The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 18, 1879, Image 3

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ShefotttlictulW’mau. — matters. Xl'HKN'S. GA ,. r .NOV. It. DAVIS’ PREMIUM GALLERY. Fraternal Record. , v *. 31,—Meets on the flmt and *V at 1M o’dock. William 'King, W. *{•■ “ *V*TSl£Son the *1 Thursday night tUAW. B. Thomas H. /. lA«. It Uvl.i I’CiloWS j\>- tal ^V-4&2SrriS*tT nlsht.t.their At- n t .vrv>^ Ground. U. K. J. Long, .1. 1' \V 11 AVifl c. W. Davis Dictator, „ .n (hlil pviiow* ^ I., *1.1) n*uW in each mouth. Keporfer. ^ lintal Arcanum.—Meets 1st and „ X^AajniJhi’ind’ofh « “niV aiOd^FcHows llall. Win U. r.ln^r.Hecr.UO- ^ (,'lltu DBrABTBWT. Wednesday night ■ n : I' l“Uk'u- ViVtK CoT, NU l.—Meets on the 1 et KKl.lht ' very month. bS. Joln.eon.OBpt., Jerry Wednesday night '■-,> *11. Seet'y. •IIAMI’ION COI.OHKD’’ FIMCO.1 NO-S^MeetB on Tue-iav night in each month "/.plain's. II. Daria, **• t ill Hi ll OIKBCTOBV. ’clock. r vi» Mi: and s p. m. Sunday School * a. m. Street. Kev. W. R. Branham, Begubr sTtn.b^ ecrrtcei, 11 a.m.. and 8p. ” ,rVTKK1 \N —Hancock avenne. Rev. C. W. I-ane, 1 ' w !.nlar Sundayservice*, 11 o'clock,a.m. and6p.m. ,,i,,r. ItegamrSh"" r men aud business men? >'-! ’>■ '•f u ,i,Uy night at 8 odoch. Prayer meeting, '''■' VinfltnloOii :r 6 o'clock. renter College avcMie and Market street. Rev 1 /' a .mlK^r™'^ Rc-golhrsnud^ a. m. ■ "■ * '.t / m. Sunday School, 9 a.m. — Lnuif/'tn and Clayton Sunday services . „ ; S ClVllM'k p. in. a-u..«..a, * * ,.\im vnTKL(BI*1sCOPAL).—cor. Lump 1 hMMAN KM r *i, Koclor . Rpirolar Si " 7 in and "M !’• m - f ’ un, i tt 5 r ft * 1 CT \KYS-KPlSCOPAI—Ktver street. a -- it am and *p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. ,mktI101)1STI CHURCH.—Rev. P. A. Ilcara ’ if,C let Sunday in each month; ltcv.K. D. Stone, ■■ i sondav •' K.*“ vV'iV.^lin and Rev. Mr. Candler. . i ivv Ur K. \V. Speer, the Ith Sunday, i»im it I v S 11 aVTIST.—Hcv. D. I'atmn, Pastor. Regn- 1 hlMl ‘ V . A , .-..K mt.nih. ill 11 o’clock a. m.. , the ith Sunday. . D. Patin-n,' leach month, at tl “‘if.r«?3 , *cvriioUC (ST. JOSEPHS.! —Services on the Michel. wry Friday ninat, "M o’clock. : 7 & Workingmen's Indcptndeut Ticket. For Mayor, ,T. II. Canton. For Aldermen, 1st Ward, W. L. Wood. 2d Ward, W. A. Jester. 3d Ward, W. C. Kemp. 4th Ward, .1. li. Crane. Jottings About Town. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. We met. And jet E'en as tvs met The time had come (or parting, The train That waa to bear mo off again Wae charting. Major T. A. Burko, we are, glad* to state, is improving in health and strength. Judge George Hillyer will preside over Clarke Superior Court this weeli. Hon. Joel A. Billups, of Madison, was at tending Clarke Superior Court last week Sam. H. Hardeman, Esq, of Washing ton, and CoL John C. Reed, of Greene county, were in the city last week. We regret to learn that Dr. James Camak is again confined to bis bed. — Mr. John W. Buike, of Macon, is in the city on business. Mr. Emory Anderson, of W.itkinsville, has bought the bookstore of Mr. J. W. . Burke. We learn that the two bookstores The city is full of choice apples and I W jj[ ke combined under the firm name oi fine oranges. Fleming & Anderson. ...Christmas goodies are rolling in by the Mrs. A. S. Mandeville leit last Thurs- car load. day morning for Atlanta. During her ..Athens gets most of its fine beef from ] stay in the Capital she will be the guest She grasped my hand and jnnrmnwd " Oh, how J*vc longed to see yon, JSd : And, In a voice deep and profound, . I said; * 4 Why don’t yon pass ’em round ? And then she rose Upon h«-r toes, While i;dld fondly hover Upon the step above her. In vain: Thai train— If I may mention it aga’n— Waa starting; Ob, wbv should fate so interpose Ithclt between our bliss ? .Her kiss Lit on my nose : buch was our parting. —if, Gate Potto ...Sing hey! the luscious’simmon and| the merry ’possum eater. Madison county, also. ..The registration hooks will close Thursday next, the 20th inst. ..There are five restaurauts in the city doing a lair business. ...There are six bar-rooms and two beer saloons in the city. Yet with all these ac commodations a man will yell like a Co- , , .. . „ Clinard in the discharge of his hotel du mancho Chief as soon as the bug juice gets * . „ „ of Mrs. Henry W. Grady. Hon. Emory Speer will leave for Wash ington city about the 28th of November. We regret to learn of the continued s'ckness of Mr. J. 0. Gaiiey. We hope to see him out on the streets again at an early day. Capt. Jerry Ritch ably assisted Capt. under his shirt. ties last week. Capt. Bitch has a host of lrieuds in Northeast Georgia that always merchants. ..Up to Saturday evening 721 voters| had registered at the Clerk’s ollice. . .Capt. Clinard, ot the Newton House, had a crowded hotel all of last week. We The large crowd in the city Thursday jj oc j i aroun( j hj m w hen they visit Athens. leit a largo amount ot money with our COURT ITEMS. Court is in session this week, with Judge Hillyer, of the Atlanta Circuit, pre siding. Among the visiting attorneys at our will reiterate what wo have often said be-1 Court last week were Hon. Joel A. Billups j fore, the Captain is one of the best land- Co1 - John c - Rt ‘ id . Col. S. H. Hardeman and lords in the State. Jud S e Wile y c - Howard Sheriff Browning took in some of the No rtbern apples are quoted at two boys ag 8pecial juror8 0Q circus day . dollars per bushel in this market in the case of Veal vs. Wilkerson a ver- . .Mr. Lewis Lumpkin’s now store houses diet was given to the plaintiff, on Lumpkin street will be ready for occu- j Several divorces were granted last week pation in a few days. Mr. A. Coleman, auctioneer, will have I Exactly So a large sale of buggies, carriages and phm- From the last issue of our respected tons next Wednesday, on Clayton street. I cotemporary, the Dablonega Signal, we These vehicles are warranted to be made copy the following extract in reference of the best material, and a guarantee given to the superiority of Athens as a market with each vehicle sold. for the merchants of Northeast Georgia. ..Augusta Chronicle: Athens has a Every word of it is true, as the country strong set of editors. Bridge Christy, of | “ erchaat3 ^ 1, L fiD _ d ^P U “ 1 “f^ he i the Watchman is a printer; Ellison Stone, HANGING OF JORDAN SHEATS- On Friday last, between 1 2 o’clock, the notorious Jordan Sheats, who was re cently found guilty of the murder oi Mr. Ledbetter last winter, washungatDaniols- villo, Madison county. The drop tell about 18 inches and strangled him to death. He was dead in 12 minutes His arms were pinioned above the elbow, aud it is said lie readied up aud pulled the cap from his face while hanging. After his body was cut down it was delivered to his father, who brought it to this* city, where it was buried. It will be remembered that when the murder was committed, Sheats and his brother were followed to this city by a jmssc from Madison county; and while Jordan succeeded in escaping, Wiley was 8'not anil killed by one of the posse while crawling from uuder a house, near this city. Jordan was finally arrested in West Virginia charged with tho commission of some crime, and was surrendered by the authorities of that State, upon the requi sition of Gov. Colquitt Ho was brought back to Daniolsvillo, where he was tried at the September term oi Madison Superior Court and found guilty oi murder, with no recommendation to mercy on the part of the jury. He was sentenced to be hung on the 24th of Oc tober ; but subsequently ho was respited of the Chronicle is a preacher and Thad- deus Warsaw Oglesby is a poet, ..All tho principal streets in the city were densely packed with people last Thursday morning and evening. to a test. In view of these facts, is it not passing strange” that our wholesale mer chants will still *«keop their lights hid un der a bushel,” instead of letting persons know, through the medium ot tho local press, the inducements they are prepared to offer them I We certainly think it is, Very few people from this vicinity I and tfirow ou t this hint for their benefit: witnessed the hanging of Jordan Sheats “ A few years ago Athens controlled and last Friday at Danielsville. enjoyed to large extent the trade of tho There was a dispatch in the telegraph territory comprising Northern and North- office last week for the advance agent ot eastern Georgia, and our old merchants all John Robinson’s circus. agree that their business relations with ..We are having balmy weather just that market were both pleasant and prof- now. But just wait until old Jupiter table 1’luvi us gets his back up, then we’ll have “ We see no good reason why the Dah some balmoral weather. I lonega merchants should not return to .The crowd in the circus tent Thursday their first love. Athens certainly has the was wedged into a solid mass. The girls vantage ground over Atlanta. The seemed to like it and the boys didn’t | freights are squeal. Death of Dr. Lovick Fierce. This eminent and venerable minister of the gospel died in Sparta on Sunday last, at the advanced age of over ninety-live years—having spent over seventy-five years as a minister ot the Methodist church. This great, noble and Godly man wrote to the church, on bis last birth-day, the 24th ot March, IS79, the following greet ing: MX NINETY-FIFTH BIBTH-DAY. “Tiuly tho light is sweet, and a pleas ant thing ic is for ilie eyes t<T behold the sun; but if a man live many years and re joice in them all, yet let him remember the days ot his darkness, lor they shall be many. “ Life, as a whole, is like light—it is em phatically sweet. But there is always some discount—sometimes pretty large. Yet the world, as a home for probationers, is “ very good.” And it has fitted me so well that I have never been packing up and hurrying away because the old, line boat ot Saints—on the river of death, all tho time going and coming—leaves on its embarking wharf no one uncalled lor. “ Well, I am willing. All I am careful about is, when my rime comes to be both ready and willing. “ During December, January and Feb ruary, I lay and looked into death’s large encampment; looked for the undertakers to come and put an enji to this family me morial. But here I am. 'I know not for what final end. But I know there is an end with God to be attained by keeping me hero at this time. At this time I have nothing in view, except, if it be His will, that I may, in some sort, as an actual relict of early Methodism, bridge tho chasm between the past and the present. God has made me, as fond friends have ex pressed it, “ tho Nestor” among them. To show more fully to our people the power aud excellence of unadulterated Method ism, I wish to write my own biography. Whether I shall be spared to <lo this, God kuowotb. “ But before 1 leave this world I desire to testify, as to myself, in its favor. It is a good world. As a world, God did iris boston it and in it. Tho Spirit never ask ed the question: “ Who will show us any good I” He could not and inquire in the next breath: “ What shall we render unto God for all bis benefits towards us f” As to what we ought to do in return, the Spirit tells us at once: “ Let us take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.” In a word, it is to be an open, devout profession ot religiou. “ In this connection it is the grand, the glorious phenomenon, universally felt to be tree, that the light of God’s counte nance, lifted up upon us, is the soul’s pan acea.” A man died of liver coni plaint 1 Orta dollar’s worth of “ BLACK-DBAUGHT” would have saved his life. For sale by Dr, E. S. Lyndon. r- T 3'2 2 aja-S g £ & ® £•§* « I J5 _88?SB<?sigS I ^ f s< a 25^ a e <2® A g-Iag’g’gaS 0 , 0 S§ y' is g’g.' 3 « I > Q.,2 Cd pd a/ « M c* S 5^ oS fig Sg^fcO «oS«d s O s S-3S« pH 2p=<5co.22p=5ts °E^cjah> “BLACK-DRAUGHT ’* makes chills and fever impossible. For sale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon. Great Bargains. The undersigned offers for sale 400 acres of hmd in from two to tour miles of Athens, in lots of size to suit purchased. Henry Jennings. AXI1ESS RETAIL PRICES CURRENT Fortite weelt ending Oct. S8. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JAMES O’FABELL. COTTON—dull—miildliDg 0@10>jctB. ;'tf FACTORY GOODS. . TOBACCO. Cotton Yarns ,..-76(3S4;C immon, V «■ ** - „ Osnaburns. per yard. edium : C6&75 \ Shirtings 6v4 > Fine l.OOtgn.ix 1 v Shetttiui, brown 7i#8 Smoking SOt^l-Ob D a y GOODS. Simd, Maccaboy 1.00 Prints, per yard- OtSUCigars, AaV M..3U.OO@SO.OO DeluiuosVr.. 12(sS'te: Havuda...75.00^100.00 Bleacnod Shirtings otataj AMMUNITION. Bed Ticking lo^Kj Powdcr, 1I> 3S 40 Worsteds.... »Kai.2SShot 10»12M Blankets 1.50@S.00;Load l«@lk PROVISIONS. .Cape, bor 10^40 Fiour, fancy, V bl»I...-7.50@i Lit^UORS. family 6.50@.0u;Con; whiskey, good. 1.60(^9.00 medium S.OO0U.UO lieorgia Items. Pol. W. D. Alexander died in Griffin last week. ...Wo regret to learn that Mr. N. E. Bhodes, formerly of this city, had his resi dence in Rutledge consumed by fire last week. Family o.du^.i*u;v/ Superfine 4.00<8A85| . .el.!?,. 13 fan 7IU3 7S! Corn, white, ¥ hn... - TO@ W common 1.95(i4l.S0 yellow 0.000*0.<>‘i;l‘cack brandy, good 9.50 Peas <0<S76| medium 9.00 Meal .Sigso; common 9.00 Wheat 1.00r#l.*5; Apple do. good 9.25@9.60 Back wheat Floor 8<5^10 i medium 3.00 Bacon, Bides common 2.525 shoulders 5(^00 .’French do 4.00@10.00 hams 11K<§12| Holland pin 3.00&4.00 Lard, t? tt> 10@12|American do 2.00@52.00 Irish Potatoes, country, :Bourbon whiskey.. .2.00(44.0* V bushel 100 | Wines 2.50@3.i r Northern .1.25@1.50; DRUGS. Sweet 50 4 iSlCopyeras, *i>* E> SC* 6 *,»dozen. 10 IS#!indigo 1.0001.50 OTokens 12Madder. 20 35 Turkeys T.> •*■1.251 tJxt. Logwood 25040 Butter,!? u* 15a25;Epsom Salt*...... .....10015 UKOCBltlAb. j Ainui 10 Sacar.crusuw ‘’0 ^12:sn.phnr 15 ’a — iO^Mli HARDWARE. 11 10J< AUXUron, Swedes, n> tgt O, 10.3,0: English 404 uemar.ira 0(4l0iCastings. 0X(s^ Coftee. Rio. -D 15 42(r : N:iiJs, ^ tej? 2.75 Laguyra 25<4^:Stcel, cast 15018 java 2&<i3-” ! ; plow .8^10 Tea. Hyson, ^ It* 1.525Cotton Cards 60(460 Gunpowder...1.00<41.*5;Wool “ 40<450 Black 1.00(41.25:Plow Points 25(440 Syrnp, cane 60(4»5’S aith’s Bellows 60 inch Cnba Alola*<tes t .40(4®0l Anvils 17(418 CaniLes. spenn, per lb..4o<s*5o! Hummers 17(418 adamantine,...i0 425 Horse Shoes.. 8*^(410 ta-ow »«•**«! “ “ Nails 2o®35 Cheese, State, per » ... .16 ^ 20: Wecdme floes, TB do*. RDkd’S i »»a.rv...lS4*i*{ Braue’sC. II 65075 Crackers, so* in ....10 Ames’Shovels. 1.00^1.25 hnner •15^20! “ , Spades l.f* snyar 15^jo:Trace Chains cream 15<420: BOOTS. Onions, per ha 100(4150:Northern, T? pair. 2.00^5.00 Candy, fancy, ptl lb....35(435Southern 8.00(410.00 plain.. 20’ L BATHBR. Soda. ... S^lolSole, ^ lb *5@30 Black Pepper „..2025;Upper 40(460 Red ** lO’liarness 40(450 Ginger 20.25: Calf Skins, yioz. .30.00^500.00 Starch, 10: Kip “ 36.tHH445.00 Tallow 6(48; HIDES. Green Apples 2.00^:Dry, lb * 10 Rice 8(410 ’Green Mackerel, No. 1, kits 1.25 160| B AGGING, • No. 2. 2 l.OoiGonny,? yd 12X@ No. 1, % barrels....6.00| TIES. L’.OOg^J • 1, X b . 3, kits Sardine*, per box w.: «wrn. SALT, per sack lOOCotton 20(425 IGrasa 15(420 WOODEN-WARE. Painted backets, P NANCIAL. per doz 2.00(42.t» iGold—baring 1.00 Cedardo 6.00(4.900; selling 1.02 White pine 7.00^|8.00iSilrer—baying 1.00 Sieves 2.00(45.00; selling 1.00 The above are retail prices. Prices are shaded to wholesale buyers ROPE. ...Jerry Stanley, a colored employeo on •A little child twenty months old the samt from Athens to I named Alma Dobbs, was fatally burned in Gainesville as from Atlanta to Gainesville Cobb county last weelc. Tffio cjffid while ..A large number of the boys that came I and our merchants by having goods ship- left alone, attempted to play in the fire to town and got on a bum, didn’t see the P ed to fmlacan save fourteen miles rail- with a. broom, which communicated the menagerie until tho ^reus left way freight, besides traveling over a much | flames to its clothing. ..Reaves, Nicholson* Co. are doiDg a better and saffir,wagon road Following _ large and increasing business up the > ne °( t piopose ^ a onega ir ‘ the Air-Line road, was run over audin- Northeastern and Air Line Railroads. Ten bme-Kariroad, Bearden s bridge is crossed 8tantly kiUe(1> last Tuesday, at Saluda drays were engaged hauling treight to tho r )Ur mi ' es fro “ town, thence on to bridge, near GreeriviUe, 8. C. depot Monday. Glado mmes m Hall conn y, crossing the Wm ^ Chattahoochee at Gowdy’s bridge, thus . .. ’. ■ 7 ♦ ’ We regret to learn that Mr W D. avoiding the fording of any streams; the cornt P^tcd sqipide in Savannah recently, O’Farrell, of the firm of Reaves, Nicholson distance being tho ^ mo as fr0U1 p a ffi 0U J -Mr. Thompson . Ewing, of Walton & Co., is confined to his room With cold e ^ a tQ Q a j nesv jn e . county, died suddenly on Tuesday last, and indisposition. I « The fact has been demonstrated that . .The Videtle reports the death ot Jas. Mr. Charley O’Farrell is one of toe I g 00ds can bought cheaper iu Athens j brand ,son of Mr. E. M. Brand, on Tuesday most popular commercial travellers on than e i sew here. Her merchants oflor su- ol latt week. While working at his fath ^ ^ the road. He represents the well known j perior inducements by putting their prices a Sm> bis left arm wa§ caught and so for t*hree'weeks~by~*Gov.”coiquitt upon 1^ firm of Keaves » Nichdson & Co., of this | down) which( takeniu conueu ti 0 n with the I angled that amputation was necessary, the jietitiou of a number ot colored men, cit J** saving of freights from Lula to Gainesvillo, and tho ,ad d ‘ed shortly afterwards, setting forth tfiat he had "not had a fair --The rag-tag and bob-tail that came to renders it the trading pointfor this sec-l ..Mr. A. J. Killian committed suicjdo in trial. Alter a thorough examination into town to see the circus prolonged their tion. Qur merchants, like all other bust-] Nllijay, first by hanging himself to a tree, all the facts of the case, the Governor do-13P reo uutii Saturday evening. ness men trade where they can get the and then shooting himself while iu that cided that hv was not warranted in inter- ...The police officers and tho patrolmen best bargains, and they will not bo slow position. lie was once ia the Lunatic ing with the execution of the sentonc«; of the city deservo credit lor the good to realize the truthfulness, practicability Asylum at Milledgeville, but had been ic and on Fi iday last Jordan Shouts paid with order maintained last Thursday. They and good sense of what we write. We feel leased on the supposition that reason had his lile the penalty of the law for the crime had their hands full and a tumultuous confident, however, that the “ change” is returned he had committed. | crowd to contend with. only a matter ot time. Tho completion of ...The people of Augusta want another The Atlanta Dispatch, one of the the J)al ‘louega Air-Liao road lrow this cotton factory, and are filing stops to Guilty. 1 brightest papers over published at the p ' liiC0 10 Lula will inaugurate a “ new or b^ve it erected. - In the trial of the case of the State vs -1 Gapiffil, hits fi^cdod jn jts checks. V« 7 ant|^ er toiugJ-1 ...Frank Ilindall, son of the Superin diemtirri,rrr n/ nlt 0 r- fi ° n 8., a rmriorr f ,advertisiu 8 P atroua 8 e dld the deed * Testimony of Rev. D.E.Butler, Pres’t Board tondentot the Columbus factory, got one uicuuLut ior murder, iu Clain.6 ouP 01101 ^ The demise of this most excellent news- of Trustees Mercer University. of his fingers caught in the machinery and ouit last week, the jury returned a ver * paper conclusively proves that Atlanta Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro., Atlanta, Ga. I severely mashed. Ou Saturday, he was diet of guilty,.with a recommendation °M cannot support but one first-class paper. Gentlemen: We have used your Neu-1 threatened with lockjaw, ant} fgo finger There is only one man, perhaps, in the I ralgine with great satisfaction. Sometimes j amputate. After tfid operation he con^ The detendant was faithfully represent- country that will be glad to hear that the it has given immediate refief, at otfierg by tfaued to grow worse, and died Tuesday ed by ti.e Messrs. Cobb. Colicitor-General Dispatch has suspendedj qqfi toQt will bo a SQotHng eft’det, has brought on sleep, morning. Jffitcbell abiy managed tfie prosecution. I LbttA’s'iiJanager—Carroll. and then followed recovery from the se- jj ev D C F Ti A motion will be made ior a new trial, j ...Dick Harris’barber shop is growing j ver d( 03 nervous headache. „ . in popularity every day. Besides being We recommend it to our friends. T , ■ , t w . ■ Hymeneal. | n flnA ^ nanpinl t,„ n oa ^ I Respectfully, D. E. Butler, T>. n. -™ e m ^ GUie 01 Mr - Adams, ot | Nowton county, was burned last week. TUTT8 PILLS OBHBaB too extracted from Vecetabta produeto, combining in them tRo Mandrake or fflay AppIoTwhicniarecognized byphymejani tta n suljatitate for calomel, ■poaaessmg oil the virtuek of that mineral, -without lta bad ofter-eiTeeta. AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE they are Incomparable. They «Mmdi?ta the TORPID UVEB, invigorate toe I.'KRVOPS SYSTEM, and give tone to tho DIGESTIVE ORGANS.creating pejr fact digoation and thorough aaMmilation of food. Thoygrertapowerftdmflaenca pn jh~Q KfPNfiifa and IJVER, end throttgbthoaoorettna remove all fanpuri- iiea, thua yitallilng the tiaaneeof the body and causing a healthy condition of tho Bystem. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY Thoy haye na eqnal; and a» a rcsnlt act <lb a preventive and enre tor Blliona,Re- mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy action oftheF = = ” * and. Carpets, Boots and Shoes. HENS’BOYS’ & YOUTHS’CLflTHIE At tlie Immense Mouse of M. G. & I. COHEN JVos. 1 <$• 2, ^Deupree <Block, ^likens, Ga, We have opened and will receive an elegant assortment of New Fall and Winter Goods, comprising the latrstnovcl- tips in bilks, \ervctj, Satin, Brocade s>i!ks, and all tho new shades and combinations in Drees Goods at lower prices than at any other house in the city. . - BLACK CASHMERE At 15c, 25, 35, 50, 60, 75, $1.00. COLORED CASHMERE Iu all the Newest Shades, from 15 cents to all wool, at 60 cents. BLACK imPACAS. la great quantities from 15 to CO cents a yard. FANCY DRESS GOODS Of all kinds and qualities from Yl% to 75 cents a yard. COTTON SUITIN'C3-S8 in boautif ul deaigns at la cents, worth 10c. Having purchased an immense assortmpq' trfttese gtSPiPJ^ot^prAs; wo are enabled to give onr cnstoiners the advantage In Ladies’ Misses’ and Childrens’ Hose, at lower prices than over. RIBBONS. We haw this season a very larg t and compete stock of Grots Grains, in ail colors, and a fall Me of Satin and Brocho two tone, and other ribbons, at extremely low prices. »* SHOES. Sole Agents for MILES’ PHILADELPHIA SHOES. Afninineof other tirst-class makes in Pebble Goat, Moroeeo and Oalf, with French heels and too*. *t„. „ mi of Mens Boots, from the cheapest o fine hand made, at unprecedented low prices. ‘ Carpets, Rugs and Mats, Blankets, Shawls and Balmoral Skirts, Cloaks and Dolmans In all tho latest styles from 32.50 up. ; Marseilles Quilts, Table Damask, Napkins, Doylie’s Towels. Shades and Piano Covers- The BEST CORSETS IN THE STATE at 50c. CLOTHING. The Ijorgeat and most Complete .Stork of BUXTONS in the State. Xicivlics and Gents’ Liuuu CutTs aud Collars j L ulioV and Gouts’ Gloves in all th now Stylos. Kid Gloves at 40c worth 75c. Ladies’ Under Yosts. Childrens Union Suits. Children’s Under Vests. Men and Youth’s Underwear in all qualities and lat est styles. We sell the KING of SHIRTS. wSSufnS"*” 11 - ,0 0t - and madc of,hobcrt OUR Ot\N SHIRT at 50e aud 75c. The best Shirt in the markotiortho money. We would respectfully cill the attention of onr cqatqmera and the trade at large that onr stock Is Strictly First-Class, _ and that wc have NO BAITS, NO HUMBUGS o !Misrepresenta,tions. No false Quotations of goods allowed in our House ! BO YOU F®R©3ST ITS! Timmons, of Monroe, was I married to Miss Annie Stone last rjepk- la fine tousorial artist, he has around him On Wednesday afternoon last, at toeI tke j )est ij arkeis j n lko c ity, all of whom NERVOUS S mJm First Methodist church in this city, Mr. E. L re poUte and at ontive to customers. n'K^tond^sufficientexp^Snt of .'" The C ‘® m6nt attachmenfc * at 1. Smith was married to Miss Sellie Lucas, Hia chairs are of the most modem pattern Golden’s Liebis’s Liquid Extract of Beef “ ^ S * ^ 18 attracting the attention s***" “dXic ts. i i s“rr ofuw p ” op "* 01 aeor - 2 Ufeoe to Visit Pick. His .fop 1, a mA I „ i. b, iar L bes. r^paV- h 1 “ < the officiating clergyman. I of neatness and everything connected Ltions of the kind (food and tonic) that I - -The Gainesville Southron touches up We heartily wish our young friond and with it first-class in every respect. have ever used To the sufierer from tbe Council of that place in the {ul his fascinating bride a long, prosperous! " chronic diseases, or the convalescent, 1k t Misses Clarke and Boyle. mvaluable, being both nourishing and I f too 0ty eoun^l has got so much 1 ’ ° .."rz greater thaq (he people that tfipy asun der po obligation to fiear the petition of Head This. | si$ty or seventy of our best citizens, and happy journey through life. On Wednesday night last, Claud Estes, Esq., oi Gainesville, and Miss Lizzie Bla lock, of Jayetteyille, i?ere married On Tuesday night last, quite a respecta ble audience greeted Misses Clarke and 1 8tren 2toepln|^ Boyle, jn thejr entertainment for the ben- ta, ^ajou.o.viiio. ^ere iqurriea. o * '■ >■ . T — 1 ^ On Thursday night, Mr, Scott Appleby, B* 1 of Athens fire Co., £o. \ oi the same city, was united to Miss Lula Dupree, of Atlanta, We extend our hearty congratulations to our young friends, Messrs. Estes and Ap- unc^siTg happiness^ & luture of I Booth, posscssesafine, thoroughly trained l making 80 to 100 hmffieh, to tfie ^ 8 uoyijiiucsa. lyoice, and rendered her part of too pro- Ad^jres^, ^l^htaflip,’ fi. L, (feunifT, , »i . . eievolaud, Tena, SlpO per month' guaranteed to an ac-1 wouldn’t it be well enough to elect a rive aud energetio Agent for this and ad-(council made over a little smaller last 1 ’ ining counties to sell a new and won derful variety of corn—Wallace’s Improved j BAD WEATHER NOTICE. Prolific White Flour Seed Com—each | There “ no day too clgitdg w hut Tho entertainment consisted Of humor ous and pathetic readings, recitations, etc., and so faros we could learn, theandi ence was highly pleased with it. . . . ^ Miss Clarke, who is a pupil of Edwin stalk producing from 4 to 12 ears and wha ! 1 yotl l lic1 t L ires made rouchlv trainnri on v. ,nn .... ri ^ *>’ lAYffi’ Pk? MtUM GaLLKI'.V. In Atlanta, Wednesday last, Mr. Oliver 4Ddj^ln8j|lla Aidradgb-wefd | pj^^sTand adn^atlohA)^rfl^^W^Were warned. Mr Whitehead formerly resided Specially pleased with her rendition of the £ Z' City ' l>Ut ^ een ln Atlanta sever - “ Creed ol the Bells” and toe “ Charge of future™ ^ W * the hiBPSr ^ “ brf8ht the Ei ® hlh Georgia at Manassas ” Miss Boyle is a young lady who has re cently been GALLBUy. Of Interest to AIL R. S. Harris, the champion barber of I Athens, desires to state t<» the ladien that Fourth Ward. Capt. R. H. Lampkin, who filled the po- | s ' t ton of Alderman from the 4th Ward for I ope OfhYs cofiipetent workmen, by leaving ia » yuuutj xauy wno nas re- j yoara most qcpontohly to tfie' oitisens I their ordore at his shop. Children and traveling with a theatrical l of tb ^ t ward and in the true Interest of the I °toers desiring work in his line willaluo Look to Your Interest. i - .. n ... .< . m • •' | ui uiau vTiMu «uu iu iuo uuo mwresi OI ID01 •— ”.**• The undersigned will hwe a oar load of Combination, and is an a&lresa of uo mean dty is agaiu a ^ dldal6 for ^ m be warred ou promptly at borne. Every- w u„i.. ..j n .. .. . . _ Inv.ton.lnn. o... ...i.. ,v. <..« I •*. b i mat puaiuuu,i thing completo and prices moderate wholly, tho health of the htmam DYSPEPSIA §S THE BAfiSE of the present generattoa. It la for the Cure of tlUo disease and its attendant. - SiCk-HEADACHE, NEBVOnSNEs?,T)ES- yONDENCY,OON8rifAXiO>:7PTT.Tan^:, that TLiTT J S PILLS have trainod ettch a wide spread reputa tion. HoftemedyhaaeveTheendleoav- cred that acts bo speedily and gently on tho digestive organa giving them ton9 and visor to aaalmtlato food. 0,’hie being , or course th« IH BRACED, . v . I* NOURISHED, AND the body robust. Betoir contpoaed of the Juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agen cies, and prepared In a concentrated -form, they are guaranteed ffge from any thing that ty,n injure tlkMPOet dal- tcatojgteon.--- ; A noted chemist who has analyzed them, says “ THESE IS MORE VTETLE IN ONE (V TOTT’S FILLS, THAN CAN UN I'CUI© IN A PINT OF ANY QTHXa.^ We thejeforu soy to tho aJJUcted Vty this Romotiy fairly, it will not harm you, you nave nothing to loso.butwiil suroly gain a Vigo rous Body, Pure Blood, Strong riorvos and a Cheerful NKtttjL Principal OKee, St Manx Kt., N. Y. PR1CE 25 CENTS. e^id kr'DnJgglfta Uiroi-hor.t tho wodd. TUTI’S KADI DYE. ♦.•iiratltee.——. Ti-i-.T— ■ent ny«xpre*« on receipt til $L Office 39 Murray St., New. York. ATHENS MUST BE THE MARKETFFOR NORTHEAST OEORC9/L Pianos and Organs Of celebrated makers as cheap as can be bought in the United States. Persons in want of instris- ments will <lo well to eall on : - ■ ■ 1 ? ^ ’ W. H. JONES, Agent, ’ tj ; fj . ^ Atlienn, Ga. P. L. FRYER, Uen. Agt., 38 Whitehall streetf^Atlanta, Ga. | Cut and Moulded Glass. Haviland China. LYNCH & FLANICEN, House Furnishing Goods, Broad Street, Opposite Campus, ( ; ATHENS, GEORGIA. MAJOLICA WARE. WHIPS. L« A CROCKERY A WEEK in your own town, end np capita ilaked. You can give the bn,Ine »a a trial with ont expense. Thp oppoitunity ever offered (ortboeewtiltnxto work. Yoaahoald tryno— thtpretae untnyon aeefor yonrzelf what yon can ao at the boaineaa we offer. N-> room to explain here. You can devote all yonr time or only yonr spare time to the business, and make great p*y for et hour that you work. Women make as much a* men. Sena for special private terms and particulate, which wp wall tree, ts outfit free. Don’t,complain ot hard times while sou have auh a chance. Address H. UALLSVS' * 00.. Portland. Maine. CATARRH Ifnexleeted.muncMlrdevelo'. Into qtuck consumption. OrdU tuiiy treatments will not onra IU lets ere nervous weakness, small, taste, hearing, and r dropping into the threat, and we are satisfied that he will give toe fine Mules and Horses to arrive on Satur- PtotonBions. Her voice thowa careful daynext, whlohhewril sell at prices to toaining, and she recited several sdec-1 moatper fectsattsfaotion, if elected Let. .... r . 0 . tinUT „ Suit the times. CaU early, at Gann & tlona from Shakspeare and other authors mg Metld8 come out on the first Wednes- < 9»v«'.taw. w.a.Bouus. hasalBahappys.rte, ; ’d^la Bamnlter, “ - I W^feSSSrpt vures CQStivcness For sale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon. fo vooa a year, or ts to (90 • day in your own locality. No risk. Woman doss well aa meq. Many make mure ban the amount -tated above No one [can fail to make money 'aax. Any on* can do the work. Yon eaa make from so’cents to tr.oo an hour by devoting yonr evenings and enarcltlm« to buelneso. It CO»t, nothing to try the bnsl- neas. Nothing Ilka it for taonpy hMking ever offered be fore Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Header It yon want toknftw a^laUmt tho l>eatpaylue business be- m-.i tu. public, wind ueyunr address ,nd we wifi send yon fullnsi-tlc.n’aaa and privatetannatree; samples worth SS aTio tree i samples worth (t also free; yon can than make op^our mind Jnr jojtrreU. Address GSOKOK STINSON Stop aging Calomel gad try w BLACK- DRAUGHT” (or liver diseases. For sale by Dr. R. S. Lyndon. .throahdia*nrtin*odoi».and>KiJ^eo»~S5^r5^^,^i CONSUWPTIONh^^ . stops, s set reeds. iStooi and book, oni^ (93. t oct..riancj Wowant an agent in thMionnty u, ORGANS 1 -- JL \J I IVJ’ tl V vsumi: Cover'and Book, only $U315, AddrerepriANIELF.