The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, January 27, 1880, Image 4

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I. 4 Wholesale ana Retail Drcipts. Who hare* inrihoaght I’..-entire stork of C. W.Lor.gA now offer eveytli':.g In the Dn.g line, eceh st Pniffs. Modicines.Pcint* Oil an<l Vnrniixlu.'is. White Lead and Colors. GaitiM AIM i OLDEN r£!lnRtLfma«w« nr NO CAPITAL K£<*L1KED. tffAiaPV r: a«lt daring ihe witter month* at home KLUrlJBf X >,v male or itrelc; no peddling ; nice m.h*we:«ireiaT, dotlt interfere with other bustoero ; - Kilrr any r-nf: can’t OTto b«w; *end a three cent*, j -- v-n»p and you will get • beautiful i^rdnen of Through Tickets. NOKTII, SOUTH, F.APT AND WEST, '-.A P. ’i-S’-e, McKinnon & Rivers, j -A.T HEN S .iFoiiy&lclsf Add ret a, b> man. tree. ai.d full particular* of bure i;OM£ MIKKoB. Longmont, Colo. I.U i; I> A BOTTLE. The Most Valuable Medical Dis cover v Known to the world— No More use for Quinine, Calo mel or Mineral Poisons—Lite for the Blood andStrength for the Nervous and Health for All Aa Open Letter to the Public. Brliavlre that by clear.riug the Wood and building up the rVrtiMlM. wMtte on!' true way ot breakingdireueeand »‘r gSoo» i*<t with weat new of the lungr. cafonb, very .•rhbrekei diwnln cowritution. Ac., and alter Trying ►T- beet i.hyeriane ai d paying ont my money ler many ,, mrdiclnca advt-ruetc without fiedto g a pem»*c«nt t bcrui. iloct/iring iayrelf, neing ir.edicint-s madefrom * -ji.v. 1 tor nnately discovered a wcrdtrfnl Bite u.h«t, the firat bottle of which ga* Madison County. A. Madison conntv GEOWA HAIT10AD, C» r-riiiii Railrow!. >* i l < >< > I . COTTON KSTAi’T 1812. o>^>' 7TI ‘doctoring iayreif, neing gieritelnea math rrtii andherli*. eflrc’ed a ptrm; ia i'ree tlotn catarrh, my Inzgwmx*mm”***£* ; , o .bi. to stand the roost *-ver* «• d and tamorars, «*» 1 '“-•.BWl over tMny v "-.crt. in Feeltofcant- ' K " , j V.... . ..I.. , ilrr!nl deeovery to Bwdtcyw. I ..rfiwilti «.l tb.- r,<* Hitter- si.d w»,ia it»b»b- .Ar.L'iS.-M to eidt triet,/. «,d Belfl-tefSt I L,?S»S58»'- rflcruC iitnwl -»»do)olnuo;of >11 !£?«s5*te.,n tnm or««.Ibl« b>. Blaehsmithing Business, Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. W orkman, HBMl or Mr. Ba* hi* ermin; that tba imMb «fl recognize their patro- . £c . . Kart f . Tb* . liiood. lro- Kiitney PW-arc, 'ierpid , wa of iT.y discovery to flu* way spread marl*. * _ j« r until I found c»y*c!i adtee upon .ill tutrix ini far and vide, an:: I w»- in* l*t»y rntory lor c mpoendir g anc bolt in* larg« qnaiftitic*, and 1 now demote *!• tny • p»-r* *r:jp!t pr.t;. i.e Pool HUU: r«!£. t w in pretentieir enow m; -ctf «.r m«- , ‘. ,7 ,,, ,o Ih,- poHic. I.<.t ”>«U- old «f>> ,rr>.n rap.1.1, but 1 am rbrayelT w. CJ ] flr-> itdvrriieed thia mtrilcinel have been -.’ulu l wbi. oirtcre •'ruggista and country dmlera * kbi.i.r.a«ii( ! ’mve reoeivei from per-ona cored S £■ ietTilV»**J»* *4 n : nc ^- ^4 ind h»d 1 i f*cl,J ,a.nS£SiS« 1 that they wi»ao^n Tlr* Iloot Cittera. ed that they wi»aoon'The c tnr yrt (iiciac* in nns. Nearly one bat-dred mafl itteTTcbt' here at home in Cleavriand, nowacll Kool ns aoti e of whom have already sold c^er » ne Lhouaand >ttl<*. uot Bft- 'edicliit! p r e;arnt ! .on, such .^od old days of our fon fathera, when peo- red fiy k<Hdi* i^mole root p strictly . _. r plant, and when cal- uoiaonaof foe miArr^l ^ Jnrdom were on- To all in n.'ed of work in our Jibe *. McKixkok. P. M. Hnr. YEtibW PYER-BLACK Vn^TT. It ia too aoon to forget the ravage* 01 rhia teiTibie dis ease. which wii! no doubt return n a more malignant and virulent form to the fall months of 18T» MKRRKLLV H*PAT»Sig aTOiamy Diiicrprgd in Son»h- ernNnhiaand n»ed to anch woo'icrtu' msulta in bonti A meric* wher* the moat aggravated cat*-* of i,-ver are four u, caaaea from one to two ouncea of bile to ne filtered or •trained from the blood • ach time 1* passes through th»- Liver, as long as the bile exists. Hy wonderful ac’ion on tbd Liver and Stomach the HEP STINE < ot onlv pre vents to a certainty any kind ot Fever aud Black Vomit ktils cure* Headache, Constipation of the Bowels, his pep*** ai*i all Mriarial disease*. Bfope nrtiJd tr*r /ebpw * eyar--ao vil! «vrx»ltheMri> *1 Poison and ezeoaa of bile f.-ohi !?>•• Woc<t RILL’S HEPATTNK. which ia *o:d hv - cent and tl 00 bottles, or will h. aenf by pri< tors, A F. MEKHfiLL oy hfr'ng JfAH- *11 l>reggi*t* it. V> O AttienfSy CJftiO SEVERAL FOUNDED L*!J SiCSINISTS. PATTERN WoRi.SiLLTHING dt REPAIRING. Ravin j an cximritt collection of Patterns manufacture [ i on and Bass Castings, Mill and Gin Gearing, MINiNC & MILL MACHINERY. ST2-\.v: .vNUIXES, SAW-MILLS, SUAFTI.NIi, I '.'LLKY MILL smuLts. ..uLM'LMi SCKKWs. l.ICaiTZE SCLEWS. MATTl-i. sTAFfS. MILL CHASES, UOKSE-I^JW:. bi. lUHLSilEiis. LAS •MILLS SLQAli MILLS. i'AKK MILLS. STAMTIS'-I MILLS. Ct-tton Seed (’rushers etc., etc., etc. , u.,! area^att for, thomor Turbine Water TCVdi. .e-rst,’ Putin* 7*0-1. able Revolving an.. 1 Colt's celebrate! Cot ton Prases. Iron f'encino, Craze Enclosures'RalcotiirS'd'c.. be. »»* R. NTCERRSt-M,' > ’f ene .-tup'L tw- Mnrnu'femten.Mml st toafini->rrto s Sale. . , ji?‘4ibw — e before sr*or.rt bon*s »J«r in fN-re^'-lf. si’d eonii’ within :ne legal hour.- o; *c:,., ou tt.e fir-t ; o.-Uajr »u Le c-rntwr t—ct. the fo'low'ng property, to wit: A ’r:ict or b ' c-' o: laud ktiuwn tn,- job ■>** :: Wiiliatup’. K-»ci lying »:-' t '"TW Mid rootity. cu Middle fiver aajtrtntr** land* or VI1W LWfj# »-4 ssun-. fJ-UMW, .MAsnWjr to vo btndred d> d reyen ac-e*, mo*e - r leva Also »oe ••the' tract or ptr.ui ot i»iri him? op wnu» %4 N.ri!’* t*. tfik, in said r •sr.ij, adjoining lard* i.t T P»; . Tttm- C urC A " **v •ur‘ e ! re? ‘ O.'tUiniog, toi gw «i-i4lU*A* tu’ land known as tue Jc&us.'n •ntafL.* *1«orI seventy ol ntiiiv jtioc, and ia r .nVi n -i.isnty. •rihe. purpose of fi be IV-n-f ru de ' vH and le.W •;•*• i «*• Dec. doth, A nuula G. Si -phe FOR THE FALL TRADE JOfl v ‘ r. %-rr»* rNs. Commission la i.urnaanee ot an oid»>r r„i.-v.* of Frai icitu «-‘ouLtv, M AR K George A. Clark, SOLE vVliKNI’, 400 iiroadi^v. New York, T he dls!i''ctive t-in.lare* of this spool cotton are that it i» TX:, •:i Islniid Cotton. .■■•I r>>!’ »r the « ottoi: from which it i«inade; it ii" < r irtif.cir.; I’j.irh to deceive the. eye* ; Wliite Spools. ' JETBLAGE * " '/il-JLISE PROCESS ' »;CT rnnvTace (heRMwdvo* or Its anp- rlority illsilLrWb A Jurkaot THE SOUTHERN IrunuKiff Ccmis’Dy .v'i’i i ii.-xs-j. <. ! 6 ii I. lati.titai.awtij ■ JirGTORS: 4 Ci-'/t I. 1.. PiKHTUN, i'KR’HNANI* T*>!TN1ZV J>n r.. Al. SMJTH^ I'ronomizt. • 71IHES! i : E J WORKS. GENT’S GOODS intiht.oo i Punt*, from.. •. :.Vr j Talma*, •* .. t» to $4.fto j l»r*>mptiy attended to. Good* received i. from and to all partaofth* p „ iasrayar* F. Hunter otrert AtUnta.^* BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. »| - 'Iir *n.l.T-lene*lha*almof Arc dress lioota, which Y A 'ilifiv "i .> r.t #10 }kt pair, .V-r C4*h. They art- tint fc renc l. can **.m. a o» *i*» a pair oi tuctv boot* will be auo t>y mail ot oxpre**. All work w.aranuri Jun’6 _ P. WEIL. | * V \4 t- KK in > our own town, end no capitn 1 *'•'*' v.wie«ngivfftbcbn*inee»a trial will ‘ neat opportunity tiver offered- o work. Y«-u should try on ret* <or j< r.retd/ wbat te*l:jft:r time or only your i d make great p y hnr every n r. at- e r.e t: uc h «i* n eo. Setxl which vc Trull rand kidney*, keep me «'ow- rvons ayriem. They pent*- * ' Lrm* w th< reaicHnv'OJt every nerve, bow- .,1;, - l mi tlu; i*asd to the £«% ck»D«>5g and Sternjfth- 'MHivKZtiSafivpfv;*' henre ib * y *“■« TMCii ' '•> pcrtnratkN* and ^ Sn-a-eor aili.tent i iMi^rSfrfEKH. ■ They iveawho hart ' - feel bad or roiaerable, t nr i* - * .11 part* of i : country are aU mvou r»any lives given op by friends and phy- permaner.tiv cu-rd many old chron- f Cuiurih. Scrofula, Rheutnatit'iu, Dyrpepria and •a-et* where all other treatuxiiW had faned- re Krilim sick headache coetlvene^. m^-nestS . .... m ., n th, jie-'oumewa. broken down alien? Yon will N* cured if you take ROOT BIT- !In%.- you humors aud.plmplw on your face orwdnT Nothing vri 11 giv ROO I BFI TLRS« nr I know that cnl cause my discover eu • und pimple? on your face orakinT n goon health, atretgth, and beauty physicians will cry humbug be- no many of their patients, bat I vey an adequate idea of the inb-nsity »f tilf su^'cruig before 3*iog your amdiejnp: sufficient to aay, I abandoned all *uh- mj r er remedies and ccntlnoe-i the q*e of yonr extract of Stil- ny dec ire and determination to place ungia, until I can aay truly, “lam enmd of all pain," of all (art x* iMjMsibie within the reach of dbeaae, with nothing to cbstruct tbe active porsult of my ’* "' J *■—if ore than eight months haw elapsed aince this ji.-oughont the world. Sold by wholesale -.Al l: irnsgt-Li .ml conutrj- tn. rrt^nu, or root »T 1-10101 pric.-, ll-L.i lAr t>o::U-,or ,ir boltW) ■ ilorfol enref, M my to-fe dn i.t-dicine. Iteail and indgcforyoor- SUT"Ask your re, the gre r merchant for Fraxlers Root Bit- and take no aobatituta he .mend because he makes a larger profit. G. W. FRAZER, Discoverer. 33S Superior SuClevda^, Ohio, sale at Wholesale by MEYER BROS. A CO. . 1-i.nU. Me Aitli gi:ara::tc«s*1, fill dollars a day at home made by the iudu trious Cspi» "Combi ni!i r,;«»tT*i.iUl»nJ l**l AUL TbMteMjU*! *■« r-*Mf4 ta ®a« ,ul aiaonat «J o* * lurtio'itr aU ^^■■pmfiUaro »r* po»l«4 “ISiaw^s ijvtcat ti •*».; '•"'“MTV burinru Brwkh*J(«Ml.ipiil _ »r — »wr i: —’’Th* pUiB»eT«ry*Ua*. 6wckSBa4MaaB *wai LAWRENCE 4 CO. Bankas, *7 Hacking* Flaw, *• T. i fiTIVT sriRi-tRUS r«. g -H- P. Mounted, 660. \i - v ,J$ 2-M-Ae^.t'**- PATENTS To Inventors and Manufacturers. Estabushkd in I860. GILMORE. SMITH & CO. Solioitors of Pitents & Attorneys at Law AMERICA! t and FOREIGN PATENTS. fi2ft F Street F. W., Washington City, D. 0. No Fees iu Advarxe nor until a Patent ia allowed. Ho Feea for rtakiug Pretltninary Examinations. Special attention given to lutcdk'^ir Cases before the Patent Office, Inninremcnt Soils in t^* 4^trcnt States, and igntion npuerUTnloi; to Patents or Inventors. :d Stamp for Pamphlet of Sixty Pages. Dr. Prail»rl»s's Slillinjrr »r Qu«n*s Defifll, na, Sarlt Vh*:n*tW ^jrphflf* ,4 ji..- _ iu:«j am* fr» u» at. par..- ^1 toe c -tr’icy, ar-■ ..11.4b;* nt SC auaeulvu* Ii- IV -a-ni’ tiri v* -*s J » 1 f.-r •*.- sbiiu l»j»cr of pttiot. Remarkable Cure T Scroftila, &c. P4@F OF COL. J. C. BRANSON. kiNavvoai, w* . HtpMMnker 15.1STL Gents:—For sixteen years I have been a great aunt-rir from Saofnl* In its mo.-t distressing mn*. I hare* beeft confined t- ulCel had been used, and suited without any decided l>e:jedt. Tt;Us prostrated di*- derpondinp, I was adv sed by Dr. Ay«*r. of Plovd County. i*f commence tbe o*e of your Compound Ex tract Stl'.Hngia. Lkng-^age i» ii inMjfllcient to cte-cribe the relief 1 obtained from tbe ujie oi me y^illlncla a- it ‘land on m»i . . .. W Y. J.J.. .-vv ,. »NO K. WHITE, President. W ALTON HOT LLP BY Mrs. M. A. E. SELMAN. MONROE, 04. Newy openod, repaired and re-farnishc«l. fable supplied with U e •«ei‘t 1 he market affords, and pricer moderate. T.vs- aeugcra ronveyed to and from Social Circle. feh.«a-ly. leroke* 13 rcclt, who ’are acquainted BS& J. C. BItANhON, Atfy atLaw. A. MIRACLE. Wkst Point, Ga., Sc t.18, 1870. GentsMy daughter w«a taken on the S5th day of June 1663, with wbat was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In March, fo lowing, pieces of bone began to work ont of ti.e right arm and continued to appear till all the bone from tbe elbow t the shoulder joint came cut. Many pieces of bone c**me 01 of tbe right foot and leg. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling. After having heen corimtd al»on •ix years to her bed. and theraae considered hopeless, I wa- indue* d to try Dr. P» m^erton’s C« p^knii-d Extract ot Sti lingia, and was so wclj aarbffed with itr t-fir^ptp thjri I hare continued the use of it until tin p My dauchter was confined to b* r htd about six jean* b.- fore she sat op or even tun ed over without assistance. oow sits up aft day, and sew* m *t of her lime—has walk* scroll the room. Per genera* heslthi* good, and Ibet-'eveslia -will, at her limbs c» ln strength, walk well. 1 attribute h.- .... .. oJ ^ -** * ih gratituce.. I of your Inva y .»«»«• ivuly, W.B BLANTON * recovery, wi*b lb* hiyasing gjahle medicine. H nh gra , _ ^ - W. B BLANTON. A '. at^sre^^ae'A J iow and certify to a* tv ii /trot. Tbe bun 1 . eda bf ihe moat ream efrd cittze- s will certify to iL A* . dnri. dreds bf Ihe moat rrsix eff d dr.zt much reference can be given as posy be nquii Tours truly, - CRAWFORD A CV>| KFR. Droggh LON. D. D. WILLI A Mb. HTDR. PFMRFRTONS FTILLINOIA is A. F M KTJFF11 A CO., Pblla. Pa. Sold hy al* Drvggisis in J1.W< bott’-sor sent 'gents wanted tt rar«««M> everywhei prqw^l ■ by exprt • ruKW Wonderful Discovery ' jnr. or y> tot’.’O a day fa . 1 -rg ever offered bc- T t onorabe. Reader ■est paylne htisir twa be- ■si:.d»>»ill send you ree : saiup'*-* worth $R e; yon can then make .. tflX-LOE STINSON oimentator 'or the Pictori.'.! Bi - *81** l’agoa, 475 tllustral 1 d a;». The n>P!>t complete a» d cum n-bcu^ive Commentary i n the entire me, e\«r published. Price g3.76. akkxttson, Jb Co f 8:. Lcuis, Mo. AGENTS WAWTiilD Scriptur* a. in ovs volt WANTED,:,ISA conlvntv nn.i over ’7t*iK> i: mat rations,' with ull th. N I.W* Vt ATTHkb, also for Literature, art, songfi^mS; : the young People. BIBLES —BIFl.i ud a tl r tbe young People, nl t. ruia sent on application to .». ii. CHAMBERS AM ~Q^ Atlanta. Ga. TAX NOTICE. fl'AX i \.\i.i' < : Claris ccnnty will please ta*r notice 1 tin • ti e d’Cv-ts have bean plactd to my bands aud G at ! r - 11 n to ucbivwTbeb taxesfv-r 161f. Althc .-.j 1 ** re-rir to cc IWt «axe* two tr.ocuh# later th»r»s.Msl> iu < .imv I an. st.ll roq irert bylaw tenui ii'j iftt rt * a: tt.*- u.-usl timr. vz: L'cc. x*>. They w t vrvuve m.' tt >1 *1«r« is m. tin*' to hv loti and Ihoi »b. \ v i l * nr e torward promp-tty j r.d pry »h«-ir faxes* Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. R. EE. X AS5PKIW, T his estalishrocnton Wall etre*t(a few ommT from B: is 4ow offering a large stock of Put*© Wines and Liquors, His asaortmeut embraces all qualldea, from ordinate to the cry beat. Purchaaers are invited to call and examine for thesweb Athens. Oct *«. HORSES & MOLES. T ilSundersigned havec&tabffahod,in fri«ic%a to their Uw cry, ar«£tuar SALE STABLE, Aud will, from this date, keep on band* atail timoa. t fall sap- HOBSES & MULES. TbOMlBUULQ Htodfccub npp-Jcdu Reasonable Figures. Athens, Nov4—tf GANN AREAV Best und Cheapest. Artiiicial Limbs. Special inducements to SOUTHKfiN SOLDIEI Sat u fact km gUeu in aU,c*MS. ^ntpremtann at Atlanta and Mkcom Ga. Fairs Wl. HmK of references in goer Slate. Apply at once for fall information, ynecial terms, etc Address CHAS. M. IV \S^,^f« 1 nf*ctorer fo. V S. Government* l*i Wear Fol»tp, Stmt, SC»K*TI,C. : i.-sniug « Oconee kMM 11? take 1 Hoc will T.ardont ich iud ctw J’EE ^ " ihe 3d Tuesday in October. January and April iu <.cb G. C. Tsoxa*. Sac’y. July, next, ardtmths Sd ipnl lu LixziaXY Duuai. PARR & BROS,, "es?. Atlanta Medical College. ClhODB. J.-B. L 0eM1- j:>: W. Wi Warns. This wvj?-es»ab»i«b<d CoBege affords opportunity for tkoroogb medical education. It 1? iu affiliation with, ar-d its tk> Hm and diplomas re* cocuisfri hy every leading medicalcollege tn tbe B*qu^a^eBtatorgradu^fan_aakaroioftKa. * -* latui iu ue tu wt vnl»jn*»!e n! 'l«p*nptoy '.*» ui pit he tenants ft •- m«m| others. * :ri6 ulrir, ,*tifortl ciet 11 the jmrcfc .*e DSISP-TKATOK’.s Sale A-rrees*>l>' to an order ot tr.e Cofr- Madiw>:> con (ty. w i • be sold b«for« t c *■ in DanieVvill-, Vad'uop r m ty. between : Fe litu . in said ccunty. on South Broad r!v* on w hich tM'sou bird roidul at tn*- t sii;i*infeg l»»ds f J. ic Ss-iders, J. V Ghttcth \Yt:t. Thrtrix, South Bo;ad rive wylerami M P. -ritt> *h. cr*iitjv1n.*,e C. *»1r\ widow, which itus hevn svt • ji Solomon & Joseph, said land. 'i h»* p : ■ell improved and is churches and a'boo 1 '*. Ak»- \ tJ*‘i!e- teuc*. a t*»rt of which The laud uct under ; eu* e * outw dredacr^sir o*dg1nal f< reri. fec-'n^ bottom, button* Isad. The r* t T atid wa* knocked * iu Dei cut- e- .art wli fltftrCllltl the widow’s dower of t’ Bird, on tbe first Tm-**i y iu Dcveut- e- .art who ha** failed ♦a comply with the t»* h-w of si'le. the s.;me Ut uow adver- t .*eT aud w 1 >• sos*l ft! *i s* rt»i;. Ter * * otie-hai? casli and t.u other n If jMjnbl** on tno firs* »l-*v of November next, with interest at M per cant, per auuu n. Mord given tha* t .tV wnl be mud- wfccu all the tnoae* is paid. Adnt’r of \ ». C. O'KELLEY, nl. .l.-cM OescR’.^l^ r Pe7cC p ^ j LtWJC 1880 ^ W-.Il hr —twit—* 7i;i j, ,pptte»su. »n i ticiMfOtam witisot mtiUtxii A It ^oouIr* (one tnkr+i t>l*'e*, *S) M^r.e Olothing, Notions, it u deed .*•1 R'TKl! \i. Mr | :T. Rtb p id, iDe.I 1‘KEMlL’Ms rr. »i the ’court: coiuty F-*ir As«ogi* ,: *- • crops, at tt*-irsn6«a! mets’ir.gin ti t-ll r the i^reMlul oor.ftcra in wheat r th- l>*:s| r -qkof (.**encr* Id Cats. id !1 »• “ “ •* r t»r- b--st r- -nit of ore acre in Corn! ELASTIC TRUSS! Ha aP*4 ditfcrfa* ft** *11 Mte, k emp wtU S*lf-Ad|a*Unf ■Bill* canur.BdBBWitMlfWmil nu*itloB* of tS* body. whU* U« It« th* cop JffBBBW hMk U. utmiBi«|«»tMa»iiu»*>ii< with U* fUtK. With ll(hl ftummrn tk« UtrsUli hold mcm!* |ofan4 sleht oai a t*Urricu*c«rula. Ills rij, danbk amtttyauff. CMifm. M0UST05 IECSS CO., CMc**o, m. mm INSTITUTE. ntrihiMI* try ter tu cm of or low of blooV. bb4 BUIbmJb. —, w .,^m4nfwrB.*dwi| F* L, FOND, Aurora, Kane Co., HL S120' * reports Hid inf**i alint Kbku. Like prof -kivon Str»cS; op»ior-sot f'Oto $5**. Address T. Pott* ripht Or • n.. »snl-.-w Bft Walt utrot. K Y Jw1vV9 15 Pounds Gained iu 3 Weeks. SPECIALTY I^TO. 14, SS^0^5L33 ^*3?. Athens - - Georgia. tbta'nfilfornrifijp^ _ OH oil onts.fur mndfctflor other IcrnjKtvie.'t.troJc- mttrkt end labels., ask toil merit* Tvitr- ferencet, App#^. lfits/or VnYinyer.sxJ*, «»,; all cats arts(ng urjtrthi Trtmt Imr **. ;>r„?npf- Oentrat Q.JT Key. >etft£ 2n« Isttmau i?.* Ti ?*??L i:atConal ‘3P* 1 ** of rials in the IT. S. Patent Itflee. and fo 'Senatorsand Representatives ELIABiE. "*1 IsmooiuTO*; i* * Standard Family Bemud; lot _* J diaeaaca of th?IdTer, Stomach |: *°d Borela,—It ia Purely ] Vegetable.—It ** «?« Debilitate*—It i Oathartuand Specific Core ——FOR—*- v ? ‘/ BUMS AND SCALDS. Aff XJixlailing* Remedy. This wonderful remedy, aithuu^hU been before the public only » very short time, has wbri- popu larity wherever it has been tried. As an evidence of this read the following voluntary certificate front tbe leadtair physicians of Walton county, who have prescribed aud used U to their practice: In jaKfofeia, OhS for tfc« protection of Mrs. Laura K. Bush* wexMly C*rflfT tlUi mi lure prcscrPvo *nd seen tbe good effects o< the spp'iciUiup d* r :• Sf.v K*s-h's Cu-e for Burn* and Scald*,*' and me Ic^l *ivh>yiauc' it- •aying to the public at large, thn- i» ir *. oo.-trwin tong needed and sough* for, but never obtained until •ntrodne* a by Mrs. Bash, who first introduced aud off* red *t fur sak; Mr*. Bush is well kn wn to us, and from our knowledge of her and this compound, we aay, a i'.boat ostentation, save fo the fact that we cl* m. with pride, her citizenship, an:* •hare in i*er £a»i name by roo-un t?-« reof, and brr many acta of kindness and ^c£t*^>]euct-, that this remedy eheuid have, and wiH finally s.taia. S^7>- *}*: throughout tbe Galuvat, M. D„ W. a rt. n^SDHw.i, w. i)„ M. It. Is*»so.x. M. D„ M. A. lu ntur*, M. D, J. G. CswraMi, M. D., D. 8. XcBuc. To thelPnblio. Mrs. Bush’* Specific, as will he learn* d from the f< testimonials of some of the most prominent citizen* physician* of the conntrr. ha* beeu found to ’c aa cbac*- cfona in the treatment of Krr- pt bs. Mieuwausta, Spas. naod:c Croup. Scald-Head (Tinea empitu) and Eruptive dta. rsisigtaorally, as in the treatmeat < t bums and scalds. It osad only to fit tdkd in ori-r t*. convince sceptical of its power in the gau-e^t tk diseases. TESTIMOmAJLs. Atlanta, *-a., .Tan., ««Tf. Dr. Wiley fl. Rusk er Mrs. Ru*h, Jug lertm, Ga —Dear Sir : l tuivd you enclosed S$S.<* for w uch I w*sh you to shipyne aaoxbur fi fit) box of your medicine, i have re cently had sotoe exper^m* it in a severe case of horn, and it has acted admirably. I Oedto* ut kecy • seppiy kj the while. Very trtuy, yctrt, ** » Josxfh E. Baowx. tfaxrro* Hfitrgg—AfHvys, ©a.,-.ajs. filri. 6XA I have, on several occaMona, c.pnug luc last tpvr year*, nt* d Mrs. Bub's Specific for tmrna, sod ip pywy instance it gwe speedy relief, being very soothing aud be* (kg' I woolc not he without the Specific »*re it to catM four times the amount I* sells for. A. D. cid ud, RropY. This ia to eertit* that (have used Mr*. Bcsb’a Burn Sp— cific for acrids, burns, erysipelaa, bruises, etc., and find it to be all that is claimed for tt—and more than 1 cou:d have expected. O’* child 1! craffy raw all owr, er.ept tbe breut, tm relieved with pert of one bottle wit?: n: W ivfcg a *car. I would hereby par fccJarlv recommend every farn- Uy to keep it on hand*7 weald not he failed to ** »*h- ontit one day and never expect to HA* ^ J. H. Pa***p. M. D, Hart co., Ga. ATHgxa. Ga. March ip, 15T:.-J have nssd Mr*. Bn* Reatdy tor «ums, -ndtake piEtrs e iu tvccpameiriiTk- to the puhlic as Ibe best sppdpetii'n tr* crrticarv fnprfce that sort that I know—affoiding*imoet immediate ard p*-tv manantmlMCy H.Hru.M. ty . The pripe the Spepffin has been reduced ju« om-hril— SfiT General A {rents. DAN IEL Ar. MARSH, Atlanta, Ga. for Georgia, A'Uiama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee ;md foi sale by druggists generally. tn ah, wan’i.n m* wui',5bj 1>r * E * v**SR&i°rw?«o'Sr j sS i oi V j pasHfefif- :t, Phl'udelpbta, Pa. i* Gnuzabi* Uidi*’ fn-nd of ni ne « m*riici'*es cured t Hifi), I wftft him ivhU** taking the first thru- butt. each ot HI Is try th* in I gained fl 1 - . t T*i id Oiutmet live ; at*d 1 On Thirty Days Trial. r Electro-Voltaic Bel j pay. Addr'sbs, • uLTAli' BEL _ _ _ | Mailed Free for 35 Cts. $ 10,000. - i:r,% „ ... SAFETY witheetrxjixrat kxriCiY'xT- LAMP. T jSyutU*p W b-rue, Chas. Brucknir, Watchmaker and Jeweler, A..HLLl S STORt, ^lBroad“dtreet,‘Athens,' Ga. 1 fi'Biu j do goo«l work, and - lion- Come and *ee me s'£.' been used in my praotiee I and by the pnblic,! for span thin 3j> yean, \ »ith unprecedented remits. I S*ND FOR CIRCULAR.] S.T.B. SABFDRB II n >» i»on>w*r.i 1 w _T._ wrwilu ' 1 " >U| » siwroaxciTTu ^SSJMFUUtSTWOXIXUTOCITaKtrCTiTXOX. * "nmjisvsx KEP TteSET pas. for tioa Oeef l.'S-V letter* GRAY'S SPRCmC KrDICiHR. TRACE HARK The Great *£•-* uhu*L .JAR: gli»h Itrmrdy, 'Bin cEuytor emu **4^ju**. hperntatt. hrll IteprustiS *r**sa tbai foffuw*,*s *eu^jeeof^>lt-Vhare a* io»rof Jlenwrr. IH- V“r»*I la -rlizm* . Wiu iu ft2 *Vrf,'p1.-‘..ns»!*dfri^ nou* p, e.uat-re Oui I£f ORE TJUUHa^ti n«auy other d.roa«re A?I£g T/.XJT6. that !e.d to io**Dl:y or cousumpfuro, ai-3 J* prcoiafore - Th~*ifie Medl swr~ Fuji T 'artic*i*x« fo our punphlt-i rend f-re Hy nr il to CTerv one. fW" .^ tons ir sokl hy Ml dru^Ptsat $l.W» per pack*re, o*aix tmfev°i» '' r ^‘ 4tenl tM b> n,ui 0U r#c * ! ^ t 01 .... .. X-'clOI'-riUlec.’ T. Atv.-i *ra ^rv.r WM-f *'?l 11 1 - •- SchcoL Fou|r N^y Classes. p orittiiBIImteg’Ccc.’i-d ' ' £ f-V.-a- — HO’. Tue* •iikSwSKKre "^aa&pEaanuhttoai! « - .*■ ''rniOct—/rnmT—v,, f ,„,t . .. . rS *»*«*»: Muti, I- -S?S!^’F'!£* ,Go " r <“ W-te -u.. -Spi-I .1 ILAXKsS, L atths . r _. -bv WAXCBBaBOWlt* Troup KirroRY, G.i., May 21sf, 1879 Du. E. Lyndon—Dear Sir : We .ib tve w il IWec t ua ii”!hi have nn than aay-Sis ■IP Iirou-ih itherkiii' il essrs. U u .u t-, iiaukin & L irhar, et tUlauta, «mie «*'' year W.iim Oil mil it is 'iir«iip‘-r! ir t<> any liing we nave e.-er -een, tlial HI llltanjle ui rhing weusoiely ever Relit IceUimen ShouiTljyeu tel [you uisli’get ting n I g o o testimeni- Ihoice Family SroooriBs, ets. w. IF 1 , hood, At hia store on *T»*.k>on street, now hu* on baud a large and well-selected stock ot FAMILY GROCERIES, Sugar, Codec, Flour, Bacon, I .rui tl, Canned Goods, Gandies, & G , Ho also keeps on hand a full st c* of the beat /hewing fond iSmoking Tobacco And also an assortment of the celebrated “Paul Boynton” anil “Golden Tij>” Cigars, Which are «nperlor to the fam 'us Kxcelrior. In cou' **ct:on with my oih -r hasiues* I have estiihtihhed a GREEN GROCERY. e the very b.*«t of u t Beef, Pork, Mutt ’i I will pay Cnnli i«»i* Catlle, Slie<>p & T I<»r S . W. S*\ 1 I < M > I >. >VEi S< -n^ < i,T ■ttnla—tl . J V ; ! I < i\ - >. r,. m, - : Large Stock and Low Prices. The undersigned has just returned tro.n the E t-torn uiarkela with a J LARGE STOCK OF GOODS •Vhic’u he has pu-chased direct from '•’anufacturors and IniiK>rt**rs hi- sute (fbOinL’ud 'iwi- Mvi'**'. 'mui-id*”'' Noru "' ,s1 " car i‘'> =« 1 b. oi **1 In t.n, city t Sell For Cash and Cash Only li* p*hm -Will he as lo-v as any o:ha.- hjU*j, aud lower, if p<.*si *ie Quick Sales and Snort Profits shall te Ms Motto, His Stock consists in vart of 0 >fU*-e, S«g:ii’. Soda. Manken-I, X;iil ■ itic-, Ch' «se] Lard, Bacon, Flour, Wheat, P.iaii, Sfa|> Dry Goods, Leac. -Matte OlotLing} 50 Dozen Lauudriod Ready Marie Shills, to sub ail classes. Hoots oid Shut s, Hats Umbrellas, Saddles and Bi idles, Bngg\ Harness, Plow Handies, Tru, •• 'Chains, l.d.lp md Pocket Cutb ry, Hollow Ware, H ugging and Ties, Kerosene Oil and various ocher hings too tedious to mention. He also bas a large FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE U n'ored. nnnn n« goo<i termn n« any ot or hoane ■ fno keep* o o Had Oobh«’ ('liriaicul*. for Conipovitstg to hpU t O: DOBBS. , and make aily'tni ATHENS MUST BE THE JIARKETFFOR NORTHEAST GEORGIA. .1. j LANIER HOUSE. Mcoroe, Waltofl Co., Geosp. a lt >^tei»ov»i* d, »td g* lt‘Vv/UIU*NlbtUJg. riloi-W.M «U3 B.4e! » k wi.i i<* *e;i.cired t-r. Ul/e AGENTS READ THIS. : *r* r t *n ejr^nt in thl* euunty to wi mn we will p*y a wl*ry of one bnudred dollar* per. month and expenac* to ,nr woud-riu. foventinu. Sample tree. Address al h« tw a K * «TO„ Marahall. M ck. am i lira ■■■■■■■ d rate tor ■■a Ccmplsiata, tchuk Mae Meem tested m u;: aad PEug.Bcat ty mail free of; Just Behold and Bead Attentivdy. A NT o-u tfiithWcaiiCrtrTTSiiny of !t» form-. Comramp- tio», fcTroiu’-i. i «ior, Lfog* ffril* apdir fact all Im- pantie* uf the >w**i, nereis your place Jo He cored*'My taihei; wi*» tortunete cnengb to ba> thl* wourtcrtul receipt fftimoBe of the’raoet raiment pbv*:cih*a of Ircbsud, and baa curec a ver? never.- cancer raht* lace and ter also cure-1 a lad* who (the doctor* paid)' bad *crc r*ne sit!. Brouefciti*. ul ,d waaTepdrird had con Th!i*mev*c:p te ^4k^*• internally. Ail I a»k I* a Actflr M, V. tt’U.KB’*, Utlresge, U*.. V. O Wanted. \ T th * Ger-rgi* 1‘artcry store, a man com net cut to take *1 • h rg« of n •; t .e end of the ji j; on- with a email fatoCy. Apply st the atore aay day fo tbe w*wk except Tuemfoy, Wvmsm Am boon ot »«ad 1*^' ^ Wjra-tf. That the public may be protected aeainst imitations and fraud we esneeially caution UH purchasers of BENSON'S OAPCINE POROUS PLASTErfS to see that the word CAPCTNE on each piaS’or is spelled cgrn-ctly. Do not alloy some other plaster to be paiau-d -ff under similar sounding names, with ihe assurance that it is the same thing or is g > >1. B - v i i mi-id that the only object such vender can have is the tact that fh-v o i > huv i'iii r itions at half the price of the genuine, and * Ictp they have by this eubstitutiuu to gain a small additional prqlit. MBTWJflfc MIMFKY, jrowxntlt * CW, nW*.l»WirtA«l CHNutOy, mtw V.rU..