a free Congressional | race in the coming election. Wo had a pleasant calif on Friday morn ing last, frem Elder David W. Patman, of Oglethorpe county, who is a leading min ister of the Primitive Baptist church. We are always pleased to meet Mr. P., and were glad to find him in the enjoyment of excellent health. He will shortly issue, Lellfr-Hcads, Rill-Heads, Note-Heads, Cards, circulars, and all kinds of light and heavy printing, from a visiting card to a poster and from a small pamphlet to a large volume, executed In superior style at our well-appointed Job-Office. Give us a call GARDEN SEED. io to the Now Drag’ Store (Dr. King’s old stand) if you want good fresh seed For sale in bulk or papers' as low as can bo bought in Atlanta or Augusta. Athens Guards. At the annual meeting. of the Athens Guards, ou Tuedsay night last, the tallow ing commissioned officers were elected for the ensuing year: i r J. H. Rucker....* Captain. J. H. Hull 1st Lieut. E. G. Potter .2d T. P. Vincent 3d “ Almost a Fire. We learn that during the high wind on from our job office, a pamphlet on the sub- j SuDday, the residence of Mrs. B. S. Ware, ject of Baptism, &c., which we doubt not I in the South-western portion of the city, will be read with much interest. | caught fire on the roof, by sparks from a chimney, and came uear proving a seri- * t. Caasht at 5‘ ast * I ous thing. Owing to the presence ol mind It will be remembered by many of our ofMr . PleasaDt Ware> however, and the ci y rea ers at some two years since a timely assistance of some neighbors, the runk, belonging to a colored man, ton,* we re soon extinguished, broken open at the Georgia Railroad depot, by some unknown parties, and several ar-1 Interesting Meeting at Wintertille tides of clothing and a razor and strap A very interesting meeting has been go- stolen therefrom. I log on in the Methodist Church at Winter- Last Sunday week the man to whom the ville for th ® P ast two ™eks-closing Fri trunk belonged pointed out a “ colored I *^ ay ABout sixteen members were troop,” named John Pollard, to Messrs. added to the church. Rose. Moon and Shirley, of the police force, | Tho Eev - Mr ’ Christian is a zealous work- and stated that he had on a coat which er ’ . and ^ uit# a P°P ular lninister ’ He waa was stolen from his trunk. These gentle-1 ass ' 8ted b y Messrs. Harris,Connaway, Pot men promptly arrested Pollard, and upon I ter ’ Btone > and others. searching his house they found the other j. jy. j*. SmlUl articles, with the exception of one coat, is the regularly authorized Agent of the together with a gold watch chain, which Southern Watchman at Monroe, Waiton had been stolen by another party from one I county, of our citizens and given to Pollard to con ceal. ^‘Hodgson’s is the place to get all kinds | of vehicles, if you wish them to last. IdPMr. 0. C. Harbin, formerly of Augus ta, is now with Mr. B. H. Lampkin, at the “Turf Exchange,” where he will be glad to serve his friends and customers. Agent in llnrt Cwair. C. W. Seidell, Esq., is the duly authorized agent for the Southern Watchman in Hart county, who will receive and receipt for subscriptions, Ac. GP*The “ old reliable” Hodgson Buggy has give universal satisfaction for 40 years. ATHENS RETAIL PRICES CURRENT. Portiie week ending March 25. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ROUSE, BETTS A CO. rACTUKX uuuus. i TOBACCO. Cotton Yarns. -<j5@tl.i») Common, y lb 50@00 Oenaborg*. per yard. 10@10:Mediani C5@75 X Shirtings ,6^@r|Fine I.OO91.B H Sheeting, brown 8@10 : Smoklng 60@1.00 DRY GOODS. MinQ, Maccaboy 1.00 Prints, per yard- 507iCigare, Am.ii M..30.00@50.00 Delaines. 12@0S! Uavada. ..75.00@100 00 Blenched Shirtings. AMMUNITION. Bed Ticking lw?S0i Powder, 9 tb 85 40 Worsteds HKSl.25iSl.ot 10«i2>£ Blankets 1.5008.00: Lead 10@19 PROVISIONS. iCaps, 9 boi lc@40 Floor, fancy, 9 bbl...-9.0iK3: LIQUORS. Family 7.00@.0« Com whiskey, good. 1.509S.0.' Superfine G.50@.7iK) medium H-WW.i* Com, white, 9 bn... -70^75! common..... 1.8831.8 yellow 0.00,41).lie Teach brandy, good S.f Peas 80(485: medium *.«• Ileal 75<430: common 2.0. Wheat 1.25.0:1.50:Apple do. good 2.25Q2.50 Buckwheat Floor s@10i medium 8.0. Bacon, sides. 0«@7: common 2.2i shoulders 5@00 iFrenchdo 4.00@10.0t hams iu@i2K;'UoIlaudgin 3.00@4.0t Lard, 9 lb 10@12:American do 2.00@2.0(i Irish Potatoes, country, jBour’xm whiskey...2.00@4.0l 4 bushel 100 ; r. ines............. 2.50@3. Northern .1.2S@1.5o| Dl.LGS. Sweet 60 4 7 iCopperas, 9 lb C5- ( dozen 10 12Uudmo 1.00@1.5( s 1G@25 Madder 20 3i turkeys 7« lASjHxt. Logwood 2b,441 Butter, 9 lb 15.25 : 'Zpsoin Salts. tl)@15 GHOCEKlab. iAlmn 10 .u—ir,erasin’. . ..... -0.818ISn.phur It A....—. ..'0.«,1 ; HARDWARE. II 10X -1 i>;!lron, Swedes, 9 lb 6@f. C JlM"l'>«; English 4@4 beirararu 9,iilojCas-ing* 5>4@) • Jo See, Rio, 9 lb, 9 keg 2.75 l.nimyn. 25@>S i »tCel, C.Uit iav»; .]....i,83@S' ,9IK....... .1.2 . iwdcr.. ,1.00@1.2I Wool Plow Points 25(44'. S.aithV Bellows 60 inch Anvils. 17(41.- Hummers 17@ls torse Shoes SJ£@1" Nails 2U@3( EXCELL COTTON FERTILIZER. Piimi CHEMICALS for COMPOSTIHC The undersigned has just hail manufactured, to his own order, a large an.l fresh supply of the well-known Excellent (luauo and Dobbs Ch«*mic-il8 for Composting, which he offers to ihe planters of Northeast Georgia and surrounding co un found to be up to L*.9 il Gunpowder. BlackT 1.0001.25 vyrup, cane 50«<V6 Cuba Mo.’assc? 4X*50 •JamLes, speri’i, per ifc—4*>js5t adamant ii:e. ...V5«v^ Jhcese, Smte, oer ’ ‘ .* .*.‘.14 «15 A e.dui ? Hoes. ^ doz. ^ i ng. i-.i *»:iav...lS.tai FradesC. II 550.;. Jrad£e->- sotia.. 1 Ames’ Shovel# 1.0Q@1.25 hutto*:;:... *^ti “ Spades YOVJit’iTrace Chains 600.5 crea-n 20w25| BOOTS. Onions, per bu 100<<Jl6Uj Northern, pair. 2.00(35.00 Candy, fancy, per lb....85(^251 Southern.......... S.OO^lO.w nliiin ..............25- LEA riifili. Soda.... s@ie;Solo, 9 K- *8@se Black Fepper 20 25: Upper 40@C0 l(7a lOillhroe-s 40@.50 Ginger 20.25iCaUSktns, 9doz. .S0.00@500.w Stareh, 10; Kip •* 3i!.00@45.00 Tallow’.... «@SI . HIDES. Green Apples 1.25@l. 0: Dry, 91b .1' Rice...." 8@10 : Green 6 Mackerel, No. 1, kits 1.50 175: U GGINU No. 2. 2 1.25!Gnmiy,9 yd 12ji@ No.l, M barrels....6.00; TIES. No. 3, kits 1. SjTies .. „•••■ @ c Jv Sordines, per box 20: ROPE. SALT, per sack lWiCotton 2«@2o (Grass 15@2b WOODEN-WARE. „ ;.. Painted.buckets, F NANCIAL. per doz 2.0O@2.'. jGold—buying 1.02 Cedarc’o 0.00@.900i selling 1.0” White pine 7.00@S.0«!SI11er—buying l.i»i Sieves.: 2.00@6.00j selling I.iki The above are retail nnces. Prices are shaded to wholesale buyer*. T. J. CARTMELL, Dealer ia and Teacher of MUSIC. Will give instruction on Brass anc Smug Instruments. Also Tuner, Regulator aud Repairer of i'ianos, Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Ilis system of Tuning is that of Equal * mperameut, and according to mathematical de. monstration, and is the only way by which a Piano can Ik* tuued correctly’hi « ueraily adopted throughout Europe gHtinfaction guaranteed. iniy26» NEXT TOWN Ahead where they loan you a dollar aud chalk it down till to-uiorrow, for a bottle ot Merrell’s Hepatiue for the Liver. The enormous expense of importing the ingre dients ot this great liver medicine into this country is why our Druggist, Dr. C. W. Long & Co, sells but one sample bottle to the same person for ten cents; but as there are fifty doses in a large size bottle, it is cheap enough after all at two cents per dose, for a medicine that has never been known to fail in the cure of dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver. It has never failed m the cure of liver complaint when taken as directed, no matter of how long staud ing the disease. It cures Chills aud Fever, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Sample Bottles teu cents; regular size, fifty doses, S1.00. EpKalvarinsky & Liebler sell the best Natural Leaf Smoking Tobacco, for 3 cents per pound. mar!2 3t, TO HA VK GOOD HEALTH THE LIVER. MUST BE KEPT IN UUDE15. .CATHARTIC a A.V/'qr ‘^VSANFfW i /ANVIGQRfS ®& vi/tf cc,iSTI §1 FOB DISEASES OF 5VUVERST0MACH For Pamphlciv aJdn- CCKSTUWiaiA 3 skwcuickX g r aamEBa*Puani|2 o:liousiie3§, 3 ADYSPEPS|A.j« CLEtSS THE j V liu. Sanford, New York. IRK » HUNTER, Up Stairs over Heaves & Nicholson, THAT $25 PREMIUM * OFFERED BY TOE Central Georgia Weekly —For. TBS— BEST SERIAL STORY WRITTEN BY A Georgia laady, Has been awarded by the 3 to Commission To the Story entitled “ HERBERT ST. CLAIR; TWENTY YEARS AN ALIEN,’ Written by Mrs. Lula Kendall Rogers, —OF— Thomaston, Upson County. Georgia. TN- Storv fK-L’Ini. with the 16th of December lmml of the CENTRAL GEORGIA WEEKLY, ami will ran through several issues. Now is the lime to tubscrihe to this through several issues. ll rut-class newspaper. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK I THE CITY R. H. LAMPKIN, A T hie eatalishmenton Wall street (a few doors from Broad if* now offering a large stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, At wholesale c* etail, at* cheap or cheaper thau they can be bought at any oiiier establishment in this city. Ills assortment e g braces all qualities, from ordinary to the vety best. Purchasers aniinvited toctill and examine for themselves. Athens, Oct V6. l)rs. Matthews & Owen Are agents for the Southern Watchman at Homer, Banks county, Ga. YES We can change a fifty dollar bill if you want a bottle of Globe Flower Cough Syrup, the greatest Cough and Lung Remedy in the world; or it you want to try it first ahd see it what the Hon. A. H. Stephens, Ex- Gov. Smith, Ex-Gov. Brora and Hon. Bob- ei-t Toombs of Georgia,%feabout it is tree, you can get a Sample Sjttle for ten cents at Dr. C. W. Long & Co’s Drug Store, that relieves an ordinal y cold. The Globe Flower Cough Syrup never had an equal for Coughs, Colds and Luag Affections. It positively cures Consumption when all other boasted remedies fail. Sample Bot tles, ten cents. Regular size, fifty doses, $1.00. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BOUE, The highest grade ACID PHOSPHATE fered intuiy Fertilizer, therefore, the best and cheapest for impost. Etiwau Crop Food, A concertrated combination of Potash, and very high grade Soluble Phosphate, tout ;.p iu barrels, 250 lbs. each ) Nine years f use satisfies tne that Kthvau Dissolved Bone is decideilly superior to, and will go further than, any other Fertilizer. Used alone, or composted with Cotton Seed or Stable Manure, furnishes the cheapest aud host Fertilizer for Cotton. Bone produces and ripens Fruit, will remain In the soil, if not cropped out, on account of drouth, and be available In succeeding crops. Bone is the only material a planter can afford to purchase, and Is indispensable. For sale by EDWARD BANCROFT. Ag’t, jan. 29-3in Barry’s Corner, Broad Street. EF*Query: “Why will men smoke common tobacco, whenthey can buy Mar burg Bros. “ Seal of North Carolinaat the same price f’ GPFree of charge. Your druggist will relund your money, if Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup does not give satisfactiou and cure your cough. \ G?*If you want the 9ery best Buggy or other Vehicle that c 1 be had, call at Hodgsons shop and ex (nine their stock, C. W. MOTES, PHOTOGRAPHER 33 Wliitheliall Street, Or-A.- R KSPECTFTLLY invites his friends who visit At’anta, cail at his rooms and give him their ordcis. All work In bis line done in the FINEST STYLE of llie Fbotographlc Art. jan.22r.ra 1! Consnmpti a Cured. An old physician retired frott dire practice, haring had placed In Ida hands by an East Jdlan missionary the formu la of a simple Tcgesthle remedy for tho speedy and permanent com of ConstnnpUoo. Bronchltas, Uatatrh, Asthma, and al Throat and Long affections, snd also s positive and rad’em core for Genersl Debility sod all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested Itstasnderfol curative powers in thousands of eases, fed* It his doty to make It known to his fellow sufferers. The receipt will be sent free of charge, t all who desire It, with foil direction* for preparing and successfully nslng. Address with stamp, naming this paper Dr. J. C. STOam, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. oct-kOAm. ^Subscribe for the Watchman. make money foster at work for us than anything clue. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boy* and girls wanted everywhere to work for u». Now ia the time. Costly outfit and teima free. Address True So Co., Portland, Maine. war. 6-ly jsr^rsTvr Furniture Establishmen Georgia and surround ing« SA-ILfCES FHICSS as last year, giving * for iofton, ■ nrfH iddling, payable on November let, 1873. These Fertilizers have been inspected by authority of the State, aud eta. per FORMER STANDARD. tlu 1 fo!IUwh^. 11 \im'iiI r l ,ur ’’'' u AUlc'ls, 11'i‘l C-ill oil the cmlerslgned, at his store. They can alsolw obtained o S. M. SHANKLE, Harmony Grove, Ga. BOONE & ALEXANDER, Mavsville, Gn. MCWHORTER & YOUNG, Antioch, Ga. R. H. KINNEBREW, Lexington, Ga. P. H. BOWERS, Franklin Springs, Ga. W. A. ROYSTON, Franklin Springs, Ga, M. E. JOHNSON, Boworsville, Hart Co., Gil. A. R. ELLIOTT, Grove, Elbert Co. Ga. $ THE AMERICAN Nothing to THREAD BUT THE Needle. iTO NEEDLE TO SET It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies. AGENTS we ask you to try it, and offer you special Inducements. Send for Circular & Prices to $ff W@ F<oiis*t& S*«» €lncinjmti» ©« £d. £’. JIAtmager. -SELL THESE- ‘ .. POPULAR GUANOS. Soluble Pacific. PACIFIC ACID. Cumberland Bone. SAMAM. ■f; :«5f. We .sell nothing but strictly FIRST CLASS Reliable Fertilizers. Practical Tests all over the country prove claim. t t' Soluble Pacific, $70.00 on time, 15c. for Cotton, Pacific Acid, $52.50 on time, 15c. for Cotton. ~ Cumberland Bone, $70.00 on time, 15e. for Cotton. Saimma, $70.00 on fiine, 15c. for Cotton. ORR & HUNTER, AGENTS. Wliat will the Weather be To-morrow? J. F. WILSON H AS established a new business In this line, over the si ore af ltesves & Nh-bolssn, Brood street, where he is pre wired to famish all kinds of Furniture, Coffins, Burial Cases. Jte , at reasonable prices. llrpairing of all kinds of Furniture a specially, aud satis faction guaranteed. Having a supply of Mouldings on hand, ho wUl also from. Dicta rea at short notice, In anperior style, garcsil wa enrnlae his stock and prices. Jan«2 POOL’S SIGNAL SERVICE BAROMETER And Thermometer Combined.—rctstalll cemcOy tzyehtasslath* Wsititr, 13 toll tan tosdnat*. En dorsed by the most cmlncntProfesiors snd Scien tific men as the Es:s Vutha Mlata is th» Wali. FARMERS can plan their work according to ita predictions. It will save fifty times lta cost in a single season. Warranted Perfect and Reliable. W» will nsl It f?s* to any address on receip t of $2.00 Bcwsro of worthless imitations. Non? genuine tvlthontonr trade mark. Agents Wanted. WALTON HOTEL, BY Mrs. M. A. E. SELMAN, MONROE, GA. U Newlv opei repaired and re-furiilrlicd. Table .npplied . j w Itli the Ik.t’4 in,, inniket alfunl*. iiud prices nuderate. Faa-’ iHOuscRicohW'yed to until rum Soc’nl Circle. feb.26-ly. i , — film 8 week in yonrmvn toint. 83 ohnlt free. No risk. 1 i \ KK«eador,IIyonwaulalms!ncs»itt which iwson.ofeith- ! iM!f C! " 1 ““ k " lrr0 «‘ P»y »s *ho thna Uioy work, jUUWwrUe for partlcnlara to II. IIai lev ib Co Rortl-nd, , Maine. mar. My for Clrctfiar. — 108 lWd« Uu, Htw Tat ron saw advertisement. "•”V tt T’ j baatnea- yor. can <4V»g<- In. to <20 per | day wadu >>y any WiWerof etthLf n 1 "" In the lr own tact samphretvur.bKl tiuiear this ’ A Co., Peril