The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 11, 1879, Image 1

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jT. CHRISTY, Publisher. VOLUMB'StK V; OP M yty»MSgp> ./• m-—a»»« *•» i > XKBMH* ijV^O POX iT i A.X3. - IX VARIABLY TO ADVANCE. ADVERTISING it* «n b» iMMttd «t 05® A>i?gK5SSdFIWYcST^ >sg> 9°» ■*» ?A. mopl "ffSRSdduetto, win be nude. LEGAL advertising. Sherifl*ratajiPjr2Sr»er"i." "'.".'I. I." " -I’liV^WAdrntniitritor*, Executor* or Gnanl-na. «JB SBgy^Scr^g^:;::: 1 :::::::::: IS ruction* in counted an fun Was Wnifton Letter. ! ’ ’ ’. . 1 ‘> or . r *ev'.*r Corrcsponfleot.) WAsniKOTOX, D. C.^-Feb. 25th, 1879. VAll day Sunday the American flag float ed over the South "mg of the Capitol, leading many to believe that the House of Representatives was in session, and spit was by a parliamentary fiction, but the hall was empty and no speaker was in the ebiiir. The House, instead of adjourning on Saturday, simply took a recess, an ac tion by which they were able to resume on Monday the nniigjt’i^ibnsipesa hsforo theHLOB^tW 7. woVk' which an adjourfiment would have involved. It is admitted that the chances of an extra ses sion are increasing, and hotels, boarding houses, shop keepers and livery stables, are in a cheerful and hopelul state of mind. i6 Senate appropriation committee has a quarter of a million dollars to the deficiency drill, in order to meet the deficit e^itSSZ&Um. »» > (WWtWtfl!*!!* *»■ J ATHENS, GA. (expense of enforcing the election law. rtoJ Xhis sum waa ad,5od in committee by a JcSngSBBKnP^ Dec.«-3m. J strictly party vote; it will doubtless be approved by the majority in the Senate, iVOTED TO NEWS,.POLITICS, AGRlCIJi: EDUCATI(jlf 4ia’;^i!S^; .PROGRESS. WOC >111’* ifl.-v^- .$3.00 pejr Amium, in advanoel TT7TX' NIJMBEB 49. ^ Kfrstllang. Front tie JUaqao of Poet*. WE TWAIN. Ob. Euth sod Hexm are far (part! Bet what if they were out. And neither yon nor. J, Sweetheart, □*d anjwej (ctodomT W!ien we, Hu laughing river* fleet, Among tin Harter* sbonM meet nod gnat; Should meet aid mingle *0, Tbtt would be meet, I know. No need to *werve end drlftapart, Or any bllm re,ign. X Then I ahould ail be j-onr^ SWecthaart, • . And yon would aD La nine. . nab, drilled aod brown, From-tl «w of enirched mow,, -C-.. -- Sweetheart, I do not want you so. “I will sit down a® write to Alice;” I thought;' “that wifi sootte my "Serves and quiet mo, .perhaps. ’ Idescended tha^ger; the tire still glowed rauUfy. on VHeartb beneath; my compantoa bod tbe‘9toidu sat tesideit, talking in a low tone, mil a third person sat at the table eating, J short, stout vil lainous looking man,-in a red flannel shirt and muddy trousers. Tasked ior writing materials, and re- turqedtomy ro#m to'wifto to toy wile. “ My dear Alice—’' * I paused and laid dovvu my pen as I con cluded the’ words, had' smiling to think what she would say coild she know of my strange quarters. ' j' Not till both Sheets were covered did I lay ahidexDy pen and 'JCgp^re for slumber, ihnl RT W. O. »*AlX>0. JFor you and I are far:: P K * Li;MP *jfuorHey at law, ATHENS. GEORGIA. AugSU-ly Oflc QT.r Child* * Klckeraon* Slow. ■.*■*> one. 1I0WELI. COBB | ■t" r'cobb, ! . Attest Law, wrOffleelnPenpne bMMy ran; And never may we taint. Till you are ghul and grand. Sweetheart, TUI I am (air and mint. ■ l-TDl moraine Debt has kined n* whit* • A* highest Alpine Snow, Till both are brave and bright of right— Go wander high or low, Sweetheart; A / . For God will have It ao. TIT S. X-tEOXlXlX In office with Emory Spew. I guaranteed. Prompt a tun ttoe to i Dee 10—tf, Darin C. Barhow. Jb. n^KoVBBOS J> ATTGRNKS AT tgrofflee over Talmsihre. llodgson & Co. nwirri). E - MORY SPKKtt. Attorney-ht-Law, Athens, Ga. tl r OSlrc on College Avenue _ ' E ~ UW.VlilJ Ii. AireOiJKiV,. /Lata Judge IT. 9. Courts XcDfurira and Utah, and now * Judge of Brook* Comity Conn,) Attorney st Law, Quitman, Brooks Co., Ga. F "li5vu*«ilMAN • v /t . Attorneys at law, « Wm practice in the counties of Walton and Jackson. ,OHN J. vlovd, ^ je^H.'oi’' mittee, to which the amended bill will go, there can be no compromise. The Senate | fnhro added 8300,000 to the P. O. appropri ation' bill as a subsidy to the mail steam-1 ship line to Brazil. When the bill is re-1 turned to the House a conference commit- Ob, nemren and earth are far apart I If joa are bond nr free, And if yon climb or crawl. Sweetheart, Can no way hinder me. Dot see you come tn lordly state. With mountain winds aglow. Whoa I, by dialing gate shall wait, To meet and love yon so, Sweetheart, That will oe Heaven, I know. MY MIDNIGHT PERIL. • — A Thrilling Sketch of Backwoods Life. The night of the 17th of October—shall , , , , . , - 11 ever forget its piteby darkness, the roar tee will be demanded, aqd, it is understood, 0 f autumnal wind through the lonely that the' committee appointed tram the iorests and the incessant downpour of rain. House will be immovably opposed to the “ This comes of short cuts,” I muttered, appropriation. These and irreconcilable Petulantly, to myself, as I plodded along, i - _ . . „ . keeping close to the trunks oi the trees to differences .on the aripy bill wiU, It ,s | avoid the ravine through which I could hear thought, make an extra session indispen- j tuchuieut stream forty - m fifty teet sable. The Senate has shown the tinny below. My blood ran cold as I thought t f O’KKLLKYft 1 bill, as it came from the House, but little pvhat might be tho possible consequeuce J, ' rhotcgiaph Gallery, consideration.' It beg.di by increasing the ^ soetd m Co. 1 * shoe »tore, isroaa «. ^ pt3 appropriation ot pay for officers and men keen in th ; road f - (AMES «rETvMC.. 3220,000. Then it struck out a provision Hold on! Was that a light, or are tiny J Attcracy at Law, ] adopted by the House to the effect that, eyes playing me false! - 'arl Covington, Oa. 1FATA/.VSF/LLK, GA. , o should be no allowance for serva its I I stopped, holding on to the low, resin ^ DS ,, m d r omc. re .UHrbe.H„»J^ J 1)hnsi. Matthews, Attorney at Law, Daniclsville, Ga. , , , , Prompt atuntion win bo gtv«n to *ny boBiiic»flBtTnrtccuo I #11 per month for quarters instead of 810 ^j ia ^ wind would seize uie bodily aud ctn ' : I as now provided by law. The Senate in-1 hutl mci down the precipitous descent. I VICKY. Feed A Sale Stable, I 1 Icwasalight—thaUk Providence—it Was L GARY a braves, Prop’., tn..., Ga. I aerted a Provision allowing oilicors mileage I win ba found at their old »_ind, rear Franklin Hooie>miia-1 for other modes of travel than bv rail, and a no ignis fatuus to lure me ou lag, Thomas atrari. Keep alwuy* on band good turn-out* ] . ., . ,. , ... , I LO destruction and death. aauuaKtuidriver*. . |also ou rumoads over which soldiers and I «Hallo-o-o!” , J ; military supplies are permitted by law to My voice rang though tho woods life a, go free. The Senate elided that part ot | clarion. '-142 [ I pluuged on through the tangled vines P/ r*^ t, „.,|the House bill which makes ip a penal of-1 1 P luu g e<1 on tnrougn tue ^■ aibcb,^ 1 fouce to use troo^e. to ke^Ko (i«xce •« lay aside my pen and vmure for slumber. As I ; folded iny pap^Jl|peued to glance toraat ibiieMi^fQRPgm y.t v. Woo I. (Ln 'fftjui.l .f ‘ L..„nnn AMn aK S AMUEL P. THURMOND, Attonifj at Law, Athena, Ga. Odea on Broad nn»t, over the atom of J. 1 couSon'of all clrime entraatod to hi*nSJ*^ ' |io«n> w uoo vrevpewaTCg-^w tjwai*. | allV UCariUg, 1 COuTtl pCl'CCive' a llgU gTthompibon; elections. It is believed here that the w^pped iu an oii-doth cloak,or cape,car Attorney at Law, y I House will resist.the increase oi army ap- tying a lautero. As the dim light fell up r oaireover the Po»t office. Spcctniattentton^vcnl'ocrimt-1 propriatious as well as the c!isiou of that up "his lace, I almost recoiled. Would not section forbidding the use of the army at | >“ *» ’ K ^ o RAY, I the polls. Was it .the gleam OT^J^uman eye ob serving me through the brodd partition, or wad it my own fancy * Tnere was'a crack tbere,i but only blank darkness be yond, yet I could have sworn ■ that some thing had sparkled hatefully at pie. I took out tby' watch—It was one o'clock. It wa« scarcely worth while for me to un- dress forthree b«»urs\ Bleep. I would lie down iu my cl tfi *s and snatch «U'< slum ber,1 could, ^o, placing my valise at.the head of niy boil, and barricading the lock less door with two-chairs, I extinguished the light dfid lay down.' 1 i At first i was very wakeful, but ’ gradu ally a-soft drowsiness seemed to steal oi or me like a misty mantle, until all of a sudden, sdine startling electric thrill cours ed through my veins and 1 sat up ekisited. aud trembling. i ‘ G A luminous softness seemed to glow through the loom—no light of the moon stars was ever so penetrating—and,by the little winduw I saw Alice, my wife, dressed in floating garments of White, with her long, golden bair knotted back by a blue ribbon. Apparaatly she was coming to me with outstreuued hands, aud eyes full of wild, anxious tenderness. I sprang to my feet and rushed toward her; but, us I reached the window, the fair apparition seemed to vanish into Uie stormy darkness, and 1 was left aloue. At the selisame instant the sharp report of a pistol sounded—1 could see the jagged stream of tire above the pillow, straight through the very spot where, ten minifies since, my head had lain. , With an iusUntauenus realization ot my danger, I swung myself over the edge ot the window, jumping some eight or ten 1 feet into tangled bushes below, aud a»l crouched there, recovering my breath, 1 beard the tramp of footsteps into my room. “ is he dead!” cried a voice up the (ad der—the smooth, deceitful voice of a wo man with half-closed eyes. Jn - “ Of course bo is,” growled a Voice back; “ that charge would have killed ten then. A fight there, quick, aud tell Tom to be j— — - a.——l ——- - .in, „ . -. - .-j tv « " ‘ ' : 1 - 1 - j -, i^«tlie flom<« jonrnd. s hu stupidity in, prinii'ng L the; notice. He ''BUlfii • 4111 If 1 VTJN ’ 11 Hv If S' 1 tvtr Mnnw is OTTT i% '' ' ' said, by way ot apology, thatGV, was- paid i ' .. IiE'.t il l • V IVMI, .? y • " : ■ ffivl ji Tor as au advertisement, and 1 ' '^ttpped in Clip pel from the P^rs of tho.014.%] ■ fiVJ " id Ha lin'* nhuvc^ utBi , tLcmiiW'\l . Was thu.rtar» reprjaiJj Uo * ’Tl’t at 1*« it r ‘ ■■ A • ■ . ,',r» - TS»t r b<^!iv«tabuv\jiSr ttOTf. • “ Why don’t your father take Mtd jihpt'r P Said a gentleraml to a'.hld wloui bulcanght atealihg his mwspnper .from >U}oi *|»p. “’fiause,” repiioil the young,hppofju), n he sen^ame to.^afie it/’ . , About thl4 BtnC Tnnce Bismarck steps aro fud to his tailor's and remarks“ Say, Sch leider.'just put a copper lining, jn dem goats,and .bauts will voui, ,J idhiksuve have anoder Zocaifist scuutejy'Kt p fitly liftlbeknrtwfl to' the :editor,, fi’O 1 say the lehsfc; thq notice shocked the moral sense ol Luuito. il.le ;-bu!, as usual, the shocked (icisons all won't aud boughT The Journal, ai-i Haldemau, tfie editor or4 lie Courier, the rivd! newspfqier, uext^Uhlinhed Mrs. WarcPa pi ivate.letters to-her; daughter; in , -The moon la oat tq^ulifbl.wilL floods ot IIjiV*. . la fondness hatblnp teVflerlT the brow Of thiB poor aichOU tror’k'Whetw liUrotVa plough Hath gr»Yen {arrows hUlaoa^ tp t%«, ; Ad«1 ftar» jtre twinkling in Il»«r feeblo rals'ht. " The of rtitlr aow Apart fratn humanltlod, wl^ t That fpacs I AraI,powtnn*Mtfttpti(t»or%ta|^; ; , V7LM It I hot wul;ri», yidwolt, an4 doThyyltt;. , ; . , POWER OF BEMm. “Sallie Ward,” said it Jriiuisvjtle^ady, onj the cats, to-day, •“» aopgt'' tq^hitig hpr 1 fourth and last triampft7 b bhSl^*~aTf6uC 'to marry her last fortune^' < iturg • . o “ ftp you kuow her!” , 1 1 . \ “La, yes! I’ve kuown Salliq \j;a^l,ever since ^ie was a girl. .1 saw her gallop Tier horse through the Louisville nrarket-house when she wash dashing school girl, and her eaoort bad to pay the fine; and 1 went to her wedding, , thirty-twev years ago, When, a ; girl of eighteen, sh§ marrjed Bige low Lawrence, of Boston.” Was Saltie beautiful!” “ Yes, she was considered a dashing beauty then.: Add to tbis paint aud pow- dec—fjur.all the Louisville girls painted in those <jays—red, yellow and blue, you know—and you can seo that she milsi have been very attractive. Why, I’ve seen Bailie Walk ou the streets of Louis- viile, ip those crude times, ju a toilet now only seen in a concert silooiL I’vo seeu her wear alright blue dress, blue bat With a yellow ostrich feat her, arid blue gaiters, With (told bracelets around her arms and auktefl,”! ojuff ttMl i":. ill, “ Bracelets on her aukies V “ lias, and SaUie would lilt her. dicss, and show these gold ankle bracelets, silk stockings, and a foot and ankle that' set the men all crazy. It. was about this- lime that.Sallie Wind met Bigelow Lawreuco, a sou ol tho rich, rofined^ud aristocratic old Lawreuce Juriiily' 1 mat .Still occupies the maguiticent Afirott estate, just odt-of Bos- tofT”.' ■ ” lov -.1 •- sir “ Did yon ktfow young Lawronce r” “La, yesf Sallie Ward was eighteen then, and Bigelow Lawrence. was twenty. Ho r was a gdody-goody young man—wore eye-glasses, parted his hair ill the middle, and dotbd on the poets—just the opposite of Sallie, you kuow. Well, Lawrence—lie signed bis name T. Bigelow,Lawrence then hpcameto Louisville ju JSKI, and fjjl in iovb with Sallie Wafd. Sallie didu’r love Bigelow—she never loved anybody—but old Mrs.-Ward, who Was a great match maker, thought it would be a splendid match, aud she actually coaxed' Sallie and teased her till she married the Yankee. Ob, hilt wasn’t if a swell wedditig, tlioifjfh 1 ! And such presents f ' That is, such rich presents from the Ward side, aud such mean^stiugy, littleJiru^lts tc'VVi'dh « iwder to use, aud_ how Jo manage the iwrences. , thtbd^ letters were 'awfully funny; they sCt the wh<w Wiuntry in a roar. Then the scjihdal Ltmame national It WM.M^saChu$etts;''adrttiet, Lafrrencet 8h one'sTdel qnd 'Kentucky 1 and the 1 Wards fte’tSffiJttferi -'^HioPKenwky ^newspapers harped hfiJYanktSB measures jmdi pedunt- compauiouship of this withered, wrinkled oldmau! But it was too late to recede Attorney and ConnseUor^Law.^^^^ i A mistaken idea exists that in case an I uow . rwwuigtTepn)mptattenUonto‘Bn 'ha»iucMrotrart«d'to extra session of Congress is found to be “ What’s wanting t” he snarled, with a 1 necessary, tho President is required to | peculiar motiou of th« lips, that seemed to T a. Ileti, . WA TCBWA KKR A XD JKWBLEB, N«xt door to Raavca A Nlcholaon, Thomaa at., Athene. O*. AU work warranted twelve months. aeptlS give thirty days’ notice; iu other words, I leaN ® 1,s , ie o ' ttellj ad bare ; v " .... , . . ’ , „ ’( “ I am lost in the woods; can you direct that ll he desires to assemble Congress on I me to K station ! B E- THRAsijf.R, (the 1st of Juno, there is nothing in the.C on- “Yes; R station is twelve miles from • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Istitution or lawn of even precedents re- here.” quiring any specified notice. Should the I “ Twelve miles!” President desire, he may issue his procla-1, j t a 6 hast - . ,j ■ C« ' L>A YIh» A TTORNEY-AT-LAVi l mat ’ on 011 ^ K * 4th day ol March convening I <> c Hn y 0U tell mo oi any shelter I could uosROK, waltos co„ oa. -1the Forty.slxthiCongress ou the 5th ot (obtain for the night!” \ -^r v uhaA.iws.iy, - (March. Duriug the administration of Pres- Hi 4 No.” , v : 1 5 | J. R. CHRISTY, - ident Pierce the Congress ttilKT to pass ‘‘When are you g'«ugt’’ r : STlDWkiPQlOfiEPOETREFOBTflE WESTERNC1ECU1T,)the army BUI and acVournedTro a, Monday | « ^^mvera y MapleSwamp ' row- had been With the si I went to Bdstori. ^Now.' jtiSt fancy a*grl t ® terror can who never read a book In her tile goi gt i2V*hddfie Massachusetts nqwspapera re tnfiflrtod by throwhifrjrftokjne fpfrhets off Kentucky ignorance, provincialism, and f ‘male abandon. The fetters published in the Courier ran the cireDlation up to ihbn- lous numbers, and Haldemau found"* his newspaper lor the liraL$inc rival Prentice’s Jourq:;!. , “ What was the 7051111.!” “ Why, Kentucky of course sided with Sallie'Ward. Her case went to the I^egis- iature aud,the Legislature, ip a speoial ses sion, grafted her a .divorce from Law rence.” “How long was she a widow f” “ #or about six or eight years, when she married Dr. Hunt, who came from a very rick and influential Kentucky family. Safi lie Ward spent S^SO.OUO given her by Dr. Hunt. The war and Sallie Ward finally reduced hiirr to poverty, and the Doctor finally enlisted as a private iu the Conied- erate army. Sallie Wal'd has always had the interest on 5.20,000 worth of LouisviHe gas stock.given her by her lather, and she has .that yet; but, \vlien Dr. Hunt, became a beggar, she wohid not divide. She with drew to a little cheap house in Louisville, and contented herself with periodic splurg ing at Saratoga and at tho Fifth Avenue Hotel ipNew York. Finally, three years a fed, Shb’in'arried Mr. Armstrong, a rich pork-packer in Louisville—Dr. Hitrrt hav ing, two years previously, fallen out of a window and been killed, irtChieago. Mr. Armstrong, Iier third husband, gave her about S75 ooo, which she spent; and the n he died, leaving her hiseutire fortune, even cuttiug .oil' liis.ojyn children. Mr. .Vi;mstror.g died about eight months ago. Already Haliio Wanl Liwrence-Huur-Arm- strobg has taken off her weeds of mourn ing, appeurs at parties in tho most brilliant of toilets, mid minor says. is. now engaged to a Mr. Donuez, who, by a life of industry and frugality, has laid qjr$ fewr thousands jor-&t((ie to spend. She- is now' filty years old. bid dresses likoa giiddf twenty, and I think she is good for throe or four hus- tnndsmore.” J ' ■■■ - “ And young-Lawrence f’ \ j ! ho died years ago. It was the first time a big scandal ever kiilqd the man, au,d-gave the woman jhs^what she wanted —a national rp’''itatiioiW5 a dashing, ias- D. D.-Domestic It is ail right ot the lltmerablc lnrdwell A Norristown young.lady who out -rod Yassar College only- , a few weeks ago writes homo to a friend that she is-i. th ing wonderfill' l»ogress in her .-tu lies; b«bjg already'ablH to M-hew guig in lour languages and slide down t ;e hamsters. r-jotriatoxn Herald , Governess (desirous of exyilainirg '♦he W*rd enough)—“Now suppose; Freddy, that you gave pussy all tho milk she can lap, all the meat she cau eat, and ad tie sweep cgjte she cares for, what, will slii-i ha^!” “Freddy (with surprising alacrity) —“ Kittens \"~-Boston Globe: >■ A citizen went into a Norwich hard ware store the other day and Inquired, “liqwr muchdoyou askfor a bath-tub for a child V “ Three dollars and seveotytfive cents,” was the reply; - W-h-e-w !” whistled, the customer, “ guess we’U bav^j to,keep oq washing the baby in the cual-4ni(tie till prices come down.”—Norwich Hmtetin: ♦ # “ What shall I wear to my Sister’s wed ding!” anxiously asks a little rustic maid en of our fashion editor. The lashiim edi tor having stepped out to pay a bill, we suggest that you wear a dress, a pair of shoes and stockings, and peril tps a c.leaif collar. JBtxt it wifi be positively necessary that you wear the first named articles if you intend to create a favorable im pression.—Elmira Gazette. A citizen of Leavenworth, going to his barn to milk iu the dark ot the early morning, got into the wrong pen, ; undertook to milk a mule. He don’t re member which side ot i he baru he went n.o at but expects his bucket down in a lew days. When a Ilirrtforu ‘woman patted her friend’s seveu-yenrs-old youngster on tha head aud said’; “1 should like tp have such a little boy as you are; “Well, I guess you can; I dome b’lieve God’s lost the pattern of me.” Mv son, would yiiu like to steal one of those melons ?” ' difficulties. * that. . It you should stehl those melons, ” Viu “ L b “L a a A. p f 0V ! d ? u . c ! ® uc , 0 “:l the y. u »ked Tennyson (1) she romped with ^vendefe^teT-eSe'lmS toe 'other day my Dqv, do you know what the result might be !” The lad scratched his head, surveyed the pile again, and answered : “ I ’spect the plaguev thing would bo green all toe way through!” i E. THRSSHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. | IT.! TKISSVILLF, OCOXEE CO., QA. Hb. M, lSISrlj. WILL attaod Coorta and trial* (ottMT ttkao Superior Coait) TV andfarajah accurate report* of evidence and r trail caaea In Snperlor Courts, on reasonable term*. in midsummer. Tha President ationoo is- « » nHn» th# «MiWma wf th* « ued his proclamation and Congress recon- ^ “ Would they tnfre me for the night! I Ivenedon Thursday of the game R6ek-1 could pay. theni lyell." A “ Opinions aro divided as to ivrhether an I Hfe eyes gleamed; »the yellow stumps 1 stood revealed once (extra session of Congress wilHJwreqnired, i ••*<» „ uftsa RO . »- Q , ks T n o«Sf^a1t?ii?'?o? r ^ 0 ^v w ^fl5 , c »ut the weight of sentinreqt js that a call-1 <-it ia not far fromlheroP ~ **** wnl ed session will he necessary. J “Not very; aboutItafHngilp/^ ^- p. weil. The committee on public buildings ini “Then make haste, «n4 Je.t uMifch it, HA RMONY O’ROVE the House has been discussing a plan lor * ^^S^.^nfu^companfan mdre I enlarging and ventilating the hall of Bep-L ban keeping pace with me.-'.Presently we Iresentatives which will make v»ry radical heft thfredge aif.thirnwine* eoteriag what changes in the fibpbitodture of the room. jBi emed like a tracklesB woods, and keep- .Wtosgeacawta^ Northeastern Hotel, “Boys,” said Auoa Cason the other night, “ talking atiout fast railroads—1 rode on the New York Central once a id the engine had no wlustle on it. it’s mo honest truth, the cars went so last to:;; it out-run sound.—Gazette. “Pshaw! that ain’t nothing," *aia an ami <4 !aa2S' te ^ •ivxtfz Ttt sasts alarms wwauccfeiltniin tiiidini: tho ruin 1 r UP ^iVi^i fj-.\redt tti'i t iu.-r. nrn vmiM I Jat ^ er - ^ om ?- w tiluuer sl »« quie^J when they 1 htol to stop every three nuies igh road, some several iailes from K—. |in-law Would send a servant to her room nuired. Once at the towu,-1 told my story to the L t 6 o’clock with this solemn.message: ^ * f 1‘niean that vfiti had better t i 1 ” ponce, and a detachment wad sent , oompfi- a * L mitnfQ hi im T Kiiritlmv T.frWtvnpf* iiml ' r,.* .. 1! I “ Have' yon any luce fresh I n eggs t" inquired a precise, old la l;. grocery, store'." M 'Ne,'i»;t*iui,V cyph practical chirk. “ but, we itWt- von good ben’s eggs.” She took three !^»K^^aUia ; ;w«l>Jd• sayf ^iL JJig#fmawiedW^theA T ? tT..'"..??. % ? 1 ^u ; ®? wa *|‘’'*t‘'Whji < j|p i T)e;- grocery, of oourstg. You .A^woman cured her husband oi staying , j<TTTTO7owrnnab^ w) ****** w J Nor did they. But toe strangest part ot my .storyo yet to come. Some three weeks- sqb ,L witnae mn With i‘ he,tt,rw > wa 8UHBWPH-W* : 4he rose up>T«u will p. a. ro. (please ac a letter wliose mtelhgeuce- tilled me with | have six meu stamUugaround her V a i'nufie.} coin pany'ina).to the wood shed.” k.ndaln < lesa'crow. The plan is to opferf the entire I the corridor back ot the speaker’s the Southern wall, into one large lobby, *ri era desk Wlis a rufiions old place, with ! tta lnhhr hi Ilia, j .... ip tit- HARMONY GROVE, GA. OfMble lOQcn* and moat couvejed to and ~ j* week, iud l was sitting beside fier i wlftdows all^own totohi'side,' as if the yuo % heu^ajl at^once^he seeu be used by members who are called to see foundations had settled, and the pillars of iy j a inj gwity, 1 growing white and rigid their clients outside. The partition sepa-1 a rude porch nearly rotted away. ^. a corpse. I hastened to call assistan riraMonahkraricra. | rating the hall proper, from this lobby, \ aa f” tmnilfoqr-eflortar-urrestPrw ■amnnw J efferaon, j ^otb«j wi u contain openings tor the admission otl^^ to^erTandilirtt^^ftTme w^th pure ajr through the windows in the South 1 a mootb, voluble words of welcome. as^simUetdy i^therhSiert imtiaud eud ofthe building. By this means' the J ^ Shoregrptted o^Jher^ Kccopp- 3at U p j D pushing up^ her hair and aurptai-.. aofffw -d” -''f*t JnnlkmrtatWBt...8fitfawear' ii libuisvfileL..'^!7^d-ikHttiZnhv^J^M*«rehie nut -lmust toUjousoiuetoiug.very.8trange”|S3|e‘t*redtShd^ellbw, anfl'ot course th^h h *f e case of uotoer-uf'biyfx ^fid,,yvI§S|S slfow adjourned Urn lather said 1 : ”• months, Sallie, sick, ot Boston, canto back « Now, d. i. m. (don’t-tot me) ev had been confined to her bed for nearly n c, , gso3x<rA.s. ATTOFNE YAYLAW. . Wk.taCrapHonan. U ' ATKINSV ^:^ A -1 meu have been per^uplike rate in an 7 hausted receiver," wTa Senator. •ironDot within a yanlt, where Cougr lookmg.arouud' her. : 8SJ« J ASTI - “He is not comeinyet.” », Aft-r b®* | described it) will be made a tolerable*habi-1 *• I sat down on a wooden bench, beside modatious; but I was welcome to the; as they were, ■ . “ Atfoe,” 1 exclaimed, “ how yon have “ Wh?re ts ismtorjeiMndedwiy guide.] tirrjde4l ^ all I Are vuu illT ‘ >o. 11, ’ she snjir&etl, “ but I feel the ilre/and ate afew mouthfuls ****** ^ “ I should like to retire as soon m pos- n r^tccKBs I to 11011 for law-waiters ofthe land. r *»«i|KMr. pie»»ant t oM*«.B*wrf6iiioc,jtb«n* , '»|gt Bat i 0 f the desks how in use, whicfi'cL-, . ... jp"3|dWDb» thMkor agdmgke itlno^5»ntfe^”^ ^ *»“«? ^'teEffloiie will know it A delicatd ftugeTOf’ ^ jibr memltoiU emulate and craek^^T^Uty.'Tlie wB^n s^^ito Ugiwmpn A —to SGBNT «p 1 it ia uronosed to substitute chairs with a 1 alacrity. , ......... -T . ^ AGENT ^.Ai And the A— . . Elding side leaf attachment for writing | AGENTS! READ THBlf taring Co.. s< or thebe (SSSn L veiling | Writej- laee, X. f “ V. nere are you going to put 'h^Dt” tbeggidA w ae«« mm “ «^^5ISliiLJuStSF* ?So ^’ I hold toe hewtomfiq of, calf Aound • hooks ” —'—- which members pile up as ornamental ac- Farms tQr Sale. ‘ I cessories to a big Speech. ' C.A.S." i «>MTfrawn ^tlf placn. ’with a number of other • ; 1 u . ■ — : f * ’ ft lAjwt.itoMgithatRetthaJ^MtoWlernI vou ianU^j m isSm* 8 ?« L HIM* land dafl^; mamma vHgjnmuj | go OU and BSJ ‘f-rOgS,” Sqme awfjll pSTtiC-1 an f QTTJEBY PHJTBRES “ Na^pTv* “filwmoit comfortable.” ‘fl; tell you no.” s- - 1 L tog'room, into nfcirtfelL. , n . w -sloped teams motouig of tbe-lStl* °t ^s , 8 s* f urafe;S;t|>*gSraS fP *?.** . '■I The woman set the light—dm old ott* 'V; ,'■*?—‘-&TV: —i lamp—on the table. t 1 .Logics—Lady ;(toj ehopaiao) Jfter | thing more Iodfirgtoa,sirr r" m ui tue j • uu or, uctuuer. auto uau been well for some time ; : ih'taet, she ; me) ever hear l * I to Louis ville to visit? heqmother, and deni-1 !lD y mort} 0 f your totmg.” i ‘faNob'Wife. i w.!' (auother blitsted iyqrd, IAb«lM»-«od,te sat dqwnon a, lump lito^htehnlteBdWBoston:' ,L: < - n - -m |; w f W atid hls te tra awa ^;., n , i I ' “ -Tho man’s wages who works iu a dis c *“4attenieaittime,Mrdiklihdtt Lawrence, Ii n “Dam Texas ’’ tltofy are Excelsior—still hire. ^ei^toetemhiw^ted.^ , r niu»,g A’-youngroNitoESfcutobert a year S {towlr^.p;<lMi6, waru, o^.Louis-J burned so;uo time siuce perfectly dlsgust))d P m>r: “Wird ’«ven ^On h “ return h« had S soflan^ti& tliat wineW f chtovidilstey hfil prifiled‘and posto^jn around discovered sssifs -issj i have you thGrejton^'-li don’t blame v6i,at y° u sa y ” t Mo i A moruing»al'the 18to ot' October. <Where(g&titetk afi^gidw'she c«pu«it telV Bor we rmuatha.vebeenina dream. SheisAtoi Ih6w,aim f wfsh jou could see h^l S9e4k hnprovlDg.” toR -v 2 c. ^ ji ^Tbjiis,W,Pl^«VFMpi^o4^l knot nreiena Co expimn Qr. MflW I >efl : fmtnfH 1 and' feSttle F^iiulugigts unravel the labyrintte in the corner c£ the room, into Eogland in body, on t Int, oeiledwi”' -i—-LW mojjmnsofth^8thmt0ctobe^erj| SMBWKR WRialul. J m-coh f ^’She wlthdfew,- leaving mesilOBe W the l plum-color. p 7 torT J 8honTCT n Trvvo ..AH the signers of the .Declaration 1 oi 3 signed their namo with l **Vone-T-lie signed his With- the gloomy little aputmeut. Iaatddwo with ‘■MIMH f a p. i ' » *5^^WAftet*meettug I so "many, aud oll reading ..u.-Toibo silent at the proper tote is B'l I 'Ill xfaAto^watdmq’Booagtbto}^ e thought exciatmiiig) “ Daru Texas” of t« a better tbajj to speak well. . break poor oliLMra. JAWtoPW a he tegmi tosay t’6 himself: “ Ail emigrant “ st>n » remember that your ch’arm'or , “4;‘j. ln .-|iilgbnt ftbm Texas would got- a cold shoul- ought to shite Drighter than your boo s.” htee.^l’-khour onw thing: toft people '' f! ..^HeniUst rise early r yea, notoit all go L-SSF m y ol(ttae s I !ea “ wy sentiments pub- ,to bed,who will have every ones good Damlexas.;’ ■ ' W.Wl, , , r, 161 b« met .another, who read, ...Euvy cauuot exist in petfection with- *' I ^ Tl,x * 8 Q# a secret esteem ot the petsou eu- ‘«’6«ly5<» ; yoa'old boy,.-your bead .Is -tffoj; - .added to soparato.toe. batojdtetched.L bu "ha ( t ^V b 1 “ andseveulimea three added to my ag* ■bkor fellow who put up that sign on bis hat, and of all Jthe-anathem is ami double . e< ^‘ J? 11 ?} ^ ast ' , ' tbou 6 J t'WiStodehidd-lightoing that tioof fel- P 00 *®* m ,^ v . , would bave hatUum wim-liug in the air.-* coutip.iriy that lie coulti not find bro.Ht to.- -WM l#'lSaWifence,hS8tle» _ ithout cause or:provocaiio», JNSto- to return to, the Sjffl&^he^by.jM q Uusting her oumy account, as . Tf-BidfcteW^vltoRWj^, This notice, published in thoJuunudjlset ... gall' fget m>W'w^^9A’a«Cttemb to eve; ■Tf 'fittffinii i HMiiatoiE Anri -ffixfiotized Fl'ilV4fR u T WtH* YV” w ’* f r tyrr , e home iiud whispering through ie key-ltole ; “ Is that you; Wilifo lid:* husband'd utime is John; amt In' %e»vs ac Scaysac homeievery uight .now, and sleeps -with ope eye upon aud a revolver under his pillow. e Gratlxerinsrs. The birthplace of Burns—the kerosene lamp,.L- ...Song qf too dry goods clerk—Swing ing in delaine. Th« rttnn'n n ...A young lady rcbukingly asks us: “Which fs worse, to lace tight or get tight t” We give it up—wo uever laced. He put his arm around her waist, Aud swore a swore, And as he jerked It off again He said : * 1 “ Fvo tbit that I'iu-afore.’’ dJi >t ...Who was the first girl menttondd in the Bible>? Jennie Sis. And whuwas the fattest man,! Paupehus Filste. ; meyKjaofis puia,ao Wholesale-to; wer._ bis family. “ Nor I,”- replied ap imi’is- ^SMte|ol» iuu at Ksi than Atlanta or .Charleston trions mepUapio j “ I aii obii^ed to wo:- ^4 1 0m Zw'*,-’" * dWmmm i /■ • :n .rU«8UStoI-H0 : st•«;: Ah ,^V*