Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, November 27, 1817, Image 2

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Columbian j&utfeum, AND SAVANNAH GAZETTE. rnurrKJ) awb pcßtisasp’ o* the bat,* MICHAEL J. KAi* t PEI., V CO. Terms baht p*PE*....gß ..*,.jyiyable in advance. i odtttbt PAPfiR, issued m Tuesday, lhursday, and Saturday, (containing all thfe nevvs and new advertisements of the dully paper) §5 per an auir. —payable in advance. SAV.WXAH, Tnunsnjir sron.Yi.vo, aw. zr. COYGRESS. Our national legislature meets on Monday next, Ist Dee. Two new states wiß appear in that body by their senators and representatives —lndiana and Mississippi; making in the whole twenty. These are represented by forty sena tors, and one hundred and eighty-four in the house of representatives. Desides these there will be a delegate fhom the territories of Mis souri, Illinois and Alabama. Extract of a tetter from a friend to the editors, dated “fernanrixa, 22n xov. 1817. , “ I can give you but Tritle news from here—- things remain quiet under the Spanish and Ne gro command. I look on all the transactions which occur as I would at a good farce in a play house. • 1 V “On the 19th inst. there was a sale here of prize goods; and this farce exceeded all others hitherto presented. lii the first place, not the slightest form of regular legal condemnation was observed—some were shipped, some stolen, and the remainder set up at auction and principally bought in by the private agent. Much has been promised, on’ paper, by the present masters of Amelia': order—government—and good faith ; yet notwithstanding all this, several persons who had deposited money, as an earnest, to )>e forfeited in ten days if the bargain was not com plied with, did not receive a dollar’s worth of the produce sold them. The representatives where bipn faches, mortifies, and such sort of stuff, yet not aybox of sugar was delivered bn their pledges, and the American gentlemen qui etly received their money, no doubt rejoiced to get clear of such a set of men, without more serious injury. “A sale took place again on Wednesday* for a private concern. White Havana Sugars sold at 975 cents per hundred ; Coffee 16 J cents per lb | Cochineal 312, inferior.” r- Dreadful hurricane in the West Indies. Capt. Willjftms of the British brig Lou* iaa, who arrived here yesterday from An tigua hatfrfurnished the keeper of the steam boat hotel reading room books with the following melancholy particulars respecting the tremeudou3 hurricane experienced in lome o£the W. India islands on the 2lst ult. The islands which suffered most, were Martinique, St. Lucic, Dominica and St. Vincents. At Martinique about 40 vessels were drove out to sea, only one of which had been heard of. At St Vincents ten sil of vessels, with the cargoes they had on board were totally lost. But however distressing such events may appear, they are but trifles in comparison with the shock ing disasters at St. Lucie’s,! there amopg other dire calamities the government house was blown down, and all within its walls comprisingthe governor, his lady and child, his staff secretaries, servants, &c am ounting in all to about 50 persons were buried in its ruins ’ Not one survived the dreadful catastrophe. And still more hor rible to relate, the officers and soldiers’ barracks were by the same pitiless blast demolished, and all within them at the time, about 200 souls, were precipitated into eternity! Capt. Williams could not with certainty re-capitu!ate all the horrors which marked this awful visitation : at Dominica and St Vincents, as well as St. Lucie, the devasta tion was so complete as to amount almost to annihilation. It will be many years at least, before those islands can be restored to their former condition. Norfolk Herald. WILMINGTON, (V.C.) NPV. 22. We understand that an elegant steam boat is about to be purchased by the citizens of Newburn, to ply between that place and Elizabeth city. * This circumstance w ill much facilitate the communications be tween tire northern and southern sections of the union. We understand that it is also in contemplation to establish a stage route between Georgetown, S. (V through thi place to N-'Wbern, which will shorten the journey nearly one hundred miles. Three thousand dollars, we are informed, have been subset ibd by the spirited citi zens of Newborn, toward carrying Um lat ♦*r into execution. It ito lie hoped our citizen# will not permit themselves to be eetdene by their neighboring townsmen in U&Jsbte And beneficial undertakings. 1 False Report. —The rumour lately circl. lated with.regards a second revolution it Pernambuco, is without doubt entirely des titute of foundation. An arrival at Boston on Sunday last, in 43 days from that place states that all was quiet there : in addition to which, we- have seen letters from Per* nambuco much later than the date of the above rumour, which mention that the late revolt appeared to be almost forgotten, and that there could be no apprehension of another revolution, the country having set tled down quietly in the calm of despotism. Balt Fat. Schr. Elvivft lost. —A letter has been re ceived at Philadelphia from Washington, (x. c.) which states—“ I was at the sale of the Elvira’s cargo; should suppose the goods sold within 25 per cent, their cost in N. York. I purchased a bundle of account books and an elegant grate for 50 dollars, and two steam engines, for which I gave 5 dollars 50 cents. These articles I purchas ed with an intention of offering them to the owners, who may now have them shipped to Charleston, by paying the cost and char ges. The vessel and cargo sold for from 7 .to 8000 dollars. Captain Williams re ceived the money and proceeded for Nor folk. I recommended his depositing the mo ney in one of the banks there, which he promised to do; and from thence proceed toNew-York. Captain Williams appear ed much distressed on account eg the loss of the schooner, and begged me tekwrite to the owners, giving them a statement of his conduct &e. I have some tears that capt. Williams was murdered by the boat’s crew that was to convey him across the sound. Although I have a good opinion of the man. (captain W.) I think it a mystery that he should cast his vessel on shore with the wind blow ing almost off the land.” At the marriage of monsieur, the count d’ Artois, the city ot Paris, agreed to dis tribute marriage portions. A smart little girl, of 16, named Lise Noirin, having pre senter! herself to inscribe her name on the list, was asked who was her lover ? Q!” said she, with great simplicity, “I have no lover; I thought the city furnished every thing;” —This answer created much mirth ; and in the event a husband was found for her. Gas Light. —The Light House on Bea ver Tail, at the entrance of Newport har bor, is now fitted up with a complete Gas apparatus. In England, pipes of delf ivare, are. now used for gas-lights, which are much cheaper and more durable than iron. The Eden, a British ship of war, vjhich had been sunk by way of experiment, for the cure of the dry rot, has been minutely surveyed to ascertain the result, which was found to answer every expectation. The monument voted for by parliament in memory of Lord Nelson, is erecting in st. Paul’s cathedral. Subscriptions have been taken in Eng land for cutting a canal to connect the eas tern and western seas. LEGHORN, AUG. 9. Natural Phenomenon. —On the 24th of last month, about mid-day,after a Very loud detonation, the lake of Canfeino, also called Porciano, totally disappeared. A large opening was discovered in the bottom, throtigh which the waters have probably es caped into the sinuosities of the neighbor ing mountains. Czerny Georges. —The execution of this Servian chief by order of the Ottoman Por te, into whose hands he fell, has aroused the indignation of the Russian government in the service of which Czrny Georges was a general, and had received several orders of nobility, &C. Accounts just received from Europe state, that several couriers have been dispatched to Constantinople on the subject, that an equivocal demand for satisfaction has been made, and that the . Russian minister had received orders to suspend the building of a government house for. his residence. Whether this circumstance has actually created an unfa vorable disposition towards the Porte, or whether Russia has made it convenient to seize on the occasion as a pretext to come to a rupture, we shall shortly see. U is, however, certain, that from the dispositions which have been for some time past made by Rueaia, that a pretext to quarrel with the Porte has been anxiqualy looked for. It remains to In* seen whether this event will lie promptly disposed of. Czerny Georges was under the protectiw of Russia, ecknowledged so by the divan of Constantinople, and was executed by order of the governor of one of the frontier towns in the Turkish dominions. He vtas, ot all ; characters, the most ||rocious, brave and • •enterprising, at war with the subjects ot the , grand seigneur; he was literally the Abeel liho of Belgrade of which place he was h i native—he collected a batfd of Servians . with which be made frequent attacks on i the Turkish frontiers, and infested their . towns and hamlets—-his track was traced l by Hood, and he spared neither sex nor age f —he was, of cource, a terror to the Turks, . and a price was continually fixed on his . head. Such was his cold blooded cruelty, that he murdered his father, who entreated bim to abandon his savage horde, and h&ng ■ ed his brother for a trifling offence. At the , treaty of peace, in 1812, Russia provided f for the fate 6f Servia, and Czerny Georges > accepted a commission in the Russian ser t vice, and dismissed his band. It is reason ; able to suppose, that the Porte will punish , the governor rather than go to with ; Russia; and as the grand seigneur attach . es very little consequence to the head of a : Pachat or Shiek, he will tranquilise Russia on this subject, if more serious demands . are not preferred. New York Advocate. NEW-YORK, NOVEMBER 15- Thanksgiving. —The day recommend ed by the constituted authorities to be set apart a.s a day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer, was observed in this city with the respect and solemnity which the occasion was so well calculated to inspire. All ser vile labour ceased; and the citizens gener ally assembled in their respective places of worship to offer up the of the heart to Him by whom our political and religious privileges are continued unimpair ed, who has given us the blessings of peace, of health, of revived commerce and of suc cessful agriculture; and who, in the dispen sations of his mercy, has given to the Amer ican nation a distinguished pre-etninence. Important Decision. —We learn from Plymouth (says theNdW-Hampshire Patri ot of Tuesday) that on Thursday morning, last, chief justice Richardson read in the superior court the decision of the judges on the case of the prosecution against the treasurer of Dartmouth University. This wa- fa Ho ality of the laws of the legislature amend ing the charter, and enlarging and improv ing the corporation of Dartmouth College. We are informed that the opinion read to the court was an elaborate and learned ex position, elucidating the principles and es tablishing the propriety and justice of the decisiok. VOLT ORE. Lady Morgan’s late work on France is full of amusing and original anecdotes of the most distinguished literary characters of France, some serious, but generally of a playful cast. Among others is the fol lowing, incidentally#introduced, when speaking of madame de Villette, an inti mate friend of Voltaire during his life: ” In the beautiful picture of Voltaire, by Largilliere, done in his twenty-fourth year, it is extremely obvious that the world had not then passed over a countenance, in which no trait of the caustic satirist of fu ture times is visible. There is a playlul ness, a finesse in the fine dark eyes, which f resembles the espxeglerie of arch boyhood ; | but the sharp lines, the abrupt angles, which | mark the picture of his riper manhood, and . give almost a wizard intelligence to his , features, are no where to be found in this . semblance of unworn, untried, and confi . ding youth. “ Voltaire,” said one of his friends, who was present, “ Voltaire lost sight of that 5 picture a few years after it was done, and - recovered it a few weeks before liis death. ! It was painted for the object of one of his i earliest and most ardent passions, the beau i tiful Phillis, afterwards madame de Gou i verne, to whom he addressed one of the I prettiest epistles that ever was written, i known unddr the name of Des Vous et i des Tu.” Sixty years after the period in which he ! had sat for, and presented her with that > portrait, he learnt, on his arrival in Paris, t that Phillis was still living. He immedi -1 ately begged permission to wait on her; ■ but when they met, they both remained,for • a considerable time speechless; and thil- lis, once “adorned only by her graces/ i waa now, at the age of ninety, a witch of • Endori 1 Jn contemplating the ravages which time 1 had made on the wrinkled visage ofher i lovec, she remained almost insensible to the > change which had taken place in her own jferson. When he tiad recovered from his first emotion, thj) eyes of Voltaire rested on the picture of a young ami handsome man, to which U* look* of madamede Gonverne, also occasionally racurrnl. M Uia tbftjjr ture of Uw young Aruftet,” said madame do Gouverne, “ who has immortalized me in his poem of the Vous et Tu.* Voltaire in wMirtly begged this picture for tnadame de Villette. “ It cannot much loßger be mine,” said madame de Gouverne; and the'picture was sent that evening to the dear “ belle et bonne.” “ I remember,” said my informant, “having seen Voltaire in the evening of the day he had paid this melancholy visit. It had considerably affected his spirits. “It ibas getting on the other side of the Styx,” he observed, but added, with a faint smile, “ ceped-ant nous n*avons pas beaucoup rar dote. —[We are not yet in our dotage.] Asa pendant to this little anecdote of the picture of Largilliere, the Abbe de related one of a more humorous cast, of the miniature which Voltaire had presented to madame de Chatelet, and which was only rendered visible to the fair possessor by a spring, of which she alone had the secrets’ On the death of madame de Chatelet, and in the first burst of his grief, Voltaire had an interview with the widowed husband, extremely affecting to both parties. Vol taire, on this occasion, ventured to beg back the ring, which,madaiue de Chatelet had al ways worn. “ Yfcu are not ignorant of the friendship which subsisted between us,” said the afflicted lover to the afflicted hus band ; “and that ring, so constantly worn, you are perhaps already aware, contains my picture /” I have witnessed youf-friendship,” said the marquis de Chatelet, “ and I know the ring you allude to. As you observe, she never parted w ith it; but, to confers the truth, it is not your picture that it contains ! — that picture was instantly replaced by mine!” The tears of Voltaire ceased to flow! he demanded proofs of this treason to friendship and to love. The ring was sent for, the secret spring was touched, the’ enamel flew open, and the picture of the young, the chivalresque st. Lambert stood confessed, in all the imposing superiority of youth and military glory. The philoso pher closed the spring, and returned the ring to the mourning husband. Underand Over. —A furnisher of funer als having been tricked by a Swindler, a wag said, it was no wonder an undertaker should be over-reached. / Extract of a letter, rebeivedln ITosfon73sretr Trinidad, Oct. 6 —*■ We are just recovering in this island, from one dfthe most awful visitations of sickness and mortality that, perhaps, was ever known in this part of the world. Our worthy governor, Sir Ralph Woodford, has had a narrow escape, and is one of the few that have recover ed.” Ship ••••••• Popt fit* .£>abannaf). ARRIVED, Brig Little-Frank, Moore, Baltimore, 5 days. Sloop Alexander Clunn, Clunn, Philadelphia, 10 days, with nails, gunpowder, See. to J. Bat. telle, Isaac Course & Son, and others. Sloop Experiment, Bradley, Providence, r. t. 11 days, with stone for the meeting-house, build ing in this city. 2 passengers. Sloop Rose-in-Bloom, Hamlen, Providence, a. i. 11 days, stone for the meeting-house. Arrivals from this port. schr. Hiram, Peck, New-Orleans, 13th ultimo, schr. Emily, White, Wilmington, 22d inst. Vessels up for this port. At Providence, r. i. Nov. 14. brig Governor Hopkins, Parr, was to sail the 19th inst. Clearances for this port. brig Lydia, Nichols, Boston, 15th inst. OC T The ship Halcyon of Philadelphia for this port, was spoke off Charleston on the 23d inst. Charleston, Nov. 25.. Arr. brig Shepherdess, Lines, N. York, 10 d’s. Four days since, kpoke brig Eliza, Upton, 12 days from Salem, bound to this port; schrs. New- Orleans, Smith, N. York,” 11 days ; Franklin, Gibbs, Georgetown, 1 day. Monday evening, off Bulls, spoke a large bright-sided ship 8 days from Boston, bound to this port; Hyder-Ali, Marshall, Wilmington, N. c. 1 day. The brig Robert, Cochran, fr Providence, r. i. british sch. Caledonia, from Annatto bay, Jam. schrs. Regu lator M‘llhenny, and Enterprize, Pease, fr. this port, arrived on Sunday, George Washington, Shannon, also, on Friday . Baltimore, Nov. 19. Cleared, ship Baloon, Stiles, New-Orleans ; brig Cincinnatna, Mudge, Mobile ; schr. Monte zuma, Holmes, W. Indies; Consolation, Thomp son, Halifax; Fenwick, Denison, N. York. Wilmington, Nov. 22. Arr. Br. ship sir J. H. Craig, Edington, Liver pool ; brigs Apollo, Rice, London; Climax, Marchant, Boston ; schrs., Allen, Providence ; Sylph, Mercen, Boston ; Polly & Nancy, Lawton, Newport; Minerva, Craghead, Philadelphia; Emily, White, Savannah. Below —brig Robert Cochran, Gorton, Providence ; schr. Vigilant, Grimes,,N. Yofk. Cleared, brig Connecticut, Blinn, Port-au prince ; schrs. Leandcr, Wicks, Martinique; Vigilunt, Bliss, West-Indies. Philadelphia, Nov. 18. Arr. Russian ship Amphion, Sandman, 63 days from Cronstadt, with iron, hemp, Ac; ship* Ruth A Mary, Brown, 38 days from Cadis, with quick silver, copper, wine, fruit and cork wood; Aini •hie, Kricksoif, 60 days from st with salt, rJWnrlap, 10 <Uy* Boston j i, S tUf* from N. Vu*kL sloop dnvsfYom* York j A hr. Mary 13daysmtm f. Island, with salt, UVe | sloop Hector, Iferricksoti. ‘,Vir. { sloop Phoebe Attn,Brown, 8 days I rum Newport fifiifti, whr /*>#• Monroe, Wood, it- Stt* IMr V New-Vork, Nov. IT. . Arrived, brig Fair American, Stanwood, Ma deira, and 45 days from Teneriffe, with wine ; 1 brig Diana, Holmes, 14 days from l urks Island, ’ with salt; brig Neptune, Russell, 56 days from Malaga, With wine fruit; schr Ellen Jones, Lincoln, 9 ds. from Swansbury, H. C. with naval stores ; Union Line schr Jersey, Osborn, 3 days from Philadelphia, with indigo, flour, tea, duck, !. starch, stoves, leather &c. Rover, Williams, 3 days From New’ London ; schr James Monroe, Hipkirts, 3 days from Norfolk, with brar.dy, flour, salt Ac.—on Friday, spoke sloop’ Peggy, from New. York for Alexandria ; schr Four Brothers, Studley, 10 days from Denni?, with fish and oil ; schr Silvia, Burrows', 10 daysTr Barnstable, with fish and oil; sclir Boxer, Sayres, 15 days from Yarmouth, with fish; sloop Rover, Wilcox, 3 day* from Stonington, with barley, bound to Balti ■ more; packet sloop HuntrcSS,Beecher} 10hours from New Haven, with molasses and sugar. Cleared, ship Julius Caesar, Marshal, Charles ton ; baruqe Gideon, Coffin, London ; brigs Fa vorite, Beeman, Berbice; Condor, Goodrich, Middletown, Conn.; schooner Belvidere,. John son, Norfolk ; sloops Yankee, Sumpters, Mobile ; Union, Clark, Norfolk; Packet, Leach, New bCm. 5 * , v Boston, Mv. 15. Ar. schr. Republican, Bangs, Wilmington, s. c. with naval stores ; sloop Volusia, Sher man, Bridgerwrt. Cleared, ships Independence, Bangs, Calcut ta ; Ceres, Webber, Charleston; brig Joseph, Allen, Guadaloupe; schrs. Olive, Drinkwater, st. Croix j Ranger, Hedge, Charleston; An drew Jacksoi., Lincoln, Lubee. ‘ Sailed, U. S. schr. Lynx, lieut. Madison, for New-York. Salem, Nov. 11. Ait. schr. Fame, New-York-—passed, on Nan tucket shoals, ship Middlesex, for Boston. Newbury port, Nov. 11., Arr. schrs. Essex, Condrv, W. Indies; Charles, Forman, Philadelphia; brig Emily, 21 days from Georgetown. Cleared, ship Atlantic, Matlack, New-York ; brig Joseph, Patch, Norfolk. Portsmouih, N.H. Non. 9. Arr. Ship Liverpool Packet, ‘fibbets, Balti more ; brig Struggle, Falls, from st. Mary’s. Portland, Nqv. 11. Arr. Nimrod, Prince, Baltimore; Planet, Racir lifij Alexandria; Relief, Baxter, N. York; Ran ger, Prince, do ; Gratitude, Drinkwater, Alex andria : Danish ship Henry, Dahl, st. Croix, bal last ; Lion, Alden, Guadaloupe ; Albert, Stevens, N. York ; Rising- Sun, Blanchard, Philadelphia. Cleared, Susan, Woodbury, Alexandria ; Cor delia, Totman, Havana; Francis, Merrill, W T est- Indies; George, W’ildridge, do ; Galen, Keating, Havafia; Milo, Merrill, Philad.; John & Charles, Coombs, Havana; Active, Davis, Alexandria; Rollar, York, Richmond; Express, Hubbs, Philad. DIED. —In this city, on the 25th instant, me. ‘Lawton Ixgkahax, aged 23, a native of War pen, R. i. xxaaaecEaai Passage for Liverpool, |C7* A few passengers can bee, hand - .iQrnely arenmined*ted on board the fine Phila delphia built ship Factor, capt. Hamilton, to sail on or before the Ist of December. ‘ Apply to NICHOLAS & NEFF For Liverpool, The well known packet ship JOHN & EDWARD. S. S. Webb, master. For freight of 300 bales cotton (the rest of her car go beipg engaged) or for passage, the ship hav ing elegant accommodations, apply to captain Webb, on board, or to nov 27 77 RICHARDS & HARROWAY. Bills on Liverpool, Payable in London, and on Boston, for sale by JOHJY BOGUE & CO. nov 27 77 Hunter's -wharf. Powder and Nails. 70 casks well assorted Nails and brads 50 do HFG gun-powder, of superior quality Landing from shop Alexander Clunn, For sale by J. BATTELLE. nov. 27. _ §77 Brant § Fox, HAVE FOR SAYK, At their store, on Telfair's -wharf, 50 casks london brown Stout 25 do burton Ale 15 hhds muscovado Sugar 230 boxes Herrings -50 do bo9ton nq. 1 and 2 Soap 25 do Doolittle’s do. 10 barrels refined loaf Sugar 15 do white Beans 10 do Albany Peas 10 kegs pickled Salmon 100. do do Cucumbers, Beans and Peppers 200 reams wrapping Paper 250 nests boxes 10 casks prime Goshen Cheese Firkins and jars Goshen Butter Boxes spermaceti Candles, and A general assortment of GROCERIES. Also, for sale as above, 1 elegant brass mounted Gig 3 do plated do. a Kittureens, and 1 four-wheel Carriage. nov 27 77 Beef, 8 barrels prime Pork 20 do do Beef 20 firkins first quality Goshen Butter 20 boxes Mould Candles 130 half boxes Soap, and A quantity of Windsor and farcy Chair Landing from ship John 8c Edward. For sale by * nov 27 77 REA b BUTLER. Situation wanted, }7IOR a young man writing a good hand and acquainted with accounts, Other in a gro oery store, dry gdoda’ or the out-door business of acountiiig-rouni. Reference can be given.— A line left lit this flfficc to A. Y. will be attended to. s *w 77 hov 27 . .!■—l <■ 111. 11l ■IB ■ ■■■ 111 “ • ■* ‘■ -—- Notice. mi lE* side of the Pewrof the Roman Catholic JR Church, will take place on Monday the first at December next, at II oVlock in the forenoon 74 nov 24 j 1 ■■ ■■ ■ - ■’ —— Lot for stile, a A building tut in Browp wqyd with south from, nqfor the ncadopf * and dlvut- I ■■ * tan* from tha nv prestoL-rian ehurrh • apply to , M IILgUEHT *1 r ■ n