The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 28, 1879, Image 3

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_ _ mS - Mr. 'jfr ■**f§~. flfc* IjOCAXi maitebb. ATUKNM, 0,V .OUT. US. DAVIS’ PREMIUM GALLERY. Fraternal Record. IUTwim U4|*tf,r. A. ■•—Meet* on the tfnt u4 third KrUUy nijfatB ip every nwnUi, at 7# o’clock. William Cine, W. M., I. M. kc&ncj, ft Athens t hay Ur, X*. I.-Mn Mcetaoo the *d Thursday night cHall. W. B. Thomaa II. P. I.M. Kcuuev, Sce’r. WUUmbs Ud|i U,l. 0. O. F.—Meetaevery Monday Bight at Odd Fellow.’ llaU. C. K. Widen, N O. T. A. tier, oilVcr Lacaapmeat, So 14,1. 0. 0. F.-Meet* on the lat and Sd Thoraday night* inevery month, atOdd Feiknra’**->■ J. U. dirtuor, O. P., U. tfesss*. Scrto* Alhaaa Uaarda. —Meet svenr Thoraday night at tbdr Ar mory. J. U. II ail. Captain, K. 11. Honey, 0.8. Clarke Ceeaty limit, 5# 1SI.—MeeUoo the 4th Wa day is erery month at the Fair Ground.—U. U. J. Long, ncaday night in each month. C. W. Daria Dictator, J. H. Moore, Ueportcr. “ too CeaacU, M Monday nights , 5o. S3*. Bejal Arraasa-Meets lat and lo dock month, at Odd Fellow* HaE. Wi a. H. FaTmer, Secratary. r the Heath Udrr, So 4,1. 0. (i. T.—Meet* every night. W. 11. lleard, W.T C. A. L. Tocher, W. FIVE DEFABT3IERT. ATHENS FIRE CO., NO 1.—Meeta ot. the 4th 1 . i Thoraday night In erery month, at Firemen’a Hall. U. C. Brian t, Capt. "HDNnE’uOoil A LADDER CO„ NO. 1.—Meeta on the lat Wednesday night In every month, at Flremen’a llall. 2. 1. "milb. President, K. K. BloomAeW. Sect’y. KKLI fcF « COLORED" FlKKCO.^NO.l.—Morta on the lat "5SmS& “ COLORED” FIR* CO.l NO. MeeU on the lat Tuoadar night tn each month. Thomaa Walker, Cnptain, U. B. Daria, Hoc. ini'BCH directory. 1ST METHODIST.—Corner Hancock avenue and Lompkin alreet. Rev. O. W. Yarboroogb, Faator. Kegumr Sunday service* 11 o’clock, a. in., and 8 p. m. Sunday School 9 a.m. *D METHODIST.—Oconee Street. Rev. W. R. Branham, Pastor. Regular Sunday service*, 11 a. nu. and 8 p. m. Sun- ixy School, 4 o'clock, p. w. PRESBYTERIAN.—Hancock avenue. Rev. C. W. Lane, Paator. Regular Sunday aervicea, 11 o’clock, a. m. and 5 p. m. Snaday School, t, a. m. Young men and buidneaa men’r Prayer meeting, Tuesday night at 8 oclock. Prayer meeting, Thoraday afternoon at 5 o'clock. B APTIST.—Corner College arenue and Market street. Rev C. D. Campbell. Paator. Regular Sundaj aervlcer. 11 a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. Sunday School, 8 a. tu. EMMANUEL (EPISCOPAL).—Cor. Lumj/ fn and Clayton afreet*. Rev. II. Ingle, Rector. Regular Sunday service* 11 a. m., and 7* p. in. Sunday School, »X •- »- ST. MARY'S—EPISCOPAL.—Hirer atreet. Sundaj acr- rlce«, 11 a. m. and «p. m. Sunday -rhoolf a. ro. BOGGS' (METHODIST) CIIURCn.—Her. P. A. Heard preacbea on I be lat Sunday In each month; Rev. E. I). Stone, on the ad Sunday; ltev. \v. W. O-lic and Kev. Mr. Candler, the ad, and Rev. Dr. K. W. Srx*r, the 4tb Sunday. PltlMITIVK BAPTIST.—Rev. 1). Patman, Paator. Regu lar aervke*. kd Sunday In each month, at il o'clock a. m., and Sr.lunlay before. ROMAN CATHOLIC (ST. JOSEPHS.)—Service* on the 4th Sunday tu every month, at 1«« o’clock, a. m.,and T p. m.. Sunday scliool ami the Roacry every Sunday In the year at lo w o'clock, a. tn. Father O’Hara, paator JEWISH SYNAGOGUE.—Clayton atreet. D. Michael, Reader. Regular aerylcea every Friday night, ♦ X o'clock. AFRICANMETHODIST.—Foundry atreet. Rev. L. TV- out, Paator. Regular Sunday acrvicea, 11am, and 8pm COLORED BAPTIST^—t'orner Bvoail and Hill street* — Rev. Floyd HiU, Pastor. Regular Sunday services, 11 a. m , and 8 p. in. NS Alderman—4th Ward. Messrs. Editors: Please announce that Vim. W. Thomas will be supported by his iriends at the coming election for Alder- on from the 4th w >rd. Mast Voters. Second Ward. tyo are authorized to announce G. Jacobs, Esq., as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the 2d Ward. Death of Hiss Ernua Gean. This amiable and interesting young lady, eldest, daughter of our respected fellow-cit izen, Mr. T. Vi. Gean, departed this lile on Tuesday last, after a long and paipfpl ill- pess. She had bee- for a number of yesjs a consistent member of the Metho dist church, and adorned her profession by a true Christian life and a Godly conversa tion. She died without a struggle, in the triumphs of a Christian faith. We tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family. ' A Rumor that Proves Correct! We had heard it rumored that Mr. C. W- Davis would leave Athens at an early day to open a gallery in Cincinnati, but we had no faith in the report until in a conversa tion with fir. Davis we were informed that the rumor was correct; that be has placed his Premium Gallery on sale, and as soon as it is disused of will leaveTHthens for the Queen city. We know this news will meet with uni versal surpriso and regret. Mr. Davis has given to Athens an establishment elegant jh all its appoint pents, and by his unri valled work and untiring energy, he has mode Athens the photographic art center of the State, and for himself a reputation tlattering in the extreme, and we are poppy to knot? that our city is to lose such a citizen. Jottings About Town. The cotton market opened lively yes terday morning. ...Athens will be well represented at the Macon fair this week. ...The Adah Richmond Opera Company are playing i* Augusta this week. ..Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West will probably come this way after the Macon fair. . ..W. W. Cole’s circus, museum and me nagerie is billed for Athens the 13th ol November. ...Burns’ band returned from Atlanta Satuiday evening. They had a splendid tune in the Gate City. . ' ...The Southern Cultivator will hereafter be issued lrom the Constitution office, Atlanta. ...Hon. II. H. Carlton will issue the daily Banner on or about the first of No vember. Wo wish the enterprise success. ..Cotton is lying around loose on the principal streets giving an air of business fo onr city. It looks much better than when stored up out of sights In mammoth ,ia himself <o say who shall be anything. ACard To the citizens and voters of Athens. It has been nimored by some of the friends of -apt. Ta'madge, that one of ns is to be Chief of the Police force, provided Mr. Carlton is elected Mayor. It is also stated that Mr. Carlton has pledged himself to to - one of us. The report has grown out of nothing, and is only used as an issue in trying to defeat Mr. Carlton in the city election. There has been various reports for that purpose hot without any great effect. We can say, without tear of con tradiction, that we never Eaid a word to Mr. Carlton in reference to the position ot Chief, or be to us. We are earnest and active workers in the interest ot the “ working men” and our ticket, and the scheme has been broad'iasc in order to “ Buildose” some of the friends and sup porters ot Mr. Carlton, and gain votes for Capt. Talmadge. Therefore we do not think that any voter in the furthcoming election, with the ieast spark of common sence or judgment, would listen to any such reports—knowing as what they are used for. It should be well understood that the Mayor does not hold the power I Great Bargains. The undersigned offers ior sale 400 acres of land in lrom two to lour miles of Athens, in lots of size to suit purchasers. Hekry Jennings. University battalion. i Mhc The following are l he officers of the University Battalion for the ensuing term : Adjutant, Jas.T. Newton, Madison, Ga. COMPANY A. Captain, W.-H. Steele, South Carolina. 1st Lieut, T. A. Hammond, Atlanta. 2d “ J. M. Mayne, Oconoe, Ga. JstSergt, JJ. C. IVipe, Washington. 8d “ T. wi Alexander, Augusta. 3d “ W. H. Melone, Cobb county. 4th “ S. Z. Ruff, Athens. COMPANY B. Captain, L. L. Hunnicutt, Atlanta. 1st. Lieut, 0. M. Houser, Fort Valley. 2d “ S. W. Young, LaGrange. 1st Sergt, Irby Dunklin, Texas. “ Q. H. I). filoodworth, Barnesville. qd “ A. L. McRae, Telfair county. 4th “ J. T- NelH, Chatham county- warehouses. ...The Athens Guards will have a meet ing at their hall Thursday night. A full attendance is desired. ..The directors of the Athens Fire Co. No. l, will meet at their hall this even ing at 7 o’clock. ..We understand that Miss Annie Boyle will give one of her fine entertainments one evening this week at Deupree Opera House. ...All parties who have left watches at Mr. T. A. tier's jewelry store for repair are requested to call and get the same, as he contemplates removing lrom the city at an early day. Prof. A. Halwick is now domiciled at Mr. Bensse’s saloon on Jackson street, where he cordially invites all his Iriends to call and relresb themselves. ..Jordan Sbeats, who was to have been bung last Friday in Danielsville for the murder ot Mr. Ledbetter, has been respited by Gov. Colquitt until Friday November ,4 th. ...Mr. S. C. Reese, County Treasurer, has removed his office to the store of Mat- thows & Jackson, corner ot Clayton and Lumpkin streets. ...A man always wants some one to tell him how handsome he looks. A woman will get before a looking glass and see for herself. ...Lynch & Flannigen have a large and select stock ot lurnishing goods at their store on Broad street. ..Miss Maria McCartney will display her pattern hats, bonnets and millinery to her Iriends Wednesday. ...Dr. James Camak arrived at home last Friday. -The Doc’’-r's fyoda-wiU be glad to hear that ho l^Taiuiast entirely recovered from his recent illness, and that bis pleasant face will be seen again on our streets at an early day. ...John White, Jr., President of the Oconee County Fair Association, is in Atlanta witnessing the Fair and races, and otherwise enjoying himself. Mr. Andrew Flanigan, a guard at the Goorgia Factory, accidentally shot him self in the leg with a pistol Monday morn ing while on duty. The wound is a -very painful one hut is not considered danger ous. Dr. Gordine was called in and at tended to Mr. Flanigan’s wound. .We are pained to announce the death of Maud and Leila, infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. W.’ H. Fuller, who died on Saturday and Monday of last week. To the be reaved pareots we offpr our sympathy in their sore bereavement. ...We regret to learn that Mr. C. W. Davis has concluded to leave Athens and take up his residence in Cincinnati. Onr City not only loses a good citizen but one of the best artists in the country. The protracted meeting at Oconee Street Methodist church is still going on with unabated interest ...The Athens Public Library will hold meeting at their ball, up-stairs, next door to thd-, telegraph office, Wednesday night. AU citizens that feel an interest in this association are invited to be present. .H. F. Linton, tax-collector, announces that his books are now open at bis office and ready to receive all taxes due the county and State\ see his notice in anoth er column of this paper- ...Miss Lula Key, who has been on a visit to the family of Ifr.yJ. A. Garebold, for a short time, took beif departure, on Friday morning last, for her home— Augusta. She made many friends during her stay in our city, and all were sorry to see her leave. We hope that she will visit onr city again shortly. The power is invested in the members of the city council to elect the police and officers of the city. “ Drowning men will catch at straws,” knowing that they can- uot attack Mr. Carlton fair and square, they bring in side issues, and strike at him over the shoulders of some oue else. Now iu answer to the above rumor, wo take pride in proclaiming that the whole false and no truth iu it. These are tacts and facts that can be substantiated. Uespectlully, W. n. Price, . T. A. Hamilton. The Future of Athens. Under this heading, we copy the follow ing from our sprightly cotemporary, the Oglethorpe Echo, and most politely tip our hat to Bro. Gantt for the baudsome man ner in which he speaks of our city. We are sati-fied that his views are just and true iu reterence to the future ot Athens : “ No city in Georgia has a more brilliant outlook tliau Athens. Its star is in the ascendancy, and no earthly power can stop or change its course. With the com pletion of the Northeastern Railroad a new dawn of prosperity opened upon the place, and its growth since then has been most magical.. Jl one road can do this much lor Athens, what may be expected''when three great fines will make it their termi nus I and this we expect to see in less than two years. It is now a settled fact that the Northeastern will be pushed through to Knoxville, while the Eatonton and Madison road will be sum to quickly tollow. Athens possesses every advan tage ior a large commercial centre—unlim ited wafer power at its door; pure water and fine health; progressive business men and capital. She is bound to become the fininineruial mnrt tif Geojgift*, ard the day is not far distant when we shall see her trade rivalling that of Angusta or Atlanta. Her citizens feel a pride in her prosperity, and will expend all the money necessary to make her a metropolis in deed. A rich and fertile country pays tribute to this gallant little’ Inland Queen,’ and her conquest extends with each sea son.” Grand nery. French "Pattern Hats, Bonnets, <tc., will take place Wednesday, Oct. 29th, 1879. Athens Fire Co-, Ho. X. At the annual meeting of this veteran company, on Thoraday night last, the fol lowing gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year: A. D. Wamafing Captain p. If. Wilson... 1st Foreman. P. W. McDermed..... 2d « J. B. Gardner.....— M " A. H. Saye Asst 3d “ H.P. Christy..... .Secretary* W. A. Talmage .Treasurer^ B. K. Pridgeon .Pipeman. Joseph Saye .....lift “ J. G. McWaters ..Chief-Engineer. D. Hemorick..._.._.....lst Ass’bi^s^L A. F. Pierson;....,v...2d « -« We ere Indebted to'the' publisher, Mr. Wm. Fleming, of this city, l>r a copy at two new and beantifol pieces ot music, entitled “ Snowdrift” and « Only a word, Loye." This is a 9 new departure” on the part of onr booksellers, and one which we are satisfied will be beneficial to them and the people. Call at Mr. Fleming’s book store and examine for yourselves. We Another Fine Fottndt. noticed on exhibition at Davis' Premium Gallery a very fino life-size por trait of one of Macon’s prominent cituens, Mr. John A. Cobb. It is one of the finest we have seen, and Mr. Davis is making specialty of this large work, while the price is so low that it enables every one to adorn their homes with life portraits of their families. Death of Dr. Brumby. On Friday morning last Dr. A. B. Brumby, trim had been tor several yean a resident ot this city, where he was well known and Universally respected, departed this life alter a brief and severe illness. Dr. B. was a gentleman of very high intellectual attainments, and had been en gaged in teaching school since he came into onr midst. He was a most thorongh and efficient instructor of youth, and took great defigfit in imparting instruction. J was a geotieman pf nothing perseverance and industry, and a public-spirited citizen, whose loss will lie felt by the entire com munity. He hod been, We think, a mem ber of the Presbyterian church lor a num ber of yean. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death, who have onr sincere sympathies in this sad afflio- THE TAI LOR Is con tantly re ceiving additions to his already large s t o e it ol imported suitings. Fall and Winter DRY Boots oid Shoes. & YOUTHS' CLOTHE Carpets, HE' BOYS' At the Immense House of M. G. & J. COKEN ii elegfuit ANwr’ineiit of New Fall aod Winter Good*, ccroprlalnc the latent novel lu ll gAlj a l 010 ncw ■R*d«ot mod combinations in Drew Good* at lower prises BLACK CASHMERE l»c, 25, 35, 50, 00, 75, $1.00. COLORED CASHMERE la all the Newest <hadea, from 15 cent* to all wool, at 60 cent*. ALPACAS. from 15 cent* to all wool, at BLACK In great quantities from 15 to GO cents a yard. FAJNTCY DE Of all kinds and qualities from to •& cents a yard. COTTON SITITINTGS in beantifol design* at 7>< cent*, worth 10c. Havingpnrrhasrdan iaxm?na-> a*sortm£ifd~cMflrese the advantage in Ladies Misses and Childrens' Hose, at lower price* than We have this season a very lar. and other ribhous, at extremely low prices. SHOES. Sole Gullet’s Steel Brush, All Cotton dealers say it Males the Best Sample Known to the Trade. THE COTTON BLOOM, Agents for MILES’ PHILADELPHIA SHOES. OM, AOo, . HUBS Carpets, Rugs and Mats, Blankets, Shawls and Balmoral Skirts, Cloaks and Dolmans In all the latest style* from Si.50 up. Marseilles Quilts. Table Damask, Napkins, Doylie’s Towels, Shades and Piano Covers. The BEST COSSETS IN THE STATE at 50c. - We beg leave to call the attention of the public to thluatock, as cialty. Oar stock this fall is nore complete and cheaper th-p, uvw oar. good* before purchasing elsewhere. (Pormely Magnolia,) runs light, makes good sample and cleans seed thoroughly/ Hiss McCartney’s l Opeqlag'or Fall and Winter Milli. Messrs. Orr & Hunter: Dear Sirs—Tn reply to your inquiries, 1 will state that I have been using GULLET STEEL BRUSH Gin for a number of years, and don’t think it equalled by any Gin in use. It makes a superior sample to any Gin 1 have ever seen. lean al way* get from -jc. to ic. per pound more for it than that ginned on other gins. It leans the seed as well as any gin. The workmanship is very fine, and I consider the best Gin in use. Yours, respectfully, E. BANCROFT, Athens, Ga. Of Interest to All. Ii. S. Harris, the champion barber of Athens, desires to state to the ladies that "they wish huir-dressing, sbampooning, etc., done in line style, they will be promptly waited on at tueir residence by one ot his competent workmen, by leaving their orders at his shop. Children and others desiring work in bis line will also be waited on promptly at home. Every- thing complete and prices m< derate. Messrs. Orr & Hunter: We take great pleasure in replying that GULLET’S STEEL BRUSH Gin makes a sample far superior to any other gin in our community, demanding a pre mium of $c. to ic. per lb. in home markets, and Jo. to lc. in Augusta. We never have any trouble in cleaning seed. The power required to drive it is a little above most gins, but the superiority of sample far over balances that. We have used onr Gin ten years. Respectfully, J. W. & R. A. TURNER, Elbert county, Ga. Al'flEIS RETAIL PRICES ClIRREXT Fop (Lie week finding Oct. JJH. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JAMES OTARELL. COTTON—dull—middling u^lO^ct*. 4 £ FACTORY HOODS. TOBACCO. Cotton Yarn*. -75gS4 C immon, y c». 4&£50 0*nabargs, per yard. 10910.M ediurn. 6&»75 _.«d7F!nc 1.0001." irowu 70S Smoking 6001.. GOODS. Snufff AUccaboy. 1.00 Print*, per yard- 507 Cigar*, Am. ? 14. .30.00050.00 Delaines 1*002: llavada ...75.000100 00 Bleached Shirting*. **13, AMMUNITION. Bed Ticking ..lo&Si. i’owde.-, V 35 40 Worsted*............-p* 1 ****»-♦ ' r "’‘"^Honsaasi. ~ :c*p*,ybox ......10040 Floor, fancy, V bbl.. .-7.500! LIQUORS. Family. O.SO0.uo,Coru whiskey, good. 1.0003.00 Sopcmne 0.0006.85; medium 8.0003.00 Conn white, V bn... - 700 751 common 1.2301.SO yellow 0.0000.00 Peach brandy, good. 8.50 Pea* - 70075; medium... “*“* Meal 750SO! common... Wheat .1.00141.85 Apple do. go jA 2.S502.5O Buckwheat Floor 8010; medium 3.00 Bacon, side* 60C#- common 8.25 ■honlder* 1000 {French do 4.G*01O.< ham* lifeHolland gta 3JMI04.I Lard, V Ih 10018 American do 8.0008.00 »dowm..r.V.’.*.l#_l*Xifp^o ' l.oogl.50 Messrs. Orr & Hunter: Dear Sirs—Yours of 26th asking my opinion of the COTTON BLOOM Gin to hand. I have been running Cotton Gins for about thirty years, and have tried va rious gins, and consider the Cotton Bloom one of the best made. I have a fifty saw with«which I gin eight to ten bales per day. I have ginned a bale in 45 min utes with'it, picking the seed clean and making a beautiful sample. The saws are well tempered, the workmanship good, and runs like a top, there baing no quiver ing or chattering, which is common lo most gins. Yours, See., A. B. JACKSON. Oconee county, Ga. Iwrfcey*- 7 v-1.25! Ext. Logwood 83040 Batter, U <i» U^*5 Kpiom Sait*. 10015 GROCERIES. Alum 10 Sog*r, crashed *03l8;sna»har. A — '.Ojiii.i ^ HARDWARE. B 10* l# Iron,Swede*,?a 606 olmanra*.*.... *«*io Casting*. Cofteo, Rio, * tt> lAf^.Nai*, V keg s.;s Laguyta *S0*»;Stce^ cart 15016 Java *>0*3 plow S0io Tea, Hyson, 9 ft l.*5’Cotton Cards. 50060 Gaopowder.. .14001 .*5;Woo) ** -*0050 Blade.. L.OO0L*5Pkm- Points *5040 Syrup, calc 75 SjxithV Bellow* tatnch Cuba Molasses ,4O0$°i A,mis.. 17018 CaxxLes, •perm, per tt.,46050 Hammer* .......1701$ adamantine....>0 dome Shoe* JBV01O ' “ “ ....*0035 tA-OW | Cheese,State,pern ....164*0 Rognsa uajv...l8 *ao* Cracker*, aorta.,., i ....10.0 Nalls.. ^Vdox. ceding Hoc*, Br»de%C. U. Arne*’Shovel*. 1.0001 Spade* 1.0001.10 Chain* 60076 BOOTS. mam...... ........ wi »--y»ur.i:, So4»...TTT. S«ll;Sole,N* .....15330 Back Proper -...»» Cpp« 40e<o Rod 4 ' .Wliiat. ngu BAD WEATHER NOTICE. There'is^no day too cloudy or dart, but what you cSfiget the best pictqres made at Deo as - Davis’ PrxmujH Gallebv. Take “ BLACK-DRAUGHT ” and job will never be bilious. FoT sale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon. “ BLACK-DRAUGHT " make* chill, and □don. fever imi ipo^iblc. For sale, by ] THE LUMMUS GIN, The LurgcAl and moat Complete Stock of BUTTOR8 in, the State Ladies’ and Gents’ Linen Cuffs and Collars f Ladies’ and Gents’ Gloves in all th new Styles. Kid Gloves at 40c worth 75c. Ladies’ Under Vests. Childrens Union Suits Children s Under Vests. Men and Youth’s Underwear in all qualities and lat est styles. Is a good, light draft Gin and cheap. Price o $2 50 per saw. "We soil the KING of SHIRTS. t0 flt * and madc of the OUR OWN SHIRT at 50c and 75c. The best Shirt in the market for the money. Wc would respectfully call the uttoutloa of our customer, and the trade at large that c .iS-JF - ORR 8c HUNTER, AGENTS, ATHENS, GA THE TANNER ENGINE. Manufactured at Richmond, Ya., is strong, durable and easily managed. The engine is so constructed that it has steadier motion, with less friction than other engines. The; Payne Engine Has return tubnlar boiler, made of the best hammered wrought iron and is very cheap. call oisr on ADDRESS, ORR & HUNTER, Hanfacturers Agents, - Athens, Georgia, GAIRDNER & ARNOLD, Agenta. Elberton. Ga. DRESS GOODS, —LKS, SHAWLS, —SESo, i COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, Girls’and Boy*'Suit*, RUC WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAXBUBGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, *«. DRY GOODS HBY MAU.H Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself koto cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRV GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Empress. ~We carry on average stock of about #400,000, all bought of about #<00,000, ^ cash. US'Try «*• Tavcthe Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER &C0NARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' “Nt ; JVos. 1 2, SDeupree *Block, Jllhens, Ga i and will rceeive a At :ss GOODS price** we are enabled to give o RIBBONS." md complete *tock of Groxa Gr.Un*, in all color*, aad a full line of 3ttt CLOTHING- roake clothing for MetfTYoulli and Bov* onr *pe- Strictly First-Class, and that we have ^ NO BATTS, NO HUMBUGS T KTo Miisrepresentations. No false Quotations of goods allowed in onr House 13 DON'T YOU FORGET IT 11 NEW GOQQ^ A Large Stock and Low Prices. The undersigned has just returned fr^m the Eastern market a with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Which he has purchased direct from Manufacturers and Importer* CHEAP FOR to the people of Atbcn* and Northeast Georgia as Cheap as they can be bought In any efty la Bell For Cash and Cash Only be as low as any other honsc, and lower, If possible- Quick Sales and Short Profits shall be his Motto, IU p*ic-M will be a His Stock consists in part of Coffee, Sugar, Soils, Mackerel, Kails, Rice, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Wheat Bran, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, 50 Dozen Laundried Ready Made Shirts, to suit all classes. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, Saddles and Bridles, Buggy Harness, Plow Handles, Trace Chains, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Bagging and Ties, Kerosene Oil and various other hings too tedious to'mention. He also has a large FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, And will stor- Cotton, snd make advance on °otton stored, upon as good terms as anytother bouse. Also keeps «n hand a large supply of his Ammonia ted Gtinuo aad Dobbs* Chemicals, far Composting to soU to planters * bo bny and pay for fertilizer*. With twenty year* experience he delies competition. S. C. DOBBS. CATARRH MBH f CONSUMPTION ■MMMMMosi and CxUrrhal llczd-.zhps,H ^ a ». r-pa-- ivo 4 ar. 11 _ r^is t!;>-roi»: ^^■Mtemmthorocgbj utd certain to cum aad give insuntroiisf as IlNHALENE MV, DxVOXX’S IXBtLXB. Wi ! knarva tom^dlcxl iclen,'-^, with HOME -TRE ATRSENT^JbSjt^J 8Z£ iSikt> k. retired if not mMftotf. CITAUo for ad* kr The only Improvement ever made on the common. Porous Plaster. It contains greater and more powerful PAIN BELIEVING, STRENGTHENING, CURATIVE PROPERTIES than the common Pcrons Plaster, and is fai>operior to liniments and the so-called electric appliances. Price J25 cents. Select School pottery pictures. o«r mldcncK of CapuS. F. Uiaf.u;.. , T HE i.rrert and handaomeat lAmrlmrat of PICTD rou F0TTBRT DKCOBATIpR ever before bron* A House to Bent Near the business portion ot town. Applly to XV. A. Weatueuly. loo, a practical boos for practical men. Krr.licit in Itonsand model a'pnabetc. t* of books«dicr« snd tupply LUu*e*, or by mxll. J&4SV HANhT A BOOT dfe’SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. T"S, French “ P. WEL. ppdhew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy tobacco. dec3Iy.