Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, November 27, 1817, Image 4

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‘ . IUM -fc|w- r > Lamb’s Academy, V opposite the Piesbyteriau Church - WAS opened on Monday last, tbe,l3tli inst. and will continue open through all sea. sons, srithoUt aqy .vacation, excepting that of a J>a &w days in Qecemher ftiid Mafl * In this academy, young gentlemen will be completely prepared for the counting house, for the university, or far charing upon a course of professional studies. * The fees of tuition are as follows: ‘’For the Latin mid Greek Classics, Mathema tics, Hatural Philosophy, (including Astronomy) Rhetoric, Logic and Book-Keeping, twenti dollars per quarter. For Arithmetic, Geography and the use of the Globes, twelve dollars and a half per quarter. For Reading, Writing and English Grammar, t* dollars per quarter. (£j* The greater part of the small number of • pupils to which this Semjnary is limited being already engaged, applications for admittance should be made as early aS possible. • oct2l - 53 Dancing Academy. MR. 15ANSAY further informs the polite of Savannah, that lie has arrived in heir city,and he is ready to commence his school. DATS OF TUITION: Mondays and Tuesdays, at the Exchange, from 3 until 5 o’clock, t. fcrVoung ladies ; andfrpm 3to 8, (samedays)for young gentlemen! V * , ij'VOn each Thursday evening will be bisprac- Yiclnghall throughout the season ** of tuition. Fifteen dollars a quarter, and five dollars eh * ranee, pay-able in advance. For practicing balls, dollars for the season ; the first practi ingbatl vrill he on .Thursday, 13th-inst. and v\*U coptinqe until foe first of April. X. B. Ijadies and gentlemen, wishing instruc : ;n in nrivate, w ill be attended to immediately’ n notif .Tng Mr. S, by letter, jp the days of ition, at the ‘Exchange, of such intention. he sups&ription book will be kept open, at the • ! icemd linny aforesaid. 61’- nov -8: _ John F. Pouyat’s WHOL fMI E LAf) ‘ft ETAtL brng and Medicine Store , opposite the exchange—-SAVANNAH : Planters. Merchants, Country T v Storekeepers, and all those who deal In })RUGS and ME1)1( TNES, will be supplied with everwarticle in the'aboveline, warranted gemi 'ine, at the lowest prices, for cash or usual cred it to punctual customers. . ; “ —ALSO— PATENT MEDICINES of every descrip, tion; —Painter’s Colours, Oil, Window Glass, ✓ Vial* assorted, Shop Furniture and Surgical In struments. Medicine Chests, with printed directions, for plantations, vessels and family use, put up with .are at the shortest notice. ian. 14. -fc-ys ~ • ■ - 1 Twenty Dollars Reward. STOLEN from the subscriber on the 7th No vember inst. by one William Pulaski, a dark bay Mare, 7 years old, white round each ear* with a bit cut out of each for tbe staggers ; ■ has one of her fore under teeth broke off. Pu laski, as, he calls himself, is stout made, about five feet six or ieva- inchoa high, a little dark skin’ll, with light hair; has a* very conspicuous scar on or near the mole of his head; also one on his arm, don’t recollect which, apparently occasioned by a shot. The above reward will be givgu for both, otherwise ten dollars for the * inure alone. JESSE WRIGHT. sc"hsen cnvnly, Non. 25, 1317. n*+ 73 Thirty Dollars Reward, WILL be given for apprehending and lodg ing in any jail in or out of the state, a light or yellow complected fellow named HUT Id. I?, about 24'years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, stotttdnrtbedrhkejy, and very civil when spoken 10, and generally so w ith hi* companions ; very capable of all kinds of plantation work, and fean . dy with carpenters’ tools, is a good- driver of horses, and a complete maker aiid burner ot sensible .an 1, smart; had on when he. •went off,? A large .white, hat with broad brim, a i. jlmd-abodt jacket and trowsei* of bearskin doth, and abjjcorulcd on the night of the 3th Oc jober. , The will be given, and if Vrotight jdl reasonable expences w-iffLetiaiu, in tSfaitiOh: 1 * f. DAVID PGLOCK. (Tj The editors ofthe Milledgeville and Lou isville papers are requested to publish the above four titties, and forward their bill to the subscri ber in Savannah D P. nov... 10 <v- • . 62 . ii i ■i- ..i -i- : . .I ■ Miss Mercer Ha3 the pleasure of informing the ladies of Savannah that slie has removed her situs tiontomrs Scweighgover’s,on east Broad-street, D id can be accommodated with a private room, v here she will be happy to receive her custom . -.-id frier-ds *+s .7<l . nov 19. £9* The undersigned having entered into .Copartnership as Factors and t General Commission Merchants, under the firm vf.IOHNSTON & HlLLS—ofler their services to their friends and follow citizens generally. | They will ship planters crops to England on ac-’ . count of the planter, and make liberal advances on their shipment. They will also receive from merchants of this slate, consignments of cot t in to their friendS'in Liverpool or Ghisgow, on advantageous terns to the shipper.— JAMES JOHNSTOA', HEAR YIV. HILLS. oct. 18 52 fCT* The Subscribers having formed a i connection In business, offer their services as FACTORS, at the west end of Bolton’s central v/iiarf, above F. 11. WelmtrnU. r. GUBRARD THOMAS PoLHILL. inly 26. -fA .j - NOTICE TifF. subscriber having retired from his pro. fossional business of Jewellery and Watch making, notifies tnose that have watches ami .frw ellerv jobs in bis possession, that they may i-ceive them by applying to D I). Nh hols.— I. not taken away by the Ist of April next, v. ill be told for repairs. John pearsun. An varnish, nor, 14, 1817, 7Q I . JuoiipcT*’ C I’wtPOSAIJ for filling the bead of the wharf ft luown as Carnahan k MNehvfo wharf, wilf be received try the tmde reign vd) also, for !i.<- hire of six able regrocs, by the month nov 17 m A, ft, !H’WV|*W HrMii|| ’friyer f'w sale at rttliufflrt, net It i Stebbins fy Mason >jg [Have just received by the Caro, from Liverpool, The following GOODS, t Bales white and colored Plains Do. .London duffil and rose Blankets ‘ Do. Cloths, best superfine and second quality, . . , and Ciissimeres f Do. Bqmhjiaets, colored and plain . Do. Flannels, and trunks of Calicoes and Chintzes . ‘The above befog , part only of their Fall im putation. v ‘ y Also, by the brig Spartan, and schooner's Laura and Ariadne,from Afeut. fork, . , , ’ 5 cases 3-4,7-8 anand • ■ 4ong L* \ Do. long Lawns, do. of Bombazets, and A complete and elegant assortment of well assorted Sjlks and Ribbons —&11 of which are offered by the package or pieces, at a small r advance. n s-V oct. a8 56 . 4 ‘ \ . G ‘> <•*•• “ ‘/ _ llT ""’ ’ 1 - - l’ 1 J ‘ > - I- To Planters, Merchants, Country Storekeepers, and all who deal in Drugs & Chemicals. John F. Pouyat, Opposite the Exchange, Savannah, has just received by numerous arrivals, THREE HUNDRED PACKAGES-gontaining Genuine Drugs and Chemicals, SURGICAL insruments, shop Furniture, Vials assorted, PATEATT MEDICINES, of every description—and in short, every article usually found and dispensed in a medical store; all of which have been carefully selected by himself, and be confidently recommends them fp be genuine—for sale wholesale and retail, at His Drug and Chemical store, at the lowest . prices, for cash, town acceptances, or the usual credit to punctual customers. All orders will be thankfully received, and put up with neat. Hess and despatch. Medicine Chests, withprfoted directions, for plantations, vessels, and fafflily use, put up w ith care at the shortest notice. ON HAND, 300 kegs English White Lead, in oil 20 casks English white and green Vials, in handvpaefcages, containing from sto 6 gross, well assorted 11 boxes roll Brimstone Kegs Spanish Brown, in oil and dry ; Prussian Blue, in do. and do. Venetian Red, in do. and do. • * Yellow Ochre, in do. and do. Copal Varnish, Paint Brushes assorted Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil, winter strained Spirits Turpentine, patent Yellow Qhronie yellow Vermillion Camel’s hair Pencils, &c. ScC.—for sale on reasonable terms. oct. 18 nf 52 r i * 1 — - - Chatham Inferior Court, February Term, 1817. ON the petition of David W. Smith, stating that lie had possessed a certain Promissory Note, in writing, made and signed by one Dan iel Hotchkiss, payable to the said David W. Smith, or order, on or about the 4th day of A piil, one thousand elgflT hundred and seven teen, for the sum of Three Hundred and For ty-Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents, a co py whereof is annexed to the said petition, and together with the affidavit of the said David W. Smith, and other evidence, to prove the exist ence and loss of said Note, is affiled in the Clerk’s office.—lt is Ordered, that the said Daniel Hotchkiss do show cause on or before the first day of the next term of the said Court, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; &. it is further ordered that this rule bd published in one ormoK of the public Gazettes of the said State, once a month, until the time appointed for allowing cause thereon. Extract from the Minutes. Job T. Bolles, Clerk. march 8 law ts 30 Hughes, Curzon Camgbell, Engravers A* Copper-Plate Printers (from Liverpool) RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the inhabitants of Savannah, that they have commenced in the above line at No. 4, Gibbon’s buildings. All orders will be gratefully received and exe cuted with neatness and despatch. Banker’s notes, bills of exchange, map and historical plates, address & visiting cards, coats of arms, crests and cyphers on plate, be. N. B. Country orders duly attended to. nov, 19. * swa 79 Notice. 1. K. TEFFT would inform his friends and the public of his having received William Perkins as a copartner, and that the Hardware business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of TEFFT & PERKINS. W*- K - 3’. tenders his thanks to his friends and customers for their liberal support, and res pectfully solicits for the firm a continuance of their favors, at the old stand, opposite colonel Shellman’s boarding house. Tefft Perkins Are now opening a handsome and complete assortment of HARDWAHE, CUTLERY, GOLD, SILVER, PLATED kJAPAN’D GOODS received by recent arrivals from Europe and elsewhere ; which enables them to offer articles in their line, as well worthy the attention of the public, an can be found in any part of the coun iry. * * 74 * nov 24 The subscriber HAS just received per ships Vulcan, and ne. mittauce, from Liverpool, a part of his fall supply of GOODS, which with dime daily ex. pected, and his former stock, will make lus as •ortment very general, and are now offered for sale, on favorable terms, along with Groceries, Ac. JAMES II GIKKIK, act. 7 an 47 Darien, (Georgia,J To Rent, JQM. A (wo story 110 l T MK* in hug!thy MlAuLand pleasant part of the city. I kkewiaa Wish Bi rent the furniture that lain the bouse. I her* i* every thing that i needed in th line of hoitae harping -and likt wise three or four tsr rants to In hired t# (Its tuts list rants the house For parttcuhwt twiaiii M this ofgcc. iwv 75—ff Yalimble Medicines, t rl The proprietor of Lpc’s original Family Me dicines, respectfully inibmis his friends and tlie public in general, that he continues carefully to prepare die above well established Medicines at his Dispensary, No. 68, Hanover street, Bal timore, where they are always to be sold whole sale and retail. (Xj* Those who purchase to sell again will be treated on the most liberal terms* # Elegant Slipw Bills furnished gratis. ’ - law| Antibilious Pius. The opctvqon of these highly esteemed Pills is perfectly nuM, aiid the experienc* of thou .sands has proved they may be used in every sit uation in life without the least inconvenience. They arc .admirably adaptedto carry off su perfluous bjle, Btc. &e. Lee*B I Worm Destroying Lozenges. The proarietor has now the pleasure of sta ting tliai the Allowing case came under his im mediate observation. His little daughter, about five years old, appeared very visible to lose her flesh, no particular cause could be given for her thus pifiiig away, she was at length taken with fevers, which, with other symptoms led him to believe she had worms; he gave her a dose of Lee’s Lozenges, which brought away, incredible as. it may appeal 1 , 2 Worms, the one fifteen and foe other thirteen inches in length, each three fourths of an inch round; he has given the L&zCtiges to another of his children, which Brought away a vast quantity of very small Worms. . ‘ The proprietor is now in possession of the - large Worms—those inclined to see them will be gratified by calling at his Dispensary. f, LEE’S ELIXIR. A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate coughs, catarrhs, asthmas, sore throats, and approaching consumptions. A single trial will pFove that it restores the determination of the fluids to the surface of the body, and brings on the common, healtltfol perspiration; foat it dislodges and evacuates ihe torfgh, vlsfebd phlegm or mucus; strength ens the vessels of the lungs. Thus striking at the root of the disorder, tomis are of course effectually and permanently conquered. . Lek’s Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Warranted to cure By one appheation, free from Mercury or any pernicious ingredient. This vegetable re medy is so mild, yet efficacious, that it may be used with the utmost safety, on the most deli cate pregnant lady, or on a child of a week old. Lee’s Genuine Persiafi Lotion. The Persian Lotion operates mildly, render ing the skin delicately soft and smooth; impro vmg the complexion. . jf I,ee‘s Restorative Tooth Powder. This excellent preparation comforts and strengthens the gums and preserves the enamal from decay. , Lee’s Genuine Essence and Extract of so Mustard. A safe and effectutd remedy for Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Palsy,. Sprains, Bruises, Pains in the Face, Jieckrka—• - -* •BUfW- waptHluHOL Us DHHiy’ agW) ,BW| WtfW mony of the best medical practitioners from an early period to the present time agree in ascri bing to Mustai-d very, powerful and singular virtues. Lee’s Indian Vegetable Specific, for the Venereal Lee’s Grand Restorative and Nervous Cordials, \ Proved 4 - by long and extensive experience, to be a'triily valuable Medicine. Lee’s Infallible Ague Drops, warranted to curt. Lee’s Eye Water. Lee’s Tooth* Ac he Drops. ‘Lee’s Anodyne Elixir, for the cure ofhead adhes. Lee’s Cornplastgr. Lee’s Lip Salve. The proprietor would be glad to inselt the many'Certificates and lexers recommending the afebve truly valuable Medicines, but this, in a newspaper,js impracticable —He therefore with increased confidence, respectfully proffers them to a liberal aftd discerning public. They are sold by his appointment by M. J. Kappei. & Cos. Savannah, Whifhave just received (and intend to keep) afresh supply from Baltimore. 0 (£j To detect counterfeits, observe each arti cle has on the outside wrapper the signature of NOAH RIDGF.LY, CLate Michael Lee & Cos. J hdv 3 6 ‘” x - Co-parthersliip. subscribers haying taken Mr. Charrier’s X old stand, and entered into Co-partnership, under the firm of PETER DKFGE & Cos. in the Hat,'Dry Good and Clothing Business, hope a share of patronage from their friends and the public. At the comer of Bay & Drayton street. FF.TEtt DREGE, JOHN PETER SETZE. nov. 18.- • 69 Partnership. John R. Burke having taken J. Wtt.let as a partner, the business in future will he con ducted under the firm of J. R. Burke & Go. JOHN R BURKE, nov 17 68 JWTLIsET. To Let, A Dwelling House in Bryan-street, between market-square & Baptist Church square. Enquire at the boot and shoe store of nov 13 65 EATON 8c JOHNSON. To Let, I'rom the Ist of December next, that well known Store, and capital stand for business, on the bay, corner of bull-street, now occupied as an auction store by mr. I). Williford. Also, the two new brick Tenements adjoining and fronting on bull-street. Inquire of the prin tm• 71 nov2i> I\> Rent, THE Wharves and Store belonging to the estate of Andrew M. Credit, together with , the dock adjoining and a wharf lot unimproved, situated between Col. Johnston, and Mr. John * Hunters new wharf; extremely well adapted for the re<w|iti(m of lumber. I'ummmhoii may he had on Hu* Ist.. Nov. for terms apply to JASiKk WALLACE, Auenuy of Ex’trt, 1 51 r # ‘ Folk Hale, dfiffet tkl Hsma and Ut now neeupiad by 5f|RW. Haber alia in, eeq, adjotlutig Utf miiitnts of John Itolton Apply to as* f 7 #1 It U J MOITON APPROVED PATENT AAD FAMILY MEOrCINES,; Prepared ayd sold, wholesale and retail in * Charleston, BY JOHN DYOTT, No 56 East Bay few doors south of the Exchange AND ALSO, BY JOHN B. BERTHELOT, ‘ Nearly opposite the Exchange, Savanhah. DR. ROBERTSON’S, Celebrated Stomachic Elixir of Health : (Price gland 50 cents.) XITmCH has proved by thousands, who have it experienced its beneficial efl’cts, to be the fhost valuable medicine ever offered to tlie public, or the cure of coughs, colds, consump tion, the hooping cough, asthma, pain in the breast, cramps and wind in the stomach, remo ving costiveness, sickness at the stomach, head ache, loss of appetite, indigestion, &c. &c ----■ From the dysentary of lax, cholera morbus, severe gripings, and other diseases of the bowels, and foe summer complaint in children, it has proved a certain remedy, and restored; to perfect health from the greatest debility. Per sons afflicted with pulmonary complaints, or disorder of the breast and lungs, even in foe most advanced state, will find immediate relief. Common coughs and colds, which are in gen eral occasioned by obstructed perspiration, will be found to yield to its benign influence in a few hours. . •.. In asthmatic or consumptive complaints hoarseness, wheesings, shortness of breath, and the hoopfogcougb, it will give immediate relief. Copy of aleltei’ from C. W. Doyley, Esq. JVb. 2t> E. Bay, “ Charleston, March 8, 1814. Dear Sir, —I feel much pleasure in having it in my power to communicate a surprising cure, effected bv the medicine I purchased from you, \ termed Dr. Robertson’s Elixir of Health. I wifi state the-following facts; about the latter ehd of Nov. last, I procured from you some of tlie Elixir of Health, for a boy of mine, who had labored under a violent cough for more than 12 monfos, attended with slow fever and shortness of breath, it had reduced him so much that I concluded it would terminate fatally. He took many other medicines and found no re lief. He continued to use the Elixir for about three weeks, when his cough, fever and short ness of breath ceased, and he is now in good health, having had no-return of Ms disorder. Should any person wish to have more particular information, I will, with pleasure, satisfy their enquiries, by applying to me. I am, Sir, your’s, &c. TO DF. John Dyottp C. W. DotletT. Cheste# District, December 3, 1813.’ Dear Sir,~\Yhen in Charleston last, I called on you, and purchased two bottles of your Sto machic Elixir of Health, which you recom mended to me to take for a cough and an op pression on the breast. I have since used foe medicine according to your directions, and found it to be very beneficial to me itt remo ving the complaints: therefore I think it my duty to recommend it to all persons afflicted with tlie above complaints to give the medi cine a trial. j- am, dear sir, respect. To Dr. John Dyoq. J|Hm D. Wrct. “ Vegetable Nei*vous Cordial j Or, NatureY Grand Restorative. (Price gland 50 cents.) Is confidently recommended, as the most efli. cacious medicine for tlie speedy relief and cure of all nervous complaints, attended with inward weakness, depression of the spirits, liead-ache, tremore, faintness, hysteric fits, debility, and various complaints resulting from secret im propriety of youth and dissipated habits, resi dence iti warm climates, the immoderate use of tea, the unskilful or excessive use of mercu ry, so often diatructive to human; the same dir eases peculiar to females, at a certain period oflife, flour albus, Bic. &c. Under the denomination of nervous disorders are included several diseases of the most dan gerijus kind, and are so various, that a volume would hardly suffice to complete a description of them. It pervades, with its baneful influ ence, the whole nervous system, writhing the heart with inexpressible anguish, and exciting the most dreadful suggestions of horror and despair. T® this demon have thousands fallen a sacrifice, in the direful transport of its rage. The most common symptoms at its commence ment, are weakness, flatulence, palpitations, watchfulness, drowsiness after eating, timidity, flashes of heat and cold, numbness, cramp, gid diness pains in tlie head, back, and loins; hicup, difficulty of respiration and deglutition, anxi ety, dry cough, &c. Gout and Rheumatic Drops, (Price 2 dollars.) A safe and effectual cure for the gout, rheu matism, tumbago, stone and gravel, swellings and weakness of the joints, sprains, bruises, and all kinds of green wounds, foe cramp, puns in the head, face and body, stiffness of neck, chilblains, frozen limbs, &c. DR. ROBERTSON’S Patent Stomachic Wine Bitters (Price one dollar.) Which are celebrated for strengthening weak stomachs, increasing foe appetite, and a certain preventative and cure for the fever and ague, be. DR. ROBERTSON’S INFALLIBLE Worm Destroying Lozenges. A medicine highly necessary to be kept in all families. (Price fifty cents.) Worms which affect the human boay, are chiefly of three kinds, viz. Taenia,’ or tape worm, the Terce, or round and long worm ; and the Ascandes, or round and short worm. There are many kind of worms found in foe hu man body but they proceed, in a great measure, frdfo similar causes-have nearly the same symp toms, and require the same method of treat ment as those already mentioned. Though numberless medicines are extolled for expellng and killing worms none are equal in eflicacy to Dr, Koheruon’s Worm Destroying I-osenges, they are mild in their operation, and may begiventotlieyoungestinfiiiit with safety. . y dr. dioTrs y ANTI.HJLIOtJB PILLS, , J * Pot, prevention and mr* of bilious and malignant fivers. Iw,e, VS wrmi fWifs boxes, 50 re*. | THese pills, Iftimsly •rimlnffltejmd* Ul re move the causes which commonly produce jel low fever, bilious livers, Mm „*wj Haver, oho tie peine, flatulencies, hohgCMten, WMwiaes, hypochondria* and hysteric complaints, strangu ral, gravel, rheumatism and gout. They are particularly serviceable in female disorders and especially m tke removal of those obstructions which are tlie great source of their complaints at certain periods; they possess this eminent ad vanta ff* over moßl other purgative,, foat while they operate gently, may produce neithei? costiveness, debility, nor to a great excitement; Whenever there is a predisposition to a disease arising from marsh effluvia, a too copious use of ardent spirits, ova vitiated taste cf the bile, they are sure to relieve. They are highly recommended to travellers by sea and laud, as, they may be made use of with tlie utmost safety, without change of diet or exercise. They will be found peculiarly ben eficiafift foe prevention of disorders incidental to hot climates, they deterge and cleanse via cid humors, open obstructions, and promote tiie secretion of good bile, operating as an easy cathartic and a powerful diuretic & diephoretic. : ML DYOPP'S PATENT ITCH OINTMENT. For pleasantness, safety, expedition, ease, and certainty, is infinitely superior to any other me dicine, for the cure of that most disgiy.iabla and tormenting disorder the itcKS Price 59 cents per box. M F , * ‘ p I)R. DYOTT’S Infallible TOOTH-AC HE DROPS ff .... •, (Price 59 cents.) CIRCASSIAN EYE-WATER. A sovereign remedy for all disorders of tlie eyes t (Price 50 cents ) The RESTORATIVE DENTRIFICO, For cleansing, whitening, and preserving the icetli and gums. Price 50 cents per box. (£/* Those wlio purchase by the quantity so? cash, will be allowed a vere liberal discount. r APPROBATION. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify, foat having used Dr. Dyott’s celebrated family me dicines, now prepared by Dr. Dyott, w e have found them highly serviceable in our families and particularly efficacious in removing those complaints for which they are prescribed, we assured oftheir excellence, and consider these medicines valuable and well worthy die atten tion of all families ; in testimony hereof, we have affixed quv Respective signatures. David Jones, late chaplain to gen. Wayne;, William Ayeres, v. n. m. No 112, north-fiftli street ; Waltington, No,. 9, front-street; Wm. Julian, No 62, squfofifth-street ; Jacob Shaiigh, No 181, noble-street : Jas. Hamill, No 93, north, ninth-street; David Fisher, N 137, arch-street; John ShreeveS, jun. 55, coates-st. : George Seits, No. 69, race-street; Andrei KleeVKo. 2, cable-street—all of Philadelphia ; Howell Hiiides,Georgia. A List of Seven Hundred and Fifty persons names who have been cured by the medicines, may be seen ar the store of the proprietors.. may 24 - > ‘ 89 The following Property WILL be offered TOR SALE, at the Court. House, in this City, on the first TuesdaJ in December next, being the real Estate of the late It. Wayne, Esq. and sold for tlie benefit of the Heirs of said Estate, Viz. House and Lot, No. 1, Yaihacraw. Wharf lot Kfl, 1 Do vvliarr Lot, No. 10, Do. One Town Lot, at Spring Hill. One Five Acre Lot, Chatham Count}', on sot bordersof foe city. Two Town Lots, in Sqnbury. One .ditto, in Brunswick. y ; 470 acres prime liiver Sw'amp Land, on Ar gyll Island, about 320 acres cleared and culti vated under dam ; with quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns, overseers winnowing and negro houses: a garden spot, with a grove of sweet orange and fig trees. The buildings are Situated on high Knowles, out of the reach of freshets. This land produces as good crops as any on the river. The whole tract will be sold or divided into two tracts to suit, purchase is. 300 acres Pine Land, in the neighbourhood of Monteith. 11,000 acres Pine Land, in Effingham Coun ty, laid oft’ in tracts of from three to five hun dred acres each. 6000 acres of Land, in Scriven County, in different tracts, some of the tracts prime sw&mp and oak and hickory lands. 310 acres of Land, Washington County, oak and hickory. 202 1-2 actes Land, Wilkinson County, 12tk District No. 265. 450 acres River Swamp Land, in South Caro lina, opposite the point of AVgyle Island. From teu to twelve hundred acres of Land, on the Salt Ketcher, in Soufo-Carolina. Four Lots* in tlie town of Columbia, S. Caroli na. -Terms to be made know n on foe day of sale GEORGE ANDERSON, J JAMBS M. WAYNE, 5 Executors - Savannah, Sept. Ist, 1817. 35 Sheriff’s Sale, contihued, On the first Tuesday in December next, -will be soli before the Court-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often and three o'clock, ONE undivided third part, and all the right title, interest and claim of Mrs. Aim Pul liam to all that tract or parcel of Land called Woodville, three miles from the city, containing in the whole five hundred acres, more or less levied on as the property of the said Mrs. Ann Putnam to satisfy a judgment in favor of Joseph Frith. ADAM COPE, s. c. c. nOv.lo $ 62 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in December next , JVill be sold ‘at the court-house, in the city cf Sa vannah, betiveen the hours of 10 and 3if clock, Lot No. 12, F.wengsburgh, or so nmoh thered as will satisfy die tax due by Jacob Hershmal for the year 1815"; amount $ 18 75 cts. Also, lot No 24, Liberty ward, with the im provement* thereon, or so much there# as wi# satisfy the taxes due by Samuel Kussel for the year* 1815 and 16; amount 163 73. 3 ADAM COPE, m. c. e. a 59 nov. ■ -* BLANKS For sale at the Office of the Museum U Gatfttt Prices Current Hill* of Lading Entries of Merchandise He ports and Manifest* Clearances Shipping Articles Notary's Protests Hilts of sslt for Negroes Powers of Attorney Together with a general assortment ol tic# and Sheriff''s Hianh* Aten, It tank* for the Mayor's court. CAMIW. MANIIHItdJ, ** virtl 11)4 I* “