The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 25, 1879, Image 2

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A l rrr, > T. ) liml a, the other day, by Col. i oounty, the most [neatly finished arti- re over see* Th® Co1 * BvemJHpent manu- aever succeeded in get- like as comfortable as Any one not person- i Col. B. would never Lhim walk, that he bas fhieao limbs are furnish er hands and feet, and |>y the Marks Artificial iway, New York. A, Organization op [cultural Society, Pearl Street. rember 19th, 1879. •pointed to organize a Society, requests the farmer and all inter- throughout the coun- Tn will meet at the Met- the City of New York Wednesday, December attendance of all who can jnient to come is requested. Jil be delivered on practical tag to Agriculture, by some of Authorities in the country. A fon and By-laws will be adopted, elected for the management of w. E iminary conference, held in this In October 22d, and composed of rep resentative men from difierent sections, decided the practicability of an organiza tion such as is proposed. The letters of approval since from well-known men in diforent parts of the country, and the gen eral favor with which the idea is received, confirm this judgment. The-Committee have met with the greatest encouragement in their work, and have reason to believe that the meet ing in December *rtl).provo the most im portant gathering ever assembled in con nection with the Agricultural [nduptpy of the United States. For Mayor. Cant C. G. Talmadge will be supported rMayor on first Wednesday in Decmn- er next, regardless of any previous election or nomination that may be had. Workingmen. 1879. Fair Announcement. The undersigned have long bad the rep utation of keeping the best barber-shop in North-East Georgia, and are determ'ned by good work and fair dealing to retain the confidence of the public. Prices mod erate, and^H work done in the most su perior manner. Give us a call. Sapp & Brydik. an interview so 5ry Speer, which ap- anday’s Constitution. to be the condensed ^s, and we.think the oted by Mr. Speer, very time. We are quite ft has done nothing, said [nothing which needs ex- .then should he rush into Dr explain the surmises by other people given put his probable conduct After all he will be i, and of bis past rec- ’ no complaint finory Speer has been in [ past few days, and on yes- into the Constitution of- Athens, Sept 22d, Oh, DontY ou Forget it, that the Regulators—GRAYS, sells Dry Goods, Carpets, Clot . and shoes Cheaper than any House in Georgia. Few words well spoken. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 4, 1879. This is to certify that I have used Messrs. Hutchinsons’ preparation—“ Neuralgine' —for the cure of neuralgia, and believe it to be what they represent—a sure cure for nenlalgia. Bespectfully, W. M. Stockton Fotsale by E. C. Long & Co. Second Ward. We are authorized to announce G, Jacobs, Esq-, as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the ?d Wprd. gmokers. Call on E. C. Long & Co. for your Cigars The Bed Gauntlet and the Boyal Bull, the two leading cigars of the city. Dancing' School. OUR MATCHLESS BANNER Who are the Leaders of low Prices in Athens ? THE GRAYS. Where can you buy all wool Black Cashmere full 6-4 wide at 62 l-2c. • ONLY AT THE GRAYS. Where can you find such a variety of Silks? Have yon seen ours from 60 to $4. Or our Black Cashmere Silk at § l ? Where can yon find all the New . Styles of Pekin, Damask and Silk Velvet and Satius at 60c to $1.25 ? ONLY AT GRAYS. Where can you find Wool Filling Cashmere at 12 1-2, 14, 16 and 18c and wards. New Shades 27 inches at 28 to 32 1-2. QNLY GRAYS. Who sells Standard Braud Best Prints at 4c. Where find Hamilton Prints at 2- 12c ? ONLY AT GRAYS. Where can Wamso ere can F2BGEJ? informs the Indies a* d gentlemen of Jl of Afcuene thatfce will hi- school at Huunicuti Jd gornuoh bas been said of the views ie Hon. Emory on the alleged move- lit of Mr. Stephens and Dr Felton out tie Democratic camp, we tried an in flow on with him. This wise young Congressman heard us lough patiently, and then putting his |»d on one side, remarked quietly : Way up in my District there is a jiely adage which says : “ It is the still low that eats the slops!” I am a strong ^believer In these old savings!” And that is all we could get nut ot the Hon. Emory Speer, of the Ninth.” TOOMBS AS AN ORGANIZER. A little more than a week ago the At lanta Constitution, stated 1n effect that e n. Toombs had quit the Independents d given in his adhesion to the organized inocracy. We were inclined to doubt the correctness of the Constitution, but our worst forebodings' were realized when the following telegram from the doughty .General was read in Chicago to the aston- "iffhedOumber- ulitory banquet to ueneral Grant Atlanta, Ga.—M. E. Slone Editor: lour telegram received. I deline to an swer except to say. present my personal congratulations to Gen. Grant on his safe arrival to his country. He fought for his country honorably and won. I fought for mine and lost. I am ready to try it over again. Death to the Union. (Signed) R. Toombs.” The consternation produced by this ful- mination from this new apostle of organi zed democracy can be imagined. Such men as Stephens, Wade Hampton Gen. Longstreet, had sent their polite messages jf congratulation. The occasion was one festivity and rejoicing, when this grim loch, this spectre of Death and Devas- m uubiddeu stalked into the banquet ^1 am ready,” said the receut con- fight again. “ Death to the to > the organized much joy over [it We trust however, in the ) of the Constitution they i on the slack of bis Lhim oft.” We are not l’s record as a how, during the he put forth Millen o l the apt to incar- hr in the smoke Jo, a conductor effrontery of pral’s effort to he box cars, ing soldiery, [muse recorded right compa- ounds of ball ’ rations and pvost Guard jputfiomd- the Gen- up. These he General i has its vie- Ithat the tele- atest victory I the South, ace the war, (the shrewd og the age these folly, for Dry, and Which have hero, from It is designed to organize an Association that shall jfepresent every part of the 3 V4flfr»aM^rit$h IfsTnfeiSbei “ ety iu^e^Tfflrectly or indirectly related to Agriculture. Its aim js the pro tection and advancement ot Agriculture in the United States, by practical methods such as periodical exhibitions of the pro ducts of the soil, in the principal cities of t he country, the encouragement of immi gration, the discussion of questions rela ting to Agricultilre and the commerce its products, and the collection and dis semination of the best agricultural thought and experience. The useful results that have been pro duced by the different state and county agricultural societies in America, and the beneficial effects of the Royal Agricultural Society ot England upon the Agriculture of Great Britain, show conclusively the ad vantages of organization, it is believed that the time lias come when, tor our own protection, gropfer attention must be given to the agricultural iuteiuate ot this country. The demands oi the future upon them will be far greater than the past, and new methods and new sytteulS must be devised and employed to meet them The yield of the laud now under cultiva tion must be increased, aDd new methods and new systems must be devised and employed to meet them. The yield of the land now under cultivation urn At bo in creased, and new fields prepared tor new wants. The drudgery ol the farm should be lessened, and the iarmer relieved from ,1>any of bis present burdens. Through the promulgation of new ideas and the employment of groa'-er lahor-aaviug ma chinery, his toil may bo lightened and his comtorts increased. The advantages of fered by this couutry to emigrants must be clearly and forcibly set forth, that our boundless acres may be ocoupied, our pro ducing capacity increased, and fpo hap piness and comfort t filled va£ed. Whilst giving prominence to the fact that our agriculture is the basis of all wealth, we recoguize this truth, that the interests of manufacturing, commerce, trade and transportation, are identical with that ot agriculture; and that the prosperity of one should lead to the best prosperity of all. Since all classes nre interested in the promotion of agriculture, the support and encouragement ot the' public at large are requested. Those who lavor the undertaking are requested to send their names and ad dresses to the Chairman of this Committee. [Here follows a list of signatures of rep resentative agriculturists from every 8tato and Territory in the Union.] H. Reall, Chairman, L. S. Hardin, Sec'y, Lawson Valentine, Treas’r, Henry E. Alyord, Wm. Crozier, J. H. Reall, Chairman Committee on Organization, 323 Pearl Street, New-York. nB on Momtav, the 24th of Noti——.. the Day 0*5*, *"• *>»>f P*** 7 for'the nig classes can oe formed eu different daya.l Prof. Barger. t***b«I .OandqUB l Proclamation. nd Dress Goods at 5, 6, 8 and 10 to all at 12c: also Fruit of the id Lonsdale Shirtings onp yard wide at 8c, and Zephyr at 81c, ONLY AT GRAYS find Cloaks from $1.50 to $4.00 ; also 3 Button Kids at 2gc, and Ladies’ Vepts from 40c to $2.0Q, ONLY AT GRAYS. d the King of all Shirts and Wamsutta Guaranteed at prices cent lower than old time merchants can name, viz, 75c, I ONLY AT GRAYS. Where oan yon find 10 1-4 Bleached Shirtfog at 15c and the fine*t one 1 • Sea Island at 6c l , or B Shirting at 4 3-4,3-4 Sheeting at 5 l-4c, ONLY AT GRAYS, •Whose Store is always crowded? Who makes the business impression; THE GRAYS. jffi Who employ the most experienced men ? Who defy any house to i THE GRAYS. Who has th.e most extensive Stores in the prominent cities in the^ has the oldest Stores in the State ? Who buy nml sell the most Good THE GRAYS. Whose Stores are better known for Fair Dealing, not pushing i representing Goods ? What Stores produced the best bnsines THE GRAYS. Who has the Largest Stock of Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloak Athens and don’t charge exorbitant prices atl THE GRAYS. Which is the House that don’t hava to apologize for tl: the Inst fifty years, or more ?' * THE GRAYS. Who sell the Cheapest and Best Goods in THE GRAYS. State o?Ggoqqi4, Ejec^tive Department. Id grateful recognition of the Divine PiO,idcncp which ha* rewarded onr labors w*th plenty, and protected oar homes from pestilence, *, Alfred 11. Colquitt, GOVERNOR OF GEORGIA, do hereby designate and appoint Thursday, the 27*h day of November, Instant, to be observed as a day of thanksgiving and praise. And I do earnestly recommend that all the people of the Stat$ do, upon that day, abt-tain from their ut-ua) vocations* reveren' for the prayer ujcnoiu^o iuat omvw<uwaa ».«*. jw. *uu »u uuuiuii. for the continuance ot His favor to as ana onr posterity. Given at the Executive office in Atlanta, this 15th day of November, in the year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and of the Independ ence of the United States of America the one hun dred and fourth iwell, Baltimore, Kd sed Colden’s Liebig’s ef and TodIo Invigor- fility, febrile and nerv- : have found it one of the r nutrient tonics now in use in pharmacy. ALFRED H. COLQUITT, Governor. N. C. Barnett, Se^re^y of Sl«tc. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADEMARK The Oreat En-TRADE fflARK alfsfl Remedy, An nn faLiiw pure for ^epiinal Weakness, bpermatorr rhewa, Iuipoteury, and all diseases that follow, as a scqn*r.ce of S*lf- Abuse; a* Jo** of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude. **cin in ihe back, Dimne.** of vi sion, Premature old age BEFORE UW«fl.»nd many other d TAEttfi. that lead to insanity or consumption, and a premature gra,Vc. pr Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to s*nd free bym«ilto e.verv oue. |g" The J-peoiflc Medi cine is sold by all druggists at f l.tO per package, or six S acksgesfor or will be sent tree by mail on receipt of ,e money, by ari^resiriug • THE <:o., No. 10 Mechanics* dl^ck, Detroit, Mich. Sold in Athens and every where by all Druggists. ble Christopher Gray dWt to Jerusal the Public by telling them thdy‘fife selling at Facts for Your Consideration! !^*What were the prices of goods before Gray opened this well-known branch house T Who inaugurated low prices t Ask yourselves wh(! suitthe people better than Gray, who has conducted the most Extensive Stores in prominent cities ot Georgia for the past fifty years. These undying truths are placed befqre you, and though you may never deal with the house, it they change you from the dreadful road to ruin J your credit system in ths ruins of oblivion and trade only for pash, we shall bo satisfied. W® h ave facilities that no other house oan boast of. ly 1 of book-keepers or collectors, as our terms are strictly Cash, and besides, the Old Reliable 'Christopher Gray is always in the market, theroby sav season, which isan important item in itsolf. All orders for SAMPLES promptly attended to and Express Paid on any Paokage over $5.00. With sincere thaaks to our Friends and Customers for their continued favors and confidence towards us, aud with earnest sympathy for those oi that great pestilence kuowu as Credit, which has to-day left many a home in. poverty. Unfurl Your Banker and Sliow ITourl THE REGULATORS OF LOW PRICI n A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE 8L0PD.UVER&K1DNEYS7 GURATINE, For Liver Complal 7 Ex. Com. CyBoots, shoes and hats—a very large and weU assorted stock, at Solomon & Joseph's. Testimony of Rev. D. E. Butler, Fres’t Board of Trustees Mercer University. Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : We have used your Neu ralgine with great satisfaction. Sometimes it has given immediate relief, at others by a soothing effect, has brought on sleep, and then followed recovery from the se verities ot nervous headache. We recommend it to our friends. Respectfully, D. E. Butleb, D. D. Read This. $100 per month guaranteed to an ac tive and energetlo Agent for this and ad- Turing counties to selT'a'Rew and won* derful variety of cora-Waljace’s Improved Prolifio White Flour Seed Com—each stalk producing from 4 to 12 ears and making 80 to 100 bushels to the acre. Address, with stamp, L. L. Osment, Cleveland, Tenn. Fourth Ward. Capt B. H. Lampkin, who filled the po sition of Alderman from the 4th Ward for two years most acceptably to the citizens of that Ward and in the true Interest of the city, is again a candidate for that position, and we are satisfied that he will give the most perfect satisfaction, if elected. Let his friends come out on the first Wednes day. In Decemhar. . v Take -DRAUGHT” cores djrspep. Lliou and heartburn. - * jbr sale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon. ’ will never be 1 Fori by DhE. S. Lyndon. Strayed A CHESTNUT ■Q.^trarrtorethe tatkak: jar, en? rtm Mmmfiuufoifr, >r Stolen.| with «U1k hind feet, with a hl»*j face, .hoot eight haree mnle ; »d CHRATlWr^ SSSS fty “■ GURATINE, fCT P.heuui-h GURATINE, t or S'-rr.ruU Disei CURATlHi, For Ewsiptlaa, l «mpie*. THS LEADING AND I0EULAS DRY GOODS HODSS OF FHUADSLPH1A. SHOPPING With oi through onr SAMPLE AND MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Is simple, easy, and advantageous. Anyone writing to us for Samples, mentioning the kind of goods needed, will receive, by return mail, the desired samples and information. Goods sent BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. Through this means ladies everywhere throughout the United States avail them selves of a very convenient plan of receiving Dress Goods, trimmings, and a General Outfit from the head-centres of trade, where they can at all times obtain the best goods, newest and latest styles to bo had Tor the least money. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO. Manufacturers, Retailers,and Importers of Choice Novelties in J>ress Goods, Silks f Trimmings, etc., CHESTNUT, ABOVE BROAD STREET, >» PHILADELPHIA, PA. y > r - (ESTABLISHED 1848.) And 13 Rue ft loner, foirls, France. A3-n»T0 tho children send for a set of our Fancy Advertising Cards.1T* All Sample* and Information cent free to all parts of the United State*. ji. com* pnhmfbTUn*»\vii \ .dqc— combining Ui'Otit lUp- arm ion fue 'curative pnwurH U>r the evils wblcb produce all Alp- eases of the Blood, the MAeer, the JHdiiry*. Harmless In action and thorough In Us effect. Tcttcr,Snlt Bheutn, AiL*”*N«ff«Ni, Her- finfdr • U 6 4 T VohSUjUiff li b •eKmla, Mndt* u ,. hour Stotn- /ifft, .’enMou of I Vine, etC* ASX V0UR DRUGGIST iO a IT. HEJifitfatSEBCtltt BALTl!.*ONa. tfjj THS GENUINE DR. C. McLANE’S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. rFHE countenance is pale and leaden- A colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed sj»ot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along tint lower eye-lid; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding fff the teeth; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms, are found to exist, , DR. C. McLANE’S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a curs, rr DOES NOT CONTAIN mercury in any form; ft it an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane’s Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc- Lane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE’S LIVER PILLS are not (scommcmlfil »s a remedy "for all the ills that flesh Is heir I#,” but in affections of the liver, and in all Bjliotis Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick 1 Iradache, or diseases qf / , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OR IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box hasa red wax seal on the lid with the impression-l>x. Mi's Civra Piles. Eaan wrapper bears the signatures of c. Me Lank am? I'i.emiv; Itaos.' Insist upon having the genuine Dr.G, Mc- Lakk’s Livf.k Piujf. prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh. I'a—tlic market being full of imitations of lh“name McLanm. speiled diffcrcMly but same proouaciatiimf Chas. Bruckner, Watchmaker and Jeweler, AT JAMES O’FARRELL S STORE, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. Elgin aud all AnjericafTwatchos a speci- a'ty. ;V PriCA» ah low am any one can dor croqd work, and every lob warranted to jito aatiafactior. Oqnjo and aee me. A iXVIV! rpQFor the 1 lo»318 ill IvADll’iiD 'pX»i»cmM^u Bible Commentator S illastmUons and complete aedcom- entary on the entire Scriptures, in one Volume, ever paOUabed. Price $1.15. Bx>D>ET.UaxBXTTSO>, A Co, St. Louis, Mo. |AGENTS WANTED BIBLES r Literature, aft, GongfiSS 0 ? 'containing CradenkCoo- cordaooa and over *000 blaatratlon*,' with all U 1 the SEW FBATUKBS, also fur Otar* art and song for Circaltra and terms lent nn application to U. CUAMIJEK3 A <X OO., Atlanta. G«. (GEORGIA, Madison county.® U Wbereea. Isaac J Meadera ana r ames O. Daniel have made application to m. for permanent letter, of tration upon tho estate of James Daniel, deceased.] This la therefore to cite all peraoos concerned to be at mj offlee on the let Monday in January, to abow why cold lattera oboald not be granted. a. C. DANIEL, <ml>. GEORGIA, Madison conn I hereoy consent fur n|T wife, become a free IradMt. ThlsNoyem _ Jane Fort son, to .ember 7 itb 1HTS. FHANKL1N H. FORTi-'N. We ob- tained tlir o u g h M essrs. Hunt, Raukin & Lamar, of Atlanta, some of ~ your Worm Oil, and it is far superi or to any thing we have ever seeD, that in future number ot years, and can say, as will our custo- m e r s ) that your Worm Oil is more ef- A FIRST JiL ASS Baker, ot sober, ongbly understands his' NbvIS - Corner College avenne and Clayton at, At Messrs. Rucker A Hull. SMITffS ffOBM OIL Troup Factory, Ga., May 21st, 1879. Dr. E. S. Lyndon—Dear Sir : we willfoctual than any thing we ever sold. Should you wish testimoni als, we for quite alwilt send Wanted. NOTICE. TAX rpAXPAXERa of Clarke county will please take notice J. that tbe digests have been placed in my bonds aud that I am now ready to receive thei- taxes for 1ST*. Although commencing to collect taxes two months later than Is usually the case. I am Mill req >tred by law to moke my returns at the nrasl time, vis: Dec. *0. They will t-ere(ore sea that there is no time to bo lost, and I hope they will come forward promptly and pay their taxehw*th- ont nutting me to tbs disagreeable necessity of issuing ex- eentons against them. H. H. LINTON, T.0* •22? SL 1 EX*™ occupied^ B. W. Payne & Son’s SOLUBLE! MilPIi CUMBERLAND GUANO. To Rent for 1880. PAWFHLACW Pi©SfflATE rpiIR stand on Brood street, now occupied, by Burke’s X * Book store: Possession given lot December, if de sired. v, PHINIZY. Wanted. A T pie Georgia Fecfory store, a man competent to take charge oril at thp end of Uw year; one wftt t; rt Elegant Cards, 50 prettiest Myles, with name, 10c. family. Apply at tbe afore any day in tbe week OIL tamps taken. W. B. Moore, Brockport, N. Y. Toeadsy, between the Lpara oflO and IS o’clock. Office Up-staiis Reaves & Nicholson’s new 141* 4 ■ir-tt. I I POOR COPY JOHN WSI TX. Building, Opposite McEie & Co