The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, January 27, 1880, Image 3

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Xlie Southern #atc*»a*. A r, IfATTEBe. AT1I ENH, (iA JAJi.aft. DAVIS' PSEMllU trALixEEY. Fraternal Record. XI ViimM|<«.r. A. a.-M.-ai ja the tor. u.d th.r . r'. lay .i.<ut* m cry laontu, a. . * o'duc*. \MUt*m hiutrir! V*I ll —.n to* id Tbored./ nl*ht in >n.u, *t A*-oulc Hall. A’. U. rboau- II. r. I. X. K<-n»ey. !*<’>. WillltiiM Lodse 1'i. I. 0. O. F.—M•*:»<;very Monday tight *: oM rcl.o-r lial’. 0. it. ititim. N ii. T. A. ll«r, ‘‘illifir karaafwat, !!• 1*» I. W. U. K-Moeta on the 1st inJ-H i'lurmuy n.gj*u in every out-lb, at Odd Fellows' Uall. xT —— - •• - i*try "rnurxUy tight a. B. “ — ' “ u»or>. ». »». ( lax hr C•an' lay In ev*-.ry u Maat« detain. B. IJ. Horary. O. H. !i tiraaft, >• lUl.-M ettc t their . >tlGUTS OK lloSOIL Gou»«K Kru Lome So. til.— IfretB :i Old Fellow • 11*11 i«^ond i ficrnday and fourth Wed- nradav night iu tact PKihtL. C. W. Daria Dictator. J. K. ■ u >J r....ii \n_ !*3a. Haul trraaana—Meeta 1M and utKid heJows iiail. Wm , 8*cra*»ry. ,a*. wf‘Ut SoaU Lod«t, No 5, 1.0. W. T.-MtrU every Tuesday uigtit. A. d. Heard, "«T.A. L. 1 ucfccr, Vt. Ornate l eant I*, >o.S:>, Kajal ktn 3d Woo'la) ‘ "* Kin;t. Hevent It ! I. -HI It&UJtl" • MBK DEFAIiTJILKT. ':1hok’x i.ADDKltcO., NO. 1-—Meet* c COLORED" PIKE CO.i NO. Mn . 'ltiomaa ’A aikcr CHAMPION the 1st ’i u*r»«Jav Chptaiii, n. U. lM'it, Sec. lUlUill DIKM TOUt. ■ M KTUuUiai - . —Com*: .‘ancock avruacand Lwui I r—t. i^jv. «. vr. Yarborough, pastor. Kegwar sun »er 10*51 1 o'clock, a. m., aud sp. >a. Sunday school 8 a 21) M KTHODIST.—Oconee Street. Itrv. W K. Branh Pastor. Kegular Siuniay service*, 11 a. in., and 8 p.m. d-iy School, 4 o'clock, p. in. PKBsHY i BRIAN.—Hancock fi-enm*. Rev. C. W la Pastor. Regular hundayaenricr*. • " " Sunday Scho'.!. •. a. in. Young men and huai Prayer uniting. Tneaday nlj^ht at ■ ociork. rray raurwlay aiternoou at oo'caocu. H A l*TI ~T. —Corner Co liege a vecoe end Market kwt. R- * C. D. t ninpbr!!. Pa-tor. KaiTOUr -an*!*) arrvitea. 11 a. ru and i o'clock p. m. Sunday action:, t a. tu. EMMANUEL(EPISCOP.VL).—t or. Lamp In and Clayton streets. K*v. II. Ingle, Kuctor. Rc. cUr Sunday aenrtcvs II a. in., and 7* p. m. Sunday S. 'tool. 2* a. m. KT. M AHY*S-EPISCOPAL.--Kiver street. Sunday acr- ▼ices. II a. in. and « p. in. suisiar cl—ofua. m. HOGG*' (METUOD1ST) CHI'ItCIi.—Key P. A. Hea d nrearnea on Ibc lat Snntiay in each ino •!*. R«t. E. ». Stone, on't tie 2d Sunday; Rev. W. W. 0-,*n -->d Rev. Mr. Cannier, lb. ad, n:ul Itev. l)r. E. W. Speer, Lie :h Sunday. PHI MIT 1V K ItAPTlST.—tu v. t* P, 1 astor. R.-g- sraer .-uvea, k<l Sunday in each month. L tl o’clock a. n... aij'i Saturday ROMAN CATUoUC (bT. .IOSEP :S.)—Berricea on 'he 4tU Suntiay in every mouth, at '*»x o’clock, a. m.,a!id » a m Sunday school and the itoriry very Sunday In the o'clock, a. rn._ Pattrei o'K o, puaton JottingH About Town. ■'TiS-.sff HX!oiiSuU^-u».ji>" ",j>. WJMA K.^t-r. ttnttiur M'rrlom ctptt f. ! U; nl*kt, owner AKItH’AN MCrilOUUtr.—I'oi’ -ilr_ .trwl. Kct. L. . ko- UM, Unp.OSno,»y «r1C II •"■.•oaipo,' C6IA>HKI> UAPTWT.-Coniw ,a». u1 11.11 Mm'*.- lc. .. Kloyo BUI, f’.'.tor. IK-pnir M111O.J r vviCcr. n ». m„ A Decided Innprov ;ment. We are pleased to ieai that Measra. Clray tc i'o. and Bald'vhi i Burnett have proposed to the city Biithorities to have a Ko<*l crossing put Imm t"e coruer e.f the National Bank to the corner of the cam pus grounds, on Broad s■ ‘cct, at tht-ir own expense, lor the b^i.elit. of ladies while shopping. Tins shows a commend able public spirit ou the part of these gentlemen, and we trust our“ city fathers’’ will acWpi'lhetr imposition, as we are aatisded it will be 'a very great conven ience to tne ladies. Death of Mr. Holland. On Saturday last Mr. Peter Holland, an old and highly. respected citizen ol this countv died a’ his residence, near.Prince- ton Facin', j, after a protracted illness. Mr. H. has been lor many j ears a consistent member of the Baptist, ehuich in 'his'city, and died in the triumph of a true Christian faith. he must have been near so years of g". We ten icr our sy m- patbir* to the relatives ami tiicuds in this sad bereavement. Firs. The alarm of tire mi Mouday morning proved to be the residence of Capt. R. K. Heaves, which was discovered to be ou tiro about 10 I'clm k A. M. Our gallan' Qremeu were promptly on h ind, and de spits' the fact that aiinoat agate was blow ing trout the N ntheast at the time, sue. cceded iu saviug the buildiug aud con. terns, with compaiatively small loss. We have not learned the amount of damage done, hut utnlei stand it was covered by insurance Fi'e supposed to have bee arcldepial. The “tire brigide” desen great e.iedit fm thejr pr imptness. To the BalxMck beloi gs the honor of throw fig the first stream on the fire. Fertilisers. Col. S. C. Dobbs mages an important au nomieement, through t ie columns of the Watchman this week, in i Terence to b's Standard brands of feri .lD rs, which the farmers of this section ha' a tried for sev eral seasons past. The coL is a jolly, clever gentleman, and *'b -t he says may oo relied upon implicit y. Messrs. Orr & Hunter era also the Soluble Pacific and other standard brands of fertilizers to the farmers, and it is welt known that they i.,«ver deal in any but the best. We heat tily commend both these firms to public pat: mage. Garden Seeds &c. See advertisement oi our young irieads, Messrs. F. C. Long i Co., who aw now prepared to furnish ail kinds of garden seeds, which are guarantee^ to bo irnsh aud genuine, at the lowest prices for cash They are reliable gentlemen, aud will do WQat they promise, Acknowledgement We are indebted to the Tuung Men' Library Association, of Monroe, Ga., for the honor conferred upon us of having been elected an honorary member of their Association, ana *iQc*rety -wish them abundam success in their undertaking— to which cud we shall endeavor to eon. tribute our mite. “The Grave of Hood.” Thi* is tg« titie of an exquisite ljttie song, recently jiuhlishe.1 by Pmi. A. W Perry, of Si-datix, Mo. The words are pa- thetic and lull ut ieeling, aud the avum- pinimentcan be pertonned either on the organ or piano It is a patriotic piece, ...Another Leap Year party this week ..Oconee Superior Court met yesterday. Judge Erwin, presididg. ...A prominent and handsome young clerk, on Broad street, weighs 170 with shoes on. I should smile. ...Duprez A Benedict’s minstrels will be the next attraction at the Opera House. ...Weather prophets predict snow every time a cloud obscures the sun. ...Tony Denier will not forget Athens as long as memory lasts. ..Blank and waiver notes kept con- stantly on hand at this office. ...See advertisement ot Duprez & Ben- edict’s minstrels on next p»ge. ...The weather this morning has an icy feeling, accompanied by a cold north-east wind. . .John T. Ford, the Southern manager, will have w first-class company at the Opera House iu the near futnre. ...When the alarm of fire was struck Saturday molting, it is said that W. H. Junes seized oue of his “ Boss” coffee pots and hurried to the conflagration. Ia a great measure, bis action, ou this occasion, conclusively proves that Mr. Jones has implicit confidence iu the “ Boss.” ...Reserved seats lor the great minstrel entertainment ol Duprez & Benedict, Feb ruary tub, wtil open at Fleming A Ander son s Wednesday, January 2Sih, at 10 o’clock. ...Joe Jefferson can take bis old dog, Gretchen and his antiquated Rip to such villages as Augusta or Atlanta. Up here we like something lively—either Pomeroy, Barlow or Tony Denier. There is no rbeumaticks in this trio. . .Marks & Cohen have just received a Iresh lot ot Milwaukee beer, which they are selling at 12$ cents per bottle. Their stock ot goods are ftesh and cannot be ex celled. ...Mr. Malcolm Stafford will remove the type and material of the Northeastern Progress to Danielsville, Madison county, and will issue a paper from that point in short time. 9 We wish brother Stafford success. ...Walton Videlte: “Athens wants a blue ribbon movement, and Irom what we have seen of her she ought to have it.” Come over, brother Brown, and set the ball in motion. The fire alarm Saturday looming was caused by the burning uf a feather bed in- the dwelling of Mr. Louis Morris, on Clay- Urn street. The companies ail responded the call,: bat the flames were extinguish, ed betore their arrival on the scene. ..Mr. W H. Jones, first assistant engineer of the Athens Fire Department, received a fine fireman’s coat last Saturday. This handsome coat was a present trout the large tailoring establishment ot J. M. Migeud & Son Philadelphia, and is made elegant style. Mr.‘ Jones, just nuW seems to he in go'id luck, ...TVs Southern Express Company’s wagon is drawn by two fine, spirited bays, they are very showy and are, iiei haps, the best pair oi ma <'h horses iu (be city. ...Athens is last gaining a very far rep utation as a chicken breeding sectiou. Among t he many varieties that are raised bete, aud find a ready sale, are Cochins, Plymouth Recks, White leghorns, Shtiwl Hecks and other breeds. Mr. B auten Noble, the librarian, is putting the Library nom in splendid or der, and m a snort tune will have the neat est aud best artaug >1 public library in the State. Biautou uuu< rslauds the business aud is the right rn .n in the right place. . .Mr. L. Scheveuell made a donation ol tire volumes ot Bolinghruke’s complete works t<> the Library last Saturday. ..Hope Fite Company return their thanks lu Pioneer Hook a«d Lauder Com pany for sending their horses after their engine Monday morning. Thufijjh Hope did not use their horuea, the though.tul- ness ot Hook 4t Ladder was highly ap- preeiated. . .Thu Athens Fire Department are an excellent body ot men, aud when duty calls they willingly aud cheerfully respond. ..The Watchman office is better pre pared than ever, with skillful and prac- deal printers, to execute all kinds of plain and ornamental printing. Satisfaction guaranteed jn all work. Qur bright neighbor, the Chronicle, entered on its third volume last Saturday. As a two year old, it Is the ladies’ favorite, the hoy’s favorite, and the old man’s favor ite. Its future career will be watched by loving eyes and its success, which it will surely attain, iu the journalistic field, will be hailed by many Warm friends. We re- gret that its second birtfiday escaped our attention and we were prevented from laying our offering at the feet of this charming “. villags 'bellp,” bat henceforth, we shall keep the day fresh aqd green in our memory and be ou hand with our souvenirs at the next anniversary., We shall not forget to invite the “ Lazy Man’ to help drink it, too. Ia the meantime, we wish our contemporary abundant pros- PERSONAL AHD OTHUEWISX. Jackson A Co. are receiving their new goods. .Frank Rhodes smiles behind the coun ters oi J. J. Baldwin A Co. ..Miss M2ry Hamilton and Miss Alice Thomas are visiting friends in Augusta. ...Miss Rosa Warner and Miss Annie Phillips lelt for Augusta Saturday mom- ing. ..Miss Jennie Saye, of ’his city, is visit ing friends and relatives in DeKalb county. . .C. W. Djvis and bride, nee Miss Emma Vundr.'dttb, returned from Cincinnati, Thur* my night. .CoL C. B. Day has removed his auc tion house from College avenue to Broad street. Major E. E. Jones, the Colonel’s left bower, ably assists in handling goods. ..Mr. William Crow, of Oconee county, and Hiss Eliza Ferguson, ol Jackson conn- ty, were married on the 8th instant. .. Mr. Maish Sheats and Jndge George C. Thomas, ot Oconee, were in the city Fri day morning. ...Mr. Hrnry Davis and Miss Texas Cook, both of Jackson county, were married on the 8ih iustant. ...Mr. Ham Dealing's little boy, who had his leg fractured by a fall, a day or two ago, is gelling along finely. ..John Winn, the champion sewing ma- chine agent for this section, can still be found at his old quarters, under the Watchman office. ...On the 21st instant, Mr. G. S. Swilling, ot this city, was married to Mrs. Hollie Eddins, of Hartwell. The bride and groom have the best wishes of many friends for future prosperity and happiness. ..Miss Maria McCartney’s elegant milli nery stoie, on Broad street, is now open and full ot fashionable hats and bonnets. The ladies are cordially invited to call and Inspect her goods. ..Hon. Thomas Crymes, and family, of CarnesvUle, have removed to Athena, and will make this city their home. We ex- tend oar hearty welcome to the Colonel and his family. ..Capt. A. D. Wamaling, for many yeara connected with the large carriage estab lishment of Hodgson Bros., left Sunday morniug for Atlanta, where he will do bus iness with Mr. A. T. Finney. Mr. Wama- lmg is an experienced carriage trimmer and harness maker, aud U not excelled iu this branch cf the business by any man in the country. Mr. Finney ia to be congrat ulated. By hU removal to Atlanta, Hope Fire Company loses a good fireman, and one of the best Captains that Company ever bad. May success attend you, friend Brock,' | . ■j - 1 We are auto tuat the heart of Manager Jones beat with pulsations of true pleas- ure when he received the following highly complij-outary letter from Tony Denier, propii'. >.r ol the great Bumpty Dumpty troupe, whose performance in this city, on Saturday night, January 17th, was so bignl; app?. ended ami delighted ifi fry our Citizens; W. U. J 'NBS, Esq —My Dear Sir .-—Al low me to return my sincere thanks for the energy y-'U displayed in performing your part of our contract; and, upon the oocaoou of my next visit, shall be pleased to do business with you again—knowing that your influence will qdd to the re : ceipts. Algoj pleqse tfiank-the citijens of your good pity on my hefialt, far the kind maunor iu w>>eb they put up with tpa jm convenience of standing room only, and their giving me the largest house ever within the walla, And tod them that I have Atbeus inscribed in my route book iu large letters, and hope to return every season with many novelties to deserve their patronage. Trustiugyour business relations with every troupe may be as pleasant as mine, aud with best wishes, believe me yours, Tony Denies PfiEW ft ft fAiastrajp. Our oiBxeus have »itch treat In store on the 6th ot Februarv, in the perform- ance of the celebrated Duprez A Benedict’ minstrel troupe. They have appeared here once ov twice betore delighted audi snees, and we are assured that they now have many new novelties adde-*. The ^tlai.ta yonstitutwn, of Sunday, has this to s»y i-t their performance in that city on Saturday night last: Duprez A Benedjpfa popular puustrel company ar Beared at (he Opera House last eveniogto a fine audienoa, the gallery be ing crowded, while the parquutte and dress circle^ were comfortably filled with an apprecia ive audience. The programme arranged for the even- ing embraced a fine selection of songs and ballads, tccottaz wifn fi tardtf ’ei « Scenes inTtontbf a clothing store,” and the sensational burlesque ot “ Little Bed Biding Hood.” These were rendered in good style. The songs were new anil afflictive, while the plays w?re Both amusing and interesting. Frank Dumont, an old favorite in the South, appeared several times during the evening, aud sang some of his most pop- ular songs. Leonard and Jones, the song and dance members of the troupe, appear, ed to fine advantage, pleasing the audi- ••nee at everv step. The show ia a good one ar.d pleasing throughout- The jokes larberviDa Motet. This small village, beyond the upper bridge, is springing op like a mushroom ...As yet, It has no name, bat will we presume be called Barberrille. ...We trust, however, when it is incor porated, Uncle Wed will continue to recognize ns when he cc-mes to the city. ...Mr. Newton Saye will bnild s hand- some residence in this suburb at au early day. ...Mr. Crawford, the Vanderbilt of the village, has a large stock, does a good business and has made more money in the last two yeara than a great many large houses In the city. ...In Barberville, last Monday, eggs were selling at five cents per cozen. We met a colored man with two buckets filled with eggs, and on inquiring the price, re marked that he purchased twenty dozen for one dollar. ..Mr. WiUBarber, well known all over the city, is building a store house on one of the handsomest lots in the village, and will also have a wagvn yard connected with his store tor the accommodation of countrymen. ...One ot the most prominent and high ly respected citizens of Barberville, says, that within another year they will have a post-office, newspaper, church, bar, billiard room, ten-piu alley aud two hun dred inhabitants. AU ot the above enu merated projects we unhesitatingly en dorse, notwithstanding there 19 a blue rib bon movement in Georgia. •* nLACK-DRAUOHT." ceres djipep- •ts, isdifsstioa sod kurthius. For sale by Dr. E. 8. Lyndon. THE “ BOYS AHDGERL8 OF THE 80TJTH." The Very Paper for oar Children. Let every parent send one dollak with out delay lor this splendid paper, and all the chUdren wiU be delighted. It is infi nitely superior to the trashy, sensational and immoral publications which vitiate and corrupt the tastes and morals of the yonng. It ia flUed with entertaining, iu- structire and amusing matter, just suited to the tastes ot our children, and every one who has seen a copy is delighted with it. It contains beautiful stories, essays, boys’ and girls’ compositteria, poems, puz zles, speeches, probjemetiMeops in elocu tion, questions on hlstoryrgeograpby, Ac., and score* of letters written by the young folks in every issue. It is also hand somely illustrated. Send for a copy right away, and yon wil) never regret the in- vestment, jp Address J. H. A0Psbi __ ^ TfiASTA^C Macon, Gi >Jmne Sth, 181 There are men in this community, known citizens, who wei£ victims In early Utelto this horrible disease, and who have been cured by the 8.8. S. medicine, and are now to all appearances, and in their own beUaft aa free tnnp3^io;oi disease as the flr*t man, treen Y om the bands of his mait-r. Mism-tuxo The same old atory^tSat makes two hearts beat as one, is ot ten like a bar o I soap—so tnU of lye it won’t wash. National Surgical Institute. One uf the staff ot this old and uotable Institute will visit Athens, Jan. 26th and 27th, (88Q, stopping at the Newton House. The object of thjs visit is to give the afflicted ap opportunity for examination at or npap their bomosj’thus saving hope- lea* cmbr the expen^f a «ip to Atlanta. A careful exmnioaiiou'wiU be made, auo patients can learn it their cases are curable or can be benefited, and whether it wiU be necessary for them to visit the Institute. Iu such cases as can. be cored, or treat ment begun at horne^ UffgqgeiReut’ can be made with our visiLing-Surgeon, aud treat- ment oommeneed at once. Examination free. sea of Defutmltjea%gd £hro.qic Diseas es will 1)0 examigeif-^uch as Club Feet, Disease* of the Hip, 8pine and Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Flatus, Catarrh, Female aud private diseases, and diseases of the Eye, Ear, Ac. tycome early, as the visit is limited to the time stated. FOr circulars and full particulars addre^ National Suboical Institute, Jan. 6—3t * Atlanta, Ga. “BLACK-DRAUGHT" cum coiti mm |ad giek-hemdachc. Fur sale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon. and you ITHEXS REIAIL PaJCKS OUKftEST CORRECTED WEEKLY B\ JAMRSOX,\KELL. COTTON—tin):—middling ilQlEct*. FACTORY GOODS. TOBACCO. Cotton Yarns. Osasbur^. per yard. . 1*010(3 eCinro Loyj?. {* Ct&rh'ixM 1.0U&1.06 ifr hruwu *t#S Smoking tiu^LOO DRY GOODS. Sand, JUccahov. per Viri- jai Civsn. Am. r> *• Detain oA. : Ticking .. _M)0^.yft*Sart whiakey, good. RSD^ft.00 vSSS: * Superfine T.w^:jn memuia *.00&3.ti0 Oars, wLirc, VIn... - U. comcuou Ut^LSo yellow O.0019U.UU React brandy, good. S.3C Ftta 71*47:. medium 2.00 Keel.. common 2.00 Wheat. .l.Q0<<* • .ML Apple do. good 2£6g:L60 Bodcwbe&t Floor -c-47' medium 3.00 Bacon, aided. *#6> 4 . cvmuxon *.25 nbonkler* u^oo .French do 4.00^10.00 hauis .Uj^q£l*. Uo'lamtgtn ft.OO04.ih> Lard, %l tb 10-#.* AmcncAKi do 2.0002.00 Irtai^Potaiced, country, ^ 'Bour'.iou whiakfty...S.W^.0a Sweet...... 7 Oopi>erft*,Slb..^r. 5y 5. BgX**Vdcxec 10 12^> ... 1^001^*0 CaickeuA i2(4*5 Madder .......So 35 ■Inrfcej » 7.- -RL:.jKxt. Eogtrood. S504O Batter,9:0 £ ?alt<r.... 10015 GROCElvir.-. Aiam 10 8*2ar.crQriluxi :o.i :6 A — . ...lO^Jl! HARDNVAitB. D 10M Atl>f'lron, 'Woder*, V l*> C 10*4.0 English Demur&nt O14IO Car t lug*. CW0S CoRec, Rio, ? a» 150^Natl^ y k<- 2.75 Lapijm 2Lv* .•'■ Steel, ciutt 15016 Java 1S033; plow S0io Tea,Hy*on,V^ 1.25 Cotton Hard* 50050 ' 40050 25040 Syrup, cane 6o0 ;5;^cith7s Delxowa 50 Inch CubuMoiamea 40050. Anvils..... 17018 I*er itu.-iO^SO Hammers 17018 adsrnmniue....tO0‘M:Horae Shoe* .8^010 ta-on- A “ •* Nail* 20035 Cheese, State, ;wr 1 ... .16 « 20 ’d’e.-r r.^ litres, V doz. Kn^usa i>urv.,.lSi..*»! . U 55075 Crackers, bo.u....* ....10 .0 aju'-s - uOvbIs. 1.0001.25 batter -150*01 • Spades 1.0001.10 -mrar iSp-i’ Trace Caaiaa 60076 cream 16020: BOOTS. Onions, per bu loO0Ui'.>7orti:en5, V pair- 2.0005.00 Candy, fancy, ptd tt>....?6035 Southern b.Oo0io.OO plain. 20- LEATHER. Soda S01i' .Sole, lb. . S505O Black Prnper 2w26 Upper 40^00 Uu. Red ..40050 Kip “ S6.( _ Tallow 60H RIDES. Green Apples 2.000 Dry, f» lb V Rice.......... 8010 Green I Mackerel, N .’. 1, kit*: 1.25 16*' B*-CC?iXG. No. 2. 2 l.o*i Gunny, V jd 16X0 No. 1, k barrels....6.ou TIES. No. 3, fits 75 I Ties 06^ Sardines, per box *0 ROPE. BALT, per sack 100 Cotton. 20025 Gras* 16020 WOODEN-WARE. Painted backets, F NAN CIA L. per doz 9.0002.* u iGold—buying 1.00 Cedar do S.OO0.9OC nolling. White pine .7.OO0H>’ISilwcr—hi buying _ - . soiling The above are retail prices. Price* are shaded to wholesale ...3.0005.00: 1.02 ,1.00 1.00 Dr.TUTT’S Expectorant! iKSSTSrAMDTrBOTTLEsT Rnprop—ti— are Dmalcent, Nntrl- ms Mftftmlff, Soothint sni Haaling. .OR. *>. F. HAYWOOD, UIw York, ToltmUrilj Inilorw U. -READ WHAT HE SAYS:- ■ eases of lansdseusa lathe lower wards of the parity. A Vnnawthr Establish** •»»--* are aew mirth prov-king. and tho Tike will ski 4 BLACK-DSAUGHT " r be bilioiu. For sale by Dr. E. 8. Ijiiflop. J ~ ShUd toyour ealaable ssgiaa^ juu5f»C wrJaLK, Dr. TDTT s Br-A base bsMsutfariae for bmHj two Novs with a ssrsre coafh. 15 hen 1 commenced t*> - tnyi jour Expectorant I waa reduced to one hundred |pg dosan botUoa. The night awaata hare left me, £3«^iT=SiSS.{fe7if7?1223: With great reaped, OLIVER RICK. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS, Mi>d», haveyoo canght a cojgt Are yon nn- s tp talee the phlagm t Mate yon an farita- a In the throat? Aeenae of oppr—aion cdt oppression on yelangs, with short breath? Do yon have 4 $Xc4 cooghlng On lylng down ? A sharp pain Qowand thsn ln the region of th^hsart, ehonW £f» and becktUee,e«rAd?tceU taka at qnce adoeecdTctfs Expectorant; you will soon able to raise the phlegm. laaa hoar repeat Ike Expectorant, piece shot iron to the feet.take wlli soon fall Into a jWj W «a gC op lo tl»« moralM. SSnSTnaSweSubS^: Sn mif iu a natural manner^ to pcereai a retain of then- aympSuna nee the Mggeckranft eesenl dayn' • Often, 3ft Murray Street, N. Y. Tm’S.P,'.LLS tUoLT’S-.pills TUTT’lLPltt^ JL8 J S PILLS iiaioim colic. TUTT’S PILLS 4>IYE AFPlXITk, TUB pgagptas ifRee, 35 Murray St., New York. Fall and Winter DRY Carpets, Boots and Biio Mir BOYS & YOUTHS At the Immense House of Mm Se & J Nos. 1 cf 2, iVeupree IB lock, Athens, G u. We hare op**t;ed and will receive au elegant anasomn ties In Silks, \ civets. Satin, Brocade Silks, and all the *H._ -. •*— w ||, e C ity. * Owh'n eoeiprhiirc th* than at any other house ii BLACK CASHMERE At 15c, 25, 35, 50, 60, 75, $1.00. COLORED CASHMERE Iu all the Newest Shades, lrom 15 ceuh« to all wool, at 60 cents. BLACK ALPACAS. In great quantities from 15 to 60 cents a yard* r .. ^ \ FAlN"cy dress goods Of all kinds and qualities from l?x to 75 cents a yurd. -s' ^ ^ ^ COTTON jSTJZ"3?3:i^rca-3^ inhc. n -afaU«i g nas*;,V(« 1 „.K I >t,hwr P nrc J l ** r, l* n Immense assortment of these goo3?* v^^o^prlce*C we are enub’ed tn !»;«■» the advantage In Ladies’ Misses’ and Childrens’ Hose, at lower prices than ever. ‘ to s ' vc our caMo, “<'rs RIBBONS. ... w f h * Tr tM* season a very lang* and complete stock of Gross Grains, In all rolnnt. andb. fi,n*u« o • two tone,and other ribbous,at extremely low prices. comn, sndja fnll.l!n<> of Sntin and Ilrw-;.*• SHOES. Sole Agents for MILES’ PHILADELPHIA SHOE? -a loe, a,s, a „ ; Carpets, Rugs and Mats, Blankets, Slfetvls and Balmoral Skirts, Cloaks and Dolmans In .ill the latest styles from 21.50 up. CLOTHING. beg leave to call the attention o( the pabllc to this stock, aa we miko oW/mu, fnr v v*,.„ , .. cinity <>ur stock this full Is nore complete and cheaper than ever. esir* V . ' °-bii a»«t ort'. oat goods betare purchasing dwahere. * . ire>«,:i chu save money by h«ui.;.ig t ■rh. I.arar.1 wl.o.1 Con.3101. HlMk .f BlTrin, i. . Slal , Ladies’ ami Gei*’ Linen Gaff* and Collars ; Luiio,’ and Hunts’ dloves in aiit new Styles. Kid Gloves at 60c worth 78c. Ladles’Under Vests ctiiiUreus Vm Suits. Children’s Under Vests. Meu aud Youth’s Uuderwear in ali oui-iiCo-'aud lu est styles. ' ‘ We sell the KING of SHIRTS. "* *'»>* ■ *» OUR OWN SHIRT ^ 50c auil 75c. Tuc best Shirt iq th^ market for the inouoy. Atwoilon atonrcuWotnors and the trade at large that onr stock is Strictly First-Class. _ tUftt wskavo NO BAITS, NO HUMBUGS Wo Bii&representationa, No fahe Quotations of goods allowed in our House ! DON'T YOU FORGJST IT 11 MARBLE. Jut and Moulded Glass. Haviland Cliu a LYNCH 7b FLANIGEM, House Furnishing Goods, Broad Street, Opposite Campus, ATHENS, GECRGrIA. MAJOLICA WAHE. WHIP CROCKERY A. II. ROBERTSON, S lurhern household. Pabliahed by A. W. Perry, Sedalia, Mo, ;»t 35 cents. Wont! a monarchist government in this country. I'll never submit to It. But hold on, friend, it iq not a monarchial gov- ernment, but a MONARCH GUANO—a guano that is sure to be a MONARCH in the guano world. The Company that man- ufactures it don’t do anything by halves they will have the beat or none—therefore, ati-1 ah->u!d fi- in the p- 'ssessi.-n ol every ** ^ ou wanl ® uao ° ***** "!* *1* * or ® 10 MULES! MULES! The underalgned ia receiving every week •nd will keep constantly on hand, at Gann & Reaves’ Livery Stable, a supply of well-broke, serviceable young moles, and invites all .dealing such animals to call and examine stock and prices. •» jau 13—lm W. 6. Rolhaf. WUiisumel.v, t«y MOMAEOH- For sale by Jan 27,3t. Oaa A Hunter. Mfssra Editors i—Plesao announce W. C, Remp, for Alderman from thelhird Ward, to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of M^j. T. A. Burke deceased. Toths Thus Waxd «Mt Eminent St Louis Physicians Bay. Gulden'* Liebig’s liquid Extract ot Beet and Tonic Invigorator la a very agreeahje article uf diet, and particularly useful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms ot animal food are re- j- cted. In Diphtheria, Malarial Typhoid. Fevers and every dapraasing disease, its use wiU be attended with great advantage. We have prescribed it with aooceas, and believe jt to be a must zsloahie remedy.” J. H. Leslie, M. D., G. P. Copp, M. D., & A Parsons, I. D, S. A. Vaughan, M. D., Drs, 8. L. ami J. C. Nidelet, Wm. Porter, ii. D., *ud others." ...The Superintendent of the National Census is aaid to be of the opinion that when the enumeration is finished, the greatest Increase of population will be fannd in the States of Minnesota, Kansas, Can on E. C. Long « Co. for your Cigars. The Bed Gauntlet and the Royal Boll, the two leading cigars of the city. TotheViUie. I fake this method of returning thanks to toy numerous easterners, for their lib eral patronage during my long Proprietor ship ot the Newton House in Athena. On December 31st my proprietorship ot the Newton House will cease, at which time I will open for the accommodation ol the public, the Clinard Ronae, pleasantly located oq Clayton street,“one hi the prin cipal cosiness streets in Athena, where 1 hope and expect my former patrons ana the ggruling public generally to atop when visiting Athens. Pledging myself to do all in my puwer for their comtort etc. 4 & CUNXKD. JCOLPTOR “ Gvsuiti , Cr.dlt- TomSw B Ji.J \\Uji. vjt H: ml Buihkrr of .Monuments, MarbW* sid ~ Held aii<* to* Htoim*, tirmvc tnd ’t.tri.H, KHtia of all sines, ml kud ri’Mlt for l-jtterlns. . K. RORRRTMilN. l.-mnBn'War. Atlums. G*. fttfceas, fia., Dec. 9tii, 1 A man Hid of lira complaint! On* AolUPn worth of “■ACK-OBAUGHT " would have aaved hiallh. For sale by Dr. E. 8 Lyndon. .wmsBcS"*’.-' ' ■. b,Dr. R. . = n 5= J « 5f i a s’ £ | « ‘ S -1 30’ (id ^ | |-a S 3^ § *?o GC I - = 2 -”2^ -o»o ® i || ® 5 j o •DP-w^iixr jsj=*mi3xrc3r be;. 56 STEEL ST®1J\GS; S j.00. The Best Spring now innse. mYoresowh A VEGETABLE.’ MEDICINE FORTHE ty Dr. Daniel’s Magic Oil for sale at Dr! Iowa, Texaa, Missouri, Tennessee and Ala-1' Iflfrdon’a Drugstore. • BffiOlUVtR&KIDHEYS CURATINE, ' Fee Blood DieMowa. CUBATINE, ?ar llw Cusplaists. CURATINE, For Kldnoy Lraoaaoo. CURATINE, r-r ISiwto. CURATINE, the JfosT fertilizer medicinal com pound of knewn valu?- combining tn oasprep*- arEtlf-n ih* curettvttto* soon fifth* JUa Harm 1m thoroogh In tfto e*ct. It Is unexcelled for thn of all Blood XH»- m such os sere/* arfre. 10wsm.0slli, S2SJS!SS5» rrliu, rtm. m tnoa mumst r ci FOB II. muuniExmai BALTIMORE. U4. “I'lin VS PATENT SE1.F- r\ TKMNO spiu.mi. I’htented Nov. 21, i I7«. This Is withott doubt tho Che ip- est, ISest and ni o s r Durable ’.Spring ever ot- fered to the p'tb- j tic, ami is as t'ar superior to .■ iy lied in tho ui ir- |! Vet as a smooth Nicholson pavs» ini'iit is super: >r to the eordur y roads of our ■ k- bers Soup- >t t ho adv-auta. is >vor all ire: 1st. It is Clean, "Noiseless and Strong. 2d, Each Spring is made of the best BESSEMER SPRING STEEZ., and having an individual strength o( Sixty Pounds. 3d. The body rests us smoothy and evenly upon this spring as a swan floats upon the water, and a light and heavy person sleeping in the same bed does not cause it to sag, as with Slat or Woven Wire Beds. 4th. This is the only spring in the niaiket that can be adjusted to any bed and moved from one bed to another with the same ease that you can move ordinary Tata. Sth. It makes a smooth even surface for the mattress to rest upon, with no ends to chafo and wear the mattress. 6lh. This bed we guarantee to be noiseless, elastic and adjustable ; to be hard or soft at the will of the occupant, (by simply adding or removing a few springs, which can tie done iu five raitmtes,) and to fit the body in all its parts and posi tions,‘and not to give way unde> any strain, each spring being severely tested be. tore nsed. Qa9 Mattress is all that is necessary on this bed! No back ache in tills'bed. Manufactured andauid by X<F : V; **• • - * ’T'*" ‘ • " ' ", imb H. BOWLES. ATHEM-fl^