The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 28, 1879, Image 1

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■B E. J. CHRISTY, JPwWislier. DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, EDUCATION AND GENERAL PROGRESS. $3.00 per Annum, in advance 1 T VOLUME XXVI. ATHENS, GEORGIA,—TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1879. NUMBER 29 J AS. J. BALDWIN. COX. HILL * THOMPSON J. J. BALDWIN & CO., —WHOLESALE DEALEB8 IN— i Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, &c. . ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CULEBRATED STONE MOU?iTAEV CORN WHISKEY. I; Corner of Broad and Jackson Sts., Atlxens - Georgia. July 8—Gin Select IMisicHant!. THE SOUTHERN WATCHMAN PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. (J.ficn fWMr •/ Broad and Wall Streets, (up-staln. j "tkrmsT" TWO DOLLAB YE -^-33., INVARIABLY. IN ADVANCE. auvIHWing. Advertisement* wiU be inerted at ONE DOLLAR per square or the Aral iuaertion, aud FIFTY CENTS peraunare for each onticnance, for any time under one month. For longer p*- od*. • liberal deduction will be made. LEGAL ADVERTISING. i Sherlff’a sale*, per square •***[ •• mortgage Males, per square o.w Bale*. daya, by Admlniatratora, Executors or Gnard’na. 6.60 Citation* of Adminlrtratloo or Guardianship 4.00 Notice to llebtora aud Creditor*;.. rJ5 Rules SlaLj*r aquare, each I’JJ Uf»vo to aeu Real Estate. • _ OlUtloofordlambslouof Administrator •♦• • •• ®;JJ[ To a*c rtaln.the number of aquarea inan bltuary. A eoui»l the vrorda—one hundred being a aquarc. All action* arc coanted ae full aonarea. . uUU'Diltlo. Atlarua & Charlotte Am-LINB. CHANGE OFSCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, June 1st, DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS will run on this road as tollows: . BAY PASSBHOIB THAIS, Arrlvea at Lola.. ; .... 646a.n Leaves Lula C.43a.n GOING WEST. NIGHT MAIL AND PASMwNGEK TRAIN. HOWELL COBB L. Attorney, at Uf,^ Will prartlcln lhi-F. dcT.1 Conxt uid •» ,h « ®'*lf ®°”'“ . .cpI too »'uy Court ot Atoon..^ . . Sopt-»e— JAMAS COBB, .» AUieQ., On- Will practice . lone in the City Court ol CUlkc county Beptn—et. E li.L.lISU'RIN, . Attorneyiat law. * ATHENS, QEOUQIA. Office Cklidu A NldtcrWTh% Store. AneJO-ly w TT,aiiiXggnTSj • Attorney nt Low* S-Utral citent.’ Honey Neecr Spratob* gwvptly fonmnled. \V. S * AT LAW- ^n'!^jssss^ m ^>ssr E E Por.Bun.ow. • DAT® 0. Be»ow. Ja AliUOW BROS. ATTOBNBYS AT tW, ATam OA. |V*(H8ce ovar Taho*dgc, Ilodgson A Co. mBr>0._ MORY spkbb. Attornay-»t-L»w, Athens, Sa. Office on College Avenue. - UWARD R. HABDKN, flAI. Jndce U. R. Court. Nehnuk. Mid tJUh, and now ' Judge of Brook. County Conti,) Attorney At Law, Qnltora, Brocta Co-i Bn- F loyd & sibmas, Attorney* *t Law, win practice in the connttc. ot Walton Mid -n,4 Jefferaan, Gru JP. OTtELLKY'S Fflotegrajh Gallery, orer Spout A Co.M Shoe More, Brand rtreet, AthenAGjor- rI*. ■ -i J. Leaves LuIb ....8.54 b, m’ DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Arrive* at Lula 7.45 p. m, Leaves Lula 7.445 p. m . GOING EAST. LOCAL FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Arrive* at Lula. 12.15 p.. Leave Lula 12.25 p.m THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN GOING EAST. Arrive at Lula Leaves 44 * ' Leave* Lola V.V.V.V.V.V.V.’.V.'.Tl,05 a THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN GOING WEST* Arrive at Lula. NAGSOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. } I will be operated on und PORT ROYAL Jt AUGUSTA RAILW/. Y, T __ _ A |:«ITHTA, Ga.,June 25th, 1879. HE FOLLOWING bCHEDULE u after this date: .GOING SOCTn. GOING NORTH. Train No. 1. I Train No. 2. Leave Augusta 8.00 p m j Lv 1'ort Royal 11.00 p r “i Lv Beaufort 11.23 p 1 im' ar Ycmusse 1.00 a r ArEWeuton 9 51 i Lv Yemasaee 2.30 am Lv Lharieston 8.aop A r Savannah 6.35a Lv Savannah 4.10 p Lv Jacksonville 5.16 p m Ar Savannah 8.20 a m ArCbnrteston sooum ^S”*””* 1 ' ?»?P? Ar Jacksonville..... 7 15 an Lv Yemaase 2.20 a in Lv AHendal-3 3.45 a m Ar Beaufort 3.43 a m;Lv KUenton 5.85 am Ar Port Royal 4.W n r’-i.Ar ArgosU 6.36 a ro GOING SOUTH Cbu. ■.'<LES? jJe with Georgia Rail road for Savannah, Cha*<i£oK7 T>o*ufort and Port Royal. Also* 1th Central RbIItoau for Charleston,, Beaufort and Port. Royal GOING NORTH. Connections made with Charlotte, Columbia aqd Augusta Railroad-, for all potnts North and East aud the Springs of the Carolinas red Virginia ; wit Georgia Railroad for At u»ta nrdthe West aud Sommer Resort* ot North Georgia. Also with South Carrlina luiii road for Aiken and i.iouitM 'the Lire ot *aid road. WOODRUFF ROTUNDA fclEEPIFG CAMS of the root Improved style and elegnnc .aril be operated by thi* line only, between Angnat* and Savannah, without change. Baggage checked t brough. Through tickets for rale at Union Depot Ticket Office, Augaata, Ga^ and at all principal Ticket Offices. Co. FLEMING, Gen. AgL Georgia Bailroad Com’y. <£ AtiorsTA, Ga., Oct. 4th, 1 Leave Augusta. 9.35, a. m. ** iron. 6.05, •* MiUedgeville S.13. WATK1X8VILLK, OA. Maron. 6.05, MiUrdgevII Atlanta. 7.45 Union Pt 12.55 p. 1 J OHN M. MATTHKW8, A*.tcrney at Law, Baniclrrtlle, Sa. Prompt attention will bo tfyen to any btutocea cno^cd to I 1VIUIY, Peed dt Sale SSUtblo, j BiXS k KF.ATES, Prop',, tkene, B*. w lb be toiad at tbolr old aland, rear Franklin House bmld- lnu, Tbomaartreat. Keep alway, an hand good turn-out. ana careful driven. Ittnck wed cand for when entrusted to our care. Utock on band tor anle at an tlraee. ' p'.MlTKI, M. THURMOND JJji 'l - Attaraey at Uw, Atbena, Ga. Office On Urcad aucet, orer the note ot J. W. Barry—will gleeapeelal attention to caeca In Bankruptcy. alao,to tte collection ot a*i claim* entrusted to his care. |N and after Sunday, Ocr. 5th, 1879, trains will run over the Athens Branch, a* follows: - Athens t.15, a. m. Winters, 9.45 “ Lexington, 10. 20 41 Antioch, 10.48 44 '* Maxey’s. 11.05 44 '/ Woodville, 11.21 4< _ Maxey’s, 1^0* pm Ant'och, 1.00, »* Lexington, 2.12. 44 Winter's, v.47, 44 Atlit ) s. 3.15, * 4 I'ashingion which are daily, except Sundays. Northeastern Railroad Change ol* Schedule. 8urrBn»T*sntBTl O * icx, \ Athens, Ga., *'ci. M ts.’S.f QN and after Monday, Ort.6 4 h. I979j P O. THOMPSON, Attornty *M*' ATSgrSt ^ mafisagaagga W .I. RAY, Attemay »ai Corostte *t L*w, MONROE, GEORGIA. «WWU1 glra prompt atlen lon to all ala case. Athens, Ga.,^ _ Northeastern Railroad wlll run as foh.e daily except Sunday: awgW tf T A. ILVH, WA TCBVA KKR ASD JBWtSLKR, Next door to ReaTe, A Nlchcdaon, Tbomae M., ArniKJ.Gi. a» wuk warranted twelve atontha. . aeptll Alt, wo*k warranted twelva ■ B E. TH RASHER, . - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW WA TKISSriLLK, OCOSBK CO., OA. fcb.», -,ST»-ly. * P S. THOMAS, (■ .*• ‘attorn EYSTLAW. 1* in Court House. WATKINSVILLE, GA. July 23—tf. ATTORNEY-ATrLAVt MOSROK, TALTOS CO., OA. t«M*.IWS-ly. J. R. CHRISTY, Sf KQGHPHIC 8IP0RIB F0RT11B ff BIBS C1IC0IT, L attend Court, aud 1 QUIZ. PACT X. Thai’s what Fred called her when she liret tame aud the Dame has clung to her ever since, although she has really earned mure musical appellation. One day when Fred and all ot us were homo, a strange woman, with a queer little girl about live years old, came to the door anil asked if she might come in and get warm. It was the alternoon of a cold windy day in March, and as Bridget had gone uut and the kitcheu lire was down, mamma let her come into the sitting-room wbeie we all were, Fred reading, Nell and I sewing, and Willie aud baby Belle play ing with Ibe blocks. Mamma placed a chair by the fire for the strange woman and pushed up a low stool for the little girl, who seated horse!! demurely upon it, and then began looking at Fred, who sat next to her. l’retty soon the woman arose, said she bijil a long walk to take, and as she was soon to return, asked if she might leave her little girl, who was tired, with us uutil she came back. We lived in a small couutry town, you see, where tramps were tew and far be tween, and mamma, suspecting nothing, consented, and the woman went away. The little girl sat still for a long time and then suddenly startled us all by ask ing in a clear, childish voice: “ What dat be !’’ She was looking at Fred, aud nodded comically at the book he held in his hand. That's a book,” said Fred. What be you d<> it with V I’m reading it,” What dat is T’ Here Fred’s gravity gave way and he burst into a hearty laugh. The child only looked at him wonderfully, and repeated her question, with grave earnestness What dat is you dot” Look here, little Quiz,” said Fred,.” you drust^be a savage if you uever saw a hook belorifj^aud he tried to explain to her what he was doing, but at every step she stopped him with a question, always, as Willie said, putting the cart before the horse. “ Well, Quiz,” said Fred, at last, “ you display a marvellous desire ior informa tion, if you don’t know much now. Pray, tell us what your name is t” But for all we coaid learn from the little stranger, who could ask questions far easier than she could answer them, she had no name; so Fred said be should call her Quiz as long as she stayed with us. Theaiiernoon wore slowly away, and still the stranger woman did not come back. Little Quiz stayed with us all night, and t he next morning papa made inquiries aud learned that stie bad taken the train tor Chicago, and was by this time beyond the possibility ol tracing. We were ail very indignant when papa told us next day at dinner. Quiz amused us with her odd ways and droll questions, and we thought it very cruel tor her iQoiber, as we supposed the woman to be, to desert her in that mau- And what was to becomo of poor Quiz now t was the question wo all asked ^nyfiose we’ll have to send her to the Arrive Woodville, p m “■IlJcdjjevilJc 4 30 \ 14 Macon, C SO., 44 August a, 3 2S ‘' Trainr ran ojdly,except to and from Waahiii jimt 8. E. JOHNSON, sSnpT. I. R. HORSEY. Oen. P***. Avert. 411 traiui Leave'Athena. I ?.R0p. Leave Atlanta (via Air Line R. R.) .10 oop.n bound tmin* on A. L K. K. On We^naday* and Sat urday* the following additional train* will h« .tun: Leave Athena 6.45 a. Arrive at Lola 8.45 a. Leave Lula 520 a. Arrive at Athena 11.30 a. Thi* train connect* closely at Lola for Atlauta, makirg >e trip to Atlanta only fonr lxour* and forty-five minute*. J. M. EDWRADS. Sept. Northeastern Hotel, HAIUIONY GROVE, GA. B*5T SOX^02k^O2>T SEG-AIt. OOD fare,comfortable room* and moat reasonable price*. VXFaatenger* conveyed to and from Jefferson, or other neighboring place*. IALESMEN WANTE Igood'uenTO SELL (cigars to dealers- ■ A month and expenses 9 Samples Free. , Cut thin Notice Out | And »rad it v ilh yonr application .also a JC. Stamp to >n*urc _.. £ FOSTER Jk CO. , r F. O. Box ITS. Cincinnati, Ohio.I 1 New Fall And Winter Stock of Millinery, Ac. MRS. T. X ADAMS,. , has mat ret arsed 20 HOISE-POWER ERBIH FOR SALE I hare a Stationary Engine for a■?,, /GEORGIA, Madison conutv. \J raait oTOiBImxt, 8««. 53d, 1 JaaesB.Crawf6rff.ExY) Mo” of James Dr dty, daceaaed a-si »wa J litlitff tab ' " ^,yr r — ^jriuSnraoopj not re^de is tLia State, —- State of Arkan^a*. and application bavins txave the wilt ot of Jaoet titadey, of «ud coautj \ decM, proTeata solemn form at the November tenuof the Coert aorthmlotaMmentF.^It to ■rriwln New #-to^S0^?SvMM.*to««Vj«k fcl ?£n£Ta£i£?m mmcum » — X. se we’il have to send her to 'Vhouse,’’ said papa, t guess you’ll find out what the rest the little paupers know in just no time, wo"t you, Quiz I” said Fred. Quiz looked at him a moment with her great, serious, gray eyes; then her lips quivered, and two big tears rolled down her cheeks.* “ Where bo I sleep I” sho said, with little, sharp sob. Fred hesitated a moment between a de sire to laugh and a temptation to catch her iu his arms aud kiss away her tears. Fi- uallv ho asked her in a softened tone: “ Don’t you want to go, Quiz I” “ I like to ’tay wi’ you,” answered Quiz, with another sob, leauiug her head ou her hand and her elbow on the table, looking the very picture ot sadness. “Couldn’twe keep her!” asked Fred, suddenly, ot papa. “ 1 don’t know; what does mother say t’ “Oh, mamma dot” said Nell, whose heart was even softer than Ffed’s. “Oh, ’es, mamma, dot” urged little Willie. Mamma, thus appealed to, looked per plexed. Her motherly heait had gone out toward the lonely little stranger, but she had many cares and quite children enough to occupy both heart aud hands. “ I’ll help take care of her ” pleaded Fred. “We might keep her awhile,” mamma said, and so we did. Willie clapped his hands aud cried Hurrah!” Nell said, “ Oh, goody!” Fred said, “That’s jolly!” but Quiz said noth ing, odIj* took up her fork and went on with her dinner. In time we all became very much at tached to her. Her demure, funny ways, were a constant source of amusement, and she was gentle, affectionate and generous. But it was Fred who held complete pos session of her heart. For him she saved half of her candy, apples and other good ies; tor him she learned to sew, draw pictures and write letters, and when she came to go to school it was to him she confided ail troubles and triumphs, and to him she went tor aid and assistance in mastering hard sums, and so we called her Fred’s protege. When she first went to school Fred gave her the name of Orphania, and the children called her “Orphie,” but she re tained her habit of asking questions about everything, and so, partly for fun and part ly because the name suited her, we con tinued to call her Quiz, and thus things went ou until she was twelve years old and Fred was twenty. One day Fred went to the city on busi ness for papa, and we did not expect him home until the eight o’clock express came in the evening. Toward night, there came up a furious storm; it thundered and lightened, the wind blew and rattled the window casements, while at times the rain fell in torrents. As wb were all sea t- around the evening lamp with our ork and studies, mamma shivered and wondered if Fred had an overcoat with him,' and if papa, who bad not come up troth the office, Would think to take one over to the station. A few minutes afterward Quiz arose and slipped quietly out of the room, but we thought nothing of it, for she was in the habit ot slipping sway without saying any thing, and we concluded that she had either gone to the kitchen to Biddy, or else had gone to her own room. She had done neither, however. Step ping quietly into the ball, she had first put ou her thick water-proot and rubbers, then lighted Fred’s lantern, taking his overcoat from the hall, went softly out ot the front door into the driving storm. The wind almost blew her over, aud the rain beat hard on her face; but she ouly tossed her head defiantly, and whispered: “The elements cannot beat me; I know them; they obeyed my .voice once.” Just then the wind caught'up'her cape and blew it over her head in such a manner mat .--he could not see where to step, and stumbled against the lence and almost fell down. The saucy wind twisted and pulled at her clothing, the raiu beat tuto her face, and the thunder rumbled and roared on every hand. But Quiz didn’t care; sho struggled bravely ou until she reached an old dis used shed uear the bridge which she would have to cross, on her way to the depot. Here she paused a moment, partially shel tored lroiu the storm, to re^aiu her breath before attempting the highly-exposed bridge. The village streets were de.-erted, for no oue would venture out ia such a storm unless urgent business called them, yet Quiz heard voices quite near her. She was frightened at first, but listening a moment and Undiug that they came from the shed against which sho was leaniog, she was about to hurry on when a sen tence attracted her attention, and she stood still aud listened. “ But, Jim, the hull train’ll go to smash.” “ Don’t kere! guess it’ll teach ’em not tu discharge a feller like me fur nothin’. Ye see, Johnson, the enjineer, and Hink- ley, the conductor, ^re the ones thet re ported me. The bridge is turned now anyhow, Corey an’ Kernph, the bridge-ten ders, are dead drunk, and there’s nothin' fur you an’ I but tu skulk, and see ’em all go to Satan.” The bridge turned! Quiz’s heart gave a great jump, and then sank like lead; her head grew dizzy, and she was obliged to lean hard against the shed to keep from falling. Then she stepped cautiously around the coiner of the shed, and, with beating heart, looked down tho river. A flash of light ning showed her the railroad bridge turn ed, and the dark river rolling between it aud the bank, where the express train would soon appear\ In imagination she saw the locomotiveqminge down the bank, followed one after anothor by the cars loaded with passengers unaware ot ap proaching death. She heard the shrieks of the poor victims as they were buried the crash, and the groans of the dying they struggled \s£i the waves, or lay gasping beneath thbU-uias. Then she covered her face with her hand to shut out the vision and thought could she save them 1 What should she do ? Go hack home t There were Done but helpless women there. Hurry on to tell papa 1 It would then be too late. “I must save them myself,” she whis pered, and shuttiag her lips tight, grasp ing her lantern firmly she dashed <!owu a cross street in the direction of the rail road track. Then she remembered that Fred, one day in explaining to her about momen tum, had to'd her that the engine could not easily stop on the down grade on this «ide ol the river, but that it was necessary, order to do so, to go back from the river about a mile and a halt to where the descent first began, near the curve. To save time she decided to go cross lots. The storm increased, but Quiz nev- paused a moment; over fences, through briare, across ditches, into mud and mire ankle deep, she staggered along, holding close to the lantern upon which her hopes depended. Once she fell down and hurt her side, but she scrambled up and hurried on, never heediDg the paiu. At last she neared the track aud saw the headlight ot the locomotive just rounding the curve. She tossed ofl her cloak, which impeded her progress, and with redoubled energy pushed ou. Nearer and nearer came the locomotive—fainter and fainter came her breath—she was growing weak—she stumbled over a stono—when she arose the locomotive was almost opposite to her—she gathered all her strength and reached the side of tho track on time with the eDgine, she swung her lantern above her head and shonted with all her might “ The bridge is turned !” The train whizzed past her and she fell fainting to the ground. PART II. When she camo to 1 herself she was lying on the damp grouaJ w.ith a seat-cushion under her head and a number of gentle men standing around her. “ Be they all killed t” asked Quiz, with a shudder. “ No; thanks to you, my brave gill, we are all saved,” answered a kiud-taced gen tleman, who was bending over her;“ are you better now t” “Yes, thank you; but where’s Fredt Wasn’t .Fred on the train 1” “ Anybody here by the name ot Fred t” asked tho conductor, who stood near. Three or four gentlemen stepped forward, among them our Fred, who no sooner looked at poor Quiz than he exclaimed “ Why, bless you, it’s my sister! Dear Quiz, how did you come here I” and he caught her up iu his arms and kissed' her before them all.- Her story was soon told, and several of the gentlemen started off after the vilUans t who were found ia the very shed where. Quiz had left them, and the rest assisted the conductor getting the bridge in place) Quiz was taken on board with Fred, 'and when the bridge had been fixed, the train moved down to the station, where crowd ot anxious citizens, who bad re ceived a premonition that something .was wrong, had gathered. Of cours" papa was with the rest, and when he heard what a little heroine Quiz had first spoken to Quiz when she had lound herself lying on the ground alter the train had passed her. No sooner did he speak than papa recognized him as his old friend and schoolmate, Arthur Witber- ton, whom he had not seen for nearly tweuty years. He invited him to ac company him to our home, and he did so. We, at home, were still sitting around the tire, wondering anxiously why papa and Fred did not come and feeling thank- ful that the storm had at last abated, wheu we heard papa’s night key in the door and in a minute more they came into the room, papa carryiug Quiz, who was weak and pale, while her clothing was disordered aDd covered with mud. Fred and Mr. Wil- berton followed close behind him. Nell uttered a little scream as she saw Quiz, und the rest of us stared in amaze ment, tor we supposed Quiz was safe in her own room, and we could not account for her disordered appearance. Papa soon told us the story, and then we all cried and kissed her and called her our little heroiue, and wheu mamma insisted upon putting her to bed, tearing the exposure might make her ill, we all wanted to sit up and help take care of her. The uext morning, wttile we were all in the breakfast-room visitiug with Mr. Wil- burton, aud almost smothering Quiz with tender solicitude, the former suddenly turned toward papa and said: “ You don’t kuow, Frederick, how much your little daughter, Orphie, reminds me my lost wife. She has the same soft eyes and quiet ways, and the same tones her voice." “ Why, Arthur,” said papa; “ I did not know you had ever been married 1” “ Yes,” answered Mr. Wilburton, sadly; but I did not long enjoy domestic hap piness. But a lew years after Nettie aDd " were married, I became unfortunate in business speculations and went to Califor nia in search of luck. “ I had been there two years and was beginning to look anxiously forward to the time when I could have Nettie with me, when I received a letter informing me of her death.” “In those days it was sometiihes months after a letter was sent before we received it. I arranged my .busmbsq as soon as I could, and returned to my old home in search of our child, and found that a strange family who had been living the house with Nettie had taken her with them. Whither this family had gone could not learn. They were a strange wandering family, and had left tor parts unknown in the night. I have traveled far and wide, and I have spent a good sized fortune searching for my little one, but I fear I shall never see my little Mamie again. Fortune has been kind to me; I am rich now, but I’d give my whole for tune for my child it 1 could but find her." There were tears in his eyes as he ceas ed speaking, and we all felt sad, for we were beginning to love the man of whom papa had so ojteii told us. But Quiz was very much excited, her cheeks were red, her eyes full ot tears, while her breast heaved with every breath as she leaned forward with clasped hands. “ Did you learn the name of the family who took the child t” asked papa, alter a pause. “ Yes, they wore called Sannand Lne Brown.” .4a A At this Quiz uttered a cry arid .sprang forward. “ I know it now, I’m Mamie, I’m Mamie, I’m Mamie!” she exclaimed, passionately, falling at Mr. Wilburton’s feet, and sob- biug as hard as she could. *“ What does this meant” faltered Mr. Wilburton. “Frederic, is not this your child T” Iu as few words as possible papa told him the story of how Quiz camo to be a member ot our family. “ But have you nothing, nothing, my child, which yon brought from our old home 1” asked Mr. Wilburton, trembling between hope and tear. “ Only this,” sobbed Quiz, taking a lock et irom her neck; “ the sick woman who called me Mamie gave it to me to keep always.” With trembling hands Mr. Wilburton took the trinket and opened it, then press ed it to his lips as he exclaimed, “ It’s Nettie herself, her own lace ! I remember the locket now!” We young people slipped out of the room then, and when we returned Quiz was leaning against Mr. Wilburton’s chair looking brighter and happier than we had ever seen her before. It was very hard for ns to give her up just as she had become the dearest sister in all the world, bat Mr. Wilburton did not take her far away. He bought a beau tiful house not far from us, over which Quiz presided in her sweet womanly way. When she was eighteen Fred persuaded her to become our sister-indaw, and now she is the mother ot his baby, Nettie, but we still call her Quiz sometimes, and her father agrees with us that the name is quite appropriate, for she never seems tired of asking questions about her moth er Nettie, whom she cau hardly remem ber. Praise Yonr Wife. Praise your wife, mau; for pity’s sake, give her a little encouragement—it won’t hurt her. Sbe has mads your home com fortable, your heart bright and shining, your food agreeable. For pity’s sake, tell her you thank her, if nothing more. She don’t expect it; it will make her eyes open wider than they have for ten years, bnt it will do her good for all that, and you, too. There are many women to-day thirsting for the word of praise, the language ot en couragement. Through summer’s heat arid Winter’s toil they have drudged un complainingly ; and so accustomed have their lathers, brothers, and husbands'be come to their' monotonous labors,’that they look for and npou them as they do upon the daily rising of the suu, and its dally going down. Homely every day life may be made beautiful by an appreciation of its homeliness. Yon know that if the itude for the numberless atteutious be stowed upon them in sickness aud in health, but they are so selfish in that feeling. They don’t come out with a hearty “ why, how pleasant you make things look, wife,” or “ I’m much obliged to you for taking so muchpaius.” They thank the tailor for giving him “ fitsthey thank the man in a full omnibus who gives them a seat; they thaDk the young lady who moves along in the concert; in short, they t hank everybody and everything out of doors, because it is the custom, and they come home, tip their chairs back and heels up, pull out the newspaper, grumble if wife asks them to take the baby, scold if the live has gone down, or, if everything is just right, shut their mouth with a smack of satislaction, but never say to her, “1 thank you.” I tell you what, men—young men and old—if you die but show an ordinary civil ity towards those common articles oi housekeeping, your wives; if you gave the oue huudred aud sixth part of the compli ments you almost ohoked them with before tboy were married; ii you would stop your badiuageabout whomyou are going to have when number one is dead) such things wives may laugh at, but they sink deep sometimes;) if you would cease to speak ot their faults, however banteriugly, before others, fewer women would seek tor other sources of happiuess than your affection. Praise your wife, then, tor all the good qualities she has, and you may rest assured that the deficiencies are fully counter balanced by your own. “JHurdor’’-and Other Things-" Will Out.” •The other evening a gentleman boarder in one of our genteel boarding-houses was comfortably reading in his room, tho door open, wheD, from the foot ot the stairs, he beard a young lady boarder with whom he was on terms ot free and piaytul intimacy, call: “ Mr. , throw me your night-gown, please 1” Sure that he must have misunderstood her, he called: “ Throw you what t” V‘ Your night-gowD, please.” He was startled. There was no mistak ing her meaning, aud believing that some new joke was on toot among the second- floor occupants which would seem to jus tify such a strange request on the part of the lady, h« took a fresh night-shirt trom his bureau and tossed it over the ballusters. it was received with an ejaculation that sounded little like thanks, and all was silent. Next morning on descending he discov ered his property at the foot of the stairs, where it seemed to be doing duty as au impromptu door mat. Fora moment he inwardly pronounced it very shabby treat ment oi such an immaculate article by the fair borrower, and returned to his room with it; but took his place at the table in his usual good humor. “ Well, how did it work!” he inquired, iookiug over expectautly at the lady. She had omitted to give him her usual cordial salutations, and uow her eyes were fixed upon her plate, and her expression of taco t ut a shade lighter than a thunder cloud. “ Did the joke pan out a success I” he persisted. The lady bit her lips with suppressed •iDger, and his fellow boarders looked at him in sober inquiry. Seeing there was a mistake somewhere he wisely concluded to keep quiet aud lot the mystery explain itself. And it did. That noon he found upon his dressing-table the tallowing uote: “ Mr. , when next I ask you to threw me your knife down, or make any request of you whatever, you will know it. I did not expect such au insult from you, sir.” Calmly aud in silence the gentleman ate his dinner, aud on his return to business dropped a note in the P. 0., of which the following is a copy: “Miss , when next you ask me to throw my ‘ knife down,’ or honor me by any request whatever, I trust I shall be so fortunate as to understand you correct ly. Yon believed me to be a gentleman, and I kuow you to be a lady.” On bis return that evening sbe went to him in the hall with cordially outstretched hand aud frank words of apology. A hearty laugh tallowed, and each promised to keep “ the joke” a secret, and up to this writing each has faithfully kept the promise. Expectancy. A belated pedestriau going up Fori street at a late hour tho other night thought that he obsorvod a figure crouch ing in the latticed porch covering a Irom door. The matter had a suspicious look and he halted and looked over the fence. “ Go on, now!” called a voice of a fe male through the gloom. “ Do you live t$ere T” inquired tho man, “ Indeed I do.” “ Can’t you get in t” “ Indeed I can.” “ Well, what are ; ou waiting for I” he asked after a pause. • What fort” she demanded. “Would respectable woman bo crooked over here at this hour of the night with a club in her band it she didn’t expect her hus band every blessed minute!”—Detroit Free Press. THIS SHEAR’S JOKES. Clipped front the Papers of the Old and New ttorld. “ I’m a ruta baga, and here’s where I plant myself,” said a tramp, as he entered a farm house near Freeport, Illinois, and seated himself at the table. “ We alters bile ours,” said the farmer’s wile, amt soused him with a dishpau full of boiling water. “Iu pursuing my ilieme I should like to cover my ground, bnt—” “ Ruy shoes big enough lor your feet aud you’ll do it,” was the impudeut suggestion from the crowd, aud the orator adjourned his remarks un til a more refined audience could be present. * • A Dutchman, the proprietor of a Colo rado lino ol stages, was collecting S3 a piece from the passengers, by way ot fare. AU had paid except oue, and he, drawing i lai-ge revolver, pointed it at the head of the collector and hoarsely asked: “ Won’t tliat pass me 1” Periectly unmoved the Dutchman said: “ Oh, no; we eats dem tings here. Two tollars please.” • A young lady who ought to know, says the Boston Transcript, accounts for the disposition of the average youug fellow to put his arm around a girl’s waist by the supposition that he is looking for that rib that was taken from him so tang ago. A subscriber to a newspaper, died re cently, leaving tour years’subscription un paid. The editor appeared at the grave, and deposited in the coffin a palm leaf tan, a linen coat and a thermometer. It is better not to ask too many ques tions about the future. A curious Lus- band—that is, a husband who was too curious—asked his wife, “ My dear, what kind of a stone do you think they will give me when I am gone I” She answered, coolly, “ Brimstone, John.” • * The woman'who.said she wouldn’t mar ry the best man livifig kept her word when sho married, a tramp. -i * *** To be interesting a speaker should be full of his subject, unless he happens to be speaking against liquor. * * She was plump and beautiful, and he was wildly fond of her. She hated him. but, woman-like, she tried to catch him'. And yet what was ho t—A flea. • * * “ What quantities of dried grasses you keep here, Miss Stebbins t Nice room for a donkey to get into t” “ Mako yourself at, home,” she responded, with Sweet grav ity. *•* Few young meu are afraid ot a yellow jacket wheu it has a girl in it. fi jor is clean, manual labor has been per formed to make ft so. You know that if had become, he kissed her, very tenderly 1 you can take from yonr drawer a clean and was very thankful that he* ha<£,kept shirt whenever yon want it, somebody’^ and cared lor the homeless little girHrhom 'lidgera have ached in the toil ct-making the strange woman had thrust suuncere-jit so fresh and agreeablev^BverytfuDg moniously upon him. that pleases the eye and +tbe.jiqrile' has But the strangest part of the story is yet! 5°° u P roa,Iced b y c0 “ tan ^ to come. Among the gentlemen who thought, great care and untiring efforts, came forward to thank Quiz and congrat- i buddy aod mental, ulate papa on having such a brave Uttle ! 8t is not that many men do not appre- daughier, was the kind-faced man jfho date these things, and feel a glow of grat- ’ ’• y *' The exasperating. times have again arrived when a young man gets up 'in the morning, hunts for bis hat, fails to find it, imagines that he came homo without it on the preceding evening, dons a straw hat aud goes down town to meet his sister with his four-dqUAr Derby cocked over her left eav, and puffibgou more airs than the gentleman chicken iu the barn-yard. ■STa ' ...... A West-side mau got a belt the other day for making two laps. The second ono was the cook’s, and his wife caught him at it. The belt was received just around the corner trom the left ear, and was made with a stove-lifter. • * “There is something inexpressibly touching in tho fallen leaves,” sighs an es teemed author. There is, there is. It’s wheu you slip on one of the articles on a wet niorntag, and touch the unsympa thetic pavement with the end of yourself. • • * “ Most people neglect the eye,” says a writer. Prize-fighters don’t. They al ways go right for it. • • Do Monkeys Swim ? A correspondent of Land and TFaferin reply to a question whether monkey: swim, says: “ I was always under the impression that they did not like wetting their fur or hair, but at SaDgur, Central India, when I was stationed there, I bad little monkey that was exceedingly fom of swimming and diving. Oue day, on poking him to the pond at the bottom <>i my compound, he jumped off my shouldei arid dived (like a man) into the water which was three, or lour feet deep; ht had his chain on as the time, and when be dived in, the chain caught iu some gras*- or root at the bottom and kept the mui key down; he was just able tu come U the top of the water. Feeiiug bis chain bad caught he dived down, uudid the chain, aud continued to swim with the chain in his baud. He swaui just like a man, as far as 1 could see from the motiou of his arms. Several ot uiy brother offi cers came tosee him swiunuiug, of which he was very forid, swimming Very quietly, and cunningly trying "to catch the frogs that lay floating on the top of the water. “ A pleasant smile he srnole, A holy wink he wunk; U, it was a glorious thing to think The generous thought he thunk.” “ What are you about?” angrily exclaim ed a country editor the other day to his wife, who was touching up her complex ion before the mirror. “ Only getting up my ‘patent outside’ dear,” was the reply. What’s the difference,’ asked a teacher in arithmetic, * between one yard and two yards!’ ‘A fence,’ was the reply of a member of the class. The teacher was si- ent. *•* Sho sang soprano sweetly— Her voice was like a lyre; But on Sunday she ate onions, And busted up the choir. »..A sham-poo—Affected contempt. . .Striped stockings cover a multitude of shins. ...When you observe a family sitting about the dinner-table, each member bathed in tears, remember that the horse radish season is upon us. ...What is the difference between a watchmaker and a jailer! One sells watches, and the other watches ceils. ...Why is a woodpecker like a tramp! Answer—Because he bores for his grub. It is only the female sex who can rip, darn and tear without .being] considered proiane. ...A little girl in one of our public schools the other day bad occasion to parse the word “ Angel.” Coming tci the gender she •topped dismayed and asked bet ; teacher it «there are any men Angels” , ;il : . ..A youug follow was the other-day rallying another on having a forge mouth. - Yes ” was the reply, “ but tbe. Lord had make yours small so as to give plenty >f room for jour cheek.” ..An unsuccessful vocalist went to the uoor-house and delighted the with his sinking. He said it was a natu ral thing tor him to do, as he liad been ringing to poor houses over siace ho bo- tan his career. ..The newest definition of the black vomit is the exodbs to Kansas. ..“ Never lea vejphat you undertake un it you can reaettyour arms around it and clinch your hamra on the other side,” says a recently published book tor young men. Very good advice; but what if sbe screams ! ...The man wbo “couldn’t find his m itch” wen t to bed in the dark,; . . [