The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 16, 1882, Image 4

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THE WATCHMAN. EDWIN B. KIJJNEBBSW, TRAVKUKQ AgsSt.' SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR St ruins OF TEN’ 1 cunts OF TWENTY.. 1 OO IX VA MARLY /.V ADVA SCR. GOVERNOR SMITH Has Something to Bay About Dr. Felton-Some Political Information—Strong Talk. Atlanta Count it ut ion. . !>..t A representative of the Constitution mot ex-Governor Smith yesterday and asked him if he intended to reply to the last letter of Dr. Felton. “Why, no,” said the Governor, smiling, “why should I? Even if I desired to do so, I am debarred by all rules of honorable practice. In my tlrst interview Dr. Felton was charg ed witli a dishonorable and treacher ous act. He hns dignified this charge with his notice. He therefore stands as a criminal in the dock definitely charged witli a base and disgraceful action. He has been notified that even ids unsupported denial would be accepted ns proof that the charge was false and that he was guiltless. But he has not even the nerve to plead not guilty—not because he knows that he is guilty, for he would violate his con science without the slightest hesita tion—but because he knows that his guilt can be proved. Why, then, should I, ns an honora ble man, bandy words with a tremb ling criminal, who cannot even raise his eyes to the jury and enter a plea of “not guilty.” He dare not do this, because when he does the crime of falsehood will be added to the crime of treachery. Until lie does deny the truth of the charge that I laid upon him, I will answer him no "more than I would any criminal in any court room. But I will take this opportu nity, to say that no criminal ever yet escaped from the deck by charging that his accuser was as guilty ns him self. The truth is, Felton shows the same irrelevance of defense exhibited by Gultenu, and hns not the decency to plead insanity as an excuse for his infamy. 1 shall not notice him until lie denies my charge concerning the Markham House conference. HE CANNOT DENY. “Has lie never denied this - .’” “No, sir; and lie cannot deny it. Furrow, who is a bold and truthful mini, acknowledges in substance all t hat 1 charge in my letter, that there was a perfect coalition between Fel ton aiul the stalwart tving of the Re publican party , and that this coali tion wus established at the Markham House conference, and that Dr. Fel ton, instead of being an Independent us lie cluims, is a slave, because lie is a slave to a bargain which is sinister in its diameter and that involves treachery to his own people, the slan dering of his own State, and the be trayal of the people who have honored him. Until he denies what I linve charged, lie is beneath the notice of any honest man.” “There is one tiling,'’ said Gov. Smith, ns lie turned away, “that l would like to call the attention of the public to. From the date of that Markham House conference Dr. Fel ton has not used one argument that call lie addressed to the Intelligence anil respectability of the State. His continued whine lias been in favor of allowing insolvents to vote without paying tax, and a protest the punishment of crime by the courts. With a shamelessness beyond prece dent in the political history of this or any other State, ho rests his whole case upon ail appeal to dead lieatsand criminals. It is clearly the duty of every citizen to pay his poll tax. Pub lic schools are in part sustained by this poll tax, and if it is not paid free education must to that extent cease in Georgia. It is only fair and Just that no man who fails to pay his tax for the education of poor children should be debarred the privilege of voting. DB. FEI.TON’H MAIN 1’I.ANK. “The main plank in Dr. Felton’s platform is that the dead beat or va grant, who is too worthless or avari cious to pay this particular tax for the education of poor children, must he allowed to vote anyhow, and the re fusal of a just and proper law to allow him to vote until lie lias discharged this sacred obligation lie calls an ob struction of the free ballot. This is wliy I say that lie appeals to the va grants of tlie country for his support. 'Wlint honest and respectable man is there in the State of Georgia that wants to join a party, the sole provis ion of which is to protect him from the payment of a dollar per annum for tin' education of the poor children, white and black of his native State? “As to Ids appeal to the criminals, that is tlie wickedest and most dan gerous thing that the annals of our State will show. He deliberately as saults the judiciary of our State, as saults every juryman who sits in the jury box, denounces the whole system of justice in the interests of a few criminals. By this course he deliber ately forfeits all hope of commanding the support of any respectable man, white or black, and bases liis claims to office upon the votes of criminals. A .SHALLOW CLAIM. “To show how shallow this claim is, I will state that three-fourths of tlie persons now in the penitentiary of the State are there because of crimes com mitted on colorist people. The system of justice as devised by our constitu tion and administered l>y our Judges and juries is intended for the protec tion of blacks as well as whites, and imfeed, because of their weakness, it Is more essential as n protection for the blacks than the whites. Why, even the very ease of the colored girl that he alludes to was a crime coui- niltti d against a poor, defenseless ne gro, and tin family of that .n.d every reputable negro in tlie Slufc i- its deeply interested in the fair uimjn-’ enforcement oftheluiV as the while people, and it is only iho-c who sym pathize with crime that I Jr. l<MUoq van Count upon.” “Tin se are very hard words.” ■ “Bni they are deserved. Dr. Fel- ton’si ciir-e-sincethe Markham House conference could have but one effect, aiid thill is to demoralize, public sen timent, to discredit law and order,,to uijjusily blacken the naiiie of tlie State and (o encourage criminals. It Is worse than if he were to become a highway robber himself. -AN EXPLANATION. ,,i; “His conduct is explicable only on the ground that he has been promised n Federal appointment if he will work the base uses of his late purchasers. He hns no hope of being elected. He was beaten under the most favorkbte circumstances to himself before, and he realizes perfectly well that an ap peal to the deadbeats and criminals of Georgia can never result in success. Bat the more vicious he becomes the . m ore utterly ho slanders his own peo-' pie, the more utterly he debauches our public sentimehe the more active ly he incites the incendiary feelings of our dangerous classes, the more definitely he discredits our public jus tice, the mor^eirtaln lie xWlI be to get his reward from tliose who hate us. Dike a wounded viper, blinded by midice and rage, he Is throwing his venom In all directions. I He does not gaiu upon the public confidence by bailboads AD CARDS. RICHMOND* DANVILLE RAILROAD rASJENGEIt DEPARTMENT.- On and after Feb'y MStb, 1882, Passenger Train Serrieean the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line division of this road will be ai follows: tain audiences for his slanders.” “By the way,” said' the Governor, as he started oft’again, “just considei the foolishness of the assault on the lease system. The friends of that sys tem ore williiyg to abandon it when- as to the eases he has brought forward what are they? Why Itattcree wtu not held under the lease at all. H< teroe would have been where he was, and the Rntteree case would have come up ail the game. As for the case of Adaliue Maddox, of which he speaks, Judge Hillyer would have sentenced her If there had been* no lease. The lease has nothing in the world to do with tlie case lie has cited, and lie simply cited them asan appeal to tlie ignorant and disreptuable class who sympathize with crime because they arc criminal themselves in in tent. A SLANDER. I repeat it, that never in the history of this State, or any other State, has there been e man who thus slandered and outraged the judiciary, the juries, and tlie system of justice, and Who deliberately put himself before the country upon a platform that shocked every intelligent and reputable citi zen and appealed only to the dead beats nnd to the criminals; as for the man who has done this, whenever he denies the charge that I have put upon him—that be betrayed his party and sold Ids people, and contracted to slander his State anil debauch its sen timent, I will accept his pica of not guilty nud formally proceed to make out my case, and you will oblige me by putting wlint I have said in print. I claiiK t lint privilege, as you have permitted him to abuse me lu your columns. Tlie Doctor says he feels humiliated. That is a good indication. Humility always attends genuine re pentance. I do not consider tlie case of the Doctor as entirely hopeless; still I look on 1dm as tlie ‘Uriah Heep’ of Georgia polities, full of humbleness. But he may, nevertheless, be in a sal- vnble condition.” Have you anything further to say, Governor?” “Nothing at present but an ‘au re- voir Doctor, au rcvolr,' ” KaiHward)' J San. . Mali. No.Kl. a D Leave Atlanta. ......-..i. -’:15 pm ArGatneatillc ..*. . .. ... j. 4:51 pm M bnU ..j,. ..... j..5:26 pm “Rabun Gap Junction... ..6^2 pm •‘Toccoa :.v..|..7tN pm •‘.Seneca , ...^. L .8214 p m •* Grecnv’lel 1 lO^W p m “Hpartab’g.. j. 11:40 pm “Gastonia.. . 8:06 a m Charlotte c. . I . 3:15 am .,»:00 am . .7:55 a ni . ,S;30 a m .9:1.1 am loud am .11:20 a m . .1:2.', p m . 2:58 pot . .5:10 p m 6:00 pm Westward. e Matt and! Mall. Express No. 51. No. 50. | L’veChTtte ’* Gastofiia.. “ Kpat’nb'g *• Greeny* |e...w 4 Seneca “ Toccoa “ Rabun Gap Junction .. ** Lula “Gainesville. Arrive Atlanta.... .12:40 am . .1:35 a in . .4:01 a m . .5:39 a m . .7:1 'am . 8:28 a m 9:92 a m 10:18 a m 10:51 a n 1:40 pm U^)5 am 12.09 pm . 2^5 pm . .4:Q9 p m .5^54 p m . .7X15 pm . 8:C0 pm R:4S pni .9:15 p ro 12:05 a m T. M. R.TALCOTT, I. y. SAGE, Gen'l MaiiHRer, Supt. A. POPE, <i*n’l Pain. & Ticket Ajf't. BENEDICT, and Surgeon. mviairh dm a store. "HENS, GA. 1 Offers bin serlces totbe citizens of the ell* ml vielnltv f^RoddpnPO at Me„ r-i* _ DR. J. H. CAMPBELL, ATHENS, GEORGIA Office and Residence: Insurance Tinilding. c2S-ly E. K. LUMPKIN, ATlIEyS, GA. Office over Childs, Nickerson, Wynn & Co*» itore. Jel-ly m* DRUGGISTS* CARDS. HARDWARE. ■ V/'ji£.r ,jAi;av ujli «. FOR SALE ONLY AT LYNDON’S DRUG STORE, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA.' CHILDS, NICKERSON, WYNN & CO., It. -igsllfi.I bill <0 (SUCCESSORS to CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO.), Keep alvrayt Inatock iha moetco-nplcti-liao nt HARDWARE in Northeast Georgia. Our store IS HEADQUARTERS FOR PLOWS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, “ I' RAR'AKD ROLLED RO.V, KAILS, ALL HANKER OF TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, MACHINERY, THE BEST1 AND 2 HORSE WAGONS - Mill Finding^, Buggy unit Wagon Material, Harness, Machine Oil, ^Pocket and Table Cutlery, And in fact everv manner of article found in a first-class Hardware Store. We defy competition in prices. Give us but a trial and your trade is secured. rah2-tf AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY - Are respect tally Invited to call at the store Of GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY. „ Align tin. Ga.. Dec. 10 1881. S Commencing Sunday. DecU th the following Passenger Schedule will operate on this road : Leave ATHENS 9:30 a in 7:00 pm Leave Winterville Leave Lexington Ijeave Autloch . 10:flft a m .. 10:.% a m ; i- - 11:17 am Leave Maxeys 11:34 a m Leave Woodvillc 12:10 a m Arrive Union Point 2:30 a nt Arrive Atlanta :>:45 p m Arrive Washington 2:55 p m ArriveMllledgevlllc 4:49 pm Arrive Macon ... 6:45 p m *"'*"“* 4:0ft j* m 7:00 p m 7:3i p m 8:15 p m 8:44 p m 8:30 p m 9:40 p m 10:00 p m 5:00 am Arrive Augusta Leave Augusta Ia*ave Macon . .. Leave Mllledgeville Leave Washington. Leave Atlanta Leave Union Point Arrive Woodvllle ... Arrive Maxeys Arrive Anli<»ch Arrive l^exington . Arrive Winierville. Arrive Athens _ Trains run dally—Close connection to Washington on Sunday*. E. R. DORSEY. Gen. Pass. JOHN W. GREEK. General Manager. NORTH-EASTERN RA1LROA Supejiixtesoest’r Office, Athens. Ga.. Sept. 19,1881 On nnd after February 27, lsej, trains on road will run as follows: 10:30 a in 7:10 am '.... 9:05 a m 11.2o a m a m 8:30 p m 12:39 p m 5:00 a m 2:10 p m 5:20 a m 2:46 p m 3:56 a m 3:03 p m 6:13 a m 3:30 p in 6:40 4:14 p m 7:24 4:50 p m 8:00 DR. ROBERT I. HAMPTON, DENTIST, OFFICE COR. CLAYTON ASH LUMPKIN STS.. febl9-3m Athena, Ga. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Persons wlshingto buy, sell or exchange Real Estate would do well to consult with the under signed. * J. S. WILLIFORD, ocl4-tf Real Estate Agent. Athens, Ga. HORSES & MULES. HORSES —AND— Dr. Clarke’s THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD {For all Nerve and Brain affections ,are invaluable. They are prompt, safe aiul effectual. The best known remedy in the world for nervous ness in all stages; Weakening of the memory, Loss of bruin Power, Ner vous Debility, Izost Energy, Lost Hopes. Imprudence o? Youth. Ex cesses in maturer years. Seminal Weakness, und General loss of no or in Generative Organa. To tnosc sutTering from Nervous Irritability. Nervous Headache. Nervous Shoek [Nervous Prostration. Nervous Ex- jl must ion, relief is afforded. In ma ny eases of female weakness they fact like a charm. The Student, the iTeaelivr. the Clergyman, the Edi tor, 41n» Business man. cun all be Invigoratingbenetitted by their Life in too 8 short to waste away In ^ dull tor add luiamrr, when a will ben- !• fit Von. and six boxes will cure mud restart you to health and hap- jidncss for *7.50. Ask your druggist •torthem. Take no other. Or tend Idirc/ t to the manufacturers, who Pills. .wlB send them by mall, sealed, on {receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, 658 Broadway. New York. Scud 3* cent stump for (circular. mnr2-ly. ULES HOLMAN Leave Athens ... ..... Arrive Ht Lula Arrive at Atlanta Arrive at Clarkesville Leave Clarkesville Leave Atlanta Arrive nt Lula Arrive at Allieus... NO. 50. . K;35 a in . 5:00 a m lo::!l a m 12:51 p m Trains dally except Sunday. Close connection made nt Lula nnd Rabun Gap Junction both East nud West with Passen ger Trains on Richmond and Danville Rail toad. H. R. BERNARD, Supt. W. J. HOUSTON. 1 Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. UTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. of to-day agree that most diseases are causod by disorder ed Kidney* or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver aro kept in perfect order, perfect health will Ihj the result. This truth lips only boon known a short time nnd for years people suffered[great agony without being abjeto find relief. The discovery of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks u new era in the treat ment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf mi rare value, it coutaiu* just tlto elements necessary to nourish and invigorate lioth of these great <mr*nm and safely restore and keen them in order,. It is a POSITIVE Remedy for all the disease* that cause unfits in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver —Headaches—Jaundice — Madness — Gravel— Fever. Ague—Malarial Fever, und all flilftcnlUet of the Kidneys, Liver and Unitary Organs. It I* nn excellent and safe remedy for females during pregnancy. It will control Menstrua tion und is invaluable for Loucorrhcea tor Full ing of the Womb. As a Blood Purifier If is uncnualed, for it cures the organs that make the blood. This Heinedv, which has done such wonders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the niArket. nnd is sold by Druggists and all dealers at $1.23 wr bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER’S SAFE Dr- ABETES CUBE. It is n POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER<fcCO., Rocheater, N. Y feb.t-t8m. • • • ‘ ’ household medicine of So *Am<^can°poaplc* ypiR tiiHwMnfM 1 fnS 4i f»«uuHtfra nf qw a cure for chill, and fever and rheu matic ailment,, aa a aodathre In nerrona cm, ... ^tavlKorantandrojtorjitlTe. . i by au Druggists anu Dealers HB.MirraM«WBW a 11 '*\ f ** , ** , V 1 '‘|* ** ****** u FB£X IN lavg. I*t»t o/ awKK«i iw Imp »n*«yerad lif paiteru dcarlac tlCAt* my V'Tt ’ ah?. 111 ■ai'rrtjt fr*« U«H«r»aSiHiM nn UfflraMrauV Will maU FREE Their Cota-. lojjue for l882, joonti * Flower, >! : lectcd gome duly, woaiineas. Dizzinesj. Yluttenng oV IKaTIeut, Dots before th. pyers. y ellow ttkin. H Mdnch.TBertl.M. HW M roght.~£igbiy colored TJriuw, ’ Tt THESE W ABSIi? GS ARE UNHEEDID, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. Ttrrrs fills j Mimprod auch citses.onedosi* effecta suchachanj of feeling as to aatonf ah the aafferer. They Inerense lbs Appetite, nnd oody to Take aa Fleah. thus tba i nnurUhed.and by tlwirTontcA “ DlieatlveOrxanm RecnlarMt duced. Price £ cent*, m Mam TOTT’S HAIR Gbay Hainor WHiKKBRfl changed Brack by a alngle aiipllcaUon of t_ Imparls a natural color, arts Instant Sold by liruggMU, or a+al by \-xyitts on ri Office, 35 Murray St., New C or. Terra iaifil *r tauaw iafw«sti. Cacftil Kml»U wUl be a«lM FRU Dr,S.A.Richinond&,Co' ket affords. Ex amine DIV lot before buy ing. I have just received a car-load di rect from the best and most popular stock-raisers of Kentucky hat 1 am selling low. Sale Stable on Clayton street. Athens. Ga. o« t!4-tf JACOBS’ ' PHARMACY! CbilMStimiMd “I.B. SEELEY, WWBAimD." IUL ?0.3 Csficv*. E.a K.i Trasses, Supporters, Bandages, Urinals. Brace*, etc. Just received a large and varied block, suitable for Infants. Youths and Adults. Buying in large lots from tMBwianu- facturers we receive a discount, which we di vide with our patron*. Made in every desira ble paturn: fitting perfectly to form of body: light, cool, cleanly, free from nil soar, rusty, chafing or padding unpleasantness. We adjust all Trusses when desired and guarantee same. Large assortment! Low prices! Remember name and avoid all catcb-penny humbugs. ootlMy A. S. MANDEVILLE, Where they will now find on exhibition anew and superb line of the Ifctdst novelties In * Jewelry & Silverware, Imported and American Watchev Clock., Musical Iuslrwnente. Canes, Cutler}', etc., etc. REPAIRING* AND ENGRAVING Done with care and warranted to give satisfac tion. octlt-ly The Best is the Cheapest! THEREFORE IF YOU WANT GOOD AND CHEAP 1 AND 2-HORSE WAGONS Call at my Shop. Or at Childs, Nickerson, Wynn «fc Co’s. The Benson WAGON I* growing In favor rapidly. My recent contract for FIFTY is completed and exhausted, and n new contract is on haifil for ONE HUNDRED more. Don’t get soared—t mu here for you eve ry time. I am now bettor prepared to do good work than ever, having secured the services of my Brother for the present year, who is a prac tical Wagon-Maker. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING. done In the best manner and at short notice—all work warranted to give satisfaction— charges reasonable. have u pood SECOND-HAND I'H.FTOX, lately repaired, that I will sell cheap. Any one desiring a BARGAIN will find it to their interest to call on me. P. BENSON, feb2-ly Spring st.. near Gann Reaves, Athens COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. MISCELLANEOUS. YOU WANT THE BEST YOU GET IT, 'When You Buy DON’T BUY ANY OTHER VKTIL YOU HA YE TRIED IT. The Tor-Fune Brand is tpe best and most reliable ROASTED COFFEE ou the market—it combines strength with delicacy of flavor—it is a prime article, and is always roasted to perfection—it is not dared, colored, or tampered inth in any icay. IOOD COFFEE n’t buy a poor article. f H. STUMP & SONS, l Importers „iul Coffee R.mst- BALtIMORE. feb£ •. MHAWTAV XKEYIXr, Com) mj lime put of Cm. a tie was also draf Ind dunua tat tt euraU tier. t*te caa now ta» aad kwaa well aa anybody. rjcTKxKoaa. Spriupwater, Wla. -ft- UXABITAk AERV1NT. H IAIUB1TAZ XCKVIXG Made a aure cura ol a case of flu for rojr son. E. B. Ralls. HlattsvMc, Kan. \ iamabitaV XEEVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia aad sick headache. r ' Mas. W*. BsksOk. Aaron, RL ( f- 8AMABITAS.YEBYIXE 11 , Was the means of curing ray^wlfe gfspa^L^ ^ SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of asthma, after spending over t&OQO with other doctors. 8. R. uosaox. Mow Albany, lad. . SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. _ • i « ft ■ _ MirsJaxxnWi 740 West Van Boren St. ct ’ IAMAKITAS XEKVI.VK Cured obt child of fits after hi ten up to die by ov family physician. It haring over Hit In 34 hours. • Hkxxt Kxkk. Vcrvllla, Warren Go., Ten. # SAMARITAN NERVINE .f Cared me of scrofula ^ersuffrrt^for eWbtrasr^ SAMARITAN NERVINE I * A Cored my son of fits, after spending <3,400 wtl doctors. J* W. Tboutqx. cuibonr 0 , SAMARITAN NERVINE T\ *'ursd me permanently of epileptic fits of a stnbbox character. Rou. WiL Hues. Mcchsniatosm,Md. , aasanw^w NERVINE Cared my sot* of fits, after haring had iSOO la eighteen VJoaths. Mas. JL Fossa West Potsdam. N’. y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of epilepsy of nine years* standing. Miss Oklkx A Mabsualu Granby. Newton Co.. Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE .1*1 m , w , wm• <-t each sail,—showing ths value ot MTIONI ItY tlXrSXMATlONS. *i I..- ui.-turrs . \ Webster under the 12 words, lleef. Uiillor, ('astir. Column Eye* Burse, i.kldmgs l’hifBulogy. Ravelin, Shins, I togi-s 1164 nn«i 1^19) riteam engine, Sim- oera. dc£no 343 words ami (enns. Now Edition o? XVEHSTER, Lao .3.030 Words, 3000 Engravisgi, **n.O I("ow Y.'orJs Meanings, and Ot-rn.TrT-icn-1 Dictionary <»f vn" SLOOWame*. Vu i' : ■> l'lrtioaary nawiTir VV 1b Terut i'.-inung 0:Dce. 188L W intcliaa. of I<iotionari«a , fP, ♦ -r S^ttuxls teen Webster’s. JSd jat ' K. i' !•« Pnb!l« School, Of than . -j) -. ii:j mainly LastJ on Wabatat. •4 ^ S t Taa^h he tr edition has become more aad ft .X4 mcro Tha Mundard. JQ| r-ntnmemUdhy BtxUi Snpt’s Schools in NTN ■'A-IJ 31 fitares, and 50 Collage Prea’ta JOL XS Ii noT THE STANDARD? . U*ii * l' yO.hC.MERRIAM,Springfield,Haas. Hatch & Foote, BANKERS, XO. 11 WALL STREET. XEW YORK. MamtoM New York Stock Exchange, bvyaxd skll stocks. ROXDSAXD OO VEKX- KEXTSECVRITIES. make adTancca on same if required. t'OLK l‘KR VEST. ZX1EREST allow• ed on deposits, subject to check at sight. thffMme of bronehltla asthma and eeoba) dehnUy. • Olitm ilraa Iranian, Ohio. „ SAXARITAA XERYIXT. iahaiitaa xeetixe CaSuS. X*Ccanx badly. -tl I'll!: iMlfiJ^fl « I 1 \ uK i-r»' ■■■ i /el I. I) ». Msocwla <*., a ''fiiis&fsassigsgs ■*“ i • Aca, rrn—.-.f.-j.i hi-,,;. NOTICE TO j lot »ti ■ui h! Ill: r * thfibuUding of the ChapcWorJho ■ LUCY, COBB INSTITUTE, < hens. Ga. Flans and Specification? mnvbel ■hv appueifloStowe undendgnefl; The .right Is reserved to reject any and ajl-blilai ■: il-J jeMi-st LAMAR CORB, 8ec> Board Trtu'es. THE WORKS OF THE . nil* CGLLIERCO, F $T. LOUIS, M0., ere totally Destroyed br FiroonMav 28th and September 21; lb81, E REBUILT K Orders are solicited fofr fy Pure White Lead & Red Lead, l-Pressed and Pure Dark Cas- OU, Raw and Double Boil ed Linseed Oil. CutThisOut Send stamp at once for our circular* of guns. i Now closing off some high co*jt second-hands of Scott's and other best makers at very low pri ces—'‘BARGAIN S.’* **Suph tnmaUy hre emUkly fa ir* sp,*’ Single breech-loaders, *12; double, $15 up. WILLIAM BEAD A SONS, f .<R Fancoil Hall 8q., Bostobi Mass. * ' r 7 A YEAR and expenses to ai x agents. Outfit free. Address r* * _ y. O. Vickery. AngttStq. Mo. Having disposed of mv Mercanttlb business to E ll pff iff wIlhout f/SSjf? I mean \* ! » i!c A. Si DORSEY. .! :■ in 'ii • ’>■ Cotton Seed • JONES* I5IPEOVED S-LOCK COTTON; yield If “Two Bags Peir'Acre: SeeVfllitfjler'btfatieL .BAilCROPpS PROLIFIC PURE SEED; SSceata per bushel. "mv i IaWN*int il i . ,;. A.H.HVLL,Athena,<3«. FOR SALE IN WINTERVILLE, GA. •’ . An ( Elegant Dwelling ng fifty acres fine farming 1 good fence. The land ,Yln4 sssa ; m>A ^ r NEW SEED GROWN BY R. Buist, Jr., For us. All are FRESH and every paper dated HE NO TEA, the beat in the place. Barker Hill Harness Oil. Warner’s Remedies. St. Jacobs’ oil, and all popular T*al. Medicines. St I»uis I<ead. Llusccd oil. Mixed Paints. Full stock of Drugs und Fancy Goods. Wo have a fall stock of above and evcrvthing In our Hue, and will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. ’NOTICE to PLANTERS! THE DOBBS AMMONIATED “ COTTON FERTILIZER. —AND— 5 FOR COMPOSTING. CHEMICALS Are now ready for delivery to all who want a GOOD. RELIABLE FERTILI- ZKH, lam prepared to give SPECIAL CHEAP PRICES to those who buy ill quantities; and am selling to all cheaper than I did last. voar. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. S. C. DOBBS. E. C. LONG & CO. Druggists, AthenSj Ga. boots and shoes. JEWELRY, i-lSJ* tl, !;• tft l*w F SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Watches, Clocks GUNS, PISTOLS, ETC. CALL OS TDK OLD RELIABLE. W. A. TALMADGE, octw-tf COLLEGE AVENUE. ATHEN8, OA. CHRISTMAS AT SKIFF’S, WiWiWAM Cbjuros, etc** ever brought u> Athena; and what could vou select more useful and longer remem bered than a fine gold Pen atod Case for lady or ThSreM* time for er SKIFF,THE JEWELLER, ATHENS nmM-ljr, “ M ^ ..jit. ■ if. uni .ims-mammam SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, XASUYXLLE, TEXSt. Christian Advocate. A FAVORITE WITH ALL' CLASSES. ’ Price, |I. Tour, all Oenombu T* HWn of -> Write » poatal-eud fbr • tempi, oopy. Bent afcdfbr aVirtMU; order-theet, amd 'aViirilnia.' okmge of Sunday.aoiMot paper* wd Xenon. Ipe, Southern Methodist Almanac, and Cate* Religious Books. Sent free. p-yrail. 1 " i'i'lVii'L'I 1 —W P'It VtewhriH GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS! T. G. HADAWAY, (SUCCFSSOB TO It. H. ALLEN,) When yon are in Athens don’t fall to rail nt the comer of Jackson and Clayton street* ami examine my large stock of HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, AND nORSE-FITRNISIIING GOODS generally. My ntock in hund-mndo, and I defy competition from any quarter in price*. Machine-made Harness at low prices, if you want them. My establishment is the best place in the city to buy a good WHIP. 1 have HARNESS ami SAD DLES of all kinds and ut every price. REPAIR WORK promptly done by first-class workmen, oe.ll-tf A. H. DOREMUS, ATHENS, GEORGIA, CONTRACOR, Is now prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL .PLASTERING. Job Work a Specialty. KALSOMINING DONE TO ORDER. A NEW Q 25 < SHOP OX COLLEGE A YEXCE, A Ar.H B00T1 SHOE Where the undersigned will make fine BOOTS nnd SHOES to order In the l»est style and of the best muterlal. All UKPAUUKG done in the best manner and at short notice febl9-3m W. F. STARK, Athens, Ga. ✓ •i i>itj -nV AUGUSTA, GA. We are now* prepared to fill orders for any of our ow n brands of FERTILIZERS, or make them to order as may be desired. As our facilities have been greatly enlarged the past Neason, w e can furnish High Grade Fertilizers to the trade at prices which defy competition, when the grade of our goods is considered. Remember that a HertUlzer-whlch contains only'One per cent, more of Soluble Phos. Acid is worth 12.50 per ton more than another which contains just that much less Our central location enables us to'deliver our Guanos to purchasers in the interior much more promptly. In better condition, and at less cost than a Northern muuufacturer, or one loca ted on the coast. AMMONIATED GUANO. Our brands of Mastodon and Georgia Patapsco Gnanos, and Lowe’s Formula, are so well known In the South, I only refer to them to say that they are fully up to the standard of past seasons. ' ,. *.!/:. u- .. » „ ACID PHOSPHATE. The demand for this article in the past has exceeded the capacity of our Works. Wo chal I cage competition in the practical results obtained from the use of it. We huve a stock on hand which we are prepaid to sell at a very small prefit to dealers. By reference to the report of the Oommltaiono#of Agriculture for the present season, it will be found that our analyses were as BARBER SHOPS. Sapp & Brydie’s BARBER SHOP, OVER MANDKViLLE'S JEWELRY STORE, This is one ox the best Shops in the State, and have always on hand FIVE SUPERIOR ARTISTS, Who are prepared to fix you up in style. Spe cial pains taken with those having the matri monial affliction. Give them a trial. octU-ly octl4-ly. PALACE BARBER SHOP COLLEGE AVENUE. ATHENS, GA. (Under Commercial Hotel,) The finest establishment in the city, with first-clas* artists. Prices moderate und entire satisfaction guaranteed. DAVIS A HARRIS, Proprietor*. oet!4-!y. NAME. Mots- ■ iini Insollu ble. Sollu- Revert- Ayalla-! Ammo-! Potash. Relative Com- The Georgia PittapsCo Am moniuted Sol. Phosphate. 12.20 1.40 2.05 flIO 11.75 3.00 1.00 t+VOO. Georgia Chemical Works Mastixlon Uiiano. l.»» L85 9.95 11.80 3.05 0.95 Hi.85. Georgia theioical Works Acid Phos’es with Potash. 12 85 • im 4.00 i. 11.00 15.00 .J-M-V: 1.95 $39.84 j laying In their supplies for the com- jan.26-3tn. M. A. STOVALL, , . iTBEASUBF.R GEpKQlA CHEMICAL WORKS. -uin.: ''THE OLD RELIABLE ATLANTIC! PHOSPHATE. SOLD WITHOUT DISCOUNT IN THIS MARKET FOR 12 YEARS. : ,n S. L. K & Co’s Ammoniated DISSOLVED BONE! xW " ONEOF THElffGHESTGRADE FERTILIZERS, # * (BY ANALYSIS OF STATE CHEMIST.) These goods will be Sold as low as any STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Con sult uh before buying. Yours truly, TAYLOR BROS., Cotton Buyers and Guano Dealers, RED SIGN. CLAYTON-ST., ATHENS, GA. INSy RANGE. FIREINSURANCE! Y. H. WYNN, J. X. GRANT. Wynn & Grant, INSURANCE AGENTS, Assets represented aggregate over fftOO.OOO.OOO Rates guaranteed as low as those of any othei.* First-class Companies. Farm Property and Dwellings a specialty. On ly agency in Athens Insuring Gins and Gin-Hou ses. Prompt attention given to all business. Call and see us. WYNN & GRANT, Agt’s. ATHENS, GA. 8. W. corner Broad and Thomas sis. 8. E. cor. Thomas and Claytou sta.. OFFICES: feb2*6m i Up-Stairs. 1 THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL : INSURANCE CO. Athens, Ga. YOUNG L. C. HARRIS, PRESIDENT. STEVENS THOMAS, Secretary. Resident Directors : Yousc E. g. Harris, Stevens Thomas, John II. Newton, Elizur L. Xewt.n, Ferdinand Puisut, Albin P. Heading, Col. Robert Thomas, John iV. Nichouon, L. H. Charbonnikr, J. II. Husnicutt. octlt-tf MISCKl.Ii AN KOI,’ r'. JOHNSON GRASS SEED! them sum- , Ker. Grows and. Hay rich* juicy;i ml tender. STOVES AND TINWARE. ^ THE flUSHEl ■ 11«i.> CHAMPION, a Best Goods! EMPORIUM! ' THE IRON KING THE CHAMPION Lowest Prices! OTHER GOOD STOVES KEPT IN STOCK. JfteMfitooiiy m*dainUtVBUtat< &tnebemre.buylpg. One door abov^C< ” jEWEilfty. FING ASD GUTTERING a Speccialtr. EN’S, Broad StreeL — ' ' " ... — New Jeweller. : A. SC0DDER, Tatchmaker. and Jeweller. _ ' Irri-f- DBAtER IN ” v J ’• ‘wAtcHes, clocks, jewelry ' v,Tl ‘rtL! "153*/ //Jt ■•.•.*. ^ ;vt , And Silverware. , '/I111 to . r- • . 1 ; Engraving arid Gold Plallncr,Spepi»ltie«. .ttlWsT ; iitBV’S BRua BT0B*'’ dure the long ana cfitCnRe heat of mer. and thu rigors of a Northern on any kind of land. Hay rich, jtih.. After first year will bear threg cuuli ga. Price, subject to fluctuating, 13.50 per bmdicl :20c per pound. J08KFII IIARDIK, feb2-2m Selma, Alabama. AND SPERMATORRHEA. L vihubla Plaotrrenraod New Drasrtara la Mad- ■HF Is aUeadedvrltS no pstn or laeob- vsnlsaoe* aad doss not Interfere with the ordioary .porsaltoOf Uf*} it U qalcVlr dLxolvedand moo sb-l oorbsd. nrodacing so laimc auto soot hiagsad rsstor- aura S®*ct upon ths «er*j il and nervous orgsalza- JaensafiilisiTfiiwnssir ■ml excesses,stopping" b drain from the system, restoring the xnmd to jsltbepd sound memory, removing the Dtmnesn Sight, Nervous Debuity, Confusion of Ideas, peralaoto Society, eto^ eta, and the appearance premature Old age usually accompanying this <-.t la V, ry neivro aad U :cr;3. Uruffaaratoamu-'Dprtw l ’ i,anJ,*smaa7CJnt^Arwit. HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFO. I . . lUrkctindBihSts. ST. LOUIS, Mo. , .vwretg jteo m