The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 09, 1882, Image 4

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.\«o r ■XK'i’i COMMERCI fiEIt’ DRUGGISTS’ CARDS. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE^ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THE WATCHMAN SAMUEL C. BENEDICT, F.DWHt R. K1NNEBRRW, Tratrlixo Acknt. ANH THE I'CBMC GENERALLY Are respectfully invited to c«ll «ttbo store of orrtcp. at BKVXBrs DBvo arose:- ATHENS, GA. Gillen hti services to the craienj •( tho city nd vicinity. Residence at Mr*. Glover’*, ext to EptscopaTchurch. feb9-«m A. S. MANDEVILLE, CLUBS OP TWENTY . . .V INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Where they will nowHInd on exhibition a new and superb line of the latest novelties in Jewelry & Silverware, Imported and American Watches, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Canes, Cutler)', etc., etc. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Bone with care and warranted to give satisfac tion. octl4-ly COTTON FERTILIZER. RELIABLE GARDEN NASBY IN IRELAND. DR. J; H. CAMPBELL, DENTIST .. ATHENS, GEORGIA Office and Residence: Insurance Building. cS-ly T’Tsi I .«“* f.. a iuiUv-1 f. octl.-ly FOR COMPOSTING. E. K; LUMPKIN, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ATHENS, dA. Office over Childs, Nickerson, Wynn & Co’s store. Jelly ' * FQR SALE ONLY AT LYNDON’S DRUG STORE, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. David Landrelh «fc Sons arc the oldest and most reliable seedsmen in America. feblG-ly jtet oftbe Irish cause. IIis address was one of the severest arraignments of land lordism In that unhappy conn try we have read. Amonc other things he said: “What is landlordism y It i* condemn ed villainy. It is the very top and sum mit of oppression, cruelty and horror. It was conceived in Inst and greed, horn of fraud and perpetuated by force. It does not recognize womanhomf, manhood or childhood. Its cold ham! is upon the cradle of Ireland. Its victims arc the millions of people in Ireland whoeannot get away, and the instruments used to hold them are bayonets anti hall cart ridges. Irish landlordism is legal brig-* antlage—it is an organized hell. It reaches from the bottomless depths of tin- hell where it was born to the summit of British greed and rapartly, and that lias never ye; been measured. Wesley said that African slavery was the sunt ui all villainies. Irish landlordism com prises all the villainies that the devil ever invented, with African slavery thrown in, merely as a flavor. Irish landlordism makes African slavery n virtue l.y comparison. When a negro THEREFORE IF YOU WANT GOOD AND CHEAP 1 AND 2-HORSE WAGONS Call at my Shop. Or at Child.**, Nickerson, Wynn Co’s. The Benson The Leading Sa ientiat* of to-day agree that most disease* arc caused by disorder ed Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver arc kept in perfect order, i»erfect health will be the result. This truth has only been known a abort time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find relief. The discovery of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treat ment of these troubles. Made from n simple tropical leaf #f rare value, it contains just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and snfelv restore and keep them in order. It is n POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the boil v—for Torpid Liver I. 11.... .... .^.1 DR. ROBERT I. HAMPTON, DENTIST, OFFICE COB. CLAYTON AND LUMPKIN STS.. febl9-3m Athens, Ga. i * JACOBS’ PHARMACY! tebir.Sin MAGNOLIA ACID PHOSPHATE!! REAL ESTATE AGENCY. favor rapidly. My recent eo roninlctod and exhausted, is on hand for ONE IIl'N get scared—I am here for yo in now better prepared t« mIi cr. having secured the servi »r the p&’scnt year, who is a Persons wishingto buy, sell or exchange Real state would do well to consult with the under- gned. J. 8. WILLIFORD. ocl4-tf Real Estate Agent. Athena, Ga. Genuine Stinpsd “I.B. SEELEY,WARRANTED." more, ry tin HORSES & MULES. EXTRA IIIGIT.GRADE. RICH IXPIIUS. ACID A.XI) POTASH. finely groc.vd nay and easily sc a tiered. ESPECIALLY ADAPTER TO THE SOIL OF SOUTH-EAST GEORGIA. LOOK AT THE ANALYSIS BELOV/: Available Phosphoric Acid, - - lBpereem Potash—Kainit, 2 percent WE SELL FOR COTTON OR MONEY AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. done in the boat manner and nt short notice—all work warranted to give satisfaction—chargea reasonable. JtiCF^I have a good SKCUNl>-llANli P1I.KTOX.lately repaired.that l will sell cheap. Any one desiring a BARGAIN will find it lo their interest to »all on me. MULES W. S. HOLMAN febJ-ly Spring st., near Gann Reaves, Athens MONARCH GUANO! BAKERY Ho.3 A. Vi.SCoBttTi. Ha. 8. Ho. 4. 80.L Trusses, Supporters, Bandages, Urinals, Braces, etc. Just received a large and varied slock, suitable for Infants. Youths ami Adults. Buying in large lots from the ux4tmi< factnrers we receive a discount, which wo di vide w ith our patrous. Made iu every desira ble patera: fitting perfec tly to form of body: light, cool, cleanly, free from all soar, rusty, chafing or pudding unpleasantness. We adjust all Trusses when desired and guarantee same. Large assortment! Low prices! Reinembei name and avoid all catch-penny humbugs. octiMy • [For all Nerve and Brain affections .are invaluable. They are prompt, safe and effectual. The best known remedy in the world for nervous- jness iii all stages; Weakening of the memory, of Brain Power, Ner- Ivons Debility. I/ut Energy. I^st [Hopes. Imprudence of Youth, Kx- icosscs in inaturer years, Seminal [Weakness,and General loss of jk»w- jer in Generative Organs. To loose suffering from Nervous Irritability. Will keep on , hand this sea- i^lrr’r son a line b>t l of broke uml vLaS’InaKSkyi 1 nubroke bor- Res and mules . - gjffi Yif“Tlr•*.0 widt h i will fSL VP sell as low as fjBVfi the m a r ket. affords. Kx- JjSWvSJAv amine my ha AgSBmWO befure liuy- ing. 1 have fft&Vjk] < just received 7yJn) a car-load di- £/ 9 reet from the • best and most popular stock-raiser* hat I am sidling low. Sale Stable street. Alliens, Go. —AND— Confectionery ! VERT niCtn GRADE. DA RE IS COLOR. FIX ELY GROCXD. DRY AND EASILY SCATTERED. ■•tit NEVER HAS FAILED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. tin-own out upon tin- roadside whit liis " iff and children to rot. He has ere- :*ted lamls with his own hands which he is m.t allowed to occupy. He has proven crops which ho is not allowed to eat. lie has labored as no other man in the world labors without Is-lng permitted to enjoy the fruits of liis labor. The virtue of his wife and daughter nre in the keep- in:; of tho villain, w ho, by virtue of bay onets, controls his lands. In short, to M'.m it all up, the Irishman is a serf, a slave. Under this system childhood is roblied of its care, youth of its joys, man hood of Its rewards, and old age cf Its solace. Under this infamy, every sr-’t- ends in the contortions of pain. Every lnujrli shades oil'into a moan. The sight of an Enjtlisii landlord owning Irish es tate* gets up in an American a sort of r, spect for Nero.” The lecturer introduced a brief history <if how landlordism established itself in Ireland, and why it was ]ierinitteil to <Vist, his otijeet lioinp, he said, to let Americans knotv that there Is an Irish i|iiestinn—that tlie Irish have not only reason for tlteir action, hut a thousand times the reason that onr fathers of ’T(i had. and that t heireause is one that must enlist the sympathies of every man who loves the rljrlit and hates the wrong. In the four weeks “Xasby” was in the s. ie.tli of Irelain' he visited one hundred and fifty-eipht .cabins. This is his pie- Clnrke’ This GUANO is widely known and extensively, used. Has been this ritato for the past fifteen years, and has always given satisfaction. Roek-Botton Prices, Practical Baker, COR. COLLEGE AVE. AND CLAYTON ST., ATHENS, GA., Makes nr.d 1ms for sale all kinds of Cakes, Confectioneries, &c. WEDDING CAKES a Specialty, FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. Everything kept in a First - Class Confectionery YOC WILL FIND CHEAP AT NEW SEED 15c. Cotton Option. EVERY PURCHASER HAS A~CHANCE <& PRE Invigorating'! GROWN BY R. Buist, Jr., For us. t All are FRESH and every paper dated MISCELLANEOUS. YOU WANT THE BEST YOU GET IT, When Yoli Buy Office up-stairs, corner Clayton and Thomas, streets, And at Talnfadge, Hodgson & Co’s store, j{0$TETTE|^ IIE NO TEA. the best in the place. •Barker Hill Harness Oil. Warner's Ruinedtea. St Jacobs’ Oil, and all popular Put. Mediciues. St. IsOliis Lead. Linseed OIL Mixed Paints. Full stock of Drugs ami Fancy G<mk1s. We have a full stock of above ami evervthing in our line, and will T. G. HADAWAY, SELL AS COW AS THE LOWEST. ‘OR TO U. II. ALLEN,) in Athens don’t fall to rail at nckson and Ciayi'm streets and HARNESS SADDLES, WHIPS, Druggists, AthenSj Ga. AND HORSE-FURNISHING GOODS generally. My stock is hnnd-inndc, tuid 1 defy competition from any quarter in prices. Muchine-mado Harness at low prices, if you wunt them. My establishment is the best place in the city to buy a good WHIP. 1 have HARNESS and SAD DLES of ail kinds amt at every price. REPAIR WORK promptly done by first-class workmen. «H*.14-tf DON'T RCYAXYOTHER VXTIL YOU HA YE TRIED IT. The Tor-Fune Brand is the best ami roost reliable ROASTED COFFEE on the market—it com l ines strength with delicacy of Havr-it is a prime article, and is always routed to perfection—it is not I ylaztd, Color ui, or Uimyrrul with iu any uoy. Hostetler's' Stomach Bitters Is the prrat household medicine of the American ]ieo|>!r, and is taken everywhere as a safeguard agaiust epidemics and endemics, as a remedy for dys pepsia, biliousness and irregularities of tho bowels, as a cure for chills and fever and rheu matic aliments, as a sedative in nerv ous cases, and as a general inrignrant and restorative. For sale by all Drogglsis and Dealers generally. ATHENS, GEORGIA, .: ’ ....I sills), coining oter the elmc tol's, 1 bent my lieail ami entered. The i'.om. if s-i it cutilil lie called by any stretch nf the linagina’ioh, wag so low that 1 cinilil not stand erect. Tlio cold, hare earth that constituted the flour was (lamp and slippery, as the rain came trickling «lovv ii through the open thatch and f r iled little pools, on the ground. Is now prepared to do ail kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING. Job Work a Specialty. KALSOMINING DONE TO ORDER. D a neersrily. Don’t buy a poor article. A. H. STUMP & SONS, Wholesale Gr<H*ers. Importers and Coffee Roast ers, &G South-at., BALTIMORE. icbSS-Oxa , We are now prepared to fill orders for any of our pu n br*u*ds «.f FKRTILIZERS, or make them to order As may be desired. Ai our facilities hare bt^ti greatly vnlurgcd the past season, we eau furnish High Grade Fertilizers to the trade at prices wnich defy competition, wl.en the grade of our goods is considered. Remember tliut a Fertilizer which contains only one per cent, more of Soluble I*hos. Acid is wortu |2.<*j0 per ton more than aiiothor which contains ju*l lh«i mut t. Onr central location enables us to deliver our Guanos p, purchasers 1n the interior much more promptly, in better condition, ami id less cost than a N> rim rn manufacturer, or one loca ted on the coast. THE BEST MO THE STANDARD. If you intend to “ GET THE BEST,” pt INDORSED EY* PHYSICIANS, CLcRGYMEPI, AND THE AFFLiCTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMFH OF THE AGE. AMMONIATED GUANO Our brands of Mastodon and Georgia Patnpsoo Guanos, and lin e's Formula, are known in the South, 1 only refer to them to say that they are fully up to the .-tuudar-1 seasons. , Next door to Maddrey’s tin store, a few steps • east of the Post-Office, Where the undersigned will make tine BOOT8 and SHOES to order in the b< best material. .'.II I'lITY best manner and at short febllKhn The demand for this article in the past has exceeded the capacity of onr Works. We dial leuge competition in the procticul results obtained from the use of it.* We have a stock on hand which we are prepared to sell at a very small prefit to dealers. By reference to the report of the Gominissioiterol'AgricuUuro for the present seuson, it will be found that our nnuivses were as follows:.* SYMPTOMS OF A TCRPm LIVER. loggof appetitOsTC*uxc-u,biMvehi coative, Fwnin t hefT^t J, Afith a dull sensation in tEe back part. Iflinuu ler tlie ahoulder- bTado. fulloess after t»ating.'with adlain- cllnatlon to exertion of “body or~ mind. XmUbibtv of tempor. Low apirita.Xo— of memory, with af-ejmg ot having neg- Iccted aomcYiut y . wear; net a’ biunneaa, Fluttering of tho W eaul, Lota before tb« eyes. Yellow 8kiri. Readaohe, Hoatlcaa- ne*» at niffht, LYgbly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS QISEASES AliLSOON fit DEVELOPED. TDTT'3 FILLS nrc enpeclally adapted to euch cascs.onc dose rfl’rets such a change of feeling uj. to tstauidi tfie aafTerer. They Increnaetlie Xppeitle, and cause the Doily to Take «m K’lnuYx. th«m Ihc system la aaarldtrri.and l>v tliirTonlcAct'onoa the plBMUtsOnranit. ltesialarMtoolaarepro- duced. Prtcsy, rtfiK MUnrmy»Ls H.Y. .<t style and of the All REPAIRING done in the ‘ rt ;.otice W. F. STARK, Athens, Go. BOOTS AXD SHOES. BAKBEIt SHOPS. Bm sbor. ptftnre in \Y.bsUr, psgs llM.gtr- Qg th. esms ot ««h ssll,—showing th* vslu. ot DKnxmoxH nr hxcstkatioks. Tho pictures in Wsbstsr under tho 1* words, toof. IJollsr. Csstte, Column, Its, Both, The Bartnisers we nre mnklng this season hre fifllyupto onv ever before initniifartureil by ns. Healers would du well to eouinuinlesle with us betere laying in their supplies for the com ing season. OYKK MAN'OEVIIXE'S JEWKI.ltY STORE, This is one of the best Shops in the State, nml have always on hand FIVE SUPERIOR ARTISTS, Who arc prepared to fix you up in slyle. Spe cial pains taken with those having the rnatri- monml atltiction. Give them a trial. octl-Hy ootM-ly. few olil ]iotato sacks. There is where this family of six persons slept. There was no wiiiilow in the house, the only light ami ventilation lieing furnisheil hv tho iloor ami the cracks in the thatoheil roof. As for meat, that is something they never ilream of eating. Only once a year ilo they ilare to hope to taste it. On Christina* ilay they manage, if they ihtii. to lmil the half of a pig's face, and they mix their stirabout with butter milk to mak n a gorgeous feast. That is the only meat they ever have, and the pleasure of this indulgence is destroyed hv the terrible remorse that follows ex travagance. Two meals of potatoes a Jay—that is tho diet they are born to, live upon and die upon. As to their clothing, that is something loo horrible to talk about. In a ride of live miles— from the door of the hotel in Cork to Blarney castle—I counted over live hun dred women barefooted, whose feet had never known a stocking or shoe,” Itc- ferring to the landlords and scions loy alty. “Xasby” asked : “Have these peo ple, from lirst to last, ever added one penny to the wealth of lie world ? Is there any out- thing they have ever done to push forward the progress of the na tions} Not a thing. On the contrary they have been tlie dead weights, they have been the incubuses, 'liey have been tlu> blocks in tlie ..ay. They simply live and < at and drink and wear, and disport tin msi Ives in the gardens at Sandring ham, anil a hundred other gardens; they have castles and servants, and car riages and special trains, and all that sort of thing and one hundred guinea pug dogs; nml to support all this, with tin- h'lrdcof nobility hanging upon them nnd their retainers, the men o; I rot am I are starving and the women of Ireland are going shoeless, stoekingless, ami well-nigh naked.” Free Love. On Monday lust the Kiee Love League of New England held its an-_ jiual session in the city of Boston. .Resolutions were adopted to the effect that tho only perfect solution of the polygamy question lies iq the natural liberty of the sexes; that Mrs. Seo- ville’s appeal for her brother should l>o heeded by Mrs. Gartield; that hanging Gultcau would be an inex cusable gibbeting of the nation’s hon or, and the hanging of one rogue by a cowardly majority of rogues; and that polygamy, ns practiced by the Mor- - pinna, should be indorsed. There is this to be said of the Xew ' England free lovers: they speak in no uncertain language, and do not at tempt to conceal their real opinions bycovering them up with:* multi plicity of words. And tho. labors• pf the free lovers have not been .In vain in Massachusetts, a State which has always been ready to look into tho TREA8URF.It:GE0KGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. PALACE BARBER SHOP COLLEGE AVENGE, ATHENS, GA- (Under Commercial Hotel,) The finest establishment in the city, w ith first-class artists. lTiees moderate and entire satisfaction guaranteed. DAVIS «fr HARRIS, Proprietor*. oct!4-ly. Gray IIah: or Whiskf-oj cboncM to uGlossy BiJMic br w nrjnlrailon of this Dr* It Imparu :\ natural colnr. acta JnstanUmsoualr. Bold by l>rui*!*i.-‘U,ur »•? t-*fre*inn receipt off!I. Office, 35 Murray St., NewYorfc. < Wr. Tl'TT'S IliM il. of WImM* I.r.rmatU* aad * rsofa I IU««JpU »UI h* cuulrU FBXK M syyMaUiaf ATLANTIC s PHOSPHATE INSURANCE. SOLD WITHOUT DISCOUNT IN THIS MARKET FOR 12 YEARS. S. L. K & Co’s Ammoniated FIRE INSURANCE! Y. IC. WYNN, J. A. ORA XT. Wynn & Grant, INSURANCE AGENTS, Hatch & Foote, BANKERS, . SO. U WALL STREET, XEW YORK. Member. New York Stock Exchange, BUY AND SELL STOCKS. BONDS ANb GOVERN- RENT SECURITIES, mate ailrstire* on nunc lt required. EOl 1: BEK CENT. INTEREST allow- ed on ilupoKlts, «rtject to check at sight. TrsdeMsrk ONE OF THE HIGHEST GRADE FERTILIZERS, (BY ANALYSIS OF STATE CHEM18T.) These goods will be sold ns low os any STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Con sult us before buying. Yours truly, Assets represented ayprebate fiver fGUO.OOO.OOO Hates guaranteed » low ns iliose.ol* liny other First-class Companies. Farm Property and DuelUnjrsn *■; e *y. f)n- ly agency in Athens lnMti;n>r Gins and oin*Ii«iu a ses. Prompt attention given to all im>;ness* Call and nee us. WYNN & GRANT, Agt’s. ATUKNS, GA. 8. W. corner Broad ami Thomas sta. S. U. cor. Thomas and Clayton st*., . ft p-.* .airs.] AND SPERMATORRHOEA. THE WORKS OF TUB COLLIER CO OF ST. LOUIS, MO., ▲ YBhMbla Diaccreery and New Departure la Vad- gal hcieoc*.aa entirely Nowand positively ea^Uv® Bjmwy for the speedy and permanent Core of ficml- aUtory Ducts, Psogtato Clcnd, and UrethraT'Ko oM Of the Remedy la atteeded with bo pain or ineon* re&ience, aad does not interfere with tha ordinary ponaiM of Ufa; it u quickly dianlndlod aorta ab- •orbed, produ -ln - it a Lumedlato toothtne aod rector- auvo affect npoa the wxnal and narvoci organiza- tloaa wrecked from atdf-abuso and Mfaini, ■ topping draini from tho aysteu, rastoriay tho mind to hearth and eound memory, removing tho Dimness of Sight. Kcrvcua Debiiitr. Contuaion of Irtaae, Ararrdon to Society, oto, etc., and the ap-s-carance of prematura old ago unually accompanying this tremble, and tenoring perfect Sexual Vidor, where ft haa boea dormant for tears. This mode of treat- Cotton Buyers and Guano Dealers, RED SIGN. ” CLAYTON-ST, ATHENS, GA. OFFICES: febt-6m Which were totally Destroyed l»y Fire on May -&th aud 8epu*iuber 21. issi. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Athens, Ga. stoves And tinware. JEWELRY. Orders sro riilleitcd for Strictly Pure White Lead A Red Lead, Cold-Pressed and * Pure Dark Cas tor Oil, Raw and Double Boil ed Linseed Oil. sent baa atood the test nowaprnaoancvjd sucre* scribed in three troubles ness VS with but litti** if e is no Ncnacnee about this STOVE CutThisOut Y’OUXG L. O. IIARRIS, PnrsiDZXT. STEVEN’S THOMAS, Sbcbetaky. Send stamp st once tor oar circulars of RRKKCH-LOADLNG GUNS. Now closing otr some high cost second-hands of Scott's*ml other best makers at very low pri ces—“BARGAINS.” "Such vnallyare quickly ta ken «p." Single breech-loaders. Ill; double. |1& up. WILLIAM READ & SONS, • » Fancnll Hall Sq., Boston, Marx • L 117 T~T »*7 A YEAR and expenses to Jl III agents. Outfit free. Address * P. O. Vickery, Aorosts. Me. A DVERTISERS! Send for 8elect.List of Local Xewsp'rs. G.I’.Rowsll & Co. 10Spruee-st,N. Y THE IRON KING THE CHAMPION X'Ai)Vii 9k * - * 4 ij \y. xnieery to ao many, and upon whorr Quack* prey with their —nine poetramf and bigieiajn»} llanwdy to rmtnpin neatboat v<rt threeetxea. Ko.1,(enough tolact a monthj S3; Ka S. (saffictoat to afreet npre*. snanent cure, tin lota In tmtere earea.) SO; No. 3. flaatins over three moatht, will atop emUaiooa and reetoro xiyor la tha worst cmm.) ST. Hent by mail, ualngr will accompanrJEACK BOX. _ /Mend tmr HcaUti JOcaerf j»/lrc POmptov I ietmalvUtaAnatomicalMliu*fraUanm\ HARRIS REMEDY CO. HTCL CKEKSIS, Market amt 8th Sts. ST.L0UI8.Mo. Resident Director. Stevens Thomas, Elizi k L. Newt.s, Align P. Dcarinu, John W p Nicholson, 1. H. Husnicutt. Yovno L. O. Harris, John H. Newton, Ferdinand piunizv. Col. Robert Thomas, L. H. ClIARBOSNIEB, octU-tf CoouteTlME. JEWELRY SXL VER AND PLATED WARE* "Watches r Clocks GUNS, PISTOLS, ETC. CALL OX THE 0Li> RELIABLE; 1 :W- A. TALMADGE, MISCELLANEOUS. • Having disposed of mjr Mercantile business to E. H. dt W. F. DORSEY, I mast dose «p my books at once. All persons indebted to me must make prompt settlement, as 1 need and intend, to have my money. 80 you will save trouble by calling on me without delay. 1 mean business. Emphatically, ' ttH "• HIT A. S. DORSEY. x, . • 1 Best Goods! - *•«* Lowest Prices! ■r'.i.r. 1 ft. jiiuij. itplsfi ui-lqniwWP, "j j’ | ' ' ' ' ... , i .’; OTHER GOOD STOVESSKEPT IN STOCK. 'T1NWARX egnal to any unde in the Stoic. ROOFING AND GUTTERING a Speccialty. Call andftee me before buying. .On^ door above COHEN S, Broad Street. I now offer for sale my farm, fronting on tbo Jefferson rood,:»miles irom Athens, consisting of 028acreH, 160 acres cleared, 100 acres in oak and hickory, 20 iwres of good fsesh bottom land, the balance in old field pine and dogwood. On the place is a good dwelling with li rooms, 5 fireplaces, 2 story piazza in front, well shaded witn sugar maple, also good well in the yard and spring near the house: good gin-honse with horse-power for glp, and. thresher; 3 tenant houses and all necessary xmtbuildlnsg;-? fine fish ponds, well-stocked, one with German asrp; 3 Urge orchards of as good and fine frfiit da there is in Georgia, also vineyard • of select rapes; % acres in herd grass and Timothy; abundant wa ter for stock and all purposes. The above could be divided into Hjtood snffcll farms all fronting on Public rood. . Title* good. . Temur, port cosh and balance in twelve months. ^ . ALU5N B. JQHNSON, Athens, Ga. uiaBsaapaaigMm > 1 vlml *ni! • I : Cotton Seed ,b:uMiiiitout vrn w. illiv/ . v J’- - ^ New Jeweller. >1'.; :CHAS; r Ai SCUDDER, ►Jrdf r vrvt Watchmaker and Jeweller. : ml "ii At a ji’qitisjinan” ncffiiuillft ,T-:t.i..!■ •• (taem.iJ . i: .1 .ul J jti !!•) « 'rM 0 su vlluiil’i* Yutfivf »i:tali:i,.> . 1: 1. THE JEWELLER, «H next week. . Don’t fall to K ve him a call and look auhe many articles he IS received for PRESENTS. The bestaaMrt- ment of tip-top Hold Pens and Cases, Pencil Charms, etc., ever brought to Athens; and what •£23 "MMW remem- BUILDERS! Ili’JOjjl m.jSiT-yWj FOR SALE IR WINTERV1LLE,GA. And 00T-H0U8E8, with fifty«c.W«flpefwmlag; land attached, and under good fence. Tttc ladd Is level and rieh, and the Improvement, are now. GoodOrcLsrds, Vineyards, etc., on tract. «r-■■■ ’ LUCY-COBB INSfnTOTE,nt» t?A^*SI^ d «ferser. inn Imll'llU. ansimB subject to SKIFF,THE JEWELLER, ATHENS norl-ly. NAME. Mois- ilneollu ture. ! blc. solln- ble. Revert-j A valla- Ammo-jPotasl^ Relative Corn ell. 1 ble. | nia. | # >mercial value. The Georgia PatapscoAm moniated Sol. Phosphate. 12,'JU; 1.10 ,00 '1:70 U.7.’i! O.OO' l.ool HVOO. Georgia Chem teal Works! | Mastodon Guano. \ 12.20! / 1.35 u» 9,!V.| n.SOj 3.0:1 (Uttl K1.S5. Georgia Chemical Worksf Acid Phos’es with Potash. J 12.35; 2.55 4.00 11.00! i5.oo : | 1.95!